aromanticduck · 14 hours
It's the American pastime.
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aromanticduck · 14 hours
Okay I am from California and my coworker is from Florida and he insists our ocean water is absurdly cold and I think he's just being a pansy who's used to Caribbean waters. So help me settle this.
I'm asking mainly about like, when you imagine going to the beach, how do you imagine the water? Bonus points if you have been swimming in both CA and FL and can chime in on that debate.
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aromanticduck · 23 hours
Don’t look at things you know will make you angry. Don’t read the comment sections. Don’t look at the blogs of people who add dumb comments to posts to confirm that they’re dumb all the time. Don’t read old conversations you had with people you don’t talk to anymore. Go look at pictures of kittens or something instead. Protect yourself from negativity in every way you can.
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aromanticduck · 2 days
with last reblog I'm curious now, brits whose schools had houses what were yours? I was in Kielder and then St David after we moved (both primary schools) and they were both the houses that always did worst lol
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aromanticduck · 2 days
Let's say you could still engage in this function if you wanted to (ie. If you want to sleep you can), but you have no need to anymore, and you would not do it automatically or reflexively.
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aromanticduck · 2 days
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Oog someone wants breakfast (she’s chewing on my phone now)
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aromanticduck · 2 days
the Jewish high holidays are coming up soon!!!!
goyim, these are days to avoid scheduling important events, meetings, etc:
Rosh Hashanah - evening of Wednesday, October 2nd - evening of Thursday, October 3rd (& some Jews will continue observing for an additional day, through the evening of Friday, October 4th)
Yom Kippur - evening of Friday, October 11th - evening of Saturday, October 12th
Jews, you do you and obviously your safety is paramount, but I really strongly recommend TAKING THESE DAYS OFF WORK even if you don't consider yourself particularly observant, even if you won't be spending the day in synagogue, even if you aren't fasting. Most Christians* don't go to work on Christmas even if they aren't going to church that day and are just having a secular celebration at home with family. Holidays mean different things to different people, but especially if your workplace has a policy supporting religious holiday observance, USE YOUR DAYS without guilt. Know that it actually makes it EASIER for other Jews when you do so, because it helps to prevent the whole conversation with a boss of "well that guy is Jewish and he said he doesn't need the day off because he's just going to go to evening services."
yes it sucks SO hard if you are in a type of job where you are put in a position where you are forced to use PTO or just lose pay for something that people of other religions get for free -- i'm more speaking to people who work in offices or similar type of jobs* where they may have holiday time off as a DEI initiative but feel guilty using it because i have been there!!!!! last year i was the only jew at my workplace who took off for yom kippur even though it was paid because the other jews said they didn't feel jewish enough to do it and they had a meeting that day!!!!!!
*obviously if you are an ER surgeon or something like that, YMMV here
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aromanticduck · 2 days
I love you samosas. I love you empanadas. I love you pasties. I love you dumplings. I love you pirozhkis. I love you savory food in a convenient little carb purse.
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aromanticduck · 3 days
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aromanticduck · 3 days
For example, you are moving to a new home in another part of the same city/area, or you are buying furniture from someone on craigslist (and they are not offering delivery).
This specific question is asking whether you would be able to move something that does not fit in a regular car. The "large vehicle" in question could be a pickup truck, van, other type of truck, a vehicle with a towed cargo bed, etc.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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aromanticduck · 3 days
Thanks, Anon!
-submit your poll!-
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aromanticduck · 3 days
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aromanticduck · 3 days
These are based off the main languages learnt in the UK plus English
Other school languages poll here
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aromanticduck · 3 days
It's the twentieth anniversary of Canada's first gay divorce tomorrow!
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aromanticduck · 3 days
I think there should be a law saying that if a car makes a noise for more than 5 minutes, people are allowed to shoot it until it stops
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aromanticduck · 3 days
You suddenly switch bodies with your icon. On a scale of 1 to 10, (10 being the highest value) how well are you coping with that change?
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aromanticduck · 3 days
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Comic idea I've had in my head for a few weeks. That's all.
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