heartfullofleeches · 3 hours
[tw: mentions of death]
Last Carnis fact (for today)
So, quick tldr is Carnis is a lab experiment created with both human and cow dna to be a food supply and organ donor for the public. They heal at an insane rate and are effectively immortal. This project was later disbanded and all test subjects after Carnis were executed or moved to secret locations.
Now, you may ask how Carnis' siblings were able to be killed. The older Carnis grew, the more violent they became. Scientists saw the danger and basically installed a killswitch in later successful subjects where if their brains were damaged in one specific spot - they die for good.
Carnis came before this decision and therefore they are the only true immortal. Carnis is not aware of this, saw the deaths of their siblings and also believes they'll die if something happens to their head/brain.
Carnis asking for headpats from Reader is the biggest display of trust they can give.
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heartfullofleeches · 5 hours
Carnis <3
Older sketch I posted b4, but I forgot to add it to their tag the first time and i just wanted to share again.
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heartfullofleeches · 6 hours
Carnis with a Reader who also has a vocal tic of repeating words they hear and just end up bouncing off each other-
"Try our new chocolate cherry pistachio ice cream!"
"Pistachio. That's a funny word to say. I could go for some ice cream after that commercial. Wanna come to the store with me, Carnis?"
"Wanna... Yes! I'll go anywhere... If.. if I'm with you. Can we.. share it?"
"Can we share? Can we.. Like...share the ice cream? Of course we will, Carnis! It'd be pretty rude of me to drag you along with me and not give you any."
"We will.... You're... you're not rude. You're the nicest h...human I've ever met. One who's shares pistachio ice cream with... me."
"... Pistachio."
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heartfullofleeches · 12 hours
Carnis [Lab Experiment Cow Hybrid Yan] licks Reader. Like a lot. Especially after physical activity or on hot days. Why?
Because cows need salt.
Well, so do humans in small quantities, but sodium deficiency in cattle can lead to reduced appetite and weight loss amongst other ailments. During their time in the lab, Carnis was given a capsule by researchers daily that contained the needed amount of salt for cattle of their size and height. It made Carnis incredibly hungry which they hated because six times out of ten the food given to them was laced with a sedative which lead to them being more docile during testing when they began to lash out against their mistreatment at the hands of the doctors.
Carnis is weary of salt and sugar by proxy when they first escape the lab for the points listed above. Their body craves it, but they hate how empty their stomach feels and how dry their mouth gets when they eat it.
Reader notices Carnis insecurities with salt and food as a whole, and aids him in building up their confidence by pouring salt into their hand and encouraging Carnis to lick it up. They start off small with table salt, working up to mineral salt and finally buying a salt block necklace for Carnis to use whenever they're ready. Carnis appreciates all their help, they truly do, but they're curious as to why Reader feeds him that salt when their body produces it already. Through extensive research of their own, Carnis discovers Reader tastes just like granulated stuff during intense heats or when they've been doing a lot of heavy lifting.
Reader informs Carnis the water coming from their body is sweat. They also make note a tiny percentage of sweat is salt. Carnis puts two and two together that sweat equals salt therefore they can get all the daily salt they require doing what they love most.
"Carnis, my hand, silly. I haven't taken a shower all day! I'm all sticky from the sweat- I washed my hands real quick so I could give you your salt before I hop in."
"mm... But, but... Salt. Need it....Sh...Shower later. You taste good. Taste like salt. Salt tastes good because of.. because of you."
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I've mentioned Carnis [Lab Experiment Cow Hybrid Yan] had Tourette Syndrome bc they're just like me fr- A common tic of theirs is grunting/moaning that sorta sounds like a cow mooing.
Dunno where I'm going with this. Just had a rough night and it's nice to cope by dumping problems I have on my ocs.....Also i love and miss Carnis.
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Part of the reason Liu wears a face mask outside of their butcher business is how strong their sense of smell is due to their non-human side. I pity Liu with a Darling who douses themselves in perfume/ cologne because it's so much harsher than mild scents like lotion or soap. It's so bad Liu can taste it when they bother to feel that sense, but they're so sensitive to darling's feeling they'll never say it out loud.
Darling: I think that's enough... Maybe just one more spray. How do I look, Liu?
Liu: Marvelous. Can barely take my eyes off you.
Darling: Liu? Are you alright? Your eyes are watering?
Liu: Peachy. [wheezes] Just got a little something in my eye.
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While Liu [Yan Shapeshifter] would never steal their Darling's face, Liu mimics their voice in states of distress to soothe and ground themselves in reality- They used to do the same with their father's voice, but as the years passed it became harder for them to replicate from memory alone so they turn to their new source of comfort.
"It's okay...."
Red. It's all they see. On their hands. The walls... It amasses around the bathtub drain, snaking down its pipes as the jitters of their arms subside an ample frame of time for their fingers to connect with the shower handle. The white, porcelain of the tub ripples through, droplets of clear water puncturing the thin film of blood collecting at its floor.
"It's okay, Liu... It was an accident. It's okay...."
They're an idiot. A fool to think it all would've worked out for them in the end. If only they hadn't rush things.
"You made a mistake. We all do. I'll still be waiting for you... I still love you...."
Scrubbing at their skin, the chime of a familiar ringtone reverberates off the walls of the small guest bathroom. Liu steps out of the shower, drying their hand on the rug before reaching into the pocket of their discarded shirt- the foul stench of their blunder skewering their heightened senses.
"Hey, Liu! I got your text- Wearing your date clothes while you're at work never turns out well for anyone. Who even orders that much pig blood? I called you to let you know everything's okay, I was able to get tickets for the movies at a later time. See you soon!"
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Are you writing “the thing”
Yes! That's 110% wholesome and not at all related to those last posts. It ended up being longer than the 1,000 character limit that I usually go for with commissions and i actually edit these since they're for someone so sorry for the delay
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"I love Liu. They're one of my oldest ocs and has kinda grown up with me. There's been times when if i didn't have them, i genuinely don't think I'd still be around... I like seeing them happy."
My brain: Give them more trauma.
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writing smth with Liu that could end kinda angsty for them or kinda funny from an outside perspective. I don't wanna make the love of my life suffer but the plot demands
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heartfullofleeches · 2 days
Fast Food Reader: Man... I'm tired. Yo, Lambchop- Wanna take a nap in the breakroom.
[The mascot nods - silently following Reader into the back.]
The Janitor: Why do they alway ask the goat....
Bathroom Succubus: Dude- what are you talking about? Y/n literally asks us to skip work and hang out all the time! You just end up running off or making up some dumb excuse to avoid making an ass out of yourself in front of them.
[The Janitor knocks a stack of napkins off the counter with their broom.]
The Janitor: Oh. No. There's napkins everywhere. It's going to take me a while to clean all these up. Long enough for you to forget this conversation and never question how I act around Y/n again.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 days
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heartfullofleeches · 3 days
would fainting goat yan be american? since tennessee fainting goat are an american breed? If that's what you were basing fainting goat yan off of.
Yes- but that also implies them and/or their family are from Tennesse and I literally know nothing about that state so I try not to think too much about where my ocs are from unless asked
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heartfullofleeches · 3 days
I adore Flo, and all the cow hybrid Darlings with her ✨
Also so curious, would Flo want teeth jewelry like tooth gems or gold or silver caps for his fangs? Do his fangs peek out even during the rare times she’s not running her foul mouth (/affectionate)? How tall is Flo?
Also sorz if any of these questions have already been asked 🙏
Flo can think of few things cooler than flashy accessories. Thanks to your ask I'm now playing with the idea of them having lost one of their fangs in a brawl and having a gold/silver implant. The cheeky fucker would make sure to show it off in their smile whenever she's trying to make a good impression on Darling. His fangs poke out a bit naturally, but it's even more present in her grin. Probably fucks up their lower lip every over day with how much of a grinning fool she becomes around Darling from his fangs stabbing it.
I'd say they're about 5'10, though they live in their platform boots that heightens her to 6'2
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heartfullofleeches · 3 days
Flo [Rockstar Vampire Bat Hybrid Yan] and Nurse Cow Hybrid Darling- Darling attends a party with friends expecting to have a good time and kick back for once, only for them to end the night using their favorite sweater to bandage the lead guitar's wing until proper help arrives after they dive off stage into the crowd. Spoilers - They're not getting that sweater back.
Flo's the type to power through the pain until the show's over. Their fans cheer for them to get back up on stage, but luck would have if different for them that night.
"Did you hit your head too? You just fell eight feet onto solid concrete! Look at your wing! You're not moving a muscle until the ambulance arrives!"
Flo's had their far share of run ins with nurses from all the stunts they've put their poor body through, but Darling physically shoving people out of the way to get to them and grilling her out like just- He can't describe it. A person willing to prioritize their safety like that is rare to come by. Darling is normally a gentle soul, but the health of others is not something they take lightly. Flo wouldn't mind being in the care of a diligent and selfless nurse like that for a while. Maybe life if Darling's got nothing better to do. Flo sure doesn't.
"Hey- Saw that nurse's friends come through the door. Do me a favor and hold still for a second. If I bust my guitar over your skull they might stick around long enough for me to get their number this time~"
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heartfullofleeches · 3 days
Will you be the freak to my bob
sure, chief- whatever that means ig
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heartfullofleeches · 3 days
does anybody remember Flo? I miss her alot. Moreso how much of a bastard he is. Vampire bat hybrid rockstar with attachment issues. Thinkin about them with a gentle cow darling- Most of the darlings i've paired Flo with so far have been pretty abrasive which he loves to buttheads with, but I cant decide if I like her teasing a sweet darling more, or him crumbling because of how their obvious flirting goes straight over darling's head-
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