hoardingpuffin · 8 hours
You know I really love Connor's charecters.
I mean Ulysses quickly became one of my favorite characters in Fable (my favorite being C!Ven) I love that mad scientist who keeps hearing about the horrible things people remember he did and trying to catch up to his life that everyone remembered but him. Do you think he thought that he looked to old when he looked in a mirror before regaining his memories, or do you think he thought that he looked far too young after he got them all back and remembered what kind of person he was. (A good person, who did some horrible things.)
And VIRGIL who is may be my favorite charecter on Bound, I haven't decided yet. Trans bird spirals into noir detective like Insanity who plays the violin and runs a library and is paranoid but wants to be around people even though he is bad at it. He's a good trans bird in the "Trans birds save the world" story. I like his wall and how he sometimes calls Vast his friend even though they tried to kill him a while ago.
And DANIEL THORNS IN CANTRIPPED who molds himself into what is needed of him and doesn't know which version of himself is real. Is definitely my Favorite cantripped charecter.
Anyway good job Connor in marketing your charecters to me specifically thank you for this delicious meal to brainrot over.
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hoardingpuffin · 11 hours
Don't think about a little avian child gather up all their courage to ask their guardians to call them by a different name, only to be brushed off.
Don't think about a little avian child sneaking into the office of their House Mother, find the book with everybody's names written down, and change a Redacted to an Elwood.
Don't think about a little avian child the next morning during role call, standing up straight, proud, excited to hear his name for the first time - only for nobody to even notice the change, just reading the name down with the enthusiasm of a brick wall.
Don't think about a little starling avian deflate and curl in on himself as he realizes the biggest change in his little life is so inconsequential to everybody around him that nobody even realizes there was a change.
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hoardingpuffin · 14 hours
Fable SMP: “the Void is welcoming. It is the origin of life and parent to all that came after. The void is gentle and kind and loving. Its embrace is soft and long awaited, and it watches over us all with supportive words and an encouraging touch.”
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hoardingpuffin · 1 day
You will not use AI to get ideas for your story. You will lie on the floor and have wretched visions like god intended
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hoardingpuffin · 1 day
As a rule of thumb, don't reblog donation posts or people asking for donations unless they've been vetted and reblogged by Palestinian bloggers. We usually go to lengths to verify this shit because we know scammers have been faking to get people to send them money, using the urgency of our genocide as bait.
It's disgusting this is what we're dealing with, but people are losing money because of some truly evil people out there.
Accounts don't just randomly spring up on tumblr without gofundmes while asking for someone to help them create a campaign. Fuck out of here with that shit.
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hoardingpuffin · 1 day
Chat, you won't believe the thoughts and feelings I have about the most recent Virgil Elwood lore.
So many thoughts. Many feelings.
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hoardingpuffin · 3 days
Ever since the party, there's been a slight tremble in Elwood's hands that he can't seem to get rid off. He's been trying to distract himself from the tremors and from the stinging on his face where the withering skeleton hit him by keeping himself busy, tending to his little farm, collection materials, baking bread. Anything to keep hands and mind occupied, even the discomfort of being in his own skin preferable over the fear hovering at the edges.
Mojave showing up to show them their house was yet another welcome distraction, an interaction where Elwood knew the rules to follow, that felt safe, leading to him swallowing the remaining anger at Mojave for stealing his binder in favour of distraction.
He didn't expect to talk about loneliness. He didn't expect to talk about what his whole life to be unshakable truth and to have this 'truth' shaken and torn apart. Most of all he didn't expect Mojave to call him their brother.
He'd never thought that particular sentiment he had to toward Mo to be anything but onesided.
Discomfort with prolonged eye contact wasn't the only reason he looked away from Mojave.
He didn't want them to see their brother's eyes well up with tears.
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hoardingpuffin · 4 days
one thing i find really cool about fable but i don't think i've ever seen any one talk about is the intentionality you can see when you look at who ascended when and why
we get our first glimpse at this in texts about deltavera: they were born into a time of great food insecurity, developed the idea of animals as a solution, and ascended so that they could continue putting that plan into action. the gods are responses to needs; it's the primordials' way of helping. they may be detached but they are also aware of the problems the realms are facing
of course, we get an up close and personal look at this in the back half of season 3. the worlds are all out of wack and on the verge of collapse? make a god of balance to keep everything under control until the issue is dealt with
everyone's memories are all fucked up from half a decade of resets? get a new god of memory on the ground to help
the way the worlds are structured is fundamentally flawed and needs to be dismantled and rebuilt from the ground up? make sure the heir of destruction is ready, and throw in a god of rebirth as a bonus
no one to keep the overworld anchored anymore? goddess of the world.
and all this is why i absolutely adore malitae on a conceptual level. because they ascend in the middle of the war. people are suffering horribly; their communities are ravaged, they're losing friends and family left and right, it seems that the gods who were supposed to care for them see them as cannon fodder.
and what do the primordials give these people? a god of expression, of the arts, of taking all that pain and emotion and making something beautiful out of it. because in the middle of tragedy, art is not just important, it's necessary for survival. malitae is the embodiment of that one Brecht quote; "in the dark times, will there also be singing? yes, there will also be singing. about the dark times." and i love them for it.
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hoardingpuffin · 4 days
'do you think you're superior for not using AI in your work' thank you for asking! yes i do
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hoardingpuffin · 5 days
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Electric Mayhem enjoyers…RISEEEEEEE!!! ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️
I absolutely love these characters with all my heart and ik there’s so many amazing artists that are making some really great pieces of them. So I figured I’d jump on the wagon and offer my down illustrations of them 🤲
Starting off with Floyd Pepper being Animal’s dad cause it’s just so freaking sweet 😭 I think a show of him and Teeth raising a baby animal would be really fun
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JANICEEEEE is literally one of the prettiest character designs I’ve ever seen, it’s honestly so iconic. I wanted to draw her into something kind of autumn-y cause fall’s coming around really soon
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The uncle of jazz HANDS DOWNNN and he’s so fun to draw
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And ofc we can’t forget these two 💛💙 sorry the doodle’s kinda sloppy, I got tired by the end 😭🙏
I’ll def do a cleaner drawing of them later cause their designs are so cool too 👀
Anyways, that’s all the mayhem I’ve got. Have a good rest of your day!
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hoardingpuffin · 5 days
“Do you have any other advice?" asked the boy.
"Don't measure how valuable you are by the way you are treated," said the horse.
Charlie Mackesy, The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse
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hoardingpuffin · 6 days
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Okay admittedly getting a link via anonymous ask has made me a wee bit suspicious but aaaah - apparently there's a Skybound Character Quiz now?
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hoardingpuffin · 6 days
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FBI show 🛸
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hoardingpuffin · 7 days
"This fic was ai generated—" Cool, so lemme block you real quick
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hoardingpuffin · 8 days
I need it to be known that the only way I can imagine this is Armor being absolutely SPLAT, all fours stretched out to the sides, in the sun.
Yes this is inspired by my cat.
Does Armor ever like- sunbathe? I just think the concept of Armor laying out in the sun with like- all of his lizards (both on him and around him) is a really funky idea
Oh absolutely. He has some trouble regulating his temperature sometimes- so on occasion he likes to sunbathe on the rocks beside the water on the lower islands! He'll also often set up hammocks and stuff in the shade on warm days so he can sleep outside!
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hoardingpuffin · 9 days
what flavor ace is elwood for research purposes
Probably grey-ace? I don't think even Elwood would know what label to align themselves with as he's not exactly experienced in that departement ^^
He isn't nessecarily looking for a partner either and if he had one, I don’t think that sexual intimacy would be something they'd prioritize as it were? Especially since he's demiromantic, too, I feel like to Elwood sexual intimacy just isn't what he'd primarily look for in a relationship, but rather emotional and romantic connection and understanding? So yeah. Some variation of grey-ace most likely.
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hoardingpuffin · 9 days
My German ass would [theoretically] kill for the Nancy's Bakery soundscape.
Do you have any plans to make more soundscapes? Figured out they help me study a good bit :]
(I think characters like Virgil and Rune would be cool mayhaps- lil scribbling and book noises for one, books and sketches and tinkering for the other- lil crow caws and wings flapping, and lil Gizmo whirrs-)
I’m super glad they’re helping study and that you enjoy them!! And yeah, I absolutely have plans for more!!
I’m currently still working on a few for Fable, they’re just taking a while with how busy I’ve been and how intricate some of the audios are to make haha! It’s usually just lots of incredibly short sound bites stacked on top of each other to get the right feel. I think the next one to be finished will probably be the Fenris/Starbarks soundscape :D
And totally!! I would love to do ones for Virgil and Rune!! I’ve got a list of soundscapes I really want to make, and I’m considering pivoting more towards locations than specific characters, but the list definitely includes Peregrine Library, Rune’s Workshop, and potentially places like Vast’s Nest (I want to use magpie sounds lol) or the Bird Sanctuary for SkyBound!! I’d also love to do some Cantripped soundscapes (Nancy’s Bakery is in the works) and maybe even some for Terramortis too!!
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