kakusu-shipping · 2 hours
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Been adoring this silly little octopus 🐙 ever since I watched the anime series. His death hits me so hard tho 🥲
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kakusu-shipping · 7 hours
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this was my first ship ever before i even knew the word yaoi
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kakusu-shipping · 7 hours
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wanted to draw this to celebrate team past's win!! this splatfest was a lot of fun even if my team didnt end up winning :3 (this took a long time to finish, likes n reblogs are greatly appreciated sdfkjv)
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kakusu-shipping · 19 hours
Your f/o stopping you before going out because they need to kiss you again and again and again <3
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kakusu-shipping · 19 hours
I'm sending this request for advice in for a friend, as he's too proud to ask himself. See I got this buddy, Pikachu, we call him Cap, he's my partner and a real tough one, probably the toughest Pokemon I've ever met honestly. Anyway, recently he's caught feelings for a member of our crew, artist guy we picked up a while ago. He's a nice enough guy and of course I support my buddy, the problem comes from the fact that is guy is... Well, he's super dense.
Cap's tried everything he can think of to let this guy know how he feels, other than directly saying it of course. Taken him on dates, shown off in battles, treated him all sweet and special, been the most chivalrous gentlemanly type he can be. To me and pretty much the entire rest of the crew it's obvious how Cap feels about this guy, but he really doesn't seem to be getting it. At this point you'd think he's ignoring it on purpose but no, he really is just that dense.
Any advice would be helpful. Feel free to even just tell him to be Direct with his Feelings. He'll probably just ignore that but at least then you can join the rest of the Crew in the "Told you So" boat when he finally does and it works
-Rising Volt Co-Cap ⚡
Ehehe, wonder what it is with these asks lately that involve dense humans? xD Goodness.
Well, unfortunately, you're right. Cap absolutely should just be direct with him. I'm unsure if he's being stubborn, if he's afraid of rejection, or honestly can't fathom how to put into words how he feels, but either Cap has to have someone help him say something or bite his tongue and move on. It seems this ~ dense ~ artist you picked up is not going to understand anything other than a direct approach.
It also makes me wonder if maybe your artist is dense not because he's oblivious in a general sense, but because the thought of human x pokemon relationships has absolutely never occurred him in any way so he can never see any of Cap's gestures as romantic.
If that's possibly the case, maybe if you want, you could have someone point out the possibilities in a general sense and see if that helps Cap with his next grand gesture!
Regardless, PLEASE let me know what happens, I love a good case of stubbornness and dense-ness when it comes to a relationship attempting to bloom. Best of luck to you Cap! And to the rest of the Crew! <3
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kakusu-shipping · 19 hours
Stoic F/Os losing their composure around you,,,, getting flustered and blushy when you laugh or smile at them,,,,
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kakusu-shipping · 19 hours
incredibly endeared by f/os who don't know how to comfort you. they don't know what to do when you come apart in front of them, shaking, starting to sob as the weight of your woes finally bears down on you.
they know what they're meant to do. they're meant to hold you, and kiss you, tell you it's going to be okay and make it real. they're meant to let you sob into their chest or their shoulder, feeling your arms around them as you let their words soothe you until you can smile again.
...but that's not who they are, it's not what they do- do they even know how? do they know where to put their hands when they go to embrace you? do the words come to them naturally or are they floundering for something, anything they heard from a poet or a story that made it sound so easy.
instead they're left standing, hoping desperately you can feel how badly they want to take your pain from you. then following you down when you fall, kneeling besides your shaking form. they reach out slowly, hesitently, rubbing your back or resting their hand comfortingly on your head.
their voice is rough when they speak, almost awkward - it's- it's alright. - scooting closer on their knees, huddling closer to you so even if they're not holding you you can feel them. i'm here.
and they are, and maybe that's enough. 💖
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kakusu-shipping · 1 day
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doodle of my favourite pokemon character of all time <33
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kakusu-shipping · 1 day
Underrated scene
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kakusu-shipping · 1 day
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bluebird of happiness
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kakusu-shipping · 2 days
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King Kuei and Firelord Zuko friendship ❤️ 💚
They like to go see plays together, but they talk through most of it. The personal guards have gotten used to it and find it amusing.
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kakusu-shipping · 2 days
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I'm so glad I decided to read the Avatar comics. What is wrong with him. My loser friend, Earth King Keui.
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kakusu-shipping · 2 days
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New refs cause there were liiiiittle bitty design elements that changed for my sonas and I needed to redo the WHOLE thing for them ncnfjndsjcxz
Also I wanted to draw Dorian with their Wiper cause bone wiper cool <3
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kakusu-shipping · 2 days
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oh look, I made another comic.
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kakusu-shipping · 2 days
I thought I had found a cool website for online f/o shrines but the rules are so dumb in my opinion idk
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kakusu-shipping · 3 days
for bumi!!
🪿 - What’s the silliest thing you argue about?
🎻 - Do you have any shared hobbies? Are you competitive or do you help each other?
🪦 - Would they give a ‘shovel talk’ to a romantic F/O?
More asks for my incredibly silly dad!!! Thankyou very much <3
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🪿 - What’s the silliest thing you argue about?
Oh- What's the silliest thing we DON'T argue about would be a much simpler question!
King Bumi just loooooves messing with people, it's one of his favorite pass times, and I've realized over the years that I may very much be his favorite person to mess with.
He'll play devil's advocate over anything, so long as it's funny, and with impeccable logic too! Damn fool's lived over a hundred years so most people will take anything he says about history as fact, I KNOW when he's just lying for fun but no one would believe ME over the Great King Bumi, King of a Hundred Years!!
🎻 - Do you have any shared hobbies? Are you competitive or do you help each other?
King Bumi has many, many hobbies. Me, I just have art, mostly sculpting and painting. He can do that as well but I've far surpassed him in such skills.
I suppose the only "hobby" we really have in common is Earth Bending, but no, I'm not competitive about it.
I use to be a pretty strong bender, I had natural talent at a young age, it's how I was selected to be where I am now but... I never really had a passion for it, like King Bumi does.
We use to drill moves over and over, and I kept up with raw talent for a time. I suppose King Bumi, as wise as he is, eventually noticed I wasn't as in it as he was, it wasn't my passion. So he threw harder stuff at me until raw talent wasn't enough anymore.
I don't know if he was trying to force me to try or force me to stop trying, doesn't really matter in the long run. I fell down, got hurt, admitted I didn't care about being strong and....
Well, we had a good talk after that, I suppose, and I began focusing my true passion instead. Knowing him, that was his intention from the start.
🪦 - Would they give a ‘shovel talk’ to a romantic partner?
I had to look up what a "shovel talk" is kfgjkdfg
Yyyyyyeeeeeees...? Maybe? I'm not sure. I've never had a romantic partner or interest in anyone?
Though apparently some people thought King Kuei and I were a newly wed pair on our honeymoon while we were traveling after the siege of Ba Sing Se. And some even asked if we'd coupled after we returned, though I'm not sure why...
If I did gain a romantic partner I'm unsure how His Majesty King Bumi would react, I'm not his blood relative, and he's never seemed the Over Protective type, so I'm sure it wouldn't bother him at all.
(OOC: Bumi WOULD give a shovel talk to whoever Emile brought home as a significant other, and even gave one to Earth King Kuei upon their return due to the rumors following them. He's about 70% joking with his threats, and 100% serious with his jokes!)
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kakusu-shipping · 3 days
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Proselfshiptember 2024 Day 9 - Garden
me and haruhi stealing a quiet moment at the school garden before she has to get pulled away for host club activities. 😞
i am forever grateful that preset rose brushes exist because as much as i love hand-drawing roses, i probably would have died from drawing all those myself 😭 i wish i had thought to recenter the sketch before i did everything else, but it's already been done and it looks nice enough so i won't worry about it !
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