kitty-in-a-jar · 5 months
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Henry Scott Tuke: Sketch for August Blue. (1892)
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kitty-in-a-jar · 5 months
on Instagram,
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kitty-in-a-jar · 5 months
“The guy in headphones... Kit Rivers?”
“What about him?”
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Kit Rivers. Kit. He... might seem like a loner at first, sometimes can be found sitting on a bench somewhere at the quadrungle—a sketch on his lap and headphones over his head, minding his own business. But hey, Kit is nowhere near a loner when he's actually a talker and has made lots of friends with his yapping skills.
“Oh, that guy?”
Kit has been spending his time alone most of his life, due to he can't even count how much they've moved out of a country because of his parents' business. As a kid, he never experienced what other kid would experience, like going to school and out to play with their friends; he homeschooled for at least a good 9 years until he's old enough to tell his parents that he wanted to go to a ‘real’ school. Along the time he homeschooled, he probably moved out for more than 5 times he can't even remember. He spent the longest time being in Osaka and Seattle, which he thought were the most memorable homes for him. So many good memories bloomed and so many things learned, he became a different person ever since.
“Think I've seen him around the Art building!”
Why Fine Arts? Art has fascinated Kit so many times, ever since he's a little. Yes, he's just like any other boys! He's curious, he tried everything that sparks up his curiosities. The day where his parents took him to an art museum, he never knew that it would be so much fun learning about art. Moreover, he thought that arts are just paintings, drawings, when in reality it's so much more. Sculptures, moving pictures, music, every kind of dances, the puddle a kid stepped on after rain, even the museum building itself is art! He would stop and stare at a single art, wondering how can people made such beauty from a scratch—it kind of sparked his interest in art. At first, he would try and draw some abstract doodles which turned out so pretty from his pair of eyes. More and more practice that he started to draw sceneries or human faces. From sketches to paintings, and many other things. Boy even tried potteries at home!
Well, ever since then, art never stopped making the boy curious. Kit wants to explore various of arts he believes there are a lot than more.
“Heard that he's a foreigner...”
Osaka is where Kit's childhood took a turn, he managed to make a few friends somehow by going to play in their residence's playground every afternoon. He would play soccer with other kids, despite the limitations in speaking their language, he found so much fun in it! After times, he started to make a little conversation with them by saying some simple words like “遊ぶ!” or “こんにちは!”, gradually adding more and more words to be a sentence, of course with the help of his parents and the internet. He spent his life long enough in Osaka to be pretty fluent in Japanese, before finally moving somewhere else. It was weird for him... a bit... sad? Since he's used to moving out peacefully—well, he had no friends back then, but he made so many friends in Japan he probably won't get to see again.
He moved away to Korea only for a year to finish out junior high in an actual school and then spent the rest of his high school periods in Seattle, his hometown, a city where he was born. In Seattle, he learned how to properly be friends with people and it has gotten easy over time. He has met a bunch of different people that he never knew existed when he was still a kid with no friends, little Kit must've been very proud.
Finishing high school, he decided to continue his study and living a slow life back in Korea, at Walker International Institute.
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kitty-in-a-jar · 5 months
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Art by: Pei Wang
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kitty-in-a-jar · 5 months
わたしたち 幾つも約束をしたままִִ ۫ ּ
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kitty-in-a-jar · 5 months
This blog is made for OCRP purposes only, everything written in this page contains informations of writer’s @WII_HQ character on other platform. Therefore, it has no relation to the real muse I’m using for this project—in this case, Park Jongseong/Jay Park from ENHYPEN under the management of Belift Lab.
Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the writer’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Thank you.
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