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time to be dramatic, time to be goth, halloween is near...
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petra erika nordlund singlehandedly healing all the world’s queerbait trauma
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happy bend him over and fuck him hard wednesday
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so i think this is what happened in the latest update. right?
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this is one of the stupidest things i've ever made
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Gideon when explaining what's happened to Awake Remembrance of These Valiant Dead Kia Hua Ko Te Pai Snap Back to Reality Oops There Goes Gravity when he pushed her out of airlock: The Woke Left
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thinking about how aiglamene has a shitty bone prosthetic leg. notably, i'm thinking about the "shitty" part and what it implies. because you can't convince me that harrow wasn't capable of giving aiglamene a perfect replacement by the age of like. seven. nor can you convince me that harrow wouldn't offer, even if she disguises it as pragmatism. so that leaves the conclusion that aiglamene refused. and the best explanation for why she would do that is: that leg was made for her by a necromancer she cared about.
aiglamene is an old soldier, capable of teaching the rapier, and claims to have seen duels involving a cavalier primary in her youth. so. yeah basically what i'm saying here is that aiglamene was probably someone's cav. and there's a good chance her necro died in combat and made her that leg shortly before
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nona says that shes pretty (Harrow's face) and that she specially likes her eyes (Gideon's eyes) but what if Alecto likes John's eyes and Anastasia's face because those are the traits of people that she loves and that loved her back
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Who/What is Kiriona Gaia?
I think thinking about the mechanic of Kiriona Gaia's body offers a really interesting insight in Gideon's or Kiriona's feelings or better: non-feelings. So, how does Kiriona's body work?
Usually, a body needs two things to keep the lights on: a soul and thalergy.
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But here's the point. Her body obviously has no thalergy (life-energy), because it's dead. What means, that her body didn't keep the lights on. Her body is really dead.
That offers the interesting question, how her body could survive otherwise. The simple answer is, that it's a construct of her father, driven by thanergy (death-energy).
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Firstly, that puts her necromantically on one par with the skeletons Harrow controls, and secondly, it makes her incredibly dependent on her father. She couldn't kill him, without killing herself (again).
No wonder she is so sad.
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oral composition and epic stratification… like goncharov
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i think 'I trust you with my life but not your own' as a trope is one of the ones that can always fuck me up no matter what
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gently, gently…
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Last update so powerful i made a patreon profile just to subscribe to @pepurika
i am but a humble peasant and as such i havent been able to stop thinking about the last pages of Tiger, Tiger
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i am but a humble peasant and as such i havent been able to stop thinking about the last pages of Tiger, Tiger
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