matan4il · 13 hours
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Reported to https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/ because scams like this are predatory.
Also reported to gofundme, I'm sure they will be interested in why this campaign is listed as being located in Texas, USA while the campaign narrative places the individual in Gaza. And I'm sure they will be further interested in knowing that I heard about it from an unsolicited spam-type message from an unknown account on social media.
It's not possible to withdraw funds from this campaign into Gaza. Gofundme terminates campaigns in locations it can't support and those which are found to be scams. Profiteering off a war is pretty vile, even in the event that this scam is just for personal gain rather than the possibility that it's laundering money for a terrorist group and the funds will be used to commit more atrocities.
I thought people around here hated disaster capitalism and war profiteering? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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matan4il · 2 days
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matan4il · 2 days
"Is anyone home?", "We can't open the door!"
This was a Hezbollah attack on a family home in Tsfat. The family are stuck inside the burning home that was hit by rockets
This is known as attempted murder.
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matan4il · 3 days
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matan4il · 3 days
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matan4il · 4 days
killing you and your whole family but calling it clean cause I didn’t destroy a whole city block 😊
You can't give me an example of a whole family being taken out by this attack because it does not exist. I watched the videos of these explosions. Dude standing right next to the Hezbollah operative was completely unharmed and walked away. I said the attack was clean because the attack was clean. Anyone holding a Hezbollah pager or walkie talkie was injured. The way not to be injured was to not in posession of a Hezbollah pager. Some 4500 devices and Hezbollah operatives injured with a few dozen of those dead and among that count there were 3 non-operatives including one daughter of an operative (which is tragic that her father chose to put her life in danger by painting a target on his head as a member of a genocidal terrorist organization actively launching thousands of bombs at your stronger neighbor killing children playing soccer and displacing hundreds of thousands from their homes)
Which makes this the most targeted operation of this size I can think of. In modern war the usual civilian to militant casualty ratio is 9:1. This was 1:1500. This is war. There exists no way anybody has conceived of to attack the folks trying to kill you and involve as few civilians as this attack. This is as close to a literal targeted thanos snap as it gets.
Here is the real issue: Nothing Israel does to defend its civilians will ever meet your standards, because what you actually want is for Israeli civilians and children to just roll over and be genocided as is Nasrallah's unequivocally stated wish (specifically he has said he wants all the world's Jews to move to Israel so that he can genocide them more easily).
But Israel will not roll over and die, so fucking deal with it and stop being childish. Hezbollah has been bombing Israel indiscriminately for decades and nonstop for the past year and hundreds of thousands of civilians are displaced. A soccer field of playing Druze children was bombed killing a dozen of them.
Now thousands of those responsible for these genocidal actione have had their hands and/or dicks blown off over 2 days.
Such is war.
The usual way to go about this sort of thing is to bomb a city block, but it seems you're upset they came up with a way to harm 1500 enemy militants to one civilian instead of the 1:1 ratio they have going in Gaza (which is still far better than the 9:1 average of modern wars in cases where the bad guys AREN'T using their civilians as human shields en masse)
There is no war where 0 civilians are harmed, there never has been and never will be, but you're giving shit to the folks that just invented a new never before done way to hurt people you want and not the people you don't want to hurt, and defending the folks just straight up intentionally carpet bombing Israel's civilian regions making it's northern region uninhabitable and killing kids playing soccer.
And you are just making shit up to do it. Again, you cannot name for me 1 family that perished. Just one child who was too close to Daddy's pager that he uses to conduct large-scale war crimes in the name of genociding the Yahud, from the River To the Sea.
Which makes me strongly believe that civilian life is not your concern. Your concern is Israel doing anything at all to fight back against a terrorist group who wants to slaughter all of Israel's civilians. Which is shameful and pathetic bigotry. You can be better than that.
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matan4il · 5 days
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this was Liverpool today. his shirt says: “if you have not been called anti-Semitic, you are not working hard enough on justice for Palestine.” this is what it’s come to, the admission that they believe hating Jews is necessary.
the rest of this is the typical “ZOG” conspiracies and blood libel we’ve witnessed without end for eleven months, so this couple is the part of this that chills me most. it’s not even saying the quiet part out loud: it’s shouting it with pride.
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matan4il · 5 days
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matan4il · 6 days
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matan4il · 7 days
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matan4il · 8 days
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matan4il · 8 days
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matan4il · 9 days
by Esti Heller
When I first met Milagros “Milly” Peña — the president of SUNY (State University of New York) Purchase College — it was in the wake of two incidents involving Jewish safety on campus, both prior to October 7.
In the first incident, a vandalized Israeli flag was adorned with a classic blood libel. In the second, Hillel’s sukkah was intentionally overturned just one day after its construction. 
In response to these incidents, I came prepared to my meeting with a list of ways that President Peña could make Jewish students feel safer on campus, including adopting the IHRA definition of antisemitism and establishing antisemitism training. Overall, Peña was incredibly supportive, and I left that meeting hopeful towards the year ahead.
But after zero follow-up and several requests for updates, it became clear that I had received the first of what would be many empty promises.
Now, after having witnessed the turmoil that was unleashed on our campus last semester and Milly Peña’s capitulation to anti-Israel students’ demands, I’ve come to understand that the only way the Purchase administration will address the rampant Jew hatred on campus is if the Federal government orders them to do so.
That’s why on August 20, 2024, I, together with a student and the StandWithUs Saidoff Legal Department, filed a Title VI complaint with the US Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights.
During the last school year, Jewish students and I faced relentless harassment, threats, and intimidation, repeatedly driving us off of our own campus.
Far too many times, Hillel was forced to redirect funds intended for events to cover hotel rooms and transportation for students frightened to stay in their dorms. Although we consistently reached out to administrators to report incidents, we were largely ignored. 
On February 12, 2024, an unofficial student group by the name of Raise the Consciousness (RTC) began advertising an event in collaboration with Samidoun, an organization known for fundraising for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine — a US-designated terrorist organization. The group is banned in Germany for hosting explicitly anti-Jewish rallies.
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matan4il · 10 days
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matan4il · 10 days
Just to make it clear: you can't get an attack to be more precise than this. This literally only targeted men carrying Hezbollah pagers.
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matan4il · 10 days
I wish more of the left would honest about their antisemitism. You don't get to cheer on a mass slaughter of Jews, chant antisemitic slogans, spread blood libel and conspiracy theories against any Jewish person you don't like, support "protests" harassing Jewish businesses and Holocaust museums, (at best) deny a year-long global spike in antisemitic hate crimes, and then get big mad when people point out your antisemitism. It's being a bigot and a coward at the same time
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matan4il · 11 days
Reuters’ Ethics and Standards editor told HonestReporting on Tuesday that the wire service “disputes” our “claim” that its journalists had “decorate[d] their office with terror symbols.”
This despite photo evidence we exposed last week showing scarves with terror groups insignias decorating what used to be Reuters office in Gaza in 2013:
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The man in the photo is Reuters current Head of Visuals for Gaza, Suhaib Jadallah Salem. The photo still appears on his Facebook page.
Like the Nazi Swastika, the emblems on the scarves are of genocidal groups — Hamas, Islamic Jihad, al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades — that call for the killing of Jews/Israelis (like some of Suhaib’s colleagues in Reuters).
There are only two bad explanations to Reuters’ disturbing response: ” Either it doesn’t view these proscribed terror groups as such, or it is denying indisputable evidence.
The rest of Reuters Ethics and Standards editor Brian Moss’s official response did not address our exposure of its journalists in Gaza receiving awards from senior Hamas officials.
Instead, it said: “On the basis of a close review by the Reuters Ethics and Standards department, we dispute the distorted evidence and insinuations of bias in the HonestReporting September 5th article. We stand by our coverage of Gaza and our team, who operate within the Thomson Reuters Trust Principles…Further, we dispute any claim that our journalists received ‘de-facto bribes from terrorists.'”
But here are the facts, which HonestReporting stands behind:
Our review of Palestinian media revealed that since 2015, the proscribed terror group has hosted annual ceremonies to honor Gazan journalists who had won prestigious international awards, including photographers from Reuters.
This cozy relationship between Gaza’s terror groups and the journalists tasked with covering them objectively is ethically flawed. It exposes the disturbing entanglement between terrorists and the media, shaping a distorted global narrative about Gaza.
Honored by Terrorists
In 2017, Hamas held a commendation event for international award-winning journalists in Gaza, where it honored Reuters photographer Suhaib Jadallah Salem — the agency’s current head of visuals for Gaza (who was photographed in Reuters office in front of the terror groups’ scarves.)
One of the photos from the event shows Suhaib’s brother Mohammed Jadallah Salem, a Reuters photographer who recently won the Pulitzer prize and the World Press Photo award, receiving Suhaib’s commendation plaque on his behalf. Two senior Hamas officials are granting the plaque: Khalil al-Hayya and Mushir al-Masri:
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Al-Hayya has publicly called for a fight against Israel as “the head of the serpent,” and al-Masri has vowed to “uproot The Zionists With Our Axes, Knives, Guns.”
Receiving commendation from such terrorists is a mark of Cain. It should get any journalist disciplined by any respectable media outlet.
Yet Reuters journalists — knowing perhaps that their bosses won’t find out or even care — had no qualms getting into bed with Hamas. Another photo from the event shows other Reuters journalists around a table not too far from al-Hayya: Reuters Senior Gaza correspondent Nidal al-Mughrabi is sitting near Suhaib’s brother Mohammed and photographer Ashraf Amra (who was also honored at the event and exposed by HonestReporting for endorsing infiltration into Israel on October 7). Beside them is Belal Jadallah, who headed the allegedly “independent” Gaza Press House:
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Suhaib himself attended a separate Hamas commendation event for journalists later in 2017. This time, he was honored for performing the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca:
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Suhaib received the commendation from al-Masri and Hamas spokesperson Fawzi Barhoum (who have often been interviewed by Reuters), along with the movement’s media officials.
It’s worth noting that four of the Jadallah brothers work for Reuters, in Gaza and Dubai. And the links of the Jadallah family to Hamas go back years. One of the brothers of Suhaib and Mohammed, Sallah, was among the terrorists who kidnapped and killed Israeli soldier Nahshon Waxman in 1994.
The mastermind behind that operation was Moahmmed Deif, who was recently eliminated by Israel. As Hamas’ military chief, Deif was also one of the masterminds behind the October 7 massacre in southern Israel.
If Suhaib and Mohammed were professional journalists, such background wouldn’t necessarily matter. But if they have been hosted and honored by Hamas, it’s alarming.
Unethical Nexus
Top news editors probably know it’s impossible to be a journalist in Gaza without links to Hamas, which controls the information flow. In other words, professional journalism in Gaza is impossible, and news outlets should admit it to their audience.
But being hosted by Hamas, receiving its commendations, and displaying terror groups’ insignias isn’t a case of journalists even trying to be professional. This is an agenda-driven, cooperative, symbiotic, reciprocal, and personal nexus that benefits each side.
A Hamas statement from one of the commendation events said it best:
The media office of Hamas organizes this annual event to honor creative journalists for the fourth year in a row, in appreciation of their efforts in serving the Palestinian cause.
Journalists who violate the agency’s code of ethics by receiving de-facto bribes (or at least benefits) from terrorists to “serve the Palestinian cause,” and decorate their office with terror symbols, are not deserving of international praise or the defense of the Reuters Ethics and Standards department.
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