minor-solemnity · 3 years
Dandelion and Burdock pt. 2
Tag List: @jinxqsu @naps-and-lemons @riddles-wifey @mainlynonsense @cakesarecute @crumpets-are-better-with-jam
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The pain doesn't fade but eventually, it changes. Something darker, heavier, and ultimately, more powerful begins to seep through your body. A wave of cold - dark where the pain is bright washes through your veins, lapping at the shores of your mind until it starts to drown everything else out. You think you might prefer it but it's still unsettling, the heavy darkness and the numbing cold.
Finally, you sleep.
Pain like you've never imagined blisters across your skin. The pain feels hot and alive - a sentient creature making its home in your bones, an unwelcome, unwanted houseguest, its shoes at the front door, its food in your kitchen, its clothes in your wardrobe. It drags a knife across your heart, the delicate tissue of your lungs, every synapse awake and screaming with the eclipsing nature of your burning.
Worse, is that you cannot scream. You think you might try to but your mouth refuses to open, jaw locked and tight, molars clenched and ground together. Dimly, you realise that you're being carried somewhere - where you could not say, not for love nor money nor life itself. There isn't any space for thought for understanding beyond the fire and brimstone that snakes through your blood. You might be moving - not of your own volition, but because there is no way that your body can contain the weight of your feeling. You want to fling your body over the edge of oblivion because then you wouldn't feel anything, or maybe you would, maybe you'd just stop being aware of the feeling.
It would be a relief.
No matter how close you get to the edge, however, you don't tip over. There is no relief and that in itself is too much to comprehend - how could anyone withstand this? The human body is not designed to hold out against this level of pain. You think you might be fracturing, splintering. You wish you were, wish you were breaking apart because then maybe it would be manageable. But something keeps you firmly held together. It can't be you - you're not strong enough to do it yourself. Something or someone outside of you must be holding you together. There's no way you could manage it by yourself.
You're not sure how long you stay like this - floating in a sea of fire, burning up from the inside out, your skin crawling and tearing and unthreading itself in a seemingly unending spiral of torment. Somewhere, far away you think there might be someone holding your hand. You think there might be voices - curt and angry and maybe a little afraid.
The pain doesn't fade but eventually, it changes. Something darker, heavier, and ultimately, more powerful begins to seep through your body. A wave of cold - dark where the pain is bright washes through your veins, lapping at the shores of your mind until it starts to drown everything else out. You think you might prefer it but it's still unsettling, the heavy darkness and the numbing cold.
Finally, you sleep.
"Forgive me for interrupting, Madam Montague, but I thought you said she would be awake by now." It should be a question, but even in your addled state, it sounds more like a threat.
Really, a charming way to wake up.
Except, you're not even sure if you are awake. If you don't open your eyes, then you can pretend that you're still unconscious. Honestly, that would be better, because whilst the pain has receded a great deal, you feel scooped out. Like if you opened your eyes and looked around, you'd see your intestines and lungs in sterile pickling jars in neat little rows in front of you.
Phantom shocks of fire still zing across your skin, causing you to shift and squirm in discomfort, and then, when moving causes you more pain, to moan weakly. It's honestly unfair, how pathetic you feel. As if clutching at death like a child clutching their favourite toy hadn't been bad enough, now you feel embarrassed.
Immediately, there is a cool cloth over your forehead, large hands blocking out the light of the room and you whimper in relief. The sudden dimness has only made you aware of the fact your head is pounding and you're grateful for whoever it was that had the foresight to recognise your needs before you have to try and figure them out for yourself.
"Don't try to talk," You recognise the voice - deep and threaded with something that sounds like it could be concern or anger. You're so out of it that you don't even recognise where you are - you could be in Hogwarts or at home, or somewhere else entirely, but oh. Oh, you recognise his voice. You think you'd recognise Tom's voice and his personal brand of care anywhere.
It's funny how often Tom's worry presents itself as anger, as though he's so unused to the emotion that he doesn't know how to recognise it for what it is, let alone express it.
The damp cloth stills against your forehead and you can feel the way that Tom has stiffened, the way that his fingers have clenched around the rag and you realise that maybe you're even more out of it than you had thought because it's possible that you said all of that out loud.
You'd cringe at the embarrassment of it all if you weren't so tired.
"Just. Just go to sleep," He says and even with your eyes already closed, even with the cloth covering your eyes, you know he's wearing that purposefully flat expression. The one that makes him look like marble - perfect and distant and cold and unknowable. The one that he only wears when he doesn't know how else to react.
This time, sleep comes for you like a parent with a soft blanket.
When you next wake up, you're surrounded by a gentle white light, blinking sleep and the aches and pains from your ordeal away, the world comes into soft, hazy focus. The neatly made beds, dark wooden floorboards and stone walls of the hospital wing are calming in their familiarity and the realisation that you are safe. That you haven't been transferred from the castle to St Mungo's. That the people in charge of your safety and health have managed to pull off the impossible and save you from the clutches of the poison that has been ravaging your body.
With all the steadiness and strength of a newborn colt, you try to push yourself up only to find yourself being pushed gently but firmly, back into a supine position. Tom's face swims into sight and something settles in your chest at the sight of him.
He looks... not great. You wonder what it means that this is the closest you've seen him to undone in the years that you've known him. Of course, for many of those years, it had only been on the peripheries, barely touching each other's awareness before last year, but still... Tom has always seemed untouchable. Like the world could collapse into ruin around his ankles and he would remain standing and pristine even ash collected on the ground beneath his shoes.
Right now, however, he looks as human as you feel: frail and aching and tired. His already pale complexion is practically ghostly, his eyes are ringed with purple-grey shadows, but it's his expression that startles you the most. Eyes wide and dull, mouth pinched and downturned.
"Don't try to get up," Tom says and obediently, you stay where you are, your head resting against the fluffy pillows, your eyes trained on the slow bob of his adam's apple as he works his jaw around words that remain unspoken. When he goes to move his hands from where they're pressed against your shoulders, however, you cannot stop yourself from reaching for them, clumsily grasping at his wrists with limp fingers the way a child might reach for their favourite toy.
His touch is grounding in a way that you can't quite verbalise. A reminder that you are here and so is he and that you're safe. You're safe so long as you have him with you. You're safe so long as he's close.
You keep your eyes closed, in part because you're tired and the light, as nice as it is, hurts your sensitive eyes, but mostly, it's because if your eyes are shut you won't have to see whatever is playing out on Tom's face as you cling to him. Your self-imposed blindness does nothing to stop you from hearing the sharp intake of breath, however, and stubbornly, you hold onto his wrists tighter, the steady beat of his pulse a lifeline that you find yourself entirely unwilling to give up.
You can feel the way that Tom forces himself to relax. It happens in increments, the tension leaching first from his fingers, then his palms, then his wrists and forearms. His weight on your shoulder is a comfort and one that you are desperate for. It doesn't take away the pain, or the terror of slipping back into that dark artificial sleep, but it does wonders to keep you present, even as your body begs for sleep.
"How long's't been?" You ask and frown at the way your words slip and slide out of your mouth in a slur of sleepiness. Somewhere above you, Tom makes a sound that might be laughter and you pout. His laughter becomes more pronounced, a low hum of amusement that does little to cure your indignation but goes far to settle you with the familiarity of the sound.
"About a week," He says and his voice is a lot closer than you thought it would be. "Montague was practically drip-feeding you draught of the living death. You were barely breathing." He doesn't sound particularly happy about that and you suppose you can understand why. It must be - well, unsettling doesn't cover the half of it - to watch someone lie still and soft as the dead even if you know logically that they're alive.
"Mmm, felt weird," You murmur, relaxing against the pillows. "Like I was swimming in nothing." He digs his fingers into the meat of your shoulders for a second before he relaxes again and you shake your head in an attempt to reassure him. "Wasn't bad. Felt better than the other stuff." He makes a soft sound in the back of his throat and you frown at how much distress he manages to fit into that one aborted hum.
Cracking open an eye, you offer him a tired smile. "S'alright, Tom. I'm awake now."
"You should probably try to sleep." Despite his words, he doesn't look or sound like he wants that and you shake your head. You don't want that either.
"Already slept for a week. Everything in moderation."
You're not sure how long you both stay like that, silence and stillness making space for the two of you to exist with one another without the need for worry or stress. Tension leaches out of you, leaving you heavy and peaceful. In the chair beside your bed, Tom slumps back, his head tilted back to reveal the long column of his neck which is practically glowing in the early morning light.
You wonder how long he's been here - if he's left your side at all. You hope he has. You hope he hasn't spent the last week with you in his own version of suspended reality, alive but not living. "Tom?" You murmur, eyes fixed on the ceiling. You want to give him this moment of quiet, of peace. You want to give him space to be vulnerable without a witness.
"Thank you."
You don't see what his face does and he doesn't speak but his fingers tighten momentarily, pinpoints of pressure that says enough.
Later, Madam Montague sends him away, tutting under her breath when he refuses to move from his seat. It's only when you shake your head and tell him to get some rest that he finally relents, jaw clenched, brow furrowed. He exits the hospital wing, a mix of pride and stiff joints making his gait somewhat rigid.
You let Madam Montague fuss with your pillows and force a mug of vile tasting liquid into your hand. "What is that?" You ask, gagging slightly as the thick oily liquid passes down your throat.
"A mix of dandelion root extract and bezoar bile." She tells frankly which. Gross. Truly awful. You wished you hadn't asked. She must read your distaste in your expression because she raises an eyebrow and says, "Better than being dead. It's practically impossible to survive a manticore attack - you're incredibly lucky these were just pups."
"I guess."
"Honestly, we probably wouldn't have gotten to in time if it hadn't been for Mr Riddle. He got you here in record time, carried you himself." She pauses and glances towards the door, a thoughtful expression flitting across her face before her features settle into a small, knowing smile. "The only time he wasn't by your side, he was in the potions laboratories, brewing more of this stuff."
She leaves you slumped against the pillows, smiling dazedly up at the ceiling.
(1) (2)
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minor-solemnity · 3 years
*sneaks in late with a starbucks*
laptop: replaced
medication: more or less sorted
new chapters: starting sunday
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minor-solemnity · 3 years
yo for the record if you put something in my inbox and i never respond it’s not that i didn’t like it or read it it’s that i very very often see messages and go ‘oh i should respond to that’ and then i fucking forget until it’s like. been enough time to be weird
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minor-solemnity · 3 years
A quick update because people have been asking (also thank you to everyone who has been sending me well wishes! You're all lovely lovely people omg) my laptop broke yesterday (my fault lol plz keep your ice tea away from electronics) so I'm waiting to get that fixed! Sorry I've been so scatty with updates, life is annoying etc etc I'll be back soon tho x
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minor-solemnity · 3 years
liking a male character like hes my girlfriend hes my dad he is literally me i could fix him i could make him worse hes a whore hes my best friend hes my sworn enemy i just want to punch him i want to hold his hand i just want to send him to therapy
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minor-solemnity · 3 years
Necromancer, I Love You chap. 10
It's a meet-cute folks! Of a sort, at any rate. Point being, there's a Tom featuring in this chapter! (Sort of.)
Necromancer, I Love You chapter 10
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minor-solemnity · 3 years
What's your favorite character from the golden trio era?
Oooh idk possibly this is an unpopular opinion - at least it was when I was like, properly in the fandom rather than where I am now which is firmly on the sidelines with my hands over my ears and ignoring everything that I don't like - but Cho Chang. This is probably in part because she got so much undeserved hatred (thank u fandom and author racism) and I am predisposed to like characters that people don't like.
I find her character so heartbreakingly real in a way that I think is entirely accidental on JKR's part. I don't think JK can write women. (Plz don't hate me for that, but like, it's true.) Everything interesting about the characters we are meant to like gets sanded down and ignored in the later books - Hermione's whole thing is like, book smart but not emotionally intelligent, she wants to be right and have people know she's right more than she cares about their feelings. She thinks rules are important until they apply to her. She is ruthless and vindictive and petty. These are interesting character traits that just get completely dropped in the later books. By the time book 6 ends and book 7 starts Hermione is 'wife' and 'mother' and it's kinda sad.
I digress.
Cho's boyfriend is murdered. Cho is understandably upset and heartbroken and sad af. She tries to find comfort in Harry because Harry was there, Harry must understand. Harry can help her process. Their ways of dealing with trauma are completely opposite to each other. Cho seeks emotional vulnerability and closeness from the boy who, of all people, will understand. Harry's way of processing trauma is to ignore it. It happened, it sucks, I will never speak of it again (until all my unprocessed emotions come spilling out and I end up lashing out and getting angry). Those two ways of dealing with trauma are not going to work well together. Harry is honestly a dick towards her - she's his fantasy. She's not a real person to him. When that fantasy comes crashing down he behaves pretty awfully towards her. And if you're reading critically, you come away thinking yeah, Cho's a whiny crybaby who doesn't get Harry at all. What a bitch. When in reality, it's more like - Cho is seriously fucked up and is trying to come to terms with her grief and seek comfort in someone who she thought would get it.
Imagine being like, 16 and being isolated and sad and so fundamentally misunderstood. Imagine being 18 and your friends are dead and the boy you liked is still dead and the other boy you thought you might like is a hero and the only thing you're really known for is the mess that is your grief. Imagine that the popular consensus is that your grief is something to be ridiculed.
I tend to pick and chose which parts of the extended canon I believe in, but I believe in Cho moving to America and getting hitched to an American muggle dude. (Moving to America is probably my own headcanon actually). What would motivate her to move across the world? Grief? Wonderlust? Anger? I imagine it's all three. Idk if this is a relatable feeling to a lot of people, but I get it. I have a constant itch under my skin that tells me to move on whenever a place starts to feel too much like home. To leave. To escape. Nowhere feels like home because home is a collection of broken things. It's a hall of funhouse mirrors - the wires in your brain get mixed up. Comfort and safety become synonymous with 'i will fuck this up' and 'i don't deserve this' and 'everyone will leave'.
I want so many things for Cho. I want her name to make sense. I want her to be seen as something other than 'pretty' and 'sad'. I want her in Boston slamming Sam Adams by Sam Adams grave because she finds it funny. I want her in Boston, learning to drive a car (stick-shift because the driving instructor had made a comment about how automatics are easier to learn and she is tired of people seeing her as something weak and unable). I want her road-raging and I want her to drive across the country because why the fuck not. I want her in New York and the city is so frantic and no one looks at her and she feels so small and the lights are so bright and she thinks maybe she could disappear here and no one would ever know. I want her to find a group of women rollerskating and maybe they invite her to their roller derby group. It isn't flying, but it's fast and aggressive and she's never allowed herself to be aggressive like this before. She's not allowed herself to be angry like this before. No one else has allowed her to be angry like this before.
I want her to go to California and to go to Angel Island and I want her to understand that there have been people like her before. That she is not alone in this feeling. I want her to meet a dude who's studying for an MBA - he doesn't know who she is. Doesn't know what she is. She's just this cute girl who drinks Sam Adams even tho that's a Boston thing and they're in San Diego. He's probably a frat boy. I want him to be a frat boy who takes his degree too seriously and wakes up at like 5 because he's also a gym rat. He takes her to his boxing class. She probably cries during and hey that's okay - she has a lot of shit to work through, he can tell. He doesn't ask about it. Just says her accent is cute. Maybe she starts taking night classes, maybe she doesn't. She's weirdly technologically illiterate - she sends him postcards even though they live in the same city. She says its because her school didn't let them have phones. She's never seen a Tarintino film and that's just like... not cool. They watch True Romance on his shitty box TV in his room in his frat house and she laughs (she laughs like the violence is cathartic) when Alabama completely destroys Virgil. He looks at her and she shrugs and says 'I get it.'
She says that's she's leaving soon - doesn't know where. Probably isn't coming back and again that's... not cool. She's weird about some stuff. Won't talk about home - won't say where she's from. He should be fine with it because like, it's not as if this is anything serious and his life is pretty clearly planned out. Get an MBA, work in some start-up tech company - the internet is a thing now and god, there's money to be made. He thinks maybe that she should like, stay but she also seems like the kind of person who doesn't know how to stop running. And look, he's doing an MBA. He rushed his frat. He goes to boxing every morning without fail. He's determined. He's not good at letting the things he wants go. But he lets her go because she doesn't want to stay. One night afterwards, his frat bro says, philosophical because they're crossfaded, that maybe she can't stay. Maybe she won't let herself stay. And that... That sounds about right.
So he waits. He waits and he gets postcards with no return address - in Seattle, she tries ice hockey. In Miami, she tries surfing. He almost gets on a plane to Cincinnati because she got into a fight with some dude who made his girlfriend cry in public. Apparently, she knocked him out with a punch just the way he showed her to. It feels weirdly romantic.
I want her to write a postcard to him when she's sitting in a bar in Las Vegas and I want her to include a return address. I want him on the first flight out, because fuck his classes? She included a return address. He asks her if she's ever going to go home and she looks at him and says, 'What? To San Diego?'
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minor-solemnity · 3 years
Where did you goooo?
Ahha sorry! I've had a couple of asks like this, and basically long story short, my new meds are interacting with my old meds and my concentration and focus is currently at 2%. All my energy is currently going towards making sure I can take care of adult shit before my brain decides its had enough for the day. I'll be back as soon as they either balance out or I find a new combination that works better xx
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minor-solemnity · 3 years
Have you ever read @sunder-soul 's fanfics?
You're the best ones at writing Tom on this platform, you should definitely check them out!
I haveeeee! Honestly, their writing is so good and I love 7 Devils. I tend to stop reading fanfic when I start writing for a particular fandom so I've not read anything they've recently written but yes beautiful stuff. (Also thank you that's very kind x)
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minor-solemnity · 3 years
Chapters: 9/45 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Parvati Patil/Tom Riddle, Theodore Nott/Padma Patil Summary:
Parvati is a clever woman. It’s true that most people can’t see past her vanity, but Parvati knows she’s clever and usually that’s enough. Right now though, she’s seriously beginning to question her so-called intelligence. She’s fairly sure when Hermione had realised that she would be spending most of her seventh year traipsing around the British countryside, she would have had the foresight to bring sensible shoes. With a long sigh that sounds pathetic even to her own ears, Parvati withdraws her wand and casts a lumos, before gingerly beginning to scramble up the mountainside.
The gravel shifts and slides under her flimsy sandals and though the incline isn’t steep enough for her to have worry about falling to her death for lack of a rope, she does find herself more or less crawling up the mountain on all fours, her wand clenched between her teeth in order to keep her balance.
All in all, Parvati has had better nights.
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minor-solemnity · 3 years
hey, i love mitski and yaeji too! glad to hear that we have fav artists in common :D can i ask which mitski/yaeji tracks you like most?
Guess who's been saving their asks to drafts instead the queue (it's me, I'm sorry for the very delayed reply omg)
Ahh they're both so good though! I saw a post years ago now that yaeji is like mitski's quiet older sister who doesn't talk in class but then you find out she goes to underground raves on a school night and like, lol, yes that is the vibe I get hahha
But fave songs are: after that, passionfruit, raingurl, therapy, and waking up down by yaeji (also her boiler room set that's on YouTube is great if you've not checked that out)
And a pearl, two slow dancers, because dreaming costs money my dear by mitski are all gorgeous - a pearl especially makes me cry in the most cathartic way
(also if you like mitski and yaeji, you should maybe check out mlma if you haven't heard of her - she's a South Korean artist and her music is like dreamy disaffected rap, it's so fucking goooood)
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minor-solemnity · 3 years
harry potter fanfic rec
Disclaimer: This fanfic recommendation list has a majority of 18+ content, if you are not above this age, do not read it. 
I’ve compiled a list of my fav fics ft. Harry Potter characters, these writers are all so talented. Please read their fics and check out each of their blogs, its all a burst of talent. 
Side note: This list is incomplete, I haven’t gotten around to reading fics about all the characters, but if you have any recommendations of your own, then please add them. I will update it when coming across new fics. Stay tuned. 
If the writers are seeing their account being recommended on this again, its because I am editing it and/or made mistakes when first tagging, apologies for that. 
Harry Potter masterlist (my personal masterlist).
@thesecretwriter (main blog)
happymoony (wattpad)
happymoony_ (instagram)
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Keep reading
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minor-solemnity · 3 years
Sometimes, you just gotta be self-indulgent with your writing, even if other people say it’s “cliche” or “overused”.
Write that masquerade ball with the lush gowns and the breathtaking stranger with the tempting smile peeking out from a trickster’s mask. Even if people say it’s been done a thousand times before and they don’t want to read it.
Write it because you like it
Write that happy ending that is so sweet, it’ll rot your teeth right out of your head. Even if people say happy endings that sweet aren’t realistic or whatever
Write it because you like it.
Write that heart-wrenching death scene just so you can write something decadently comforting afterward. Even if people complain that death scenes are only for the DramaTM.
Write it because you like it.
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minor-solemnity · 3 years
Yay! I was waiting for you to post, and it already made my day<33
Ahhh thank you so much!! I'm so happy you liked this one! (also more regular posting will hopefully start again soon - it's been a busy few weeks haha) xx
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minor-solemnity · 3 years
To Be a Seer pt.5
Tag List: @jinxqsu @naps-and-lemons @riddles-wifey @mainlynonsense @cakesarecute @crumpets-are-better-with-jam @empath-bunny
You’re not naive enough to believe that Tom doesn’t have his own motivations, that he isn’t pulling the strings of public opinion for his own ends, but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re interested. The mystery he presents, the truth of who and what he is… And maybe this is naive of you, but everything you’ve Seen has related to him and you refuse to believe that that doesn’t matter. Your finely honed instincts for self-preservation have well and truly flown out of the window when it comes to Tom.
He is, quite literally, your dream boy. Of course, you’re going to throw caution to the wind
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There have been no new petrifications in the three weeks since you ran into Riddle outside the Prefects’ bathroom. You would have hoped that the lack of new attacks would do something to calm the student populace down a little, but it seems the opposite is true. The atmosphere in the corridors and the Great Hall is tense and uncomfortable. It’s as though everyone is waiting on tenterhooks for something to happen. Even the professors, who are all trying to put on a brave facade, are concerned. Your Heads of Houses have taken to sitting in on prefect meetings, reminding you all that it’s your job to make sure the rest of the students are safe. Despite the vastness of the castle and grounds, Hogwarts feels claustrophobic.
It’s at one of these meetings, on an otherwise nondescript Monday evening, that Dumbledore asks you to stay behind. You can’t quite hide the mix of surprise and reluctance that crosses your face at his request, though Dumbledore just continues to smile in that slightly unsettling way of his. You think of the way he’s looked at you in the past, as though he can see through all your defences and knows that you’re hiding something. He looks at you as though he doesn’t trust you. You’ve never liked being looked at like that, especially by someone for who you’ve never given any reason to doubt your integrity.
Next to you, Riddle stiffens slightly in his chair and you don’t like that either. Because this is real. Everything up until this point, you could minimise and justify. You’ve been tricking yourself into complacency for weeks, months even, why both telling the professors your suspicions about Tom when you don’t have proof?
You nod mutely and stay behind whilst everyone else files out of the room. Once you’re alone, Dumbledore smiles. “Please, take a seat, I wouldn’t want you to get sore feet, heaven knows that is an ailment that I wouldn’t wish on anyone.” You sit down and he stays standing, and, whilst his posture is casual, hands clasped in front of him, the height difference makes you feel anxious, like a small child about to be chastised. “Now, I imagine you’re wondering why I wanted to talk with you?” You nod and he smiles, “An easy question to answer, I’m glad to say. I’m wondering how you’ve been since the day we found poor Miss Wheatley. I apologise for not checking in on you sooner, though I daresay, young Mr Riddle has been making his shoulder available to cry on, should you need it.” You don’t miss the way his gaze sharpens at the mention of Riddle’s name.
Whatever he might say, you’re certain that Dumbledore doesn’t care about how you’re holding up. He suspects something, and his mention of Riddle makes you worry that he suspects that the two of you are in cahoots. The thought would be laughable except… Well, you’ve been keeping his secret for him, haven’t you? You could have gone to Dumbledore at any point and told him what you know. He’d believe you. He’s probably the only member of staff that isn’t fooled by the act that Riddle puts on.
This is your chance. Your chance to come clean and stop all this madness.
“Tom’s been very helpful,” Is what you end up saying. You don’t meet his gaze but your voice doesn’t waver either. “He’s, ahh, really made me feel quite looked after.” And the thing is, you’re not lying. Even if his motivations are suspicious, he has looked after you and made you feel oddly safe. You’re not sure what to think of it. Judging by the darkness that flashes ever so briefly across Dumbledore’s expression, he isn’t either.
There’s something about the way that he watches you - congenial and sympathetic - that you neither like nor trust. “Trust is a wonderful and strange thing - it can help build even the most difficult of bridges. You two have grown quite close, haven’t you?” You frown at the question and have half a mind to tell him that it is entirely inappropriate to ask about one’s students’ dating habits. More than that, it feels like he’s speaking in innuendo, every word out of his mouth has a double meaning and whilst you can’t figure out what he’s trying to tell you, you’re fairly certain that it’s nothing good.
“I guess you could say that, Professor.” You try to keep your answer as vague as possible because you know what people are saying, you know that the rumour mill has gone into overdrive regarding you and Riddle. There are plenty of girls in Hogwarts who would try anything to snag a date with him but until now, Riddle has shown little interest in anyone. The fact that he is displaying such outward devotion to you speaks volumes to anyone paying attention. You’d be lying if you said that it didn’t make your pulse quicken, didn’t send a fission of fire - too fierce and feral to be considered innocent, down your spine. You’d be lying if you said that there isn’t a part of you that enjoys the attention, enjoys the way he looks at you like he doesn’t quite understand you but wants to.
You’re not naive enough to believe that Tom doesn’t have his own motivations, that he isn’t pulling the strings of public opinion for his own ends, but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re interested. The mystery he presents, the truth of who and what he is… And maybe this is naive of you, but everything you’ve Seen has related to him and you refuse to believe that that doesn’t matter. Your finely honed instincts for self-preservation have well and truly flown out of the window when it comes to Tom.
He is, quite literally, your dream boy. Of course, you’re going to throw caution to the wind.
Your brevity doesn’t seem to bother him and you’re unsure if that’s a good thing or not. You don’t have time to overthink the issue though, because Dumbledore asks, “Before I bid you goodnight, is there anything else you wish to talk with me about?” He lowers his head slightly as he talks like he’s trying to catch your gaze, and you’re not sure why but you feel goosebumps prick your skin and the hair on the back of your neck stand on end. You keep your eyes averted, directed just beyond his left shoulder, counting the cracks in the stone walls as you attempt to keep your nerves in check.
You push yourself up from your chair and turn to walk towards the door. “No, Professor. Like I said, I’ve been doing alright and Tom is just looking out for me.” It feels foreign and strange, though not necessarily unwelcome, to refer to him by his first name. It feels like another one of your carefully erected barriers, designed to keep you safe, is in the process of being demolished with all the grace of a mountain troll on a rampage.
You’re half expecting Tom to be waiting for you, but he’s isn’t and relief wells in your chest. You have some soul-searching to do and you’re not sure if you’d be able to face him right now. It’s only once you’re back in the safety of your dorm that you finally allow yourself to fully comprehend what has just happened. Students are being attacked and you’re fairly certain you’ve just aligned yourself with their attacker.
Three days later, at seven o’clock in the evening, you enter the entrance hall in a hurry. You’d been caught up in a lengthy conversation with Lucas about whether or not he should ask Deliah Bowers on a date and now you’re running slightly late for your prefect rounds. As you skid into the entrance hall, you see that Tom is already waiting for you. He’s sitting on one of the benches by the entrance to the dungeons, head bowed over a small book which he’s writing in, his legs are stretched out in front of him, crossed at the ankles and you take a moment to admire the lean line of his body, the elegant curve of his neck, the way he taps the end of his fountain pen in thought when he pauses in his writing. You’re reminded of why he has the reputation that he does; sitting there he looks like the embodiment of a perfect student: smart, quiet and, dedicated.
If only they all knew.
He looks up sharply at the sound of your approaching footsteps and snaps the book shut. “Evening,” You say and promptly flush at the way your voice comes out a little higher than usual, a little uncertain. It’s ridiculous, Tom has treated you the same since your impromptu meeting with Dumbledore, hasn’t asked you about it at all, but you still feel nervous around him, as though you’ve given him a reason to distrust you, as though you’ve let him down somehow. You offer him a small smile, your gaze sliding to his hands and his slender fingers which are capping his pen with deft precision. It’s really quite unfair that he can make even the most mundane of actions look so refined. “What were you writing?” His expression shifts slightly, becomes perfectly clear and smooth and you wonder if you’ve overstepped a boundary when he shakes his head and raises the book to the light.
It’s a small, thin diary, bound in black leather with his name monogrammed on the cover. It looks well-used but cared for, much like the rest of his belongings you realise. Now that you think of it, his robes and textbooks all share the same tell-tale traits of hand-me-downs, but he hasn’t any siblings. For the first time since you’ve known him, you begin to wonder who Tom is exactly, who his parents are, what his history is. You’ve been so focused on uncovering his future that you’ve quite forgotten to pay attention to his past.
The diary looks fairly expensive though and you wonder if it was a gift or if he had saved up to buy himself something he could be proud of owning. “My diary,” He says at last, his voice shaking you from your train of thought. “I bought it over the summer and have grown rather fond of it.” He pauses and then adds, “I suppose you could say it’s the only thing I’ve ever bared my soul to.”
Something in the way he smiles suggests he’s thought of something rather amusing, but you’re stuck on his choice of words. Without knowing why dread coils tight in your stomach. You shake the feeling off as the pair of you begin patrolling the corridors. For twenty minutes or so, you make idle chit-chat, discussing the lessons you share and the finer points on an ongoing debate between two Ancient Runes academics.
“Why the fountain pen?” You’re honestly surprised to see him use one. Quills are standard practice in the wizarding world, and whilst you have your own thoughts on their practicality, you’re shocked that Tom might feel the same way. Given his feelings towards muggleborns, you’re a little confused that he would willingly use something so muggle.
He hums in response to the question and casts you a sideways glance, amusement writ clear on his features. You get the distinct impression that he knows what you’re thinking and finds the whole thing rather droll. “Do you take issue with my using one?”
“What? No, of course not. I’m just surprised.”
“That I would prefer to use an instrument far more practical than a quill simply because the person who invented it was a muggle? I wouldn’t have taken you for a blood purist.” You bristle at his words and he raises an eyebrow, evidently having fun toying with you.
“I’m not.” You snap, crossing your arms over your chest defensively. Honestly, the nerve of him to accuse you of being a blood purist when he’s the one attacking muggle-borns. (You carefully don’t think about the fact that you are essentially condoning his behaviour by not stepping in when you have been given every opportunity to do so.) “I’m surprised that you’d see it that way because you’re the one who’s—”
“The one who has been what?” He cuts you off, and though his tone remains friendly, there’s a sharpness in his gaze and a tightness around the corners of his mouth that immediately puts you on edge. You swallow roughly, and the sudden desire to run away is almost overwhelming. When you don’t say anything, he stops walking and turns to face you fully. In the dim light, shadows dance along the dagger’s edge of his jawline. He is beautiful and terrifying and you can see the cracks in his visage where the boy becomes a man and the man becomes a monster. It probably says something about you that in this light, you find him all the more alluring.
He takes a single step towards you, graceful and predacious and you find yourself tensing as some primordial instinct overtakes you. Fight or flight except for the part of you that wants to run is diminishing by the second and the reckless desire to hook your fingers into the hollows of his collarbones and crack him open until you can see every part of him grows.
One thing is for certain: Tom is bad for your health.
“Don’t you think it’s time we stop this charade?” You lift your head to meet his impossibly dark eyes. You’re afraid but you’re past caring. “We both know what you’ve been up to. Why pretend that we don’t?” Something twists in his eyes, heat and anger and maybe a little bit of fear, but there’s also something else… Something bright and curious and pleased. You find that the most unsettling thing of all.
“You haven’t told Dumbledore.” It’s not a question, just a statement of fact and one that he obviously enjoys saying out loud. He stares down at you, smiling in a way that is not at all friendly. You’re reminded of the way Dumbledore had tried so hard to catch your gaze, though unlike with your transfiguration professor, you don’t look away from Tom. “Why is that I wonder? And, more importantly, how did you figure it out?” He’s so close that you can feel the warmth of breath fan across your cheeks, sending a bright spark of… something down your spine.
You don’t particularly want to answer either of his questions, but you know that he won’t let it go. He’s been being patient with you, you realise, waiting until a moment like this, when you’re alone and unguarded to interrogate you. The question is why? Actually, the question is how do you avoid answering him? It’s a little hard to think clearly with him so close to you and, judging by the small smirk that plays on his lips, you’re fairly certain he knows it too. “I didn’t like the way he was looking at me.” Which is the truth. It’s just not the whole truth. “As for your other question, well, I guess you’re not as difficult to read as you think you are.” Again, it’s not technically a lie, though how likely Tom is to agree with you is up for debate.
Tom’s stance grows stiff, a long line of barely contained anger and his eyes narrow. You wonder if it’s because you won’t tell him everything, or if it’s because the thought of being known and seen scares him. Maybe it’s both. Maybe it’s neither. Regardless, you feel as though you’re breathing water with how thick and heavy the air has grown around the two of you. “You don’t know anything,” He whispers, his voice is soft and low and you might describe it as sensuous if it weren’t for the way that he’s looking at you. Anger and fear coalescing and colliding in the dark pits of his pupils.
Something inside of you breaks. Tom is bad for your health. He makes you reckless and brave and that is sure to spell disaster. You laugh, and it’s not friendly. You’re not happy. You laugh and the sound is a bell toll, a chime of hysteria and disbelief. “Trust me, I wish I didn’t know anything.” And that… That is a lie. The more you find out about Tom the more you want to uncover. It’s a feral kind of hunger that overtakes and consumes you without you wanting it to. Just as he had ten minutes earlier, you take a step towards him and you’re so close that you can practically feel the tension that is rolling off of him. Your eyes trace the taught tendons in his neck, and clench of his fists, the pinched line of his lips. Something that could be glee flares deep inside you when his expression cracks, just a little, just enough for you to see surprise flit through his eyes.
He takes a step back. It feels like a victory. He looks wrong-footed, as though he is entirely unprepared for you to turn aggressor in this situation and you realise that Tom is probably aware of the effect that he has on people, has probably learnt how to wield his beauty and his intimidating personality in equal measure to get what he wants. You’re pretty sure that no one has ever called him on his bluff before. Because he was bluffing, you’re certain of that now. You can see the way nervousness plays in the barely-there shifting of his weight and in the way he’s leaning back ever so slightly. It makes you feel powerful. It makes you want to reach out and take and hold until you’re imprinted on his skin.
You don’t do any of those things. You let the tension simmer and you smile, something bitter and cynical and maybe a little taunting and then you push past him. You still have half a castle to patrol but you’re not sure you can stand to be near him right now, not until you’ve calmed down enough to sort your thoughts out. “I’ll meet you at the library,” You call over your shoulder and you’re only a little disappointed when he doesn’t follow.
Outside, the night air is cool against your flushed skin and you feel calmer before you’ve even lit your cigarette. You sit at the top of the steps that lead up to the castle and thumb your lighter impatiently, breathing in tobacco and nicotine and smoke. You’re not expecting to See anything in the smoke tonight - the inner eye doesn’t do well with an agitated mind and you’re too worked up to meditate. Which is why it’s all the more surprising when the smoke hangs in the air, unnaturally thick and still.
Tom is bad for your health. But you already knew that.
The phantom boy emerges from the smoke and this time, he’s clearer, more defined, a smokey apparition of bad omens to come. You watch in a trancelike state as the familiar scene plays out and the boy grows gaunt and haunted, breaking into seven until all that remains is a shade of a man, more ghoul than human. Each of the seven splinters begins to shake and you imagine that if smoke could make noise you’d hear screaming.
You’re startled from your reverie by Tom, who sits down next to you. The smoke collapses and you blink yourself back into reality. When you finally drag your gaze towards him you’re unsurprised to find that the full weight of his attention is focussed on you. He watches you with an intensity that makes the back of your neck prickle and your stomach drop to your knees. You see the instant that he puts it all together, you have a feeling he’s suspected for a while. And isn’t that a funny thing? You’ve been so focused on Seeing him, that you didn’t notice that he’s been seeing you the whole time too.
When he touches you though, his hands are tentative, like he’s unsure if he should, if he can, if he’s allowed. His fingers barely graze your skin, skittish and hesitant. But his touch is warm and human and you want him like this always. Whatever his future might be, you want him warm and human and whole.
“What did you See?”
(part1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5)
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minor-solemnity · 3 years
Chapters: 7/45 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Parvati Patil/Tom Riddle, Theodore Nott/Padma Patil
The paper hangs limply in her hands as she thinks about the yearbook laying on her bed. Tom Marvolo Riddle, whoever he grew up to be, was a beautiful and intelligent seventeen-year-old. He was also, apparently, a fan of patricide and the Heir of Slytherin. Parvati feels a  little  foolish for defending him so strenuously to Theo and Padma now.
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minor-solemnity · 3 years
You're so very welcome! Hahha I'm happy you like them and, I mean, I have a lot of fun writing them, so more to come soon hopefully <3 <3
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