moondrop-thief · 4 years
“You know this raid is a joke right?” -Qrow
Area 51 Starters
“Listen, Qrow. I respect your opinions, and you’re totally right. It is a joke.”
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Eugene slowly paced the floor, throwing his hands behind his head, as he hummed to himself. Quickly he turned on his heel and grinned at the professor. “But the best things that can happen start as jokes. You can’t tell me that people aren’t going to believe this shit and aren’t going to go. Because believe me: it’s gonna happen. And it’s gonna make national news!”
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moondrop-thief · 4 years
“I know we suck, but please don’t destroy mankind.”
Area 51 Starters
“Listen, blondie, I can’t guarantee anything.” Eugene held his hands in front of him as he looked at the girl, preparing to give his full-hearted explanation. “You gotta understand. It’s my goal to befriend any aliens. But it’s not my fault if they deem mankind bad enough to actually destroy.”
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“But I do gotta say: I am totally going to be the reason why mankind survives.”
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moondrop-thief · 4 years
“I want an alien friend, ya know?”
Area 51 Starters
“Same!” Eugene excitedly said, slamming his fist against the table. Finally! Someone that understood the sentiment for storming into unknown territory. “Just imagine it, my dude: It would just be like that ET film. Except that we don’t have Reeses Pieces on hand.”
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“Wait! We need to stock up before we do anything stupid. How dare we even think about getting an alien friend without any candy on hand?”
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moondrop-thief · 4 years
“I’m not dying over a meme.”
Area 51 Starters
“Oh, c’mon, Fushimi, live a little!” Eugene exasperatedly sighed as he threw his head back and his arms outward. An annoyed growl rumbled in his throat. Why couldn’t everyone focus on the fun over this.
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“Besiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiides, you’re not dying over a meme,” Eugene argued. He playfully rolled his eyes. “You’re going to die by trespassing onto military government soil, so there’s much more at stake!”
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moondrop-thief · 4 years
“You, me, September 20. At Area 51.”
Area 51 Starters
Eugene felt a devious smirk appearing on his face. This was it. This was what he wanted. It was only obvious that a partner-in-crime was what he was missing for this special important mission.
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Clasping Lance’s hand and giving it a firm shake, Eugene chuckled. “Definitely, mi amigo! And listen: if it’s anything like last time, we’re definitely going to have a grand time.”
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moondrop-thief · 4 years
Area 51 Starters
For your meme needs. Feel free to change pronouns or wording to how you see fit.
“They can’t stop all of us.”
“If we Naruto run we can run faster than their bullets.”
“We gonna see dem aliens.”
“You, me, September 20. At Area 51.”
“Did you really just ask me out on a date to Area 51?”
“I want an alien friend, ya know?”
“You know this raid is a joke right?”
“Please don’t go they absolutely can stop you all.”
“No, we are not ordering tickets to Nevada so you can go to Area 51.”
“I hate to break it to you, but I doubt there will be any aliens.”
“We might find some cool alien gadgets or something!”
“Please don’t tell me you’re taking this seriously.”
“Honey, why is the FBI at our door?”
“They’re actually doing it.. they’re trying to get in.”
“Um my family is in there, we’re going visit!”
“Quit calling yourself an alien.”
“When I said you were out of this world I didn’t mean that I was calling you an alien.”
“Have fun dying.”
“Have fun getting shot, dumbasses.”
“You guys stop, someone isactually gonna do it.”
“Hey, what if we had our first kiss at Area 51- like one of those crazy battle scenes and there’s a kiss.”
“Did Karen just ask one of the guards to speak to the manager?”
“I’m not dying over a meme.”
“You are so stupid sometimes, do you know that.”
“You act if raiding Area 51 is hard!”
“Raiding Area 51? Been there, done that.”
“Um, what the fuck.”
“How did you…”
“Dude! They moved all the aliens to Area 52 by now!”
“Did you actually manage to get an alien? And live? Where the hell have you been?”
“Just because a meme says you should do it, doesn’t mean you should.”
“Meet my new friend!”
“No of course I didn’t go to Area 51, I’m not stupid! The alien crashed their UFO in the backyard, see?”
“I know we suck, but please don’t destroy mankind.”
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moondrop-thief · 4 years
Send 💋 to kiss my muse!
Bonus points if you add the reason for the kiss
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moondrop-thief · 4 years
Working with Change || Flynn & Varian
    Varian wasn’t too cognitive of his surroundings when he suddenly heard someone behind him. Varian almost lost his grip on his drink but he still managed to spill some of it onto the floor along with a yelp jumping from his throat.
     “O-Oh crap! S-Sorry! Didn’t know that you were behind me!”
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     Quickly, Varian grabbed a couple napkins and started to clean up the mess that he made. It didn’t take long thankfully, but Varian could feel his face burn with embarrassment.
     Throwing away the soiled napkins, “S-Sorry about that…” Varian re-processed what the man mentioned and Varian’s mood shifted again, “It’s nothing major…just your typical freshman depression setting in…hahah…” the deadpan laugh that left Varian made him flinch.
Eugene frowned as he talked to the younger student, watching as the other’s anxieties made themselves known on the surface. An eyebrow perked up as some of the kid’s drink spilled, and the senior found himself unable to say anything as the nerves exerted itself. 
“It’s fine,” he said after a moment. “I shouldn’t have come up behind you.” His lips pursed together as awkwardly watched the kid try to clean up, but then Eugene noticed some splashed of liquid that the kid wasn’t wiping near. “You missed a spot,” he said with a light chuckle, reaching over for his own napkins and bending down to help the flustered kid clean up the spill.
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Ah, shit. Watching the way that the kid’s already sour mood fell again made Eugene realize that his joking mood probably wasn’t best suited for this moment. “Ahh,” he said after a moment. Eugene kept his easy-going mood. “I remember freshman year. It always hits hard, differently for other people” he added. “Do you want to talk about it? I’ve had my fair share of conversations with others about their first year.”
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moondrop-thief · 4 years
Why Not Me?
    Rapunzel wasn’t sure how he would react to the question, but a part of her was still somewhat hurt by the surprised reaction and reply he had given. Why had he reacted like that? Did the idea of flirting with her rub him wrong? But why?
    She was so curious as to why but she also didn’t want to push him to answer, and she wasn’t sure how she would react to it. She was terrified to find out that he wasn’t attracted to her in that sense or that he didn’t think she was cute or something. Why that bothered her she wasn’t sure, she should be relieved that he wasn’t attracted to her in that sense since he was one of her closest friends and she wouldn’t want to ruin that in anyway. But he was stupid attractive and she would be lying to herself if she said she wasn’t interested.
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    “I see….the curiosity only came when I watched you flirting with that girl just now. The thought just popped in my head for some reason and I thought I’d ask to figure it out.” She shrugged her shoulders as she got up to stretch a little.
Attention perking, Eugene raised his eyebrows  as he looked at Rapunzel. How long had she been there watching him flirt? It didn’t matter much because it wouldn’t have made any difference with now and his outcome of his flirting shenanigans. 
“Did I say something wrong?” he asked. Brown eyes narrowed together as he studied Rapunzel in an attempt to gauge her reaction. Eugene wasn’t entirely sure what he had said. But her words seemed like there was something more that she wanted to say, but wasn’t saying. And for a guy who didn’t want to get too far into it, miscommunication would have made the situation worst. And the last thing Eugene wanted was some sort of issue with Rapunzel.
“Listen, blondie, you shouldn’t look too far into it,” he said, straightening his posture as he rested his feet flat against the ground. “Like don’t get me wrong, you’re very good looking. Like very.” Eugene’s crossed towards one another as he said that. It was okay to admit that to your friends, right? 
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“It’s just... like... I already tried flirting with you and it kinda backfired,” he admitted, scratching the side of his nose. “I’m not really the type of guy to pursue someone once it fails because... y’know... there’s plenty of fish in the sea and everything.”
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moondrop-thief · 4 years
Perfectly Platonic Starters
“You look like you could use a coffee.”
“Is that something you want to talk about?”
“Come on, sit down. It’s break time.”
“I needed that, thanks…”
“Here’s a blanket. You looked cold.”
“Thank god you’re back, I need to rant.”
“Is my sweater ever going to be returned?”
“Bad day? Emergency plans are in order.”
“Alright your ride has arrived, where to next?”
“I’m brushing your hair, it’s a mess.”
“You happened to go get lunch and ‘bought too much’ huh?”
“Your hugs are the best.”
“Hey. Hey. Heeeeeey. Come on. We’re gonna be late, get up.”
“I’m late, yes. You should be used to that by now.”
“How long as it been that we’ve known each other? Feels like ages.”
“There was something on your face, I had to get it off.”
“You’re sure people think we’re dating?”
“I think it’s hilarious people assume they’re dating just because they’re nice to each other.”
“I need to hang out with someone I like, can we pretend to be working for an hour?”
“Tea and coffee? What happened?”
“Here you go, one forgotten, left it at home in a rush, lost item!”
“I’m going for a walk, you want anything?”
“… sorry I took a nap on you.”
“I suppose I am now requisitioned to being a napping spot.”
“We could pretend we’re dating, but that might confuse your significant other, and then that might be a waste of petty effort for the sake of rumors.”
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moondrop-thief · 4 years
texting starters.
⚠️ a text meant for someone else.
&&to:   ⚽dancelance⚽
5:34pm - so ill pick you up around 8 5:35pm - i still remember your apartment. dont worry 5:45pm - shit sorry lance. that was for someone else 5:45pm - ...unless you wanna come too 5:47pm - NO NO that wont work. tht wouldnt be fair to you or her 5:53pm - we can just do something tomorrow 5:54pm - ill pick you up around 8 ;)
0 notes
moondrop-thief · 4 years
texting starters send a symbol for…
🌻 a worried text.
🐰 a goofy text.
🦋 a loving text.  
🧦 a half-asleep text.
🌳 a happy text.
🍎 an apologetic text.
⚠️ a text meant for someone else.
🕰️ an early morning text.
💫 a late night text.
🗑️ a text that wasn’t sent.
💡 a scared text.
💀 an urgent text.
🥇 a supportive text.
🔪 a hateful text. 
🌊 a sad text.
⚡ an angry text. 
🚀 a goodbye text.
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moondrop-thief · 4 years
Starter for @moondrop-thief​
    Varian was all gung ho about starting college; this was the chance that Varian could make his father and the rest of the village proud of him and to help them modernize and get their name on the map…but there he was, sitting at Rockronalds, wallowing in his depression.
    Staring at the burger in front of him, “…yeah, like dad would be proud of this,” Varian motioned toward the half finished schematic for his robotics 101 class. The paper looked worn with many eraser marks from past mistakes.
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     Grabbing his drink, Varian stood up and went to the soda fountains and started to refill his Diet Cherry Coke.
The scent of fries wafting through the air was pure and savory bliss for Eugene Fitzhberbert. He knew the deep-fried and golden-brown potatoes weren’t ideal for a perfected face like the one he had. Yet here he was in Rockronalds with his usual take-out order: a burger and fries, well-done, no salt. Just the way he liked it.
He grabbed his bag and waltzed towards the restaurant’s entrance, but a person shuffling towards the drink fountain caught his attention. Before he could reach the entrance, his lips pressed into a thin line, as he literally retraced his steps and walked backwards to where he passed the guy.
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“Yo, kid, what’s got you down in such a funk?” Eugene asked as he looked at the kid. “Did they mess up your sandwich? Give you the wrong toy?”
Working with Change || Flynn & Varian
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moondrop-thief · 4 years
    Rapunzel couldn’t help but role her eyes at how proud Flynn had looked at having gotten another girls number. She hated how easily he could win girls over and she hated how jealous she would get over it, hated that it always bugged her. She got more than what those girls got, he was her best friend, they hung out more often than not. Heck, she even got to see sides of the great Flynn Rider that no one else got to see, like seeing him stumble on his words or nearly fall down the stairs, or even see him freak out when he couldn’t find his favorite comb!
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    “How come you don’t ever flirt with me like that?” She found herself pouting slightly as the question left her lips. She felt so silly for asking, but she was curious, and she hoped knowing the answer would get rid of that little jealous bug. After all, he didn’t have to flirt with her to get her attention like he did to get the other girls.
    She hopped he wouldn’t think too much of it and think that she wanted to be flirted with by him. She wouldn’t be able to take him seriously if he flirted with her if she was honest. “I’m just curious so don’t think too much of it kay?”
Eyes snapping open, Eugene’s arms flailed as he tried to sit up. Rapunzel’s question had caught him off guard, and it wasn’t anything that he had expected. They had been friends for a while, great friends for a while, in fact. But the idea of flirting with her had been an idea of the past that he had only initially acted upon. Now, he couldn’t break that boundary. “Flirt... with you?”
And why should he? There was a whole sea of girls (and the occasional guy) that he could drop a flirt with. It wasn’t too often that the one Eugene Fitz- Flynn Rider allowed himself to open up to someone. And it wasn’t too often that he actually considered someone as attractive and bubbly as Rapunzel as a friend and not someone who he could woo.
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“Listen, blondie, it’s contemplated,” Eugene said, rubbing the back of his head. It wasn’t too much of a complication, but it still would’ve been a bit of an over-explanation. And he wasn’t ready to open this can of worms. “Why the sudden curiosity?”
Why Not Me?
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moondrop-thief · 4 years
Ready Team, Go |
@livinglavidalance needs a starter
Sweat dripped down Eugene’s brow as he steadied his breathing. The Rockside soccer team had just finished some intense sprints, a rigorous finish to an “easy first-day-of-school” practice. Forehead feeling warm under his forearm’s touch, Eugene swigged some water from his water bottle. The liquid, despite the sticky and hot humid air, felt cool and refreshing as it hydrated his body.
He nodded along to the coach’s speech and took another deep, wavering breath as his lungs greedily inhaled the fresh oxygen. Based on their pre-season practices, Eugene knew that this team was going to an all-start team. But he was unsure how things would go against Stonehear’s team, a group of people that he previously played with.
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“Lance, Lance, Lance, my man!” Eugene cried after the coach finished his speech. They were on their way off the field and he swung his arm around around the sophomore’s shoulders. He pulled the younger male closer to him as his other hand flourished through the air, water flinging from his bottle’s spout. “How’s dear ol’ Rockside treating ya so far this year? Hopefully no unpleasantness are crossing your path.”
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moondrop-thief · 4 years
     They had planned to eat lunch together, set up a time to meet and everything, she’d gotten out of class early so she had made her way to their meeting spot since she was sure Flynn was already waiting for her since he had that period open. When she’d gotten to their meeting spot she had been right to assume he would be waiting, only he wasn’t waiting by himself.
    She watched for what felt like the hundredth time as Flynn Rider used his moves to try and pick up another girl. It was a common thing with him, he’d flirt with any attractive girl he laid eyes on and he’d done it since they met, so it didn’t bother her. No. She was completely okay with it!
    Except she wasn’t.
    It wasn’t that she was possessive of her friend, it was just that he had never flirted with her like that. He had a dumb pick up line when they had first met, but after that there was nothing. No sly comments, not gentle touches, no smoulder or those suggestive expressions he gave these girls.
    In short….. she was jealous. But she would never admit that.
    She waited until she had left before she approached the older male, taking a seat next to him and quickly eyeing him.
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     “So Flynn….I got a question for you. And you gotta answer truthfully okay?
“Hey, name’s Flynn Rider. Can I ask what yours is or should I wait until I can call you mine?”
Sure, his name was a lie, but Eugene Fitzherbert lived for the opportunities and adventure that Flynn Rider was able to experience. The name gave him strength because it allowed him to forget a shitty past. The name boosted his ego because Flynn was much more suave than Eugene. And it gave him the chance to live up to the legacy of Flynnigan Rider.
If he combined his name with his looks, he was the perfect gift. He was even all wrapped up with his smolder acting a bow. And if any person got lucky enough to unwrap the package-
“Well, Veronica, I will definitely call you soon. Maybe we can meet up over a drink or something,” he said, flashing her an irresistible grin. He winked before she finally waltzed off, and Eugene contentedly sighed as he leaned backwards and stretched her arms behind his head. Smacking his lips, he closed his eyes and thought about another job well done.
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When he heard Rapunzel’s voice, he wasn’t fazed in the least. Eugene knew that she would be here soon. Making himself more comfortable, he let out a breath through his nose. “Anything for you, blondie! What’s up?”
Why Not Me?
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moondrop-thief · 4 years
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“Varian, we’re buddies, right?”
“Team Awesome! Remember?” 
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