mrs-march-ahs · 5 days
I think the thing I love most about fanfiction is that no two authors will ever have exactly the same understanding of a character. If you gave multiple writers the same situation with the same characters, none of them would write the same thing or have the characters react in the exact same way, yet every time it would still be completely believable. Every author understands, relates to, and connects with characters in a different way and that will always show in their writing because they’ll bring out certain aspects of a character’s personality that others won’t even pick up on, and still the character will be written in a way that rings of how they were originally in whatever piece of media they’re from. Nobody will write the same thing with the same characters, even if they’re using identical prompts or tropes, and it provides so much variety and enrichment and it’s honestly just a beautiful thing to see how differently everyone views their favourite characters while simultaneously seeing them the same.
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mrs-march-ahs · 8 days
Spencer Reid Making Murder Mysteries for His Daughter
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Spencer makes little murder mysteries for your bright young daughter, but fails to account that her natural curiosity in looking for clues to solve the case may end in a lot of explaining himself.
Dad! Spencer, gender neutral! spouse, fluff, silly ending
words: 1450
Spencer was glad to be back at the BAU. He missed his work family and even though he loved being home to be present with the kids, he felt like the time was right for him to quit his teaching position and get the FBI vest back on.
When your eldest child was just two, and your second was born, Spencer decided he needed to find a job that didn’t take as much energy and time away from his girls at home. He became a professor full time, but his heart was always with the FBI. This arrangement worked for almost seven years, but he was constantly reminded of how much more interested he was in criminology when he wasn’t teaching it in front of a class.
Naturally, when your eldest daughter started paying an interest in her daddy’s previous job, fighting bad guys, he was elated to teach her everything he knew.
Spencer, or Detective Daddy, as she’d call him, would craft age-appropriate murder mystery packets for her to solve. A few paragraphs of what happened with a couple of key words underlined, and three badly drawn but well-described suspects, would sit in the brown envelope he would cinematically slap down on the table in front of her.
“This is all I could find, Chief”, Spencer would say, feigning exhaustion. As she slid out the information out of the envelopes, and slid her tiny finger under the words to she read them out loud, he would struggle to hide his growing smile. She would solve them increasingly quicker every time, and he knew it was time to start making them more and more complicated.
“It’s B, his only alibi is his dad”, your daughter deducted. “The other two were seen at work an hour away, so they couldn’t have been at the crime scene in time”
“Good work, Chief Cutie”, they shook hands and both beamed, their smiles a perfect reflection of each other.
This encapsulated everything that Spencer loved. Putting his knowledge to use, reliving his BAU days, and bonding with his daughter. Your daughter’s interest in his previous job relit Spencer’s spark in the field, and once the kids were old enough to be in school for most of the day, he knew it was time to put the books down and pick up the gun.
He readjusted to his old life smoothly, since he had only taken around seven years off. Sure, there was a few new faces in the office but enough familiar colleagues of his, that he fit right in.
The only part that made his heart ache was that he had much less time to solve crimes with his favourite coworker, Chief Cutie. But this didn’t stop him from making sure that fictional crimes were still taken care of by this higher-up.
After a few weeks of Spencer settling in, he invited some of the unit over to your home, for dinner. He missed being around a lot of them, and even though Garcia still came over sporadically, he thought it would be nice to have them over to meet the kids and talk outside of the office.
He still had a normal work day, so it was up to you to make dinner for all these friends. You had already set the table, and were just finishing up finer details before Spencer brought everyone home after work. Thankfully, due to the increased level of difficulty in Chief Cutie’s current case, she has been out of your hair all day, completely engulfed in how much harder this case in that the ones she is used to. This is the first time she has to profile an unsub, similarly to what her Daddy did all day today too.
But as you bring the pan of potatoes to the centre of the table, in the corner of your eye, you see your nine-year-old laying on the floor in the middle of the living room.
“Is everything alright in the office, Chief?”, you ask, wiping your hands on a tea towel and transferring gravy from a saucepan to a boat.
“I give up”
Your eyes widen a little in shock, but you continue to do the tasks at hand. Spencer has repeatedly expressed to her, that keeping yourself motivated when difficulties and dead ends arise is a big part of the job; it was uncommon of her to give up.
“I don’t understand what the plant pot means!”, she exclaims from the floor. “On the notecard describing the crime scene, it says that the plant pot in the corner of the room, by the tv, usually in front of the window, was now on the floor”, she furrows her eyebrows at the chunky paragraph written in Spencer’s handwriting on a flashcard.
“Corner of the room, by the tv, front of the window, but now on the floor”, she repeats much quieter, more to herself than to you. “So, the tv is usually in front of the window too?”, she puts down the notecard on the floor, puzzled.
“Maybe it’d be easier to visualise the layout of the living room if you draw it out”, you take a post-it note and pen from the kitchen counter and pass it to her. You don’t try to help her solve it, since this is something that her and Spence usually do together. If he made it too difficult for her, he’ll just help her after dinner.
The quiet sounds of her scribbling on post-it notes fills the room, keeping her attention for a longer while. You almost finish setting the table when you hear her frantically stand up.
She looks up from the note she’s holding in her little hands, and squints at the TV in front of her.
“This is our living room”
Sneaky Spencer.
She walks over to the small aloe vera plant pot in the corner of the room, that, admittedly, you didn’t notice, is now on the floor. It usually sits on a little table in the corner of the room, in front of the window.
She looks at the stool that the plant isn’t on, and picks up a small white envelope from the stool. It says: ‘clue #3’.
“It’s a clue! Daddy left clues!”, she squeals.
But rather than opening the clue to aide her solving the case, the excitement of clues being hidden around the house, prompts her to drop all of her notecards onto the coffee table, and run away.
“I’m gonna go look for the other clues!”
You can’t help but smile at her, as she runs into your and Spencer’s bedroom to look for the clues he left her.
The memory of your daughter scavenging through your room becomes distant when guests start arriving. Spencer makes sure everyone is sitting comfortably around the table, before calling your daughter to come meet everyone.
“One second! I’m looking for clues!”
He laughs quietly at her enthusiasm.
“Some of the clues aren’t notecards, they’re objects”, he yells to her. A sweet little gasp comes from the other room at this information. You and Spencer sit down, and he tells the rest of his colleagues very quietly, “I hid the murder weapon in her sock drawer, I wonder whether she’ll find it”
You give him a soft smile. Aren’t you just, the luckiest person in the world? To have a husband so dedicated to enriching his children’s minds?
Spencer gently picks up your hand and places a tender kiss on the back of it. Everyone around the table looks pleased, exchanging quiet conversation before you all start eating dinner. You look behind Hotch, at the corridor from which you expect your daughter to emerge, before she comes running towards you all, with a big, bright smile on her face.
“Is this it?”, she pants.
She runs up behind Hotch, and reaches her arm up to the table. A loud clank fills the otherwise silent room, as she puts down on his ceramic plate: a metal butt plug.
All the guests are completely silent at her innocent confusion, but you and Spencer look at each other mortified.
Spencer nervously looks at Hotch to analyse his face, which is mostly sympathetic, but mostly flabbergasted. Before you or Spencer have a second to dig yourself out of this awkward situation, Morgan pipes up.
“Oh, that’s a murder weapon alright”
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mrs-march-ahs · 8 days
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CRIMINAL MINDS — 7.21, Divining Rod
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mrs-march-ahs · 8 days
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objectifying spencer is my full time job at this point
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mrs-march-ahs · 8 days
are you kidding, he’s so cute. The dog too.
Tried to turn this to a gif and it destroyed the frame rate
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mrs-march-ahs · 8 days
Incorrect criminal minds
Hotch: This team is like a bunch of christmas lights.
Hotch: They all hang together but half of them don’t work and the other half could be a bit brighter. 
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mrs-march-ahs · 8 days
passionate about this
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mrs-march-ahs · 8 days
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This is Millie. She was just wondering if you wanted to hold hands for the rest of this car ride. And then maybe forever.
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mrs-march-ahs · 8 days
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we all joke about and objectify this man, but do we stop to think how sad his story is? he grew up friendless and ruthlessly bullied for being a literal genius. constantly picked on by his coworkers, and he’s never in on the joke. he’s always being laughed at, never laughed with because no one understands his existentialist humor. he never has plans or places to go on the weekend after work. he goes to work then goes to his lonely home with all his books to keep him company. on occasion, he haunts the chess table at the park or meets with an old professor. no one takes the time to appreciate his weird little quirks. no one took the time to ask him if he was okay after the several traumatic incidents he endured. no one takes care of him because everyone’s too busy leaving. he could be a male model, yet he’s never thought of himself as attractive. when he does find love, he’s brutally stripped of it before he can blink. spencer reid, the lonely genius who learned of love too late and loss too soon.
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mrs-march-ahs · 8 days
This scene makes me feral…
The watch, the jaw, the wrist flick, the VEST….🤤
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mrs-march-ahs · 8 days
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he’s sooo silly :(
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mrs-march-ahs · 9 days
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they said "emily, it's time to serve the profile" and she was like "say less-"
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mrs-march-ahs · 14 days
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the way he kisses like it's the last time he'll kiss someone. he's such a munch and i need him to kiss me like that
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mrs-march-ahs · 15 days
(requested by @i-live-in-spite)
SPENCER REID | teen aesthetic.
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— soft boy genius
Check out my Masterlist for more aesthetic boards. Thanks for the request!
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mrs-march-ahs · 15 days
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LOLA GLAUDINI as Elle Greenaway in Criminal Minds — Season 1
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mrs-march-ahs · 15 days
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missing Elle and her double gun holster that always stayed on her 🔫🔫
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mrs-march-ahs · 15 days
elle greenaway and spencer reid:
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