mylight-png · 3 days
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New Redbubble design!
I'm hoping to add more animals to this series after my exams end, hopefully even if you don't buy anything the drawing brings a little joy into your day!
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mylight-png · 5 days
I've already seen multiple posts about Hezbollah's attack on Israel that go something like "Nazareth, the hometown of Jesus, is under attack" and I just see something so wrong with that.
That detail, it's not important. What matters is not whether some religious figure lived there at some point. What matters is that right now, people's homes are on fire. People's lives are under attack.
If you cannot find it in yourself to care about those people without having your religion attached to it somehow, maybe reevaluate how little value you place on human life.
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mylight-png · 7 days
Today, my school's Chabad held a Jewish joy/pride festival right in the middle of campus. They set up a bunch of booths with Jewish activities. There was a booth for braiding challah, making bracelets with our Hebrew names, various Jewish pride stencils to spray paint Chabad shirts. There were tables to pick up shabbat candle kits or wrap teffilin. Jewish music played loudly (but without disturbing nearby classes of course) and people were dancing along to songs like Am Yisrael Chai, I'm a Jew and I'm Proud, Very Narrow Bridge, and other blatantly Jewish songs.
Most of my friends and I couldn't stop smiling. This spot in campus where just last year people were shouting for the destruction of our homeland and our families and us, after nearly a year of being shamed for our Jewish pride and being told we shouldn't be proud, and so much time spent on a campus filled with hate, we were bringing joy back to campus.
I feel like most of my latest posts have been fairly negative. It's hard not to write my heavy heart onto the screen, especially after the murder of Hersh and the other hostages, and just everything going on overall. But this festival reminded me of how much power Jewish joy holds.
If you're feeling upset about the war, I'm with you. Few days go by without tears shed or pain felt. But remember that being Jewish is infinitely more than antisemitism and loss. Being Jewish is joy, and it is pride. We are our ancestors' wildest dreams, we are all miracles, and we cannot forget this for a single moment.
Be joyful in a world filled with sorrow, and bring light with you wherever you go.
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mylight-png · 16 days
I find it sad that saying October 7th was the most Jews killed in one day since the Shoah wasn't enough.
Like it wasn't enough to get most goyim to understand the magnitude of the massacre.
So then it had to be compared to 9/11. October 7th was X amount of times larger in scale than 9/11, October 7th was like if X happened on 9/11, etc.
It is so tragic to me that we had to compare our tragedy to another nation's tragedy to just get people to at least start understanding the magnitude and significance of what happened.
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mylight-png · 19 days
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I was just thinking about the term "two Jews three opinions" (as I frequently do, I love that phrase).
There is frequent division and debate within our community. We are by no means homogeneous in our views, but we still hurt and cry and care for each other.
And that's just so beautiful and amazing.
Our views expand far beyond the binary of black and white, unlike the frosting on a halfmoon cookie!
So enjoy this little doodle appreciating our diversity of views, hopefully it brings a little joy into your day.
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mylight-png · 19 days
Hello, I've got a little announcement to make!
I have started a Redbubble shop.
As of posting this there are three designs available, as two are still "under review".
My goal with this is to give at least 36% of what I get from this to various Jewish/Israeli organizations. (My understanding there is a minimum I need to earn to get it transferred to me, I will put up a poll with where the money should go once that happens!) I'm sorry if this percentage seems low, but I do hope to work that percentage up in the future if this gains any traction.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could let me know of any organizations you'd want to see on the first poll. My first idea was Friends Of The IDF but I'm open to other suggestions!
As I understand it, it's really hard to reach that $20 baseline to actually get the money in Redbubble so this is definitely more of a "if it works out" thing, just to let y'all know.
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mylight-png · 20 days
Shhhhhh wait for a possible announcement tomorrow
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I was just thinking about the term "two Jews three opinions" (as I frequently do, I love that phrase).
There is frequent division and debate within our community. We are by no means homogeneous in our views, but we still hurt and cry and care for each other.
And that's just so beautiful and amazing.
Our views expand far beyond the binary of black and white, unlike the frosting on a halfmoon cookie!
So enjoy this little doodle appreciating our diversity of views, hopefully it brings a little joy into your day.
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mylight-png · 22 days
I was just thinking about the term "two Jews three opinions" (as I frequently do, I love that phrase).
There is frequent division and debate within our community. We are by no means homogeneous in our views, but we still hurt and cry and care for each other.
And that's just so beautiful and amazing.
Our views expand far beyond the binary of black and white, unlike the frosting on a halfmoon cookie!
So enjoy this little doodle appreciating our diversity of views, hopefully it brings a little joy into your day.
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mylight-png · 25 days
Along with the heartbreak and rage and pain
There is the sense of betrayal.
If anyone had a better chance, or was supposed to have a better chance, of getting home alive, it was supposed to be Hersh. His mother had a massive public campaign to bring him home, anyone who cared even a sliver should've known his name. And as an American citizen, he should've had two governments, not one, taking his rescue seriously.
Instead, the US government questioned and challenged and threatened Israel at every step to bring him home. Instead, the US did nothing to actively bring him home. Instead, the US government proved it hardly cares about its citizens being held hostage if those citizens are Jews and/or Israeli.
As an Israel-born Jew with dual citizenship, I initially believed this dual citizenship would save Hersh. Surely the US would never leave one of its own to die? I was wrong. This American citizenship is worth dirt when it comes to expecting the government to care about me or anyone like me outside of these borders (and debatably within them too).
We have been shown time and time again that Israel is the only government we can rely on to truly care about us. The only government that will go to the end of the world to reach us if needed. Because any other government will not care.
Hersh could've been any of us. He's no different from us. There was no reason for the US government to care more or less about his fate than any other one of us. But the fact that he was taken hostage for being an Israeli Jew doomed him to be forsaken by the US government.
It's a betrayal, and it hurts so much.
He should've made it home. It was the US's responsibility to ensure he made it home. And the US betrayed him, it let him be murdered.
All because he was taken on the basis of being an Israeli Jew.
I know it’s only been a day, but so far the US is showing the world that a terrorist organisation can kidnap an American citizen, hold them hostage for a year, execute them, and face no consequences.
Either that, or they’re showing that to be the case for Jewish American citizens specifically. They are showing American Jews like me that in the end, our American citizenship means nothing, that we are just expendable Jews. I always learned that cautionary tale as a history lesson, but it feels too real now.
There is no difference between me and Hersh Goldberg-Polin. I know now that if I’m ever in his place, my country would leave me to rot.
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mylight-png · 25 days
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Read this last night after seeing the news.
I know we are all so heartbroken on so many levels.
They were so close to being rescued. So close. But Hamas killed them, for the single purpose of the IDF not being able to rescue them.
The abandonment and betrayal of the international community that led to this tragedy.
The pain of the past eleven months feeling amplified with each new loss.
Take it easy, Jumblr. Spend some time with your friends and/or family, or just take some time alone. Take care of yourselves.
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mylight-png · 26 days
No words can describe the heartbreak and anger and horror.
May Hashem avenge their blood.
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they were murdered to make sure they couldn’t be rescued. they could have left them alive and fled. they could have released them. they could have surrendered. they chose to kill them in cold blood.
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mylight-png · 26 days
They were alive just a few days ago. And Hamas murdered them. In Rafah. But everyone seems blind to anything that isn't done by Israel.
They were in rafah...they were alive mere days ago. Its so hard to do this. Every month there's more heartbreak it's never ending.
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mylight-png · 26 days
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mylight-png · 1 month
Another hostage has been brought home!!!!!!
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mylight-png · 1 month
Bullet wounds were found in the bodies of the six hostages that were recently returned.
This is sickening. They were killed. By Hamas. In captivity.
Screw anyone who claimed the hostages are being treated well. Screw you. Your lies and stupidity are a whole other level of cruelty.
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mylight-png · 1 month
Antisemitism is deeply ingrained and normalized in society as is, but it is ESPECIALLY normalized when it comes to appropriating Judaism and Jewish beliefs.
Nearly all aspects of Judaism are seen as "fair game" at this point, and we cannot truly deal with antisemitism until we denormalize this appropriation.
maybe this isn’t the most coexistence-pilled sentiment but i get so angry sometimes when i think about how people took our g-d and decided he was everyone’s g-d, took our holy texts and decided they were everyone’s holy texts, took our holy land and decided it was everyone’s holy land, and we’re expected to just accept that. goyim think they can tell us we’re worshipping our own g-d wrong because they decided he was their g-d too. they think they can criticize how we engage with our own torah because they stole it and changed it and added shit and rewrote it when it was ALWAYS OUR TORAH. they call yerushalayim “the holy land of three religions” because apparently if you colonize someone hard enough you get to claim their holy land as your holy land too and the entire world will just nod their heads right along because the entire foundation of their global society is based on the colonization of ours. and i know it’s antithetical to peace and so i push aside this feeling when i talk about actual solutions and real world actions and consequences but that deep angry part of me does think it’s complete fucking bullshit that christianity and islam get to plunder our entire culture for themselves in between mass murdering us and nobody calls them on it
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mylight-png · 1 month
6 hostage bodies were rescued
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Chaim Peri, Yoram Metzger, Avraham Munder, Nadav Poplowell, Alexander Danczig, and Yagov Buchstab
השם יקום דמם
May god avenge their blood
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