occidentaltourist · 10 hours
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occidentaltourist · 11 hours
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Carl Blechen - Sea Study (1829)
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occidentaltourist · 11 hours
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Practising colours with Mademoiselle de Neuf
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occidentaltourist · 11 hours
how the world feels when you listen to a song for the first time and immediately know you'll love it forever
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occidentaltourist · 12 hours
Uncharismatic Fact of the Day
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" -a slogan used not only by Marxists, but by social spiders! Studies have shown that members of the species Stegodyphus dumicola social spider divide work according to an individual's size and body condition. Spiders with smaller bodies usually help with web building and maintenance, while larger spiders in better condition assist in capturing prey.
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(Image: A colony of african social spiders (Stegodyphus dumicola) by Noa Pinter-Wollman)
Want to request some art or uncharismatic facts? Just send me proof of donation of any amount to any of the fundraisers on this list, or a Palestinian organization of your choice!
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occidentaltourist · 12 hours
Hey FYI, any time you see a terrestrial animal like a wild macaw or a rare monkey etc listed as “critically endangered” due to “habitat loss,” the loss of habitat is 99.5% due to cattle ranching, livestock feed monocrops, or general animal agriculture waste/slaughter systems
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occidentaltourist · 15 hours
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occidentaltourist · 19 hours
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What else is there to say? She's all you really need. Just ask Kara.
Illustration by me
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occidentaltourist · 20 hours
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free museums my absolute beloved. nothing beats a free museum. you can walk in and out and see stuff and have a blast and all for FREE
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whenever i like your vent post pls don’t imagine me standing there with a thumbs up pls imagine me bringing you a warm blanket out of the dryer and a cup of your favorite drink bc that is what i am doing mentally in my own mind
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occidentaltourist · 2 days
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occidentaltourist · 4 days
Queer as in an "identity is fluid and descriptors can be imprecise so I prefer a more general term" sort of way but also queer in a "What are you, a cop?" sort of way.
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occidentaltourist · 5 days
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@beefcake-penguin I’m dying! Didn’t think about it until just now but you’re absolutely right. 😂
It’s either that or the local who’s just seen too much. 💀
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occidentaltourist · 5 days
13K notes · View notes
occidentaltourist · 5 days
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19 notes · View notes
occidentaltourist · 5 days
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An illuminating chart about the current vibes of the US electorate, and how users’ algorithmically (and otherwise) curated online spaces rarely reflect broader public opinion.
Link to the full document
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