old-school-butch · 3 days
You read the history of women raped in wartime and get a chuckle? All that clarity isn’t bringing you any closer to empathy.
Men masturbate to shit that would be considered an actual fucking crime in literally any other context outside of porn and then act like that has no influence whatsoever on how they view and interact with women.
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old-school-butch · 13 days
so fortunately due to Gisele Pelicot’s rape case (the case where a husband drugged his wife and let over 70 men rape her) apparently the porn category “sleeping” is no longer allowed on pornhub
do you wanna know who’s mad about that? the “Sex work is work” crowd. they’re mad that videos of Gisele Pelicot and other women like her being raped can’t be uploaded to pornhub, because it’s going to “harm sex workers who make that kind of content.”
progress is being made on our side but trust and believe that these people will be here every step of the way to ensure that progress is as difficult as possible.
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old-school-butch · 13 days
Just found out that that French rapist that repeatedly raped Gisele Pelicot was originally arrested for upskirting. This is why so called “lesser” sexual assaults should be taken much more seriously by the law, these men are almost always hiding more grievous offences.
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old-school-butch · 14 days
My first job in construction paid $10/hr, but $8 for women and immigrants. When I arrived on site, there was no women's washroom, they had never needed one. My coworkers told me to smile way too often, but only 3 of them hit on me so I considered the job not that bad.
That might tell you a little bit about why women aren't in these roles. Also, sheesh - women were explicitly not allowed in combat in the U.S. military until 10 years ago. 16% are already filling the job, despite the fact that the most common hazard they face is being raped by their fellow soldiers? More women should have guns.
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This is literally one of the most misogynistic tweet I’ve ever seen because this person is so dismissive about women in history face restrictions and unable to access to male dominated fields the fact these jobs have been traditionally male dominated due to historical roles and patriarchal social expectations women were often discouraged entering such jobs leading to gender biases that persists today, women face barriers when they enter in these fields because they face discrimination and lack of mentorship and workplace cultures that are not welcoming to women.
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old-school-butch · 14 days
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Petition for men to be silent at all times
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old-school-butch · 18 days
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old-school-butch · 20 days
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Women in 1977 burning porn magazines in Oslo, Norway 🇳🇴. In this time, there was a huge movement where feminists would tear porn magazines off the bookshelves and burn them in bonfires.
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A demonstration against the opening of a brothel in the same month, which proved itself successful as the establishment was never opened. The banner in the middle reads: "The female body is not for sale"
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In the 80s, the organisation behind the movement, the "Kvinnefronten" (Norwegian for "Women's Front") gave certificates to shops who did not sell pornographic magazines
So yeah, all my love goes out to the Norwegian feminists of the late 70s and 80s ❤️ 🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴
If they could do it, we can too! 💪
source, source, source
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old-school-butch · 22 days
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old-school-butch · 26 days
We have lost in giggle v tickle. A woman who made a female-only app has been ordered by the high court of Australia to pay $10k to a man who was rejected from joining, under the sex discrimination act.
The $10k isn't at all what matters - what matters is that males are now legally entitled to join any female-only space in Australia. Women's single-sex spaces and services have no legal protection, as this precedent deems exclusion of males who decide, even on a whim, that they will call themselves women, is discrimination. Under the sex discrimination act.
Women's sports, bathrooms, prisons, lesbian dating apps, women's facebook groups, book clubs, feminist groups. Men are entitled to see everything going on in these groups and spaces. Women's safety in prisons, bathrooms, changing rooms, and sports is lost. This decision will effect the rest of the western world, and will not stay within Australia.
We've lost a lot of safety, and legally speaking we might have to pretend they are women, but we have not lost the ability to speak. Until speaking is illegal, we need to keep doing it. We cannot safely speak in private groups now. We must let men know what we are saying, and say it out loud. Say to their faces. Let the governments know that women are saying no, and women won't lay down and die, pretending there's no difference between us and a man in a dress in our changing rooms. We are not protected from them, but we can still speak against it. KEEP SPEAKING AGAINST IT. LET THEM KNOW WHAT YOU THINK.
I know there's very few good voting options right now, seemingly all legislators hate women one way or another, we need to be known, as a considerable voting group. We need more gender critical women going into politics. If we make ourselves known, legislators will begin to consider our needs and wants. I know the risk young people face when being open with these opinions - losing friends, employment, family etc, but you need to do as much as you can. Post anonymously, join protests, donate to groups, BE LOUD! Our rights are being reversed.
The sex discrimination act was used to legally entitle men to all female spaces. The sex discrimination act was used to make female-only spaces and services illegal. This is going backwards. Laws made to protect us are the same laws being used to take our safety away.
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old-school-butch · 26 days
from the abhorrent sex crimes in south korea, to femicide in the united kingdom, to women and girls in afghanistan losing the right to be seen and heard in public. misogyny is the most prevalent form of oppression around the world, yet, is the one that is the least taken seriously by governments and society as a whole.
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old-school-butch · 27 days
Something overlooked in the study of historical war crimes is how the male orgasm erases their moral function. Men who hesitate to kill another person in war time will happily rape a woman in that context and feel relief, not remorse. To reduce the stress of mass murder, death squads will setup 'orgies', i.e. rape all the women they're about to murder - and it works! Adding rape to murder makes them feel better, not worse. 'Comfort women' - captured women caged for the sexual use of male soldiers, improves morale immensely. Brothels, female sexual enslavement, rape and the capture of women as 'wives' are all part of the moral economy of men that is the reward for them to balance the moral difficulty of killing people.
I think that, biologically, sex is a fundamental act of power, life and immortality for men. When men have 'bad sex' it's still fundamentally positive for them, there is no bad male sexual experience as long as they have an orgasm. The male orgasm is the most effective mechanism to remove empathy for women from the male conscience.
Men masturbate to shit that would be considered an actual fucking crime in literally any other context outside of porn and then act like that has no influence whatsoever on how they view and interact with women.
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old-school-butch · 27 days
I remain amazed at how often slavery is somehow talked about as 'marriage.'
from the abhorrent sex crimes in south korea, to femicide in the united kingdom, to women and girls in afghanistan losing the right to be seen and heard in public. misogyny is the most prevalent form of oppression around the world, yet, is the one that is the least taken seriously by governments and society as a whole.
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old-school-butch · 27 days
aww, the 'trans kids' - as if that was a term that existed a mere decade ago. And now we're living in a society where questioning a religion and refusing to worship at its alter is disrespecting, abusing verbally and mentally and harming the children of that cult. The sheer moralistic sanctitude to claim that skepticism makes someone a bad person, apologize to your mom galacticsystem.
why are transactivists so hostile about drop the t? it’s good for us all. we can focus on our issues, and you can focus on yours. plus you don’t have to deal with us nasty lesbian “terfs” in your community c; it’s a win-win.
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old-school-butch · 1 month
Why aren't you blaming men for this? They've been infiltrating women's sports since women were allowed to compete at all. Clear and unalterable evidence of your biological sex shouldn't be as hard to determine as men have decided to make it.
it is literally so awesome that now it's considered radical feminism that intersex women, a very small and deeply marginalized demographic, should be doubly marginalized and humiliated by international sporting bodies and by their bigoted opponents. yes, female athletes should be subject to random and arbitrary investigations into their biology and sex and then if they are found to be among the very small percentage of people that have disorders of sexual development, they should be singled out on the global stage and coerced into invasive and ludicrous medical interventions or barred from competing in the sport they have devoted their lives to. back in 2016, world athletics even suggested intersex female athletes should undergo surgery to reduce their clitorises if they were larger than “normal.” even if it reduced sexual function. who knew genital mutilation could be feminist! very cool
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old-school-butch · 1 month
If you're under 45, check your files to see if you've gotten your HPV because it will help against cervical cancer. Many of you may have gotten a 3 shot series.
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old-school-butch · 1 month
In the quest for primary historical sources, one of the big problems I have is that women were often restricted from writing down literally anything, which is maddening. Nonetheless, this entry from the Ladies Home Journal (written by a man) gives an interesting glimpse into what women were told about the future. And the channel itself is full of first person historical (male) perspectives that any historical buff will appreciate, despite its limitations.
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old-school-butch · 2 months
Grandmas were so right about puzzles and knitting and crocheting and solitaire and reading slow and slippers and baking and watching deer in the backyard send post
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