3kidsinacoat · 18 days
Bbc's merlin having a horribly sad ending? Everybody dying except for Merlin, who is condemned to a live of eternal loneliness? What are you talking about?
As far as I'm concerned Merlin showed Morgana how to use her Magic, she and Gwen got married, adopted Mordred and returned magic to camelot, Merlin and Arthur live on a farm like Arthur wanted, they have adopted Aithusa, all the knights are a big happy family-
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The knights sure love their gossip
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pyjamacryptid · 11 months
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Emma & Mr. Knightley from 'EMMA' || Spock & Jim Kirk from 'STAR TREK' || Parallels
This was inspired by the similarity I noticed between the last two quotes.
S1 E16: The Galileo Seven, Star Trek: The Original Series (1966) // EMMA, dir. Autumn de Wilde (2020) // S3 E24: Turnabout Intruder, Star Trek: The Original Series (1966) // Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, dir. Nicholas Meyer (1982) //Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, dir. Leonard Nimoy (1984) // EMMA, Jane Austen (1815) // The Autobiography of Mr. Spock, Una McCormack (2021)
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It’s so sad
The idea that Arthur truly cared deeply about Merlin and believed he knew that
and Arthur believing Merlin would never lie to him
only to find out he’s been a warlock all along
Arthur is about to die and finds out his best friend and most trusted advisor has been lying their entire time together
He quickly passes the anger and falls into the pain of Merlin not trusting him
into the realization he spent his entire life as prince, knight, and king not showing himself even to his closest confidants
He could have died any moment before and he never said a word of his true feelings for Merlin and of the value their relationship has to him
He’s dying now and there’s not much time left to say it
Merlin is a warlock and has been lying and Arthur cannot care because he is a dead man who never expressed himself while alive
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nerdie-faerie · 2 years
Merlin's allies are all swordsmen who's lives he's saved and viced versa. While Arthur's allies are women he almost married
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overworkedblorbobattle · 11 months
Overworked Blorbo Battle Round 1 Poll: 38
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xawkward-ariesx · 2 years
Sometimes Merlin wondered if he'd done something to piss off the triple goddess because he could think of no other reason that on top of being a powerful wizard in Camelot - where such a thing was punishable by death - and the personal manservant to the Prince of said kingdom, he'd also drawn the short straw when it came to soulmates.
Not everyone had a soulmate but your chances were increased if you had magic. And even if you did have a soulmate, that didn't mean you'd have the gift of being able to hear each other's thoughts. It was supposed to make it easier for soulmates to find each other but Merlin didn't consider it a gift when he'd been taught to shelter his thoughts since he was a child, such a skill that was even more essential now he was in Camelot and constantly performing illegal magic. He had to censor himself a lot.
He wasn't always successful.
"Stupid Prince, maybe I should just let him die. See how he likes it."
"Excuse you! You can't say that." His soulmate's voice rang through his head, garbled as always like he was hearing it from underwater.
"What's it to you?" Merlin shot back. He wasn't about to be reprimanded for his thoughts by a stranger. They were the one intruding after all.
"It's regicide!" His soulmate squawked outraged.
Merlin rolled his eyes at the mental shriek returning to his task of collecting herbs from the forest for Gaius.
"Its not regicide, I'm not going to kill the Prince. He's just stupid and reckless. He always ignores the signs and one day I'm not going to be there to save his royal backside and it will be karma for his idiocy when he dies."
The voice spluttered, "Save him!? You can't talk about a member of the royal family like that. Who are you?"
"None of your business." He answered sharply shutting the flap on his satchel now that he had everything that he needed.
"I'm your soulmate!"
"So?" He was picking his way through the forest to head back to the castle barely paying the conversation any mind. "Doesn't mean your entitled to know my life."
It was actually safer for Merlin that his soulmate not know anything about him. He couldn't risk exposing himself or endangering his soulmate by proxy because his mere existence was technically illegal.
So with that he consciously shut off his end of the mental connection. He'd still be able to hear his soulmate but they'd get nothing from him.
"Oi! You can't do that, I'm still talking to you." The words were muffled even further now that Merlin's end was cut off. It was rather satisfying, like shutting a door in someone's face when you no longer wished to continue the conversation.
"You can't ignore me like this!"
Merlin began to hum to himself as he crossed through the lower town to drown the other voice out. Eventually they settled into petulant silence and Merlin was able to drop off the herbs to Gaius before returning to his duties for the Prince. It was just in time for lunch so he went to retrieve his food before making his way to Arthur's chambers.
Arthur was scowling from his desk when he let himself in. Arms crossed over his chest as he glared at nothing, Merlin would almost say he was pouting, but he kept that thought to himself.
"What's wrong with you?" He asked not caring about decorum.
"My soulmate is ignoring me." Arthur grumbled, shooting him a sharp glare. As though it was Merlin's fault that his soulmate didn't want to put up with his prattish ways when, Merlin didn't even know who it was so he could hardly be to blame.
"That must be awful," Arthur seemed to untense minutely at Merlin's words before he continued. "I can't imagine having you for a soulmate. I wonder which unfortunate princess was stuck with such a fate."
"Oi! You can't talk to me like that, Merlin. I'm the Prince."
Merlin snorted at the familiar retort as he set the table for the Prince in question's lunch.
"And we don't know that they're a princess." He grumbled so softly it was almost as though he was talking to himself.
"Why not?" Merlin frowned.
Arthur let his head fall back against the top of his chair with a sigh as if Merlin was intentionally asking a ridiculous question, which he didn't think he had.
"The chances of having a soulmate are slim, the chances of them also having the mind link are even fewer. There are just over twenty kingdoms in Albion, and less than that that have any princesses to speak of. It's just unlikely that my soulmate is a princess."
"You don't know that that though. Have they told you they're not a princess?" Merlin pointed out, trying to helpful if only because Arthur was less likely to throw something at him if he was in a better mood. And definitely not because he looked like a kicked puppy, nope, not at all.
But if anything this just seemed to intensify the Prince's glower.
"No they won't tell me anything about them. Apparently its none of my business." He rolled his eyes.
"Even more likely that they're royalty or at least nobility and are hiding it from you then."
"Shut up Merlin."
Merlin huffed, "I was just trying to get you to stop sulking you prat."
"Princes don't sulk Merlin and I don't want to talk about it."
"Whatever you say sire, lunch is ready."
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saphushia · 1 year
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i've been thinking about my pirate ocs again... it's been so long since i drew them, so i've been tinkering with their designs while thinking of dumb shonen adventures to send them on hehe
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munamania · 2 years
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meeep-merr · 8 months
Trying to describe a thing and the sentence "contorted like a roadside balloon guy" popped up
Except, this being a Fantasy World, balloon guys are actually poorly reanimated corpses tied to a pole, scarecrow style
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limeinaltime · 2 years
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Act 2 summarized
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does anybody know any good Morgana-centric fanfics? I'm desperate
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monsieurburning · 2 years
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NAME: taom zilla
SIZE: 95.5 m/h
SEMBLANCE: dragon atomic breath
(it allows the user to use these azure dragon shaped atomic breaths (a cel resemblance to godzilla) but he can also use the same attacks like shin godzilla and godzilla earth, he can also control them with his atomic breath.)
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scottwellsmagic · 10 months
788: TAOM 2023 Convention - Day Four Report
Monday September 4, 2023
8:00 AM until 12:00 PM TAOM 2024 Registration
10:00 AM until 12:00 PM Lecture Brent Braun and Andy Glass
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nerdie-faerie · 2 years
Sucker for characters with low self-esteem refusing to allow other characters to feel the same way about themselves
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xawkward-ariesx · 2 years
All Evidence Suggests - One:
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Prompt: 'Can u write about arthur finding about merlin's magic sooner, like in the 2nd season?'
Set after episode 7 ‘The Witchfinder’
Upon accidently discovering his manservant's magic Arthur is left with an impossible decision to make about the fate of his friend.
Read here on AO3. Or on ff.net
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