#{ verse: modern reincarnation}
scrcerer · 9 months
@theresastargirl liked for a starter!!
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"Hey, Gwen - oh, Gods," he squeaks, immediately spinning around on his heels when he sees it's not Gwen in the room. "I am so sorry, I was looking for someone else!!"
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sorrowveined · 27 days
me trying to figure out how i'm gonna get loretta and stella verses in the modern era........ my brain hurts so bad.
okay so dracula's return in 1999 was predicted and that prediction was known about in portrait's era, i think?? so does that make it possible that after the events of the game, the two COULD have decided to help out with the planning of that battle??
i tried doing maths using the wiki and, if still alive, i think stella would've been around 76 by 1999... so the sisters might have even been around then still... not that i know where i'm doing with this or what that could mean yet lol. i am very scattered today with my thoughts - i just feel like the fact that portrait & the 1999 battle & then the aria series are actually quite close together in the timeline to be. like. something i could maybe use somehow?? if i had a brain
another unrelated point i find interesting reading the wiki (note: i am not just getting my lore from the wiki, i'm going through the games as well, but it's a helpful source while I'm still getting through them!) - dracula's revival in 1999 apparently involved a huge war against humanity and i assume as a result that near everyone would've known about it. but in aria, I specifically remember soma being like "i thought dracula was legend" and seeming to not know he was a real being, which is??? because how would the world forget about that?? when it happened so recently??
so i wonder if something happened in 1999 with dracula's final defeat that sealed away (most) people's memories of the supernatural as well. i know i'm making a huge leap from one (1) line of dialogue, and please tell me if i'm way off here, but i feel like that'd be super cool so i kind of hope it could work... as a headcanon...
BUT BACK TO LORETTA AND STELLA i wanna reincarnate them in the modern era for their portrayals here! but i need an excuse for why they would come back specifically and not like. a bunch of the other castlevania characters instead. hmm. anyone want to brainstorm?? ;w;
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binch-i-might-be · 2 years
currently obsessed with the thought of the reincarnation au aides all meeting back up and everyone in their mid to late twenties being just in AWE at tiny little nineteen year old Alex
like he's so little!!! he's a teenager!!! he still has BABY FAT. BABY FAT!!!! how is that allowed that shouldn't be allowed!!!!
last time most of them saw him he was a full grown adult,,,,, even twenties Alex was only a faint memory in their minds at that point
now he's a modern teenager who's not haggard from stress and war and too little rations. he's healthy and lively and still just as passionate as he used to be but now also. Squishy™. a squishy lil baby :(
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abrasife · 11 months
@unladielike * ✶ ❪ cont. from here┊☓ ❫
Ah, he probably bothered her at a bad time. Still, there was really no way to make himself known without things getting a little awkward here or there. Yes, Reanne had told him to keep an eye out for her, but that didn't necessarily mean she told Vivian to keep an eye out for him in return. And it seemed that would be the case—this girl apparently knew nothing of him.
God, why was she like this? He almost wanted to death glare her nonexistent presence right now. She always told him to say 'hi' if he ran into her crowd but never bothered to let them know of his name or existence properly. Maybe it was her way of getting back at him for never bringing her up in conversation with his circle (not that he really had one as of late).
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❝ Well, she likes to introduce her friends to me, ❞ Keith explained as he subtly raised his eyebrows. Shifting the plastic bag he was holding by the arm to his working hand, the boy rerouted the conversation to introduce himself as it seemed Reanne really hadn't properly acquainted them (seriously, what was she doing?), ❝ and since she apparently didn't mention my name, I'm Keith. ❞
Note to self: refuse the next commission request that girl gives him even if she offers to pay double.
Tilting his head to the side, he briefly took in Vivian's appearance. She did carry a similar feel to Ophelia appearance-wise with a more simple and comfortable look, and Reanne got along with her as far as he knew, but—did she really get along with Vivian in the same way? Reanne was not the type to befriend many, but maybe the autopilot sounding talk of this girl was what helped her vibe so to speak? Honestly, why did he always have to question the people she somehow befriended? It was like some old habit that simply wouldn't die.
Partially folding his arms over each other as he committed her face to memory, he spoke a thought aloud, ❝ How did you two even meet anyway? For some reason, I doubt she would've approached you first. ❞
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recitedemise · 7 months
He exits the bookstore, a little hole in the wall like some well-kept secret. It's dark already, the season trudging slow through the claws of winter, and Gale's every mind to scurry to his humble home. He eyes the stars, however—then there, a single man.
"If you don't my saying so, you've the look of wanderlust to you. A beautiful word, that. It may be the sentiments of the hour, but I'd always believed it carried a flavor of nostalgia. An incessant desire to brave those roads untrodden—for what else is a man if not a creature of adventure? Or more importantly still, thrilling discovery?" Huh. Well, for such an unbidden comment, surely, perhaps this stranger minds quite a lot. Goodness. Gale blinks, catching himself after his peculiar spiel. He could fluster for it, blame his gracelessness for that year in solitude, but it'd hardly do now to begin whinging, would it? Almost timidly, he grins and musters a laugh. "But that's merely an observation," he scrabbles together with all the charm of an awkward boy. "There are far better places to gaze onto our cosmos than Dagenham, I can confirm—no offense, of course, though I'd be remiss not to share it all the same." / @cragsnow ♡'d.
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shisui-uchiha-anon · 1 year
plotted starter for @kcgarashi
27. June. Year. 2021- Kyoto. Japan-
 In one of the oldest municipalities in Japan lives a young and prospective carpenter, whose work is well known not just in his hometown but even outside his country's borders. He made quite a name for himself, doing what he always liked the most. Carving the wood, turning it into art. And even when some didn't know his real name, he would call him 'Leaf Artist' His pieces of timber are signed not with his name but with a small leaf symbol. That became his emblem his mascot. His blog and online catalog have it on the welcome screen.
Shisui Uchiha, age 30. Residence Kyoto~Japan. Street:  492-1000, Amagi. Phone number  +8146-699-5458....And so goes the info page on his site with a little picture of him.
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A bit of a rascal he is, playful with that inviting smirk, raven black hair, onyx black eyes, almond shaped, dark eyelashes giving the impression that he wears eyeliner. His curly hair was collected and tied into a small tail on the back of his hair, making a small fuzzy palm tree. Then there goes is education info, from elementary to university education. A short description of what he can make, furniture, frames, doors, windows, jars, bowls, tea sets, chopsticks, figurines, statues, deep carvings, shelves, decorations, and musical instruments. Almost anything your heart desires. A perfect life or so it seemed like that.
At the age of 30 and still alone. His sister Alustriel was married. Two kids already. Yet, Shisui refused to have a serious relationship. With every woman he searched for something, his heart ached for that yet he was never able to find it. After his 25th birthday more and more often he would feel pain in the right side of his head, and his strange nightmares intensified, as if something magnified his torment. In one of those nightmares, he saw that leaf symbol, lying next to him, on some silver headband, only crossed with one line.
They say... for those who believe in resurrection, death is inconsequential, it's not an ending but rather a new beginning. A second chance. A reunion a chance for him to find that what his eyes can't see what his heart can't feel and his arms yearn to hug. The very idea of resurrection is so seductive its concept is easy to forget. Before you can rise from the dead. You have to spend a few days in hell. His will begin when he meets HER.
Because with Heaven that she brings comes Hell as well. Hand in hand like day and night, like sun and moon.....
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blossomingbellflower · 11 months
🖤 - Fangsofdestruction
send 🖤 and my character will answer about yours.|| @fangsofdestruction
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"It is interesting how much you have grown on me, beloved.", the woman gently teased. The fact she utilized many of the positive adjectives were telling of how far their relationship had developed.
repulsive / hideous / ugly / not attractive / unappealing / not unattractive / meh / no preference / ok / mildly attractive / nice looking / cute / adorable / attractive / pleasant on the eyes / good looking / hot / sexy / beautiful / gorgeous / hot damn / would tap that / perfect / godlike / holy fuck there are no words.
grating / irritating / frustrating / boring / confusing at best / awkward / unreasonable / psychotic / disturbing / interesting / engaging / affectionate / aggressive / ambitious / anxious / artistic / bad tempered / bossy / charismatic / appealing / unappealing / creative / courageous / dependable / unreliable / unpredictable / predictable / devious / dim / extroverted / introverted / egotistical / gregarious / fabulous / impulsive / intelligent / sympathetic / talkative / up beat / peaceful / calming / badass / flexible.
how likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending / fuck no! / never / no way / not likely / not sure / indifferent / I’m asexual / maybe / probably / it depends / fairly likely / likely / yeah sure / yes / would tap that / hell yes / fuck yes! / wishing that could happen right now / as many times as possible / we are already having sex.
level of friendship:
never in a million years / worst of enemies / enemies / rivals / indifferent / neutral / acquaintance / friendly toward each other / casual friends / friends / good friends / best friends / fuck buddies / bosom buddies / practically the same person / would die for them / true friends / my only friend.
first impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
current impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
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osmosisdreams · 1 year
planned starter | @naitfall
Working in tech usually meant Eren didn't even have to leave the house. In fact, that was true enough that he had gotten used to rarely doing so. That wasn't to say he never saw people, because certainly, people visited him all the time. He wasn't exactly a shut-in, either. He did go out, just... for necessities. Groceries, visiting people, and... well okay, maybe that was about it.
Not that it was entirely intentional. A part of him was uncertain in how to interact with some of his old friends lately. Not just his childhood friends or anything, but his old old friends. The people who could say they knew him before they were even born here. It was becoming instinct to wonder if those people recalled the things he recalled, or if those things would put a strain in their relationship.
Didn't matter today though! Floch had dragged him out after finding out from Jean that Eren hadn't left his house closing in on a week. They were probably getting worried, actually, but Floch had resolved to yank him along to a tea shop so he could at least leave the house. It wasn't like he couldn't work wherever he was, so it technically didn't matter.
At least with Floch he was comfortable enough knowing not all of the man's memories were back. They were scattered, and he'd been lucky enough to not get most of the grisly ones yet.
It sucked that memories of a past life were hindering Eren now. He could remember being mostly similar to who he was as a child last time, and that continued through his teenage years. Unfortunately they seemed to be catching up with him as he got older, reflecting similar years of that life. Also unfortunately, his personality kept shifting in response, and his friends - aware of similar memories or not - kept noticing.
He was expecting to just get a corner table and keep working - flexible hours on his own schedule? Perfect for working whenever, wherever, and however long he wanted... hence why he was pulled out here to begin with... but he was stuck between yes, definitely get that table right now, and wondering how much he should stand out.
There weren't many people left that he remembered as though they were just in his dreams alone, albeit many times over, but there were some; people he hadn't seen again since the times of titans. He hadn't exactly given up the idea that he'd eventually see them, but the world was, well, gigantic. What were the chances he'd see all of them again? That they were all living in close proximity?
Perhaps that was why seeing Levi behind that corner felt like a shock. Having these memories never made him a guarantee he would come across these people again. In some way it was like seeing someone that only existed in the dreams his mind made up actually becoming real.
Despite that he recognized Levi, Floch hadn't flinched, stopped dead or anything. He didn't react at all. He must not have remembered Levi at all at this point, because he walked right up to that counter and spoke with no hitch whatsoever in his voice. "Do you have coffee here? My friend prefers coffee. I'll take a lemon tea though. And... two lemon and two chocolate scones."
Okay, so he recognized someone. He could still be normal, right? Totally. Yeah. "Are you sure you don't want an actual lemon with that?"
"With enough sugar to cancel out the sour I might consider it. You're trying first though."
"By the time you're done testing flavors on me I'm going to have a whole zero taste buds surviving."
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muraenide · 1 year
verse tag dumps
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victoriousfidelity · 2 months
verse drop, 6/7 (myth au verses).
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avernusfuries · 8 months
while both are settled on the couch, astarion uses its armrest as a backrest with his feet propped up on caerlack's lap, phone in hand before his crimson eyes lift from the screen's glare and narrow. "...do you think vampires have feelings?" ( enabling your butt, as it is my wont ♡ C; )
A few short years ago, the blissful domesticity might've been the most boring thing she'd ever done. There was something to be said about the casualness of intimacy, but she had never reallly felt entirely comfortable in the quiet shared between two people like she did now. The television had been turned down to a more comfortable murmur, and doomscrolled through their respective feeds. Scratch lay on the floor, all four legs up in the air and kicked when his dreams told him he had to chase, and his tongue hung almost gormlessly out of his mouth as it always did. He was a good boy. A rescue. Felt like he'd picked her out of all of the others.
Astarion's question took her by surprise. It was no mere myth that they walked among them when the sun set - some had been entirely adamant that they were tired of hiding, and those that didn't, mostly kept to themselves. Must've been something he'd read on his phone, she thought to herself.
"I mean, they were people once - still are," Caerlack replied with a shrug. "Just because their heart doesn't beat, doesn't mean it's not there."
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Feelings were a happy little coincidence, for she had met many flesh and blood and still beating hearts that had been entirely rotten in all of the time that she'd known them. She'd trusted her gut on those sorts. Saved her a world of trouble if what the aftermath of what they'd wrought was anything to go by. Caerlack's hand brushed against his ankle through his trousers in an affectionate little rub.
"Besides, all my dirty books say they have very, very big feelings and who am I to deny that from such outstanding works of art, ey?"
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archivedsizhui · 1 year
" Do you think it is strange to wait for lifetimes for a possibility ?" he asked her a hand rested behind his back the other held the bunny jade that had been her's once before looking it over fondly. Before offering it back to her.
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@evcryopeneye | liked for a starter
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lunaetis · 2 years
▸▸ [ @75bpm || morning sof offering ]
─「カトレア」─  it wasn't uncommon to find her beloved nodding off while doing his work or reading something, that was why she wasn't all that surprised to find him passing out upon the sofa, with his drafts opened on his lap and a pencil in his hand. he was a hardworking soul, after all. and while the WRITER wouldn't want him sleep in such uncomfortable position, he looked utterly peaceful when he was like this. quietly, she reached her hand out to tenderly brushed his hair from his face, gaze softening incredibly. when her touch had prompted those eyes to reopen, a smile grazed her lips. a lean forward, and her lips placed a kiss to his temple.
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                " didn't mean to wake you, love. but you should rest proper. you'll hurt your back that way. "
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starlsssankt · 2 years
@noblehcart / luda
“Some things you can never leave behind. They don’t belong to the past. They belong to you.” 
𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐊𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓, but his gaze does its absolute best not to stare at her, for his thoughts focus only on Luda. There is a threat to them all rising, and he knows what this world does to people like her.
Good people. Kind hearts.
They're burned and killed. Destroyed.
❝ Is that a promise that you will not fade away this time? ❞ he murmurs, more to himself than to her directly. He'd lost her before, never having known he'd find her again. Oh he'd vowed to, vowed to make every last soul pay for her death.
He just hadn't thought to be given this chance again.
Hands reach for her, and Aleksander cups Luda's cheek. ❝ The past, this world, it has taken too much from me, Luda. From us. I cannot bear it if it happens again-- ❞
Because as it is, it's a miracle by whatever saints and gods exist that actually smile upon him. He's found her, she's found him, and as the sound of carriages pulled by horses and the smoke from chimneys, the sounds of rain outside the door and windows... as the world echoes its way around them, he doesn't want to lose it. To lose this.
Her death at the hands of those villagers centuries ago plays like a morbid film in his head. He'd hoped to find her again, but had sworn vengeance at the very least against those--and all of those who descended from them--who had harmed her.
He knows he was cursed then, to lose... to lose her.
So to have her now, here-- It is a wish, a hope, that he hadn't even thought to hold for longer than a millisecond lest it vanish, unfulfilled.
❝ You belong with me, Luda... ❞
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kitxkatrp · 2 years
Tag Dump 42
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mizuhashira · 2 years
tags. verses.
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