mindflare · 8 days
one of the biggest reasons i chose to write jean is the sheer depth of her compassion? it's been a while since i've written a character whose compassion is intrinsic to who they are, and jean has really been a breath of fresh air for me! even with all the power she's held, the phoenix force, etc etc—— jean's empathy has always been her one true strength. she doesn't have to be the loudest voice in the room or the leader of the x-men to show it either! jean just sees people in all their complexity (yes, partially due to her mutant abilities) but because she, of all people, knows pain on a level most can't fathom.
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fragrantpines · 1 year
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ochazos · 5 months
// Okay but for my persona 5 royal verse what if this is his metaverse outfit?
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naomiarai · 9 months
ok this isn't rlly a smut prompt, but i was rewatching game caterers and thought of a cute/funny idea
imagine being txt's manager, and during the challenge where they have to run a lap, pick up a card and find someone who can do what the card asks for, one of svt's members got tasked with taking their good looking manager/staff. and then all hell breaks loose; whilst everyone is scrambling for their managers, the tubatus grab u and drag u to the centre of the field, bragging earnestly about you 😭😭
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8_19jUMqW0&t=394s skip to 15:02
imao! anon wow, ive never thought of it like lol. but i see the vision, just them going dramatically off how good of a manager you are and how good you look, just complimenting the shit out of you :3
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jetblackknight · 6 months
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𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜
True to canon, or at least most fan sources, Vergil only eats red orbs. He thinks they taste like sour cherry heads, as he has tried those before. Sometimes he will indulge in human food, but he finds more pleasure in watching those close to him eat dishes he makes instead. It is fulfilling to him. ( functionally, he suffers from something similar to ARFID, if you need a reference to how he is with food ).
A quick list of his "safe" foods include: Saltines ( or any flavorless cracker ), any tea with no milk and very little sugar ( half a cube ), plain vanilla or chocolate ice cream ( hard, not soft ), plain breads, sugared donuts, and other things of that nature. He does have a penchant for sweets, much like his twin brother.
With the Vergil DLC now also canon, Vergil can summon V at will, for the times he doesn't want to be bothered; V acts of his own volition, but can relay anything needed to Vergil. He, essentially, acts as Vergil's eyes and ears when he is not strictly "around". ( This can and will be altered if there are V blogs who wish to interact with my iteration of Vergil ! )
Though he was not there as a father for Nero, Vergil surely acts like one in the most ridiculous ways. He can and will fall asleep anywhere he can sit to rest, and will gladly remind you at any time that demons do not need to slumber ( a lie, as evident by the fact that Vergil is almost always tired ), and he was not doing such, and you are a fool to believe that he was. He has not yet mastered the art of making puns, however, even with his obsession with poetry and rhymes.
He loves Kyrie as a daughter-in-law, and finds her the most difficult to dislike out of all of the people he now knows. He regards her as a sort of maiden-figure, and is thankful that she and her family were there for Nero when he was very much not.
In contrast, Vergil avoids Trish like the plague, and the reason should be quite obvious. Perhaps, through a story line ( or multiple, of course ! ) this will change, but as it stands, he cannot meet her eyes, and cannot separate her from his own mother.
Vergil is semi-proficient in Italian. I am not, so I run most of my Italian through DeepL translator ( and I apologize for any semantics mistakes ! ). He picked up the language in Fortuna during the events of Devil May Cry 4's Vergil campaign, which is all the way back before Devil May Cry 3. Vergil was around 18-19 during that time. ( That is also around the time he got an unnamed woman pregnant, which bore his son, and main character of Devil May Cry 4, Nero )
Vergil lost privileges to the Yamato after returning to the Human World an unknown time after the events of Devil May Cry 5, per Dante's insistence. He doesn't yet trust his twin brother, and thus he has to use other means to battle. Certain story lines or verses can return it into his hands—or, if the story line permits, during it ( with NPC!Dante's explicit permission, of course. So feel free to have your character remind Vergil about that little detail, hehe ! )
𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚜𝚎𝚜
𝚂𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 ⸻ Vergil's first impressions on seeing him are that he is tall. Being half-demon has its perks; he stands at a towering 6'8", which is only a couple of inches off from his game model's height ( somewhere between 6'4" and 6'6" depending on how you measure ). He carries himself like a sentinel; never slouches, always stands with his hands either at his side or behind his back, never crossing his arms unless irritated beyond belief. He can be stiff and awkward in his motions, too—after all, his body is brand new, at least for now. He is much more comfortable fighting than being at rest, as he has never known rest in the forty-something years he's been alive. Reminding him to relax is the best option, but he does not do it easily, and may require assistance if the person reminding him is sufficiently close enough to him.
𝚂𝙲𝙴𝙽𝚃 ⸻ Oh, scent. Quite a quick first impression. Vergil maintains a routine of cleanliness that may rival someone with germaphobia. He showers every night, but he only washes his hair every other day ( not that it matters—when you have regeneration, hair breakage is not something that comes easily ). He uses the full range of body products available: sugar scrub three times a week, bar soap every evening, body wash every other day. Though dry skin doesn't exist for Vergil, either ( regeneration, again ), he still performs the routine of body- and skincare, even if his brother often ridicules him for it. Think Patrick Bateman, minus the psychopathy. As such, he can smell like a myriad of scents, but above all is the permeating scent of frost and brimstone; a biting, husky scent that only Vergil could wear so elegantly. If he chooses to wear cologne, it is usually high-end, subtle, and multi-faceted. The closest to his scent would be his Official scent, from the Devil May Cry perfume collection... but I do not own it, and thus cannot describe what it smells like.
𝚃𝙾𝚄𝙲𝙷 ⸻ Something that does and will not happen unless you are the closest of close, and sometimes, not even then. His outfit is made of many fabrics: velvet, silk, genuine leather, and mohair. There is a delicate balance of intricate sensations that surround Vergil's outfit, as odd as it appears. Metals, embroidery, both soft and hearty materials. He wears them with pride. If he chooses to wear something more casual, it is always a pair of straight-legged jeans and cotton. His skin is impeccably soft, but with age comes natural imperfections, like moles, pores, and scars. He has a smattering of the former all across his chest and back, and a little on his thighs. No chest or back hair, but soft, almost velet-like body hair on his arms, legs, and groin area. He keeps that tidy, but it can be a chore if he feels lazy. His face is similarly bare—he refuses to wear facial hair, because it makes him look unkempt ( and he couldn't grow one if he tried ). His hair is stiff, but can and will move with the fingers that touch it. He uses his energy to keep it slicked back eternally, no sight of gel or hairspray ( that's canon, by the way. Dante's EX Taunt in Special Edition makes him lose 5% DT power when he uses it... meaning that Vergil uses his infernal power to keep his hair slicked back ! )
𝚂𝙾𝚄𝙽𝙳 ⸻ With so much fabric, one could think that they could hear Vergil before they see him. Such is not the case—he is a silent as a whisper in the wind, unless he deigns it necessary to make noise ( and, depending on the person, he will ). His voice is nasal and high-pitched; to an outsider, he may sound sick, but he is not. When his voice is quiet, it is higher, but when he yells, it lowers considerably, and retains a raspy, almost exhausted tone. Even when he speaks, he tries to do so with that same upper-class elegance, favoring proper, flowery language that could be deemed ' antique ' by some, and ' old fart ' to others. He is equally as quiet in most situations, even that of more salacious nature—unless, of course, he is desired to be louder. And despite his many exertions that he is a man of few words, he can, and will, speak a lot if he is comfortable with the person he is in conversations with.
𝚃𝙰𝚂𝚃𝙴 ⸻ An... awkward sense, in reference to a person. Biting on his skin, one would taste simple lotion that has no scent, or perhaps sunscreen—like his son, he burns, never tans. One will never find him without something to keep his breath clean ( unlike his brother, who does not care for the health of his teeth ), and otherwise, the taste of cocoa or tea. In... other places, soap and the general taste of such an area that has been well-maintained. He is the type to wipe, even after a few drinks, so to speak. If one were to draw blood and taste it, it is bitter and fiery, as a demon's blood should taste. There would be a hint of that metallic, human taste, but only in its aftertaste. It may even be poisonous to humans—Vergil might never let a human close enough to do so. For other other places. He maintains an extreme cleanliness, and given his penchant for not eating, will never taste like that. Still an acquired taste, of course, but it will never taste unhygienic.
𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚙 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜
I am a firm believer in Woman in Red supremacy. That woman climbed him like a tree. I jest, but only somewhat. Vergil did spend a night with her... many, in fact. While investigating Fortuna during the events of Devil May Cry 4's Vergil campaign, he begrudgingly agreed to lodging with the only person brave enough to greet him directly. As such, one thing led to another—even eighteen year olds have needs, especially ones so repressed of their own humanity. It is one of the only memories of Vergil's youth he ever looks back fondly on.
Vergil does not know what became of the Woman in Red, and has not and never will ask Nero, or even Kyrie, what happened to her. He did, once, walk the streets of Fortuna and check where she used to live—and was distraught to find that the home he once spent frigid nights in was destroyed in the Savior Incident. When he found out, he did not seek her out any further. His demonic thoughts taunt him with the idea that she perished, and that Vergil would find her ( decaying, half-eaten ) corpse in the rubble.
Vergil does not take to new relationships easily, and can be a very distant and seemingly uncaring lover. This is, of course, a thin veneer of coldness to mask the fact that he is a deeply loving person. He does, canonically, have some of the worst "mommy issues" on the planet, and that shows whenever he loves someone. He will hide his true feelings until he is wholly unable to, and when reciprocated, will shy away unless pushed beyond his discomfort.
However, when truly in love with someone he feels safe with, he will love them in ways that nobody else will ever get to see but them. Romantic getaways, weekly date nights, simply existing in the same room with him, and most of all... touching them. Anywhere he can. Sitting down on the couch to watch a movie? Glued to his lovers' side, tickling their thigh with a pinkie, and perhaps more. In bed? He is an avid chest-sleeper, but does his best not to crush those underneath of him. Showering together, open-door bathroom policy ( he will shave while they use it, he does not care ), the like. It can be overbearing at first, but if his lover truly understands his circumstances, then it should not be too much of a problem.
Despite all of that, he is not "clingy" in the traditional sense. He will be protective, but he will not pester at all hours of the day and night, and given that Devil May Cry's universe does not actually contain smartphones ( think about it; you never see any of the human NPCs carrying one. They all use point-and-shoot cameras in the cutscenes they are in ), there is no worry of constantly texting. He will not call often, either, but does and will show up as soon as he is allowed. Punctuality is one of his virtues.
𝚗𝚜𝚏𝚠 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜
Vergil enjoys voyeurism, a leftover from his time with Mundus, when all those in the demon kingdom would watch over him in his insanity and Mundus' depravity. Now that he views his nightmares through an outsider's lens, with no real traumatic connection to them, he doesn't mind this, and believes there is something freeing about having sex he consents to, whenever, and wherever… even if the places are less than legal.
Despite the above item, Vergil is extremely touch-averse. He only allows those closest to him to touch him directly. Through clothing is tolerable—the more layers, the better—but bare skin to bare skin is almost unbearable. Not because he dislikes it, but because it fills him with such a sensation of joy that he fears he might look "weak" trying to ask for more.
Vergil is much more interested in giving pleasure than receiving it, and as such, has a low-grade edging kink. He enjoys prolonging his pleasure until the last possible moment, as he believes that it causes a much more intense and fulfilling orgasm...
... Which is why he also does not have sex often, nor does he masturbate often. But when he does, do not expect to be done after a single, measly round. After all, Vergil does not lose. To those worthy enough to find their way into his humble single bed, or perhaps into theirs, he will not stop until there is a clear and stern decision to stop.
[ more to come when I think of them, and / or when they are revealed through story lines on the blog, of which will be labeled as such... this post entry is very much a placeholder so that it will always be there, right at the beginning of my blog. ]
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yourxguardian · 6 months
what soft romance cliché are you? ⤻ Stolen from @mooncheetah
because i love you!
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passionate; you are the heated moment of an argument. when the person you care for has done something outrageously stupid or dangerous. all of your pent up emotions that you've kept inside of you come bursting out: "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" how could they be so dense. how could YOU be so dense. you've loved each other this whole time. your love tends to be strong, and loud. sometimes it might be hard for you to express your feelings but you let people know that they are cared for. you're also hot. good for you.
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stxr-slut · 6 months
head cannon that regulus black! was rly into meanings of names, like whenever he met a new person, he'd tell them the meaning of their name in different languages/cultures. people always thought he was a bit odd for that. his favourite thing was to meet a new person and not know the meaning of their name, it meant he could research it later!!
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clericism · 1 year
will's mental health is complex when it comes to my portrayal. like is his memories of the upside just ptsd or is it his uncontrolled ability to travel between the two dimensions??? is his emotional instability just due to his depression and generalised anxiety, is it because vecna is draining his energy and making him more susceptible to being possessed???
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1, 12, 33, 45, 48, 57 - for Declan
1 Childhood: A young Declan was a fidgeter and a wanderer. Rare was it that the boy sat still, confined to one area. Whether he knew the land or not, he was always up for exploring, seeing just what kind of adventures nature could offer. His parents were of the mindset that unless he was gone for hours which could mean he was hurt, he was smart enough to be on his own and responsible enough to not do anything too outlandish. To them, climbing trees, exploring patches of land, and generally running free was a key part to childhood. There was little crime and the like to worry about on rural Ireland and the same extended to rural Midwest America once they moved. The properties that were owned were far from any neighbors so they hardly had to be concerned with him bothering others. Occasionally, Declan bit off a little more than he could chew, getting stuck in a tree or a little turned around and lost in new areas. But it never deterred him. Those quiet moments where he was learning new land were some of his favorite.
12 School: Declan was an average student. School to him felt more like a chore than work on the farm. Being inside, stuck at a desk, force to learn things that didn't always interest him or had much use in his life was monotonous and boring at best. His mind constantly wandered and teachers noted that he was often stuck daydreaming. It didn't help that as a kid, he was constantly fidgeting and shifting, unable to sit still for more than a few seconds at a time. Book learning was a bit of a struggle since he is far more of a hands on learner, information sticking best when he is able to physically do something. That's not to say that he doesn't enjoy reading, because he certainly can devour novels if given the time and a proper setting. It was just never the best method of learning for him. He just always preferred being on the farm, learning new tasks, being around the animals, and helping his family. College wasn't an option for him, more self proclaimed than any real barrier. He knew he wanted to help run the family farm and eventually his own when the time came. It was only at his parents insistent that he took some business classes to better help manage the farm in the evolving world.
33 Hurt: Physical hurt is something that Declan has no issue dealing with. He is a born and raised country, farm boy. Emotional hurt? It is far more difficult. Declan is a pretty easy going guy and for the most part has had a pretty easy going life. It isn't something he has experienced a whole lot of throughout his life. Perhaps he is simply a really good judge of character. Or perhaps it's the fact that he is just around animals more than people, preferring their company. But when he does experience it, he tends to turn it inwards. Bottled up and kept to himself, he doesn't tend to let others know that he is hurting. What's the point? To him, there is nothing that can be done about it. It is his struggle to move through and get passed. Though he doesn't always do that well. He tends to drink a little more in those sort of times and isolate himself under the guise of work if the hurt is deep. It's only those that know him best that can tell when something is effecting him more than he is letting on. Even those individuals will have a hard time pulling it from him, if they even can at all.
45 Art: While Declan can appreciate art, it isn't something that he dedicates a lot of time or thought to. If anything, his preferred medium is photography. The few pieces he has in his home were either shot on his farm or around his hometown in Ireland. That is in his mudroom, a place that he gets to see it but doesn't end up staring at it too long. If he is asked, he doesn't miss Ireland but there is a little longing to see it once more. The others are various shots of animals and one of the sunset over a set of pastures for the horses. Paintings, sculptures, and the like won't be found in his home. Things are too easily broken and he prefers to spend what money he does have on other things.
48 Scars: No one can work on a farm as long as Declan has without a series of injuries and scars to prove the years of work. For the most part, his hands have been spared a lot of trauma though close inspect slows faint white lines littered across the skin. Cuts that went just a little too deep, a horn that caught the flesh of his palm, and the like. He does have several that are more obvious. There is one spanning the right side of his lower back, from where he got caught between equipment as a child, an injury severe enough it left him in the hospital for two weeks. He has a scar on his right cheek from catching a horn of a goat to the face as a teenager, just missing his eye. The final one is along the tricep of his left arm. It's about two inches long, more upraised than the others. He had a piece of metal stuck in his arm thanks to a car accident.
57 Ocean: Declan has seen the ocean. He flew from Ireland after all but has spent the majority of his life inland. There is little pull to any particularly large body of water, visiting or otherwise. He much prefers significantly smaller bodies of water, like rivers and lakes. Less chance of being on someone's menu. There are things he can not control or account for when it comes to the ocean, and for that reason, it never really fascinated him.
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swiftdeception · 2 years
📂📂 do two c:<
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have / @ichoric
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i. Thancred writes a lot of poetry. He doesn't share the really personal ones. He is so good at it, he literally would go to bars and take requests to impress romantic partners. He does not talk to the scions about this skill.
ii. He knows how to braid hair.
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kiirosukafu · 2 years
Masaomi being hype af at all times, but instantly calming down around Mikado because his boyfriend keeps him grounded, and stops him from being impulsive >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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mindflare · 12 days
this post is mainly for me but i just finished reading jean's origin run— one of the biggest differences i noticed from that run is how jean's parents are aware of her being a mutant? like, they recognize something is wrong with her post-death of her best friend, but charles... literally tells them she's a mutant after speaking with her? which, like... what LMAO? in the uncanny x-men, however, we're presented pretty early on that jean's parents has no clue she is a mutant, let alone a part of the x-men/is marvel girl. i will be maintaining that as my lore. obviously, as i continue doing my reread and get further into various runs, i'll adjust this if needed but... nobody knew jean was a mutant before charles.
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fragrantpines · 1 year
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Am currently very sick so here are some sick scenarios with some food men.
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Crab in orange drops everything the moment he sees you and lifts you up in his arms.
"You are currently showing symptoms of the common flu so it is best for you to stay in bed and have someone else attend to you. Rest assured, I have everything installed everything that is related to taking care of sick humans into my database so you don't have to do anything, Master."
His long, droned out explanations of the simplest things spoken in his calm monotone voice is enough to push the already sleepy you into the realm of unconsciousness. Before your eyes closed, you could vaguely feel a pair of lips kiss the top of your forehead before his monotone voice broke with a tone of worry.
"Strange... why do I feel pain when you are the one in pain right now..."
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Boneless Carp isn't sure what he expected to see when he snuck into your room through the window in the middle of the night but he can say for certain the sight of you coughing your lungs out on bed isn't what he would wish to see.
He quickly closes the window behind him before placing a hand on your forehead, his cerulean blue eyes widening as he feels your temperature drastically exceed his own. Instantly, a thousand thoughts run through his mind-- What happened while he was away? Weren't you taking care of yourself? Were the other food souls in Kongsang not taking care of you?-- yet they disappear as soon as they came, vapourising the moment he sees your hand weakly lift up from the bed to circle around his arm.
"You came back."
A smile stretches across your lips and oh, you were worried for him. Even though you were sick as hell right now, your first thoughts upon seeing him was relief caused from those nights of worrying where he was, whether he was okay or not, whether that kiss you two shared before he left would be the last one you will ever share with him before your memories of him fade away with the cruel march of time.
Carefully, he pulls your hand away from his arm and places it on his cheek, his usual smile devoid of presence.
"I never break my promise, little assistant."
Just like how he would never break his promise to love you for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death pulled the two of you apart-- no, not even death could pull you away from him. There was nothing in this world that the great thief couldn't steal so if you ever stepped into the underworld without him noticing beforehand, all he would have to do is steal you back and hide you from death itself.
But that's a story for another time. Right now, you are alive and he is here. So he presses a kiss inside your palm before pulling away, feeling his heart break when your gaze turns disappointed until he presses a finger to your lips.
"I'm going to get some medicine so stay here and behave, okay? I'll be back before you know it."
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Edits: Changed Stuffed Carp -> Boneless Carp
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ochazos · 3 months
BOLD any fears which apply to your muse. Italicize what makes them uncomfortable.
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the dark. fire. open water. deep water. being alone. crowded spaces. confined spaces. change. failure. war. loss of control. powerlessness. prison. blood. drowning. suffocation. public speaking. natural animals. the supernatural. heights. death. dying. intimacy. rejection. abandonment. loss. the unknown. the future. not being good enough. scary stories. speaking to new people. poverty. loud noises. being touched. sex. chains. inner demons. hallucinations. staring. going berserk. betrayal.
Tagged by: indirectly by @chibitantei
Tagging: my beloved moots
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cryptscreams · 4 months
thinking about bucky and how protective he was over his three sisters, even after they were all separated from each other. i think he had so much familial pressures put on him when he was younger, but he didn't care that any of it affected him - he just wanted what was best for his family.
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jetblackknight · 5 months
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I don't have much in the way of replies today because it was a very busy day ( and left me very tuckered out, lol ! ) . . . but I hope that a drabble / writing sample will suffice in the meantime. . .
It's 5,100-ish words long, and was originally meant to be a fan-fiction that I never finished ( not like I was going to publish it anywhere, lol—it's taking all my anxiety just to post it here ! ). So I finished it, because it is my exact characterization of Vergil as I roleplay him and I think it deserves a spot here on my blog . : >
Anyway, it's called Fortuna, I ( as in roman numeral one and not I as in me ), and you can read it here if you have the time !
TRIGGER WARNING FOR THOUGHTS OF S/UIC/IDE AND / OR S.H. , EXTREME SELF-LOATHING AND SELF-HATRED, AND QUASI-RELIGIOUS / PARENTAL TRAUMA . Oh, and Vergil cries in this and also suffers from end-stage mommy issues , so if you can't handle any of that, I'm very sorry . This one might not be for you and I won't feel bad if you skip it ! ( to spoil , however, the gist is essentially : Vergil is encouraged by the voices he made up in his head to Do The Bad Thing and also has ideation of doing it—he also relives the night his mother died and is reduced to tears )
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