robo-milky · 1 year
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Brittle Star (Floyd) | Monsieur Fontaine (Rook) | Mr. Leikata/Leikata-sensei (Idia) | Lei (Neige)
Leikata is an expressive boy who’s always honest to himself. Whenever he feels happy, sad, or angry, his body’s natural reaction is to tear up. As a result, his peers mistook him for an irrational crybaby. Contrary to this, Leikata is someone who can speak clearly and calmly in tears. Additionally, he’s gained a reputation for being a “pretty cryer”. This does not make Leikata ashamed, he instead embraces it as a natural side of him. Leikata believes it’s best to let loose and go with the flow, than bottling everything up. Moreover, Leikata’s heart bleeds as much as he cries. Leikata is not just sensitive to his feelings, but others’ as well. If he feels like he did something wrong, he will gladly admit and bring attention to it, even if the other party can’t care less. This is also the reason Leikata can’t lie, the guilt would have eaten him alive.
Core values -> Honesty + Peace
Leikata’s father is a renowned artist in Twisted Wonderland, known for his craftsmanship of using purely paper to make masterpieces. As a result, Leikata followed his father’s footsteps and became somewhat of an apprentice, working under him for exhibitions and galleries. At the age of 12, Leikata discovered his own UM, “Paper Plans”, and started to surpass his father when it came to crafts, via magic. Out of respect for his father’s value of traditional crafts, Leikata branched off to do his own shows and viewings, by joining the scenes of paper theatres and stop-motion. His personal works are niche among the art community, but he’s been getting more attention through collaborations with others.
Notable Thoughts: Leikata’s
“Silver’s the best! He is my first friend in Night Raven College. …Why? Because he was the only student who wasn’t intimidating.”
“Kalim is a surprisingly good person to vent to, if you ever need it. He always knew how to pick me right up, and sometimes he’d even cry with me.”
“Vil is truly the fairest of them all! Well… maybe not when he’s chewing me out for flunking potionology, haha…”
“When Rook is not keeping an eye on Epel, it becomes my job to keep an eye on him. I’ve tried so hard to teach him how to differentiate between the dessert spoons, but he still doesn’t get it…”
“Lilia’s wears a sun-blocking visor when he has P.E.; I wonder if I should get that too.”
Notable Thoughts: Others’
“I thought I had offended Master Leikata when I talked to him the other day, but apparently his eyes are sensitive to sunlight. That makes me wonder how much of his tears are real…” - Cloche
“Leikata brings such life and energy to the Board Game Club, even going so far as to make customized game pieces for us, and animating them in front of our eyes. He’s so creative, turning chips into something so avant-garde. …Surely, they must be worth quite a lot under his name.” - Azul
“I don’t get why Vil wants me to be like Leikata so bad… All that pansy does is cry.” - Epel
“I can’t believe Azul invited Mr. Leikata— THE Leikata who was part of the stop motion for one of the biggest current blockbuster anime OPs of all time, to the BG club—! What was he thinking?!” - Idia
“I wonder how Lei how is doing, after he animated the credits of my last film. I was hoping we could catch up some time, after he moved.” - Neige
- Light magic user
- Leikata’s hair used to be long and symmetrical, until Rook burned it part of it by accident during a science lab.
- Leikata’s favourite food, stargazy pie, is banned from the Pomefiore dining hall for life.
- Pomefiore is generally very protective and coddling of Leikata. Not necessarily because they’re scared of him getting hurt, but because of the potential danger that is his UM.
- One of Leikata’s past times in Pomefiore is doing puppet shows in the lounge. Students of other dorms drop by sometimes to watch.
- Leikata’s anime/manga/gaming collabs are essentially the TWST equivalent of JJBA x Gucci/Louvre
Full Sprite:
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edgysaintjust · 2 years
I want to make Robespierre and sj fight (but like, a fight that would end their friendship) in a small fic I'm writing. But I don't have any idea of how. What would you think would be a catastrophic way to make them fight?
SJ refuses to shave his moustache
Okay, If I were to give you a general advice, misunderstanding and miscommunication always does the thing; the conflict can be caused by something simple and be 100% avoidable, but circumstances and emotions make it escalate. It's frustrating, it can be painful especially if both characters have best intentions with each other. It can happen over a minor/almost passing situation that is simply made hard to explain and makes the other one jump to wrong conclusions; little space to hold a proper conversation, rush, stressing outer circumstances that make the conflict escalate more than it usually would.
If I were to be more specific about a possible situation leading to a fight, perhaps it could be a classic meeting with someone a person shouldn't be caught seeing! It can look like betrayal of ideals, especially if it happens after a very specific conversation. Spotted having a "secret", friendly-looking chat with a political enemy they specifically mistrusted yesterday? Accidental, but feels like backstabbing! Little tricks like this will sound cliché, but can certainly be written well ;) Especially with a background consisting of seemingly irrevelant clues that will only later make sense once suspicion raises! That's first thing that came to my head, but go wild!
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 months
Obkk ghost marriage fic where after kannabi bridge, the Uchiha decide Kakashi can keep the eye but only if he agrees to marry Obito's ghost in a traditional ghost marriage.
(This also means he officially joins the Uchiha clan. Maybe lean into how he knows very little ab his own clan history, so there's like some minor complexes playing off of that as he ultimately takes up the Uchiha name and traditions, effectively abandoning his own -> which could also play interestingly into his negative views of his father at that age. This also means he moves out of his clan compound and into the Uchiha district— which is actually really good for his mental health)
Kakashi doesn't argue, he sees it as the ultimate atonement actually. He's incredibly dutiful but especially so at that age. He'd take it dead fuckin seriously and be the best ghost bride possible. Instead of constantly going to the memorial stone he has like a proper shrine to honor him in the house where he leaves his favorite foods n stuff
Like little 13 year old widower Kakashi w Rin as his witness rip
I'm not the biggest Rin fan bc her canon characterization feels like that usual boring "girl crush turned martyr" (naruto misogony strikes again rip) and I've yet to find any interpretations that really strike me— with one exception.
I don't remember the fic, and Rin only showed up for part of it, but I remember being rlly taken by her in it. It highlighted her being as struck by Obito's death as Kakashi, with her an official mednin working overtime in the hospital as the war ramped up. Also it gave her a smoking habit!! I can appreciate a well played addiction to cope in text. Idk I just read it and kinda went "woah she suddenly feels like a real person to me"
But like, that for Rin here. She's working triple overtime in the hospital, day and night. The war is getting worse and worse and some nights she comes home w her gloves still stained in the blood of her patients from back to back surgeries where her patients died on the table. They have her listed for eye trauma specifically after her successful transplant for Kakashi, and she's proving to be invaluable for the patients w eye based kekkei genkkai. She wants to go into specifically researching and healing for eye bloodline limits, but is struggling to convince the clans to allow her access to that information.
Kakashi's new home is closer to the hospital that Rin's parents, and stuff w her parents is starting to get... tense. It hurts them, to see their daughter struggling like this. To see her coming home with dulled eyes and bloodied hands. To be waken by her nightmares and then not know how to comfort her.
Rin slowly starts staying over with Kakashi more and more and after a while she's just kind of fully moved in, but neither of them actually really talk about it
Let them be best friends w a kind of codependency on eachother that would be concerning if not for how it's very clearly keeping both of their heads afloat as days go on and things get worse.
Queerplatonic besties Rin and Kakashi sharing the same bed so when they wake up screaming they can help eachother go back to sleep easier. Rin likes it when Kakashi summons his ninken to sleep w them. They sleep easier w eachother bc they feel safer knowing they're there to have eachothers back, just like they would on the field
Anyways, Kakashi moves out of his clan compound and into the Uchiha's. He's neighbors with a little 6 year old Shisui and is kind of picked up by the scruff by a lot of Uchiha who have really weird complex feelings ab Obito's death (many of them feeling bad ab not having reached out before to him / seeing him die so young, and then projecting that onto Kakashi)
Kakashi and sometimes Rin kind of accidentally becoming a babysitter for Itachi both bc of proximity and bc Mikoto is friends with Kushina
On that note -> Minato does not really get the ghost marriage thing. He's civilian born, and the practice is really old and hasn't really been used since like, warring states era. So Minato is kind of weirded out and very "uhhh. Are you SURE this is what you wanna do?" But Kakashi seems set, and like, if it helps him cope???
He is however very supportive of getting Kakashi out of the fucking tomb of his father's house and into the much more populated and lively Uchiha clan compound
Minato makes Kakashi ANBU and designates him as his home guard specifically to keep him off the battlefield. He lowkey does the same to Rin (minus the ANBU part) positioning her in the hospital and making sure she's getting that good good mednin education. If pressed on why she doesn't go out as a field medic, he insists it's because she shows too much promise as a healer to risk— not now that they've lost Tsunade. If Rin can grow to be even half as good as she is, it'll be worth keeping her away from the fighting.
Neither Kakashi nor Rin feel very good about this decision (tho hypocritically, they agree w it when it comes to the other, bc ofc they do)
Rin doesn't die bc I say so and Obito does a comedy spit take when he inevitably learns he's legally married to Kakashi under the eyes of the Sage, Amaterasu and all.
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sunfortune · 6 months
hiiii i recently watched kanthony (the so called bridgerton show or whatever) and was wondering if u have any fic recs... 👉👈🤭
okay i litchrally have never compiled a list bc i have read too many to keep them organized. but ill do it. Finally. for YOU.
first. my fav period setting fics <33:
tete a tete by caciopepebowl (14k~) this is REQUIRED reading to ME. its a quick read that explores kate and anthonys roles in their family. with an emphasis on KATE specifically bc of the additional hurdles of being a woman with limited funds. and anthony losing his mind on her behalf while shes breaking his heart by being like "the way i was treated was normal?? you dont know anything" and hes like "what? kate you deserved everything. you deserve ALL the love in the world!!" and shes all ">:( well if i do. you do too." . and hes like "oh. well...no. you see.. bc i suck" and shes like -_-. its really sweeeeeet and lovely <3) and really finally gave me the exploring of kates family issues that THE SHOW DID NOT!!!
the longest betrothal by caciopepebowl. (90k~) my FAVVVVV regency setting fic. its sooo good. its basically a continuation that fills in the gap AFTER they get engaged but BEFORE theyre married. and them trying SO hard to be normal about how in love they are lol. SO funny and sweet. and with IMMACULATE characterization
in vino veritas by wagamiller. (~10k) a one shot about kate going to a ladies society event and coming home drunk to anthony and him being soooo smitten with her. sauuuur cute. ive read this like 4 times <3 its soooo good
for reasons wretched and divine by penny_loaf. (~18k. locked fic. need an account.) basically kate and anthony get stuck in a time loop on that first day edwina is receiving suiters. they both think theyre alone in the loop and its depressing until they realize the other is stuck with them too. they try to break the loop and fail repeatedly. after a while they just give up and start fucking bc theres no consequences so who cares LOL. surprisingly tender and sweet
the harsh light of day by burnerraccount. (~22k. locked) explicit one shot. kate has the idea that they should fuck before they get married so theres less pressure on the wedding night. she decides all this without mentioning it to anthony (LOL). so she shows up at his house the night before their wedding. and his footman is like "theres a woman outside to see you" and he in all his goofy almost-married bliss is like "i dont want to see Any woman but my gorgeous, beautiful, amazing WIFE" and his footman is like "well. you see.. it is your wife. uh fiance" and anthonys like "[voice crack] huh ?". very FUNNY
green in its many hues by burnerraccount. kate and anthony decide they are going to be chaste and proper leading up to their wedding. they suck at it SO bad lol
next. modern AUS my best friends <33:
la semi dolce vita by caciopepebowl (~170k) my FAVVVV modern au of ALL time. kate is a private chef. anthonys family hires her when they go on vacation. hes being so normal about it. i promise. this is one of the best characterizations of kate AND anthony in a modern setting. with an extra emphasis on focusing on kate issues. and not JUST anthonys. which is what makes the dynamic sooo good. 10/10. hot. and i love LOVE <3
close encounters of the acutest kind by caciopepebowl (WIP ~74k. only incomplete fic ill put on this list i PROMMY. bc its by the prev author. and i Looove their writing and its sooo good so far <3) kate and anthony meet for the first time the DAY her dad died which is also the SAME DAY hyacinth is born. theyre both having a panic attack and end up running into the same empty hospital room to have it. are then intrinsically linked forever. as one is. run into each other multiple times over the years. with different feelings each time. and they are so normal (lying) <3. i love them
chosen & cherished by trash4ficsaboutlurv. (~42k) this is so underrated. kate runs a charity organization. anthony is CEO of whatever the fuck. she goes to his company when theyre holding some audition for what charity theyre going to invest in and kate is the last speaker and when its finally her turn he barely even pays attention. and shes exhausted and overworked and just oveeeer it All. so she ends the meeting and tells him to go fuck himself. LOL. genuinely really good. and hot <3
sidelines by ramarro. (~60k) this was THE quintessential kanthony modern AU in 2022. kates an artist who sees a picture of anthony on tinder and thinks he looks obnoxious (lol) but screenshots the photo so she can use his arms/hands for sketching practice. and then she see him and his grown ass on a date with her BABY sister. and shes like well i was right about him. and lets him know to his face how she feels (LOL). its wild. it slays. read it. theres an explicit follow up to it which also slays
three cities and we never lived here by ramarro. (~25k, ~40k) very different modern au where kate and anthony meet on vacation and are very casual with them both not looking for anything (genuinely for once lol) and then seeing each other multiple times over 2-3 years in different cities and still keeping it casual. but slowly slowly slowlyyyy it doesnt feel as casual as it used to. theres 2 fics in this. the first is kates pov. the second is anthony. both very good.
just go with it by suitsusboth. (~18k) kate when booking a flight sees the potential titles like ms, mrs, dr, and "viscountess" listed as a legit option and has a laugh like whos picking this goofy shit and accidentally clicks it. and then on her flight gets upgraded to first class next to anthony bc they assumed she was his wife. and he tries to be mad about it. but well. hes stupid for her in every universe so lol. funny and sweet
the air i breathe and the bane of my existance by the_loosest_moose. (image fic) these are textfics told through instagram, twitter, article and text message screenshots. with some regular text. would just check them out to gauge how you feel about the storytelling method. very fun reads once you get the hang of it
heirlooms by waterlilyrose. (~12k) modern au where kate gets anthonys ring stuck on her finger for days and has to wait to get it off. he is of course very normal about it
a devils love by irony_rocks. (~57k) this may not be for everyone but kanthony season came out around the same time as The Batman (2022) and as someone who was crazy insane about both. this was the MOMENT for me in spring 2022. its a crime mafia type au where kates character is inspired by selina kyle and the pebble lounge she worked at in the batman movie. and well. if youre about that specific combo check it out. its not a batman au
break point (series) by penny_loaf. (multiple. ~25k) this a tennis au which you wouldnt think would be that deep but it is and its sooooo good. it really delves into the pressure of the world its set in on top of the issues kate and anthony ALREADY have. and as an ANGST and crazy, complicated characters STAN...very GORGEOUS to ME <3 and hot
take me home by kendal_lynne. (~12k) romcom type explicit one shot where kate makes the mistake of telling anthony her ex couldnt make her come. and hes all like i can do it volunteer as tribute PLEASE PKLEASE PLEASE PICK ME CHOOSE ME PLWASEE etc
we never made a sound by writergirl8. (~4k) spy au that was soooooo good and sexy. i wish it was longer
with elaichi by serendipityinwords (~6k) the two biggest bitches at a dinner party find out they're soulmates. LOL. hilarious dialogue
theres probably more i loved that im not remembering rn and maybe ill update this but for now have fun! yippee <3
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Genshin SAGAU where GN! Reader reads a fanfic about them.
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this is my first post bare with me pls, it isn't proof read pookie... i know this kind of idea has been done before but i just love it so...
Creator! Reader gets isekai'd into Tevyat. It didn't take long for you to be found by the Archons and be placed inside a heavily guarded palace in Liyue.
Creator! Reader who quickly gets bored of their palace, who wouldn't be bored when you're restriced to go outside or... Practically do anything!
Creator! Reader who soon notices a book on the ground, you picked it up and it was... A fanfic about the creator...? It was titled 'The creator and I's forbidden love: Star crossed lovers unable to love each other due to fate. Will we continue our love or will it all break apart?' Wow... That's a long ass title. It was a story about you, the creator, and a human. The human had no name, probably for immersion for whoever is reading it.
It sure was... Interesting to say the least... You were... Characterized as this brave, kind, and absolutely perfect character who fell in love with a Human... The Human was... Okay to say the least, the human's personality wasn't your type but whatever you let it slide since this was just a fanfic.
You were about to stop reading but you soon got to the spicy part... "WAIT WE DO IT IN A CAVE...?!" You gasped in disbelief, the smut was actually well written, and it inflated your ego that you were written as the Dom one in the relationship.
Creator! Reader who soon gets immersed into the book and loses track of time. You binged read that 1000 paged book, and you enjoyed it. It made you feel all giddy and curious to what other fanfics about you are out there.
Creator! Reader who brings it up on a meeting with the Archons. By Archons... It was Nahida, Venti, Zhongli, and Raiden Ei. Neuvillete wasn't exactly the Archon... The other two also were absent due to some conflicts.
"Oh right! I read this book titled... Hmm.. What was it again...? The creator and I's forbidden love: Star crossed lovers unable to love each other due to fate. Will we continue our love or will it all break apart?, have you guys read it before?" you asked, everyone except Nahida stiffened at the mention of the first words of the title.
"Is that the book Miko gave me...?" Raiden Ei mumbled. "Oh! Is that-" Nahida was cut off by Venti, "Your Grace..." he clears his throat, "I don't think that's a famous book so we are unaware of it... Do you like it?" he added. Everyone soon stared at you, anticipating an answer.
"Hmm... Well it's interesting... Maybe even correct in some parts." you replied. Correct in some parts...?? Where..?? Which one...?! What scene?! The smut?? The kiss?? How the author envisioned the creator being inlove?! WHICH ONE??
Those were the questions popping up in their heads, well... Except Nahida. "Your Grace, if you don't mind me asking... Which part is true?" Venti asked, Zhongli cut in before you could utter another word. "That question is out of line." He spoke out, even though he was... Also curious... he felt it was a rude question to you. You only laughed it off, not giving him a proper answer.
News spread like wild fire...! The creator likes that book...?! Oh expect it to be sold out and be treated as some sort of sacred religious text or something!
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Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary: Spencer discovers that his girlfriend has a stalker
Warning: Stalking, obsession, creepy basement, weapons, cursing
Word Count: 3.6K
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“Thanks,” I smiled at the barista as she handed me mine and Spencer’s coffee. Well… while my drink was coffee his was just cream and sugar with a little bit of caffeine.
“Have a nice day,” she wished before turning her attention to another customer.
As I headed for the door a fellow customer on their way to work held it open for me. I gave him the same thanks with a smile as the barista, heading for my car.
Arriving at the office I delivered Spencer’s drink to him. “One milkshake for you,” I announced teasingly.
“Actually a milkshake is characterized by it’s mixing process when it is whipped until it’s frothy,” he informed, taking mild offense to my comment.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” I dismissed, taking my seat at my desk across from him. “Oh, by the way, I made reservations at Francesco's for Friday but if we aren’t able to make that we have a reservation at Town Kitchen for Sunday.”
“Sounds good but our anniversary is on Saturday,” Spencer informed gently.
“Yeah but I don’t want either of us to be upset if we have to miss the reservation on our actual anniversary.”
Spencer smiled to himself. While Y/N wasn’t like him in the way that he had millions of facts spanning thousands of subjects memorized, she always thought of everything. “That’s why I love you. You always think of everything.”
“And I love you because you know everything,” she smiled.
“Ugh, love,” Emily gagged as she approached.
“Aw, did Sergio not want to cuddle last night?” I teased her about her cat.
“Shut up,” she scoffed.
I laughed, reaching into my bag for the case files I was working on last night. As I pulled the stack out I noticed a bright blue post-it note sticking out of one of the files as if it had fallen in. Pulling it out and flipping it, I noticed some words written on it.
Have a nice day, Y/N
My first thought was that maybe it was something Spencer slipped into my bag last night but the handwriting didn’t match. This was messily scrawled while Spence’s handwriting was neat. Still, it seemed like the most logical conclusion. “Spence, did you leave this?” I asked casually, sliding it over to his desk.
Upon just glancing at the note his brows furrowed. “No, where’d you find it?”
“In my bag. I know that’s not your handwriting— or anyone else’s on the team— but you seemed to be the most logical explanation.”
“Maybe it was a cop on the last case who had a crush on you,” Spencer shrugged, trying to dismiss any jealousy.
“Maybe,” I mused, thinking back to the behavior of the officers from Utah. Nothing seemed to stick out but my attention wasn’t exactly focused on any of the police there. Shrugging I crumpled it up, tossing it into the trash bin under my desk.
“Conference room,” Hotch announced from his little balcony, tearing me from my thoughts about the note.
Three days later we landed back in Virginia just in time for Spencer and I to make our anniversary dinner. “L/N for two,” I told the hostess at Town Kitchen. Our reservation was at 7:00 and we had arrived at 7:06.
“Just in time,” she commented, grabbing us our menus and leading us to our table. We sat down graciously, thankful that they hadn’t given away our table.
“I know it’s not the most romantic to be doing this in the clothes we just spent three days in but I’m glad we could do this,” Spencer smiled, reaching his hand across the table.
I placed my hand in his. “Me too.” As much as I loved our impromptu date nights that consisted of takeout and whatever was on TV of the station we were working out of, it was special to be able to have a proper date. “It’s almost like we’re a normal couple right now and not two FBI agents.”
“Do you wish we were normal?” he asks.
“Not in the slightest,” I smiled.
“I’m like 99% sure I have all your Dr. Who DVDs in a drawer in my living room,” I said, unlocking my apartment door. “Grab a bottle of wine and some glasses from the kitchen and I’ll start the DVDs?”
“Sure,” Spencer agreed with a smile. “Assuming you can find them,” he teased.
“They’re more than likely there,” I defended, finally getting the door unlocked. “Go,” I laughed, pushing him towards my kitchen. I went towards my TV stand, starting to go through my drawers. By the time I concluded that they weren’t in there Spencer was already sat on the couch with two glasses of wine. He had an amused look as I turned around to face him. “Let me check in my room.”
As I walked in I stopped abruptly, finding the floor covered in photos and post-it notes. Horror filled my chest. “What the fuck?” I must have yelled it because Spencer was running to my side. Upon seeing all the photos, he was immediately dragging me out of the apartment.
Once we were out in the hallway, Spencer kept pushing me towards the stairs while pulling out his phone. “What are you doing?” I asked as he ushered me out into the parking garage.
“I’m texting the team to come to your apartment but we’re leaving for now,” he explained, opening the passenger door to my car. “We can’t just wait in the apartment. Your stalker may have been waiting around.”
“Okay, yeah, good idea,” I agreed through my hyperventilation. Reaching into the glove compartment I grabbed our guns. We had stashed them there for dinner.
Spencer sped out of the parking lot, parking on the street two blocks away before sending our location to the team. “Okay they’ll be here in a few minutes and then we can go investigate the apartment,” he explained. I only nodded along. Normally I’d be much more rational than this but I was in so much shock in terror I couldn’t think straight. “Hey, hey it’ll be okay. No one’s going to hurt you. The team will be here soon and we’ll find this person. We’ve dealt with erotomaniacs before.”
“You think this is an erotomaniac?” I asked, scared.
“Based on the note I saw earlier and I didn’t notice any threatening imagery in your room. We’ll know more when we get a proper look,” Spencer tried to soothe.
Soon enough the others were pulling up to our location, Hotch and Morgan wearing their bulletproof vests. “Morgan and I will go in and clear the place. Then we can call CSI and have them collect any forensic evidence,” Hotch explained. His gaze and tone then softened as he looked at me. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” I nodded, “just a little shaken up.”
He pursed his lips, nodding and unsure what to say. He looked back up at Morgan, nodding as they both walked towards my apartment.
JJ and Emily were both fretting over me as Morgan and Hotch searched the apartment. To my relief they called soon saying there was no one in my home.
Entering again, I made a beeline for my bedroom, wanting to see the photos. As I entered, Hotch was already there, observing the photos and notes spread out on the floor. They were all of me taken from a distance away with a zoomed in lens. There were several of me just going about my life in various stores and coffee places. But the most horrifying ones were of me and Spencer. If he was able to, it looked like the unsub just cut my boyfriend out of the pictures but the ones where Spencer was too close, his face was angrily scribbled over. Among the photos were notes ranging from I miss you, to I’m going to kill him.
By now Spence had entered my bedroom with the rest of the team. “I think we’re dealing with an erotomaniac.”
“Looks like it,” Derek agreed. “I assume you haven’t noticed anyone lurking around?” he asked me.
“No, nothing. The first thing I noticed was as a note in my bag that said Have a nice day, Y/N. We just assumed it was from a cop in Utah but this?”
“You definitely have a stalker,” Hotch concluded. “The question is how did he manage to avoid detection of seven FBI agents and why now?”
“Maybe Y/N and I’s anniversary?” Spencer suggested.
“Well that’s the best we’ve got for now. We’ll let CSI search for forensic evidence, meanwhile let’s all head to the office so we can start forming the profile.”
Back at the office everyone was treating me like well… a victim. “I’m fine,” I insisted as I felt of their lingering gazes. “We need to work on our bedside manner because I hate this.”
I got a few muttered sorry’s until Spencer came and sat in front of me. “Okay Y/N we’re going to try a cognitive interview.” I nodded, closing my eyes, allowing myself to be open to Spencer’s words. “Okay, go back to the day you found the note, what were you doing before you found it?”
“I was getting us coffee,” I answered, bringing the coffee shop to mind.
“Okay, describe it for me. What do you see, smell, and hear?”
“It’s crowded- and loud. The machines are whirring and people are talking.”
“Okay, does anyone get close to you? Close enough to put something in your bag?”
As I’m standing in line I feel a guy brush up against my bag. I hadn’t thought much of it because it was crowded and I thought he was moving to let someone pass. “Yeah, I’m getting in line, I’m near the door, and this guy brushes against my bag behind me.”
“Can you see his face or give any description?”
I strained hard in my memories, essentially begging myself to be able to turn around enough to see him. I open my eyes, looking into Spencer’s hazel ones. “I can’t see his face but based on his body… he’s white, roughly middle aged, medium build.”
Spencer smiles, taking my hand. “You did good. C’mon, let’s go tell the team.” I let him help me off the seat as we headed towards the conference room where the others were discussing theory. “He’s a white male, middle aged, with a medium build,” Spencer informed. “He slipped the note into Y/N’s bag Thursday morning.”
“Okay so average guy, probably feels too average and therefore inferior since erotomaniacs tend to be obsessed with those perceived to be above them,” Derek pieced together.
“So maybe a working class or blue collar guy?” JJ suggested. “Store clerk, janitor, any mechanic, plumber, electrician you’ve interacted with in the past few weeks?”
Before I could answer Rossi jumped in. “Or months, possibly within the last year? There were a lot of photos.”
“Nothing significant I can think of but I know it doesn’t have to be significant to me for it to flip the switch for them,” I explained.
“Garcia, start compiling a list of middle aged white men who work here as janitors, live in L/N’s building, work at shops she frequents,” Hotch looked at me expectantly for a list. I nodded, silently agreeing to write one up. “I know it’ll be a broad list but it’s a place we can start.”
“That’s not even covering all the places we traveled in the last year,” Emily added. “This is like finding a needle in a haystack.”
“Ooh report from CSI. There were no finger prints and absolutely no sign of a break in or picked locks—and I know an FBI agent isn’t leaving her windows or doors unlocked—leading them to believe that the stalker somehow got ahold of a copy of your key.” I felt nauseous at that news. “As for the notes, they’re currently working on handwriting analysis for any other stalking cases in the area, so far nothing. As for the photos, they were shot on real film and developed in like a darkroom so I’ve already cross referenced photographers and frequent buyers of darkroom supplies with the list I have so far. When Y/N gets me that list of frequent stores I will cross reference those as well.” Penelope took a big breath, having not breathed the entire time she was talking.
“Y/N get started on that list, Reid and I will head to the coffee shop to see if they have any security footage of this guy,” Hotch ordered.
It was hard for Spencer to watch the security camera footage. He and Hotch watched as the shady looking man slipped the note into Y/N bag and proceeded to hover around her as she waited for her coffee. It was a busy morning in the already cramped coffee shop explaining why Y/N hadn’t noticed his too-close for comfort presence.
I shuddered watching the man follow me around the coffee shop. I’m a highly trained FBI agent, how did I not notice him?
Sensing my unease, Spencer stepped closer, squeezing my hand in reassurance. “Have you ever seen or noticed this man before?” he asked softly.
“Nothing I can remember,” I confessed shyly, feeling like a failure for never noticing him.
“Garcia’s running his picture through facial recognition software. If he has a criminal record, we’ll find him,” Hotch assured.
I still felt like I couldn’t breathe. “I need some air.” Everyone looked after me, hesitant. “I’ll stay in the building I just can’t be around this,” I gestured to my pictures, “anymore.”
They all looked hesitant but no one stopped me as I exited the office, heading to nowhere. I had no specific destination, I just wanted to walk around.
Upstairs, Garcia ran into the BAU conference room. “Guys, guys, I got a hit on facial recognition. Our stalker’s name is Michael Garrison and the reason he didn’t show up in my initial search is because his juvenile criminal record is sealed. When he was 15 he got a restraining order against him from a senior at his high school and when he was 18 he got another one from a teacher also at his high school. During these trials it came out that he was also stalking middle school girls while in high school. As for him now… he works as a janitor here. Now, he’s not scheduled to come in today but I have a feeling he’s not sticking to that schedule,” she said nervously.
“No he is not, babygirl,” Derek confirmed. “Reid, call Y/N.”
“Already on it,” he confirmed, holding the phone up to his ear. But when her phone began to ring on the very table they were standing around, every heart rate in the room spiked.
“Everyone, split up,” Hotch ordered, everyone already headed for the door.
I pressed the elevator call button, ready to head back upstairs when a custodian came up beside me, also waiting for the elevator. I have him a soft smile of acknowledgment before looking back at the elevator call button. Once the door opened I stepped in first, followed shortly by him. Before I could reach to press the button, he was already pressing his floor, the basement. “Where to?” he asked.
“Seven, thanks,” I answered as the doors closed. But once they closed he made no move to press the button. Confused and hesitant I stepped forward to press it, only for him to step towards me as well. “Wha-”
“Finally, we’re alone,” he said with a big smile.
“What are you-” I began to ask, backing away as far as I could, cursing myself for not bringing my phone or gun.
“I knew you’d come find me once I left those notes.” The elevator dinged and opened to the basement, I just hoped someone else would be down here. I looked out into the dark basement hesitantly. His face fell seeing my hesitation. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a government issue gun, one he had probably swiped from an agent. “Go on,” he urged, carelessly waving the gun around.
I hesitantly walked past him, never taking my eyes off of him. “Where are we going?”
He followed me out of the elevator, gun pressed against my back, making me shudder. “I have a space down here,” he answered. We walked down a very long, very dark corridor until we reached a maze of stairs and pipes. Continuing down we reached what looked like an old, forgotten broom closet. Inside was a single dingy lightbulb which he tugged on, illuminating the repulsive room. The walls were covered in mysterious grime and scattered around the walls were pictures of me. I shuddered before looking at the absolutely repulsive mattress on the floor.
Scared but curious about how I got here. What set him off? How did I catch his attention? But I’d need to do this subtly. I pretended to look at all the photos in awe, as if touched by his infatuation. “You did all this, and the stuff in my apartment for me?”
If he was a cartoon I’m sure the hearts in his eyes would double in size. “Yes, yes, of course!” he confessed excitedly. “When I saw your picture on his desk, I knew you were the one.” Based on the way he said ‘his,’ I knew he was referring to the picture of Spence and I at the beach on his desk. “You’re so pretty,” he mused, stroking a finger down my face. It took everything in me not to slap his hand away. “And your notes… I knew you loved me too.” Against my will, a look of confusion must have crossed over my face. His eyebrows furrowed a little. “You know, the ones you left on your desk for me to find! In that glittery ink.” He rushed over to a box, pulling out half a dozen notes. I recognized Penelope’s handwriting and glitter gel pens. The messages came from a time when she was teasing Reid and trying to steal me away from him as a joke.
You should be with me
I love you <3
I’m leaving him for you, do the same for me?
I looked up at my stalker nervously, completely unsure what to say. Seeing how unstable this guy was, I knew the safest thing would be to agree. “Oh yeah, I forgot about these.” It took me swallowing my every ounce of pride to say the next words. “It had been so long I was scared you wouldn’t do anything. Like… I’d be stuck with Spencer forever.” The man visibly melted at my words.
“Oh sweetie, I’m so sorry you felt that way.”
Before he could say anything, the door burst open, revealing Emily with her gun. I nearly sobbed in relief seeing her but before I could react, the stalker’s arm was around my neck, pointing the gun at my head. “I found Y/N, Garrison has a gun!”
Soon enough the rest of the team showed up, including Spencer. “She’s safe with me!” Garrison insisted.
“Then why are you pointing a gun at her head,” Emily countered.
He lowered the gun, pointing it at my teammates who weren’t wearing their vests. I nearly screamed when he pointed it at Spencer. “Tell them we’re fine, that you’d rather be here with me!” Garrison demanded like a child.
“Come on Garrison, you know this isn’t rational,” Derek interrupted. “Look at her, she’s terrified.”
“Shut up!” he screamed, moving the gun towards Derek. “Tell them!”
“I’m fine guys!” I told them. Grabbing at his arm that was wrapped around my throat, I began to plea. “Please let me go. I can’t breathe, we can talk about this. We just need to settle some things so we can be together.”
But he only tightened his grip, I began to feel a little lightheaded. “No, he’ll just steal you away from me.” The gun was once again trained on Spencer.
“I won’t, I swear,” Spence promised, putting his gun away. “We were never really a couple. It was all just a ruse to make you jealous and catch your attention.”
Suddenly his grip loosened and I fell into a coughing fit. “Really?” he asked. Realizing I had fallen at his feet he dropped the gun, crouching down. Next thing I knew Garrison was being pushed back by Derek while Emily pulled me away.
I was immediately pulled up into my boyfriend’s arms. “Thank god,” I heard him whisper as I sobbed into his shoulder. I clung to his shoulders, a sobbing mess as he hugged me tightly, nuzzling his face into my neck.
Behind me I could hear Garrison’s shouts. “No! I trusted you! I loved you! You lying bitch!” he continued to scream profanities at the top of his lungs as Derek dragged him out, not shy about roughing him up a bit.
“Reid, take L/N home. Take the night off too,” Hotch ordered. “Glad you’re okay,” he said to me before following the others upstairs.
That night I couldn’t stand the idea of being alone but fortunately Spencer didn’t mind. He stuck by me all night, whispering assurances and sweet nothings whenever I got scared.
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thinkofmehoney · 29 days
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“A Place for You to Rest”
⇢ Summary: Choso asks Nanami to teach him how to cook, so he can prepare a meal for Yuji. He gets frustrated when he can’t do it perfectly, feeling the pressure of trying to be the best older brother for Yuji after the death of his younger brothers. But Nanami sees this, and when the anxiety it’s getting the best out of Choso, he’s right there to help him.
⇢ contents: NOT SHIP CONTENT!, slice of life, found family, fluff and angst, emotional hurt/comfort, Choso needs a hug, Nanami is a good dad, insecure Choso, canon compliant
⇢ notes: in this au Nanami is like 40, Choso is a half curse so he’s still 150 but appears early 20’s, and Yuji is 10. I haven’t really thought much about details but I’ll probably do it in another occasion!
Ao3 link is in the title
⇢ word count: 1.3k app
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“Is it like this?” Choso asked, a little unsure as he roughly chopped onions. He looked really focused, almost stressed.
Nanami observed his movements, and he spoke with the gentle, fatherly tone that characterized him. “Try to slice them in finer pieces. Like this”
Nanami chopped another onion with ease, he has learned to enjoy cooking with the years, ever since he realized that cooking meant he would spent time eating delicious food with his little family.
Choso looked, trying to mimic Nanami’s controlled movements. He frowned at the onion, “I’m trying, but I just… Can’t manage to get it right.”
Choso was starting to sweat and he hasn’t even started to cook the actual meal yet. He asked Nanami for guidance on how to cook, because he didn’t really knew how and also because he wanted to make Yuji’s lunch for school tomorrow.
Choso wanted to be useful, he didn’t want to just live off of Yuji’s dad, the least he could do was to learn how to cook properly. In this way, he hoped he could feel more comfortable too, after all, Nanami wasn’t his dad, so Choso was only living there because he was Yuji’s half-human half brother.
Being the observant man he was, Nanami could notice the way Choso clumsily and hastily chopped the onions. Not because he wasn’t capable of doing it right, but because he was too frustrated.
“Choso, hey, slow down.” He adviced, he didn’t knew if it was the onion, but Choso’s eyes slowly filled with tears.
“I-I can’t, I have to get this ready for Yuji, and you should’ve been sleeping fifteen minutes ago for work if it wasn’t for me.” He desperately explained.
“Kid, calm down, or else you-“ Thump
“Ouch!” Choso dropped the knife on the counter after cutting the tip of his finger.
With a hand on his back, Nanami quickly guided him to the sink to rinse and cool down the wound. It was nothing really, he wasn’t even human after all, he could heal that little cut in a few seconds.
But the way Nanami carefully rinsed it, taking care of him like Choso’s father never did, made him feel warm and safe, like if there was nothing to worry about, because his dad was there for him.
Except, of course, Nanami wasn’t his dad.
“I told you, kid, those knifes are really sharp.” He reprimanded him softly, he used some paper towels to wrap his finger. “Hold this tightly, okay?”
Choso just nodded, looking down at his hands. He didn’t had any words left to say, a little taken aback by the cut.
Nanami sighed, crossing his arms on his chest, leaning back on the kitchen isle. “Now, what is it?”
Confused, Choso tried to answer. “What?”
Nanami gave him a knowing look, and Choso felt like he had been caught. “Choso, you’re the calmest person I’ve ever met in my life. Why are you so distressed?”
Choso only looked at him, trying to hold his gaze, but his lower lip quickly formed a pout, tears filled his eyes. “I just… I just wanted to learn how to cook…”
He sniffed, holding his wounded finger and letting his tears fall. “I want to make sure I can cook a proper meal if Yuji is hungry.” He sobbed softly. “I want to be a good brother.”
Nanami’s eyes softened, seeing Choso crying and holding his injured finger made him look so small, just like when Yuji was even littler. He uncrossed his arms, speaking softer now.
“Choso, you are a good brother to Yuji, you’ve always been.” He tried to comfort him.
Choso sniffed, roughly trying to wipe his incessant tears with his sleeves. “I just… I want to protect him, to be useful.” He cried. “He said he wanted to cook with me, b-but I didn’t know how, I was too embarrassed to say so… So instead I told him I’ll cook with him tomorrow.” he explained, looking at Nanami.
Nanami felt like it was deeper than that, it was more than just wanting to be able to cook with Yuji. He knew that Choso’s younger brothers died some years ago, and that it affected him greatly.
Choso felt like he had to be the best, that perfection had to be his starting point. But even if he didn’t believe it, he was still human, and humans weren’t perfect.
Nanami took a step closer, tilting his head to see him better. “Choso, I can see how much you’re struggling, but you have to take it easier on yourself.” He sighed, it was difficult to see Choso so hurt.
He continued. “I know you’ve been through some painful moments, kid. I know you feel that losing your brothers was your fault.”
Choso opened his mouth, about to say something when Nanami shook his head. “It wasn’t your fault, Choso. But you’re carrying a heavy burden on your shoulders. You’re doing your best now with Yuji, both him and I can see that.”
Choso looked up at Nanami, feeling like he would never stop crying after this. He didn’t know how much he needed to hear that until now.
Nanami continued. “Yuji looks up to you, Choso. Not because you’re perfect, but because you’re there for him, you’re willing to learn and to grow for his sake and that shows how much of a good brother you are.”
He hoped his words could comfort him at least a bit, and they did. Choso nodded, still trying to wipe those tears. Nanami just gave him a soft smile and extended his arms at him. “Come here.”
Choso looked at him for a moment, and then immediately let himself be hugged by Nanami. He felt protected in such a warm hug—like everything might actually be alright.
He hugged him back, letting himself cry on his shoulder, and for a moment, Choso simply let himself be held. He buried his face into Nanami’s shoulder, his tears soaking into the fabric of his shirt. He didn’t care; it was the comfort he’d been craving for so long.
“Thank you, dad.” He didn’t even had time to think about what he said when the word had already slipped out of his lips. His eyes widened, trying to separate from the hug. “I-I’m so sorry… I didn’t mean to-“
But to his surprise, Nanami pulled him in again, into a protective hug, gently patting his back. “It’s okay.” he murmured reassuringly, almost like a coo. “If you want to call me that, it’s okay.”
Choso’s eyes widened and filled up with tears again, he felt so relieved that Nanami accepted him. He’s never had an actual father figure before, and he didn’t know he craved one so bad until now.
“Dad…” For the first time, he felt like he belonged somewhere, it wasn’t just him and Yuji against the world, now he knew that there was someone that could take care and protect them too. “Thank you… thank you so much.” he cried
Nanami chuckled, caressing Choso’s hair. “You’re welcome.” He looked down at him. “To be honest… I would’ve been upset if after all these years you didn’t consider me as a part of your family.”
They both laughed at that, and after a few minutes, Choso felt more calmed. Nanami patted his back comfortingly, and held the onion and knife again.
“I’ll show you an easier way to do this, okay? We’ll do this together, it doesn’t have to be perfect.”
Choso nodded, holding the knife and the onion too. “Alright, dad. I’ll do my best.”
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thank you for reading!! reblogs are greatly appreciated! <3
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kynizen · 27 days
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☆ drst hcs ~ in denial
prompt. him being heavily in denial about his feelings for you and if/when he’d finally realize it. split into three sections — him & you (how & why the denial starts) + him & co. (another character’s reaction to his denial) + feelings realization. gender neutral reader.
ft. hyoga, tsukasa, & ukyo
warning. spoilers for most recent eps. ahead , angst
a/n — I think this concept is fun! less characters bc there’s 3 sections per character! enjoy this fun little game of denial! also, i will say that hyoga’s characterization is largely based on his later manga appearances! there are no spoilers, but you don’t get to see a lot of good hyoga until the manga <//3 anyway! enjoy!
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☁️ hyoga akatsuki ;;
him & you ~ how it starts
• Given his nature, Hyoga would be in denial for quite some time before ever realizing that he actually likes you. After all, in his mission to build a world where only the strong and proper are revived, is there really any room for romance?
• The answer, of course, happens to be yes, even if he didn’t mean to fall for you.
• Usually, Hyoga would view kindness as yours as limiting and weak. How can anyone survive in a battle of survival of the fittest if they refuse to be ruthless?
• However… your kindness does something to him. He’s used to being treated with respect, reverence, or fear. Experiencing genuine kindness from you— kindness from one person to another— is an entirely new experience. He’s never been treated with warmth and smiles without an ulterior motive.
• Pacifist or not, your kindness is only further enhanced by your other skills. Witnessing you in your element further grows Hyoga’s affection for you. Your warmth got his eyes on you, and your skills kept him watching.
• But… surely he’s only watching you because you’re a proper ally, right? He’s merely surprised by how capable you turned out to be behind that soft heart. That’s why you’ve caught his attention.
• Hyoga treats you noticeably kinder than others. Even when he’s around people he respects— like Homura or Tsukasa— he maintains distance. With you, he’s a little warmer— more willing to entail conversation he’d see as nonsensical otherwise.
• On top of that, Hyoga is adamant on keeping you away from trouble. When he starts to suspect Gen’s loyalty, he tries his best to keep you far from the mentalist. What if Gen pulled you to the other side? How would he keep you safe then?
• He keeps trying to reason with himself that he merely feels this way because you’re a proper ally, and it’d be a shame to lose skills like yours. He’ll ignore his fluttering heart and the smiles behind his mask if it means keeping you at a distance and never admitting how he feels.
• Because if he admits it and he loses you, he’s certain he’ll risk becoming much weaker. And that’s not something he can afford.
him & co. ~ another character’s reaction — asagiri gen
• Hyoga, though he acts subtle about his favoritism toward you, isn't as discreet as he likely thought he was. Then again, it’s hard to hide things from a mentalist, even if Hyoga wears a mask.
• Gen notices a change in Hyoga’s demeanor a few weeks after you’re revived. Before you were around, Hyoga would make himself scarce— training in solitude— if no one needed him or he had no duties for the day.
• Beforehand, Tsukasa and Homura were the only people Hyoga gave the time of day. He’d hardly ever entertain conversation with another soul unless absolutely necessary. All to say, he was something of a lone wolf.
• Then, you’re revived. And suddenly, Gen sees a lot more of Hyoga around and hears him talking a lot more than he used to.
• Hyoga still trains, but he makes it a point to idle around and wait for you to also be free before walking off with you so you can keep him company while he trains.
• You’re the only one Hyoga actively talks with, and from what Gen has overheard, it’s hardly a business talk. Your conversation topics with Hyoga always include life, family, and who Hyoga is. Surprisingly, Hyoga doesn’t brush you off— diligently answering your questions and even asking some of his own.
• Gen also notices that when Hyoga isn’t around, you’re also notably absent. Gen once thought it was you clinging to Hyoga… but soon realizes it’s quite the opposite. Actually, he overheard Hyoga asking to be assigned to the same work with you when he’s able, or he merely finishes his own duties before seeking you out.
• Gen is quick to realize what it is. However, when he musters up the courage to ask Hyoga about it, he’s not shocked to hear the man vehemently deny it— going as far as calling it foolish and weak.
• However, Gen notices the way his shoulders relax, the way his brow unfurrows, and the smiles Hyoga tries to hide when you’re mentioned. Gen notices the way Hyoga straightens up a bit and softens around the edges when he’s with you.
• Gen knows for a fact that Hyoga is smitten with you. Now… whether or not he’d ever come to admit that is a whole new question. He’s so deep in denial and in his own worldview that he’s almost certain Hyoga would deny it until the day he dies.
• Well… not that it matters to Gen. If he can leverage Hyoga’s crush against him, then he will. Maybe then Hyoga would actually admit that he doesn’t just see you as a normal ally.
feelings realization ~ finally. . .
• After his betrayal against Tsukasa and the Kingdom of Science, Hyoga believes he’ll only feel regret that he didn’t best Senku. However… as time passes while he’s locked up, he feels more regret that he betrayed you and your trust.
• He doesn’t remember how everyone else reacted to his betrayal, but he does remember the hurt and disappointment on your face. In that moment, in fully losing, he felt like he lost something more than his ideal world— the person he wanted to share that world with.
• Hyoga fully suspects you to want nothing to do with him or Homura ever again. He suspects that he’s lost you forever— that he’ll never feel your warmth again. And the mere thought makes his heart hurt.
• In that moment, when he’s locked up and questioning why he cares so much, he finally comes to the realization that he wouldn’t care if you were just a proper ally in his eyes. He wouldn’t care so much unless he cared about you deeply.
• Part of him is disappointed— part of him blames you for bringing out a weakness in him. Surely, that weakness is the reason he lost. But… then you start visiting him.
• It starts with you bringing his food on a daily basis. Then, you bring your own food and stick around to eat with him. You engage Homura in conversation, and soon enough, him, too.
• Hyoga warms up to you all over again. You’re stronger than he ever was. He wants to call you stupid for being so willing to forgive him even though he was your enemy. However, he knows that you’ve fully considered the weight of your decision and still chose forgiveness anyway.
• He knows he could never be that way— which is why he has to admire that trait in you. Sure, perhaps kindness can be a foolish weakness… but that kindness of yours allowed you to give him a second chance.
• In its own way, that’s quite proper, isn’t it?
• Either way, he can’t help but accept that, yes. He loves you more than anything. And if there isn’t a place for romance in the Stone World, he’ll just have to carve one out himself.
• All he hopes is that, one day, you’ll be able to love him just as much. Though, he’d be unable to blame you for feeling otherwise. It’d be foolish for him to engage in such wishful thinking without facing reality.
• But… he certainly does love you. And that won’t change for a long time.
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☁️ tsukasa shishio ;;
him & you ~ how it starts
• When his attention first falls on you, Tsukasa assumes it’s because you’re especially pure-hearted. You’re someone his sister would’ve loved. After all, what else could it possibly be?
• He isn’t fully sure when that viewpoint changes. All he knows is that you change from someone his sister would’ve loved to someone he wishes could’ve met her. You become someone he knows he likes to be around, and he isn’t sure why.
• He vehemently denies that it could be love because, well, it was that same emotion that was Senku, Taiju, and Yuzuriha’s downfall. Senku’s care for his friend and knowing that Taiju loved Yuzuriha is precisely why he was able to best them.
• Emotions like that were sure to become a weakness, and he’d never let that happen, so it couldn’t be that. It’s precisely why he’s never searched for Mirai. Because even if she couldn’t be revived, he couldn’t bear to see her statue come to harm.
• So what he feels for you couldn’t be that. The desire to be in your presence— the desire to confide in you and spend quiet moments with you— it isn’t love. Admiration, perhaps? Maybe friendship? With each passing day he becomes more uncertain of the answer.
• What he does know is that he makes it a point to check in on you quite a bit. He revived you for your skills and kindness… but each time he meets you it’s never about anything related to the Empire.
• Your conversations with him are notably familiar. They’re never about work like with the others he talks with. When he approaches you, he does so to check in on your well-being— to ask if there’s anything you feel you’re lacking.
• You’re the only one he walks along the beach quietly with, reminiscing about his sister and his past. Tsukasa feels inclined to tell you things he hasn’t told another.
• But it isn’t love. When he tells you about himself— hoping to show you the reasons behind his morals— it isn’t love. When he’s had a rough day plagued with regrets and he seeks you out— that isn’t love.
• Because if it is, he’s certain you’d never be happy with where his morals align. He’s certain that you hide how troubled you are beneath a kind smile.
• If he falls for you, he knows it’d kill him that you’d never agree to be by his side. So he refuses— he can’t. He’ll call the extra kindness he shows you, the leniency he takes with you, anything but what it likely is if it means saving himself the weakness that comes with that warmth.
him & co. ~ another character’s reaction — yuzuriha & taiju
• While Tsukasa is relatively good about being subtle about how he feels about you, the person that notices it first is Yuzuriha, followed closely by Taiju.
• When he’s around you, Taiju recognizes the initial upstanding guy he thought Tsukasa was. He sees no hint of hostility or distrust that he’d seen in him before. All he sees is kindness. Tsukasa never regards you with anything but a smile, and it’s enough for Taiju to firmly believe that, yeah, Tsukasa is a good guy— probably just on the wrong path.
• It’s entirely different for Yuzuriha. The reason she recognizes Tsukasa’s fondness for you so quickly is because she recognizes the way the man looks at you. It’s the same way Taiju looks at her. Fondness, warmth, love— an unspoken desire to be by someone’s side no matter what may happen.
• They both see that… but they also hear how Tsukasa talks about you. He has nothing but good things to say. Even if you’re someone who doesn’t agree with Tsukasa’s morals, he’s never expressed anything but understanding. And if someone dares disrespect you, he’s quick to shut it down.
• However, they also hear him insist that you’re just a friend— someone pure-hearted that needs to be protected. Taiju mentions to Yuzuriha that he feels like Tsukasa looks a little sad when he calls you just a friend. She sees it, too.
• When he thinks you aren’t looking, the two notice that Tsukasa’s eyes always seem to drift to you. He always has a faraway look in his eyes. Then, they see his eyes glimmer a bit with hope when you happen to catch his gaze.
• Truth be told, it makes both Taiju and Yuzuriha a little sad. If Tsukasa was honest with himself— if he wasn’t so adamant on his ways— then there’d be nothing stopping him from being happy with you. Tsukasa’s biggest obstacle is himself.
• They hope that if they eventually beat Tsukasa in this war… maybe then he’ll allow himself to be happy with you. Maybe he’ll be allowed a happy ending with you.
• Because at the end of the day, Tsukasa is a good guy, isn’t he?
feelings realization ~ finally. . .
• Tsukasa finally realizes that he loves you when it’s a little too late. He finally realizes it… but his time with you gets cut terribly short.
• At the end of the war against the Kingdom of Science, you remain by his side. You share his excitement in reviving Mirai, and you never blame him for anything that happened. You stayed by him despite everything— despite all the fighting.
• The moment he realizes that you being there is just… natural to him, he accepts that he loves you dearly. You’d stay beside him through thick and thin, you’d be an amazing role model to Mirai, and your kindness knows no end.
• He loves you and wants to protect you. If the entirety of humanity is going to be revived, he’ll protect your pure heart from any corrupt adults himself. He wants to stay by your side and love you at your best and your worst as you did for him. He wants to be your support— a quiet and safe place to retreat to.
• He just… wants to be someone that deserves the kindness you’ve shown him. He wants to be worthy of the warm love you’ve always shown. He loves you and wants to treat you in the way you deserve.
• But… his happiness is short-lived. When Mirai is revived, he tells her about his affection for you. He tells her he wants to confess— but then Hyoga fatally wounds him.
• Tsukasa realizes it’d be selfish to ask you to wait for him. When Senku chooses to freeze him, they both have no clue when he’ll be able to come back— if he’ll ever come back. Tsukasa doesn’t want you to wait for him— for the slim chance he’ll return.
• It’s then that Tsukasa decides to take it with him to the grave. If he happens to revive… if Senku somehow finds a way to petrify him… then he’ll tell you. If you still haven’t found anyone by the time he returns, he makes a promise to himself, and to Mirai, that he'll finally tell you how he feels.
• Before he’s frozen, you make a promise to him in a hushed whisper that you’ll watch over Mirai for him— that you know he’ll return one day and that you’ll be patiently waiting for him to come home.
• In those final moments before cold sleep, Tsukasa’s heart feels reassured. He should’ve realized— you’d wait for him regardless of what he said.
• Now… he just hopes he’ll be able to awaken and meet you again— to love you as you deserve.
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☁️ ukyo saionji ;;
him & you ~ how it starts
• Ukyo recognizes your kindness almost immediately after you’re revived and become acclimated into the Tsukasa Empire. It’s hard for him not to stick by your side— relieved that he isn’t the only one who doesn’t agree with Tsukasa’s ideology and feels some guilt toward being unable to do a thing about it.
• Being around you so much leads him to start recognizing things beyond just an alignment of morals. You’re truly kind and caring— extending that same warmth to Tsukasa and even Hyoga. You reason that they must have their own experiences that led to having such ideals— that it isn’t an excuse not to care for them.
• You have the same idea as Ukyo for different reasons. You won’t leave the Tsukasa Empire not for reasons involving power or which side might win. It’s merely because you care for the people you revived with— you care for him.
• Ukyo wants to protect that kindness— wants to keep a war from happening in hopes that it’ll save you from ever looking sad over a lost friend. But… it isn’t love.
• No, Ukyo is certain that it’s merely a desire to protect you. After all, the world needs more people like you, so he can’t risk you getting in harm’s way. That’s it. It’s nothing beyond a desire to protect, right?
• And yet, you’re the only one that Ukyo has gotten close to in the Tsukasa Empire. He keeps everyone else at a professional distance, refusing to disclose anything about himself. When he’s with you, it seems much easier to open up. He doesn’t feel like he has to hide.
• You’re the only person he goes out of his way to check in on. When he knows you had an especially busy day or had a lot on your plate, he’ll seek you out immediately when he’s relieved of his duties. He’ll comfort you when you need it and keep you company when you desire it.
• However, he refuses to call it anything but friendship. Even if he wants to be closer to you— wants to soothe the fluttering in his heart— he can’t. Because Ukyo is continuously questioning his loyalty to Tsukasa.
• If he said anything, he’s certain you’d be used against him. If you happened to want to turncoat and leave, he knows he’d be used against you. That’s the last thing he wants.
• Because if a war is waged against the Kingdom of Science, Ukyo wants to be certain that you won’t come to harm. And something like love would become a glaring weakness— one that could be fatal.
• And this world needs more people like you.
him & co. ~ another character’s reaction — ishigami senku
• When Ukyo first defects to the Kingdom of Science, Senku immediately notices a level of hesitance for him— as if something is still holding him back. Considering how adamant Ukyo is that absolutely no one dies, Senku assumes that it isn’t just fueled by his morals.
• Then, Gen mentions seeing you and Ukyo together a while ago— and Senku can immediately tell that you’re the reason he’s so adamant on a peaceful end.
• At first, Senku assumes that maybe you’re a really good friend, perhaps a sibling? However, when he’s able to hear more from Taiju and Yuzuriha’s perspective, he can immediately tell it’s romantic, even if Ukyo himself is in denial about that fact.
• In all honesty, he isn’t one to care for romance himself, but he does care about the happiness of others. He can tell Ukyo’s seriously anxious about something happening to you— and though Senku is absolutely certain he won’t let anyone die, he knows that love can be a little illogical.
• Besides, you have your own assets that Senku could utilize. If you have the trust of a man like Ukyo, he’s certain it’s because you’re a good person. He isn’t one to push anyone into confessing— he never did with Taiju— but he will do his best to accommodate, even if he sees it as senseless.
• Because Senku does know what it’s like to lose someone— what it’s like to worry and to not want to be alone. If your presence makes Ukyo a little more confident, so be it. That’s why he’s the one who suggests looping you in and bringing you to their side.
• Hearing and later seeing how comfortable Ukyo is with you by his side is enough to confirm without a doubt that Ukyo loves you. Senku remembers seeding Ukyo when he’s serious— when he’s in the zone. It’s the complete opposite of what the man is like with you.
• With you, Ukyo is softer and much more laid back— more himself, if anything. And frankly, Senku thinks it’s illogical for Ukyo to keep hiding how he feels when it’s clear you feel the same.
• Then again, he won’t push. He’s certain Ukyo will want to make a move himself. He has faith it’ll happen one day, and Ukyo will be better for it.
feelings realization ~ finally. . .
• Given how adamant Ukyo is on protecting you, it isn’t exactly shocking that he’s the one who ends up hurt during the final battle of the war against the Tsukasa Empire.
• What does shock him is just how much it affects you. Of course, you’re kindhearted and have a loving personality— but he didn’t expect you to show so much concern for him in particular. However, the moment he gets injured, you put yourself at risk to get him to safety— spending time patching his wounds before running back to the battle.
• Your bravery paired with the care and consideration you show— add on top of that his neat brush with death— all of it causes him to truly accept that he loves you. He loves you and he doesn’t want to lose you— he doesn’t want to regret the things he never said.
• When the dust finally settles— when Tsukasa is defeated, Hyoga imprisoned, and the Kingdom of Science reigns victorious— he decides to tell you how he honestly feels.
• Because you’re sure to face dangers in the future— ones he might not be there for. There may come a time where he gets hurt or otherwise incapacitated again and he won’t be able to protect you like he wants. All he wants is to be certain that, no matter what you face, you know that he loves you and is supporting you whether he’s there physically or not.
• Of course, he hesitates a bit at first. But when he starts his confession speech and hears your heart quicken— hears the way your breath hitches a bit— he knows it’s mutual and he becomes far more confident in his words.
• Finally, he can accept that he’s always loved you— that there’s no longer a reason to deny it any longer. While he knows there might come a time in the future where someone could use your love against him… he thinks the risk is worth the reward.
• Because in no world are you Ukyo’s weakness. You’re his biggest strength— and you make him strive to be better. And he’s certain that if someone tried to use you two against each other, you and him would find a way to come out on top.
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picturejasper20 · 2 months
From someone who is in the Danny Phantom fandom, to fans from Fairly Oddparents: If you wonder the why of x bad characterization or why it is better in A New Wish, you can always blame it on Butch Hartman's writing decisions and the show becoming a longrunner. (Something that i assume a lot of you probably do).
¨Why do Cosmo and Wanda feel better written?¨ Because they got flanderized in the original series over the course of the seasons and the A New Wish writers are trying to write them more like they used to be in the earlier seasons.
¨Why Peri/Poof is more entertaining in A New Wish?¨ Because the writers gave him something to add to the show and has proper direction
¨Why Hazel feels like Chloe but properly written?¨ Again, because she has proper direction and she feels more like she has her own personality
Most of these why questions can be explained by just Butch Hartman's bad decisions, network demands and the original show running out of ideas/ losing its touch after so many episodes.
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well. i can't find my original fic rec list so here's a new (updated) one!
Daily Routines by The Garden of Unusual Delights (Shadowland) A number of people who feel depressed turn to comedy. Routines can also help. / As can having someone to care for. 4k words / oneshot / complete - TOP fucking tier. this rewired my neurons, shifted my view of Barnaby & his relationship with Wally, and also made me Deeply emotional
How to Greet New Neighbours by The Garden of Unusual Delights (Shadowland) He doesn't know what's happening, but he knows it isn't good. 8k words / oneshot / complete - STELLAR. an intriguing and engaging (and heartbreaking!) take on how Wally wound up sending material to the whrp
A Matter of Care by The Garden of Unusual Delights (Shadowland) When Julie is too sad to take proper care of her hair, Frank is happy to help out. 2.5k words / oneshot / complete - this person always gets characterizations Just Right, don't they? this a very sweet and tender moment between the besties <3
What to call it? What to call it? by Anonymous Wally tries to figure out what is different about the Neighborhood. But maybe there is no difference at all. 2.2k words / oneshot / complete - a fascinating exploration / behind the scenes interpretation of the secret 14 audios. the end always has me in my feels <3
Strings Of Fate by A_Cypress_Coffin Frank Frankly lived life by simply trudging along most days, but all of that changes when a new neighbor, quite literally, crashes into him. 27k / multichap / ongoing - a very fun interpretation of Franklydear and how the puppets perceive / experience / handle the true nature of their reality. i Cannot recommend it enough!
To Read a Clock by TurnedWorm Frank and Eddie try to teach Wally to read a clock. They get a bit more than they bargained for. 2.7k words / oneshot / complete - sweet and also Haunting! a stellar combination, and an interesting take on Wally's perspective. ngl it gave me chills!
my chest is bursting with abnormality by springtrap_wiki Wally realizes that something about him isn't as it should be. 1k words / oneshot / complete - a little peek into Wally realizing that he's different than his others neighbors. I like how this is handled - it hits home if im being honest!
Goin’ Out of My Head by 5_24 Picking someone up from the bus station seems like an easy task. But when adding Eddie Dear to that equation and the passenger just happens to be Frank Frankly, the results may vary... 5.4k / multichap / complete - genuinely funny, cute, and entertaining. the perfect read for a laugh!
Inside Jokes by The_PastelVoid In which the puppets are waiting for Sally and discover that Wally apparently has a contagious laugh when Barnaby tells what is called an "inside joke". 2k / oneshot / complete - pure fluff and laughs <3
Goodnight, Wally! by PastelDemon ... But what would happen if, one day, without any warning, Wally suddenly could sleep just like everyone else? 19.5k / oneshot / complete - very sweet with a sprinkling of angst, and an entertaining take on what a new-to-sleep Wally might be like
Welcome Home: Fantasy AU by ImaginatorOfThings What would happen if we took our lovable cast of puppets, and put them into a Fantasy alternate universe? 28k / series / complete - a VERY fun fantasy au with a fascinating twist. it made me tear up, it made me feel some dread, it made me smile! what more could we ask for <3
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mai-komagata · 2 months
about the "snw can't do vulcans" take
One thing I've seen over and over said in the reactions to the sdcc 2024 clip is that "SNW doesn't know how to write vulcans/has a very bioessentialist take on vulcans".... And that *specifically* Henry Alonso Myers cannot write vulcans (even though we have no idea who wrote the clip episode, afaik, i might have missed it, my bad if so). Which I find completely baffling. Every vulcan in SNW has been wildly different than any other background vulcan we have seen in the entire run of the series. 
(For one, they aren't giving every vulcan a logical bowlcut. Every other series pretty much insists their haircut is mandated by Surak or something -- even the visual language around them is different. Even though both T'pau and T'pring have interesting hair in TOS, as does amanda, who lives the vulcan way. i digress. i just love vulcans displaying personal expression). But yeah, what vulcans do we see in SNW? I'm gonna skip over spock because people have very strong opinions over 60 years about what makes a good spock characterization that has nothing to do with characterizing vulcans in general. First, T'Pring. Huge improvement in what we see in TOS. She isn't coldhearted. She loves spock. She gets annoyed by her mom and has struggles of her own. She is kickass at her job. She can match Spock in getting out of hijinks with logical thinking. She is smart and pragmatic. She wears beautiful clothes and is interested in building a strong relationship, and is willing to engage in human culture. We also have T'pring's mom. She is on the other end of the spectrum. She is very into traditional values even when it will make her angry and illogical. She is into proper appearances and doesn't go in for indulgence. She is a bit cruel, too, not just because of her prejudices to spock, but to her daughter and her husband. Then we have T'Prings dad. What a joy of a character. He is nothing like a stereotypical vulcan. He wants to try new things. He is fascinated by tastes and experiences. In many ways, though, he embodies IDIC and compassion much better. He also has a childish joy to him. We also have a V'tosh Katur prisoner in Spock Amok. He is extremely prejudiced of spock -- showing that dislike of humans isn't a prejudice linked to the teachings of Surak, but something orthogonal to that. He is extremely punchable and gets punched. its great. We have a background character that works with T'pring. She is there for a brief scene, but i loved that they resisted the temptation to put her in a "vulcan haircut" and gave her something distinct. We have Sybok, who is dating a non-binary pirate. I love that for him, great addition to his character.
There is Vice Admiral Pasalk, in Una's trial, which Spock hates from his time working with his dad. He is a stickler for the law, but also a vindictive MF, willing to punish Batel despite her doing her job to the best of her abilities despite her personal reservations. There is a Vulcan judge on the panel, who *is* willing to judge in Una's favor, proving that all vulcans aren't voting/thinking in lockstep when adjudicating law, as well. Finally, there is the Vulcan who rejected Chapel's application and then tries to get her back when he hears she met the Kevorkhians -- this vulcan does have the traditional vulcan hairstyle, lol. He is probably the most stereotypically vulcan of the bunch. But yeah... I'm not sure where people are getting that SNW writes/depicts cookie-cutter biologically race determined vulcans when it has written more different types of vulcans than any series other than Enterprise (and that was over the course of 4 seasons...). and I will note most of these vulcans are in episodes Henry Alonso Myers wrote. (although as one of the showrunners along with Akiva Goldsman, they are involved in all the episodes to some capacity). Maybe because they don't like how it characterizes Spock in particular? But Spock is not all Vulcans. Spock is Spock. And I don't even mean it because spock is half-vulcan. I mean it because Spock is one of the most famous characters in the western canon. Everyone has opinions on spock. That has nothing to do with how the show treats Vulcans as a whole. Not to mention the huge amount of things they have sprinkled in about Vulcan culture from all the shows and things they elaborate on, including lots of references to kalifee, the use of telepathy to show connection between family members, sensory differences in smell, temperature, taste, etc, descriptions of their prison system based on rehabilitation, courtship rituals, etc. There have been more interesting takes on mind melds than i have seen on any star trek show. They repeatedly emphasize that Vulcans have strong emotions and what they need to do to control it. 
Anyway -- this is why I'm not gonna assume the writers of SNW suddenly got amnesia and forgot everything they knew about Vulcans based on a 5 minute clip. (as with everything, i'll caveat, i could be wrong, and its a bad episode --- but just because it is a bad episode it doesn't invalidate everything they did with vulcans so far. have i mentioned i want to adopt tpring's dad?). ------------
Non-vulcan specific opinions i've also seen and don't want to make a separate post of: Couldn't they use surgery instead of this serum?: I don't know! neither do you, because we haven't seen the episode. I wonder if wherever they are going on mission requires a more thorough camouflage. Or maybe it has something to do with the research Chapel has been doing since s1 e1. I'm very intrigued as to what they possibly could be doing with a lirpa on a mission. Ok but why does snw have so many genetic modification plotlines: Because that is a question SNW has chosen to engage in in a sci-fi manner, through characters like La'an, Chapel, and Una. like it is one of the big recurring themes in the story -- is all genetic therapy doomed to eugenic applications? Is genetic therapy desirable? what things will it be used for? Are the answers we considered 60 years ago the same as they are today, with the advent of CRISPR and adult stem cell treatments? That the serum represents what vulcans are "really like": We don't know why they are in communication with the kerkhovians, who have previously been shown to be uncaring and bureaucratically inflexible aliens. Why are we assuming their serum is what "biological vulcans" really are like, when we know they screwed it up with 1. how long it lasts and 2. with whether it would work on a lanthanite. And previously they screwed up in assuming spock would want to be fully human, and that spock being spock was a mistake. (they are explicitly shown as bad/intransigent aliens in Charades. they aren't neutral helpful aliens, they are unreliable narrators in that way). That newbie Vulcans should just be Romulans: Well, no, Romulans *also* have their own culture, just because it is not the teachings of Surak doesn't mean Romulans also don't have their own inflexible codes of honor, duty, etc that *they* have adopted in order to regulate their society, which are more similar than different from Vulcans. Romulans aren't pre-reform Vulcans. I'm not even sure there is such a thing as "one type" of pre-reform Vulcan. We've never seen pre-reform Vulcans. Surak didn't emerge in a vacuum. Lots to explore here, and would love to explore the implications after seeing the episode. Why is racism against spock genetic: maybe their literalness/pedanticness/lack of a filter is something that comes more naturally. Romulans do have a sect built entirely around Radical Candor, and Vulcans famously "do not lie." Maybe overcoming being overly literal when its not charitable is part of the lesson they learn/struggle with. Also, there are plenty of biological reasons one might suddenly lack a filter/not be thinking clearly/acting out of character that could come with the serum. 
There was something else I meant to be doing instead of this. (sleeping, maybe?).... But im just bursting with so much speculation from the clip. My brain has just been spinning with theories. 
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punderdome · 2 months
The Fine Print: Chapter 8
Summary: Tav seeks out a set of Infernal translations from the Archivist.
Rating: 18+, Minors DNI
Chapter 8: The Archivist
Tav woke alone in the Archduke’s chambers.  She was stiff and slightly sore but knew what she had to do.  Raphael enjoyed it when she spoke Infernal to him.  How much?  What could she convince him to do using the Devil’s tongue?  What would the devil's tongue do if she spoke the Devil's tongue?
First, she needed a competent translator that wasn’t her husband or his incubus.  Since she had negotiated for the ability to speak to the staff, the Archivist was her best bet for a translator, but he had never even looked at her before.  There was no way he was going to translate filthy lines unless she managed to gain some rapport with him.
Tav visited the archives after breakfast.
The Archivist was pouring over a tome and making notes on the side about a pair of gauntlets sitting on his desk.  They hummed with Weave and required a thorough characterization.
“Good morning,” Tav greeted warmly.  For the first time, the Archivist looked up at her and caught her gaze.  He seemed displeased by the interruption but completely unwilling to express it to the Master’s wife.
“How may I assist you, my Lady?” he asked patiently.
“What is your name?  I’m Tav - Tavara,” she corrected, unsure if he would ever consider using her name or if titles were all she was going to be given.
“Kilzire Ozvius, Master Archivist of the House of Hope,” he returned the gesture.  “Now, what can I help you with, Lady Tav?”
“I am trying to learn proper Devilish Infernal, can you help me with a few translations?”  Tav held out the Infernal copy of the book on Asmodeus that he loaned to her a few days prior.  The Tiefling considered her question for a brief moment before he nodded.  He gestured for her to show him the passages she was struggling with.
“I have been struggling with this passage that describes Asmodeus’s true serpentine form.  I initially read this as ‘wounds dripping of acid black blood’ but the Common tongue version says ‘a series of never-healing wounds that exude blood blackened by sin and torment.’  Can you help me understand the difference?”  Tav requested.
He took a second to understand her request before going through the section rune by rune.  “I see,” there was a look of slight hesitation in his eyes.  “So you’ve never studied Devilish Infernal before?”
Tav swallowed.  “No.  My lack of study is what led me here.”  Kilzire had a look in his eye that twinged with embarrassment, though whether it was from her husband’s view on Tiefling Infernal or some sort of forbidden knowledge of how she actually became the Archduchess, she couldn’t say.
He pointed out the runes that described the blood of Asmodeus.  “This word means never-healing wound in Infernal, but in Tiefling Infernal it means just wound.”  He gave her a different word in Infernal to indicate that the wound could be healed, then added a suffix to indicate that the wound was in the process of being healed.
“May I have some parchment and a quill, I would like to take notes.”  She wrote down the new terminology along with other examples of various types of wounds that may or may not be healable, in the process of being healed, mostly healed, failed to be healed, festering, fouled, necrotic, infected, and filled with devilish black pus.  He went through and explained the subtle differences between them, often with only a single letter difference or a change in inflection or tone marked by the slight changes in angle of the letters.
“In spoken Infernal, your original reading would be sufficient to communicate most of your ideas, but written down or in a contract, the translation provided would be the correct way to interpret the writing.”  Kilzire walked out from behind his desk and into the stacks.  He returned with a relatively thin book bound in brown leather.
“Wound Treatments for the Front Line of the Blood War?” Tav asked as she read the title on the cover.
“Should you wish to practice your new knowledge,” Kilzire explained briefly.
Tav realized how much of his time she had used, and she only asked for clarification on a single word.  “Thank you, Kilzire.”  She collected the two books and her notes and returned to her room.
She lay the books on her table.  She had an eternity to learn to properly read the works in front of her.  It was the only way she was going to be able to correct her mistakes.
That evening, Tav was summoned to dinner with her husband in the dining hall.  
The table was set with entirely too much food for the two of them to eat but nowhere nearly as lavish as the feasts for their first days of marriage.  She stood alone in the dining hall to wait for Raphael.  He came from behind her, probably having relocated from his study.
“Dear husband, how was your day?” Tav started the pleasantries.  She took an offered elbow, and they sat together at the dining table.
“Quite challenging, I’m afraid,” Raphael responded, starting to serve himself a large portion of some sort of dark meat that dripped black juices as he cut into it.  Tav declined to serve herself from that platter.
“With contracts?” Tav probed.  She took a buttery roll from the breadbasket and noticed an unappetizing yet familiar meat stew lurking behind it.  A platter of whole roasted fish on the table seemed like a safe choice.
“I was repairing the Orb of Karsus,” as he spoke of the artifact, Tav could sense his frustration as his knife cut deeper and more firmly into the flesh in front of him.
“I see, I’m sure it will be done soon enough,” Tav offered politely.  “Whenever it is ready, I’m curious to see it.”
Raphael chuckled slightly.  “How did it feel when it was within you?” he asked, taking a sip of wine.
Tav cocked her head slightly, startled by his question.  “I didn’t know that it was there, but for me I guess it felt more like an ache.”  She brushed her fingertips over the scales on her sternum.  “Like my stomach was upset because I consumed too much whiskey or that sensation when you poke at a bruise.”
“Such an adept description,  I felt a similar sensation upon testing it.  I shall have it complete soon, and then I will show you its dark beauty.”
When they finished eating, Tav took Raphael’s offered elbow and they strolled through the corridors together.  Tav pulled him gently towards the balcony that they had fucked on the day prior.  He chuckled and raised an eyebrow.
“Again?” Raphael teased.
“I didn’t really get to look at the horizon last time, as I was preoccupied,” Tav teased back.  She smirked at his radiating smugness.  She paused and gave a short chuckle.  “And yes, that position did feel very good,” she added, trying to play coy.  “Perhaps we should do that again,” she suggested with a smile.  The growl in Raphael’s chest was almost imperceptible.
Tav gazed over the reddish horizon at the low, inhospitable rocky mountains.  The land was jagged and barren, it was hard to believe that this was the site of so much conquering and conflict.  This was the place her dear husband wanted to claim.  This was the place she would eternally call home.
Raphael offered her a hand to lead her back to their chambers.  Tav was lost in thought as they headed back to his bedchamber for the evening.  They walked together in silence, her hand wrapped around his arm at the elbow.
She was starting to observe how Raphael took her contact.  The Infernal flirting was hot and exciting.  Direct requests were met with more challenges and demands.  When he fingered her it was an ‘indulgence.’
When they entered his bedchamber, Raphael wasted no time undressing her as soon as the latch clicked shut.
“Why don’t we take our time?” Tav suggested as Raphael slid her smallclothes down her thighs.  “We can relax and savor it.”  Her suggestion gave him a slight pause.  Now that she was bare, he lowered his mouth to hers and started to kiss her softly and slowly.
Tav took her time exploring him over his clothes.  She was hoping that he would find the experience enjoyable enough to reciprocate.
“Come,” Tav bade him, grabbing his hand and pulling him to the bed.  She motioned for him to lay down, but he stayed standing.  Alright, standing it would be.
Tav circled around to his back.  She let her hands roam softly over the Infernal ridges hidden by his doublet.  She gently ran her hands through the hair at the back of his neck.  She stroked the skin of his wings gently, feeling the softness of the greater membrane and gently contrasting it to the firm leathery skin that covered the bones and muscles beneath.  She wrapped her arms around him from behind and felt a deep, contented hum emanate from his chest.
Raphael sighed slowly, as Tav started undressing him.  She undid every button on his doublet slowly, and removed it from his body.  She unlaced his undershirt, tracing over his chest with her hands lightly, trying to tease him, and a quick tension in his breath indicated it was working.  He pulled the undershirt off over his head and discarded it.
Tav rested her cheek against his chest as she started to trace the hem of the waistband of his pants with her fingertips, eliciting a breathy growl from her devilish husband.  She unlaced his pants and slid them off, leaving both of them bare.
She met her husband’s gaze.  He was eager and hungry, with an erection to support that assessment.  Her hands gripped his shaft and gave a few eager pumps, and deep groans emanated from his Infernal chest.
Tav took his hands and placed them over her breasts, encouraging him to touch.  She grabbed one of his hands and moved it to her ass, encouraging him to squeeze.  She moved the hand that was groping her ass between her legs, encouraging him to stroke.  She moaned into the sensation of Raphael pleasuring her.
Within the next ten seconds, Raphael had decided foreplay was done, and Tav was deposited on the bed for the evening’s activities.
Tav visited the archive the next morning.  She was prepared with the first test of what Kilzare was willing to translate for her, and it was prudent to start with something benign.  The Archivist was in the process of cataloging old tomes.
“Good morning, Kilzare,” she greeted warmly.
“Good morning, Lady Tav.  Did you need something?  More reading materials perhaps?”
“You know well enough that I am trying to learn Devilish Infernal, can you help me with a phrase?”
“Why of course, I speak all forms fluently,” he asserted gently with a smile.
“Can you teach me to say ‘I want you to kiss me all night’?” Tav requested.
He laughed and gave a bright smile.  “For the Master of the House, I presume.  I’m sure he will respond well to your gesture of romance.”  He spoke the words in Devilish Infernal, and Tav took detailed notes, documenting the word differences between the translation she anticipated and the one she was presented with.  “Should you require additional reading materials or inspiration, that section contains poetry and there is a section in the back for romantic classics of both Faerun and the Nine Hells of Baator.”  Tav smiled at him sweetly.
She pointed out a section of his translation.  “And this word, how does it mean ‘all night?’” she asked for clarification repeating the confusing part of the sentence.
“Without the suffix, it means ‘at nighttime’ but with the suffix it means ‘for all nighttime.'  As you can gather, that doesn’t get much use here in Avernus.”  Tav laughed, nodding at the clarification.
“Thank you, Kilzare.”
Tav smiled to herself as she walked the corridors of the House of Hope. The Archivist had been willing to translate romantic lines, so there was a chance he might be willing to assist her with a more carnal set of translations.   Still, this evening would be a small test on how willing Raphael was willing to follow verbal instructions or requests before he lost patience and claimed his pleasure.
The test of Raphael’s patience and interest had not gone well.  Tav whispered in Raphael’s ear, “I want to kiss you all night,” in a voice as seductive as she could make the harsh language sound.  He grinned and was highly amenable to a passionate make out session on the settee, for a while at least.
His control over himself for quite some time, and he even managed some light groping while keeping his composure.  Before long, he had dumped her on the bed and was quickly unlacing her corset.  His mouth was still on hers, locked in a deep kiss and a low groan emanating from his throat.  Then, they fucked.  Twice.
Raphael lay wrapped around her, running his claws through her curls.  “My love,” he whispered in her ear before they fell asleep.
The next morning, Raphael had left to finalize contracts in his study, leaving Tav free for the day to visit the archive at her leisure.  Maybe a more seductive statement would lead to a better outcome.
Tav walked into the archive, and saw Kilzire taking copious notes on a scroll over something he had been reading.  He gave a slight smile as she approached.
“Good morning, Lady Tav, how may I assist you?”
“I need a Devilish Infernal translation of something.  Can you help me smooth out the language?”
“Why yes, of course.  Whatever do you need?”
“I need you to teach me to say ‘I want you to trace my entire body with your tongue, ” Tav explained.
Any warmth that had been in his guise or his voice immediately vanished.  “You must be joking.”  
“Not in the slightest.”
“You realize that there is an entire section dedicated to erotica right over there! ” He pointed wildly at a back corner.  She would have to investigate it later.
She steadied her emotions.  “Will you help me or not?”
“Yes,” he bit back, rubbing his temples in an act of self soothing.  He gave her the correct translation and slumped over his desk.
“Thank you,” Tav said quietly as she left the archive.  Kilzare irritably waved her away with the back of his hand.
After dinner that evening, Raphael eagerly took her back to their bedroom to continue celebrating their honeymoon.
Tav whispered the Infernal line to Raphael telling him how she wanted him to trace her entire body with his tongue, and he immediately leapt at the opportunity.  He was attentive and eager, holding, kneading, stroking and licking.  They both gave warm moans of arousal as he traced each of her nipples slowly.  He just couldn’t make it any lower than that.   As soon as his tongue finished tracing both breasts, it was time for sex.  He just couldn’t wait any longer and was eager to be pleasured.
Tav finished herself off that night while Raphael was asleep, curled tightly around her.
She would have to think of other things much filthier to compel her husband to follow her instructions in his bedchamber.
After a tenday of honeymoon beddings, the appropriate number of nara root tea doses, and Kilzare’s flustered breakdowns, Tav sat frustrated at her vanity in her room, preparing to meet her Lord husband for dinner.  
He wanted her every day, and usually twice.  He had never once given her an orgasm.  The times she was close to coming when they fucked, he finished too quickly for her to reach that peak.  He didn’t like it when she touched herself, and he always swatted her fingers away from her clit when she stroked herself.  It was like he was jealous that her hands could give her pleasure without him being involved.
She couldn’t just ask Raphael to eat her out.  Everything with him was a negotiation.  If she asked him to pleasure her with his mouth, he definitely would demand she did the same to him in return.   He wouldn’t even finger her to orgasm, and there was no chance she was going to suck his cock if he wouldn’t put in the minimum amount of effort when they fucked.
Tav wasn’t sure the Infernal seduction phrases were working on her husband.  They seemed to only make him more eager to discontinue foreplay and move straight into fucking.
There was a knock at her door.  “My Lady, the Master of the House has requested you join him for dinner,” a maid relayed through the door.
“Very well,” Tav responded through the closed door.  She donned a red dress and the silver bracelet Raphael gifted her as a wedding gift.  He had enjoyed fucking her several times while she was wearing only the bracelet.
Raphael stood waiting in the dining hall.  “My beloved,” he greeted her magnanimously, grinning ear to ear.
Tav smiled nervously.  “You seem delighted, husband.  Are contracts going well?”
Raphael didn’t answer, he pulled back a chair and motioned her to sit.  Tav sat down and allowed him to indulge her.  He took his place by her side.
“I have mended the Orb of Karsus, and this merits a celebration.”  He poured two goblets of wine and passed one to her.
“Well, now you are in possession of the full Regalia of Karsus.  So much power at your fingertips,” Tav complimented.  Powerful fingertips that couldn’t be bothered to bring her to orgasm.
“It is indeed, my love,” Raphael grinned.  “The godlike power of the Regalia will enable me to take over the nine Hells.”  He grabbed portions of the meat dishes nearest to him.  Raphael cut into the toughest cuts with glee.
Tav served herself vegetables and a dish she was confident was beef.  “I have full confidence in your abilities,” she offered up in conversation.
“When I have spent more time exploring the power of the Regalia, I would love for you to see a demonstration.”
“I look forward to it, husband.”  Tav took a slow sip of her wine.  If Raphael had the Regalia already, maybe the Hells would leave her alone.  She was clearly not a threat.   There was light conversation as they finished their meals.
“I have a gift for you, my beautiful wife,” Raphael moved behind her.  He snapped and an object appeared in his hands that Tav couldn’t see.  He extended something around her neck and she immediately recognized the coldness of jewelry.  “I asked for five pendant rubies this time instead of one.”  He idly grasped her hand that bore the ruby bracelet from his wedding gift.  He turned her wrist over several times.  “One gemstone wasn’t enough.”
Tav brought a hand up to her throat, feeling the coldness of the silver.  “Thank you, dear husband.”   
Raphael extended a hand.  “Shall we go to bed?” he asked with a grin.  Tav sighed and took it.
Tav was pretty sure her plan wasn’t going to work, but at present she had no better ideas.  Maybe she could have a reliable way of making him come quickly when she just wasn’t excited about her husband’s affections.
Tav entered the archive, and Kilzare gave an audible groan.
“I don’t want to hear it, my Lady Tav,” he protested.
“Raphael needs to hear it, Kilzare.”
“Hells, what do you want me to translate now?” he demanded, the look on his face indicating that he was eager to get back to his work and to put the very concept of his boss having active nether regions out of his mind.
“ ‘Give me your fingers, so I can show you just how much I desire you,’ ” Tav answered in an absurdly straightforward fashion.  
Kilzire stared at her.  His mouth tightened in a deep frown.
“I studied at the top universities to be competent enough to serve an Archduke of the Hells.  Now, here I am, doing this,” he lamented. 
“Think about it,” Tav started with her prepared argument,  “has Raphael hurt you or threatened to hurt you since we started our honeymoon?  Who has he flayed?”
His eyes hit the rafters and he swallowed slowly in a deep show of indignity.  “No one, Lady Tav.”
“Do you want to keep it that way?” Tav inquired.
Kilzare took a deep sigh before translating the sexually charged statement for her. He gave her the phrase in Devilish Infernal, and Tav took detailed notes about each word choice he made.  There were only a few small adjustments from the initial translation that she had fabricated earlier.  “Can I just translate them in bulk?” he asked with a twinge of disgust.
Tav sighed, trying to respect his boundaries but also trying not to betray the real reason that she needed the phrase list updated daily.  “Not really,” she grimaced.
Tav’s assessment of her husband’s reaction to infernal seduction turned out to be correct.  He was never going to do what she asked, and it made him too excited to last long.   Tav utilized the second half of the effects many times, much to her displeasure.
One night, Tav woke to cambion claws gently tracing her naked curves and a very hard erection pressed into her lower back.
“Raphael?” she asked, still slightly sleepy.  He hummed a throaty acknowledgement into her ear.  They were spooning, with Raphael draped around her and caressing her with his free hand.  The one laying beneath her grasped her stomach.
“There you are, my dearest.  I was just admiring you.”  His fingers traced circles around her nipples, making them hard.  Tav sucked in a breath of anticipation.
Raphael traced his forked tongue down the back of her neck.  His tail had crept all the way up her thigh and squeezed gently in a subconscious rhythm.  He left kisses down her back and shoulder.
Tav moved to try to roll under him, but his tail and the arm stroking her wouldn’t let her move.  “Naughty, eager Little Mouse,” Raphael whispered in her ear.  “I want you just like this.  A slow, languid bit of pleasure for us to enjoy.”
Though he held her facing away from him, she reached back around him to grab his ass and run her hands over the ridges on his hip bone.  He raised his hand to trace a claw over her jawbone, and Tav lifted her top thigh, so his legs could entwine with hers.  He shifted her so that the arm that rested under her was able to assist in soft caresses.  Tav brought her hand to her clit and pressed in firm, slow circles.  She let out a soft, breathless moan.
His free hand grabbed his hardness and pushed it between her legs, waiting to enter her.  Tav quickly tested how wet she was.
“Not yet, I’m not wet enough,” she breathed before going back to touch herself.  Raphael continued to kiss her back and shoulders, though they became staccatoed instead of soft with an undercurrent of frustration.  As Tav let out another soft groan of pleasure, Raphael replaced her hand with his and took her place pleasuring her.  She could feel his restlessness pulse through his tail and his erection between her legs.
Tav pressed two fingers into her entrance and scissored and thrust them in a rhythm she liked.  The moan she let out was no longer soft or breathless.  Raphael grabbed her hand and removed her fingers.  He brought her slick fingers to his mouth and licked them clean.
“Now?” Raphael asked softly with an air of tension in his voice.
“This feels so good, finish me,” Tav moaned as Raphael continued to stroke her.
He stopped stroking her and ran his hand over her breasts.  “Such a greedy, greedy Little Mouse,” he growled in response.  Her husband thrust deeply into her.  He was slow and languid as he moved with a consistent rhythm.
Tav angled her hips properly for Raphael’s movements, and he began to take his pleasure in earnest.  He held her tightly within his arms, one hand gripping her hips while the other wrapped around her torso with his hand gripping between her shoulder and collarbone.  She enjoyed the joining and the pleasurable way his ridges dragged within her, but this angle refused her friction where she wanted it.
Tav reached between her legs to stroke her clit.  Her breathy moans met Raphael’s.  After a few more thrusts, Raphael grabbed the hand stroking her clit and removed it.  He replaced her fingers with his own.
“I am your pleasure, my Little Mouse,” he growled into her ear.  He gave a few more thrusts before coming inside her.  “My beloved,” he purred in her ear.  He held her tightly and fell asleep again still inside her.
It had been two tendays of their honeymoon trying to get Raphael to do anything to please her.  The Infernal flirting and seduction had only served to wind him up more.  He didn’t actually listen to anything she asked for or consider anything she wanted.  It was so much simpler for him to buy her things and fuck her rather than to try to build some sort of actual relationship.  S he really was just an object to him, exactly what Haarlep had told her.  She was his new sex toy.  That was all she was ever going to be.  Forever.
Tav closed her eyes tightly as the cambion lay wrapped around her and softened inside her.  Sleep was not going to come easily.  She had a new plan, and she had to begin tomorrow.
She was going to find the divorce loophole for her contract.
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feministsouthpark · 3 months
South Park Filler Guide - Season 12
Link for Seasons  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11
You know the drill by now, I’ll judge whether an episode has all the qualities of a canon one, or is it just shameless filler. S12E1 Tonsil Trouble is CANON
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Strong canon for Eric giving Kyle AIDS, somehow the one thing still on Kyle's mind even 40 years later.
S12E2 Britney's New Look is FILLER
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The references are dated, its message is timeless, the events are purely filler. I have a question though, why isn't Kenny here? Butters takes his place for the episode, is this some lost season 6 episode? S12E3 Major Boobage is FILLER
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Eric learns about jew experience, not that it lasts. I'll be writing that sentence again a lot, won't I? S12E4 Canada on Strike is FILLER
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Kyle says something about the internet that was accurate in 2008. Terrance and Phillip get major roles, and you know how I feeller about that. I have a question though, why isn't Kenny here? Butters takes his place for the episode, is this some lost season 6 episode? S12E5 Eek, A Penis! is CANON
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Janet has a permanent sex change. I'm happy to include Cartminez who is the most positive portrayal of the Eric character you'll get in the canon-only viewing experience. S12E6 Over Logging is FILLER
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The internet gets unplugged and then replugged. Kenny still doesn't get dialog. S12E7 Super Fun Time is FILLER
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Yes, Kenny gets a tiny role in this one, but Butters takes the major plot, it really seems like Trey and Matt enjoy the 3 boys with Butters dynamic a lot more than the 3 boys with Kenny dynamic. The only Kenny episode so far had him on a saparate plot from the others. Stan and Wendy get some nice relationship content, however other than that, this one doesn't build the lore. S12E8 The China Problem is CANON
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The Free Hat episode did pretty much everything this episode did, except the random chinese storyline. However a reference later made sure I have to include this one. S12E9 Breast Cancer Show Ever is CANON
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We get an update on a few things. Goth kids are still friends with Stan. Check. Stan and Eric friendship explored along with Wendy and Stan relationship (since we skipped Super Fun Time anyway), Eric and Wendy are established as rivals for later episodes, and Principal Victoria gets backstory. S12E10 Pandemic is CANON
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It gives Craig proper characterization, but if you gave him your attention, you already know him. Basically an early season-type four boys adventure with him included. This is the episode that references to The China Problem, and would you believe it, we include this one also just for another throwback line. Also the title works here a lot better than in season 24. S12E11 Pandemic 2: The Startling is CANON
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More of the same, but with Randy horror side plot. S12E12 About Last Night... is LORE
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For the story of how Barack Obama became president, something not closely connected with the main storylines, but world-building nonetheless. S12E13 Elementary School Musical is CANON
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This is the episode that references to The China Problem, and we include this one for introducing mainstay character Scott Malkinson. S12E14 The Ungroundable is CANON
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For introducing the Vampire kids. With this season we got a lot of canon-by-technicality territory, wonder if it keeps happening?
Again, CANON means you should watch it, FILLER means you can skip it, LORE is somewhere in-between, any episode with the LORE label will have an explanation that helps you decide if you should include it or not. S12E1 Tonsil Trouble is CANON S12E2 Britney's New Look is FILLER S12E3 Major Boobage is FILLER S12E4 Canada on Strike is FILLER S12E5 Eek, A Penis! is CANON S12E6 Over Logging is FILLER S12E7 Super Fun Time is FILLER S12E8 The China Problem is CANON S12E9 Breast Cancer Show Ever is CANON S12E10 Pandemic is CANON S12E11 Pandemic 2: The Startling is CANON S12E12 About Last Night... is LORE* S12E13 Elementary School Musical is CANON S12E14 The Ungroundable is CANON *In-series explanation of how Barack became president.
CANON counter:
S1: 9 out of 13  S2: 3 out of 18  S3: 6 out of 18  S4: 10 out of 17  S5: 8 out of 14  S6: 11 out of 17 S7: 6 out of 15 S8: 4 out of 14 S9: 8 out of 14 S10: 4 out of 14 S11: 4 out of 14 S12: 8 out of 14
Overall: 81 out of 182
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wangxianficrecs · 9 months
pale shadows of forgotten names by Chrononautical
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pale shadows of forgotten names
by Chrononautical (@chrononautintraining)
T, 56k, Wangxian
Summary: To protect the Wen, Wei Wuxian throws himself on the mercy of the Lan Sect. To protect Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji marries him. To protect them all, Lan Xichen orders the Yiling Laozu's seclusion in the Jingshi. But the Jingshi had another occupant in the past. One who lingers on, furious to think that history might repeat. Kay's comments: An interesting story that just finished posting! Based on The Untamed canon and characterization, a story where Wei Wuxian marries Lan Wangji/let's himself be imprisoned by the Lans for the Dafan Wens' safety. However, it turns out he's not the only one trapped inside the Cloud Recesses. Featuring lots of Wangxian miscommunication/misunderstandings, Wei Wuxian's need to receive therapy and Wei Wuxian and the Wens being a family. Excerpt: Fortunately, despite the hasty arrangement of his marriage, it had previously occurred to him that learning to prepare those foods favored by residents of Yungmeng might be a valuable skill. In truth, it had been a foolish pursuit at the time. Wei Wuxian had been so thin during the Sunshot Campaign. He drank alcohol eagerly, but seemed to pick at any food not prepared by his sister. Back then, Lan Wangji had been gormless enough to hope that someday peace would come again and with it Wei Ying’s return to proper cultivation. He might visit the Cloud Recesses as a welcome guest, perhaps on sect business as the Jiang’s First Disciple. So someone should be able to make the food he liked. On the off chance that such a situation came to pass. Shamefully, Lan Wangji was also aware of the warm praise Wei Ying always gave to his sister when she made his favorites. He fantasized sometimes that Wei Ying might flatter him similarly, in that easy, honest way. Now, of course, it would be undeserved. As his jailer, offering Wei Ying palatable meals was merely meeting the baseline of his moral obligation. Nothing Lan Wangji did for his husband could be praiseworthy. Not anymore. Even so, when Wei Ying rolled out of bed in his sleeping attire and snatched a baozi from the steam basket with his bare hand before Wangji could offer properly, he smiled.
pov alternating, canon divergence, fix-it, wen remnants live, madam lan lives, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, imprisonment, wei wuxian needs therapy, wei wuxian gets therapy, miscommunication, misunderstandings, developing relationship, mutual pining, married lan wangji/wei wuxian, arranged marriage, getting together, friends to lovers, first kiss
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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ghosts-and-glory · 7 months
Hello! Big fan of your artstyle. In your No Devotion AU, if it is indeed the Lamb God that gave wee Narinder the Red Crown, or their own Red Crown instead, possibly saving him, isn't it a cosmic irony then, that a lamb themselves then took it back and killed Narinder, then possibly rescued him from Purgatory, if they wished to do it?
Also tell us more about the Lamb God please. Or is it Sheep God. Does Purged Narinder have a copy of Aym and Baal by his side to fight you like it the game, or is it just Purged Narinder alone that fights you? What dialogue would you give him, and where would you find him?
Have a great month, eat your fruits and vegetables daily.
Ratsghshsh thank you and I have so so many loose thoughts on purged Narinder and the lamb god, who I’ve been calling The Priestess.
With the comic where Narinder gets her crown, it’s vague but the implication is that Narinder’s mother died leading him in his little kid brain to wish to kill the god of death. The Priestess knows that the new bearer of her crown is on their way and purposefully allows him in. I was going for a time is a flat circle kinda motif with the crown being passed from a lamb to Narinder and back to another lamb. And yes, technically both The Lamb and The Priestess are adult sheep but it’s all about that sacrificial lamb type shit.
I wanna also add that there is significance to the fact that The Priestess has three eyes, before Narinder gets the crown he has two but after three, and The Lamb still has two eyes even after bearing the crown for 300 years and killing Narinder.
All the Purged Narinder and Not-Narinder stuff I wanna hold a bit close to my chest for now. I wanna wrap up the betrayal comic before getting into that storyline fully so I can give it the proper attention. I will say that I do have plans with Aym and Baal which strays from cannon. And saving Narinder is going to be long and it’s going to be gruelling. And even after Narinder is free of purgatory, he will not be okay.
I have been infinitely entertained by the tags of my post where Not-Narinder is gifted to The Lamb. It didn’t even occur to me that the changeling could be mistaken for amnesia and I’m cackling at the sidelines with new ideas.
Random tidbits about The Priestess.
She raised both Shamura and Kallamar until she died. I wanted to solidify Shamura’s role as an eldest sibling as I often find it’s easy to miss-characterize them as a parental figure. I hoped giving the bishops a parental figure would counteract that.
In her lifetime she committed similar sins to Narinder and The Lamb. Gonna tease it a bit but the red crown has a bit of a curse.
The Priestess is albino. I’m not sold completely on any particular breed of sheep for her as of now. Possibly a Hebridean sheep or Norfolk Horn, same as The Lamb.
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Hi 👋🏻 you generously offered to give me some fic recs once you're back home if I gave you some more details as to what I'm looking for. Basically, anything tedependent that's close to, around or after canon. Open to personal favourites that deviate from this, though. Thanks in advance. Seeing the tags made me so happy! ❤️
oughh sorry this took forever, long story short getting back home ended up being a 24 hour comically terrible disaster and then i was just. tired :( but HERE I AM NOW!!!!!!!!!YAY
okay! OKAY.
near/around canon
i'm going to assume leaning away from nsfw since it wasn't specified
no preference towards complete/incomplete, but i tended for the former
let's start with a ⚡LIGHTNING ROUND⚡!
these are fics I think at least somewhat fit your description (not sure I'm a great judge of 'close to canon') that i don't have any extra commentary to add about (that's not a bad thing!) they're all good!
A Mighty Nice Shine by turingpatterns - oneshot (complete) (trent's daughter! cute fic!!)
For As Long As We Can by ShutUpGwen - longer fic (complete) (post-canon getting together, kinda)
All Publicity, as they say by JessJessTheBest - medium sized fic(?) (complete) (very cute and funny social media centered fic)
if music be the food of love, play on by literary_lesbian - medium sized fic (complete) (great author, mae pov deserves more love)
Take My Whole Life Too by ItsClydeBitches - oneshot (complete) (adorable valentines day fic)
it's nice to have you here by foxwatson - longer fic (incomplete) (excellent 'there's only one cottage' fic, not s3 compliant as it was written before s3)
Holding Pattern by Wildgoosery - oneshot (complete) (honestly worth it for the ending alone--not that the whole thing isnt' good)
Nothing’s as Easy as Riding a Bike When You Don’t Know How by r_n_g_are_dead - long fic (complete) (trent falls in looove)
closer to your request (i think)
richmond is for lovers by confessionofaking- series (complete)
[summary for the first fic in the two-fic series] “So you do laugh!” He heard himself shout. Trent blinked, and then he was standing. “But you don’t do it until page—,” he crossed the room and peered over Ted’s shoulder “forty-three? And it wasn’t even a big laugh! That was more of a loud nose breath,” he paused, trying to recall the proper word. “An exhale.” Ted put a halt to his nervous rambling in a matter of seconds. “Hey, Trent, look. I know folks are divided on the actual police these days, but all human beings are opposed to the laugh-police.” or, the 'laugh police' scene fix-it fic, except i made it worse.
notes: an eventual post-canon fix-it, as well as a fix-it for the "laugh police" scene. excellent fic, excellent author (HI CADE!!!! HI!!!!! ILY!!!!) i would also reccomend from him... well, any of his fics, but for a quick round-up of a few more sfw tedependent fics of his:
twist of fate
red light
i’ll catch you, darling
just can’t get enough (more nsfw in themes but very cute)
The Lasso Effect by earlybloomingparentheses - oneshot (complete; part two of a series)
Dating Ted Lasso is a wonderful thing. There are, however, certain downsides. For example, Trent no longer has control over when and where he smiles. He apparently cares about Roy Kent's opinion of him now. And he's been having the most ridiculous urge to tap dance. It's the Lasso Effect.
notes: there's several bits in this for trent's characterization that live in my brain rent free.
number four was always you by thefaceofno - long fic (complete)
Ted’s phone rings. He looks away from the window, where he was watching the tree sway in the wind, to see Beard’s face splashed over his phone screen. He thinks about not answering, but if he doesn’t answer then all he’ll have done today is run to CostCo for no reason. He doesn’t need eight pounds of almonds, but he has eight pounds of almonds. a.k.a. the post s3 fix-it where Ted does some intense mental healing.
notes: THE post-canon tedependent fix-it. excellent. please read it immediately.
constant as a northern star (constantly in the dark) by laiqualaurelote - medium sized fic (complete) (technically part of a series but this is standalone)
“I just met Ted Lasso,” Sachiko Crimm says bluntly when her ex-husband picks up. Trent is silent for a while. “And?” he says finally. Sachiko gives it five seconds, and then she bursts out laughing. “Stop it,” says Trent wearily.
notes: one of my favorite incarnations of trent's ex-wife ever. also always a sucker for pov outsider. also, excellent author, and you should absolutely read their post-apocalypse theater/shakespeare au. please.
nothing worth doing comes easy by pocky_slash - medium sized fic (incomplete)
First Ted Lasso is a joke, then Ted Lasso is a story, and then, suddenly--mortifyingly--Ted Lasso is something more. (Or: Trent doesn't want to be Ted's friend.)
notes: excellent, loving it, basically, to quote the author's note, "trent's deeply awkward gay spiral in the [s2] finale". however, word of warning: it is, tragically, unfinished.
Architecture With a Human Element by ItsClydeBitches - oneshot (complete)
“There has to be something,” Trent muttered, furiously scrolling through his feed. Each suggestion he found was debunked by the next post, with many parents swearing up and down that certain techniques made the whole thing worse. Trent stopped on a video of a mother taking scissors to her daughter’s curls and bit down on an actual sob building in the back of his throat. It was right before Trent let it fly that his mobile rang. Coach Ted Lasso (from America). Trent couldn’t say what possessed him to answer with his throat thick and his eyes prickling, but his traitorous hand had already swiped while his mouth said, “I have to shave my head.” Or: 5 times Ted got to touch Trent's hair and one time he returned the favor.
notes: losing my mind at the tenderness in this one. ough (positive)
time may change me by rockinhamburger - oneshot (complete) (part of a series)
Trent’s writing a book, so he’s in the room, generally, whilst [AFC Richmond’s magical season] fucking happens. These are the kinds of days when he curses single fatherhood. Trent debates whether he can just skip work for the day, but the West Ham match is a mere week away. Nothing else for it. “Mia, how would you like to come to work with me today?”
notes: very sweet, good series. this particular work is pre-relationship, but i love crimmlet so much, and their interactions with the team.
Independent by TheBasilRathbone - medium sized fic (complete)
Trent Crimm might only recently be an independent journalist, but he's had no one to rely on but himself for far, far longer. And most days, it feels like he's barely keeping it together. So it only seems fitting that the conclusion to the worst period of his life is for the whole thing to go up in literal flames.  Luckily for Trent, help comes from a (not so) unexpected source.
notes: one of my favorite tedependent fics, not gonna lie. just. wow
some all-time favorites!
a man arrives on thursday by clementines_and_colorful_things - medium sized fic (complete)
The capture of a friend prompts notorious outlaw Ted Lasso to take on the crooked leadership of Nelson Road, Kansas, with his motley crew of castoffs, cowboys, and criminals. When English-born historian Trent Crimm finds himself unwillingly swept into the fast-paced world of Lasso and his outlaws, he gradually begins to unravel the enigmatic Ted Lasso’s complicated ties to Nelson Road’s most prominent players. Tensions run high as Ted evades arrest and plots the downfall of those who have wronged him, and Trent worries that Ted will meet the same abrupt end that most outlaws do: with a length of rope and a rather short drop. — A Ted Lasso Wild West AU
notes: a very good cowboy au from a very good author. not close to canon by any means, being a cowboy au, but very, very good nonetheless.
read our constellations by ShowMeAHero - long fic (complete) (series)
[summary of the first fic in a four fic ongoing series]
And Trent’s not a mess! He’s not. He’s got his life entirely together. He chose to reveal his source and give up his position with The Independent. He chose to start chasing book authorship as his new branch of his career tree. He chose his flat, and his car, and his life, down to the brands of tea he buys and the sorts of people he spends time with and the sheet sets he puts on his and Beatrice’s beds. He’s an adult man, for Christ’s sake. Of course, he’s got his life together. Everything is under his control, and it’s all fine. It’s entirely, completely, fully fine. Taking one last steadying breath, Trent opens his eyes and looks over the line of seven tests on the counter: the first he took a few hours ago, and the six he just took since. Each and every last one of them says he’s pregnant. Some have plus signs, some have two lines, some simply have the word pregnant. All of them may as well come together to form a little sign reading, Congratulations, Trent! You did it! You’ve finally made a goddamn bloody mess out of everything! Just wait until you have to tell Ted! Trent’s stomach turns for more reasons than one.
notes: what is there to say??? one of my favorite fics from one of my favorite authors. it does somewhat follow along canon, with a pretty obvious deviation of their relationship and trent (a trans man) getting pregnant. but i truly cannot recommend their fics enough. another lightning round of their more sfw tedependent fics:
to seek solace (exploration of trent and past abuse that makes me wanna bawl (positive))
you'll never walk alone (HEARTWRENCHING soulmate au, happy endings all around, i adore it)
you know (i love you so)
darling, i love you
come what may
birdhouse in your soul
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