#Asa was shook
realizashuns · 2 years
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huggybearluvr · 8 months
hey! Can I request a fic with Luke Hughes? Like all the brothers and their friends are golfing at the lake house in the summer and they come across a girl that’s insanely good at golfing. They can tell that Luke seems to have a little crush and he’s all flustered and she’s super cocky about it???
love your work btw :)))
pretty boy | lh43
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summary: While golfing with the boys Trevor introduces you to the group, and almost, immediately you can tell that the youngest of the boys has a little crush on you. You can't help but be a little cocky about it.
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After Trevor texted you inviting you golfing. You got up from your bed quickly pulling your hair up into a claw clip. You headed over to your dresser pulling out a white golf skirt. You slipped it on heading over to your closet pulling out your grey nike tee. You slipped that on as well heading to that bathroom.
You threw on some light make-up and then brushed out your hair pulling it into a pony. You grabbed your visor and sun glasses heading to the living space to grab you keys.
You hoped in your car heading over to the valley club.
You pulled in beside a black range rover, the car Trevor told you he would be pulling up into the club with.
You hopped out of your car opening the trunk looking over to see the boys doing the same.
"Hey," Trevor greeted pulling you into a hug.
"Hey Trev! How have you been doing?" You asked with a smile on your face as you pulled back from the hug.
"Been doing great! Glad to be back in Michigan though," He smiled. You and Trevor had been friends for years. Playing golf together being one of your favorite past times.
Jack soon ran over pulling you into a hug greeting you. You greeted the rest of the boys, your eyes landing on one you hadn't met before.
"Hey, I'm y/n it's nice to meet you!" You greeted, as you pulled your clubs out of your car.
"I- uhm hey, It's nice to meet you!" The boy spoke as he cheeks flushed a pale shade of pink.
You smiled, "Your name?"
"Oh right, Luke," He spoke smiling back at you his cheeks continuing to blush.
You shook your head, heading over to Trevor and Jack.
"Seems, like my little brother has a crush on you," Jack laughed as you sat beside Trevor on the Cart.
"He's cute," You shrugged.
"Please dear god play with the little shits head," Trevor spoke laughing," We haven't beat him in weeks."
"Oh, game on, but I'll be winning," You smiled over at the boy.
As you drove up to the final hole, Luke was beating you only by 1. You decided now was you chance to win.
As he stood set preparing to send the ball off.
"You gonna hit the ball pretty boy?" You smirked as you leaned agains the golf cart.
You could see Lukes face flush, his eyes going wide, his cheeks now red.
He hit shook it away lining his shot, missing by a landslide.
Jack walked up to his brother asa you set up your shot.
"Look's like you have a little crushy crush," Jack teased his younger brother.
"I do not," He defended.
As you all made your way back to the cars, Jack invited you to come to the Lake house for a boat ride, dinner, and bonfire. You agreed.
Trevor and Jack were giggling as they walked over to the back of the truck.
"Lukey, you don't mind driving with y/n do you? The cars a little cramped," Jack said patting his brother on the back.
"I- uhm," He attempted but couldn't so he just nodded.
You smiled at the conversation closing the trunk as you walked over to the drivers side.
Luke got into the passenger side.
"I'm stopping at my apartment first," You informed, " loosen up Luke, I don't bite, unless you ask me too," You smirked looking over at the boy.
His cheeks flashing shades of pink for the third time today.
"Your cute when your flustered," You smiled over at him as you pulled into your parking spot.
"You wanna come in?" You asked to which he nodded following you up to your apartment.
You entered your room as Luke waited in the living area. You quickly changed into some more comfortable clothes before grabbing your back packing some extra clothes. You had your bikini on underneath your outfit.
You exited your room, "You okay?"
"Yeah, you're just really pretty," He smiled over at you.
"thank you, Luke," You smiled back.
"Can I take you out to dinner? before I head back to New Jersey?"
"I think that would be really nice," You smiled.
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wolfish-nightmares · 6 months
Mortem Obire
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Pairings: Hannigram x reader x Collectkin
Warnings: gore, violence, bad language, sex (non/dub-con), throat fucking, vomiting, Asa, 18+
Category: Angst, fluff, smut
Word Count: 8.4k
Summary: Death is always the hardest to face. 
The Four Faces of Death Masterlist
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You could run away if you tried but with nobody around you knew running would only land you with knives in your back. Asa caught your attention and shook his head as if he could read your thoughts. Will gently rubbed your shoulder as you stared down Asa. He simply smirked and continued to help Arkin load the plane while Hannibal talked to the pilot. 
During dinner Hannibal had explained that he would be moving everyone to Florence so that you all could start over. Now even then you probably could have put up a fight, maybe you could have screamed at them until he decided something differently or until Dr. Emory, or Asa as he’s demanded you call him, decided to knock you out. 
You knew that the only way you'd get away from them was if you killed them all, something you definitely couldn't do. At least maybe not now so it was just easier for you to give in. 
Instead the only fight you put up was that Will got to bring his dogs. You wailed and screamed until they untied your arms and you got to make your demand to Hannibal. When Will understood what you asked he too put his foot down. Once Hannibal agreed you finished dinner like it was a regular night. 
You were pulled from your thoughts when Asa held out the bowl of meatballs to you. Hannibal’s condition for bringing the dogs was that they’d be asleep during the flight so he cooked up meatballs that had sleeping drugs inside. You took the bowl and happily passed them out to Will’s dogs and Asa’s two. Once they all had their meatball and a quick ear scratch, you turned to give Asa the bowl back but he slammed you against the plane. The grip on your throat was so tight you wheezed with every breath, he pressed his body against yours and chuckled in your ear. Instead of pulling out a knife like you expected he grinned as he brought a meatball to your lips.  
“You’re going to take a nice nap on the trip.” 
Eating it was far easier than fighting so you opened your mouth, besides sleeping through the entire trip would definitely be better. He kept you pinned as you ate the meatball and didn't let you up until he inspected your mouth. When he shoved his fingers all the way to the back of your throat you knew he wasn't just doing it to check if you ate it. 
When he was finally satisfied after making you gag a third time he roughly shoved you to Arkin who guided you on to the plane. Hannibal was apparently still talking to the pilot but Will already was sitting down and was waiting for you. He seemed to know about the drugged meatball as well because he had a blanket and pillow sitting in what was apparently your seat. 
Arkin stood in front of you until you got into a comfortable sleeping position which was laying halfway across Will’s lap. He praised you for being so good as he laid the blanket over you. The drug began to work almost as instantly as you relaxed. Soon enough it was too hard to keep your eyes open and you just fell asleep. 
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When you woke up the sun was shining through the open curtains. You were snuggled against someone, from the amount of scars you could feel you assumed it was Arkin. You didn't have your clothes on anymore, instead in pajamas you didn't recognize. 
The curtains fluttered in the wind and you sat up to look around. The room was beautiful, it had a warm golden color scheme that felt like something out of a movie. The bed was soft and large, far larger than Hannibal's old bed. Arkin laid next to you, seemingly still asleep. He was shirtless and the golden morning sun made his pale scars stand out. You gently traced the ones on Arkin’s chest and wondered what Asa had done to him. 
A wild scream tore through the silence of the house. Arkin grabbed your arm and pulled you back down on the bed. He held you against him as someone suddenly came through the door. 
“Still sleeping?” 
Arkin nodded and kept you from turning your head. You could tell it was Asa by his voice and wanted to see what he was doing but obviously Arkin was trying to sell that you weren't awake yet. He seemed to know what he was doing so you just went limp against him and evened out your breathing. 
“What happened?”
“Nothing yet really, the specimen has a good set of vocal cords on her, I'm thinking about tearing them out. She's been a pain in the ass,” he spat the last sentence with so much venom you nearly flinched. 
“I'll be down to help in a bit. I want to make sure they actually wake up first.” 
Asa didn't say anything and you listened to the sound of his heavy boots as he left the room. Once he left Arkin gently brushed the stitches on your thigh, whispered a quick apology and got up, probably to go help Asa with his “specimen.” While he got dressed you left the room, wanting to explore the house. You just hoped you didn't run into the specimen, although you guessed Asa had that hidden away.  
The entire house seemed to have the same golden sunlight theme that made it feel warm, especially paired with the morning glow. You walked down the hallway and noticed a few more rooms, all of them were decorated differently. Two were offices, you could tell which one was Asa’s because of all the insects plastered all over his wall. You assumed the other office was Hannibal's. There were two more rooms but you didn't care to check them. 
You made a quick stop at the bathroom before going downstairs. Will’s dogs were all waiting at the bottom and you sat down on the last step so you could pet them. Arkin came pounding down the steps and breezed past you with a quick pat on the head. 
The dogs followed behind him and so did you but the smell of the kitchen caught your attention so you turned around to head that direction. The kitchen definitely had a fancy, culinary look but it fit well with the house. Hannibal was standing over the stove cooking something. He grinned when he saw you. 
“Good morning, you slept for a long time.” 
You gave him a dead look, he said that he wasn't the one who made the damn meatball. He chuckled and asked if you'd like to help. Exploring the house more was your only mission so you shook your head and left the kitchen. You found a large dining room that had the same fancy style of Hannibal’s old house. There were all kinds of incredible decorations, you stayed in the room to look at all of them.
Eventually you left and found an open set of double doors that led to another room with a back wall of windows. There was a small set of concrete stairs leading down and you could see all the dogs laid out in the sun streaming through the large windows. You also found Will sitting at one of the couches watching something on the TV. You padded down the steps and joined him on the couch. 
“Good morning,” he lifted his arm so you could lean against his side. “The dogs have been waiting for you.” 
And if on cue Winston hopped up on the couch and laid down next to you, followed by one of Asa's dogs. You leaned down to pet Max and Jack as they came to lay down by Will’s feet. The others didn't care to move. You decided to stay with Will because you've already seen every part of the house you needed to. The lullaby from the TV had you in a daze, and you drifted off to sleep again. 
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“Hannibal finished breakfast,” Will shook you awake and helped you stand. You were still sleepy as he pulled you up and led you to the table in the dining room. 
You let him sit you down and did your best to fully wake up as Hannibal, Arkin, and Asa came to the table. There were tons of different foods and Hannibal asked what you'd like to drink. It took a bit of prodding to get you to choose but eventually you did and he brought you both your drink and plate while Asa talked about how Hannibal had been able to find them jobs at a university. 
“There's an opening for you too,” Asa looked at Will as Hannibal continued to hand out plates of breakfast. 
You began to eat since the conversation didn't concern you and you realized that one of the dogs had slipped in and crawled under your chair. You grinned as his nose bumped your leg. You broke off a piece of sausage and slipped it down to the dog. From the feeling of his fur you assumed it was Harley. 
“No, I got a slot at the farmer's market up the road, I'm gonna sell our produce and some fish I catch from the river,” Will responded and you wondered how they had put together a life over here so quickly.  
“Arkin will be here to help you with that then,” Asa looked over at you. “You aren't allowed beyond the fenceline unless one of us is with you. Understand?” 
You nodded your head and did your best to not draw attention to the way you were about to toss the sausage piece down to Harley. Asa went back to eating so you quickly dropped the food down and went back to feeding yourself as well. 
Once you finished breakfast you excused yourself and went back to the room with the windows which, according to Hannibal, is called sunroom. There was a large bookshelf against the wall, it was stocked full of books, records, all kinds of string and thread, fishing and gardening equipment. There was also stuff that looked like a bug hunting kit, you assumed it was Asa’s. There were even a couple board and card games. 
You pulled a book off the shelf and curled yourself up in one of the chairs. One of Asa’s dogs hopped up there with you and laid down against your legs. You could tell from her collar she was the one laid with you and Winston earlier. You gently ran your fingers through her fur as you read. The book was so entertaining that you didn't notice how much time had passed until you were nearly finished with it and Will came to grab you for lunch. He walked you to the kitchen before disappearing off to somewhere in the house. 
Lunch was simple, something that completely threw you off, Hannibal had set out all the ingredients for everyone to make their own sandwich. Asa was already there making his along with Arkin. You wanted to ask him about his dogs' names but had he made it clear he wasn't going to communicate with you through sign. He caught you looking and asked what you wanted. 
You sighed, fought back the gag that crept up your throat and took a deep breath, “I want to know your dog's names….please.” 
He grinned as your voice shook, you hated the way he looked at you. Every time you talked he got this chilling look in his eyes. You could talk perfectly fine if you wanted to, the cut didn't change anything about your tongue, silence just always felt safer. Now, talking felt like you were giving into him but you just really wanted to know their names. 
“Arachne is the girl and Wasp is the boy. Arkin helped me name them.” 
You just nodded as you began to make your sandwich. There were so many options and you knew that the dogs would probably love most of it. So you put all the condiments you wanted on the side and stacked your sandwich full of everything. Asa watched you with a grin but not a warm one. 
“Arachne likes pickles, Wasp likes ham with his turkey,” Arkin commented as he walked off with his sandwich. You watched him open a hidden door in the back of the kitchen and walk down the stairs. That's probably where Asa was holding his collection. Your stomach twisted at the thought of how quickly he was able to start that again. 
Asa snapped to grab your attention, “Don't feed them too much but you can give them snacks during lunch.” 
He took his plate and left through the same door Arkin did. You threw a few more things on your plate before going back to the sun room so you could eat lunch with the dogs. As Arkin said, Arachne chomped up every pickle you gave her and Wasp did refuse the turkey until you wrapped it up with a slice of ham. It was kind of shocking how spoiled they were. Will’s dogs however had no care and ate everything you gave them. 
Nobody else came into the sun room for the rest of the day. So you spent the time lounging around with the dogs, reading, watching TV and wondering if this was going to be the rest of your life. When Hannibal found you laid out on the ground with the dogs he promised you that you'd have things to do tomorrow. He seemed to understand your boredom. 
Dinner was nothing crazy, just a really tasty pasta dish and Hannibal once again promised you that tomorrow would be different because he and Asa were starting work so the house would be kicking into motion. Will and Arkin chimed in and promised they had things planned to do with you. You didn't contribute to the rest of the conversation and just ate your dinner.
As Arkin and Asa washed dishes, Will taught you how to make the dog's food. You could feel the way Asa stared you down as you chopped the ingredients. The only time he looked away was when Will asked him to get the meat. He went down through the same door he did after lunch and came back with a bag of suspicious looking meat. You couldn't watch as Will chopped it up. 
When it was made, Will and Asa showed you how to distribute the food. As soon as you sat the last bowl down, Asa grabbed your arm and dragged you upstairs to his office. He sat down in his chair and pulled you onto his lap. He didn't say anything, just began typing away on his computer, something for the university you assumed. You just sat there. It was probably safer not to argue with him about it and besides you had nothing to do. The sound of his typing eventually lulled you to sleep on his lap. 
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You woke up to the sound of Hannibal and Asa getting ready for work. It was only you and Will left in the bed, he seemed to be reading something on his iPad while he stroked your back. He poked your nose once he noticed you were awake. You scooted up closer to him and he immediately planted a kiss on your forehead. He scattered kisses all over your face as you giggled.
For a moment he paused and looked at you then pressed his lips against yours. You were shocked but kissed him back immediately. Never would you deny your attraction for Will and while you didn't expect it, you'd also never turn him down. He held you closer to him as he kissed you with more eagerness. It was so intoxicating you didn't even notice you weren't breathing until he broke the kiss to get a breath. You sighed as he kissed your neck, the feeling of his beard against your skin made you shiver. 
“Mm could I have some good morning kisses?” 
You gasped as Hannibal came through the door, Will just grinned and laid back down. Hannibal was already dressed and holding a tray of food you assumed was for you and Will. He raised his eyebrows at you, like he was expecting you to answer. You nodded and he passed the tray to Will as you sat up. He brought his face closer but not all the way so you leaned up and pressed your lips to him. He caught you before you could pull away and kissed you more. Hannibal was much slower and passionate about kissing compared to Will’s deep and eager style. Hannibal held your face as he gently kissed you again and again. 
“Enjoy the day my loves,” he gave you another quick kiss before leaning down to kiss Will goodbye too. He grabbed his jacket and left. 
Everything had happened so fast and the unexpecting kissing left your head feeling fuzzy. They acted like kissing was something you all did everyday. You stayed frozen and wondered what the dynamic between you and them was going to be like, obviously it was changing. This wasn't something they ever did with you before moving.
“Go get Arkin up for breakfast,” Will patted your thigh to get your attention. “He's down the hall in his and Asa’s room.” 
You climbed out the bed and went to the end of the hall. Their door was slightly cracked but you were too scared to enter so you just knocked on the door. Before you could finish knocking Asa swung the door open and left, he walked past you like you weren't there. You stood and watched him leave as you waited at the door. 
“You can come in, baby.” 
Arkin was sitting up in bed when you stepped into the room. He looked like he'd been attacked, his hair was disheveled and his shirt looked like it had been ripped open. There were dark hickies covering his chest and neck. He smirked as you stared at them. 
“It’s his form of marking, a way to let you know you're his,” Arkin caught your attention when he spoke. “When he marks you, he's separated the line between lust and love. Just be careful though…you'll never expect it when he finally gets you!” 
He growled and sprang from the bed. You screamed and ran as he playfully chased you out down the hall. He chased you all the way back to Will and Hannibal's room and you jumped on to the bed to hide behind Will. Arkin burst through the door with a loud roar. You giggled and screamed as he pretended to be a bear. He caught your ankle and pulled you away from Will. 
When the dogs started barking and howling downstairs, Will settled you both down. You climbed into bed and went back to your spot next to Will. Arkin sat next to you as Will set up the tray for breakfast. 
Arkin flipped through the TV channels as Will spread the jam on your toast. You wanted to do it but Will insisted that he do it. Arkin suddenly squeezed your side and you squealed. You noticed how all of them would constantly do things to get a sound out of you. The constant ticking, poking, smacking, and scaring you gave it away. They didn't really hide it either but you also didn't understand why they had such an obsession with hearing you. Arkin tried to tickle you but you screamed and pushed his hands away. 
Once you all stopped fooling around and finished your breakfast, Will suggested that everyone go with him to the lake and you rushed to get dressed. Majority of your wardrobe had just become the others’ clothes, Hannibal had promised he would get clothes for you soon, so you slid on a shirt of Arkin's and a pair of shorts you found. Will had you wear his fishing vest and found a hat for you too. He apparently planned to teach you how to fish. 
You and Will met Arkin and the dogs in the sun room. It took awhile to gather all the gear and it didn't help that Buster and Ellie got tangled in some loose string. You giggled as Will freed the dogs and handed you the string. When everything was finally packed and the dogs were all calm, Arkin led everyone outside. 
This was the first time you had actually seen the entirety of the back yard. It was beyond the size of any backyard you've seen. You didn't even know there was a pool. There was a huge garden full of vegetables and fruits. Will pointed out the chicken coop to you and Arkin. The garden was Will’s but the chickens were Hannibal's. You giggled at the thought of Hannibal taking care of the chickens. He didn't really look like an animal person, not even if it was for meat. 
The stream was far from the house and there wasn't an easy path to get there. There were tons of rocks in the dirt and in the grass the tree roots stuck out in ways that would kind of catch your foot, even if you were staring at the ground.  
At some point of it Arkin put you in front for some reason like you knew where to go and you accidentally tripped over a tree root that was right in front of you. You didn't even have a chance to save yourself and pain tore through your knee. 
In an instant, you were surrounded by the dogs and Will helped you sit up. It didn't look bad until Arkin wiped away the muck and dirt. The blood just started rushing from the large hunk of skin the roots and rocks ripped away. He began looking for something to cover it and eventually used his shirt. Arachne barked in his face as he ripped up his shirt. 
“I'm fixing it so I don't know why you're yelling at me,” he snapped back at her as he wrapped a shirt piece around your knee. 
You giggled as she continued to bark at him. This time it sounded more like she was arguing back with him. 
“If you have such a problem you do it!”
She sniffed the makeshift bandage and yawned. You laughed through your tears as Arkin pushed her away from you. He picked you up and began to walk back towards the house. Will began to follow but you shook your head. 
“We have to patch you up,” he sounded confused and both he and Arkin stopped so you could “talk.” You wiggled in Arkin’s arms until he put you down. 
It took an insane amount of back and forth but after a while you convinced Will to go fish. He needed some to sell tomorrow and you knew Arkin would be able to handle it. When he began to walk away you yelled and threw your arms out towards him. He turned around expecting a hug but you grabbed his face and pulled him into a quick kiss. You pushed him away as he leaned in for another. 
Arkin picked you up again as you tried your best not to laugh at the pout in Will’s face. You waved him off towards the river and blew him a kiss as Arkin began to carry you back towards the house. All the dogs except for Asa’s two followed Will. 
“Why haven't I gotten a kiss from you?” 
Arkin's question confused you. He never displayed signs of really liking you. While you had know Hannibal and Will for months now, Arkin was newer. You knew him far before the others but he had been with Asa for so long he was almost a stranger now.
Besides kissing was a new thing between you and Will. Hell, you weren't even sure what gave you the courage to kiss Will just then. You certainly didn't know where the courage came from when you kissed Arkin too.
Unlike Will and Hannibal who took control of the kiss, Arkin let you control it. At first it was just meant to be one kiss but the feeling of his lips against yours and his stubble scraping against your skin was addicting. You were so sucked into the moment that if he hadn't broken the kiss you probably would have kissed him until your mouth was raw. He didn't say anything, just gave you a grin and continued walking back to the house. 
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When you got back to the house you expected him to just set you down in the sun room but he didn't. He didn't put you down in the dining room or kitchen either. Your stomach dropped when you realized he was going to take you downstairs. For a moment you tried to wiggle out of his arms as panic began to seize you but when he pinched the skin of your torn knee you screamed and stopped fighting him. 
The stairs led down into an open room with nothing but a large black couch that the dogs wasted no time hopping onto and a coffee table to match. It would have looked like a regular lounge room if it wasn’t for the other side of the wall lined with a row of metal tables that resembled the autopsy tables they used in the crime shows that came on TV. There was a short hallway that led to a bunch of rooms. He sat you down on one of the tables and you gagged at the sight of the still wet blood that covered the table next to you. Arkin grabbed your face and moved it so you faced him. 
“You don’t need to worry about what’s over there.” 
You nodded and watched him as he took off the shirt pieces, he poked around in the wound for a bit. It wasn’t painful, it was just really weird to watch him prod at a piece of your torn flesh and touch what you assumed was muscle. There were a couple small pieces of your skin that weren't fully ripped off and they just kind of awkwardly hung there. Arkin walked off to get some things and you kept your eyes focused on him. There was no telling what you’d find down here and you didn’t wanna test it. 
When he came back he sprayed your knee a couple times, for a moment it felt like he lit your knee on fire. You didn’t mean to but the unexpected pain caused you to kick your legs out, accidentally landing a hard kick to Arkin’s stomach. He doubled over and you gasped. 
“‘m sorry,” you tried to say it quietly in case it had made him mad but he just stood back up and pecked your lips. 
“It’s okay.” 
He continued on and cut off the awkward strands of flesh and then wrapped it properly. It didn’t take long and thankfully the bandage wasn’t uncomfortable, just made it harder to bend your knee. You expected him to let you walk back upstairs but he picked you up and carried you back to the sun room. He didn’t let you go when he got to the room. Instead he sat down in the chair and sat you up between his legs with your back against his chest. The moment he reclined the chair back both Wasp and Arachne hopped in there too. 
Wasp curled up between your legs but Arachne squished herself between the arm of the chair and your body. You loved how attached to your side she had become, her protectiveness of you was unquestionable. The moment you touched her she let out a deep sigh, like she had been waiting for you to pet her. You grinned and began to pet her as Arkin flipped through the channels until he found some random movie playing. 
It was surprisingly more entertaining than what you thought it was going to be. You had gotten so into the movie you didn't even realize that Arkin had his hands between your legs until you heard the sound of your zipper coming undone. For a moment you considered grabbing his arm and stopping him but when he finally touched you the thought disappeared from your mind. Your back arched and you lifted your hips against his hand. It had been far too long since someone had touched you like this. He chuckled and forced you back down. 
“Stay still or I'll stop.” 
You nodded your head and he went back to pleasuring you. He was going so slow and you gripped the arms of the chair as you desperately tried not to move. A whine crept up your throat as he slowed down even more. You could feel his grin against your neck. 
“I'll go faster if you can tell me how good it feels,” he ground his hips against yours so you could feel how hard he was. 
“It…it feels good,” your voice was quiet and he could hear the hesitance.
He kissed your neck and started to move his hand faster. As he continued with a bit more speed you let out a moan and lifted your hips again. You completely forgot about his no movement rule until he pulled his hand out of your shorts. 
“No please,” you couldn't stop yourself as he zipped up your shorts. 
“Sorry baby, I told you not to move.” 
You whined and he scrolled through the channels until he found another movie. It was painfully obvious that even if you begged he didn't plan on continuing. With no other choice you sighed and did your best to get comfortable despite the throbbing between your legs. 
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The sky was beginning to grow dark when Will finally came back. You and Arkin had watched a total of seven movies and you were now flopped sideways across his lap so your legs hung off the arm of the chair. 
He held up his cooler with a big grin, “The river is incredible. I got more than enough to sell and keep.” 
As he pulled off his hat the front door opened and all the dogs took off to greet Asa and Hannibal. Arkin helped you out of the chair and you followed Will to the kitchen. You gasped at the amount of fish that he dumped into the sink. He grinned at you before he walked off. 
“What happened to your leg darling,” Hannibal asked as he entered the kitchen. 
He knelt down to inspect the bandage as you explained what happened. The way he looked up at you made your stomach flip and your hands shook a bit as you signed to him. He kissed the bandage before he stood up. 
“Let's try not to let that happen again,” he glanced over at the sink and sighed. “Will, please.” 
Will laughed as he came back with a knife, “I'll clean it don't worry.” 
Hannibal simply shook his head and left. Will helped you up on the counter top and you watched as he skinned and cleaned the fish. When Hannibal came back, he and Will began to make dinner. You stayed on the counter as they cooked and every time Will passed you he squeezed your thigh. 
Asa and Arkin passed through the kitchen on their way to the basement. Asa stopped to look at your bandage but he didn't say anything, just patted your leg and continued on. While everyone suddenly got more affectionate, Asa seemed to be getting more distant. You didn't pay no mind to it though, your gut told you that this was the calm before the storm. 
“Fish for dinner,” Arkin gave Will a questioning look. “And you're cooking?” 
“Yes, Hannibal is making dessert.”
Arkin threw you a suspicious look and you couldn't help but laugh. 
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Dinner turned out great, which caused Arkin to throw you another suspicious look. You yet again couldn't help but laugh. Will pouted a bit when you laughed so you took an extra serving to make him feel better. When Hannibal brought out the dessert he made you tried to decline but Asa demanded that you eat it. It was cake and you couldn't deny that nearly every bite was better than the last but it was weighing heavy on your already full stomach. 
After dinner Asa and Arkin washed dishes as you helped Will make the food. You could tell this was going to be the nightly dynamic. Will asked Asa to get the meat again and this time the bag he brought back had an ear in it. A sick feeling settled in your stomach but you didn't say anything. There was a good chance if you did your ear would probably end up in the bag. 
It didn't take you long to realize that you were eating people. The jokes Hannibal made weren't too well hidden but as sick as it was, his food tasted good. Plus in this house making a complaint about it would do absolutely nothing. Living with them was all about picking your battles and cannibalism wasn't the battle you really wanted to fight. 
You fed the dogs and Asa brought you upstairs to his office again. This time he didn't drag you but let you follow him. You whined, each step only made your stomach hurt worse. He stood at the top and waited for you. 
“You shouldn't have eaten so much,” he grumbled once you got to the top.
“I didn't want to. You made me eat dessert,” you snapped. You really didn't want to speak to him but he got on your nerves with the remark. 
He grabbed your throat and pulled your face closer to his, “I find it interesting how you only know how to speak when you're talking back.” 
You gasped when he let you go and rubbed your throat. He pulled you into his office and on to his lap. Boredom seemed to be his favorite torture method because truly it was mind melting have to sit there as he just typed on his computer.
The only thing you could see from your angle was the shelves of insects Asa had in his office. He had a large spider that you could clearly watch as it moved. With nothing else to entertain your attention you just watched his bugs move, although you enjoyed the tarantula the most. It's slow movements and Asa's typing had you falling in and out of sleep. 
When you opened your eyes again you were still in the room but it was cold and quiet. The lights were off and Asa was gone. You groaned as you left the chair and limped over to check the spider. It was hidden and none of the other insects were moving so you left. 
Arkin was asleep in his bed and you could see Hannibal in his office. Will was nowhere to be found and the clock in the hall told you it was three a.m. The dogs were all asleep in the sun room, the kitchen and dining room were empty which left the basement. Going down there wouldn't be a good idea, even if Will did happen to be down there. Instead you turned around and decided that going upstairs was the only thing you'd be doing. 
You froze at the sound of a muffled groan. Another louder groan followed and you faced the door again. Curiosity was getting the best of you, this time the groans were getting faster and faster. Before you could talk yourself out of it you grabbed the handle and opened the door. 
A small bell was attached to the inside handle, the high pitched ring of the bell cut through the groans. In an instant everything fell silent. Dread ran through your body, you were caught. 
“Come down here,” Asa's voice was low, you could hear the anger hidden in his words. 
You took a deep breath and began to limp down the stairs. Every cell in your body begged you to run but years of running taught you that you'd only be prolonging the inevitable. Midway down the stairs Asa began to come into view. He was slouched on the couch with Will still kneeling between his legs. While Asa’s noises stopped, Will didn't. You stopped at the bottom step and watched the way he bobbed his head up and down. 
Asa stared at you as he held Will’s head down. Your heart was beating so fast it felt like the room was vibrating. A sick grin grew on Asa’s face as Will began to gag. When he began to shake Asa let him up. As Will gasped for air Asa beckoned you with his finger. 
The vibrations turned into tingling as you stepped forward. As you limped over there Will gave you a quick smile, which did help you feel a bit safer. Before you were even fully in front of Asa he kicked your leg behind you causing you to fall onto your injured leg. Pain shot through your entire body. The right side of your face felt completely numb and your entire peripheral vision was black. 
He leaned forward and grabbed the back of your head before pulling you closer. Your ears rang as your knee was dragged against the ground. The pain left you submissive as he maneuvered you around until you were in a position to his liking. When he tapped your lips you instinctively opened your mouth. As the pain subsided and your vision cleared up you could see Will move to behind you. He pulled your arms against your back and placed his other hand under your jaw.
“Stay relaxed, if you fight it gets worse,” Will's words didn't help you relax and as Asa brought his cock head to your lips your initial panic swept back like a wave. 
He gently slid his length between your lips until he reached the back of your throat. You gagged a bit but he pulled back and let you breathe again. His gentleness was unexpected and it made your stomach tingle with suspicion. He pushed his length into your mouth again and this time Will helped you set a steady pace as wrapped your lips around his cock. 
The sound of his groans went right between your legs. He leaned his head back and Will pushed your head down harder, forcing you to take Asa all the way to the back of your throat. You gagged a bit but was able to get it under control. 
“Fuck,” Asa cursed and grabbed your head. 
Will held you tighter to keep you still as Asa began to thrust into your mouth. For a moment it was tolerable but even as you gagged he didn't slow his pace. You fought to breathe as panic gripped your chest. The second gag felt like something was coming up with it but Asa still didn't slow. 
When you gagged a third time he pushed your head off him. The vomit rushed up your throat so fast you didn't get a chance to breathe. Will turned your head so you could throw up on the floor rather than Asa. You groaned and whined once you finished vomiting. 
“It gets easier,” Will rubbed your back as you spit out the last bit of offending saliva. 
Asa didn't say anything, just pulled you back to face him. You opened your mouth again and took his cock down your throat. Like Will said it did get easier and you were able to handle Asa’s bruising pace for a bit longer before you began gagging again. This time when you gagged Asa held your head down against him until your nose was pressed against his skin. 
He groaned and rocked his hips against your face, causing you to gag even harder. You cried and dug your nails into your hands as his rocking became rougher. You choked as he suddenly came down your throat with a deep guttural moan. When he finished he pushed your head off and Will helped you move as your stomach forced everything up. 
“Good job, let it all up,” Will continued to rub your back as you threw up Asa's cum and the rest of dinner you hadn't gotten up yet. “You did incredible.” 
“Go get them cleaned up,” Asa’s voice cut through Will’s praise. His belt buckle clinked against the button of his pants as he tucked himself away. 
Will helped you stand, the pain of your knee made it a bit hard but eventually he was able to help you up onto your feet. Asa said nothing else, just watched you two hobble up the stairs and out of the basement. Arachne met you both at the top of the stairs, you gave her a quick scratch before Will picked you up and shooed her away. As she trotted back off to the sun room Will carried you upstairs to the bathroom. 
“Would you like to shower with me and Hannibal?” 
The question took you back for a second but you nodded and Will left, to get Hannibal you assumed. You groaned at the sight of your now blood soaked bandage.
“We'll fix that after our shower, darling. For now let's get you undressed,” Hannibal startled you a bit as he suddenly came into the bathroom. 
Will held you steady as Hannibal helped you out of your shorts. He sighed at the state of your bandage as you pulled off the rest of your clothes. You stepped into the shower as they got undressed. Hannibal pulled off Will’s shirt and revealed the dark hickeys covering his chest and neck, much like Arkin's. He also had multiple dark hickeys on his lower stomach and near his dick. 
Hannibal chuckled, “He covered my marks.” 
What you didn't expect him to do was suddenly pull Will into an aggressive kiss. You could tell Hannibal was pissed, he was kissing Will far harder than you've ever seen before. Will ripped Hannibal's shirt open and pushed him off. 
“You let him cover mine too.” 
Hannibal grinned and you shook your head. You were tired of waiting on them so you turned the water on. Will joined you almost immediately. He pulled back against him as Hannibal stepped in as well. 
You let out an unexpected moan as Will suddenly began to suck on the side of your throat. Hannibal chuckled and you moaned again as he pulled you into a kiss. Will continued to bite and mark your throat, even moving down to your shoulder. Hannibal kissed away every cry and gasp until he too made his way down to your neck. It was overwhelming, having both of them littering hickeys all over your skin. 
You cried and whined but they didn't stop until they were satisfied with the amount they left on you. When they finished they each gave you a gentle kiss on the lips. You tiredly leaned against Will’s shoulder as Hannibal washed you up. Between them and Asa’s throat fucking you were exhausted. 
Will held you up as Hannibal wrapped you in a towel. You weakly laughed at all the jokes they made as Will carried you to the room. He sat you down on the bed as Hannibal grabbed the stuff for your bandage. You couldn't keep your eyes open so you simply listened to them talk to each other as Hannibal worked on your knee. As Will pulled a shirt over your head their voices began to fade and sleep pulled you away. 
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In the beginning everything was fine. Nothing hurt when you first opened your eyes but from the moment you swallowed, your throat felt like it had been scraped open with a fork. The biggest problem with your situation was being stuck in between Will and Hannibal. They were both still dead asleep and with Will’s iron grip around your waist, you had no chance of escaping. You had no other choice than to wake them up. Hannibal woke quickly but for a moment Will just wouldn’t open his eyes. He grumbled and buried his face into your back. 
“I have to pee,” every word was painful and your voice sounded terrible but you needed him to let you go. 
He did, almost immediately and you shot out the bed to the bathroom. You spotted something in the mirror as you passed by the sink but you had to go so bad you didn’t stop to check. When you washed your hands you discovered that what you spotted in the mirror were dark hickeys. Your entire neck was covered in dark bruises.   
You just stood there staring at them. A knock on the door interrupted you. Hannibal was on the other side with a cup of tea. 
“Will told me about last night,” he handed you the cup. “It'll be sore for a day. Do these hurt?” 
He gently prodded at the hickeys on your neck and you shook your head. It was a bit tender but nothing bad. 
“Well I'm going to begin breakfast, could you wake the others for me?” 
He didn't give you any time to respond before he was off. You took your cup and went back to the room, Will was sat up and seemed to be waiting for your return.  
“How's the throat?” 
You shrugged and sipped the tea. It hurt to swallow but the warmth of the tea helped sooth the horrible pain. You jumped when Will suddenly touched your throat. He didn't poke at the hickeys like Hannibal did, just simply ran his fingers over the marks. 
“I have to feed the dogs breakfast, I'll see you at the table,” he gave you a quick kiss before he left. 
From the room you could see that Asa and Arkin's door was still closed which meant they were definitely still asleep. You finished the last of your tea and went to go wake them as Hannibal requested. The first and second time you knocked there wasn't a single sound so despite your gut feeling you opened the door. 
They were both still asleep even as you stepped into the room. You kind of expected Asa to just wake up the second you stuck your foot in the room. Arkin seemed to sense you in the room because he opened his eyes when you got to his side of the bed. He groaned and began to shake Asa awake. You turned to walk away but Asa grabbed your arm and pulled you back to the bed. 
“Who put those on you,” he didn't point but you knew he was talking about the hickeys. 
You didn't say anything, not even when he grabbed your throat. Asa knew exactly who did it, there was nothing to tell. He growled and got out of bed. You yelped as he snatched your arm and dragged you out the room. His grip on your arm was tight and every time you stumbled he just picked you up and kept going. He dragged you all the way to the kitchen where Hannibal and Will were talking. 
“Who put these on their neck,” he slung you in front of him as he yelled at them. 
“Hannibal and I did,” Will snapped back. 
“We made a deal,” Asa growled at Hannibal. When Hannibal didn't respond he pulled you back and chuckled. “Do you still want it?” 
You had no clue what he was talking about but Hannibal did. He nodded to Asa and in a second Asa was dragging you out the kitchen back upstairs. You tried to reach for Arkin as he passed you on the stairs but Asa yanked you away. He dragged you all the way up to his room and shoved you into the bed. 
“If you don't fight, I'll make it clean,” he brought his knife up to slice through your shirt. 
Again he gave you no hint of what he meant but you were too terrified to think about fighting him. As he cut through your pants you realized what he was doing. He rolled you over on to your back and unbuckled his belt. 
Surprisingly he wasn't rough as he pushed into you, probably because you stayed completely still as he did so. For a second there was a bite of pain as he fully sheathed himself inside of you but it faded quickly as he began to move. He was slow and gentle, eventually even drew a few soft moans from you. Warmth began to bloom in your stomach so you closed your eyes and focused on the sound of Asa's low groans. 
You gasped as he suddenly stopped but he just grabbed your legs, flipped you over and pulled you closer to the edge of the bed. He moved his hands up to your hips and pushed himself back inside you. You let out a loud moan as he started his new pace. 
He pounded into you at a steady beat, like a drum. In, out. In, out. In, out. Boom. Boom. Boom. He fucked you with so much force your hearing became nothing but the sound of his hips hitting yours, the loud booming beat in your ear. His painfully tight grip on your hips allowed him to pull you back to meet his hips, making every stroke of his cock deeper. You wailed and grabbed his arms as pleasure grew stronger. 
Then suddenly his pace became erratic and so did the beat in your head. The beat of his hips began to feel panicked and the feeling of anxiety rushed through your body as your orgasm began to grow closer much quicker. The mix of pleasure and panic caused your body to tremble. No matter how hard you shook he kept that steady pace.
Your body relaxed as he softened his thrusts a bit and leaned forward so you could clearly see his eyes. He grabbed your throat so quickly that you didn't even get a chance to take a breath before he squeezed it. He grinned as he quickened his pace back to the panicked wild beat. 
Tears streamed from your face and your lungs burned as you clawed at his arms. He didn't stop, instead somehow his pace became more brutal. You gagged as your orgasm suddenly hit you. As your body tensed, he brought up a knife and began to slice you open starting from the base of your throat. The orgasm was so overwhelming that you didn't even realize he cut you until he was midway down your stomach. 
The fire in your lungs burned up your throat. He continued to cut you until he reached your hips. Your vision was going dark and your brain screamed for air. The buzzing in your body slowly stopped until you couldn't feel anything anymore. He stared down at you with a sick grin, his eyes colder than the devil's. As you slipped into the darkness, you wondered if this was the last time you'd look into death's eyes. 
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the-offside-rule · 9 months
Jude Bellingham (Real Madrid) - Moving
Requested: yes
Prompt: Moving in with Jude Bellingham (this came at a good time cuz my fyp is FULL of Jude)
Warnings: cutesy shtuff
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"Jesus, whys there so much books?" Jude asked as he unpacked a third black box filled to the brim with various schoolbooks. "University. I don't think I need to explain further." Y/n replied as she stacked the books onto the newly constructed shelf. "Yeah, but why so many? I thought everything was online nowadays."
Jude couldn't hide his excitement as he helped Y/n move into their new place in Madrid. The air was filled with a mix of anticipation and laughter, creating an atmosphere of warmth and joy. Jude grinned as he lifted another box, "You sure you want all these books in our room, babe?" Y/n chuckled and took a few, placing them on the Shelf above their bed. "Absolutely! They're part of the charm. Plus, they'll have a good view from the shelf." AsAs they unpacked, memories unfolded. Y/n held up an old photo, "Look at us here! Can't believe it's been that long." Y/n stumbled upon another photo of them in the Camp Nou. Their first holiday as a couple. "Remember that trip to Barcelona? Our first adventure together." It was....ironic how he ended up going to the rival team but that was a funny story to tell in the future. She grinned, handing it to her boyfriend. Jude chuckled. "Yeah, and now we're making a new chapter right here in Madrid. Who would've thought?"
They set up a cozy reading nook, and Y/n teased. "Imagine the adventures we'll have in this little corner." She winked. "Behave. I won't bother you when you're there. I'll wait until you get out." Jude said, undoing another box. "We both know you're impatient." She smiled. "You're awfully rude, you know." He muttered. "You love me really Jude."
Amidst the unpacking chaos, they found a quirky souvenir from a past vacation. Y/n held up a miniature flamenco dancer. "We got this in Barcelona too, didn't we? Jesus, I nearly forgot all of these." She turned to see Jude holding a cinema ticket and a receipt. "What's this?" He asked. "Remember our first date to the cinema? I kept the ticket." Jude nodded. "Ah yeah. How could I forget? I spilled popcorn and pretended it was intentional, just to hold your hand." Jude chuckled. "You were quite the romantic back then." Jude held her closely and smiled down to her, just centimeters from her face. "I still am, especially when it comes to you."
"You still know how to make me blush." Jude chuckled. "You'd swear we were married for like 50 years with how you're going on." Jude laughed. "Oh but I love these little tokens. It reminds me of how we got here." She said, holding the ticket in her own hand now. "Our own little museum of love." He joked. "Oh shut up." They shared a playful laugh, turning mundane tasks into moments they'd remember forever.
In between assembling furniture, Y/n looked at Jude with a mischievous grin. "Remember when we tried to build that IKEA shelf? It took us hours!" Jude shook his head. "I still blame the instructions. They're like a secret code only IKEA employees understand." Jude said trying to connect the leg to the new desk. "Or the Swedish." They both burst into laughter, turning the furniture assembly into a lighthearted competition.
While setting up Y/n's study space, Jude couldn't help but express his pride. "You're going to nail uni, Y/n. I'll be right here cheering you on." Y/n playfully tapped his nose. "We cam be eachother's cheerleaders. Go team us!" She smiled. "But I haven't exactly been the best cheerleader, have I?" Jude said. "It's understandable." Y/n replied. "I don't think it is. It would have been understandable for you to not come to my games and support me but you still did. But it's my turn now and I promise I'm going to cheer you on louder than anyone else." Y/n reached out her hand and he took it, interlocking their fingers and kissing them. "I am so happy you're finally here." He whispered.
They shared a sweet moment, realizing that every challenge they faced only brought them closer together. "Come on, last box." Y/n said, handing the heavy box to Jude. He obviously underestimated how heavy it was because he nearly dropped it. "Don't you deadlift at training?" Y/n teased. "Come here you!" She giggled as she ran from Jude around the house, further delaying them actually finishing up the moving process.
As the day unfolded and the furniture set up, the items and memorabilia all set in their place, the couple sat by the pool with the fireplace ablaze, sipping on coffee, and enjoying the peace and quiet of eachother's company. "This is home now, isn't it?" Y/n said, leaning into Jude. He nodded. "Our safe haven. Here's to new beginnings, love." They clinked their coffee mugs, sealing the promise of countless more memories Madrid, in what would now be known as their home.
The day ended with laughter echoing through the halls, love lingering in the air, and the anticipation of countless tomorrows in a city that now held not just their dreams but their shared adventures and cherished moments.
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morbidcollective · 2 months
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I recently read the draft script for The Collector and The Collection (back when it was called The Midnight Man) and I just wanted to share my favorite moments.
1. Asa bringing ants into their homes and having them trail out the trunk.
2. Arkin’s description. (Blue collar to the core is insane.)
3. Asa smiling and the fact they mention Arkin amuses him.
4. The wasp metaphor???
5. Again, the wasp metaphor??? Arkin and Asa being the roach and the wasp.
6. This whole scene with “Zack” and that beautifully written quote?? Not to mention Asa only pinning things he finds beautiful or worthy enough for his collection.
7. I just thought it was silly he shook his head and did a little wave before leaving.
8. The fact Asa Emory isn’t even ASA EMORY. His name is Arthur Cisco not only that but he’s DR. Arthur Cisco.
9. We were robbed of more voice lines out of him and not only that but a face reveal (only a description :( )
10. Again robbed of more voice lines and what could have been a cool scene of him screaming out.
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Ice & Rain
Requested: No
Warnings: Injury via slipping on ice (no blood), child in pain and injured
Summary: Your and Simon’s daughter takes a nasty fall on some ice.
A/N: I mentioned it in the story but Asa (the daughter) is adopted to give me the ability to keep Reader GN so she has a preset look, described with brown hair and pale skin. This does NOT reflect anything about the Reader’s looks.
Something was wrong. You could feel it. From the second you woke up at a little after seven, you felt ill. Sick to your stomach, a feeling of dread making you twitch and turn, trying to find the source of whatever was disturbing you, only to come up with nothing.
“Are you sure she was alright before she left?” You asked, scratching at your wrist anxiously. ‘She’ being your daughter of 14, Asa, who had already been sent off to school on her bus before you had woken up. A quiet and clingy girl, usually seen clutching onto either your or your husband’s shirts when in public, slow to talk but incredibly sweet. It got a bit frustrating at times, you couldn’t lie, but she was a good girl and you wouldn’t trade her for the world. You remembered the day you adopted her like it was yesterday. How tiny she was in your arms. The tears you cried.
“For the millionth time, Love. Yes, she was just fine.” Simon says with a sigh, wrapping his arms around you from behind, his lips pressing against the back of your neck, an effort to soothe you, all in vain.
“Okay. I believe you.” You say, taking a deep breath, trying to brush aside all the ‘what if’s’ that bounced around in your brain. “She’s okay. She’s perfectly fine and at school. Probably asleep at her desk again.”
“Probably.” Simon hummed, holding you a bit tighter. You wondered idly if he was also a bit worried. If he had also started off that way, or if your own fear had sparked his own.
You took another breath, opening the curtains of one of the front facing windows, deciding that some fresh air would do you some good, even if it was cold out. As you did so, you caught a glimpse of some strange shape in the middle of the still dark walkway, halfway between your house and the road. Had she forgotten her backpack again? Not unusual. She tended to put things down-
The shape moved.
It was just a twitch, almost unnoticeable but your blood ran cold, like ice in your veins as you shook yourself from free Simon’s grasp, not bothering to put on shoes or a coat as you took the stairs two at a time, only vaguely aware of your husband calling after you.
When you burst through the door, there she was, her voice suddenly so clean to you. Wails of pain, broken only by sobs and loud cries of “Daddy” that only served to break your heart.
You heard a loud “fuck!” from behind you but you paid it no attention, scrambling through the snow to the pathway, almost slipping and busting your ass when you realized that there was ice everywhere. Was this why she was here? Had she fallen on her way to the bus? How had they not noticed her? How did you not hear her?
You fell to your knees beside your daughter, hands hovering around her as she cried, the soft pattering of rain beating down on the back of your head.
“Oh baby. Oh sweet girl, it’s okay.” You try to tell her, your voice cracking, tears brimming in your eyes as you cup her face, biting your lip when she only cried harder. She couldn’t seem to actually speak, only able to call for you and Simon, small hands clutching at your night shirt.
Simon was beside you but you barely even noticed, not until Asa shouted with pain, so loud that it hurt your ears, the sound echoing in your brain, sure to haunt your nightmares tonight.
“Shh shhhh, Little Love. I got you.” Simon cooed to her, his voice strained but infinitely calmer than yours as he continued sliding his arm under her lower back, nudging you out of the way so he could get his other one under his shoulders. “I got you. It’s okay. I know it hurts but we need to get you out of this cold.”
“Simon.” You whimpered, shaking as you tried to stand with him, bare feet not even feeling the cold as adrenaline pumped through you. “Oh baby.” You said, holding your daughter’s freezing hand, changing for any discoloration at the fingertips. She’d been out here at least half an hour.
“It’s okay, Love. Get her bag, yeah?” He says, motioning to Asa’s small pink backpack that lay beside where she had fallen. You picked it up silently, right behind Simon as he carried your sobbing child into the house, not even a hint of strain on his face as he tried to maneuver over the ice carefully, back up to the door. You shut it behind yourself as he laid Asa on the couch, big hands trying to help her out of her thick winter coat without causing her too much pain.
Your hands shook as you placed Asa’s bag at the foot of the couch, kneeling beside her as she sniffled, taking her hands in your and huffing hot air into them, trying to warm her up a bit.
“There we go, Little Love.” Simon whispered to her once her coat and shoes were off, brushing strands of thick brown hair out of her face, cupping her cheek sweetly. “I’m gonna get you some tea and meds, yeah? Somethin to help with the pain. And you just get some rest.”
Asa nodded weakly, soothed by his warm voice as he slowly stood, motioning you up to follow him. You did so, though it hurt your heart to look back and see her just watching you go, pale face bright red from the cold and her tears.
“We should-we should take her to the hospital.” You say, inhaling deeply as he scrub your eyes, trying to calm yourself down as Simon filled the kettle and turned on the stove.
“She fell, Love. She’s okay. Probably just sprained something. She’ll be better in a few days.” He tells you, leaning in to kiss your forehead.
“You can’t be-”
“I was in the field for a lot of years, Love. Seen a lot of injuries. This was just a slip.” He says, reaching up to grab the teabags, the sweet fruity ones that your little girl preferred. “She’ll be just fine.”
You nodded against your better judgment. Simon was right, she’d be just fine.
Asa would be just fine.
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wisteriaiswriting · 4 months
Some stuff about Ana, Torb, and Asa reacting to their children making out with their tall and beefy boyfriend while he's holding them by the thighs
ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕥'𝕤 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟
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Words: 639
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She won’t say anything when she first catches you two.
Only making the slightest noise that you both can pick up on.
But depending on how she feels, her teasing might start at that moment or later.
Otherwise she’ll let you two run off with a warning about ‘being in the open’ (You both were in a booked, private room.)
Either way she will make plenty of comments about ‘keeping safe’ and ‘how she always wanted grandkids.’
Fareeha’s hair had come undone quickly into the session, which allowed it to fall around you, acting as a curtain. Blocking you two from the outside world, working with the blood rushing in both of your ears. Which stopped the sound of the door sliding open from reaching your ears.
When you finally pulled back, her hair let a small amount of sight to return. The clashing colour of bright blue against the gray of the walls sent you reeling back, turning your head to find Ana standing in the doorway.
Ana only shook her head before stepping back, her hand was still in the doorway.
“Stay safe you two, I don’t need anymore young ones running around.”
Letting the door slide shut again before it locked automatically, causing you both to stay in silence as her words sunk in.
“Young ones, huh?”
“Absolutely not.”
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Torbjörn starts yelling immediately.
Please don’t get him wrong, he doesn’t care at all about you two dating.
Just keep your romance outside any of his workshops.
His abrupt entrance scares you both so you back away, but not to the point of dropping her.
He’ll send her off to continue working on her own projects, but drags you to his own workshop.
Keeps you around the room to work with him for the rest of the day.
Surely this teaches you to do this outside the workshop.
Brigittes fingers curled in your hair, keeping you close and unable to pull away. Not that you’d want to anyways. Your own hands tightened their grip on her thighs, while her other arm stayed wrapped around your neck. As you two were so far in the moment neither of you registered the door sliding open, much less the person entering.
“Brigitte, Y/N, not in the workshop!”
Feeling even more blood rush up to your face as you both pulled away, her fingers falling from your hair onto your chest. She couldn’t even face her father at this point, with her face falling into your neck.
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Most of the time Kiriko notices when someone is near, so the chance of being caught is so low.
Either way Asa makes sure her presence is known, whether it’s on accident or not, who knows?
But she is so quick to scold the both of you, mainly targeting Kiriko. (Don’t try to escape her though.)
She was riled up, and even though you held her up in your arms, she kept control. Her nails scrape through your hair and over your scalp, slowly guiding you back towards the wall. Her voice purred through your ears, although she suddenly paused. Lifting her head as she turned towards the door, clearing hearing someone or something nearby.
“What's wrong now, Vixen?”
Her hands stilled on your shoulders, but unable to respond in time as the door was opened. Revealing her mum, who also didn’t expect to see… this. Turning her own head away as Kiriko jumped from your arms in a flustered state, even you didn’t dare to try make eye contact with her.
“Kiriko, what have I said about this!”
“Mum, you weren’t meant to see that!”
After a few seconds she turned back towards you two, scanning over your mostly clean state.
“I was going to invite you two out for dinner, but it seems you're busy.”
“No we aren’t!”
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clalog · 3 months
Friendly Collaboration Pt.6
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Paring: hokeyplayer!sunghoon × onlyfan!reader
Genre: social media!au; academical rivals; smut
Worming: only fans use; smut (mdni please); swearing; probably grammar mistakes (not English speaker/dyslexic)
Synopsis: Sunghoon get obsessed with a only fan creator he casually find on a stressed day and he truly believes he is in love with her even if he never see her face. He doesn't know that behind the screen his is university rival and he doesn't know what kind of deal they'll make
wc 1.753
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For Ruka happiness the party was actually better than the last one. Probably it was because of the less amount of people, still a lot but at least it was only people that know one another and not the all college, or maybe cause Jay was in control of the music “Since I’m the birthday boy” and he actually has good taste.
Obviously you lost Lily, you weren’t even surprised, surprising was finding her baking cookies with Minho. -Can I halp?- Wonyoung ask excited. She was enjoying the party next to you the whole time, not that she hates it, she likes talking and getting to know people, but at the same time her social battery isn’t that up so you understand why she wanted little calm baking cookies with her roommate and a guy she was surprised was poly.
-Did the boys know you are using the kitchen?- You asked while Minho was giving Wonyoung a task.
-I’m fucking one of the mentioned boys and thanks to him even when i’m not at my dorm I’m cooking for an army of people, I can do whathever in the kitchen I used-
Lily cover Wonyoung ears with her hands. -Do not use bad words in front of the baby- If eyes can kill, Lily would be dead after the way Wonyoung looks at her. -I don’t use bad words, other people can- Then she looks at Minho with a more curious face. -How is it going? With the three of you?- Minho pauses for a moment. -Somewhere- Was easy to understand that he does not want to talk about it with your roommate so the conversation easily goes on the story of how Lily has the amazing idea of baking cookies.
That was the last time you saw Wonyoung.
The party was slowly fading away, so you find Ruka who was with two girls from her class, Pharita e Asa, their dorm was the same as yours so you four decide to go home together so you start calling Lily and Wonyoung and no one answers. Since there weren't a lot of people it was easy to find Lily, literally, Ruka just went up on a chair and screamed Lily's complete name and she appeared like a ghost in a horror movie. But when you ask her where Wonyoung was, she has no idea.
You left the two together cause you were sure Wonyoung would make sure to be next to Lily without losing her, and even if she did she would have found you or Ruka. The five of you start to look for the girl, inside and outside the apartment, calling her no stop, but nothing. Ruka and Lily goese at your apartment for looking if she would have go home without telling you, unusual since she is the first one in the group who ask for talling one other our position all the time, is not like her going home without telling anyone or write it in your group chat.
You, Asa and Pharita were looking for her around the boys dorm, thinking maybe she got out for a little bit of air and something bad happened. After some time, Ruka and Lily come back. -She is not at home, did you find something around here?- The rest of you shook your heads in dissent. -Lily what happened after you finish the cookies?-
-She was talking with Minho about dance since he is doing hip hop while they were waiting for them to cook-
-May she is still inside with him- So the five of you go to the direction of the boys dorm once again.
-Girls really you were so nice to stay with us and looking for her- Ruka was taking the way back as an opportunity to thank her two friends.
-That nothing, more people the better-
-No girl left behind, even if you don't know her-
Niki was the one who oppen you the door. -Lost something?- Inside was left just the boys and they where clean around. -Someone, is Minho stille here?- You ask try to look better inside. Niki let the five of you enter again notice that all of you were pretty worried for something. -He just go away with his other friend- -What happened?- The rest of the hokey team stops their groceries. -Wonyoung, we can’t find her- Ruka answer Jake's question. -Minho was the last we know she was talking with- -Ok let me call him, maybe she tell him where she was going, is unusual for her not taxing- Sunoo take is phone but Jounwoon stop him.
-She is in Sunghoon room- He said confidently. Everyone turns to Sunghoon. -I know nothing about it- He quiky said, hands up. -We were talking and at a certain point she just fell asleep so I put her in Sunghoon room. I forgot to tell you girls, I’m sorry- Ruka literally put all the weight on the couch in relief. -The metter is if she is safe-
To make the situation less awkward and more light you decide to find the funny side of the situation. -My dear Joungwoon you would be dead when she wakes up- You laugh. -So true- Lily agrees with you laughing. Joungwoon became rad. -You didn’t wake her up bro, you made her go to bed without letting her do her skin care routine. If I was you I would pray she didn’t have a death note- Ruka continued the joke and gladly Sunoo participet to -Did you have already decided the dress for the funeral? The photo is easy, you look amazing in the shooting we do for this season-
-You know what, we should wake her up, so we can go home and let you guys clean in peace- You immagine Lily was going toward Sunghoon room before Jounwoon stopped her. -She is already sleeping don’t worry, we would wake her up in the morning-
-Oh no hockey player, we have not left our Wonyoung with the seven of you, she is coming home with as- -Don’t worry Ruka, they are ugly but not harmful- -Do not care- -I Agree to the Kawaii one. Where would I going to sleep if she did not leave?- Songhoon comments and you desperately want to make fun of him, but you are too tired to pay attention.
-At this point just stay here, help us then sleep in Sunghoon room with her. That one is already doing it anyway- Heeseung suggested pointing at Asa who was in fact cleaning around. -Sorry, I don’t like disorders. I’m Enami Asa, happy birthday- She said and you wonder why she was presenting herself, didn’t all the invited people Jay actually know, but no he and the rest of they boys said a loud “Nice to meet you”. -Since we are in a presentation moment, who are you?- Sunoo said pointing at Pharita. -Pharita- She simple answer. -And who invited you to the party?- Jay asked, he didn't seem angry, just curious about how many people were actually at his birthday party. -I did- Riki answer. All the boys smile at Riki then look again at Asa then Pharita then again at Riki but he wasn’t looking at any of them. -Presentation finish, what we do?-
-I like Jake's idea- After your sentence you start helping clean and like that everyone continues without another question.
With 12 people the house was clean pretty fast and the group ended up eating the cookies around the table.
-But you were joking befour, she is not going to actually kill me?-
-Bro I’m not sure, she never misses her night skin care routine, I didn’t even believe she could be able to fall asleep without doing it- Ruka answered Joungwoon with a big smile. Sunghoon believes they are messing with him, or using him as a test to see what would actually happen.
-I’m bored, but I don’t want to go to sleep. In for Truth or Dare?- Sunoo suggested. -How can you suggest the most middle school game of them all?- Befour Jake and Sunoo started fighting, Lily commented. -I like that, we can know one other better and do not need big brain so even the most tired of us can play- Sounghoo was happy to see that it was actually just some weird question like “would you prefer wakes up as a giraffe or a hippopotamus” or “the most embarrassing moment you experience in kindergarten” and the dare was fun too like Sounghoon ended up kissing Jay and Lily have to pay a vibrator, but you can’t wait for see what Asa teacher would answer at her email about the last test she take but written backward. -If something bad happens you take the full responsibility- She said to her friend Pharita who suggested it. Then was your torn and Sunghoon just wanted to join the show since it was the first time you said dare. -Stay in lingerie for the rest of the game- -Are you for real?- She ask Lily shock. -Come on, you are wearing your sexyest set- -If the boys are going to be weird I will beat them up- Sunoo said making a fist with his right hand and looking at all the boys in the room one by one. Sounghoon was disappointed, he wanted something he can make fun of you for, and he would definitely not body shame you. But then you quickly strips and he notices.
He already saw that lingerie, the black one with hearts on the sides. He recognizes her stomach to, or better, the three moles under the belly button. When you sat, Sunghoon's eyes went toward Sunoo who was already looking at him, he knew he understood. Was clear that the girl he had been masturbating on for a month now was Sunoo's friend, but why her? She is too much? She only wants to make him miserable? He can’t ask you to fuck him, his ego is too big for kneeling in front of you and beg you to considering him. He receive a punch on his right side were Heeseung was siting. -Bro truth or dare?- The battle was pointing at him. -Truth- He quickly answers but unfortunately was Sunoo the one who decides to give him the question. -There is someone in this room right now you want to fuck?- He wants to lie, it would be so easy to lie. But he is too tired for it. -Yes-
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Series Masterlist | ClaLog Masterlist
⚠️This is a work of fiction, every reference of character sexuality or personality are from the mind of the author for plot purposes and DO NOT describe the real life person
⚠️Everything on this fiction is from the mind of the author, the stolen of the story or parts of it is punishable by law
All banners made by @cafekitsune
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@deobitifull @namdeyuoi @heelovesmeknot @cheese-fri24 @yubinswrld @jungwonsstrawberriesnchocolate @tasnim10
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I would like one shot on the rocks with mordecai as a werewolf as he gets insecure about being a werewolf as us the gn reader conforts him. But deep down mordecai werewolf inside of him burns as he looks at us lovely as the werewolf takes over and give us all the love he hold dear for us
Ooooh this is gonna be fun. Mordecai's pride we hardly knew ye
(CW for a little bit of gore and a descriptive werewolf transformation. Generally, there is a lot of pain and a bit of derealization at the end of it. Everything works out fine, though, try not to worry about either of them)
Mordecai was never a fan of canines. He was even less of a fan after a feline/canine amalgamation chased him down away from support and almost ripped him in half before the Savoys found him. He was lucky to be alive.
It was a month later and he was fine, having miraculously survived the attack. However each passing day had him grow fearful and more hungry. He honestly had not noticed until Asa commented on him ordering from the waiter three times in the same evening.
Nico and Serafine had also clued in, judging by their ears flicking back as they shared a look Mordecai couldn't read. It left him bristling and thankful that they weren't the ones who stitched him back together this time; though that also left him at a loss as to why he was so ravenous and fearful.
This couldn't have happened at a worse time. He had just found it in him to take in a partner, a lovely (h/c) cat named Y/N; and less than a week into their relationship he gets mauled and starts acting weird. Lord knows what goes through their head nowadays whenever he snaps at them a little too harshly or gets seconds and thirds after supper.
He takes out his turmoil in anger; fighting with a dummy until it literally falls apart on him or daring to verbally prod the twins a little bit harder when they start teasing him. It used to take the edge off, but this week he's started feeling the strong urge to bite someone as hard as he could. Teeth in flesh, hitting the bone, soaking his muzzle with their blood.
The mental demand disturbed him and disgusted him. But it kept coming up, to the point that he was so distracted people had to shout his name to get his attention.
Such as now.
Y/N was giving him a concerned look when he was yanked out of la-la land. He roughly cleared his throat and resisted the urge to pull at the collar of his starched shirt. "Forgive me, Y/N. My mind must have wandered. Could you repeat yourself?"
"I'm worried about you, Morde." Y/N shook their head slowly, their tail fluffed up ever so slightly. "You've been zoned out for 20 minutes. Are you okay? Do you need to go back to the hospi-"
"Then what's gotten into you?"
Mordecai would rather take a mud bath than admit he didn't know. His expression must have said it for him, however, as his partner sighed heavily and sat down on the couch beside him.
"I know that you don't like talking about personal issues," they said carefully. "But please, Mordecai. If you're getting sick or feeling off-kilter, you need to tell somebody. It could be me or Asa-even one of the twins, god knows they'll do anything for you."
Mordecai scoffed. "I'm sure they would."
"They will. They were worried sick when you were out of action for so long."
Mordecai gripped the couch so roughly his claws sank in. It wasn't in response to Y/N, however; it was to stop his hands from shaking. (Also not a cause of Y/N's words.) "I am fine, Y/N. Nothing is wrong."
"Then why won't you look at me?"
His eyes shot towards the open window. A full moon shone back at him, illumination what his smattering of lamps didn't.
Mordecai's heart started pounding in his chest. He wrote it off initially-he's been feeling stifling fear for so long that he learned to ignore it-but it was going at a spiteful pace now, so quickly that it physically pained him. Y/N moved back slightly when he gripped above it.
"It is-merely my heart," he said shakily. "I m-may have to go to the hospital after all."
"Oh, shit. Okay, hold on, I'll call for a ride. Try to stay calm, okay?"
Mordecai nodded. They left with that, searching the room for a phone. They had ducked into the kitchen when Mordecai's heart lurched and the pain spread from it to down his spine and tail.
Mordecai's body lurched with it, sending him to the floor. He ground his teeth until he tasted blood, having likely bitten his tongue; yet he was more distracted by the pain threatening to rip him apart bone by bone. A desperate purr rattled within him as he managed to open one eye and watched his hand painfully turn into something more akin to a giant wolf's paw.
"I called a friend," Y/N said, walking back in. "They're on their way to-oh my god!!"
They crouched in front of him, their hands hovering as if too afraid to touch him. "Mordecai, what's happening--how do I help?!"
"It's hot," he gasped, shivering from the pain. "It's hot."
"Water. Okay, let's get you some water. I'll cut your shirt off too, okay? I know you won't like it but you matter more to me than it does."
'Water sounds nice.' It was a childish thought, but Mordecai's brain was so clouded with pain that it was a wonder he was keeping it together at all.
By the time Y/N came back, the pain was gone and so was Mordecai. Instead the wolf was stumbling around, surprised to find himself existing in such a nice place (or even existing at all). The harsh intake of breath from them caught his attention and he snapped his head towards them. 'Prey!'
The wolf lunged and crossed the room easily, pinning Y/N to the floor. There was a brief mental battle as what was left of Mordecai's consciousness wrestled the wolf to the ground and made it very clear that if he so much as put a nick in Y/N's ear Mordecai would put a gun under his chin and end them both the next time he was back in control. Drastic? Maybe. Mordecai wasn't entirely sure he would dare to go through with it.
However the wolf was sold, scrambling off Y/N like they'd burned him. He had just started existing, thank you very much, he really didn't want to go back to wherever he came from.
The wolf slammed his ears back with a whine. Y/N wiped some slobber off their face, took one more look at him and bolted out the room as soon as they were back on their paws.
Thirty minutes later, Y/N had Mordecai on the couch again with his chin in their lap, his tail (a weird fusion of a cat's tail and a wolf's one) wagging full throttle as they patted his head. His ruined clothes were in a pile on the floor next to the deep gouges caused by Morde's claws mid-transformation.
"I thought werewolves were just a silly legend," Y/N mused, looking down at their boyfriend. "An' now I'm dating one. Funny how that works, hm?"
Mordecai gave them a wolfy grin, making Y/N snort a laugh. "Oh man, if only you had a camera. The twins would get a kick out of this."
Mordecai frowned at the mention of them and plopped his head down again. Y/N scratched his ruff. "I'm joking. This must be terrifying for you. I'm glad I was here, what if you'd gotten out?"
He didn't answer. He couldn't, of course; they had long since discovered that he can't speak anymore. Y/N sighed and leaned their head back.
"Tomorrow you're gonna wake up and think it's all just a bad dream," they muttered. "That's if you remember this at all. No wonder you've been acting so off for the past week, the curse was working its way in. Do you know who bit you?"
Mordecai scoffed. Y/N snorted a laugh. "Sounds like there's still a bit of you still in there."
Their claws dug into his ruff again, scratching the nice itchy spots. The wolf heaved a heavy sigh and went to sleep, feeling safe around Mordecai's mate.
'Excuse me? They're not my 'mate'.'
His mate, the wolf insisted.
'This is humiliating. I'd like to be back in control soon, please.'
He got his wish hours later. He felt physically smaller, there was no giant overwhelming blanket of fur around his mind and when he rubbed his eyes his own fur was considerably softer.
"Good morning, Mordecai."
And Y/N was there, thankfully in one piece without so much as a scratch on them. Mordecai coughed to force away a relieved purr and pushed himself upright on the couch.
"So you're a werewolf, hm?" Y/N cut right to the chase, putting a cup of tea on the windowsill and sitting next to him again. "Looks like a ball of fun."
"I can assure you it is everything but."
Y/N's ears flicked back. "I'm sorry. Do you know how this happened?"
Against his stubborn wishes, he slowly nodded. "I was...Attacked by a similarly afflicted feline, a month ago exactly."
If Y/N wasn't covered in fur, he was sure they would be pale. An unfamiliar feeling jabbed Mordecai in the chest. He was too dangerous to live with now. Were they going to leave?
Why did the thought bother him so much?
'Mate,' the wolf whimpered. Of course the stupid creature is the reason as to why.
A soft hand landed on his shoulder, drawing both his and the wolf's attention. Y/N was clearly unsure, yet forced a small smile for them him.
"I can't imagine what it's like having to live with this now," they said. "But I'll be here for all of it."
"Y/N, I am a danger to you now. I could maul you at a moment's notice."
"You would not," Y/N playfully scolded, a foil to the wolf's insulted grumble. "You're a sweetie as a werewolf. I've never been kissed so much in my life!"
The wolf's insulted grumble turned into a low whine when Mordecai snapped his eyes shut to mentally glare at the stupid animal as hard as he could. Despite the whine, the wolf stood firm. 'Mate.'
'My PARTNER is not your MATE.'
'Partner. Mate. Same thing.'
Mordecai shook himself out of it and turned to his partner again. They took his hand and threaded their fingers together, black and white mixing with (H/C) that somehow fit perfectly.
"I know it's going to be scary," they started. "And...God, my heart breaks just thinking about seeing you in so much pain again. But I'm in it for the long run, Mordecai. We made a promise to try and I'm holding on to it. I met the wolf. He seems to like me. He's not a dumb killing machine any more than you are."
(Mordecai pushed away the wolf when it sent him a strong feeling of "I told you so" satisfaction.)
"If I stuck by you through the twins putting me through 'initiation'," Y/N continued, "why would this be any different?"
That was the final push the wolf needed. Mordecai was thrown out of control of his own body and the wolf lunged, pinning Y/N down and licking their furry face while they laughed uncontrollably. They took a minute to free themselves from the wolf and held its chin in their hand, lightly booping its nose to reprimand it.
"Bad boy!" They teased. "I was talking to Mordecai, not you!"
Unfortunately for Y/N, they were supposed to be one and the same. But for that to happen Mordecai would have to come to terms with the fact he is now, in a weird way, essentially half wolf.
That metaphorical mud bath was starting to look pretty good.
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valleyof-goldenlilies · 11 months
Skori Zaldrizes Ropagon Teaser [Jacaerys Velaryon x Fem! Reader]
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lovely teaser artwork done by the amazing @asa-do-your-thing ! thank you for all your patience and your hard work, it was wonderful collaborating with you on this 💕
here is a little teaser of my upcoming fic submission for the HOTD Big Bang! please take heed of the warnings below.
Warnings: 18+, descriptions of violence, death and war, smut, major character deaths, angst, somewhat dark! Jace
Excerpt below:
Then, fire engulfed Jace as he jolted away in shock. The sound of a teacup clattering on the ground pulled Jace from the nightmare, and he was back in the caravan: far away from the smoke, the screams and the flames. He was still shaking as he recalled the searing sensation of fire on his skin, scorching his bones. The dark tendrils of smoke had seeped out of the crystal ball and were creeping up Jace’s fingers, and he hurriedly pulled away and shook his hands until the smoke had dissipated, feeling sick. “What in the Seven Hells was that?” His voice was tremulous with fear. 
The girl’s eyes were grim as she fixed her gaze on him. “The future of your family, and House Targaryen.” Now Jace was shaking with something much more than fear: anger. “You must be mistaken,” his words were not as steady as he had willed it to be, and he tried to correct the quiver in his voice. “Your god is a sham. All that was just illusions of the mind. You’re lying.” She must be.  
Now it was the girl’s turn to look incensed, and it was like the fury of a thousand sea storms crackled behind her eyes. “Do not dismiss the abilities of my god because of your fear, Prince Jacaerys. You know that war between your mother and your uncle is inevitable, and you would choose to play ignorant?”
coming to @hotd-bigbang November '23 🖤
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whatavery · 20 days
Sweet Mayfly Fly Away
An art trade I did for @miles-crow a while ago featuring Atlas and Asa. We love us some old man yaoi around here, don't we?
As the door slid open, Asa glanced up in time to see the familiar, leaner figure of his friend stepping into the dimly lit office. Cigar smoke swirled around Asa as he exhaled, his face breaking into a smile.
“Ah, Atlas… I was beginning to think you weren’t coming.” Atlas may was dressed as sharply as ever in a nice, sleek, almost form-fitting black three-piece suit. Asa grinned and drew another deep hit of his cigar, exhaling slowly after the smoke had filled his lungs. Asa himself was also dressed up in a similar getup. He knew it was almost time.
“I wouldn't miss a party of yours for the world,” the gray tabby simply said as he took a seat on the other side of Asa's desk. Atlas wasn't a man who smiled very often, but just then, Asa noticed the unmistakable way the corners of the gray cat’s mouth tugged themselves upwards. “Look at you, working on the night of your own party…”
“Not working, just… making sure everything is as it should be,” Asa chuckled, before he resumed looking over the paperwork. Granted, he had a hard time keeping his eyes on it now that Atlas occupied the chair opposite him.
They occasionally stole glances at each other and Atlas didn’t seem to mind just waiting.
“Oh, but where are my manners…” Asa gestured towards the jars on his desk, one holding cigars, the others holding candy. “See something you like?”
“I certainly do.” Atlas’ eyes weren't even on the candy. Instead, the tabby’s golden eyes were staring straight into Asa's green ones. Asa smirked at him and chuckled.
“Well, afraid I can’t let you do that, old friend,” he said with a wink. Asa put out his cigar on a nearby ashtray beside his desk mat, and pulled the lid off a jar. He popped a hard rock candy into his mouth. “We’ll need something else to occupy your mouth tonight.”
“I’ll have one of those then…” Atlas leaned in closer, eyes still staring into Asa's. When Atlas opened his mouth, Asa knew what he wanted, making him snicker. And without a second thought, he picked out a piece of candy for his oldest friend and gently placed it into his mouth. When he briefly felt the other man licking his finger, Asa found himself grinning some.
“We really need to find you a lady friend – get those queer tendencies under control,” he teased him. He showed one of those small smiles Asa knew so well. Since the day they'd met, Atlas hadn't been much for smiling. Although many people found it intimidating, it hadn't ever bothered Asa. Besides, he knew fully well how to make Atlas crack smiles on a semiregular basis.
Asa finally rose to his feet and adjusted his red tie, before he checked his jacket and his vest, the left side of his chest adorned with the signature orange Marigold flower. “Mayhaps tonight is the night.”
“Mayhaps…” Atlas said, though he didn’t seem like the prospect was one that interested him very much. Asa had barely stepped around his desk before Atlas stopped him in his tracks. “You already know who I want, though.”
Feeling his friend invading his personal space, Asa gave him an almost guilty smile. He shook his head. “You’re a strange man, Atlas May. Pining for your oldest friend who’s taken.”
Atlas’ small smile faded quite noticeably when Asa reminded him. They both knew, it wasn't as though it were some shocking revelation that Asa was seeing someone. Atlas leaned in towards him till their lips almost met. “Can you blame me?”
“Well, I just want to remind you that no matter how bad you want it – no matter how bad we want it – we can’t, Atlas…” It was a rare, serious moment between them that didn’t involve business. For decades, they'd been together, generally in secret. Not many people would understand what they had.
“I know…” Atlas replied in that calm, almost cold voice of his. “I’m merely wondering what changed… This new lady of yours really must be something special…”
It was true, things had changed. They didn’t use to let something like this stop them. They'd always sneak around, kiss in secret, spends passionate nights together. Asa inwardly swore and closed his eyes.
Their lips met and Asa already regretted it. He couldn’t help it, he knew he shouldn’t do this, shouldn’t encourage this. Tonight was the night they were meant to end things, they had been doing this for far too long.
“She’s… Yeah, she’s something, alright, Atlas…” But she’s not you, Asa almost said. However, based on the look on Atlas’ face, he doubted he needed to say anything. Atlas’ lips were so sweet, and not just from the candy in his mouth. Perhaps his old friend just tasted all the sweeter because they shouldn’t be kissing.
Feeling Atlas’ hands on his cheeks was about enough to make Asa melt. He closed his eyes and sighed. “Stop…”
Asa opened his eyes again and looked into Atlas’ piercing, golden ones that always took Asa's breath away. “Please, Atlas… You know how I feel.”
“I do know… But we’ve done this before. Tell me why it’s different,” Atlas demanded. Asa sighed inwardly as Atlas stroked his cheeks with his hands, being so very gentle. “That’s all you need to do, and I’ll drop it.”
Despite himself, Asa put his arms around Atlas and held him close. “Because I love you, Atlas. You know as well as I that we can’t have a normal life. You've been with me longer than anyone, you know I would marry you if I could.”
Atlas fell silent and said nothing for a moment. When Asa pulled back to look at him, the other cat had a somber expression on his face. Atlas was the first to avert his gaze, looking down. Asa took a hold of both his hands, holding them against his own cheeks. He removed Atlas’ hands after a moment of enjoying the feeling.
“Atlas… please, I want you to be properly happy… We can’t keep doing this for the rest of our lives. As much as I want to. I want you to be happy,” Asa said, repeating the main point of what he was trying to say. “You understand, don’t you?”
Even after that, Atlas said nothing, he didn’t even meet Asa's eyes. He closed his eyes again and sighed. “I know. And you know how much I love you. There's no one I've ever wanted like I want you, Ace.”
Asa couldn’t help but smile sadly upon hearing Atlas using that nickname that no one else used for him – not even the women he had seen in his life. “And I feel the same about you, Lassie.”
Upon hearing his own nickname, Atlas likewise gave a sad smile of his own. He kissed Asa's lips gently, briefly. Though they both knew it was wrong, it didn’t end at a kiss. Asa knew for a fact that while it could be seen as a finality, the ending of what they had had for decades, it might also make it harder to leave it behind. There wasn't a thing in the world Asa wouldn't do for Atlas, and he felt he owed the most important person in his life something good.
Feeling slightly lightheaded by the time they prepared to leave for the party downstairs, Asa stopped Atlas in his tracks. From a desk-drawer, Asa produced a small, black box and handed it to Atlas. He gave his dearest friend a sad kind of smile as he peered into the box. Atlas’ eyes darted back up to Asa's, fleeting hope showing itself on his face for just the briefest of moments.
Smiling sadly, Asa shook his head. “Give that to a woman you think is good enough for a man like you one day, Lassie. Give it to her and know it’s the ring I would’ve given you.”
Atlas closed his eyes and nodded. He seemed to steel himself before he eventually pocketed the ring. Nevertheless, he walked from the office with Asa. Asa kept stealing glances at Atlas, searching his handsome face for some, any kind of reaction – some way of knowing what he was thinking. Had it been a mistake to end things? Had giving Atlas that ring he'd held onto for almost a full year been the real mistake? Asa had no way of knowing, seeing as Atlas gave him nothing to really go off of.
But they made it down to the Marigold Room no problem. Asa had wanted to make tonight special. Perhaps it was knowing that he wanted to end things with Atlas, perhaps he wanted to see it as a new beginning. It would be quite a party with many people invited, it would have a band playing live music, a different band than the usual one. These people were from out of town and Asa didn’t know who they were. He just hoped they could deliver.
Perhaps this new band could bring about something new. A symbolic or literal new start for the both of them.
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isorme · 4 months
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GOM and how you started dating
The way you and aomine started dating was probably because he had stolen you from another guy. You know that one song girlfriend by heavy weight? yeah thats what I imagine it went down like. At first you were probably just freinds and then when you werent with your boyfriend or at nights where you couldn’t call him thats when you called untill like 4am staying up all night talking laughing and semi flirting. You broke up with your boyfreind because he had found all your text and calls. Shortly after you both started dating.
Kise met you in a modeling job when you were both recruited to model for vogue. He thought you were stunning he asked for your number and from there you were both in the same modeling agency, and then rumors of you dating sprang up. He would take you to dinner after shootings and movies over time your bond grew stronger which you were kind of excited about because there was someone who had the same passion as you modeling. It was a nice way to bond with eachother ofcourse there were other things you guys bonded on such as music, artist, favorite songs, food ,and other passions ofcourse because there were other things you both wanted to do because it wasnt like modeling was your entire passion there were jobs, careers, and hobbies you both wanted to do. Well one day you both went to an art gallery as art had been one of his hobbys. You tagged along because he asked if you wanted to join. when it was about 30 minutes before the gallery closed you decided to leave. he drove to a cafe were you both ordered some random coffe and talked about all the amazing art works and sculptures you had seen. You told him it was really nice to hang out and that you should go out more often he agreed you drank your coffes and talked some more before he paused and started to look rather nervouse you asked him what was wrong and thats when he asked you out and ofcourse gladly You said yes and you never confirmed your relationship but there was a slight confirmation in the media.
Well midorima and you were at a party from your highschool. He doesnt like partys but simply went because you were going ofcourse being some high school party there was alcohol and an assortment of drugs but you knew better then to do drugs and midorima wouldnt have let you anyways so you stick to alcohol drinking beer and almost entering a game of strip pong before midorima decided you had way to many drinks and him being your designated driver he decided to take you to his place already and thats where you would be spending the night when you layed down you immediately fell asleep with your party chlothes still on which was a black dress with long sleeves and a v cut. And although the dress wasn't uncomfortable it being a nice fuzzy material he still decided to let you borrow a t shirt that was long wnough to cover your ass of course. first he unzipped the dress and took of the long sleeves put the shirt on and then he pulled the shirt down and then pulled the dress down folding the dress and putting it away on a drawer of chlothes you had left at his place normally dresses, skirts, and short tops from when you stayed the night after partys. He fell asleep shortly after waking up way before you and turning on his oma asa that day his lucky item was a ring and your zodiac sign had matched his that day. He shook you awake and rushed you into his car before driving to a jewler he explained that he needed his lucky item and since he didnt know much about jewlery he needed you to choose one for you and him. you choose a cute little silver ring with a small emerald in the middle and you chose for him a more masculine looking one with an emerald in the center and a couple of designs on the ring he payed and wore it. The next day he was still wearing the ring you questioned him about it and he said it was an extra lucky item because you had chosen it for him you giggled at his response because he normally wasnt like that you were also still wearing your ring. He grabbed your hands and held them in his taken a back you asked him if he was okay and he told you no. He went on into detail about how it pained him everyday that you to weren't together and how he wished you could be more then just freinds so he asked if you would be interested in being his girlfreind. Without hesitation you said yes and just like that you to we're together after a 5 year freindship.
Kuroko and you had met thru kagami actually you decided to go to japan to visit kagami for the spring break he picked you up from the airport and got a cab back to his apartment. His basketball team was already in there. they just let themselves in. His team rather in shock and confused as to why kagami was with a girl and not only that but his hand was on top of your head so it looked kind of odd from an outside perspective his team questioned if you were together you both obviously denied but you pulled him down to whisper something in his ear you asked him who the boy with the light blue hair was he was tooken a back on how you even noticed him first to begin with practically yelling “you mean kuroko!” kuroko turned to look at you. You were completely embarrassed that kagami had shouted his name out. Kuroko pointed at himself wondering why kagami had yelled for him and he explained that you had noticed him the entire team shocked that you noticed him before anyone else. Regardless you excused yourself to go change and you were going to go to bed. you said goodnight and walked to kagamis room. You layed down a bit tired fighting sleep before you actually decided to get up and change. Taking off your shirt and sweatpants before relizing you had left your suitcase in the entrance you shouted at kagami to see if he could bring it to you but he sent kuroko instead. waiting for kagami to being you your bag you heard a knock you yelled to come in expecting to see kagami but the light blue haired boy kuroko stood seeing you in your bra and panties he just kicked the suitcase and let it roll before completely shutting the door you shouted thanks and the sleep left your body from that completely embarrassing encounter. After you got dressed into more comfortable chlothing you went out to see the team was still there asking to borrow kuroko for a minute you dragged him by his hand and walked him outside. Apologizing for what happened and explaining you thought it was kagami. I mean you and him were close so you didnt mind if he walked in but you didnt expect kuroko and he ofcourse was probably more embarrassed then you were after a while tho you started talking about kagami his sport what you do in america and more getting to know eachother over the 2 weeks of spring break when it was over tho instead of flying back home you decided to transfer to their school where you and kuroko got closer and he eventually asked if he could be your boyfreind which over time you developed feelings and said yes which led to you two ofcourse being an item.
You met him at a convinience store actually when he was buying snacks at like 3 in the morning reaching for the last of a certain candy bar making small talk and then he offered to buy for your snacks so you could split the candy bar after resisting he just took your basket and rang it up you both went outside to share it talking to eachother and enjoying snacks together
since ur freind had drove you to the convenience store she drove off you were just going to walk home it was a 30 minute walk you got up to go but he noticed you were walking he offered to just take you back to his place for the night and drop you back off in the morning he seemed like a nice person so you agreed and just slept the night there in a strangers bed wearing a strangers chlothes sleeping next to basically a stranger you woke up he asked for your number dropped you off home and then spent the next couple of months hanging out untill you were officially a couple
You and akashi were already freinds you both came from wealth and riches shared same hobbies and enjoyed common things. You would go to his basketball games often to cheer him on. Being freinds ofcourse you would hang out often occasional sleepovers but with his huge bed there was always enough room for there to be a pretty wide gap between the two of you. When he decided to ask you out he planned a dinner at some fancy restaurant you arrived ordered your food and he ordered his while waiting you talked about school and his games you ate and when the bill came you placed your money for what you had both ordered but before the waiter left to go do the transaction he took it back and placed his black card and placed another 100 for the tip. You tried to protest but he argued that a women should never have to pay especially not with him. The waiter came back handed him his card and thanked you both for your purchase since he had picked you up you he would be dropping you off opening the passenger door for you shutting it and sitting down in driver seat he pulled off and drove to your house right before you were about to step out he grabbed your wrist and sat you back down. He then asked if you could be his girlfreind you were so estatic you agreed almost instantly. he opened your door and walked you to your doorstep right before you opened your door you hugged him and thanked him for the meal giving him a small kiss on the cheek before entering and waving goodbye to him as the sounds of his car driving off signaled you to walk to your room and get ready for bed.
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ashleyh713fanfics · 7 months
Dazai X Odasaku!Sister Ch8
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Chapter 8: "I'll Be Here To Welcome You"
Summary: Oda's sister finds herself at Dazai's port mafia apartment after he offered to let her stay the night. He tries to get a reaction out of her but fails miserably, or does he? (Part 1 of 2, this one is more fluff and the next part will be very angst.)
Warning: pm! fifteen year old dazai, Dazai self destructing, Odasaku death mentions, Dazai is rough but for a purpose, manipulative behavior from both sides, underage drinking, talks of suicide. I gave Oda's sister a name but you can imagine it as y/n.
(This is chapter eight of my fanfic "Timeless" which is now on A03. It carries on from the three part intro I posted a couple days ago. I'll link it below to fully understand the story. Asagao's ability is to stop time for up to six seconds.)
Three Part Intro Here: (just cause the first chapter is so long)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
A03 Version Here:
Word count: 5k total
As the two kids made their way through the city streets of Yokohama, Dazai’s fingers tightened onto Odasaku’s sister’s wrist in order to drag her to their next destination.
He had tried to walk in front of her but after a couple blocks it was clear that Asagao’s blurry eyesight along with her drunken giggles betrayed her with each step, bumping into nearby strangers and random walls. And though it was quite funny to watch, the boy also didn’t really wanna treat a concussion tonight. 
But Dazai also didn’t really like the connotation that hand holding had either, the touch far too personal and intimate for his liking. So, he settled on her wrist, pulling her behind him like some sort of puppy on a leash. It wasn’t like Asa seemed to mind though. 
No, in fact it was like the girl was in her own world, smiling like an idiot the entire time as they turned another corner only for her to finally speak since their time at the bar. “Hey, Osu. Not that I’m not happy about your offer or anything but now that I think about it, isn’t it gonna seem suspicious for me to go to your house like this?” 
Dazai only shook his head though, pausing his steps for a moment in order to pull his arm towards him so the Asagao would stumble forward and meet him halfway. “Don’t worry your pretty little head about it. I do this all the time.” 
And stumble she did, the girl gasping at the sudden move only to place her hands onto his forearms for support so she didn’t completely fall on her face. “You do?” 
Nodding back, he hummed, not minding the touch as it wasn’t gentle or intimate in any way. “Mhm. Does that make you jealous?” 
Asa only turned her head though, clearly confused by what he was trying to say. “Why would I be jealous of that?” 
Lifting his fingers up, Dazai’s thumb and forefinger moved toward her cheeks before forcing her head forward in order for him to give a low mischievous smirk.  “Because of the things I do with those women.” 
He was messing with her obviously but there was also some truth in his statement, because he did play around with women, he did take them to his port mafia based apartment and then leave them on the street once he was done like nothing had happened. 
Dazai used them, he took the attributes that benefited him and then he threw them away without so much of a thank you or a call afterwards. 
And now he was doing the same thing to Oda’s sister..well in a way.
He was using her for her ties to his best friend, and the only difference was that Asa was fully aware of it. That didn’t make it right though. Even Dazai could understand that much. 
But all that self awareness didn’t stop him from halting his evil ways. What could he say? Bad habits died hard. This was all the boy knew how to do anyways and it was Asa’s fault for ever agreeing to such a toxic relationship to begin with. 
Asagao only frowned though, her icy blue eyes batting in pure innocence between his fingers as she replied softly. “Why would that make me jealous though?” 
Then all at once, she watched the feared port mafia executive gasp in order to reel back before slumping over in a childish pout. “Ah! Asa-chan, you’re so mean! Girlfriends are supposed to be mad and cry and throw things when boyfriends talk about other women! It’s like you don’t care about me at all!” 
The girl only blinked in surprise though, her drunk haze not allowing her to connect the upset in her brain. She thought their relationship was already pretty clear. “But we aren’t really boyfriend and girlfriend though, we are just using each other..” 
Yet that’s when Dazai gasped once more before dramatically falling to his hands and knees in order to look up at her and point to his bandaged face. “That doesn’t matter! It’s the principle of the thing. I am an attractive man so it’s only natural you’d be jealous of my history of sleeping with other women and taking them to my place like I'm doing right now with you.” 
Didn’t she get it, didn’t she understand that he was treating her just like any other slut and whore that crossed his path? She wasn’t special to him, he had basically told her that to her face and she still wasn’t jealous? He thought she said that she fell for him. 
Asa only crouched down to meet him though, her hands wrapping around her knees before giving him that same candy coated sweet smile she always did. “Oh! I couldn’t do that though. What you’ve done in the past and even the present doesn’t bother me. I already know where we stand so you don’t gotta worry about that, Osu!”
Narrowing his eyes in skepticism, Dazai then watched in real time as his insults and mockery dissolved before it hit her face causing the boy to sigh heavily. 
She should’ve been mad at him, it would’ve been so much easier than whatever this was. 
She had already let him get away with so many things. Why couldn’t she be normal for once and threaten him with the disgust like he deserved? Why was she instead always staring at him with the cute innocent little smile, the one that made his heart twist and turn with self disgust?
Lifting his hands up once more, Dazai than pinched the blind happiness from her lips, pushing her cheeks together in a goofy fashion in order to drop his act with a grumble. “Boo, you’re no fun Asa-chan. What kind of reaction is that? I wanted to see your cheeks get all puffy and your face get all red!
Asagao seemed to think about his sentence for a moment before her own fingers moved to her cheeks in order to puff them out in a fake pout to try and simulate what he was looking for only for Dazai to snort and shake his head in exasperation. 
Ah damn it, she was such a cute little drunk. Wasn’t she? Wanting to please him like this even though he was just messing with her. What a loser. 
So much so, Dazai then closed his eyes pushing her head down with his hand, rubbing the top of her hair in a messy fashion before standing back up. “Don’t push yourself, darling. You’re gonna pass out like that and I’m not gonna carry you.  Besides, we are here already.” 
Reaching his hand out, he then reattached his possessive hold around her wrist before pulling her back off the ground in order to walk up to the massive glass building in front of them. 
Asagao felt her head spin at the motion before her blurry eyes couldn’t help but focus on the sight before her. And even with half of the view and alcohol in her system, the girl could tell that the place was intimidating, the building looming over her in silent wait. 
She didn’t have much time to process it though as Dazai’s body pushed her past the entrance and into the lobby only for the two kids to be met by a row of lined up black suited men, their heads immediately bowing to the sight of the executive. “Welcome back, sir.”
Dazai completely ignored them though, his posture stiff and ever watchful as Asa gave them a polite smile and bow of her head in return with a small greeting of her own. “Oh, hello. Nice to meet you. I’m..” 
Yet that’s then the boy simply tugged her arm forward in order to practically push the girl into the nearest elevator as fast as possible, her unsteady legs stumbling into the wall with a squeak of surprise.
It was rough, yes. But this was how he treated all the other girls that he brought back and it couldn't look any different. No, nothing could raise suspicion that this was more than a typical one night stand. Otherwise their escapade would be reported to Mori. 
And that was a headache he didn’t want to deal with, knowing that her existence would cause Mori to dig his claws into the poor innocent Asagao without hesitation.
Hell, she probably shouldn’t have even been here in the first place. Ango would've definitely killed him for it, and not in a fun way.
But living on the edge of danger was an exciting thrill Dazai couldn’t pass up. He knew he could be smarter than Mori. He knew he could fool him, and that enough was reason to test his little theory and win. 
But in order to do that, he had to make this little act believable. That’s why he didn’t bat an eye at his rough demeanor, simply stepping into the elevator only to watch his idiot lackey subordinates try to follow. 
Oh no, he couldn’t have that. Seems like they were already suspicious of his intentions. Asagao wasn’t normally the type of girl he would’ve brought back after all. She was dorky and naive, usually the sluts he picked were stupid but but clearly experienced. 
Turning his head back to the men, Dazai spoke, his voice chilling and final. “That won’t be necessary.” 
And for a moment, the men hesitated, their steps pausing before glancing back to the red haired female and then back to their boss in reply. “But sir..” 
Realizing he needed to prove his intentions, Dazai then turned back to Oda’s sister before closing his eyes with conflict. He had a plan, he knew how to get them off his back but he also knew that Odasaku wouldn’t have approved. 
But desperate times caused for desperate measures. 
And to make matters worse, his silent stare seemed to cause Asagao to sense the tension as well, her head turning in drunken confusion before lifting her hand out in concern. “Osam..”
Yet before she could finish his name, Dazai’s hand grasped onto hers forcefully in order to push his body into hers as Asagao’s back slammed against the wall of the elevator before he shifted his head to obstruct the view of the subordinates. 
Then he slapped his hand over her surprised mouth before pressing his lips roughly to his own hand, the distance practically nonexistent as Dazai’s handmade barrier became the only thing keeping the two from skin to skin contact. 
But from the way his head was turned, the men only saw the executives body and hair in order for them to make the connection in their mind that Dazai had ravaged her lips in a possessive claim of ownership. 
The move only lasted for a second before the executive allowed his hand to drop from her lips in order to place one shushing motion in its place and turn around towards the watchful eyes with cold resolve. “I said, I wanted to be alone. Or do I need to repeat myself?” 
All at once, the men jumped in clear fear before immediately bowing in apology in order to click the elevator button with a gasp. “Sorry sir, please enjoy your night.” 
Then the door closed, leaving Dazai and Asagao alone as the cocky victorious boy turned towards her with a teasing smirk. “Now don’t get carried away, Asa-chan. You know why I did that right?” 
Yet the moment he turned to her, it seemed like Asa was frozen in place, her entire body as still as a statue, almost like she was in some sort of state of shock. “Y-Yeah no. I get it. They were suspicious so you had to…” 
Nodding back in confirmation, Dazai then lowered his eyes before deciding to mock her even more, his hands resting on the wall a couple inches from her head. “Of course, that’s just a little sample. If you wanted, once we get to my place I could remove my hand and we could continue where we left off?” 
Yet a second later, the boy simply freed her from his prison in order to give her a goofy defensive stance. “Just kidding! I know better than to expect that kind of reaction from you.” 
She hadn’t given him anything when he played the jealousy card so Dazai was sure that it would be the same here. It seemed like the girl had no self awareness that he was a man at all. She didn’t see him that way apparently, which was annoying in itself. 
Was he not handsome enough to make her heart race? Surely any other woman would’ve swooned over the chance to kiss him. So why wasn’t she the same?
Giving up completely, Dazai then shrugged his shoulders before the elevator dinged as the boy made his way out without a care. “Ah well, now that’s over, let’s go.” 
Yet the boy got halfway across the floor before turning around in order to realize that Asagao was still standing in the elevator, her body just as stone still as before.
Well, that was weird, even for her. 
Backtracking back to the place, Dazai then turned his head in confusion, “Asa-chan?”
At the sound of her name, Asa seemed to jump back to life, her speech stuttered and small with every approaching step. “O-Oh yeah, sorry. Just give me a second. My legs feel like jelly for some reason.” 
Feeling himself stop right in front of her, Dazai then frowned before poking his finger straight into the forehead only for the girl to immediately collapse like a tower of cards, her legs giving out from underneath her before she giggled pathetically on the floor. “H-Ha ha sorry...I don’t know what’s gotten into me. You can just leave me here, I’ll catch up..” 
The boy only watched in stunned silence though, seeing the seemingly unchanging Oda Asagao crumble to her knees by a simple fake kiss in order for his lips to twist into a smug smile.
So she does see me as a man after all. 
And this time it was Dazai that crouched down to meet her, his lips letting out a small airy chuckle of pure amusement and relief before placing his hands onto his knees in reply. “Aww, Asa-chan. You’re so cute. I didn’t know you could be so flustered by me.” 
Finally finding use of her muscles, Asa then frowned before covering her entire face with her hands as Dazai saw the very bright pink hue of her entire face. “I-It was just a surprise, that’s all. That and the alcohol mixed together are making me weird.” 
The boy knew it was more than that though. Sure, she probably was more aware of him because of the alcohol but that blush on her cheeks was definitely because of their almost kiss. Ah, Asa-chan was always amusing him in the best ways. 
He couldn’t get sick of this even if he tried. 
Because of that, Dazai only rolled his eyes, not taking her words at face value before reaching his arms forward in order to hook them under her armpits. “Sure sure, whatever you wanna call it. Now come on, up you go!” 
Lifting his arms up, Asagao’s body then followed him, hosting her upwards until she was back on her feet before she stumbled into his chest. Wow, he really did a number on her, didn’t he? Poor princess couldn’t pull herself together, 
Dazai laughed in response, placing his hand to the back of her head in order to ground her to reality “So needy, love.” 
The girl only shook her head though, muttering a reply into his jacket. “Smmorry..” 
The words were muttered but he knew she was apologizing in some sort of way. Ah, damn it. Just when he thought Oda’s sister couldn’t get any more adorable she surpassed it. 
Thinking about his spontaneous kiss, Dazai felt his own eyes lower. This was kind of his fault in the first place. He didn’t give her any warning about what he was going to do. And though it was obvious that Asa didn’t hate his plan, she was certainly stunned by it. 
And normally his response would’ve been to step back and let her fall on her face but after their night at Bar Lupin and the blind words of faith he uttered about him, Dazai tried something different. 
This was his fault after all. “Ah well, I guess I’ll take responsibility this once.” 
Then the boy simply reached down before hoisting Asa up by her legs in order to push her over his shoulder, much to her surprise. “O-Osamu, what are you..” 
Dazai only cut her off though, voice smug. “Not another word, love or I’ll drop you.” 
That seemed to be enough to get her to pause before Dazai simply walked around the corner and opened the door to his apartment, not even bothering to flick on the light and throw the poor red haired girl face first onto the sofa and rid himself of the overly out of character act. 
Asagao only groaned at the impact though, feeling the soft cotton assault her face.
Yet that’s when his phone started to sound inside his pocket only for the boy to pull the object and read the text with a frown as Asa looked up from the cushions. “Who is that?” 
Sighing heavily, Dazai then shoved the object back in his jacket before replying shortly. “Mori. He probably wants to know why I missed the scheduled raid today.” 
At that, Asagao turned her head, anxiety in her eyes as she tried to process the sentence in her drunken brain. “What? Why did you miss it? Oh no, it’s not because I fell asleep on you, right? I told you you should’ve pushed me off. I didn’t wanna get you in trouble with your boss.” 
Dazai only shook his head though, unbothered by her stress. “Relax, love. I skip boring things all the time. Besides, it was worth it to hear the anger in my dog's voice! You did me a favor.” 
He then chuckled to himself, still pleased with the trouble he caused Chuuya only for Asa to speak out of his psychotic glee. “You should go smooth things out then.” 
Frowning at her words, Dazai then leaned forward in order to teasingly run a couple fingers through her messy crimson locks. “And leave my favorite girl all alone on our first night together?”
Asagao only shook her head though. “I don’t wanna keep you from your job. Plus it would be bad if they came looking for you, right? I’m not supposed to be here.” 
She was making him see logic, something that Dazai didn’t really want to face. The last thing he wanted to do was go see Mori and listen to his old man nagging, but she was right. If he didn’t show up then the boss would probably come to him, and that’s what he was trying to avoid. 
Looks like he had no choice. Just great. 
Humming in distaste for the truth, Dazai then leaned forward, his voice slightly threatening and low. “Then will you promise me you’ll be a good girl and wait for me here?” 
Asa didn’t seem shaken at all, her eyes playing in confusion under her large framed glasses. “What do you think I’m gonna do?” 
At that, Dazai couldn’t help but smile, telling her the absolute and honest truth. “I don’t know, and that’s the best thing about you, Asa-chan. I can’t predict you. You’re an enigma in the most interesting ways.” 
And she was, she really was. To Dazai, Oda’s sister was the most unpredictable force he had ever met. Sure, there were moments he could guess, there were circumstances where he could control her in the way he wanted, but there were others that left him completely and utterly speechless. 
When she said that he was a good man, when she called him precious, when she confessed that she would’ve joined the port mafia for him, they played on a strange complicated repeat inside his brain, the boy still unable to process them in any sense. She was dangerous in all the best and worst ways possible. 
But the most dangerous part of it all was that Asagao was completely oblivious to it all. She had no idea what kind of impact, what kind of unraveling her seemingly insignificant words had on the port mafia executive. 
And to prove his point, Asagao only smiled in response, the gentle and kind nature in itself absolutely earth shattering as she hummed back. “I’ll be here to welcome you home..” 
Not wanting to get uncomfortable by the proximity of her light, Dazai then quickly took a step back before immediately heading from the door before he changed his mind. 
How foolish of her, the audacity to say such a thing. This place wasn’t his home. 
He didn’t even have one of those. 
Shaking the thought from his mind, Dazai then looked back at the unmoving girl before speaking back threateningly, knowing it wouldn’t shake her in any way. “You better keep to that, love. Breaking a promise with the devil is a fate worse than death..” 
And just like that the mafioso disappeared from the apartment completely. 
After a couple minutes, Asagao finally started to gain feeling back in her legs in order to sit up from the darkened sofa with a sigh. What was wrong with her? Why did she have to act so stupid in front of Osamu? Stupid alcohol, usually she was cooler than that. 
And more she thought about it, the more she felt her hands run over her face in an embarrassingly flustered groan. Osu kept having to look after her, first with her mistake of falling asleep on his shoulder and now when he carried her because she couldn’t stand.
Just great, Asagao, you keep inconveniencing him.
And to be honest, the fact that he was still sticking around was a complete mystery to her. Usually people got sick of her by now. It was probably because of their deal, that had been the only reason he was tolerating her this much. 
So much so, Asagao wanted to do something for him. Either for an apology or in some sort of appreciation for him showing her that wonderful bar and dealing with her this long. But what? What could make a scary mafia executive happy? 
Thinking about the idea, the girl then scrambled over to the light switch on the wall in order to flick the object and be greeted by Osamu’s apartment for the first time. 
Then without meaning to, Asagao’s eyes widened at the sight before her. 
And even without her full vision, the girl could feel the cold and empty nature of his place, like no one had ever actually occupied it. The walls were bare simple white, each room massive and yet just as lonely as the last. 
Sure, in theory this place was a dream, a playboy's penthouse, an expensive luxury, dripping with rare future/views of Yokohama, but in actuality it just felt like an empty shell. Did Osamu even sleep here half the time, or did he choose somewhere else?
Because to her, it seemed like the latter. 
Wanting to see if she was right, Asagao then gripped the ends of her glasses before slowly taking them off only for her to quickly slap them back on with a horrified gasp. No, she was right. This place was just as sad as she thought it was. 
It really was a reflection of who he was on the inside, a depressed, struggling, suicidal boy that was crying for help only to be met with ear chilling silence. 
The very sight caused Asagao to dip her head before an idea flashed inside her head. What if he came home to something different this time, what if she could change this empty sad feeling into something else? Would that make him smile? 
Would that give him the same happiness she felt tonight at Bar Lupin?
Quickly thinking back to conversations she overheard back home, Asa's eyes then filled with determination before moving outside of the apartment and down the elevator in order to reach the main lobby they had walked through before. 
Yet her thoughts were quickly stopped when she came face to face with those very same subordinates from earlier, their eyes looking at the girl with cautious confusion as she beamed. “Oh, hello! Remember me? We’ve met before, well kinda...anyways don’t mind me! I’m just gonna..” 
Although that’s when the men seemingly stepped into her path before speaking roughly. “Dazai has ordered that you go back to his apartment and wait for him to return. I suggest you listen before things get bad for you.”
He was threatening her, but Asa hardly cared, the girl was more interested in the first part of his sentence. Ah, Osamu knew she wouldn’t stay put. Smart boy. “Oh, did he? And what were his exact orders?” 
The man’s voice was straightforward. “To not let you out of our sight.” 
Humming in response, Asa then rocked her back on her heels before answering sweetly.  “And if I don’t listen?” 
At that, she watched the port mafia men take another step closer to her, something that didn’t cause her to shift at all. “Then tonight will be the last night you’re alive..” 
His fingers then brushed towards the gun on his side as Asagao resisted the urge to snort at his piss poor attempt of a threat. How unoriginal. “And how would your executive feel about you ending the life of his girl?” 
This time it was the subordinates turn to laugh, their voices laced with venom. “He doesn’t care about some no-named slut. You’re only here for one reason and then you will be disposed of like all the others.” 
Asa only placed a finger to her lips though, thinking about the insult before answering a second later. “Right, but are you really sure about that? Because if you are wrong I can imagine the punishment from Dazai won’t be very pretty, once he finds out you killed his favorite toy after being ordered to keep an eye on me.” 
And then she watched as the man’s muscles started to tense, his next steps hesitant as Asagao resisted the urge to sadistically smirk under her breath. Got him. 
She hated this manipulative part of her but in situations like this it made things quite useful. Besides, these guys had it coming with that insult. 
This was for Osamu after all. Because of that she knew she couldn't let these rude men get in her way. 
Pushing even further, Asagao then guided her hand down towards the gun on his waist before throwing his own threat back into his face. “But if you truly think you’re right then go ahead and shoot me, mister scary subordinate. Just know you might be skinned alive for it later...” 
Then she waited, she waited for her words to sink into his stupid little brain. It was foolish on his part to assume such things about Osamu after all. She knew this guy didn’t have the confidence to put a bullet in her brain without consequence.
It was a huge risk, one that very few would make. 
And a moment later, she watched him cave, the subordinates' stance shrinking back only for Asagao to clap her hands in a victorious fake cutesy laughter. “Ah, I knew we could come to an understanding! Now, chop chop, I could use some extra hands for this and since you need to keep an eye on me anyways this is the perfect opportunity!” 
And just like that, step one for Osamu was complete. 
Don't worry Osu, I'll make you happy for sure.
(Like I said, this is more of a part 1 cause the next chapter connects to it. It will have a different tonal shift though and deal a lot with Dazai's character so I split it up. )
( Also don't worry, Dazai and Asa are fifteen currently in this story and though it's implied about his past with women, being in the mafia and all, I'm not gonna write any of those things cause he's a minor. Them staying the night at his place is more of a subversion type thing which will make more sense in the next chapter)
Thanks for the love on this! This is my first bsd story and you've all made me feel so welcome! It hasn't even been a month and we are almost at 500 readers on A03. I'm gonna cry. <3
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rzyraffek · 2 years
I’m kinda feeling goofy rn💀
Asa emory billy and stu Michael Myers the reader has headphones and playing a video game and the slasher this it’s funny to mess with them yo only get hit with a keyboard.
(She / her ) pronounce
Pronouns*😒🤨 fake English!?!?!!?!? IM SO SORRY FOR LIKE 2MONTH WAIT I- MY PHONE BROKE AND I- i forgor uhh
She/her pronounce! Request open!
Gamer s/o attacks slasher with keyboard
Asa Emory(im so happy finally somones Requests Asa i love bug man)
He went to check up on her, cuz He heard some swear words and yelling
"Turn that garbage down, thes new show on BBC about bug life" "Not now Asa I need to focus-GODDAMIT i lost >:(" "Bug life-" "nO"
He will let her be for now, hes patient guy BUT I can imagine him gettin angy at some point and just turning wifi off
"Now can we talk like normal humans" *s/o slowly turns around* "I- why you look like that" "AAAAA" *s/o throws mouse at him and proceeds to whoop him with keyboard*
I mean he won the fight (obviously) and now not only s/o is forced to watch bug life with him but also she also broke her keyboard so no more playing :3
Billy Lenz :3
He is silly (very silly)
He will probably go and watch her play game, he will comment but mostly shit talk her enemies or just ask questions
But after a while he need attention!!! aaa gib attention!
"s/o whennnn you end i wanna I - Billy wants cuddles!" "uh not not billy"
After a while men gets angy and probably just bites s/o and she just whoops him in self defence (bonus points if she plays on controler so she can whoop him without worring about cables)
I think Billy needs attention guys. Also he will probably bark at her too
Micheal Myers :O
I can imagine him just realising that shes been playing on her pc for last 6hours, he usually doenst care but like??? its 4am please he cannot rest with all this clicking and swearing (woogieboobie man needs rest too)
He will just go behind her and just pick her up "wha-JNONOO MICHEAL PUT ME DOWN IM- AMOST DONE NO" he doesnt care at all :)
She probably didnt mean to hit him but she just accindently bonked him in head :0
He probably freezes in shook!! SHE whooped him :(
Now hes offended >:[ fine no cuddles before sleep! i mean he still will pick her up and yeet her on beb (she needs sleeep) but no cuddles :(
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queeniecook · 6 months
December 2
The Count is in the basement, playing his organ while James' lovely wife is off with Asa - hunting. That leaves James in a rare moment by himself in the Straud Mansion upstairs area.
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He's brooding over his interactions with Dakota in the Magic Realm the day before as well as his past. He has a longer past than many think. Caleb Vatore might be the only one who has even an idea of how old James really is. Magic can do wonders. The particular thing he's thinking about happened a mere few years ago. Back before he even made his presence known again to Caleb - to anyone. He had been living with Liberty in Germany for about a year when he made a trip to Strangerville to gather some ingredients he needed for a potion. Strangerville is the only place in the world that has what he needed -  petals from one of the weird plants that grow in that town. He wasn't expecting what he saw when he stopped in at the bar that night. After some research, he formulated a plan.
A few years ago in Strangerville...
James waited until Jillian Ambrose was away for a few hours before approaching the property. With a few words in latin, he temporarily brought back an angry spirit back from her days of haunting the house.
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James gave it a few minutes to let the spirit get her footing in the land of the living, before entering the house with a good ole trick he learned in his youth - picking a lock. Not everything he does relies on magic.
"Temperance." James called from the living room, seeing the woman in question standing in the kitchen. 
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Temperance didn't answer the voice, she just stared at the kitchen. It was once her kitchen, granted it doesn't look like the way she had it. She hates the decor. "Why?" she whispered. Why was she breathing? She was busy haunting a wine bottle when suddenly she was flesh and bone again. Air was rushing in and out of her lungs. She almost fell flat on her face as she took a step towards the stove. 
"You want to live again, don't you?" The voice asked as it grew closer. She finally managed to turn to look at the intruder.
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"Well duh." was her response as she eyed the man. He's not bad looking and she can tell he's magically endowed and possibly endowed in another area as her mind wanders. It's been quite a while since she's gotten to engage in certain physical pleasures. 
James almost rolled his eyes at Temperance's traveling gaze. "I have an deal for you." there's silence as Temperance once again looked at his face. He knew he had her attention. "I want you to kill the woman who bought this house. Do it and I'll make you human again."
Rather than question James over the specifics, as he expected, Temperance immediately agreed to his offer. "You have yourself a deal." She stated, holding out her hand for a handshake. James slowly shook her hand as she lightly rubbed her thumb over his. With that the deal was struck.
Temperance almost succeeded. 
She would have succeeded, if Dakota hadn't been there and Guidry hasn't warned them. James finds himself oddly glad his plan hadn't worked. That thought seems to trouble him the most.
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Asa's little bug: Growing pains.
I haven't wrote a bug fic in awhile, but I've been getting encouragement for it lately, and I missed these two. Also kinda angsty, and Asa is probably more stricter but lately my brain had been a mess of stuff due to irl stuff-
He watched from above, crouched in the high rising beams as his black eyes glinted- taking in the sight of his precious larva- the child having grown curious, pushing his boundaries as she explored the hotel, careful of the traps set out- but that didn't stop Asa's heart from racing. He sauntered carefully after, keeping a keen eye on every movement. One wrong step, wrong move, and the only light he had left would be snuffed out, forever.
Asa kept himself one step ahead of Cicada, ready to lunge in at the chance of danger. He suddenly growled, his shoulders tensing; “Cicada, stop!” 
His deep voice barked, prompting the young girl to freeze mid step. Her own heart pounded against her ribs as her father landed behind her, grabbing the back of her shirt as he yanked her towards himself, another low growl escaping his lips. He turned her to face, his grip firm on Cicada's shoulders. 
“What the hell did I say about leaving my sight when we're here? Answer me!” 
She was frozen, prompting Asa to frown as his grip loosened. Her eyes welling up in tears before tracing down her pale cheeks, over horrific scarring. His heart wretched at the sight, but his anger was still bubbling; “You almost walked into a trap! Then what am I going to do, Cicada?” 
Her eyes widened, she was scared now. Asa was now kicking himself, the angry dog within him was now replaced by the father he became over the years, and he was falling apart at his daughter’s fear, her tears, and the flinch she made when he reached to cup her cheek in his hand broke him. He sighed, looking away from her and up at the faint moonlight that spilled through one of the windows above.
“Box, now.” 
Was all he muttered, taking hold of his larva’s arm as he led her back to the upper levels, his own quarters where he kept the things precious to himself safe. Her own box was waiting- a faded crimson color with stickers she had collected over the years stuck to the outside, along with blankets and pillows. It was one of the few comforts Cicada had and wouldn’t let Asa change as she grew older. She immediately climbed into her box, shutting the lid without even looking at her father. 
He buried his face into his hands, taking a seat near the box as he could hear muffled soft sobs. Asa did his damndest to refrain from comforting her- she had to learn in order to survive as she grew older and more curious. But punishing her for being freshly 12 wasn’t on his quota either. The box before him slightly popped open, a pair of eyes looking at him through the crack.  Within minutes, Through the crack of the opening, a pair of reflective eyes stared down at Cicada, behind a black mask. The crack suddenly became wider yet as the lid opened, a pair of gloved hands reaching down for her before she was suddenly pulled into a pair of strong arms and against a bigger torso as Asa grabbed his own mask and tossed it to the side, revealing his stubbly face. 
This time, Ass remained silent- stroking her hair as she cried into his chest, warm tears soaking through the woolen fabric of his black sweater. He sat there, helpless, guilt over taking him as he lifted her chin up and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry for yelling-” 
Cicada shook her head, hugging him around his chest. “I’m sorry dad…”
He would remain the night in his chair, hugging her close to himself while she slept within his arms.
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