#Bombus 'Buddy' Redacted
basaltdelta · 2 years
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What if you were a journalist. And all th bad bitches aroun u were fkuckin gay and austici. what then. Almost done with journalist ref also :-) and writing. I love these guys so much,
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basaltdelta · 2 years
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This is Bombus ‘Buddy’ [Redacted], the Journalist! Usually they’d also have a backpack but I feel that clogs up the ref a bit. I have so many thoughts in my head about this guy.
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basaltdelta · 2 years
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basaltdelta · 2 years
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I have a whole fic idea based around this, but for now have a photo snippet :-)
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basaltdelta · 2 years
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Feeling fruity, might dissect a specimen with my homoerotic frenemy
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basaltdelta · 2 years
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Gamers. I pulled two all nighters and finished the entireity of bugsnax in two days. I am normal. I feel normal.
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basaltdelta · 2 years
Asks you about your journalist oc asks you about your journalist oc asks you abo- /pos
YES!! YES!!!! So Bombus 'Buddy' is the journalist, they're chill in a contained anxiety way. and Autism way. They're a grumpus of very little words yet somehow everyone tends to let words spill out around them. Theyre just a comforting person to be around, they're always listening and while they'll have snarky remarks if you start it, its usually something that'll make you reflect on yourself and not close up. Bombus was planning their whole early life to be a veterinarian but something happened that made them spiral into journalism and taking a major career change. This helps when they go to snaktooth island. For their 'current' job they do mostly cryptozoology because its fun and people like it. Bombus likes conspiracies because they're fun to think about not because Bombus believes them- even if they've uncovered a few themselves. Bombus has like another pen name for more serious things they do stories on so they don't get their head blown off. Not that it would, but they're very paranoid about disappearing in the middle of the night. On the island of Snaktooth, Bombus is a little obsessive with documenting absolutely everything (mirroring my 100% playthrough lol). They have multiple journals and they regularly talk to Floofty and Triffany for the more science-y stuff. That's their professional journal though. The journal Beffica gave them is the original they lug around with them everyone and write field notes in along with the issues everyone else has. Because its habit at this point to write down everyone else's issues. Beffica is also a close friend of theirs honestly because Bombus loves loves to gossip and know things. Bombus just considers themselves friends with everyone on the island!! Maybe less so Cromdo but hes fun to get into arguments with about haggling and non existent money. Think around a week into their adventures on Bugsnax island they find a unique sort of Bugsnax based off the food Mousse. They don’t have any fun bugsnax name because theyre literally a mouse!! Which is what Bombus calls her, mostly because they didnt know how to pronounce ‘mousse’ before. Theyre a weird sort of bugsnax that genuinely struggles and will attack you if you try to eat it, and Bombus tends to talk to it like she can actually talk back. Mousse is always on or around Bombus and everyone else...is a little uncomfortable with it. Even Gramble. Mousse doesnt like gramble. Gramble doesnt like mousse. She fills him with dread. (This is based on how i had another person in the vc with me helping while I played bugsnax) Bigsnax and ending spoilers after this point btw
Bombus has always been a little paranoid, not as bad as Snorpy is but being an investigator as long as Bombus has will give you the kinda gut instinct that makes the rest of your normal life nerve wracking. When Bombus went to Broken tooth island and found that key in that cave it fucked them up. That shouldnt of been there. at all. It doesnt match the rest of the area in the slightest and the triangle scheme reminds them of the stupid grumpinati thing Snorpy talks about. Bombus doubts it was planted there, but when they find the triplicate space and the tapes it basically sets up what they do from there on out. They document every single fucking inch of that place. Taking books and the tapes and taking so many pictures their camera starts heating up. They also quickly capture Joey Quickbeans and adopt them as their own bugsnax pet along with Mousse. Mostly cause they want to return them to Alegander? Or as like...’plz dont kill me im holding ur dog hostage’ When they leave Snaktooth they take a Small Detour from helping everyone not die to save all of their research, which they’ve painstakingly taken the time to put into easy to transport journals and tapes thank fuck, so it only takes quickly putting it on and bolting. Everyones also very mad when they hear Mousse. Because they just learned Bugsnax are parasites and suck. Bombus Also has Joey and Sprout in their bag but the others don’t know about it. I like to think a year or two after snaktooth Bombus talks to gramble and mentions Sprout to see if maybe he’d want them back. (He...thinks on it. He might. Hes conflicted. Also a little mad Bombus brought it but also grateful?) The next step of their story is research the Triplicate, Snakolytes and find Alegander. And get distracted for a bit doing a favour and trying to clear Snorpy and Floofty’s names. Skimming over the romance with Floofty cause while I like it, it may not be everyones cup of tea so ill probably talk about it in other posts :-) I am planning on making a fic for it though!!
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