#October movies
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Sarah Michelle Gellar and Ryan Phillipe behind-the-scenes shooting "I Know What You Did Last Summer" (1997) 🎬
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abrumedina · 11 months
Dead poets society - La sociedad de los poetas muertos
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En un prestigioso colegio privado, cuyo sistema de enseñanza es muy estricto y se rige bajo fuertes valores disciplinarios, llega el profesor Keating, quien adopta un método muy diferente a la hora de educar y rompe con el sistema tradicional. Alienta sus sueños, y logra así, inspirar y dar vida a sus jovenes alumnos bajo una filosofía de vida llamada "carpe diem".
"We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion." 🕰️📜🪶🍂
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lee-pace-yourself · 2 years
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hellothereimhannah · 2 years
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29/31: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
(2001) dir. Chris Columbus
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5starcinema · 2 years
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Carnival of Souls (1962, directed by Herk Harvey)  
Sixty years old and still offers style and mood that we don’t have enough of these days.
Made on a micro budget, this eerie psychological horror picture somehow finds its place at a weird intersection of Michelangelo Antonioni, Ed Wood, and William Castle. There’s an abundance of ineptitude and tedium, but now and then some moment of visual poetry emerges that recalls Jean Cocteau or Val Lewton. In that context, as an extended dreamscape—or rather, nightmare-scape—this cult favorite dwells in fans' hearts as a kind of demented masterwork that might have been. 
It’s that rare drive-in fodder of the early 1960s that would be echoed later in pictures by George Romero, Roman Polanski, Stanley Kubrick, and Tim Burton. The striking Candace Hilligloss owns every frame she’s in.
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glowyjellyfish · 2 years
October Halloween Movie Fest Day 28:
Tonight I watched The Fly, an old favorite! …and badly misjudged how much time I had, and will be finishing it and Simpsons tomorrow. No worries. This movie is what made me realize how much I enjoy body horror, even if this leans hard into the gross end of things. We all know Jeff Goldblum doesn’t have the most range, but this is one role that was really well suited for him. And it’s my second Geena Davis movie of the month! I feel like I should have kept some sort of actor tally, but oh well. Also, I kind of forgot how incredibly stalkerish the ex-boyfriend is. Ah, the 80s. Not to mention the lax scientific standards and so forth, but whatever, still a classic. The effects aren’t as good as The Thing, but they’re still up there, and I haven’t even gotten to the full Cronenberg yet.
I have surely used this gif before, but really there is no other way to illustrate this movie in Simpson gif form.
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I’ll be editing in THOH 28 and any final thoughts about the rest of the movie tomorrow. …and I might need to make a Rick and Morty gif or two to properly go with the movie.
ETA final thoughts: It does bother me that the stalker ex turned around and was the solid helpful protective dude by the end. I hope she never forgets that he let himself into her apartment and begged her for sex when she made her refusal clear, and I also hope she gets him the help he needs at the end and then hopes the fuck out of there and gets an abortion and works on herself for a while and maybe someday ends up with somebody who isn’t manipulative, stalker-y, and in a position of power over her or clingy, jealous, and dependent on her. These flaws are what make the plot happen, but the movie’s also kind of a poster child for “here’s why we do science in labs with oversight and assistance and multiple scientists and sterile conditions, and not in our apartments where we might do reckless experiments on ourselves while drunk and jealous.”
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Treehouse of Horror 28 (The Excor-sis/Coralisa/Mmm… Homer): …this is the creepiest a THOH has been for a while, and that’s mostly because Mmm… Homer really squicks me out. The Excor-sis has some good creepy vibes, and it’s another rare Maggie vehicle—with bonus that she is actually driving the plot! Coralisa isn’t very creepy, but is otherwise a fantastic parody with great designs and art, and taking the story to its logical conclusion with Simpsons in the roles. Neil Gaiman is one of my very favorite “as themselves” guest star ever from The Book Job, and he’s amazing as Snowball II and a perfect casting gag. Mmm… Homer just squicks me out. I think it’s good they played it as silly as they did, or else it would be downright horrifying, and it’s still pretty gross as-is. Like geez, when was the last time they bothered with a warning? Since this is a Halloween show though, that just gets it extra points. My list is now 1, 5, 4, 7, 6, 3, 2, 20, 9, 8, 28, 17, 27, 23, 16, 15, 25, 26, 19, 13, 24, 21, 12, 14, 10, 18, 22, 11.
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mickimagnum · 2 years
Schlocktober 2022
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Schlock - Shoddy/Campy/Crappy
Tomorrow kicks off my absolute favorite month of the year! In my house, Halloween is month-long celebration observed with daily horror movies. This is first year we are publicly publishing our personal watch-list. If you're in need of some spooky-month inspiration, here it is! We've also taken the liberty of including how you can watch each movie.
Watching along? We'd love to hear your feedback!
Happy Halloween, y'all!
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thesmellofrain43 · 2 days
Seriously did anyone else know The Platform 2 was coming to Netflix in October? I saw it in the new and upcoming section on there and had no idea a sequel was being made.
I like the first one so hopefully it's good
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theomenmedia · 11 days
#VenomTheLastDance Trailer Alert! Dive into the symbiote chaos with our in-depth breakdown. Will Eddie & Venom's last dance end in tragedy or triumph? #Venom #TomHardy #Knull #Marvel #MovieTrailer #SymbioteSaga
Link to the full story: https://www.theomenmedia.com/post/venom-the-last-dance-a-symbiotic-farewell-in-the-final-trailer-breakdown
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nicostiel · 1 year
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#Tag yourself
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catchymemes · 1 year
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Happy october 3rd!✨
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Spooky season is almost there...who you gonna call?
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heydrangeas · 11 months
just watched the village…..he really put his whole m. knight shyamalanussy in that one. or whatever the kids are saying
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rogerckeller · 1 year
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Went to see the re-issue of Hocus Pocus. Wondering, just how many times did I watch this when I was a kid? And I see Mick Garris' name in the credits. And, apparently it made the top ten the first week of October...
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5starcinema · 2 years
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Uh oh.
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glowyjellyfish · 2 years
October Halloween Movie Fest Day 27:
Tonight I watched Idle Hands! I’ve seen it before, and liked it, and then promptly forgot about it right up until @devantheimpaler recommended it, and I’m glad they did! I remembered it being fun and dumb, and it was, but it was like intentionally dumb in a way that made it more fun. The characters were more dumb than the movie, if that makes sense. All of this in a good way. It has good effects and a fun spooky vibe, and some AMAZING Evil Hand acting which I am a bit of a sucker for, and Seth Green is always great. My only complaint is the paper-thin personality of the Sexy Love Interest, and I’m sure she gave the target demographic exactly what they were looking for, and she improved a bit by the end. Good choice, will definitely watch it again sometime.
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Treehouse of Horror 27 (Dry Hard/BFF R. I. P./Moefinger)
I think these segments were pretty good generally, but I am really noticing how short each segment is and how overstuffed the episodes have become. I get that this was the 600th and they wanted to go crazy, but they had a respectable opening with past villains, then a second opening that was a overly long couch gag masquerading as a segment of its own, and then three whole segments after that, each of which felt like they ended too soon. It was too much to cram in, really. Anyway, Dry Hard was a great mixed parody of The Hunger Games and Mad Max Fury Road with cool designs and lots of fun character deaths—and the “part one” “part two” etc title cards got funnier the deeper they went. Not terribly spooky other than the death, and as I said above it did feel slightly rushed, but i think this one did a little better on that front than the others. BFF R. I. P. was a very good little Lisa story—I will have to update my stats someday—and brought the most Spookiness IMO. Also, if I had a nickel for every time I saw a living thing be put in a microwave and zapped to death tonight, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird it happened twice. Moefinger had the most abrupt ending I think, but did have a spectacular fight sequence like it’s inspiration, antagonist Homer was a lot of fun, and I think it was a more interesting and creative use of Moe than some of his other THOH outings. Pretty good overall, I just wish each segment was a little bit longer. Oh, and TheRealJims’ video about THOH deaths mentioned that he’s convinced the writers were very deliberately killing off a huge number of characters in this episode, perhaps for the 600th occasion, and I can’t unsee that. There were a lot of deaths! My list is now 1, 5, 4, 7, 6, 3, 2, 20, 9, 8, 17, 27, 23, 16, 15, 25, 26, 19, 13, 24, 21, 12, 14, 10, 18, 22, 11.
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