a real bed
arthur morgan x female reader
summary: You’re tired. Arthur’s been gone. When he leaves you to spend another night alone, he works to make it up to you and show you exactly what you deserve. wc: 3.4k warnings: TB-doesn’t-exist au, some light/non-graphic smut note: HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY @margowritesthings​​! I loved the princess treatment prompt, I hope this is full of the fluff (and smut) you were looking for! thank you to @rdrevents​​​​​ for hosting the valentine gift exchange!
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“Carrots are done,” you slide the last of the vegetables into the pot and wipe your hands on your apron.
Pearson grunts, and you accept it as the most you’ll get for a thank you. “Stew is going to be light on the meat again. Where is that man of yours?”
“He’s not…my man.” You don’t look at him when you say it, heat flaring in your face at the words. You know who he refers to, but you and Arthur still felt new. It was no secret, you admit, and after years of pining it was nice to have your affections returned. But as you fill a pail of water for the girls’ washing up, craning your neck to look over the short bridge to Shady Belle, you can see Arthur’s horse is still missing. “I don’t know where he is.”
He’d left yesterday evening after a short visit and even shorter dinner. Things were rough for the gang, but you felt it was always the roughest for Arthur. He surprised you leaving so soon after returning, and when you asked if he wouldn’t stay for the night he only smiled and said you could have the bed to yourself like you would enjoy it. You kept your mouth shut. Kissed him goodbye. Watched him ride away and disappear into the trees.
Pearson calls your attention back. “He hasn’t been hunting much.”
“Arthur’s been hunting as often as he can. He always brings back something,” you snap. You rub at your raw hands, the filled pail pushing the metal handle into your skin.
“Brings back more than most,” Pearson backtracks as soon as he hears your tone. You understand his frustration - hungry people don’t treat the camp cook too kindly - but you won’t let him blame Arthur.
You take a second pail and dip it in the water barrel to fill that one too. “If you need meat, send out Bill. He’s been sitting on his ass all day.” You stare at the man currently sitting at the table sharpening a knife.
“Bill can’t hunt for shit.”
“I can hear you,” Bill looks up with a scowl that might have made you afraid once.
“Then maybe he should practice.” The look you shoot him fixes him to his seat as you storm from both of the men, pail in each hand.
You’re tired of hearing excuses for people. Tired of feeling like only a few are doing the work for everyone. Tired of how the humid heat of Lemoyne dampens your dress with sweat. Tired of wearing boots that have long outworn their use. And tired of hearing Miss Grimshaw’s grating voice from all the way across camp.
The girls seem to catch on your sour mood and don’t say a word as you drop the buckets of water and silently take the wet clothes to the line. You pin up shirts and sheets along side Mary Beth thinking about another lonely night and how you would kill for a chance to sleep in a real bed, tucked in Arthur’s arms.
It’s a nice daydream that carries you through the chore so that by the time you return to the front of the house and see Arthur hitching his horse to the post, your first reaction is elated relief. He spots you first, pace picking up as he approaches. He doesn’t make it before he’s waylaid by Pearson.
“Mr. Morgan! Good to see you. Camp provisions have been looking a little light recently, think you can restock?”
You want to throw something at him.
Arthur barely grunts before he’s ruffling through his satchel. “It ain’t much right now, but…” he pulls out a few cuts of meat. You think maybe rabbit. “Here. See if you can’t do something with this.”
“Thank you, Mr. Morgan! I’ll try and get this in the stew for tonight.”
You stand at Arthur’s side, once again impressed that no matter what, he always has something. You lift a hand to touch his arm when he speaks again.
“See that you do. I’ve got somewhere to be, so you’ll have fewer mouths to feed.”
Pearson’s already off to prepare the rest of dinner, but Arthur’s words strike your heart.
“What? You’re leaving again?”
He watches your hand draw back, your face fall. He nods. “We’re going out into Saint Denis tonight.”
You swallow, look at the ground. Of course. Work never ends. “Who’s goin’ with you?” At least you hope it’s someone you trust. Someone like Hosea, or Charles, or—
“You,” he says, like it was obvious. “We’re going out to the city.”
It’s the second shock of the night. “What? Arthur, I don’t really think I’m up for a job right now. It’s been a long day, and you’ve only just got back—”
His laugh is low, and his hands hold you by your upper arms. “It’s not for a job.” His hands move up and down your arms, comforting and pulling you closer.
“Got an errand to run and then…dinner. I got us a room.”
Your heart stutters in your chest. The dream from earlier suddenly feels possible. You grasp his forearms as he holds you. “A room? With a real bed?” He nods, eyes still smiling down at you. He looks as tired as you feel, and you take hold of his lapels. “Yeah, princess. With a real bed.” His hands slide over your back in an embrace. It eases something in you, the stress of camp, of surviving, of watching him leave. You don’t think about how your feet hurt or how rough your hands are. You think of this, being in Arthur’s arms, that reassuring feeling that no matter how bad things are, he still takes care of you.
You don’t have to think about it, you were ready to go as soon as he said the word ‘room’. You’re glued to his side as he walks you back to his horse, and you let him lift you up to the saddle. A trip to town for a night off sounds like heaven, but there is one thing you’re curious about as Arthur mounts up behind you.
“What exactly is the errand?”
You don’t know what you were expecting. Perhaps shopping for supplies, an exchange where Arthur sold some goods. Things that you had seen before. The building looks like a green house, the front filled with gorgeous ferns and flowers. Your eyes are drawn to the ceiling fan above as Arthur ushers you in, the fading sunlight filtering in through the glass casting shadows on figures and hats and frames lining the walls. An ecstatic and slightly accented voice pulls you from your observations.
“Ah, Tacitus! I am so glad to see you. And you, my dear, you must be Mrs. Kilgore, it is an absolute delight to finally meet you!” he takes a breath to lift and kiss your hand. The man barely gives you a moment to open your mouth, already talking a mile a minute. Though Arthur had told you his name is Algernon Wasp and to expect your alias, the eccentric seems so excited he all but forgot to introduce himself.
There is a dress, and it’s a wonder you’re here, and the corset gave him such trouble to make, but he is absolutely thrilled with how it turned out, and how do you like it, but oh, you can’t really say that it’s beautiful if you haven’t tried it on, and he really needs a model to know for certain it’s finished, and yes, yes it has to be you…
In any case, being stuffed into a strange man’s corset by Arthur in the back of green house is not exactly the sort of errand you had expected.
Algernon admits that the dress was not made entirely by him, but he really is the true artist behind it. The corset itself is cream, embroidered with flowers and embellishments in a deep navy blue to match the heavy skirts. He talks from the other side of the curtain while you direct Arthur on how to properly lace the corset. Both of your voices are low, movements slow. His hands linger where they can, and too often you find yourself leaning back into him. You can feel the warmth of his palm despite the layers fabric, and when he finally ties the ends, you hold his hands where they rest on your hips.
You don’t know why you’re here, wearing this dress that is worth more money than you’ve ever owned at once, but if Arthur wanted you here for the silly friend of his who rambled about duchesses, baronesses, and contessas then you would be here, looking like you could fit right in with them.
“How goes it? Please tell me you haven’t torn anything, Tacitus.” Algernon’s voice breaks you from the moment, and Arthur’s hands slide away. You pull back the curtain, taking in the dress once again. “Oh a muse indeed! You are perfect, would you look at that. What do you think?”
“Well, I…it’s gorgeous.” You can hardly take your eyes off it. The bodice has the finest stitching you’ve ever seen, the skirt like silk beneath your fingers. “But what does this have to do with me?”
“Why, it’s yours!”
You shoot a quick glance behind you to catch Arthur’s eye, thinking that perhaps when he had said the man was cracked he wasn’t exaggerating. But Arthur never meets your eye, his own gaze fixed on the clinch of the corset around your waist.
“I’m…not sure I can afford this…”
“Nonsense! Your husband has already covered it. In fact this is my payment for the favors he’s done me. I have never worked without a model before, but when I saw you, I just couldn’t say no!”
“I don’t believe we’ve met before,” you say in confusion.
This time Arthur does meet your eye, and you can see he’s bashful.
“Of course not, my dear! I mean the pictures.”
“No, no. You’re right. Pictures hardly do them justice. The drawings, illustrations of pure emotion. I’ve never thought of sketch work to be so…moving. But these! Your husband is quite the artist!”
“Oh, I know,” and you think of what sketches he has of you in that journal of his that he would show this man. In hopes that he would make something for you. Something so fine you fear you may never have an opportunity to wear it again. Algernon is back to rambling about art, but you only hold Arthur’s stare in the mirror.
“Oh, but I know how busy you both must be! Please, don’t let me keep you again. I am no longer sorry to see the garment go when I see just how exquisite you look. Enjoy your evening! As always, it was a pleasure!”
And you find yourselves back outside, slightly stunned on the doorstep.
“Well. I believe I promised you dinner.” Arthur offers you his arm, and you easily lace your own through his.
“I believe you promised me more than dinner. Though I have to say I did not expect the new dress,” you quip. You tug on him a bit as you walk your way to the saloon where Arthur reserved your room and speak sincerely. “Thank you, darling. You didn’t…have to go to such trouble for me.”
“I know trouble. Trust me, this ain’t it.” He drops the teasing for a moment to look at you, and answer just as sincerely. “You look beautiful.” You feel warm, and not from the Saint Denis weather. “Besides, you’re not the only one who’s going to play dress-up.”
You let out a sound of delight. “You still have the suit Josiah picked out?”
“Oh, sure,” Arthur sounds none too pleased, “I still have it.”
“Arthur Morgan,” you sigh, “you really know how to treat a lady.”
On your way in to return to your room, you barely had a moment to look around and appreciate the finer details. Now, you lean into Arthur’s side as he speaks to the bartender and take in the establishment. The Bastille Saloon is still a saloon, but the patrons are dressed as finely as you are now, the furniture made of quality. You don’t see broken glass on the floor or scuffs made from idle knives and rowdy brawls. The tables have tablecloths. The piano is a grand one. The couple next to you are speaking French.
“And whatever the lady wants.”
You blink in attention, and turn to face the gentleman behind the bar. He’s wearing a tie. “Oh…I’ll just have whatever you’re having,” you say to Arthur.
You like the way his lips curve into a smile; it’s a crooked thing, and you may have once thought it teasing, but now you notice he’s fond by the crinkle of his eyes, he’s pleased by the way he leans toward you. Your arms hold tighter to the crook of his elbow, shocked at how just a hot bath and fancy clothing can change both your demeanors entirely.
Tonight you really were a distinguished lady, on the arm of the man you love. You never doubted Arthur to be a gentleman, but you still giggle when he pulls out the chair for you. He takes the seat next you, not across, and you scooch closer.
“Are you sure there isn’t some job?” you lean in to ask with a smile. You wouldn’t mind it if there was, so taken up with the dress, with the restaurant, with Arthur.
“No, darlin’, there’s no job.” He takes your subtle accusation in stride, leaning in and setting a gentle hand on your knee. “Why? You want there to be one?”
“No. Just don’t get why you’re doing this, is all.” You don’t want to sound ungrateful. Or suspicious. Your hand covers his under the table, aware of the impropriety, but too happy to care.
His eyes soften and fingers curl around yours. “Because you deserve it. Because you…deserve better.” The words are unspoken, but you know what he’s saying. He believes you deserve better than living with outlaws, than a campsite that moves every few weeks, than an old rickety cot and Pearson’s stew. He believes you deserve better than him.
You shake your head slowly, not looking away from his eyes. “You know what I want.” It’s a whisper, a spoken promise that you feel the same. No, you don’t want to live in a camp of outlaws for the rest of your life. But you’re sticking with him until the both of you can get out. Find what you want. A real bed. A home. A life.
Arthur looks like he’s about to respond when two plates are set down before you, and you gasp. He ordered prime rib with healthy helping of some of the best looking potatoes you’ve ever seen. You don’t think a meal has ever smelled so good in your life.
“Christ alive.”
Arthur laughs at your shocked reaction.
“What? I don’t think I’ve seen a steak this big.”
“You help prepare food with Pearson all the time,” his voice is a drawl, amused and pleased you’re impressed, and he doesn’t hesitate to start cutting into his meal.
“Not like this.” You know you’re staring, but you don’t even know where to start. “Arthur…if you just wanted to get me in bed, you know you don’t have to do all this.” Your words are crass, but you try to keep it to a hush. His treatment of you this afternoon has got you thinking of one thing, and quite frankly, you are very much looking forward to getting him back upstairs.
The way he chokes on his first bite is worth it. “Now I ain’t uhh…You know, well, um.” He gives up to plead with you. “Princess.”
You laugh at his stammering, put your hand on his knee. “Don’t you start. Because you did promise me dinner, and I intend on absolutely polishing off everything, and I expect you to do the same. And then, and only then, am I going to drag you upstairs and make very good use of that bed. No matter how many princesses, sweethearts, or darlings you use.”
And maybe the two of you are sitting too close that you keep bumping elbows, and no matter how finely you dress you still don’t quite fit in with the upper class, but you’ve never shared a finer meal someone.
And you’ve never seen Arthur eat so fast.
When Arthur took you to the room upon arrival in Saint Denis, the first thing you did was flop to the bed. It was large and well made with thick blankets and would fit two people comfortably.
Now that you finished dinner and are retiring for the night, you don’t even make it there. Your back is pressed to the closed door, Arthur’s mouth covering yours before pressing hot kisses down your neck, across your chest, and over the tops of your breasts pushed up by the corset. You tug mercilessly at the suit jacket he wears, only feeling slightly bad before he lets it drop to the floor.
You can feel the grip of his large hands through the material of the dress - one holding tight to the thigh you hiked to his side, the other roaming over your body before finding its place to cradle your head. Directing your mouth to his then away so he can place more kisses under your jaw. With every certain touch, with every meaningful place of his lips, your heart swells. He whispers every name he’s given you between each kiss, and you find yourself sighing out his, unable to say the words to ask for what you really want.
He has treated you so well all day, and you knew, you knew you would end up here at the end of it, in his arms and in his heart. You were ready to do whatever he wanted. Instead he takes hold of you and gives you everything you want without you having to say a word.
His hands find their way under your skirt, fingertips trailing sparks over your new stockings and to where the corset ends. Every single thing today has been a gift from him, and this here too is another. You can’t keep up, but you’ll let him take, you’ll let him give, you’ll let him have it all.
His bare chest is hot under you palms, your own breasts pulled from the confines of the corset just as you make it to the bed. It’s where you wanted to be all day, and it lives up to every hopeful wish. Arthur handles you, moves you were he wants, and even still it feels like he serves you.
His kisses are like the warm glow of a fire—you chase the feeling, chase his lips, and he gives into every whine from you. You reward him with your moans. He travels the map of your body and disappears under your skirts. His hands and mouth never part from you, and you scramble to take hold of yourself, take hold of him, take hold of the sheets beneath you.
Neither of you say it often, but you both know. Tonight, I love you is said with every touch of his skin to yours. I love you with every kiss. I love you as he wraps you around him. I love you as your hands come to cradle his head.
You pant heavily, still partially confined in your clothing, and as soon as Arthur’s lips return to yours, the frantic grabbing for one another’s affection subsides. He’s steady and reassuring, both of you content to sink into each other until you can’t be any closer. Your kisses turn slow and sultry. His shoulders shudder in your embrace, his hips solid between your legs.
It’s you and him and this bed and the way he calls you mine. It’s rare these moments you get with him, and you soak it up, relish in the way he lets himself love you. In return, you let yourself dream of the future in which you and Arthur share a life, a home, and a real bed.
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yeehawpurgatory · 2 years
Knots & Peculiarity
Apologies for the late post! Posted earlier to AO3--But I finally got to my desktop so Tumblr it is! @rdrevents​
Here is my 2023 RDR Valentine Fanfic Exchange for the awesome @southernlynxx once again I hope you enjoy, I loved all of your prompts; especially John using Arthur’s lap as a pillow :’)))
Title:  Knots & Peculiarity
Pairing: John x Arthur
 “Arthur…you really there?” This time it’s louder than a whisper, ghosting over his lips. ”Right here Marston, lie back now.” Arthur mutters quietly, he hoped they hadn’t garnered any attention. His eyes widen when Marston raises a trembling hand; Arthur holds his breath. The younger man’s palm pressed against Arthur’s chest for too many seconds. Just a solid, seeking touch is all it is.
The silence in the cabin nearly made him forget about all the other occupants. Only the occasional sniffle and shuffling, the sound of a cigarette’s light hissing as it burns, reminds Arthur he’s in the main cabin with the women and the others.
The past few days he’d made himself sparse, not on purpose though, between hunting most days and planning that train robbery with Dutch, he hadn’t much time to check on folks the way he liked. People hadn’t seen much of him for a few days. That’s probably what made him a jarring sight now, standing with mist-clouded eyes in front of another good man they’d nearly lost.
Arthur takes his gloves off as he hovers closely to the cot.
There’s another sound, quiet, nearly missable. The laboured, ragged breaths of his longest friend, injured and shaking, barely conscious through it all. They’d found Marston just days ago, bleeding, starving, nearly dead up in the mountains. Laying on the cot, chewed up and spat out, the younger man looked pitiful with half his face bandaged; the showing skin was painfully raised and colourfully splotched. A gory sight before, but little Johnny Marston looked downright bad now.
Worse than Jenny’s corpse had looked when he’d helped Lenny and Karen bury her, the youngest hands shaking the entire time. He looked worse than Davy too, and he’d all but held his own guts inside his body, the poor bastard.
Arthur bit his chapped lips and brushed a few greasy, tangled locks of black hair away from Marston’s mouth. The younger man’s unwrapped eye flickered beneath his closed lid, otherwise he didn’t react to the touch. Swanson must’ve seen to him earlier.  
Arthur’s compelled to this spot in this cramped cabin for reasons he can’t quite explain, like an unseen force dragged him here and kept him staring stupidly. Waiting for something or another.
His bare hand rests just above Marston’s head.
It’s Susan that snaps him out of his stupor. The older woman had just been sitting on the stool, picking at Marston’s stitches with Strauss; pained sounds leaving the injured man’s lips the entire time.
“Mr Morgan.” Her tone is firm, but her eyes were softer with him than with most others. He grunts his acknowledgement to her.
Arthur feels Grimshaw’s eyes burning a hole through him, as though his leisurely presence was unacceptable to her. He half expects her to tell him to git. To go make himself useful. To go find some food or firewood.
She doesn’t.
Instead Susan stoops low, rummaging through a meagre box of the camp's belongings. She pushes aside a sewing kit and spools of thread, some scraps of fabric, a bottle of medicine; she pulls out a simple black comb with a few teeth missing.
Susan glances at him again, a different look in her eyes this time, and Arthur is brave enough to look her in the face with his own clouded pair of eyes.
“Might as well do some work if you’re set on standing around.” Her tone conveys no nonsense, a harsh barking command. She presses the comb into his hand. “Been tempted to cut that mangled mop from his head—I would’ve if I didn’t think he’d wake up kicking and screaming like last time.”
Like last time. Arthur huffs, his lips twinge upward in amusement, thinking of the last time someone had tried to cut Johnny’s hair without expressed permission.
When he doesn’t move Susan’s face falls slightly. He can’t look at her suddenly, throat too constricted and stomach churning. “He don’t like many folk handling  him.”
Unless it’s you. She didn’t say that—but she didn’t need to. It weren’t no kind of secret between the folks who’d been with them since the beginning. The boys are— were inseparable, would still be if not for Marston’s big mistake.
The big mean bastard he is, Arthur thinks there ought to be a nasty part of him which takes satisfaction in seeing the fool broken and pathetic and needing someone for the littlest task, but there isn’t. That’s the thing that confuses him the most. He’s not enjoying watching John fight for his life while he thinks on the past, not one bit, never mind how much he thought he would. All he feels is loneliness somehow, a need to stay by Marston’s side for reasons beyond him.
Arthur sits on the stool. He breathes long and deep, clearing his throat. He blinks away mist to see Marston clearly. The hand atop the greasy mop just sits there for a few seconds.
This is intimate. In spite of the crowd, of the  audience , brushing Marston’s hair feels like something he should be doing behind closed doors. He can’t understand why. Even when his heart starts to flutter.
Still, Arthur’s fingers card through the cold greasy locks. True to Susan’s word it’s a tangled mess better suited for a pair of shears; but then they’d have to deal with Marston’s peculiar anger. Arthur didn’t get it, why grow your hair if you hate washing and brushing it?
Still, Arthur picked at a tangled chunk of hair with the comb, careful of the brittle teeth. He pauses when Marston moaned quietly, as Arthur moved to his scalp. The vulnerability in this moment makes his stomach uneasy. This is a man he’s felt nothing but animosity towards for a few years now, and here Arthur was, carefully brushing his hair, while he lingers in the precarious spot between life and death.
He couldn’t get all of it with the bumps and bandages covering Marston, but Arthur carefully worked the comb through as best he could till his fingers could card through Marston’s hair without getting snagged on too many knots.
Arthur lessens the gap between them, hunching over Marston when a particularly nasty gust of air enters the cabin and makes him shiver.  Damn cold…Damn drafty cabin…Damn soft wet wood…
Another heavy gust finally wakes the other man. One dazed dark, blood filled eye looks up at Arthur without an ounce of recognition; he knows what a man looks like when he’s dazed from drugs or fever. This is it. The look of his eye makes Arthur shiver. John shifts around, muttering nonsensical ramblings.
“Careful now Marston.” If he doesn’t sit still he’ll hurt himself—already seems to be in pain by the sounds he makes. The younger man grimaced, teeth clenching together as he willed himself upright.
“What'do you need?” Arthur mutters and slips an arm around his back to hold him upright. Marston’s real close to him now, but that pesky fool won’t stop wriggling around.
John’s voice stills him. His name is said in a cracked whisper, far too quiet for others to hear, but loud enough for Arthur to hear the peculiarity in his tone. Like Marston was surprised to see him here. That hurt.
“Morgan…” he trails off again, this time squinting up at the older man. Unseeing eye tracing over Arthur’s worn features, peering  inside him, yet seeing nothing though he still searches. Cold as it were, Arthur feels himself heat up under the scrutiny. It makes him want to shove off and leave, to chastise himself for seeking company, from Marston of all folk. Then he speaks again.
“Arthur…you really there?” This time it’s louder than a whisper, ghosting over his lips.
“Right here Marston, lie back now.” Arthur mutters quietly, he hoped they hadn’t garnered any attention. His eyes widen when Marston raises a trembling hand; Arthur holds his breath. The younger man’s palm pressed against Arthur’s chest for too many seconds. Just a solid, seeking touch is all it is.
He huffs just then, making little frustrated noises as he eases his way back down, clearly deciding whatever he attempted rising for weren’t nothing important. His hand leaves Arthur’s chest, and the older man can finally breathe.
“Stop movin’ around…M-Marston!?”
A weight fell across his lap. Arthur blinked.
Half asleep, half drugged, half whatever—Marston had dragged himself across Arthur’s lap. If folk weren’t looking before, they sure as hell were looking now.
Arthur’s hand hovered just over John’s head. Marston laid awkwardly, with his lower body stretched out onto the cot, his upper body resting on Arthur.  He suddenly didn’t know what to do with his hands; he let one rest gently atop John’s. Arthur swore then. Marston’s hands were icey. He slips his discarded gloves over them without thinking.
Arthur fixes the blanket over Marston’s form when the younger man turns his head in his lap again. He sighs and Goddamn nuzzles his nose against Arthur’s leg.
The display heats up his cheeks—makes his heart race. John hasn’t accepted any semblance of closeness with anyone these last few years, much less Arthur. Gone were the days where they slept back to back, where they embraced each other with bear hugs and delightful shouts and pats on the backs.
He’s got half a mind to shove the other man off him and walk right out. Damn him. Instead, Arthur resumes his task with a pounding heart when Marston’s breathing evens out. Methodically, he brushes the rest of Marston’s hair until it falls straight and loose. Oily beyond belief, but cleaner looking than it had been in weeks.
Then he sits there and pockets the comb, his silly little task is done. He should get up. Do some actual work, not just sit here pondering.
Marston shivers again. Arthur stays seated. He’s stuck in place, unless he wants to dump Marston back onto the uncomfortable looking cot to shiver with his threadbare blanket. His head tells him as much, but his body won’t do it.
Goddamnit!  He can’t do it, Arthur’s rooted to the spot as though Marston weighs a tonne, with his head pillowed in his lap. It’d be downright cruel to shove him away, as sorry as his state is.
Arthur tries his best to ignore the familiar warmth and conflicting fondness which filled him the longer he sat there, watching John sleep soundly in his care.
Behind him, folks start talking softly.
“It’s awful kind of you, letting him do that again.”
Arthur nearly jumps at the voice which caught him off guard. It’s Hosea. Of course it is. Who else could sneak up on him like that? His old friend has a glimmer in his eye, one Arthur stopped trying to guess the reason behind a long time ago. A special type of fondness he reserved for only a select few; Arthur, John, Bessie long ago, Tilly, Lenny, little Jack Marston…
“Sure, I’m real kind when I have to be.”
Hosea ignored his retort. He looked off to the side wearing an expression Arthur can’t read, an expression he shares with Susan, who stood by the fireplace. He catches her face however; it’s soft. Understanding. Knowing. When her gaze shifts from Hosea to him, Arthur drops his head. He looks only at Marston. At his sleeping form pillowed on Arthur’s thighs.
As precarious as his injuries are, the man curls up in a way that can’t be comfortable, never mind the relaxed expression on his face; he looks a lot like Jack in Abigail’s lap, or like how Copper used to curl up in his. Arthur chuckles and thinks to himself. Marston ain’t a cute kid like Jack, his company isn’t as enjoyable as a dogs neither.
The thing is…Marston is annoying and lazy, and stupid and entitled. They’ve been competing with each other for too damn long. But…he’s dear to Arthur. Oh so dear. Oh so dumb and useless too …but he’ll always have an incredible, inexplicable love for John. For the boy he was and the man he is today. One he doesn’t quite understand the depth of. A love he knows he’ll carry with him until the day he dies. He’d do anything for the other man, no matter how much he wants to deny it. Anything he was asked.
Arthur runs a hand through Marston’s hair, humming in satisfaction when his fingers card through without resistance. The younger man made a soft noise at that, tilting his head up, searching for the gentle hand once again. Arthur hesitates for a few seconds, fingers frozen but not from the cold. Then, like he always seems to do when it comes to the other man; Arthur relents. He strokes Marston’s greasy locks, paying special mind to repeat the actions which draw soft content sighs from the younger man.
Be it traversing through a shit snow storm, brushing his damn hair, or allowing the younger man to use him as a pillow with basically the entire gang bearing witness; there wasn’t anything Arthur wouldn’t do for John.
Even now, with his legs long asleep, and back screaming at him, Arthur stays in place and lets John rest in his lap. He’ll stay there as long as he can, for as long as he’s needed.
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21stcenturygworl · 2 years
A Blank Dance Card
Arthur Morgan x (female) Reader, Regency AU 💕
For the Valentine Gift Exchange by @rdrevents! Written for @starlight-starwrites. Thank you for the great prompts, Star! I hope I did them justice.
This is so extremely campy, but I had great fun writing it. I hope y'all have great fun reading it too!
One of the joys of being a debutante on the marriage market is finally, finally being able to indulge in the gossip firsthand. Previous seasons, you had to wring every last drop of information out of your friends, who one by one were swooped off their feet by gentlemen looking to win their hearts. Now, you can huddle together with the other girls, whispering and giggling amongst yourselves as you steal glances at the eligible bachelors at Lady Coulston's ball.
You’re quite some years older than most debutantes of this season. It was your mother’s decision, mostly (your father had just told her, “Yes, dear. As you wish, dear. Anything you want, dear.”). She didn’t want you to be married off too young, instead wanting you to become a well-rounded young lady first through travel and further education. You had protested initially, terrified of ending up a spinster, but your mother had promised that she wouldn’t make you wait that long.
You still feel like a spinster between all the younger girls, though.
The ball hosted by Lady Coulston is a grand affair, with the walls adorned with intricate tapestries and richly painted scenes. The floors are marble (Italian marble, she had pointed out to your mother), polished to a glossy sheen, and the ceiling is painted with beautiful frescoes. Walking across the marble floor already has your heels click with a satisfying sound, and you can only imagine what it would be like to walk through this ballroom by yourself.
Chandeliers hang from the ceiling, adding a touch of opulence to the room. Music fills the air, with the strains of a string quartet and a harpsichord playing romantic melodies. Many guests have taken to the dance floor. They twirl across the marble to the melody of the music, the dancers becoming a blur of colours, beautiful fabrics catching the light of the chandeliers above.
Unlike them, however, you have nobody to dance with.
Not a single eligible bachelor has approached you all night. Occasionally one would approach your little group of debutantes, but always to ask one of the other girls to dance, or to make a turn around the room together.
The paper of your dance card is a plain, stark white. Blank.
It’s mortifying, almost. But at least Lady Coulston’s pastry chefs make your attendance worth it. You take solace in the delectable cannolis that nobody else seems to have noticed. Lady Coulston must really like Italy.
Arthur doesn’t want to be here.
He hadn’t even wanted to travel across the pond in the first place, and neither did John. But Dutch had insisted that for the adoption process to be finalised, they had to come with him to London. “We’ll head back immediately after,” his now-father promised them.
Apparently in England, “immediately after” means a month or two later.
So here he is, standing in Lady Coulston's ballroom, trying to blend in with the crowd. Arthur had heard stories about the balls, and he’s received countless instructions for how to behave, but he still feels terribly out of place. The grandeur of the room is intimidating and almost suffocating to a young man like Arthur, who spent years sleeping under the stars on windswept prairies.
It’s almost inconceivable to watch Dutch, the same man who had once told Arthur that he was done with the upper class, working his charm on the guests at the ball. It's almost unfathomable that this is the same man who had spent so much of his time in America swindling the wealthy, and yet here he is, a Baron of all things. Arthur is silently hoping that Dutch will turn and give him a sly wink and tell him “It was all just a scheme!”, but it never happens.
Dutch had deemed John too young to attend a ball, meaning Arthur is now stuck by Dutch’s side as he speaks to a Lord and Lady Gardner, who are both hanging onto every word he says as he tells them about his exploits in the American West.
“I will say, I was tempted to stay there,” Dutch says, gesturing vaguely as he speaks. “It’s a very different land from here. A land full of opportunities. The people here in England do not have the spine to take risks the way those in America do.” He pauses, as if reminiscing. “And all the unspoiled nature… By God, Lord and Lady Gardner, it was unlike anything I have ever seen before. Beyond beautiful.”
“My, I can hardly imagine it!” Lady Gardner says, wearing a giddy smile. “It all seems so far away. Perhaps we should visit too someday, dear? It would be so nice to travel a little again, just like we used to when we were younger…”
“Perhaps,” Lord Gardner says, smiling a little uncomfortably. “But perhaps we should first make sure our daughter is married before we do.”
Lady Gardner puts a reassuring hand on her husband’s arm. “Of course, dear.” Turning to Dutch and Arthur, she asks, “Have you met our daughter yet? It’s her first season on the marriage market this year. Very exciting.”
Dutch smiles, corners of his eyes crinkling. “Very exciting indeed. I do not believe we’ve had the pleasure of making her acquaintance yet.”
“Let me see, where is she…” Lady Gardner peers across the ballroom, then lets out a little “Oh!” before she begins calling to her daughter.
You whip around from where you stand next to one of the many refreshments tables, halfway stuffing a cannoli in your mouth.
“Dearest!” your mother calls out to you, waving you over with an excited smile. Oh, this is mortifying. You try to swallow the cannoli quickly before other people notice, but it’s already too late. At least you didn’t get any crumbs or cream on your dress this time.
Quickly you compose yourself before striding over to the little gathering, weaving through the crowd. When you reach them, you realise that the men your parents are speaking to are the Baron of Whitchurch, and one of his recently-adopted sons.
Now here is where the gossip comes into play. You had heard many a scandalous story of how Lord Van der Linde (whose family weren’t even English aristocrats to begin with!) had run off to America for nearly a decade. When he finally returned, he brought back two orphans with him who he had adopted and made the heirs to his titles and estates. The legality of it was dubious at best, and immediately a new scandal was born. The future Baron of Whitchurch would be a man with not a single drop of aristocratic blood.
Nobody had told you that the future Baron of Whitchurch was also incredibly handsome.
Your mother is your saving grace, because only when she speaks to introduce you, do you realise that you’ve been staring. You quickly avert your gaze and curtsy with your head inclined. “It’s a pleasure to meet both of you.” Straightening out, you remember your manners and ask, “Are you enjoying tonight’s festivities?”
“We certainly are, thank you kindly for asking,” Lord Van der Linde says. “This is my son, Arthur.”
Arthur. You like that name. It suits him perfectly, highlighting the impressive stature of his broad shoulders and tall frame. Yet, despite the impressive physicality, there is something gentle about him, something that you can't quite put your finger on. After a moment's thought, you realise it’s his eyes; the way they seem to reflect an inner kindness, a beautiful shade of blue.
“This is the first time Arthur is attending a ball,” your mother tells you with a low voice, as if it’s a secret. (It’s really not.) “Why don’t you take him for a turn around the room? I’m sure there’s lots you two can talk about.”
You and Arthur unintentionally share a look, and you seem to reach the same conclusion as him: We have nothing to talk about.
You muster up an almost-convincing smile as you take a step forward. "Shall we take a turn around the room, Mr Van der Linde?" you ask, feeling a bit strange at the formal words coming out of your mouth. Arthur nods, then seems to remember himself and offers you his arm.
The two of you walk in silence for a few moments, strolling along the perimeter of the impossibly large ballroom, until Arthur finally speaks. "Erm… Apologies for my lack of conversation skills, Miss Gardner," he says, his voice a bit awkward. He’s suddenly terribly aware of how different his accent is from yours, and the realisation only serves to make him speak quieter. "I… I ain’t used to being at a ball like this, and I'm not sure what to say."
You tilt your head slightly, looking up at him through your lashes. Arthur feels his chest tighten. “It’s alright,” you say, your gloved hand giving his arm a reassuring squeeze. “I can only imagine how strange all of this must be for you, Mr Van der Linde.”
A nervous chuckle escapes him. “Strange is an understatement.” He pauses, considering his words, and then carefully says, “I… I prefer Mr Morgan, actually. Dutch— I mean, Lord Van der Linde only really became a father figure to me when I was already a young man.”
You nod, seeming to understand his reluctance. Or at least pretend to. "I'm sure that's true for many adopted children," you say, voice gentle and sympathetic. You smile at him in an attempt to offer some levity. "How are you enjoying your time in England so far? It must be very different from what you’re used to. Especially the weather, I would guess.”
Arthur returns the smile as his nerves slip away. You’re trying your best to be warm and welcoming to him. Though it is at the behest of your mother, it’s still more than he can say about the other people at the ball — who have mostly stared at him while whispering amongst themselves. "It is," he says, "The weather too, I s’pose. But mostly the people, and the, uh… way of life.” He looks around the room, taking in the elegant décor and the finely-dressed people. "It's all certainly an experience. I ain’t ever seen anythin’ like this before. I wasn’t… raised in high society."
“Well,” you begin as you mull over his words for a moment. You then flash him a wide smile. “You’re going to have lots to learn and catch up on before you become the Baron of Whitchurch.”
Arthur feels his heart skip a beat, and he swallows thickly. “I’m afraid so,” he says.
“I’m sure you’re up for the task, Mr Morgan. I believe in you.”
Despite the rather disappointing start of the evening, Arthur now suddenly doesn't want it to end anymore. He finds himself liking the way you hold onto his arm, speaking with him and making him feel like he's the most important person in the world right now. You're so, so beautiful, too. Half of your hair is pinned up, the loose sections cascading down your back like a waterfall of silk. The bodice of your dress fits snugly around your chest, the skirts flowing gracefully with every step you take. You feel like someone so far out of reach for him, yet you’re right here next to him.
He blinks when he realises he’s been staring at you. He’s grateful when he sees that you’ve been looking elsewhere — but your expression is wistful. You’re watching the people on the dance floor twirl about and laugh giddily amongst themselves.
“I hope I’m not takin’ up too much of your time, Miss Gardner,” Arthur says, and you look back at him. “I’m sure there’s another gentleman waitin’ for your attention.”
You shake your head, a sad smile gracing your features. “I’m afraid not, Mr Morgan. Nobody’s asked me to dance, tonight.” You show your dance card with your free hand, and Arthur sees that it’s empty. “I fear I may not be as tempting as the younger ladies,” you say with a hollow chuckle. “But it’s alright. I’m enjoying myself here with you.”
Arthur's heart twinges at your words and he finds himself wanting to say something comforting, but he's not sure what. All these fools wouldn’t want to ask a beauty like you to dance with them? Anger bubbles in his chest, but he quickly pushes it down. It’s a completely stupid and hopeless task, but he knows what he has to do. Mustering up every ounce of courage in his body, he clears his throat and then asks, “Miss Gardner, would you do me the honour of dancin’ with me?”
You look up at him, almost as if you can't believe your ears. Your eyes light up and you smile, a brilliant and genuine smile that makes Arthur's heart flutter. "It would be my pleasure, Mr Morgan," you say, before curtsying gracefully.
He takes your hand in his and leads you to the dance floor as the music changes, and the musicians begin to play a waltz. Arthur holds you — as he learned during his lessons — and though his steps are a little awkward and stiff, you’re most certainly dancing together. As you start twirling around the room, Arthur finds himself mesmerised by you. He had thought you beautiful before, but now, as he watches you spin around and laugh with him, he's certain that you are the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.
How tempted he is to lean forward and kiss you.
It’s not the right way to do things, though. Not here, not now. Not with a woman of your standing. So he spends the rest of the night with you. Dancing, talking, and even laughing together. And when the evening draws to a close, and your parents have called you to tell you that it’s time to take the carriage home, Arthur takes your hand and presses a kiss to your gloved fingers.
“Miss Gardner, before you go,” he begins. He straightens out, still holding your hand. “May I… may I call on you tomorrow afternoon?” he asks, stumbling over his words a little.
You look at him adoringly, cheeks dusted with a light shade of pink as you smile and nod. “Yes. Yes, you may.” You bite your lip, trying to suppress a giddy smile. “I look forward to seeing you tomorrow, Mr Morgan. Good night.”
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southernlynxx · 2 years
Assumptions of Affection
Rating: Mature
Status: Complete
Fandom: RDR2
Pairings/Characters: Arthur  Morgan/John Marston. Arthur Morgan, John Marston, Abigail Roberts, Tilly Jackson, Mary-Beth Gaskill.
Canon/AU: Canon-divergent
Summary: It’s Valentine’s day, and on top of not knowing what they’re meant to get each other, Arthur drags John out on a job.  
Warnings: N/A
——  My Valentine gift for @yeehawpurgatory for the Valentine Exchange ran by @rdrevents! I really hope you like how this fic turned out; it ended up a bit longer than anticipated!
Assumptions of Affection: [AO3]
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rdrevents · 2 years
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The sign-up form to take part is now live!
Click the text below to be taken to a google form which you must fill out in its entirety to join the event - as soon as you submit your form, you’re taking part. You will receive a confirmation of participation via email when sign-ups close on Friday 3rd February, 2023. Please also see our: FAQ & Rules Event Schedule If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask us via @rdrevents​
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12timetraveler · 2 years
Do you?
Valentines day has struck the Van der Linde gang. Reader hasn't worked up the courage to tell the man they love how the feel, so Valentine's day is a little lonely.
For @rdrevents Valentine's giveaway, I got to write for @cainbutnotabel
Also have this horribly cheesey little photo edit
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I hope you enjoy! Happy Valentines day!
Despite the crisp February weather, the gang were all in high spirits. 
It was Valentine's day, and the young romantics of the gang were celebrating, even if they didn't have a special someone to celebrate with. They were all gathered around the fire, listening to Javier play. Karen sat in Sean's lap. Mary Beth, 
Tilly and Jenny danced with anyone who would dance with them. 
Jack was a particular favorite to dance with, the girls making sure the toddler was included in the fun. Until he went to bed, that is. For once, his parents weren't fighting. John had picked Abigail a small bouquet of wildflowers (and weeds, but it was the thought that counted) and the two were sassing each other in that flirtatious way they did in moments of peace. 
Dutch and Molly sat in their tent, whispering and giggling to each other. They were probably the most sickly sweet couple of camp. Watching them flirt felt like spying through the keyhole in a hotel door. 
Across camp the older and more cynical members sat, drinking beers and reminiscing about Valentine's days passed. Susan, Uncle, Pearson, Swanson, Strauss and Hosea. They told stories of lovers from bygone years, laughed at the romantics of the gang and the ones trying to be romantics for the sake of a quick romp (like Micah or the Callander boys). They placed bets on which pairs would eventually wander out to the treelines or ride into town. 
Arthur had started the night with them, but to no-ones surprise he eventually wandered over to the other fire, letting the others pull him into the celebration. He tried to hide it, tried to keep that dark stoic exterior up. But you could tell he was enjoying himself. Though he danced with the girls, you could see him eyeing up Charles at every opportunity. 
Where did you fall? Well, though you could be a bit of a romantic, you didn't have it in you to join the others around the main fire. You'd hovered for a bit before Hosea and Susan beckoned you over to join them around the table. You'd been given a seat, given a beer, and easily included in their conversation.
You were not old  nor particularly cynical. It was just hard to celebrate a day about love when you yourself were feeling a particular sting of loneliness. You had quite the crush on a certain gang member. But you wouldn't dare tell him. You were certain there was no way he'd feel the same. 
All week as the day approached you'd considered spilling your secret to Hosea. You knew he'd never be cruel, even if he rejected you. But you just couldn't bring yourself to do it. Not knowing if he felt the same about you seemed easier. At least you had a little hope mixed in, not knowing how he felt. 
So you spent the evening with the elders. 
"You been awfully quiet," Uncle's voice grabbed your attention, pulling you out of your thoughts. "Tell me, have you ever been in love?" 
"In love... No. Not really. I've been sweet on people before but never in love. I've never gotten that far," You said, twirling the base of your bottle around on the table.
"Yeah yeah we all know you're sweet on Hosea," Uncle chuckled. You and Hosea both balked a little at that; you out of fear, Hosea out of disbelief.
"I highly doubt that," Hosea scoffed before you could say anything. "Why'd they waste their time pining after an old fool like me?" he chuckled, flashing you a crooked smile. 
"You know, for a wise old man, you really are blind," Uncle laughed. 
"He's right, Hosea," Susan piped up. "I've seen the way they look at you," 
"I have to agree," Strauss added plainly. "I've seen that look too," 
"Yeah. They look at you like Swanson looks at a bottle," Pearson teased. 
"I rrrrrresent that," Swanson slurred. "But they do ssssseem t'look at you quite a lot," 
Oh God you wanted to die. You could feel your face heating up, could hear the amused giggling from the rest of the table, except for Hosea who seemed locked on you. 
"Don't worry," Susan laughed, slapping your back. "He's been looking at you just as much," 
"That's true," Pearson chuckled. "I doubt he's read a single word of his morning newspaper since you joined the gang. He always gets distracted by you," 
Hosea's gaped, looking very much like that trout he brought into camp the other night. For a moment he looked like he was going to protest, to claim it wasn't true. But then he met your gaze, and his expression relaxed some as his hazel eyes met yours. 
"...Do you?" You asked hesitantly, afraid this was all some cruel joke. Hosea gave you a gentle smile, leaving you warm and tingly feeling. 
"Yes," he said, and all the air escaped from your lungs in one huff. "Yes, though these fools make me sound like some perverted old man stalking you. Which I am not. At least I hope I'm not," he gave you a crooked smile. "But I've... I've been sweet on you for a while now," 
You grinned widely at him. He looked so silly just now, a distinguished older man confessing his feelings like a young man would. It was something he shouldn't have to do at his age, but here he was all the same.
"And you?" He asked quietly. "Are they right about your feelings too?" 
You sucked in a breath before nodding. "Yes. I'm..." You laughed. "Most days I feel like an absolute fool for you," your face was still hot with embarrassment, mostly that this was the way he found out, and the fact that you had an audience. 
"I feel the same," Hosea chuckled. "I wanted to say something. Nearly did at least a hundred times. But I never thought... I never even dreamed that... That you could," you'd never seen the silver-tongued man so tongue tied before. It was adorable. And knowing it was all because of you made it that much sweeter. 
"Neither could I," you admitted. You exchanged lopsided grins. 
"Would you, em..." Hosea cleared his throat. Oh my god, was the older gentleman blushing? "Would you care to take a walk with me?" He asked. "I think we are long overdue for a talk," 
The others wolf whistled as you stood and walked beside Hosea pit of camp, away from prying ears. You knew what they thought this "talk" would be. But it was just that. The two of you weren't going to just jump in. You both wanted to know where exactly the other stood. 
You did not spend Valentine's day in Hosea's bed. Nor up against a tree or on the forest floor or any of the other ways some of the others spent their nights. But in the weeks and months to come, oh you spent plenty of time making up for it. 
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rdrevents · 2 years
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Howdi cowpokes! Valentine is just around the corner, so it’s about time to get the Valentine Fic Exchange underway! You’ll find information for sign-ups and the event schedule outlined below. If you have any questions about sign-ups, the schedule, or the event in general, you can check out our FAQ or reach out to us via our tumblr (@rdrevents​​). You can find our FAQ and Rules [Here].
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Sign-ups for our RDR Valentine Fanfic Exchange will open Thursday 26th January, 2023, so keep an eye out for the application! Sign-up confirmations will be sent out via email.
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Sign ups: Thursday 26th January – Friday 3rd February
Matches: Saturday 4th - Sunday 5th February ----
Start of Event: Monday 6th February ----
Gift Creation Deadline: Monday 13th February
Gift Reveal: Tuesday 14th February
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rdrevents · 2 years
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Happy 2023, Cowpokes! Our first event of the year is shaping up to be short and cavity-inducingly sweet! The Red Dead Valentine Fanfic Exchange will be a sign-up event and RDR fans of all shapes, sizes, ages and ships are welcome to participate. Keep an eye out for more information coming soon! ~ @rdrevents​
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rdrevents · 2 years
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Please see below the FAQ and Rules for our RDR Valentine Fanfic Exchange. If you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to send us an ask!
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1. What is the Valentine Exchange?
A gift-exchange with fluff and romance at its heart (platonic love counts too!) Everyone who signs up gets a Valentine to write a gift-fic for. Information about what kind of fic your Valentine would like to receive is collected during the sign-up, and you will receive this to help you write the perfect fic for your Valentine.
2. Is this strictly an RDR themed event?
Yes. While we allow OCs or Character x Reader fics, it must feature characters from RDR1 and/or RDR2.
3. How long is the exchange? This event is much shorter and smaller than our main exchange event (The RDRSecret Winter Exchange), so the sign-up, creation period, and gift reveal only last 20 days in total. 4. What are the fic requirements? Length:
Fics are expected to be between 800 - 1,500 words long. Going a little over the 1,500 is fine, but all fics should hit the minimum.
Fics should be independent one-shots that are not a part of, nor rely upon knowledge of, an existing fanfiction or establish ‘verse.
Fics should be tailored to your Valentine’s wishes to a reasonable extent. Some may request their writer take more liberty and creative freedom, some may have very specific requests in mind.
5. Is this a Secret/Anonymous Valentine?
While we do prefer to keep Valentine’s anonymous until the gift reveal, we are not pushing this as an anonymous event, so this will be left to the participants’ discretion if they wish their Valentine to remain secret or not.
6. Who can participate?
The event is open to everyone as long as you have not warranted removal from a previous event.
7. How do you choose gift-givers and recipients?
We pair up gift-givers and gift-recipients based on the information we receive via the application form. This includes information such as character/ship requests, content ratings, DNWs, and any interests that align.
8. What’s a DNW?
A Do Not Want is something that you or your gift-recipient does not want featured in the gifted piece in any way; the gift-giver is expected to respect the DNWs of the gift-receiver no matter what. Misuse of or ignoring DNWs will result in a ban from future participation in our events.
9. How do I participate in the Exchange?
A valid email is required to sign-up and partake in the event, but this information is only available to the event moderators and will only be used to confirm your participation and to share your gift-recipients preferred contact and gift information. We do this via email as tumblr’s messaging system is not suited for mass individual communication and event organisation. You will be required to fill out a google form which will request information for the gift you’d like to receive and what kind of gift you’re comfortable creating. This will include information such as desired prompts, general likes, characters / pairings, DNWs, etc. This helps us match you with a gift-giver/recipient.
10. I have an additional question, where do I ask?
You can message the moderator on Tumblr @rdrevents​, contact us on twitter @rdrevents_ or email the moderators at [email protected]
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By joining the event, you are agreeing to adhere to the pairing requirement and respect the Do-Not-Wants of their gift-recipient. Failure to do so will result in permanent exclusion from future events.
We do not accept works featuring or glorifying underage characters in sexual, explicit, or NSFW situations of any kind.
We accept adult and dark/heavy themes as long as they are appropriately tagged.However, to keep inline with the theme of this event we do not expect any dark and/or heavy themes to be the main focus of the story.
All conflicts that cannot be solved between involved parties should be brought to the moderators attention.
Moderators have the power to remove any person from the event should the party in question violate these rules or values.
Minors (Under 18s) cannot request (sexual) NSFW content and likewise cannot produce (sexual) NSFW. Anyone found lying about their age to receive such content will be banned from all future events.
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rdrevents · 2 years
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Hey Cowpokes! The deadline for the Valentine Exchange is drawing closer, so in preparation for our grand reveal on February 14th, we have set-up our Ao3 Collection for all your gifts!
|| Ao3 RDR Valentine Exchange Collection ||
You can add your finished gift to the collection at any time before February 14th and it will remain hidden, so once it’s submitted you can pat yourself on the back and consider it a job well done! Once the big day rolls around, the collection will become public and your gifts will be revealed automatically. To add your fic to the collection, follow these steps:
Click the link above and it will take you to the submission page (make sure you’re signed in to your account.)
Fill in the information as you usually would when posting to Ao3
Remember to add your Gift-Recipient in the ‘Gift This Work To’ box if you have their username.
Make sure to rate and tag your fic as needed.
Submit your fic.
Kick back and wait for the reveal day.
If you don’t have an Ao3 and will be posting (or cross-posting) to tumblr you can schedule your post or just post it manually on February 14th.
When posting your fic, please include the following event tag, especially when posting to tumblr so we can find and reblog your gifts!
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch via our askbox. @rdrevents​
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rdrevents · 2 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day, Cowpokes! The big reveal day is here, and we’re super excited to read and share all your amazing Valentine inspired gifts. Our Ao3 collection - [FOUND HERE] - is now LIVE! Please like, reblog, share, and heap praise and comments upon all our lovely writers, thank you for sharing that sweet Valentine spirit! TAGGING Remember to include the #RDRvalentineexchange tag in your AO3 works and tumblr posts! Ao3 works should also be added to the collection linked above. MISSING GIFTS If you have not recieved your gift by Wed 15th (tomorrow) and have not recieved any notice your gift will be late, please get in touch with us ASAP. LATE GIFTS If you won’t have your fic finished and uploaded today, please get in touch with us ASAP so we can let your Valentine know! Sweetly yours, @rdrevents​
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