#also theres a typo i meant to write 'theyre just like that'
munchy-k · 2 years
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I wanted to share this thought with u tumblr ppl
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jujutsu-headcanons · 4 years
Yuuji is 100% a himbo and is so incredibly dense that it bothers everyone. Like how can one boi be this dumb??? this pure?? then theres Sukuna, the total opposite but yuuji def grows on him. (not like they have a choice since theyre stuck together but still) Also Yuuji and Sukuna 100% have a weird fam/sibling bond dont @ me. Theyll fight abb stupid shit n get into really petty arguments and I wholeheartedly believe that if Yuuji ever holds someones hand sukuna will lick them for shiggles.
These are canon because I say so
If people think that I'm Gege-sensei's secret tumblr then I have that power
Did you know I had to Google what a himbo was when I joined the jjk fandom because literally everyone calls him that? And when I found out what the word meant I couldn't stop? Like seriously his picture is next to the word in the dictionary. I hate him, and I say that in the most endearing way possible. He's an absolute idiot, and I seriously think it's because he's mentally still a child. If you wanna be technical, kids mature kinda fast these days. By the age of fifteen we usually think we're adults, and some of us even have to think/act like adults. But Yuji wasn't really exposed to anything (that we know of) other than his grandpa being ill and being hospitalized. Now I can speak from personal experience, that can make you mature pretty quickly. I think if we look at the differences between chapter one and now he has matured, but he still holds on to his childlike nature. Honestly he was probably given this personality to further Gojo's hatred of training shamans so young and "robbing their youth" to just prove his theory further. Even Megumi, of all people, can act childish because he's kinda still a kid too, he was just exposed to way more shit as a kid mostly Gojo and it made him mature faster.
And you're right about Sukuna. They're literally living the non-romantic trope of "opposites attract" and he hates it so much. And I won't argue with anyone on this because you're 100% right, Sukuna has grown fond of Yuji. He hates it. He calls it going "soft". He literally acts like he wish he possessed anyone else but he loves the brat.
I like to think Sukuna isn't hostile all the time. Like seriously, he's pretty angry for an old man but he has to get bored some time. I like to think one night he woke Yuji up in the middle of the night to learn about the modern world. "show me that little box thing with the light on it. Yea, your phone. Show me pictures." You can't tell me he isn't curious about what's happened in the past thousand years
Wait until he finds out he has his own wiki page you know he wants to know what people think of him. Just a sassy Sukuna going "oh that is so not how it happened!!"
And when he gets to know more about the modern world chaos ensues. "Yea yea that Jennifer bimbo is cute but have you seen Scarlett Johansson???" And all the sudden Yuji is just having a one sided argument because did I mention Sukuna is still in Yuji's head and it looks like he's just talking to himself
Not to mention they argue about stupid shit like "this is our body now brat please stop stuffing junk food in it" and "can you please stop talking about cheese Sukuna i have class in like three hours" and it's just a riot
I have this headcanon about Nobara toward the other boys, but I feel like Sukuna has the whole "yea this is my brat I beat him up and belittle him but he's MY brat I'm the only one allowed to tell him his hair looks weird shut UP" they would so be brothers in another life
I think Yuji gets touchy when someone's upset "let me love you!!!" "Uhhh do you need a hug?" "The best I can offer is a rub on the back" so he does hold people's hands often and Sukuna licks/bites then sbd does not help at all. I also think if Yuji covers one of the mouths with his hand he gets licked/bitten, and Sukuna probably steals food out of Yuji's hand just to make him sad. Sukuna torments this poor child
Sorry for typos and shit I'm writing in s hurry and my keyboard decided to stop autocorrecting half way through lmao
EDIT: I feel it important to mention that I'm making a separate list of headcanons that's just gonna be Sukuna and Yuji snd all the shit they do to each other and shit it's gonna be hilarious
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irregodless · 6 years
its only like a dollar but heres a review anyway if youre not sure if you want it
so lets review. 38 trolls in total, counting the trolls who come in twos. assuming these trolls are released as individuals for their friendsims, that makes a total of 38 trolls. which makes 19 sims at MOST, otherwise, 18, so either way a full experience for roughly 20 dollars
the art is not bad. ardata’s was better than diemen’s frankly. diemen had a lot of squiggly imperfect lines. most of the backgrounds seem like subgrub caps from the game, but some seem to be unique.
im not good with music so i cant tell how much of it is original and what comes from hiveswap, honestly i couldnt even tell just by memory if the two even had different music. but it wasnt bad.
the writing isnt bad either. it’s very andrew hussie. and where hiveswap felt in its first act like it was going to be very soft and easy, friendsim has that good old dark alternian culture going on. there was one major typo near the beginning and they forgot to highlight one of diemen’s hotdog synonyms like they did for all the others. i know a lot of work goes into making these (music, art, writing, coding, etc) but when the main deal of the work is that its a written and read experience and there are typos (granted only the 2 i noticed) its really disappointing. but not enough to ruin any hope for it
related to that each troll (or should i say both for now) has 3 routes, as expected. there is a “good” end, a “bad” end and an instant loss. the instant loss, for these two, occurs literally within the first interaction and ends, literally, with the character saying “never speak to me again” and leaving. for ardata, her bad end and instant loss were the EXACT SAME with the exact same end screen and name. diemen had three individual endings, even though one of them was just him saying “never speak to me again.” the ending screens are kinda poorly drawn like jailbreak era art, but isnt MEANT to be spectacular. i think considering the entire focus of the game was story and art the sprites could have been higher quality, but i wont harp on it too much
there are not many options. in fact, theres only roughly four. the first which determines whether or not youll fail immediately or progress, and then two decisions that determine if you go to the good or bad route. (ardata had a fifth option but it was only one single option you HAD to choose and might as well have not been an option anyway.)
gameplay for me, lasted roughly an hour, maybe about ten-fifteen minutes under. worldbuilding was not enormous, and theyre still kind of banking on non-homestucks playing it by lightly explaining the hemospectrum and lusii (though to be fair, our character isnt a troll so its fair pc wouldnt know these things immediately. its my hope that depending on framing for future installments that these obligatory pleasantries, but considering theyve made it in a way where you can only buy the ones you WANT to play, i doubt it will play out as a linear story and itll be the same scenario but with different options. i kind of hope once theyre all released theyll condense it into a singular set of options or something i guess
a dollar per hour of gameplay really isnt that promising, but its possible future trolls will have more complex stories which involve either more routes, options, or story.
so, under the assumption the soleils and folkyl and kuprum are their own characters, we have 38 trolls. 19 possible games. 3 routes per troll (including an immediate failure). summing at 114 total routes for 18.81 dollars (might as well say 20)
its........ fun. i guess. i like learning about the new trolls. and its certainly cheap. but if you really just cant pay a collective 20 dollars +about 10 or 15 for individual hiveswap games, id recommend just checking out a lets play of it
if nobody does one id even consider doing one myself for people who are curious or dont want to spend their money on it if there was a demand for such a thing
overall grade: A Repetitively “Not Bad” Experience (That Will Hopefully Get Better With Consecutive Releases).
EDIT: i forgot to put this in but also diemens route is really creepy and like. pedophilic. dealing with trolls is kind of hard in this respect but knowing everyone on the planet is a kid and theres like awkward moments between pc and him just makes it........... erh. maybe im too old, maybe its aimed for people 17 and under. maybe diemens just especially pushy as a person since ardata wasnt quite like that. i dont know. i just didnt like it. it was uncomfortable.
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