#although some people might feel that change at 25
aromanticduck · 5 months
Sorry if you're already over 50, I ran out of room (you're welcome to leave your thoughts in the tags or replies!)
If you're younger than 10, get the fuck off Tumblr. People are saying swears on here!
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[EDIT: It's OK to vent a bit about negative feelings in the comments/tags, but if you're gonna talk about killing yourself, do me a favour and fucking don't]
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akilahia · 3 months
Thinking about IHNMAIMS in pretty much all of its forms.
Specifically Ted and Ellen. Obviously in the Game their relationship is very different from the short story/comic/radio drama, with Ted being in love with Ellen(although it’s evident it’s because she is the only woman left alive). In the game he shows devotion to her, he is willing to push past his usual methods of flirtation and find other ways to get what he needs.
But in the other adaptions his feelings towards Ellen are mixed. I think his unique backstory with being so dependent on women to live a happier and more lavish life style, significantly effect how he views Ellen beyond AM’s tampering
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Throughout the short story Ted constantly thinks ill of Ellen. Even though prior to being placed in this hell, she had only had sex twice before. But she is the last woman alive on earth. The video game(while following a different plot line(still one that is extremely tragic and literally made me cry)) expresses that even before Ellen’s assualr she had little to no interest in sex. She would never have had sex with the four men if it weren’t for
1. AM
2. Being the Last women alive
3. AM’s deliberate tampering
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In a world where characters like Benny have been so permanently physically marked as a form of torture by AM, something like sex, is not as extreme in comparison(at least from Ted’s perspective). However to be the last woman alive, with minimal interest in sex, to be tampered with in such a way, is such a horrific form of torture.
I’m going to shift a way from this for a second to talk about Ted’s backstory for the video game. I understand that the videogame makes changes in terms of backstory for some of the characters(like Benny), so we can’t claim Ted’s backstory for the game is even remotely close to whatever it might have been for the short story. However, I still think can provide interesting context to his behavior towards Ellen.
Starting off, he really isn’t the cool rich guy that he played himself off to be when life was still normal. He never came from money, he was poor and he was forced to work and couldn’t go to school. However he was good looking which is resulted in older woman being attracted to him. And when he was NINETEEN, one older woman gave him her husband’s money and offered him the chance to travel and live in luxury.
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Now this probably isn’t important, or was even taken into consideration by the game makers, but I was curious as to what the possible age gap between this older woman and Ted could be. The were together for 5 years, then she died
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She died specifically of an aneurysm, which according to Google typically happens between the ages of 30 to 60. There is all this stuff with the Cold War and ww3 and I was going to try to do all this math with it but it’s too late for that and not relevant to the point I’m trying to make. But I’m just going to do some simple mental math and estimate that it might have been late 60’s or early 70’s when the older woman and Ted first got into a relationship. As I’m assuming everything went to shit in 1995 since that’s when the game came out, and 25 years had passed after he met the woman. Also this makes sense as Ted’s grandfather sold the farm due to the Great Depression, since most people married and had kids young, I’m going to be generous and say grandpa was 30 in 1929, and Ted’s mother or father was 9, then 10-12 years later Ted was born. Then 19 years later it would be about the 60’s or 70’s.
I am going to presume that the older woman had been married to her husband for at least 15 years. So it might have been 50’s at the earliest possibility. And the average age people married at then was when they were in their 20’s. So when she met Ted she was AT THE EARLIEST 35. Making her at least 16 years older than Ted when the first got together. But also worth noting that they do specifically mention older. So if we look on the higher side of the typical ages for aneurisms she could have been 55 when they first met(as the 5 years would pass making her 60) so she could have been 36 years older than him.
This seriously isn’t relevant to the actual point I’m trying to make with Ellen and Ted but I got sucked in. I guess I just wanted to highlight that Ted did not have the power in this relationship, he was young and poor, while she was old and rich, and I can imagine how that kind of relationship would impact him.
The next thing I want to note is the use of the word ‘lover’.
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Though it can be used in a strictly romantic non intimate sense, I think it is used in the sexual way here.
Especially with the provided context of two different definitions of the word ‘lover’ both highlighting it’s connotations with sexual relationships
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Furthermore, Ted’s relationship with the older woman is essentially just a sugar baby relationship. She is letting him experience things he never could have without her money. She teaches him how to act as a socialite and gets him used to the high life.
In connection to the sexual elements above, there was a video I wanted to link here but I can’t find it anywhere anymore. It was a YouTube video with a bunch of sugar babies discussing their experiences. And one woman confides that you really won’t make much money if you are in a platonic or non intimate romantic relationship with your sugar parent. If you want to make money and live richly, you have to preform sexual favors.
Now it’s hard to say if this was the only relationship with an older woman that Ted had been in. But regardless of whether it was one woman or a billion, using his body in order to get something that he wants has become an important asset to Ted; As seen in the castle with the maid and the witch. His love for Ellen(in the video game) helps him break past this fatal flaw of his, despite AM’s obvious temptations to make him fail.
Even if this stuff was in anyone’s minds when they wrote Ted’s backstory but I think it’s extremely important to note, especially as we return to my main point.
As stated before, Ted views Ellen negatively due to her promiscuity, despite the desire(felt really gross typing this word in this context) being placed in her as a form of torture by AM. She also is a woman, and Ted’s life has been spent around using and being used by women, so definitely lots of conflicting stuff there. Additionally Ted’s experiences with sexual relations are shown to be based in being transactional.
When he agrees with Ellen to go to the caves to get the food, she rewards him by being intimate with him to show her gratitude. Ted sees it as her ‘using him.’ (From the Radio Drama, I was going to post the clip but I could only post one video in a tumblr post apparently)
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In the comic, after this encounter he questions her motivations. What she got out of it, once again thinking transactionally. But her response
“Does there have to be a reason”
Really gets to me. Especially after looking at all this intertextual context. Thinking about video game Ted’s backstory with book Ted’s thoughts and behaviors, he is shown to always think there is some kind of catch. No one is doing something without getting something in return, especially if that thing is kindness.
Ted is so intensely paranoid(as seen in all versions). I think by pairing up the backstory for the game with the short story/comic/radio drama it’s evident to see how heavily affected he is by it.
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He thinks he has been tormented less by AM, making him paranoid of the others, contributing towards his behavior towards Ellen. Yet despite everything from the past and all of AM’s tampering, he still finds comfort with Ellen. Her unfaltering kindness manages to reach him even when he dismisses it as a farce. She doesn’t hate him or the others for how they’ve treated her, she still wants to help them. He still cares for her and the others. But he is filled with so much fear. He even apologizes to her.
I feel like at that point in the Radio drama marks a shift. Ted has made a realization about AM and it’s a lot for him, but Ellen is there for him. It’s a genuinely sincere act of kindness from her where she doesn’t ask or expect anything in return. They have some kind of connection. Once again blending the different versions, I think that this moment between them comes together in the end when they kill the other victims together. They don’t speak to each other, they just do it quickly and he kills her. And here he doesn’t refer to her by any degrading names. In the comic he holds her. Like how in the radio drama she held him.
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Overall I just wanted to point out how well all these versions really mix to provide so much more behind each character. The backstories for the video game allow the reader to understand book Ted’s actions and relationships from a new angle.
The is was super duper major mess of a ramble. It’s now 3 am and I have a migraine, so I’m done for tonight. I might clean this up another time or make another post about Video game Ted with context to his backstory since I didn’t include the events from the video game in here.
Once again these are just my thoughts and beliefs on how I think the video game backstory for Ted provides interesting context for Book Ted. I know that both stories play out differently and both Ted’s act differently so please don’t get angry if you disagree with the message of stuff I said
mini sequel post about video game Ted
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haveyoubeentothiscity · 5 months
It’s a theme day!
In honor of tumblr’s Speak Your Language Day (@spyld), I’ll be posting polls in languages other than English today! Here’s some caveats, and see below the read more for additional notes on translations and cities.
Some caveats:
Order of the options is the same as always, so you shouldn’t need translation tools.
The reading direction, formatting, and capitalization on some of these might be kind of funky. In some cases, very funky.
I’ve generally kept the format “city, state, country” although that is not typical in all languages.
I had to fill in some blanks to add the actual cities, and I also did a lot of copying and pasting. I’m sure I’ve made tons of mistakes, especially in languages with more complex conjugation and in those that use a different alphabet/writing system.
If you notice mistakes I’ve made, please feel free to leave a comment and I will add a note to the text of the post, since I can’t change the poll itself. But, to translate is to interpret and so if you simply disagree with a translator’s word choices please be respectful in how you voice your opinion. The people who helped make this day possible offered a service and their work is very appreciated!
Finally, you are always welcome to engage with my posts in your language of choice, but that goes double today! Comments, reblogs, and asks in any language are welcome.
How were languages chosen?
I opened a Google form about a month ago, and closed it after 25 languages. While I’m pleased with the variety, please understand that the families represented will be skewed by the blog’s demographics.
How were polls translated?
Polls were generously translated by followers using the form. In the case of multiple submissions, I prioritized native or fluent speakers, then typically chose the translation that was either the first one submitted or that had the most helpful notes. As mentioned in the caveats above, I then had to add in the cities.
How were cities chosen?
I wanted the city to be one where the submitted language is commonly used.
Translators had the opportunity to choose a city they wanted their translation to be used for; in the case of multiple suggestions I chose the first one submitted. If no eligible cities were suggested, I chose a city from the general submissions list. If that also didn’t have any eligible cities, I just picked a populous city in the country/region.
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My memory is terrible so I wanted to do a breakdown of my stuff every once in a while. Might be monthly, might be whenever I feel like it.
QL - Currently Watching
🇹🇭23.5 [11/12] - This show is not working for me anymore. Of course I'll finish because there's only one more episode but honestly I don't really care if any of them are together and that's a problem.
🇯🇵25 Ji, Akasaka de [5/10] - I'm so normal about this show. The way this show is using the show within the show is really smart and the editing is very good. I'm actually looking forward to see how the 'rival' will shake things up, which is odd for me.
🇰🇷Boys Be Brave [2/8] - So far so good. Gi Seop is obvisouly not the best boy but there's something about his energy on screen that is compelling to me. I really liked that Jin Woo was honest about his feelings and I like the 'I love you but I don't like you' dynamic a lot. The second couple gave me some ODS vibes so I'm bracing for some angst. [Finished will write it up at the next round up]
🇯🇵Living with him [6/8] - Filler episode with not a lot of new information, but I did enjoy the supermarket scene. I continue to delight in Kasuhito's expressions.
🇰🇷Love Is Like a Cat [2/12] - I'm waiting to binge this one. Didn't like how this started and the rhythm just isn't working for me. [Finished]
🇹🇭My Stand-In [1/12] - Pretty is pretty. But I don't trust Thailand with high concept so I have reservations. I hope I'm wrong. I liked the first episode so we'll see.
🇹🇭Only Boo! [7/12] - Well the Shone thing was what I feared and I don't think it really fit with this show at all but now it's over and I'm ready to forget it ever happened. Moo continues to be an absolute delight to watch and I'm looking forward to seeing a more relaxed Kang. The sides are pure torture. Payos sweetie, you need to confess or let it go cause I can't take it anymore.
🇹🇭We Are [8/16] - I'm enjoying the friendships in this a lot, it all feels very natural when they are together. I'm not super invested in any of the couples, although they're all doing a good job. I'm having a good time with Tan/Fang (Aou is so fun to watch) and hopefully I will have a good time whenever the show decides to give me Chain/Pun. I also think some of the actors have really improved, I was really impressed with Satang specially.
QL - Finished
🇹🇭1000 Years Old - I wrote before that this one wasn't really my thing and obviously the finale didn't really change that. The different lifetimes I think could've been explored earlier and would probably make this a bit more interesting to me. It's not like there was too much going on to use the time for that but it is what it is. Also the whole thing with the vampire girl/wife, it was so unexplored that I didn't really get why all of a sudden I should care about her at all. All in all, it started fun but halfway through it lost me a bit and now it's over. Bring on the next vamps.
🇹🇭Deep Night - This one surprised me a bit. There was a refreshing amount of good communication and they gave the people what they wanted, poly and older lesbians. I wish there were more acrobatics and the editing was weird in places but overall it's an entertaining show.
🇰🇷Gray Shelter - This is weird one. Because I feel like I have to fill in the gaps myself and that just shouldn't be the case. I enjoyed the actors a lot, and Lee Jae Bin presence on screen kept me engaged for most of it. There is definitely potential here if they had the time to explore all the different elements. But this runtime it's just not enough to fully flesh out these characters and the complex issues it wants to tackle.
🇯🇵Love is Better The Second Time Around - Started great but lost itself by the end. I don't think it needed that external conflict by the end with the brother and the mother because they weren't on firm ground to begin with. If I were to make a list like this one by @lurkingshan I don't think Myiata and Iwanaga would make it there. Iwanaga was amazing to watch though. He pretty.
🇯🇵My Strawberry Film - One pining gay boy does not a bl make. With that said, even as a drama there's nothing interesting here.
🇹🇭To Be Continued - Meh. It was fine. I wish I had more of the side couple because Gumbie is adorable. Midway this was getting into The Promise territory, and while it's not that bad, and I guess the reason for the separation is a valid one, I don't think Achi being the 'bad guy' for most of the show actually makes sense.
🇹🇼Unknown - The last two episodes were a bit of a letdown if I'm honest. I have nothing to say about the first 10 episodes. Incredible. The character growth is so well done, and the family scenes feel very grounded. Just all around outstanding work from the whole cast, but specially Kurt and Chris. I think Kurt showed Yuan growth so well and I'm in awe of Chris' acting all the way through. Even with the little stumble at the end this show and these characters will stay with me for a while.
Rose Watches OJBL
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Junjou (2010) - Second chance romance. I liked it. It's a nice watch, nothing particularly outstanding or new about this one, although that's not really fair considering it's more than a decade old, but alas I've seen other versions of this particular type of bl. Nevertheless I liked the characters, specially Tozaki,
Athlete (2019) - The visuals were the best part for me. There are several things I like in this, the main actor does a really good job imo and I truly enjoyed the bar scenes. But it doesn't all come together for me. I don't have a problem with the ending as much as how we got there.
Other - Watched
This was a slow month for me. I started a new job and some other stuff happened so I haven't really been in the mood to watch new stuff. Mostly comfort watches and rewatches. Oh I did watch Heartbreak High S2. It was good.
That's it for right now. My ask box is always open. Wishing you all a wonderful holiday tomorrow💜
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factual-fantasy · 10 months
I have 25 Asksskssks :0000
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No one in the group can pacify, no. <:/
But this just made me imagine Seam pulling up with a Ralsei and he's just like "Ok do it now-" Ralsei pacifies Jevil and he falls flat on his face. Totally asleep, just- dead to the world.
"Thank you, I can never get him to sleep. What a stubborn jester he is." Seam picks Jevil up and just walks away with him XDD
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Whenever I feel like drawing it. Heck, I might not draw another series at all 🤷‍♂️
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Yeah! I figured it would be restricting if the clothes on the animatronics were real <XD
Also THANK YOU! :DDD I'm usually not so sure about that part of my comics, so I'm glad to hear that you like it! :}}}
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Oh! No no, Sunny and Moony are the same person. The daycare attendant is 1 animatronic, with 1 personality. He is 1 person.
In the true swap, DA swaps with DJMM.
In the partial swap, DA doesn't swap with anyone. Him and DJ's theme both just get changed up a bit.
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I don't think the animatronics would understand the significance of Christmas like we do..
To them, Christmas is just that time of year where the Pizzaplex gets decorated with trees and shiny things. Their cued songs change and they get temporary redesigns for about a month or so. Then suddenly all the decorations get torn down and everything goes back to normal. :/
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I can see Freddy liking just a simple Pepperoni. :) Same with Bonnie!
Chica probably likes all pizzas, but maybe her favorite is a pizza with absolutely all the toppings. Spinach, Black olives, Sausage, extra cheese, Mushrooms, onions- just put everything on there! XD
I'd like to think that Foxy is surprisingly a bit picky with his pizza and prefers a plain cheese. :00
Monty probably likes most pizza's but maybe he openly prefers Hawaiian pizza?
Roxy probably also likes Hawaiian pizza but is afraid of being judged so never eats it :(
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I DO love slime rancher! :DD I "beat" the first game and I forgot to play the second one- :x
Also thank you! :DD
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Thank you!! :DD I'm glad you like what you see! :}}
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I have seen that episode but I don't remember much of it... what headcannon are you referring to..?
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Jevil would probably see all these people who are trapped and losing their minds and offer to take them all with him. Out into the multiverse to find freedom and a new home..
Although I wonder if he could even do that. Their digital nature might prevent them from traversing into the multiverse <XD
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Those penguins look like they live an a tropical environment.. Which Peso's family does not... :((
Also my Peso isn't an Emperor, he's a Royal! :)
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AWWWW I LOVE THAT IDEA!! I think I've seen the comic you're talking about! :DD
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In the edn..
In the... eden...
In.. the...... e d e n
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Google seems to say that male calico cats are possible. They're just extremely rare (1 in 3,000 up to 1 in 10,000) and they have an XXY chromosome which can cause Klinefelter's Syndrome.
After all the googling I did I decided to add this fact to my Calico Jack lore XDD
SO my new canon is, on Kwazii's mom's side of the family there are generation after generation of Calico daughters. Having a male calico is extremely rare so most of his moms family are all female calicos. BUT, his great, great, great, etc- Grandfather was a rare male calico. His name was Jackson something Calico. He was pirate legend and all that stuff.
Jackson had some daughters and then generations later the second male would be born to the calico line. Kwazii's grandfather! They named him Jackson too after the first male Calico in their bloodline. Jack is aware of his rarity and is very proud to bear the name Jackson.
Now Kwazii's dad was an orange tabby. So he was born male and has most all the fur patterns his dad did. Say for there being a little more white than is usually seen in tabby's coat. Maybe he got a bit of that from his Calico mom.?
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Also I actually haven't heard of that game.. it sounds interesting though! 👀
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Bash would probably take all the clay, make it into a ball, and then add spikes to it. Wait till it hardens, and then through it at people XDD
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I don't recall making a post like that.. anyhow, my algorithm now is "I post whatever I want, whenever I want" <XDD
I don't have a schedule or an algorithm I'm trying to follow. I just draw whatever I want and post them whenever I want to.
The ask posts though, those are dependent on my followers. Usually when I get to 30-40 askes stored up I compile as many as I can and answer them in one go. :0
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I don't take any requests, no. But if someone asks about my AU's and wants more insight on something, that usually interests me enough to want to draw something for it. Like just now I have two asks stored away because I'd like to draw something for them..👀
But that doesn't mean that every ask like that will get a drawing. A lot of the time those asks just make me think and I type out a response instead. I'm always open for those asks though and would read all of your suggestions! Just don't ask them expecting me to draw them because 9 times out of 10 they wont get a drawing-
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My advice would be to base your OC on an already existing animatronic. That way it looks related to the other animatronics and fits in a little better :0
So in my opinion your options are animatronics like Ballora, Circus Baby, Puppet, Ennard, Balloon boy.. you know, the "human" characters. You could use one of them as a reference and make something similar but with a skeleton theme.
For example, the Puppet. You could make your own puppet with maybe different proportions, and a skull mask instead of a clown(?) one. Maybe instead of stripes on the arms it could be a cartoony bone pattern. Instead of buttons on the chest it could be 2-3 ribs on each side. Stuff like that! :}
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Oh no no- The partial and true swap follow the formula of the classic AU.
So in the partial swap, Foxy was sane and helped guide Gregory through the pizzaplex. Gregory escapes with Foxy's help, but later returns. Foxy takes him to the basement where Gregory snoops around and finds Chica. Later on Chica and Gregory snoop around and find Freddy. Monty, Roxy and Bonnie don't remember Gregory and they're not aware that he's in the basement.
Now in the true swap, Bonnie was sane and helped guide little Vanessa through the pizzaplex. She escapes with Bonnie's help, but later returns. Bonnie takes her to the basement where she snoops around and finds Chica. Later on Chica and Vanessa snoop around and find Freddy. Monty, Roxy and Foxy don't remember Vanessa and they're not aware that she's in the basement.
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Seam is currently collapsed in the snow somewhere having big old man sleepy time✨
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Actually, in the most recent FNAF comic that I made, that's exactly what Gregory was doing! :00 He was trying to take the arm off to hopefully tape it onto Bonnie and give him a new arm <XD
Who's to say it would have worked-
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detentiontrack · 1 month
Oh wow you actually give quite good advice. Got any advice for highschoolers? I just started my freshman year (although probably some advice won’t be terribly applicable since the entire school is 25 people and my class is 4 kids, but it’s worth a shot. Also it might help other people.)
YES! I DO! So I went to a year and a half of high school before moving up to college and I HATED it. Here are some tips that would have made it suck less.
Learn to have a thicker skin. Easier said than done, I KNOW, but if someone says something mean to you, you can't let it bother you forever. Accept that they're just an asshole or are insecure and taking it out on others, and move on. Your worth is not defined by what some 14 year old bitch says about you.
It is not lame to have a good relationship with teachers! Talk to them, hang out with them during lunch, don't care what anyone else thinks.
Pack yourself a lunch every single day. Its healthier and you'll have more time to hang out during lunch.
Get involved! Join clubs, do student government or debate, do cast or crew for the fall musical. I did costumes for my freshman fall musical, and it's how I met one of my best friends who is still my best friend almost 5 years later (if you're reading this, you know who you are. ily <3)
Don't feel pressured to dress a certain way for fashion trends. I was a freshman in 2019/2020 so vsco girl/cottage core/""alt"" (that wasn't even really alternative) were very popular and I basically didn't wear any of my favorite clothes for a while. Just do what makes you happy.
Get a 504 or an IEP (educational/school accommodation plans) if you need one. They're life savers (if anyone wants another post on what was on my 504 for accommodations, lmk!)
Your body is inevitably going to change. Most people gain weight when they're in high school. Despite being a teenager, you are still a CHILD. Your body isn't going to look like an instagram model's. Don't let it get to you.
Always carry around pads or tampons with you. Even if you don't have periods. You never know when you or someone you know will get a surprise period.
Bring deodorant in your backpack every day. You will need it, even if you apply it in the morning.
Don't be that person who puts on heavy perfumes or body sprays in class. Just don't.
Take honors/AP classes if you can! They're honestly not that much more difficult and they look great on your record.
Do every single extra credit assignment!
Use google docs for everything
Take notes in every class, even if you already know the subject and notes aren't required.
Learn to study in high school, even if you don't need to. You WILL need to study in college and it's good to already know your studying style.
Take lots of photos! Even if you are insecure. You don't have to look at them, but someday you'll want to have them. I was deeply insecure in high school and have barely any photos of myself, and I deeply regret that.
You know those posts that are like "life may suck but at least I'm not 15 again"? Those posts are real. High school is NOT AT ALL the best years of your life, despite what everyone may tell you. Things can always get better.
Try not to date much in high school. Statistically, you are not going to marry your freshman year partner. Even if you think they're "the one", don't take it super seriously. You both have a lot of developing to do.
There is a LOT of pressure to lose your virginity in high school. That is bullshit. It's okay to not have sex until later. It's okay to never have sex. Anyone who tries to pressure you or tell you otherwise, is NOT someone you want in your life. The right sexual partner will respect your boundries and not try to pressure you into anything.
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sliipppy · 3 months
Because I am insane and sleep deprived, here is my attempt to make sense of the batfamily ages and what I believe they are currently at, with full explanations. Fair warning, although I have done like, legit research and have reasonings, some of these still fit into headcanons.
Bruce - 45
Dick - 28
Babs - 30
Jason - 23
Tim - 21
Steph - 22
Cass - 23
Damian - 14
Duke - 17
Bruce is the oldest, obviously. However, when he first adopts Dick he is still young himself. Hence why along with their father-son relationship, they sorta have a brotherly relationship. (Specfically in classic comics, Bruce would often refer to him as a brother. ) I like how it complicates their relationship and how it shows he wasn't really ready to nessicarily handle a child. I like to hc that he got adopted at 8, which would make Bruce 25 when he adopted him.
It was difficult to settle on this age because the age in which Dick became Robin has been changed so many times. Originally, he was 7. New Teen Titans says he was 8. Other comics say he was 10, 12, and even 15. I feel like most people say 8, and for the sake of my own agenda, I'm saying 8, and you can not stop me.
I think 28 is a good age for Dick. Babs similarly should be around his age as they grew up together (at least in newer canon since she used to be quite a bit older.), but she's always been portrayed as older even when around her age, and to kinda account for the weirdness surrounding her age I put her as 30. She becomes Batgirl at 18, and likely becomes Oracle when she's in her 20s, probably around 23.
Batman tells Cass multiple times in Batgirl 2000 that she and Jason were the same age, so that makes it easier to rule the two together. Addiontally, Cass, Steph, and Tim are all around the same age range, Cass being the oldest, so that makes things easier too. Cass starts operating as Batgirl at 18 which would make Tim around 16 when she takes the cowl. This works since Tim became Robin at around 13 and he had been Robin for a good amount of time before Cass became Batgirl. I think it's a litttle longer than I'd like. But whatever. I was considering ignoring canon and saying he becomes Robin at 14, because I think 2 years as Robin before Cass rather than 3 is more fitting but whatever. It does fit since Tim was introduced way earlier than Cass, however real time doesn't really affect these ages. Anyways, big sister Cass supremacy I think people forget she's one of the oldest. I think she might have been de-aged to be around Tim's age but FUCK that she was originally Jason's age and this is my headcanon and I like to thing N52 didn't fuck everything up in my happy Tumblr space.
We know Steph is 1 year older than Tim because she's a freshman in college during Batgirl 2009, and he's a high-school dropout in Red Robin 2009 as he searches for Bruce. Stephanie becomes Spoiler at 15, and Robin at 16. She comes back when she's around 17-18. This lands our 2000s trio with ages at 23(Cass), 22(Steph), and 21(Tim).
Jason is a mess. At least I thought he would be, but it actually turned out kinda perfect. We know Jason and Cass are the same age, so he's at 23 with her. He becomes Robin at 12, and dies at 15. He comes back as Red Hood at 18 and was dead for around 3 years. Jason Todd is 18 when he comes back to life because right before War Games, Bruce takes Cass to Jason's grave, on his 18th birthday!!! and of course the event that acts as a sort of aftermath to War Games is Under the Red Hood so Jason is 18 when he first becomes Red Hood. Cass is still a fairly new character when UTRH happens, so i think her being 18-19 when he comes back fits well. Tim being around 16 kinda fits nice too as hes around the same age as Jason when he died. I think Steph being so close in age also helps since so many parallels are drawn between the two.
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Detective Comics #790
Duke is still a teenager, and he is regarded to be one of the youngest bats, but still quite a bit older than Damian. In We are Robin, Duke is 16, as shown in the who are the robins bonus art. He is still a newer character and hasn't been Signal for long. I assume that by the time Batman and the Signal rolls around, he's 17 and is still currently 17.
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We are Robin #4
I'm pretty sure Damian was 14 in Robin (2021) but I could be wrong it's been a while since I've read it and I never finished it so idk if he ever aged since then. He became Robin at 10, so in those 4 years, he's obviously grown and matured a lot, but I mean, who doesn't those are formative years. I was gonna bump him up to 15. However, this doesn't work. He is supposed to be 10 while Tim is 17. (Babs says he's ten during Batgirl 2009, and we established Tim is 17 during this.) To keep it consistent with the others, I'm keeping Damian at 14.
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Batgirl 2009 #17
Feel free to correct anything I said here if it's incorrect. I am not perfect nor all-knowing. Also I'm horrible with math and numbers so I probably fucked something up here so feel free to make fun of me for that. Or you can make fun of the issues I have below.
Issues :
Dick can't be Robin at 8 if I stick with these ages because that would mean at the time Tim is 1 which means he wouldn't even be able to remember the show which means he would never be Robin.
I would've liked Bruce to be a little younger when first taking Dick in, but also I think Bruce is at his best when he's a middle aged man and I didn't want him to be below 45 because I wanted him to be on his late 40's.
It's hard to characterized Duke after We Are Robin because he's supposed to he a teenager, however he was 16 in We Are Robin and it feels like he should have been Signal for a bit longer than that. This isn't as big of a deal, because I still think it's believable for him to have only been signal for about a year, and it's mainly just DC inconsistency, but it still bugs me.
Damian's entire age is sorta messy and there's definitely issues with it lol.
I think Cass' age is around the same as Tim's post 52 to fit with him since their the same generation. But i chose to ignore that, and you can't stop me I choose what canon I want.
Anyways, if you've read all of this, I fear you might be a little crazy. However, thank you!!!!!! Feel free to like leave your own opinion/headcanons. I LOVE hearing them. Thank you! Bye!
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pure-ablution · 11 days
City guide: London?
London is the nearest major city to me for much of the year, and I’m there an awful lot for all kinds of meetings and appointments. I’ve made a point of trying to step away from the basic clubs and restaurants popular amongst the usual set in the capital, and instead finding a few different places that I think are genuinely worth their while, even if they’re not the places to see and be seen. This is my own little personal directory of my top 3 (not ranked in any kind of order) for each major category—prices range, but the experiences remain top-notch, in my book.
Restaurants and bars:
German Gymnasium
1 King’s Boulevard, N1C 4BU
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This lovely German restaurant is right next door to St Pancras station, and I can’t count the number of times I’ve stepped off the Eurostar and sunk into a seat at the bar here. It’s a big place, so there’s no worrying about getting a table, but it still manages to feel private and not too open despite its being housed in a former gymnasium. The staff are very attentive, and the food is both excellent and plentiful—this isn’t nouvelle cuisine in any description! Be prepared for very hearty German dishes which, although perhaps not as authentic as one might find in Germany itself, are delicious and hearty.
Le Beaujolais
25 Litchfield Street, WC2H 9NJ
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This is a gorgeous, cosy little bistro and one of my favourite places in London for late-night catch-ups with old friends. Its wine list is quite extensive (ask politely behind the bar for the hidden gem list!) and the sharing platters on offer are a refreshing change from French haute cuisine in the capital, instead serving much more rustic and traditional dishes. A luxurious experience this is not, but it’s very fun, and I always meet some new and interesting people every time I pay Le Beaujolais a visit.
Gordon’s Wine Bar
47 Villiers Street, WC2N 6NE
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Gordon’s is the oldest wine bar in London, and I don’t think the décor has much changed since it first opened! There’s always a queue in the evenings, so I recommend booking ahead, but once you’re inside, it’s a lovely experience. The little plates of cheese and bread to go with the wines are always very fresh and tasty, and, of course, the wines themselves are amazing. This isn’t a place only for wine buffs, I see a lot of people on dates whenever I visit, but the staff and many of the patrons are extremely knowledgeable, and you can always have a great conversation with a fellow aficionado if you look out for one.
Museums and libraries:
Victoria & Albert Museum
Cromwell Road, SW7 2RL
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This is my absolute favourite of the big London museums, and probably one of my favourite museums in the whole world. I love the V&A. It’s a gorgeous space, the permanent collections form a fascinating journey through the history of decorative arts and design, and the temporary exhibitions are always incredible. It’s the world’s biggest museum of applied arts, and houses 5,000 years’ worth of textiles, jewellery, furniture, prints, and much, much more. I could spend weeks at any given time in the V&A, I just adore it.
The London Library
14 St James’s Square, SW1Y 4LG
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I like to have the name of a pretty, quiet little library for each city in the back of my mind, just in case I have a little work to do or a few hours to kill, and the London Library fills that slot for me in London. It’s not as extensive as the British Library, nor as beautiful as some of the university libraries in the capital, but it’s exactly what I like, in a very convenient location for me. I pay an annual membership fee, and it’s worth it to me for the peace and quiet, the excellent staff, the open access policy, and the surprisingly extensive collection of books housed here. It’s a real hidden gem and one that I’m very grateful for.
The Wallace Collection
Hertford House, Manchester Square, W1U 3BN
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I love a house museum, and I think that the Wallace Collection is an incredible example by which others ought to follow. It’s a large collection of fine and decorative arts, originally built by Sir Richard Wallace alongside the Marquesses of Hertford, in whose London townhouse the collection is held. The Wallace Collection houses one of the most important collections of 18th-century French decorative arts in the world, and puts on some extremely interesting temporary exhibitions programmes—even just browsing their exhibit archives is enough to inspire me!
Beauty and wellness:
Pied de Poule
67 Mortimer Street, W1W 7SE
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One of the nice things about London is the comparatively vast selection of Slavic beauty salons and providers available, and Pied-de-Poule is my favourite spot to call upon if I’m in dire need of an instantaneous makeover. I trust the beauticians here with my hair, makeup, and nails, and—in true Eastern European fashion—they’re capable of deploying their staff to carry out multiple services simultaneously, which saves me a huge amount of time in a city that moves fast. Pied-de-Poule is a chain franchise with branches in Ukraine and Poland, and although I wouldn’t pick them over other options back home, they provide a very respectable service and I’m very happy to use and recommend them in London.
Jinny Beauty
71 Kingston Road, KT3 3PB
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It’s not quite in London proper, but it’s definitely worth the trek out to New Malden to visit Jinny Beauty if you’re in search of a good facial. This Korean salon has been providing locals with glowing glass skin for over 20 years, and I love that I can go straight to Jinny and trust that I’ll receive an incredible massage combined with top-of-the-range equipment, including Hydrafacials, oxygen therapy, and ultrasonic treatments. If you’re looking for a proper, full-spectrum Korean aesthetic spa in England, Jinny is the best place for it, in my opinion, and the girls there are incredibly friendly, skilled, and knowledgeable about what they do.
New Docklands Steam Baths
30a Stephenson Street, E16 4SA
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This place has recently had a bit of a makeover, but it’s still far from glamorous, so I’ll let you search up interior photos for yourself and just give you the exterior for now. New Docklands isn’t for people who are looking for a luxurious sauna experience, it’s in a grotty area, and intended for expats and immigrants who are desperate for a good steam, and that’s what it does well. The steam is great, the clientele is a mixed—but always entertaining—bag, and I’d say that this is something similar to the Russian Baths in NYC, only without the cult status. The staff are helpful, the facilities are very clean, and I’d recommend sticking to the women-only sessions on Wednesdays and leaving your fancy things at home.
Regent Street, W1B 5AH
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I’m not all that bothered about Harrods or Selfridge’s, but I’m a huge, huge fan of Liberty. It’s just a little bit more quirky compared to other department stores, and I always find something unusual wandering around the gorgeous mock-Tudor building. Liberty is the artistic choice, I think, and I love that it supports and champions emerging brands, artists, and designers, instead of sticking to the tried-and-tested. Their own range of fabrics, of course, are stunningly beautiful, and the staff exceptionally helpful without being overly attentive to the point of bothersome—something that often grates on me in other shops.
Sign Of The Times
5 Elystan Street, SW3 3NT
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Sign of the Times began as a celebrity consignment store, and it still specialises in vintage designer and luxury brands. It’s generally my first stop if I’m struggling to find a specific piece from an old collection. The shop itself is very curated, and I’ve often found a lovely piece I didn’t even know existed just popping in during a free five minutes. Lorraine, the owner, is incredibly knowledgeable about fashion history, and she’s been able to advise me better than anyone else when it comes to more niche brands, items, and provenance. You pay for the experience and expertise, of course, but if you’re a collector or serious fashion enthusiast, then I recommend Sign of the Times wholeheartedly.
Sunbury Antiques Market
Kempton Park, TW16 5AQ
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I’m not a big fan of the independent antiques scene in London, especially the markets, and I’d always recommend looking elsewhere to scratch your flea market itch—but Sunbury is pretty good, and the closest you’re probably going to get within Greater London. It’s a big, big market, and you’ll need to come prepared to scrape your knees kneeling on the floor, sift through piles of dust and rubbish, and haggle like your life depends on it, but I’ve always come away feeling triumphant at the end of it all. I recommend arriving early, before 8am if possible, having a clear idea of what you’re looking for (and what price you’re willing to pay), and wearing tough jeans and sneakers you don’t mind getting a bit filthy.
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temis-de-leon · 3 months
Introduction to the NESs
Based in my Replaced MC AU/AU series where the new exchange student (NES) becomes interested in MC instead.
Rodrigo Salazar - NES 1
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22 years old, cis male, he/him pronouns. Has only ever been attracted to women, but he’s very open minded, so he doesn’t reject the idea of change in the future.
Comes from a very non-judgmental family where healthy conversations and personal privacy are the norm, so, although capable of independency, he very much prefers living with his loved ones. He thrives in company and puts effort in making his living space enjoyable. This has turned him into a peaceful person, mindful of others’ needs as well as his and confident in his opinions; again, open minded to changes.
He’s not opposed to having fun every once in a while, but it’s hard for him to fall in love. This is not due to him being picky with his lovers, which he isn’t, but rather him not being able to truly connect. However, he’s always very generous and thoughtful, putting his girlfriends first without losing himself in the process. He’s also protective, but not jealous, and respectful.
Magda Caballero - NES 2
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25 years old, cis female, she/her pronouns. Has only ever been attracted to women and knows, and hopes, that that won’t ever change.
Her mother had her when she was sixteen and was immediately kicked out by her parents, so she stayed with her boyfriend and his parents. Both quickly starting treating Magda like a younger sibling, leaving her instead to her grandparents’ care, barely engaging with her even with no hard feelings between them. They didn’t try to deepen their relationship with her until she was old enough to go to college.
It’s hard to earn her trust and she often hides behind sarcasm and light insults because she’s been left behind since she was a child, so she’s very possessive of what or who she truly likes. She only hangs out with the few friends she has to go partying, however. Some of them are friends with benefit, since she enjoys the fun within, but commitment is something she’s afraid of and not ready for.
Sebas Caro - NES 3
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21 years old, FTM, he/him pronouns. Hasn’t really feel any type of attraction towards strangers before and is very hard for him to make friends, so he doesn’t have much experience in that department.
His parents are loners who don’t enjoy engaging in social life, unconsciously teaching him that lifestyle and leading him to a lack of knowledge in how to properly talk to strangers, hiding behind his shyness and awkwardness and, therefore, an inability to make friends. However, at the same time, his parents expect him to be out of the house so they can have privacy.
This has turned him into a quiet people pleaser that quickly grows too attached when someone shows their affection. He becomes devoted, but not obsessive, and gives too much of himself.
Tagged: @trxshykawa101 , @big-brother-problems (thought you might be interested since you liked NES 3 so much :))
Picrews made by @ummmmandy and @potato-lord-but-not 🩷
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I enjoyed writing book 1, I love those characters and I know I will enjoy writing book 2 as well. This book was my first self-published game and I take pride in that even though it didn't do too well financially in comparison to the games I publish with Hosted Games. 😅
Could you talk a bit about your experience and the difference between publishing with Hosted Games vs self-publishing? Like the pros and cons? I feel like you're one of the few writers on here who has experience of both, knows the numbers behind the scenes, etc.
Oh, this is going to be a long one, but I’ll do pros and cons to make it easy. Please keep in mind that this is my personal experience, and it might not be the same for every author.
Pros of self-publishing.
You get the full cut of your sales: as some of you may know Hosted games takes 75% of the sales of your game, and you get 25% (this amount is after the platforms takes their cuts, Apple cuts is 30%, Steam cut is 30% and Goggle cut is 30% however, if you are a small indie Dev, Apple and Google cut go down to only 15% which is great.
No content revisions, no content restrictions: Hosted games sometimes will ask you to change the title of your game or change some content, when you self-publish you only have to follow the platform rules, and make sure to answer the appropriate questions for the platforms to properly rate your games. Depending on content, Steam will block your game for certain country, also Adult-only content gets less views since people need to sign in to see them. So, keep that in mind.
No queues: Hosted games once you submit the game to them, they put you in a queue and they decide when the game will be published, with self-publishing as soon as the platforms give you the green light, you’re ready to publish and sell your game.
You can do Steam-key giveaway: You have access to the game dashboard so you can request keys from Steams and do giveaway.
Cons of self-publishing.
Less reach. If you’re a small author like me, your game will not sell much because you’re doing your own advertising. Small authors = small following and fewer eyes on your game for people to buy it.
You need to pay for the platform fees: Google is $25 one-time payment. Steam is $100 for each game you put on their platform. And Apple is a $99 yearly subscription, so if you don’t keep paying that $99 your game will be removed from the platform, which is a pity because the release month is the only major sale you get, after that, your revenue falls to $100-60 every month which is the case for me.
You’re doing all the leg work yourself: There’s going to be a lot of watching YouTube videos to find out how to upload your games to Steam, and Google. Apple uses something called X-code and I had to buy a MacBook to recode the game in X-code in order to publish with them. Being a small indie Dev, your game might be rejected for the silliest reason such as you forgot to click yes or no on a questionnaire somewhere. Testing, bug reports, and complaints, they all go to you because you are the dev. Unless you have a team helping you, get reading to make time to fix every little issue because the platform will not fix them for you.
Remaining anonymous might be an issue: Apples need your real name in order to publish with them unless you have an LLC, your anonymity is out the door. Google requires your country and home address.
Pros of publishing with Hosted games.
More reach, more views, more sales: They are the go-to for those types of games and they have an established clientele so your game will reach more people.
They do the work for you: You don’t have to deal with the platform fees, rejections, uploading, bug reports, they do it all.
You can be fully anonymous: Although, you’ll have to disclose your legal name to them for tax purpose and money transfer.
Cons of publishing with Hosted games. (Those cons won’t apply for everyone)
I think the biggest cons is that 75% 🤣 but hey, what are you gonna do?
Changing content and name of your game.
Long queue.
No direct access to your game info, if you need anything you need to ask.
Other: People will pirate you game whether is you doing it alone or you publish with Hosted Games. Get ready to cry in a corner like I did.
Take away, I’m still planning on self-publishing and publishing with Hosted games.  At the end of the day, do what you think is best for you.
Number comparison: To give you an idea of the numbers:
Self-publish numbers Sold overall on all 3 platforms Goggle, Apple Steam.
Around 1,500 copies
Hosted Games copies Sold overall on all 3 platforms Goggle, Apple Steam.
Around 6,500 copies.
I’m working on a how-to self-publish guide, for all 3 platforms so I’ll post that when ready. 💕
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ASPEN PARK (my @apt502-if mc)
they/she (nb) / 25 / 5’8 / musician / lesbian
appearance: thin, straight black hair that barely falls past their shoulders / olive skin with a warm undertone / dark, coffee brown eyes / mole near the corner of their right eye / wears round, wire framed glasses
ROs: L and Cal (maybe A too)
tidbits about aspen below !
got a side gig as a church pianist to keep up with living expenses despite being an atheist (money is money, y’know?). the church has 5am morning services every week, and because they can never seem to sleep at a reasonable time, they end up staying up all night and then sleep in until the afternoon. said sleeping schedule may or may not be the culprit of the soft, late night/early morning cooking ruckus that the other 502 roommates hear oftentimes. but hey—at least being up for the sunrise is nice.
falls asleep at the piano more often than not. their poor, a-little-too-well-made bed seems almost a little lonely at times. hopefully that’ll change soon (wink wink nudge nudge). the thought of selling their mattress for rent money has definitely crossed their mind at least once though.
has a messy room—it’s littered to the floor with music books and binders and stray sheets. (somehow the bed is still untouched in the middle of all this. don’t ask why.) every single one of those is solely just music they’ve played or written (and of course they brought all of it to nyc; she “might need it one day”). they all have varying levels of notes scrawled on them, but each one has a couple dates written on them—one for when they started learning/composing them, and the others for when they were performed.
classically trained as a concert pianist while they were still in school, but ended up picking up some jazz near the end to find more music-related work. doesn’t regret switching majors over to music from architecture midway through college (this is ignoring the student loans though).
personality falls more on the quiet side; can seem pretty cold at first, but it’s actually just them being awkward. the quiet demeanor stills stays as they get comfortable, although then it has more mild/gentle undertones—kind of like a bear.
deadpans a lot, which can be a bit confusing with her monotone voice at first (sometimes it’s intentional!) but you get used it. they used hate it when people (rainn) would get the two mixed up and tried to make their voice more emotive-sounding, but eventually learned to stop caring and even started playing into it (“what do you mean you still can’t tell?” “shut up! i know you meant to do that!”).
definitely has that slowburn type charm; the one where you don’t think much about (maybe even find a bit boring) but find yourself choosing to hang out with more and more as time goes on and bam! one random day, you unexpectedly make them laugh. it’s a real, genuine laugh—the one where they’re going on until they can’t breathe and their cheeks are hurting from laughing so hard. and it’s at that moment, when you’re laughing with them, where it feels like when the first ray of sunshine hits you after a long, overcast day and you get all warm and fuzzy and—shit.
you’re in love.
but hey, the sun’s finally out; maybe it’s about time you go outside and enjoy it too. you don’t know how long it’s going to be until it hides again, but maybe—just maybe—you won’t be so scared of it going away this time. because, rainn or shine, the sun will rise again. and i think it’ll be nice if you’re there for it.
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thecreaturecodex · 9 months
Protean, Heputwisa
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"King of Spades" © deviantArt user RayEtherna, accessed at her gallery here
[More proteans! I went for the mammalian design for this protean as an homage to D&D's arcanaloths, especially the Planescape depiction of them as hyper-competent conspiracy masterminds. To go with that theme, I gave it a number of SLAs drawn from Ultimate Intrigue, which is a book I haven't used much. As a reminder, all of my proteans have names that are anagrams for people who are thematically linked to their purview. See if you can figure it out! There's also a reference to an upcoming protean lord I'm working on, although it might be a while before that comes to fruition.]
Protean, Heputwisa CR 18 CN Outsider (extraplanar) This creature looks like an unusual combination of canine and serpentine forms. Its head is like that of an exaggerated jackal, with a long muzzle and pointed ears. A mane of hair grows along its neck and shoulders, which is accentuated by jagged spines. Similar spines grow from the wrists above its clawed hands, and along its long serpentine lower body.
A heputwisa is a powerful protean that embodies conspiracies and lies. They craft and cultivate rumors, spreading them from person to person and watching them mutate and take a life of their own. Few heputwisa are content with a single conspiracy at once, and they often stoke multiple false beliefs at once, some of which are at odds with each other. Some create their own conspiracies more directly, forming cells of rebels that plot against the status quo, or infiltrating a lawful organization to disrupt it and stymie its efforts. Some heputwisas are content to merely create criminal networks or incite revolutions, whereas others seek nothing less than the breakdown of consensus reality.
Heputwisas usually enter combat in disguise, taking the shape of another as an apparent betrayal. Their combats are often as much for show as they are to inflict physical damage, and they may flee after a couple of rounds if they feel they have made their point. The bite of a heputwisa causes its victims’ bodies to revolt against themselves, suffering warpwave after warpwave. Perhaps most dangerous is their ability to disrupt teamwork with their sheer presence. A heputwisa might float over an army squadron invisibly, causing their tactics to fall apart without lifting a finger.
Heputwisas are among the most solitary of the proteans, as they typically view others of their own kind as rivals. Two heputwisas in the same area will usually devote their energy and resources to uncovering the other’s conspiracies, which results in escalation and frequently violence. Only the presence of a protean lord can cause heputwisas to work together, and even then usually at some distance, each contributing to part of a greater conspiracy. The protean lord Etna is one of the greatest patrons of heputwisas, and at least a half dozen of these proteans are sewing seeds of dissent to achieve her ultimate, ambitious goal of regime change in Hell.
Heputwisa             CR 18 XP 153,600 CN Large outsider (chaos, extraplanar, protean) Init +10; Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., Perception +29 Aura betrayal (30 ft., Will DC 29), cloak of chaos (DC 25)
Defense AC 33, touch 20, flat-footed 26 (-1 size, +6 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 deflection, +13 natural) hp 312 (25d10+175) Fort +21, Ref +24, Will +23; +8 vs. mind-influencing DR 15/lawful; Immune acid, divination; Resist electricity 10, sonic 10; SR 29 Defensive Abilities amorphous anatomy, freedom of movement, mind blank
Offense Speed 30 ft., fly 90 ft. (perfect) Melee bite +33 (2d6+9 plus lingering warpwave), 2 claws +33 (1d8+9), tail slap +31 (2d8+4 plus grab) or touch +33 (ego whip) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks constrict (4d8+9), ego whip, sneak attack +3d6 Spell-like Abilities CL 20th, concentration +27 Constant—cloak of chaos (self only, DC 25), mind blank, tongues At will—aura alteration, compulsive liar (DC 19), greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs only), invisibility, paranoia (DC 19), rumormonger (DC 19), suggestion (DC 20) 3/day—confusion (DC 21), deceitful veneer (DC 21), quickened glibness, quickened greater dispel magic, modify memory (DC 22), they know (DC 21) 1/day—crime wave (DC 24), demand (DC 25), mislead (DC 23), pox of rumors (DC 25), word of chaos (DC 24)
Statistics Str 29, Dex 23, Con 24, Int 24, Wis20, Cha 25 Base Atk +25; CMB +35 (+39 grapple); CMD 46 (cannot be tripped) Feats Combat Expertise, Deceitful, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Feint, Improved Vital Strike, Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Power Attack, Quicken SLA (glibness, greater dispel magic), Vital Strike Skills Appraise +28, Bluff +35, Diplomacy +31, Disguise +35 (+55 to resemble a specific person), Fly +22, Intimidate +31, Knowledge (history, planes) +31, Knowledge (arcana, local, nobility) +28, Perception +29, Sense Motive +29, Spellcraft +28, Stealth +26, Use Magic Device +28 Languages Abyssal,Common, Protean, tongues SQ change shape (greater polymorph), perfect copy
Ecology Environment any land or urban (Maelstrom) Organization solitary Treasure standard
Special Abilities Aura of Betrayal (Su) All creatures within 30 feet of a heputwisa must succeed a DC 29 Will save or become filled with dissension. Creatures that fail their saves are no longer treated as allies to other creatures and can't provide flanking, use or benefit from teamwork feats or aid another actions, or allow other creatures to move through their space. Any spell or effect that requires a willing target fails if used on an affected creature, and even harmless effects require an attack roll (if applicable) and require affected creatures to attempt a saving throw to resist their effects (if a save is allowed). In addition, if a creature casts a beneficial spell or uses a beneficial supernatural ability (such as channel energy) while in the area of the aura of betrayal, it must succeed a DC 29 Will save or include the heputwisa in the effect. This is a mind-influencing effect, and the save DC is Charisma based. Change Shape (Su) A heputwisa can change shape at will, but does not gain the healing benefit as is usual for a protean. Constrict (Ex) A heputwisa’s constriction deals bludgeoning and piercing damage. Ego Whip (Su) The touch of a heputwisa inflicts severe doubt. A creature touched by a heputwisa is affected by an ego whip IV spell (CL 25th, Will DC 29). A heputwisa can inflict this penalty along with one of its melee attacks as a swift action. Lingering Warpwave (Su) A creature bitten by a heputwisa must succeed a DC 29 Fortitude save or be affected by a warpwave. Each round, it must attempt another DC Fortitude save—if it fails, it is affected by a warpwave again until it succeeds a save to end the effect. A dispel chaos or similar effect removes a lingering warpwave. The save DC is Constitution based. Perfect Copy (Ex) A heputwisa can masquerade as a specific individual using its change shape ability, gaining a +20 to all Disguise checks to appear as that individual.
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For several years now I’ve been wanting to buy a knotted dildo (why do they never have smaller ones) but my dad often helps me with finances because I’m really bad at math and I would be super embarrassed if he found out. I doubt he would be mad at finding out I’m a monsterfucker, but it WOULD be super awkward, especially since a lot of knotted ones are labeled “dog” I don’t want my family to have an even worse impression before I can explain! Maybe it would be easier if I could drive and try to find in-person shops and pay in cash, but I have a health problem that makes me driving illegal sometimes, so that’s not a practical option. I know you aren’t supposed to use things that weren’t designed to go inside of your body, but I’ve been using an old detachable razor handle for years because of this. I don’t know what to do! I don’t think my dad pays much attention to what I buy but if something is flagged as unusual by the bank, they will sometimes call him about it. I’m not sure what I should do. I haven’t even bought a regular sex toy because I’m self conscious about this, let alone one like that!
I’m the “my dad helps me balance my checkbook and I’m terrible at math but I want a dildo” anon, and you don’t have to post this part if it’s too uncomfortable. That’s why i didn’t include it in my first ask. But the only time I had a friend offer to help me buy one that friend later died before it could happen so… I don’t really have anyone around to ask for assistance in… this. I know these aren’t your usual confessions, but i don’t really know where else to confess to this. The only other friend I think might possibly have helped me, moved a state away and i don’t want to bother her about it. I joke about being a freak sometimes but I really doubt my older family who might have heard me say that actually expects me to consider “freaky” something beyond oral. I’m not… I’m shy and wasn’t raised by people who were into much extreme stuff (my parents didn’t even swear around us until we were all over 16, and even now they don’t do it much! There are slurs I didn’t even know existed until senior high and my parents never used them! For obvious reasons. Which is good, but gives an idea of what I mean when I say not extreme. Even my grandparents are/were like this) so I’ve been told that it’s surprising when i tell a friend about these things for the first time. Coming out as demisexual wasn’t nearly as stressful to be honest, that might be weird but admitting my (admittedly not super exciting among this community) kinks feels shameful and humiliating for some reason. Telling a close friend is different I guess. My parents aren’t conservative people, not politically or in many other ways, but they definitely don’t know much about kinks. I can say that with confidence, I’ve read the romance novels my mom had lying around and I’ve seen them react genuinely shocked when something a little crazy happens in a show we’re watching. I just think I might have super vanilla family (in the 25 years I lived with them the most spicy things I encountered were those romance novels and what might have been lube) and I’m sure they would react, if not badly, just awkwardly. It would be super uncomfortable. They are the kinds of people to hear about that, look slightly horrified, say “okay” and just avoid talking about it after that, but every time a conversation gets too close to that everyone is awkward and avoids it. It’s like when someone is trying to talk about politics and everyone has to kind of bite their tongue or a shouting match will start while we’re trying to watch the mandalorian, just less aggressive, so not exactly the same, just similarly uncomfortable. This one also got longer than I meant it to. I don’t expect that my parents would disown me or anything, but it would change some things (although because my mom and I accidentally shared a kindle account when I was in highschool I’m pretty sure she knows I’m into monster romance novels) sex isn’t really a taboo topic, but it’s also not a comfortable one
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judasgot-it · 1 month
Can I please have hcs of how Ango and Mushitarou would raise his daughter vs how he would raise a son? [How strict is he? Is it likely for him to have favouritism? What kind of Father is he? How much does he spoil them? Etc, etc] PLEASEE I BEG 🙏
[This is the last one I swear😭 I'm sorry]
These are very very much my own hyperspecific headcanons, sorry idk how to make them cutesy like other people do with the baby shit I'm just being a little straight-up like these guys would 100% fuck up in some places
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Girl dad
i think he would have a daughter kind of like kyouka. although maybe more gothic and a little strange
i can totally imagine him playing dress-up games with her. like, he 100% would be super involved, dude would love to learn about the girls world and get into it
he likes to dress her up because he makes it so easy - bro would make it seem like they're playing a game and it would be a blast for her
he knows all of the specific names for skirts and sweaters now. he can easily get his daughter the perfect outfit because of course he can, duh
he'd be a fun dad. like i can imagine him making dumb dad jokes and "arguing" with her over stupid things
100% he cries over every major milestone she has. like he would cry when she goes to different schools or when she gets her period - he hates to see her change, and cries over an old baby picture of her in his wallet
will forever be daddy's little girl. btw she's 25 and moved out already. but still, shes living in his wallet and is his little girl lmao.
i think the teenage years are actually kind of chill for him, dude gives off chill lame dad vibes. i think he would chill with his daughter after some stupid "canon event" for her and they would bond over movies and icecream
16 and she would just unironically go to the mall with her dad because they're chill like that.
I think Mushitaro gives really good dad vibes honestly. he wouldn't be "cool" but bro would be totally lame in a good way
his daughter wouldn't know jackshit about his life until like she's way older. or maybe on accident. I think thats why he would be a good dad
his ability is a well-kept secret so I think he would threaten her boyfriends and she would just think he's joking or isn't really that threatening. he's not. he would 100% get away with their murders. he probably did once or twice.
its not like he's trying to be dishonest, its just that his life is complicated, and he doesn't want to explain so many horrible things to an innocent child
she learns eventually, but i think she'd get mad on his behalf tbh. like, a lot of it was really shitty
she probably knows Poe and Ranpo, but I can imagine her believing that her dad is just a normal guy compared to them.
Idk i feel like he protects her normalcy and "innocence" a lot more than he should
Like father not like son, fr
exact opposite here, i think he would have a son who would be pretty different from him in some ways
maybe not "giga chad" or anything, but he definitely would be living a way different life than Mushitaro ever could have thought of
i think it would be awkward at some point. at that stage where kids become their own people, but are still too similar to others - he would probably be scared by the weird reflection he sees of himself
i think he loves his son but still hates himself for what he did. so he might pretend that his son isn't like him all that much
might talk to his son a little too much about his "uncle" who he never explains where he is (because he is dead)
when he learns that he's dead, he suddenly doesn't want to talk about him that much.
Probably once saw his son reading his books and overreacted.
i think having a son gives him more melancholy, since he has to reflect far more on his mistakes in life
probably worries himself shitless about what he's doing though
he knows he's going to be ok, but deep down he knows the world is too cruel
His son probably tries to be smart and get away with shit and ends up having the whole detective agency on his ass. Bro can't even sneak out smh
I feel like Mushitaro's parenting style is a little out of the ordinary, since he would probably force the kid to work anytime he thought he was "acting up" instead of idk. time out.
Definitely way harder on a son than he is on a daughter. Favoritism is real guys
I think his son would be way more freerer and think his dad is "weird" so any bonding time they have would be a little overshadowed by it
They get along well enough, but yea it's a bit more tenious
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girl dad
I feel bad, I feel like his daughter would be kind of a bitch
like not a total bitch, but she would be the type to use "my dad works in the government" to her full advantage and also just clock people in for who they really are
a little too much like dazai in that aspect.
probably really sweet as a child and i think ango spoiled her too much in fear of being a bad father
like probably got furniture for his empty ass apartment (what is wrong with him) and buys her useless shit kids like (what the fuck are those kids surprise toys)
so now she thinks she has it better than most people and is willing to take full advantage of that
to be fair. ango is the type of guy who would get bullied by his own daughter. like he can fight back but he would lose and cave in and give her 500$
It's not totally hopeless, I think she's just as smart as him and gives off more barbie energy, so is a little terrifying to have around the office since she just would just unexpectedly call people out for being assholes
only she can bully her dad. she doesn't care if thats his boss
so ango doesn't tell his coworkers that he has an expensive daughter who probably gets in fights. cause why would he? that doesn't really help him
i think she's the bitch that he wants to be
so he isn't too hard on her since he agrees like 70% of the time
loves to hangout with his daughter but it always puts a dent in his wallet since her hobbies are shopping and getting arrested
honestly he probably is glad she's like this. she has a strong identity and is very very hard to sway in one direction or the other
makes him proud
boy dad (rip)
I actually think he would be really nice to his son
he would probably have a son who's a bit of a freak like him and struggles with identity issues, so I think he would be kind since he understands those exact struggles
very very dysfunctional though
bro either orders takeout for the both of them each night or they eat straight out of the pot with spoons over the sink
like, i think unless the mom is in the picture ango would have his son living in his apartment with just mattresses and a suitcase
very very male living space.
like i doubt they'd sleep with blankets half the time
probably brings his 8-year-old son with him to his job and makes him do homework or play games
is probably more popular than ango
if his son has no hobbies then his hobby is to be a paper pusher for him
would raise his son to be his own personal assistant
or to go to a good university
those are his two options
not his fault, bro just sucks at parenting and the only way he can channel his paternal affection has been through training employees
does teach him how to shoot a gun though
his son is probably a mess of a person like he is, maybe a bit better since he doesn't have the drama of losing someone and bad friendship breakups, but i think ango wouldn't really help him develop useful life skills
the man can barely function on his own, so his version of parenthood is just "stay alive" and knowing how to manage under your circumstances
like, his son is more prepared for the end of the world than for anything else
it's complicated.
his son isn't resentful though. he loves his dad and i feel like he would do something that his dad would be proud of
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yujo-nishimura · 10 months
The Escape - Part 26
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21 - Part 22 - Part 23 - Part 24 - Part 25
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After he ended this speech and the crew members were determined to not only escape Baroque works, but also fight them in case they would try to pursue you all again, Buggy stepped towards you, asking you to come to his cabin. You hoped he couldn't see from your face what you had been thinking the whole time. 
The tension between you and Buggy was almost unbearable as he sat on his chair and you just stood with your back against his door. The sense of disconnection between the two of you lingered, and it seemed that every attempt to mend the relationship and create a healthier dynamic only served to reinforce its toxicity and strangeness. Each time you strove to bridge the gap and find common ground, one or both of you succumbed to the overwhelming power of emotions. "How is your hand?" the captain asks, his voice pulling you back to the present moment. You shift your gaze towards your hand, which is still wrapped in bandages, a reminder of the injury you had inflicted on yourself amidst all the chaos. “It is fine. I have forgotten that I actually had an injury.” You answer honestly. He seems to be satisfied with this and nods. 
“Thank you for coming out and rescuing me.”
“I could say the same, Captain.” “May I ask now, why are the marines and Baroque works after you? I know we had this conversation before and you are somehow hesitant.. but I feel if I have a crew member on board where I am not the only one who considered her valuable I might have the right to know why others think the same,..”
"I believe the reasons why the Marines and an assassination syndicate find me intriguing might be quite different from what you perceive as valuable," you say, a playful tone lacing your words. Sensing an opportunity to lighten the mood, you decide to employ a flirtatious joke, taking a slow and deliberate step closer to the captain.
Buggy's eyes widen, caught off guard by your sudden approach. He quickly rises to his feet, his expression shifting from surprise to seriousness.
“Y/n. Please, just try to be honest here with me. Is this something you can share or shall I never ask again and just accept that I have a potential danger on board…?” 
You sit down on his bed, the comfortable pillow and sheets push back against you, you crave for a comfortable sleeping place like this since your hammock is not the best place to get rest in. 
“Sit down again and I will tell you.”, you breathe out heavily, looking into his deep green eyes, you want to feel these eyes on your forever and you want him to trust you and know more about you than anyone else. You feel ready to let him into your life. More than ever before. Buggy listens, sitting down, his face full of anticipation. 
“When I was still in Windmill village and Luffy was still small and innocent, I was 5 years older than him and already in trouble with the world government and the marines.” 
Buggy just looks at you, he does not interrupt you now, giving you the time to share your story. 
“In fact I was the leader of a rebellious army, nothing serious, just the things you do as a teenager when you are charismatic enough to gather some people around you and if you feel like you want to make a change.” 
You cannot endure his gaze any longer and you rest your eyes on your own bandaged hand for a while. 
“We were unhappy with the tax collector in Windmill village. I had started a peaceful protest and a campaign against him, although he was sent directly by the world government we thought he was taxing us too much, he came too frequently and the people who had less always had to pay more. It was just a way of terrorizing the oppressed and poor…” 
You sigh again, it seemed like this had happened a long long time ago somewhere else, not in the world you lived in now. 
“One of my fellow revolutionary members took the whole thing too seriously. I think he also wanted to impress me. His own family was especially affected by this, he was one of the poorest kids in the village and his frustration eventually turned into rage. One day he decided to kill the tax collector in our name and as I tried to stop him, I realized that his anger was beyond my control.” 
You gaze at Buggy once more, your eyes filled with sincerity and earnestness.
"He waited for the collector at his house and killed him brutally with a knife. We later discovered that he was not only dispatched by the World Government, but he was also a high-ranking Marine general. Once I learned of this, the World Government began to pursue me as well, as I was the leader of the entire movement," you recount, your voice carrying the weight of the injustice that befell you.
Buggy, with his head slightly tilted, has been attentively listening to your narrative. Now he quickly interrupts you: "But was there no trial? Did they not realize that you were not responsible for these actions?"
You let out a slow, weary sigh. "No," you respond, your voice tinged with sadness. "This individual left a note in his house, claiming that I had inspired him to commit this heinous act. They couldn't find him. Some speculate that he fled on a ship the same day, while others believe he took his own life. Regardless, it does not matter to the World Government who will be punished. They simply require someone to blame, someone to execute."
The absence of a fair trial, the absence of an opportunity to prove your innocence, highlights the unforgiving nature of the World Government's pursuit. You and Buggy both understand the unyielding determination of those in power to find a scapegoat and impose their brand of justice.
Buggy gets up from his chair now, walking towards you and sitting down next to you on the bed. You can feel the warmth of his body, being so close to you you start to feel dizzy again. 
“This is why I decided to become a pirate. If I am an outlaw and wanted anyway, then…” 
Your voice breaks because Buggy has put his hand on your knees, a very innocent gesture. He did not want to interrupt you, but he also wanted to show his support. 
Curiosity fills his eyes as he gently asks, "But if you're wanted, why have I never come across your wanted poster?"
You take a moment to steady yourself, feeling the closeness between you making it difficult to find the right words. With Buggy being so near, you muster the courage to respond, "Different name, different hairstyle." It's a brief explanation, but in this intimate space, it is enough to convey the lengths you've gone to conceal your true identity.
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transmascutena · 8 months
these are the episodes that have the fairy tale prince story at the beginning: 1, 3, 8, 13, 16, 31, 33 (the visuals are different here, and i think the voice is too, but i'm not certain), 35 (starts out the same but goes on to show what really happened as revealed in the previous episode.)
lots of rambling about this with no real conclusion under the cut:
i've always kind of assumed it was a little arbitrary when they chose to reuse this scene, and usually it feels like it's simply there to take up more time in the episode, hence why it's there in some of the more filler-y ones (even though i hate using that term for the show.) of course the repitition in itself is thematic, but why at these specific times? obviously it has to be in the first episode, and it makes sense to have it in the third as well, to remind people and to show its importance, but also because utena's desire to be a prince is more relevant than usual in that episode, and is the first time we really see it outside the context of the dueling game. it makes sense that the recap episodes have it too, 13 because it is a recap and utena's backstory is important, and 33 because both the story and that episode are very important for utena's arc. 33 is especially interesting because it's the first time the scene changes, reflecting that utena might be starting to think about it differently. or think about it less, maybe, since the visuals of it are missing. and then the last time we see it in 35 makes a lot of sense too, since we've just gotten the true story which recontextualizes the whole thing.
this just leaves us with 8, 16, and 31. all of which are nanami episodes. if they wanted the story repeated to the audience more times, why not have it in episodes centered more around utena? like 9, the first time we get more context to utena's backstory? or 11 and 12. maybe 25, where akio reveals that he is the prince? or 30 where utena starts to question her devotion to the prince? why in nanami's episodes?
the first two are the body swap episode and the cow episode, and those could be written off as needing more scenes to pad the time out, and it not mattering too much since they're the sillier ones anyway. but her tragedy? i feel like there has at least has to be thematic relevance in that one. although, it does have several other scenes that seem to just be taking up time, like the one where we have to look at touga standing in the shower for a full 18 seconds. you could say these are all episodes that explore the theme of princehood, but i think that's a little bit of a stretch, and is only be true because it's a theme that shows up in every single episode of the show in some form anyway. these are not particularly special as far as that goes. as an example, i think it's a way more prevelant theme in episode 6 than it is in episode 8, both of which are first arc nanami-adjacent episodes. i can't see much reason for one to have it over the other than just. filler. but i want to read more into it so badly.... is it just that nanami and utena are parallel to each other? but then, not all the nanami episodes have it. is it in the cow episode because the cowbell and the ring are parallels? i think they could be, in the same way that people have pointed out the parallel to the earrings, but an even more obvious parallel is between utena's ring given to her by akio and nanami's own dueling ring given to her by touga, and we don't get the prince story in episode 10. does it mark episodes particularly important to nanami's arc? ehhhh, i could see that for cowbell of happiness and her tragedy, but curried high trip is not anywhere near as important as, say, the egg episode, or, again, episode 10.
i really wish i could come to a conclusion other than "it's there to fill up time" because that's so boring, but i can't really find much evidence to support any other reading. if you have other thoughts on this, please share them with me
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