muckyschmuck · 4 months
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please keep it down its 10 pm
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yourtouchismidas · 1 year
Ok sorry I just submitted the 🍃 blurb without reading that you were re-opening blurbs for George only, is this for RG verse or other? Because maybe you could do like Gigi phoning George to look after her if she's tried drugs or weed for the first time and is freaking out, because she's too scared to tell her parents.
no worries at all, i'm combining this with your first message and doing something in between!
gigi has been with her friends in the park. they're nice friends, good friends, but she is sixteen and they are all curious. they want to try it. and one of the boys has managed to pick up. one of them is a smoker so he knows how to roll, and then they all sit there staring at the joint like, what do we do now?
"gigi you're dad's a bit of a druggo isnt he?" one of the boys says, "you go first."
"he was," gigi says, hitting him playfully, knowing its a joke. they all love matty, the boys being slightly scared of him, especially the one who fancies gigi and wants to make a move. "but he quit hard stuff ages ago and weed when i was too young to remember really. so i dont fucking know."
eventually, one of them lights it, and they take turns toking, the smoker teaching the others how to make sure they take it back into their lungs. they cough and splutter and laugh, but start to feel the effects of it, heads tingling, thoughts hazing, everything becoming funny. gigi feels that too. until she sees someone across the park looking at them. what does he want. does he know they're high. and underage. is he looking at just her. does she know him.
her whole body goes hot as panic rushes through her. her heart starts beating in her chest. the guy who was staring moves on. but she cant shake it. she looks around at the empty park, terrified someone else is gonna come.
"guys," she manages to whisper, "guys i'm freaking out."
"oh shit," one of her friends says, one of the girls who wasnt really feeling anything, but just pretending to to fit in with the vibe. the others are all laughing. telling her to calm down. saying its fine. she starts breathing heavy and then they take notice. someone gives her a sip of coke for sugar but it doesnt work. her friend tells her when to breathe in and out.
"please call someone," gigi says, in between breaths. her head is swirling.
"your dad?"
"no!" she says quickly, she passes them her phone. "call my uncle please. my uncle george."
george turns up about half an hour later in an SUV, with dark sunglasses on. gigi has calmed down since they called, just feeling better knowing that he was coming. the other kids stare at him, this aging rockstar, and whisper to gigi to ask he will get them in trouble.
"course not. it's why i called george," she says.
he has hopped out the car and is walking over and she walks to meet him. he opens his arms and she falls into them. smelling the comforting smell of his washing powder and cigarettes.
"you okay kiddo?"
"yeah," she says, pulling back and looking at him.
"scared me," he says. then he nods at her friends as a greeting. they all stared, open mouthed, in awe. he still looks effortlessly cool, even nearing fifty, still as much a rockstar as ever.
"i was panicking," she says, "but i'm feeling better now."
"yeah," george says, sticking a cigarette in his mouth, "that will happen. you guys all alright?"
gigi's friends nod and say yes, and thank you, while george bobs his head.
"what you smoked?"
"just weed," one of the boys says.
george laughs, "yeah i know that. i mean kind. and what dealer?"
they shrug. they dont know what kind. they tell him what the dealer looked like.
"oh god," george says, puffing on his smoke, "dont use him. you want weed gus," he turns to gigi, "you come to me okay?"
"really? even with matty..."
"yeah, you need matty's permission first."
gigi rolls her eyes. "he's gonna kill me, george, you know that."
"yeah," george says, "but he's not gonna be happy with me either. so let's go. face him together."
he nods towards the car and gigi waves to her friends and hops in. she giggles when george starts driving, picturing the way her dad is going to yell at her, her mum and shay's concerned looks, the babies clamouring around her asking what weed is and crying that its not fair gigi got some and they didnt.
"what you laughing at?" george says.
"i dont really know, i'm about to get bollocked," she says, spluttering.
"yeah, that'll happen too," george says. soon he is laughing at her laughing. and both of them can't stop.
matty appears at the doorstep after seeing george's car roll up and gigi in the window.
"what's gone on here?" he says. he comes closer and holds gigi's face so he can get a better look at her red eyes.
"skunk," george says, and the two of them both try to hold back laughter.
"george?! you gave my daughter..."
"no no no, not me. sorry. should've been more clear. she did it with her friends and was panicking a little so i picked her up."
matty's eyes widen. he frowns. he's mad. oh he's mad.
"get in the house," he snaps, pointing to the open door behind him.
"right, i'll get going then," george says.
"nope. you too. in," matty says.
"it was gigi who did it," george says, pouting like a child.
"yeah and what good examples i've had," she says, and then her and george both start laughing.
"in. now." matty says. they go. george says as he is passing, "you need to teach her how to pick good stuff." which earns him a slap on the back of the head.
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meatriarchived · 1 year
how do you analyse a character to know their mannerisms and how to write as them?
ooooo okay so, to be fair, i dont exactly have a set method to how i do it ts definitely just. i toss shit into a cauldron and see what sticks, what makes them tick what feels right and what doesnt gets yanked out so to speak.
if the character has source material its definitely alot easier to do because of the visuals they have! i like to re-watch scenes alot with characters to try and pick up little things on them.
for example with thomas - his actor had a habit of making small, jaw / teeth movements like grinding teeth / rolling jaw joints, and i translate those to mean either mimicking him hungering after victims, or with his agitation getting to him and him struggling to soothe it and keep himself in check. he also has moments of hesitation when charlie's barking orders - because i don't think inherently thomas wants to kill; but charlie stabs and twists his traumas back into him, repeatedly, and it sets him off. thomas is also just BRUTAL in his hits (perfect example when he kills the slaughterhouse boss at the start of '06) and not even simply taking his size into account for it, brutality is alot of what he knows from childhood - growing up with a father and brother who relentlessly antagonized him. so with that in mind, when he attacks, when he hunts down, when he kills, its him reflecting what he saw in his father and in charlie.
maria on the other hand, if we note how apparently the flores father has either passed or walked out on them some years ago (i follow moreso that he just. left.) maria had to grow up immediately, to be there for her mother, to be there for ana. i see her in her youth having had her head in the clouds, dreamily spending her younger years simply being a kid, being a teen, and truly saw no ill will in the world at large. and then their father left them, and she realized oh okay life isnt always kind but thats fine we've got this, i've got this. she stepped up following him leaving and did her best to do great in school, to help around the house, to help their mom. because of this though she hides alot of stress and anxiety, and while they dont always show outwardly to others, it IS made clear by her sleep paralysis / night terrors, its clear in her habits of biting on lip and insides of cheeks. of her wringing hands and fingers together, rubbing her wrist or arm or shoulders. its evident when she smiles so brightly but that light isnt reflecting in her eyes. maria i write to try and be truly as friendly and sweet and as sunshine incarnate as possible - however even the sun has its dark spots and hers is evident by her melancholy, her fears, hatred and anger. when she feels her highs she is truly warm and bright yet when shes at her lows she burrows into ground to go deeper - to hide.
nancy, as shes fresh on the mind still hers are more visuals than anything. she is reptilian and a.rachnid in movement. she is elongated limb coiling itself around prey, inching toward throat. she is eyes that see more than believed, eyes that are everywhere - in the walls, the ceiling, the furniture, the flames of candle. she is the lapse in time remembered, where one comes back to reality to find themselves not where they once where, with no recollection of how they got there. she is chameleon in the way she changes herself, altering her appearance, altering how she is viewed to the naked eye. she is face obscured by shadow, with unseen eyes glowering from darkness. she is the brush of web against skin that makes you flail arms in a panic.
otherwise though before i let this ramble a lil too long dbskd
i tend to focus and re-watch alot of scenes for those who have actual source material to go on. i look at faces and how expressions are made on them, how lips turn and twist, or how eyes widen or corners of lips twitch. how hands and arms express, how to describe tthe way they walk.
for those without real source material (like maria esp, like my trials muses) i look at gifs of scenes from other shows, see what mannerisms and little things that i attribute to the personality im gearing them for. maria's tend to show apples of cheeks, excited jumping in place, or the quivering of lip and chin when upset, the recoiling into herself in either attempt to hide or in disgust. for simmi its the rolling of shoulders and back muscle, the lucifer stare. its little things like that.
ill also say, ALOT of it has to do with the fact that ive written so many different characters over the years - from absolute saints to some vile motherfuckers. i have alot of... i guess i can call it "profiles" so to speak of behaviors that i tend to attribute to certain characters, mix and match with any canon personality traits,a nd then run with whatever i feel sticks. last time we counted, my offsite co-writer and i had about 530+ characters in a story we've had fun with for the last nearing fifteen years, so, safe to say i have alot of memorized mannerisms that i dont really need to go out looking for anymore c;
but truly, the majority of it is simply just hyper-focusing on available scenes and finding animals / symbols / etc that i can draw influence from for their behavior and voices.
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bridgyrose · 2 years
Weiss’s hand glowed and runic glyphs ran over Ruby’s arm as she tried to heal a cut. “I told you to be careful.” 
“You could’ve given me a warning about turning the training up.” Ruby winced as her wound sealed up. “The grimm I could handle.” 
Weiss rolled her eyes and pulled away from Ruby once she finished. “You have to be ready for more than just grimm. Its a wonder you didnt manage to cut yourself in half with the way you handle that blade.” 
“I handle it just fine.” Ruby moved her arm a bit and looked over at Penny. “How did you manage to avoid getting hit anyway? Its almost as if you could see everyone’s movements before they happened.” 
Penny smiled and sat down. “That is because I can. I am an and-” 
“You cant just tell everyone about that,” Weiss hissed out. “She’s not supposed to know.” 
“But she is going to be with us for a while and she will probably find out eventually anyway.” 
Ruby looked between the two curiously. “Find out what?” 
Weiss sighed and stood up. “Fine, tell her, but I’m going back to the dorm.” 
Penny nodded and focused on Ruby again. “I am an android designed to help protect people from the grimm. Unlike you, I do not have any special powers, but I can think fast enough that I can predict the most likely route a combatant will take. I have been accurate more often than not, which lets me avoid getting hit.” 
Ruby went quiet as she looked Penny over, still not quite sure she believed what she was hearing. Of course androids werent exactly a huge secret, Atlas had been developing combat drones that are near the equivalent of humans, though Penny seemed different. As she felt Penny’s hand on her arm, the synthetic skin felt like regular human skin. Her eyes moved the same way, she wasnt as rigid as the drones that patrolled the borders of the cities, even the way she handled her weapon was more human than mechanical. “Why would you need to hide that? That sounds amazing!” 
“The general wants me to hide it because he is afraid of what people will think. Most people in the kingdoms are not very happy about letting mechanical beings protect them from the grimm. But more importantly, I am different from the others. Unlike other robots and drones, I do not run off dust. I am the first android to have a soul.” 
“I see why Ironwood would want you to hide that.” Ruby slowly stood up and walked around Penny, still not believing what she had been told. But the closer she looked, the more she could see the truth. While her joints were mostly invisible, a close inspection did reveal doll-like joints that allowed her neck, shoulders, knees, even her fingers to move just like a humans. Thin lines separating skin from either side of the joints were all that gave the signs, nearly invisible to anyone who looked over her. “But you still dont look like an android.” 
“Weiss says the same thing.” Penny stood up and mimicked a human cracking their knuckles, mechanical clicks coming from the joints in her fingers as everything locked into place. “That no matter how much of me is mechanical, the only real part of me that matters is my soul. That having one makes me just as human as her and anyone else.” 
“That doesnt sound like the Weiss that was just training with us. Between the yelling and calling me a dolt, it almost felt like she was disappointed in me.” 
“She has had a rough childhood from what I understand.” Penny motioned for Ruby to follow her as she started to make her way out of the training room and back to the dorm. “Between the White Fang attacking her family’s company and trying to uphold her grandfather’s ideals, she has not had a lot of time to learn how to get along with others. But I think she likes you. She has only called you a dolt and didnt try to attack you like she normally would others.” 
Ruby sighed and followed Penny out of the training hall and into the empty, white hallway to make her way to the dorm. Her eyes looked around the empty halls, still not used to how bland it made everything. “And you both want to go to Beacon? Why wouldnt you stay here if its close to home?” 
“Same reason you came here instead of staying in Vale.” 
“I… didnt exactly have a choice,” Ruby admitted quietly. “Professor Ozpin told me coming here was a requirement for me to apply to Beacon. Something about wanting to make sure that if I was skipping a couple years that I had to make sure I had the best people making sure I was ready for the jump.” 
Penny nodded a bit. “I want to go since it is the only way father will let me see other kingdoms. Atlas may be my home, but if I am going to be protecting others, I want to see what I will be protecting.” 
“And Weiss? What’s her reasoning? From the sound of it, she has it made here.” 
“Because she wants to get away from her family.”
“Why though?” 
“That is for her to explain.” Penny stopped at a door and pressed her hand to the scanning pad next to it. The door opened up to another, plain white room with metal walls and beds that looked more like shelving for humans than sleeping quarters. The only sign that anyone lived in the room was the pile of clothes that sat at the foot of one of the beds and a set of desks that housed all the dust and replacement parts Weiss and Penny could need.
Weiss looked up from the desk she sat at and sighed. “About time you both got here. Ruby, take a seat. Penny, grab the test scroll so we can find out what Ruby needs to go over.” 
Ruby nodded and sat down as she listened to Penny practically run down the hall as her footsteps echoed from the metal flooring. “I thought we were going to be going over what I’d be skipping.” 
“And we will, along with everything else that you dont know or fail at.” Weiss looked back down at her weapon as she started to mess with the revolver, spinning it to make sure it was secured tightly. “If I have to do this, then I’m going to do it right and make sure you dont fail out.” 
“If you dont want to help me-” 
“It doesnt matter if I want to or not.” Weiss placed her rapier back onto the desk with a rough *thump* as she looked up at Ruby, scowling. “However, in order for me to convince my father to let me go to Beacon, I have to do this. There’s nothing I’d rather do less than teach someone who hasnt earned the right to go to a huntsman academy.” With a heavy sigh, she stood up and started to make her way back into the hallway. “Make yourself comfortable. When Penny gets back, you’ll take a test on the test scroll. It’ll take you a few hours to get through.” 
Ruby nodded and moved to one of the beds as she waited, trying to get comfortable. A sigh left her lips once she was alone and she closed her eyes to let her mind wander. This was going to be a long three months.
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kittyspring-creates · 2 years
Head canons for post vecna i might write about later.
After the earth quake everyones trying to peice their lives back together. Everyone back in hawkins they can start mending the town.
Nancy takes up putting the hops old cabin back together for El and to be closer to jonathan. Imidiately she knows somethings wrong. Hes twitchier, cant keep eye contact, jumpy. His new best friend smells like pizza and thatone joint she had years ago at a party. He also is lying to her and she doesnt know why.
This leads her to a diffrent thoight which is she needs to vent but realizes she has no friends. Not since Barb. So she hunts down Robin and explains to her all of her insecurities about the way hes behaving. At first Robin is excited a girl wants to talk to her but as the topic stays on her and jonathan the more shes coming to the conclusion nancies not in love with him anymore. So robin pressures her to talk to jonathan and hopefully not be the cause of them breaking up by accedentally solidifying nancies fears.
°Ooof having friends is hard.
Max is fully out of the hospital but very broken and unable to help with anything. On bed rest from the doctor she is stuck on her couch and hates it. But she likes the company, everyones over all the time either to say hi, give her homework from school, or just to hang out. Els back and that means alot of girl time. Watching bad tv and gossipong about boys. Max has to try really hard to hold her tounge whenever mike is brought up. Mike is her least favorite person.
El tells max what she heard when she piggy backed. And Max told Nancy the next time everyone was over. Dustin and Lucas rasses on mike but Nacy straight up smacked up uo the side of the head and gave him a lecture on taking care of his friends. How Will must of felt. The hit on the head makes Mike realize hes been a dick. And rides off to find will.
Everyone brings food to maxs house. Knowing her mom can barely feed them let alone a bunch of kids. They end up lounging outside which is mre spacious for all of them. When Jonathan does join the gangs all talking about dumb things and Nancy chimes in that Steve once told her he wanted six kids in an rv and travel the us with them. They all laugh at another thing Steve has done but Jonahans not laughing. This furthers the stake between them.
Hopps is trying to get Eddies name cleared, get in contact with anyone he can to stop this obsured story about cults. Until then Eddie is stuck hiding in his uncles trailer. But he cant sleep. It really shiws when he sneaks over to maxs for food and company. Hes less excetric, unresponsive at times, dazed.
The group tries to arrange for a dnd session to show will his mastery but Eddie doesnt feel well enough to do it. But what else is he gonna do sleep. He cant he keeps hearing things seeing things. He has his radio on all the time just for some peace.
One day when the groups all hanging out at maxs back yard covered by the familys laundry from prying eyes. Eddie is in the mits of writing ideas for the campang. An odd slow song playing off the radio, nancys choice. Hes slumped against the trailer between steve and robin. Eventually he cant keep his head up anymore his eyes to unfocused to be open. He drops the pecil and starts falling forword, stev catches him and gently puts em against his shoulder to rest. The group dyes down a little and dustin being who he is starts talking about eddie. Not to be mean hes worried. Even steves worried.
Eddie wakes up when a shot gun oes off and both stev and robin cover him. It was an idiot in the distance and after nancy hunted them down she gave a long speil about gun safty.
Later eddie still couldnt sleep he impulsively rished to maxs house at night and stole her bike, not expecting her to be awake or watching him. He told her hed bring it back then rode out to steves place. He climbed in through the window and after startling the boy bumbed into his bed. Telling jim goodnight and not mpving. Steve barely rotestes but he still whinned about it. For days this went on and hed complain to Robin about it but she saw the smile on his face. Then robin started talking about all the things nancy told her.
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topsytervy · 4 years
Not The Right Time ~ JJ Maybank
Blurb: JJ has a thing for you. Unfortunatley, it just isn't the right time.
Word count: 1,929 (give or take. did some last minute editing)
Warnings: mention of cheating, drinking, drug use (weed), swearing, not proofread so probably spelling mistakes, I think that's it.
Quick rundown because I have more of these than usual cause this one is slightly more descriptive of the reader (aka you): s/c = skin color, e/c = eye color, h/l = hair length, h/c = hair color, h/t = hair type (curly, straight, etc...)
Me somehow breaking out of my Rafe phase for a minute to write something JJ related? Yes, I am just as surprised as you are.
JJ lounged in the hammock in the backyard, drinking his third beer of the night with a book next to him. This was a routine for him at this point. While you were out with your boyfriend, he went into the backyard to drink away his sorrows and stayed up until you got home to make sure you actually got home.
The nights when you texted him that you wouldn't be coming home, opting to stay at your boyfriends instead, were the worst for him.
If you asked JJ, your boyfriend was an asshole. He never liked him and probably never would. However, you were his best friend and roommate since you both graduated from high school so whatever made you happy was fine by him.
It just sucked that he wasn't the one who made you happy the way your boyfriend did.
JJ often found himself mesmerized by your beauty. Your beautiful (s/c) skin and (e/c) eyes often entranced him which usually caused you to nudge him.
"You good?" You'd ask.
"Absolutely peachy." He'd grin.
After all, How could he not be peachy with you around?
He noticed the way you'd play with your (h/l) (h/c) (h/t) hair mindlessly when you'd be focused on a movie or the way you picked at the skin around your nails when you got nervous.
JJ sighed as he crushed his now empty beer can and reached for another that sat in the cooler next to the hammock.
"Woe is me," he whispered, popping the tab of the new can.
He brought the can to his lips but pulled it away when he heard the front door open and close which caused a confused expression to cross his face.
He didn't hear a car pull up and drop you off like usual since your boyfriend often picked you up.
"Y/N!" He called, hoping that you'd hear him and that it was actually you and not an intruder.
He grew quiet as he heard faint footsteps from inside and the sliding glass door slide open.
"Yeah, it's me." You answered.
Your voice was barely above a whisper which caused JJ to turn his head to face you.
"Come join me for a drink." He waved you over, not being able to make out your face in the darkness.
You shuffled closer to JJ and the faint glow from the solar lights you guys had casted upon your face. JJs face dropped at the sight of yours.
"Oh my god. Y/N," JJ immediately dropped his can on the ground.
The contents spilled onto the grass as he took in your appearance.
You eyes were red from crying, black smudges of mascara on your face and your nose was slightly red, more than likely from the irritation of you constantly wiping it on your sleeve.
"What happened sweetheart?" He asked as he pulled you into the hammock.
"He's been cheating on me." You whispered, your voice hoarse as you laid on him.
He took in a sharp breath and his arms tightened around you. "How do you know?"
"He left his phone at the table when he went to the bathroom and I answered it. Before I could say anything a woman's voice came through and said hey baby. When I suggested she had the wrong number since this was my boyfriends phone, she said no this is Brett's number and that's when I knew."
JJ rubbed your back and kissed the top of your head.
"I am so sorry Y/N." He whispered.
You shrugged, feeling numb.
It was quiet for a few minutes before you noticed the book next to him. "Whatcha reading?"
JJ took an arm from around you and grabbed his book.
"A book of Edgar Allan Poe's works." He answered.
"Can you read to me?" 
JJ nodded as he opened the book. "Want me to start from the beginning?" 
"You can if you want." 
JJ flipped to the first page. "The Cask of Amontillado." He began as you made yourself comfortable.
After half an hour, JJ stopped and looked at you. Your eyes were closed and your mouth was slightly open. JJ smiled as he made himself comfortable in the hammock. You looked so peaceful and he wasn't about to risk waking you up just to try to get you in your bed. 
He wrapped his arms around you and closed his eyes, letting sleep take over.
The next morning, you woke up with a small headache and placed your head in your hands.
"Hey, I made you scrambled eggs with cheese and those ham cubes you like along with some bacon." 
Your head turned towards the voice and you saw JJ walking over with two plates of food, setting them on the patio table that was placed a few feet away from the hammock. 
JJ walked back inside as you stood up and walked over to your breakfast. You stretched as JJ came back with a bottle of apple juice for you and a beer for himself, pulling out his chair before sitting down.
"I was thinking since neither of us work today, we could steal the HMS Pogue from John B and go out on the marsh. Just the two of us. smoke some weed, drink some beer. You know, the usual." The blonde suggested, popping a piece of bacon into his mouth as he did. "Hell, maybe even just stay out there the entire night. We'll pack plenty of food.“ 
You stayed quiet and forked some eggs into your mouth before reaching for your apple juice, attempting to open it. After a few unsuccessful attempts, JJ held out his hand and you gave the bottle to him. He opened it with ease and gave you the bottle back. You took a drink before returning to your food.
Technically, he wouldn't be taking the pogue without John B's permission. He had talked to John B about taking it after a call this morning, telling him what had happened. John B had said the boat was all his for the day and all JJ had to do was to let him know when JJ was planning on confronting Brett so he could get a few punches in.
"So…me, you, and the Pogue out on the marsh?" JJ asked again.
You sighed. " I don't know, J. "
"Okay, I know that last night was rough and I'm 100% sure Brett will get what's coming to him, but today is about making you feel better and I know theres nothing you like more than chilling in the middle of the marsh with a joint in one hand and a beer in the other, maybe some swimming beforehand." He saw you thinking about it and knew you were leaning towards yes so he drove it home. "Plus you like sleeping under the stars and you're always napping on the boat. Why not combine them?" 
You bit your lip, the idea tantalizing.
You nodded. "Okay but don't be all mad cause I'm all mopey." 
"I won't. I'll be fishing while getting high with my best friend." 
" I thought JB was your best friend?" You smirked.
JJ placed a finger to his lips and sent you a wink. "Shh. Our little secret." 
You sat on the blanket-covered floor of the HMS Pogue, a joint being passed between you and JJ as you sipped on a beer and ate the abundance of food JJ had brought with.
It was hours later, darkness had fallen and the stars had come out.  JJ had stopped at The Wreck to order a shit ton of food before you took the Pogue out and paid for it all despite you offering to pitch in for half.
"Oh no no no. Rule #1 of friends supporting a friend whos been broken up with: the one who has gone through the break-up doesnt pay for anything the day after."
"Oh yeah? Who made that dumbass rule Maybank?" You crossed your arms, eyebrows raised.
"Uh, I will have you know JJ Maybanks Rules To Help A Friend Through Heartbreak is a number one best seller." JJ shot qt you.
"Oh yeah. I bet that that fake ass book is raking in all the fake ass dough and your signing plenty of fake ass boobs at your fake ass book signing." You nodded.
"Actually, the fake ass bookstore that is holding my fake ass book signing doesn't allow boob autographs. Something about it being inappropriate apparently." He grinned.
You took a bite of your sandwich as you passed the joint to JJ. 
"You know what JJ?"
He hummed in response as he took a hit off the joint.
"This was really nice and I had a really great time today." You grinned.
JJ smiled, happy that the smile was back on your face. " I'm really glad Y/N/N. You know you deserve this, right?" 
You shrugged, taking a sip of your beer before taking the joint back from the blonde.
"I'm serious, Y/N. You deserve this and way more. You deserve someone who can give you everything you need and want." JJ scooted closer to you.
"If I deserve everything like you say I do, J, then why wasn't I good enough for Brett." you whispered.
JJ took the joint from your hand and placed it in the ashtray he had set on the floor before moving next to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulders, pulling your body into his side.
"It's not that you weren't good enough for Brett, Brett wasn't good enough for you. He's a damn fool for letting you go. I've heard Kooks like Topper talking about how bad they want to date you. If a Kook wants to date you, a pogue who hangs out with me who every Kook hates, that means you're a pretty remarkable person." JJ told you.
You felt yourself smile at his words. "You always know what to say, J. Sometimes, I wonder why you haven't used that intelligent brain of yours to woo yourself a girIfriend."
 JJ scoffed at your words.
"I'm serious JJ. You are so much smarter than you think you are. Both streetwise and bookwise. You read me Edgar Allan Poe last night as if it was your first language and didn't even stop to ask me what any words meant like you usually do around the others. You shouldn't hide your smarts, J. Smart you is way sexier than dumb you." JJ felt himself blush and you ruffled his hair as you turned your body to face his. "I wish you let everyone else see the JJ Maybank I see."
JJ sighed. "I don't woo any girls with my words cause it's either not the right time or not the right girl." 
"Come on JJ. You're 20 years old and you mean to tell you haven't met one girl you didn't want to be in a long term relationship with?" You asked through a mouthful of sandwich, hand covering your mouth.
"I never said that." 
your eyes widened as you swallowed your food and took a swig from your beer. "You like someone right now!" JJ rolled his eyes. " Oh my God. Maybank, spill! What's stopping you from going after her?"
JJ took the blunt from the ashtray and took a long slow drag before turning his blue eyes onto your e/c ones. "Like I said, not the right time. I have to wait until I think she's ready for a relationship."
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tsukikoayanosuke · 4 years
YES, do the silver birthday continuation !!! I trough about asking you about it , but wasnt felling well and forgot anything about asking TvT Doesnt matter who wakes him up (through it would be fun to see everyone fighting to be the true love smoch, and wakes with a platonic kiss in the forehead/cheek by grimm pretty please) but if its other thing it would be great without doubt! Have a nice day!
I don't know who you re but who in the world you know my draft?! XD I've thought about Grim's platonic kiss ending since thought of making a sequel popped up because we need more platonic true love kiss!
So, enjoy this continuation!
Intentional Kiss
The party was doing great until it wasn't. The music suddenly stopped. It was like the air had been sucked out of the bright colored room, everyone stunned in the face of something they ha never seen before.
Malleus Draconia, Prefect of Diasomnia, stumbled into the party room. Before anyone could assume or commented that Malleus finally got his invitation, they realized he was carrying something.
Or someone to be exact.
In his arms, he was holding a first-year that everyone had known as the 'Captain of Ramshackle Dorm'. He was sleeping peacefully, cradled securely in Malleus' grip like a baby. That should be fine. But Malleus looked like he was on the verge of panicking. This was probably the first time anybody ever seen (except perhaps Lilia, Silver, and Sebek) Malleus so out of character.
"Get help."
"What do you mean he can't wake up?" Deuce's question basically summed up everything that currently in their mind. The prefects, along with Crowley, Ace, Deuce, Grim, and Lilia were gathered back at the Ramshackle Dorm. Jonah was sleeping peacefully in his bed, under the blanket. He didn't look sick despite the sleeping curse.
Ace groaned, massaging his forehead. "How many time does this make him trying to get himself killed?" he muttered.
"He couldn't help it," Lilia spoke. He was sitting on the stool next to the bed, hand gently patting the blanket, trying to smoothed the wrinkle on the sheet. Glancing to the headmaster, he watched the man caressed the boy's head. If this was just an ordinary sight, Lilia might say that Crowley was trying to lulled Jonah to sleep. "The curse of the Witch of Thorn's spinning wheel is always looking for an innocence prey."
Riddle had his arm crossed in front if his chest, but his fingers kept tapping his upper arm. "If the curse still the same, does that mean the cure will also be the same?"
"'An act of true love thaws a frozen heart' was it?" asked Idia from the corner of the room.
"No that's a different curse," Malleus said. Most of the Prefect avoided the Diasomnia Leader because of the dangerous aura emitting from him. "'The princess can be woken from her death sleep, but only by true love's kiss. This curse will last till the end of time. No power on Earth can change it.' That was what she said."
Azul stopped shifting anxiously beside Riddle. "So, we just need someone to kiss him?"
"NO!" Everyone turned to Crowley who pulled Jonah's blanket until it reached his head. "I will not allowed all of you to kiss him on the lips without his consent!"
"He's in a sleeping death! He doesn't need consent!" Ace screamed back.
Kalim looked at the rest of the gang. "Does he love anyone?"
Leona shrugged from his position on the room's armchair. "We all know that brat is too dense to realized his own feeling."
Kalim hummed for a while, tapping his chin as he think. Then he perked up, hitting his palm with his first. He turned to Azul. "Azul should try first."
Azul's face immediately went red, meanwhile Ace and Deuce let out an incoherent sound of protest. "Wh-Why me?"
"Well, you like-like him, right?" Kalim asked back. "So it should work."
Ace stood up from the floor. "Like hell we'll let him go first before Riddle!"
It was Riddle's to blush heavily. "E-Eh?! D-Don't joke around!"
"So this is the power of harem protagonist," Idia muttered, to which Leona let out a tired sigh.
Vil finally stepped up, glaring at the two boys for their childishness. "As much as amusing this shipping war is, I don't want to see my baby brother got stuck in an every lasting slumber."
"Then why don't you start?" Leona said, lips curling up to challenge him. "It's not technically incest."
Vil glared at the lion, but he sighed in the end. "Alright then."
Everyone watched Vil walked up to the bed and pulled down the blanket, slightly disappointed that Jonah was still sleeping. Not waiting any longer, Vil bent down and kissed him squarely on the mouth. Quickly pulling back, he let out a sigh when there was no changes. Vil turned around, looking at the occupant of the room, one by one. "Well?"
Ace stepped next to Riddle, nudging him forward. "Come on, Prefect."
Riddle bit his lips. "What if it doesn't work?"
"We won't know if we don't try." Ace guided Riddle to stand near the bed. Riddle took a deep breath before kneeling, pressing an awkward kiss.
Nothing happened.
Riddle sighed. He stood up and turned to Azul. "You. Do it."
Azul raised both of his hands. "Riddle. What chance do I have if it doesn’t even work with you?"
"None of us want Jonah to sleep for a hundred years, right?" Riddle stepped forward, poking Azul on the chest. "So, take that risk."
Azul groaned. "Alright, alright." Walking toward the bed, Azul leaned down and kissed the sleeping pirate. He couldn't say that he was surprised when nothing happened. He glanced at Riddle. "Told you."
Riddle sighed. "It was worth a shot."
"Can I?" Kalim raised his hand. "Just to make sure..."
"Please." Azul stepped aside. Kalim walked to the bed.
"Sorry about this, Jonah." He dropped a lightning quick kiss against his lips. He let out a sigh of relief when Jonah stayed very unconscious. "Good. I-I mean, damn."
"Language." Leona stood up. He took a quick stride and gave Jonah a perfunctory kiss, much to everyone surprise of his spontaneous. "Well, now that's settled, I'll get the rest of the boy's harem."
"Hey, I'll come with you." Kalim followed Leona out of the door.
Lilia sighed. He gave the boy a small kiss. Nothing happened. He turned to Malleus. "Would you want to try?"
Malleus was silent, watching the sleeping boy. For some reason he felt guilty despite none of this was his undoing. Lilia walked toward him, giving him a pat on his back, enough to push him forward. Brushing the bangs out from the boy's face, Malleus leaned down and kissed him. Everyone let out a sigh of disappointment when nothing happened.
"Lilia, I'm going to find and alternate counter curse for this." Without waiting an answer, Malleus walked out the room, slamming the door behind him.
Lilia sighed. He turned to the remaining occupant. "Please, excuse us." He then walked out.
Deuce stood up from the floor. "I should try too." He knelt down next to the bed. "I swear, Captain. If it's me, I'll slam a cauldron at you." He kissed Jonah. He let out an exaggerated sigh of relief when nothing happened. He turned to Ace. "Your turn."
Ace rolled his eyes. "Don't make this sound weird." He quickly kissed his captain to no result. "Damn, we need to gather the whole school if this keep up. Why is he being difficult?"
Taking out the headmaster and Grim from the equation, everybody turned to the only person who hadn't had his turn.
Idia squeaked. "M-Me too?"
Azul rolled his eyes. "Come on, Idia. Be a good sport and kiss him."
Idia groaned. "Fine, fine." Quickly walking to the boy, Idia gave him a quick kiss and immediately step back.
"Not you either, huh," Riddle muttered. Idia sighed in relief.
"Can we keep Ortho out of this for now?" he asked. "If you're really desperate than I'll let him do it."
Crowley nodded. "Alright. The teachers won't be going into this yet as well."
The boy was still sleeping peacefully, unaware of the panic outside his sleeping realm. Grim flew down to the bed, curling up next to Jonah's head. You better wake up soon, Captain.
And thus the parade of people walking into the Ramshackle Dorm to try to kiss the sleeping captain awake started.
Jack and Epel stopped by. Epel kissed Jonah on the mouth. Nothing happened. He turned to Jack. "Come on, Jack. Your turn."
Ignoring the teasing grin from Epel, Jack kissed him. Nothing happened, but someone watching Jack blushing madly was pretty amusing.
"If the Young Master thinks this will work then I'll do it!" Even Sebek's loud voice couldn't wake up Jonah. Nor his kiss. Nor even Silver's kiss. Lilia and Malleus tried to cheer both of them up, especially Sebek, from sulking to deep.
"How tragic~" Rook wooed. "Forgive me, Vil. But it appears my kiss was not what he needed.
Vil sighed, watching his little brother worriedly. "We'll look again."
"As you wish."
Ruggie pulled back from his kiss. Nothing happened. "Well, I tried." He turned to Leona, stretching out his palm. "My payment."
Jade's kiss was short, but no avail.
When Floyd's kiss didn't work, he suddenly started to hugged Jonah until his joint nearly popped. It took all of Azul and Jade strength to pull him away. They didn't the captain to actually die from suffocation.
Jamil felt very uncomfortable when kissing Jonah while Kalim was watching. Both of them were relieve when he didn't wake up.
"A sleeping curse, huh?" Cater muttered. "Never thought I will see this happen."
"And only a kiss can wake him?" Trey asked.
Riddle sighed. "Hopefully."
Trey nodded. Going first, he kissed Jonah lightly. He shook his head. "Sorry, Riddle."
Cater tried next. It didn't work for him as well. "Anyone else?"
"We tried many already. But nothing worked," Riddle answered. Trey gave him a comforting one sided hug.
"We'll try more."
Crowley stepped into the room once everyone was cleared. Grim was sitting next to Jonah's head, weakly patting his cheek. "Do you want to sleep with Mister Trappola and Spade, Grim?" Crowley asked, walking up to the bed.
Grim shook his head. "I'll stay. Just to make sure no one is going to get in in the middle on the night."
Crowley nodded, pulling a stool to sit next to Jonah, watching the boy in his enchanted sleep. Using the edge of the blanket, he wiped the boy's lips. He would probably be shook knowing that his first kiss was taken away when he was unconscious.
Brushing his finger to Jonah's cheek, Crowley couldn't help but feel sad with how cold it was. The boy is always warm like the sun, not cold like ice. Crowley sighed, brushing the bangs of his face. He slowly lowered his head to Jonah's, pressed a light kiss on the top of his head. "I hope you have a nice dream, my boy." He turned to Grim. "Protect him well, okay?"
Grim nodded firmly. "I will." Grim stared at Jonah before reading forward, giving a small lick on his cheek before nuzzling him.
"Thank you." Crowley stood up again before walking toward the door. He reached for the handle-
Cowley quickly turned around. Grim stood up on the bed, his paws on Jonah's cheeks. "Jonah! Oil!" The cat started to licked the boy's face as Crowley ran toward the bed again, watching with wide eyes behind his mask as the boy slowly opened his black eyes.
"Grim..." Jonah slurred, pushing Grim's head away. "You're spitting all over me."
"JONAH!" Grim collided forward, hugging Jonah around the neck. "You're awake!"
"Yeah..." Jonah coughed. "Don't choke me though."
"Oh, sorry!" Grim and Crowley helped Jonah sit up, watching the color flooded his skin. Once the coughing stopped, Jonah looked around.
"Where am I?"
"Back in your room," Crowley answered. "What is the last thing you remember?"
"Well..." Jonah massaged his temple. "I think it was a party in Diasomnia and I went to find Senior Draconia, and then..." he frowned. "I did something...?"
"Yeah." Crowley let out a chucked. "You pulled quite a stunt today."
Jonah looked even more confused. "What exactly did I do?"
"You pricked your finger on the spindle of a cursed spinning wheel," Crowley said.
"You pulled a Sleeping Beauty at us!" Grim added. "Stupid Sleeping Captain!"
"Geez, it's not like I want to be the next Sleeping Beauty." Then he realized something. He looked around the room, noticing the wasn't anyone else beside the three of them. "Then, who is my True Love Kiss?"
Crowley laughed. "Only you can pull this kind of thing, Mister Argentum."
"Wait. Who kissed me?"
"Either me or Crowley," Grim answered.
"And before you throw accusation..." Crowley put a hand on Jonah shoulder, stopping the boy from screaming in panic. "I think the only explanation I can think of is your True Love Kiss isn't romantically, but platonically. True Love Kiss is basically a really unbreakable bond between individual. In many cases, it's romantic love, but for you, my only guesses is the trust you give."
"You just don't love someone because they're handsome or beautiful, but also trust and commitment. Tell me, Mister Argentum: knowing this, why do you think our kisses work while the others doesn't?"
Jonah looked down to his blanket. "Well... I guess I really trust you guys." He looked at Crowley. "Headmaster, you take care of me and I'm forever grateful for that. Not only that, you teach me many things I don't know. And uh..." He scratched his blushing cheek. "I guess I think you as a father for me."
Crowley laughed. "The feeling is mutual, my trouble-making son."
Jonah giggled and turn to Grim. "And you were there since the beginning. You are my best friend and I know you won't leave me alone."
"And I won't." Grim puffed up his chest proudly. "I will always be there for you even if the others are gone."
Jonah laughed. Crowley pulled the boy and the cat into a hug. "Thank you for waking me up," Jonah whispered.
Crowley pressed a light kiss on top of his head. "You are very welcome, my sleeping captain."
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rookisaknight · 4 years
Raf Tanager, meet Hope County
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⤘⤘⤘There’s a new Deputy in Town⬽⬽⬽
So as a side benefit of getting into this fandom again with a brand new gender and a brand new vibe: a brand new deputy. Excited to introduce you all to my boy, they were developed for a joint Deputy au with @ophiebot​ (who will do this for their Deputy Elijah Rook if so inclined). Not exactly reinventing any wheels here, but this time its about the indulgence.
FYI, Molly is still extant, but her story I think has been explored in my brainspace as much as it needs to be. 
➷The Basics
1. Give their full name, and describe them or post a picture! (Height, build, hair, eye, and skin color, etc.)
Rafael "Raf" Tanager (birth name REDACTED). 5'4", prone to chub but hardening up with the frequent exercise, solid build. Freckles on cheeks that darken as time goes on. Short hair kept red by some truly obsessive hairdye upkeep, which is harder than you might think. Hazel eyes. Burns and shrapnel scars around the eyes and mouth.
2. How old are they?
3. Sexuality and gender?
Bisexual, transmasc genderqueer. She/they/he but a preference for they/he when he doesnt trust the person using them.
1. How did they end up at the Hope County Sheriff’s Department? How long have they worked there?
Raf grew up closer to Missoula, but he’s still a Montana native. They’ve been at this for around 8 months, pretty much right out of graduating college. Even they honestly aren’t sure how they ended up here, just the latest in a series of adrift jobs after graduating, taken primarily to avoid any potential financial dependence on their  family. Probably would have resigned soon were it not for. Everything.
2. Relationship with Pratt, Hudson, and Whitehorse?
Pratt: Used to hate his guts. The teasing felt too much like flirting for their comfort and he was honestly kind of a bully. Now its trickier. He's pathetic in a way that’s hard for them to be around, as awful as that is, because it hits too close to home.
Hudson: Had a massive crush on her for most of their early days that pretty much went out the window post Eden’s Gate. They still try a little too hard to impress her though.
Whitehorse: Intellectually, they resent his passivity since it means a lot of Eden’s Gate ended up falling in their lap and he’s STILL insistent that maybe they should have left it alone when they’ve all had months to realize why that was a bad idea in the first place. Emotionally, well, they’re maybe a little in need of a father figure or two.
Elijah Rook: The former Rookie. They were quietly a little intimidated by him prior to all this and that’s never fully gone away, but they’ve now been able to witness more of his dorky side that makes it a little harder to take him seriously. You try chaperoning this guy from one end of Hope County and considering him at all frightening.
3. Do they have an education?
They have a MASTERS and its never relevant to anything because its a humanities degree, specifically the classics. Part of the reason they’re a little adrift currently, there was no easy dismount out of college. Just a hell of a lot of debt.
4. Where are they from? Did they speak a different language there?
Missoula, or close enough to it. They picked up some Latin and Greek from their degree. The Latin comes in handy more often than you’d think, what with the cult stuff, but the reading material is a real bummer.
5. Is there anyone outside the valley that might have come looking for them?
They’ve never had many friends in college and high school that could outlast physical proximity and they basically ghosted their family since that was easier than coming out to them at a certain point. So no, no one they want to find them is looking.
6. Did they have a religious background of any kind?
His father is a preacher, and while there’s some baggage there they would still describe themselves as broadly religious. Or at the very least superstitious.
➷Inside Hope County
1. What was going through their head when the helicopter went down and during the subsequent chase?
The crash was honestly the easiest part. That was just panic. The chase was the hard part. The helicopter exploding ended up catching them in the face, leaving them with burns and scarring that would remain for the rest of their life. She's lucky she wasn’t blinded. Still, he was forced to stumble out of the woods in intense pain and bleeding out. Had it not been for Elijah they definitely would have been taken then and there.
2. Were they afraid of Joseph and Eden’s Gate? Angry?
Terrified. Not just because of what they’ve done but because Raf knows intuitively that he's susceptible to it. As early as their first encounter they have a hard time breaking the hold Joseph gets on their mind. Even though they’re conscious of HOW they’re being manipulated, its hard to resist it.
3. Did they trust Dutch?
At that point Raf would’ve happily taken literally anyone who seemed to know what they’re doing and wasn’t holding a gun to his head.
4. How did they feel about their team being taken by the cult, did they count them as lost, did they want them back, did they not care?
Absolutely the nightmare scenario: people’s lives depending on them and their ability to be decisive. Had it not been for Elijah they probably would’ve high tailed it out of there and tried to find someone higher up the authority chain to deal with this mess. Still, just abandoning them all didn’t sit right with him either, and by the time they’d liberated Fall’s End even he had to admit he was there by his own choice.
5. How did they take to the idea of being part of, if not leading, the resistance?
Again, Raf doesn’t really do well with people depending on them. Alone. they probably would have found it a lot more miserable, but Elijah significantly helped lighten that load for them in terms of having a direction. They’ve found out they’re accidentally pretty good at working with a variety of people and can even be inspiring without meaning to. Still, in their ideal world they would’ve been left alone, or at least remained a foot soldier.
6. Which companions did they recruit, and who did they travel with the most?
All guns for hire were recruited, but Sharky and Nick were their go-to’s, Sharky for personal reasons and Nick for air support. Grace was usually the adult supervision when Nick couldn’t make it but. To be frank Raf's aim isn’t great and it drives Grace a little nuts on prolonged missions. She’s tried teaching them but it never really seems to stick.
7. Did they have time to find romance amidst the chaos? How did they do it?
Sharky. That relationship was a bit of a cold opener  (and don’t bother, Sharky already beat you to that joke). After getting their face fucked up during the escape they’ve had a pretty healthy aversion to fire and explosives, making his recruitment a little harrowing. Still, Sharky's sweet in his way, makes them laugh and breathe a little easier when the pressure gets to them, and operates on a pretty similar brainwave. They’ve been joined at the hip since their first few months in Holland Valley. They’re both a little on the codependent side, but really, who are they to complain.
8. Feelings about Joseph?
Joseph taps into a lot of vulnerabilities inside of Raf intuitively. The absence of a strong support system, the loneliness, the fear, the directionlessness, the relationship with their own spirituality, it all provides him a unique entryway into their psyche that he is exactly the kind of person to exploit. As a result, he tends to fixate on them over Elijah, usually to their detriment. Still, that connection can sometimes go both ways, and there are things about Joseph that Raf understands which even his brothers never fully do.
9. Feelings about the other Seeds?
John: They have a unique capacity for antagonizing him. Probably because as an oldest child themselves they know exactly how to jab at the youngest child insecurities. Still, that relationship didn’t stem any deeper and he focused his energies a little more on Elijah. Still, they have him to thank for the Sloth scars on their arm, thanks for that. They’re starting to run out of unmarked skin.
Faith: Faith, meanwhile, was a little more directly focused on Raf, partly because her region was the first time they had to operate a little more on their own. For personal reasons, Elijah wasn’t particularly able to engage with the Bliss. Meaning if Burke was ever going to get saved Raf had to be the one to go in there, again and again. Faith, like Joseph, can tap a lot of that loneliness that Raf has, as well as some gender and sexuality stuff Joseph can’t touch. Suffice to say Sharky had a pretty good reason for being as overbearing as he was during those months, even though he was eventually able to do the job. As a side note, they haven’t had access to their ADHD meds for MONTHS and it doesn’t help when the cult drug is the first thing to make your head feel clear in a while.
Jacob: Jacob was utterly uninterested in Raf and the feeling was mostly mutual. He doesn’t really get him or what he’s about, just knows that the county would be better off when he was put down. Transition goals, though (don’t tell Staci they said that).
10. How did they handle having to kill animals and other humans? Had they done it before?
Animals yeah, you don’t live in Montana as long as they did without hunting occasionally. People....well. You can get used to it.
11. Which canon ending did they choose in-game, and would you have changed the ending at all?
Resist. I wouldn’t. Raf might.
1. Favorite weapon(s)?
They usually prefer to show up to spots early and lay traps, try to minimize the direct combat involvement. When it can’t be avoided though, their pistol isn’t ever far and neither is a hunting knife.
2. Stealth or firepower?
Stealth, one hundred percent. Sharky and Eli are here to do the firepower.
3. How did they spend their time, when not fighting peggies?
A lot of bad movies with the boyfriend and a LOT of poker, one of their more unknown talents. Resistance isn’t gonna fund itself.
4. Where did they live during the events of the game?
Wherever there was a bed they could fall into. Their little trailer they’d been living in prior to all this got absolutely decimated while they were healing up on Dutch’s island.
5. Any other facts you want to share about your Deputy!
He’s got almost supernatural luck to the point that a couple of their guns for hire have gotten superstitious about bringing him to certain events. Including fishing. The catch just always seems somehow a little better. Also he’s privately obsessed with the 1998 recording of Cats and is terrified of anyone finding out.
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matoitech · 4 years
my hcs for galo and lios families like pre prmr in early childhood (or beyond, depending) r mostly vague but generally i go w single moms for like, every parent hc for things so heres some Brain Canons Ideas
galos family was his mom and grandfather, dads out of the picture we dont talk abt him. his mom looks a lot like him like she definitely has a mohawk and muscles also shes bisexual bc i think it would be cool of her. moms side of the families japanese and his grandfather may have been either a firefighter or historian cuz i like to think galo got the interest from somewhere and inferno kind of implies it anyway
two hcs for lios mom!
FIRST HC is that he was raised by his bio mom who was the mad burnish boss of like the biggest and most powerful mad burnish group, cuz i imagine there were probably multiple who went by the name each w slightly dif goals and ideologies. she has super powerful fire and a very dramatic taste in clothes
she was around for the great world blaze and prob had a traumatic burnish awakening like almost everyone on the planet and joined mad burnish p much right away; mad burnish was more easily locatable then; not rly in hiding quite yet bc it was before the real shit started to hit the fan. was good at what she did so she took charge fast
she didnt rly expect 2 have a kid and decided well maybe he’ll succeed me as the boss or something so at least got him ready best she could to lead or be in charge of something(and lio figured shit out on his own in a ‘ways i DONT want to be like my mother’ way) lio was always the Bosses Son there was little community involvement in his childhood cuz the boss is a little scary.. dont wanna get on her bad side.. besides like, babysitting sometimes for missions (i clarify cuz the 2nd hc does involve more joint raising of a kid)
also shes still alive during and after promare but they dont keep in touch lio ditched cuz he does not get along w her and they had a ‘difference in opinion’ in lios words but it was probably like Big Issues like idk maybe abt the burnish dont kill thing lio has going, or just general disagreement abt the way she was handling leading. i dont imagine they ever rly got along well. lio has conflicting feelings abt her. she wasnt a great parent. i cant say she tried her best but she sure was there i guess
i guess lio happened to be at the right place at the right time to save the world and also just b Around promepolis so he was referred to as the most powerful burnish but his mom is out there.. somewhere..
she looks like lalaco godspeed but blonde in leather and with more clothes but she has a cape bc she thinks they look cool. and shes right. also if she was in promare 2 she’d probably be the antagonist. shes not evil like the promare 1 villain or smth she just seems like she’d b a fun villain and give lio Parental Drama. sucks for him but good for tv
SECOND HC is that lio had some sort of separation from his bio parents after he turned burnish that he doesnt talk about and either found himself or was found by and basically adopted by the boss of one of the mad burnish groups, so yet another single mom except this ones more chill and nicer. to him anyway. she is not chill internally. shes more leniant on the burnish dont kill thing than lio will b later on in his life, since she has killed and will again if necessary but makes more of an effort to not be as blatant about it in front of the kids as lio mom #1
more community raising going on in this since various other members of the mad burnish of his moms girlfriends would help take care of him n raise him. lio learned a lot from them. he sure liked these ppl more than his bio parents. idk it was a shit situation for everyone bc theyre like, on the run, and scapegoated by everyone and the government, but they tried to feign making the best of it for lio when he was younger. lios mom gave it to him straight tho but in like a way u would respect from a parent. she has seen some shit unfortunately, also does not believe shes a good person bc of the shit shes had to do but shes doing the best she can w what shes got. 
im projecting wanting a good parent onto her can u tell
shes no longer alive by the time of promare, idk when she was killed or died (prob killed tbh). lio was obviously rly fucked up over this but was like no no emotions bc hes had to deal w a lot of rly horrible shit before and left the group a short while after that and kinda wandered and did shit on his own for a while, helped ppl out when he could. made up his mind and went to find the mad burnish near promepolis where a lot of the biggest issues were located and where freeze force came from. depending on where u think promepolis is located this either took a while or was fast
im tired these r just some ideas ive tossed around when entertaining backstories n they r not all of them. by far. a lot of its inspired by other ppls ideas which is why u have more extensive lio parent hcs, cuz ppl talk abt his backstory ideas more.
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currentfandomkick · 5 years
Bio! Dad Strange part 4
Shorter but a paris update for her life and a little on gotham with Jason as Robin while Tim is a hero Stalker.
Marinette is 7 when she changes schools, ordered into the Dupont school chain by her teachers since she was getting ‘difficult’ and contradicting their ciriculum. When they challeneged her on this, she went to the school board with Rolland beside her of all people.
The board agreed on one thing, Marinette’s contradictions were not only factually correct, but were done to prevent the outdated ciriculum from hurting her classmates. Instead of punishing her, she got to skip a gade and was given to Dupont as a ‘highly reccomended gifted student’.
Her first day she met Max, who also skipped a grade. The pair bond in five seconds over a new programming focused on learning emotional intelligence. Uncle Riddler was showing her it, and Max got his hands on a various ai bases. This led to then teaming up and designing the one and only Markov together, if only in schematics.
A week in and the two notice that some kids are being followed around by a guy with a bat. They report it. Again and again, but no one can find him.
One day he catches the pair on their way to Max’s—they wanted to work on their ai together, ok? The guy tries to hit Max, saying something about them being lucky metas that needed to suffer.
Marinette’s gotham training kicked in. She caught the bat, ripped it away from him and hit him in the chest with it, while yelling at max to run.
At the end of the incident, videotaped by a bystander, the Dupont Stalker was arrested.
Marinette was given another name by the police, ‘fille de batte’ or bat girl. Her having family in gotham only made the nickname more popular.
This put her on Kim and Alix’s radar. Kim wanted a challenge for fighting and competitions, and this tiny kid did that—to an adult! New friend and rival!
Alix was went from shock to joy as Marientte does art. She does art. Art friend to rant to found!
Nino ran into Marinette not long after Kim and Alix attached themselves to her and Max. Nino became their judge for Kim challenges. Including Mari pinning Kim to the mat, or deciding who did a circus move better (Mari won acrobatics).
Chloe doesnt go to dupont until next year, and sabrina is in another class, mildly concerned for Marinette.
In this au, again, Dupont is considered a ‘i would not be shocked if there were metas there’ school for gifted kids in any way.
Marinette is sent there for her insane science obsession at the time, but is also put in their arts program with Alix to develop as an artist with her medium, fabrics and fashion.
And if marinette redesigns hero outfits as “monsiuer ross, scribbles have more style, let alone fashion sense” alot, well. Kids get obsessed a lot and the Justice League is a common one, as are known villians. Her everyday outfits having different hero schemes—oddly enough some forensic scientist she’s obsessed with from some american city ended up in her mix—well. She’s a kid and showing signs a few types of anxiety.
Possible social and OCD and a developing case of perfectionism common to the arts program. The school has her see a therapist and know she isnt telling them everything beyong mild concern for her gotham family, and confusion over people just ‘not getting things’ as she is terribly smart and good at finding patterns and how do people not see it?
By the end of the year Marinette is in a strong friend group who’s parents and hers have decided to have joint custody during the school year.
She was now (forced) to learn vietnamese from Kim’s Grandparents, italian from Rolland (her nonno that has a Thing for tradition and somehow married Gina and raised Tom mostly on his own while running the bakery to boot), english from Father/Strange, Mandarin from her Maman and she started Arabic to talk with Nino’s aunt who kept saying marinette was her future in-law and point out that nino and her are friends, not dating ma’am.
However, Nino endured most of this with her-not the italian or Mandarin, but the others. Kim couldnt get Arabic but mandarin was a breeze for him. Alix cannot get vietnamese or arabic but Mandarin is her jam after french. Max just speaks french and english, he understands the others he just cant get the sounds right, ok?
When Marinette goes back to Gotham that summer, she ends up dealing with Hero Stalker Tim (jason is robin now) while looking for Red Hoodie who No oNE is telling her what happened and she’s worried, ok?
Tim feeds her obbsession with fixing problems. He sometimes sends her building layouts of places Catwoman stole from. And then the jewlry reappears thanks to a nervous Marinette coached by Rose and Ghoul while Frost handles her post-fix it freak out. Tim also may or may not get helped by her alot during Batman Stalking Time as she teaches his butt how to sneak and complains he’s worse than penguin.
Tim hates that, works on it, and still has nonidea who she is. He does admit to figuring out who batman may be, but needs more evidence so...
Marinette hits him becuase “thats dangerous!” And tries to lecture him in identites.
Batman’s radiowave was used for said lecture.
“And it puts their families in danger you, uh, hero stalker! And stuff so no more identity investigations!”
“They have the same builds, and did signsture moves from—“ the signal cutout.
He and Jason are more careful... ish. They change channels and monitor the old one.
Sometimes Batman catches Marinette and Tim talking about coldcases and she has asked three times if he heard anything about Jason’s street kid identity. Jason is feeling guilty about this as she’s his Pixie Pop. This lets Bruce know that the probably-clark’s-kid would keep Jason away from GCPD and CPS.
When a convo leads to Batman finding out Tim and Marinette have considered asking the police for help with a case of medicine that needed to be recalled as it was beign used to mule drugs contaminated the batches and hurt patients, but turned it down after she saw some taking bribes from Fish, Batman lets Gordon know and an investigation is launched.
While Bats is away, Jason visits marinette as Robin and tries to get her to bats for more information and a lecture on heroing without adult supervision. Maybe.
Only she’s currently stealing from a sleeping selina at another HQ. A Selina who has stopped trying to stop marinette and let riddler turn her house into one of his ‘traps’ to stop Marinette’s ‘return theiving’.
Jason gets stuck in a trap. Marinette is gone by then, scared Robin will tell Superman about her and he’ll hurt her family or something.
Catwoman is annoyed at Marinette’s sucess. She goes to stop the girl after leaving him tied up for Batman with a message: leave her new kitten-to-be alone.
Follow up talk post-Caught Marinette reverse theiving.
“Blame the Council’s decrees. She’s their little princess, and my new neice,” Catwoman watched Batman carefully.
Confused Batman in interrogator mode. “You mean the Court of Owls, arent they disbanded?”
“Bats, the council is gotham’s underground. Apparently Two-Face made the contracts as penance for scaring the Princess during a breakout. Unless you want an organized attack by the council, steer clear of her.”
Batman conencts the dots and curses himself. The girl he was looking for last summer is the Princess of Gotham’s underground. It will be hell finding her. And Superman/Clark will lose it when he’s told.
He lets the JL know about it, saying ‘possibly kyptonian clone, female child. Gotham’s underground is calling her their Princess. Connor and Kidflash tailed her last summer during the arkham breakout while Robin was with the Titans. Be alert for a small asian girl.’
That was how Marinette ended up on the JL watch list and how Superman had another existential crisis.
Dick freaks out with the Titans over this. Becuase kyltonian raised by villians is terrifying. Jason forwarded the message and adds on “she’s a good kid and wants to help. Somehow keeps zsasz and joker from killing people, so its not good to take her away or issolate her from the villians if you find her. From what i remember, she is terrified of her family beign put in danger. The others wont listen to me. If you can, pass this along to the other sidekicks and your allies—none of them trust me enough to listen. I cant talk to her as a civilian like i used to either for obvious reasons. And she’s terrified of me-Robin. Maybe you can get through to her, or someone else can. Just talk to her first, she’s more reasonsble than she looks”
Dick doesnt read the add on until much later and regrets it.
He met marinette once. She was a very excited kid babbling about aerodynamics in acrobatics and asking about that. Not hero things, not power things, or justice league but That.
He tried to be nice but he was having a horrible mission, saw the girl floating as she rambled and tried to grab her.
She freaked out and bolted, sort of. He got slammed into a building, or would have had she not caught him, rambled in french while trying to apologize (he was a but stunned from the throw, and rebooting as villian-kyptonian was... nice?) and put him on the roof, hit his communicator and said one thing.
“I think i broke your robin? All are robins like bird bones or something?”
He regained a functioning brain as that. That was something he could respond to.
“I am human thank you!”
That seemed to be enough for her as he moved to get up. She waved bye and bolted, something about Rose being mad at her for being late...
“Titans. I think we might have been wrong about the kid...”
Later with Young Justice the info was passed on.
Jason asked if anyone read his attachment and was met with silence. He groaned and told them “so another team she’s going to avoid... great.”
Marinette added the titans to her list of ‘people to aviod—tetch and Jerimah were the worst. Luthor and Cadmus were under them. Then the entire Justice League (they would tell batman or superman. Snitches.), followed by GCPD, CPS, the Bat Family and now Titans. She wonders if she needs to add anyone else, and hates that she cant talk to heroes. They could help with controlling her powers instead of suppressing them but she cant trust them not to give her to superman like batman did with Rose to Poison Ivy and she’s pretty sure Superboy too.
Next time, times marinette accidently put together identities and curses Hero Stalker Tim for her now knowing.
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nightsonights · 5 years
sfw alphabet- z.k.
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author’s note: HUGE shoutout to the absolute queen @reveriekuwonu for this idea. her work is so so amazing and she’s so credibly talented. she did this for both nick and edwin so please please go check those out!!
also, this is not 100% reflective of the boys, zion in particular. i (obviously) don’t know them personally so these are all based on the assumptions/vibes that i get off them.
A= Affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
zion is moderately affectionate. he isn’t serenading you constantly or bringing you gift baskets and chocolates but from time to time, he’ll get you your favourite meal or perfume. you guys are practically best friends who are in love and in a relationship. he shows his affection through constantly spending time with you or just by simply telling you that he appreciates and loves you.
B= Best friend (what would they be like as a best friend? how would the friendship start?)
HE IS YOUR NUMBER ONE SUPPORTER. zion is down for anything and everything. smoke a joint? down. turn up? down. late night run to mcdonald’s? down. you’d start being friends with him through meeting at parties hosted at the pm house or through mutual friends. you both share the spotlight when it comes to getting lit so overtime, you learned to share it.
C= Cuddles (do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?)
zion is a meaningful cuddler. he likes to cuddle in silence and enjoy your presence. he would enjoy cuddling after a long day with something playing on the TV. the vibe is overall reflective. he is reflecting over his life or his goals or even being with you. his favourite cuddling spot would be resting his head on your stomach or your thighs.
D= Domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
one day. zion can imagine himself one day with a wife and kids and like five simba’s running around but that’s very far down the line for him. he can cook and be clean when he wants to but often times finds himself slacking. however, when he puts his mind to a recipe or making a place look decent, he does an amazing job.
E= Ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
zion isn’t totally immature about it. he’s not gonna go around spreading details or be butthurt about it. maybe make some unpointed ig story remarks but he’ll get over it. good with hanging around ex(s) after splitting just cause he doesn’t fuck with the negativity. but i do see him hooking up with one for old times sake.
F= Fiance(e) (how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
marriage is something that zion can see in his life, just not anytime soon. isn’t very scared of setting down per say but he’s not at the stage of his life where he wants to fully be (and legally) accountable for someone else.
G= Gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally)
LITERALLY THE SOFTEST PERSON YOU’LL EVER MEET. under that hard exterior, he’s a soft, giant teddy bear. he is emotionally gentle when he knows that he can trust you and vice versa. physically he’s the same. IN BED THO... girl. we won’t talk about that ;).
H= Hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
zion’s hugs are overwhelming to anyone. he literally engulfs you into his chest and towers over you with his height. being in his embrace feels like another world; your own personal shelter. he doesn’t mind being hugged but he finds it quite awkward if the person isn’t the same height as him. these types of hugs come forth when you’re feeling down or if he feels like he hasn’t held you in a while.
I= I love you (how fast do they say the l-word?)
zion isn’t one to just say ”i love you” to anything or anyone. he will definitely feel like he’s in love for a long time before he actually says it out loud.
J= Jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they’re jealous?)
zion is definitely a petty jealous. he will just hit you with those passive aggressive remarks like “go hit up your mans” or “tell your man he’s staring too hard.” he doesn’t take it too seriously though cause he knows you’re his girl and he trusts you.
K= Kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MANS LIPS? LORD. zion’s kisses are always passionate and sexy. tongue, biting of the lips, etc. make out sessions are very common between the two of you. he loves to kiss your lips and loves to receive neck/jaw kisses.
L= Little ones (how are they around children?)
zion’s really shy around kids. the soft side of his personality comes out when he encounters a child. definitely nervous about making them upset or doing the wrong thing so he tries to avoid doing too much. he’d be an excellent dad once he stops tip toeing around his kid.
M= Mornings (how are mornings spent with them?)
mornings with zion are usually spent with puffs of smoke and tangled limbs under sheets. this is zion’s time of reflection and appreciation. whether that be because of his joint or not.
N= Night (how are nights spent with them?)
if the night isn’t spent partying or mixing beats in the studio, they are spent cuddling while watching reruns of old shows or cartoons. lots of inappropriate gripping and touching but overall pretty chill.
O= Open (when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
zion is definitely one to have you piece together his biography slowly but surely. he’s not afraid to be vulnerable but it will take him a while to open up to someone. he needs to feel like he’s not being judged or ridiculed of the things that mean a lot to him in order to talk truthfully about them.
P= Patience (how easily angered are they?)
believe it or not, zion is very patient. he often holds his tongue to avoid unnecessary conflict. however, he will let things accumulate untill he’s reached his breaking point and feels like he needs to get shit off his chest. and when zion talks his shit- it’s over for y’all hoes.
Q= Quizzes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
zion’s a good in between. he won’t remember the name of your first goldfish but he will remember your common phrases or actions. zion remembers things that are relevant to you and your relationship, not random fun facts.
R= Remember (what is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
your first time meeting his family or the moment where you both admitted you had feelings for each other.
S= Security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
zion is super protective. he will throw hands for you, no questions asked. when it comes to protecting his family and friends, he doesnt care who was in the wrong or who it is. zion doesn’t so much need to be protected physically (although he wouldn’t mind you throwing hands for him ) but he likes to feel emotionally protected and valued. he appreciates someone he can express his hardships to and not worry that they will repeat it to someone else.
T = Try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
because he’s very spontaneous and down for anything, every activity feels like a date. zion will remember something that you mentioned in passing and say let’s go do it. Because all your dates are very informal and chill, he would take anniversaries and special occasions really seriously. even going as far to make them extra cheesy and heartfelt :).
U= Ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
zion is a silent angry. he doesn’t feel the need to mention every little thing that makes him angry so he expresses his anger in silent and passive aggressive ways. when you try to help him or fix it the problem, he brushes it off just cause he would rather avoid the unnecessary argument. when zion gets in these types of moods, he can be very grumpy and agitated which doesn’t help either of you.
V= Vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
coming from a chubby childhood, zion often is self conscious about his weight. people might take it as him being cocky or fuckboy-ish when he shows off his abs but really he’s just proud of his progress/workout regiment.
W= Whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
definitely. you and zion do some much together that if you were ever to leave for some reason he would definitely feel like he’s missing his better half.
X= Xtra (a random headcanon for them)
will never ask for it but loves when you take control in the bedroom. loves the feeling of your hands in his hair. is a whore for neck/jaw kisses. especially when hickies are involved.
Y= Yuck (what are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
someone who is boring or doesn’t want to take risks. as mentioned before, he’s a very energetic and spontaneous so if his partner isn’t as equally as adventurous it’s a major turn off. zion also isn’t keen of someone who is always calling him out for smoking weed or being high. his fans already do that so much already, he doesn’t need his significant other doing the same.
Z= Zzz (what is a sleep habit(s) of theirs?)
zion definitely likes being the small spoon. his ideal sleeping position is his head resting on your stomach, thighs or chest.
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zanesgirlfriend · 5 years
Banana Bread | Jeff Wittek
Requested by anonymous: another jeff imagine but where people have been stalking their address and they break in OR jeff has another prison scare and tries to keep it from the reader because he doesnt want her to be involved x
I chose to do the first one!! i also went fuckin ham on it and made it hella angsty and crazy so I hope u dont mind
TW: stalking, kidnapping, shit like that
It started with y/n looking over her shoulder. Little ruffles in the leaves, flashes in the windows at night. She felt like someone was watching her.
"Y/n, nobody's outside." Jeff reassured her as she peered out the window. "And if they ever tried to hurt you I'd kick their ass." He smiled before dragging her back down into bed with him. She snuggled into him, feeling the comforting sense of security as his strong arms wrapped around her.
It was eating away at her. She'd never had these feelings before, and she just knew that something was wrong. The thoughts spiralled around in her mind. What did they want? Her or Jeff?
"What if they're following you, not me?" She asked him, crunching on some toast and spinning lightly on her stool. He looked at her, slightly annoyed with the subject.
"Nobody's fuckin' stalkin' us." His tone was loud, but not aggressive. She stopped spinning the stool and glared at him.
"Okay, but what about the flashes in the window?" She asked, as if he could dispute it. They both saw them.
"Lightning." He sat down next to her and started to eat.
"Lightning, every night for a week, and only in one window?" She raised her eyebrows. "You're just in denial." She huffed and took another bite of toast.
"What do you mean, 'denial.' Denial about what?" The piece of bacon between his fingers waved around the air as his hands moved. Y/n took a sip of orange juice before answering his question.
"You always focus on the positive side of life. Like, the optimistic side." She started. "You're in denial that something could go wrong. That something bad could be happening."
The reality and seriousness of the situation finally started to hit Jeff. "Well, we can't really do anythin' about it, can we?" He rubbed her back as they both thought about what they could do.
"I guess we just wait it out." And wait it out, they did.
She wasn't supposed to be home that day. Nobody was. Her and Jeff's apartment was normally always full of people, in and out, all day long. Whether to shoot a video, walk Nerf or just hang out. Today was His one chance. Everyone was supposed to be either at work, on a hike, or with friends. Even Nerf was gone. But y/n missed her alarm, and her manager told her just to stay home.
She was asleep on Jeff's side of the bed, head under his pillow, buried in blankets, being comforted by his scent even in his absence. That's why He didn't see her. It was the creak in the balcony door that woke her up.
Her heart was racing. Jeff wouldn't be home until after dark, so she knew something was up. She turned her phone on silent and hid under the blankets while she called Jeff.
Jeff didn't pick up.
She heard Him enter the room so she tried to stay as still as possible. He went about his business. Taking pictures of everything and making his way into the bathroom. She heard plastic bags being opened, not knowing He was filling them with her and her boyfriend's hair. This was her only chance to escape. She crawled out of her bed, avoiding the floorboards that she knew would squeak.
She made it out of the room and looked around, attempting to find a quiet exit. There was no way she could jump from the balcony, and the front door would be too loud. She was too focused on escaping to hear Him appear behind her.
She screamed. Adrenaline and heavy breathing only allowing the chloroform to take effect more quickly.
She woke up on concrete. As she looked at the cell she was locked in, she attempted to remember everything she's seen on TV or in movies that could possible help her. There was nothing to break the lock, nothing to hit the man with, and no openings big enough for her to fit through.
"You finally woke up!" He smiled at her as he walked up to the bars, his unusually perfect teeth seemed unsettling.
"Who are you?" She croaked. She noticed her phone plugged in and sitting on a table near Him.
"I'm Jeff." The way He said Jeff's name made her angry. This prompted her to actually look over the man. He was wearing a wife-beater and Adidas track pants. His hair was slicked back, it looked like it had been recently dyed.
The more she looked at Him, the more she saw what was going on. He even had Jeff's tattoo crudely drawn in the same spot as Jeff. "No you're not. What's your real name?" She knew she shouldn't be aggressive, not knowing what He was capable of, but she couldn't help herself.
"Tomorrow morning, it will be Jeff." He remembered the legal name change he had the next day and got excited.
"Why did you take me?" She decided to calm down and change the subject, any information she could get from Him would be helpful. He smiled again, but this time his hand twitched, as if something was wrong.
"Well I wasn't supposed to take you yet," His words sent a chill down her spine. "But there was a change of plans." He sat down next to her phone, somehow knowing the password to unlock it. If she could just talk to Jeff for a moment, things would be okay.
"You didn't answer my question." She said more forcefully now. She watched him pull a small box from his pocket, placing it on the table and taking a joint from it.
"Do you want a hit?" He said as he flicked his lighter, remembering the nights he watched y/n and Jeff get high together. He wanted that.
"No, thanks." She tried to be polite, realizing the best way to deal with Him would be to cooperate and be nice. He took a hit before finally answering her question.
"Jeff had you, so I had to have you."
The only light in the room came from a small window near the top of the wall. He disappeared and she watched the sun set, thinking about all the things she needed to do to survive. It was dark when he returned.
"Get against the wall." He pointed at her, the outline of a gun in his waistband forcing her to comply. She stood against the cold concrete as he unlocked her cage. She barely noticed the rather large box he was carrying.
He placed the box on the floor and the smell of Chinese food wafted towards her. It was then that she realized how hungry she was. "I got your favorite." He said as he exited and locked her cage again.
"Thank you." She said as she went to open the box. She was very picky, and couldn't tell if she was creeped out or relieved that he knew her usual order. Inside the box was the food, a bottle of water, two blankets, a pillow, and a small toilet. One that would usually be used to potty train a toddler.
"Once we trust each other, you'll be sleeping with me." He sat down at the table with her phone on it. Opening up his own Chinese food. It looked like Jeff's usual order.
"How long have you been watching us?" She asked as she unwrapped her plastic fork, wondering if she could somehow stab him with it.
"Long enough." He said before shoveling food into his mouth. The more he talked, the more y/n noticed that he was attempting to imitate Jeff's accent.
"Okay." She said as she took a bite. The food was delicious, but she felt very unsettled, and suddenly not hungry.
"After dinner you're gonna call Jeff." The man stated as if it was nothing. Her eyes lit up. This would be her opportunity to get help.
Dinner went by slowly. She was finished far before he was, and she couldn't help but think he was eating slowly on purpose. Dragging her out longer and longer so she'll comply with his wishes easier.
"There's no service down here, so we'll have to go upstairs." The man walked over to her, unlocking the cage as she scooped up her trash. "Pull any bullshit and you'll never talk to anybody again." He grabbed her wrist tightly, before dragging her up the stairs.
It looked like something out of a movie. The stairs led straight into his bedroom closet, and into his bedroom. His bedroom was crazy. She felt her chest tighten as she saw it all.
Pictures of her and Jeff adorned the walls. Screenshots from Instagram, YouTube videos, and the pictures He took through their bedroom window. Varying degrees of nudity, times of them eating, cuddling, and even having sex. Bags of their hair. Lost articles of clothing. The bracelet Jeff gave her for her birthday, the one she cried for a week over when she lost.
Y/n tried her hardest not to cry. She had to sound okay for Jeff. "Tell him you had to visit your mother. She fell in the shower. Any mention of me and he's gonna hear me blow your brains out." His hand gripped the gun on his waist as unlocked her phone. He pulled up Jeff's contact, hit call, and put it on speakerphone.
"Hey beautiful, where are you?" The sound of his voice brought her to tears, but she held it together.
"My mom fell in the shower and had to go to the hospital, I just got off the plane, sorry I didn't tell you sooner." She'd never lied to him before, but she knew she had to.
"Okay, well call me and tell me what's up when you get to her. I miss you." His words had a new meaning.
"Don't forget to pick up more food for Nerf, and the banana bread in the fridge needs to get eaten before I come back." She told him. His heart dropped.
"We need a code word." Y/n said to him after waking up in the middle of the night.
"For what?" He asked groggily, sitting up and looking at her.
"In case something goes wrong. Like, if one of us is in danger, and we can't just say what's going on over the phone."
"That's smart. What should the word be?"
"Banana Bread."
"I love you." Jeff told her. She could hear the strain in his voice. He understood her. "So so so so so so so much. I really fuckin' love you."
"I really fuckin' love you too, I'll talk to you soon, bye." Tears fell from her eyes, all the emotions from the day's events came pouring out. Getting stronger as she looked around at all the creepy shit in this man's room.
Jeff immediately called the police. Y/n's location was turned off, and he had no idea what had happened to her. There was a whole team dedicated to her case. Jeff basically lived at the police station, trying to get any information on where she could be. They dusted the apartment, attempting and failing to find any information on the man who broke in.
Two weeks passed. Y/n and the man had developed a trust, but she was still stuck in her cage. She lost weight rapidly, going through periods where she was too in her head to eat. "When can I talk to him again?" She asked as soon as the man walked down the stairs.
"Tonight." He mumbled as he unlocked the cage. She backed against the wall as he refreshed her supplies. She noticed his shoulder. It now had an exact copy of Jeff's tattoo. It was fresh too, as if he'd just been at the tattoo parlor. It was crazy that he looked so much like Jeff, but so different at the same time.
He was missing all the little things. The way Jeff waved his hands around as he spoke, the way his accent got thicker when he was excited. The way they would wink back and forth at each other until they were both just rapidly blinking, and then bursting out into laughter.
She really missed Jeff. The real Jeff. And the night never seemed to come fast enough. She was crawling in her skin by the time He came to get her.
Jeff woke up to the sound of his ringtone. "She's calling!" He stood up abruptly and ran to the table with the investigation team.
"Pick it up." They said, doing something on the computers he didn't quite understand.
"Hey beautiful, how's your mom?" It was code for 'are you okay?'
Y/n smiled to herself, the sound of his voice made her feel happy and secure. "She's doing okay, some days are worse than others. I hope she'll be released from the hospital soon." Her words were careful and slow, giving the police enough time to find a location on the call.
"She'll probably be released sooner than you think, don't worry."
"Being with her makes me miss my dad. You two are very similar." She hoped desperately that he got the hint.
"We got it." A detective said as she pulled up a map. The call pinged off of two local towers, giving them a five mile radius of where to search. Y/n was forced off of the phone and Jeff looked at the map.
"Hey that's my apartment building." He pointed to the center of the circle area. Things were starting to come together.
"What did she mean by 'my dad reminds me of you?'" Jeff didn't understand that part of her code.
"Maybe she was talking about the man who kidnapped her. Wasn't he stalking you before she was taken? Maybe he wanted to be you." A cop shrugged her shoulders, not knowing how accurate her theory was.
It wasn't long before the figured out who the suspect was. "Jeff Wittacre. Formerly known as James Wittacre. He got his name changed. . . right after y/n was kidnapped." He lived on the ground floor of Jeff's apartment building, and they ran into each other quite a bit. They said 'hey' in the hallway, or in the mailroom, they even took their trash out at the same time. It was slightly weird how often they ran into each other, but now Jeff knew why.
"I'm fuckin' moving out tomorrow." Jeff told one of the cops as they raced over to his home. Once inside the building, they refused to let Jeff go any farther.
"You have to stay out here." The head of the team asserted. Jeff puffed up.
"No, I'm going in." He demanded. They had to hold him back as they burst through the door.
James acted as calm as possible. "I don't know what you're talking about." He would shrug as they asked where he kept her. They destroyed his apartment, throwing things, banging on walls, breaking anything they thought he could keep her in.
She was asleep when the broke in. The banging woke her up. Screaming might be the wrong move if nobody's actually there to rescue her.
Jeff broke out of the arms of the officers, strangling his copycat until he decided to answer. "Where the fuck is she you sick fuck?!" He slammed the man against the wall as the other officers found the man's bedroom.
"We found something!" Someone screamed as they noticed all the photographs of Jeff and y/n. Jeff immediately let go of the man and ran to where they were. Officers held James back, taking his gun from him.
"Y/n!" He screamed, thinking they found her.
"Jeff?!" She screamed back. She knew that was his voice. Everyone was immediately quiet. "Jeff!" She screamed more urgently. She picked up her small toilet and banged it against the wall, not caring what spilled out of it. Any noise she could make was helpful.
"Where are you?" An officer shouted, not seeing anywhere in the bedroom to hide her.
"Through the closet!" She screamed as loud as she could. The officer stormed the closet and James broke out of another officer's grip. He charged at the officer, pushing him down the stairs.
Y/n screamed in horror as she watched an officer tumble down the concrete stairs. His ankle snapped and he cried out in pain.
Upstairs, Jeff charged at James, launching both of them down the stairs. All the other officers followed them down.
"Jeff!" Y/n screamed as she saw his floppy hair. He kicked James in the stomach before running over to her, not caring how much pain he was in himself.
"Y/n!" He banged on the cage, trying anything to get it open. Both of them were in tears as officers arrested the fucked up man.
Y/n reached through the bars and grabbed Jeff's hand. She saw the tiredness in his eyes and the stress on his face. "You're okay." He told her, kissing her hand.
"I'm okay." She repeated, pressing her face into the bars to kiss him.
They broke the cage down. She was covered in piss, and hadn't showered in two weeks, but neither of them cared. Jeff wrapped his arms around her and cried like he'd never cried before.
"You're never leaving my arms again." He told her as he kissed her forehead over and over.
"Okay." She muttered into his chest before looking around. She was shaking, but Jeff helped her up the stairs.
"Where are we?" She got a familiar feeling as they exited James' apartment.
"The first floor of our building." He told her as he led her outside. She cried even harder as Jeff walked her toward the ambulance.
"You mean, I was right here the whole time?" She realized. Jeff nodded. "We're moving." She said matter-of-factly.
"I'm already ahead of you there." He smiled and held her shoulders as he looked her over. "I love you."
"I love you too." She smiled, kissing him once again.
"I'm so proud of you." He showered her with compliments. She smiled, feeling like she could finally make a joke again.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm craving some banana bread though." She smiled and let out her first laugh in weeks.
"I'll make it from scratch." He smiled before hugging her once more.
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seriestrash · 5 years
Community Service - Part Two
A Tyrus (ish) One Shot
Summary: A new and unlikely friendship blossoms after Cyrus’ first Saturday at community service. Meanwhile, TJ is confused by the new development.
Word Count: 3645
Read on ao3
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After Cyrus’ father signs him out of his first day at community service they swing by The Spoon so Cyrus can quickly run in and get some take-out for dinner. Cyrus is at the counter ordering when the door chimes, signalling someone has entered.
“There you are.” Cyrus hears a familiar voice say and he turns around to find TJ approaching. 
“Oh hey, TJ.” Cyrus greets him with a smile but a sadness washes over him remembering the all too fresh swing set encounter.
“I thought you said you weren't avoiding me?” TJ looks annoyed. 
“I’m not.” Cyrus is confused by the mild hostility. 
“You haven’t answered any of my texts today asking you to hang out.” TJ states. 
“I’m sorry. They confiscated our phones.” Cyrus says as he pulls his cell out of his pocket, quickly clicking it so the lock screen displays his unseen notifications, “See I just haven't seen them yet. I wasn’t intentionally ignoring you.” Cyrus was being honest, he hand’t noticed the messages until just now but he wasn’t exactly looking for reasons to talk to TJ either, not since he spied him on the swings with Kira. Not that Cyrus was avoiding TJ but he thought it was best to give the boy some space, more to protect his own feelings than anyone elses.
“Oh.” TJ shifts uncomfortably as he jumped to the conclusion but then he’s hit with confusion, “Who confiscated your phone?” 
"The officers supervising community service.” Cyrus explains. 
TJ’s perplexed expression remains, “Were you volunteering?” 
“No, not exactly...” Cyrus chuckles nervously, “You know how I mentioned that free flea market I was running with Andi, Buffy and Jonah the other day? Well we were apparently not allowed to do that and kinda got arrested for it...” 
“You got arrested?” TJ asks loudly in shock and Cyrus looks embarrassed that he was drawing attention to them. 
“Well we all got put in a holding cell together for like twenty minutes until our parents got there.” 
“Why am I only just hearing about this now?” TJ is in a state of disbelief. 
“Sorry, it was kind of a whirlwind but next time I’m thrown in the clink, I’ll use you as my one phone call.” Cyrus jokes and this lightens the mood.
TJ laughs as he questions, “Twenty minutes in there and you’re down with the prison slang already?” 
“I might have searched some online...” Cyrus shrugs innocently and it causes TJ to laugh harder. 
“Does this mean you’re the bad influence in our friendship now?” TJ jokes. “Should my mom be worried about us hanging out?” 
Cyrus chuckles, “Nah, we’re both just a couple of tough guys, doing tough guy stuff.” 
“I’m sorry, Cyrus,” TJ begins in a mock serious tone, “But I promised to leave that life behind.” More laughter consumes them. Cyrus and TJ were getting along so well that Cyrus’ sad feelings towards the whole shirt debacle were almost forgotten in the moment. 
“Actually, you know who I bumped into today-” Cyrus begins but he’s cut off by a not so friendly face. 
“Hey, TJ.” Kira bounces into The Spoon with a smile. “Cyrus.” Her enthused tone drops along with her grin when she acknowledges him. 
“Kira, hey.” TJ greets her. 
“Hi.” Cyrus smiles politely. 
“So,” Kira turns towards TJ, cutting Cyrus off almost completely. “Family day got cut short so I’m free to hang out tonight. Take me to a movie?” 
Just like that Cyrus’ wave of sadness was back to consume him. Of course TJ wanted to hang out today, Kira was otherwise occupied. 
“Uh, sure, movies sound good.” TJ bops his head, “Cyrus, want to come?”
“I can’t.” Cyrus picks up the bag of take-out the server had left for him on the counter and waves it lightly in front of himself, “I have plans with my dad, but you two have fun.” 
“We will.” Kira says with a smug smile. “We always do.”
“Well, see ya round.” Cyrus nods and tries to make his escape. 
“Oh, Cyrus,” TJ stops him. “Did you still have that shirt or did the officer confiscate it when you got busted?” 
“No but I gave it to Jonah. Sorry.” Cyrus mumbles. 
“Oh, okay.” TJ says looking disappointed and Cyrus simply shrugs before finally leaving. 
The week marches on and by Wednesday Cyrus still wasn’t feeling any better about his situation with TJ. Cyrus couldn’t avoid the basketball captain forever because he honesty didn’t want to give up their friendship just because TJ potentially had feelings for someone else, but on the other hand it was hard hanging out with TJ when his new best friend very clearly didn’t want Cyrus hanging around. Reed’s words flow into Cyrus’ mind, about how he and TJ weren't communicating well enough and how they should really talk about it. Cyrus wanted to do that and really explain to TJ how we felt about Kira but Cyrus didn’t want to come across as a jealous friend. Cyrus could hardly say ‘Kira doesn’t like me’ because it might sound like he’s saying ‘you shouldn’t like Kira because I don’t want you too’ and despite his own feelings, Cyrus wouldn’t get in the way of TJ’s feelings for someone else. With that all in mind it also kind of hurt Cyrus to feel like the backup plan, the friend that TJ hangs out with when other friends were busy. 
That day at lunch, Cyrus is in the cafeteria line collecting his food when he can hear Kira and TJ laughing loudly at a table across the room.
“You know I wasn’t paying attention before but now that you’ve pointed out it’s all I can notice,” Reed pops up out of nowhere with his own lunch tray and walks the beside Cyrus as they collect food, “They really are annoyingly joint at the hip aren’t they?” 
“I told you. They are really getting along.” Cyrus shrugs. 
“I take it you haven’t spoken to TJ yet?” 
“Nope and I’m not sure I’m going to.” Cyrus admits. 
“Why not?” Reed asks. 
“When you and TJ fought about him spending time with me-” Cyrus began and the sentence honestly felt like a joke, “did you tell him not to hang out with me?” Cyrus questions. 
“Well, no..” Reed tosses his head from side to side, “But-” 
“There is no but. I can’t tell TJ to hang out with Kira less just because she doesn't like me.” Cyrus says simply. 
“I guess that makes sense...” Reed mumbles. “But if she's not being a good friend to you that should matter to TJ.” 
“But she’s not being mean to me, she’s not telling me to go away. It’s just uncomfortable.” Cyrus explains, “I can’t really say anything, I mean, I hung out with TJ when he wasn’t being friendly to Buffy.” 
Reed didn’t have a good comeback to this statement so he stays quiet. The two finish collecting their food and hover by the end of the line. 
“Judging by that confused look on Teej’s face I’d say he doesnt know we’ve reconnected?” Reed briefly draws Cyrus’ attention to the basketball captain supporting a confused look. 
“I tried to tell him but can you guess who popped up before I got the chance?” Cyrus half heartedly smiles. 
“Geez.” Reed lets out a breath of disbelief.
“Maybe I am a jealous friend.” Cyrus says as a joke although he actually kind of meant it. 
“Happens to the best of us.” Reed shrugs one shoulder with a smile and the two laugh softly. 
“You want to eat lunch together?” Cyrus asks. 
Reed appeared to be running the idea over in his mind for second before smiling, “Sure, why not?” With that the two sit down and enjoy lunch together. 
That afternoon, Cyrus has just exited the school’s main building when he’s chased down by TJ. 
“Hey.” Cyrus greets him but he doesnt bother to stop walking. 
“Hey?” TJ responds. 
“Hello?” Cyrus is unsure why he’s being weird. 
“Since when are you and Reed buddies?” TJ questions. 
Of course that’s what’s up, Cyrus almost laughs to himself for being confused in the first place. “I actually tried to tell you on Saturday, I bumped into Reed whilst we were picking up trash for community service.” 
“He’s still doing his hours?” TJ questions. 
“Yeah, he’s got two more days left.” Cyrus nods. 
“Okay, but you ignored me for like a week after the gun and I wasn’t even the one that brought it.” TJ highlights, “But Reed was and you talk once and now you’re lunch buddies?” 
Cyrus can’t help but laugh at this. TJ was metaphorically combusting over the development like Reed had joked during their chat on Saturday.
“You’re laughing at me?” TJ frowns. 
“No I’m not, I was just thinking about something. It doesnt matter.” Cyrus shakes his head. 
“I’m just surprised you’re all buddy buddy with him.” TJ moves back on topic.  
“I’m surprised we’re getting along too but it’s kind of my thing, to adopt delinquent puppies.” Cyrus jokes, “At least that’s what Buffy says.” 
“Is that what I was?” TJ asks looking offended and Cyrus stops walking. 
“It was just a joke.” Cyrus frowns. “Not that I think it matters who I’m friends with but Reed and I have only really spoken twice and mostly about you-” 
“What did he tell you?” TJ asks worried. 
“Just that you’re not really friends anymore and he misses you.” Cyrus explains, “I didn’t know things were that strained between you two, you never said anything.” 
“There was nothing to say.” TJ says bluntly, “You should be careful with him. Reed has a way of pulling you in and then getting you both into trouble.” 
“I can’t really speak for your past with Reed but I can say that I think Reed is genuinely sorry about the gun and he seems to actually want to be better.” Cyrus sticks up for Reed, “I think he's changed and I know that he misses you and wants to reach out or he has reached out to you-” 
“You don’t know all the details so you can’t really tell me to forgive him.” TJ snaps. 
“I wasn’t saying that at all.” Cyrus furrows his brows, “I was just telling you that I know he’s sorry and he misses you.” 
“Thanks.” TJ says insincerely.
“I’m going to go.” Cyrus tried to leave.
“Of course you are.” TJ lets out a exasperated sigh.
“You’re acting really weird and I don’t like it.” Cyrus frowns. 
“Maybe I’m acting weird because you keep saying you’re not avoiding me whilst continuing to avoid me.” TJ huffs. 
Cyrus didn’t like that he was being made out to be a bad person in this situation when all he’s done over the past few weeks since Kira popped up was try and be super considerate of how TJ feels. Not to mention how politely he treats Kira when she’s outwardly rude to him. 
“TJ, I am not intentionally avoiding you but I can’t hang out with you when you’re with Kira.” Cyrus sighs, “I’m sorry. I’m just trying to give you two space.”
“We’re just friends. I don’t need space.” TJ says with furrowed brows. 
“I do.” Cyrus says quietly and then speaks up, “I need it.”
“Why?” TJ looks hurt. 
“I don’t want to be your backup plan.” Cyrus admits and feels a little embarrassed and vulnerable but still he continues, “You wanted to hang out with me on Saturday because Kira was busy.” 
“That’s not true.” TJ shakes his head, “I asked you to hang out whilst she was busy because I know you don’t like her.” 
“I don’t like her?” Cyrus scoffs, “You are so oblivious,” Cyrus lets out a frustrated breath, “TJ, Kira is the one that doesn’t like me.” Cyrus says firmly. “I think it’s because I’m Buffy’s friend but who really knows. Regardless, she doesn’t want me to hang out with you.” 
“So you want me to stop being her friend?” TJ asks. 
“Have you been paying attention at all?” Cyrus is clearly frustrated. “You can hang out with whomever you like.” 
“Alright but I don't understand what I’m supposed to do, I still want to hang out with you.” TJ says with a worried expression, “What do you want me to do?”
“I don’t know what I want.” Cyrus blurts out. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” TJ asks with a hard to read expression. 
“This is why I was giving you two space,” Cyrus sighs, “I didn’t want to make something out of nothing.”
“But now it is something.” TJ states.
“It doesn’t have to be.” Cyrus says, “Let’s just forget it okay?” 
“Okay.” TJ says with a frown. 
“I have to go, I have a history test tomorrow that I have to study for.” Cyrus says, looking for an excuse to part. 
Cyrus hurries away and reflects on the whole ordeal. Even though the sight of Kira and TJ on the swings sat in the back of his mind the whole time, Cyrus couldn’t bring himself to bring it up. He didn’t want to hear anything that could potentially ruin the importance of the swings anymore than they already had been.
Once Cyrus leaves TJ outside of school, TJ’s quickly approached by an old friend. “Trouble in paradise?” Reed asks. 
“I don't know, why don’t you ask him? Since you two seem to be best buddies now.” TJ rolls his eyes. 
“Hey, I thought I was the jealous friend.” Reed quips. 
TJ rolls his eyes again and starts walking away but Reed follows. 
“You’re just going to walk away?” Reed asks. 
“I have nothing to say to you.” TJ says. 
“Sounds like you want to say something.” Reed matches TJ’s strides and when TJ continues to ignore him, Reed reaches his hand out to touch his ex best friends arm, “Teej, please?” Reed pleads and TJ stops to hear him out. 
“I know things haven't been great between us lately but you can talk to me.” Reed says genuinely.“I’m sorry I got so angry with you for reporting the gun.” Reed is sincere. “I’m sorry I pushed you away.”
“Who says it was you that pushed. You don’t think I was mad at you already?” TJ scoffs. “I don’t care that you got angry at me for it. I did the right thing.” 
“I know.” Reed nods. “You’re right. I should have apologised for bringing the gun in the first place. I monumentality messed up and I’m sorry.” 
“Why did you do that?” TJ asks.
“I’m sorry, it didn’t have anything to do with our fight about you hanging out with Cyrus.” Reed admits, “It was just a stupid mistake and I wasn’t thinking.”
“You think I got upset because you made me look bad in front of Cyrus?” TJ furrows his brows. “I got upset because what you did was incredibly reckless. I know we’ve misbehaved before but Reed that was scary.” 
“I know.” Reed says sheepishly, “I wasn’t thinking but I have thought about it since and I know how stupid it was. Believe me.” 
TJ is quiet for a moment but he nods slightly, “I do.” 
Reed looks relieved, “Dude, I miss my best friend.” 
“Me too.” TJ agrees softly. 
“Friends?” Reed asks with a hopeful smile. 
“Friends.” TJ nods with a small grin of his own. 
“So, I only caught a glimpse from afar but you and Cyrus didn’t seem to be having a good conversation.” Reed says. 
“I’m not talking to you about Cyrus.” TJ shakes his head. 
“Fine.” Reed shrugs. “How about Kira?” 
“Not you too.” TJ groans. “Is this what you and Cyrus were so engaged about at lunch?” 
“Yeah TJ, we sat around complaining about our TJ problems.” Reeds says sarcastically with an eye roll. “I thought we weren't talking about Cyrus?” 
“We’re not.” TJ folds his arms but he does eventually break, “How did you know there was a problem.. Did he say something? Because Cyrus says he’s not bothered about Kira but he acts bothered by her.” 
Reed doesn’t want to share everything Cyrus has said but since Cyrus himself said he’s tried to talk to TJ about it, he thinks its safe, “He just mentioned that he thinks you like Kira and since Kira doesn’t appear to like him he’s giving you guys space.” 
“That’s what he told me too.” TJ mumbles like he was annoyed Cyrus was telling the truth. “I told him I don’t like Kira, why does he think that?”
Reed shrugs with a playfully dumb expression on his face, “I don’t know why he’d think that... I didn’t think Kira was your type. I mean, last time we spoke you weren't sure girls were your type at all.” 
“Shut up.” TJ scowls. “You haven't told anyone have you?”
“I have done some lousy things, TJ but I am not that lousy of a friend. I would never.” Reed says seriously. 
TJ seems to relax a little as he does believe Reed to be genuine. Even though TJ didn’t think Reed would say anything to anyone about the feelings he opened up about in the past, it was still nerve wracking knowing someone had the ability to share his secrets. 
“I know when we talked about it you said I was the first person you’d brought it up with.” Reed reflects, “Have you spoken to anyone else since?” 
TJ shakes his head and Reed’s expression drops, “Teej, you’ve kept this all to yourself this whole time?” 
“It’s not like I’m a big talker anyway.” TJ tries to pay it off. 
“You shouldn’t feel like you have to bottle this up, TJ.” Reed frowns. “I know me being a jealous friend kind of pushed a confession out of you but I’m still really happy you told me. You can still talk to me, you know that?” 
“I don’t want to talk about it.” TJ grumbles in a childlike huffy way, “I want to ignore it all until it goes away.” 
“That’s what you’re doing with Kira?” Reed asks. 
“We are just friends. How much clearer can I be?” TJ huffs, “We get along because we both like basketball.” 
“From what I’ve heard about her since she transferred, she’s not that nice of a person.” Reed states. 
“Yeah and people used to say that about me as well. Does that mean I don’t deserve friends either?” TJ challenges. 
Reed thought TJ had a point so he doesn’t press any further. “What about Cyrus?” 
“What about him?” TJ sighs and Reed noticed how drained TJ looked and it didn’t seem like it was just from today, it seems that TJ’s been weighed down for a while now.  
“You told me about your crush on muffin boy last year.” Reed is joking but gentle with his approach, “Has that changed?” 
“I asked you not to call him that.” TJ frowns and Reed takes this as a non verbal agreement that his crush hasn’t gone away.
“Sorry.” Reed smiles. “So being friends with Kira is making being friends with Cyrus difficult.” 
“Now I know what Cyrus must have felt like when Buffy hated me.” TJ laughs half heartedly. 
“If you want to keep them both then they’re either going to have to become friends or you’ll just have to make time for both of them separately.” Reed points out the obvious. 
“That’s the problem,” TJ states, “Kira and Cyrus don’t seem to like each other and both of them seem to not like that I’m friends with the other.” 
“Are you willing to give one up for the other?” Reed questions carefully. 
“Why should I have to?” TJ asks. 
“You shouldn’t.” Reed admits. “I don't really know much about your friendship with Kira. I don’t know what she means to you but Cyrus? You knew Cyrus for all of five minutes and I could already tell back then how much happier you were because of it.” Reed highlights. 
This made TJ internally reflect. As horrible as it was to admit - even only to himself - TJ knew if it came down to it he’d pick Cyrus over Kira without question but for some reason TJ didn’t really understand, he didn’t have any plans to drop Kira as a friend even though it was currently hurting his friendship with Cyrus. 
“I don’t know what to do then.” TJ looks defeated. 
Reed treads lightly, “Maybe you could tell Cyrus how you feel?” 
TJ laughs erratically. “Yeah let me go and do that.” 
“I’m being serious.” Reed was firm but gentle. 
“What if I say something and it changes everything?” TJ asks concerned. 
“What if it changes things for the better?” Reed asks with a smile. 
“I don’t know if I can risk the friendship.” TJ shakes his head. 
“Okay.” Reed is understanding. “Then lets go back to just saving the friendship.”
“What other great ideas do you have?” TJ asks semi sarcastically.
“Well since Cyrus and I are basically best friends now I could put in a good word for you?” Reed jokes. 
“Ha ha.” TJ fake laughs.
“Here’s an idea,” Reed says, “Why don’t you invite Kira and Cyrus to hang out with us? That way I can act as a buffer between them.” 
“That might actually work.” TJ lets the suggestion sink in. 
“You’re going to be okay, TJ.” Reed smiles softly and for a second TJ actually felt like he would be but then of course the heaviness of it all got to be too much so TJ breaks with a joke. 
“Cyrus was right, you have changed.” TJ crinkles his nose. “You’re all gooey now.
“Shut up.” Reed gives him a playful shove.  “You’re still a jerk.” 
“Rude!” TJ plays up his offence. 
Things were still messy but at least TJ had someone to talk to about it all again.
End Notes: Okay so this is it! I don't feel the need to write a part three. I know it's not resolved yet but I think it's ended in a nice enough place. Of course I'll write more one shots based around the final few tyrus episodes so dont worry!! 
I would just like to clarify - because it's too hard to go into it within this one shot - TJ is clearly confused about the manipulation? with Kira. He's forgotten - purposely or not - about his original insecurities with Kira so in this one shot he's not sure why being her friend is a bad thing. Hope that clears up any confusion!! 
I hope you enjoyed this two part story! Thanks so much for reading :)
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ohlukcs · 5 years
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( alex wolff, male ) did you hear how LUKAS TOZER is applying to columbia university as a FILM & MEDIA STUDIES major ?! the 19 year old is living in the WALLACH HALL. i heard that they got in because they are + PASSIONATE and +THOUGHTFUL, but honestly i think HE can be -ASSUMING and -CYNICAL. they’re a real MAVERICK. oh well, only time will tell if the SOPHOMORE will make it til the end.
about the mun !!
hi hello my name is sam (she/her), im 22, and im a big fat mess at all times :) um but a lil more about me is that i’m australian and a recently graduated film student lmao. i’ve been rping for like ten years now i think idk but i am a NERVOUS BITCH !!!!!!! and it sometimes takes me forever to reply to things (ic and ooc) bc of that so pls be patient with me lmao. anyway, happy 2 be here !! if u like this post i’m gonna assume u wanna plot with me and my idiot and hit u up !!! lets mcfreakin lose it !!!!
about lukas !!
full name: lukas joshua tozer
nickname(s): luk-ass idk whatever u can come up with lmao
age: nineteen
gender: cis male
pronouns: he/him
hometown: jackson, new jersey
date of birth: nov 4th
occupation: student ( film and media studies, sophomore ), cook/server at a nearby 24hr pizza joint
relationship status: single
drink / smoke / drugs: yes / yes / yes
faceclaim: alex wolff
positive traits: passionate, thoughtful, creative, ambitious, untethered, humorous
negative traits: assuming, cynical, insensitive, rebellious, resentful, irresponsible
if he was in a hogwarts house: slytherin
now some more dot points that are just me talking about lukas !!
was born in fort lauderdale florida but there is a vERY low chance he will ever admit that, he’ll just say he’s from new jersey. as far as he’s concerned, he’s always been from new jersey even if his family did move there after he turned twelve
speaking of things lukas probably wont ever tell u but i’m including them anyway: his family is kind of messy. not majorly but like a little bit more than average. he had two brothers, now he only has one. i’m not gonna include a whole lot of nitty gritty here i’ll save it for when i write the real bio and can actually do it justice but its the reason they moved from florida and it has had a pretty major effect on lukas over time obviously
he’s the baby of the family and he’s pretty much always been treated like one. it has left him pretty immature and irresponsible. still learning that his actions have consequences and that he cant just be a total dick all the time. he’s improved in those areas a fair bit since he started at columbia a year ago but he still has a long way to go
he didn’t ever really expect to go to columbia, he’s from a middle class family and his dad didn’t even go to college. he applied for columbia just as a might as well give it a go thing. like maybe it will happen. they had a film course and although the course itself isn’t really great, the connections to the industry available at columbia were valuable enough for him to try. he was wait listed up until basically the last minute, preparing to go to a college in boston instead but when he was accepted he knew he had to go. for himself, for his family, and for his lost brother.
obviously irresponsible attitude has led to some Bad Decision Making including but not limited to partying and drugs. he doesn’t prioritise that lifestyle over his school work (bc he knows how lucky he is to be at columbia at all) but he is a big believer that you need to experience things to be a great artist and he plans on being the greatest artist so bad decision town here we come !!!!
he has a pet goldfish named michael bublé pls dont nark
for more info on him click here to check his about page, no bio there yet but hopefully soon
wanted connections babey !!
course friends/rivals/anything: i am writing these before acceptances happen so i have no good god damn idea if any other characters are film majors but hit me the hell up if they are bc i would love to plot some stuff out
old roommate(s) : lukas was probably an entertaining roommate but probably verged on annoying pretty easily. he’s messy, gross, probably didn’t respect the do ur fucking dishes rule in first year ( probs still doesnt tbh ). but he also has a password to every streaming account plus a phat hard drive full of movies and shows that he is absolutely willing to share with u so just depends what ur into i guess. maybe this connection led to friendship or maybe they hate each other now. im down for either/both 
dealer: hi welcome back to bad decision town. lukas isn’t into any hard stuff but is a big weed smoker (to my understanding medicinal cannabis is allowed but lukas def doesn’t have a prescription), then after that it’s kind of just experimenting. will chat more details if u wanna take this connection
booze leachers: so yes lukas is 19 but he has four, thats right, four fake ids. he is not willing to give u his contact for fake ids but he is willing to buy u booze if u pay him. dont hate the player hate the game
gang gang: pretty much just a close group of friends. i imagine all pretty relaxed, all pretty chill. idk what to say here except i want people to care about him and let him put on dumb movies and watch them with him and probably have dumb matching stick and poke tattoos and hog a communal tv to play mario kart but lets talk about it
fast food workers deserve respect too: as mentioned, lukas works at a 24hr pizza joint near campus which means he’s seen some shit. one of the things he’s seen multiple times is drunk student trashing the place. whether it be vomit, forgetting how to hold a cup, or bet try at a food fight lukas has seen it and he’s cleaned it up too. this connection could be that maybe he helped someone out and cleaned them up and got them back to campus when their friends ditched and now they look out for lukas too and its a positive connection. or maybe lukas hates their guts and spits on their food whenever they show up ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ who’s to say
hot girl bummer by blackbear: now listen here’s an angsty connection i want, and i def want to plot it out way more with whoever takes it on but basic outline of what i have in mind: they’ve kind of sort of been dating for a while but they’re just falling out of whatever they had to begin with. they were never official, they probs def fucked around with other people while they were ““““together”””””, lots of oh sorry ur taking it so seriously i thought we were just chilling bullshit. all of this girls friends probs hate lukas and he definitely hates them back. were probably once really good friends and had a really good time together but they’ve lost it. will they find it again or will it fizzle out? lets find out together xoxo
new girl(s) : i hate the connection title too but i couldnt think of anything better. we’re in bad decision town and now we’re going to thot street babey. since things have been falling apart with hot girl bummer and even before that lukas a little bit of a thottie. this doesnt mean he’s good at it, please also feel free for a part of this to be that they rejected lukas and he got butt hurt about it idk lukas being attracted to them is basically this whole idea and i would wanna plot the rest of it more depending on specific characters wooo
lukas is a bad influence: if u have gotten this far u may have noticed that lukas is not a very good influence at all. this is someone probs his age or younger that wants to loosen up and have a good time and lukas completely encourages that. bonus points if this connection is a combo with the above connection bc lukas is a gross boi and would be like wow listening to my bad ideas thats so sexy and cool of u ya know. but also doesnt have to be that ! could just be lukas thinks its funny and thinks that someone listening to him is just like good content that could get him on barstool
lukas is badly influenced: this is basic as hell but someone that tells him to leave his impluse control at the door and encourages him to be trash. probs older than him and i def see this as more of a masc connection than a fem but like all my plot ideas: lets talk about it. this one probs v much depends on ur character so gonna leave this one nice and short
lukas is good-ly (??????) influenced: also basic as hell and p much just the opposite of above. someone who is a good influence on lukas. encourages creativity and ambition instead of straight up recklessness. again, i see it as an older character but no gender seen here. a lot of this would be based around ur character so lets chat
michael bublé’s co parents: lukas has a goldfish named michael bublé (or just michael), i picture him having got it while high as heck during the day and just being like This Is A Good Idea. maybe ur character was with him and they were co parents from the start or maybbe they came into the picture later ??? i’m honestly down for whichever just give michael the love he deserves pls
and probably just about anything else these are just some ideas, i totally wanna plot further and brainstorm so please still hmu if none of these fit ur character we’ll plot something up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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uhnoly · 6 years
Yay you answered! :D I couldn‘t wait to get home after work to get online and see if you‘ve had the time to answer me :3 I hope it‘s okay that I write you via submit now? I just hate splitting up my asks into parts because you never know if Tumblr eats one of them and then nothing I sent would make sense ^^
We love the asks honestly! It’s fun to chat with someone! If you want to talk to us you can hit up our IMs
Also completely random information: I bought this dessert for dinner that looks so cute, vanilla with pink-colored Strawberry dots. I think baby would like it. I‘d share with her :)  It‘s impressive that she can hold her own and manage to care for herself/you all while she‘s out. 
Her favorite things are peach and pink and anything strawberry flavored! She’s very brave, too smart for her own good sometimes!
Are there rules that all of you have to stick to no matter what? You really have to trust each other 100% for all this to work, right, I mean if just one of you acts out it affects all of your lives. Also I imagine it can be really scary to take over from someone and not remember where your body was before or what the other person might have used it for (Simon for example..) I mean even such simple things like getting a tattoo could be a really big problem if some are against it or all of you like a different motif. Have there been incidents where Roman had to use the ‚i‘m the host so you gotta listen to me‘ card (and would that even work?) 
We have to be in constant communication with eachother on money and most things we do to the body. Leon use to hurt us or drink or leave scars without our knowledge. Some are stronger than others to push people out of the front (Leon and Loki are the strongest) so it kinda helps having Loki around because his bro ther listens to him.
Can you ‚call‘ each other/switch willingly or is it always triggered by something and then you just have to deal with it until you switch places again? 
Most of the time it’s knowledgeable switching because none of us like drama so we don’t often fight over the front. Sometimes stuff triggers us and then we get all dissociative and spacey and then sudden someone else is out.
Do you leave each other little notes sometimes, like cute ‚good morning‘ post its or smileys?
Baby and Saint leave notes all the time, sometimes Loki complains and leaves those kinda notes.
Oh, we‘ll get doggy pictures! *happy* 
Your dog recognizes the different personalities in you right? I noticed that animals (and especially dogs) are way, way smarter than humans if it comes to stuff like this..
He does, both of our dogs do! It’s kinda ingesting to see and notice.
Are Simon‘s prophecies always about/for one of you or does he make prophecies for others too? Do you believe in the supernatural or god or life after death?
Simon usually has general prophesies about life around us, but that’s because it’s what he experiences. Yeah most of us do, it’s complicated but we choose to come back.
Honestly if I were Roman I would be soo curious who Amor’s in love with and maybe even try to get Leon to tell me if Amor doesnt want to (I know, I know, it would be mean but still..I’d die of curiosity XD 
It’s been like this for long enough and he gets weird if we push it.
If you are angry at each other will the kids do stuff like delete each other’s posts on here or are they all as mature as babywhen it comes to respecting the other person’s privacy?
The kids break people stuff sometimes or hide stuff but most of them don’t directly use tumblr. There’s always a certain level of pettiesness when people are upset and live too close.
By the way I have a crystal collection too in case Trinket gets bored by Roman’s collection sometime ;)
They love to talk about that stuff!
What kind of doll is Cotton? Like.. a china doll with porcelain skin or one of those Russian matryoshka dolls? A Japanese ball-jointed doll? Or something completely different?
Very similar to a ball jointed doll or porcelain. Very long lashes and super blond curly hair, that’s where their name is from!
Also.. may I ask how you got out of the abuse situation? Like.. did you move out on your own or did someone notice and help you? If anything I ask is triggering for you I sincerely apologize and hope you can ignore that question.
Some of it was self made, falling in love with dangerous people, trusting others who shouldn’t be. We have been lucky to either move, or drop contact. Not without its heartbreak though.
P.S. Your last posts sounded like you are in a bad place right now. Do you want your readers/followers to ask you what‘s wrong/talk to you then or do you prefer to just vent/get out the emotions on your own?
You can talk to us! The pink is usually safe to reblog vent stuff, manageable but we need a place to put it and get it out of our system and off our chest.
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neo-shitty · 3 years
no dont apologise! i didnt check until just then so np :)
mmm yeah it is a bit trippy. hehe ITS TRUE THO. yeah sadly i think ur right, and tag blocking is probably a good idea. sometimes smut written well or not in excess is okay but goddamn when its abt 01 line and thats the whole fic... *silently blocks tags*
hehe i do that all the time lol this conversation is carrying on threads from a month ago :) mmm yeah ur probably right sadly, same. HA HE DIDNT HAVE A CHOICE and now i have someone to talk to abt them, so thats good! I KNOW felix was actually the one who got me into skz with his iconique gods menu line so i guess i have a soft spot for him. i always tell myself my bias is chan but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ guess im more whipped than id like to admit. mmm yeah that does make sense dw i hope they do that as well. YES king seungmin hIMSELF. GODDAMNIT DONT GET ME STARTED ON MINHO IN GODS MENU I DIDNT EVEN KNOW HE WAS PART OF THE GROUP UNTIL I STARTED GETTING MORE INTO THEM. BITCH (affectionate) THE LINE DISTRIBUTION HAS BEEN UTTER DOG SHIT but *deep breath* its better now so were moving on adn hoping it stays that way. sis same but i may or may not have gone thru a rlly depressed phase and actively sought out the elimination episodes so i could actually force some tears out of my emotionless shell of a heart but what cna you do? lmaoo i feel that irl, binnie deserves more vocal lines. yesss channies accent is rlly prominent then, i think also the way he structures his phrasing? is more english speaking than korean? but yeah i totally get what ur saying. AJKSAL lmao
okay then! im excited for whenever it gets done! (maybe tag me?) ahh the cold shrivelled heart of a dark au writer beats again at the thought of torturing another poor characters very soul (/j) :(( yeah that would suck not being able to see them. ohhh ur on the other hemisphere to me! were just going into spring rn. mmm smth to look forward to! YES you put it into words. they rlly are pretty independent from the company (remember how jyp rejected that other dudes songs after like 3 seconds and then how he was apparently nervous to show the song hed written to chan cos chan was so good at writing hits ahhh sweet revenge) mmmYES we rlly need a mute and remove notifications button for our brains dont we?
YES CORRECT i totally agree. some people jsut dont give it a try, adn assume its bad cos its korean smh racist assholes. yes! im coming up to my 6 month anniv actually! sis sAME, i feel like theyre being tugged into appealing to the western american market and theyre not staying as true to their artistic flair as a group, especially with only writing english songs atm. *sigh* ah well, at least theyre bringing recognition to the kpop world. AHUH dead on, theyre going to be discarded pretty soon and then where will bp be? theyll prob go solo paths which is rlly sad but what can you do when the company is run by a prideful asshole? yg is not going to last much longer in the big four if they keep this up.
hehe you get it. oooh very cool! whos ur ult? (sorry if youve said this before) mmmm yeah good decision, i feel liek thats probably a wise decision. this is my first album release as a kpop stan (not counting mixtape oh) so i think ill get it for sentiments sake. yeah! im excited for the new music! mingi was the one who got me into them, but atm my bias is seonghwa followed by san, wooyoung and ateez but jonghos high notes man *swoon* he, yeah atm ive got jake, jay, nikki, jungwon and sunoo down so just trying to get the rest :) heh, yeah kard i rlly only got into cos of bm, ive seen him like interacting with a lot of idols and he seemed nice so i decided to check out the group. ikr gunshot man *another swoon*
no noe! i didnt know what it was until i got it lol. thx toffee ill try and take that to mind :) yeah lol im on a waiting list thats not going to be free until late september so hopefully i can hold on until then. hope ur okay, that sounds like it sucks, hope you can find someone. maybe ill just take you along on my phone and the therapist can get a two for one patient deal lmaooo. mmm, sorry no i havent mentioned it before, i dont rlly talk abt it much. uhhh basically hypermobility? if you google it, it doesnt seem bad, jsut joint flexibility but ive got the severe end of the stick, leaning towards ehlers danlos syndrome so thats fun. basically it just makes it hard for me to exercise, run, jump, stand or just walk for long periods of time and gives me a lot of joint and muscle pain so... thats fun! but obviously so many other people have it worse than me, so i try not to complain. normally in young people it will improve as they get older, but my doctor said bc its severe in me, its unlikely to get much better. but again, i dont have the worst lot in the bunch, so its all g.
oh its good that its not the bad type of rain, a light sprinkling can be relaxing sometimes. aww thx darl, the concern is appreciated but it went pretty well and i managed not to cough too much on stage or kill myself trying to run around to the other side of the stage in the pouring rain so thats good! oooh tea buddies! my dogs a labradoodle, but shes a bit more of a feral poodle lol not much labrador in her at all, unless its her relentless urge to hunt down every bird that has ever walked this earth smh :((( hopefully they can come back on soon, does uni have dances?
ahhh a mood if i ever heard one. hopefully things will get better for you soon, ik anxiety sucks ass. ooh thats always good! when its sunny here, its always melt ur thongs to the pavement hot so the nicely cool sunny days are a lovely change. hehe impatience is not so good for you, but good for us that get to see ur beautiful theme early. ahh no worries, itll come eventually hopefully. and if not, then just things that make you not anxious are good. it doesnt have to be black or white, sometimes gray is good. mmmmm sames i have midterms this week to catch up on and then two weeks of end of terms so thats fun! i hope u can overcome that a little, heres some channie to be ur motivation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8LWyNjzOww. hah! i hear that all the time, he seems to be everywhere. did you see that tiktok of hans slowed back door rap, i stg it sounded EXACTLY like namjoon, it kinda scared me. also teh beginning of another day, sounds so much like joon i swear.
that reminds me! idk ur biases! i feel like this should be smth i should know so please! feel free to elaborate!
ahh im glad, i was worried it is. mmm same, so no hard feelings if either of us misses a day or smth. ill start worrying if weeks/months have gone by, but if its just a little while thats more than fine. ill just picture you studiously completing notes and i wont worry lol
<3 w.a. 🐺
at some point i really think i'm going to start blocking accounts because blocking tags won't be enough. i saw ask tags the other day and it just made me want to bleach my eyeballs.
i could talk about god's menu felix for hours man. the teaser for god's menu that featured his part on the bridge made me look forward to the mv release. you: biases chan, also you: lixiesbabyhands. yes you are more whipped than you think. i can't believe orange haired minho was given NOTHING during that era but they kind of made up for it in the b-sides. i also hope it stays that way. the distribution for this era was pretty fair.
"torturing another poor character's soul" in all honesty, i used to live for this. 2017 me leading up to early 2020 wrote nothing but angst. i have another aussie friend on twt and tbh i'm still really (O.o) about the seasons! jyp should be terrified skz could easily take over that company. heck if skz grow old and start their own company, they'd probably do a great job at running it. PLEASE. i have issues on muting/notifications both mentally and in real life. sometimes, i just wish to disappear.
some people in my country are just disgusting tbh. not only racist but homophobic too. they label kpop as 'gay' and it DISGUSTS me. it's a problematic behavior/mindset people in my country need to fucking get rid of. anyway, HELP ME 6 MONTHS??? and i've been in this shit for like a decade eye. tbh, i’m not fond of kpop groups trying to appeal to the western audience :// it feels like they’re losing their identity in a way. yes recognition but at what cost? yg has my favorite groups but that’s one shitty company when it comes to promoting.
okay my ult! it’s haechan from nct but i consider chan an ult too. like a close second above my whopping list of kpop boys. oh yes! you should get the album just for like a keepsake? remembrance? how did mingi appeal to you? omg did you start getting interested in ateez back when he was still on hiatus? NOT YOU BIASING THE SAME PEOPLE I DID WHEN I FIRST STARTED STANNING. the infamous ateez thot-line. jongho is easily one of the best fourth gen vocalists out here, no one can change my mind :( good luck with memorizing the rest of enhypen! just in time for the comeback too. i hope i’ll get into kard soon but i’m pretty content (and a tad bit overwhelmed) with the amount of groups i stan right now.
please hold on though, feel free to vent here if you like. thanks for the offer tho HAHA but like i’ll try to get checked here too when the cases die down a bit. i’m sorry to hear about your condition though :( please don’t ever overwork yourself to the point that your joints/muscles would ache. it’s completely valid to complain about it tho. i get that you have others in mind but keeping that mindset really doesn’t do you (like you internally) any better? so if you need to, vent your frustrations out and don’t keep it in.
oh my god, about your performance last sunday. was the stage out in the open? glad you didn’t cough too much and did well on your concert. i’m proud of you! i can never understand dogs and poor birds T_T uni doesn’t have dances unfortunately. i think there’s just one party at the end like a graduation ball. what year are you in anyway? if it’s something that you’re fine with sharing. if not, it’s cool.
good luck with your exams! and thanks for the link! AHA what a cutie. i think he does this motivation thing once in a while during his lives and it’s just comforting. yeah joon and han my irl just freaked when we made that discovery. ult crumbs for her. oh god not me forgetting about every biases when you asked. you can ask for my biases in a few groups just list down the one’s you’re interested in knowing. 
i missed yesterday because i was grinding and finishing what if we stay + school work. finally did it today. i’m sure i’ll reply in like a day or two, definitely not a month unless i state otherwise. if i ever decide to abandon this blog, i’ll let you know.
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