boreal-sea · 2 days
I would LOVE to post about all the fucked up shit Israel as a country has done. I would LOVE to have discussions about the murders and evictions being perpetrated by illegal Israeli settlers in the West Bank. I would LOVE to talk about how fucked up it is how Israel blockaded and ground down Gaza in the last few decades. I would love to actually get into the nuances of the fucked up, violent, and xenophobic branches of Zionism. I want to talk about all the wars started by the surrounding Arab states and the long history of antisemitism in the region without people accusing me of making shit up! I’d love to talk about Hamas and Hezbollah and how they’re puppets of Iran. I want to talk about Lebanon!!!!
But I can’t do any of that. Because y’all wanna kill all Jews. Y’all wanna destroy a fucking country. You want to paint an entire country and all its citizens as evil. You believe a group that makes up less than 1% of the population of earth is somehow controlling the world and forcing everyone to do their bidding.
And I can’t have discussions with people like that.
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chanaleah · 2 days
Very recently, the FBI published hate crime statistics from 2023 in the US.
In the past year's data that has been reported (September 2023-January 2024), Jewish Americans faced the largest amount of hate crimes of all groups in the country, irregardless of category.
If you think antisemitism doesn't exist in the US today, you need to rethink your position.
Here is a link to the FBI's Crime Data Explorer if you wish to view the data yourself - note that you will need to filter by hate crimes.
disclaimer for anyone who tries to twist my words: this post is not meant to nor should be used to invalidate discrimination faced by any other group. all hate crimes are awful, no matter who is the target
clarification: largest amount of hate crimes in the fall of 2023. (Sep 2023-January 2024) So far, the FBI has not published statistics for hate crimes in 2024. If you’re looking at the statistics, filter by 1 year to see just hate crimes in that time period.
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zionistbeyonce · 3 days
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xclowniex · 3 days
Had my first antisemitism whilst dating.
My tinder suddenly fucked out on me and said my profile was under review as it had been reported. I ended up emailing to see what was wrong as I've been talking to someone who I am really getting along with.
And turns out my account was reported for a message I sent to a different person, and I managed to get the customer help person to tell me the message.
During me and this antisemites conversation, she asked me what my plans were for the weekend and I mentioned I had synagogue and a challah making class. I had not mentioned Palestine or Israel to this person. That is all I mentioned, shul and challah baking.
That was the message that was reported.
And like, I know that she just didn't want to date anyone religious as well, I have jewish selected on the bit where you can add your religion so its visible on my profile, as well as the fact that you can unmatch with people and not report them. If she assumed I was a secular jew and realized I'm a religious jew she could literally have unmatched. And I do totally understand if she just wasn't looking for anyone religious. People are allowed to have their preferences that is not an issue for me at all.
But no, instead she reported my message of me mentioning I'm Jewish. And because I hadn't mentioned anything about Israel or Palestine, I know it wasn't because I'm zionist. She didn't know that. She just saw that I'm Jewish and assumed I must hate Palestinians which isn't even true.
Jokes on her my account was given back to me as obviously there was nothing which broke tos with my message. But it does sting and worsen my fear that being jewish is going to make dating harder for me.
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hilacopter · 2 days
hate that we keep having to tell fuckers how Islamist terrorist organisations want to kill ALL Jews and not just Israelis, because yk killing all Israelis is so fine and good and not bad
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spacelazarwolf · 2 days
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i wonder where
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u got that visual
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what a mystery!
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the world may never know!
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fromgoy2joy · 1 day
So I’m in a health care major in college, and I’m having my first season of high holy days as a Jew-ish person. So, being a busy student along with having many days I need to take off in October, I’ve gotten very used to talking to professors.
I’m in a class for cultural advocacy and bias in the medical setting. We’ve spent hours reviewing case studies, talking about social determinants and education, and general cross cultural acceptance. We talked at length about different and equitable approaches for religious minorities- in terms of dietary needs, holidays, and lifestyle.
I didn’t expect any trouble with taking this class off. So I approached my professor and told her that because of Rosh Hashanah next week, I wouldn’t be able to attend class next Thursday.
She turned to me, very sweetly and said “okay! Just make sure to use your golden pass!”
The one time golden pass is provided to every student in the course- specifically for menial situations. You could use this just because you’re hung over, a little sick or just don’t feel like it.
Religious holidays are not- and as noted in my university’s policy on this very matter - “an optional day off.” I should not have to use my one “fun pass” for a genuine cultural obligation. And this isn’t me just saying that. This is the college’s policy.
If this happened in an anatomy class with a STEM driven professor, I’d be a little annoyed but ultimately understanding. But this is a class where we’ve discussed social policy at length and the importance of diversity. The least I could expect was for the fine bullet points on our own school standards to be read.
So as I write an email to her, gently explaining this and having my request in writing, I have to channel my frustration somewhere.
What can I say? I’m very much getting the Jewish experience.
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the-library-alcove · 13 hours
Another thing that's really, truly been driven home to me over the last year is that, when it comes to ideology, bigotry, and bias trumping reality, facts, and history, the Left is really not any better or less reactionary than the Right. The primary difference is in their choice of targets and what they romanticize and mythologize as their ideal.
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girlactionfigure · 2 days
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Why does it take Jews to bleed, for the rest of the world to remember that we are human beings?
If this is your wake up call to stand up for Jews, it’s never too late to be on the right side of history.
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Can people stop writing the holocaust from the perspective of goyim?
Edit: I do not mean to erase the experience of other groups, but when cis het white people are writing a self insert hero complex, it’s kinda annoying
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kelluinox · 1 day
You never gave a shit about "woman life freedom" did you? You support Iran and its proxies.
You never gave a shit about slavery. You support the Houthis.
You never gave a shit about colonialism. You're happy to colonize our indigenous homeland on behalf of the arabs, and you stand with Russia's allies. Russia is the largest colonial empire in the world.
You never gave a shit about racism. You're happy to be racist against jews, happy to be "noble savage" racists, happy to close your eyes to arab racism.
You never gave a shit about religious extremism. You're happy to support jihadism.
You never gave a shit about Ukraine. You support Russia and its allies, closing your eyes to the fact that Iran sells shahed drones to Russia and both the PA and Hamas have both been to Moscow
We knew you never gave a shit about jews. And now you showed us that you don't give a shit about everything else, too.
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xclowniex · 1 day
In less than 2 weeks, it is the anniversary of Oct 7th.
I know I'm not alone it this, but it is terrifying.
There are still hostages in Gaza who have been there for almost a full year.
There is the impending doom of an Israel and Hezbollah war
And then there is the fear of what will happen in the diaspora on Oct 7th. I have no doubt that there will be protests. That there might even potentially be targeted attacks against synagogues or any Oct 7th memorials. That even a year on, we will still have people preventing us from grieving.
To any jews or israelis in the diaspora, please keep safe on Oct 7th.
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sopranoentravesti · 3 days
Man idk but the 1994 bombing of a Jewish Cultural Center in Buenos Aires, the target isn’t “Israel,” it is in fact Jews.
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applesauce42069 · 2 days
Antizionists will be like “our poor little baby” and then you look at what their poor little baby said and it was like “I wanna kill all the Jews worse than Hitler did”
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arisharkboi · 1 day
The antisemitic tiktok brainrot is so real. Someone posted a pic of their dog with a kippah and the top comments were, in order, "he's got the nose for it," "You're too nice to be jewish" and "gas the dog"
I'm so fucking tired of getting reminded every day that people want me dead bc I'm Jewish and believe both Jews and Palestinians matter 😭😭
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jewish-vents · 3 days
Okay so I'm Jewish. I'm proudly Jewish. I love my culture, and the way it feels like a family. I've even had the immense pleasure of getting to visit Israel. Over my whole life, I've really loved October. The holy days that occur there are my favorites, and I've always looked forward to it. My birthday is also in October... on the 7th...
Now, this year, I fear to leave my house during this time of year. I feel our community dwindling out of fear. I'm dreading my birthday and the terrible new anniversary it marks. I'm so scared that there will be copycat attacks. I'm so scared.
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