#azel radwan
dicenete · 4 months
IkePri Suitors!
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I shaded these quite quickly o.o I just wanted to get this out of my system xDD
But here we are ^^ I tried to color pick the skin colors from the sprites, and well there aren't much diversity here.
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sserrafeim · 23 days
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He outcunted every other prince with this one I’m afraid
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reroseshi · 3 months
Was bored so have these freshly baked ikepri memes lol
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(Hopefully i these haven't been done already lmao if yes i'm sorry)
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chevlvrs · 2 months
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Honestly all ikevil characters could be here
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kitsurei17 · 8 months
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Azel 🦄
"You.. are under a curse, aren't you?"
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dark-frosted-heart · 5 months
When the Holy Beast Falls - Azel
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An “If you were lovers” story. As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
If Prince Azel and I were lovers…
Sometimes the Living God of Tanzanite would visit the befriended nation Benitoite.
On those occasions, he’d always have me go with him.
I’d never hear something cute like “I’ll miss you” from the two-faced god who apparently brought me along just to push me around.
But I know his true intentions.
Emma: Prince Azel, I’m back. 
Azel: You’re late.
Emma: I brought everything you asked me to buy since you can’t go into town, so please forgive me.
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Azel: That’s not the issue.
Prince Azel, who waited by the entrance, took the packages from me.
However, it didn’t seem like he was considering the packages and studied me.
Emma: …Are you hurt?
Azel: You can see I’m not.
Emma: Then what is it?
Azel: You’ve kept me waiting because you’ve been having fun in town.
Emma: H-how did you know? Is this God’s power— 
Azel: It’s all over your face.
(I guess I was grinning)
At my honest confession, Prince Azel pinched my cheek.
Azel: You got some nerve. I’ve been waiting for you to come back—
Emma: You’ve been waiting? For me?
Azel: …Don’t get the wrong idea. I asked you to get something for me.
Emma: That’s too bad. I thought if you were waiting for me, I’d rush back the next time.
Azel: Hurry back even if I’m not waiting. That’s a debtor’s responsibility. I’ll add this late fee to your debt.
Emma: Is that okay? The more debt you add, the more you won’t be able to let me go.
Azel: …You’re getting defiant.
(You’re so awkward, truly)
With a grim look on his face, Prince Azel turned his back on me and placed items he had me get on the table.
He went to check its contents, but his hand immediately stopped.
Azel: Emma…What is this?
Emma: It’s cute, isn’t it? I made a stop along the way to buy it.
Prince Azel held Benitoite’s popular “Living God doll” in his trembling hands.
It was a small doll in Prince Azel’s likeness that was said to bring many blessings, including luck with money, love, health, etc.
(It took me a while to buy it since there as a line)
Before he could throw it against the wall, I snatched the doll from Prince Azel’s hands and held it dearly.
Emma: I bought this separately from the money you gave me. I’m not giving it to you.
Azel: Get rid of things that aren’t wanted or needed.
Emma: I refuse. He’s cute, isn’t he?
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Azel: Cute?! I think you mean repulsive.
I moved the doll out of Prince Azel’s reach as he tried to steal it back and stepped away from him.
Emma: Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of it.
Azel: No one’s telling you to take care of it. I'm telling you to throw it away.
Emma: Throw away my beloved Prince Azel? I could never.
Azel [polite]: …I see, I see. Even with the real God present, you chose the doll and casted me aside. How cruel…This is a slight toward God. This blasphemy deserves divine punishment.
Prince Azel deliberately covered his face with his hands and began sobbing.
I knew it was a trap, but it hurt my conscience to ignore him.
Emma: That’s not it. However, with this doll, I can be with Prince Azel even when I’m out running errands. It’s my way of showing how much I love you.
The instant I approached the god to butter him up, Prince Azel stopped his crocodile tears, took the doll from me, and tossed it into some corner of the room. 
Emma: Ah! That’s cruel—Mn?!
My eyes widened when he stopped my protest with a kiss.
Azel: Who’s the cruel one here? Cheater.
Emma: …Even though it’s a puppet of you.
Azel: If you want my blessings so much, I’ll give it to you. You’ll have to deal with it.
A large hand grabbed my chin and our lips met again.
The kisses of a holy, unrelated god were always so greedy, greedily exploring deep inside that it made you feel like you were going to fall.
(Why is every kiss so lewd…)
Even when I nipped his lip to tell him he was going too far, the two-faced god didn’t stop and instead started tickling my ear.
Emma: Mm…Mmm!
Azel: Don’t need the doll anymore? That’s wonderful.
Emma: Wro…ah
The fingers that were tickling my ear slid down my neck and under the collar of my blouse.
I hastily grabbed the hand that was going to defile me and looked into his mysterious, starry eyes.
Emma: I can’t return to my room anymore, can I?
Azel [polite]: A message from God. You should not be alone tonight for there are bad omens.
Emma: …A lot of good things happened in town though?
Azel [polite]: It will happen, and it will surely be a misfortune.
Emma: Specifically…
Azel [polite]: Divination is an ambiguous thing. You won’t know until it happens.
Emma: Then let’s test out if Prince Azel’s divination is really correct.
Azel: Why would you do that? Are you stupid?
He cupped my cheeks and squished them.
Emma: Because lately, you’ve been saying the same thing. That when I’m alone, misfortune, bad luck, or a disaster will happen to me… So I thought I’d try it out just once.
Azel: Being fearless isn’t good. God’s words are absolute, so you must heed His warnings.
Emma: I get it Prince Azel. You just really want us to be together, don’t you?
Azel: ……I didn’t say that.
(You’re so easy to read)
Azel: I don’t care if you’re here or not. I prefer being alone.
Emma: Then— 
When I tried to shake his hands off and turn away, he hugged me tight.
Azel: You don’t believe in God’s good will?
Emma: You just need to be honest and say that you want me with you.
Azel: Aren’t you the one that wants to be with me?
Emma: If I’m the only one that wants this, then I’ll only bother you so I’ll head back to my room—
Azel: Try to go back if you can.
(Ugh…He’s so strong that I can’t shake him off!)
Even after saying all this, Prince Azel still won’t admit it.
But when I turned to look at him, we kissed for a short moment.
Azel: Ah…
It seemed like he didn’t mean to and his brows furrowed.
(He never wants to admit it, but…)
Emma: You truly do love me, Prince Azel.
Azel: Don’t be so conceited.
A blush spread across his grim face.
(...God’s blessing was real)
(Because it’s possible to make Prince Azel look like this)
With a dramatic sigh, Prince Azel rested his forehead on my shoulder.
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Azel: What am I even doing?
Emma: It's love.
Azel: No. I’m in no way in love with you. Damn it…
(There’s still a long way to go, but I’ll definitely get it out of him one day)
(An “I love you” from Prince Azel)
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otomehoneyybearr · 4 months
Ikemen Prince 4th Anniversary Eve
Gilbert & Azel: The Relationship Unbeknownst to Anyone
Somewhere on a certain day—
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Gilbert: "---I've always wondered if the conqueror beast and the sacred beast were one in the same."
Gilbert: "Both being evils of the world that control people and manipulate them as they please."
Azel: "I agree with the evil part. You and I would be better off not existing."
Azel: "We are both nuisances to the world, after all."
Gilbert: "Should we die together then?"
Azel: "You mean kill each other."
Gilbert: "That’s right."
Azel: "Disgusting."
Gilbert: "Agreed."
Azel: "So?"
Gilbert: "Hehe, no need to rush. I've went through the trouble of preparing food and drinks, so why not enjoy it first?"
Azel: "I'm having alcohol, while you're having water?"
Gilbert: "Oh, so you noticed."
Azel: "I am a god, after all."
Gilbert: "More like a con-artist, right?"
Azel: "That's another way to put it."
Gilbert: "Haha, you're not denying it."
Azel: "The title isn't that important."
Gilbert: "Really? I thought you’d be particular about it."
Azel: "Not at all. At least with you, being god or con-artist doesn't matter."
Azel: "I'm just a 'nuisance’ in the end, aren't I?"
Gilbert: "So you realized that."
Azel: "Just how many times do you think I've confiscated the weapons you smuggled into my country?"
Azel: "Can't you stop that? It's increasing my overtime and it's annoying."
Gilbert: "It only takes time because you carefully disassemble the firearms and send them back each time."
Gilbert: "Is that your hobby or something?"
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Azel: "Do you want to be called a carefree rich boy?"
Gilbert: "Oh, so it was actually a declaration of war."
Azel: "If you understand that much, then don't bother asking. Tanzanite is the land of the gods,”
Azel: "So you should’ve realized by now that your spies and schemes are powerless in my sacred domain."
Gilbert: "Hmm, that's troublesome."
Gilbert: "It seems I miscalculated how difficult 'cleaning up' Tanzanite would be."
Gilbert: "Or perhaps I should say I underestimated you."
Gilbert: "Tanzanite has the lowest return rate for spies among the major countries."
Gilbert: "Currently you’re the only one from your country that's noticed my plans—No, more like, you're the only one at all."
Gilbert: "I thought that I could gather some information from you by sharing a drink, but..."
Gilbert: "You're quite hard to read. Is this what a god is like?"
Azel: "Donations are always welcome."
Gilbert: "Unfortunately for you, I only believe in myself."
Azel: "I figured as much. Spending time on you could be considered a waste."
Azel: "...Though a free meal does have its value."
Gilbert: "Haha, if you get along with me, there might be even better things in store for you."
Azel: "Not happening."
Gilbert: "Oh, that was an immediate answer. Despite us being somewhat similar."
Azel: "That's just slander."
Azel: "I don't distrust human potential as much as you do."
Azel: "Humanity doesn't need gods or beasts."
Gilbert: "...Is that so?"
Azel: "Want to bet?"
Gilbert: "Sure, sounds interesting."
Gilbert: "Your schemes are like mirages, vague and hard to grasp, but..."
Gilbert: "I'll bet on the foolishness of humans."
Azel: "Then I'll bet the opposite."
Azel: "I'll bet on the potential of humans."
Azel: "They have the ability to cleanse themselves. They can recognize and atone for their mistakes."
Azel: "Make sure to prepare your money, Disaster boy."
Gilbert: "You too."
Some little notes I had:
*: There's a possibility of Azel being older than Gilbert, seeing as he would attach things like (ーくん)-kun or (ーちゃん)-chan to the nicknames he gave Gilbert…That or Azel's was just trying to antagonize him.
**: Alternative interpretation of the nickname carefree rich boy could be 'airheaded/thoughtless young master'
***: Alternative interpretation of the nickname (厄災くん or yakusai-kun)Disaster boy could be 'Mr. Calamity'
I wasn't sure which of these interpretations would fit Azel's dialogue more, so I wanted to leave these notes so that everyone can get a general sense of the word/nickname.
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ezxthan · 6 months
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they should make out
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caffedrine · 5 months
Character vs. Event – The Beast wants to Lure the Rabbit Silvio Ricci vs Azel Radwan - Summary
If you trust me to know what I'm doing, then we have both made a huge mistake. I cannot guarantee accuracy for this summary, or even grammatical correctness.
Please support Cybird and pick up this event when it makes it to the English Server
Also - Silvio is super hot in this one. Don't get distracted by the sexy new princes, Silvio brings it.
This is set without Silvio or Azel being romanced.
What if Emma had gone on to purchase books in Benitoite on Akatsuki’s behalf?
After completing Akatsuki’s errand, Emma briefly stopped by the main port before heading back to the inn. The port seemed unusually busy, and Emma overhears some of the crowd talk about the living god, also mentioning that Silvio had personally come to welcome him.
Emma is also curious by the talk of the living god, and wonders if this means Silvio is just ahead.
She had briefly met Silvio a short while ago when she had played the role of ‘Belle’ in Rhodolite. Silvio, First Prince of Benitoite, had tormented her many times, and possibly because he was suspicious of her secret role, had made her his caretaker. Thankfully Rio had protected her, but unfortunately, he was not around to shield her now.
It would have been smart for Emma to turn away and go to the inn, but she was curious about how her former acquaintance was doing. Curiosity drew her into the crowd, and with some luck, she was in a prime position to see Silvio.
Benitoite knights had formed an empty zone, in which Silvio stood looking at a large ship bearing the emblem of Tanzanite. Following his gaze, Emma saw a single figure move down the ship’s gangway.
At first glance, he was an otherworldly man with features she has never seen before. His hair was silver, and his eyes were a mysterious color that she couldn’t quite place but was striking even from a distance.
Around her, the crowd confirms that this new person is the living god, and Emma recalls hearing that there was a real god in human form in Tanzanite. From the looks of him, she could believe it.
As he came closer to them, Emma could see that the Living God’s expression was full of compassion and love that surrounded everyone, starkly contrasted to Silvio’s tyrannical expression.
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(something wicked this way comes)
With a politeness that took Emma by surprise, Silvio welcomed Azel, the Living God, to Benitoite. Azel kindly thanked Silvio for his gracious hospitality and prayed that all the people of Benitoite would be blessed.
Emma is surprised, she didn’t think Silvio was capable of being so polite and gracious. At least, he had never appeared that way in front of the Princes of Rhodolite. The Living God must be something if he could draw this personality out of Silvio.  It gives her goosebumps.
Just as Azel begins to accompany Silvio to a nearby carriage, a man behind Emma shouts that Azel is a fraud and has bankrupted him. He demands his money back and starts lashing out, pushing hard at the crowd and Emma.
Benitoite knights rush over to the man, and the combined commotion of the rampaging man, and the knights trying to restrain him send Emma landing on the ground hard. Just as she realizes that she’s technically in the open space, Silvio recognizes her.
Silvio rushes towards her, demanding to know what the hell she’s doing here. He swears at her, and Emma is almost relieved to see the normal Silvio. Emma begins to apologize, assuming he’s upset because of how close she is, but Silvio shushes her, examining her leg, which she only begins to notice is badly scraped up and bleeding through her skirt.
Before Emma can react, Silvio bends down and scoops her up into his arms. Emma demands to know what he’s doing, but Silvio shushes her, threatening to toss her into the sea if she doesn’t calm down. Emma ignores the threat and tells him that she’s not so injured that she can't walk. She points out that he’ll attract undue rumors if they see him right now.
Emma flails more, but Silvio shrugs off her movements. He tells her that he isn’t going to follow any orders from her, and besides, no one cares about them right now. Emma stops and looks at the crowd, and sees that indeed, everyone is focused on Azel.
Azel is telling the crowd that if anyone has a grievance to air with him, to please follow the formal procedures to request a meeting. He promises that as long as time permits, he will listen to all the people of Benitoite. But he would hate for his beloved people to be injured further by this outburst, and to be patient with him.
Like a miracle, the crowd quieted down like the receding of the tide. Even Emma feels like her heart quiet down, and she wonders if this is a miracle from god. Silvio tells Emma that they’ll take this opportunity to leave quickly. Emma asks where he’s taking her, and Silvio responds that he’s sure as hell not going to stand here holding her forever, so they’ll just go back to the castle.
Emma tells Silvio to think things through and put her down. Silvio tells her to stop ruining his mood and takes a threatening step towards the sea. Emma doesn’t say anything, and Silvio looks satisfied.
In the carriage, Emma tells Silvio that she’s grateful for his kindness, but she absolutely hates this. Silvio tells her that she only has herself to blame, making him get violent in front of a state guest. Azel tells Silvio that he absolutely doesn’t mind, in fact, this sounds like a profitable story.
Once he pushed her into the carriage, Silvio had one of his servants retrieve a first aid kit and hand it to him. When she saw Silvio’s wicked grin, Emma immediately understood what was going to happen next and grabbed the hem of her skirt to hold it down. Just as she expected, Silvio forcefully tried to pull up her skirt.
All in front of the Living God, sitting across from them.
The fight between Emma and Silvio was so childish, she wanted to cry. She tell Silvio that she can take care of this herself, but Silvio insists that he’s a better medic than she is, and watching a amateur fumble about will only irritate him.
Emma tells him that’s fine, she’ll just get off his carriage, go home, and take care of it herself. Silvio rejects this idea.
Emma demands to know why, and Silvio snaps back that she’s very annoying, and if she resists any further, he’ll tear off her skirt. Emma wails that Silvio is truly the worst. She wonders if this is revenge for their time together in Rhodolite where she had been avoiding being his hostess.
Finally Azel speaks up, telling them to give it up. Silvio appreciates the backup, but Emma points out that he might have been talking to Silvio.
Azel notes that he is always troubled by the worries of stupid people. But, for her, he will lend a special hand.
Emma was surprised at the words, but Azel’s serene, benevolent expression never wavered. In the shaking carriage, Azel stands and moves to sit on Emma’s other side, trapping her between him and Silvio.
Silvio complains that with all three of them on the same seat, the carriage’s balance will be off. Azel tells Silvio in that case to go ahead and move to the empty bench.
Smiling sweetly at Emma, Azel asks her name, and introduces himself as Silvio’s personal fortuneteller, to Silvio’s displeasure. He asks since when were they that close, and Azel asks if Silvio is cheating on him with other fortunetellers. He laments that Silvio is so cruel even though Azel tries so hard for him.
Silvio protests, for one, he doesn’t even believe in fortunetelling. Azel smiles and exclaims that he is the only fortuneteller in the world that Silvio trusts. Silvio sighs in defeat.
Taking advantage of their distraction, Azel jerks the hem of Emma’s skirt up, exposing her wound.
Mockingly pitying her, Azel takes the medicine from Silvio, and begins to treat Emma as a bad feeling wells up in her. Unfortunately, she is trapped between Silvio and Azel and has no choice but to accept having her wound treated.
Azel treats her wound without the slightest show of compassion or mercy. It hurts badly enough that Emma yowls in pain, and clings to Silvio, who recoils and demands that she stop touching him. Through her tears, Emma apologizes, but cannot bring herself to let go of Silvio.
Azel is as efficient as a battle nurse and bandages her wound with gauze. By the time he finishes, the pain recedes. In a voice very different than the serenely benevolent one he’s used up to now, Azel mocks her for crying over being treated.
Then, with a very tender and compassionate gesture, Azel wipes the tears away from Emma’s eyes, and she wonders if the painful treatment was a dream. Emma thanks Azel, and he assures her that as Silvio’s precious friend, she is his sucker- wait, he meant friend, too.
Silvio breaks the moment by demanding Emma get off of him. As Emma scoots away, Silvio flings himself to the corner of the bench, but not before she notices how red his face is. When she brings it up, Silvio threatens to throw her out of the carriage, and Emma wonders if he’s embarrassed.
No, he’s a tyrant, it must be something else.
Azel takes this moment to bring up the cost of the treatment. He leans close to her ear and whispers a number so large that Emma feels herself grow faint. A light seems to shine from behind Azel as he explains that god has just used his own hands to treat her, so if anything, this is a discount.
Emma asks Silvio to save her, but he replies that this is her own fault for refusing to let him treat her. He goes on to explain that as gods go, Azel is pretty evil.
Emma realizes that Azel just scammed her.
Azel assures Emma that he’ll create a loan document so that she can pay her debt back in installments. Emma asks if there's anything other than money that can pay him back, and Azel considers this before agreeing. He’ll forgive the debt if Emma agrees to become his exclusive maid (slave) during his stay. Emma is confused, he said the word ‘maid’ but she’s pretty sure he meant ‘slave’.
Silvio cuts in, he has already hired the most skilled maid in Benitoite to serve Azel. There’s no need for Azel to put up with Emma’s amateurish attempts.
Azel disagrees, he’s grown fond of Emma. She’s not intimidated by princes or gods, so he’s certain he’ll feel very comfortable with her. Then again, if Silvio has that strong of an opinion, he doesn’t mind Silvio paying Emma’s debt on her behalf.
However, he knows Silvio is the type of person who doesn’t waste money. If Silvio is going to help this woman personally, does it mean that he’s in love with her?
Silvio immediately denies this, and Azel shrugs. It’s too bad, it sounds like Emma is going to be his new maid (slave) after all.
Emma agrees to serve Azel and have him waive the costs to treat her. Mentally she apologizes to Akatsuki, it looks like it will be a while before she is able to return to Rhodolite.
At the Benitoite Castle, Azel thanks Silvio for his hospitality, he always loves the food served to him. Silvio assures him that serving him is absolutely no trouble, and to eat as much as he likes.
Emma, now wearing a maid uniform, is their waiter and has been serving them since they first set foot in the castle. Thanks to her time as Belle, she was actually doing quite well. However, she is concerned that there are no other servants besides her, as everyone else has been dismissed. She is kept very busy, working by herself.
Azel and Silvio begin to talk seriously. Azel talks about an easy mark - er, merchant, who is still active. Silvio agrees, they’re using Azel’s name to sell expensive products. Unfortunately, while immoral, this isn’t illegal in Benitoite, and they need to get them on something else. He asks if Azel needs his help, but Azel refuses. Instead, he would like Silvio to do that favor he asked for.
Emma more or less understands the problem. She wonders if the whole point of Azel’s trip is to stop the sale of fake holy artifacts and imagines that there will be a lot of trouble ahead. She idly refills Silvio’s rose wine as Azel turns to her and explains that she’ll be helping him.  Emma starts and nearly empties the wine pitcher on Silvio. She asks if she misheard, but nope, Azel is going to use her for his job tomorrow.
Silvio immediately grabs her hand and cuts in. He was actually planning on having Emma help him tomorrow. Besides, he saw her first, Azel should back down.
Azel asks how much he should sell Emma to Silvio for. He reminds them that he’s an evil god. Silvio clicks his tongue, and Azel turns to Emma. He doesn’t mind if Emma chooses between them.
Silvo End
Emma is paralyzed by the sudden choice. She decides that in the end, she has to pay back her debt to Azel, so she slowly turns to him.
Behind her, Silvio clicks his tongue and tells Azel he understands, all he has to do is buy her. Azel smiles beautifully, remarking that it’s about time that Silvio’s made up his mind, no, Lord Gold*, that is. Silvio grumbles for Azel to stop calling him that.
Magnanimously, Azel agrees to stop, after all, he is very loyal to Silvio. He then praises Silvio for saving his dear friend. And to not ruin the moment, Azel will give him the bill later. This is not included in the compensation they’ve already arranged. Silvio grumbles about how stubborn Azel is.
Silvio then smiles arrogantly at Emma, and she wishes that she had gone with Azel instead. She has moved from the frying pan into the fire.
Silvio tells Emma that just as Azel once said, he doesn’t waste his money. He intends for her to work off her debt completely, and he plans on enjoying this.
The next morning, Emma is summoned to Silvio’s bedroom, and with a wicked grin he explains that today she is his personal maid. He warns her not to run her mouth with him. Emma would love to complain, but since Silvio holds a sizeable debt over her head, she cannot oppose him. Very politely, Emma agrees and tells Silvio to go ahead and give her any orders he wants. She goes full maid mode and calls him ‘master’.
This wipes the smirk off of Silvio’s face and he complains about it being weird when she’s like this. Emma reminds him that he has just told her to be his maid, so what does he want her to do? And why does he look so frustrated when she’s obedient?
Silvio has an errand for Emma to run. He hands her a list of book titles. Azel has requested these particular books from Silvio, but they’re rare enough that no single bookstore has everything. Silvio needs someone to go to the various bookstores in Benitoite and cobble the list together.
Emma is somewhat surprised; this is pretty much her normal job. She was worried that Silvio would give her a horrible onerous task, but this lines up with her abilities perfectly. She assures Silvio that she will be back by nightfall, accepting the list. She will pay off the debt with time to spare.
So why is Silvio accompanying her on this errand? When she asks, Silvio tells her that it’s none of her business. Emma laughs and teases him, maybe he’s coming with her because he cant bear to part with her so quickly?
Silvio reaches out and grabs her head, crushing it in a painful grip. He tells her to focus less on him and more on her task.
Emma asks if this means that Silvio doesn’t want to leave her alone. Silvio is not amused by this and begins to shake her head, blurring her vision. She complains that her eyes are shaking, and Silvio warns her to stop saying weird things.
Fine, fine, Emma will let it be. She’ll pretend there’s nothing weird or unusual about Silvio following her on her errand. That he assigned her.
The first bookstore she stops by was one she had purchased books from Akatsuki the previous day. The bookstore owner recognizes her, and asks if the rumor is true, is she now dating Silvio? To Emma’s horror, the owner explains that the rumors were that when the Living God arrived in Benitoite, Silvio and Emma had an intimate moment. Publicly. And now, the rumors say that Silvio has both the Living God and his mistress as guests at the Benitoite Palace.
Anyway, here is the book Emma requested. Please, give the bookstore owner’s regards to Prince Silvio.
Immediately upon exiting the bookstore, Emma tells Silvio that they need to break up.
Silvio looks stunned as he accepts the book from Emma. He recovers enough to remind Emma that they can’t break up, they’re not dating in the first place.
Yeah, well, there are rumors going around. Rumors . . . from Silvio’s very nonchalant reaction that he already knew about.
Yep, according to public opinion, Emma is Silvio’s woman. At least in Benitoite.
Okay, then they should break up publicly.
Silvio refuses to take orders from his newest maid. Instead, they should go to the next store.
As they walk, Emma is aghast at how fast these rumors are spreading. Oh, she just knew something bad would come from Silvio picking her up at the port. And now, she has become hyper-aware of all the people they pass by, feeling their gazes slide over her. Oh, what would happen if the rumors of her being Silvio’s woman spread past the Benitoite capital?
As if reading her mind, Silvio wonders what would happen if that dog hears the rumors too. He slips an arm around Emma’s waist and bends down to whisper in Emma’s ear. It occurs to her that, from the right angle, this looks like a intimate moment.
Silvio is doing this on purpose.
The longer they stay together, the faster the rumors will spread. Now Emma has just one last resort. She points and shouts that Azel is right there across the street.
This breaks Silvio’s attention, Azel should be in a different part of the city all together, dealing with . . . And Emma is gone, sprinting off down an alley. She thinks she heard Silvio scramble after her, but she continues full speed ahead, and practically dives into the first store around a corner. Gasping for breath, she waits, but it seems like she has shaken off Silvio.
After a moment, Emma decides to look around the store. It’s a general store, full of cute accessories that make her think of Benitoite. Something on the shelf catches her attention.
After Emma makes her purchase, she leaves the store, confident in her escape skills and planning on finishing her errand. She gets as far as the main street before a voice calls out to her. Before she can even look, she is dragged into a different alley and pushed roughly against the wall.
It’s Silvio.
And he is pissed.
Maybe Emma would have been better off if just a regular kidnapper had found her instead.
Silvio hopes that Emma is prepared to face the consequences of her actions. Emma is, but she doesn’t regret trying to stop the spread of the rumors. If it gets out that she is Silvio’s mistress, her marriage prospects will plummet.
Silvio is aghast, is that what she cares about? Hasn’t it got through her head why he’s spent his entire day with her yet?
Realizing what he just said, Silvio shuts his mouth, then swears, he didn’t mean that last bit to slip.
In case Emma hasn’t realized it, Silvio is a prince. And, if that’s not enough, he’s rich. Like, really rich. The rumors have already spread, and right now, she’s the most kidnappable person on the continent.
Oh. Well, maybe if Silvio had said that from the start, Emma would have been more cooperative. But, from his expression right now, Silvio looks embarrassed. It’s not something she is used to from this arrogant tyrant.
Emma apologizes, she didn’t realize he was worried about her. Silvio quickly denies this, he was never worried. He just would be upset if something happened. Totally different emotion.
Silvio is still a tyrant, which Emma hates, but still . . . Emma thanks him.
She pulls her recent purchase out of her pocket – a trinket with a ship motif. The little ship looks like it’s about to have a grand adventure, and looking at it, all she can think of is Silvio’s face.
Emma explains that she realized that back when she got injured Silvio hadn’t hesitated before running to tend to her. In the end, he had even paid Azel for treating her. But, in retrospect, she had never thanked him, so she wanted to give him this as a token of her thanks. Also, she might have been holding on to it to soothe Silvio’s ire when he eventually caught up to her after she escaped him.
But it wasn’t a lie that she wanted to thank him.
Silvio stares at the tiny ship resting in the palm of his hand, frozen. His ocean-blue eyes are wide and he seems very surprised. As the silence continues, Emma grows embarrassed. Maybe he dislikes the trinket – it’s nothing to a millionaire like Silvio. She tells Silvio that if he doesn’t like it, she’ll just take it back.
Silvio immediately snatches the trinket away, holding it above her head. He never said that he didn’t want it. He smiles as Emma grasps at air.
It is a very silly trinket, but Silvio will accept it as his due. Emma thinks he looks surprisingly happy, and her heart skips a beat at a smile she never saw back in Rhodolite.
No, that’s stupid. What’s the point of getting excited about seeing one nice smile on a tyrant’s face? She’s being far too lenient with him.
After this little adventure, Silvio actually listened to Emma’s request, and although he still followed her, he managed to do so without being seen. She was able to finish purchasing the last of the books on the list by the time the sun began setting over the sea.
Emma returns with Silvio to the castle, then cheerfully announces that her job is over. Since she’s paid off her debt, she’ll go ahead and return to the inn she’s staying at.
Emma is somewhat sad; this is probably the last time she will ever interact with Silvio. As a bookstore clerk, she cannot easily approach him, as they practically live in different worlds. She wishes him well, and turns to leave.
Silvio abruptly grabs her, wrapping his arms around her from behind.
Did Emma seriously think she could just leave like that?
Silvio Epilogue
Emma met Silvio when the King of Rhodolite died and she had been nominated as Belle to choose his replacement. Silvio had come up with many tricks to try to get her to reveal her identity, leading them to but heads more often than not. If she had to describe their relationship, Emma would say that it was not a good one.
So how exactly did she end up like this?
His arms are wrapped around her like a backward hug, and he’s asking why she thinks she can just leave like that. Emma points out that she completed his errand, and her job is over.
Silvio half-laughs, does Emma really think that all she needed to do was run a single errand to pay him back? As his exclusive maid, she hasn’t even served him dinner yet.
Silvio has a lot of maids in the castle, right? Maid who would be thrilled to serve him any meal he would like, right? Why does he want Emma? Silvio asks if this is how Emma pays back her debts, by mouthing off to the people to whom she owes money.
Silvio doesn’t need Emma to serve him dinner. Emma figures that this is just revenge for everything that happened between them in Rhodolite.
Emma thought she would be free after she served him dinner, but then Silvio’s official duties as the Prince of Benitoite began. He had her sorting documents, organizing files, and assisting with enough paperwork to make her dizzy.
By the time most of the paperwork had been conquered, Azel had returned to the castle. While Silvio listened to Azel’s report, Emma served tea, sweets, and a shocking amount of gold bullion to Azel. Honestly, there was enough gold to last a person an entire lifetime.
Silvio is pleased with Azel’s report, the business was destroyed and was untraceable back to Silvio. Azel is pleased that Silvio is pleased. If Silvio has any other problems, merely contact him and Azel will come running. And, of course, that offer is extended to Silvio’s woman.
Azel is disappointed that neither Silvio nor Emma want a divination.
After the meeting, Emma accompanies Silvio back to his room, where she can hear the sound of the ocean running over the sand. He pours a drink for both of them and tells Emma to drink up. Emma asks if he normally treats his maids to alcohol, and Silvio tells her that she is fired as a maid. She’s far too cocky for the profession.
Emma has no problem with this, it was a lot of hard work.
Silvio urges Emma to drink up, he doesn’t feel like drinking alone today.
The liquor is a light sea-blue and makes her think of Silvio. Since Silvio is personally pouring her drink, she decides to accept and try it.
Silvio explains that it’s a traditional Benitoite liquor, very rare, so Emma might not get a chance to try it again. Tasting it, Emma remarks that it makes her think of the sea, a fitting beverage for Benitoite. It was very tasty and easy to drink, so Emma would have to be careful.
Silvio knocks back a shot of the liquor and pours himself another glass. Emma wonders if she should be worried.
Silvio tells Emma that she should stay at the castle tonight. Emma isn’t certain that it’s allowed, with her being a commoner and all, but Silvio insists that she is his guest. Silvio corrects her, she’s not a guest, after all, he did buy her. Emma asks what the difference is between a guest and someone in debt to him, and Silvio muses it depends on his mood at the moment.
How strange. All while they spent time together in Rhodolite, Silvio had been unpleasant and tyrannical. But right now, it could be said that they were getting along. Now that she isn’t terrified of him discovering her true role, she can see different sides of him. Maybe this playful kindness had been there back when they first met, and Emma had been too wary to notice it. For one, she never would have guessed that he would immediately come to her aid if she was injured.
These thoughts stir confusing feelings inside her, so Emma washes it down with another drink.
When Emma laughs softly and admits to Silvio that she never would have imagined that she would be in his room this late drinking with him. Maybe she had been right when they started the book-buying errand that morning, and Silvio liked being around her. Silvio disagrees and tells her not to get so cocky.
With a shrug, Emma decides that she’s been here long enough, it’s time for her to return to her room at the inn.
But as soon as she sets her empty glass on the table, Silvio grabs her wrist.
Silvio reminds her that they already talked about this, he doesn’t want to see her get kidnapped. Emma asks if that’s the only reason he’s acting like this.
Silvio’s brows furrow, and there’s an awkward silence between them.
Huh, Emma would have thought that Silvio would swear at her and deny it or something. She wonders what Silvio is thinking about during this long silence and decides to back down. She assures Silvio that she does not doubt that he only wants her to stay out of concern for her safety. But Silvio’s grim expression doesn’t go away.
Trying to lighten the mood, Emma reaches out to poke Silvio where his brows are furrowed, but he suddenly leaps backward as if she burned him. From across the room, Silvio shouts at her to not touch him without permission.
Emma blinks owlishly at him, then recalls that time when Azel was treating her wound in the carriage how he had panicked when she clung to him. She asks if Silvio cant bear to be touched, but he denies this, looking everywhere other than her eyes.
This is a weakness.
Emma can’t help but grin wickedly. Silvio grows more upset and yells that she is getting carried away without being aware of her place. Emma shrugs, she’s probably drunk so what she says and does doesn’t count.
Silvio’s frown curls into a grin.
It doesn’t count?
With a wicked expression, Silvio stalks towards her, placing his glass on the table. Feeling wary, Emma steps backward, only to topple down on top of his bed.
Silvio pushes her down, hovering over her and caging her with his arms and legs. His face is close enough for the tips of their noses to touch, and Emma and Silvio breathe the same air. When Emma tries to move away, Silvio grabs her hand tightly. Emma can’t see anything other than Silvio, cant hear anything other than their heartbeats. Their fingers are tangled together, both of their bodies hot enough for sweat to bead along Emma’s brow.
Silvio laughs, Emma really is drunk.
Emma would like to respond to it, but every time Silvio exhales, his breath scatters her thoughts.
Silvio sighs, Emma can’t leave now, not with that expression. He roughs up her hair, tangling it with his fingers. Emma asks what he means, and Silvio tells her to stop talking, or else he’ll take a page out of Azel’s book and increase her debt to him.
Once he has tangled Emma’s hair to the point that it looks more like a bird’s nest than a hairstyle, Silvio gets off of Emma, letting her up. Emma sits up and begins righting her hair, and Silvio starts helping.
Emma tells Silvio she really should leave now.
At the very least, she can’t stay here. Her heart is doing backflips, and she cannot describe the feelings washing through her. Standing up, Emma reaches Silvio’s bedroom door, but he calls out to her, stopping her.
Silvio tells Emma that the next time she comes to Benitoite, she really should stop by the castle and say ‘hello’. Besides, he owns her loan, she can always come by and work it off.
What a tyrant.
Emma agrees that she doesn’t want to be in debt to him until she dies, so she will stop by the castle. Unless she forgets.
Silvio grumbles for her not to forget him.
Well, the debt, at least.
Silvio pours himself another drink, and Emma begins to leave for real, only for something to catch her eye. That trinket she had bought for Silvio on a whim sparkles on his desk in a prominent position.
She has no idea what her feelings for Silvio are.
Azel End
The day starts with Emma chasing after the Living God. She calls out for him to please slow down, but Azel refuses to stop his powerwalk.
Even though Azel is not running, his legs are long enough that his stride propels him farther than Emma. Even though they had left at the same time, Emma has to rush after him. Very kindly, Azel sympathizes with having stubby legs and warns Emma that if she can’t keep up with him, he’ll just have to leave her behind.
Eventually, Azel makes his way through a back alley, but there is no sign of anyone else there. Just ahead of her, Azel pulls to a stop, and Emma can make out two men guarding a door. Azel apologizes for intruding, and as both the guards start at the sight of the Living God, he opens the door and walks in.
Catching up, Emma breathlessly repeats Azel’s platitude and runs in after him.
There are many people inside, and they are all reacting in surprise to Azel’s sudden entrance. Some are shouting with joy, and others are crying as if they are experiencing a divine visitation. A very different reaction than the one Azel received at the port. Emma feels like she is watching drowning men clutch at straws.
Azel didn’t seem to even notice the crowd. Instead, without pause, he marches towards the stage.
Emma sees a large vase in the middle. She imagines that this is a fake holy item being auctioned under Azel’s name.
Standing on the stage, Azel calls for the crowd to quiet down. He is very sad, he has heard that there is the sale of holy items, and he sees that the rumors are true. Do they not understand that God’s protection isn’t bought with money?
Did Azel hit his head while outside of Emma’s eyesight? She stares at him in disbelief as he continues. Azel assures the people that God doesn’t need money, otherwise those without money would not receive any protection. God loves all and protects all despite their wealth or status.
Azel’s face and voice is full of compassion and love, if this was the first time Emma interacted with him, she would even believe him. Surprisingly, even after interacting with him, Emma can feel Azel’s voice penetrate her heart and is filled with a holy sensation. Like her, everyone around seems to be holding their breath, waiting for Azel’s next words.
Well, not everyone. The merchants selling the fake divine artifacts try to flee. This snaps the crowd out of their trance and as one they turn against the merchants and begin to form a mob, demanding their money back.
The merchants run out the back way, and the crowd rushes after them, leaving behind an empty auction area of only Emma and Azel. She asks if Azel plans on chasing after the merchants as well, but Azel refuses. He’s not stupid enough to leave behind all this money.
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(Azel isn't upset that people are scamming others, he's upset that he's not getting a cut)
Emma asks what meant a few minutes earlier when he was saying that God doesn’t need money.
Well, that was then, and this is now.
Azel beckons Emma forward, her job starts now. It’s easy enough, even an idiot like her can do it. Leaping down from the stage, Azel starts pushing Emma ahead of him into a side door she missed earlier. Emma recognizes one of the merchants in the room and asks how Azel knew that he was there. Azel reminds her that he is a God and tells his slave maid to look sharp. Emma snaps back to her senses and locks the door behind them.
Emma was glared at by the merchant, but Azel moves to stand between them, blocking their line of sight. Azel greets the scammer and drapes a companionable arm around his shoulders and forces him to sit at a nearby table. He and Azel should have a fun chat together.
The scamming merchant’s face is pale.
Azel knows this person. He knows his name, his home address, his workplace, where his family lives, and so on. It seems this merchant has several gambling debts and is having trouble making ends meet. But none of this is Azel’s concern, right? He only care that he was using his name in selling these goods. The compensation should be about . . .
Emma cant hear what Azel says next, but the merchant’s face tightens like he bit into something sour. Emma feels sympathetic with the merchant, but she can only pity him so much, as he was obviously running a terrible business.
Azel is continuing, loud enough for Emma to overhear. Since the merchant has extorted a lot of money out of people using these false holy relics, and he had a recent run of luck at the gambling hall, this is an easy price to pay.
The merchant asks why Azel would ask for that much, and Azel replies that he is the Living God. And, with his divine foresight, he has prepared a loan document for the merchant. He’s a kind god, so he’ll only punish him monetarily. He smiles at the man, as sweet as if a halo was over his head.
Suddenly the merchant hurls himself off the chair, kicking it away and barreling towards Emma, who is directly in front of the door. Azel calls out to Emma that this is her time to shine.
What? Whaaat? This is impossible!
But, if Emma lets this merchant get away, she will never be released from her debt. Thinkign quickly, she grabs a nearby broom and braces herself to whack him.
And then she sees the knife in the merchant’s hand.
Oh. She’s probably going to die.
Noooo! She can’t give up now! Not after all those self-defense classes they made her take while she was Belle! Emma kills the fear in her heart, raising the broom, ready for a broom to knife fight with the merchant.
Suddenly a chair flies from behind the merchant, hitting him hard enough to knock him to the ground. Azel steps on the merchant’s head, grinding his face into the floor, asking if he’s an idiot as well as an incompetent.
Emma wonders if that last bit was directed towards her and not the merchant. At least, Azel is looking at the merchant instead of her.
The benevolent façade is gone, and the change is so complete Azel looks almost like a completely different person.
Azel asks if the merchant thought that he truly could run away from Azel. Does he think that God is that compassionate? That is a ridiculous thought, no God could be that convenient to humanity. The merchant has just made Azel his enemy, he should know the weight of that decision.
Azel is disgusted that scum like this merchant is using God’s name to exploit others. He’s now changed his mind, the loan document is not enough for the merchant to pay for his sins. Adding the crime of pointing a knife at what belongs to Azel, all the merchant’s wordly possessions will be confiscated to pay for the disrespect.
Azel then begins to dig through the merchant’s pockets, eventually pulling out a rusty key and tossing it to Emma. Azel glares at the merchant lying on the ground one last time before standing up, using the merchant as a stepstool.
They find the safe, full of an eye-watering amount of money. Emma thought Azel would keep all of the wealth for himself, but instead he instructs her to call for the knights; they’re going to return the money to the victims of this merchant’s fraud.
That said, Emma did notice Azel taking some for himself.
This was all legal, as Emma would eventually find out. The document Azel made the merchant sign proclaimed that he transferred all his wealth to Azel. Everyone, including the responding knights, bowed down in gratitude to Azel.
Everyone except Emma.
When they are finally alone in the carriage, Emma asks Azel, by chance, if he’s actually really evil. Azel laughs and admits that he was wondering what she would say. Then his smile disappears, and he warns Emma not to say anything else. She has a flash of Azel stomping on the merchant’s head and she closes her eyes, cringing as if she expects Azel to get violent.
After nothing happens, Emma opens her eyes, only to see Azel looking at her with a shocked expression. It's as if her reaction was worse than an insult.
Azel tells Emma that she should learn how to run away. Think of this as a divine prophecy from god, she is going to die if she continues to stick her nose into unnecessary things. Emma asks him not to say such ominous things, and Azel tells her he would love to, but anything else would go over her stupid head.
Azel asks what she was thinking back in the room, he didn’t bring her with him to fight. Emma explains that she was thinking about her debt. Azel is exasperated, he is certain he told her that he wanted her as a distraction. Ugh, maybe it’s on him, and he said it wrong. Next time, he’ll have to dumb his instructions down for her. A lot.
Emma apologizes for causing him to worry, but Azel assures her that he was never worried about her. Instead, he was worried about Silvio, what would happen if he inadvertently offended his beloved prince by getting his favorite killed.
Azel sighs and sulkily kicks Emma’s seat. He’s going to have to add the cost of saving her to the loan document. Emma is aghast, didn’t he just receive a lot of money?
Oh Emma, no matter how much money you have, you never have enough.
Yep, Azel is definitely an evil god.
How can she say such things? And to think she’s special, she has been personally chosen by god to serve him. If anything, she should be bowing down in gratitude.
On another note, Emma’s debt is too high now to just be Azel’s maid for the day. Congratulations, she’s now his newest slave.
Emma refuses.
Azel asks if Emma plans on selling her organs then.
Emma begs god to have mercy on her. Azel smiles benevolently, God has no mercy for humans. Congratulating Emma on her newly extended loan, Azel stands and traps her between him and the carriage seat.
It occurs to Emma that it would be better if she jumped out the window of the carriage.
Gently placing his fingers against her cheek, Azel tells Emma that he intends to have her repay the loan with her body.
Azel Epilogue
Emma covers herself and glares up at Azel. He asks how conceited can she be, but Emma just reminds him that he said to pay  him back using her body.
He did. And he intends to use all of her.
There is a lot of manual labor that needs to be done, after all.
What did she think he meant? Azel laughs, he’ll just add another bit to her debt for this insult.
It wasn’t until the end of the day that Emma truly understood ‘use all of her’. She was so tired, all she wanted to do was fall face-first into bed and sleep. Instead, she limites herself to sitting down and resting her face on a nearby table.
Azel had spent the entire day performing divinations for the people of Benitoite. Since he was a god, and a foreign god at that, people outside of Tanaznite rarely had an opportunity to receive his divine guidance, making the day very busy.
Honestly, Azel would rather not do this, but he wants to keep on Silvio’s good side. As the richest man in the world, Silvio is not only Azel’s number one benefactor, he is also Azel’s friend. And, to maintain that relationship, Azel will visit and bestow God’s blessing on the citizens of Benitoite.
Unfortunately, he can only run a divination for one person at a time, he needs someone to keep everyone waiting organized. Emma will be paying back her debt by lining up supplicants, guiding them to Azel, handling complaints, and more.
All the chores that need to be done outside of divination will be handled by Emma.
Emma asks if he really intends for her to handle this by herself, and Azel does. After all, she is his only slave here in Benitoite. Of course, if she wants him to bring on another worker, they can pull out the loan document and figure out how much debt to add.
Fine. Emma will do her best, by herself.
Not only did Emma have to cater to the needs of the supplicants, but she was also in charge of Azel’s personal requests, such as bringing him food and drinks.
She can’t help but wonder about all the people waiting (impatiently) in line for hours for a chance to consult with the evil god. Maybe Azel’s divinations were really worth all the trouble.
Emma is not present for Azel’s divinations and has no idea what happens once she leads people to him. All she is aware of is how anxious the people waiting in line are, and how full of hope they are when they leave him.
At the end of the day, with her head face down on the table, Emma wonders what a divination is like.
Suddenly a breath blows into her ear, sending a shock through her. She looks up to see Azel’s face right there.
He thanks her for all of her hard work and dismisses her for the day. Emma asks after him, will he also return to his guest room?
Azel likes this room, it has a perfect view of the sunset. She watches as he leans against the window, staring out across the sea. Intrigued by the scenery God is watching, Emma joins him. She remarks that the sunset is beautiful, this room has a clear view of the horizon. Azel asks if she heard him dismiss her, but Emma insists that she likes watching the sunset.
Well, that’s fine. It’s not unpleasant watching the sunset with her.
That’s interesting, Emma thought Azel disliked her. Azel disagrees though he doesn’t like the fact that she is terrible at regulating her emotions. But think, why would he have someone he hates spend the entire day serving him? He’s not the local masochist to put up with that.
That said, Emma is staying here late. Does she want Azel to pay for her lodgings at the castle too?
Emma cuts in, she’s staying because she has a question for him. She noticed that Azel didn’t take any money for his divinations, even though he keeps on taking as much as he can from her.
Azel reminds Emma what he said earlier, God’s protection is equal. Both rich and poor have the right to seek salvation.
Well, that is the official reason, but the truth is that Azel uses divination to gather useful information. For example, he found out that Emma was the latest Belle of Rhodolite. Depending on the time and place, he could use that to extort money from her.
When Azel tells people’s fortune, people like to talk about useless things with him. And, despite his background, he can gather a lot of useful tidbits.
Azel then asks if Emma would like him to divine her fortune. He urges her to accept, for all they know, this might be the last time divine inspiration strikes him, and he might never be able to tell a fortune again.
Emma can’t believe that Azel is making this offer out of the kindness of his heart, but in the end, she is very curious. She agrees.
Azel asks what she has a question about, and Emma asks if any question is acceptable. Azel assures her that it is, after all, he is the Living God.
Okay, Emma would like to know about her future love life. It’s been on her mind to fall in love and settle down soon, and she wonders how that will go.
As soon as she asks, Azel’s benevolent smile twists into a scowl. He wonders why everyone wants to learn about their love lives, it’s really revolting to him.
He tells Emma that if she’s that concerned, go chase after Silvio. To her shock, he explains that Silvio definitely likes her, so that’s her best bet. He gives her a pitying look and says that he has lost his motivation to perform a divination for her.
Emma is upset, she was looking forward to seeing what a divination performed by the Living God would look like.
Okay, fine, if she doesn’t go after Silvio, maybe she’ll meet someone else. Whom? He doesn’t know, and he doesn’t care.
Emma argues that Azel’s prediction is far too vague, and Azel tells her that’s the beauty of fortunetelling. He then extends his hand towards Emma. He would like his fee for divining her fortune now.
Emma reminds him that his fortune-telling services are free. Azel assures her that she’s just that special – he charges friends and family more. Emma doesn’t want to be special to Azel, who is more of a fraud-scammer than a real god.
Azel clicks his tongue, Emma never learns, does she? He pinches her cheek, reminding her that he’ll add enduring insults to her overall debt. Emma argues that she wasn’t insulting him, she was telling the truth. Azel snorts, her sincerity takes a certain kind of courage, doesn’t it? This time, Azel’s smile is strange and his grip on her cheek is lighter.
If what Azel said was true and not a deception, Emma will be able to meet a suitable man with good taste. At this point, as long as he’s not Azel, Emma will be happy.
Azel tells her not to worry, he’s not interested in her romantically either. Honestly, their compatibility is the lowest possible, the world would end before they came together.
Besides, instead of think about love, Emma should use her brain to think of a way to repay her debt to Azel. Still teasing Emma’s cheek, Azel’s smile grows dark and evil. When Emma scowls at him, he only laughs.
Really, she would be happy to fall in love with anyone other than this dark-hearted evil god.
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(You heard it here first, route is over, no chance of romance between these two)
156 notes · View notes
memoria-99 · 2 months
IkePri: "How do you want to die?"
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135 notes · View notes
sevenai · 6 months
the new princes are here, they look so good in the trailer! looks wise i am interested in matthias but plot wise, i can’t wait for kagari hehe
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Azel Radwan | 2nd Prince of Tanzanite Kingdom
Otherworldly x Always lacking money
Insignia: Unicorn
CV: Takuma Terashima
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Matthias Ausbrink | First Prince of Acroite Country
Delusional x Straight-lace
Insignia: Owl
CV: Yohei Azakami
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Kagari Amagase | 2nd Prince of Kogyoku Kingdom
Battle fanatic x Spoiled general
Insignia: Lynx
CV: Shoya Chiba
197 notes · View notes
judesmoonbeauty · 6 months
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165 notes · View notes
sserrafeim · 5 months
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this is, like, a treat for me
149 notes · View notes
daegupaksu · 5 months
3 new princes, 3 new traumas
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*sigh* time to recollect story tickets
After observing translated posts, Matias is the most interesting for me. He's too funny.
122 notes · View notes
Please, God
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let this be
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their orgasm face 🙏
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125 notes · View notes
candied-boys · 2 months
@drachonia come get ur boi
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65 notes · View notes