#bts chapter 2
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279/638 One Suga a day while he is away
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jmdbjk · 2 months
Jin participating in the Olympics Torch Relay
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Jin brought the torch into the Louvre gates (or whatever its called) from the city street. Manager-nim and one other guy was run/walking alongside so that was comforting to know. I am so proud of him. What he must have been feeling looking around. Can't wait to see the Bangtan Episode!
(livestream provided by btslinkita)
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I'm still here ngl..
Listen, I see this and feel so much happiness. Jimin dancing, showing who he is, showing the versatility of his style and giving us just a glimpse into the extensive, vast range of his talent.
There's been some revisionism happening regarding BTS that's ratcheted up in the last three years or so. I can't be the only person who's noticed it. People more forcefully asserting things about the members that are just plain absurd, like saying this or that member isn't that talented, or that xyz member has this massive character failing that's only just apparent now for some reason, or that things they've said and done aren't actually the case. After FACE, I noticed people saying shit like Jimin can't sing and can't dance...
That reminds me, I went to a cup-sleeve event in June for another group and someone told me to my face Jimin can't dance and I almost uppercut that bitch. It ticked me off but I didn't actually assault her. What I did instead was ask her to explain what she meant, told her I disagreed, and showed her why by playing Jimin's Black Swan solo DP. She took back her initial claim and said she'd just been in a k-pop group online and all those people were saying is how none of the BTS members are that talented especially Jimin who apparently can't sing to save his life and whatever dancing he can do is limited to a few moves from 6 years ago.
Plain insanity.
Jimin, out of the kindness of his sweet, magnanimous heart, is giving the amnesia patients a crash course in who he is. He's reminding people he is Park Jimin of BTS. The dancer who joined a nearly bankrupt agency, had the shortest training period in that agency's history, and with the least resources, and debuted as the main dancer and lead singer of what is now the biggest group in the world. The man who critics from all over the world laud as a virtuoso, in voice, dance, and performance. His voice has brought men to their knees, calmed babies, enchanted concert halls, made stadiums full of people cry out in pure joy. There's nobody alive or dead like Park Jimin, and the fact we all get to exist in the same time as him is a blessing too many people (for my liking) take for granted.
ThisIsJimin is a gift I'm thankful to Jimin for giving us again.
Anyway, I was watching that clip again with a friend and she pointed out how cool the dance practice room was. Noted how it's a massive improvement from the old BigHit halls that had mold growing on the walls and water dripping on live wires in the back. It's taken years, hard work by the members, good business sense from BigHit/HYBE, and a lot of my own hard-earned money as well as the resources (time, money, otherwise) from ARMYs over the years to get to this point - and I just want to say, speaking for myself, even though I still see massive room for improvement, I feel very happy with the state of things.
HYBE is cultivating a solid roster of talent built on BTS's hard work. The world-class facilities in the building is the first good sign, as well as the talent now being fostered there. I love the quality of the army of dancers Jimin had access to for his SMF Pt2 performances, I love that NewJeans is doing so well that Riot Games sought them to feature on their new World's anthem, I love that a whole new generation of incredible groups are growing in the environment created by BTS's own trials and success.
BOYNEXTDOOR is a group that continues to have my attention because all six boys are just that good. They posted their dance practice for Crying today (my favourite song from a rookie group in 2023), and I noticed they did it in a similar dark coloured dance practice room Jimin filmed his #ThisIsJimin choreo in. And that really just put a very silly smile on my face for a reason I can't pinpoint yet.
Maybe it's aftereffects from the Jimin Effect after streaming his reel as hard as I'm streaming Indigo lately.
I see the asks you send, about Golden, JK in general, jokers, this or that thing happening in fandom, and I'll get to them at some point but I don't want to talk about them right now. Because I'm still stuck on Jimin showcasing himself in that air conditioned, world class dance practice room that's only possible because of his hard work, tenacity, talent, and love for his group.
I'm still stuck on Jimin and legit cannot move on. He's such a beast. Such a calculating, proud, stubborn, and kind beast of a man.
I'm not sure what's going on with me.
We're in Jimtober so maybe his juju is just extra strong and I can't escape his grip no matter what I try. Anyway, it's a good idea to stream FACE, allow yourself to re-experience his album, check out his other solos as well (played Christmas Love over the weekend and realized it sounds even better on low frequency speakers), and eat a lot of spicy food followed by warm/hot drinks because Jimin is curious about such things (and it really does work).
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rantingravingliving · 11 months
FACE: The Agony and Ecstasy of Park Jimin
I am writing this with a heavy heart. I watched Jimin's Production Diary earlier this evening and rewatched it with Jimin (how I wished he was really with me, right? But Weverse Live it was).
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(I don't know about you but I think Jimin is extra handsome when wearing a baseball cap.)
But my heart is not weighed down with sadness or grief; in fact, I am so proud of Jimin and how FACE came about and how he toiled in those 10 months before he finally revealed FACE. It was probably the most intimate Jimin content I watched – the documentary showed him barefaced, without any embellishments that we would typically associate with him as an idol. He was devoid of the glitz and glamor of a superstar; we watched Jimin, the artist struggling with words and questioning his thoughts and ideas. He was the most beautiful in his vulnerable state because you could see his passion, desire, and hunger to create something that would leave the world in awe.
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Baby, you did so well. So so well.
I was emotional at the end of JPD, and the last shot, a closeup of Jimin, hit me like a ton of bricks. Jimin looked so happy, relieved, grateful, and proud that I could not help but shed tears because this guy, who is probably one of the best humans ever but subjected day in and day out to hatred, malice, and ill wishes, created a masterpiece for his solo work debut. If resilience were a person, his name would be Park Jimin.
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My heart has been broken for years now, but for the past two years, it has shown signs of life, thanks to this person in Korea, in Seoul, who understands me. This person whose eye smile I am in love with. Cutie. Lovely. Sexy. He is all of this and more. And it amazes me that in this day and age when authenticity seems to be scarce, when embracing a persona may be the way to go to make a mark in a very tough industry, we have one of the biggest artists in the world, serving FACE, in its unadorned and striking state.
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rkivenjoy · 7 months
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joonmon · 3 months
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Day 5✨
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kaylee9597 · 3 months
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Thank you, Joonie! We love you all to the moon and back! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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jiminsass-istant · 6 months
Future ch2 releases : thoughts
I kinda always felt like Jimin was not just working on Face in 2022. There were more songs. I mean it was a pretty long time period that pdogg and the producers spent together. Not to mention Jimin's posts with western producers.
I think Jimin recorded the MV(s) for his second album after Face was released. And we all noticed he got quite buff after Face. (Lord have mercy, because shirts are gonna be discarded)
And blonde Jimin?? Hotspring MV shot in Japan? I wonder if that is part of pjm2 or a different single?
I'm just sad when i think about how nerve wracking it must be to not be there in person when an album is getting released. How does someone feel about the work you did a year ago, while you are in military and can do nothing but trust the company to release it well?
And namjoon's project? It has been a year and a half since he released Indigo. He has been teasing the next album since beginning of 2023. And there's no sign of its release yet. We might even get pjm2 before rm's album.
Jin's album will definitely be in 3rd quarter of 2024. (I hope he does rock ballads, or just rock.)
I doubt Tae has any other album lined up. Maybe singles. (Maybe an acting stint?)
Suga definitely doesn't have anything lined up till he is discharged from service.
Jungkook may have things lined up for sure, because he was busy as hell. (And Bangpd won't let him rest, since he gotta use scooter)
<<antis kept saying how it was cruel for BH to 'force' JK to shoot the travel show while it was already hectic for him. But if you look at it, the travel show must have actually been a relief and resting period between his hectic schedules.>>
Jhope is already done with HOTS vol 1. Maybe a vol 2 when he is discharged?
What do y'all think?
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kassylin · 1 year
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I love him with all my heart.
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always-is-always · 1 year
Okay. My curiosity has taken over… The prize goes to whoever can tell me where the building is located. My searches have been futile.
It reminds me of some of Gaudí’s architecture that I’ve seen in Barcelona, but it isn’t one of his buildings.
Since Yeontan is in the video, I was assuming it was filmed in SK. It’s hard to travel overseas with a puppy-dog, you know.
Anyone else curious? Maybe it is AI?
(Yeontan is so stinking cute! He stole the show!)
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272/638 One Suga a day while he is away
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jmdbjk · 10 months
Looking back and forward.
2023 was one for the books.
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It is Thursday, Dec. 7 where I am... Friday, Dec. 8 in Korea.
It is the last Friday for Namjoon, Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook to be civilians. This is their last weekend to spend in their homes, at the company to work, running along the river, doing boxing workouts, ordering delivery food, loving on their dogs, doing the things they've been doing the last over ten years. It will be about 100 days until they get time off and can maybe spend some time back at home.
They are tying up loose ends, getting their shit together, preparing to put their lives on hold.
They will return to us in mid-June 2025.
I've watched their last group live several times after the english subs were up. There were a lot of things I saw and I have a lot of mixed emotions about it all.
None of us know these men, we are observers and all we know is what they choose to show us. Unfortunately, they can't control every single thing and people and the media insist on prying and publishing images and things about them that lead to unconfirmed rumors and misinformation.
In the approximately 38 minutes they shared with us, they conveyed that they are getting ready to go, they seemed in positive spirits. They conveyed that they were still working on things for us (except Jungkook).
They said there was A LOT of content coming, so much... they've NEVER ever reassured us like this before.
They asked fans to NOT show up at the induction site out of respect for the other men and their families also entering the military those days. They explicitly said "we are their face and to do them proud."
During this live, I saw Tae being the fantastically funny guy that he is. Tae was alight with excitement. He was anxious to learn from his fellow soldiers. He is a flower waiting to bloom. And seeing his friendship with Jimin maturing, flourishing, same age friends forever was wonderful.
And Namjoon trying to keep up with the crazy shenanigans of the maknae line. Trying to be the voice of reason: "it'll go by quick, we've left a lot of content. Jin will be back soon. We'll all get strong." But there seemed to be a bit of push and pull between he and Jimin... it was interesting. But he was lighthearted, positive, going into with an open mind. Get in, get out, get back to work.
Jimin, Jimin, Jimin... There was a bit of resignation wrapped up in Jimin's positivity. He wouldn't agree that it would go by fast and he didn't want to show himself with the buzz cut. I wanted to reach through the screen and hold his hand and reassure him we'd be here waiting and that we know it's hard to leave everything right now to do this. This man lives to do work on his passion. He's already had to stop once. Now he has to do it again. I think he is going into his MS kicking and screaming because he does not want to leave his youth behind. It is unfinished.
He said he had been sick. He coughed, sneezed and sniffled the entire live. I hope all of these symptoms have disappeared by Monday/Tuesday. I remember his friend Sungwoon had to delay his enlistment date because he tested positive for covid. Please don't let that happen to any of our four.
During this last group live, I saw a Jungkook that I'd never seen before. His vibe was so in tune to Jimin. I know he's been that way since... 2017? 2018? But this was so in your face I was dumbfounded. Jungkook constantly soothing Jiminie. The things they probably talked about while they were in Japan a few weeks ago, man, to be a fly on the wall.
ALL of those lives he did this past year flashed through my head, how unhinged he was the first few months, falling asleep drunk with the candle, calling out stalkers. ALL those times WE said he was missing Jimin because he was begging him to come eat chicken and drink beer, or come do a boxing workout, or better yet, "let me come over and we can shower together..." No... I meant to say: he can go over to Jimin's and wash up and do a live together. Yes, that's what he said. Beggged him. Tried to use Army as leverage. And all we got was Jimin saying he "can handle it" and "you know how my personality is"...
Jungkook watching all that Jimin content... something happened, some decision was made early in the year. Jungkook embraced it and ran with it.
And to know they are going into the service together, it still has me astonished but it all makes sense now. Y'all... they knew they were going to do this wayyyyyy back, not just in August or September when they applied. Jungkook said back in February (before someone lit a fire under his butt in March to start working on music) that he had to take care of his body for the next year. This has been the plan and Jungkook said "no worries, I got this."
2023 was A LOT.
Jimin, Face: the melodies poured out (as they seem to be free-flowing from him at any given moment) but he had to pry those lyrics out of himself. Jimin achieved a #1 BBHot100. And yes, it appears there were not just one, but TWO of those blasted cakes. I didn't know much about PDogg before Jimin's documentary but now I know how much he supported Jimin during this process.
Yoongi, D-Day: I got to see Yoongi in real life. That weekend flew by for me. One of the best weekends ever. As soon as the concert was over I said out loud, I need to see all seven on that stage. His concert tour filled a void for us. We needed that so bad after last year's gut-wrenching news that there would be no tour. And now he's fulfilling his social service. Let him serve quietly with dignity.
Hobi, Military: after tearfully sending him off, what we hear now is he's cracking the whip, though ever-so empathetically (not to be confused with emphatically) over those new enlistees every day. I need to see his boom chakalaka marching drills. Jimin said when he visited Hobi, he wasn't greeted with his ebullient "Jaman!" but more of a lowkey "oh, you're here."
Jungkook, his solo songs and album: Jungkookie chose to go the route of choosing songs that resonated with him. Over the course of years, Kookie has always shared songs with us. We used to love his song recs and his covers of very poignant songs. He KILLED those songs with his vocals. He did what HE wanted to do. And look how well he did with it, also a #1 BBHot100.
Taehyung, Layover: again, Taehyung did what he wanted to do. Not on his album, but Taehyung singing along with Karen Carpenter was never on my bingo card, ever! (a clip on his Instagram stories where he was singing along to "Close to You")
RM, we kept wondering: why isn't he enlisted yet? Someone had to wrangle the maknae. Not that he ever did that this past year. He cut himself over his left eye and had to get stitches... that's gonna leave a scar. Good thing there are 40 bajillion plastic surgeons in Seoul...
Jin is coming. The Head of Ministry of the Military making the decision that no celeb will be doing anything special, instead they will serve just like regular civilians. Sergeant Kim Seokjin will become civilian Jin of BTS on June 12, 2024.
Their constant looking forward to 2025
Skipping over 2024 for the moment...
BTS has to evolve. They must evolve. They are not going to be a 30 something year old K-pop boy band. Some groups might be stuck but BTS will not stay stagnant, they never have. They have to step forward out of that niche and they have been trying to do that incrementally for a while now. They’ve taken us in baby steps already through chapter 2, and Joon said the REAL chapter 2 will begin when they are back from fulfilling their service.
What will they be like? Will they reinvent themselves? Perhaps, but not overnight. I don’t see any sort of extreme makeover for BTS once they come back together. I do see them addressing more mature topics (as we’ve seen), I do hope we see songwriting from all members.
They don't need to abandon their Korean-ness in order to accomplish this. There is nothing stopping them from being a mainstream artist who just happens to be from Korea and who release songs that are in Korean.
I think the accomplishments that Jungkook achieved will continue to pull BTS out of the K-pop realm and into the main stream Pop music realm. They worked that western market. They got pushback, especially western industry institutions: Billboard and the Grammys. And they learned.
Progress is slow but progress nevertheless. They will cross over to general pop one way or the other. They are not going to stay in the kpop box in the future. Straddle both at the same time. They can do it.
For 2024:
I think comeback/HYYH 10th anniversary reboot is already in the works and has been.
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I think PDogg will be working on the songs over the next year. I think they have recorded all this year.
I think when Jin and Hobi get back, they might record their parts. I also am pretty sure we'll see a full-bodied solo effort from Jin and more from Hobi. I think we'll get a ramp up to his discharge with some Hope on the Street content that he recorded before he enlisted.
I think we'll slowly see wheels start turning to get the machine going again much sooner than we imagined.
I think what we see next year will all be primed to pre-promote and whip up the excitement for 2025.
I just feel strongly that Bang PD would NOT have mentioned that specific thing and we would not be hearing the members constantly saying 2025. And especially saying 2025 is not that far in the future and that they are looking forward to the incredible synergy the group will have when they get back together. They've got a lot of work done already. They know already.
They said there is A LOT coming to us.
In about two weeks BTS: Beyond the Star docu-series will begin.
We know we're getting some sort of Jimin and Jungkook traveling content, whether a series or not...I'm leaning toward it being a multi-episode series. Camping? Drinking? Breweries? Beaches? Boating or sailing or both but separate? Fishing? Snow sports? They said it was fun.
We will see activity around all the solo album anniversaries. We still have an RM documentary, a Taehyung documentary and a Jungkook documentary. I bet the latter two will come out towards the end of 2024.
We might have Tae acting, we know he'll be in an IU MV soon.
About aging bangtan ...
Remember when we said this is Bangtan in 20 years?
I joke about it but seriously they are aware that things will be different as they evolve and age as people and as artists.
There are new groups debuting all the time and BTS is aging out of a certain demographic (as they should).
Yoongi saying "cruise with BTS" would be the best case scenario for their future.
I would love to be on that cruise if it ever happens.
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beautifulpersonpeach · 11 months
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The one.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
People are having problems with yoongi drinking during his concert and I can see why cause it's a bit jarring and unlike the norm. But I personally feel like BTS are in their rebellious stage lol. Like a kid who was told by his parents he couldn't do something and now that he's 18 he's doing all the things his parents told him not to do.
Which is okay. We all had a rebellious phase, only ours wasn't out in public lol. But I think people have every right to express their displeasure in fandom circles or at least have a discussion about why people would see yoongi differently now.
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When the concert started I had to go to bed coz it was like 1AM and I had work in the morning. So when I woke up to find people complaining about Suga drinking on stage I thought it was Jackson style; Straight from the bottle, drinking it neat and pouring it all over his body. Imagine my surprise when I watch the concert to see him sipping diluted whiskey in between big gulps of water. I kept thinking there has to be more because no way this man sipping alcohol from a cup has motherfuckers this worked up. That's it?? That's what y'all are mad about??
Its a bit jarring and unlike the norm
No its fucking not!
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We have seen them drinking way more during BVs, ITS and some Festas. What are u guys talking about???? I'm legit confused about this. We have seen Suga drink way more, have seen him actually drunk. The concert thing was nothing.
And no, they're not being rebellious. They've always been like this. They're just not hiding it anymore. Honestly, this kind of behaviour is why RM didn't want under 18s at his mini concert. This is utter garbage. Honestly. What is this?
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kookiecrush · 1 year
I'm happy Jk's got a new single coming out, but damn, Layover promo has barely ended. Can we get some more time to appreciate Tae before Jk takes over again? Ngl, it kind of comes off as selfish on Jk's part he could have waited a little longer.
Do you really think Jungkook decided now was the perfect time to release his next single, anon? They've all had to rush to make sure they get everything out before they enlist. They're not releasing all their music pretty much back to back for the fun of it, I'm sure Yoongi didn't want to bring his album out so soon after Jimin's, and I'm sure Jungkook didn't want to release "3D" so soon after Layover but they really don't have much choice. The timing obviously hasn't been ideal, but they're working with what they've got.
I also would have loved more time to focus on Tae and enjoy the Layover era before anything else came out but it's not Jungkook's fault that all their releases are so close together and I don't think it's fair to call him or any of the other members selfish because of it.
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rmisthecure · 2 years
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bts in their bridgerton era?
creds! ty for the amazing work ♡
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