#but damn I literally don't have any peers doing what I'm doing rn and it's a little isolating!
rimouskis · 2 years
I'm very sick of having to learn the same lessons! this could be avoided if I just: actually accepted the lesson the first time it hits me. but no, I am doomed to being confronted with a truism, disliking it, and then being haunted by it like an annoying poltergeist until I begrudgingly accept it 1-to-10 years later
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rahhhbananas · 1 year
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✭ ✭ ✭ 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐌𝐀 ✭ ✭ ✭ ft. miles morales (1610 & 42)
summary. Once Miles arrives on Earth-42, he goes to visit “his” boyfriend.
warning(s). He/Him pronouns, violence, foul language
a/n. Girl that’s not meee!!! 😫
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“What the hell was that...?”
Y/n lowered the volume of the TV, straining his neck to catch a glimpse of his dimly lit room. Miles stumbled into the living room, drenched in rain, his eyes wide with a hint of panic. Y/n let out a sigh of relief. "Man, Miles, you nearly gave me a heart attack." Y/n walked toward his slightly trembling boyfriend, a small smile forming on his face. "You took out your braids? Well, I'm definitely not doing them again." Miles frowned, his eyes welling up with tears. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice filled with genuine remorse. Y/n looked at him, perplexed. "Sorry? For what?" Miles continued, disregarding Y/n's question. "I'm sorry for being careless, for neglecting you. I should have cherished what we had, but I got caught up with Gwen, and it cost me something important. I'm so sorry..." Miles's voice trailed off, tears coming down his face. Y/n stared at his boyfriend in disbelief before bursting into laughter, leaning in to kiss his cheek. "Miles, baby, what telenovelas have you been watching? And who the hell is Gwen...?" Y/n settled back onto the couch, motioning for Miles to join him.
Miles looked at Y/n, confusion etched on his face. "You don't remember? The huge fight we had?" he asked, clearly puzzled. Y/n whipped away the tears. "Miles, the only thing we've argued about in the past few weeks is which flavor of cake we should make... I don't remember any major fight." Y/n picked up the remote, flipping through the channels, skipping his favorite show since he knew Miles didn't enjoy it. "Wait, go back. I love this show," Miles exclaimed, grabbing the remote from Y/n's hand. Now, it was Y/n's turn to be surprised. "What! No, Miles, you literally threw a bagel at me the last time I put this on!" Y/n chuckled. "A bagel? What is with me and throwing bagels...?” Miles muttered, "Was it at least buttered?" Y/n rolled his eyes, getting up and heading to the kitchen. "I'm getting popcorn. If you're really into this show, we'll be here for a while." Miles nodded, satisfied with the response.
While waiting for the popcorn, Y/n decided to browse through his phone when a text from Miles popped up. Y/n glanced at the living room and smiled before focusing on the text:
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
Who you with?
Y/n I know you see this.
You fr ignorin me?
Y/n remained frozen, staring at the text for exactly three minutes, desperately hoping it was some kind of twisted joke. Snapping back to reality, Y/n looked down at the message and quickly gave a response.
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
Is this a joke?
Miles. I’m with you rn
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
Why would I joke abt this? 😑
I’m with my Uncle Aaron rn
Does he look exactly like me?
Get away from him until I get there
Before Y/n could hit send, "Miles" entered the kitchen, questioning the delay. "What's taking you so long? Is the microwave not working?" "Miles" peered through the transparent part, trying to get a glimpse of what was happening. Y/n swiftly grabbed his phone, retreating a few steps, attempting to avoid any suspicion. "Uh, yeah, maybe you can fix it? I need to use the bathroom," Y/n replied, never taking his eyes off the impostor. Once out of "Miles'" sight, Y/n rushed toward the bathroom. "Damn it, why didn't I grab a knife!" Y/n cursed, making sure to lock the door behind him. "Is this one of them Mandela catalogue shits? Oh, please, let it not be!" Y/n whispered anxiously, crawling into the bathtub and opening his phone to find multiple notifications from Miles.
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
Answer me
Where is he?
Are you hiding?
Get something to defend yourself
It’s gonna alright, I swear
I’m hiding
Are you almost here?
Y/n’s thumbs hovered over the screen, his hands trembling. His mind going blank, until he heard a knock at the bathroom door. A voice came from the other side, “Babe?” Y/n got up, putting his ear to the door “Miles?” The voice on the other side responded “Who else? You doing good in there?” Y/n noticed the lack of Miles’ accent, so he crossed out the option that it was his Miles. He still decided to play it off until his Miles gets here “Y-yeah…I just feel a little sick, that’s all. I’ll be out in a minute.” He heard a hum from the other side, “Alright. You aren’t mad about that thing, are you?” Y/n furrows his brows, “N-no, I told you I don’t even remember it…”.
"Miles" chuckled. "Alright, hurry up. We're already halfway through an episode," Y/n nodded, listening to the fading sound of footsteps. A notification caught his attention—a text from the real Miles.
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
we’re here
I’m in the bathroom
Stay there
I’ll come get you
Y/n followed the instructions, remaining inside the bathroom. He tried to calm his racing thoughts, finding solace in the fact that Miles was strong and capable of handling weird situations. After all, he had chosen to date Y/n, so he must possess some level of resilience. Opening the conversation with Miles, Y/n scrolled through their messages, a twinge of worry still lingering in his chest. What if Miles couldn't handle this? "I shouldn't be thinking like this," Y/n muttered, attempting to push the negative thoughts aside.
Another voice echoed from the other side of the door, calling out to Y/n. "Y/n, Bebé, are you in there?" It was Miles. Relief washed over Y/n, as he quickly opened the door to see his boyfriend. Without hesitation, Y/n pulled Miles into a tight hug, tears of joy streaming down his face. "Oh my god! You have no idea how scared I was. I thought he were one of those creepy anomalies that impersonate people." Miles returned the embrace, looking at Y/n with a puzzled expression. "The ones from TikTok?" He chuckled, finding humor in Y/n's paranoia. Y/n nodded, lifting his head from Miles' shoulder. "I can't believe I kissed a complete stranger..." Y/n sighed, still in disbelief. Miles pulled back slightly, his frown evident. "You did what?" he questioned. Y/n quickly backtracked, "Nothing... Just forget it." Pulling Miles back into the warm hug, Y/n chose to ignore the current gaze Miles directed at him.
“We’re gonna talk about that.”
“No we aren’t.”
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pathopharmacology · 7 years
Hi! Hope you don't me asking this. I've been working at a hospital for a few months now (in a clerical role) and tbh it's made me seriously consider looking at going into nursing. Thing is I'm 27 soon and while that's not old I also know some nurses my age who have made it to ward manager level already, and I'd feel so behind. Do you have any thoughts or experience with people who came to nursing "late", or advice for someone considering a complete career change to choose nursing?
Hi there! Sorry it took me so damn long to answer this. I actually love getting questions along these lines, but – as I’m sure a lot of you are painfully aware by now – I have kind of a terrible track record when it comes to answering things in a timely fashion. I hope you can forgive the lateness.
As to the actual substance of your question…this is something I can speak to personally! I didn’t decide to be a nurse until I’d been working as a paralegal for about three years. Once I’d decided to go into nursing, it still took me another few years to get through all of my prerequisites. By that point I’d realized being a paralegal wasn’t something I wanted even as placeholder job, so I ended up working as an administrative assistant in the trauma division of a nearby hospital while I finished up my prereqs. Technically, nursing is my third career.
Here’s the thing – while I feel like there’s a general media trend towards expecting people in their 20s to know exactly what they’re doing career-wise and to be solidly settled into something by the time they’re 30, the way this plays out in real life is…definitely not that. Shit, when I graduated from college I started working as a paralegal not because I was particularly interested in law, but because I desperately needed health insurance and being a paralegal turned out to be something I was good at. It wasn’t until I hit my mid-20s that I realized, “wait, I don’t actually like this! THIS ISN’T WHAT I WANT TO BE DOING AT ALL!!!” I flailed around in a massive quarter-life crisis for a while, and eventually got my shit together enough to figure out what I actually wanted to be doing.
What’s cool about nursing is that my story isn’t an unusual one. Sure, I work with some younger nurses who came into the field right after college and have WAY more experience than I do despite being younger, but…that’s not always the case. A lot of the nurses my age – by which I mean people in their mid-30s – did something else first, even if that “something” was floating around aimlessly from shitty temp job to shitty temp job until they figured things out. Education-wise, I’m much farther along than some of the older nurses I work with; experience-wise, they can run circles around me. I work with some nurses who are younger than me but have been RNs for longer, but because they’re brand-new to emergency nursing I’ve got a bit more experience because I’ve been an ED nurse for literally my entire career. Shit, I work with CNAs who’ve worked in an emergency setting for longer than I’ve been alive, and boy howdy, you better believe we all recognize what valuable resources they are in spite of not having the initials RN after their names. You can spend 10, 20, 30 years in one specialty and then decide, “You know what? I’m sick of hospital nursing, I think I want to try working out in the community instead” and…BOOM, now you’re a newbie again, albeit an incredibly skilled one who will probably kick ass in no time.
Basically, what I’m trying to say is that age is an extremely relative thing when it comes to certain careers, and nursing in particular seems to be quite kind in this regard. I’m not going to say you’ll never doubt yourself or feel tempted to compare yourself to younger peers, because – given that I’ve done exactly those things and then some – I’m pretty sure I’d be lying. But I can say that even if you’re harboring doubts, things will most likely work out okay anyway. If you’re someone who’s into pursuing leadership opportunities and is good in leadership roles? TRUST ME, friend, your supervisors and coworkers will figure this out super fucking fast and will start badgering you to apply for leadership roles whether you feel ready for them or not. Seriously. SERIOUSLY. Trust me on this.
I think you’ve got a leg up in that you already work for a hospital. That’s huge. While there are a bazillion specialties that aren’t hospital-based, most people tend to start their careers doing direct patient care in a hospital setting, which is usually a good thing in terms of building experience and getting comfortable with patients and whatnot. But hospitals are also – not to put too fine a point on it – weird as FUCK in a lot of ways, and people who don’t really know what to expect can be in for something of a rude awakening when the time comes. In your case, one of the most valuable things I can recommend you do is talk to your hospital’s HR and/or volunteer departments about setting up a job shadowing session with a nurse. Ideally, you’d set up a few, focusing on specialties you think are interesting or that call to you in some way. I’d also recommend finding out if your hospital has any employee reimbursement programs for continuing education: if you do end up pursuing a nursing career, there are a LOT of hospitals who like retaining their current staff in some capacity, and are willing to provide some measure of financial reimbursement on a per credit basis when it comes to going for a health care degree. And if your clerical duties bring you into contact with nurses, chat with them too – most of us love talking about our jobs, positive and negative aspects both, and their input might clarify things for you a little as well. 
Changing careers isn’t easy. It’s especially not easy when you (potentially) have to pursue an entirely new educational degree to do it. But if it’s something you’re excited about and passionate about, I definitely think it’s worth it. I wasn’t ready to go into nursing when I was in my early 20s for…a lot of reasons, really, but I was ready for it by the time my late 20s rolled around, and maybe that’s how it is for you too. Maybe it’s not even the nursing thing so much as the “pursuing something new and interesting and challenging” thing, and if that is the case, then great! You’re probably at a point in your life where it’s pretty dang feasible to tackle it! Or maybe it IS that nursing is what calls you, and if that’s where you’re at, then I think you should definitely allow yourself to consider it. There are plenty of valid reasons to not pursue nursing as a career, but please trust me when I say your age isn’t one of them.
Whatever you ultimately end up doing, Anon, I wish you all the luck in the world. Starting something new can be scary no matter what age you tackle it, but I think it’s awesome you’re even considering it in the first place. Feel free to hit me up with questions anytime
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redsalamanderfries · 6 years
June 27/18 Wednesday, 9:47 AM, my room.
Listening to- 24/7 lofi & chillhop radio - music to sleep & study live feed on Youtube.
Had breakfast around 9:30 am, PB, bananas, and 2 slices of brown bread (same as yesterday). That is definitely my all time favorite meal. Fuck I love PB so much.
Woke up feeling a bit iffy, I had a lot of dreams, none of which I can clearly remember rn. I think I saw my aunt Y in one of them though, even that I'm unsure of. Dreams r so weird, but I like dreaming, its fun, its the only time I can make my own movie and watch it. But then again I suppose that's the same case with imagining or daydreaming of all the stories in my head, I visualize them and its fun, I love doing that, which is also strange, like why do I have this need to make all these elaborate stories and visualize them. 
I think I am not satisfied with reality, actually, I don't like it, basically escapism. 
Why can't reality be good enough for me to not want to run away/ escape it? I know its not realistic for reality to ever be perfect. Perfection is in itself not realistic, nothing can ever be. But it exists as an impossible standard we hold ourselves to, it helps us aspire to reach it in order to become our best selves.
11:58 AM, Caribou, the shitty one near uni
Drinking my infamous Soy Latte
I don't feel well, mentally. I have things to do, that I really don't wanna do, but I gotta do cuz literally no one else will.
I also have to do a thing for a friend, but I really really don't want to, simply cuz I am not in the mental state to.
I should be heading back to uni but I really really don't want to, but I have to. lol literally a summary of my life.
12:54 PM, home, Living room
Still drinking that Soy Latte (spilled quarter of that bitch in my sis’s car, had a heart attack, cleaned it up, that why I hate drinking coffee on the fucking go. Coffee like tea like any other nutrient we humans consume has a place and time, and it is not on the damn go, especially in a car of all places.) 
Did the minimum of my duties for the day, still gotta sleep over at my sisters for the night, but we’ll worry about that later. Rn I'm glad to be home, there is still coffee on my right ass cheek, but bitch idc.
The weather today is basically Dante’s fucking inferno (that's summer here for u, also its actually as bad as it can be if u can believe that lol), while I was walking my ass from the parking lot to the SC (fuck them for making ppl park far away, and walking in this weather, fuck whoever's idea it was I have they catch the shittiest ringworm infection possible and scratch themselves to near death), I was thinking about the 9 circles of hell, and was like this is the layer above purgatory. 
I don't wanna go to the damn Alumni dinner tomorrow night, but I need to keep my social skills in good shape. Also the dreaded word- NETWORKING, I hate everything about it, and I know no one likes it, yes I'm aware adults have to do it. And therefore I need to sit there with all my social awkwardness and hate my life for an hour or so. I am already wondering about what kind of dumb thing I’ll do to embarrass myself, I know that's not the right attitude, but I can't help it. And then I tell myself fuck it just go, just do it, fuck it all up, and live with it, at least ur trying. 
Cuz I keep ranting about how much I need a damn job that pays money, I look at most of my peers with damn jobs, and I am momentarily mad at myself. But them im like hold up do not compare urself to others u dont know their conditions ur not them and they r not u, what they do might work for them but not u. So then im like well okay what am I doing wrong? why am I not getting any damn job despite all emailing and applications I do?!!? so then im like u know how shit works here (and most of the world really) bitch- fucking WASTAAAA, which means getting out there, talking to ppl, and yeas u know it NETWORKING. To which I involuntarily twitch just from the thought of it, but then as I sit there with all the uncomfortable implications of reaching that conclusion. I need to put more work into it, like physical work, sending shit from the comfort of my own computer is no longer enough, I need to get myself out there, market myself better. And I decided one of the best ways to start with is my attending these kinds of event, and from there I can explore interactions and human connections.
Which means now I need to figure out what I'm going to wear tomorrow and fix the length of the suit pants. I also need to fish out my white turtleneck. 
Going to leave to my sis after lunch...
Also had a talk with my dad about his family, kinda sad hearing what he has to say about them. Thinking on writing my opinion about soon.
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