#connor rhodes fic
halsteadlover · 27 days
𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮
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*Pics not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Connor Rhodes x Female!Reader.
• Requested by anon: Reader is a nurse and while she’s on duty someone man from the or goes crazy because he wants to be threaded immediately and she tries to calm him down, but he loses his mind and with a pocket knife he has he accidentally hurts her cutting her on her face after which he’s escorted out by the security. Connor and reader are together and as soon as he hears about the incident, he run to her all worried. He cleans her wound.
• Warnings: brief mention of blood, wounds, use of knife, curse words, let me know if I missed something.
• Word count: 3453.
• A/N: it’s been a while since I post and I hate how this turned out bye, please have mercy on me, university is kicking my ass and I have to study for my last exams so I’m trying to write something between lunch break and during the evening. I know it’s not so good 😭 but beside that I missed you all so much, I hope you’re all aright ❤️
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A sudden noise caught your attention, making you turn your head towards the entrance of the ER.
The morning seemed relatively quiet, there were patients in the waiting room, doctors and nurses doing their normal work.
You looked around before heading towards the waiting room where you had heard the commotion and noticed a man standing in the middle of the room, a pocket knife in his hand that he was waving vehemently. He was completely out of his mind.
“I want a doctor! Now!” He shouted while all the other terrified patients started running away..
“Sir, put that knife down! Right now!” exclaimed the security guard.
“I’m fucking sick! I want a doctor right now or I’ll kill you all!”
“Sir please,” you spoke in a calm and gentle tone, taking small steps towards him, your hands clearly visible to show him you weren’t a threat, that you wouldn’t do anything to him.
“Y/Ln please stay back, I’ll take care of this,” the guard spoke but you didn’t listen. You couldn’t just turn around and walk away as if nothing was happening.
“I’m a nurse,” you continued while keeping your gaze on the enraged man, “How about you put the knife down and I call a doctor right now? You could come with me to one of the rooms while a doctor comes to examine you.”
“Stay back you bitch! I want a doctor now!” he shouted even louder than before and you swallowed the lump in your throat.
Despite your outward calm, your heart was pounding with fear, especially when the man continued to wave that knife around like it was a toy. You mentally breathed a sigh of relief as you saw the last patient had run away.
“Sir, can you tell me your name please?” You continued. “Do you have your medical records with you so we can take a look at it?”
He approached you in a threatening manner and you spontaneously took a few steps back before the guard stood in front of you to protect you.
“I just called the police, you have five minutes to leave or I will have you arrested immediately.”
At those words the man seemed to get even angrier, something you hadn’t even thought was possible. You let out a scream as the man threw himself on Dave – the guard – who was taken by surprise and got hit.
You only realized what had happened afterwards. Only when you saw Dave’s white uniform shirt turn red you realized he had been stabbed.
You didn’t know what was going through your mind at that moment. You only knew you wanted to get that man off of Dave.
You lunged at him, trying to grab the knife from his hand, which allowed the attacker to take his attention off Dave for a moment, though to your detriment, since it ended up on you.
You screamed as he fell on top of you. Your hands tried to keep his arm away from you but you couldn’t stop him from cutting your cheek.
It burned like a motherfucker but it wasn’t the time to think about the pain, not when that bastard was about to kill you.
“Hey! Get off her!” You heard voices shouting and mentally sighed in relief when you no longer felt his weight on your body. You immediately moved away from him, sliding further back on the floor as you sat up, only to see Will and other doctors and nurses holding the man down and injecting what you assumed was a sedative into his arm.
Your chest rose and fell rapidly, adrenaline coursing through your veins.
“Y/n! Oh god are you okay?” Will asks immediately after walking over to you and helping you up.
You nodded. “Dave… He was stabbed…”
“They already brought him in. He’s on his way to the OR.”
You looked over to where the guard had been lying and only then you realized he was indeed gone. When had they taken him away?
“Are you okay? You hurt?”
“I’m fine.”
Will’s eyes widened as he focused on your cheek. “Shit, you’re not fine. He cut your face.”
You touched your cheek and when you looked at your blood-stained fingertips, you remembered that he had actually hit you.
“It’s just a scratch, I’m fine.”
“Rhodes is going to lose his shit,” Will muttered in a low voice as he looked at your wound. “Come on, I’ll disinfect it. It doesn’t look deep enough to need stitches.”
But Will was right.
Connor really lost his shit.
After years it was no secret you two were together. Everyone knew how protective he was of you and this had often sparked jokes, pranks and teasing from your friends who did nothing but mock him for his overprotectiveness.
He was in the OR closing up a patient after a routine surgery when he heard the interns murmuring something.
“What are you whispering about?” He asked, not being able to make out what they were saying.
“Uhm…” One of them cleared their throat, “We heard there was an attack in the ER, a man with a knife went nuts.”
Connor’s eyes immediately snapped to them, the forceps and suture in his hand frozen, almost about to fall, and even though most of his face was obscured by his mask, his eyes quickly showed his emotions.
His first thought was you.
He knew you were on duty that morning and he couldn’t help but let his nerves heat up.
“Was anyone hurt?” he asked, trying to keep his voice calm and his hands steady as he finished stitching up the patient. There was no need to freak out. You were fine, if anything happened someone would’ve called him.
“I don’t know how many people, I just heard that a security guard was injured but they’re already treating him, he should be in surgery right now.”
Connor nodded, his throat tight as he concentrated on finishing the surgery. He tried to keep his focus solely on the patient because even though the surgery was almost over, the patient deserved nothing less than one hundred percent of his attention. He couldn’t afford to be distracted since complications were always around the corner.
“Someone page Nurse Y/Ln,” he ordered, his eyes on the patient as he stitched even though his mind was racing. He needed to hear your voice, to know you were really fine.
No one answered and there was a moment of silence. It was only a moment but to him it felt like an eternity.
“Now!” He raised his voice, letting the anger, worry, and crippling anxiety he was feeling shine through.
“Dr. Rhodes, we already tried to page her but she’s not answering,” a nurse said fearfully, terrified of his reaction.
“Fuck,” he cursed through gritted teeth. “Someone go find her then instead of standing there like idiots!”
Everyone exchanged a look and the intern who had spoken earlier immediately left the OR, running towards the emergency room. The entire hospital knew how much he doted on you, how he lived for you only, how much he loved you, how crazy he was for you, so they were all holding their breath while waiting for some kind of update.
Silence reigned in the OR, Connor didn’t bother to show the residents what he was doing, he just kept stitching the patient.
His voice was flat, almost like a robot, his hands was steady, his back straight, but only he knew how anxiety was twisting his stomach almost making him threw up. “Keep page her, I want to know where the hell my fiancée is!” was all he exclaimed.
“Nothing yet, doctor.”
“Dr. Blake went to check and he’ll be here shortly, but just take a breath, everything will be fine,” a nurse allowed herself to say and he looked up to glare at her.
“That’s my fiancée we’re talking about, my future wife, it’ll be fine only when I hear from her,” he spat venomously and she nodded – not wanting to contradict him when he wasn’t thinking clearly – before he turned his attention back to the patient.
He hated this situation.
He wasn’t giving his full attention to the surgery and he hated that.
Please god let her be okay.
Only five minutes had passed since the intern had left but to him it seemed like years went by and only when he saw him return he momentarily breathed a sigh of relief.
Everyone’s faces were covered by masks but Connor only had to look into the intern’s eyes, even if only for a couple of seconds, to understand the news weren’t as good as he had hoped. He knew that look, he had used it hundreds of thousands of times to communicate unpleasant news to the patient’ families.
“Where is she?” he asked abruptly, alternating his gaze between the intern and the patient.
“She’s fine sir, doctor... She...” he paused briefly and sighed, “She was slightly hurt, but she’s fine, I swear she’s fine... She’s alert and only has a small wound. She asked me to tell you to stay calm and just focus on the surgery…”
But Connor didn’t hear anything that resident said except those three words.
She was hurt.
You had been hurt.
“Fucking hell.”
“The attacker has been sedated and handcuffed to the bed and they’re waiting for the cops,” he continued, trying somehow to reassure Connor. “Dr. Rhodes, seriously, it’s just a small graze I saw it and she’s fine you understand? She’s fine.”
He didn’t answer.
He was silent for the rest of the surgery, not saying a single word.
But as soon as he was out of the OR, Connor literally flew to the emergency room, his cap still in his hand.
He needed to see you, he needed to know you were actually fine.
“April, where’s Y/n?” he asked as soon as he got to the nurses' station.
“She’s okay, Dr. Rhodes...”
“Where the hell is my fiancée?!” He cut her off abruptly, raising his voice and not even letting her finish her sentence. He didn’t mean to be rude but he was out of his mind in that moment and didn’t care about anything or anyone that weren’t you.
She pointed to trauma room one and he ran there before she could say or do anything else. He jerked the closed curtain open and his heart stopped when he saw you sitting on the bed.
“Baby…” he breathed out as if he had taken a breath of oxygen for the first time after hours when he realized – even if it took him too many endless seconds in his opinion – that you were actually fine, you were awake, alert and looking at him with a scared expression.
“Connor, baby, I’m…” you started but it was as if he was in a state of shock. Connor seemed to have realized that Will was there only after endless moments and that he was taking care of the wound on your face.
“Will, I’ll take care of it now, thanks,” he spoke, his eyes never leaving yours. Will nodded, realizing it was time to leave the two of you alone, and tossed away the gauze he was using to clean your wound before leaving the room, closing the curtain again.
“Baby I swear I’m fine, it’s just a little scratch…”
He came closer and before he could say something his arms were already around your body and he was holding you close to his chest. He hugged you so tightly as if it was the first time in years that he saw you again.
He felt your arms return his hug, rest on his back and caress him gently and it was only then that he had finally regained some sense.
You were fine, you were really fine.
You were hugging him.
But he was about to collapse on the ground, his legs feeling like jelly.
“Who did this to you?” he whispered while his lips print kisses at the top of your head, deeply inhaling the scent of your shampoo as if it was oxygen and he had been deprived of it.
“I don’t know who that man was. He just… He really was out of his mind, he wanted immediate care and he wouldn’t listen to anyone. Everyone run away. We tried to calm him down but he had a knife… Dave was hurt…” you finished the last sentence with a sob, bursting into tears there in Connor’s arms, your lifeline and right that second, as he held you, you knew everything would be alright.
“Where is he? I’ll kill that son of a bitch with my own hands,” he furiously retorted and started to move away from you but you held him back by his uniform. “No, no, no please baby… Please don’t leave me, stay here with me.”
You looked at him with those big eyes of yours, filled with tears, a destroyed expression on your face and Connor held you again, squeezing his eyes closed in an attempt to stay calm and not go crazy.
“Shh, I’m not going anywhere, I’m not leaving you okay? I’m here with you. It’s okay my love, you’re okay, Dave also will be okay too,” he kept whispering as you cried in his arms.
“I was so… I was so scared…”
His heart tightened with pain as he heard your voice broken by tears. Very few other times in his life he had been so angry and all of those the times were about his father or something that had happened to you.
“I know baby but it’s over, you’re safe now. I won’t let anything happen to you again you hear me? You’re safe,” he kept whispering, trying to keep a sweet and calm tone even though he was shaking so much he was about to have a seizure.
He couldn’t even imagine what you felt in those moments, how scared you felt but despite this tried to stop the attacker. He hated knowing all this was happening a few steps away from him, he hated he hadn’t been there to protect you.
God only knew how he would’ve killed anyone on this planet just to prevent a single scratch from scarring you.
He pulled away from the hug and literally felt his stomach twist on itself when he saw the cut on your cheek. He stroked your hair gently, trying to calm you down.
“You were so good and so brave, I’m so proud of you baby you know that right?” He kissed your forehead, a small smile gracing his lips as he looked into your tear-filled eyes.
You nodded.
“But I’d rather you let someone else with experience do this job okay? I can’t stand the thought of you getting hurt, please promise me.”
“I promise.”
He kissed your forehead again, his eyes closed for a moment and stayed in that position for a while as if trying to convince himself it wasn’t just a dream.
“Now, let me take care of your wound is it okay?” He continued and you nodded. He disinfected his hands and put on some gloves.
He tried to stop his fingers from shaking but he couldn’t, he tried to convince himself it was over but he just couldn’t. It was as if his mind couldn’t really thinking about anything that wasn’t the fact he really risked to lose you, that you might’ve been in Dave’s place, that son of a bitch might’ve taken away from him.
He took a deep breath, turning his back to you so as not to make you worry even more than you already were.
Connor approached you again and gently took your face in one hand, turning your head slightly so he could observe the wound. Luckily it wasn’t deep, it didn’t even need stitches, but that didn’t make him feel any better. It was just a reminder he wasn’t there to protect you.
“It’s going to sting a little.”
“I know baby, don’t worry.”
He could feel your eyes on him as he tried to stay focused and disinfect your cheek, but he didn’t look back, he knew he’d break down and you didn’t need that after what you went through.
His free hand rested on your healthy cheek as he drew imaginary circles on your skin, completely involuntarily.
“Yes, love?”
“You’re shaking,” you whispered.
He let out a small sigh before sightly stepping away and turning his back to you. His fingers were shaking and he felt terribly guilty for being the one to have that reaction, because you were the one in that horrible situation, you were the one who had faced that crazy guy and you were the one who got hurt.
But he was the one who was at risk of losing you and the thought of it took the air from his lungs, it made him unable to breathe.
Was it dramatic? Probably yes. But he didn’t care. Knowing something had happened to you was destroying him.
“Baby, hey, talk to me.”
Your sweet and gentle tone made his eyes fill with tears, but he didn’t want to cry, not right there in front of you. He felt your fingers curl around his, as if to encourage him to turn towards you again.
“C’mon, look at me,” you spoke again when he continued to pretend to look and analyze your wound.
He then met your eyes, full of concern, and he couldn’t hold back any longer, letting a tear escape down his cheek.
“I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t be the one crying,” he tried to ease the tension. His heart exploded when you smiled at him and placed a hand on his cheek, wiping away the tears that had escaped with your thumb.
“Look at me carefully, okay?” You urged. “I’m fine, love, nothing happened…”
“I know, I know,” he smiled through silent tears, “But it literally hurts my heart to know you are in danger, even if it’s just for a second. God baby, you really don’t understand how much my existence depends on you, how much I would give my life just for you to be safe. I would die if anything happened to you and…” He sniffed. “T-the fact I wasn’t there to help you and protect you… It makes me feel so sick I can’t breathe.” He put a hand on his chest, right there where it hurt so bad. You put your hand on his as the other one continued to wipe away his tears. “I was so fucking scared.”
In response you tugged at the collar of his uniform and kissed him, both of you tasting the saltiness of your tears. “I love you so much Connor, god, I love you so fucking much. I don’t know what I’d do without you,” you whispered against his lips and he kissed you again till both of you couldn’t breathe, before pulling away and hugging you again.
“I love you so much more.” Connor rested his cheek at the top of your head as he held you, constantly leaving kisses on your hair and being especially careful not to touch your bruised cheek. “I swear, I will lock you in a cellar and throw away the key for all the heart attacks you give me. How the hell do you always end up in these situations?”
You let out a small laugh, relieved that he had calmed down. “Faults of being an ER nurse, you always meet crazy people.”
“Well I’ll ask to change your department. How about gynecology? Oh wait, dermatology is even better.”
You pulled away from him, tilting your head slightly so you could look him in the face. “I know you would never do that.”
He sighed, stroking your hair and drying the tears on your face. “No, but locking yourself in a cellar? Absolutely, I can’t die of a heart attack before I’m forty.”
“Look at you Dr. Rhodes, so worried about your fiancée.”
He gave you a fake glare. “I don’t play about you baby, I think I scared the crap out of the surgical team, they probably think I’m batshit crazy now. Worrying about you is an understatement.”
You giggle, imagining the way he was barking orders and shouting in the OR. “You’re really the best thing that has ever happened to me you know that right? I’m so glad I can always count on you.”
“Always baby, I’m always with you.” He smiled softly before kissing the tip of you nose. “How about we put a band-aid on this so we can get out of here?” He then kissed your forehead and you smiled again.
“Get out of here? But our shift isn’t over yet.”
“I’m sure Goodwin will understand the circumstances, I have no other scheduled surgeries and if they need a surgeon, Dr. Latham is available. I just want to go home and hold you until you’re out of breath. Plus you’re still shaking and I want you to rest.”
You slightly smiled again and nodded, without even thinking about it twice. “I’m in, Dr. Rhodes.”
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General tag list: @hngbrooks, @alexxavicry, @halstead-severide-fan, @mrspeacem1nusone, @allivzs, @omniaimy, @cursedashes, @kmc1989, @klovesreading, @firetruckstuckley, @23victoria, @buckybarnessweetheart, @fanaticlove16, @ajordan2020, @multi-fandom-lover7667, @luftmenzch, @emryb, @waywardhunter95
Connor Rhodes tag list: @rsquared31, @novabckly, @wnbweasley, @Thebejeweledwatercat, @tinka490, @rainechase45, @maryelizabeth13, @thehalsteadsdomination
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kiddbegins · 11 months
Comfortable - Connor Rhodes
Requested: yes
Word count: 515
Warnings: mention of sex, that’s really it
A/n: sorry I’ve sucked at requests lately, I’ve been heavy into my fics and very into Matt who I don’t get many asks for so,,,
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You knew that your boyfriend had an… iffy childhood to say the least. His father had been the bane of his existence for as long as the surgeon could remember. Connor hated him and the feeling was mutual. So there wasn’t much affection from the older Rhodes, and considering she was gone there was none from his other either.
That would mess with anyone, going years without that sort of attention. And Connor looked for it everywhere. His college years were filled with sex, one night stands that got him through the nights.
Even before he moved back to Chicago there was never someone that he felt that connection to. Nobody that knew how to go about what he wanted.
Until you. Coming into the ED with a sprained wrist was probably the best thing that ever happened to you. Getting knocked over by a toddler and using your hand to catch your fall? Bad idea, but it led you right to a bed in the emergency room with none other than Dr. Rhodes checking it out and wrapping it up.
And soon enough that lunch you asked him to, turned into dinner, which went from a one off thing to getting drinks every few days, and eventually led to where you were now all those months later. Laying in his bed, wrapped up in his arms.
Yeah the sex was good, he had experience and therefore knew what he was doing. But he was used to the girl beside him being someone he met that day that was itching to leave either right away or at least in the morning.
But you were different. Since day one you’d shown him that you cared. That he was more than just a warm body. Instead of his arms around you, he had his head to your chest, lazily wrapped around you. “You’re comfortable.” Connor mumbled, lips squished as his check was pressed to your skin.
Lightly you laughed, lifting a hand up to rake it through his hair. “I’m glad to hear that.” You breathed out, feeling him nuzzle up to you. That was his way of showing his contentment, his face rubbing into your skin wherever he was, was the equivalent of a cat slipping through your legs, desperate to show you affection.
“I like when you do that.” He sighed out through his nose as you scratched gently at his scalp. One of the things you actually adored was the way that he felt comfortable enough with you to vocalize what he felt and what he wanted.
You looked down at him, fondness encircling your chest. “I love you.” There hadn’t felt like a better time to finally say it, being with him in his bed just holding him. Feeling his skin on yours. You just had to.
Connor lifted his head, looking back at you, eyes filled with adoration. “I love you too.” He responded softly, leaning up to press a soft kiss to your lips before leaning back down, once again snuggling into your side.
Your touch the only thing he needed.
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Join Connor’s tag list!
Tags: @winchesterszvonecek , @everything-fandom , @thebejeweledwatercat , @mrspeacem1nusone , @wnbweasley , @alexxavicry , @halsteadbrasil , @natashamea18 , @katieemazz, @firetruckstuckley
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callsign-dexter · 1 year
Surgical Serenade
Request: idk if u still write for him but can you do a Connor Rhodes imagine set in s3 (during the episode at the fundraiser thing) where the reader is like a surgical resident (like in greys anatomy) and her father is a famous general surgeon, so she gets invited and comes in a beautiful dress and he’s whipped, include Ava Bekkers jealousy pls coz I don’t like her 😄🤫
Pairings: Connor Rhodes x Surgical Resident!Reader
Warnings: Fluff
A/N: Thank you so much @selswift23 for requesting this!
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You never liked coming to these things but considering your dad was a big time famous general surgeon, you had also been invited, every single time. You yourself were a surgical resident at your father’s hospital, Chicago Med. You really liked it there and you really liked the people especially Connor Rhodes but you never were able to spend time with him since you were always busy and hardly ever on the same shift as him.
You thought Connor was hot but he was always with Ava when you did get to see him and you were absolutely crushed but you took those emotions and put them into work. By doing this you quickly became a top resident. You loved what you did and hoped to be good as your father one day, if not even better. You had talked with Godwin and she had said some promising things but you knew to take them with a grain of salt and just continued to work.
As you were getting read in your apartment you had to talk yourself up into putting on makeup and doing your hair. You sighed and looked in your mirror while you were putting on your earrings and your necklace that your father had given you for a gift on your last birthday. You wished your mother was here to help you get ready for this event but sadly she was not and that crushed you. When you were done putting on your makeup and jewelry when your phone rang. You picked it up and saw that your father was calling so you answered it.
“Hello, Dad.” You said with a smile and put him on speaker as you continued to get ready.
“Hi, Baby Girl. Are you almost ready to go?” He asked you and you smiled.
“Yes, putting the last touches on and then going to put the dress on.” You said and you could hear him nod.
“Do you want me to pick you up?” He asked and you shook your head.
“No. I’m good with driving myself.” You said with a smile on your face. Ever since your mother had died, he had really stepped up and gave you his undivided attention when he wasn’t working and you were glad about that.
“Ok ok. Just let me know if you change your mind.” He said and again you smiled.
“Will do, Daddy. Will do. I love you.” You said
“I love you too, Baby Girl.” He said and then you both hung up.
You looked at the time and then stood up and looked at the time. You stripped off your clothing and put on your navy blue dress. It was form fitting but flowing at the bottom. It was backless and the straps were thick but spaghetti strap style. You absolutely loved this dress. You had paired it off with the diamond earrings and necklace that your father had given you on your last birthday. Your hair was done up in a half up and half down style with it slight curl to it but it was French braided on the side and then loose going down your back. Your shoes were navy blue high heels but not too high where you weren’t able to walk.
When you got up from your bed after strapping on your shoes you looked at yourself in your full-length mirror and smoothed it down and smiled. You turned and grabbed your phone and then walked into the living room. You walked to where your handbag was and grabbed it along with your keys and you were heading to the fundraiser.
When Connor arrived at the fundraiser with Ava he was ready to get the day over with and out of there. They walked in a greeted everyone that they needed to and then they went a mingled about. He was listening to something Ava was saying but was only half listening to her. He fully lost attention when you walked in looking stunning as ever.
Connor had seen you around the hospital and wanted to talk to you but each time you or he got whisked away. When he was going to ask you something, when you were on the same shift, but Ava always butted in and when he was able to break free you were gone. In all honesty he had fallen in love with you at first sight and he didn’t even know your name. He watched you walk in and greet everyone and then went over to an older man and kissed him on the cheek but for some reason he wasn’t jealous. He watched you shake hands with the other gentlemen around you and other man. He had to know your name.
“Connor, are you even listening to me?” Ava said and but wasn’t paying attention to her.
“Who is that?” He asked Ava and she turned to look at who he was looking at.  
“That is Y/N Scott, surgical resident at med. Her father is Jason Scott.” She said and he just looked at you in awe. He watched you excuse yourself from your father and walked over to the bar. This was his chance. He walked over to that same bar and stood beside you completely abandoning Ava where she stood.
He turned to look at you. “Hi, I’m Connor.” He said and you turned to look over at him and smiled and he could’ve sworn he melted right then and there.
“Hi, I’m YN Scott.” You said and outstretched your hand for him to shake and he did and he loved how soft your skin felt. You only let go when the bartender came back with your drink and you turned and thanked him then turned back to Connor.
“So, Y/N what brings you here on this fine evening?” He asked and you smiled.
“Well since my father is a famous surgeon, I get invited to these things to.” You said and he nodded smiling.
“Your father is Jason Scott, right?” He asked and you nodded “He’s a nice guy. It’s always a pleasure working with him.” He said and you smiled you always thought highly of your father.
“He’s a great man. He really stepped up when my mother passed. I mean he was there before but after she passed, he became the mother and father to me.” You said smiling and occasionally sipping your drink.
While you had been talking Ava had been watching you both and was seething. She was jealous. To her Connor was her man and only her man. Connor would say differently. You never really did like Ava she was always acting better than you and you didn’t like that so you steered clear. She watched you both laugh with each other and the little touches you shared. She then watched you both walk out of the room and to somewhere else.
It was getting crowded in the room and hard to hear and he seemed to pick up on this too. “Hey, do you want to take this to somewhere quieter?” Connor asked you and you nodded as you set your now finished drink down. He took your hand and led you out of the room. You walked past your father and he just smiled at you when you looked at him. What you didn’t know was that he had always wanted you two to get together and fully supported you. Connor led you outside and for once it was a warm enough night that you didn’t need anything to over up. It was a comfortable silence. “Have you always wanted to be surgeon?” He asked you and you looked at him and smiled.
“Yes, my father had help in me choosing that career. Pretty much my entire family was in the medical field. My mother worked in pediatrics before she passed away due to a car accident.” You said and looked down when you mentioned your mother.
“I’m sorry about your mother. She would be proud of you.” He said and you looked up smiling at him. You had heard the rumors about this man but speaking to him now made all those thoughts invalid. You both continued to talk and then you decided now was the time.
“Connor, I’ve always liked you. I have since I started working at med for my surgical residency. I never got to speak to you because we were being pulled different ways or Ava would come and whisk you away. I think I always steered clear was because you two seemed like you were a couple and I didn’t want to ruin that. Point is, I like you Connor Rhodes and I hope I didn’t fuck this up.” You said and he was silent. You really thought you had fucked this up and was about to turn away and leave when he spoke up.
“No, you didn’t fuck it up. Truth is that I’ve felt the same way. Ava and I are not together, far from it. You’re absolutely beautiful everyday but especially tonight. I wish we had more shifts together but I know how it works. You’re an amazing woman and the work I’ve seen you do is amazing.” He said and you looked down and he gently raised your head up with his pointer finger so you were looking at him. “Can I kiss you?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yes.” You said and he pressed his lips to yours and he could’ve melted at our soft your lips were. Fireworks exploded and this is what you imagined kissing him. He may have rumors going around about him but you decided to take the chance and this was the chance and so you kissed him back. You only pulled away when air was needed and you looked at each other smiling.
“Do you want to go and get another drink?” He asked and you nodded again not trusting your voice. He led you back into the room and to the bar. “Tequila Sunrise?” He asked and you nodded. He turned to the bartender and ordered both of your drinks. When the drinks were put in front of you, you both grabbed them and headed to another part of the room to find other colleagues.
He still had your hand in his and you knew people would be staring and you were right. Your dad was looking at you smiling and Ava was looking at you glaring but you didn’t care. You had Connor and he had you. Nothing could make you both happier at this moment. You both looked at each other occasionally smiled at each other and right then and there you knew this was the best chance you had taken and you weren’t going back.
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collecting-stories · 2 years
Lunch - Connor Rhodes
Request: No.
Summary: Kind of some mild flirting...establishing that Connor is interested in something more kind of thing. Might make a second part to it.
A/N: First time writing Connor...literally had this in drafts for like a year.
One Chicago Masterlist
✳︎ ✳︎ ✳︎ ✳︎
The ED was practically dead, a typical Sunday morning, especially with the snow outside keeping most of Chicago inside. Your tie-dyed NIH hoodie (not technically regulation but hopefully: what Goodwin didn’t know wouldn’t hurt you) wasn’t doing the job you’d hoped it would to keep you warm and your roommate, stuck on shift with you for the day, was already nearing annoyance levels.  
“Will,” you huffed as your phone dinged, another in a series of memes the doctor had been sending you all morning out of boredom. You left the device face down on the desk of the nurses’ station. “Stop texting me dumb shit.”  
“I’ve had one patient in the last three hours and they had a splinter.” Will complained, leaning over the counter and grabbing your iced coffee, taking a sip, “how do you drink iced coffee in the cold?”  
“I don’t know, you tell me,” you replied, taking the cup from him and putting it back where it’d been before. Just as you did the elevator doors opened, Goodwin stepping out with Connor Rhodes, obviously in deep conversation. Will laughed as you pulled your sweatshirt off, hanging it over the chair behind you and smoothing down your blue scrub top.  
“What’re you more worried about?” He teased, “Goodwin seeing your sweatshirt or Connor seeing you?” 
“Pigs would have to fly to make the second one a reality,” you replied. You deeply regretted telling Halstead that you had a crush on Connor, especially since your roommate took every opportunity to tease you about it.  
It wasn’t like you weren’t proud of yourself for the four years of med school that you’d completed to become an RN but there was no way someone like Connor Rhodes would ever think twice about dating a nurse. You’d heard from April about him and Dr. Zanetti and you were sure that was much closer to what he liked, actual accomplished doctors.  
You had it in your mind, whether it was true or not, that Connor had a type, and that type was doctors. Despite Will’s near incessant bitching about Connor having a stick up his ass and being too egotistical for his own good (as if Will was given the gift of humbleness) he was seemingly always in your corner when it came to your crush on the attending. Will was like your own personal cheerleader, constantly encouraging you to ask Connor out on a date and constantly trying to drop hints around Connor that you weren’t sure exactly panned out the way they were intended.  
“Dr. Halstead,” Goodwin greeted as she passed him, a raised eyebrow as if she was waiting for some new issue with him.  
“Ms. Goodwin,” he smiled, turning as she passed and following her with his eyes until she was out in the waiting area.  
Connor had stopped at the nurses’ station, taking one of the tablets that was docking on the counter.  
“Gracing the ED with your presence?” Will asked, reaching for your ice coffee again.  
You reached for it, fingers missing the foam holder around the plastic cup, as Will stepped a little further away. Connor watched, eyebrow raised in silent judgement as Will took another sip.  
“I’m filling in for Choi,” Connor finally supplied, the exchanging of the coffee cup happening once more as Will handed it back. “I thought you worked last night?” He added, looking over at you.  
The comment took you by surprise. You had worked the night before and knew for a fact that Connor hadn’t. “Uh, yeah, pulling a double. Were you in last night?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest as the doors to the ED slid open, Will leaving the two of you to pick up the patient.  
“No,” the doors opened again, cutting off whatever Connor was going to say and you followed him over, grabbing the end of the gurney Gabby was pushing as she relayed the patient’s information.  
You were significantly better when there was something that required your attention. Will commented on it once. Your ability to compartmentalize was remarkable. A skill you’d worked on and were ridiculously proud of, you weren’t some nervous idiot around Connor while you were with a patient, you were calm and collected and you knew exactly what to do. It made up for all the awkward staring, hopefully. You didn’t wanna seem like the fourth-year med students trolling around the hospital heaping praises on doctors they were trying to butter up or possibly sleep with. Not that you didn’t get where they were coming from, you felt like your insides turned to jelly whenever Connor so much as offered you a ‘good job’, you could only imagine what a fourth year shadowing him must be going through, but you kept it professional.  
Your patient with Connor ended up being a quick in and out, a broken bone that needed resetting and some bruising. It was nothing serious and you felt a little guilty wishing it had been a little more just so that you could spend extra time with Connor.  
“Lunch?” Will asked, coming up next to you and leaning against the counter of the nurses’ station, phone in hand, interrupting your thoughts. And your slightly obessive staring at Connor’s back while he was talking to one of the med students who had wandered down from Cardiology.  
You turned toward Will, “are you offering me cafeteria food or real food?”  
“What’s the matter with the cafeteria?” He asked, still looking down at his phone.  
“Besides the fact that it’s a cafeteria?” You countered, and then mistakenly looked away. Not that it was your fault really, just that you were actually doing your job, looking over a patient file, and you somehow didn’t have the hindsight to think that Will had caught you embarrassingly staring at Connor. But you really should have known better.  
“You want to grab lunch with us?”  
The question was enough to make you look up, clearly confused because that was Will speaking but who was he talking to and what did he mean us. And then there was Connor, staring between the two of you as if us had some kind of weight to it that he was supposed to know about and didn’t. Not that he would care, your brain reminded you.  
“Sure...” Connor dragged the word out like maybe he wasn’t sure at all.  
“Actually-” Will was already backing up toward the glass doors as they slid open and Gabby came through with Sylvie, transporting a woman on a gurney and you almost wanted to ask if he had somehow timed it. Morbid maybe but you wouldn’t put it passed a Halstead to have that kind of impeccable timing.  
“Do you need-” 
“No, I’ve got April, go have lunch,” Will replied, cutting you off. “Probably be quick anyway.”  
They’d all been quick today. Of the near nonexistent cases that come through the ED doors they had all been discharged within two hours, probably less. There were days when it felt like a revolving door that people just kept coming into but today ‘nothing serious’ seemed to be the motto.  
You stood there clutching onto your tablet as Will disappeared into room 3, unsure what exactly you were waiting for. Maybe another ambulance to pull up or someone else to come along that you could force into lunch with you. Will had abandoned you with Connor. You turned to look at him, surprised to see him already watching you, and reminded yourself once more that this was Connor Rhodes and he definitely had better things to do than get lunch with you.  
“I guess you’re off the hook.” You tried to sound casual, like it was no big deal that he would probably head back to work and you really would be stuck with the cafeteria.  
Connor looked amused for a split second before reaching across the counter and taking the tablet out of your hands, flipping the cover closed, “what are you hungry for?” He asked, then added, “my treat.” As if you weren’t already filled with excited anxiety about just going to lunch with him.  
“Oh well, if it’s your treat.” You joked, trying to play off the butterflies in your stomach as you grabbed your hoodie off the back of the chair so you could slip it on again. “Honestly,” you started to say, pausing as you struggled to pull the neck of your hoodie over your head and wonder why you didn’t just rough it and freeze in the cafeteria to avoid embarrassment, “shit.” 
“Here,” Connor stopped you in your tracks, gently pushing the hood down and freeing you from the confines of the cotton material, smiling briefly as he tugged one of the strings hanging down from the neckline. “Better?” 
“Thanks,” you huffed, “Anyway...I was gonna say honestly, whatever you want is fine. So long as it’s not pizza.”  
Connor quirked an eyebrow as he stepped onto the elevator with you, skepticism written all over his face, “not pizza? Why not pizza?” He asked.  
“Because I’m 100% sure that Will eats pizza every single night.” You replied, “I literally can’t stand the sight of it.”  
The skepticism didn’t fade as he glanced over at you again. He wasn’t entirely positive that you and Will weren’t dating. Maggie had laughed when he asked and sworn that you weren’t but he saw how close the two of you seemed to be and he couldn’t help being skeptical. Not that it had stopped him from trying to get close to you. This was as good an opportunity as any to find out right from the source, “Are you and Will?” He gestured with his hand between the two of you.  
“Are you together?” 
“Oh no,” you shook your head, “we’re roomies but that’s it.”  
He nodded. “Good.” 
Now it was your turn for skepticism, “Good?” You asked. You liked the way he said it, like he was happy to know that Will wasn’t any competition but also like he wouldn’t have been too worried even if there was something going on. And suddenly you wondered why you never thought he looked at you or why you thought he never would.  
“Good.” He confirmed just as the elevator dinged. The doors slid open and he held his arm out against the door jam for you to step out first. After you had, and he stepped out after you, there was the sudden and welcomed presence of his hand on the small of your back. “So, lunch?”  
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poppadom0912 · 4 months
Is it too late?
Warnings: Mentions of periods, hospitals, surgery, pain and illness
Summary: When your older brother is a fancy surgeon, being sick is the last thing you want.  
Requested by @1chicago5021
A/N: I'm still alive people. I had a sudden burst of inspiration and thought I'd finally get all these requests done before the next round of exams. I am in a lesson right now so I can’t do the usual aesthetic collage I always do. This was sent quite a while ago but I actually had so much fun writing this so thank you! I hope this lives up to your standards <3
Two weeks ago now, your body randomly started not working the way you wanted it to, but you put all the blame on your period whose cramps hadn't been very forthcoming.
The painkillers were a coming in at a constant stream, hot water bottles never having the chance to go room temperature.
Your never-ending migraines and 24/7 cramps were a constant, so you expected to feel relief once you were back to normal. But that never came because this week started and somehow, you felt even worse.
When you woke up this morning to your throat feeling weird, you knew something was wrong when you drank water and the feeling didn’t go away.  
Despite that, you went to school anyways, bidding your brother goodbye when he dropped you off, completely unaware of your wellbeing. But you couldn’t blame the guy, he was stressed enough over work as it is, you didn’t need to add to his already overflowing workload.  
You only felt worse as the day progressed. It was only spring, nearing summer, but your body temperature wouldn’t stop fluctuating. One minute you were shivering and asking to borrow your friend's hoodie but the next you were sweating like you had just finished a marathon and was trying to get rid of as many layers as possible.  
The cramps were immense. The worst you ever had and to consider you just got off your period, you weren’t a stranger to post period cramps, but this was on another level. You hadn’t been in this much pain ever even while on your reds. None of the pain killers your friends kindly provided for you alleviated the pain. Death would feel ever so sweet right about now.  
You knew you were seriously sick when you were on the verge of collapsing at lunch. Your friends all shouted in alarm when you faltered on your feet in the cafeteria. You ignored their efforts and attempts to get you to the nurse's office. There wasn’t long left of the school day, there wasn’t any point in leaving with barely two hours left.  
As soon as you got home, you fell face first into bed. As soon as your head hit the pillow and you pulled the covers over your body with however much strength remained in your arms that got heavier as the day went on.  
You were in a deep sleep, so deep in fact that your dreams were non-existent. You weren’t too sure what time it was, but you felt someone shaking you, going from gentle to a hand tightly holding your shoulder, a muffled voice inaudible as you came in and out of your slumber.  
Their gestures were painful, but you didn’t have it in you to tell the intruder as you struggled to even muster a groan. Your eyes fluttered, face digging even deeper into the pillow as if to suffocate yourself. That was all the indication the person needed to shake you harder, adamant to wake you up.  
With a blocked nose, breathing out through your mouth proved itself to be a much more difficult task than it should’ve been. And stuffing your face into your pillow might not have been the best idea taking that into consideration.
Their voice sounded way too far away, as though they weren’t in the room with you. One second they were roughly holding you, the next, all pressure ceased but the pain didn’t.
Before you could even register what they were doing now, your eyes heavy with sleep dropped once more as you were enveloped into darkness again.
Over the past two weeks, Connor had noticed your depleting energy but when the mood swings came along with your hot water bottles, he didn’t think any much more of the matter.
But then you showed no signs of improvements and at first, he could hardly notice. You hid it quite well at first but as the week progressed, it was apparent to him you were getting sick, and you were too stubborn to admit that to your surgeon brother.
Nonetheless, things didn’t look too bad that staying home was necessary. You were managing quite well, going to school the entire week without complaints, so he found no reason to intervene into something he knew would end up in an argument that would result in you holding a grudge and not talking to him for a few days.
He dropped you off and drove to work expecting nothing. You smiled at him when you left the car, and nothing seemed physically wrong when you picked up the pace to meet your friends.
His twelve-hour shift seemed to never end. When he had a moment to himself, he messaged you as he waited for his coffee, staring at his message that sat alone with no replies for hours. School has finished, you were sure to be home now, so why weren’t you answering?
He didn’t think much of it till he was meant to go home at twelve. He was all ready standing at his locker but then Maggie called his name and he saw several ambulances piling up outside.
As amazing as he was, his attention couldn’t be in two places at once and unfortunately for you, car crashes had more significance in this situation. But as soon as this was all over, you’d be his number one priority once more.
It was all over six hours later when he came out of the second surgery he had to take lead in.
Stepping out of the surgery theatre, he thanked all his co-workers and was dashing away to collect his things, not wanting to be here any longer. Having time to finally check his phone again, his concern skyrocketed when you still hadn’t replied to his messages.
Waving off the few staff remaining in the emergency department, Connor wasted no time in driving off. His adrenaline had yet to die down from the rush of a packed-out emergency room and doing several successful surgeries. Adding to this was his building concern for you. Maybe you were just sleeping, and your phone was on charge. Maybe it was on silent, and you didn’t hear anything. Maybe it was stolen, and you couldn’t contact him-
Connor sighed as he parked the car. Wasting no time, his body still thrumming from the surgery high, he walked into the building and took the stairs instead, taking large strides as he skipped every two.
The house was drop dead silent when he opened the door which you hadn’t locked from the inside like you usually would. That and the completely pitch-black apartment was the first things that put him on edge.
He locked the door behind him, walking in further and inspecting the living room and kitchen that didn’t look lived in. Everything was in its same place as he left it in this morning. Closing the blinds in the living room, he walked towards your bedroom, your door slightly ajar which had never been the case since you started living with him. You always shouted at him whenever he left the door even a slither open, you always needed complete darkness to sleep. The tiniest bit of light always hindering your sleeping ability.
Pushing the door open, Connor poked his head inside first to survey the room. He finally let himself relax at the sight of you lying in bed, your figure completely drowning in your duvet. The weird lump in your sheets being the only reason he could identify you.
He felt himself relax, his body physically deflating now that he had eyes on you, knowing for sure that nothing was wrong.
For some reason, your curtains were still open which they never were since you were young, always complaining, once again, that you needed complete darkness to be able to sleep. Closing your curtains, he found your phone on your bedside desk, and it was littered with notifications from not only him but all of your friends too. All of them were asking in variations if you were okay, if you felt better, did you get home safe and how you were feeling.
They were all sent at three in the afternoon. It was now two in the morning.
Concerned at the topic of the messages, Connor came over to the side of the bed you were laying on and placed his hand on your forehead, his eyes widening immediately. He felt himself warming up just from how hot you were.
Sitting down on the space by your knees, Connor shook you gently, trying to rouse you from your apparent very deep sleep but the only movement you made was from what he was doing.
“Y/N? Hey, wake up. Can you get up for me really quick?”
The adrenaline that was just dying down was picking up again along with his heart rate, why weren’t you waking up?
He shook you once again but this time, he was more rough, his worry meaning he gripped your shoulder tightly and shook you with a force that he’d never use on you before as his baby sister.
This time he tried calling you name while he tried getting you up. Lifting the duvet off your body, not only were you shivering but you were sweating a very unusual amount.
Swallowing harshly, Connor tried one more time, calling your name and roughly shaking you. “Come one, I need to you wake up Y/N.”
“Y/N. Y/N get up.”
But you just wouldn’t budge.
Deciding that enough was enough, he scooped you into his arms and it must’ve been the sudden movement that caused you to let out a small whimper in what was clearly pain. It was small but it was the most he’d gotten from you since he got home and that was better than nothing.
Foregoing his jacket, Connor made sure to slip your cardigan over your torso, so you weren’t going to die from the cold outside. He quickly slipped into his own shoes and left the building not a moment later.
No one had been expecting Connor to be back at work so soon, not even him. It was a few minutes to three and the ED was relatively calm taking into account the big accident not too long ago, but Connor was grateful.
Getting out the car, Connor looked into the ED and called for the first person he saw.
“April! Get me a gurney!”
Said nurse was caught completely off guard, jumping from where she stood at the nurse's desk with Will not too standing behind her. He too clearly was confused but Connor had no time to dwell on them.
Not checking if she was listening, Connor rounded the car and picked you back into his arms, your head resting on his bicep and your legs on the inside of his elbow. Slamming the door shut, Connor strode into the emergency department and luckily for him, April and Will were more than ready to help.
“All the gurneys are used up from before, but we’ve got a free bed.” April said, leading the surgeon into an empty treatment room where Will was lowering the bedside rails.
“Talk to me Connor.” Will said, understanding there was no time for formalities when he saw it was you Connor was carrying.
“No clue what happened but she’s as hot as anything, she’s shivering and sweating at the same time and will not wake up for anything.” Connor started, gently laying you down and standing back to let Will and April do their jobs. He was itching to help but physically had to move further away from you so that he wouldn’t do anything stupid.
“Pretty sure she’s been sick and in pain for a while now, but she never said anything.” He continued, looking at all the numbers on the machines that were popping up as they were connected to your body. “When I asked last week, she just kept saying it was her period cramps.”
As April hooked you up onto an IV drip, Will started palpating your body in search for any particular place of pain. And when he came to a particular area in your lower abdomen and you cried out, the three of them looked at each other knowingly.
“Kieran should still be on shift.” Connor said, remembering the surgeon he left behind that was in charge and available.
Will nodded in confirmation, “Let’s move.”
Waking up felt different to all the times before. Your levels of disorientation and haziness and confusion were on another level.
As soon as you opened your eyes, the first thing you noticed was the lack of pain. You couldn’t feel not even a pinch in your stomach, maybe it was weird to say but it felt liberating to not be in debilitating pain.
“Oh, thank goodness your awake.” Connor looked dead on his feet in the doorway of the room but the immense relief painting his face was like no other.
You made him feel and look like that- Shit, what happened, what did you do?
Before you could say anything, Connor beat you to it. “How are you feeling? In any pain?”
As he questioned you, a poured you a cup of water, holding it so all you had to do was drink and not need to exert energy that he knew from experience, you didn’t have.
Once again, before you could ask, he answered for you. “It was appendicitis. Your period cramps were in fact your appendix and last night it burst.”
“But it’s all good. We got you into surgery and your appendix is gone as should your pain.”
“Wow.” You said shakily, your voice so quiet from the lack of use.
“Please don’t do that next time.” Connor said, sitting on the empty seat by the bed, taking your hand into his. “Please tell me when you're in pain and when you feel sick. You matter to me; all your small or big problems are mine too. I don’t care how trivial they are.”
Silence followed as he set the glass aside. “You scared the shit out of me kiddo.”
And to say you felt guilty was an understatement.
“Claire’s pissed.” You both winced at the thought of your sister finding out. “She’s going to visit when she’s finished with work. I told her your healthy and out of surgery but she’s still pissed.”
“M’Sorry.” You apologised, voice hoarse and lips chapped. “I didn’t want-“
“Y/N.” Connors face made it look like he was in pain from your admission he cut off. “You’re never a bother to me okay? Me being a doctor is a good thing, use it to your advantage.”
You nodded, confirming to change next time if there was another time. Fingers crossed there isn’t.
“How hard was it to not do the surgery?” You smiled, squeezing his hand and poking his bicep. He was still in his scrubs from his shift last night.
Connor rolled his eyes and groaned. Such a sight made you laugh.
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whump-imagines · 9 months
Lunch Date Gone Wrong
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Connor x reader
~1000 words
She walked into the ED and greeted Leah at the admit desk. “Hey. I just wanted to surprise Connor for lunch. Can I go wait in the lounge?”
“Of course. I think he went upstairs but you can check with Maggie.”
“Thanks.” She walked through the sliding doors from the waiting room and stopped at the nurses station. Maggie saw her and walked out from the desk to give her a hug. “Hi, Mags.”
“Hi, sweetie,” Maggie said. “I didn't know you were coming today.”
She laughed. “Neither does Connor. I needed to get out of the house. Figured I'd surprise him for lunch.”
“He just ran upstairs to check on a patient but he should be back pretty soon,” Maggie explained. “You can go wait in the lounge if you want. Do you want me to page him?”
She shook her head. “No, I don't want to bother him. I can wait.” She went into the lounge and made herself comfortable on the couch.
Twenty minutes later, she saw Connor by the nurses station. He was looking at a computer and Maggie was nowhere in sight so she assumed he didn't know she was there.
She smiled and stood from the couch. She swayed slightly, dismissing it as having stood too fast. Walking out of the lounge, she made her way to where he was.
He glanced up and locked eyes with her. He smiled. “Hey! What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to get some fresh air and different scenery. Thought I'd see if you had time for some lunch.”
He pulled her into a hug and kissed her as he pulled away. “I always have time for you. Did you want to go grab something quick or eat here?”
She shrugged, swaying on her feet once again as dizziness made her world spin.
Connor frowned, grasping her shoulders and stepping back half a step to look at her. “You okay?”
She started to nod. “Uh, yeah. I think.”
“You sure?” He moved his hand to caress her cheek.
“Honestly?” she asked. “I was starving when I left the house. Now, I'm a little nauseous and dizzy.”
He pulled her behind the desk to a chair. “Okay, let’s sit down.”
She let him guide her into the chair. She took a deep breath and shook her head trying to clear the feeling, but it only made it worse. “Whoa,” she whispered, closing her eyes tight.
“Just breathe. I'm right here,” Connor reassured. He took her hand in his and she felt him press his fingers into the pulse point at her wrist. Her eyes were still closed so she didn't see the look of surprise on his face. “Hey, Maggie,” he said quietly. “What's open?”
“Uh, treatment three and four are. Why?” She asked.
Connor glanced at Y/N. “I need an EKG. Her heart rate is way too high.”
“Okay. I'll meet you in three,” Maggie said.
“Wait,” said Y/N. Her breathing quickened with her anxiety. “Why? What's wrong with me?”
“Shh, shh,” Connor soothed. “It's okay. Just breathe. We will figure it out. Can you stand up for me?”
She allowed him to pull her up. As soon as she was fully upright she swayed before her knees buckled. Connor caught her before she could hit the ground and lifted her heading straight to treatment three.
“Y/N! Can you hear me, sweetheart?” He asked as he set her on the bed. He ran his knuckle firmly over her sternum and she moaned but didn't wake. “Open your eyes for me.”
Will joined them as Maggie finished hooking up the cardiac monitor. She wrapped a BP cuff around her bicep. “Need a hand in here?”
“Damn it,” Connor cursed as he saw the monitor reading. “She's in SVT.”
“Connor,” Will warned. “You shouldn't be treating her.”
“I'm fine,” Connor argued. “I'm going to try a carotid massage.”
Will stepped closer. “Maggie, CBC, BMP, lytes, cardiac enzymes, and a chest x-ray. Please.”
“On it.” She quickly ordered the x-ray before drawing blood for the lab tests.
“No change.” Will pointed out as Connor stared at the monitor as if trying to Will the rhythm to change. “We need to push adenosine.”
“Just one more second,” Connor said. About thirty seconds later, his head dropped to his chest as he took a step back. “Uh, okay. Will?”
Will squeezed Connor’s shoulder before returning his focus to Y/N. “I got her, buddy.” He then turned to April who had joined them in the room. “Six milligrams of adenosine.”
Seconds later, April announced, “Pushing.” Almost instantly the monitor droned the monotone asystole sound before the fast beep resumed.
Connor’s hand came up to cover his mouth for a moment. His worry was really starting to shine through.
“Okay,” Will started. “Let's try another twelve milligrams of adenosine.”
Once again, April announced when she pushed the meds just before the monotone sound followed by the rapid beeping.
“Damn it,” Connor cursed.
“It's fine. I got her,” Will reassured. “We knew she was stubborn, right? Give me the paddles and charge to 75.”
Maggie handed them to him as April placed the orange gel pads on her chest. Will placed the paddles as Maggie stated, “Charged.”
“Clear!” Will verified everyone's hands were off before pressing the button. Her head shifted with the small jolt. Suddenly, the fast paced beeping slowed. “Back in sinus. Rate 86.”
Connor breathes a heavy sigh of relief. “Oh, thank god.”
A few minutes later, she moaned. “C–Connor?”
He was sitting beside her holding her hand as Will performed an echocardiogram.
Squeezing her hand, he spoke, “I'm right here, honey. Will is here too.”
She pried her eyes open slowly, shying away from the bright lights. “What happened?”
Connor ran his free hand over her head, pushing hair from her face. “You had a bit of an arrhythmia. We had to give you some meds and shock your heart to get it back to normal rhythm. Will is just running some tests now so we can figure out why it happened.”
She blinked slowly. “I'm so tired.”
“Well your heart just ran a mini marathon,” Will said.
“You can go ahead and rest,” Connor suggested. “You're going to be here at least overnight.”
She let her eyes flutter closed. “Mmkay.”
Connor continued to run his hand gently over her head until she was sound asleep. He knew it would be a long few weeks of tests and possible medications but for now, he was just glad she was okay.
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deanstead · 3 months
Connor x reader
"Eyes on me, sweetheart," he says.
"Eyes on me, sweetheart," he says.
You trained your eyes back on Connor, even though your vision was partially clouded by tears, either from pain, shock, or both.
The sound of machines and people bustling around you made your heartbeat spike but Connor didn't move, his eyes trained directly on yours. "You're going to be fine. Stay with me, alright?"
That was the only thing you remembered after the accident. In any other circumstance, you would have noticed the small shake of Connor's eyes that would give away his worry.
Yet, it worked like a charm, Connor's mere presence lightening your anxiety enough for someone else to work on you.
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trixieloves1d · 10 months
Hey guys! Can you help me find a fanfic please?
It’s a one Chicago fic where the reader is Will Halstead’s sister and is married to Connor Rhodes. She’s a surgeon like Connor and is pregnant. She goes into labour whilst performing surgery and Connor is called to help her as well as her doctor. Will and a nurse watch on from the observation area. The nurse seems to think that the reader is faking it to get out of doing the surgery.
Thanks guys 😊
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felicitysmoaksx · 4 months
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“Him or me,” Connor’s ultimatum was instantaneous after Crockett and Hannah left, and Goodwin explained what was going on, what had happened. His boss sighed and held up her hands placatingly, “Dr. Rhodes…”
“No, Ms. Goodwin, this is the last straw. He verbally taunted my amnesiac wife to get back at me. He knew what he was doing and saying when he said it. He put her in a situation that she never should’ve been in and this isn’t the first time he’s done it with a med student either. So it’s either him or me and Sarah.” Connor demanded as professionally as could at that moment. Because his hackles were raised and he knew it. But he couldn’t get Sarah’s face out of his head. She looked like she was about to cry and she wasn’t letting him help her.
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waywardnewcomer · 6 months
I’m currently flaring from my IBD, for the first time in a long time and I’m in a lot of pain. Send me some comfort fics please, I need some distraction! fandoms I’m reading currently (9-1-1, Chicago fire, Chicago med, Chicago PD, marvel - specifically stucky, Natasha, Wanda and Tony, vampire diaries, the originals, bridgerton) or anything you think I might enjoy! Open to poly, m x reader, f x reader or character fics with no reader. Anything that will distract me from my Crohn’s hell
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halsteadlover · 11 months
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*Gif and pics not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Connor Rhodes x Fem!Reader.
• Requested: yes by anon.
• Summary: Connor shows his possessive and jealous side and you love every bit of it.
• Warnings: jealousy, few curse words and I don’t know what else, please let me know if I missed any lol.
• Word count: 1930.
• A/N: I’m not sure about this one but here it is anyway since I was too lazy to write it all over again 😭 I hope you’ll like it, looking forward for your opinion. Comment, like and reblog, it’d would mean the world 💕 I love you all xx
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Connor's first case since coming back to Med’s was fairly simple.
He thought that day would go uneventful. He thought.
An elementary school girl was taken to the ER after her teacher called 911 because of an intense abdominal pain and after an ultrasound it turned out to be a case of acute appendicitis.
“She’ll need surgery, where are the parents? We need their consent,” Connor had asked Natalie while they examined the little patient who was still writhing in pain. She was given a small dose of morphine to calm some of her excruciating pain.
At that same moment Maggie entered the room and Connor glanced at her as he tried to calm the little girl, whose name turned out to be Daisy. “Her teacher is here and asked about a doctor.”
“I'll talk to her,” Connor said and Natalie nodded.
Connor and Maggie exited the patient's room and his gaze fell on a figure near the nurses' station who was filling out some forms.
He tried to keep an expression as serious and impassive as possible even though internally a flock of butterflies had just exploded in his stomach.
There was no need to even take a double take, he would’ve recognized that figure even in a crowd of thousands of people. After all, how could he not recognize his own girlfriend?
You were a teacher and taught science in an elementary school but what were the chances that you would’ve been the little girl’s teacher?
You and Connor had been together for about few months them so none of his colleagues knew you existed yet. He had to act like he didn’t know you, like he didn’t want to breathtakingly kiss you right then and there.
He couldn't help but let his eyes wander over your body suppressing the innate desire to approach you and grab your ass like he always did.
He approached the nurses' station, hands shoved in his uniform pocket. “Ma’am.”
Your heart skipped a beat when you heard not a voice but his voice. You immediately tried to suppress the smile that threatened to appear on your face as well as the urge to giggle since he knew how much it annoyed you when he’d call you ‘ma’am’.
“It’s ‘miss’, actually.”
You said when you turned to him, pen still in your fingers as you gave him a polite smile and chuckling to yourself when you saw Connor press his lips together in an attempt not to burst out laughing.
“Nice to meet you miss, I’m doctor Rhodes. I’m treating Daisy.”
Your eyes quickly scanned his body, trying to maintain composure and not blush like a fourteen year old when thoughts about you and him in his bed that morning crept into your mind.
“How is she, doctor?” You asked, failing miserably at not giving him a little mischievou smile.
“Unfortunately I cannot discuss my patient's health status with people outside of her family. I wanted to ask you if you have by any chance notified her parents? We need to talk to them,” he replied in a professional tone although the way his eyes shone as they spoke to you and the way he couldn't help but check you out gave him away.
Maggie and April, who were there at the time and witnessing your conversation, couldn't help but exchange a knowing look.
They had both thought the exact same thing.
There was no way you and Connor didn't know each other.
It was so obvious and even funny how you both tried to maintain a professional and unemotional facade. But the way he looked at you, the way his eyes had never left yours, the way his body was totally turned towards you and in which he seemed to be imperceptibly drawn continuously towards yours had revealed there was no way in hell that he didn't know you.
But it was also how your head was tilted slightly as you spoke to him, how you kept touching your hair, how you batted your eyelashes and the shadow of a smile that never left your lips that had given definitive confirmation that you two knew each other very well.
And not talking about the fact you two were blatantly flirting.
“I came here in a hurry so I didn't have time to call them, but I'll do it right away,” you had said and Connor had nodded, trying to keep himself from following you with his eyes as you walked away to make the call but failing miserably.
“Connor oh my god! What was that?!” April screamed/whispered, approaching Connor with Maggie, a look of pure surprise and amazement on both their faces. “You know her?!”.
Connor shrugged nonchalantly. “N-no of course not.”
“Oh come on we saw the way you looked at each other, you clearly know her and there is definitely something going on!” Maggie retorted.
“She's just a good looking woman, that's all,” Connor remarked even if ‘good looking’ didn’t even come close to how gorgeous you were.
All his attention though had shifted from Maggie and April for a moment, his eyes falling on the two doctors that were talking as they looked through some patients' medical records.
He saw the direction of their gaze, hearing the comments about the object – or rather the person – that had attracted their attention.
“Man if she was a stripper I would’ve spent my whole salary on her, did you see that ass?”. One of them had confessed to one of them while he was pretending to fill out the medical records even though he was watching you like a hawk while you were talking on the phone.
“I would’ve never skipped a class if I had a teacher as hot as her,” the other continued laughing.
“You think she has someone?”.
“Oh I hope not, but if it is he is a damn lucky bastard.”
Connor clenched his hands into two fists, almost having a brain aneurysm.
A wave of jealousy washed over him, every cell of his body exploding with anger at hearing the words directed towards you who unawarely continued to talk on the phone.
His jaw clenched as he struggled to stay calm, but God how much he wanted to beat the shit out of those two sons of bitches. He hated the way they looked at you, the way they made those disgusting comments about your body.
He hated it so much because that was the way he looked at you.
He was the only one who could make those comments about you, the only one who could have those sinful thoughts about you, the only one who could touch and admire you.
Your ass, your legs, your smile, your laugh, that twinkle in your eyes when you looked at him, that body, all of this were his.
It was as if his mind had gone into blackout, as if all his reasoning, judgment and common sense had just flown away because now all he could do was imagine the bastards' heads banging against the wall over and over again.
Drastic? Perhaps. Excessive? Probably. But Connor didn't give a fuck.
And it was in fact at that precise moment that he did something he’d never have thought of doing for anyone.
“Daisy's parents are…-” you announced as you ended the call and walked back to the nurses' station but stopped on your tracks when Connor came towards you, and a confused expression appeared on your face.
Your eyes widened and you almost had a heart attack when he grabbed your face and crushed his lips on yours.
He didn't give a shit.
Neither that you both were keeping your relationship a secret anymore, nor that you were in the middle of the ER, nor that everyone at that moment had stopped to witness that scene.
He wasn’t thinking clearly and in that moment it was that part of him with which he had never come face to face before that controlled him, that primitive and caveman part he was hating so much.
Even though that gesture had taken you completely by surprise, your body reacted before your mind could even understand what was happening, so you kissed him back, feeling your breath stopping in your lungs. Your hands slid up his chest and fisted his uniform as he wrapped his arms around your hips, sliding his hands down to your ass.
He didn't care he’d receive an endless scolding for what he was doing, he didn't care about the voices that commented the scene, he didn't care that everyone saw his hands squeezing your ass.
He didn't care because he wanted them to see, he wanted everyone to know you belonged to him, that he was the only one who could kiss you, fuck you, squeeze that stripper ass, that loved you.
You broke away from the kiss before the situation could escalate, your heart pounding and your legs shaking like jelly. “Babe oh my god…-”.
“You’re mine, you know that right?” He whispered. “Only mine.” His hands moved up from your ass back to your face and his thumbs caressed your cheekbones before placing a small kiss on his lips. “And I love you.”
Woah hold on.
Did he fucking say ‘I love you’? In an ER?
Wait. Connor loves me?
You looked at him in shock but you didn't have time to process and figure out what the hell was going on because he grabbed your hand and led you back towards the nurses' station, where Maggie and April's jaws were now on the floor.
“Meet my girlfriend, Y/n,” he announced, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you close as you were about to faint. Your heart was beating so fast you feared you’d need a defibrillator to revive you sooner or later.
You were so shocked you couldn’t elaborate a word, fuck you couldn’t even think about one.
Connor's eyes focused on the two doctors that had been talking about you until recently but who at that moment were looking around embarrassed.
“You wanted to know if she was taken? Yes, she is. I’m the lucky bastard who gets to have her and now let me hear one more thing about my girlfriend, I fucking dare you.”
You looked with confusion at your boyfriend, then at the doctors he was glaring at, and then back at him. You had no idea what he was talking about and you were so dazed and confused that your mind didn't know what to process first.
From the way Connor’s hand was gripping your hip, the way he held you so close to him, and the way he glared at the two doctors, you imagined it was somehow about you. And although the embarrassment of being the center of attention made you want to be swallowed by the floor, you couldn't help but feel… Flattered.
Was this the right word?
You didn’t know.
You couldn't even describe it, but that jealous, protective side of him lit a fire inside you that burned every single fucking cell of your body.
You knew Connor always had this protective instinct towards you but knowing he had ‘marked his territory’ so blatantly, just to stop whatever they were saying, made you giggle to yourself like a teenage girl.
It was so damn hot and sexy, more than you would’ve ever expected.
And instead of thinking about how out of place or inappropriate that gesture was, the only thing you could think about as you looked at Connor was how good he was going to get it that night.
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General tag list: @hngbrooks, @alexxavicry, @halstead-severide-fan, @mrspeacem1nusone, @allivzs, @omniaimy, @cursedashes, @kmc1989, @klovesreading, @firetruckstuckley
Connor Rhodes tag list: @rsquared31, @novabckly, @wnbweasley, @thebejeweledwatercat
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kiddbegins · 10 months
Cuteness Aggression - Connor Rhodes
Requested: yes
Word count: 707
Warnings: random facts that are boring included
A/n: these are all facts I genuinely just… knew…
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Something you always managed to do in your free time was find a way to learn some random information or fun fact that you could spread around to those around you. You’ve randomly educated everyone about the great molasses flood of Boston in 1919, that William Mitchell created pop rocks by accident in the 60s while trying to make instant soft drinks, the fear of long words was hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (which you could spell easily) and bucket loads more.
Each time it was met with excitement, your friends always adored hearing about them. No matter if it were history, science, english, anything based. If it was a fact coming from you, it was interesting. Sometimes you got the annoyed person that had had a bad day or just didn’t have the capability to soak up information that night but usually you were fine.
First and foremost on your biggest fans list was none other than Connor Rhodes, boyfriend of five years and fiance as of two weeks ago. He loved hearing you talk or ramble. Gave him the perfect excuse to just sit and listen silently. 
He was never much of a talker and usually that meant that his lovers would get annoyed when he was too quiet. But you never minded. Of course you’d make sure he was alright if his vibe was off that night but usually he was just content in listening to you.
Like a couple days ago when you went on a whole spiel about the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers and how the Missouri river was considered the longest river in the country when half of it was actually the Mississippi river because the two merged in St. Louis and the Mississippi is the one that leads down and out of New Orleans. Granted it was only by a mile but that mile still doesn’t make up for the fact it was stealing its length from the Mississippi.
Did he care about which river was technically longer? No. But the way you genuinely got worked up over it made him smile so wide his eyes crinkled. Which in turn made you grin because truly his eye creases were just one of your favorite things about him.
“Connor, wanna hear what someone at work said today?” You happily asked, falling onto the bed and looking over at the man who was already shirtless and under the covers. Of course he nodded, pulling you to lay down properly.
As soon as your head hit the pillow your smile grew, “So, I was talking to Annette right? And she was telling me about her cats and that she has an orange cat and a calico cat, which they’re adorable. I'll show you a picture after,” You interlocked your fingers with his as you spoke.
“Anyway, did you know that most orange cats are boys and most calico cats are girls? Isn’t that cool? Like no matter what-” You were cut off by a long and lingering kiss to the lips, followed by peck upon peck to your cheek, forehead, temple and all the spaces in between.
A giggle built up in your throat as you scrunched your face up, Connor’s nose bumping against yours as he pulled back slightly, “What was all that for? You trying to shut me up?” You teased, knowing full well he’d never try and make you stop talking.
He shook his head, placing a light kiss to the tip of your nose, “No, you’re just really adorable when you get excited over the stuff you learn.” Connor spoke softly, his heart feeling like it grew a million and one times just by looking at you.
Your cheeks tinged dark red, a bashful smile on your face, “I- oh,” You muttered, always flustered when he complimented you. Whether it was on your appearance or something smaller like this it made butterflies fly all throughout your stomach.
“God I can’t wait to marry you.” He mumbled, pulling you forward for another kiss, this one more sensible since he wasn’t overcome by cuteness aggression. His hand slid to the side of your face, simply holding you there.
You brought a hand up to cover his, pulling back just enough to speak, “Neither can I.”
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Tags: @winchesterszvonecek @everything-fandom @thebejeweledwatercat @mrspeacem1nusone @wnbweasley @alexxavicry @halsteadbrasil, @natashamea18 @katieemazz @firetruckstuckley
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callsign-dexter · 1 year
Unexpected Reunion (18+)
Request:OMG ! I LOVE CONNOR RHODES ! Now you have me sending in an idea as well 😏 maybe where he and the reader meet at the Hawaii Bar and end up having a one night stand, but she leaves before he wakes up. Connor regrets that he doesn't even have her number, as he really wants to see her again. later at the Med it turns out she's his new assistant and they are more than happy about it 😊 some smut and a cute Connor ❤️ thank you darling !
Pairings: Connor Rhodes x Assistant!Reader
Warnings: smut, inaccurate medical talk, fluff, angst
A/N: My heart goes out to the people that are dealing with and have lost family members in the Hawaii fires.
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Hawaii. Paradise on earth. A great place for a vacation. You had just recently finished medical school and had rewarded yourself with a trip to the Hawaii islands. You've been several times and each time it was great. Especially this particular day. You had come with friends and you all agreed to go out to several bars and try to see if you could score some hookups before you all left for Chicago the next day. You were going to be an assistant to some well-known there but you didn't know the name of this person or what he looked like.
You and your friends had decided to go to a bar on the beach and as you were doing shots and drinking, several men came up to you but you politely declined in your tipsy state.
You sat all by yourself at the bar while everyone else was on the dance floor. You were by yourself that was until a very handsome stranger came up to you. He was tall, broad-shouldered, had perfectly styled black hair, a little bit of scruff, and striking blue eyes. "Is this seat taken?" He asked and you actually looked around making sure he was talking to you.
"Oh! No, it's all yours." You said with a smirk and he let a bright dazzling smile and sat down next to you. The bartender walked up to you both.
"What will you be having?" The bartender asked.
"I'll be having an Old Fashioned and whatever this beautiful woman is having." He said directing the last part back to you. You blushed.
"You didn't have to do that." You told him and shook his head while waving off your comment.
"Nonsense. I'm Connor." He said with a smile and you smiled back.
"Well thank you, Connor. I'm Y/N." You told him.
"Y/N." He said testing it out on his lips and it flowed with ease "Such a beautiful name for such a beautiful woman." He said and you blushed again. "So what is a beautiful woman doing out in Hawaii by herself?" He asked you.
"I'm actually here with friends, who seem to all have disappeared." You said while looking around "We have just graduated medical school. What is a handsome guy doing out here?" You asked him back.
"Medical school? You must be one very smart beautiful woman. Congratulations you look like the medical field would fit you just right. I'm here for a medical conference that just finished up and decided to spend a few days here before going back to work." He said and you nodded your head. You both continued to talk for what seemed like hours but really was just a few minutes.
"Say, do you want to get out of here?" You asked him. Connor seemed to think about it and you thought you had made a wrong choice and was about to apologize and tell him to forget it but he answered before you could say anything.
"Absolutely. Especially with a beautiful girl like you. Your place or mine?" He asked and you blushed for the third time tonight.
"Yours." You said and he nodded. He flagged down the bartender and paid the tab for both him and you. You sent a text to your friends letting them know what was going on and that you would meet them in the lobby in the morning to catch your early flight back to Chicago. You instantly got several responses back all congratulating you and one even said to use protection, you laughed at that quietly and put your phone away. When he turned around to you after putting his card away and held his hand out to you. You accepted while slinging your purse over your shoulder.
"Are you ready, my lady?" He asked and you nodded and took his hand. He helped you get up and you both walked out of the bar. As you both waited for an Uber since you both had intended on drinking until you were drunk. While waiting for the Uber he turned to you. "Can I kiss you?" He asked and you nodded your head.
"Absolutely." You replied and he smashed his lips into yours soft at first but then getting heated pretty quickly. It left you dizzy.
The Uber arrived and you both got in, neither of you could keep your hands off of each other. You both tried to keep it Uber-friendly not wanting to make the driver feel awkward. It was only a 5-minute drive to your hotel. You both thanked your driver and paid a tip and he held your hand while you both walked into the hotel. You both walked to the elevator and it was game on.
Connor gently pushed you up against the back of the elevator and ferociously kissed you. You returned that kiss with the same amount of ferociousness. Connor decided right then and there that he loved you and wanted you. You were wearing a short black dress that fit you in all the right places.
You felt his hand travel down your side to the hem of the dress. He slid it up just enough to trail his hand up and to the hem of your underwear. You were soaking wet. Connor continued to kiss you and then his hand slowly crept into your underwear he pulled away. "Absolutely wet. All for me?" He asked and you moaned as a response. You brought your hand to his crotch and he was semi-hard, he was already big you just wondered how big he would be once fully erect, you rubbed him and he moaned into your neck while he attacked your neck with kisses and suckling on that sweet spot. His fingers slid through your wet folds and circled your clit every now and then. Then he slowly pushed his finger into your entrance your head went back and you let out a moan. The elevator finally dinged and Connor pulled away from your neck and out of you which you complained about, you were so close. He brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked on them. "You taste exactly how I imagined." He said and you only moaned as a response. He slowly walked out of the elevator with you holding his hand and you walking in front of him.
He turned to where you were behind him and he was leading you with his hand in his and stretched out behind him. Both of your pupils were blown by this point. You and he reached his door and he got his key card out opened the door and led you into the room. Once you shut the door he turned and attacked you with kisses again. You dropped your purse. Now out of the public, he was about to message your breasts and you could be as loud as you wanted and you were loud. You made quick of his belt and his zipper, you broke the kiss and sank to the ground to your knees. You grabbed his boxers and pants and pulled them down until he sprung free fully erect, you were right he was big. "Like what you see?" He asked his voice gone gravely.
"Absolutely." You said and took him into your mouth and he moaned closing his eyes. Your mouth felt like heaven on his cock it took everything in him not to face fuck you and come right then and there. You kitten licked his slit and probed it with your tongue, his hands came to the back of your head but never pushed and his head was thrown back and mouth opened in a moan.
"Gosh, baby. You're absolutely amazing." He moaned out and looked down at you while you looked up at him through your eyelashes. You hallowed your cheeks and took him further until he reached the back of your throat, you were glad your gag reflex was nonexistent. You bobbed your head up and down and used one of your hands to massage his heavy sac and your other to pump the rest of his cock that wasn't able to fit into your mouth. After a minute you pulled away for air and a string of saliva was left. You were about to go back when he stopped you and pulled you up. "As much as I love you sucking my cock I need to taste you and get inside of you." He said and you moaned. He quickly shed his shirt, shoes, and socks and kicked his pants off and he started to help you out of your dress while doing so. He was thankful you weren't wearing a bra with your dress.
Connor slowly walked you to the bed and gently laid you down to where your head was on the pillow. The smell of his cologne filled your nose and you fell in love with it and right then and there you fell in love with him. You were zoned out until you felt him slide your heels off your feet and slid your underwear off and gently spread your legs. "You are beautiful. So wet for me." Connor said as he kissed the inside of your thighs altering between them until he got to where he wanted you the most and when he licked a broad stripe up folds you let out a photographic-worthy moan your hands clenched the bed sheets.
He ate you out like you were his last meal "Just like that." You told him and that made him go faster. His nose rubbed your clit and every now and then he would suck on it bringing you closer to orgasm "I'm close." You said.
"Let go, baby." He said while altering between licking up your slick and your clit until that rubber band snapped inside you and you came hard until you saw stars.
"Connor!" You moaned out. When you came down from your orgasm he was still eating you out. Your hands came to his head and pushed him further and spread your legs further, if he kept going at this rate you were going to cum again and sure enough that is what happened. As you were coming down from your second high of the night he had let up and was moving up to where his head was at your level and kissed you, at some point you had let go of his hair, and you tasted yourself. He pulled away from you when air was needed.
"Are you ready, baby?" Connor asked you and you nodded your head, he braced one arm next to your head and the other grabbed his cock and guided it to your entrance after rubbing it up and down your folds. He pushed in and you both moaned. You were no virgin but it had been a while since you had sex. "You're so tight." He moaned out and pushed further until he bottomed out.
"You're so big." You said while looking up at him. He kissed you again and rocked his hips into you. He smirked as he trailed kisses down your sternum to the valley of your breasts. He latched onto your right nipple, as he thrust into you, gently bit it, and then soothed it. Connor then switched to your other nipple and gave it the same attention.
"I'm close, baby." Connor said and you could tell because his thrusts were getting sloppily. Your hands found their way to his back and your nails raked down his back leaving long deep scratches down his back he hissed but then moaned. "I'm cumming." He told you and "Y/N!" He moaned out and he stilled inside you and pained your walls white. You had your third orgasm of the night and you were spent.
You both came down from your highs and you were shaking. He pulled out of you and rolled over the the left of you. "That was amazing, Connor." You told him and turned to kiss him which he returned.
"You were amazing too." He said and started getting up.
"Where are you going?" You asked rolling over back onto your back.
"I'm going to get a washcloth and clean you up. Aftercare is important to me." Connor said and that shocked you. Most of the time it's the guys cum and leave without getting you off. You were going to hate leaving him in the morning before he got up but knew a long-distance relationship wouldn't work. Connor came back and got to work on cleaning you up and you jumped when he swiped through your folds. "I'm sorry." He said but gently continued. You leaned up on your elbows.
"It's ok. I'm just a little over-sensitive." You said and he nodded saying he understood. When he got down he climbed back into bed after discarding the washcloth. He laid down and you snuggled into him. Small talk was thrown here and there until you both fell asleep.
The next morning you woke up earlier than him. He had turned into the middle of the night to his back which made it easier to slip out of bed without him knowing. You quietly shuffled around and found your underwear and then your dress slipped them on and then grabbed your heels tiptoed to the door grabbed your purse and silently opened the door. You walked out silently closed the door and headed to the floor below, thankfully you were both in the same hotel.
You got into your room, took a shower, brushed your teeth, and got dressed. You packed everything up and headed down to the lobby where your friends were waiting. You all checked out and walked put of the building they asked for details and you gave them everything. You got several squeals from them.
You all landed in Chicago and started your journey home. When you got home you walked into your house, went up to your room and unpacked getting ready for the next day as an assistant at Chicago Med.
When Connor woke up he turned to cuddle into you but was met by cold sheets. His eyes shot open and sat up, hoping you were in the bathroom or something but when he saw your things gone he was so disappointed. He really wished that he had gotten your number and it was tearing him apart.
He got up, showered, and got dressed while packing clothes. He grabbed his suitcase once it was packed and headed down to the lobby. You were and would be on his mind all the time now. He got to the lobby and checked out, he thought about asking the front desk if you were still there but it was pointless he was leaving in a few hours.
Connor landed in Chicago and headed out of the airport. He got to his car unlocked it, got in, and started the engine while shutting the door. He pulled out of the space and headed home. Once he got there he parked the car, killed the engine, and got out. He went into his home and got ready for work the next day.
The next day you walked into the hospital walked up to the front desk asked where Mrs. Goodwin's office and they told you. You followed the directions and found her office fairly easy. You knocked on the door and she called you in.
"Mrs. Goodwin, I'm Y/N Y/L/N the new assistant you hired." You said as you walked in and shut the door. You walked over to her desk as she stood up and held out her hand for you to shake and you did.
"Oh yes! Ms. Y/L/N, I'm so excited to finally meet you. You'll make a good asset to this team. You're going to be an assistant to Connor Rhodes. He'll be here in a minute." She said and you smiled as she let go of your hand and gestured you to sit down. You didn't think you would see Connor again much less be his assistant. You couldn't let her know that you already knew him so you just smiled and nodded.
"I'm excited that you hired me. This hospital was one of my top picks. I'm also looking forward to meeting him and the rest of the team." You said, and when you finished, someone knocked on the door, and she called them in. You looked over your shoulder, smiling to see Connor walk through the doors, and you could see him falter but only you noticed.
"Dr. Rhodes! I would like you to meet your new assistant, PA. Y/N Y/L/N." Mrs. Goodwin said and you stood up and shook his hand which he gladly did.
"Nice to meet you Dr. Rhodes." You said and smiled.
"You too." He said smiling and you let go of each other's hands.
"Now that you two know each other. Why don't you show her around and introduce her to everyone?" She asked Connor and he nodded.
"Of course." He said without looking away from you, and finally, he broke eye contact to lead the way to the door and opened the door for you to walk out. You shut the door when you walked out. You walked further into the hospital until you got to the locker rooms, and he made sure nobody was in there before dragging you in. "I thought you were gone for good." He said and breathlessly.
"I'm here now." You said looking into his striking blue eyes.
"Why did you leave?" He asked sounding hurt.
"I didn't think a long-distance relationship would've worked and I didn't know you were a doctor here in Chicago." You said.
"I'm just glad you're here now. This is definitely an unexpected reunion." He said and you nodded.
"I can agree with that." You said
"Can I kiss you?" He asked and you nodded way to fast and answered way too fast.
"Absolutely." You said and he smashed his lips to yours ferociously you returned it with the same amount of ferociousness. His hands came to your face and cupped it, gently pushing you against the lockers. You both pulled away when the need for air was needed.
"Never leave me again, please." He said and you nodded.
"You're stuck with me now." You said and he smiled and you returned it.
Connor made sure he got your number this time. He continued showing you around the hospital and introducing everyone to you. His mood was soured when he came into work but now that he knew you weren't going anywhere he was happy. Hopefully, he could take you out on a proper date and ask you to be his girlfriend. Both you and Connor were happy to be back in each other's presence again. You and him were meant to be together.
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The first time Will and Connor share a bed it's out of necessity, the last bunk in the on-call room, during a low point in a busy night shift, unfortunately for Will it happens to be the best maybe 5 minutes of sleep he's ever had because of how Connor holds him.
Rated T
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coincidenceconnection · 8 months
Had a dream about Sarah and Connor returning to the show. How I wish it was real. 😭
I will return to Rumors and Romance I promise ❤️
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thena0315 · 3 months
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In the proper version, erasing events of season 4 & 5
In the season 3 cliffhanger, Ava reveals she's pregnant with Connor's child from their hookup in 3x11. (Erasing future events of turning her into a sociopath throughout season 4.)
Connor stays in Chicago for her and their child and officially starts a relationship with her. She gives birth to a girl in early December. By late spring, he proposes to her and they have a small and intimate wedding.
After the events of COVID and how the world changed, the two are offered positions at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in LA. They decide to move out west, thinking it be better for them to raise a family and have more space.
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