#connor rhodes x y/n
halsteadlover · 26 days
𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮
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*Pics not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Connor Rhodes x Female!Reader.
• Requested by anon: Reader is a nurse and while she’s on duty someone man from the or goes crazy because he wants to be threaded immediately and she tries to calm him down, but he loses his mind and with a pocket knife he has he accidentally hurts her cutting her on her face after which he’s escorted out by the security. Connor and reader are together and as soon as he hears about the incident, he run to her all worried. He cleans her wound.
• Warnings: brief mention of blood, wounds, use of knife, curse words, let me know if I missed something.
• Word count: 3453.
• A/N: it’s been a while since I post and I hate how this turned out bye, please have mercy on me, university is kicking my ass and I have to study for my last exams so I’m trying to write something between lunch break and during the evening. I know it’s not so good 😭 but beside that I missed you all so much, I hope you’re all aright ❤️
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A sudden noise caught your attention, making you turn your head towards the entrance of the ER.
The morning seemed relatively quiet, there were patients in the waiting room, doctors and nurses doing their normal work.
You looked around before heading towards the waiting room where you had heard the commotion and noticed a man standing in the middle of the room, a pocket knife in his hand that he was waving vehemently. He was completely out of his mind.
“I want a doctor! Now!” He shouted while all the other terrified patients started running away..
“Sir, put that knife down! Right now!” exclaimed the security guard.
“I’m fucking sick! I want a doctor right now or I’ll kill you all!”
“Sir please,” you spoke in a calm and gentle tone, taking small steps towards him, your hands clearly visible to show him you weren’t a threat, that you wouldn’t do anything to him.
“Y/Ln please stay back, I’ll take care of this,” the guard spoke but you didn’t listen. You couldn’t just turn around and walk away as if nothing was happening.
“I’m a nurse,” you continued while keeping your gaze on the enraged man, “How about you put the knife down and I call a doctor right now? You could come with me to one of the rooms while a doctor comes to examine you.”
“Stay back you bitch! I want a doctor now!” he shouted even louder than before and you swallowed the lump in your throat.
Despite your outward calm, your heart was pounding with fear, especially when the man continued to wave that knife around like it was a toy. You mentally breathed a sigh of relief as you saw the last patient had run away.
“Sir, can you tell me your name please?” You continued. “Do you have your medical records with you so we can take a look at it?”
He approached you in a threatening manner and you spontaneously took a few steps back before the guard stood in front of you to protect you.
“I just called the police, you have five minutes to leave or I will have you arrested immediately.”
At those words the man seemed to get even angrier, something you hadn’t even thought was possible. You let out a scream as the man threw himself on Dave – the guard – who was taken by surprise and got hit.
You only realized what had happened afterwards. Only when you saw Dave’s white uniform shirt turn red you realized he had been stabbed.
You didn’t know what was going through your mind at that moment. You only knew you wanted to get that man off of Dave.
You lunged at him, trying to grab the knife from his hand, which allowed the attacker to take his attention off Dave for a moment, though to your detriment, since it ended up on you.
You screamed as he fell on top of you. Your hands tried to keep his arm away from you but you couldn’t stop him from cutting your cheek.
It burned like a motherfucker but it wasn’t the time to think about the pain, not when that bastard was about to kill you.
“Hey! Get off her!” You heard voices shouting and mentally sighed in relief when you no longer felt his weight on your body. You immediately moved away from him, sliding further back on the floor as you sat up, only to see Will and other doctors and nurses holding the man down and injecting what you assumed was a sedative into his arm.
Your chest rose and fell rapidly, adrenaline coursing through your veins.
“Y/n! Oh god are you okay?” Will asks immediately after walking over to you and helping you up.
You nodded. “Dave… He was stabbed…”
“They already brought him in. He’s on his way to the OR.”
You looked over to where the guard had been lying and only then you realized he was indeed gone. When had they taken him away?
“Are you okay? You hurt?”
“I’m fine.”
Will’s eyes widened as he focused on your cheek. “Shit, you’re not fine. He cut your face.”
You touched your cheek and when you looked at your blood-stained fingertips, you remembered that he had actually hit you.
“It’s just a scratch, I’m fine.”
“Rhodes is going to lose his shit,” Will muttered in a low voice as he looked at your wound. “Come on, I’ll disinfect it. It doesn’t look deep enough to need stitches.”
But Will was right.
Connor really lost his shit.
After years it was no secret you two were together. Everyone knew how protective he was of you and this had often sparked jokes, pranks and teasing from your friends who did nothing but mock him for his overprotectiveness.
He was in the OR closing up a patient after a routine surgery when he heard the interns murmuring something.
“What are you whispering about?” He asked, not being able to make out what they were saying.
“Uhm…” One of them cleared their throat, “We heard there was an attack in the ER, a man with a knife went nuts.”
Connor’s eyes immediately snapped to them, the forceps and suture in his hand frozen, almost about to fall, and even though most of his face was obscured by his mask, his eyes quickly showed his emotions.
His first thought was you.
He knew you were on duty that morning and he couldn’t help but let his nerves heat up.
“Was anyone hurt?” he asked, trying to keep his voice calm and his hands steady as he finished stitching up the patient. There was no need to freak out. You were fine, if anything happened someone would’ve called him.
“I don’t know how many people, I just heard that a security guard was injured but they’re already treating him, he should be in surgery right now.”
Connor nodded, his throat tight as he concentrated on finishing the surgery. He tried to keep his focus solely on the patient because even though the surgery was almost over, the patient deserved nothing less than one hundred percent of his attention. He couldn’t afford to be distracted since complications were always around the corner.
“Someone page Nurse Y/Ln,” he ordered, his eyes on the patient as he stitched even though his mind was racing. He needed to hear your voice, to know you were really fine.
No one answered and there was a moment of silence. It was only a moment but to him it felt like an eternity.
“Now!” He raised his voice, letting the anger, worry, and crippling anxiety he was feeling shine through.
“Dr. Rhodes, we already tried to page her but she’s not answering,” a nurse said fearfully, terrified of his reaction.
“Fuck,” he cursed through gritted teeth. “Someone go find her then instead of standing there like idiots!”
Everyone exchanged a look and the intern who had spoken earlier immediately left the OR, running towards the emergency room. The entire hospital knew how much he doted on you, how he lived for you only, how much he loved you, how crazy he was for you, so they were all holding their breath while waiting for some kind of update.
Silence reigned in the OR, Connor didn’t bother to show the residents what he was doing, he just kept stitching the patient.
His voice was flat, almost like a robot, his hands was steady, his back straight, but only he knew how anxiety was twisting his stomach almost making him threw up. “Keep page her, I want to know where the hell my fiancée is!” was all he exclaimed.
“Nothing yet, doctor.”
“Dr. Blake went to check and he’ll be here shortly, but just take a breath, everything will be fine,” a nurse allowed herself to say and he looked up to glare at her.
“That’s my fiancée we’re talking about, my future wife, it’ll be fine only when I hear from her,” he spat venomously and she nodded – not wanting to contradict him when he wasn’t thinking clearly – before he turned his attention back to the patient.
He hated this situation.
He wasn’t giving his full attention to the surgery and he hated that.
Please god let her be okay.
Only five minutes had passed since the intern had left but to him it seemed like years went by and only when he saw him return he momentarily breathed a sigh of relief.
Everyone’s faces were covered by masks but Connor only had to look into the intern’s eyes, even if only for a couple of seconds, to understand the news weren’t as good as he had hoped. He knew that look, he had used it hundreds of thousands of times to communicate unpleasant news to the patient’ families.
“Where is she?” he asked abruptly, alternating his gaze between the intern and the patient.
“She’s fine sir, doctor... She...” he paused briefly and sighed, “She was slightly hurt, but she’s fine, I swear she’s fine... She’s alert and only has a small wound. She asked me to tell you to stay calm and just focus on the surgery…”
But Connor didn’t hear anything that resident said except those three words.
She was hurt.
You had been hurt.
“Fucking hell.”
“The attacker has been sedated and handcuffed to the bed and they’re waiting for the cops,” he continued, trying somehow to reassure Connor. “Dr. Rhodes, seriously, it’s just a small graze I saw it and she’s fine you understand? She’s fine.”
He didn’t answer.
He was silent for the rest of the surgery, not saying a single word.
But as soon as he was out of the OR, Connor literally flew to the emergency room, his cap still in his hand.
He needed to see you, he needed to know you were actually fine.
“April, where’s Y/n?” he asked as soon as he got to the nurses' station.
“She’s okay, Dr. Rhodes...”
“Where the hell is my fiancée?!” He cut her off abruptly, raising his voice and not even letting her finish her sentence. He didn’t mean to be rude but he was out of his mind in that moment and didn’t care about anything or anyone that weren’t you.
She pointed to trauma room one and he ran there before she could say or do anything else. He jerked the closed curtain open and his heart stopped when he saw you sitting on the bed.
“Baby…” he breathed out as if he had taken a breath of oxygen for the first time after hours when he realized – even if it took him too many endless seconds in his opinion – that you were actually fine, you were awake, alert and looking at him with a scared expression.
“Connor, baby, I’m…” you started but it was as if he was in a state of shock. Connor seemed to have realized that Will was there only after endless moments and that he was taking care of the wound on your face.
“Will, I’ll take care of it now, thanks,” he spoke, his eyes never leaving yours. Will nodded, realizing it was time to leave the two of you alone, and tossed away the gauze he was using to clean your wound before leaving the room, closing the curtain again.
“Baby I swear I’m fine, it’s just a little scratch…”
He came closer and before he could say something his arms were already around your body and he was holding you close to his chest. He hugged you so tightly as if it was the first time in years that he saw you again.
He felt your arms return his hug, rest on his back and caress him gently and it was only then that he had finally regained some sense.
You were fine, you were really fine.
You were hugging him.
But he was about to collapse on the ground, his legs feeling like jelly.
“Who did this to you?” he whispered while his lips print kisses at the top of your head, deeply inhaling the scent of your shampoo as if it was oxygen and he had been deprived of it.
“I don’t know who that man was. He just… He really was out of his mind, he wanted immediate care and he wouldn’t listen to anyone. Everyone run away. We tried to calm him down but he had a knife… Dave was hurt…” you finished the last sentence with a sob, bursting into tears there in Connor’s arms, your lifeline and right that second, as he held you, you knew everything would be alright.
“Where is he? I’ll kill that son of a bitch with my own hands,” he furiously retorted and started to move away from you but you held him back by his uniform. “No, no, no please baby… Please don’t leave me, stay here with me.”
You looked at him with those big eyes of yours, filled with tears, a destroyed expression on your face and Connor held you again, squeezing his eyes closed in an attempt to stay calm and not go crazy.
“Shh, I’m not going anywhere, I’m not leaving you okay? I’m here with you. It’s okay my love, you’re okay, Dave also will be okay too,” he kept whispering as you cried in his arms.
“I was so… I was so scared…”
His heart tightened with pain as he heard your voice broken by tears. Very few other times in his life he had been so angry and all of those the times were about his father or something that had happened to you.
“I know baby but it’s over, you’re safe now. I won’t let anything happen to you again you hear me? You’re safe,” he kept whispering, trying to keep a sweet and calm tone even though he was shaking so much he was about to have a seizure.
He couldn’t even imagine what you felt in those moments, how scared you felt but despite this tried to stop the attacker. He hated knowing all this was happening a few steps away from him, he hated he hadn’t been there to protect you.
God only knew how he would’ve killed anyone on this planet just to prevent a single scratch from scarring you.
He pulled away from the hug and literally felt his stomach twist on itself when he saw the cut on your cheek. He stroked your hair gently, trying to calm you down.
“You were so good and so brave, I’m so proud of you baby you know that right?” He kissed your forehead, a small smile gracing his lips as he looked into your tear-filled eyes.
You nodded.
“But I’d rather you let someone else with experience do this job okay? I can’t stand the thought of you getting hurt, please promise me.”
“I promise.”
He kissed your forehead again, his eyes closed for a moment and stayed in that position for a while as if trying to convince himself it wasn’t just a dream.
“Now, let me take care of your wound is it okay?” He continued and you nodded. He disinfected his hands and put on some gloves.
He tried to stop his fingers from shaking but he couldn’t, he tried to convince himself it was over but he just couldn’t. It was as if his mind couldn’t really thinking about anything that wasn’t the fact he really risked to lose you, that you might’ve been in Dave’s place, that son of a bitch might’ve taken away from him.
He took a deep breath, turning his back to you so as not to make you worry even more than you already were.
Connor approached you again and gently took your face in one hand, turning your head slightly so he could observe the wound. Luckily it wasn’t deep, it didn’t even need stitches, but that didn’t make him feel any better. It was just a reminder he wasn’t there to protect you.
“It’s going to sting a little.”
“I know baby, don’t worry.”
He could feel your eyes on him as he tried to stay focused and disinfect your cheek, but he didn’t look back, he knew he’d break down and you didn’t need that after what you went through.
His free hand rested on your healthy cheek as he drew imaginary circles on your skin, completely involuntarily.
“Yes, love?”
“You’re shaking,” you whispered.
He let out a small sigh before sightly stepping away and turning his back to you. His fingers were shaking and he felt terribly guilty for being the one to have that reaction, because you were the one in that horrible situation, you were the one who had faced that crazy guy and you were the one who got hurt.
But he was the one who was at risk of losing you and the thought of it took the air from his lungs, it made him unable to breathe.
Was it dramatic? Probably yes. But he didn’t care. Knowing something had happened to you was destroying him.
“Baby, hey, talk to me.”
Your sweet and gentle tone made his eyes fill with tears, but he didn’t want to cry, not right there in front of you. He felt your fingers curl around his, as if to encourage him to turn towards you again.
“C’mon, look at me,” you spoke again when he continued to pretend to look and analyze your wound.
He then met your eyes, full of concern, and he couldn’t hold back any longer, letting a tear escape down his cheek.
“I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t be the one crying,” he tried to ease the tension. His heart exploded when you smiled at him and placed a hand on his cheek, wiping away the tears that had escaped with your thumb.
“Look at me carefully, okay?” You urged. “I’m fine, love, nothing happened…”
“I know, I know,” he smiled through silent tears, “But it literally hurts my heart to know you are in danger, even if it’s just for a second. God baby, you really don’t understand how much my existence depends on you, how much I would give my life just for you to be safe. I would die if anything happened to you and…” He sniffed. “T-the fact I wasn’t there to help you and protect you… It makes me feel so sick I can’t breathe.” He put a hand on his chest, right there where it hurt so bad. You put your hand on his as the other one continued to wipe away his tears. “I was so fucking scared.”
In response you tugged at the collar of his uniform and kissed him, both of you tasting the saltiness of your tears. “I love you so much Connor, god, I love you so fucking much. I don’t know what I’d do without you,” you whispered against his lips and he kissed you again till both of you couldn’t breathe, before pulling away and hugging you again.
“I love you so much more.” Connor rested his cheek at the top of your head as he held you, constantly leaving kisses on your hair and being especially careful not to touch your bruised cheek. “I swear, I will lock you in a cellar and throw away the key for all the heart attacks you give me. How the hell do you always end up in these situations?”
You let out a small laugh, relieved that he had calmed down. “Faults of being an ER nurse, you always meet crazy people.”
“Well I’ll ask to change your department. How about gynecology? Oh wait, dermatology is even better.”
You pulled away from him, tilting your head slightly so you could look him in the face. “I know you would never do that.”
He sighed, stroking your hair and drying the tears on your face. “No, but locking yourself in a cellar? Absolutely, I can’t die of a heart attack before I’m forty.”
“Look at you Dr. Rhodes, so worried about your fiancée.”
He gave you a fake glare. “I don’t play about you baby, I think I scared the crap out of the surgical team, they probably think I’m batshit crazy now. Worrying about you is an understatement.”
You giggle, imagining the way he was barking orders and shouting in the OR. “You’re really the best thing that has ever happened to me you know that right? I’m so glad I can always count on you.”
“Always baby, I’m always with you.” He smiled softly before kissing the tip of you nose. “How about we put a band-aid on this so we can get out of here?” He then kissed your forehead and you smiled again.
“Get out of here? But our shift isn’t over yet.”
“I’m sure Goodwin will understand the circumstances, I have no other scheduled surgeries and if they need a surgeon, Dr. Latham is available. I just want to go home and hold you until you’re out of breath. Plus you’re still shaking and I want you to rest.”
You slightly smiled again and nodded, without even thinking about it twice. “I’m in, Dr. Rhodes.”
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General tag list: @hngbrooks, @alexxavicry, @halstead-severide-fan, @mrspeacem1nusone, @allivzs, @omniaimy, @cursedashes, @kmc1989, @klovesreading, @firetruckstuckley, @23victoria, @buckybarnessweetheart, @fanaticlove16, @ajordan2020, @multi-fandom-lover7667, @luftmenzch, @emryb, @waywardhunter95
Connor Rhodes tag list: @rsquared31, @novabckly, @wnbweasley, @Thebejeweledwatercat, @tinka490, @rainechase45, @maryelizabeth13, @thehalsteadsdomination
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themultifandomgal · 7 months
Can you do a Connor Rhodes x reader, where they are both married and have a child together. Maybe one day their child wanted to visit Connor at the hospital after school so they both go to visit him.
Connor Rhodes- Work Surprise
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Thank you so much for this request. I hope this is ok
7 years ago I married the absolute love of my life. 5 years later we welcomed our baby girl, Lilly, who is definitely a daddy’s girl. And now we’re expecting our second child in a few months so I’ve been benched from work at CPD
Today Lilly spent the day baking at school, as I have spent the day baking at home. So now we’re over run with, cakes, cookies, brownies and other sweet treat
“Mamma can we go see daddy?” Lilly asks after I strap her into her car seat after picking up from school “we can take him cookies and cake!” She exclaims
“I think that’s a great idea, but let’s go home first so we can pick up the cakes I made”
“Ok, then we can go and see daddy”
“Sure. But remember he might be busy”
“Busy making people feel better?”
“Yes” I say before closing the car door and getting into the drivers seat
“What about auntie Maggie?”
“Auntie Maggie might be busy as well, but if they are we leave the cakes with someone to put into their staff room”
After we pick up the cakes I made, Lilly and I make our way to the hospital. Lilly carries his a box of cookies then spots her auntie
“Auntie Maggie!” She shouts. My sister turns round with a smile on her face. She walks towards us with her hands on her hips
“What is my favourite niece doing here?”
“I’m your only niece auntie Maggie” Lilly says rolling her eyes “we have treats” Lilly shows Maggie the box. Maggie opens the lid and peers inside
“They look yummy”
“Where’s daddy?”
“He’s just finished making someone better. I’ll page him down” with that Maggie pages my husband, who arrives in no time at all
“Daddy!” Lilly yells “mamma you take the cookies please” Lilly asks but Maggie takes the box since I’m holding cupcakes. Lilly then runs to Connor who has his arms open wide for her. He picks her up and walks over to me and Maggie “daddy we have treats for you”
“Just for me?”
“No you have to share them” Lilly sternly tells her dad making me laugh. Maggie and I place the treats on the counter top of the nurses area
“Hey” Connor then places a kiss on my lips “how’s little one doing?” he asks eyes flicking down to my large stomach
“Kept me awake all night” I reply stroking my bump
“Mamma was late to pick me up because she was asleep. Mrs Johnson had to ring mamma”
“Thank you Lilly” I chuckle
“Well how about I finish up here then I’ll pick up something to eat and then I’ll take you to school tomorrow and pick you up? Let mamma catch up on some rest”
“Yes yes yes!” Lilly practically yells excitedly
“Ok. I’ll see you in a couple of hours then”
“Ok daddy” Lilly throws her arms around his neck giving him a cuddle. Connor places Lilly down, who then hugs her auntie before taking my hand
“See you later” i say kissing Connor on the cheek then giving Maggie a hug “come over on your day off” I tell her
“I will do. We can go shopping and get some baby clothes”
“Thank you. I’ll see you soon”
We say our goodbyes then I take Lilly’s hand and we head back to the car.
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deanstead · 3 months
Connor x reader
"Eyes on me, sweetheart," he says.
"Eyes on me, sweetheart," he says.
You trained your eyes back on Connor, even though your vision was partially clouded by tears, either from pain, shock, or both.
The sound of machines and people bustling around you made your heartbeat spike but Connor didn't move, his eyes trained directly on yours. "You're going to be fine. Stay with me, alright?"
That was the only thing you remembered after the accident. In any other circumstance, you would have noticed the small shake of Connor's eyes that would give away his worry.
Yet, it worked like a charm, Connor's mere presence lightening your anxiety enough for someone else to work on you.
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lure-of-writing · 7 months
Chicago PD/Med Masterlist
Jay Halstead
Not today
Summary: You were partners long before Hailey was. It didn't help that you were in love with him
Not like I used to part 2
Summary: Finally you were able to move on
Out of love with you
Summary: He wasn’t even sure when it happened or more importantly, how. Like everything else it was slow at first, not noticeable by even the most trained eye, but eventually anyone within a twenty foot radius could tell he wasn’t even close to being in love with you.
Connor rhodes
My Love
Summary: If one thing about life was guaranteed, it's that absolutely nothing about life is guaranteed. Waking up, going to work, coming home at the end of the day, none of it was promised.
73 notes · View notes
collecting-stories · 2 years
Lunch - Connor Rhodes
Request: No.
Summary: Kind of some mild flirting...establishing that Connor is interested in something more kind of thing. Might make a second part to it.
A/N: First time writing Connor...literally had this in drafts for like a year.
One Chicago Masterlist
✳︎ ✳︎ ✳︎ ✳︎
The ED was practically dead, a typical Sunday morning, especially with the snow outside keeping most of Chicago inside. Your tie-dyed NIH hoodie (not technically regulation but hopefully: what Goodwin didn’t know wouldn’t hurt you) wasn’t doing the job you’d hoped it would to keep you warm and your roommate, stuck on shift with you for the day, was already nearing annoyance levels.  
“Will,” you huffed as your phone dinged, another in a series of memes the doctor had been sending you all morning out of boredom. You left the device face down on the desk of the nurses’ station. “Stop texting me dumb shit.”  
“I’ve had one patient in the last three hours and they had a splinter.” Will complained, leaning over the counter and grabbing your iced coffee, taking a sip, “how do you drink iced coffee in the cold?”  
“I don’t know, you tell me,” you replied, taking the cup from him and putting it back where it’d been before. Just as you did the elevator doors opened, Goodwin stepping out with Connor Rhodes, obviously in deep conversation. Will laughed as you pulled your sweatshirt off, hanging it over the chair behind you and smoothing down your blue scrub top.  
“What’re you more worried about?” He teased, “Goodwin seeing your sweatshirt or Connor seeing you?” 
“Pigs would have to fly to make the second one a reality,” you replied. You deeply regretted telling Halstead that you had a crush on Connor, especially since your roommate took every opportunity to tease you about it.  
It wasn’t like you weren’t proud of yourself for the four years of med school that you’d completed to become an RN but there was no way someone like Connor Rhodes would ever think twice about dating a nurse. You’d heard from April about him and Dr. Zanetti and you were sure that was much closer to what he liked, actual accomplished doctors.  
You had it in your mind, whether it was true or not, that Connor had a type, and that type was doctors. Despite Will’s near incessant bitching about Connor having a stick up his ass and being too egotistical for his own good (as if Will was given the gift of humbleness) he was seemingly always in your corner when it came to your crush on the attending. Will was like your own personal cheerleader, constantly encouraging you to ask Connor out on a date and constantly trying to drop hints around Connor that you weren’t sure exactly panned out the way they were intended.  
“Dr. Halstead,” Goodwin greeted as she passed him, a raised eyebrow as if she was waiting for some new issue with him.  
“Ms. Goodwin,” he smiled, turning as she passed and following her with his eyes until she was out in the waiting area.  
Connor had stopped at the nurses’ station, taking one of the tablets that was docking on the counter.  
“Gracing the ED with your presence?” Will asked, reaching for your ice coffee again.  
You reached for it, fingers missing the foam holder around the plastic cup, as Will stepped a little further away. Connor watched, eyebrow raised in silent judgement as Will took another sip.  
“I’m filling in for Choi,” Connor finally supplied, the exchanging of the coffee cup happening once more as Will handed it back. “I thought you worked last night?” He added, looking over at you.  
The comment took you by surprise. You had worked the night before and knew for a fact that Connor hadn’t. “Uh, yeah, pulling a double. Were you in last night?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest as the doors to the ED slid open, Will leaving the two of you to pick up the patient.  
“No,” the doors opened again, cutting off whatever Connor was going to say and you followed him over, grabbing the end of the gurney Gabby was pushing as she relayed the patient’s information.  
You were significantly better when there was something that required your attention. Will commented on it once. Your ability to compartmentalize was remarkable. A skill you’d worked on and were ridiculously proud of, you weren’t some nervous idiot around Connor while you were with a patient, you were calm and collected and you knew exactly what to do. It made up for all the awkward staring, hopefully. You didn’t wanna seem like the fourth-year med students trolling around the hospital heaping praises on doctors they were trying to butter up or possibly sleep with. Not that you didn’t get where they were coming from, you felt like your insides turned to jelly whenever Connor so much as offered you a ‘good job’, you could only imagine what a fourth year shadowing him must be going through, but you kept it professional.  
Your patient with Connor ended up being a quick in and out, a broken bone that needed resetting and some bruising. It was nothing serious and you felt a little guilty wishing it had been a little more just so that you could spend extra time with Connor.  
“Lunch?” Will asked, coming up next to you and leaning against the counter of the nurses’ station, phone in hand, interrupting your thoughts. And your slightly obessive staring at Connor’s back while he was talking to one of the med students who had wandered down from Cardiology.  
You turned toward Will, “are you offering me cafeteria food or real food?”  
“What’s the matter with the cafeteria?” He asked, still looking down at his phone.  
“Besides the fact that it’s a cafeteria?” You countered, and then mistakenly looked away. Not that it was your fault really, just that you were actually doing your job, looking over a patient file, and you somehow didn’t have the hindsight to think that Will had caught you embarrassingly staring at Connor. But you really should have known better.  
“You want to grab lunch with us?”  
The question was enough to make you look up, clearly confused because that was Will speaking but who was he talking to and what did he mean us. And then there was Connor, staring between the two of you as if us had some kind of weight to it that he was supposed to know about and didn’t. Not that he would care, your brain reminded you.  
“Sure...” Connor dragged the word out like maybe he wasn’t sure at all.  
“Actually-” Will was already backing up toward the glass doors as they slid open and Gabby came through with Sylvie, transporting a woman on a gurney and you almost wanted to ask if he had somehow timed it. Morbid maybe but you wouldn’t put it passed a Halstead to have that kind of impeccable timing.  
“Do you need-” 
“No, I’ve got April, go have lunch,” Will replied, cutting you off. “Probably be quick anyway.”  
They’d all been quick today. Of the near nonexistent cases that come through the ED doors they had all been discharged within two hours, probably less. There were days when it felt like a revolving door that people just kept coming into but today ‘nothing serious’ seemed to be the motto.  
You stood there clutching onto your tablet as Will disappeared into room 3, unsure what exactly you were waiting for. Maybe another ambulance to pull up or someone else to come along that you could force into lunch with you. Will had abandoned you with Connor. You turned to look at him, surprised to see him already watching you, and reminded yourself once more that this was Connor Rhodes and he definitely had better things to do than get lunch with you.  
“I guess you’re off the hook.” You tried to sound casual, like it was no big deal that he would probably head back to work and you really would be stuck with the cafeteria.  
Connor looked amused for a split second before reaching across the counter and taking the tablet out of your hands, flipping the cover closed, “what are you hungry for?” He asked, then added, “my treat.” As if you weren’t already filled with excited anxiety about just going to lunch with him.  
“Oh well, if it’s your treat.” You joked, trying to play off the butterflies in your stomach as you grabbed your hoodie off the back of the chair so you could slip it on again. “Honestly,” you started to say, pausing as you struggled to pull the neck of your hoodie over your head and wonder why you didn’t just rough it and freeze in the cafeteria to avoid embarrassment, “shit.” 
“Here,” Connor stopped you in your tracks, gently pushing the hood down and freeing you from the confines of the cotton material, smiling briefly as he tugged one of the strings hanging down from the neckline. “Better?” 
“Thanks,” you huffed, “Anyway...I was gonna say honestly, whatever you want is fine. So long as it’s not pizza.”  
Connor quirked an eyebrow as he stepped onto the elevator with you, skepticism written all over his face, “not pizza? Why not pizza?” He asked.  
“Because I’m 100% sure that Will eats pizza every single night.” You replied, “I literally can’t stand the sight of it.”  
The skepticism didn’t fade as he glanced over at you again. He wasn’t entirely positive that you and Will weren’t dating. Maggie had laughed when he asked and sworn that you weren’t but he saw how close the two of you seemed to be and he couldn’t help being skeptical. Not that it had stopped him from trying to get close to you. This was as good an opportunity as any to find out right from the source, “Are you and Will?” He gestured with his hand between the two of you.  
“Are you together?” 
“Oh no,” you shook your head, “we’re roomies but that’s it.”  
He nodded. “Good.” 
Now it was your turn for skepticism, “Good?” You asked. You liked the way he said it, like he was happy to know that Will wasn’t any competition but also like he wouldn’t have been too worried even if there was something going on. And suddenly you wondered why you never thought he looked at you or why you thought he never would.  
“Good.” He confirmed just as the elevator dinged. The doors slid open and he held his arm out against the door jam for you to step out first. After you had, and he stepped out after you, there was the sudden and welcomed presence of his hand on the small of your back. “So, lunch?”  
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callsign-dexter · 2 months
Big Brother to the Rescue
Summary: You, Y/N Rhodes, get really sick during the night and have to be taken to the hospital. You're dad is not around and Claire is out of town so you turn to the only person you trust, your big brother, Connor Rhodes.
Pairings: Connor Rhodes x Sister!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, cussing, inaccurate medical talk, fever, vomit, hospitals
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You loved your brother, Connor Rhodes, to death and he loved you the same, maybe even more. You love your sister, Claire Rhodes, too but not as much as you loved Connor. They practically raised you. Your living situation was not good. Your father, Cornelius Rhodes, was a massive jerk and your mother passed away when you were young. You looked up to Clarie as a mother figure and Connor as a father figure. Connor was only 16 when you were born and he instantly fell in love with you and was proud to be the big brother and jumped at every chance to help out with you. He was the best big brother you could ask for. Clarie was the best sister you could ask for too but it wasn't a bond like you and Connor had. 
Growing up was not the most pleasant and it turned worse when your mother passed. When Connor turned 18, he tried so hard to get custody over you but it was quickly shot down even though he had a steady income and home but your dad was so powerful that he made it not happen. It also didn't help that Connor was going to medical school and wasn't home a lot but it could've worked, you still visited him often and had a lot of sleepovers with him plus it was a place for you to escape from your dad.  When your guys’ dad started to criticize him for his medical school he had enough and moved to a different state but that didn't stop you from contacting him all the time and taking trips, when you were allowed, down to see him in Guadalajara, Mexico. It broke your heart that he moved but your bond never weakened and when he spent his residency in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, you weren't allowed to visit him but video calling was a daily routine. He hated that he couldn't bring you with him but he didn't have custody and it would be too much hassle to get you over to Saudi Arabia whereas Mexico was a little easier.  
When Connor finally came back to Chicago, you were 12, you were ecstatic you finally had your father figure back. You caught him up on everything and while he was away. Claire resented him for leaving but she could never be mad at you. She would do everything to protect you, if you had girl questions or boy problems you were going to her. Your dad couldn't give a shit about you, sure he fed you and gave you a roof over your head but he didn't want you and he could care less about you. So, when Connor came back and started working at Gaffney Chicago Medical Center for his fellowship for trauma surgery fellowship everything went back to normal. Your daily meetups, sleepovers, and going to him for problems and medical issues started right back up like he never left. He still tried to get custody but it failed every time but he wasn't going to stop fighting for you, they wouldn't let him have you even if you said you wanted to live with him.
When you were 13 you had gotten really sick like hospital sick. It was a night that Connor wasn't working and you were just in agony. Claire had moved out and your father was at a charity thing leaving you home alone. It started in the middle of the night waking you up from a dead sleep. You desperately tried to call your dad but it just went to voicemail so you tried one more time and he answered 
“Dad, I don't feel good.” You told him. 
“What's wrong?” He asked and this gave a you some hope. 
“My stomach really hurts. I feel like I'm going to throw up. I feel hot.” You said
“Suck it up. There is medicine in the cabinet downstairs.” He said and hung up and you let out a sob. 
You pulled yourself off your bed and dragged yourself to the steps and took painful steps down the steps. You sobbed the entire time. You finally got to the kitchen and opened the cabinet and grabbed the painkillers and you took them. Almost immediately as it touched your stomach you were throwing up everywhere. You were so weak. So weak that you just ended up collapsing onto the kitchen floor just barely missing your throw up. Thankfully you had grabbed your phone and slowly and shakingly grabbed your phone, your vision blurring. You unlocked it and pulled up your contacts and hit one you knew all too well. It rang not even once and Connor's voice came through.
“Y/N/N? It's 3 AM. What's wrong?” He asked in a voice full of concern.
“I... I... I don't feel good.” You said your teeth were chattering because despite your temperature, you were freezing.
“Where's dad? Did you tell him?” He asked and you could hear him rustling around.
“He's at a charity event. I... I called him and told him but he told me to suck it up and take the medicine in the cabinet in the kitchen. I'm in so much pain, Con. I took the medicine and immediately threw it up.” You told him the feeling of the cold floor was nice.
“Bastard.” He murmured “I'm on my way. You stay put.” He said. 
“I'm hot but so cold.” You said letting your eyes droop. “So tired.” You added.
“Hey, stay on the phone with me. Why didn't you call Clarie? She lives closer.” He asked
“She's gone out of town.” You said and you could hear him get into his car and the engine start. 
“Son of a bitch.” He said and started to drive as fast as he could while still obeying the speed limit. He kept talking to you but you stopped responding and that scared him. He hung up when he arrived at your guys’ family home. He was quick to jump out and run to the front door and grab the key under the mat and opened it.
The house was dark but he knew where you were at. “Y/N/N. It's me.” He yelled out but got no response. He walked into the kitchen and saw you lying there. “Fuck.” He murmured to himself and ran over to you missing your vomit. He kneeled down and touched your forehead and retracted his hand “Damn, Sis. You're burning up.” He said. He walked over to the drawer and grabbed the thermometer and thankfully it was on that stuck in your ear. He put it there and waited for it to beep and when it did, he cursed and read it aloud “104.3. Fuck I need to take you in.” He said and started to try and wake you up. “Y/N/N, Sweetheart. It's me. Your brother. Can you open your eyes?” He asked as he pressed two fingers to your neck. “Damn, pulse is way too fast.” He said and him talking must've started to rouse you.
“Con?” You asked and he smiled softly. 
“Yea it's me. Can you open your eyes?” He asked and you cracked them open until they were open. “There we go.” He said.
“Tired.” You said and started to close again.
“No. Hey, keep those eyes open. I'm going to take you to Med, Ok?” He asked and you nodded.
“Ok. Go see Will?” You asked and he smiled. Will has become a favorite of yours and he doesn’t know why.
“Yes. We'll go see Will.” He said as he started to stand you and your legs shook like a newborn foal's standing for the first time. “Can you walk?” He asked.
“I don’t know.” You said in barely just a whisper and you tried to take a few steps and all but collapsed into his arms.
“That is a no.” He said and then he was scooping you up into his arms and walking out of the house and to his car. He got you in the passenger side seat and then him in the driver’s seat and he was off heading to Med as fast as he could. He continued to talk to you to keep you awake and before you knew it you were pulling into Med. He parked and turned the car off and got out heading to the passenger side seat. He quickly scooped you up and shut the door hastily. He rushed you into ED where he saw Maggie. “Mags.” He said and she looked up at him and quickly rushed you into a bay. “She wants Will.” He said and she nodded. She walked out of the room and went to get Will not even a second later he was rushing into the room.
“Connor? What is going on?” He asked
“She called me saying she didn’t feel good and when I asked her what was wrong, she told me she was hot but so cold. She said she took some medicine but once she took it, she immediately threw up. When I got there, she was passed out on the floor next to a pile of vomit. She was burning up to the touch, she had and still has according to the monitor a temperature of 104.3 and her pulse was fast, way too fast.” He explained as they could see from the monitor “She also said she was really tired. I woke her up and had her stand and she shook like a life, she tried to walk but she collapsed into my arms and then I quickly got her in the car and rushed her here.” He finished.
“Why isn’t Cornelius here instead?” Will asked
“He is at a charity event. Left her by herself. She called him and told him she was sick but he told her to suck it up and take the medicine in the cabinet.
“Bastard.” Will said
“That’s what I said.” Connor said
“I want to get an ultrasound done on her stomach to rule out appendicitis.” Will said and Connor nodded.
“I agree.” Connor said and soon Will was calling in the ultrasound machine and he got to work with the help of a nurse. “So, it is not appendicitis.” Connor confirmed and Will nodded.
“I want to run some tests on her. Swab for flu and viral infection and take some blood as well.” He said and Connor nodded. Throughout this entire process you had been out and now that you were in the hospital you were allowed to sleep. “I want to get some fluids running to help with her temperature and get some IV children’s Tylenol on board as well.” He said and again Connor nodded. As the nurse was preparing everything you started to wake up. 
“Will?” You asked and he smiled and looked over at you.
“Hey, Sweetheart. We’re going to get you feeling better, ok? I just want to run some tests.” He said and you nodded.
“Ok.” You said and then you saw the needles “Con, no.” You said and shook your head but that was a mistake because it hurt your head.
“Hey it is ok. I’ll be here the entire time. Ok?” He asked and you nodded and then he nodded at the nurse and Will and everyone got to work. Soon blood was taken, fluids were hooked up, and swabs were taken.
“Get those tests going ASAP.” Will told the nurse and she nodded and they were out of the room. Will had to tend to some other patients and you both understood and they let you go back to sleep. With the fluids going your pulse was starting to come up and it was steady since you were sleeping and your temperature was starting to come down and the IV children’s Tylenol helped with that. 20 minutes later Will was coming in.
“So?” Connor asked
“She has a really bad viral infection and she has a really bad case of the flu. I want to get her admitted and keep her here for a few days.” Will said
“This had to be going on for a few days.” Connor said
“Did she not tell you anything about it?” He asked and Connor shook his head.
“No, she didn’t look sick when we met up a couple of days ago.” Connor said, sighing and Will nodded.
“Let’s get her moved.” Will said and so they did.
The next time you were waking up, 3 hrs. after coming into ED, you were waking up in a room. “Connor?” You asked sluggishly.
“Hey, Sis. I’m here.” He said coming over to you as he entered the room with a cup of coffee. 
“Where am I?” You asked and he smiled and came over and sat next to you.
“In the hospital. You have a really bad case of the flu and a bad viral infection. Will is taking care of you and has you on antibiotics.” He said and you nodded and you were struggling to keep your eyes open. 
“Dad?” You asked
“Not here.” He said and to be honest he didn’t want him here. He hadn’t even thought about him since you arrived here and boy was, he going to have some words for him. “Go back to sleep.” He said and you nodded and were out like a light and he could tell because your heart rate slowed. Now it was time to have some words for his father. He made sure you were asleep before pulling his phone out and stepping out of the room where he saw Will. “Hey, I need to make a phone call. Mind staying with her?” He asked and Will smiled.
“Of course.” He said and walked into the room with you and Connor walked into the doctor’s lounge and dialed his dad’s phone number and he rang 5 times before he answered. Cornelius didn’t even have time to say hi before Connor started to rail into him.
“Do you know where your daughter is?” Connor asked
“No, but she has made a mess in the kitchen she needs to clean up.” Cornelius said and Connor saw red.
“She’s in the hospital because she has a bad case of the flu and a bad case of a viral infection.” Connor said venom in his words.
“Well, she needs to get home now and clean the mess up.” He said 
“She will be doing no such thing. Not anymore.” Connor said
“And why is that?” Cornelius asked
“Because she is coming to live with me. I was the one that found her when she called and told me what was going on while you were too busy at a charity event. She told you she was sick and you told her to suck it up. You told her to take the medicine in the cabinet and she instantly threw it up. She was running a 104.3 fever when I found her and she couldn’t even stand or walk. She was so weak. I’m filing for sole custody of her and you’re going to sign it because you are not fit to be a father let alone a guardian. You will not be coming to see her. You will not see her at all unless she is with me or have contact with her. That is final.” He went off on him. Cornelius was silent by the time he was done.
“Fine. Keep the bitch. I don’t care. I’ll have her stuff packed and waiting for you to pick it up.” He said and then hung up the phone. Connor was relieved now he needed to start the paperwork. He let out a sigh of relief.  
Connor walked back to your room and saw you wake and sitting up talking to Will. You looked over and saw him. You still looked tired but you were awake. “Where were you?” You asked.
“I was on the phone with dad.” He said
“I’ll leave the two of you alone. I will be back in a few to check on you.” Will said, directing that last sentence to you. You and Connor nodded and Will left. 
“Is he coming?” You asked and he shook his head.
“No.” He said and you looked relieved “I have good news though.” He said and you perked up.
“Oh?” You asked curious and he nodded.
“From now on you will be coming to live with me and you won’t see him or talk to him.” Connor said and your face brightened.
“Really?” You asked and he nodded.
“Really.” He said and you squealed in excitement. Your wish was finally coming true. You were going to be living with your big brother. You then started to go on about all the things you two could do together and he smiled and nodded. You suddenly stopped talking and looked at him and smiled. “What?” He asked.
“I love you, Con.” You said and he smiled.
“I love you too, Y/N/N. Now and forever.” He said and he leaned over to kiss your forehead.
“Now and forever.” You confirmed. Your wish did come true and you couldn’t be happier.
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elizabethsnuts · 7 months
Can I request Connor Rhodes x teen!daughter!reader where she's falling behind in school but is trying to hide it from him so as to not disappoint him, and then when he finds out he expresses that he's not disappointed but that he wished she would've come to him for help. If not, I completely understand, but I just gotta say, I love your writing!
You’re Not a Failure
Connor Rhodes x Daughter!reader
Summary: Connor’s daughter is struggling in school and tries to hide it from him.
A/N: Thank you for requesting! I’m glad you like my writing, it means a lot <3
It was the exams after exams after exams, the nights of endless studying and the sleep deprivation that hit you.
You sat at the boring old wooden school desk, your test paper was flipped over to the back so the result was hidden. You stared at the back of the test paper , you couldn’t bring yourself to flip it over but you did. Yet another ‘D’. You groaned to yourself in frustration, shoving your paper in your bag, zipping it up and slinging it over your shoulder.
That night, Connor walked into the apartment, weary from a long day at the hospital. As he kicked off his shoes and hung up his coat, he noticed you sitting at the kitchen table with your textbooks spread out in front of you. You looked tense, your brow furrowed in concentration.
"Hey, sweetheart, how was your day?" Connor asked, walking over to you.
You looked up and forced a smile. "It was fine, Dad. Just studying for a test."
Connor nodded. “How’d your test go today? You said you were getting your results back?”
You froze, your eyes slightly widening. You swallowed down the lump in your throat and answered your dad. “Uh no not yet… they said there was still a uhm couple more to be uh marked.”
Connor stared at you for a moment before slowly nodding his head. “Alright, that’s okay.” He knew something was up but he didn’t want to push her to talk.
That same night, Connor received an unexpected email from your teacher. It detailed your recent struggles in class—falling grades, missed assignments, and a noticeable lack of focus. Concerned, Connor called the school immediately and arranged a meeting with your teacher.
Later during dinner Connor decided to confront you, he wanted to help you. He couldn’t let himself just ignore the fact his own daughter was struggling.
“So, Y/n. I got an email from your teacher, you’re struggling in school. Why didn’t you tell me? I want to help you sweetheart but I can’t if you don’t tell me these things.” Connor said as he saw your eyes fill with tears and stream down your cheeks.
“I’m sorry dad! I didn’t want to disappoint you. I can’t focus, I can’t listen properly! It feels like everything the teacher says just goes in one ear and out the other! I didn’t want you to think I was a failure…” You let the tears fall, the waterworks arriving. Your nose running and tears overflow as you spoke.
Connor wrapped his arms around you, his heart breaking at your obvious distress. "Y/N, sweetheart, I'm not disappointed in you and I will never ever think you’re a failure. I just wish you had come to me sooner. You don't have to face this alone. I want to help you, I don’t want you to suffer alone."
He assured you that the two of you would work through your difficulties together, and he would do whatever it took to help you succeed. Whether it was tutoring, therapy, or simply spending more time studying together, Connor was determined to support his daughter every step of the way.
The next exam that rolled around, you passed with flying colours. You felt a weight lift off your shoulders. With your father by your side, you knew that you’d never be alone in tour struggles. And Connor, proud of his daughter's resilience, vowed to always be there for you, no matter what challenges you faced together.
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poppadom0912 · 2 years
Money, Money, Money
Characters: Connor Rhodes x Reader, Maggie, Will
Warnings: Canon-typical injuries, overbearing/toxic parents, lots of violence, pregnancy.
Summary: Having money doesn't entitle you to anything. Why don't your parents understand that?
A/N: Haven't written for Connor in a lonnnggg time so here I am. I have mixed feelings about this but enjoyyyy. Posting this today in commemoration of my twin cousins turning one.
Today was just so jam-packed in the ED that it was ridiculous.
One minute, your treating a woman whose half conscious from a car accident and the next your being handed a John Doe who is better off dead than hooked to a bunch of expensive machines.
You were always on your feet, not even having a second to yourself to sit down on a chair at the nurses station. It also really didn't help that Med had been handed a fresh new bunch of students who were all around the place, not knowing what they were doing.
Ripping off your gloves you deeply exhaled, closing your eyes as you stood in the middle of the ED. Everything around you was still a mess but all you needed was two minutes to collect yourself before-
"Doctor Rhodes, Doctor Y/L/N, you're on!" Maggie shouted from across the emergency room, sending you her most apologetic smile while she shrugged, having no control over what happened which you knew and definitely didn't blame her for.
Hastily grabbing what felt like your millionth pair of latex gloves, you assisted the paramedics and Connor wheeling the stretcher into a treatment bay, transferring on his count.
Everything was as it usually was, working together to stabilise the patient who was only half alert. From a mile away, you could smell the stench of alcohol, letting everyone know of what led the man to his current situation. Rolling your eyes, you stepped away from the gurney, allowing a few nurses and orderlies wheel the now unconscious man for an mri.
Aggressively, you ripped of your gloves, chucking it into the bin, Connor following suit, chuckling at your sour face. The only good thing you had going for you right now was having a five minute lie in with your fiance early this morning. Five minutes wasn't long at all but it was all you and peanut needed to fuel you for the long 24-hour shift ahead of you.
Right, you still had another 18 hours left till you could go home. Just flipping perfect.
You felt like collapsing, your body exhausted but the sickly people of Chicago relied on you. With a quick departing kiss on the forehead, squeezing your hand several times, you watched with warmness in your chest as your very attractive man ran off in those very nice black scrubs.
It was an honest to god miracle that everything slowed down. You finally got to sit down, even managing to have a quick snack before checking in on patients. There was also the regular conversation over your baby, all the doctors and nurses betting on the gender while your closest friends pretended they weren't up for potential godparents.
You decided to do a quick round, going around to see if your patients were up and moving, if not then you'd offer your service somewhere it was needed.
At some point during the day, you lost track of how many people came in meaning you forgot who had what and who they were. With a tablet in hand, you scrolled through the man's chart, humming to yourself as you familiarised yourself with both his medical history and his current state, remembering what happened when you saw his blood alcohol levels.
What you failed to notice, too busy reading, was the man who you now know was called Nick was slowly coming to. Not a peep came out of him, blinking as he looked around the room, you being the last thing he noticed.
It all happened so fast from what you could recollect. All of a sudden, he sat up, not even groaning in pain from the several injuries he sustained while drunk and high.
"Nick, I'm a doctor, your in a hospital. No one's going to hurt you." You tried assuring him, jumping back when he lurched forward, forcing himself to stand, his unstable legs holding all of his weight. "You hurt yourself okay? You mind getting back into the bed?"
Despite your gentle and understanding tone, your bedside manner being top notch, Nick didn't even consider listening to you. You could almost see the flaming red flash across his eyes but before you could do anything, he came towards you.
With such a fury, his hand gripped your neck tightly, pushing you against the medicine cupboard that only this room had. Repeatedly, he pushed you into the glass door which shattered upon impact.
Gasping, you tried kicking your feet out but unfortunately for you, your short stature was not helping you were held inches above the ground. Scratching at his hand, your nails digging into his skin, he wouldn't let go.
You were incoherent, not even managing to shout or scream from the extreme pressure against your throat. Inhaling through your nose, you screwed your eyes shut when you saw a blurry fist flying towards you.
Everything was happening so fast but all of a sudden, you could breathe, air entering your lungs like a tsunami but before you could recollect yourself, not even letting your brain register that you were dropped to the floor, you were once again picked up and smashed against the sliding glass doors.
The glass broke on impact, shattering into small shards almost like crystals. Your cries were broken, the punches rolling one after the other.
After having a quick surgery consult, assuring a patient that this surgery would happen, Connor was content. It was finally his lunch and he wasn't needed anywhere which meant that he could see his beautiful fiancée. Hopefully, you could spare a few minutes and he could check up on you and his baby.
The ED was much more quiet, almost too quiet in comparison to the chaos it was drowning in over an hour ago. Whistling, he leaned his arms against the nurses desk, giving Maggie his most dashing smile that all the girls of Chicago swooned over.
"Your fiancée is in six, give her five minutes." She said without taking her eyes off her brick, knowing exactly what the surgeon wanted without him even having to ask.
Before Connor could thank the charge nurse, he was interrupted by the deafening sound of glass shattering, his head whipping around to the source of the sound.
It was when it flashed in his mind that the room with the now shattered door was treatment six that Connor ran towards the mess.
Will and Ethan also came running forward, the two of them pulling Nick away from you while Connor shielded you as best as he could from any further harm.
"Y/N? Honey, you with me?" Connor asked, taking note of your fluttering eyelids and your cracking groan. He held you in his arms, feeling around the back of your head, his fingers coated in your blood.
Lifting you onto a gurney without any help, you were wheeled into a separate treatment room, Connor not once leaving your side and no one tried to pry him away knowing that it would only further anger him.
"Connor?" You tried calling out, struggling to keep your eyes open. "The baby..."
"Is fine, wasn't hurt at all." Connor sighed in relief, handing back the ultrasound wand to a nurse once he was happy with the sight of your baby who was alive and kicking.
Will nodded at Connor, letting him know everything that he needed. Picking up the railing on the side of the gurney, Connor wasn't leaving your side, wheeling wheel you up for an mri.
"You're going to be just fine."
Coming to was more painful than you wanted it to be but because of the growing life inside your womb, you could only take so much medication which you knew and understood but you couldn't help curse out whoever was up there watching everything.
"The baby?" Was the first thing that came out. Your voice was hoarse, your throat aching as it strained from each syllable.
"Is alive and kicking." Connor nodded with a tight-lipped smile, helping you drink some water. "The lack of oxygen only hurt you, not peanut."
"Good, that's good." You closed your eyes, nodding in relief that no harm came to your baby because you wouldn't be able to live with yourself if they were hurt.
"You scared me." Connor whispered, enveloping your hand in both of his, not bothered by how cold you felt. "Don't ever do that again."
"I can't make any promises." You replied with remorse, wanting nothing more than to promise him but medicine was unpredictable, especially when mixed with drugs and alcohol. "I'll try my best though."
"And that's all I ask for." Connor smiled, pressing several kisses on your knuckles.
"Uh, you've got a few visitors anxiously waiting for you outside, what do you want me to do with them?" Your fiance asked, chuckling as he remembered the gaggle of doctors waiting outside in anticipation. They were all pretending to work but found themselves staring at the treatment room you were in.
But before you could answer with a yes, wanting nothing more than to see your friends, you cut off by the loud shout coming from outside the room, at the entrance of the ED. Unfortunately for you, you knew exactly who that voice belonged to.
"Where is my daughter?!" The voice near screamed, oozing with so much urgency that it made you feel sick. It was all so fake that even a stranger could see it.
You could only hear just how much of a commotion was being created outside your room, you and Connor shared a knowing glance, both of your mirroring the others annoyance.
Maggie's desperate attempts of steering the newcomers away from your room was useless. The doors and curtains were pulled opened and you were met with the apologetic faces of your friends and the furious faces of your parents.
"Oh my God, what happened to your face?!" Your mother said in alarm, rushing to your bedside as fast as she could in heels, her slim fingers gripping your chin to inspect all the visible damage to your face.
"Ow! Ma, that hurts!" You winced, pushing her hands away from your face, not wanting her to touch you anymore. "I'm fine, thanks for asking."
Your mother huffed, her dull eyes looking over at Connor, rolling her eyes at him before looking back over at you. "Where's your supervisor? You getting hurt isn't enough for your boss to come check on you?"
Before anyone could retort back, more than prepared to defend your boss, you were all stopped by a new presence that wasn't there before standing in the door.
"I'm glad that you could make it Mr and Mrs Y/L/N. I was worried you wouldn't make it taking into account your busy schedules." Ms Goodwin said, the sass dripping off her words, her smile welcoming but also smug. "If you could come with me to my office and we could talk specifics if you'd like?"
"I'd be perfect to do it right here actually." Your mother said, puffing out her chest with confidence she always had surrounding her. "You'll find our lawyers at your doorstep tomorrow morning with a lawsuit."
"What?!" You exclaimed, sitting up straight, ignoring your bruised and battered body screaming for you to stop moving. Despite all the pain, you were ready to throttle your parents.
As gently as he could, Connor pushed you back down without further causing your any pain. Ignoring your rolling eyes and your pout, he was relentless and succeeded in his doings. After doing so, he stood and glared at your parents.
"You mind if we talk outside, just the four of us?" Connor asked but it wasn't so much a question than it was a demand. Without waiting for a reply, your fiance held the door open for your parents and Ms Goodwin, sending the couple a tight lipped smile when they passed him.
“You have no right to be here.” Connor got straight to the point, not wanting to mess around when it came to you. Your parents were spoiled and entitled, thinking they could do whatever they wanted to whoever just because they had more money.
You’d long distanced yourself from them, no longer wasting your time wanting their approval and constant validation for every little thing you did. After years, you were free of their shackles but they always found a way to crawl back in.
This was one way they planned to become part of your life again.
“You will walk out of here, you will get rid of the press that I’m sure is waiting outside and you’re never going to show your faces here again because if you do, I’m not going to be as cordial.” Connor warned your parents, towering over your mother even with the heels she wore.
Your mother tutted, slowly shaking her head in disappointment. She was fully aware of the audience they had, all consisting of your true family and you boss standing to the side but some Rhodes man wasn’t going to get in the way of her achieving her goal.
“You are in no position to tell me what I can and can’t do. That’s my daughter, I gave birth to her.” Your mother fought back, not afraid to get into Connors face.
“Mrs Y/L/N, step away from my doctor.” Ms Goodwin said with authority, gently pushing Connor back. “Your not welcome in my hospital if your going to treat my doctors which such disrespect.”
Your mother scoffed, shaking her head in disbelief about they way she was being treated with such hostility. Something was clearly wrong here with how people took orders and did what they pleased.
“Now if you please leave, it’d be greatly appreciated.” Miss Goodwin said with finality, a smug smile on her lips when she realised she was getting her way.
Huffing, your mother burned holes into Connor, openly glaring at him, not hiding that she hated him. Scanning the room, her glare remained strong as her eyes landed on each doctor and nurse.
Giving Connor one last look from over her shoulder, you mother stormed out the ED, your father trailing behind her like the lost puppy he practically was at this point.
Everyone could breath easier, the air feeling lighter and less contaminated the second your parents left the ED. It was the biggest relief.
“Doctor Rhodes, please get back to your fiancée.” Miss Goodwin turned to the surgeon, giving him a very simple order that he wouldn’t object to.
Connor silently thanked his boss, smiling at her before coming back into your treatment room where you still sat, patiently waiting for your fiancé to come back.
“Do I even want to know what happened?” You asked, a small smile resting in your lips as you urged Connor to come forward and give you a hug.
“You’ve got nothing to worry about baby. Everything’s been dealt with.”
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aiiviiloo · 7 months
A Shaking Surgeon
Chicago Med: Connor Rhodes x Reader
WC: 2.9K
Summary: A long and failed surgery hits the surgeons hard, some only choose to not show it.
Warnings: Stubborn ass Y/N, a little angst if u squint, fluff, comforting, mentioning of blood/body/normal surgery stuff
A/N: Just wanna say firstly, I am not a taught medic and I don't understand shit about these types of things, so take everything I write about medical things with a pinch of salt.
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Y/n watched her reflection in the faucet beneath her as she thoroughly washed her hands with the soap bar, her mind elsewhere other than her task that was going to arrive just in seconds.
"L/n?" A person called, making Y/n turn around after shaking off water off of her fingers.
There stood Connor Rhodes, her fellow co-surgeon in most situations.
"Good Afternoon, Dr. Rhodes." She answered while Connor walked up to the sinks to wash his own hands before the surgery.
"Ready for this hell of a fight?" Connor asked, making Y/n, who was staring through the glass into the OR, laugh and turn back to him.
"Just slightly nervous, Dr." She began. "I've never, in my short years of being a worker here, done a surgery for an aortic aneurysm."
Connor stopped the water and shook the rest off of his hands before turning to Y/n with empathy in his eyes.
"I've not known you for a while, but I know and trust you will handle this completely fine. Just, calm down and take deep breaths to not hurry anything." He reassured Y/n who nodded before walking into the OR, Connor following behind.
While a nurse helped Y/n get her gloves on, the nurse noticed a slight shake in Y/n.
"Dr. L/n, are you alright?" She asked, looking up into Y/n's eyes who blinked from nervousity into seriousness.
"I'm fine." Y/n answered shortly before walking to the patient who laid there, completely untouched.
Y/n stared at the patient's skin and took a deep breathe before nodding.
An incision was made with the scalpel, right by the abdomen.
Connor watched Y/n work silently, only asking for her equipment as she cut open the abdomen where the aneurysm was being hidden.
"Calm down, L/n." Connor muttered as he watched Y/n start to hurry with her work.
Y/n looked up at him, eyes locking with his as she noticed her breathing had stopped. She took a new deep breath and nodded before looking back down.
Y/n stuck her hand down, trying to look for a part of the aorta where she could clamp it to stop the blood flow.
"I-.. I can't find a place to clamp down." She nervously stated, trying to look and feel for one.
Connor watched, trying to let Y/n find it for herself, since he knew she could do it.
He had been her teacher once, when she started at the ED.
Connor loved teaching Y/n, who always was open with critique and conversations about her improvement and what she should learn for next time.
He remembered how quickly she got sent up to the surgery team, after helping a surgery right on the spot in one of the emergency rooms.
It hadn't been a shocker for Connor later when Y/n showed her great skills in surgical matter, her calm and collected self helped him AND Downey in their surgeries.
But today, her calm and collected self had vanished, off to go to Bahamas while Y/n stayed and did a open surgical repair of an aortic aneurysm.
"N-No.. I can't- I-" Y/n's stressed muttering got interrupted by Connor.
"Hey, Y/n, calm down. This is going to go okay. Deep breaths. You know what you are looking for, tell me what you feel, look at me and tell me." Connor comforted Y/n who looked up into his eyes.
She nodded and kept her eyes on his, her fingers trying to find the perfect spot.
"I- H-Here, it's not too far from the aneurysm, I found it." She explained, looking down to clamp down onto the aorta.
Y/n went quiet again, looking down into the incision.
As she got handed the scalpel, she felt her hands start to shake more as she tried to dip her hand into the patient's abdomen.
"Y/n?" Connor asked as he watched Y/n's hand shake as a leaf.
"I'm okay." Y/n said as she took a deep breath in and stuffed her hand down to cut off the weakend part of the aorta which contained the aneurysm.
Her hands shook only slightly as she tried to put the material tube, but she couldn't. Something was wrong.
"I can't get the graft in place, it's not working." Y/n spoke, her voice quite calm to difference to her mind.
"What do you mean?" One of the nurses beside her asked, brows furrowed.
"It- It won't. I checked this earlier and it should work but it won't do it." Y/n answered, starting to speak slightly quicker in stress.
Connor stood there, watching as he tried figuring out the problem.
"We need a solution, we can't leave this poor girl like this, I won't leave her to die." Y/n rambled while trying to fix with the graft.
The crew began quickly thinking about solutions, watching Y/n try to fit the graft by the aorta but failing miserably.
But alas, in the end, nothing worked.
A failed surgery, now a life of a woman taken to a stop.
Y/n hurried out from the OR, pulling her gloves and mask off, as her coat.
She watched Connor do the same before walking with him to the OR waiting room.
"Mr. Donawell. I am sorry to say, but your wife sadly passed in the surgery." Y/n said, feelings behind her words but her face showed nothing, like a stone cold wall.
Mr. Donawell stared at Y/n, tears startng to drop down into his lap until his eyebrows furrowed into an angry expression.
"You!" He shouted. "You murderer!"
Connor walked forward, putting a hand in front of Mr. Donawell.
"Mr. Donawell, calm down. Dr. L/n did her best work in that OR. The best I've seen lately. I understand your grief and I am so sorry for your loss, but this is not her fault. She only wanted the best for your wife." He argumented, the man in front of him turning quiet and sit back down in his chair.
Y/n bit down on her inner cheek as the two men fought, her mind and feelings running laps around and around.
"Once again, I am sorry for your loss and take your time. There is no hurry and when you feel like writing the last forms, come up to the desk and we will help you." Y/n spoke to the man who sat with tears streaming in his eyes.
Mr. Donawell nodded and put his head down, trying to calm his breathing.
Y/n and Connor took that as a sign to leave him alone and walked away down toward the ED.
"Hey, L/n, you okay?" Connor asked before they stepped out into the big chaotic room that got called ED.
Y/n nodded and gave a soft smile to the man beside her, Connor feelng his heart to flips as he got to see the woman's smile once more.
It had started when he began teaching her. The feelings. The feelings of wanting more than they could have.
The looks, smiles, brushes past their hands, everything.
It had to mean something, it did mean something. Atleast for Connor.
The way Y/n's head leaned against Connor's shoulder when they sat in the breakroom after a long surgery to just calm down before any paramedics ran in with a new patient.
The way Y/n smiled at him every morning, calling out a "Good morning, Rhodes." with the slight wave with her fingers.
It had to mean something, it had to have some meaning behind with that wasn't only platonic.
"Wanna take a break in the breakroom? I know that surgery was hard." Connor asked as they stepped into the ED.
"No, I'm okay, I promised April to help her with her patient." Y/n said with a smile before walking away to April who smiled and waved at her.
Connor sighed, knowing that Y/n could not be in good shape after that surgery, he just knew it but couldn't say anything.
He went off to do his own work, helping Natalie with a patient.
After some work with the patient, who was a young little girl who had started to throw up everything without any sign of sickness, Y/n and April walked over to Maggie to do some paper work.
"Oh, yeah, how did the surgery go?" April asked Y/n who stopped her writing, not ready for the question.
"It went.. It went terribly, I couldn't fit the stupid graft by the aorta and slowly but surely the woman died, the clamp on the aorta had accidentally ripped off something and blood got everywhere."
Maggie and April looked at each other in worry and looked at Y/n who continued writing on her paper work, trying to ignore the looks from the two women.
"The husband, Mr. Donawell, got angry at me and called me a murderer. Which I kinda understand." Y/n continued to ramble, turning the paper to continue writing.
"Hey, Y/n?" Maggie said, grabbing Y/n's attention.
"Oh, Dr. Rhodes cleared the feelings and Mr. Donawell calmed down." She explained with a small smile.
"No, Y/n, how are you feeling? The loss of a patient isn't something easy." Maggie asked, worry and empathy filling her eyes.
Y/n's smile faltered and she tried to bring it back up.
"I'm okay, really, it happens sometimes and I tried my best." She reassured with a slight smile, the women in front of her not believing it but not pushing on anymore.
"I'm gonna check on that little girl again." Y/n said as she completed the paperform, putting it back down on the desk before walking into the patient's small room.
"Hi, Lucy, Ms. Hadfelt." Y/n greeted the small girl and her mother who looked quite distressed.
"I got answer from your tests, you remember those small pricks you felt in your arm that Nurse April took?" She told Lucy who smiled and nodded.
"Well, we have found out that it is your stomach that has a little problem, it won't let your food melt down with your stomach acid, which means that it has no way of going down so it comes up instead, and you throw up." Y/n explained, Lucy nodding with some confusion in her eyes.
"But," Y/n looked at Ms. Hadfelt. ", this is fixed with medication. I will prescribe you a medication that will allow your stomach to do it's job."
Ms. Hadfelt grew a smile on her face and nodded, silently thanking Y/n who only smiled and nodded.
"So in only a few minutes, you and your mom can go home, and it will say on the medicine box how to take them but I would recommend she takes them for every meal, and if it doesn't get better, take two every meal."
The mom nodded and Y/n left with a slight bow in respect.
As she walked out, she accidentally walked into Connor, stumbling slightly in her walk.
"Oh- So sorry, Rhodes." She apologised with a smile.
"No worries, L/n." Connor answered, his hand on her shoulder to reassure her.
A slight spark went down Y/n's shoulder as she felt Connor's calloused hand on her shoulder.
"Hey, our shifts are over soon, wanna go to Molly's after? I can buy you a drink if you want to?" Connor asked, a small smile on his face.
The only thing Y/n wanted to do was go home and cry her eyes out, but the smile on Connor's face made her think otherwise.
"Yeah, sure." Y/n answered, her smile never leaving her face as Connor nodded and walked away.
Y/n walked back to April and Maggie, her smile still there as she leaned against the desk.
"Did Ms. "I promise I have no feelings for him" just get asked out on a date?" Maggie teased Y/n who's smile turned into an annoyed expression.
"Shut up, this isn't a date, we usually hang out like that you know." Y/n argued back while April and Maggie giggled for themselves.
"And I promise you, nothing will happen on this so called 'date'." Y/n promised them both, pointing a finger at them before looking up at the clock up on the wall.
"And now my shift is done, see you guys tomorrow." She bid goodbye for them both before walking into the breakroom, opening her locker.
As she was changing her shoes, Connor walked in, a smile now on his face as he noticed Y/n.
"You still up for Molly's?" Connor asked and Y/n smiled and nodded, pulling her coat on.
"See you again in maybe 30 minutes?" Y/n said and Connor agreed, walking with her out from the hospital into the parking lot.
"Well, see you." Connor said to Y/n who waved to him before sitting down into her car, driving off back to her apartment while Connor stood there, his smile never leaving his face.
About 30 minutes later, Y/n walked into the bar, now new clothes on that wasn't her scrubs.
She wore a simple black short skirt, a white top and an oversized leather jacket on top.
It was an evening in the late spring, so thankfully the outfit didn't make her too cold.
Y/n looked around and saw that Connor sat by the bar, wearing a pair on grey pants with a brown sweater, his hand holding a half empty glass of some alcoholic drink.
Y/n walked up to him and sat beside him, smiling.
"You started to drink without me?" She teased Connor who turned to look at her, his expression turning to a happy and slightly surprised one.
His eyes wandered down to check her outfit out and he felt his body just melt, piece by piece, just by looking at her.
"You look good." He complimented her with a smile, making Y/n just want to pull Connor into a makeout session, right then and there.
"You too, Rhodes." She said back to him, watching as the bartender walked up to the pair.
"Well, hello L/n." He greeted Y/n who only nodded back at him. "What can I get you this fine evening."
Y/n chuckled and told her usual order and he nodded, starting to make the drink.
"Hey, I know you're not in the best state after that surgery." Connor blurted out, making Y/n lose her smile.
"It doesn't matter, things like that happen sometimes, and that's okay." Y/n muttered, smiling at the bartender who handed her the drink.
"It does matter, I worry about you and I don't want you walking around with a burden like that." Connor told Y/n who focused on her drink in front of her.
"I know you. I know that something like that hit a spot in your mind and isn't going to leave if we don't talk about it."
"Well, what is there to talk about? Huh? Are you going to tell me that it was all my fault and I could've done it so much better and that Downey will never see me as his head surgeon anymore and I won't get a promotion?" Y/n snapped back, making Connor hitch his breath in shock.
"Y/n. It's not your fault." Connor sighed, trying to speak in a calm tone.
"It's not your fault." Connor interrupted Y/n who stared at Connor in a mix of shock, anger and sadness.
"No, it's-"
"It. Is. Not. Your. Fault." He said again, his hand now on Y/n's, he could now feel how it shook in stress.
Y/n stared at Connor who looked at her with empathy and sadness.
She couldn't say anything, her eyes starting to burn with tears taht threatened to fall down.
Connor stood up from his bar stool and slowly embraced the shaking woman in front of him, her feelings now more open than they ever had been.
Y/n softly began sobbing, her hands gripping onto Connor's sweater, her tears staining the wool as she sobbed into his shoulder.
"You're okay, it's okay." Connor whispered as Y/n began slowly to calm down, her head lifting upwards toward his.
Her eyes connected with his, hers covered in a layer of tears that had yet to fall down her cheeks, other wise to Connor's that showed empathy and love.
"Y/n, I am here for you. I will listen to all of your problems, speak about your gossip or anything your heart desires. I have loved you for so long that I would never find you weak or ill for anything." Connor confessed, not really thinking this was the way he would confess.
Y/n stared up into his eyes, a little shock in them now.
"You.. You love me?" She asked softly, Connor nodding while smiling softly.
"I'm glad, because I love you too." Y/n whispered, leaning up to Connor and softly pushing her lips onto his.
Holy shit. Was what Connor thought, his lips meeting hers too.
It was like fireworks all around them, like party poppers popping every second as Y/n's hand slid up to his face to cup it while they kissed even more deeper.
After some seconds, they parted, small smiles on their faces.
"Wow." Connor muttered, making Y/n chuckle and pull him into a hug, now without any tears, nor any shaking hands.
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bluebirdsboi · 2 months
Dawn | Connor Rhodes x Male Reader | 18+
Fandom: Chicago Med
Genre: Angst, Implied Smut | Songfic: Haunted by Laufey
Pairing: Connor Rhodes x Male Reader
Warnings: Sexually suggestive
Word Count: 749
~ Requests are clsoed ~ Taglist is open
Italic text = Song lyrics
(Y/n) = Your name
A/N: Hey guys, this did turn out a little shorter than I would've liked, but I'm okay with it. Requests are still closed, but you can still show support with likes, comments and reblogs. My taglist is open, so if you want to be tagged in future fics, send me a DM or an inbox message and tell me which fandoms you want to be tagged for, or if you're okay with anything. In other news, I'm still working on the second chapter of my The Last of Us fic and the first chapter of an Anyone But You fic that I plan on being a trilogy. Both will be on my second blog as well as my AO3 and Wattpad, so I'd appreciate if you check those out. The masterlist for Chicago Med will be up later tonight and Chapter 1 of the Anyone But You fic should be up also later tonight or tomorrow, so until then, thank you for reading <3.
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One more kiss, wine stained lips I don't want to go to sleep yet Pale moonlight, misty eyes I'll allow myself to have him just tonight
Connor's hands felt warm against your biceps. His lips, soft, yet passionate against your bare shoulder. You lose yourself in the feeling, savoring every second because you know that it won't last. "Connor-" "Shhh." You felt his chest against your back as he tilted your face to catch your lips. All he wanted to do was stay in that moment for as long as he could. The feeling of his lips dancing with someone else's was intoxicating, and you let yourself become enamored with the sensation.
I hold on to every ounce of sin I know he don't love me quite like I love him
He slowly guides you to the bed as he kisses down your neck, causing you to sigh and moan in ecstasy. His lips and breath continue to trail down your body, but you know that this situation means different things to both of you. You want this to keep going for as long as it can, even past tonight, but for Connor, it's just another way to change up his night. Regardless, neither of you cared and just wanted each other.
I swear to myself as he leaves at dawn This will end, 'til he haunts me again
Just before dawn started to break, you felt Connor moving on the other side of the bed. You rolled over just to see him, even if he wasn't facing you, which he wasn't. An urge to ask him to stay started to rise, but you decided against it. "I'll, uh.. see you later today (Y/n)." Every part of you wanted to grab him by the arm and pull him back in bed, but you told yourself that this was just a situational thing. You just got caught up in the moment and now, that moment has passed.
Rose perfume, low-lit room I'll pretend you'll stay forever Lay me down, ghostly sounds
"Oh, come on. You know you can always talk to the guy." You were in the break room and telling April about what happened last night with Connor. It was still so vivid in your mind, the moonlight that crept through the window, the way he caressed your arms, you swear you could still feel his lips on your shoulder. You wanted to tell Connor how you really felt about him, but after last night and knowing that he's just going to move on like nothing happened held you back. "It won't matter. It was just a one-night stand type of thing, you know?" April felt somewhat bad for you because she knew how much you wanted to be with Connor. "Well, if you ever feel up to it, you know where to find him. Just find the right time." April gave you a pat on the shoulder before she left. She could tell you needed a minute alone.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Haunt the hallways as he wraps me around
The evening just began to settle when you heard a knock on the door and decided to answer. Connor standing in front of the door frame was the last thing you expected, but then again, you weren't expecting anything. He couldn't even explain why he was at your doorstep, but you welcomed him in, regardless. Despite your feelings, you could still be cordial with Connor, albeit they peeked through when you sat a little closer to him than you should have on the couch.
And I hold on to every ounce of sin I know he don't love me quite like I love him
The night got dangerously close to a repeat of what happened the night before, and what tipped it over the edge was when his arm found itself around your shoulders. Before you knew it, your lips were intertwined with each other's in your room, both of your shirts cast to the wayside, the rest of your clothes soon to follow.
I swear to myself as he leaves at dawn This will end, 'til he haunts me again
The sunlight was just starting to stream in through your window as you recounted what happened the previous night, remembering everything you did with Connor. You wanted to believe that he stayed this time, but you already know the truth. You didn't bother tuning over because you knew there was nothing to see on the other side of the bed.
Taglist: @houndsoforion, @jinniemyl0ve, @zoloft3
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halsteadlover · 11 months
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*Gif and pics not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Connor Rhodes x Fem!Reader.
• Requested: yes by anon.
• Summary: Connor shows his possessive and jealous side and you love every bit of it.
• Warnings: jealousy, few curse words and I don’t know what else, please let me know if I missed any lol.
• Word count: 1930.
• A/N: I’m not sure about this one but here it is anyway since I was too lazy to write it all over again 😭 I hope you’ll like it, looking forward for your opinion. Comment, like and reblog, it’d would mean the world 💕 I love you all xx
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Connor's first case since coming back to Med’s was fairly simple.
He thought that day would go uneventful. He thought.
An elementary school girl was taken to the ER after her teacher called 911 because of an intense abdominal pain and after an ultrasound it turned out to be a case of acute appendicitis.
“She’ll need surgery, where are the parents? We need their consent,” Connor had asked Natalie while they examined the little patient who was still writhing in pain. She was given a small dose of morphine to calm some of her excruciating pain.
At that same moment Maggie entered the room and Connor glanced at her as he tried to calm the little girl, whose name turned out to be Daisy. “Her teacher is here and asked about a doctor.”
“I'll talk to her,” Connor said and Natalie nodded.
Connor and Maggie exited the patient's room and his gaze fell on a figure near the nurses' station who was filling out some forms.
He tried to keep an expression as serious and impassive as possible even though internally a flock of butterflies had just exploded in his stomach.
There was no need to even take a double take, he would’ve recognized that figure even in a crowd of thousands of people. After all, how could he not recognize his own girlfriend?
You were a teacher and taught science in an elementary school but what were the chances that you would’ve been the little girl’s teacher?
You and Connor had been together for about few months them so none of his colleagues knew you existed yet. He had to act like he didn’t know you, like he didn’t want to breathtakingly kiss you right then and there.
He couldn't help but let his eyes wander over your body suppressing the innate desire to approach you and grab your ass like he always did.
He approached the nurses' station, hands shoved in his uniform pocket. “Ma’am.”
Your heart skipped a beat when you heard not a voice but his voice. You immediately tried to suppress the smile that threatened to appear on your face as well as the urge to giggle since he knew how much it annoyed you when he’d call you ‘ma’am’.
“It’s ‘miss’, actually.”
You said when you turned to him, pen still in your fingers as you gave him a polite smile and chuckling to yourself when you saw Connor press his lips together in an attempt not to burst out laughing.
“Nice to meet you miss, I’m doctor Rhodes. I’m treating Daisy.”
Your eyes quickly scanned his body, trying to maintain composure and not blush like a fourteen year old when thoughts about you and him in his bed that morning crept into your mind.
“How is she, doctor?” You asked, failing miserably at not giving him a little mischievou smile.
“Unfortunately I cannot discuss my patient's health status with people outside of her family. I wanted to ask you if you have by any chance notified her parents? We need to talk to them,” he replied in a professional tone although the way his eyes shone as they spoke to you and the way he couldn't help but check you out gave him away.
Maggie and April, who were there at the time and witnessing your conversation, couldn't help but exchange a knowing look.
They had both thought the exact same thing.
There was no way you and Connor didn't know each other.
It was so obvious and even funny how you both tried to maintain a professional and unemotional facade. But the way he looked at you, the way his eyes had never left yours, the way his body was totally turned towards you and in which he seemed to be imperceptibly drawn continuously towards yours had revealed there was no way in hell that he didn't know you.
But it was also how your head was tilted slightly as you spoke to him, how you kept touching your hair, how you batted your eyelashes and the shadow of a smile that never left your lips that had given definitive confirmation that you two knew each other very well.
And not talking about the fact you two were blatantly flirting.
“I came here in a hurry so I didn't have time to call them, but I'll do it right away,” you had said and Connor had nodded, trying to keep himself from following you with his eyes as you walked away to make the call but failing miserably.
“Connor oh my god! What was that?!” April screamed/whispered, approaching Connor with Maggie, a look of pure surprise and amazement on both their faces. “You know her?!”.
Connor shrugged nonchalantly. “N-no of course not.”
“Oh come on we saw the way you looked at each other, you clearly know her and there is definitely something going on!” Maggie retorted.
“She's just a good looking woman, that's all,” Connor remarked even if ‘good looking’ didn’t even come close to how gorgeous you were.
All his attention though had shifted from Maggie and April for a moment, his eyes falling on the two doctors that were talking as they looked through some patients' medical records.
He saw the direction of their gaze, hearing the comments about the object – or rather the person – that had attracted their attention.
“Man if she was a stripper I would’ve spent my whole salary on her, did you see that ass?”. One of them had confessed to one of them while he was pretending to fill out the medical records even though he was watching you like a hawk while you were talking on the phone.
“I would’ve never skipped a class if I had a teacher as hot as her,” the other continued laughing.
“You think she has someone?”.
“Oh I hope not, but if it is he is a damn lucky bastard.”
Connor clenched his hands into two fists, almost having a brain aneurysm.
A wave of jealousy washed over him, every cell of his body exploding with anger at hearing the words directed towards you who unawarely continued to talk on the phone.
His jaw clenched as he struggled to stay calm, but God how much he wanted to beat the shit out of those two sons of bitches. He hated the way they looked at you, the way they made those disgusting comments about your body.
He hated it so much because that was the way he looked at you.
He was the only one who could make those comments about you, the only one who could have those sinful thoughts about you, the only one who could touch and admire you.
Your ass, your legs, your smile, your laugh, that twinkle in your eyes when you looked at him, that body, all of this were his.
It was as if his mind had gone into blackout, as if all his reasoning, judgment and common sense had just flown away because now all he could do was imagine the bastards' heads banging against the wall over and over again.
Drastic? Perhaps. Excessive? Probably. But Connor didn't give a fuck.
And it was in fact at that precise moment that he did something he’d never have thought of doing for anyone.
“Daisy's parents are…-” you announced as you ended the call and walked back to the nurses' station but stopped on your tracks when Connor came towards you, and a confused expression appeared on your face.
Your eyes widened and you almost had a heart attack when he grabbed your face and crushed his lips on yours.
He didn't give a shit.
Neither that you both were keeping your relationship a secret anymore, nor that you were in the middle of the ER, nor that everyone at that moment had stopped to witness that scene.
He wasn’t thinking clearly and in that moment it was that part of him with which he had never come face to face before that controlled him, that primitive and caveman part he was hating so much.
Even though that gesture had taken you completely by surprise, your body reacted before your mind could even understand what was happening, so you kissed him back, feeling your breath stopping in your lungs. Your hands slid up his chest and fisted his uniform as he wrapped his arms around your hips, sliding his hands down to your ass.
He didn't care he’d receive an endless scolding for what he was doing, he didn't care about the voices that commented the scene, he didn't care that everyone saw his hands squeezing your ass.
He didn't care because he wanted them to see, he wanted everyone to know you belonged to him, that he was the only one who could kiss you, fuck you, squeeze that stripper ass, that loved you.
You broke away from the kiss before the situation could escalate, your heart pounding and your legs shaking like jelly. “Babe oh my god…-”.
“You’re mine, you know that right?” He whispered. “Only mine.” His hands moved up from your ass back to your face and his thumbs caressed your cheekbones before placing a small kiss on his lips. “And I love you.”
Woah hold on.
Did he fucking say ‘I love you’? In an ER?
Wait. Connor loves me?
You looked at him in shock but you didn't have time to process and figure out what the hell was going on because he grabbed your hand and led you back towards the nurses' station, where Maggie and April's jaws were now on the floor.
“Meet my girlfriend, Y/n,” he announced, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you close as you were about to faint. Your heart was beating so fast you feared you’d need a defibrillator to revive you sooner or later.
You were so shocked you couldn’t elaborate a word, fuck you couldn’t even think about one.
Connor's eyes focused on the two doctors that had been talking about you until recently but who at that moment were looking around embarrassed.
“You wanted to know if she was taken? Yes, she is. I’m the lucky bastard who gets to have her and now let me hear one more thing about my girlfriend, I fucking dare you.”
You looked with confusion at your boyfriend, then at the doctors he was glaring at, and then back at him. You had no idea what he was talking about and you were so dazed and confused that your mind didn't know what to process first.
From the way Connor’s hand was gripping your hip, the way he held you so close to him, and the way he glared at the two doctors, you imagined it was somehow about you. And although the embarrassment of being the center of attention made you want to be swallowed by the floor, you couldn't help but feel… Flattered.
Was this the right word?
You didn’t know.
You couldn't even describe it, but that jealous, protective side of him lit a fire inside you that burned every single fucking cell of your body.
You knew Connor always had this protective instinct towards you but knowing he had ‘marked his territory’ so blatantly, just to stop whatever they were saying, made you giggle to yourself like a teenage girl.
It was so damn hot and sexy, more than you would’ve ever expected.
And instead of thinking about how out of place or inappropriate that gesture was, the only thing you could think about as you looked at Connor was how good he was going to get it that night.
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Connor Rhodes- Your Pregnant
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Trigger warning- emetophobia (talks about throwing up and feeling nausea. Not in a lot of detail).
Having children wasn't originally something I though would happen for me. At the age of 31 I broke up with my cheating boyfriend then at 32 I fell in love with Connor after meeting him at Mollys. At that point I thought I would be to old by the time we both wanted children. Connor and I quickly moved in together, and are now engaged to be married in the next year.
Today I've been suffering from a headache on and off. I have also been super tired and at times nauseous. Thankfully I've had today off work so I've just been sleeping on the couch.
I sit up rubbing my face when I hear the door open then close
"Babe?" I hear Connor call out to me
"In here" I look up and see Connor frown at me. He walks over and places his hand on my forehead
"You ok? You look pale"
"Yeah just not been feeling good today"
"Why don't you head up to bed and I'll bring up some anti sickness meds with something to eat and drink"
"Ok" I get up and leave the living room to go upstairs to mine and Connors bedroom.
After getting changed and into bed Connor brings up some crackers, water and anti sickness meds
"You need you to eat these first then you can take the tablets"
"Thanks" I take the crackers and take a small bite. This goes on till I have finished and take the anti sickness tablets
"Get some rest. Hopefully you'll feel better in the morning"
The following morning I don't feel better, in fact for the next week I spend it tired, nauseous and throwing up. I obviously just think it's a bug I've picked up from somewhere. Connor and I are currently in bed, I'm reading a book while he's on his phone. All of a sudden I feel urge to throw up. Dropping my book on the bed next to me, I get up and run to mine and Connors shared bathroom. Just making it. The whole time Connor is holding my hair and rubbing my back
"How are you feeling now?" Connor asks me
"Fine. The nauseas gone now. Im just super tired like I've not slept enough. Think it must be a bug"
"You've been tired and sick all week. You're breasts have grown. Maybe your pregnant" I give Connor a look as if to say 'seriously?'
"I'm not pregnant"
"Are you sure because we haven't been very carful recently"
"Connor I'm not pregnant. I'm due for my period, that explains my boobs being bigger. You know I get nauseous when I'm about to come on"
"For a day yeah but not a week. Babe I think you need to take a test. I really think your pregnant"
"Babe I'm not pregnant"
"Why? We have sex, your not on the pill. And don't tell me your too old to get pregnant, your 33. A lot of woman get pregnant in their 30s now"
"Surely I would know if I'm pregnant"
"Not necessarily. Look why don't we go to bed and sleep. Then tomorrow I'll go and get some tests"
"You want an anti sickness tablet before we go to sleep?" Connor asks me. I shake my head and get back into bed, almost immediately falling asleep.
The following day Connor grabs some pregnancy tests for me. I take them to the bathroom, pee on all of them and wait for 5 minutes while sat on the toilet seat and Connor is sat on the edge of the bath. When my phone goes off I look at all of the pregnancy tests... positive
"We're having a baby" I say almost in shock
"Your pregnant?" I nod my head responding to Connor "I'm gonna be a dad?"
"We're gonna be parents!" Connor yells excitedly. I get up off the toilet smiling as Connor then lifts me up in the air kissing all over my face causing me to giggle "you are going to be an amazing mom"
"And your gonna be wonderful dad. I can't believe we're going to be parents"
"I'm so happy. I love you so much YN"
"I love you too"
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deanstead · 2 years
Pairing: Connor Rhodes x Reader
Requested: yes, by anon
Summary: Y/N's pump malfunctions, causing her to pass out at the nurses' station while she's waiting for Connor.
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Word Count: 907
Square Filled: Sick/Illness for #resa.3kfiestabingo
Warnings: mentions of passing out, mentions of chronic conditions
A/N: It has been a hot minute since I wrote a Connor fic, I know! So here it is! Anyway, the request was pretty specific so I hope there isn't any major mistakes. But once again, I'm in no way a medical professional so im sorry if there are!
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“Hey, Y/N.” You smiled at Maggie as you walked in and she spotted you immediately, pausing as she glanced at you. “You okay?”
You smiled back and nodded. “It must be the weather or something.”
Maggie nodded, even though her eyes watched you for a while longer. “Connor’s not down from surgery yet. You can wait for him in the lounge. I’ll call up to see if I can get an estimate.”
You smiled, nodding. “It’s fine, Maggie. Thanks!” Maggie took you to the lounge, putting a cup of water on the table for you. You thanked her as she headed back out and you put your head on the table, not sure why you were feeling off today.
Barely a minute had passed when a wave of nausea hit you and you closed your eyes, willing it away or pressing it down. Whatever it was.
You glanced down at the insulin pump you carried around and held back a sigh, afraid that you would end up emptying your stomach contents in the middle of the doctor’s lounge.
But it didn’t seem to want to die down and after sitting there for a while, you figured you’d better get help.
You got to your feet shakily, and you could feel your heart ramming itself against your ribcage like you’d just run a full marathon. Something was definitely wrong.
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Connor tapped his foot impatiently as he watched the numbers on the elevator go down.
The surgery had dragged on for longer than expected since there was an unexpected complication. He’d managed to get the patient’s condition back under control and ended the surgery successfully, except that he was late.
He knew that you wouldn’t get mad or impatient but he didn’t like to keep you waiting. Especially since you should eat on time so you could take your medication. Besides, he’d missed you when he left early that morning so part of this impatience was that he was looking forward to seeing you.
The lift door opened, Connor spotting you almost immediately as he stepped into the ED. You were standing at the nurses' station just outside the doctor's lounge, but Connor paused.
Something was wrong.
You looked like you were propping yourself up against the nurses’ station and Connor frowned, taking another step towards you, your name hanging almost off his tongue before he saw you crumple towards the ground.
As Connor headed towards you, Maggie and Will were already getting you onto a stretcher and into a treatment room, with only a silent reassuring nod at Connor.
Connor could feel the thoughts racing a mile a minute in his head, running through all the possibilities of why you’d have collapsed. You’d both been really careful about managing your diabetes but even so, nothing had been this serious.
It felt like the minutes were crawling by as he waited outside, before Will finally opened the door.
“She’s awake.”
The two words made Connor feel like he could finally breathe again.
“Do we know what happened?” Connor asked, half afraid Will would say something more serious.
Will glanced up from the iPad in his hands. “Listen, it looks like her pump gave out on her. I’ve put in the tests to confirm but…”
Connor frowned. “We’re careful about that.”
Will shook his head. “This is not on either of you, alright? For whatever reason, I think the alarm failed to go off.” He paused, studying Connor’s face. “We’re giving her fluids right now, and if the test confirms what we think then she’ll get electrolytes and insulin as well. I’ll order a new pump for her too. Why don’t you go in and be with her, alright? I'll take care of everything else.”
Connor nodded. “Thanks, Will.”
Will smiled and just patted Connor reassuringly on the shoulder.
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The tests had indeed confirmed Will’s suspicions but with the insulin, electrolytes and fluids in your system, you were feeling much better.
Connor had been pretty quiet and you glanced up at him, from where you were sitting up in bed.
He looked up almost immediately, like he’d felt your eyes on him. Giving you a small smile, Connor got up, scooting to the side of your bed.
“You okay?” He asked quietly, the way he did when you were feeling under the weather.
You reached out for his hand. “Sorry.”
He frowned. “For what?”
You exhaled. “Just…”
Connor put a gentle finger to your lips, effectively stopping you from saying anything more and shook your head. “This isn’t your fault. And Will reminded me it isn’t mine, either.”
You blinked back up at him.
“Look, for better or for worse. In sickness, or in health.” Connor paused, even as you felt the tears well up in your eyes. “That’s what I promised. And I intend to live up to those vows, Y/N.”
Connor put one arm around your shoulders, the other reaching for your hand. “And for the record, in sickness doesn’t mean for worse. I mean, I think we do great.”
“You do great.” You whispered, Connor smiling and reaching up to catch the tear that had streaked down the side of your face.
“We.” Connor corrected.
You smiled. “How did I ever luck into you?” You asked quietly.
Connor smiled. “Goes both ways, baby. Both ways.”
You lay your head against Connor’s shoulders, knowing that no matter what he would always be your rock.
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inagetawaycarxo · 2 years
XMAS BINGO; Building A Snowman w/ Connor Rhodes
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Requested by Anon
— ❄ PAIRINGS: Connor Rhodes x F!Reader
— ❄ FEATURING: Connor Rhodes, Y/n, Unnamed daughter of y/ns.
— ❄ SYPNOSIS: You watch Connor and your daughter build a snowman.
— ❄ WARNINGS: fluff, pregnancy stuff, might be related to a certain Xmas fic I did last year, snowman, errors I missed.
— ❄ W/C: 631
— AUTHORS NOTE: I DO NOT give consent/permission for my work to be copied and pasted on other platforms, however, I highly encourage feedback, likes, reblogs, and comments.
You beamed with excitement as you saw the sight of your boyfriend, Connor, holding your eight-year-old daughter up so she could put the eyes, mouth, and nose on the snowman.
You carefully carried the tray with three cups of hot cocoa. You stopped beside them. Admiring the snowman, they made. It was so heartwarming to see her have a loving and attentive father figure in her life. Given the fact that her father cares more about his girlfriend and his work than her.
“I think this snowman is the best snowman in the block,” You spoke. Causing Connor and your daughter to look behind them. Both beamed at you, before looking at each other, then looked back at the snowman, smiling proudly at their work.
Connor put your daughter down, as she quickly went to you. Gleaming with excitement.
“Do you really think so?” She asked.
“Oh definitely, bub, I think you two deserve a treat, I made some hot cocoa,” You replied. Smiling warmly at her. By now Connor was by your side, arm wrapped around you, as he kissed your forehead. Grabbing a hot cocoa mug and handing it to [daughter name].
“Thank you,” She beamed.
“Careful bub, it’s hot,” You spoke, as she took a sip. Winching at how hot it was.
Connor smiled. Lightly chuckling.
“Can you please take a picture with me and the snowman?” She asked. Looking at you then at Connor.
Before you could speak Connor beat you to it.
“Of course, [daughter's nickname],” He spoke. Putting the mug on the tray, he fished his phone out of his pocket. She let out a giggle, the excitement in her eyes never leaving, as Connor took out his phone. She quickly stood in front of the snowman.
Smiling happily as she looked at Connor. Connor held his phone up in front of him. Pointing the camera at [daughter's name].
“On the count of three. Three…Two…One, say cheese,”  Connor spoke. [daughter's name] smiled at Connor as he took a picture.
He took a couple of more pictures before she asked for the two of you to join in the picture. You carefully put the tray down on the table. Connor and you crouched down so she could be in the picture, Connor took a few pictures before the both of you stood up.
“How about we go inside and get warm,” You suggested. [Daughter’s name] nodded her head before responding.
“Yes please,” She spoke, holding onto your hand.
You shot Connor a look then looked at where the tray was placed. Connor nodded, grabbing the tray with one hand and holding [Daughter’s name] other hand, as the three of you walked into the house.
[Daughter’s name] let go of Connor’s and your hand, running off to the fireplace.
“Careful bub don’t get too close,” You called out to her, as she sat by the fireplace. She scooted back. Watching the flames.
Connor placed the tray on the table. Coming over to you and wrapping his arms around you. Placing his chin on your shoulder. Slightly swaying you.
“I love you so much, I can’t wait to meet this little one,” Connor spoke softly. Pressing a soft kiss on your cheek while his hand moved to your stomach resting on your stomach. Your heart rate sped up a bit, as you turned to look at him.
“Do you think we should tell her,” You asked, looking at your daughter and then back to Connor.
“Not until Christmas,” He spoke. Connor pressed another kiss to your cheek, as you looked at your daughter, laying near the fireplace. Connor looked at your daughter as well. Counting down the days till Christmas hit so they could tell, [daughter’s name] that she was going to have a sibling next year….
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sheetsonfire · 2 years
The Third Halstead | Part 3 | Final Part
Fandom: Chicago Med
Characters: Connor Rhodes x Sister!Reader, Will Halstead, Jay Halstead
Genre: Angst, humour, drama, fluff
Warnings: swearing, brief mention of miscarriage, reference to injury
Word Count: 1510
Requested by Anon: I have a plot twist story; when connor rhodes younger sister gets a job as a new trauma surgeon. sharon calls will and jay into the office, with dr charles there aswell, both of them are confused as to why they’re there, but sharon tells them that when were looking for blood for a patient when they were in an emergency, pd, fire, med all donated blood. sharon explains that they check for blood type and If there similar dna, dr charles then explains that she is their sister which leaves them shocked. sharon is called into the ER as connor and his father are arguing, they follow. then they see their sister, she turns to her dad and tells him ‘dad, no offence but If your not here to donate money for the hospital, there’s three exits take one and leave’ she tells connor to take a walk. she then looks at claire and tells her If she doesn’t leave aswell she will punch her in the face, the reader then gets back to work, sharon then looks at the boys and says ‘I hope your sister isn’t as stubborn as the both of you’ then walks away with pride.
A/N: This is the final part. I hope you enjoy it!
This is Part 3 | Here's The Third Halstead Part 1 | Part 2 
All eyes are on you when you enter back into Ms Goodwin’s office, feeling almost like a child in the principal's office. Connor’s presence behind you encourages you to move closer to the group again. There are gentle smiles from Goodwin and Dr Charles that make you relax somewhat. The Halstead brothers wait with kind patience, you still notice Jay looks less pleased than Will, arms folded and lost in thought, and it still doesn’t sit well in your stomach.
You try to file that in the back of your mind, clearing your throat as you formulate your next words. “Um, so this is a total shock, for all of us…” You start, turning to Dr Charles, “Dr Charles, I appreciate your support and I will obviously want to talk to someone, I trust your recommendations. But, for now, I think I just need to process this…” The psychiatrist nods, holding his hands up to convey that it was whatever you needed that mattered, "You got it," he answers.
You turn to the brothers now, “And, I wanted to know if you two wanted to meet after work?” You wait for answers with your hands nervously clasped together as if holding onto yourself would stop you from totally spinning out. You were trying to feel hopeful about what this could mean for you.
Will looks to Goodwin, Dr Charles and Connor, and they all seem to understand the silent request that you be given a few minutes alone with your new siblings. They nod, Connor kisses the top of your head as he passes, and you squeeze his arm before he carries on to follow the other two out of the office. 
You watch them leave, turning slowly to look back to the Halsteads. Will glances at Jay, and Jay smiles with a nod, the redhead answers first, stepping forward to rest a reassuring hand on your shoulder. “Of course we would, Y/N. This doesn’t change anything for me, I was your friend first and this is important to me too. I would love to have you in our lives.”
Jay then stands closer too, rubbing the back of his head as he formulates the right words, “I know we aren’t necessarily in the same friendship circles, Y/N, but this is something huge, and I really would like to get to know you more. I want you to be in our lives as well.” 
You breathe a sigh of relief, a brightness falls across your features and Jay laughs quietly curious. “You thought we’d say no?” 
Hesitation is on your tongue, you didn’t want it to come off as rude or presumptuous, smiling sheepishly. “It’s not that… well, yeah… I mean, I didn’t think you looked too pleased actually, Jay.” You bite your lip, wondering what he would say. 
“Ah…” Jay stops for a moment, he doesn’t really know how to say it without the tsunami of emotional upheaval crashing around him. You weren't sure if you were going to like what came out of his mouth, but then...
“So, there’s a lot of…stuff surrounding our family, Y/N. It was hard losing mom, and dad was a complicated man… things were just really complicated for a while, and sometimes we didn’t always do right by each other.” He glances at Will, and Will gives an encouraging look, “We’re doing so much better now, and I’m so glad I have Will in my life… The reason I looked upset or, uh, pissed off? It wasn’t a disappointment, Y/N, it was grief…grief that we didn’t get mom for long enough, and grief that we lost you too for so many years and didn’t even know it. I love being Will’s brother, and if I could have been your big brother for all of your life too, I’d have preferred that.” 
There’s a silence for a beat, Jay can feel the tightness in his throat where the emotions sit ready to spill out, tears glisten in his eyes as he looks at you, now seeing the parts of your features that have his mom and dad there. You glance at Will who also is on the verge of crying, feeling your own tears roll down your cheeks.
You don’t know what to say, already feeling so safe and secure around them, intensified tenfold now that this revelation had been given to you. Then, as if in one unified telepathic decision, the three of you move forward to embrace each other in a group hug.
You let your sobs escape freely now, the warmth of loving arms around you keeps you grounded as you grip their shirts tightly. You feel Will’s hand settle atop your head, a comforting gesture as Jay rubs your back. 
You stand like that for a moment, letting yourself feel that was actually real.
Eventually, you pull back slightly and Will kisses your temple, “Alright?” He watches with concern as your breath hitches with the embers of your sniffles, trying to compose yourself. Swiping at your tear-stained cheeks. You nod, laughing at your own whirlwind of emotions, 
“Yeah, yeah. This is just… such a weird day, I’m sad, confused, surprised, relieved and happy…”
“I think that’s an accurate and warranted response.” Jay offers, still squeezing you in a one-armed hug.
You think for a moment, glancing outside of Goodwin’s office to see Connor patiently waiting outside. A pang of fear sits in your gut, feeling somewhat guilty. 
Will nudges you gently, following your gaze, “He can always join us, you know that right? He is your brother, and we’re not taking that away from you, Y/N. We would never expect you to just forget he ever had a part in your life.”
The words have you crying softly again, swallowing as you sniff, shaking your head at how you could possibly have more tears to give. “That really means the world, Will, thank you.”
Jay nods, reaffirming the sentiment Will had shared. “Connor’s a good man, and a good friend, he is more than welcome anytime. And you don’t have to worry about it, Y/N, we would always respect your time and space needed for him.”
You're about to speak when the sound of a pager going off startles you, realising it’s Will’s. You make a noise of disappointment, but you knew there’d be plenty of time going forward to know your biological brothers better.
Will throws up his hands apologetically, but you got it, duty called. You usher him towards the door, following him with Jay so Goodwin could have her office back. “Go on, it’s alright. We can meet up later as planned.” 
“You got it, see you later, kiddo.” Will waves, rushing off to where he was needed. You felt your chest fill with warmth at the use of the “kiddo” endearment. It was weird to have two more brothers who seemed more than ready to love you and care for you the way Connor already had and did.
You look to Connor who’s still standing patiently opposite Goodwin’s door. You smile, moving in to wrap your arms around him.
“Did it go okay?” He asks, kissing the top of your head. 
“I’d say so… Listen, Connor..." You had partially had this discussion with him not even 10 minutes ago, but it mattered to you that it was unequivocally stated. "I want to make sure you understand that you will always be my brother, you know that, don’t you? I’m not going to suddenly forget that.” You look up at him from the embrace, seeing his soft expression, eyes shimmering. 
“I know, sweetheart. I’m thankful that you want to reassure me of that. Like I said, we’ll make it work and whatever you need, you let me know, alright?”
You nod, squeezing Connor a little longer before you break from the hug, turning to check if Jay was still nearby. He was, hands in his pockets, respectfully giving you space to talk with Connor in private. 
You wave him over, smiling brightly at him, addressing Connor for a moment, “We’re going to Molly’s tonight, you want to come?”
“First round is on me.” Jay offers, holding out a hand to Connor. 
Connor nods, shaking Jay’s hand firmly, “Thank you, man, I appreciate the way you’re handling this.”
“Don’t even mention it, Connor. You’ve been there for her, we don’t take that lightly.”
Connor smiles, glancing at you, “Three big brothers, huh?” 
“I know, anybody would think I’m collecting Pokemon.” You quip, laughing at your own joke. So many questions about the future filled your mind, your family had just got that much bigger, and you no longer felt pressured to endure Cornelius and Clare as much as you had been.
Jay and Connor simply shake their heads, sharing a look that makes you inordinately happy, they were already bonding as your siblings. You couldn’t believe how lucky you were to be a Rhodes when it came to Connor’s reputation, and now you felt just as lucky to be the third Halstead.
tags: @dumb-fawkin-bitch @samanthavitale - @bestkaistes - @elius-learns-to-write - @alldaysdreamers - @unknowntoyou2205 - @justanotherfansblog - @alkadri-layal - @muchacha-encabronada 
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callsign-dexter · 1 year
Heartbeat Promise
Request: Aw yaaay 😊 I just wanted to make sure before requesting 🥰 it would be an idea with Connor, where you're dating but recently didn't have much time together due to your work (you're a nurse in the ER). So you also barely talk at the moment and you don't tell him about some chest pain you recently have, as you don't want to put more worries on his plate. One time during your shift you pass out as the pain gets too much and Maggie immediately pages Connor. He's more than worried and feels terrible for not noticing how you feel. So he stays by your side all the time and when you wake up he apologizes for not being there and promises to work on spending more time together and that he'll be there whenever you need him. I hope this is ok 💕
Pairings: Connor Rhodes x Nurse!Halstead!Reader
Warnings: chest pain, inaccurate medical talk, fluff, angst
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It wasn't like you weren't going to tell your extremely handsome, smart, overprotective, and doctor boyfriend, aka Connor Rhodes, that you were having chest pains. You were honestly. Well eventually. With both of your schedules being super busy and one or both of you pulling double shifts. He has been stressed out by the number of difficult surgeries and overbearing patients that you didn't want to add anymore onto his plate, so you kept quiet. It got worse when you took a deep breath so you kept your breaths short.
You have been dating for 2 years now and you both were very in love with one another. Recently you two barely have time to talk with each other. Your routine was the same but shortened drastically. Before you would come home cuddle for a little bit, eat dinner, talk about work, watch a movie or TV show, take a shower together, get ready for bed, and once in bed cuddle so more until you're asleep. Now it's come home put dinner on before he got home and then you go take a shower and eat and start getting ready for bed and then up before he even got up. It just wasn't the same and you missed it and you could tell he was missing it too. You were just too tired most of the time.
You would catch him giving you longing looks but then you would start doing something else. Since you two haven't been spending much time together, despite you both living under the same roof, he didn't catch you holding your chest, when your breath caught, or you just being out of breath doing simple things.
Every day it was getting worse and every day you didn't tell him. You felt guilty but you didn't want to burden him and when you were at work you hardly see each other. You tried to keep it to yourself but you worked with other nurses and doctors. One particular doctor noticed you having some problems, that doctor would be none other than Dr. William Halstead, aka your twin brother.
You and Will were truly inseparable even with him being a millisecond older which he likes to brag about it. You and your younger brother, Jay Halstead were also inseparable but not like you and Will. Will would notice you wince every now and then, especially when picking something heavy up, and he noticed that you seem to run out of breath but each time he asked you about it, you just told him fine and left the conversation. You didn't want to tell him because then he would be telling Connor and that's the last thing you wanted.
You were in the break room for a break when Will decided to confront you. "Y/N are you ok?" He asked you as you were getting your water bottle. You turned to look at him.
"I'm fine. What makes you think there is something wrong?" You asked back as your breath caught in your throat.
"You just seem in pain." He said almost going into big brother, by a millisecond, doctor mode but you shook your head and waved him off.
"I'm fine Will." You said as you set down ready to eat a little bit of something and have a break from being on your feet for 9 hours into your 24-hour shift.
"If you need anything, you can come to me. You know that right?" He asked you and you nodded your head.
"Yes, I know that." You said and smiled at him. "Are we still on for drinks tonight tomorrow tonight with Jay?" You asked him. It was 3 PM on a Friday, you, your brothers, and Connor had arranged for you all to go out to Molly's for drinks every Saturday if your work permitted it.
"As of right now, yes we are. So, how are you and the love of your life doing these days?" He asked and you sighed which was a big mistake because when you did a pain shot through your chest. Will looked at you concerned but you didn't acknowledge it.
"We're fine. I think." You paused and thought "We haven't been spending much time or talked much as we used to with our busy schedules." You told him and he nodded feeling bad for you. Your watch beeped meaning your break was over. "Well, it looks like my break is over brother. I'll see you later." You said and stood up and instantly got dizzy you grabbed the table loudly and Will took notice and got up steadying you.
"Y/N/N are you sure you're fine?" He asked you and you nodded the dizziness and pain going away.
"I'm fine." You said breathlessly and composed yourself and walked out of the break room leaving with a concerned brother behind. You walked over to the front desk where Maggie was.
"How's my favorite Halstead sibling and nurse doing?" She asked you and you raised an eyebrow looking at her.
"I'm fine..... what do you need?" You asked her fighting through the pain trying not to let weakness show.
"There is a patient in Trauma 2 that needs a consult." She said and you looked at her with the same look.
"Why couldn't anyone else do it?" You asked her.
"Because you're my best nurse and nobody else wanted to take them." She said and you raised eyebrow turned into a glare, playful.
"Fine. You owe me." You said and she nodded
"Thank you so much!" She said and handed you the tablet. You walked into Trauma 2 and found a middle-aged, tall, blonde, and blue-eyed man.
"Hello, Mr. Coal. I'm Nurse Halstead. What seems to be the problem?" You asked him and looked up at him just to see him looking and smiling at you.
"Nothing now that you're here." He said and your refrained from rolling your eyes. Blood pressure skyrockets causing your chest to hurt. Oh, how you wish Connor was here with you.
"It says here that, you came in for some tenderness in the lower right side of your abdomen. Is that correct?" You asked him and he nodded his head getting that your weren't going to flirt back.
"Yes. It started 2 days ago around noon. I thought it was just something bad I ate but it just started to get worse." He said and you nodded your head and typed it into the tablet. You paused and took a deep breath which made your chest hurt and he looked at you in concern. "Are you ok ma'am?" He asked and you nodded your head.
"I'm fine. This is about you." You said with a smile and he nodded "I'm going to have a listen to you and get some vitals." You told him and he nodded. You did just that and he was very cooperative and polite. You entered your results into the tablet. "I'm just going to feel around on your stomach. So please lie back." You told him and he did as told. You started to feel around and asked him if he felt any pain and when you got to the right side and pressed down he groaned out in pain and you let up. You typed in the results and nodded. "I think you have appendicitis but I want to confirm with a doctor. So please be patient and I'll be back with you shortly." You said and he nodded. You walked out and to the front desk. Maggie was there "Hey Maggie can you page Dr. Halstead for me? My pager stopped working and I haven't had time to get a new one. I want a confirmation on a consult." She nodded while you typed in more details on the tablet.
A few minutes went by and your brother walked over to you. "Maggie paged me. What's up?" He asked you.
"There is a patient in Trauma 2 and I believe he has appendicitis." You said almost out of breath maybe it was just tiredness, to be fair it was the 10th hour into your shift. He looked at you concerned but knew you were stubborn. "He had some tenderness on the right side of his abdomen, all vitals were normal." You said and he nodded his head.
"Lead the way." He said and you did just that. You walked in first and Cole was sitting up.
"This is Dr. Halstead he's just going to confirm my suspension." You said and he nodded. Will did the same thing you did and confirmed it.
"You do have appendicitis and we'll get you up to surgery right away. We'll be in shortly to start preparing you." Will said and Cole nodded.
"Thank you." He said and you both smiled and walked out of the room closing the curtain. Your chest was on fire. It was hard to breathe. You grabbed the desk and your breathing became labored.
"Y/N are you ok?" Will asked having heard your sudden change of breathing pattern and looked at you. You were sweating. You looked up at him and shook your head and the next thing Will knew your eyes were rolling to the back of your head and your knees gave out. He caught you "Woah. Ok, sis. I got you." He said even though you were unconscious. You fainting and him catching you caught everyone's attention. Maggie pointed him to Trauma 4.
"I paged Connor. He's on his way down." Maggie said and just about that time, he came barreling through the curtain to find his girlfriend on the bed unconscious. They had just sat you down on the bed.
"What happened?" He asked whipping out his stethoscope and starting to listen to you.
"I don't know. We were at the desk and all of a sudden her breathing changed and she passed out. She would've hit the ground if I hadn't caught her." Will said just as he got done listening to you. Connor nodded "I'm gonna go and call Jay and let him know what is going on." Will said needing to step out of the room, again Connor nodded.
He noticed that your heart rate was way too fast. Maggie, who was in the room, was hooking you up to the heart monitor. There wasn't anything for them to do but wait for you to wake up.
It was around 20 minutes later that you started to wake up to the sound of the heart monitor going. You slowly open your eyes and see both of your brothers and your boyfriend sitting there. Jay was next to you watching you and saw your eyes open.
"Hey sis. Welcome back to consciousness." Jay said with a smirk which made you smirk.
"Shut up." You told him that got a laugh out of the other two males.
"What's going on babe?" Connor asked and you sighed.
"I'll tell you after you get these leads off of me." You said and both Connor and Will moved to fill your request. Once it was done they nodded at you so you began. "It started Thursday. We both have been under a lot of stress and then I was worried that you weren't happy. I was also worried that we were going to break up because we weren’t spending time together as often. It made me start to stress out and then my chest started to hurt. Instead of telling you and putting more on your plate with the difficult surgeries and the amount, I didn't want you to worry about me." You said mainly to Connor but the rest of them heard.
"Oh, babe. I'm sorry we haven't been spending time together. But baby, 9 days? That's a lot of time to keep something a secret, especially something medical. I promise we'll start spending more time together. I should've seen the signs." He said and you nodded.
"Sis, I think I can speak for Jay as well, you could've come to us. We would've dropped everything for you. I'm a doctor I could've helped." Will said.
"I'm no doctor but you could've still come to me or even Haley." Jay said you had tears forming in your eyes.
"Thank you, guys. I'm sorry I kept it from you. I just hate bothering you all with knowing how busy our schedules are." You said and just then Goodwin walked in.
"Nurse Halstead, I heard that you fainted." She said and you nodded "Are you ok?" She asked you.
"Yes, I'm ok now. I had some chest pains and passed out. I was just stressed out." You said and she nodded.
"Well, I'm glad you're ok. I'm giving you the rest of the day off. Connor, I'm giving you the rest of the day off as well to watch out for our best nurse, your appointments, and surgeries have been handed over or rescheduled. Y/N, you take care of yourself and more getting into stressful situations." She said, "Have a good day and see you soon." Goodwin finished and walked out.
"Well, you heard her. Go get your stuff and head home." Jay said and you all laughed Connor helped you off the bed you bid your brothers a goodbye and you left with Connor.
When you got to the locker room Connor stood back watching you. "You should've told me, babe." He said softly and you turned around leaning up against the lockers.
"I know but you were already stressed. I didn't want my problems being put on your plate." You said softly back he walked over to you and brought you into a hug. You inhaled his musky scent and buried your head in his chest.
"From now on tell me what is going on no matter how silly it is. I'm in this with you no matter what. I'm sorry I didn't notice earlier. From now on we're going to be spending much more time with each other. From now on you have my utmost undivided attention." He said as he dropped a kiss on your head. You knew it was true.
"I like the sound of that." You said pulling back. You both finished getting your stuff and he slung his bag over his shoulder and grabbed yours. He slung his right arm around you and you both walked out of the hospital.
Since he drove you both to work, he drove you home. It was mostly silent but it was comfortable. He was holding your left hand over the center console and every now and then rubbed it with his thumb or kissed it.
When you got home it was all about you. Connor made you go change into something comfortable. He then made you sit on the couch while he made you both something to eat. After you were situated he went and changed and joined you. "I'm capable of doing things on my own you know." You said as he tried to feed you and he let out a deep chest chuckle that you loved.
"Yes I know but I want to keep the stress off of you. I'm also doing it because I love you and it's a way to say I'm sorry. Also doctors orders." He said and you could've sworn your heart melted and you laughed. You leaned up and kissed him which he returned. You let him feed you and as he ate. Once you were done you cuddled into his side and wrapped your arms around him, him doing the same to you and watching whatever you put on when he made you sit down.
"I promise to tell you next time in a heartbeat." You said and he chuckled. "I love you, babe." You said.
"I love you too." He replied. The fatigue was catching up to you and the warmth of your boyfriend along with his scent, was putting you to sleep. You tried to keep your eyes open as snuggled into him further, a sign he knew that you were getting tired. "Get some sleep, babe. I'm right here with you." He said and that's all it took for you to close your eyes and drift off to a peaceful sleep. Your breath evened out and Connor dropped a kiss onto your head.
Connor was going to make things right again. He loved you with his whole heart. He knew you were the right one for him and he couldn't wait to spend more years with you.
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