#conspiratorial thinking
creature-wizard · 2 days
"How do people fall for irrational cult beliefs or conspiracy theories if they aren't mentally ill?"
Easy, most of them had an emotional or material vulnerability that the cult/conspiracy theory was able to exploit. They were so desperate that they were willing to let down their guard and believe whatever anyone who seemed to have the answers told them.
You - yes, you - have such a vulnerability yourself. Somewhere out there is a cult or conspiracy theory that could take advantage of you.
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theshoesofatiredman · 6 months
Just saw people clutching their pearls in a comment section over a crowd clapping during the eclipse, because it meant they were "worshipping demons" and "didn't know what was going to happen after." When nothing happens, will their faith be shaken? Will they question the faith leaders that assured you they knew the future? Will they question their ability to interpret scripture? In my experience, the answers are no for most people.
I grew up around conspiracy theorist Christians. My dad was a 9/11 truther. Bigfoot was real and he was a demon. The government was hiding aliens from us. And blood moons and eclipses were signs of coming judgment and destruction. There was a blood moon several years ago where he stocked up, started doing some doomsday prepping for the family. He told us all what he thought was coming. The night it happened, I lay awake in bed, my father's fear washing over me in waves, waiting for my phone to die, because my dad believed an EMP was going to knock out the power grid in the United States and all our electronics. There was a moment when my phone went dark for a second unexpectedly, and I was frozen in my fear over what the future held. Thankfully the moment didn't last long, since my touch lit my phone screen, and that's one of a handful of moments when I realized just how deep my father's fears and conspiratorial thinking had sunk into my brain, even when only given attention in passing.
When I got my first shot of the covid vaccine, even though I wanted the shot, believed in it as our best tool for fighting the virus, even though I spent hours researching and debunking my parents' vaccine conspiracies, as the needle was going into my arm, I still had their fear in the back of my mind. What if this hurts me? What if this kills me? What if I'm wrong and they're really right? I would've told anyone at the time that my parents had fallen down a rabbit hole filled with bullshit. To them the vaccine was a bio attack from China or a way for the government to track us or more deadly than the virus or causing heart attacks in men or actually spreading the virus or entirely ineffective (on and on it went). And yet even though I KNEW there was no truth to prop up their claims, I still was afraid when I went to get the shot.
All this to say it's important to combat conspiratorial thinking when you run into it. Yes, the Christians really just look like fools when they say the eclipse is demon worship, but there are people who are living with tremendous and unnecessary fear because of these conspiracies. And depending on what it is, it may prevent them from taking actions that could save their lives and the lives of others. And know that the fear can wheedle its way into your brain even if you think they're wrong, even if you work really really hard to demonstrate that there's nothing to be afraid of.
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ronehmke · 3 months
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The powers that be don’t want YOU to see this message.
… Or DO they? 🤔
Break the Spell.
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dougielombax · 2 months
Something about the sanctifying and distortion of the memory of the 9/11 attacks and its victims by the American far-right.
Is this anything?
Give it a few years and they’ll be making fucking stained glass art of it in churches, canonising some of the poor victims, making fucking tapestries and so on.
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beautifulpersonpeach · 11 months
im so confused about that taekook pic. is jimin trolling? it's like he's toying with us? pls plss plss don't forget this ask bpp. pls answer my asks. i don't get why everything feels fake about jikook, tkk, jimin. is he even happy? it's like hybe is pulling the strings and trying to confuse jimin stans to frustrate us.
Ask 2:
At this point I just feel like we're getting played with lol. By who and for what? I don't know. But I've felt this way ever since we got photos/video that jimin did in fact get a cake for his solo and I'm sure big hit saw what the fandom was saying about him not getting one and they still waited to announce that he did.
BTS just isn't fun anymore for me rn. There's just this tension surrounding everything. And not just with shipping. It's fandom wide blatant favoritism. Shifting confusing narratives from the guys themselves (Jungkook claiming he's not trying to shy away from the maknae image when that's all he's been saying for months now???). Tae doing whatever it is that he's doing (bless his heart chile). Namjoon seems to be a mess rn, I wanna give him a hug, he speaks like life is kicking his ass. And our jiminie, I can't get a read on but he seems happy. And the other 3 being in the army so they're not causing trouble lol.
These taekook pics from jimin, hmmm idk, maybe it's his way of telling people he doesn't care about the backlash, and tae bringing jungkook up constantly, and we should back off.
It's all a mess. I never thought I'd long for the day we'd get a real break lol. I WANT to miss them.
I don't hate them. This is just exhausting. It's like them and the company are trying to be strategic with everything and it feels a bit disingenuous? Idk if that's the word. Maybe disconnected is more the word. And I know they've always been strategic in the things they do, so idk why this feels different to me.
Anyway, thanks for letting me ramble in your inbox lol
Ask 3:
Something feels wrong about suchwita. It feels forced. Am I the only one who feels Hybe is doing damage control with jikook to contain the fallout from Golden? BPP I'd like to hear what you think about vminkook's date, suchwita revealing the travel variety in context of all the controversies that happened lately. Does Jimin just not care about taekooker hate? He might be kind but he's still human.
Ask 4:
I give up on Jimin. Tired of stanning a grown man letting himself get played for a fool. Hybe, you won. Gloat away BPP. You and the rest of the OT7 cows win.
Ask 5:
BPP your asks about that RM - FACE credits controversy from Pjms reminded me of one debate I saw btw flat earthers and scientists. It's the most fascinating thing I've ever seen. The part that made me think of you is how flatearthers called the scientists uneducated, said they did their own calculations and made their own observations to arrive at fringe theories that disputed the wider consensus. I found it so strange how both scientists and flat earthers could observe the same thing but reach widely different conclusions. I know you've been going over and over with solos for some months so I hope this can make you laugh a bit BPP.
https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=Q7yvvq-9ytE
Hi Anon(s),
Lol, Anons in asks 1 through 4, why are you letting your minds torment you over things that should be obvious? Anon in ask 5, you sent me that ask last week, but it feels apt to post it now given the sort of asks I've gotten in the last few hours.
How many times can we go over the sort of conspiratorial thinking that plagues people who eventually become akgaes, thought patterns that have been shown several times this year to be completely misguided? If the only conclusion you can reach after everything we've seen in the last 10 months, after seeing Jikook, Taekook, Yoonmin, Vmin, and Yoonkook's conversations recently, is that 'someone' must be trying to pull a fast one on you, then maybe you should take a step back.
Honestly, in my opinion, you all fit the profile of people who should engage with k-pop very sparingly. Most times, I've observed these sort of views (also in the case of flat-earthers) are caused by gaps in foundational knowledge about the subject coupled with personal implicit biases. I see this happen all the time, and it's unfortunately the sorts of people who think like this who only get further sucked in, to the point they lose any semblance of a reference point. If you're still at the point you're asking these questions, especially Anon in ask 1, 2 and 3, there's still a chance. I'd suggest a clean break, a detox period, and very limited exposure going forward but starting from scratch and actually watching official content from the early years. A lot of people who joined the fandom post-2020 have only seen compilations and selected clips of BTS's formative years, and so they lack the background to better interpret everything that's happening in Chapter 2 - from why HYBE wouldn't respond to akgaes whining about cakes by posting it right away, to how vminkook have behaved throughout Chapter 2.
Listen to how you feel and please step back.
With flat earthers it's funny because in a bid to be skeptical, to 'question everything' so they aren't "played as a fool", they end up becoming just that. For most other people there's no joke, but for them the joke is always on them.
Thanks for the video, Anon in ask 5. But rather than make me laugh, it did the opposite. The conclusion of the video is that no flat-earther, not one, changed their minds after debating with the scientists. I had a theory that the people who end up as akgaes were always going to be that regardless of any arguments that run contrary to their beliefs, because at the heart of it, it's not about the arguments but about them. But I hoped I could be wrong. Extrapolating the conclusion of this video to my theory, the suggested implication is bleak as hell.
Anyway, stream Golden and enjoy jikook jikooking. Sounds like we're about to get a full calendar of content.
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ancientcosmicsecrets · 3 months
Unveiling the 200,000-Year-Old African City
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The African continent is home to a compelling mystery - an ancient city believed to be 200,000 years old. This metropolis, discovered in South Africa, challenges our understanding of history and raises profound questions about the origins of civilization. The city's complex structure, with its intricate stone circles, extends over a vast area, suggesting a highly organized society capable of monumental architecture. Some speculate that the Anunnaki, deities from ancient Mesopotamian cultures, might have been involved due to the precision and scale of the structures.
There are various theories about the city's creators, including the idea that it could be the work of a prehistoric civilization that history has yet to acknowledge or even extraterrestrial intervention. Proponents of the extraterrestrial theory point to Anunnaki's depiction in ancient texts as celestial beings profoundly impacting human development.
Critics argue that there needs to be more concrete proof, such as artifacts or records, that would definitively link the site to otherworldly creators or even a prehistoric civilization. However, the city's existence cannot be ignored, and it joins other enigmatic sites, like Göbekli Tepe in Turkey, which predate known civilizations and feature advanced architectural feats.
The debate over the origins of these ancient structures is ongoing. Whether the result of human ingenuity or something more mysterious, these sites remain a testament to the enduring legacy of our ancestors and their place in the cosmos. As we continue to explore and understand these ancient wonders, we may uncover the truth behind the 200,000-year-old city in Africa and similar sites worldwide. Until then, they will continue to inspire awe and curiosity, keeping us searching for the keys to our past.
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positivepostoffice · 15 days
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tiny-and-witchy · 4 months
What if:
We are in the Matrix. But, our brains have started to evolve to connect inside the program after generations and generations and this is the reason we started to imagine something called an 'internet' where our minds can connect through the program?!
I just thought of this and it is scaring me a little that how possible it actually is!!!
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hellyeahheroes · 17 days
Start With a Lie by The Atlantic
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calicojack1718 · 9 months
The Dehumanizing Metaphor: The One Weird Trick that Autocrats Use to Hardwire Hate and Division into Their Followers
We've all noticed Trump's increased use of Hitleresque dehumanizing metaphors for immigrants and his perceived opponents. There's a reason for that. Metaphor is a major brain hack! Find out how.
Hey Voters! Remember Pre- and Post-Dobbs America? Want More of That? If you haven’t noticed, it is a presidential election year. Well, truth-be-told, it has been a presidential two-year since presidential elections now start a full year before the first party nominating primaries are held. The prolonged presidential campaigns means that we are all exposed to excessive amounts of campaign…
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noraqrosa · 1 year
[current headmate discussion]
Maria: i don't wanna be known as "the crazy friend" to all my friends, i feel like they probably all feel that way
Nora: you crazy fuck you are literally talking delusional things rn
Belladonna: <gearing up to whisper more paranoia into Maria's ear>
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creature-wizard · 2 days
In your opinion, what conspiracy theories and pseudosciences don't get enough attention from debunkers?
The Project Monarch alter programming conspiracy theory. It's harmed a lot of younger people lately, especially ones who haven't been able to receive proper care for DID and severe abuse. Not nearly enough people realize how most of the lore goes back to a conspiracy theorist who claimed that the fight for gay rights were part of the agenda to enthrone the Antichrist in the year 2000.
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edenfenixblogs · 8 months
Well Drawfee is officially no longer safe media for me :(
Karina liked multiple tweets conflating a PSA for antisemitism with Israeli propaganda and claiming that Israel planned its assault to coincide with the superbowl…
Julia liked posts claiming that the war isn’t a war. Nobody has liked anything about antisemitism or even acknowledging Jews are in danger right now.
TBH I’m devastated.
I have Drawfee art all over my home. I was actually gonna become a patron this year. I’d literally been saving to make it feasible. This is crushing. I feel sick.
#leftist antisemitism#antisemitism#drawfee#heartbroken#debated putting this in the Drawfee tag or not#but ultimately I think it’s important#I don’t wanna start fandom drama or Discourse TM#I just want there to be a record of how their silence on antisemitism#and liking of conspiratorial tweets#is affecting a very fragile community#and Nathan being Jewish doesn’t change this for me#his Jewishness does not shield me from his coworkers antisemitism#even though I wanna believe that antisemitism is unintentional#and I’m so happy for Nathan if he feels supported by his friends and coworkers#he obviously knows them better than I ever will#and I’m not calling in Jews to take sides over this or anything#I’m happy that Nathan doesn’t seem to be affected by this#it must mean he has a wonderful support system and that his friends and coworkers are better#at showing their support irl than they are online#and that is important and valid#but it doesn’t change how it affects Jews like me who only experience them through a screen#and do not have a support system#they don’t owe me anything#I don’t expect anything from any of them#but I also cannot deny that I am harmed#by the fact that they didn’t acknowledge the conflict until it affected people who aren’t Jewish#and have still not acknowledged that it affects people who are Jewish#and I especially cannot handle Karina’s clear support for the idea that a Super Bowl PSA for antisemitism prevention#is somehow a sinister Israeli plot and not evidence of the terrible time that Jews like me are having rn#I feel like I lost a friend tbh
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cravingpepsimax · 21 days
ok no one asked but i did get a few likes + a rb on the post so here's my modern 30s ford
there are some important things to note about ford:
ford would've been born in the 90s
ford would still have been a friendless outcast
ford would still be intelligent and have an interest in the paranormal
there were approximately 45 million people using the internet back in 1996. the chances that the pines wouldn't have internet access at some point while ford was growing up is low. people who are lonely are more likely to use the internet frequently, since that's where they're getting a lot of their social interaction. filbrick would probably promote this, too -- he's focused on success and the internet's booming, he'd probably want his kid to be well-versed on internet stuff. hell, my parents have never been anywhere near filbrick's level, and they felt the same way, which is how i grew up with unrestricted internet access.
this is all to say that ford is -- at least in spirit -- a neet. not even your typical brand of chronically online, this guy regularly uses 4chan (specifically, i could see him liking the /sci/, /x/, and /tg/ boards).
think about it! so much internet shit comes from 4chan, it's inevitable that he'd immerse himself into it if he's online all the damn time and is interested in weird paranormal shit. i imagine stan's grown used to a lot of his 4chan weirdness atp
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(to clarify -- this is pre-bill. ford just looks like that because he doesn't spend time taking care of himself. he lives in the basement. which reminds me: canon ford is literally a basement dweller isn't he LMAO)
the stancest implications are staggering, since 4chan is pretty cool with incest, if not outright pro-incest at certain points.
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this also creates the hilarious feelings realization moment where stan's panicking, freaking the fuck out because oh my god he has feelings for his twin, while ford -- due to years, possibly a decade+ of 4chan use -- doesn't really gaf LMAO
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dougielombax · 6 months
Here’s an idea.
How about you don’t use solidarity or the idea thereof as a pretense to sneak bigoted views about other people and groups into the minds of others.
You know?
Let’s not use it to try indoctrinating them into believing your personal prejudices!
I’ve seen this done a thousand times in many different circumstances and it never fails to sicken me.
I saw a post on here a month or two ago about solidarity between Jews and Hindus which looked harmless at first.
But when I got to reading it, it proved to be nothing more than a delusional tract FULL of Islamophobic bigotry and Hindutva revisionist BULLSHIT!
Full of BJP-type myths and lies and it was horrible to behold!
Right down to fearmongering about demographics and all the usual Hindutva fascist bullshit.
I’m not Indian or Jewish myself but I know what that kind of stuff looks like. This particular instance was hiding under a veil of coexistence and solidarity.
And it sickened me!
Simply USING the idea of solidarity to spread some of the most vile, conspiratorial bullshit I ever did read in years.
Despite initially appearing harmless and sincere.
Rambling on about how Muslims shouldn’t be allowed to live in India and should all be expelled, bitching about leftists, something about Pakistan and Palestine having no right to exist, vague mentions of George Soros and some sort of plot, and so on. I’m surprised they didn’t invoke QAnon as well!
I noticed this crap right away and it troubled me deeply how many more people couldn’t even see it!
I saw right through that shit immediately!
I’ve seen this happen a thousand times before with other topics and it never fails to sicken me!
So kindly stop it!
Starting yesterday!
Anyone who willingly falls for that, be they a Jew or a Hindu or any other such group, is no better than the crank leftists sucking up to Hamas.
*it’s especially troubling since the Hindutva crowd is known for being friendly with actual Neo-Nazis*
They are EXACTLY the same kind of idiots!
Exactly the same!
And just as dumb!
Enough of this bullshit!
*Feel free to reblog*
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
The worst lie you can believe and be told is that women are emotional and men are logical, that men's, essentially, men's emotions are logical and neutral while women's are not, and are in fact frivolous and shallow.
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