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The truth about Republicans and Christian Nationalism
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whosurisold · 2 days
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I find it disturbing just how many "educated" voters don't understand this "inflation" "HIGH PRICES" being created by greedy billionaires profits, hell bent on getting #wop maga politicians they own, elected. You have been brainwashed to believe it's politicians, when in fact it's repigliKan #wop cult politicians owned by wealthy greed protecting their mountains of money, more money than they can spend in 1000's lifetimes, YET we all know greed is never satisfied, they are playing monopoly with workers lives, trickling out just enough money to keep poor from creating a civil war, poor vs wealthy
Last time demented convicted Felon doneOLD was in office, he awarded his wealthy pals $3.4 TRILLION dollars in tax cuts and has promised them even more if they help getting him elected , they are donating #billons to his re-election!! STOP falling for his lies!
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izooks · 2 days
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The Substance of the 2nd Amendment (Update)
Reading the comments of those opposed to gun control laws reminded me of the book The Lord of the Flies. A real shame that this book appears on most lists of banned school books in red states.
Some commenters took offense that I would hope for a day in which guns are no longer viewed as weapons to be used against another human being.
They are so convinced, just like Jack and Roger, that our collective "normal" should be to be on guard (ready to kill another person) always, that it becomes offensive to hear or read someone state that "it doesn't have to be this way."
And there are those that continue to call for a bill to "arm our teachers" without really considering the extra danger that would put school children in. They also do not consider that most teachers, for personal or religious beliefs, would never hold a gun up to another person - to many teachers "thou shall not kill" is not a suggestion.
When God looks down on us and he sees that, in over two thousand years, we have not figured out how not to kill each other, I know he shakes his head in disappointment. If you want to know why I support gun ownership, as a natural right to protect oneself, and at the same time support sensible national gun control laws, it's that I hope God will look down on us one day and he won't be disappointed.
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thashining · 1 day
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eugenedebs1920 · 2 days
Our Duty as citizens
We have a duty as citizens of this nation. An obligation that befalls upon us. This task was charged not by a superior officer, agency executive or head of state. This responsibility burdened to us is that with what was given to us. Liberty, the right to pursue happiness, and freedom.
Our leaders take an oath when they enter upon their service to our nation. In that binding oath they swear to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
Although we may not have the fanfare. Although we may not place our hand on a bible and confess this sacred oath in front of the masses. We too are obliged to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States being citizens of it.
For it is in the language declared in those pages for which the liberties, rights and freedoms we enjoy, and have enjoyed our entire time in this country, are provided. It is our duty to ensure these rights are guarded for future generations of Americans.
It can be easy to overlook, or take for granted, that in which was endowed to us. It is easy to look at the inequality around us, the disparagement of wealth. Easy to recognize the racism, classism and sexism saturated in to the fabric of our nation. Easy to identify the anti-democratic laws and policies restricting true democratic values. Yet it was not easily ascertained, those freedoms bestowed to us.
What we see as violations of our civil liberties. What we may consider unfair practices. What we may think is unjust. Others yearn for, and are unable to obtain.
This does not mean we comply to that which seeks to defy our natural borne rights. It means that through our struggle for equality, freedom and fairness we must appreciate our ability to fight to achieve these ends. It doesn’t lessen the blows we will incur or enact. It simply means embracing gratitude for the opportunity to secure equitableness.
Our nation was designed where the people hold the power of this land. Where we are the voice and the structure. Our nation was designed where our will would be the guiding force, where our wants and needs supersede corporate greed holding us as priority. Our leadership does not coincide with this concept.
Freedom isn’t free and democracy is not a spectator sport. We must be involved more so that trolling and mean tweeting at one another. We must organize more than our personal schedule. We must speak out louder than a whisper.
There has been a wedge hammered between us as fellow citizens. A hyperbolic divide intended to create hostility and distrust. This is not perpetuated by mistake. Our influence together is far greater than our influence separated.
Our objective is to see this country thrive. Our objective is to see each other succeed. Our objective is to live in harmony blessed with being free. This is all that should hold relevance to us as fellow Americans. Our allegiance to our country and each other.
I want to see my neighbors content, happy, healthy, free. It holds no regard with which political party they may be affiliated with. I want to see this country healthy, moral, peaceful yet globally impactful. I want to see joy, I want to see hopefulness, I want to see love, for America, its people, and the world at large. I want to see this because we are all people. People with dreams and fears, with aspirations and anxieties, with desires and dreads.
We have lost our way my fellow Americans. We have abandoned our unity. We have forgotten our bond. We have disregarded respect and integrity, decency and manners. We have turned our back to the notion of brotherhood between countrymen, shrugged off the concept of WE the people. We have neglected our duty!
Our duty was to protect and defend the constitution of the United States. The Constitution still stands yet its been, torn, fettered, violated and betrayed. The document securing the means to our ends balances on a razors edge of abolishment.
We have allowed extremist in to the highest levels of government. We have condoned seditious insurrectionists. We have elected obstructionists.
We have sat and done nothing while corruption dominates our legislative branches. We have watched a compromised Supreme Court revoke rights not secure them. We have stood witness to our institutions and elections being undermined and discredited. We have looked upon a rift, ever dividing us and rather than build a bridge we have denied its construction.
We have forgotten that we are friends. We are neighbors. We are on the same side of the same story, enduring the same struggles, striving for the same goals, on the same team.
We have been segregated in to camps, pinned against one another, for the sake of suppressing our power. For our power lies in our solidarity with each other as the people, as the backbone, as the citizens of, These United States of America.
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davidaugust · 2 days
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GOP is fighting against democracy.
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doomsday-architect · 2 days
Kamala has just proven she's a COWARD!
She only wants to hang out with her acolytes that worship and adore her.
Certainly, the media is in her corner, but she is terrified they'll ask her "tough" questions.
The Al Smith dinner in NYC has had candidates back as far as Walter Mondale when he ran and didn't attend the dinner.
Kamala was too cowardly to show up.
She's too busy "campaigning".
Of course Mondale lost all but one state.
He won his home state.....barely.
Is that Kamalas fate?
One can only hope.
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jensorensen · 13 hours
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Actual Moms for Liberty
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The lead counsel for the nonprofit said “Their persistence and relentlessness, even in the face of the governor and the mayor saying this is false — that shows intent, ...It’s knowing, willful flouting of criminal law.
“The Haitian community is suffering in fear because of Trump and Vance’s relentless, irresponsible, false alarms, and public services have been disrupted. Trump and Vance must be held accountable to the rule of law. Anyone else who wreaked havoc the way they did would have been arrested by now.”
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skittlebits · 2 months
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Or earlier! Any red state can turn blue if enough voters turn out.
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fixing-bad-posts · 7 months
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please fucking vote
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whosurisold · 19 hours
Flush a doneOLD
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my-midlife-crisis · 1 month
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That's exactly what we want.
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writing-with-olive · 1 year
when you call your reps to ask them to pretty please stop taking away your rights, remember:
In deep red areas you're a republican who is thinking of voting for someone else if they don't vote what you want on this specific bill because it impacts your republican ideals so very much
In swing states you're an undecided voter who's gonna go blue if they don't vote how you like
remember to call because that way their phone is going off and their peers can hear it because their offices are close together (emails and letters don't work like that), so it can rattle them if they get high volumes. remember that you gotta make them feel like they're losing something.
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dxrlinggxd · 4 months
take a moment to read indian election news!! india has voted against the ruling fascist party. while they will resume government they will need to forge alliances and have lost multiple strong members of parliament. and all this despite them controlling the media and jailing their opposers! this is SUCH an important reminder that u shld never ever underestimate the power of a vote
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