#din djarin imagines
homiesexuallaj · 15 days
Red Ginseng
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Pairing: The Mandalorian/Din Djarin x reader
Warnings/Genre: a sex pollen fic <3, porn with plot, foreplay, semi-heavy petting, fingering (fem receiving), unprotected p in v (non recommended), fluff, smut, size kink if you squint, let me know if I missed anything, not proofread because I'm lazy
You’d worked with the Mandalorian for a few years now. What started out as some commissioned help had developed into some lifelong work. You were good with a blaster and excellent with knifes, which you assumed in the beginning was why the Mandalorian kept you around. Now, you think he keeps you around simply for the company.
The Mandalorian is a many of few words, even this long into your partnership. He prefers to shoot first, ask later. He wasn’t also too fond of physical contact. You only felt the Mandalorian’s touch when he needed to pass you through the small hallway under the cockpit of the Razor Crest. This ship really wasn’t meant for two people..
This week, or two at this point, you’d been brought along to a forest-y planet that you couldn’t remember the name of in hopes of finally catching a bounty that the Mandalorian has been hunting for about a month now. This planet was hot and sticky. Leaves, vines, and other foliage practically soaked you when you just barely brushed past a leaf. It was irritating at this point, never being dry.
You let out a loud sigh, stomping over dead leaves and slapping away wet leaves. You were soaked through your clothes. You internally cringed at pealing your leather pieces from your body tonight. Just before a complaint crawls up your throat, an arm cut you off. You looked at the Mandalorian with scrunched eyebrows and annoyed eyes.
He only gestured ahead of you with his head.
You followed the gesture, peaking between your cover of leaves.
Ahead of you, in a shady clearing, is your’s and the Mandalorian’s bounty. It was a male Gungan with burnt orange skin and green eyes. With him was a small male Neimoidian with gray skin and gold eyes. Both were huddled around a smoking campfire, and were sopping wet and obviously malnourished. Runaway life seemed to be harder than they thought.
The Mandalorian caught your attention when he moved the arm down from in front of you.
You looked up at him, waiting to tell you what to do.
He gestured to the right with his head, indicating to circle around and trap the runaways in their clearing.
You headed off and around, careful to barely brushing by foliage and tiptoe over sticks. You positioned yourself facing the back of the Neimoidian. And you watched as your companion strutted into the clearing, the leaves of his cover dripping water onto his already shiny armor.
At the sound of a breaking twig, the runaways snapped their head in the direction of the Mandalorian. They both stood quickly, looking around nervously.
“A Mandalorian!” Exclaimed the Gungan. “What a surprise!” There was obvious panic on the creature’s face. “I didn’t know Mandalorian’s resided on this planet.”
“Perhaps he can show us to a nearby village,” The neimoidian hoped.
The Mandalorian only stayed quiet, waiting for the two to get their panicky blabbering over with. Once deemed quiet for long enough, he spoke.
“Via order of the leader of the planet Naboo,” The man started. “You two have a bounty placed on your head to be brought straight back to Her Majesty’s palace.”
“We can’t go back!” The gungan exclaimed.
The Mandalorian did not react. He only started walking towards them.
The creatures panicked and ran straight for you, the only clear way out of the semi-dry clearing. You jumped out, stopping the runaways in their path. You grabbed the small Neimoidian, trying to restrain him.
His partner, the Gungan, ran straight at you. He pushed himself against you and the Neimoidian, knocking all three of you over. It was a slick battle of trying to grab and get up at the same time.
There was a high-pitched zippering sound that caught your ears and the Gungan gasped, and you watched as he was dragged from the pile and back towards your partner.
The tussle got easier again, with only you going against one. The small Neimoidian fought and squirmed, but his small stature made it an easy fight for you. You restrained him with ease, knocking him to the ground and holding him down back and arm twisted around his back and a knee across both of his legs.
You heard a battle-ish cry and looked up.
The Gungan had leapt from the ground and onto the Mandalorian. The Gungan used his bottom half to grab onto the upper half of the Mandalorian and send them both tumbling down a small hill and into some foliage. Squabbling and scrambling was heard before the Gungan crawled back up into the clearing. He took a gasp of air before there was a shot of something and he fell to the ground.
You’d thought for a moment that the Mandalorian had killed him out of frustration, which wouldn’t have been the first time.
The Mandalorian came out from the foliage, his shoulders heaving as he caught his breath. His chest place and lower left part of his helmet was covered in this sticky looking red pollen, no doubt from a flower or two. As you looked him over, you saw a blaster in his right hand.
“Only a stunner,” The Mandalorian said. “Don’t worry.”
Without another word, he pointed the stunner at the Neimoidian and shot before the creature could get in his pleas. He went limp with sleep, finally.
You both picked up your respective bounties and hauled them over your shoulders. You made your way through the foliage and towards the ship. After you figured enough time had passed for the Mandalorian to catch his breath you started talking.
“What is that stuff?” You asked, hoping he knew that you were talking about the pollen.
“Pollen from a flower I’ve never seen before,” The Mandalorian answered, his voice slightly gruff. “It got under my helmet.”
“I hope there’s no side affects to inhaling the stuff,” You wondered.
“I hope not,” Your partner sounded disgruntled.
You thought back to the time where you tripped and fell into a garden of flowers you’d never seen before. All was fine and dandy until about halfway through that job. You’d becoming loopy and tripped over your feet about every other step. There was no way you’d be able to help the Mandalorian now, so he hauled you over his shoulder, much like he’d done to the Gungan now, and brought you back to the Razor Crest. He sat you down in your bunk, which was one of two bunks in the Razor Crest, and told you very sternly to stay. And off he went.
You don’t remember what you said during that time, but you hope it was nothing too embarrassing.
Once you two arrived at the ship, the Mandalorian encased both bounties in a block of carbonate and slowly got settled into the ship for the night. The Mandalorian disappeared in the refresher to shower and clean his armor and you wandered into the shared space of yours and the Mandalorian’s impromptu shared closet/bedroom space.
It was a small nook in a semi-hidden corner in the bottom half of the Razor Crest. The only light over here was a small lamp you’d bought for the space and the dim lights from your bunks. There were shelves and racks here for clothes, towels, blankets, shoes, and other necessities.
Taking advantage of the limited time of the Mandalorian showering and cleaning his armor, you peeled off your soaked clothes and limited pieces of leather armor. It was more a struggle that it needed to be, but soon enough you were free from your uncomfortably wet prison and it was a wet pile on the ground. You changed into some looser, brown cloth pants and a large white sleeveless shirt, with some socks and a knife around your waist to accompany you. You patted your hair dry with a towel before brushing it out and picking up your wet clothes and towel. You hung the clothes on a nearby rack that was below a vent in the ship, hoping to dry them off before the day tomorrow.
You sighed, stretching a bit. The hiss of the refresher door opening caught your attention and you turned.
The Mandalorian made his way from the steaming doorway, clad in some now shiny steel armor.
“Feel better?” You asked, still observing him.
He hummed in affirmative, making his way past you and up the ladder to the cockpit.
You followed.
When you found you footing on the cold, metal floor of the cockpit, you saw that the Mandalorian was already typing in coordinates for Naboo.
“We’re not taking off already, are we?” You asked, coming up beside him to watch as he pressed buttons.
“No,” The Mandalorian answered. “But I would like to get up early and take off as soon as possible.”
“Why? Is this planet to wet for you?” You teased. “Or are there too many weird, stinky flowers.”
The Mandalorian only looked at you, before turning his attention back to the buttons so he could finish what he was doing. Once done, you noted that the armored man hobbled his way over to his captain’s chair and groaned as he sat, subtly clutching his right side.
Upon not so close inspection, you could see blood seeping out from his black flight suit and pouring over his metal belt, the black cloth damp across the ribcage on the Mandalorian’s right side.
“Mando, you can’t even take the time to stitch yourself up in the shower?” You scolded lightly.
He knew what you were talking about immediately, “It wasn’t bleeding in the shower.”
“Mando.” You scolded.
He only sighed.
“C’mon,” You gave a sigh of your own after a few heartbeats. “Let’s get you stitched up.”
You made your way down to the second level of the Razor Crest first, knowing that the Mandalorian wouldn’t have to take much convincing to follow you down.
While you dug around for a medpack, the Mandalorian sat down on a crate, awaiting your instruction.
Once you found a medpack, you drug over another crate and set that medpack on top of that, opening it and making sure it had all the supplies you needed.
“Alright, armor off,” You order around first.
The Mandalorian unclasped his chestplate and abdomen armor from his torso. Then he removed his cape, setting all pieces to the side. You did the next parts yourself.
You pushed up his shirt and slowly inched down the tight cloth he wore around his mid to lower abdomen until you had clear view of the cut that made its home on the Mandalorian’s right side.
The cut was long and jagged, looking like whatever cut him had torn its way forcefully through the layers of cloth and into the skin. The Mandalorian was lucky that whatever cut him didn’t cut him deep, but it was still needed-stitches deep.
Before continuing, you went and grabbed a washrag and wet it in the refresher’s sink before settling back down at the Mandalorian’s side and wiping off the blood that had smudged around the wound, revealing the golden skin that hid under the armor.
It wasn’t the first time seeing the Mandalorian’s skin, having needed to stitch him up a few times now, but it still caught you by surprise, especially when you could see the muscle rippling under his flesh with every move. It was still distracting, especially as the Mandalorian stretched an arm over his head so you could work with more area.
You shook your head slightly, willing away your distracted brain. After a few more wipes against the skin, all blood was gone. You grabbed a bottle of medical alcohol and damped the rag with the liquid, wiping and the dabbing the wound with that now, hoping to kill off any chance of infection. And next, the stitches. You grabbed a sterile needle from the medpack and situated a thing of thread through the eye. You glanced up at the Mandalorian, anxiety making you nervous.
“Ready?” You asked, giving the Mandalorian a few moments to compose himself.
He nodded.
The Mandalorian never really reacted when you stitched him up, but the tense muscles and the clenching of fists was the tale tell sign of discomfort and pain.
Upon the first stab of the needle, the Mandalorian sucked in a breath and you heard the squeak of leather as the Mandalorian clenched his fists.
“Breath, Mando,” You told him. “I’ll be as quick as I can.”
It was a slow process of stitching up the jagged wound, but in order to close it properly you had to take your time. Before long, you were done. You tied the stitch off and cut the thread with some small sheets you kept in the medpack. In order to keep the wound clean, you packed some firm cotton around the wound and wrapped some gauze around his abdomen to both keep out germs and hold the cotton in place. You gathered up the medical supplies and turned to put most of it back into the medpack, and threw the used and unclean stuff, like the needle, away. After getting the area situation again, you crowded into the Mandalorian’s space, checking that the gauze was tight, but not too tight.
“Okay,” You patted the Mandalorian down. “I’ll have to check the wound and change the bandages tomorrow morning.”
He nodded.
To check, you poked around the wound again, to make sure there was no excess bleeding. Upon touching a tender spot, the Mandalorian groaned and grabbed onto your waist, the closest thing for him to grab.
On instinct, you jerked your hand away and froze at the contact. A shiver erupted from the grasp and traveled outwards through your body and a hint of heat bubbled in your lower abdomen. It was still moment before your touch sense picked up on something else, how hot his hands were. Not on an attractive scale, but on a temperature scale. From the scarce touches that the Mandalorian provided you, you knew that his hands were abnormally hot. Without thinking, you reached down between the Mandalorian’s legs and placed the inside of your wrist on the man’s upper thigh, noting that the heat radiating through the pants was abnormal as well.
Full on concern, you spoke, “Mando, you’re running a temperature!”
At your words and touches, the Mandalorian adjusted his hips, dragging your attention to the tense cotton between his legs.
“Oh no! I’m so sorry!” You tore your hand away from his thigh. “I-I was just checking your temperature, I promise! When I was little my mom used to check my temperature this way!”
The Mandalorian only groaned in response, gripping your waist tighter and hanging his head, which ended up resting on your stomach.
“But I think you’re sick, Mando,” You held your arms up and away from the man’s body, not sure where to put them.
The armored man only groaned again before a strained voice broke its way through the static of his modulator, “Hot. It’s so hot..”
“Okay umm,” You hesitated. “Do I have permission to take the rest of your armor and shirt off? It should help you cool down.”
You felt the Mandalorian nod, so you got to work with unclasping his shoulder and forearm armor and setting the pieces on the ground. Carefully you inched the t-shirt off and over his helmet, and found out that the overheating man wore two shirts and inched off the long sleeved turtleneck he wore to keep his skin concealed from the world. And finally you took off his gloves. With all these clothes on, you wondered when he had the time to get sun and make his skin such a golden tan. It had to have been when you’re not around, or busy with something inside the ship.
The Mandalorian still rested his head against your stomach and his hands had wandered down from your waist to your thighs, gripping the flesh.
Letting your eyes wander before the Mandalorian sat back up, you noted that his back was wide and rippled with muscle at every breath. The skin was littered with scars, big and small, short and long. The perks of being a bounty hunter, I guess.
You tried to keep your hands to yourself, you really did, but the temptation to rest your hands upon the Mandalorian's shoulders was too much. You gave into the temptation and the man jumped below you before relaxing under your touch.
After a few more heaving breaths, the Mandalorian sat up and looked up at you. You could feel his intense gaze boring into you from underneath a heavily tinted visor of his helmet. His large hands squeezed at the fat of your thighs again before he tried to speak.
"I need you," The man croaked out.
"Wha-?" You were shellshocked at the confession.
"Please," He practically begged. "I can't-"
He could barely finish his sentence before a shivered flowed throughout his body and a groan forced itself passed the Mandalorian's vocal chords.
"Ok-okay," You agreed, nervous. "What-what do I do?"
You could barely get the words from your mouth before the Mandalorian stood at his full height. You hands fell from his shoulders and he gripped your own, his large hands engulfed the area. Gently but urgently, the tall man pushed you backwards. You had no idea where you were going until your surroundings became overcast and you were dead-legged by a firm object behind you. You fell and the plush surface of an unmade bed caught you. The overwhelming smell of manly musk and leather were tell-tale signs that you'd been pushed into the bottom bunk of the small sleeping lofts, the Mandalorian's bunk.
Metal sliding against metal filled the small area and the bunk became dark, too dark to see. You could hear a small "hiss" from somewhere above you and a "clank" of metal being dropped to the ground.
A hand patting around on the side of your face, fingers gently finding their way around. A finger found your lips and within a heartbeat it was replaced by a pair of lips. You jumped in surprise, grabbing onto the body that hovered over you, meeting thick biceps.
The Mandalorian leaned down onto his forearms, one hand resting against the side of your face. He kissed and kissed, switching between quick pecks or smooches. A shiver passed over his body and you heard a groan and a quiet "smack" of a mouth opening. You met the man's open mouth with one of your own, and the Mandalorian practically plunged his tongue into your mouth.
Your tongues danced and teeth found lips, tugging slightly. The Mandalorian pulled away for a moment before nosing his way over the right side of your face and burying himself into your neck. He started out with kissing all over, searching for sweet spots, before leaving open mouthed kisses all over. He accompanied the wet kisses with nips of teeth and the sucking of skin.
At a particularly harsh nip you gasped, "Mando!"
"Din," The Mandalorian breathed out.
"Huh?" You questioned through a foggy brain.
"My name," The Mandalorian answered. "It's Din."
You nodded, hoping that the Mandalorian, Din, would feel your response.
Din moved over to the left side of your neck, giving this side the same treatment.
You felt one of his arms move and you felt a tug at your waistline. A quiet hiss of fabric rubbing against fabric told you that Din was untying the tie at the waist of your pants. You let it happen, gladly. After the loosening of the tie, you could feel your pants and underwear being pushed down. You helped Din out, lifting your hips and using your hands to help shimmy the clothes down your legs. You kicked the fabric away. Instinctively, you tried to close your legs at the cool air against your center, but the body between your legs prevented that. You jumped at the feeling of foreign fingers exploring your lower lips. They traced the skin before dipping into the slit and feeling up the wet flesh hidden away. Din's fingers danced all around, feeling you up and almost trying to mesmerize the new area of flesh. They traveled up and up before skimming against your clit. You hissed at the contact, gripping Din's left bicep tighter. He doubled back, finding your sweet spot.
"Here?" The man asked, rubbing your clit with two fingers.
"Yeah," You breathed out.
The warmth and presence of a body left you as Din sat up. His fingers began rubbing and circling themselves around and on your clit. His other hand gripped at your hip, attempting to keep you still.
You gripped at the wrist of the man's left hand, the one gripping your hip. You whined and moaned, squirming below the man. Due to the special attention and desperation, it didn't take you long to climb to your peak. Your pelvis tightened and tightened.
"You gonna cum?" Din asked, his own arousal evident in his voice.
"Y-yes, sir!" You answered.
Din kept the same pace and pressure and before long you were crying out and squirming. Din kept his fingers moving, helping you ride out your orgasm. But the man kept moving, driving you into overstimulation. You tried to pull Din's hand away from your clit but he captured both your wrists in his left hand and kept moving his hand until you tried to close your legs.
You took a deep breath and relaxed, skin cold due to a light sheen of sweat. You tried to catch your breath and Din pulled his fingers away from your clit. Only a few seconds after did you feel a prodding against your vaginal hole. Din's already wet fingers and your soaking arousal made it easy for Din to edge his one finger inside of you. It wasn't hard to do and you felt his finger, whichever one it was, press itself against your cervix. The Mandalorian gave a few gentle pumps of his finger, bringing out gasps and moans from you.
You yelped a bit, Din's finger pressing uncomfortably against your cervix.
"Two-" You tried to speak between breaths. "Two fingers."
A grunt answered you and Din pulled his singular finger out before pressing two against your opening. He slid in with ease. It was uncomfortable at first, but after a few squelching pumps of the man's fingers you relaxed.
Sensing your relaxed state, Din pulled his fingers from your cunt, which caused a noise of protest to sound from your chest. You could hear the shuffling of clothes and the drop of fabric onto the floor. Din sat you up and moved around you, laying down and taking up your place on the bed. You felt hands grab at you and urge you in a certain direction.
You followed his hands, moving up and over to straddle the Mandalorian. You were surprised to find that the man had already discarded his armor, pants, and boxers. You hovered over Din's pelvis and felt around for his cock. Your searching hand skimmed over Din's dick and you heard the man take in a sharp breath. You grabbed the member, taking note of it's girth, length, and a vein that traveled up the side. You adjusted your body and pressed your vaginal hole over DIn's dick. The head stretched you out a bit more than his fingers and you whimpered at the feeling. A few more presses down and the head practically popped into you. You sighed, sinking down more until you and Din were pelvis to pelvis.
"Comfortable?" Din asked, obviously breathless below you.
"Umm it's-" You tried to get words past you tongue. "Something doesn't feel right."
"Here," Din gripped your hips and forced you down more onto his pelvis.
The movement caused Din's cock to press wonderfully and overwhelmingly against your cervix. You cried out, gripping onto Din's biceps again.
At the adjustment, Din started shallowly thrusting up into you. His hands wandered up from your hips to your abdomen. He gripped your loose t-shirt and pulled it up and off your body. Both of you were now completely naked.
"Gods..," Din breathed out.
He gripped your hips once again, urging you to move on top of him. The meeting of your pelvises was made apparent by a slapping sound. You couldn't help but throw your head up, eyes squeezing shut. You still gripped onto Din's biceps. Din groaned and gasped below you, growling as his thrusts became harsher.
In an almost too-quick-to-process movement, Din gripped your hair into a ponytail in one of his hands and pulled you down by an arm around your shoulder blades. He smashed your lips together so hard to almost hurt. He opened his mouth almost instantly, invading your mouth with his tongue. You wrapped your arms around his head and gripped his hair. His messy, wavy hair caught you by surprise, having never actually seen or felt his hair. You wondered what color it was.
The Mandalorian pulled you from your thoughts when he pulled away and buried his face into the left side of your neck, resuming his previous kissing and nipping. At a rather harsh nip, you pulled the man's hair and Din groaned.
Almost out of nowhere, Din's thrusts up into you sped up and lost their rhythm. His body tensed and you inferred that Din was getting close to his own orgasm. You could feel his heartbeat speed up below you and his breathing become ragged.
"Bite me," You begged.
Din made a questioning noise below you.
A moan forced itself as a sob from your throat and you begged pitifully, "Bite me- bite me- bite me!"
Din listened to your cock drunk babbling and sunk his teeth into your neck. With a muffled groan and the tightening of his jaw, Din reached the peak of his orgasm. Slowly, his harsh thrusts slowed and he relaxed, still keeping himself buried in you. The man unsunk his teeth and let your hair go, letting his head fall back into a pillow and wrapping his other arm around you.
You relaxed into Din's sweaty, hot body. You waited until you caught your breath before speaking.
"You feel better?" You asked.
"Yes," Din answered with a sigh. "Thank you."
You responded with a hum.
"Can we..," Din hesitated. "Can we stay like this for a little bit?"
"Of course," You tell Din. "For as long as you want."
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psychosith · 10 months
Just Admiring
Din Djarin x reader, Poe Dameron x reader (seperate)
summary: you’re touching up your appearance in their visor and they sit back to admire you
warnings: fluff? idk
a/n: this is based off a request by @raechu11, though i altered it a bit to include my boy poe cuz i feel like he doesn’t get enough love😔 another rushed piece but y’all already know writers block is hitting me like a cement brick rn sooo
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Din Djarin
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You’re on a supplies run on Coruscant, sleep deprived and sore after a thrilling mission in the outer rim. Din had gone to a weapons shop a few blocks away, and you were getting some medical supplies for your kit on the ship. After picking up some bandages and bacta, you headed to the rendezvous point, a nearby cantina.
The atmosphere in the cantina was loud and distracting, but you managed to snag a quiet booth in the corner where Din found you a few minutes later. He slid into the seat next to you and you two ordered something to eat. Well, you ordered something to eat. Din insisted he wasn’t hungry yet still offered to pay for your meal.
The food was nothing spectacular, as to be expected in a dingy cantina like this, and it was messy. Sauce spilled out onto your plate and eventually, your face. You searched around for a napkin and found one to wipe your mouth with. “Alright,” you say, turning back to Din. “Ready to head out.”
Din hesitates a little, before gesturing to where his mouth would be. “You have a little…” he says.
“Oh,” you say. Your face flushes red as you turn away in embarrassment before an idea pops into your head. You turn to face Din and glimpse yourself in the oddly reflective visor of his helmet.
You swipe at the bit of sauce on your lip and reach into your pockets and grab a tin of lip salve. Facing back towards Din, you apply the salve and take another few seconds to fix your hair, generally touching up your appearance. Din doesn’t move once throughout this entire endeavor, it seems he’s transfixed. You can hear a soft laugh from Din’s helmet, and his shoulders shake slightly to accompany the sound.
“Something funny?” you ask. His head tilts slightly as he relaxes and lets himself live in the moment.
“Not at all. Just… admiring.”
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Poe Dameron
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(omg the way hes looking at the person in this gif someone sedate me)
The last strike against the Empire had been entirely unsuccessful. You had lost valuable men and resources that day, and it was time to do damage control. General Organa was coming down to your base to help, and there was roughly five minutes until you would be meeting with her. Unfortunately, you had also just gotten back from a small dogfight with a couple of imperial TIE fighters on one of this planet’s many moons. You and Poe had managed to take them all down, but now you were sweaty and flushed from the exertion. You were sure you had a bad case of helmet hair and you had no time to change from your suit.
Poe offered to walk you to the meeting, still in his flight suit and helmet still on. When you’re finally at the door to the meeting room he offers some words of encouragement. “Don’t be nervous,” he says with that trademark smirk, “I’m sure you’ll survive.”
“Wow, thanks,” you respond, sarcasm heavy in your tone. “How do I look?”
Without thinking, you start looking into his helmet visor and smoothing out your flyaway hairs. You comb through your hair with your fingers and start to impulsively flatten your tousled flight suit.
When your eyes unfocus from your own reflection, you meet Poe’s warm brown ones. His eyes dance across your features as he looks you up and down, and all of a sudden you become sheepish at the thought of him watching you. “What, do I have something on my face?”
“No,” he says. His hand moves to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “I was just admiring.”
“Oh,” you say.
“You look beautiful.”
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dameronology · 2 years
how about what would happen if the star wars boys made you cry 👀
ok i kinda did this in the scenario that you're arguing and they make you cry
characters: din, poe, finn, han, luke & obi-wan
din djarin
he is HORRIFIED the minute tears spring from your eyes
maybe you're fighting, maybe he got stressed and said something in the heat of moment, whatever it is, he's immediately forgotten about what he was mad about and he's by your side, floods of apologies coming from his mouth and gloved hands taking yours
he just kinda pulls you into his chest and holds you for a moment and my GOD he wants the world to swallow him up because he loves you more than anything in the world and he normally hates whoever makes you cry but right now it's him
truth is, you know din and you know that he would never do anything to intentionally hurt you so as far as apologies go, it's one you accept pretty quickly
he's gonna apologise for like a week after that
even if it becomes annoying
poe dameron
poe just sort of freezes and has this "oh fuck" look on his face
"oh god, don't cry. please don't cry. did i make you cry? oh my god. i made you cry."
and then he probably starts crying too
because he always wants to cry when you cry but the fact that he's the one responsible for it? woo boy
he swallows it down though and doesn't let you see because he doesn't want to seem like he's taking away from what he's done
his immediate reaction is to want to hug you, but he waits for a moment to see if you'll let him because he doesn't know if you're gonna swing at him tbh
if you let him, he holds you fucking tight. he doesn't apologise then and there, though, not until things have calmed down - normally a few moments later - that he says sorry and you know it's from the bottom of his heart
he goes out his way over the next few days to make it up to you; flowers, dinner, a romantic trip to a distant planet, but above all, he makes an active effort to never let it happen again
and that's what matters most
honestly finn looks like a kicked puppy
because he tries so hard to never argue with you or get mad EXACTLY FOR THIS REASON and he has failed in his attempts and oh lord he wants to die
he doesn't jump immediately to apologising, mostly because he wants you to say what you need to say and he doesn't want to talk over you
and he listens!! he wants to know what he did and what he said so that it never happens again
then he apologises, and it's always straight to the point but still eloquent and meaningful
finn isn't gonna be the kinda guy who apologises for days (oh, din) or goes out his way to shower you in sorry gifts (ah, poe) because mostly he just wants to move on from it and get back to a good place with you but it's like...not in a way that he forgets about it??
it's more of a thing that he hates things being off with you. like it literally kills him inside. so he encourages you to both move forward and get back to the good stuff.
but he also makes it clear that he has learnt from it
han solo
han literally doesn't know what to do. he can barely handle people crying at the best of times but when a) it's you and b) you're crying because of him?
his immediate reaction is to run, because it's han and he always wants to peg it away from every single issue but his chest hurts at the idea and it hurts even more when he knows he's the bastard that made you cry
he just goes silent and is kinda 🧍‍♂️for a second because his brain is computing but then he realises that he does know what to do when you cry and that's attack the thing that upset you
then he realises that he can't do that and goes "well i can't fucking blast myself, so i don't really know what to do right now" and it's stupid and dumb and oh my god han read the fucking room but at least it breaks the ice a little bit and you smile
because, despite everything and despite han being...well, han, you know he's trying his best and the fact he's even still in front of you is actually something of a miracle
that's your cue to rip into him, by the way, because even if you're crying it is canon that the only way to get han solo to listen to you is to tear him a new one (or three) so he will stand there and take the bollocking
after that, he apologises. han isn't good with words so it's a little bit spacey and awkward but the intent is there
but he also makes it abundantly clear that he never means to hurt you and you know, from the bottom of his heart, that he means it
luke skywalker
luke literally stops in his tracks and he's holding you immediately and going "i didn't mean that, i really didn't mean that, please don't hate me"
literally his entire facade his gone - the stubbornness, whatever he's arguing about - just disappears and he realises immediately that none of it is worth making you cry
so the man is literally holding you before your tears even start and he's already apologising over and over
he does want to listen to you though and hear what you have to say, so he's all ears
tbh, it's hard to stay angry at luke for long because you know he's completely pure intentioned and good hearted but you can absolutely opt to give him the silent treatment or take space for as long as you need and he will let you do it
after that, he buys you flowers and will make it up to you in every way he knows how
obi-wan kenobi
out of everyone on the list, obi-wan is the one who is the most shooketh to his core when he realises that he's made you cry
because he's so chivalrous and loving and might as well live to serve you so the idea that he's hurt you is quite possibly his greatest fear come true
his immediate reaction is to give you space. he'll apologise first and let you know that he's ready to talk whenever you are, simply because he doesn't want to overstep or push you to make up until you're ready
but as soon as you are, he's all ears and listening to everything you have to say
again - and i feel like i'm saying this for every character here lol - you know that he'd never hurt you intentionally and although that's the main, the proof is in the pudding when he actively listens to you and makes an effort to avoid it happening again
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Incase you missed the best parts of the sneak peak of “strange way of life” with Ethan Hawke and Pedro Pascal released in Spain yesterday.
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ichorai · 2 years
would that i ; din djarin.
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track twelve of WASTELAND, BABY!
pairing ; din djarin x gn!reader
synopsis ; din didn’t consider himself a very jealous person. no, he wasn’t affected at all when the kid seemed to want to spend more time with you than him. not even a little bit.
words ; 1.5k
themes ; fluff, mild pining, kinda sunshine & grump trope
warnings / includes ; grogu eats a frog, mando gets v flustered, reader jokingly calls him daddy lol
main masterlist.
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Bag hitched over your shoulder, you tugged on your hiking boots, bending over to double-knot the laces. “Hey, I’m going out to the market to grab some spare parts for the ship,” you called to the brooding Mandalorian in the cockpit. You were met with a quiet grunt in response. Finished with your shoes, you straightened yourself up and peeked your head into the front of the ship, watching Din work on some frayed wires by the control panel. “I’m taking the kid with me.”
This made him halt in his ministrations, and he turned to you. “Isn’t it easier if he just stays with me? Keep him here.”
Crossing your arms over your chest, you nodded stoutly. “Alright, lemme ask him. Hey, bub,” you cooed, picking up the tiny creature from his floating carrier and setting him on the ground, equidistant between the two of you. Grogu peered at you with wide eyes, before rounding his head to look up at Din, then looked to you once more. He let out a garbled noise of confusion. “You wanna go to the market with me or stay with Mr. Grump over there?”
Silent, Din watched as Grogu began waddling towards you, seemingly excited at the prospect of going out to explore. 
With a hum of satisfaction, you scooped the kid up into your arms, shooting the masked man a victorious smirk, before striding towards the exit. 
“Be back before sunset!” he barked out, earning him a mock salute from you, then proceeded to incoherently grumble under his breath about how going to the market was really a one-person job, whilst fixing up the banged up ship definitely required more than a single pair of hands.
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Clementine flames licked at the air greedily, crackling as Din tossed another wedge of wood into the fire. The setting sun cast long shadows over the secluded, wooded area your little group was hunkering down in, sparsely lit with the heated glow of the fire and the cold luminescence of the distant stars in the sky. You sat on the opposite end of the fire, blowing warm air into your palms to ebb away the numbing cold sewn into your skin.
The kid was snuggled up to your side, cooing as he tried to grab floating embers of the fire that drifted past him, carried away with the frigid night breeze.
Din studied the two of you, his mask betraying no expression whatsoever. Though Din was a man of few words, he was also a man of keen observations, always entirely aware of his surroundings. He noticed the way the orange of the fire tinted your skin with a near angelic glow, how the rustling of leaves behind him seemed to perfectly accompany your tinkering laugh as you smiled at the kid’s ministrations, how your eyes brightened with all the galaxy’s light within your irises. 
His attention was reluctantly drawn away from you when the kid waddled off to the side, having spotted a bulbish frog—which, presumably, looked like a tasty snack to him. 
With a gentle smile, you got up and circled around the fire to sit beside him, foliage crunching beneath your haunches as you settled down. 
“What’s on your mind?” you asked, just audible enough to hear over the pops of the flames. “You’re thinking so loudly.”
There was a moment of silence, the quiet weighing heavily over the both of you.
“It’s nothing,” he replied finally. “Nothing to worry about.”
Not wanting to pry, you hummed in thought, about to tell him that you’d be all ears if he had something to say, but promptly held your tongue when you caught sight of the kid swallowing the poor one-eyed frog whole.
“Spit that out!” both you and Din ordered at the same time. You glanced at each other, and your shoulders shook as you began to laugh, the corners of your eyes crinkling with such genuinity that was rare to find these days. 
You couldn’t see it, but a trace of a smile slowly appeared behind Din’s helmet.
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The kid had finally fallen asleep—it took hours of you setting him firmly on your lap and telling him to shut his eyes until he began to relent, curled against your stomach and stealing your body warmth. Sleep was tugging at your own sleeves, whispering gentle static into your ears and weighing down your eyelids. 
Din had passed by the two of you multiple times as he tended to the many laborious upkeeps of the ship, silent as a ghost, but his mere presence was loud enough for you.
It was only when the ship’s door slid open did you startle out of your half-unconscious state, blearily rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. You glanced down at the small form on your lap, gently patting his little wrinkled head. 
Carefully, you got to your feet and lowered Grogu into his floating carrier, tucking him into a mottled brown blanket with nimble fingers. The kid stirred mildly at the jostling movement, but settled down when you hushed him quietly.
Satisfied that he wouldn’t spring awake and scamper out of his carrier to swallow down more frogs, you left the ship, sliding the door shut behind you.
The night’s chill was stronger than it had been a couple hours ago, the cold steeping into your muscles and freezing your bones. The moon bathed the forest in a hazy, pearl-hued luminescence, reflecting softly against Mando’s armor. He was watching the vast, dark forest, broodingly quiet. You came to stand beside him, shivering slightly.
“Done with all your little errands?” you asked, trying your best to keep your teeth from chattering. You took his silence as an affirmative. “You really like keeping yourself occupied, huh?”
More silence. In the distance, a frog croaked.
“I would’ve been more than happy to help you if you’d asked, by the way. You didn’t have to do all that by yourself. I used to be a mechanic, you know?”
Din risked a glance to you, holding his breath for reasons unbeknownst to him. You looked awfully serene basking in the sweet cold of the night, which made his chest ache with a tender kind of longing he couldn’t quite put his finger on. A life he knew he couldn’t have, perhaps.
He tore his eyes away before he could dwell on that thought too much.
“What are you doing out here? It’s real cold out,” you murmured, angling your head to look at him. It sometimes frustrated you just how unreadable he was—not even considering the mask, he rarely ever gave anything away with his body language. You wondered what went on in his head. “Are you okay?”
For the first time since you came out, Din spoke. It was tentative and slow—fittingly cautious in nature. His voice sent a thrill up your spine—it wasn’t often that the two of you would genuinely converse about something other than the ship’s upkeep. “The kid likes you.”
A surprised look splintered through your expression. Of all things you expected him to say, that most certainly wasn’t one of them. “Well, yeah, I’d hope so. I love the little guy, even though he eats like a starved wampa.” You narrowed your eyes at him, the beginnings of a smile painting across the corner of your lips. “Oh, maker, you’re jealous, aren’t you?”
Before he could formulate a proper response, you stepped closer to him with a teasing glint to your eyes that he misliked. You patted his chest in mock-comfort.
This close, he could see the fine details of your features much more clearly—he noticed the small, faded scar across the bridge of your nose, slightly darker in color than the rest of your complexion, he noticed the soft curve of your cupid’s bow, and he noticed the slight arch to your eyebrows, as if expecting him to say something.
Oh, right. He should probably say something.
Din flushed hotly beneath his helmet, finding himself at a loss for words. 
“I’m sure the kid loves you just as much, if not more than, he loves me,” you surmised, still with a teasing lilt to your words. “After all, we both know he considers you his guardian—if he could talk, he’d definitely be calling you father. Or, actually, that might be too formal for him—maybe daddy, or something. Pops, even.”
Din huffed, amused. “The kid wouldn’t call me daddy,” he deadpanned, finally finding his tongue. 
You beamed devastatingly gleeful, and he could just about feel his heart disintegrating into sand and spilling through the crevices of his ribs. 
“Why not? I think it suits you.” You shrugged, still grinning so wide it was a wonder your face hadn’t split into two. Oh, you were going to be the death of him one day. “I’m gonna head back in—I’m freezing my ass off out here. Good night, Din. Or should I say daddy?” You barked out a laugh, clearly pleased with your little joke, before trudging away from him, chortling to yourself along the way.
Din watched as you slipped back into the ship, your words ricocheting in his head over and over again. He exhaled heavily. 
He was digging himself a deep hole here—and he wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to stop.
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multific · 10 months
We Are One
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Chapter 1: Getting You
Din Djarin x Reader
Summary: He watched you leave him and did nothing. Now, he was a Mandalorian again, he had his son, but he still felt as if something was missing. That something was you. Yet, Din Djarin never expected to find you on a far planet as the bride of the great Duke Leto Atreides.
Part 2
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Everyone said he had it all.
Everyone said he was so lucky.
And yet, he felt empty.
His house wasn't a home, not fully. Not without you.
He will never forget the day you left.
How he regrets not going after you.
How he regrets not saying that he loves you.
And now, he was suffering the consequences. 
He didn't have you anymore. Yes, he still had the kid, but he also wanted you.
He needed his clan of three.
This is the way.
You left not long before the kid left with the Jedi.
You two had a bad argument.
He blamed you for letting the kid be taken, but in reality, he couldn’t handle his own guilt.
He blamed you, but he knew it was never your fault.
You left him, and it was all because of him.
Being a force-sensitive yourself, you had to be careful who you trusted.
So, naturally, you didn’t tell your Mandalorian companion about your powers. It's not like he would have cared.
As you began to know more and more about him, you realised that you were in love.
In love with a man you have never seen the face of.
And then, he broke your heart.
He suggested the worst.
Even with your powers, you were too slow, too weak to stop them from taking Grogu.
And so, you left.
Leto Atreides, frequently referred to as the Red Duke and sometimes called Leto the Just, is the twentieth and penultimate Duke of House Atreides. A true noble who took great interest in you when you visited his planet.
It was meant to be a place for you to forget.
To forget the Mandalorian who broke your heart.
Yet, Leto was obsessed with you. You had a feeling it was mainly your powers he desired, but he insisted it was your beauty. 
Which you also didn’t doubt.
He was obsessed with beautiful things. 
He liked the finest feasts and wine, why would his taste in woman be different?
It wasn’t.
He often said how beautiful your children would be.
He often looked at you so lovingly.
Yet, you didn’t love him and you never could. He wasn’t your Mandalorian.
It was a week before the wedding.
The entire Galaxy knew about your engagement to the Duke himself.
You will soon become a powerful lady.
And yet, you were not happy.
You were good at faking it, sometimes you even convinced yourself, but in your bed, alone, you couldn’t convince anyone anymore.
You missed him and the kid.
Your clan of three.
You didn’t even know what happened after. 
You can only assume Djarin got Grogu back. You can only go off of the fact that the Mandalorian would go to the end of the Galaxy and back for the kid.
You look out the window, trying your best to enjoy the scene when you notice the guards getting ready for something. You tried to see what was happening. It was strange.
You only ever saw them behave like this way when an intruder came about a month ago.
So, you could only imagine it was the same.
You watched as a small ship landed.
You saw a silhouette walking towards the castle.
Your heart picked up as you realized who it was.
All of your senses, screaming at you.
Run to him.
And you did. You ran through the castle, nearly running into others who were trying to see what was happening.
You reached the entrance where Leto was standing.
“My Beautiful Love, please, get inside, you might get hurt.” he said but you didn’t hear him, all you could see was the Mandalorian.
Your Mandalorian.
The beskar on him looked so shiny, you could hear your heart in your ears.
Then a voice, his voice filled your mind.
“Come to me.” he said.
And you didn’t need to be told twice.
You ran.
Ignoring everyone, every blaster that was pointed, every yell behind you, asking you to come back.
You ran.
And you ran right into his arms, they held you close as you clung to him, tears leaving your eyes as you finally felt at home.
Djarin turned around and started walking back to his ship, you opened your eyes to see the blasters still pointed at you, with a simple mode of your arm you made all of them lose their weapons as everyone stood, stunned. 
But you didn’t care, you were back right where you belonged.
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Part 2
Taglist: @fleursirvart @greenarrowhead @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpster @capsiclesdoll @puknow @alwayshave-faith @alex12948 @lxdyred @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek @praline357 @trshngyn @avengers-r-us @violet-19999 @top1bbgloak   @manduse @jacalineiscomingforyou  @mandoloriancookie @noname2246
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honeyedmiller · 1 year
Close | Din Djarin
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pairing: din djarin x f!reader
warnings: so much fluff, like literally this whole thing is just pure tooth rotting fluff and din and so soft in this, helmet comes off, reader and din are in LOVE
word count: 5.1k
synopsis: the man in shining beskar armor is one of mystery, and you were determined to get close to him.
based off of the song “close” by nick jonas
not revised (go figure) so sorry if there’s mistakes.
divider by @saradika
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“‘Cus space is just a word made up by someone who’s afraid to get too… close.”
He intrigued you from the moment you set your eyes on him. Tall, broad, glinting in beskar, and a complete mystery underneath the helmet.
You often passed him and his little green apprentice in the marketplace. It started off with you glancing at him. It then turned into small smiles on your end, and a curt nod on his.
The spring air was fresh the first time he spoke to you. You were picking out some fruits for your home, when you turned around and saw him standing behind you. You gasped softly, beaming up at him.
“Those are Grogu’s favorite,” The masked man said, tilting his visor down at the fruit you had in your hand. “I was going to get him some, too.” His modulated voice was deeper than you expected, but had a warm tone to it nonetheless.
“They’re my favorite, too.” You respond with a smile, splitting the fruit in half after quickly peeling it and handing it to the small creature.
“Oh, no, you don’t have to—” He starts, but you shake your head.
“I insist.” You grin as Grogu coos up at you, his ears perking up.
“He likes you.” The Mandalorian says, and you give him a small smile.
“Well it’s nice to officially meet you to, uh,” You pause, not knowing what to call the man.
“Mando.” He says, and you nod.
“Mando.” You repeat, holding out your hand. He looks down at it for a second, like he’s contemplating on shaking it or not. After a couple of beats, he extends his hand to shake yours.
“What’s your name?” He asks you, and you just grin up at him before slowly backing away from him.
You knew Mando obviously wasn’t his real name, so you decided to be a mystery to him all the same. You didn’t know much about Mandalorians, but you did know they had a creed they followed. It was strict and hid their identities, and you respected that. You just thought it’d be a bit fun to mess with the man in glinting beskar for awhile.
He knew it, too. He knew you were playing a little game, and honestly, he thought he’d hate it. He was a straight-to-the-point kind of man.
But he didn’t.
He saw it as a challenge. He asked people around to see if anyone knew your name, and no one did. Maybe you were just a private person. Which, in all honesty, you kind of were. You minded your own business on Nevarro. You were friendly, just not very talkative.
You on the other hand had went to the local library to find any books you could on Mandalorians. There weren’t many, but you did find one that explained some of their history and their language. Next time you saw Mando, you’d surprise him with your newfound learnings of his culture.
That wasn’t going to be for a few months, though. He ended up getting a job that sent him to the near other side of the galaxy.
He thought about you every single day. He didn’t know what it was about you that had you in his mind stuck like glue. Maybe it was the way you smiled up at him, how you were so friendly to his son, how you remained a mystery to him. Maker, it was just you in general. Your sweet voice, your kind eyes, your beautiful smile.
Mando felt strange about the way he perceived you. He barely even knew you and he was already thinking about you nearly every waking second of the day. He’d never felt this way with anyone, except for one other person.
When he was on Sorgan, he almost thought about risking revealing his identity for her. He’d started to feel strongly about her, but he whisked those feelings away quickly.
He never knew how to connect with someone. His lifestyle always prevented him from settling down and allowing himself to actually get close to someone for once. He had a hard time expressing his feelings, and when they overcame him, he just shut down. He’d go into panic mode and close himself off completely so nobody would be able to experience the softer side of the man underneath all of the armor.
He couldn’t help but wonder from time-to-time what life would be like if he’d just settle down. Sure, he had a house to come back to now, but he had no home. Someone he could come back to after a long journey to ask him how it went, assure him everything will be okay, be there for him when he needed someone.
He craved that so badly, but he knew he just couldn’t get it.
The next time he saw you, it was the peak of summertime. He spotted you first. He was in the marketplace trying to restock on food for him and Grogu, when he saw you talking to the spice vendor. You had that same pretty, kind smile on your lips as you shook the vendor’s hand, putting your purchase in a bag you had slung over your shoulder.
You wore a black sleeveless shirt with a floor length green skirt. You looked even more beautiful than when he left.
You turned your body in his direction, saying your goodbye’s to the vendor as your eyes snapped to the familiar shine of beskar in front of you. You halted for a split second before approaching him slowly.
“Mando.” You greet, smiling up at him.
“Cyar’ika,” He nodded down at you, and your heart skipped a beat. Sweetheart. He’d called you sweetheart.
“It’s been awhile.”
He nodded.
“It’s nice to see you again, Mando.” You softly grabbed his bicep for a second, not wanting to overstep your boundaries. You let go of it quickly before walking off into the opposite direction, leaving each other to wonder about the other for the rest of the day.
That day, Din made it a point to stop by Greef Karga’s office.
“What can I do for you, Mando?”
“What can you tell me about this woman?” He pulls up a hologram photo of you from his glove, feeling nearly guilty about what he’s about to ask his old friend.
Karga quirks his brow at Din. “She’s not a bounty, is she?” He strokes his chin as his stance goes wide, gaze flickering between the hologram and Din’s visor.
“No, I just–” Din pauses, not even knowing what to say. “It’s to babysit Grogu. Need a sitter next time I go out to hunt a bounty.” Din lied, and Karga laughed knowing he was.
“Sure, Mando.” He chuckled, and Din’s face was hot under his helmet. Luckily, Karga didn’t press any further and gave him your name and where you lived. Din thanked the man and headed out for your house later on that evening.
You were hanging your freshly washed clothes up with clothespins, humming an unfamiliar tune. Din approached you carefully not wanting to startle you, but he did anyhow.
You jumped as you turned and saw him, putting a hand over your heart.
“Stars, Mando. You scared me.” You huffed, clutching your tunic against your chest.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
“It’s alright. What brings you on this side of town?” You hang up the tunic in your hand, turning to face him.
“Just… strolling through.” He shrugs, but he knew he couldn’t lie to you.
“Uh huh.” You grin, crossing your arms over your chest.
“I actually, uh, asked Greef where you lived.” He admitted, visor tilted down toward the dirt crunching underneath his boot as he scuffed his foot.
“Do I have an unknown bounty on my head?” You half joke, and Mando tilts his helmet.
“You do anything that could make you a bounty?” He retorts, and you laugh. Oh, how he liked that sound.
“I may be wanted for making the best pog soup in town,” You joke. “Wanna join me for some? It’s almost finished.”
“I can’t.” He shakes his head, and you give him a small, sad smile. You wish he would, but you respect him and his wishes.
“Sure. Would you like some to-go?” You ask, picking up the woven basket that previously contained your freshly washed clothes. You popped your hip out and held the basket to it, tilting your head at him questioningly.
“I don’t want to impose.”
“You’re not, Mando, I’m offering.” You softly chuckle in disbelief.
He wondered, for a second, how his real name would sound rolling off of your tongue. He bet it would sound like honey. Something sweet, something pure.
“Sure.” Was all he said, and you coaxed him to follow you into your home.
It was cozy and comfortable, walls decorated with artwork made my locals that they sold at the marketplace. The place was perfect for a small family, but since it was just you, you had more room than you knew what to do with.
You pulled out a container and ladled the soup into it, cautious not to burn the pads of your fingers. You packed the container nicely in a bag, handing it to Mando.
“Here you are.” You push the bag into his hands, and he looks down at it before presumably looking at you.
“Thank you, cyar’ika.” His voice is soft behind the modulator, his heart filling with that unfamiliar warmth once more.
“You have to let me know how it tastes. You know, once you try it.”
A small laugh is heard behind the modulator, and your heart swells at the sound.
“I will. I promise.”
Din went home that night, warming up the soup again after he put Grogu down for bed so he could eat in silence. He was used to it; it was comforting. But it also made his heart strings tug with the wish that he’d have someone to share a meal with. He was scared to join you for dinner, so he quickly said no. He was scared you’d turn around to try and look at his face; he was scared of you not liking what he had to say; he was scared you were going to find him mundane.
Even with all of the stories he had, he was afraid you wouldn’t find any of them interesting. He was terrified you wouldn’t be into him. So, he pushed and pushed and pushed himself away until he was so certain all of his feelings were detached from you.
But, when he took his first sip of your pog soup, he knew he was doomed. Maker, that was the best soup he’s ever had in his life. Usually, he’d scarf down his meals. It was a habit he was trying to unlearn. But with your soup, he savored the taste on his tongue and enjoyed each and every flavor it had to offer.
It easily became his favorite meal in the whole universe.
Weeks went by and you’d make him the soup, even when it was the peak of summer and sweat would glisten on your forehead. You did it for him, because he intrigued you, and you wanted to get to know him.
That opportunity finally came one night when he knocked on your door in the late hour. You were surprised to see him standing at your door with his son fast asleep in his arms.
“Hi.” You said softly, motioning for him to come in. He stepped inside, only allowing himself a few inches into your home.
“Sorry to come by so late,” He starts, “The water went out at my house, and, uh, I was wondering if I could borrow your shower.” He explained.
This was the first time you heard a more shy tone behind the modulator. It was sweet, and you could tell it must’ve taken him a lot of courage to even come here and ask you such a favor.
“Of course. Let me, um, get you a towel.” You walk over to the hall cabinet and take out a towel for him, going into the bathroom and hanging it neatly on the towel rack.
“Thank you.” You felt his visor linger on you for a little longer than you were used to. You looked down at your attire and finally noticed that you were wearing a sleep tunic that barely covered the top of your thighs. Your cheeks heated in embarrassment, and to shift the awkward ambience, you held out your hands.
“I can watch him while you shower.” You gesture to Grogu, and Din hands him to you carefully. The little creature coos, nuzzling into you as a tiny hand clings onto your tunic. You smile down at him as you settle down on the couch in your living room, rocking him softly.
“Thank you.” The Mandalorian says, turning swiftly to the bathroom.
He didn’t take long, and you tried to not let your mind wander to what he looked like underneath his helmet. You tried to guess his features deliberately, weighing the options of dark or light eyes, hair, skin, everything. You bet he was gorgeous underneath the beskar. It was a shame no one got to see him, but you respected him and his privacy.
You wonder how many people have seen him with his helmet off. If anyone’s ever gotten to touch his face. Oh, that man was probably so touch deprived. The thought made your heart sink a bit.
Your thoughts dissipated into thin air when the bathroom door opened, steam coming out of the room as he stepped out in his flight suit. The only piece of armor he had on was his helmet. You frowned softly in the darkness, thinking that must be insanely uncomfortable for his wet hair to be sticking to his helmet like that.
“Here,” You stood up, careful not to wake the baby. You gestured down to a basket that was empty, and motioned the Mandalorian to put his armor in there. You took a piece of armor for him and gently set it in the basket, and he followed suit with the rest of it. “I can wear a blindfold, Mando.” You told him. He looks at you, tilting his visor.
“I know other people can’t see you. I presume Grogu here already has, but, I can wear a blindfold so your hair can dry properly. That helmet must be awfully heavy.” You explain, and he thinks about it for a moment.
“Okay.” Was all he said, and you smile as you head into your bedroom and set Grogu down on your bed before rummaging through your clothes for a blindfold. You found one tucked away in a corner of a drawer, and you held it out to him.
“I’d feel more comfortable if you put it on. You know, so you don’t think I’m trying to get a peak at you or anything.” You smile softly at him, and Din’s heart clenches. You respected him and his creed, and he was so thankful of that. You drop the satin material in his bare hands, which you noticed were tan. That was just one piece of the puzzle that is this man before you.
You turn on your heel so you’re facing away from him, and he takes the material and wraps it gently around your head to cover your eyes. His fingers accidentally brushed your neck as he pulled back after tying the blindfold onto you.
Goosebumps raised onto your skin, and he noticed. Even in the dark and with the tint of his visor, he noticed. He felt it, too.
He wasn’t a man of many words. That was something you both knew. But in that moment, he wanted to tell you you were the most beautiful person he’d ever seen in the galaxy. He wanted to tell you everything there was to know and take you to every single planet that he think you’d like.
But, as always, he was at a loss for words. Too many thoughts and emotions trying to claw their way out of him, and he wouldn’t let it surface. He wouldn’t let himself fall for someone as beautiful and smart and kind as you. He just couldn’t.
You felt yourself being spun around as Din waved his hand over your face. “Can you see how many fingers I’m holding up?” He held up four, right in front of your face.
You shook your head. Everything was pitch black.
“Good.” Was all he said, before you heard a hissing sound of pressure being released.
“You can stay in here awhile and, I don’t know, talk if you’d like. If not I set out a blanket and pillow for you on the couch out there.” You pointed in the wrong direction of the living room, and Din’s lips curled up in the slightest.
“What would we talk about?” Din’s unmodulated voice rang through your ears, and you gasped. His voice was beautiful. Almost shy sounding, but deep and smooth.
You shrug your shoulders. “Whatever you want to talk about. I don’t get company, ever, so… it’s up to you. Or we can just go to bed and we don’t have to talk at all.”
“I can… tell you about some stories of my adventures across the galaxy.” He offers, and you grin toward the sound of his voice.
“I’d love that.”
And so he does. For the next couple of hours, you sit on your bed with your arms enveloping your knees to your chest as you listen to him talk about these intense days hunting a bounty, battling Moff Gideon, running into Jedi, the fact that he gave Grogu to Luke Skywalker, how he won the darksaber and gave it rightfully and respectfully to Lady Kryze, and how the Mandalorians retook their home planet.
He even went as far as telling you that he wasn’t originally born a Mandalorian, that they saved him after a droid killed his biological parents, which is why he absolutely despises the bots. Well, besides IG-11 and R5-D4.
You soaked in every single detail he chose to give you, finding himself loosening up over time while he talked to you. He found you very easy to talk to, and he could tell you were attentive as you followed along with his stories.
“I’ve never talked this much to anyone, ever.” Din chuckles, sighing softly.
“Really? I could listen to you go on for days. You’re an amazing story teller, Mando.” You smile softly, and his heart skips a beat.
He contemplated on telling you his real name, too. After all, you two’ve been acquainted long enough. He knew your first name so it was only fair that he told you his.
“It’s Din.” He says in a near whisper. He saw your brows thread together in confusion, so he elaborated.
“My name is Din.” He says, and he saw your body go rigid.
Your heart melted at the fact that he was willing to give up a part of his identity to you. That he trusted you enough to even tell you everything he’s said thus far, including his actual name.
“Din.” You repeat, and him hearing you say his name felt so right. Like it was a secret of yours to keep.
“Just… do me a favor, please. Don’t repeat my name to anybody, and only use it when it’s just us two together.” He gnawed on his bottom lip as anxiousness overtook his body. He was never vulnerable with people like this, and not having any of his armor on in a place that wasn’t his home furthered his anxiety.
You reached out in front of you, successfully finding his warm hand as you gave it a soft squeeze before pulling away. “Of course, Din. You have my word.”
After that night, you two seemed to get closer. People noticed and talked, but you didn’t really pay any mind. Neither did Din. There were many more nights of him coming over to your place to talk and eat delicious meals with you, which he finally allowed himself to do. You ate with your backs to each other as you talked about your days, another brief mission Din went on, and how Grogu is finally getting along with the kids of Nevarro City.
It wasn’t until the fall time that you realized you were starting to fall for the man in shining armor. It’s ironic, really. The one person you’d told yourself was off limits, you found thinking of nearly every minute of the day. The one that you were sure of just being strictly friends with.
You were falling in love, and you were falling hard.
There were some days you felt you couldn’t even face Din, because you genuinely feared total and complete rejection. It wasn’t fair. You didn’t have something to cover your face to hide your feelings or the soft sparkle in your eye every time you looked at him.
Whatever affections or strange feelings Din had for Omera a few years ago, he had for you much stronger. He found himself wanting to be the source of your beautiful smile and laugh. He wanted to be near you as much as he could, and the times that he couldn’t, he found himself spending every second thinking of you.
Some might say it was an unhealthy obsession at that point, but truthfully, you both were just lovestruck fools. You didn’t need to see Din’s face to know that he was a loyal, trustworthy, honorable man. He had a heart of gold that he only reserved for you and his son.
He never thought that with his old lifestyle he’d be able to settle down somewhere. Now that he’s here in Nevarro with his son, he wanted a family. Not that Grogu wasn’t his family, of course, but he wanted to settle down. Start some family roots here. Find a wife, have a (human) child, grow old with his family here.
He saw that life with you.
The times he thought about it in depth, he truly thought he might’ve actually been going crazy, but he didn’t care. He was so content with just him and Grogu in his cozy little home, but ever since he finally allowed himself to grow close to you, he feels as if the house isn’t a home without you in it.
Come winter time, those feelings from you both never dissipated. If anything, they grew stronger.
It was a busy day at the market one particular chilly day. Vendors were selling caf and pastries, which you gladly indulged in. You were looking at a new painting to buy for your house when you heard your name being called. You whirled around to come face-to- well, helmet, with Din.
You smiled up at him.
“Mando, you’re back!” You cheer, going to give him a hug, but you stopped short. You suddenly remembered you were in a very public place, where wandering eyes could clearly see you both.
Din felt your hesitation and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest plate. The metal was cold, sending a shiver down your spine. You relaxed in the familiar embrace (you two may’ve cuddled from time-to-time when he came over to talk with you), looking up at his visor.
“Wanted to surprise you at your house, but you weren’t there. Figured you’d be here instead.” He explained, and you grinned up at him.
“Was a short trip, hm?” You asked, walking with him through the market. He kept his hand loosely wrapped around your hip as you walked.
“I needed to go back to Mandalore for something.”
“What was it?” Curiosity overtook you, and he looked down at you.
“Not here, cyar’ika. Let’s go back to your house.”
You both made your way back to the warmth of your home, shucking off your three top layers so you were left in just a long sleeve and pants. You kicked off your boots before you made your way to the couch, sitting down as you waited for Din. He sat down next to you after checking to see Grogu was fast asleep in his pod.
“I went to Mandalore to ask the Armorer for something. Something I want you to have, something very significant and dear to me. But I want you to know this first,” He begins, leather-bound hands grabbing your own. “Cyar’ika, you’ve been nothing but a light in my life. I spend every day thinking of you and how much you mean to me and Grogu. You’re brilliant, kind, brave, beautiful, and so many more things that I couldn’t even begin to cover. You’ve made me fall in love with you the past near year that I’ve gotten the privilege to know you. You’ve got me, cyar’ika, and nothing would make me happier if you’d become my riduur, my wife, my partner for life.”
Tears are flowing out of your eyes now, and a happy sob escapes your throat. He untangles one of his hands from yours to take something out of a pocket he has, and he presents you a shiny necklace with Din and Grogu’s signet as the pendant. A Mudhorn.
Your free hand flies over your mouth as you cry, looking down at the beautiful necklace and back up to Din’s visor.
“Din.” You choke out a whisper, moving toward him to embrace him in a hug. He hugs you back tightly, resting his helmet against your forehead. You take both sides of his helmet and lean back, sniffling as you smile in pure adoration.
“I would love to join your clan, Din. Become your riduur. Be your wife. Partner for eternity. I love you.”
“Cyar’ika.” Din’s modulator barely caught onto his whisper. You two held each other like that for awhile, your sniffles finally dying down.
“You know, Mandalorians have an oath we follow our whole lives after we’ve been sworn into the creed,” Din starts, breaking the comfortable silence. He pulls back from you and brushes your hair out of your face. “Honor is life, for with no honor one may as well be dead. Loyalty is life, for without one's clan one has no purpose. Death is life, one should die as they have lived.”
“That’s beautiful, Din.” You whisper, hands moving back down to your lap. He takes off his gloves and grabs your hands into his once more.
“Mandalorians also don’t do wedding ceremonies. We just say a short vow together, and that’s it. Once we’re married, you get to see my face.” Your breath hitches in your throat, and your heart pounds rapidly.
You completely forgot about ever wanting to see him, let alone being allowed to see him. The thought of him showing his face to you made you both nervous. He was worried what you’d think, and you were happy you could finally put a face to the man you’re deeply in love with.
“So, we can just say the vows right now, and that’s it? We’re married?” He gives you a short nod, and you mirror his actions. “Okay.”
“Okay. Let’s get married.” You smile at him, giving his hands a squeeze. He chuckles softly, wanting nothing more than to kiss you right in this very moment.
“Okay. We need to say them at the same time, so I’ll say them to you and then we’ll say them together,” He instructs, and you nod to signal you were ready.
“Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde. Got it?” He asks gently, rubbing his thumbs over the top of your hands.
You nod with glossy eyes and a drumming heart.
“Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde.” You both say synchronously, and a tear falls from your cheek once more.
“We are one when together, we are one when parted, we will share all, we will raise warriors,” Din says, unclasping the necklace so he can put it around your neck. “My riduur. I’ll love you forever.”
“I love you, Din.”
“Are you ready to see me now?” His voice wavers a bit, and you can tell he’s nervous.
You’re his wife and you’re part of his clan now and he wants to spend the rest of his life loving you so tenderly and sweetly as you deserve, and yet, the nerves coursing through his body at the thought of revealing himself to you are in full force.
“Whenever you’re ready, riduur.” Your voice is sweet and patient. Even if he wasn’t ready to show his face to you now, you’d be completely okay with it. You fell in love with him for his loyalty, honesty, kind heart, and protective nature.
Even so, he removed both of his hands from yours before moving them up to his helmet, taking a deep breath before slowly lifting the heap of beskar up and over his head. He set his helmet down on the ground, eyes moving back to your face.
You were in complete awe with what you saw before you. He was simply the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen in your life. Tan skin, brown eyes you could easily get lost in, strong nose, pink lips, and some scruffy facial hair along his jaw with a mustache to match. His brown curls sat messily atop his head, and you just couldn’t stop staring.
Before he could speak out of nervousness, you moved both of your hands and held the sides of his face gently. He closed his eyes in pure bliss, never being touched by another like that in his life. His eyes slowly blinked back open to look at you, brow creasing as he waited for you to say something.
“Meshla,” You whispered, and he inhaled sharply. He had no idea where or how you learned a word of Mando’a, but hearing you speak the language of his people made his heart swell with absolute pride. “You’re so beautiful, Din.” You lightly trace the tips of your index finger over the curves of his face, resting your hand on his cheek once more.
You swept your thumb over his cheekbone, moving closer to him to press a kiss onto his forehead and his nose. You leaned your forehead against his and closed your eyes, rubbing your nose against his gently.
“I love you, my riduur.” He whispered, and you smiled as you leaned in a little more.
“I love you too, Din.” And finally, your lips connected. The kiss was soft and sweet, but passionate and full of promise and want and need.
Falling for and marrying the beautiful woman from the market in less than a year was not on Din’s agenda, for his fear of getting too intimate to someone overtook his whole being. But, stars, he was so glad he took that leap of faith.
And, maker above, was he ever so eternally grateful that the person he chose was you.
Someone who made him unafraid.
Someone who allowed him to get close.
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tag list: @cool-iguana ; @party-hearses ; @amanitacowboy ; @angel-in-beskar ; @pamasaur
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selfryedxpunk · 1 year
hi there👋🏼 I saw your pinned post and I thought I should pop by with a request;
non-sexual touches with Din Djarin. maybe like he's showing reader how to fly the ship or he's helping her grab something from the top shelf and his hand's on the small of her back. idk, i just find it cute
I'll totally understand if you ignore this tho
Of course Anon! Din is just so AGSHSHSJ
Touches [d. djarin headcanons]
word count: 363
content/warnings: tooth rotting fluff
If you were to ever try to reach for a cup or something from the top shelf and you're like “damn it” and call for him, guarantee he’ll probably chuckle at you and with EASE?! gets the cup down for you.
he’ll hold the lower part of your back so you don’t try to hurt yourself and reach for it again
for sure will pick you up a bit to move you over so he can get the cup
after he gets it and hands it to you, he’ll even give you a peck on your forehead or a forehead touch (if he didn't have the helmet)😻
since my guy is super touch starved (i just know), and he can’t always take his helmet off, he does these super cute forehead touches where its either a small soft tap to your temple or putting his helmet to your forehead is how he shows his love
And oh boy if you guys are out in public HAHA where tf do you think you're going??
if you're in the market 100% no money back guarantee he’ll have his hand on your waist while walking and tighten his grip on it if something doesn’t feel right
he’ll also be right behind you if you have to actually shop and he is side eyeing everyone
you're hand will also be right in his as you walk
because you're his top priority (beside lil gogurt)
omg he’d absolutely adore teaching you how to fly the ship or use his pulse rifle
like he’d hold his hand on yours, what you're supposed to press, etc
nah but if you're sitting on his lap while flying the ship his arms are wrapped around you while you're (probably) wreaking havoc driving that thing like he’d be so proud
and if you shoot something with the rifle after learning how (especially at targets) HE’D BE LIKE “*SNIFFLES* THAT'S MY GIRL”
If it's now night and you're just cuddlin’ being cute while gogurt is sleeping in his hammock, he’ll probably play with your hair (long or short) he’ll run his fingers through it to help you relax <3
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hyper-fixates · 2 years
The Spaces Between Walls
Din Djarin/The Mandalorian x AFAB!reader (no pronouns/gendered language).
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Explicit content (18+)
Word count: 2.1k
Tags/warnings: (unprotected) shower sex, oral sex (reader receiving), fingering, teasing/edging, explicit language, creampie, pussy play (let me know if anything was missed!).
Summary: (In)correct use of a shower. That’s it. It’s only shower sex. No plot.
Notes: yes this trope has been done to death and no i do not care. writing is not always that serious :) happy s3!
Din gives a hard suck to your clit, making your thighs jerk against his head unwillingly. 
He keeps a firm grip on the underside of the thigh that rests over his shoulder as he kneels on the hard flooring of the ‘fresher, keeping you tight against the slick durasteel that encases you.
You press your hand firmly against the wall on your left, failing at saving you from shaking too much. The other gently tugs and combs through Din’s wet, overgrown hair in appreciation.
He lets his tongue glide over your cunt a few times, from your hole to the tip of your clit. The steam from the hot water slightly obscures his gaze, but he finds your own as he purposefully closes his soft lips around your swollen clit again.
“Please. Please, please, please,” you chant in a whisper, gladly allowing your aching cunt be massaged by his warm mouth and firm tongue.
Water droplets bounce off his shoulders and mix with the spit that coats your pussy. He kneads the flesh of the underside of your thigh a few times to calm you, feeling how your hole flutters against the tip of his tongue as he teasingly prods at you.
“Ah, f-fuck. Fuck,” you gasp, head snapping forward as he forcefully rolls his tongue flat over you, using his unoccupied hand to spread your lips further apart. 
And he buries his mouth into you. His nose bumps your clit as he teases your entrance a few times, tasting your wetness eagerly.
The inconsistent stimulation makes your stomach and thighs tense on their own accord, and you harshly pull on a few locks of his hair, making him grunt and detach from your needy cunt. 
Your cheeks burn, and you can’t tell if it’s from the steam engulfing you or your arousal at this point. 
Your thighs gently quiver from the loss, and Din looks over your pussy for longer than you’d like him to. He watches a string of your slick and his spit drip down slowly from your core, and his cock pulses at the sight. Another rush of blood flowing to the already leaking and flushed tip you can see bobbing between his legs.
He’s teased you with many fleeting licks and kisses, and now you’re desperate for some unyielding relief. Anything.
You let your eyes fall shut as you rest your head back against the hard steel, trying to manage your breaths that are becoming increasingly more shaky the longer he drags this out.
“Din, please—it hurts,” you whine with some exaggeration, hoping he’ll show some mercy when you give your best pleading eyes.
“I know, baby, I’m sorry,” he purrs against you, making one last firm pass of his tongue between your folds. His eyes hold their contact with yours, and you become lightheaded when he lets the tip firmly flick your clit.
“Oh—fuck o-off,” you chuckle, mindlessly wiping sweat, or water, from your brow. He smiles softly, placing a gentle kiss to your puffy clit before carefully moving your leg off of his shoulder.
There’s just barely enough room for both of you in here, but his grip stays on you, though, making sure you can hold yourself as he lifts himself from the ground with a huff.
You tilt your head to try and meet his sudden height. “You’re so mean,” you sigh, scrunching your brows, hoping to make him feel just a little bad for denying you.
He smirks half-heartedly. “Yeah?” A quick finger slips through your wet folds, and you stretch onto your toes at the satisfying pressure with a surprised squeak. 
“Well, you’re wet,” he taunts, dark eyes watching how you try to squirm out of his teasing hold, but there’s no where to go. 
The closeness of him makes the air even thicker around you. Drops of water fall from strands of his hair that hang off his forehead, and they come down onto your chest; plunging down to where you run hotter than what flows from the shower-head.
His finger just barely breaches your entrance, but it’s enough to make you latch onto his forearm tightly to brace yourself. He leans over, letting his head hang next to yours, and his mouth stops right beside your ear.
“I wish I could have you like this every time,” he admits quietly, pushing his finger in the rest of the way with ease.
Your back curves with a choked gasp to accommodate the intrusion, and your drenched chest meets his. He brings his other arm around your back, placing his hand on the middle of your spine to keep you against him as he leans you both back onto the wall.
You let your hands travel from his arm and up to his shoulders to make room for his wide presence.
“Y-you can,” you stutter out as he presses his thumb to your clit.
He lightly presses a small kiss underneath your ear, leisurely pulling his finger halfway out as he firmly starts rubbing his thumb over you in random motions. 
“You should,” you state firmly with a tight whine. Your cunt hugs onto the single finger for dear life, hopefully showing him how badly you need his cock instead. 
The stretch is nothing compared to what you’re used to, but it’s still able to satisfy the steady throb in your core for the time being. 
Din suddenly drags his tongue down your neck, humming with satisfaction from your answer, and your hips buck against his hand when he rubs against the responsive spot inside you.
He chuckles darkly, kissing back up your neck and pulling away from you. “Found it.”   
His cock slides up against your stomach and rests in-between your bodies as you arch into him again, pulling your lip between your teeth with a groan. “Mm, m-more—please,” you nod your head. 
Your heavy eyes find his focussed ones just as he pushes the finger deep into you again, rubbing hard circles into your clit simultaneously with an entertained smirk. 
His heavy length lies against your stomach as you keep your lower half close to him, trying to get as much stimulation as you can without grinding onto his hand pathetically.
Small whimpers tumble from your lips each time his hand retreats and returns it fully into your wet heat just as fast. You might not have much time left with the warm layer of steam that swirls around your bodies, or the sporadic shower of feverish water over you. You need things to move along faster.
Din’s eyes flicker between your own and his tolerant fingers continuously, letting the jerky yet precise movements pull more moans and arousal from you.
Your thighs ache viciously from the need for release, jaw hanging open to pull in more air, compensating for the tiring of your contracting muscles.
“The water will get cold s-soon,” you pant, gripping onto his shoulder cruelly, your fingers biting into his firm shoulders.
It was a poor attempt to ask for his cock, essentially. But your effort doesn’t go unnoticed. Yet you decide to push him even further by hitching one knee over his hip, letting him have better access to your dripping centre as you open yourself up. 
A small laugh rumbles through his chest, and he slows his wrist when your leg settles around him.
“Then I guess we better hurry,” he prompts, letting his mouth find yours quickly as he pulls his finger from you.
He drags that hand to the underside of the thigh that tries to pull him closer, and the other leaves your back for a moment, moving his cock from your stomach and letting it slide down through your folds, perfectly hitting your clit on its journey as it presses against your hole.
Din’s mouth distracts you as he adjusts himself, and he never falters his movements. His controlling lips slot between yours forcefully, slipping his tongue past your teeth at the same time he enters you easily.
You cry out against his mouth as he pushes his hips up into you mercilessly. His stubble rubs against your lips slightly when he reaches his end; his height now uneven with your own as he makes your cunt swallow the entirety of his cock.
“Fuck—that’s not gonna work,” Din thinks out loud, offering a lingering kiss to your jaw before running the hand on your back down behind your other thigh. 
He leans down just enough to be able to kiss his way back up your chest as he hooks your leg and hoists you up, letting your ankles lock behind his back.
You bounce deeper onto his cock as he brings you up, and you both gasp sharply at the unfamiliar angle. Your weight makes you sit fully on him, and it’s almost too much. Almost. 
He keeps his chest pinned against yours and your back pinned against the wall as he straightens again, almost leaning his full weight into you. This eases the strain on his shoulders and arms, because you know that in a few minutes, he won’t be able to manage with that.
“Yeah—that’s better,” you breath, your cunt burning from the quick stretch as you wiggle your hips to ease it.
Din hums, eyes closing for a split second at the relieving sensation before he claims your mouth again. You welcome it, stray drops of water mixing in when you part to readjust.
He starts thrusting softly when he feels your body relax into the wall, and he consumes your startled moans with his lips and tongue.
Holding you in place, Din rolls his hips into yours at an even pace, letting you feel every ridge and curve his cock possesses. 
You whine continuously deep in your throat, feeling overwhelmed by him. His hands kneading your ass harshly, his lips sucking your bottom lip between his teeth, his cock piercing your throbbing core.
You break away unintentionally when he changes the pace, now snapping his hips roughly into you, and the euphoria that washes throughout you makes your forehead fall against Din’s shoulder.
He lets out a soft groan at the shift, burying his face in your neck and biting into the skin at the base before sucking gently. 
“Feel so fucking g-good,” he murmurs, licking over the new mark and collecting tiny water droplets that have landed across your skin from above.
You whimper in response, cunt clenching as another wave of pleasure rips through your core and down your thighs. The warmth of his body is dizzying, and he presses you tighter against the steel with each precise and deft thrust. 
Your body aches with a desperation that grows stronger with each second that passes, and Din fucks himself deeper into your dripping pussy when he feels your legs hug him tighter.
His shoulders start to quiver. A sign that he’s close, too.
The heavy breaths he exhales fall into earshot, and you hear the short, tight whines that quietly follow each time he fully sheathes himself in your heat. 
“Din—baby—” You plead, pulling away from his shoulder and pulling his face from your neck.
You nudge your forehead against his, letting him rest against you as he slowly loses himself within your burning, wet cunt.
His eyes are clamped shut, brows drawn together as he focuses on the mounting pleasure. You cup his jaw gently, pulling his lips to yours in one final, messy kiss.  
Your tongue glides over his confidently, tracing his bottom lip when you pull back and seal your mouth against his.
The fire in your core has reached its peak, and your cunt pulses uncontrollably as his rhythm becomes uneven.
“I’m close— fuck, I’m close, sweetheart,” he hisses against your lips, breath stuttering with a moan when you clench around him again.
“Cum inside me. Please,” you rush, crying out a string of curses as your body tenses.
You slip a hand down between your bodies, rubbing your clit harshly to give you that final push over the edge. 
“Oh, fuck. Din—l” You cum before you can put together a coherent sentence.
A shudder racks your body as an airy wheeze is ripped from your lungs, tightening everything up and making you go numb. You feel Din snap his hips violently a few more times before he pushes into you with everything has, stilling with a broken groan.
“Mm, perfect.” You feel him kiss your jaw tenderly, nuzzling his face into yours as your ears slowly stop ringing.
Your legs relax around him, and he carefully let’s you down onto your feet. His cock slips out of you easily as it softens, his cum dripping from you immediately when you touch the ground again.
You pull in heavy breaths, leaning into the wall for support. He gives you some space, letting his body slip completely under the stream of water as he rinses himself again.
“It’s cold,” he observes with a tight-lipped smile, letting the frigid water cover him anyway.
You laugh lightly, pushing yourself from the wall. You shake your head and move closer. “And you haven’t even washed your hair yet."
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typingfool · 1 year
𝐀 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄 ;; din djarin
Pairing; Din Djarin x gn!Reader
outline —; Peaceful times with Din Djarin were rare. You relish it.
word count —; 1.1k
WARNINGS —; none.
tags / themes —; reader and din are married, grogu (sweetly) interrupting a moment.
A/N —; *comes back with a massive stars wars obsession* hey, i write for them now. it's been a stressful couple months and i wanted to get something out for my birthday. this isn't beta-read, i just wanted to write. please be kind, thanks.
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This galaxy raised warriors, heroes, and peace-keepers. Those who fought in the name of their planet, for the safety of the future, and the love they carry for their family. Those who were victims of war survived… or trained to survive, fight, and endure. 
This galaxy isn’t raised for writers, painters, and performers. Those who coped in whomever’s name, for the sanity of themselves, and possibly for the love they carried for their crafts. Of course, artists don’t only do it for themselves. They create in order to escape; and luckily enough, they don’t press themselves into the cruel hands of the galaxy. Because it isn’t built for them. 
For you, the galaxy seemed to test the waters. Warriors and Artists? Maybe those two weren’t so different, after all. Oh, how history would have written it; when the stars collide, an artist with no place in this galaxy meets a warrior who can’t find a home. Those three long years, what an adventure it has been. 
Din Djarin is a victim of war. Like yourself. There truly is a place for people like you. But whilst Din grew up with the Way, you grew up tracing the sky, seeing shapes in every landscape, and memorising the curve of someone’s face. Often asking yourself questions like; Where does the shadow fall? In which direction does the light come from? If you were simplified, which shapes best describe you? 
Din Djarin is a Mandalorian. Not like yourself. A Mandalorian. A warrior. He trained and connived his way till he stood in this solid home. He grew up hidden, so he stayed that way for a while in his life; often a mystery to the Guild. 
“Din Djarin, do not move.” You warned, tilting your head as the heat of Nevarro’s sun hit your face. The chair, in which you sat, rocked back slightly at your movements. With arms outstretched, thumb against the pencil, you held it feebly upwards, trying to calculate the proportions of the Mandalorian���s body. 
If you could see his face out in the open right now, you would’ve caught on with the fact that your husband — your riduur — was smirking. And decided to tilt his head in the opposite direction for the fun of it. You clicked your tongue in annoyance but a smile adorned your face. “I’ve been in this position for fifteen minutes, ner runi.” Din sighed softly, tapping his ungloved fingers against his forearm. 
“Fifteen minutes more.” You looked at him over the rim of your notebook, sketching away. A light fire went on above your head, face lighting up as the same smile adorned your features. “I’ll entertain you, what’s our son doing?” You asked, raising your notebook down to tilt your head at him again. 
Din chuckled at your demeanour or was it your question? You couldn’t tell, though he answered anyway. “Eating frogs.” 
“Again?” You turned to look at the side to see your son doing so; eating frogs. Entirely, it was your fault for looking away. At the time your eyes left your riduur, Din got up, breaking your focus. “Din!” You laughed as you looked back at him.
Your Mandalorian called your name with the same energy. His next words were spoken in a gentle manner, enough to capture your attention. “I’m tired,” He merely said, extending his hand to you. “Let’s be tired together.” 
You let a relieved breath. Has it always been there? You weren’t sure, though, at this moment, you let it go. You released it when settling your supplies down the chair in which you sat. You released it when you found yourself melting into Din’s hands. 
With the armour off, the world is all but noisy. The only sound prominent are frogs croaking and the gentle breeze of Nevarro’s ambience. He pulled you into his chest and laid his back against the frame of the metal door. 
Music. You could hear music, with your cheeks pressed against the warmth of his chest, and with his arms wrapped around you (and yours around Din’s waist). The world stopped, for a few moments it stopped, and you breathed. Inhale and exhale. The exhaustion left your body through that breath, and you could feel that Din breathed too. Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum. You could hear his gentle heart, if you listen close enough, you could practically hear his soul. What would it sound like? 
Move. Your body screamed to move, but a part of you wanted to stay like this forever. Though, the feeling caved into you, forcing your head to look at your husband’s visor. Your chin rested on his chest as you asked warily. “Can I kiss you?” 
Modulate. The Mandolorian’s helmet modulated his voice, if he answered in a chuckle, the other might receive it the wrong way. He didn’t want to move. The embrace held a significant peace, one that physically pained him when he moved a muscle. But Din didn’t speak with his brain at the moment, so he removed his helmet, and the beskar fell onto the floor beside them. 
They were in the middle of nowhere, what would you say? — All is well. — That sentence proved its point when Din held your cheeks beneath his hands, and his lips were on yours. He could feel you kiss back, he could feel your cheeks against his, he could feel the lazy smile that tugged your lips. Truly, Din wanted to open his eyes, to get a better look of you without his visor, yet somehow, he couldn’t. 
Din is tired. So tired. His shoulder gave in and melted between your arms; he didn’t know how it got there; your elbows above his shoulder, as your fingers explored his hair. But Din didn’t care, he just melted into your kiss, laughing, nearly crying over the unexpected bliss and peacefulness the day had to offer. 
His desires of staying like this with you continued to grow within each second— 
“Patu!” And then, the moment was sweetly broken. 
Your lips disconnected with a sound, pulling away the moment the sound was in ear-shot. Din’s eyes landed first on the green baby, doe eyed, ears high, and head tilted innocently. 
You saw him slurp a frog. “Grogu,” A waning smile reached your son’s lips when his name was mentioned, without warning, he jumped into your arms. Thankfully, you caught him. “That’s not nice of you. What if the frogs had parents?” You teased. 
Din chuckled beside you, kissing your temple lightly, before opening the door. “Let’s head inside.” He said while bending to get his fallen helmet. The gesture, so simple, caught you off guard. A soft, green hand held the base of your cheek and Grogu joyfully yelled with ‘‘Iek!’
Stepping inside, you looked around, almost nostalgically. This is your home. Reminded by Grogu and Din’s presence, a smile painted your lips. They are your home. “I’ll kiss you once more when he’s asleep.” He muttered before taking Grogu from your grip. 
Maybe there is a place for artists in this galaxy.
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riduur; spouse, husband, wife ner runi; my soul (*ner; my) (*runi; soul)
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avenging-fandoms · 1 year
pls i would but i am SO rusty but.....
idc if you've spoken about this before but imagine you're the only one that gets to see din without his helmet on 🤗 plus every time he takes it off and you're watching him, he's practically smiling up to his ears because he can finally see you properly and you can see his pretty brown eyes ):
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**uh.. i made this into smut. cause i'm din's wife.
You laid on the bed in your new cabin, Grogu sleeping in his new room while you and Din enjoyed your nice bed. Din took off his armor and you sit up on your elbows, Din looking at you.
His fingers reach under his helmet and you sit up straight, scooting to the edge of the bed and putting your knee between his as he stood. You look up at him as you touch his thigh softly, his chest moving at a quicker pace.
Din's helmet hisses and he slides it off, and you smile. His beard, his nose, eyebrows, every feature you could stare at for many years. He sets his helmet down and makes eye contact with you, smiling from ear to ear as he holds your face.
"That helmet hides so much of your beauty, it's unfair" his voice was a whisper and you smile as his pupils blend into his irises. You stand up, his breath hitching in his throat.
"I forgot how beautiful your eyes are, Djarin" your hands push up his chest and hands hold his face, his hands holding your hips. "The child asleep?"
"Yes, my flower" Din responds while leaning forward and you smile, leaning back. "May I kiss you, my flower?" your hands find the hair at the bottom of his head and grip, pulling him down and connecting your lips to his. His right arm tightly pulls you into him, left hand on your cheek.
Din backs you up on the bed, sitting you down and your fingers fiddle with his pants. You pull them down a bit and use both hands to stroke him slowly, Din falling onto the bed. He wasn't used to this feeling and he was ice melting in your hand.
You sat on his thighs and spit, moving your hand in a circle around the tip. Veins popped out of his neck as he whimpered, closing his eyes and throwing his head back. You stopped your movements. "Wha..?"
"When that helmet's off, you look at me" Din nods and his eyes were locked with yours as you moved your hands again. Din sits on his elbows as he watches your movements, eyes rolling then looking at you again.
"That.. that feeling" he whimpered and you pull away, pulling off your dress and leaving you completely nude in front of Din. While sitting in between his thighs, you place your feet on either side of him, licking your fingers as you start to rub your clit. "Dank.. ferrik" he huffed as he watched your fingers, grabbing the base of his dick and slapping it against your pussy.
"How bad you want me, Din Djarin?"
"I need you, flower. Not a want. I want to follow you wherever our missions take up, I need to be inside of you. Please, flower" you loved hearing him beg, but it would've been better on his knees.
You smile and sit up, sitting down on him and Din held his breath. You two rarely ever did this, you two had been with each other for a while but only did it three times, and Din lost it every time.
Din never felt affection, love, tenderness from a touch like yours before. You took care of him, while you also took charge of him. But he enjoyed it. On missions, you listened to him. In private, he was at your feet.
Din's hands held your hips as you bounce, moving his hands to hold your breasts. Your hands on top of his, you start to move your hips back and forth and you throw your head back. Din watched every detail.
Your jaw tightening as your teeth clench, chest heaving as you moved your hips quickly, your baby hairs sticking to your neck from the sweat. Din lifted his leg and pushed against your hips, flipping you on your back and you spread your legs as he moved his hips into you.
"Faster, Din. You won't hurt me" you smile and he places his forehead on yours, holding your neck as he snapped his hips against yours. You gasp for air as he hit your spot, and his movements turned into fast thrusting. "Yes, yes, yes. Oh.." you gasp and dig your nails into his back, lips kissing his and tasting the sweat from his upper lip. Your fingers moved against your clit and your leg shook a bit.
"Th.. the feeling" his hips got slow and you shook your head.
"Faster, Din" he shook his head, his arms shaking. You grip his chin, making him look at you. "Faster"
"I.. I can't" you smirk and put him on his back once again, holding yourself up as Din thrusted up. You rub your clit and moan, Din's fingernails digging into your skin.
"Good.. yes, you're doing so good, Din. So good. Just let go" you kiss his bottom lip and press your face into his chest, trying not to scream as you came around him.
Din held your hips down as he releases and he moved you up and down a bit. His eyes lit up as he watched himself fall out of you, dragging his fingers up and down your folds. "You could have my child?"
"Yes, Din" Din got a sudden boost of energy and put you to the bed, pushing his fingers and his cum into you as he curled his fingers. You gasp and pull your left leg up, gripping the collar of his shirt as he collected every inch of himself and pushed it into you. "Ferrik.. Din.. Din!"
Your juices mixed with Din's as you came again around his fingers, a grin on his face. You dropped your arms and legs and Din got a towel with water, cleaning you and himself. You put your dress back on and opened the window, sitting on the windowsill as you enjoy the silence.
Din walked over and rubbed your shoulders, kissing your neck and cheek. "We're going to be so happy here, Mando" you look at him and he nods, kissing you softly. "Stay in here for a bit, I missed seeing your face"
"Anything for you, my flower"
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dracowars · 1 year
Could you do a din djarin x former inquisitor reader? Maybe he finds out when they are saving Grogu from Moff Gideon in season two. I think Din, Bo-Katan, etc reactions would be so interesting!
forgive me | din djarin
pairing: din x formerinquisitor!reader
word count: 2,6k
summary: where din finds out about y/n's past
a/n: this was incredibly fun to write, i love the inquisitor lore so much!! thank you so much for requesting, i hope you enjoy <3 please don't forget to give feedback and reblog, it means the world to me ♡♡♡
warnings: angst, cursing, violence, mentions of torture, mentions of death
universe: star wars
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"I asked you a question", Din says through gritted teeth, clearly not impressed by the warloard as he points his blaster directy at the man laying on the ground in front of him. After you have successfully taken over Moff Gideon's light cruiser with your newly found team, you were finally met with that inkling of hope that was lost for so long. You were sure that, this time, you won. Except you didn't.
"Call back your darktroopers or I won't hesitate to pull the trigger!", you shout at Gideon, almost pitying his slumped figure on the cold surface. The once great Moff Gideon, holder of the darksaber, military leader in charge of the remnents of the Galactic Empire, huddled on the floor, right to your feet. You would almost believe he is scared, almost, if it were not for the slight twitch pulling at the corner of his mouth. Because despite of him being defenseless, vulnerable and alone, he somehow still managed to pull one last ace up his sleeve and take you by surprise. The surprise that is currently waiting to charge through the blast doors, the last layer of protection that saves you from your fate.
"Everyone in this room will be dead but me. And the child", Gideon says with a sparkle in his eyes, trying to find a comfortable position with his hands cuffed.
"I will ask you. One. Last. Time. What do you need Grogu for?", Din interjects, ignoring his threat as he keeps his blaster pointed at him. Even though you can't see his face through his helmet, it is clear that this time he expects an honest answer or he will definitely not hold back. He has grown too fond of Grogu to not get to know why Gideon wants to capture him so badly or what he did to the small child.
And while Din waits for him to think of an answer that won't have him blast his head off, Gideon's eyes lock with yours and it is in that moment that you feel a shift, seeing a change in his face that you can't quite interpret. The answer he gives is not what you expected at all.
"Maybe you should ask your friend here, not me."
Immediately, you take a wavering step back, lowering your blaster while Din slowly turns to look in your direction, his whole posture screaming at you to explain what tiny piece of information Moff Gideon just dropped your way. "What?"
Bo-Katan, Koska and Fennec, all aiming their own blasters at the door, shift their attention to you now as well, ignoring the loud noises created by the darktroopers trying to come through. You can only stare at Gideon, however, and if he wasn't your only way to get out of here alive, you would have put an end to this already. The knowing grin on his face frightens you because it tells you he knows everything. About what you did, about your past, and, above all, about the darkness hovering over it.
"What does he mean by that, Y/N?", Din wants to know, a twist audible in his voice as well now. He does not trust you right now and if you were in his spot, you wouldn't trust yourself either. You have been on this journey together for a long time already, your only interest being the safety of the child, and yet you managed to keep your biggest secret hidden from him. There are things he doesn't need to and simply shouldn't know about you.
"Y/N is very well acquainted with what I did. I would even go as far as to say that we were once considered allies", Gideon answers for you as you can't come up with any rational explanation, too occupied by what is going on in your mind.
"That's not true! Don't- Don't listen to him. I was never on your side, Gideon", you immediately interrupt as you comprehend his accusation, turning to Din who does not know what or whom to believe anymore. His partner, who lied to him since day one, or his enemy, who just revealed the secret that has been haunting you since forever.
"Tell them the truth then, Twelfth Sister."
As soon as the words leave Gideon's mouth, Bo-Katan suddenly points one of her blasters directly at you, no hesitation in her movement at all. However, you can't even concentrate on the deadly weapon aimed at you as you feel like the ground beneath your feet opens up, causing you to fall into the deep depths full of sorrow, darkness and pain that you ran away from for so long. And the fact that Grogu, sitting at one of the consoles next to you, coos at all of this, does not make it any better.
Silence fills the room as everyone slowly but surely comprehends the meaning behind Moff Gideon's words. What he called you, Twelfth Sister, is a title you have not been addressed by in a long, long time and you desperately wish it stayed that way.
"Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up!", you scream at Gideon, your heart beating so fast it hurts. With trembling hands and legs you take a step closer to him, wanting him to not say another word ever again but as soon as you move from your spot, you are faced with another blaster barrel.
However this time it is Din who points his weapon right at you, stopping you dead in your tracks as you feel like you can't get enough air to breathe. The realization has hit him after all.
"N-No! Please, you need to listen to me! I-"
"You are an Inquisitor?", Din asks, not a single hint in his voice as to how he feels, how disappointed he has to be in you. On the one hand, you want him to scream at you, shout at you for keeping this from him, but on the other hand you want him to be able to forgive you, even though you know that what you did is inexcusable.
Since you have no clue how to put everything you want to say in words at once, you only manage to nod, lowering your head as you feel ashamed of yourself. You are waiting for the shot to hit you and when it doesn't, you look up at Din who has not moved.
"Why?", is all he says, staring at you through his helmet. You swear you feel your heart breaking at how he pronounces this one seemingly harmless word.
"I- I don't know. I didn't want all of this to happen. The one second I fight alongside an army of clones, the next I kill all of them and mourn over my dead master", you explain, the memories tormenting you. "They took me. They took me and tortured me until there was nothing left of who I was or what I fought for. They broke me."
You spit out the last part, feeling the anger spark inside of you. Closing your eyes, you feel the panic chase off the anger as you can physically feel the pain they sent you through once more. You sink to your knees, supporting yourself with your hands on the ground, tears in your eyes. They will always have control over you.
"Inquisitors chased down and killed all of the remaining Jedi. You abducted force-sensitive children!", Bo-Katan reminds you of your all-too-real deeds and you can't help but feel bile rise up your throat, making you cough.
"I did.. bad things and each time, it killed me a little more. But when they wanted me to kidnap a child, I didn't. It was then that I noticed it wasn't my way", you say quietly, trying to stand up for yourself about the only thing you did right and that you can be proud of. Because you disobeyed. Because you turned your back on them. Because you left.
"I can't believe you", Din mutters, his voice sounding coarse.
"I promise you it's not who I am anymore!", you try to convince him, all of them actually, but you know it is to no use. Which does not mean you won't try to change their view because, at last, you were a victim too. "Why do you think I am here? Because I made it my task, my purpose, to protect these children! I don't want anyone to experience what I had to. I even killed one of my so-called sisters! I turned against them."
Breathing heavily, you need a few seconds to cope with your emotional outburst, letting your words sink into their heads while you are trying to hold back the tears that threaten to spill. But you don't let them because you have shown weakness too many times before. After all, the dark side was only able to overpower you back then because it caught you at your weakest moment, using it to its advantage, turning your despair into pure hatred.
"Please, you have to believe me", you breathe out, your voice breaking in the end as you stare at Din and Din only. You don't care what the others think, you don't care if they will ever forgive you as long as Din does. You get lost in the darkness of his visor as you keep staring at him intently, waiting for any kind of reaction but he just won't budge.
Because you can only see him in this moment what you do notice, however, is how Moff Gideon pulls a blaster out of nowhere, points it at Din and fires a shot without hesitation. Suddenly, you feel transported back to that one fateful day when you lost everything. When your clones, your friends, turned against you. When you lost the only person you ever really cared for.
All intent on not letting fate repeat itself, you reach for the Force and feel the familiar tingle in your fingertips. Within seconds, you stop the deadly projectile mid-air. And even though it takes all your effort and concentration, you still somehow manage to use the Force to push Din out of the line of fire, causing him to slitter his feet across the floor.
It feels like time is slowing down as you slowly walk towards Gideon and, as soon as he fires another shot at you, you parry it with the Darksaber in your hand. Shock and terror are written all over his face before you finally reach him, kick the blaster out of his hands and put the deadly blade to his throat.
"I will not let you hurt the people I love", you spit out, looking directly into his panic-filled eyes. Apparently he did not expect you to still be this powerful after all these years of not using the Force at all and, although you have to admit that you could have blocked thousands of those shots back then when it took all of your strength to defend one now, you felt good. The Force, the light side, came back to you as if it was never gone. Considering that you were still a child yourself when Order 66 happened, never completing your Jedi training, your powers have grown exponentially.
"You don't deserve to be kept alive-"
"Y/N-", Din wants to interrupt, but you continue anyway.
"But I have changed. I am no Inquisitor, I am a Jedi", you say, feeling relief as the final truth leaves your mouth, making it finally seem real. "You will face trial and you will be locked away for life so you will never be able to hurt anyone again."
"You forget that you are still on my ship, with my troopers waiting to kill all-"
"And you will kindly call them back and shut them down right now or..", you threaten, looking at the Darksaber that is terribly close to his throat. You don't show that it actually lays extremely heavy in your hands, not only because it is a unique weapon, but also because it is not yours. Your own lightsaber is buried on Felucia, where no one will ever find it.
Gideon huffs in annoyance but considering that you are only millimeters away from slicing the Darksaber through his throat, he finally gives in and follows your command. The sound of the dangerous killing machines switching off outside the blast doors echoes throughout the bridge and as soon as you are certain that all of them are down, you knock Gideon out with the butt of the lightsaber hilt, sending him to the floor unconsciously.
As soon as he hits the ground, your legs give in underneath you and you slump in, letting the blade dissolve before tossing the weapon as far away from you as you possibly can. Tears stream down your face as all the burden you carried around all those years finally falls off you, allowing you to breathe once more. You know they are all watching you as you feel all their eyes on you but no one dares to say a single word.
That is, until Grogu peeps out from where he was hiding, slowly waddling towards you while cooing. You can't help but smile at him and you feel incredibly grateful that at least one of them has not lost faith in you.
"Grogu", Din calls out strictly as he wants to come even closer to you.
"It's fine. I would never hurt him", you promise and don't even dare to look in his direction, concentrating to look at Grogu's big doe eyes only. That is why you don't see how Din silently gives the others commands and they start shuffling behind you, opening the doors to the disabled droids in order to destroy them one by one.
Din's shadow hovers over you as you wrap your arms around your own waist, not looking at him, too scared of what he might say. One of Grogu's small hands touches your knee as he keeps cooing at you and you can sense that he feels sorry for you. He knows the pain of being seperated from the family you once considered your home.
Hearing a rustling, you hold your breath as Din squats down in front of you, taking Grogu in his arms as if to protect him. If this is the last time you see him, you tell yourself, you at least want to look at him one more time and so you do.
And you feel like you can't breathe when you see him holding out his hand to you, wanting to save you.
"I'm sorry", he whispers through his helmet and you can hear the sorrow in his voice now, strong and clear.
"No, I have to be the one apologizing. I betrayed you and I don't know how you could ever trust me again", you disregard his words and shake your head, feeling so incredibly ashamed of yourself for what you did. Lowering your head and hiding your face in your hands, you can't stop the tears from falling as all those memories come back to you, laughing directly in your face.
But when you suddenly get pulled forward and feel warm hands around you, you open your eyes only to find yourself in Din's - and also Grogu's - arms. He presses you against him, his hand on the back of your head as if we will never let you go.
"It's not your fault, none of it", Din speaks to you, sounding so sure about what he says that it makes your heart beat faster. "You saved us, Y/N."
"I don't deserve your kindness. How can you forgive me? After everything I have done?", you ask, pushing yourself an arm's length away from him so your face is only inches away from his.
"I already forgave you", he concludes, resting his forehead against yours. "But I think it's time that you finally forgive yourself."
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dameronology · 1 year
star wars boys and having to share a bed with you? 🙌
i feel like some fluff is needed after all the angst lately icl (this is like in a pre-established relationship scenario <3)
includes din, poe, finn, han, luke & obi-wan
the mandalorian/din djarin
sharing a bed with din is like being in the safest place in the world. he absolutely has to be the one to be closest to the door and more often than not, he'll wrap his entire body around yours both out of affection and protection. if he's comfy enough to share a bed with you, it sort of feels axiomatic that he's comfy enough to sleep with the armour off too, but in the earlier stages of your relationship you might have to deal with it being on all the time. after a while, though, it'll be shed before he gets into bed. din is an incredibly warm person so it's always pretty toasty too, even without him acting like a human blanket. his favourite way to sleep is with his back pressed to yours, arms looped around your front and legs tangled together.
poe dameron
poe is a cuddler. there's no two ways of going about it and it's not exclusive to you either - actually, there's a reason that most his colleagues want two beds on a stakeout, as opposed to being dragged into dameron's arms against their will at nighttime. obviously, you mind a lot less than them - it's something you come to struggle sleeping without, actually - but just expect for him to always be holding you. even if you move to the other side of bed and jut your limbs out, the man is still gonna find a way to pull you back into his arms. his favourite way to sleep is facing you, head buried underneath your chin, one arm underneath you and the other over you.
finn spent most of his life sleeping in tiny military cots in the first order, so when you first share a bed it's like sleeping next to a corpse that simply will not move. so, in the early stages of your relationship you sort of have to work yourself around him but the more he gets used to it, the more receptive he is to being touchy at night. he's generally quite light with his touches - usually just a hand on your hip or his head on your shoulder - but when one of you has been away for a while or life is a little tense, he definitely becomes clingier.
han solo
han solo manspreads at night. he hanspreads. you could have a kingsize bed and he could take up 99% of it. it makes sharing a bed with him difficult at first but the closer you become, the closer he likes to be at you tonight. after that, the problem is not so much sleeping around han as it is avoiding han at night, because you normally wake up to find that his entire torso is on top of you, or he's managed to slip underneath you is now your mattress.
luke skywalker
luke is susceptible to nightmares after the fall of the empire, and sleeping close to you is what helps soothe him. it's something he can't avoid if you're apart but if you're sleeping together, he has to be close to you in someway; maybe just a hand holding yours or even your legs touching, anything for him to know that you're there. you can normally tell when his nightmares are worse, or when he's feeling low, because he'll sleep closer to you and hold you a little tighter.
obi-wan kenobi
obi-wan is the heaviest sleeper you will ever meet, so the position that you go to sleep in has to be one that you're okay to stay in til he wakes up. he's self-aware so he's quite light with his touches at night - more often than not, he just sleeps beside you with a hand resting on the side of your leg, hip, or arm - but there have been times when he's wrenched you closer to him in his sleep. good luck if you need a wee.
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You’re welcome tumblr.
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multific · 10 months
Waters - Short
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Din Djarin x Reader
Warning: nudity
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Din swore he had never seen someone as beautiful as you.
His eyes were glued to you every single day and yet, right now, he felt a certain warmth fill his chest.
You were his mechanic. A simple woman as they say.
But to him, you were much more.
You were the mother to his foundling, you were his partner in everything. Mechanic? No. He needed you to look after the kid while he fixed his ship.
You were a woman.
You excused yourself to take a wash in the nearby water. 
Din didn't mean to. 
He truly didn't want to look like a creep.
He put the kid to sleep and headed to see if he could find you because you had been gone for quite a while. 
And he did find you. 
You were naked, your back to him as you washed yourself.
Din felt his heartbeat pick up as he watched you.
Soon, you turned around. 
He couldn't look away, hiding in the darkness, he kept watching you.
He took his leave way too late. He should have left the second he saw you, but no, now you were getting dressed, and he left to go back to the ship. He took a look at the kid before sitting down beside the fire as if he never left.
He had to pretend as if he had seen nothing.
He was thankful for the helmet hiding his face as you walked over to him, preparing to eat something before sleeping.
Din wasn't sure how long he could hide the fact that he had seen your pretty nipples.
Din also wasn't sure how long he could hide his feelings from you.
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Taglist: @fleursirvart @greenarrowhead@thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpster @capsiclesdoll @puknow @alwayshave-faith @alex12948 @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek @praline357 @trshngyn @avengers-r-us @violet-19999 @top1bbgloak   @manduse   @jacalineiscomingforyou  @mandoloriancookie @noname2246
In case you want to help out a dreamer: patreon.com/multific  
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honeyedmiller · 1 year
Night Terrors | Din Djarin
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pairing: din djarin x f!reader
disclaimer: this takes place post-season 3 so if you haven't watched yet there will be spoilers!
warnings: slight mentions of violence, nightmares, mentions of loss that only happens in nightmares, angst, din is insanely vulnerable in this, lots and looots of fluff, slight mentions of smut but no thorough descriptions. 18+. minors dni.
word count: 3.4k
synopsis: Din can't seem to shake the continuous nightmares he has, and he seeks solace from you to ease the pain.
divider by the lovely @saradika
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It was a beautiful, sunny day on Nevarro. You watched after Grogu as he levitated frogs from the pond out front, babbling away in something far off from Basic.
You smiled down at the little green creature, knees tucked to your chest as your chin rested on top of the arms wrapped around the tops of your knees. You yawned softly, not having gotten much sleep the previous night.
Din kept having nightmares every single night. He would never tell you what they were about, but you know they scared the living life out of him with how pale his usually tan face would be in the moonlit bedroom you two shared.
He'd wrap his arms around your center a little tighter while nuzzling his face into your neck as you held him, raking your hands through his damp brown curls on his head. Your heart ached knowing he was suffering from these continuously awful nightmares, and all you could really do for him was be there to comfort him—or let him bury himself in you until he even forgot his own damn name.
While you loved being intimate with him like that, the reasoning behind it made you want to cry for him. Not in any way that says 'Din, you're hurting me', no—crying for him because whatever these terrors were about seemingly shook him to his very core, to the point where he'd go most of the day without even talking.
Even his body language was different. He was more jumpy, more rigid, and his affections for you during the day seemed to come to a slow halt. This was a complete one-eighty of his usual suave, cool and possessive-over-you demeanor.
You wanted to talk to him about this so badly, but you didn't want to upset him or trigger something in him that could cause rash behaviors. So, you just stayed quiet about it as you lost sleep over your lover's silent troubles.
Din's tall frame blocked half of the sun that was shining brilliantly on your back, and your head tipped up to see your Mandalorian in shining armor. He held a cup of some hot liquid in his gloved hand, to which he stretched his arm out so you could take it.
The blissful smell of caf filled your nose, and you hummed in content as you took the cup from his hands.
“Thank you.” You offer Din a small, sweet smile before turning your head to Grogu again before taking a cautious sip of the hot liquid.
Din maneuvered his large body to sit down next to you. He crossed his legs so his right knee was touching your left. You took note of the subtle touch. It was something that he hadn't done in awhile during the day, so you savored it silently.
You both watched as Grogu was waddling around the pond, playing like a child really should've all along. Greef Karga offering this house to Din once he got back from his mission with the other Mandalorians to defeat Moff Gideon was a nice surprise. Karga had a soft spot for Din and Grogu, and over time, you as well.
He was more than happy to give you three a home to where you could settle in peace and actually live a normal life. At peace you were—well, at least you and Grogu. Din was trying so hard to live in normalcy; it was something that he craved desperately. He was trying so hard to adjust to this new life of his. He just didn't know how.
“I was thinking,” Din started, his voice quieter than usual. “We could go to town today to pick out some fresh fruits and meats for the next couple of weeks.”
This clearly took you aback. Din didn’t like going into town often. He wasn’t much of a talker to begin with, and he liked his little bubble with his clan of three—far away from anyone else.
But, him offering this to you was good. Shocking, but a pleasant surprise nonetheless.
“I’d love to. Let me get changed and we can go.” The glee in your voice was evident, and it warmed Din’s heart. You kissed his visor softly before dusting off your legs and turning to head into the house.
Unbeknownst to you, the Mandalorian was also extremely exhausted. He would try to avoid sleep at this point because he was terrified of the same nightmare happening once again. He thinks going into town will be a good distraction not only for you, but for him as well. He knows how much you like to look at the different stands at the market, taking your time to pick out the perfect fruits and meats for everyone.
You appeared by his side again, wearing a pretty brown dress that was floor length with a thin cream scarf wrapped around your shoulders.
“Mesh’la.” Din commented, wrapping his hand around your calf under your dress as he rested his helmet to your abdomen.
“Such a sweet talker.” You teased, resting your hand on the back of his helmet.
“Only for you, cyar’ika.” He murmured, standing up so he was now towering over you once again. You’d brought Grogu’s pod out so you could have him follow you both effortlessly without having to worry about losing him. The little booger got distracted quite easily.
You picked Grogu up and set him in his pod, not without a few whiny protests from him, but he settled in quickly once he realized you were all going somewhere.
The walk into town didn’t take too long. Forty-five minutes at most. It was a bustling scene today, with vendors around every corner and townsfolk littering the paths. This was probably the busiest you’ve ever seen it.
Din put his hand on your lower back to guide you through the crowd. You felt his thumb rub soft circles into your back, whether it be reassurance for him or yourself, you were unsure. But you loved when he touched you like that in public. It made it known you weren’t to be messed with—not that the citizens of Nevarro had ever been rude or unpleasant toward you.
You spotted your favorite fruit vendor and made a beeline for her stand. She greeted you kindly as you picked out plenty of fresh, ripe arrays of the delicious fruit.
Din appeared at your side and the vendor smiled kindly up at your shiny partner. He leaned down to you, leveling his helmet with your ear.
“Here’s some credits for the food. I’ll be back in an hour.” He whispered, caressing your arm.
“Where are you going?” Your brows furrowed as you slipped the credits into the bag you had slung over your shoulder.
“I need to run a quick errand. I’ll be back. Meet me in the towns square when you’re done.” He murmured, and cradled your cheek with his palm ever so gently. You turned your head slightly to kiss his leather-bound palm, nodding.
“You be good to her, okay Grogu?” Din looks down at his green bug-eyed son, causing him to tilt his head and coo. You giggle softly and watch Din as he nods at you before turning on his heel, heading in the direction of Karga’s quarters.
“Looks like it’s just you n’ me, kiddo.” You grin, and he returns the gesture as you pet his head gently.
For the next hour, you’re gathering all of the food supplies you think you three will need. You make a point to grab Din’s favorite meat, which luckily happened to be the same as Grogu’s. They were both fairly easy to shop for, especially since Grogu wasn’t a picky eater.
Just as you were about to leave, you spotted a vendor who sold herbs and spices. You made your way to the table and looked for ingredients to make a soothing tea that should help Din with his nightmares. You remember your good old ugnaught friend Kuiil (may he rest in peace), who was one of the wisest you’ve ever known, teach you how to make this specific tea to calm you from your anxieties and nightmares you used to have.
After he taught you to make it, you made it often, so you luckily never forgot how to brew it up. You’d hoped this would work for Din because Maker, it seems as if these nightmares wouldn’t cease anytime soon.
You thanked the vendor as you gave him credits for the few herbs you bought, finally making your way to the towns square where Din said he’d meet you. Sure enough, your beloved in shining armor was leaning against a building with his arms crossed, seemingly looking around with nonchalance. He spotted you and his son rather quickly, pushing himself off the building before making his way to you.
“Hi, handsome.” You greet him, and he thanked Maker he was wearing his helmet because he was blushing like a fool underneath it. He still could never get used to your kind compliments toward him.
“Cyar’ika.” He nods down at you, offering you his arm to loop yours through. He grabbed a couple of bags from you before you three began your journey back to your humble abode.
It was sunset by the time you three got back to your home, and Din quickly helped you stow away everything you got from the market. He saw the herbs you’d purchased and was going to ask you about them, but he decided against it as you were quite the avid tea drinker.
Grogu was well under a deep slumber for the night, as he’d had a long day playing and eating his favorite foods. You made a simple stew for dinner and brewed the tea on the side, and since Grogu was happily tucked away in his bedroom, it was just you and Din for the rest of the night.
He’d already stripped off all of his armor, including his helmet, so it left him only in his flight suit. It was nice to see him in his rarest form—no armor, no helmet, just a beautiful, loving man inside and out to be in the company of. Din. Your Din.
The only thing that genuinely worried you, though, was the immediately noticeable dark circles under his beautiful brown eyes. He was exhausted. You could tell.
You were determined to make him drink that tea tonight in hopes of it working its metaphorical magic on him.
Din was staring at you from across the table as you both had finished the hearty stew, and your gaze snapped to his once your thoughts were brushed to the back of your mind.
“What?” You huff playfully, quirking an eyebrow at him.
“I have something for you.” He says, reaching into a pocket of his flight suit. You sat there patiently as whatever it was was now clutched in his large hand, as his free one reached for both of your hands across the table.
“Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum, cyar’ika. I want to give this to you as a promise. A promise that I’ll always love you, protect you, and support you throughout all of our endeavors in this life. You are the only one for me. You complete me; you complete this clan of three. I’d be nothing without you or my son by my side.” Din is quiet but sincerely heartfelt, making your heart squeeze in absolute adoration.
He grabbed your other hand and unveiled what was in his palm. It was a bracelet. He clasped it onto your wrist, the dainty but shiny metal heavy. You turned it over to see the charm, and tears sprung to your eyes. It was a simple, tiny mudhorn made out of the same silver material that the bracelet was made out of.
Then it dawned on you—the bracelet was made out of beskar. The same shiny beskar Din’s armor was made out of.
“Din,” you whispered, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. “It–It’s so beautiful. Thank you.” You cried, and the soft look in his eyes was enough to make you want to melt into a full-on sob.
“I love you.” You sniffed, admiring the beautiful bracelet that sat perfectly around your wrist.
“I love you more.”
And that was the last of the words exchanged between you both before he carried you off to your shared bed, making the sweetest love he knew how to you.
It had only been a few hours after you both had exhausted yourselves from your passionate love making, quickly dwindling down to a much needed slumber. It was peaceful—Din’s soft breathing on your chest as he lay his head on you, arms wrapped around your torso, and your head rested on top of his soft mane of curls. The breeze was cool enough to keep you both at a comfortable temperature. It was peaceful. Until it wasn’t.
Din popped up with a sharp gasp, gripping your arm so tightly in an unconscious state that it made you immediately jolt awake. He was squeezing your arm unbearably hard, making you cry out in pain as his grip only seemed to be getting tighter.
“Din, Din! Wake up!” You shook him violently, trying to pry his hand from your arm that you’re sure was already bruised terribly. When he kept thrashing around and crying out, you had to think fast. You maneuvered your body so you swung your legs over him so you straddled him. You took both of his shoulders in your hands, squeezing as hard as you could and shaking him as rough as you could muster up.
“Wake up!” The ring of your own plea shocked you as it sounded loud but broken, cracking as the tears spilled from your eyes at the throbbing pain in your arm.
His eyes finally snapped open, chest heaving uncontrollably as his pupils adjusted to the darkness of the room, looking up at you. His gaze moved to the hand wrapped around your arm, and he immediately let go.
Tears were in his eyes as he sobbed, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you down to him.
“Cy-cyar’ika, I’m s-so sorr-y.” He cried, and you tried to shush him gently.
“Din, breathe, it’s okay. You’re safe.” You wept, cradling the back of his head with your hands.
“You’re here.” He choked out, not letting up on your body. Confusion took over you at his words, and you lifted yourself up enough so you could look him in the eyes.
“Din, honey, what were you dreaming about?” Both of your hands moved to cradle his face, and he immediately melted into your touch.
“It’s Moff Gideon. I keep–” He paused, swallowing hard as if he kept speaking he’d quite literally die from lack of oxygen. It took him a minute to compose himself as best as he could before he continued. “These nightmares that I have. They’re always of Moff Gideon capturing you and Grogu and I can’t find either of you. Bo-Katan tries to help me but it’s no use. In this one–,” Din tries to catch his breath, but a heartbreaking sob escapes him instead. “He k-killed you right in front of me.”
Your breathing stopped as you stilled, your brows threading together. Now you understood. You don’t even know how you’d cope with having nightmares like that, especially one so severe seeing Din being taken away from you with nothing you could do about it.
“Oh, Din,” You leaned down, sorrow in your eyes before you kissed him gently. You pulled apart from him slightly, thumbs caressing his cheekbones. “I’m right here. I promise.” You sit up again and dangle your newly prized possession—the bracelet he gifted you—in front of him and pointed at it.
“You see this? You’ll always have me. I’m yours. I’m not going anywhere. I’m here, ner cyare, I’m never going to leave you. Not in real life, not in your dreams. I’m safe. Grogu’s safe. You’ve got us for eternity.” You rest your forehead against his as you lean down again, and as his sobs subside, you two hold each other for awhile before he starts to kiss your neck very softly.
“How badly did I hurt your arm?” He whispers, hating himself for unconsciously laying his hands on you in a hurtful way. Hurting you is the last thing in the whole universe he’d ever want to do.
“Not that bad.” You lied, feeling the unbearable throbbing pain as you spoke.
“Cyar’ika, please don’t lie to me.” He cups your face in his warm palms, eyes searching yours. You give him a small smile and sigh, knowing he sees right through you.
“It’s going to leave a dark bruise.” You admit, and his lips tremble in pure sadness.
“Maker, I’m so sorry. I never meant–”
“Sh sh, I know. I know,” You shushed him, kissing his forehead. You let him hold you a little longer before you began to move off of him.
“Where are you going?” Your heart broke at the tone of his voice, but you slipped on your nightgown over your naked body before offering him your hand on your uninjured arm.
“C’mon, I want you to drink something to help you. With the nightmares and lack of sleep.” He took your hand and slipped his underwear back on before you led him into the kitchen. The moonlight was bright enough throughout the house that you didn’t need any lights on, which set a calm ambience.
You poured Din the premade tea you brewed hours before, handing him a cup. He looked at you then looked down at it, cautiously lifting the cup to his lips as he sipped the lukewarm liquid carefully. You both sat in silence as he drank the rest of the delightfully surprising semi-sweet liquid.
“Let me look at your arm.” He says as he lifts you up on the counter, making you eye-level with him. He takes your arm softly and skates his fingertips ever so lightly over the already purpling bruise, making you suck in a breath and flinch. Even the lightest touch hurt. He gave you a look of apology before kissing your shoulder, resting his head in the crook of your neck.
You tangled your fingers in his soft hair, kissing the side of his head in comfort. You’d never seen Din so defeated. He was a strong man who’s armor made him nearly invincible, but underneath all of it, he was a beautiful man with a beautiful heart who had the strongest love for his tiny family. He would tear the whole galaxy apart to find you and Grogu, and he’d easily take a blaster shot if it meant you two got to survive. You two were everything to him, and although he sometimes had a hard time expressing his feelings, you knew very clearly that he loved you both so very much.
“Let me give you a bacta shot. For your arm.” His eyes meet yours once more, and you’d usually never agree, but the pain in your arm was like nothing you’d ever felt before. You almost felt sorry for the poor laiserbrain criminals Din had killed just by choking them to death with his iron-like grip.
You nod your head wordlessly, hand dropping from his hair as he turned on his heel after telling you to ‘stay right there, he’ll be right back.’ He was back in less than a minute with a pad of alcohol and the bacta shot. He wiped down the area above the bruise on your arm, administering the shot in such a hasty manner that you barely even felt it.
He patched up the little poke on your arm, helping you off the counter. Sleep suddenly overcame you both like a wave crashing to a shore. You threaded your fingers through his and pulled him back to the bedroom, clambering into bed. He followed suit, pulling you in carefully as your injured arm rested on his chest. The strong, steady beat of his heart had you nearly unconscious in less than a couple of minutes at most.
That night, Din had finally slept the most tranquilly he ever has in his life—free of night terrors, wrapped around the one he loved, and finally at peace knowing his clan of three was truly safe in this house they’d all made a home.
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mando'a translations:
cyar'ika: darling, sweetheart
mesh'la: beautiful
ni kar’tayl gar darasuum: I love you
ner cyare: my beloved
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