#everything is gonna be okay
hoardingpuffin · 2 years
Autistic Person rates Autistic Characters in Media
In this post, I will be rating some autistic characters in media (specifically TV and movies) based on how well represented I feel by them as an autistic person. Keep in mind that this is thus a subjective list since autism is very individual and no two autistic people will have the same experience or opinions. I would also like to add that I am what would be considered a Low Support Needs autistic person, seen that I can generally live without too much assistance or accommodations, which means that my experience is going to not be relatable to autistic people with higher support needs than mine. On that note, also please keep in mind that “low functioning” and “high functioning” are harmful labels and that they are not the same as “low support needs” and “high support needs”. Also, obviously, since this is subjective, I am not saying that nobody else on the spectrum can’t like or relate to any of these characters; this is my own opinion, not a purely objective rating. Finally, whilst I will be rating these characters on a scale of 1 (worst) to 6 (best), I will not be ranking them in this post.
This list includes characters that are explicitly named to be autistic or that are widely accepted to be autistic, for example because the creators or actors confirmed it in retrospect or because the canon very strongly implies it and the creators have not spoken out in denial of it. Also I can obviously only rate the media I have actually seen so if your favourites aren't on this list, this is why.
CONTENT WARNINGS THAT APPLY: mentions of antisemitism (briefly), mentions of Autism Speaks, mentions of ableism, mentions of an autistic male character acting creepily towards women.
I will be signalling Pros/positive points with a + sign and Cons/negative points with a – sign.
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Dr. Isidore Latham (Ato Essandoh) – Chicago Med (2/6)
- “curing autism” theme in the episodes centric on his personal experiences
- usage of the outdated and antisemitic term “Aspergers” over “Autism” (this is especially harmful considering Dr. Latham is Jewish)
+ Black autistic representation (which is rare seen that most autistic characters tend to be White) and Jewish autistic representation
+ whilst Dr. Latham is shown to not be the most social man and to be very direct, he isn’t outright rude or unprofessional
- as far as I could find out online, the actor is allistic (it is always better to cast a disabled actor for a disabled role)
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Dr. Shaun Murphy (Freddie Highmore) – The Good Doctor (0/6)
- the show collaborates with Autism Speaks, who are known to be a hate group not actually looking to help or listen to autistic people
- allistic actor
- extremely stereotypical in its portrayal (extremely antisocial, no friends, always literal, no social awareness – even though autistic people struggle with allistic tone patterns, usually they would be able to pick up at least somewhat what other people consider rude behaviour and would try to avoid it, something Shaun never seems to do)
- transphobia from the one autistic character, implying directly that autistic people are unable to understand the concept of a transgender identity (when in truth, studies show that many people on the spectrum also often identify as not on the gender binary or as transgender)
- Autistic Savant trope (portraying autistic people as geniuses when in fact, less than 5% of all autistic people are a Savant and even if we are very interested in a topic such as medicine, we still need to learn and study just as allistic people)
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Abed Nadir (Danny Pudi) – The Community (4/6)
+ writer of the series is on the spectrum
+ PoC autistic representation
+ whilst not clearly being labelled as autistic, the character is recognizable as an autistic person without hitting all the stereotypical tropes such as being antisocial, never joking, always being literal or being a “genius” without ever studying etc. - allistic actor
- whilst generally not labelling a character as autistic is not a bad thing, it makes it harder for autistic people to definitely say “this character is autistic”, meaning that allistics can ignore the coding if they wish to cling to their own, often stereotyped idea of what autism “looks like”
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Dr. Alfred Jones (Ewan McGregor) – Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (3/6)
- allistic actor
- stereotypical, but not as badly as other portrayals
+ avoids the trope of autistic people not having emotions, instead showing Alfred’s struggle expressing and understanding tone and emotions
+ generally good portrayal of a special interest being made part of the life via the job (salmon and fly fishing)
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Music Gamble (Maddie Ziegler) – Music (0/6)
- creator Sia has openly shown ableist behaviour, putting down autistic people, not listening to autistic voices and criticism etc.
- allistic actress
- collaboration with Autism Speaks
- extremely stereotypical portrayal and infantalization of autistic nonverbal people
- harmful techniques such as restraining being shown on screen
- graphic meltdown scenes being shown
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Sam Gardner (Keir Gilchrist) – Atypical (1/6)
- allistic actor
- in-universe infantilization of autistic people (via Mother Elsa)
- having the autistic character act dangerously, for example locking someone in the closet because they annoy him or borderline predatorily pursuing his therapist, sheds a harmful light on autistic people
- as far as is known, no autistic people were included in the production or writing process
- many instances show autistic-related habits or traits, for example wearing noise cancelling headphones, but frame it in a way that the audience is supposed to find it funny or laugh at the protagonist
- instead of making Sam sympathetic, he is largely just shown to make everyone around him uncomfortable
+ the ongoing portrayal of Sam’s special interest is generally well-done
- an ongoing theme is Sam’s girlfriend Paige restricting his info-dumping and by extension his special interest (something autistic people get active joy from) to three “dumps” a day so he can act “more normal” – this might teach allistic viewers that this is something they can do to their autistic friends
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Sara Eriksson (Frida Argento) – Young Royals (5/6)
- usage of “Aspergers” both in the show and by the actress
+ actually autistic actress
+ autistic traits like mirroring, struggling with social context or tone and directness/bluntness as well as a special interest (horses) are shown whilst tropes like Sara being entirely unempathetic, rude and antisocial being avoided
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Isadora Smackle (Ceci Balagot) and Farkle Minkus (Corey Fogelmanis) – Girl meets World (2/6)
- usage of “Aspergers”
- the original title of the episode centric on autism was “Girl Meets Normal”, implying autism is something abnormal, which is a potentially very harmful rhetoric
- autism is shown as something bad, with Farkle’s friends actively trying to fight over him being not autistic, insisting he is “normal”, generally treating autism as something they don’t want their friend to be associated with – a very harmful take in a show for kids and young teens
+ Smackle is a major, long-term autistic character rather than a One Episode throwaway character, even though she is generally quite stereotypical (but given that this show generally has every character act over the top and often fitting in specific categories this is not as bad, it just makes her fit in the framework of the show; she is not the only one who is largely stereotypically portrayed)
+ actor Ceci Balagot is themselves autistic (according to their twitter that is)
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Renee (Madison Bandy) – Loop (6/6)
+ PoC nonverbal autistic character portrayed by a nonverbal autistic voice actress
+ in production, an active effort was made to make the actress feel comfortable, so that her experience working on the film would be accommodating and positive rather than unnessicarily stressful
+ generally very well-done portrayal of both sensory seeking and sensory overstimulated behaviour and the experience as an autistic person
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Matilda (Kayla Cromer), Nicholas (Josh Thomas) and Drea (Lillian Carrier) – Everything is gonna be okay (6/6)
+ autistic actors playing autistic characters and autistic writer
+ very realistic portrayal of autism and how it differs in different people, as well as how it can affect interpersonal relationships (also having the sister mention that she thought she understood autism as a whole but later realized she only understood her sister's autism specifically because it is so individual)
+ realistic portrayal of sensory overload, stimming, communication between different autistic people etc.
+ queer autistic people – gay and asexual autistic main characters
+ autistic people joking, showing emotions, humour without the autistic people being the butt of the joke
+ empathetic portrayal of an adult realizing they might be on the spectrum and the denial and questioning that comes with that
+ portrayals of autistic special interests and autistic joy
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Quinni (Chloé Hayden) – Heartbreak High (5.5/6)
+ autistic actress playing an autistic character
+ autistic queer representation
+ themes of ableism are included but dealt with sensitively and without making the ableism seem harmless
+ realistic portrayal of stimming, struggle with abrupt change of plans, overstimulation, meltdowns, autistic joy, info dumping etc.
+  autistic character having genuine friendships and friends who support her and know her sensory needs etc.
- because it is set in high school, this is a very specific group being represented so it is possible that the largest part of the autistic community won’t see themselves completely accurately portrayed, but chances are they can relate to Quinni nonetheless at least in aspects.
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cirwedh · 1 hour
No one hates Dragon Age more than Dragon Age fans.
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Pietro Maximoff x GN Reader
Request : *verbal request from my friend* Can I have a Pietroxreader where reader has a panic attack and he comforts him?
Type : Fluff, comfort
Relationship : Established dating
Summary : Pietro comforts reader having a panic attack after a bad day
Warnings : Panic attacks, self-hatred
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Today was a shitty day, you felt like everything was falling apart, like the sky was dark and the light was gone forever. Your body was giving up on you, you felt weak, and useless. Like you could never amount to anything, and everyone hated you. How could you do that to everyone, disappoint them again and again and again. Why did it have to be you, why was it always you...
Getting back to the compound from an unsuccessful mission you ignored everyone, your eyes fixed on the floor and went straight to your room. As soon as you enter your room, you sit on the floor by your bed and start sobbing. You couldn’t stop yourself, you were gone, and all the bad memories you ever had came back to your mind making you feel like the worse person ever.
Unknown to you, your boyfriend Pietro had seen that pain in your eyes and had followed you to your room. He was now knocking on your door.
“Y/N, are you okay? Can you let me in please darling.”He said worryingly behind your door.
When all he heard back were your sobs, he decided that was his queue to come in either way. He forced the door open quickly and when his eyes landed on you, sat on the floor, eyes red and clothes wet, his heart shattered at the sight. He ran to you and kneeled in front of you.
“Darling, darling please look at me what’s happening ?”You could hear the panic in his voice.
Realising how worried Pietro was for you, you felt like a burden, why couldn’t you just die in a corner and let the others be fine. You feel as if you’ve disappointed him again, being weak, crying after a simple failed mission. Suddenly breathing became harder, your eyes opened in pure panic as you could only take very short breaths. Pietro took you into his arms, holding you close to hus chest, and his heart. he closed his eyes as his arms were caressing your back softly trying to calm you down. But you were already in a bad place, at moments, you couldn’t breathe any more and you hoped you could suffocate right there, stop the pain.
“Darling, calm down, it’ll be okay darling, everything is gonna be okay”he whispered, kissing your head.
“I-I’m sorry”You managed to let out with a short breath.
“Don’t be sorry Y/N, it’s okay, I love you, everything is okay” he simply replied back placing more kisses on your head and forehead.
“B-but , I fucked it all up, I-I’m sorry” you sob. “You, you hate me don’t you” it wasn’t really a question.
“Nooo of course I don’t my love, no one hates you and you didn’t fuck up anything, nobody is to blame for the mission, it happens sometimes, it’s not your fault, okay?”He tried reassuring you again.
Your head on his chest, you now tried to focus on his heart beat.
“Okay?” He said again, lifting up your chin so you look at him.
You simply nod, not being able to talk anymore.
“You are a wonderful person and you don’t deserve any kind of pain and I’m so sorry you feel that way. I love you for who are, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. You are not a failure or a disapointment, you’re my partner and I love you, lots of people do. I know everything feels hard and hopeless but I promise you my love, we’ll be alright.” He says softly.
He let you place your head back down on his chest, you close your eyes and count his heartbeats. You begin to calm down slowly, your breathing slows down and your sobs become soft cries.
“Thank you Pietro” You say with a broken voice.
“It’s normal darling”He answers.
“I love you”you say looking at him.
“I love you too” He whispers with loving eyes.
Slowly, you two get up and Pietro quickly fetch your pyjamas for you both to put on. You spend the rest of the night with him, cuddling in your bed, eating snacks and watching your favourite movies. Everything was gonna be okay.
A/N: Everything is gonna be okay people, take care of yourselves, you are loved.
!Reminder that english is not my first language, be kind in the comments!
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jcforsapphics · 5 months
Hey guys! I'm tagging a bunch of fandoms I really want to write for that I don't see that many fics for usually, if you have any prompts for them that you would like to see please let me know!
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v2is-baby · 1 year
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Oh my goodness gracious, reminds me of banana rotate hddhvjm (please tell me you know what that is, don't make me feel old)
Look at the little cone hat levitating and bouncing over it's head!!1
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odxrilove · 1 year
first day of uni tmw WISH ME LUCK
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autisticheadcanons · 1 year
Cannon Autistic Characters
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Nicholas Moss and Matilda Moss from Everything Is Gonna Be Ok are Canonically autistic siblings. Both actors are Autistic. Josh Thomas who created the show and plays Nicholas found out he was autistic while creating the show. In the second season Nicholas goes through the process of realizing he's Autistic and getting diagnosed. Both characters are canonically queer. Matilda is bi and in an open relationship with Drea who's also autistic. Drea is canonically asexual as well and as an asexual person I felt like it was handled well. This is genuinely one of my favorite shows. I highly recommend it. -Mod Dragon
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wearealive · 7 months
trying to get back here aaaaaaa
i need a good meme spam to help. spam the fuck out of me
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shrimp-milf · 1 year
I will give my shrimp the uncontiditional love and safe supportive environment that my father wasn’t able to give to. Me
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tinkerbitch69 · 10 months
You know people often say they miss being a kid. They miss when life was simple.
That’s not what I miss about being a kid. My childhood was anything but simple.
I miss how when I was a kid, the bright parts of life seemed a little brighter and the shadows weren’t as dark.
I think as we get older, life gets a little duller and in the dimness we lose sight of a simple truth…
Every shadow is cast by the light.
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pinkanonhopes · 2 years
feeling sad
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deathbyfemme · 1 month
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Macaque spent the whole season Big-Damn-Hero-ing and was NOT happy about it xD
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vanrosewrites · 5 months
No more. 😌
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geminidiaa · 8 months
productofthesix I’m praying for you, please don’t harm yourself. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
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serene-sapphic · 9 months
bro have you guys ever tried sunny side up eggs.
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