#fic talk
simpjaes · 2 days
YEAH!!! It's on pause rn but:
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intricatepuckrituals · 7 months
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glowing endorsements from other fandoms regarding hrpf, today
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kirabasai · 2 months
i feel like we as a society need more kakashi-centric (or even team 7-centric) fics where you have the extremely unreliable narrator obito, who is constantly stalking kakashi. hyperfocusing on every word that comes out of kakashi’s mouth and everyone else being reduced to “naruto said this, or something like that. it doesn’t matter.”
the randomest things setting obito into an internal spiral, and you don’t know what’s going on until he snaps out of it but you’ve still lost a good portion of narration to obito’s internal dialogue/breakdown. you also aren’t sure how long he was spiraling for! you go from gai challenging kakashi and now all of a sudden there are dead squirrels arranged in the shape of a seal and genma is also there juggling senbon.
every other thought about kakashi is fueled by either hate-fueled murderous rage, possessiveness, violent homoerotic thoughts, or a mix of any of those. very gay and very violent. or bloody. half of these thoughts become little violent fantasies.
obito unironically knowing every single one of kakashi’s microexpressions and vocal tones and what they mean, and as a result recognizes things abt kakashi nobody else does. he probably hates when someone else recognizes smth abt kakashi from this.
he also knows the randomest things about kakashi, that can/will randomly pop up at any point in the narration. like kakashi has a secret poetry collection hidden under the sixth floorboard to the right of his bed and northwest of the bedroom window. or a piercing. or even angsty stuff like kakashi trying to rip out his eyes after a nightmare. who knows!
obito’s outward opinion of kakashi constantly flip-flopping between positive and negative, and the quality and genre of narration depends on where his opinion of kakashi is.
obito also hates kakashi’s ninken with a burning passion because they have a better sense of smell than kakashi, which means obito has to stalk from kamui rather than the outside world. watching from kamui isn’t the same because he isn’t on the same physical plane as kakashi.
but yeah i feel like we should abuse obito’s,,, everything. more.
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anghraine · 1 year
I do appreciate getting AO3 comments that encourage me to keep going! But I got a comment on an on-hiatus multi-chapter WIP that said absolutely nothing about it being unfinished and just listed things they liked, and it was really sweet.
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viennakarma · 4 months
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I AM GNAWING AT THE BARS OF MY ENCLOSURE!!! This man woke up and decided to be a WHORE!
I would let this man do unspeakable things to me! I need him in a way that is concerning to feminism!
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canhearitonthewayhome · 3 months
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author's note: hiiiiii! this could potentially be a series if people like it. I have never written anything before and I did not proofread very carefully + wrote this super late at night. there seems to be a ton of lore in this part to set the vibe. let me know what you think! I am new to tumblr but I am pretty sure my asks/requests are open as well! ok byeee xoxo
word count: 2.3k
i. lilac short skirt
September, 2023
The sound of various playlists had been echoing down the hall and into your poorly insulated room for the past few hours. However, it was silent in your room, as your normally steady hand was shakily applying a final coat of mascara to your lashes. You sighed as you twisted the wand back into the tube, tossed it in your yet-to-be-organized drawer, and ran your fingers through your hair. Gazing at your reflection, you grew frustrated. It was your senior year at UConn, you had just moved all of your things back into Husky Village with the rest of your closest sorority sisters, and everything was on track to go perfect for the year. You had just received your LSAT scores back, and they were better than what you had initially anticipated, ensuring you an acceptance at your law school of choice when looked at in combination with your perfect GPA. There was only one thing missing, and it was the one thing you had never imagined you would be without. Her.
Attempting to make it through syllabus week seemed nearly impossible on Monday, but you had managed. The entire week felt like going through the motions. Your routine in Storrs, CT, had been the same for nearly the last three years and you hadn’t realized how difficult revisiting the familiar places on campus would be for your healing process. Honestly, you were just thankful to have not seen her yet, but you knew the odds of running into her tonight were more likely than not; Paige. 
On that note, you opened your nightstand drawer. You had been doing so well in regulating your grief, but you couldn’t help the tear that threatened to escape when you gently picked up the polaroid of the two of you from last Fall. Both of you in unintentionally matching sweatsuits, you sat on her lap at a bonfire party. She had a blanket wrapped around herself sitting in a lawn chair, with her arms wrapping around you. You had flashed your biggest smile for the camera, a natural blush showing on your cheeks as a result from the butterflies your then-girlfriend gave you as you cuddled into her, but Paige wasn’t looking at the camera. She wore a soft smile while looking only at your bright face. It was the kind of look she reserved only for you, as if no one else was capable of evoking that same action from her. The polaroid was slightly worn, as it used to sit in the back of your phone case. Now, it resides permanently in your nightstand as the sight of it makes your stomach churn with the harsh reality of her absence, but throwing it away made the realness of the situation seem too permanent. 
You were brought back to reality with two gentle knocks on the door. You didn’t have time to hide the tear from earlier that had made its way down your cheek before your best friend, Hazel, had entered. She quickly shut the door behind her, and her big smile turned into a look of concern as she noticed the object between your fingers. “I’m not going to ask if you’re okay, but I just want you to know we don’t have to go tonight if you don’t want to. We can call food in and binge watch a show? We only have one year left together so I don’t have a problem doing that instead”, she quickly babbled out. You could tell she had probably had a few with your sorority sisters down the hall at how quickly she had been talking and the flush of her face. “No”, you said. “I have to deal with this eventually, and I can’t spend the whole year feeling sorry for myself. Let’s have fun tonight!” you smiled. You knew that Paige had more than likely moved on in more ways than one and there was no sense in making yourself miserable any longer. You had your girls, and that was all you needed. “Can you help me pick out an outfit?” you asked your seemingly convinced best friend. “Yes!” she shrieked, b-lining it to your closet. You placed the polaroid back in your nightstand and shut the drawer while she rummaged through your freshly unpacked closet. 
You felt the corners of your mouth twitch upwards as she started holding out options on her own body, tossing things aside she found unfit for the evening. You were thankful for the friendship you had made in your Introduction to Criminal Justice class you had taken your first semester at UConn. Hazel had taken a seat next to you on the first day and since then, you had been pretty much inseparable. You found yourself being literally snapped back to reality again with her loud laugh. “What are you smiling at? That was a quick mood change”. You shook your head as you told her, “I am just thankful for you. I don’t know how I would’ve made it these three years and especially the last few months without you”. She just shook her head and turned back around to make her final selection before tossing her choice onto your bed and making her way towards the door. Before she let it shut she added, “Thank me by putting that on and enjoying yourself. You deserve it. I’m gonna go grab you a drink and some shots. You need them. When I’m back, be ready to head out!” 
You giggled feeling excited for the first time in a while. It was short lived as you looked onto your bed to change into the outfit she had picked out. The lilac short skirt she had selected paired with a simple white baby tee had been the exact outfit you wore out to the same bar you were heading to the first night you had met and spent with her, with Paige. 
September, 2021
Cramming yourself into Ted’s, you could feel the tequila sodas you had lost count of coursing through your veins. You had just finished your second syllabus week, the stress of recruitment, and getting ready for the exciting year ahead. Per usual greek-life tradition, the girls in your pledge class were taking some of the newly joined girls out to celebrate their bids, the start of their new college life, and to have a good time. Standing at only 5 '2 you held Hazel’s hand as she effortlessly guided you through the crowd to a somewhat-empty area for you all to conjoin at. You stood on your tiptoes to make sure no one was left behind before turning to Hazel. “Let’s go get some shots for everyone!”
 As you turned around, you bumped into a much taller figure, spilling their drink all over the floor. You felt your cheeks get hot with embarrassment and a ramble of apologies were already leaving your mouth as you looked up from where the pink liquid and ice cubes were, “Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I am so clumsy I can’t believe…”, you found yourself at a loss for words as you made eye contact with the girl. She was tall, and had to be at least 6’0. She had a skinnier build, but you could see the faint lines of proven muscle definition in her arms as she tucked loose hair behind her ears. She had a wide smile, without showing any teeth form and her eyes creased as she saw your expression. “Hey, don’t worry about it! It’s crowded in here!” she laughed. You were thankful for her nonchalant reaction, but it didn’t make the guilt you felt any better for spilling her pretty much full drink. “Do you think I could buy you another to make up for it? Please, it’s the least I could do. I don’t mean that in a creepy “I’m trying to get with you way”, but more a “I feel like a dumbass and am really embarrassed way”. Not that I don’t think that you're hot and wouldn’t get with…” you groaned as you cut yourself off again, hand covering your eyes as you made yourself cringe. You heard a light laugh, “It’s all good. Sure, you can buy me a drink. I’m Paige, by the way. Paige Bueckers”. As you looked up at her again, you saw her grin had grown into a gummy smile, holding out her hand to shake yours. 
After introducing yourself, Paige led you to the bar with ease, given her height. After thinking she had lost you in the crowd the first time, she extended her hand backwards, offering her pinky for you to hold. You hope she didn’t notice the way your face lit up as you accepted her simple gesture, trying not to read too far into how romantic it felt. You had literally just met the girl, but had never felt so instantly comfortable with someone in your life. Paige let you buy her drink you had spilt, but refused to let you pay for the next few rounds, your drinks included. You had talked about everything, covering where you guys were from, discovering your same ages, learning she was on the women’s basketball team, and you being overly invested in your academics. You hadn’t even realized how much time had passed till you felt your phone buzz and saw the time on your lockscreen, 12:45 a.m.
Hazel Crawford <3
Girl, are you good? I haven’t seen you since you said you were going to the bar.
10:03 p.m.
I see you. Omg, are you hanging out with Paige Bueckers???
10:45 p.m.
I cannot wait to hear about this tomorrow.
11:30 p.m.
I am headed back home. I didn’t want to interrupt you guys or make you feel like you needed to come home. Love you, be safe, and text me when you leave!
11:49 p.m.
Paige must’ve noticed your change in demeanor. “Is everything okay?” she asked. You quickly sent a response to Hazel telling her you were safe and would let her know when you got home. “Yes, of course. I just came here with friends and hadn’t realized how much time had passed. They were worried about me, but they all have gone home now” you replied sheepishly. “Well, are you ready to head out? I can walk you home if you’d like” she said as you stood up. You were pulling down your too-short lilac skirt down as you grabbed your things. “No, no. You don’t have to do that! I have already taken up so much of your night. I’m sorry again -” you felt yourself being cut off again as she grabbed your hand that was holding your phone and purse. She looked you intently in the eyes as she said, “I would really like to walk you home if that’s okay with you”. You couldn’t help the smile that crept on your face again as you led her towards the door. “Okay, Bueckers, let’s go home then”, you grinned. 
You can’t remember everything that you and Paige talked about on your way home, but you do remember the constant giggling, the way she swung your interlocked hands like you were just two kids, and the way she held the door open for you as you walked into your building. “This is me” you slowed, as you reached the door to your single dorm. “Do you want to come in?” you offered, feeling a little bold. Paige smiled before taking your other hand in hers. Holding them both she responded, “I would love to but I have practice in the morning and am already out way later than I should have been, but I didn’t want to say goodbye to the prettiest girl in the bar”. You felt your face grow hot as what must have been the millionth time of the night. It had only been a couple hours and you knew this girl was going to be the death of you. You had a feeling she might be thinking the same of you. She took one of her hands holding yours and placed it on the side of your face, stroking your cheek before saying just above a whisper, “I’m really sorry if this is forward, but I really want to kiss you and -”. This time it was you cutting her off as you stood on your tippy toes to close the gap between the two of you. Your hands moved around her neck and her free hand moved to your waist, holding you gently as if you were porcelain but firm enough so that you couldn’t melt away from her. You could’ve stayed that way for hours, but when you both finally pulled apart to catch your breath, it felt like time had frozen. Paige pecked your lips one more time before leaning down to whisper in your ear, “Goodnight, pretty girl”. With that, she turned around and made her way down the hall. As you shut the door behind you you couldn’t help the butterflies that exploded in your chest. 
The next morning, you had woken up a bit panicked as you realized you had never gotten the tall blonde’s number, or knew where she lived. As you threw a sweatshirt on to head to Hazel’s room to debrief the night before’s events, you shut the door behind you. There you found an envelope freshly taped to your door, what must’ve been just an hour or so earlier. You quickly took the note and opened up to a phone number and a small note saying, “I hope you let me see you soon, Pretty Girl”. You beamed to yourself before running down the hall to Hazel’s room.
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mead-iocre · 6 months
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Leah Williamson
Our New Normal Pt. 1 | Pt. 2 | Pt. 3
You transfer to Arsenal and Leah doesn't know.
Football Scarves and Football Kits
You attend your first football match. And you were also dating one of the players. 
Call Me "Love"
There’s a new viral trend on TikTok. All you have to do is film your partner’s reaction to you calling them by their real name.
Lip Plumper
Leah doesn't like your new (expensive) lip plumper
A Girl Just Wants To Be Spoilt
just leah handing over her gold amex card. yep.
Pay Attention To Me
do you know what's worse than dating a football player? dating a football fan.
Furnace Girlfriend
it's too bloody hot for a cuddle
Alexia Putellas
Free Kick
you help alexia practice her free kicks
Marshmallow Keychains
want that cute (overly expensive) jellycat? Lucky for you you've got a very generous girlfriend.
Vivianne Miedema
Ducky Turn!
Your daughter wants her Mama.
Viv signs a new contract with Arsenal and your daughter is up to her usual shenanigans.
Not Like My Mama!
a glimpse of Ducky at her football matches.
Jessie Fleming
Brown Eyes
You meet a girl with pretty brown eyes.
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WIP list:
Wife? Wife. | leah williamson x reader
Another instalment to the 'reader annoying Leah with tiktok trends/pranks series'. Based on a tiktok trend where reader starts calling Leah "wife" instead of girlfriend.
Château Lafite-Rothschild | leah williamson x reader
Leah thinks your new boyfriend sucks.
Our New Normal Pt. 4
Reader settles in with Arsenal, and moves in with Leah. This time maybe it's Leah who has something to confess.
You can catch up: Pt. 1 | Pt. 2 | Pt. 3
Football Scarves and Football Shirts (pt 2) | leah williamson x reader
Leah takes reader to another arsenal match and reader finally gets a chance to purchase a scarf with Leah's face on it.
Read Pt 1 Here
(don't have a title for this one yet) | leah williamson x reader - 18+ nsfw
spit or swallow?
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bettyfrommars · 8 months
say goodnight
an ode to fic writers who burn the midnight oil
You’ve been staring at the computer screen for too long at this point, cursor flashing with accusations of neglect.  You take a big swig of the drink next to you, and then start to nibble at your thumbnail, unblinking eyes going dry behind smudged glasses. 
That’s when you feel his hands press down onto your shoulders, warm and strong, his lips grazing the back of your head.  “I miss you,” he says, kneading like a cat on the taut, stressed muscles of your neck. 
He’s been waiting for you to let him know his next move in the story for hours.
“Come to bed,” he cups the front of your throat and his tongue finds the shell of your ear with a tender flick.  “You’ll figure out what to do with me tomorrow.”
“But I need to know,” you gulp against his grip, eyes fluttering.  “I need to know what you will say, what you will do. I want to be close to you.”
“Be with me now,” he drags a finger across your bottom lip and your tongue darts out to taste him. “Close your eyes, I’m right here.”   
“I might hurt you this time, it won’t be pleasant,” you warn, watching the cursor blink through hooded eyes. 
“Hmmm you know I love it when you challenge me,” he murmurs, nuzzling the side of your head. “You always make it up to me so good.”
Your voice is shaky as his hand traces down the front of you.  “Please don’t leave." 
His warm breath tingles the shell of your ear. “I’ll be here waiting right where you left off. You’ll always have me as long as you never let me die.”
You swallow an exhausted sigh, clicking the tab to close out of your document. “I’ll see you tomorrow, sweetheart. Wait for me.”
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Dragon eggs take a long time to incubate, and an even longer time to hatch. Longer than most human lifespans.
There were dragons living on Quesadilla Island, and dragon eggs discovered in an abandoned nest, once upon a time.
The Federation conducted many experiments on these eggs over time, but a few decades after their discovery, they suddenly woke up.
Not hatched. Woke up.
These Eggs were sentient and had their own personalities – their own thoughts and emotions. They were more than the Federation was prepared to handle, so they assigned island residents to take care of them.
But after a year, one by one, the Eggs fell back into a deep slumber.
Time and time again, this cycle repeated. The Eggs woke up, the Federation invited residents to take care of them, and after a year they would fall asleep.
This time was a little different.
Perhaps it was because of the Islanders, or perhaps it was because of the Eggs themselves. Either way, the Federation never figured out the catalyst. It was not in their nature to understand anything outside the realm of fact and logic.
One year passed, one year full of adventure and danger, and not every Egg made it to the end. But the bonds that came from that year, and the families and friendships that formed, were stronger than any other that came before.
But a year passed all the same, and though the Eggs never remembered their previous awakenings, somehow, they always knew when it was time to sleep.
There were tears and hugs and promises made, and the Islanders’ grief was rivaled only by their love.
One by one, the Eggs slipped back into their long slumber; some on their own, and others with their parents by their side. The Island was quiet without their presence. It always is.
And then the first Egg hatches.
The first parents who notice the cracks fear the worst — until they see something poking through. Claws, tails, wings in some cases, horns in others, but all with scaly snouts nosing their way out of their shells. It’s a little unnerving, watching pieces of what they once considered their child falling away, but a shell is only ever that: a shell. Something new was always meant to take its place.
As for what happens next?
Some left the Island with their parents to see the world while others remained, waiting for their return, completing projects with their guardians or raiding dungeons for the sheer thrill of it. The world was a wider place without the fear of death looming over their heads, and they will never again need to fear it.
There are endings, there are ‘ever afters,’ and there are stories still being written long after a book is closed. Know that they are happy in this unwritten world, for they are finally free to choose their own paths.
No matter what the future holds for these dragon children, it will always lead them back home to the people they love.
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ilovebuckers5 · 6 months
✧.*Not Friends pt 6*.✧
Paige Bueckers x reader
summary - back to how the both of us always wanted
word count- 1k
warnings :
-sexual content
A/N - this is super short but I felt like it was an ok way to end this series off. I HOPE YOU LIKE ITTTTT
my eyes refused to peel away from Paige's gaze while her legs were up in the air, her stomach pressed again my bed with her fingers still resting on her computer. I couldn't resist from dropping my purse on the floor, locking the door, and rushing onto the bed, crawling onto Paige's body. it felt like her arms magnetically wrapped around my back. I could feel her smile against my skin while she dug her nose in the crook of my neck. she sat up quickly, readjusting us so that I was sitting on her lap while her legs were spread about the bed. I could tell that she wanted to pull me into a kiss but I stopped her. my hands were on her almost bare shoulders. I took a moment to stare into her eyes. no where else. I felt all the stress that's ever visited my mind slip away. all my brain could comprehend was Paige's eyes. and the way her hands perfectly fit around my hips and the way her index and middle finger gently tilted in the dip between my hips and upper torso. then I would think about how my hands felt around her body. her skin was always warm, even in the winter. she was like the spark of summer I needed when I was freezing. her skin felt so right in my palms. her hair fell around her back and chest and shoulders perfectly. sometimes I just wanted to feel her hair against my bare skin. even when her hair was losing its bright blonde color and her darker roots peaked through, I couldn't get enough of her hair. of course her lips. I could never rip my eyes off of her lips when she wasn't looking and when she was looking. I constantly find myself looking at how her lips turn up when she sees me or one of her teammates. and the way her perfect teeth were on display after a win. her lips were always pink twenty four seven. even if she had just woken up with her hair tangled, eyelashes just slightly stuck together. her lips were always pink as if she just finished putting on lip gloss. her hands were slender. not extremely veining but you could see the definition. the way her hands tense up when shes feeling any emotion deeper than normally sends me over the edge. she looked like a frank ocean song when sleeping. a lana del rey song when talking. daniel caesar when she was happy. bryson tiller when mad. she looked like the perfect song that made me feel like I'm exactly where I'm meant to be.
i felt her hands running across my back and thighs while I was simply encapsulated in her eyes. I didn't even notice how hard I was smiling until I looked back at her entire face and saw how red she was getting. she dipped her head down to cover her reddened cheeks but I quickly used my finger to lift her chin up. I held her jaw gently while leaning in closer and placing multiple pecks on her (yes, still pink) lips. my fingers slowly moved down her neck and chest the more Paige deepened the kiss. her hands were now moving down my hips and onto my ass, I guess this wholesome moment where I'm daydreaming about how perfect her features are is over.
i quickly tore off her tank top along with her bra. without looking, I massaged her tits in both of my hands while she tried to slide of my pants without me lifting myself up. I felt her attempts on my body and pulled my lips and hands away for a split second to take off my shorts and panties. small whines left my throat at my already dripping clit dragged across the sweatpants she was wearing. "fuck Paige." I couldn't contain a single noise I made at this point. Paige quickly stuck her lips against mine again, almost muffling each moan and groan I made. my hands wandered around her stomach and hips, also teasing around the top of her sweatpants and the boxers that peeked through. our pants began to melt with each other as I quicked my pace of grinding against her clothed lap. I couldn't take it, the feeling of emptiness in my pussy. as much as I wanted to grab her hand and fuck myself, I waited for her. eventually, she inserted two of her fingers in my wet hole, not waiting to pump in and out with a fast pace. I felt pathetic how close I already was but to be honest, who gives a fuck?
"s-shit I'm so close p." I pulled away from her lips to whine.
"cmon baby." she spoke back at me.
i began to grind onto her hand at the same place that Paige was moving her fingers. I felt my legs begin to tense up tighter and I kept a stronger grip on her waist. everything felt so right as I came on her fingers. louder moans, almost screams, left my mouth as I repeated Paige's name without caring who could hear. my legs began to shake around her hips along with my fingers. I wanted to keep going but Paige slowly removed her fingers from me. as bad as that felt, I decided to rest my forehead on Paige shoulder. she scooted herself down the bed enough for her head to rest on my pillow. I removed the bottom half of my body from hers and left my head between her shoulder and chest, getting more tired as she held onto my back. her hands were under my shirt, messing around with my bra while I was asleep. the last thing I heard before actually knocking out was Paige's softer voice speaking close to my ear.
"I love you so fucking much."
i cannot believe I even denied the fact that we are not friends. never will be now.
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viennakarma · 8 months
Satisfaction [Part 2]
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Summary: Four times Lewis tried to apologize, and one time he didn't need to.
Word count: 4.3k
Tags: female!reader, apologetic!Lewis (finally), physiotherapist!reader, a little bit of romance, Lewis is trying, reader is more forgiving than the author would be, cursing, a bit angsty, happy ending, not beta read
Relationship: Lewis Hamilton x Reader
Note: I'm so sorry for taking so long with this! I had a writer's block specifically with this one. For everyone who sent me asks about it, I read everything, sorry if I didn't reply to all! Luckily, one dramatic anon sent me an ask saying they would graduate college with a doctorate before this came out, and it made me laugh out loud BUT it actually sparked something in my brain and I managed to write, lol. So, thanks, Dramatic Anon, I owe you one :D
I'm sorry if it's rushed or full of mistakes (haven't had the time to proofread).
Find me on Twitter!
“Hey, Lewis! How are you doing?” Angela said as soon as she picked up his call, and Lewis held his breath before answering.
“Yeah, uh, I’m alright-”, he scratched his face nervously.
“I hope you’re not giving Y/N a hard time anymore, yeah?” Angela joked a little, her voice light.
“Oh. You know about that?”
“Yeah, I called her a few days ago to check in how’s the work and she mentioned you were not very receptive,” Angela said and Lewis noticed that, even saying that, you didn’t call him what he was. A complete prick. “And since she didn’t call again, I assumed things got better between you two.”
“Well, about that-” Lewis sighed, not knowing.
“What?” Angela paused, her voice suddenly serious again.
“She resigned. And it was entirely my fault.” He ripped the band-aid off.
“Lewis, what the actual fuck?!”
“I was awful to her. Way worse than I assume she told you. And before you call me every name under the sun, I need to contact her and apologize. Unfortunately, she blocked my number now, so if you can kindly let me know her address, so I can apologize.”
“You better fix this mess, Lewis.” Angela said before ending the call, as less than a minute later, a text popped up on his screen, your address. Which was in London, not very far from his own neighborhood.
Lewis sent flowers to your place with a small note apologizing and asking you to unblock him. When you didn’t answer and didn’t unblock him, he called the florist he had ordered to double check if you had received the flowers. You did. So you just didn’t want to talk to him. He kept sending a bouquet every day for the next three days. On the fourth day, as he was back home, he decided to go to your place himself.
He brought another bouquet, ringing the bell in your house. He rose the bouquet to cover his face, and he heard your voice, opening.
“Hi there, buddy! If I give you a hundred pounds, would you not bother bringing these flowers here? Just- throw them on the bin or something-” You stopped abruptly as the flowers lowered revealing not the young delivery man who’s been bringing flowers to your place every single day, but Lewis Hamilton himself.
“So you’re not even receiving the flowers?” He asked, sounding hurt.
“I got the first one, and I have no interest in anything that comes from you,” you managed to say, looking him straight in the eyes.
You looked exhausted, your hair was messy and your face lacked any makeup. But worse of all, you looked hurt and angry. 
“Wait, let me just- let me apologize, I can explain even if it’s not-” He dropped the bouquet, pleading.
“Just fuck off, ok? You have not a single reason to be here today.”
“I was an ass to you and-”
“And now we’re nothing. We are just strangers, nothing more, nothing less. Fuck off!” You said and didn’t even give him a second before slamming the door on his face.
So the flowers were a no.
And he wasn’t sure where to go from that, since he couldn’t come up with any other way to make you at least give him a chance to talk.
He was still trying to think of something when he crossed paths with Oscar Piastri during media day. Lewis stopped dead in his tracks as he saw the rookie driver munching on a little protein bar, the package showing it was the same as you had offered him weeks earlier.
“Hey, there, Oscar!” Lewis greeted him, “if you don’t mind me asking. Where did you get this?” He pointed to the little package in his hand.
“Oh, Lando’s new PT! She’s covering for Jon as he’ll be a few weeks on paternity leave.”
“Oh, is she here?”
“At McLaren, yes.”
Lewis nodded, going straight there, not bothering with explaining why he was there just walking in. He found you in a small room with Lando. You were guiding him through a stretching session with a silicone stretching. Lando was telling you something and you were laughing, a hand on his shoulder as Lando pulled his arms in and out.
“-no way you said that! Poor thing, she must have been scared!” You said, then you two laughed.
You were looking healthier than the last few times he had seen you. You looked like you had been sleeping well, and your hair was pretty, and you were wearing make up.
As Lewis approached, and you noticed his presence, you stopped laughing, face getting serious and focused on Lando.
“Oh, hey man!” Lando greeted him, smiley and unaware of the thing between you two.
“Hi. Y/N, can I talk to you? I just need one minute then I’ll leave you alone.”
You scoffed but didn’t look at him, and Lando looked from your face to Lewis’ confused with the tension suddenly so thick he would be able to cut it with a knife.
“Y/N, can you just-”
“You’re all good, Lando. Tomorrow we do another session an hour before Free Practice, and then a stretching session between FP1 and FP2.”
Lando nodded, unsure of what to do so he just watched as you turned away and packed your bag, leaving with long strides through the door. 
“Mate, I don’t know what the fuck you did, because I’ve never seen her be mean ever since I met her. Good luck, though, seems like you need it.” Lando said, leaving to the opposite side.
Lewis muttered “fuck” before going after you. He found you outside the motorhome, and ran up to block your path, but he miscalculated and you ended up running straight into him.
“What the fuck? Dude, just leave me alone!” You tried walking past him but he blocked you again.
“Please, I’m so sorry! Really, I am, I was such a dick to you and you didn’t deserve any of that.”
You didn’t look at his eyes, adjusting your bag as you sighed.
“I just- I don’t understand why you are doing this. I’m no one, I’m nothing. Just go on about your life.”
“No, no- You’re not nothing. I’m really sorry for the way I treated you when all you offered me was kindness.”
“Fine! Ok.” you muttered, seemingly exhausted, “Can I go now?”
He knew you didn’t actually forgive him, so he just let you go because he didn’t want to pressure you into something you were visibly not ready for. It didn’t mean he would give up, just that he needed a different approach.
Lewis managed to find out that you’d stay a few more weeks working with Lando, so he arranged a well crafted plan to have you listen to him.
Desperate times asked for desperate measures.
So he managed to talk Lando into letting him drive you to the track that weekend, you two would have time to talk on the drive. He waited behind the wheel watching as you went to the backseat to leave your bags, then you opened the passenger door, smiling and chatting. But you stopped smiling as soon as you sat down and noticed him.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, sounding more annoyed than angry.
“I’m your ride to the track today.”
“I’d rather not,” you muttered, removing the seat belt you had just put on.
“There’s no one else to take you there, please, just let us go,” he asked softly. You sighed, putting on the seat belt again and he smiled reaching the cup holder and offering you a cup of coffee, “got you a coffee.”
“Thanks,” you took it begrudgingly, but as you took a sip, you noticed it was your favorite, “how do you know I like this coffee?”
“You told me, during one of our sessions.”
“I thought you weren’t listening to a single word I said,” you scoffed, almost disdainful. He took it, because taking your anger was little compared to what he did to you.
“I listened to you.”
“Weird way of showing, then.”
You stared at the road he was softly driving. You didn’t like his company, that much was clear, but he was on a mission, and he would be damned if he wasn’t going to properly apologize. 
“I don’t even know why you treated me like trash,” you muttered suddenly, sniffling like you were trying to contain the tears, “just- I was so happy, you know? I’ve always been a fan of Formula 1, watched it growing up and everything. Then I get here all happy to achieve the greatest dream and I just get treated like shit from day one. I tried to be funny, I tried to be kind, I tried to be silent, and none of it worked. I don’t understand what you want from me now! I’m a person too, ok? I get sad and frustrated, and I have my own problems, but I don’t go around making everyone else’s lives shit just because I’m mad!”
“Yes, you are right. I treated you like shit when you never deserved it. I really regret it, for what it's worth,” He sighed, looking at you for a moment before focusing on the road, “my life was shit. I know it’s not an excuse, but it’s the truth. I was just coming out of a relationship that I thought meant a lot to me, and I just lost Angela, who is one of my closest friends, and I was on the verge of losing my seat. It felt like everything was going wrong for a few weeks.”
That made you pause, turning to stare at him.
“What do you mean, losing your seat?” You sounded genuinely curious, and even a little worried.
“The negotiations for a new contract weren’t going ahead, and I was really worried Mercedes was going to get rid of me.”
“But you’re like- one of the GOATs! Why would they lose you?” Now you sounded exasperated, like you couldn't believe that. 
“Well, now everything is alright and signed, but it felt like I was really at risk back then.”
You stayed silent for a few minutes, mulling over his words, trying to wrap your head around his excuses. You were thoughtful the rest of the drive, until Lewis pulled up in a parking lot at the track. Finally, you nodded to yourself.
“I forgive you, Lewis. Just- Don’t do that to anyone ever again, it’s not cool,” you said, unlocking the seat belt, “thank you for the ride and for the effort in apologizing. Goodbye, Lewis.”
You took your bags from the backseat and left after waving at him again. It felt like a closed chapter to you, and you could bury whatever resentment you felt towards him. It was freeing in a way.
Lewis didn’t see you for a couple more race weeks, despite casually walking in front of McLaren’s garage and hospitality. He couldn’t catch a glimpse of you and he genuinely worried that your last goodbye was definitive.
Fortunately he saw you again late at night after a race. Almost everyone had left already, and Lewis had a long debriefing meeting with his team, so it was sheer luck to find you on the way to the parking lot, where you were standing against the wall, hugging yourself under a big coat and holding your bags. You seem worried and unwell.
“Hey,” he said, trying to sound like he wasn’t ecstatic to see you again, “are you ok?”
“Yeah, um- I missed my ride back to the hotel, so I’m trying for an uber or something,” you said, but Lewis unnoticed how you were pale and your lips looked dry.
“Are you sure you’re ok? You look like you’re about to pass out.” He pointed, and you breathed in, slowly. You felt very, very cold, with shivers up your body that you miserably trying to contain.
“I’ve got a little fever,” you mentioned, finally. Lewis raised his hand and touched your forehead, feeling it way more warm than a little fever.
“Little fever? You’re burning!” He exclaimed, putting his own Mercedes coat over you, then taking your bags and putting them over his shoulder, “Come on, I’ll give you a ride back.”
“You don’t have to, really-”
“I’m not leaving you here in the late hours of the night while having a fever! Now, come on!”
He held your forearm, worried you’d stumble and fall or something. With a big umbrella to face the rain, he guided you to his car, where a driver was waiting. The two of you sat on the backseat as Lewis instructed the driver to take you to the hotel.
“Should we take you to see a doctor or something?” Lewis asked.
“No, don’t worry, I already took an antipyretic. It should work soon.”
Back in the hotel, Lewis accompanied you up to your room even when you wanted to refuse, but he said he was worried, and it felt honest, so you let him take you up. He didn’t let you say anything as he pushed the door of your room and walked you inside.
“Are you still feeling cold?” He asked.
“Yes,” you put your bags away, but you watched as Lewis went into your luggage, “um- excuse me?” you crossed your arms, annoyed at him going through your things.
“Change into this, it will keep you warm,” he tossed you a sweater and matching pants, “I’ll ask room service for soup, so you can warm up.”
Huffing, you went into the bathroom and changed, glad because you were in fact a little bit warmer. You wore socks for the cold and got into bed, where Lewis helped tuck you in, pulling the duvet tight around you.
“Why are you doing all this? We’re just strangers, Lewis.” You shook your head, watching as he walked around the bed and sat beside you over the duvet.
“We’re not strangers, and I wanted to help,” he shrugged.
“We are strangers, we know nothing about each other,” you muttered.
“Well, I’m Lewis, my favorite color is purple and I have a dog named Roscoe,” he said which made you chuckle a little, “there, not strangers anymore.”
“Well, I’m Y/N, my favorite color is yellow and I don’t have a pet yet, but hopefully soon.”
Lewis eyed you carefully.
“I know you’re with McLaren on a temporary contract, so I was wondering if you’d be willing to come back to Mercedes after that,” he said, slowly. You sighed, shaking your head.
“I won’t go back, Lewis.” You said softly, for him to know you weren’t angry anymore, but the world had spun, life went on…
“But- Ellie said you were such a big fan! It’s ok if you don’t want to work with me anymore, I’ll understand. But I don’t think it’s fair that you lose your chance in such a big dream because of an asshole like me!”
“There are always other dreams to have, Lewis. When a door closes, others may open,” you untucked your arm so you could hold his arm in comfort. He held your hand, and when he felt your cold hand, he rubbed it softly, to warm you up.
“It’s not fair-”
“Lewis, I’m moving to Madrid in a few weeks.”
He stopped, visibly deflated hearing your words.
“I’m so sorry, I should’ve never-”
“Lewis, it’s not because of you,” you pushed the duvet, freeing yourself so you could sit up beside him, backs to the headboard, “I got an amazing offer from Real Madrid. I’m gonna join their PT team.”
His stomach dropped once again, thinking that life would lead you two different paths, new future, new plans, and Lewis won’t even be able to make it up to you through time as he was hoping for. Lewis expected that, with you coming back to Mercedes, he would have time to apologize with actions, more than just words.
“They’re my favorite football team, and I’ve always dreamed of getting there,” when you noticed how down he was with the news of your departure, you pressed his hand a bit more, “I told you there are many dreams to achieve.”
“You wouldn’t have to worry about it if I hadn’t been so-”
“That’s enough, Lewis, it has nothing to do with you. This is my choice, something that I also dreamed of. It’s not the end of the world. If anything, there are lessons in what we went through.”
He wanted to ask you to stay, to give him and the Mercedes dream one more chance, but he knew it would be selfish of him to ask that. And he wasn’t willing to be selfish with you anymore. He would only have maybe a few more weeks with you, that he intended to nurture a friendship with you.
When your soup arrived, he stayed and watched you eat, and you thanked him profusely as the meds started working and you felt the fever dissipating.
Lewis ended up going back to McLaren to find you all the time. Sometimes he brought a coffee for you, some other times he just wanted to invite you to lunch, or he wanted a protein bar, and after almost two weeks of that, his excuses ran dry and he only said he wanted to check on you. and he had been checking on you for a couple more weeks now.
“So…” Lando muttered with a knowing smirk, “you and Lewis, uh?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you said, as you spotted Lando from behind, analyzing his squats.
“You went from hating him to becoming his friend pretty quickly,” Lando pointed.
“I don’t know but he’s here all the time to see you.”
“Nah, he’s just passing by.”
Lando let go of teasing you and switched topics to talk about something else for the remainder of your session. After you finished and Lando went for the post race debrief, you were getting ready to leave when Lewis found you again.
“What do you want?” You squinted your eyes at him. Lando’s teasing voice still in your head.
“Moody, are we?” Lewis joked, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall.
“Fine, fine! I’m taking you to dinner later today, ok?”
“Are you asking me out or demanding?” You frowned, pretending to be moody.
“I’m inviting you and implying I’m not taking no for an answer,” He winked.
“Lewis, I don’t think we-”
“Think of it as a farewell, celebratory dinner, yes? You’re leaving so soon to Madrid! Pretty please?” He joined both hands like he was begging.
“Fine. Stop pouting.” You rolled your eyes and he giggled, before leaving.
He texted you two hours later saying he was coming to pick you up. You dressed cozy and comfortable, since it was absolutely not a date. He texted you to let you know he was downstairs when you were finishing with your hair. As soon as you got in the car, you checked Lewis’ outfit.
“Is this ok?” You asked, pointing at yourself.
“It’s perfect.”
Lewis drove for forty minutes to the next town over. In the end, he took you to a cozy restaurant, small, a little cramped but so familial and cozy. You two sat in a corner booth, far from the windows. You went over the menu as Lewis explained that this place’s food tasted homemade and they also had vegan options, so he always went there whenever he was in that part of Italy.
You told Lewis everything about your move, how you had found a great apartment close to work, how you had enrolled in Spanish classes to start a month after your arrival, and everything.
After a hearty meal and chatting a lot, you two decided to go for a walk to eat some ice cream. The air was windy but not very cold, so you just walked side by side a little late at night.
“Are you sure nobody will see us?” You looked around to see if anyone had recognised him or had taken pictures.
“Yes, it’s very discreet in this part of town. Besides, it’s a little late, so not many people are around.”
“This is a very good gelato, Lewis! Thanks for taking me out today.” You muttered as the two of you walked around a big, dark park. You stood under a lamp post, finishing the last of your ice cream.
“How are you feeling about Madrid?” He asked you, looking interested.
“Nervous. Excited. I don’t know.” You whispered, smiling, you held the lamp post and let it take your weight as you flung around, all smiley because of the bit of wine you had at the restaurant, “It’s like a new adventure. You know when you’re about to do something that might be risky but gratifying? You’re scared but you have to-”
As you completed a full 360 around the lamp post, you were met with Lewis walking up to you and kissing you. He pressed his lips to yours, firm but tender, and it took you a while to assimilate what was happening. You held his coat and pushed him away only enough to break the kiss. The lime gelato kiss that had your stomach full of butterflies, and your heart beating almost out of its cage.
“Lewis-” you shook your head, still confused.
“Sorry, I- I just couldn’t pass on the opportunity,” he sighed and his breath fanned your cheek.
“We shouldn’t,”
“Why not?” He raised one hand to cradle your face, his thumb running your cheek.
“Because we started too messy. And- and I’m leaving soon. We don’t need to complicate things.”
You whispered, still not pulling away fully. You wanted it, so bad. But you knew you couldn’t get tangled in a messy situationship right before leaving. He was tempting, but you weren’t willing to risk whatever time was left of your silly little friendship.
So you took a step back. Still, you took his hand in yours, letting his warmth engulf you.
“Sorry,” he cleared his throat, but you just smiled at him, seeing how he was memorizing your face, and how your eyes were shining bright for him.
“It’s ok. Just, wrong place and wrong time, right?”
He gulped, nodding.
You didn’t kiss again, but Lewis held your hand the whole drive back to Monza.
Understandably, Lewis didn’t come back for your last week at McLaren. Despite being a little hurt about his absence, it didn’t really upset you, deep down you knew that it was better like this. The distance would make the goodbye easier for the man who wormed his way into your life. The whole team at McLaren gave you a farewell cake, which was sweet considering you were just a temporary hire.
You had tears in your eyes saying goodbye to the team and to the formula 1 track.
After that, you went back to London to finish packing, and shipping a few of your furniture and belongings. The dinner with your family and closest friends was filled with tears, and you finally caught up with Angela, explaining everything that had happened.
When the day came, your parents and siblings took you to the airport and you said goodbye with teary eyes and a heavy heart.
You were about to board when a sudden commotion caught your attention, and from between the crowd Lewis Hamilton emerged, running towards you as if he were in a marathon. Confused and shocked, you waited for him to get closer, and as soon as he stopped in front of you, he held your face with both hands and pulled you in a kiss. After two seconds, you returned the kiss, deepening it by opening your lips. He devoured you for a couple more seconds, before pulling away when you were both panting.
“Lewis? What the fuck?”
“This doesn’t have to be a goodbye, right? We can- I don’t know, we can figure it out,” He muttered, face close to you.
“Lewis,” you hesitated, “I’m moving away. We’ll spend most of out time in different time zones-”
“Wouldn’t you like to try? It’s better to try than spend our lives haunted by what ifs” His argument was convincing. And the fact that he was just centimeters from your face, and the fact that you had just kissed and his cologne was divine… Very tempting.
“Lewis, the next time you cause a scene in front of an entire airport, I’m killing you,” you whispered, pecking his lips once more as the crowd dissipated of people boarding the plane.
“I wanted it to be memorable, like a romcom.”
“You’re annoying, that’s what you are. You’re lucky you’re handsome” You rolled your eyes, but Lewis could still see the big smile on your face, eyes glinting.
“Is that a yes to my question?”
“One date, Hamilton. And we’ll see where it will go from that” You smiled, pushing his chest, taking a step back.
“I’m going to Madrid as soon as the triple header is over,” He promised, pulling you close again by the waist.
“You better! I don’t know, maybe I will meet a handsome Spaniard,” You joked, playing hard to get. You closed the distance so you could whisper in his ear, “You better work if you want any prize, pretty boy.”
He gasped at your seductive words, and you pushed him away. He smiled at you. Pulling one of his necklaces, he put it around your neck, a pearl one, very beautiful. The airport called all the passengers for the flight.
“A promise. Yeah?” He said, holding the necklace softly.
“Yeah. See you soon?” You nodded.
“See you soon.”
He watched as you walked away, and before boarding, you turned around and blew him a kiss. He laughed, pretending it hit him right over his heart.
TAG LIST: @mirrorball-6 @chanshintien @icysdiary @nat-lh-44 @aphroditeisamilf @sugardontbesweet @nonsensical-nonsence @slytherheign @luv4kani @18754389 @lorarri @verew @honethatty12 @smartstupyd @moonraysworld @chanelxreid-blog @gemini5991 @comfortzonequeen @blue1amory @soryuwifeyxx @anangelwhodidntfall
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pain-is-too-tired · 1 month
Lee hadn't look exactly like Will either. Golden bronze complexion,long brown curls that turned blonde at the ends and often were tied up, dusk brown eyes. Yet, Percy sees him when Will laughs, in the determination in Will's eyes when he's made up his mind on something,in the way Will so easily pushes through a crowd to stop a fight.
Lil excerpt from a one shot I'm writing :'3
It's 100% angst all I'm saying. Will and Percy are not have a grand ole time.
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that1notetaker · 2 months
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@westwindy1 Here you go. I was meaning to post some stuff, so now you have a mix of scrapped stuff, Chapter 3 spoilers of Blue and Silver, (the modern fic, except not exactly. Magic still runs rampant and things get interesting, hopefully), and future tibbits.
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womaninwinter · 1 month
Maybe it’s the 30 y/o in me but I just cannnnot get enough of future fics where the babies are grown up. Give me all the “iron trio talk mortgages” fics
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tinogiehd · 4 months
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save me cat fic part 2
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viennakarma · 4 months
BUT DID YOU SEE THAT ONE VID WHERE LIKE Carlos gave Cha the chili plush that a fan gave him and told him that it was a remembrance for when he was gone and I-
PLS 😀😀
please note:
- the light dimming from charles eyes and his voice failing 😭
- carlos’ voice changing when he says “getting emotional already” 😭😭
LOOK I know people have Opinions™ about carlos and charles’ relationship but not me ‼️ they are my emotional support teammate duo ‼️ let me live in delusion idc ‼️
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