#fight hate
palatinewolfsblog · 1 year
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Untitled (Hommage a William-Adolphe Bougereau).
9/20 is World Children's Day. Just sayin'...
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mylight-png · 11 months
This is going to be a little different from my usual posts, but here I go anyways.
It is rare, especially now, for online content to make me really and truly happy. But today I saw something that both made me really happy and also made me think.
I was scrolling through TikTok and came across multiple videos of the same kind. A woman wearing a hijab was finding other Muslim women and was helping them try on a hijab for the first time. These videos brought me so much joy. The hijabi woman's gestures were so kind and loving, she seemed almost like an older sister to the other women. The care with which she helped them put on the hijab was so sweet. And then there was the reaction of the women to wearing a hijab for the first time. There were before and after shots, and every single time, the "after" photos of them in the hijab were so happy. It was so pure to see women finding joy in dressing in a way that brought them comfortable.
But even more interestingly, it was a joy I recognized. The sisterly and caring gestures of the more experienced hijabi were familiar too.
The joy I saw in the "after" photos was reminiscent of my emotions when I first intentionally dressed tznuis (Jewish modesty). It was recent, and I felt so comfortable and safe in the clothes I was wearing, and I recognized that comfort in the faces of the women in the videos.
The sweet and caring gestures of the experienced hijabi reminded me a bit of my interactions with rebbetzins and other older religious women in various communities. They're always so sweet and kind (in my experience of course), and I noticed that they frequently try to connect through touch. You know, putting a hand on my shoulder or elbow. Hugs, of course. Using those gestures to make people feel heard and listened to.
And that made me think. We are so much more similar than the media gives us credit for. In fact, it reminded me of an interaction I had with a classmate just last week.
In one of my classes, we were talking about cultural traditions, and we were supposed to pair up and discuss family traditions we have. I mentioned that I love celebrating New Year's because my family doesn't celebrate Christmas, but due to them coming to the US from ex-USSR countries, they brought over similar yet secular and unique traditions for New Year's.
The girl I ended up pairing up with mentioned that she also didn't celebrate Christmas, because she was Muslim, and then she started talking about what her family does for Ramadan.
We ended up having a really nice discussion, connecting over having to fast for holidays, being surrounded by a majority Christian world, and other things we had in common.
And at the very beginning of the year, a Jewish friend of mine and I were complaining to each other about how lame it was that there were only two cheese pizzas at the event, and the rest were all pepperoni (and therefore not kosher), which led into a discussion of accommodating dietary restrictions. We unintentionally ended up sitting next to a few Muslim girls who heard our conversation and joined in, and we had the fun experience of bonding over the pork-obsessed world we all live in.
So yeah. We're actually not as different as the media and politicians make us look.
This is why, as much as I try to advocate about antisemitism, I still try to call out Islamaphobia in my day-to-day life.
There really isn't an excuse for hating an entire group. No excuse for awful and slanderous generalizations, which I've seen made about both us and Muslims. Just as antisemitism shouldn't have any place in these discussions, neither does Islamaphobia.
In fact, I think it would be amazing if we could set aside our differences and unite on this issue.
I know we may feel adversely towards each other in regards to the Israel-Hamas war and our views on it. And I'm not going to force anyone to agree/disagree on all the same things about it. Both sides are hurt. Both sides are accusing each other of genocide, and neither one (majority, I know extremist views exist on both sides, that's not who I am talking about here) actually hates all of the other side to the point of wanting to kill each other.
Yes, we disagree. Yes, our disagreement right now is serious and valid. But there is something we can, I hope, agree upon, and that's the fact that neither side of what's happening should employ Islamaphobic/Antisemitic rhetoric.
So here's a summary of what I'm trying to say:
We aren't as different as we are portrayed to be. We aren't "natural enemies" or whatever people think. We are all human, and we should all be united in the fact that generalized hate has no place on either side.
Both Antisemitism and Islamaphobia are rising right now. We may not see eye to eye on everything, but we are all human, and we should all do our part in dealing with that rise in hate. Not contribute to it.
Even though I am trying to speak against hate and division right now, I am certain that I'm probably going to receive at least a few hateful or negative responses to this. But you know what?
I don't really care anymore. Those hateful people are not anyone I could ever change or convince. So I'm going to try and remind myself to pick my battles and not waste energy on pointless arguments. Hateful responses to this post will be blocked and deleted.
However, Muslims of Tumblr, if I did say anything culturally problematic or inaccurate (for example, if the term "hijabi" or "experienced" in regards to being a hijabi is somehow a problem) (or like if comparing wearing a hijab at all to tznuis clothing is an issue) please let me know so I can fix it! I tried to not be culturally insensitive but I don't really know all that much so please do let me know!
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basilepesso · 5 months
Sous cette photo de l'excellent Belge Tom Deleenheer, un des commentaires les plus débiles et agressifs que j'aie vue depuis une dizaine d'années sur les sites d'art.
Le iel qui vient agresser n'a aucune notion de rien en photo et n'a jamais rien prouvé dans ce domaine. Iel pose une 1e merde de dix lignes expliquant que cette photo n'a "aucune qualité technique et aucun intérêt", puis continue, encore, encore et encore.
Iel est secondé par une "plasticienne" asiatique parisienne qui n'a jamais fait de photo, et eux d'eux s'accordent à dire doctement que nous sommes tous des moutons.
Iel n'a rien compris de cette composition, qu'iel appelle une "simple vue de l'océan". Iel la déclare "surexposée" sans aucune raison sinon sa maladie mentale.
Composition scientifique en 4 ou 5 parties avec appui latéral droit parfaitement calculé.
Basile Pesso
Photographe, directeur de Yes We Are Magazine (Tumblr et Facebook) depuis 2 014, écrivain, journaliste, ancien agent d'artistes et commissaire d'exposition (etc...) 2 mai 2 024 (Fb)
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yeswearemagazine · 1 year
Little People, Big Art...
I will be less inclined to selecting, highlighting, praising, writing texts, pointing to the YWAMag galleries of the scornful artists. There are two reasons for this hate (cold hate, most of the time, aka passive aggressiveness) : slander, and “anti-racism”, as I am considered by neo-collaborationnists as a “white racist”, which I’m actually not, but having daily worked for about 6 years on crime and terrorism, my fact reports and logical conclusions don’t please those neo-collaborationnists. Yet, the mag is literally full of neo-collabs’. It doesn’t matter, I can’t do otherwise, I just have not to know it or think about this shit.
These little people function by hate and boycott and this is opposed to art. I’m here for art. The Tumblr staff is strictly the same, recruiting on these ideological bases. So, I keep on praising, selecting, etc, just slightly less, for these little people, with big art. Basile Pesso - YWAMag director since 2 014 Nirvana, Serve the Servants
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stephanieviolet · 1 year
Today I had a great day, with a terrible experience from another parent at my kids' school.
I wore my favourite new t-shirt:
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And as I was walking to the school picnic, another parent was walking toward me, with her two young kids (preschool aged) and commented:
"I should have worn my straight shirt."
I laughed until I realised what she said (my brain takes a minute to process) and as I walked away I managed to say (hopefully loud enough)
"At least we'd know you're a bigot."
Overall, I wish I had said it louder and faster, on the other hand, everyone I told this story to was offended on my behalf on how hateful this parent was.
I live in BC, Canada. Hate is real. Canadians have a duty to be loud and proud, to drown out the hate. We are not immune to the influence of narrow minded people. And we owe it to our kids to help make the world a safer place.
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batcavescolony · 3 months
*Talia visiting Damian*
Talia: Damian, how are you? *glares at Dick*
Damian: I am doing well mother
Dick: *from behind him* *mouthing: why the fuck are you here?*
Talia: oh that's great! I see you have a new pet? *Mouthing back: to see MY son*
Damian: this is Haley, Grayson's dog, she's staying with me while he goes on a mission.
Dick: *flipping Talia off where Damian can't see* yep, he's so good with animals
Talia: I'm aware *throws a knife at him*
Dick: *throws it back*
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henriettehellstern · 8 months
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Same landscape, different views (Perth, Scotland)
Acrylic and polymer on canvas
James, was a compassionate employee at the city hall, always elegant looking with his suit, tie and warm smile. One evening, he sought solace in the public park, having a peaceful smoke. Unfortunately, his peace was abruptly shattered when three boys, on their way to a party, crossed paths with him. Regrettably, they chose to inflict physical harm upon James, beating him to the ground, leaving him in a grievous state on the park grass. Unaffected, the teenagers proceeded to join their intended gathering, reveling in their malevolent actions.
As the night continued, the trio retraced their steps, encountering James once more. Tragically, he remained motionless on the ground, his wounds unattended. They cowardly left him there throughout the night. It was not until the following morning, when a passerby stumbled upon the scene, that James’s lifeless body was discovered.
A reminder of the cruelty that transpired, his beloved blue tie now adorns a tree near the park bench in Perth. The city itself bears witness to the profound impact of this tragic event, forever altered by the loss of James.
James lived to be 51 years old.
#hatecrime #contemporaryart #fineart #paintingnow #perth #james #henriettehellstern #lgbtqcommunity #queerart #cityscapes #landscapes #lake #park #bridge #samtidskunst #kunstmalerei #artecontemporanea #newart #lovewins #fighthate #growwisertogether
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pencilmint · 18 days
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Sunset in Shinjuku
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kimeoshi · 1 month
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Corrupted Ratio for Twitter! Reached 2k followers and he won in a prompt game
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bbbbbbbbatman · 4 months
Gotham has so many rogues and most of them don’t actually cause that much trouble in the grand scheme of things, so other than the really big ones, like joker, news about Gotham rogues can get pretty muddled outside the city which leads the JL to believing that Batman and Manbat are the same person and that their colleague sometimes turns into a giant bat monster but they don’t bring it up bc they think it’s a sensitive topic
Which eventually leads to a scenario like this mid combat when they’re getting pretty desperate:
Green Lantern: I know we’re not supposed to talk about it or whatever, but it would be really helpful if you could turn into a giant bat right now, spooky
Batman, having zero context for this comment, pausing mid fight to look at Hal like he just grew a second head: What the fuck are you talking about, Jordan?
Green Lantern, suddenly much less confident: Um…you know how you…turn into a giant bat?
Batman, utterly bewildered, turning to the other members but finding that he is clearly the only one out of the loop: what is happening right now
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hermit-frog · 3 months
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bluerosefox · 5 months
Siblings Behavior
It's shenanigans time guys
So have this DpxDc idea.
So, the Justice League and the Light (OR villains in general) have two newish members, they've both been around for about a year and they're from the same plane of existence (a place called the Infinite Realms according to those who dabble in the occult)
And the two seem to have some serious beef with each other.
Wisp and Wrath are basicly feral cats hissing and hekles raised when they spot the other and their fights normally ends in draws. They're evenly matched and sometimes the two even fight to the point they are out of steam and just fist fight.
Needless to say everyone believes they totally hate each other and might one day kill (or end?) One of them.
So everything gets turned upside down when suddenly both factions of heros and villains are suddenly summoned to the Infinite Realms.
In a throne room.
In front of the Infinite King (or most commonly known as the Ghost King)
A King who looks very, very much like Wisp and Wrath (like yeah the two do sometimes look alike, like when they grin with sharp teeth and their hair color, but one has blue skin and red eyes for crying out loud!)
He's staring at them, glowing green eyes that seemed to just... know.
"Welcome to the Infinite Realms. I am King Phantom." His voice echoing in the throne room and seemed to rattle them deeply, like a sudden chill in the early morning.
"I have summoned you all here for a single reason." He continued to say "Tell me..."
Here he paused, closed his eyes before leaning back on the chair then he smiled big and cheerfully asked.
"How are my kids doing in your world? Dan and Ellie aren't causing too much chaos in their wake are they? They tend to go a tiny bit overboard sometimes but what siblings don't when they rough house you know. Tell me everything."
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basilepesso · 7 months
Flicards vous êtes littéralement fascinants de connerie et de folie on va vous attaquer collectivement en justice pour harcèlement (et pas que) sur victimes d'actes de torture et de barbarie. Vous êtes foutus.
-Je n'ai AUCUN CASIER JUDICIAIRE dans aucun pays. J'ai vécu en France métropolitaine, en Espagne, et à la Réunion.
-Je lutte contre la violence quotidiennement en particulier en France depuis 2 017. J'ai ainsi subi ainsi que ma femme et collaboratrice un boycott terrifiant étant donné que je m'occupe beaucoup de violence de rue et qu'elle n'est pas blanche en Occident et surtout en France.
-La rumeur sur moi "sorcier serial killer télépathe" qui ne court pas que chez des clampins atteint des proportions mondiales et gravissimes. Je ne détaille pas les faits liés à ces délires pour l'instant, et ne dis pas qui en est atteint.
-Les massacres et autres afflictions non létales de type paralysie des jambes continuent depuis le 13. Non, je n'ai ni grimoire ni marmite ni chapeau pointu. Vous êtes PSYCHIATRIQUEMENT MALADES et devez vous faire interner pour notre sécurité.
Basile Pesso.
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yeswearemagazine · 1 year
Everything's Gonna Be Ok.
To briefly keep on after my 4 texts of two days ago that have made run away half of you : I don't wait anything from any of you. I have been trying for ten years to wake you up and THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE. Along the years several persons have had the bravery to like some of my texts and fact reports. Globally they haven't been cancelled by the neo-fascists. But who knows ? Have they missed professional opportunities ? France is literally dying. It's now been ten years that many people fear the civil war. Or sometimes hope it, "to end this shit". In June during the riots we have been very close to plunging into civil war. All this has been described by several authors included me in an unfinished novel (Lise) that I had published on Fb slightly before the disappearance of my wife and collaborator. I was particularly proud of this novel, the first one I was about to finish after about 5 unfinished novels. But Anne's disappearance literally cut my wings, on all planes, and obviously the novels' one - except one which hopefully will be published soon -.
Guerre Civile Raciale by Guillaume Faye and the Guerilla series by Laurent Obertone are the two novels/saga that describe what could happen. OBVIOUSLY they have been described by neo-collaboration as "far-right". But the facts are here. Barbarian, each day. Boroughs ravaged by drug deal, gun violence, often kalachnikov one, street rapes, street assaults, murders, burglaries, assassinations, diverse stealings and vandalisms, kidnappings, forced prostitution often upon minors.
Migrants high in this lovely prize list but the invasion HAS to go on and if we protest we're "racists". It's not only France but as said two days ago this is the eye of the cyclone. Don't worry. We're here for art. I know. Basile Pesso - YWAMag director Placebo, I know
P.S : and OBVIOUSLY, the only reactions I get are unfollowings. I told you, it's been ten years that I have been knowing you.
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seancefemme · 1 year
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yeah well you want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid
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nando161mando · 1 year
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"4 years ago today the white supremacist terrorist Philip Manshaus, murdered his 17 ys old sister Johanne Ihle Hansen and launched a terror attack on the Al-Noor Mosque in Oslo, Norway."
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