#flo's oneshots
littlerequiem · 1 year
— enchanted ˚⁎⁺ levi ackerman x gn!reader
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CONTENT — A Howl's Moving Castle inspired one-shot featuring Wizard Levi and a Violin Maker Reader. No real warnings, just some fluff about first encounters, Levi's POV (wc: 1.1k)
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The rhythmic sound of coins being deposited into the till ceases.
Levi looks up as you finish recording the transaction of his payment in a notebook, a magical quill transcribing your thoughts directly onto the paper. Despite the help, you remain concentrated on your task, creases forming between your brows. 
Levi studies you.
You are as he last remembers, but different.
Your essence is the same, but your strength is yet to be discovered. 
And you are more modest than he remembers. You wear a simple straw hat, which doesn't have any woven details nor ribbons to adorn it. 
All things considered, it is a rather plain hat. But perhaps its most offensive transgression is the fact that it is worn by someone as special as you.
Oh yes, Levi wasn’t sure when he spotted you in the crowds in the bustling town of Market Chipping, but now, he is certain of it.
It’s you.  
And someone of your caliber? 
You deserve the finest silk hats. 
You deserve to be far away from a step-sister who mistreats you and takes advantage of your skills as an artisan. 
You deserve to open your own shop, in a town you choose for yourself.  
You just deserve more. 
“I hope you enjoy your violin, Sir,” you say to him, tearing him out of his observations. Your voice is low and collected, as though you are afraid to draw attention to yourself.
You hand him a package—the violin he just bought—wrapped carefully in a leather-bound box. It is one of the finest instruments Levi has ever seen, but that you're the one who crafted it makes it priceless. 
Levi says nothing as he takes his new purchase in his two hands. He tucks it under one arm and continues to stare at you. 
Behind the counter, trinkets float around the different violins on display, jewels of all colors gleaming and reflecting a myriad of colors on your skin. It is a beautiful and delicate sight, and Levi secretly wonders how you would look surrounded by more colors.  
At Levi’s silence, you follow his gaze and catch what he is staring at. 
“Oh, those?” you let out, a timid smile creeping up on your lips. You reach out into the air, and various gems hover around your fingertips, like metal attracted to a magnet. “These are enchanted gemstones. We sell them to musicians looking for a muse. Our local Witch has charmed them to float around like this. Catchy, isn’t it?”  
As you finish explaining your story, you pluck one stone that’s swirling above you. You turn and offer it to him, opening your palm.
It’s a pink stone, etched with sharp corners and glistening surfaces.  
“It is said that each stone brings a different kind of luck to its owner,” you explain, a gleam of light reflecting onto your cheeks as you twirl the stone around. “This one’s a rose quartz. It’s meant to promise long lasting love.”
Levi's lips twitch at the sight of the stone.
Long lasting love, huh?
Of course, Levi recognizes the pink gem—he recognized it the moment he walked into the shop. It is the same stone that you wore as a necklace in his past when you first saved him.
Despite this, he still finds himself asking you:  “Why hand me this one?” 
Levi still doesn’t retrieve the gem from your hand, allowing you to finish your sales pitch. 
You blink, your eyes flickering to him. Your expression is riddled with uncertainty, as if you didn’t expect Levi would be interested in what you had to say. 
You swallow a heavy breath, your hand faltering.
“D’you know what? I don’t understand it myself. It just… felt right. Isn’t that strange?” You bite your bottom lip nervously. “Here, you keep it—it’s on the house.” 
You bring your hand closer to his own, offering him the stone. 
But Levi waves a hand in the air to refuse.
“No,” Levi answers coolly. “This isn’t a charity.”
He sees you frown, appearing taken aback.
Levi gestures to the stone still in your hand. “But I would like to buy it.” 
A victorious grin creeps on your lips, as though you didn’t believe your speech might lead to this turn of events. You nod, looking oddly satisfied with yourself. 
“Alright then,” you hum. You tell him the price of the stone and he hands you the change. Before handing him his new possession, you give him a curious stare. “What name should I put on both receipts?”
He stills.
“Levi Ackerman,” he answers, studying you carefully to gauge your reaction.
You look up at him. Recognition flashes on your face and you appear startled. Afraid, perhaps.
“Oh.” There’s a tremor to your voice that wasn’t there before. “Are you… the Levi Ackerman? Humanity’s Strongest Wizard?” 
Levi crosses his arms over his chest. The term Humanity Strongest was first coined many years ago, when he was still an apprentice and his mastery of magic was deemed extraordinary.
He hates the title. 
“Fucking pretentious, isn’t it?” Levi comments, the muscles on his face tensing. 
You seem to relax upon hearing Levi's response, the same smile ghosting your face. “Well, it is a bit much. Couldn’t settle for a title with less… flair?”  
“Believe me, I would have loved to,” Levi mutters. 
The corner of your mouth lift upwards. “I suppose Humanity’s Okay-est Wizard doesn’t quite have the same ring to it, huh?”
Levi shrugs. “I think I would settle for just Levi, if I could,” he confesses.
Levi wants to say that he’d settle for you calling him like that, but he refrains himself. That would be way too forward of him and way too creepy of a thing to hear from someone you don’t even know.
But Levi knows you.
(He’s known you for many years.) 
For him, to hear his name on your lips would be as natural as the wind blowing through the valley of this town.
There’s a gleam in your eyes now, the beginning of a fire Levi recognizes. “Alright, just Levi. Tell me, do you believe in the properties of stones?”
Levi clicks his tongue in a way that it hisses through his teeth, amusement and disbelief blending on his face.
“Not really.” Levi gazes at you thoughtfully. “But maybe one day.” 
You give him a curious look and place the gem into his palm. The contact of your fingertips against his skin sizzles. 
Levi pockets the stone, burning the memory of you in his mind. He’ll gift you the necklace one day, and you'll both see that the properties of the stone are true.
But before that, your own story has to start.
See you soon, Violin Maker.
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— Masterlist
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icarusignite · 2 years
I love you forever (I'm not a dreamer)
Pairing: Lucy Carlyle x Anthony Lockwood @locklyle-week
Prompt: Day 1: Firsts
Summary: Lucy and Lockwood’s first date and first kiss 
A/N: So I was going to write all the fics for locklyle week in advance but stuff got busy so we’re gonna do this day by day lol. Would love to hear your thoughts so do share <3
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The ghost on Drury Lane had been a particularly brutal one, but they were Lockwood and Co, equipped with Lockwood's dazzling charm and George's extraordinary research skills. And then there was her, Lucy Carlyle, with her eerily sensitive Listening ability. Nonetheless, they had survived another night and were trudging back to 35 Portland Row filled with the satisfaction of another job well done. Well, at least they had managed not to set the house on fire so in Lucy's book, that counted as a success. George marched on ahead of her, his strides filled with purpose as he muttered something about hot tea and biscuits. Lockwood though, she noticed, trailed behind them, unusually quiet and seemingly lost in his thoughts. Usually, he would be talking up a storm, praising them for their quick thinking as a team and beginning to discuss the next mission. Lucy watched him for a while, fingers itching to brush away the stray strand of hair that fell over his forehead and then berating herself for the desire. That is not how one ought to feel about a colleague, for that was all Lockwood was to her. A generous colleague, her partner, her boss perhaps, but nothing more. Eventually, when they reached their home on Portland Row, George hurried up the stairs, turning his head to tell them that he was going to go put the kettle on. That left Lockwood standing below the steps to his house, still in deep contemplation. Lucy waited a moment before clearing her throat.
"Are you not coming inside?"
Lockwood's eyes flickered to the open door that George had just disappeared through, and then to Lucys's eyes, "Erm... yes, of course."
"Well," Lucy raised an eyebrow, "what are you waiting for?"
Lockwood cleared his throat nervously.
"Go on then, you clearly have something to say."
"Right, yea. I was thinking, if...would you like to go out with me for coffee?"
"Coffee?" Lucy was surprised, and her heart gave a hiccup.
"You know, like what normal people do. Hanging out."
Lucy felt her lips raise in a slight smile, remembering what she had said to Lockwood back when Kipps had asked her out, "Oh is that right then?"
"Yes," Lockwood shifted from one foot to the other and smiled at her. This was unlike his usual smiles, the ones that were blinding in their confidence and charisma. This smile was tentative and hopeful and Lucy had to admit that it had a more profound effect on her.
"Lockwood you do realize it is like 2 am and we are covered in dust right now?"
"It doesn't have to be right now. Whenever...tomorrow or the day after maybe? After you've rested of course."
"Alright yeah, tomorrow it is then," Lucy confirmed, trying to tamp down the feeling of hope that rose up within her. This was nothing, just a casual hangout between colleagues. Lockwood was just trying to be polite no doubt, wanting to make her feel like a normal person who went out on normal outings in the daytime.
Lockwood's eyes lit up, "Great, it's a date then."
"A date?!"
"Oh...if you want it to be. I mean if that's alright with you?"
"Yeah...yeah, I'd like that."
Lockwood's anxious smile morphed into that brilliant grin that showed his teeth and made Lucy's breath catch in her throat.
"Ahem, the tea was brewed several minutes ago, it's about time you lot came inside now," George grumbled from the doorway and the two teenagers rushed through, avoiding each other's gaze.
The very next morning, Lockwood and Lucy arrived at a cozy little café in the heart of London, with nervous hearts and voracious appetites. Lockwood had chosen the location himself, hoping to impress Lucy with his knowledge of the city's hidden treasures. Lucy picked out a table for two in the corner and Lockwood, ever the chivalrous boy that he was, pulled out her chair for her.
"Thanks for bringing me here, Lockwood."
Lockwood grinned back at her, "Anything for you, Luce."
Lucy couldn't help but feel a sense of nervousness. She had never been on a date with anyone before and didn't know what to expect. She had especially never been out with Lockwood in a context that wasn't for work. As they perused the menu, she couldn't help but steal glances at him, fingers still desperate to brush away that blasted stray lock of hair. The waiter arrived just then to take their order, and both of them ordered full English breakfasts for themselves. As they waited for their food, they chatted about the ghost on Drury Lane and reminisced about their adventures together. Lucy had been worried that the date would be full of awkward silences but the conversation flowed effortlessly between them and Lockwood made it easy for her to become comfortable. Lucy felt a warmth spread through her body, and she relaxed, her heart swelling with an unexpected bout of affection for him. She watched as he sipped his tea, his lips curling into a contented smile. She had always admired his sharp features and confident demeanour, but in this moment, she saw a new side of him. He seemed relaxed, and at ease. His features seemed softer, more vulnerable in the early morning light that streamed in through the large windows of the café, and his dark eyes sparkled with something she could not name every time they met hers. She then chided herself for noticing other things, the way his typical white button-up clung to his shoulders, and the way his slender hands moved gracefully as he talked.
When their food arrived, Lucy distracted herself by taking several bites of her eggs, hoping to ease the burning in her cheeks.
"Wow, this is delicious. You have great taste," Lucy sighed, her hunger finally having been satiated.
"Oh, it was actually my..." Lockwood hesitated a moment. "Someone I was very close to, it was their favourite place, so I can't take full credit for the find."
"They have my eternal gratitude, dare I say that this breakfast might even be better than George's."
Lockwood chuckled, "Lucy Carlyle? How dare you. I am going to tell George you said that."
"Anthony Lockwood, don't you dare," Lucy mimicked in his mock outraged tone.
Then Lockwood was staring at her and Lucy fidgeted under his gaze.
"Is there something on my face?" Lucy reached up to dab at her lips self-consciously with her napkin.
"Not at all."
"Why're you looking at me like that then?"
"Didn't know it was a crime to look at the pretty girl I'm out on a date with."
Lucy's cheeks flamed, as she ducked her head and shoved a piece of toast into her mouth so she didn't have to respond. Lockwood smirked at her response, but despite his flirtatious bravado, the skin of his ears was flushed pink.
"Would you like to take a walk after this? You know, see the city a bit?" Lockwood ventured, wanting the date to last as long as he could make it.
"Yeah, that would be lovely."
After they had finished their breakfast, they strolled through the streets of London, admiring the architecture and the hustle and bustle of the city. They talked and laughed, enjoying each other's company and the warmth of the sun on their skin. As they walked side by side, Lockwood's fingers brushed against Lucy's making her instinctively flinch. Lockwood immediately pulled away looking embarrassed.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to... I mean I did but..."
"Oh, no you don't have to apologize. I was just surprised that's all."
Lockwood looked relieved but his hand remained at his own side, hesitant and unsure. Lucy, sensing this, decided to take matters into her own hands. She reached out and grabbed Lockwood's hand, lacing their fingers together, trying to ignore the way her entire being tingled and the way her heart raced at the contact. Lockwood brought her to the banks of the River Thames. It looked tranquil in the daytime, the sounds of the city fading into the background, but Lucy could still remember its frigid temperature the last time she had jumped into it with Lockwood. Lockwood led her to a quiet spot by the river, where they sat down on a bench and admired the scenery.
"It is a lovely view, you know when we're not about to leap in from several feet above," Lucy laughed, her eyes trained on the horizon.
Lockwood's eyes never strayed from her face as he responded, his voice low and mesmerized, "Yes, quite lovely indeed."
Lucy turned her head and was met with his startlingly sincere gaze, a question on his lips that he could not seem to utter. It was surprising to see this side of him, so vastly different from his usual confident, charming self.
"Yes?" she prompted.
Lockwood took a deep breath, his hand shaking slightly as he reached out to tuck a strand of her hair tenderly behind her ear, "I've been wanting to ask...can I-ahem, can I kiss you?"
Lucy's heart skipped a beat at his request. She would have been lying if she said that she never dreamed of moments like this, but the way Lockwood asked still caught her off guard.
"Of course," she said softly, smiling at him.
Lockwood leaned in slowly, his lips stopping a hairsbreadth from hers, pausing to give her a chance to push him away, to rescind her consent, before brushing them against hers in a soft, gentle kiss. Lucy closed her eyes, savouring the sensation of Lockwood's lips on hers. The kiss was brief and delicate, and when they pulled away, Lockwood's eyes twinkled with adoration.
"That was... erm... nice," Lucy said shyly.
Lockwood laughed before leaning in to press a kiss to her forehead, "I'd say it was better than nice Luce. It was wonderful. You're wonderful."
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lockwood-fic-recs · 6 months
(the horrors of the night melt away) under the warm glow of survival of the day
by The_Dreamer_Half_Alive
Rating: T | Category: F/M, F/F | Relationship: Lockwood/Lucy, George/Flo, Holly/Holly's GF
The war is over— but what is left for them now?
(Or Lucy Carlyle, and healing).
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harryssonlyangel · 2 years
Ok so I’m thinking of maybe writing some stuff, because I haven’t in a while and it’s honestly so fun to me. I just haven’t had the time and also was going through some mental health struggles. I’m thinking of maybe writing a Harry x Flo x Reader smut….I’m addicted to reading those but there isn’t that many on here so thinking of writing one. If you have any requests plz send them in. And don’t worry if you feel they are too filthy….I love it 🤭
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minhosimthings · 9 months
The Symphony Smut Series
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A series of oneshots based on lyrics from my playlists and their songs
Day 1: Lana del Rey's Gods and Monsters;
In the land of gods and monsters I was an angel, looking to get fucked hard - Lee 'Know' Minho (Skz)
Day 2:Lana del rey's Brooklyn Baby
My boyfriends' in a band, he plays guitar while I sing Lou Reed - Heeseung and Jay (Enha)
Day 3: Doja Cat and Starbo3's D!ck
She came in like an addict - Kim Sunoo (Enha)
Day 4: Cat Peirce's You belong to me
Do what you please to me, I won't resist - Jake (Enha)
Day 5: Lancey Foxx's Lancey or Lancey
Took her to Paris, she took her panties off- Felix (Skz)
Day 6: Lana del Rey's Peppers
We write hit songs without trying like, all the time, all the time - Han Jisung (Skz)
Day 7: Julia Michaels' Heaven
they say all good boys go to heaven, but bad boys bring heaven to you - I.N/ Yang Jeongin (Skz)
Day 8: Lana del Rey's Cherry
My cherries and wine and all of my peaches are ruined - Heeseung (Enha)
Day 9: Flo Milli's Rodeo Ride
He love how I ride it, hop on a dick made him get excited - Changbin (Skz)
Day 10: Skz's Red Lights
I cannot breathe without you being right by my side - Seungmin (Skz)
Day 11:Charlie Puth's Dangerously
I love you dangerously - Sunghoon (Enha)
Day 12: Staind "Right Here"
But you always find a way to keep me right here waiting. - Hyunjin (Skz)
Day 13: Amaarae's Angels in Tibet
Louvre and Armani I like how you say it - Jay (Enha)
Day 14: Doja Cat's Agora Hills
Suck a little dick in the bathroom - Chan (Skz)
Day 15: Doja Cat's Agora Hills
Kissin I hope they caught us - Sunghoon (Enha)
Day 16: Todrick hall's Both
I can make you moist or i can make you fire - Minho and Chan (Skz)
Day 17: The Neighborhood's You get me so high
We should stick together, you're my best friend I love you forever - Jake (Enha)
Day 18: Amaarae's Angels in Tibet
Touch me where you need to, I can give you more - Minho (Skz)
Taglist: @ramenoil @mynameisniya150 @demigodmahash + whoever wants to be tagged, send an ask my way!
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cherrycrushes · 6 months
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freeze the picture - oneshot
lucifer morningstar x reader.
a/n: its like 1am but i was sobbing over mamma mia now im listening to low by flo rida and i cant sleep im so dizzy
“hey y/n?”
“yeah luci?”
“i love you.”
you both were on the envy ring’s beach. relaxing on a picnic blanket surrounded by glasses of wine, two rubber ducks that resembled both of you, and flowers. not to forget the charcuterie board of the finest finger food in hell.
lucifer laid on your lap as you stroked his hair. his eyes were half lidded, showing you his slightly smudged eyeshadow rubbed by his hands. it might’ve been due to the ring you were in- but you were slightly envious of how long and full his lashes were. the king of hell’s jacket was lain across his lap almost like a blanket. his sleeves rolled up.
“i love you too.”
you voiced, a grin growing across your face. lucifer looked up to you, mirroring your expression. it was almost like puppy love, except both frozen in the youth of eternity. the corner of you sundress slightly lifted up, as hell’s hot air breezed past the both of you. the “sun,” illuminated the side of lucifer’s and the front of your’s face.
“i think it’s best we start heading home soon, my love. it may be getting dark.”
the king of hell groaned almost childishly as he stuffed his face into the rolls of your tummy.
“but my dear, the drive from envy to pride is soooo long!”
it wasn’t. being the king of hell and all, the drive was a maximum of ten minutes. you let out a slight chuckle at the sight of him.
“i supposed we can wait a bit.”
time flew by and it was almost completely pitch black now. the red ocean’s waves got harsher and ypu could’ve sworn you saw two glowing eyes in the water. lucifer’s soft snores escaped his mouth, finding himself too comfortable in the warmth of your body.
you slightly shook him, and kept going when he didn’t wake up. you hated disrupting his well needed, and deserved, nap but you had to. he stirred slightly, even mumbling something that sounded like five more minutes.
“but luciii, i have a surprise whipped up back at the palacee,” you softly sang and you booped his nose.
despite the occasion being just a date, you wanted to give back to him. so, you made him a bouquet of paper flowers. the material being a copy of a book he reads out loud to you before bed (the version he reads was signed by the author). in addition, you baked him a resort of apple flavored desserts and even got him a huge duck plushie.
yeah, you liked to spoil your beautiful husband. the one that decided to wake up and sit up for once. you truly wished you could freeze time just to admire his disheveled state,
“you know i wouldn’t miss that for the world, darling.”
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luvistqrzzz · 1 year
TRIVIA : LOVE — enhypen hyung line oneshot series
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Finding love is not easy they say but what happens when you fall for someone at the most unexpected time in an unexpected way? — whisper a small oops and continue to fall further into the loophole of love.
aka the chronicles of a hopeless romantic soul
PAIRING && GENRE — hyung line x f!reader, can be read as stand alone oneshots, crack, ansgt, fluff, happy ending, more tba in individual fics
TAGLIST — open send an ask or comment to be added (you will be tagged for all the 4 fics) — @flwrshee @aosbie @rsmura @enhastolemyheart @yannew @sophiko22 @www-jungwon @nwjws @in-somnias-world @zzinyl @mrchweeee @ghostiiess @ilovecheese09
PERMANENT TAGLIST — @rikizm @str0l0gy @yenqa @heetoldme @crxzs @s00buwu @nhularin @bunreis @hysgf @mochamvgz @myonos — will be added in all parts
STATUS — to be released !!
AN — TYSM FLO @dollikis FOR THE MAIN BANNER ISTG SHE'S SUCH A GENIUS 🫶🏼🥹 I CANNOT GET ENOUGH OF IT ILYSM FLO my banners for the rest of the fic look like shit 😻🤞🏼 i feel the general summary is so cringe ( if someone comes up w a better one then pls help 😭) ALSO the fics in the series are based on rom com books tbh ive been planning and editing the masterlist for the past two weeks ahaha so idk how to feel about it... technically im still on my writing hiatus but ill try to start working on the fics after exams,,, hope yall look forward to it hehe ^_^ !!
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"It was like I was trying to memorize him — in case this was the last time I would ever see him." — (failed) STEPS TO NOT MISS YOUR EX
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There were a lot of ways your sister's wedding could have gone wrong but none of them included you crossing paths with your ex who happened to be the assistant wedding planner.  Alternatively, where you were apparently "over" Lee Heeseung but an (almost) disastrous wedding made you think otherwise.
a luvistqrzzz rendition of save the date by morgan matson — [ read here ]
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“Here's the thing about writing Happily Ever Afters: it helps if you believe in them.” — LETTERS TO YOU, ME AND THE BEACH
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When a crippling writer’s block and an almost broke bank account forces you to move to an old family home, you didn’t expect to cross paths with your arch nemesis from high school, the ever obnoxious, Park Jay. But maybe the series of events that unfold during the summer could help you with a romantic book or two.
a luvistqrzzz rendition of beach read by emily henry — [ read here ]
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“Note to self: Do not under any circumstances fall in love again.” — A 1000 WAYS BACK TO YOU
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When Jake realizes he doesn't want to be (only) friends with you anymore, you are already moving halfway around the world and he's left alone on the other side of the line. Will it take two oblivious idiots 10 years and more than a hundred missed chances to see the feelings they've been hiding for long?
a luvistqrzzz rendition of where rainbows end by cecelia ahern — [ read here ]
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"Well sure, who doesn't need a boyfriend? But realistically, those exotic creatures are hard to come by. At least a quality one.” — A STRANGER'S GUIDE TO LOVE AND CHRISTMAS
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For Sunghoon, Christmas is like any other day, only a hundred times more crowded. But then he stumbles across a notebook at the local bookstore. A notebook full of... dares. As he and the anonymous author spend the entire Christmas eve swapping stories and dreams around the city of Seoul, where will it lead Sunghoon to?
a luvistqrzzz rendition of dash and lily's book of dares by rachel cohn and david levithan — [ read here ]
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works belongs to @luvistqrzzz do not copy repost or translate my work
reblogs and feedback are heavily appreciated
networks- @hyfenet @enhanet @en-web @k-films
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stray-kaz · 2 years
Between a Tree and a Lockwood : an Anthony Lockwood x f!reader oneshot
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The Gist of This: Lockwood and reader are on a very human mission, but humans can be even more dangerous than ghosts. A criminal right around the corner makes the perfect time to make out, right? In other words, “Oh, shoot, we’re about to get caught, you’d better kiss me now.”
A tiny smidge of 18+
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“You ready?”
You glanced up from the book you were reading to see Lockwood in the doorway, dressed down for a change. You raised your eyebrows at his soft hoodie and dark jeans, his ever present Converse in place on his feet. He was watching you expectantly, as if you had any idea what he was talking about.
“What am I supposed to be ready for?” you asked, swinging your feet down onto the floor.
Lockwood sighed and rolled his eyes.
“We have a relic to steal, remember? Flo’s paying us for it. I did tell you about it this morning, you know.”
You scoffed and stood up, leaving your book on the chair behind you.
“If you didn’t say my name, I probably didn’t hear you” you told him, coming to a stop in front of him, toe to toe.
You reached out a hand and lightly traced a finger down the front of his hoodie, from his chest to his abdomen, curious about how it felt.
“This is nice” you said, glancing up at his face in time to catch the tic in his jaw as he clenched it. “Soft. Why don’t you wear it more often?”
“It’s hardly work attire, sunshine” Lockwood muttered, lightly taking your hand to place it back down by your side.
“Then why are you wearing it now?” you asked, sunshine looping in your mind.
He shrugged, shoving his hands deep into his pockets.
“Because my suit and rapier are a little too obvious.”
“Ah, so we’re undercover today” you mused, looking down at your oversized cardigan and soft woolly leggings. “Is this okay then?”
You propped your hands on your hips and spun in a dramatic circle, flinging your arms out at the end.
When you looked back at him, Lockwood’s lips were pursed as he tried to hide a smile, his warm gaze travelling the length of you.
“More than okay” he told you. “Perfect, as always.”
That took you by surprise and you stumbled slightly, coming up short with Lockwood’s hands holding your shoulders, keeping you steady.
“Whoa, there” he murmured. “I think we had better go before you knock yourself out.”
You nodded, followed him out and collected your boots by the door, hopping down the steps as you pulled them on. Lockwood watched you with a sigh, shaking his head fondly.
“How did you ever end up as an agent?” he asked you. “You can barely put your own shoes on without falling over.”
You stuck your tongue out at him and fell into step by his side; you hardly noticed, but he always slowed his strides to make it easier for your shorter legs to keep up, his mind always one move ahead. You kind of loved him for all the care he took.
“So what is this relic we’re appropriating?” you asked. “And what happens if we find ourselves in a spot of trouble and we don’t have weapons?”
Lockwood glanced at you, reading your face; you looked completely at ease with the situation. Apparently you trusted him so innately that even the possibility of weaponless danger didn’t faze you. The notion of this simultaneously soothed and terrified him.
“I’ve seen you” he replied. “You’re pretty handy with your fists. And, besides, me, myself and my silver tongue have talked us out of many a scrape in the past.”
You rolled your eyes at his ego and bumped against him gently.
“Fond of yourself, eh, Anthony?”
Fonder of you, sunshine.
He didn’t say anything else. The weak autumn sun chose that moment to strike you and you turned your face up towards it, smiling with your eyes closed. Lockwood took his chance, pivoting so he could walk backwards and study your face at the same time. He couldn’t help but smile at the peace in your expression, black lashes sweeping over your cheekbones. Sunshine, indeed.
“You didn’t answer my first question” you said, suddenly opening your eyes to find him staring at you with something like awe.
“Oh, um, right” Lockwood mumbled, falling in next to you again. “What is the relic? A glass eye.”
You pulled a face, disgusted.
“A glass eye? That’s foul! Whose is it?”
“Probably some unfortunate shuffled off this mortal coil before their time” Lockwood answered, shrugging again. 
“And why are we getting it for Flo?”
“Because the buyer she has lined up for it is paying four grand for it and she’s only taking a small cut. We have bills to pay, you know.”
“Yes, boss.”
He glanced at you again to see if you were bothered, but your expression had smoothed and you were smiling slightly.
“Do you miss your family?” Lockwood blurted out suddenly.
You glanced up at him, surprised by the question. Was he feeling insecure about something? Did he think you were going to leave? Leave George and Lucy? Leave Anthony bloody Lockwood? Not a snowball’s chance in hell.
“You’re my family” you said.
“Yes, I know, but -”
“No buts” you said quietly. “You’re my family. I love you and I’m not going anywhere.”
The ease with which you said it hit him with the force of a hammer and he stared at you, brown eyes wide. You stared stoically ahead, refusing to meet his eye, biting your lip hard enough to taste copper. You had confessed your feelings about Lockwood to George, but to the boss himself? You didn’t think you could ever be so stupid.
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The sun was at its highest peak in the sky when you arrived at the small Sunday market Flo had told you about. You shook your head as you looked around at the tight pods of people moving from stall to stall, picking up death relics and listening to the stall owners spout chapter and verse.
“This happens on Sundays?” you said, incredulous. “That’s awful. On the Lord’s day?”
Lockwood laughed and grinned down at you.
“Relic men never sleep” he said, amused. “Not even on the Lord’s day. Come on, sunshine.”
There it was again.
The two of you wandered around, trying your best to look like everybody else’s version of normal, until Lockwood grabbed your hand all of a sudden and dragged you over to one particular kiosk, his palm a little rough and calloused against yours.
“Look” he whispered, pointing.
Pulse hammering in your ears, you followed the direction of his pointing finger and saw the rounded glass eye settled in a small bed of crushed black velvet. The iris was bright blue and it spun as you looked at it.
“Oh, yuck” you gasped, and turned your face into Lockwood’s chest, your cheek brushing the soft front of his hoodie.
As you did so, your free hand snuck out and slid the velvet casing off the edge of the table, tucking it swiftly into one of Lockwood’s jeans pockets. He jumped a little as your fingers brushed the inner seam of the pocket, but he did his best to hide it by burying his face in your hair and pretending to hush you, his other arm rising to wrap around your shoulders and anchor you to him.
“She’s fine, really” you heard him say to the vendor, who was watching you a little anxiously. “Just a weak stomach.”
Hidden by his arm, you pinched him through his hoodie and he jumped a little again, knowing there’d likely be a bruise later.
“Come along” he muttered in your ear, guiding you away from the stall and watchful eyes.
When you were a safe distance away, you took a step back from Lockwood and beamed up at him.
“I got it!” you said, dancing from foot to foot. “Yes!”
He covered your mouth with his hand as his eyes widened. Yours did, too, your lips burning against his skin.
“Shh!” he whispered frantically. “Someone’s coming!”
He glanced around and then dragged you over to a wide trunked tree, the only cover there was anywhere nearby. He pressed you against it, the bark digging into you through the thick material of your cardigan. You gazed up at Lockwood with wide eyes, his hands on either side of your head, his stomach pressed to yours.
You couldn’t think your way out of a paper bag; his closeness was dizzying, the scents of bergamot and sharp aftershave invading your senses and spinning your mind in a circle.
He looked down at you, realising for the first time just how close he was to you, his body pinning yours to the tree, your hips starting to squirm a little bit.
“Hey” he said softly, the brown of his eyes swallowed by onyx. “If we’re about to die right now, then I think it would be severely remiss of you not to kiss me first. What do you think, sunshine?”
You still couldn’t think, so you did, instead. You tugged him down to you by the silver zip on his hoodie, his lips colliding with yours, as a hitched gasp was pulled from your throat. You fisted the soft fabric of his hoodie and Lockwood melted against you, his whole body turning to heat and pressure on yours.
The creature of want that had been quietly feeding off the little soft moments with Anthony Lockwood stretched languorously and showed its teeth.
You arched against him, soft where he was angular, and slid your hands up from his chest to his hair, opening up for him and feeling your knees turn to liquid as his tongue touched yours.
He sighed into you and tucked a leg in between yours, strengthening your position. You moaned softly as the rough denim of his jeans caught and dragged between your legs and Lockwood echoed you as he started to rock slowly up into you, having by now completely forgotten how this had begun in the first place.
Footsteps rounded the tree and there was a gruff scoff and a heavily accented male voice.
“It’s just a couple of randy teenagers. Keep lookin’, it’ll be around here somewhere.”
You heard the words, but barely registered them, too engrossed in the sensation of Lockwood slipping a hand underneath your t-shirt and onto the soft skin of your tummy, slowly questing up and up. 
Before he could reach what he wanted, another, much more familiar voice, interrupted.
“Seriously, Locky? There are more comfortable places to cop a feel than against a tree. Try a bed. Can I at least have the relic?”
Lockwood rummaged in his pocket and thrust the velvet wrapped glass eye in the direction of Flo’s voice, not bothering to look. She took it and pressed a wad of cash into his hand, which he then stuffed into his pocket, not breaking eye contact with you.
“What do you think?” he asked you, face flushed pink and his gaze on you like molten lava. “Shall we try a bed?”
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Working Lunch
Jim Hopper x AFAB! Reader
Plot? What Plot? It's straight up Hopper porn. It's not alluded to in this story but Reader is younger than Hopper like late 20's to his mid 40's as I'll probably string this, the Dirty Dancing story and others to come into a linked series of oneshots.
Warnings: Smut with a capital S, explicit language, explicit sexual content, oral sex (F receiving), p in v sex, creampie, rough sex, rough Hopper, size kink - we live for Dad bod! Hopper, semi-public sex? Light choking? Do better warnings shithead.
It’s a slow day at the diner, mostly due to the beautiful day outside, sun blazing in through the windows, making the vinyl booths almost too hot to the touch. You let out a huff, it’s bad enough that you’re missing the sunshine, but you’re also missing Hopper. The two of you have been super busy with work, helping Jane study, trying to fix up the cabin, most evenings you’re both so tired you crawl into bed with only a small kiss or two before succumbing to exhaustion. You thrive on affection, something that Jim was usually only too eager to give, so you’re feeling significantly touch-starved and needy.
You wonder what Jim is doing right now, it’s almost lunchtime, you knew from Flo that’s he’s barely been stopping to eat and when he does it’s usually from the station’s giant tray of donuts. A devious little idea starts to form in your mind, you could take Jim some lunch and maybe, just maybe get some attention whilst you’re there.
“Hey Donna, would you be ok for half an hour if I take some lunch over for Hop?” You ask your colleague, who is currently overfilling the sugar dispensers in a daze.
“Oh, sure sweetie take the time you need, it’s not exactly Grand Central.” She smiles, gesturing to the empty tables as you quickly make up a BLT, shoving it into a paper bag.
“Call me at the station, if it picks up.” You say, pressing a grateful kiss to her cheek.
The midday sun hits you in a stifling wave, heat gathering about your ankles from the burning sidewalk, you’re glad to be wearing your light pink work dress as you skip across the street towards the station.
It’s barely cooler in the building, despite the numerous fans humming and grating on every available surface, Flo has her nose pressed into a gossip magazine when you clear your throat.
“Hey there hunny, you here to see the Chief?” She smiles indulgently at you.
“Just thought I’d bring him some proper lunch for once.” You say shaking the bag.
“You’re too good to him, you know that?” Flo reminds you affectionately.
“I know.” You laugh, heading down the corridor, waving at Powell in greeting from where he’s stood by the xerox machine. 
  The door to Jim’s office is shut, no doubt to keep Callahan from bothering him incessantly, you knock smartly on the wood, buzzing with excitement to see the man on the other side.
“Yeah?” Jim grunts and you roll your eyes at his manners opening the door, he’s pouring over some paperwork, head in his hands not having bothered to look up, the air stale with cigarette smoke and coffee.
“Special delivery for Jim Hopper.” You chime, shutting the door with your butt.
His head shoots up straight away, the deep frown of concentration on his face morphing into a beaming grin that makes your heart swell and sputter. 
“Well this is a surprise.” Jim says happily, pushing his chair out, moving quickly around the desk. His large hands envelop your waist pulling you close, you wouldn’t be surprised if the heat from his palms burn a hole through your dress.
“It’s lunchtime, can’t have the big, strong, Chief of Police going hungry.” You smile, holding the paper bag aloft.
“You’re too good to me.” He murmurs, giving you a quick peck on the lips.
“You know it’s funny, Flo said exactly the same thing.” You tease, chasing his lips for a kiss of your own.
“She did huh?” Jim asks, eyebrow cocked, hands drifting down past your waist to cup your ass. “Well I can’t have my best girl going around thinking she’s underappreciated can I?” He teases, bringing you flush to his body, kissing you hard.
Your head is spinning as his tongue licks into your mouth, threading your fingers through his hair, moaning softly as he manhandles you, lifting you to sit on the edge of this desk. Jim hitches your dress up, hands disappearing under the fabric to rub along your thighs, his lips quirk up in a cocky smile when he coaxes another soft moan from your throat.
“So eager baby girl.” He croons, sinking to his knees in front of you, finger hooking at the waistband of your panties dragging them down slowly revealing your wet core. “Jesus baby, I’ve barely touched you and you’re already dripping for me.” Jim groans, placing heated kisses to your inner thighs, up and up, until his nose nudges at your sensitive clit, tongue swiping through your creamy slick before pushing in.
“Jim!” You gasp, head thrown back, fingers tugging at his short hair.
He growls against your cunt, hands grabbing at your ass, dragging you forward so his tongue fucks you deeper. You bite your lip to keep from crying out, aware that the majority of the Hawkins’ Police force is just on the other side of the door, but it’s hard to concentrate when Jim is lapping at your pussy in such a sinful way. Two thick fingers replace his tongue, stretching and scissoring, making you ready for his cock, the tip of his tongue now firmly focused on your sensitive clit, circling insistently.
Your body seizes, shivers wracking up through your spine as your orgasm pulses from your belly down to your curled toes and back again.
Jim is on his feet, frantically unbuckling his belt, unleashing his thick, girthy cock from the straining confines of his uniform, the tip ruddy and leaking heavily with pre-cum. You can only reach for him, with hooded eyes, head tucked into his neck as he leans over you.
“Fuck.” Jim grunts, lining himself up with your weeping slit, pussy stretching with a delicious burn as he works his way in. You already feel impossibly full, whimpering with each thrust, the edge of the desk digging into your back, your nails biting into Jim’s shoulders.
“You feel so fucking good baby.” He groans, hauling you up to his chest, capturing your lips in a messy kiss.
“Hop, fuck, want you to bend me over your desk.” You whine, licking the sweat from his exposed throat.
“Oh fuck, you’ll be the death of me.” He says in awed disbelief, pulling out, flipping you over and slamming back in, in one fluid motion, flicking your dress up over your ass so he can see his cock piston in and out. His large hand strikes the back of your thigh, leaving a welting red mark that makes you squeak, the sting only sending you closer and closer to your climax again. Papers, pens and clutter falling to the floor with the force of Hopper’s movements, fucking into you without hesitation, drunk on the tight, wet heat of your pulsing cunt.
“Jim, baby, I’m so close.” You whimper, tucking a hand between your legs to rub at your clit, feeling his heavy balls slap against you.
“Oh Jesus.” He huffs, his grip on your hips sure to leave bruises, there’s a knock at the door but Jim doesn’t stop if anything he drills into you harder than ever. “Go away - I’m busy!” He yells, breathing heavily.
“Yeah - Chief I have a question abou-”
“Callahan - if you don’t step away from my fucking door right now - I will fire your sorry ass!” Jim shouts and you have to stifle a giggle, which cuts off abruptly into a strangled moan as Jim presses against throat, hauling your back to his chest. “Something funny baby girl?” He growls in your ear, biting down on the sensitive lobe.
“Jim -” You whine brokenly, he bats your hand away from your clit, circling with his rough thick fingers.
“That’s it doll, come on my cock, lemme feel you squeeze me.” He encourages, voice rough and low.
The tight band in your stomach snaps, wave after wave of burning pleasure coursing through you, making your legs shake.
“God fucking dammit!” Hopper chokes, snapping his hips in staggered thrusts, his cum filling you to the very brim, leaning heavily against your back, trying to put his weight onto the desk, panting from exertion.
“Jim -?” You murmur weakly.
“Yeah baby?” He asks breathlessly, rubbing soothing circles over your back.
“We squished your sandwich.” 
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hey i have a request and its fine if you dont do it cause its a little different to your others! y/n is in a movie with scar, lizzie and flo, y/n sh’s but the others dont know that but one day they see the cuts on y/n’s wrist. i lovee your other oneshots btw
One Day At A Time
Pairings: Scarlett Johansson x gn!reader, Lizzie Olsen x gn!reader, Florence Pugh x gn!reader
Description: After a long day on set, y/n doesn’t notice their scars are visible.
Warnings: TW DO NOT READ THIS IF IT WILL MAKE YOU RELAPSE!!! self harm, mention of scars, angst, lots of comfort.
Words: 900
Prompt: Person A has scars and person B finds out about them
A/N: First of all, thank you for the love, I truly appreciate it! You all mean so much to me! I hope you enjoy, and like I’ve said before, my DMs are always open <3
It was weeks, nearly days since y/n had last self harmed. In all honesty, they were doing better than they had in a while. Since being cast in the up and coming Marvel television series, a spinoff of the Avengers, they had felt better. Happier.
They were with some of their best friends. Scarlett was like a mother to y/n, Lizzie and Florence were like sisters. They had become a family, the four of them. And since they were so close and spent so much time together, y/n barely even thought about self harming.
Of course the urge would come back once and awhile. But that wasn’t the problem. It was the scars. Y/n’s scars weren’t the freshest, but they were definitely still there. Their makeup artist who had been with them since the beginning knew how to cover them up, so no one else on set really knew about y/n’s scars. And it wasn’t like y/n’s costume was extremely revealing anyways.
Y/n sat in their trailer, finishing up their hair and zipping up the last bits of their costume.
“You almost ready babes?” Scarlett knocked on the door of the trailer.
“Yeah! I’ll be out in moment!” Y/n called.
“Good! We got you coffee,” Y/n could practically hear Florence wink.
“Thank you!”
When y/n had finished getting ready, they opened the door to their trailer and was greeted with three smiling faces and four cups of coffee. And a croissant, of course, Florence’s favourite.
“Director wants us in the studio by 8, if we run we can make it.” Lizzie said.
“Jesus Christ, why did no one tell me? Its 7:57!” Y/n’s face went pale.
“Run!” Florence yelled, taking off into a sprint, completely forgetting to give y/n their coffee.
Y/n looked down at their phone. 10:37 pm. They had been on set for nearly 15 hours, and all y/n wanted was to go back to their hotel room and sleep. Y/n barely noticed the lack of makeup on their forearm when they and the girls were walking back to their trailers.
“I didn’t know they added scars to your character. When did they do that?” Lizzie asked out of the blue, nodding towards y/n’s arm.
Y/n cocked their head for a moment, confused as to what Lizzie was talking about.
“Wait yeah, those are badass!” Scarlett added on.
The four reached the trailer section of the set. And it hit y/n. They were talking about their self harm scars.
“I-” Y/n started, too shocked to be able to form a sentence. Florence’s face was the first to drop. She smacked her hand over her mouth and whispered a muffled, “Lizzie.”
Lizzie realized within a split second, as did Scarlett. Scarlett was the first to speak.
“Oh baby, c’mere.” She said, holding her arms out for a hug. Y/n stood for a moment, then collapsed into Scarlett’s arms. Florence and Lizzie enveloped y/n in a big hug and the four were silent for a minute.
“I’m so sorry, y/n. If I had known I never would have said anything” Lizzie said when they broke apart.
Y/n stayed silent.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Florence said, taking y/n’s hand in hers.
Y/n was still silent. Then they took a deep breath.
“I don’t know. I just, I struggle sometimes. I’ve never been like, officially diagnosed or anything, but,” Y/n looked at their faces. Each one of them was focused entirely on them. “I just feel like there’s no way out sometimes. So I...” Y/n trailed off, gesturing to their arm as a conclusion to their sentence.
“Oh hun, I’m so sorry you have to go through that. That’s awful.” Lizzie said.
“It’s okay.” Y/n said, tears threatening to fall from their eyes.
“No, it’s not. You shouldn’t have to go through that. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, let alone a beautiful soul like yours,” Scarlett said. She took y/n’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “We’re here for you love, no matter what.”
Florence had stayed silent the whole time. It was confusing to y/n, Florence usually was the most supportive out of the three girls.
“Hey guys, can I just talk to y/n alone real quick. We’ll meet up with you after.” Florence asked.
“Yeah of course, we’ll see you back at the hotel?” Scarlett said.
Florence nodded, watching the two girls leave and then turning her attention to y/n.
“I understand how you feel.” Florence said.
“Thank you,” y/n said, not really realizing what Florence was really saying.
“No I mean, I really understand.” Florence stayed silent and looked at y/n. Y/n searched Florence’s eyes. And it clicked.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” Y/n said.
“Why? It’s been ages and I’m not ashamed. They’re my battle scars. I know it sounds cliche, but I went through a lot a couple years ago, and I like to think of them as a sign that it gets better. How long has it been?” Florence explained.
“Two weeks,” Y/n said.
“Two weeks is amazing y/n!” Florence watched as y/n smiled sheepishly. “Look, I’m not going to tell you to come to me whenever you feel like doing this, or tell you to bring me what you use or whatever you’ve heard before. Just take it one day at a time. Okay?”
“Okay.” Y/n said.
“I love you, y/n. We all do.”
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littlerequiem · 2 months
the hitchhiker's guide to isekai ˚⁎⁺ levi x gn!reader
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CONTENT — Levi getting isekai'd into our world, (questionable) humor, slice of life, swearing, Levi is a boomer when it comes to technology, pop culture refs, suggestive, mentions of bondage (wc: 1.1k words). Written for Day 3 - Isekai, Levi Month 2024 - @levievent
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For as long as you could remember, Levi Ackerman had always been your favorite fictional character. There was something about his strength, his empathy, and his kindness that drew you to him.
Then, one day, the universe delivered him on a silver platter.
It was midsummer night when you found him. There he was, lying in your new antique wardrobe, groggy and half asleep, dark hair tousled to the side. You couldn’t believe what you were seeing; was this really your favorite anime character, in the flesh?
Before you could think on the logistics of it all, however, Levi was already reaching for the small knife tucked in his boot.
And threatening you with it.
It all happened in a flash.
With your heart drumming in your chest, you remember fumbling for words, looking straight into those sharp, silver eyes you’d always imagined must shine like starlight (and gods, they truly did).
Looking back, your first words lacked a certain decorum. “Wh—who—is this some kind of skit, huh? Are you some kind of pervert?!?”
Levi looked at you then like you were a complete idiot.
As it turned out, Levi was not, in fact, a pervert, nor did he mean to end up here in the first place.
Instead, he told you the hard facts: that he was Levi Ackerman, Captain of the Survey Corps. That he owned the same closet in his office, only in his own world. That the last thing he remembers was falling asleep in this piece of furniture, an attempt to hide from Hange who’d been up in arms trying to convince him to help with an experiment.
Your reality, it seemed, was connected to the Attack on Titan universe through a mysterious wardrobe.
(Like fucking Narnia.)
It was then that it was decided that he would stay with you until he found a way home.
A month has passed since this first moment, and to say that your daily life has been altered would be an understatement. You’re living with one of your personal heroes, after all—not that you let him know you view him as such.
Levi is trying to get back to his world, and in the meantime, Levi gets to discover your world: the joys of washing machines, the taste of matcha tea, the ease of hoovers, rock music.
And today, he’s uncovering the mystery that is the internet.
“I don’t understand,” Levi grumbles, his voice rough like sandpaper. Lines of tension form across his pale forehead, his gaze fixed on your laptop propped on the kitchen table. “People spend their time looking at cat... paintings?”
He’s perusing your blog.
“These are actually photographs that you’re looking at, but I suppose people also love drawings of cats. Cats are a very popular topic, see,” you explain, coming closer as you stop him from clicking on a sketchy looking pop up: ‘Free iPhone 15! Claim Yours Now’.
Levi's charged gaze follows as he watches you go about it; you have the thought he smells nice, like fresh linen and tea.
You clear your throat, withdrawing from his personal space. “Um... anyway, that’s not all you can do with the internet. People use it for all sorts of things: you can look up the news, the weather, forums…”
He crosses his arms over his chest, leaning back in the chair. “What’s that? Sounds like a disease.”
Ah, where to start...
“Forums are online spaces where people can discuss things. You can host debates, provide instructions, and more. Personally, I use them to gush about things I love. Like books!”
Levi clicks his tongue. “So, a bookclub?”
“Mm, yes, and no. Like sure, on the forum I'm a mod for, I love to discuss the plot, the characters, and the writing, but I also just enjoy goofing around with my friends and sharing memes.”
“Me...mes.” Levi looks puzzled by this word.
You stifle a snort. “Memes are like... jokes. Only sometimes, they're also cultural staples.” At his skeptical expression, you shrug. “I guess this world is different from yours, in that respect. We have... less immediate dangers, more free time.”
“That's not a bad thing,” he mutters, tone oddly soft. He averts his tepid gaze, looking back to your blog as he exhales through his nose. “But your world still makes no sense to me. Especially all of this.”
He nods towards the web page.
“It’s okay, the internet takes a while to get used to," you say. "Even for me... I constantly feel like an old crone whenever I hear all the lingo kids are coming up with these days.”
Levi looks unimpressed. So, forums—and the internet, it seems—aren’t his thing. Probably for the better—the last thing you need right now is for him to realize there’s a whole fanbase devoted to discussing his character (not to mention the other, less PG-friendly aspects of the conversation).
“Hey, how about we take a break?" You tilt your head, flashing him an easy smile. "You’ve been staring at the screen all morning. It can be a strain on your eyesight.”
Levi’s half-lidded stare crinkles, his lips pursing into a thoughtful pout, the same look he gets whenever you throw him scraps of information about your world and its strange customs.
“I was planning to make some tea,” you add, “want a cup?”
“… if you're making one anyway,” he mumbles, scowling in a way that reminds you of a grumpy cat. Cute.
You head towards your small kitchen, grabbing Levi’s favorite tea bag and laying out clean cups. As the kettle groans alive and you eventually hear that familiar sizzling that tells you the water’s come to a boil, another noise coming from behind garners your attention.
“Oi, something happened to your cat photo-thing,” you overhear Levi drawl.
You turn with a raised brow.
That’s when you notice that Levi’s somehow ended up on your desktop page, the familiar sight of your screensaver (more cats!) appearing into view.
But that’s also when you notice the mouse is hovering dangerous close to one of your folders... your babygirl folder.
Oh, no.
Oh, no, no, no...
“DON’T CLICK THAT!” you plead, attempting to rush to his side to avoid the embarrassment of a lifetime.
Too late. Levi has entered the folder and somehow managed to click on one of the more scandalous pictures; your peripheral catches his expression, and it's the most stupor you've seen on his face yet... and is that pink dusting his cheeks?
Because Levi is looking straight at one of the fanarts you’d saved of him months ago.
Where his pixelated counterpart is tied up. Stark naked.
Well, shit.
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Falling (Without Caution)
Cot3 Theme Park Meet Cute Oneshot; Established Georcy Run Into Lockwood
Apparently Lockwood needs to get out more. At least, according to Flo’s ‘expert’ opinion he does. (He’s not quite sure why she’s decided she’s the expert in socialising between the two of them, considering she probably does it even less than he does.) One solo ticket to Thorpe Park later, and he’s not feeling that much better.
Lockwood doesn’t believe in fate, but when a pair of glasses falls from the sky and initiates a chance encounter with couple Lucy and George — who ask if he wants to spend the rest of the day with them — what is he supposed to do?
Or: George loses his glasses on a rollercoaster; Lockwood finds them. George’s girlfriend Lucy thinks Lockwood’s cute, and maybe he does too.
(link in reblog)
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lockwood-fic-recs · 9 months
Baubles, Tinsel, and Lights (oh my)
by HopefulStar7567 on ao3
Rating: G | Category: F/M | Relationship: Lockwood/Lucy, George/Flo
A short continuation of Jonathan Stroud's Mini-Story inspired by the idea that the whole crew totally had a Christmas Eve sleepover at Portland Row!
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oneshotnewbie · 2 years
Can you also do a oneshot where R falls asleep ok Scars couch in her trailor and Scar is all motherly once she sees you?
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Authors note: Posting something small and fluffy today because I feel like crap. Enjoy reading! ♥
It was 3.30am and the alarm clock woke you up rudely. Still half asleep, you opened your eyes and roughly pressed the switch-off button on it. You wished you could sleep a littler longer, but you knew work was calling- today was another day on the set of Black Widow. With an annoyed and tired grumble, you weakly rubbed your eyes and sat up under the covers in your bed. Immediately, a strange heat hit you. As you touched your forehead, you felt the heat and sweat pouring out of your pores.
-Damn it. Why are you getting sick now?!- you pondered annoyed and got up. With a yawn and aching limbs, you opened the curtains of your bedroom and let the sun in. The warm rays felt good on your skin but quickly sending a shiver down your spine, goosebumps forming on your body.
A look in the mirror told you that you were not looking good at all. Dark circles under your normally bright eyes adorned your pale skin. The blood had rushed to your cheeks and generated the inner warmth that you had experienced a few seconds ago.
You groaned briefly and averted your gaze from the mirror. -I cannot afford to be sick. If anyone notices, they will send me home and production will be put on hold for the time, that is not possible. If Scar and Flo will notice anything, they will worry- you murmured to yourself and laboriously began to get ready.
Less than thirty minutes later, you were done and tiredly dragging yourself down the stairs while holding on to the banister. Your legs felt heavy and shaky, unwilling to carry your body. Your step was sluggish and there were a few moments when you had to lean against the wall or stop in your tracks to catch your breath.
Quickly preparing your water bottle and your bag with car keys and yesterdays prepared lunch in a Tupperware, you nervously walked out the door. You knew that you only had to be in a good mood so that you could overshadow your illness, which would be quite exhausting and tedious in the long run- after all, your day lasted until 6pm today and both of your colleagues had eagerly eyes and a sense of your well-being.
Your lunch break rolled around. You tried to act out your scenes as best as you could and were now briefly free while Scarlett and Florence acted out their infamous fight scene in Budapest.
With trembling hands, you opened the door to your trailor and entered it before you heard the door close again with a gentle kick of your foot. You staggered to the sofa at the other end of the small room and flopped down on it; the exhaustion was too high.
You felt the unbearable heat all over your body combined with an coldness stretching all over your body and the throbbing pain of your headache. Added to this was the even greater tiredness that suffocated you. You just wanted to sleep during your break and so it happened that you fell asleep without further ado.
Except that it was not really your trailor- you did not pay attention to the name written in black letters on a piece of paper by the door. You just wanted to rest and sleep so badly.
Worried, Florence and Scarlett had been searching desperately for you after you did not come back to the set. Calls and messages they sent you went straight to voicemail, they found your phone without you in your trailor which had been empty.
"Her car is still here, she can´t be gone." the younger one indicated and Scarlett nodded in acknowledgement. Her lips were pressed together and her brow furrowed as she chewed the inside of her cheek thoughtfully. "Her bag is still here, her lunch and water.. all untouched."
A thought immediately came to Scarlett´s mind and she smiled briefly. From the beginning of the recording, you had confused her place of retreat with yours, you had often accidentally burst in on her when she was conducting conversations and interviews. "Come with me, I know where our kid is."
Both literally jumped out of the car and Florence walked after the older one like a puppy.
Scarlett´s caravan was right next to yours and she quickly pulled open the large, aluminum door. They both entered and recognized your figure in the farthest corner immediately. A deep laugh escaped the Briton at the sight of you; you were crouched like a small burrito in a fetus position, facing away from then, sleeping peacefully and unconcernedly on the leather sofa.
Scarlett twisted her torso back towards the door, gently placing her index finger on her plump lips and nodded her head towards you. Florence understood and tried to take her steps hesitantly on the creaking trailor floor, not wanting to wake you up.
Slowly, the red-head walked towards you, placing her hands on your shoulders and gently pushing you onto the sofa before pulling her coat off her shoulders and carefully spreading it over your body, noticing the chills and tremors of your it underneath her delicate touch. Your cheeks were flushed and warm, your body temperature lower than it should be.
"She is running a fever," she whispered as she sat down in the vacant seat next to you and placed her cool hand on your forehead. "No wonder she´s so calm and silent today."
Florence nodded in concern and pursed her lips while jerking her head to the side, walking towards you with worry. "What do you think she has?"
"I guess it comes from the stress. Due to the constant strain of job and study, her entire organism is in a permanent state of alarm." the younger blonde sighed in confirmation and rolled her eyes at the thought that you had not taken care of yourself lately, had put your health at risk and were now quietly torturing yourself without telling them.
Both were silent for a moment and watched at your sleeping figure; both Florence and Scarlett thought you looked so terribly hurt at that moment.
Although you were the smallest and shortest of the tree of you, you were the sportiest and fittest. You were the one who actually had the healthiest lifestyle and who, despite your incredible strength, also seemed weak and fragile at one point.
Both encompassed the sudden feeling of needing to protect you and to help you get a regular and healthy daily routine back, even if it meant that from now on they had to pay even more attention to you and see how you were doing. Much more than usual.
After all, you had become one of the most important things in their lives for both of them. At just 27 years old, you were like a daughter to Scarlett and a younger sister to Flo.
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fleursbending · 2 years
hello junie! ❤️‍🔥 #69 what are your favorite fics at the moment?
hiya anonie ❤️‍🔥 !! OMGG YES IVE BEEN WAITINNN FOR THIS ONE ,, i was literally wanting to make my favourites of january / early feb so here goes nothing (gonna put them in categories) :
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ˏˋ °•*⁀➷ junie's current fave avatar fics ! ˖⋆࿐໋₊
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✿ mini series :
folklore ෆ jake sully. @theseuscmander
a literal masterpiece, esp as a swiftie myself! i can go and on about the angst, the yearning. the inner turmoil but honestly if you have yet to pls just go read it yourself !! ani is such an amazing writer.
empathy ෆ lo'ak sully. @mochi-yu
one of the first atwow pieces i read! has me in a chokehold and one of the things that inspired me to beginning writing for avatar in the first place! i love the dynamics here esp reader being kiri's twin sister.
si fpom ෆ jake sully. @fluloa
the desire !! the tension !! clenching my fists in agony already because i know the angst is going to dig deep into my chest. such a talented writer forreal. the character building too,, it's just all so lovely. alr said what i wanted in flo's inbox pls hfdds.
tìtunu ෆ tsu'tey. @hinataashoyos
never moving on from this, i'm staying right in this fic forever. speechless, breath taken away. writing is astounding, world building is so captivating like!! i've always appreciated tsu'tey but i'll be so real. this made me fall in lword with him! so good, how is this free?
✿ oneshots :
the hearts that bind us ෆ neteyam sully. @loaksky
in full bloom ෆ lo'ak sully. @loaksky
neng <33. i've already spoken so highly of these pieces, and i'll continue to do so. if you for whatever reason can only read two things today, let it be these! because, it is a rollercoaster of emotions. i wish i could experience reading these for the first time again!!
ao'nung is frustrated ෆ ao'nung. @neteyuck
one of the best ao'nung writers here in my personal opinion (it should be yours too js). i've reread this fic like 374340901 times and i'm not stopping anytime soon!! just pls witness the beauty that is juno's writing if you have yet to do so. there's jsust something so tangible abt it, does that make sense?? idk but <33.
just you and me ෆ lo'ak sully. @astrxq
one of the first lo'ak stories i read me thinks and i kept laughing at jakes looming presence just constantly jumping back in at the most random times. this piece is just so gentle and sweet, speaks to who lo'ak is under all the rebellious urges!!!
✿ drabble / prompts :
forest secrets ෆ lo'ak sully. @4xrina
the dialogue in this will forever remain in my soul,, nothing better than utterly lovesick boy lo'ak !! so precious forreal. flows so well, really painted a picture in my mind.
ෆ couldn't pick a specific one so everything @peacelovepandora has ever written. my safe space when the daddy issues whack me on the back of my head fr <33. just everything that op has put out literally brings me sm excitement and joy.
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(I WILL UPDATE THIS TOMORROW,, i've done enough links for a life time !! so do not fret if you aren't here...you most likely will be soon lols but i'm zzz tired.)
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batsybaz · 2 months
@floreanfortescuetruther @ravenwordss
Oneshot/character study of our delightful pair Autumnflower, featuring August as a Squib. I frantically scribbled this down so please be nice!
Sundae Afternoon at the Parlour
Contrary to its usual bustle of activity, today’s atmosphere inside Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlour is one of quiet concentration.
The checkered floors gleam from this morning’s meticulous scrubbing, the numerous colourful tables are conspicuously empty, and the only activity behind the counter is Florean frantically stirring a batch of ice cream with a comically oversized whisk.
August has nestled himself inside one of the many alcoves, bent studiously over the countless books spread out before him and distractedly spooning his third strawberry sundae into his mouth.
This is a common sight at the popular Diagon destination: Florean darting around behind the counter and his boyfriend quietly keeping him company whilst completely immersed in papers detailing the world’s newest magical discoveries.
On days where an unexpected summer frost hasn’t rendered the parlour practically empty, August is popular with young Hogwarts students, who will run over in droves and gleefully interrogate him for some lesser-known charms within their limited abilities (Florean’s favourite is when a couple of giggling first-years learned that a Lumos with a particular inflection could cause miniature fireworks to erupt from their parents’ nostrils).
Florean flips the parlour’s colourful sign to ‘Closed’ with a sigh. Whilst not technically in charge of such decisions as closing shop early -he currently only works in his family’s business during summertime- he can pretty much run the parlour independently by now, and his parents are more than eager to hand over such responsibilities.
He bounds towards his boyfriend with an unusual amount of energy, feeling slightly stir-crazy from the lack of customers today and from the many consecutive hours of focused experimenting as a result. Sliding to a halt in front of August’s table, he bounces a little on his toes as he prepares a magical question of his own.
“Hey August, how would I continuously whip ice cream without the magic warming it up?”
August looks upwards, multi-coloured eyes making his slow blinks look a little uneven and adding an ethereal quality to his gaze. A tiny smirk pulls at his lips. “‘Frigidus mōbus circulus perpetuus’, Flo. With an anti-clockwise wand motion, but flick it upwards at ‘mōbus’.”
Florean runs back to the counter, waves his wand around for a few minutes, and returns triumphantly.
“Thank you!” He looks at August in wonder, never missing a chance to gush about his boyfriend. “You’re so smart. How do you know so much about magic? You come up with something new and perfect every time.”
August giggles sweetly, and Florean barely represses a swoon at the melodious sound. He hurriedly sits down to prevent his traitorous knees from buckling as his boyfriend continues.
“Because I actually study instead of spending class dreaming up new ice cream flavours. And this one isn’t exactly new, I taught you a variation last week!” Florean flushes, sheepishly envisaging the countless tubs of manually whipped ice cream piled in the freezer that consumed far more hours than he cares to admit.
He diverts his attention to studying his boyfriend adoringly, foregoing all sense of dignity and subtlety to openly trace the dark eyebrows that contrast so beautifully with his honey blonde hair.
The sunlight streaming through the stained glass ice cream cones decorating the windows casts prisms of light over them, painting the blonde strands a myriad of glowing colours. Florean tangles a gentle hand in them, enthralled as the silky locks slip through his fingers and settle around August’s jawline.
Despite recently discussing permission for these casual touches August’s cheeks still flood with colour.
“Flo…May I ask you something?” There’s a slight waver to his question, hesitance peeking through his characteristically Veela-like composure.
“Always.” Florean’s voice softens in response, automatically adopting the low, resonant quality that seems to make so many aching souls gravitate towards him. August doesn’t sound like he’s aching, per se, but Florean still hopes to banish the vestiges of tension from his voice. “What is it?”
“You rarely use your magic. You barely seem to remember you’re a wizard most of the time.”
It’s not technically a question, but Florean attempts to stutter through an answer anyway. Merlin knows how to begin explaining his experience.
“I don’t want to sound ungrateful—”
He’s swiftly interrupted. “You could never.”
Sufficiently reassured, Florean continues.
“I just—” He inhales deeply, collecting his thoughts before continuing. “I don’t really think about it. I mean, my magic is something I have, not something I am, you know?” When August quirks a brow in curiosity he rushes on. “I’m not saying I don’t appreciate it, I’d never take it for granted! And I know many wizards feel differently, especially about…”
Florean never uses the word Squib around August, even though his boyfriend has told him numerous times it’s okay to do so. He trails off, shrugging his shoulders and hoping he’s made his point.
He has.
Even if Florean’s perspective isn’t that of the majority of his wizarding kin, it comforts August to know his boyfriend feels this way. As if magic is just a trait August happened to miss out on and its absence doesn’t carve a gaping hole in his identity, as if it doesn’t serve to oust him from society and cause other such disgraceful consequences most don’t hesitate to try to convince him exist.
Florean worriedly studies August when he remains silent. “You okay? Why do you ask?”
“Just curious. I’m more than okay, love.”
Now it’s Florean’s turn to blush at the nickname, an even newer development than the casual touches that both boys are gradually growing accustomed to.
“Hey!” Suddenly Florean shoots out of his seat like a rocket, and August blinks in surprise at the sudden enthusiasm as his boyfriend situates himself back on the bench.
“Would you want to design magical elements to the ice creams? I’m sure the kids would love it and I’ll do my best to do anything you teach me. It’d be amazing!” Maybe from anybody else it would have sounded patronising, but from Florean it was nothing but overwhelmingly sweet. August doesn’t hesitate to express this sentiment, nor his enthusiasm for Florean’s proposal.
But they can discuss further plans tomorrow. August is tired, yawning subtly as he pulls up his legs beneath him and curls sleepily into Florean’s shoulder.
“Have you learned anything new about the burnings?”
Florean doesnt’ even care that August isn’t really listening as he launches into a monologue on his latest fixation; he loves to talk just as much as he loves that his rambles lull the gorgeous boy in his lap into slumber.
Once August’s head has drooped properly onto his shoulder and he’s almost -almost- exhausted his newly acquired hoard of knowledge, Florean quietly closes August’s numerous notebooks and organises them into a neat pile.
Carefully extracting his wand from his pocket, he taps the top cover in quick succession, grinning at his boyfriends future delight at the shower of magical sparks upon opening.
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