#healthy drinks systems on the go uk
smartsodauk2 · 2 years
Low Calorie Bag in Box Supplier UK - an Efficient and Affordable Way to Store Food
With an array of options, low-calorie box are a great option to boost your exercise. If you're looking for ways to create a new shape for your body, or need a quick and easy snack, these boxes have all you need. They're not just available in a range of flavors, but are also different in terms of dimensions and price. So , regardless of whether you're searching for a cheap bag or are looking to make a major investment in your fitness level, we've got the right thing for you!
The low-calorie bag in box supplier UK is an excellent option to save on your grocery bill. By purchasing bags in bulk and using them again you can save money on purchases and also manufacturing.
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If you're looking for a bag that is low in calories from a manufacturer of boxes located in the UK It is essential to take a look at the different kinds of bags offered. There are many kinds and brands that are available and it can be difficult to choose which will work best for your needs. A good alternative is to opt for one that is easy to open and put food items in it. A different option is to select bags made of solid materials.
Are you in search of a low-calorie bag-box supplier UK? Take a look at SmartSoda. Our company offers many bags with low calories that can help you find the perfect product that meets your needs. We provide a broad selection of products which are perfect for people who live on a budget, which means you can have a great meal without breaking the bank. In addition, the foods we offer are designed with the highest quality in mind, which means that you can rest at ease knowing that you're receiving the finest quality at a reasonable price.
Do you ever feel like you're always busy and don't have time to cook any nutritious food? If you are, then you're considering the SmartSoda low-calorie bags made of boxes that are available from a company in the UK. This is a fantastic option since you don't have to worry about making healthy meals at home every time you're in need of the box. Additionally, it's easy to find the boxes at Lowes because they carry these all over the store! Take the time to browse our selection of  low-calorie bag in box supplier UK! Our products are top-quality and easily accessible, so you are guaranteed to get the best price on a wholesome snack.
Are you searching for an energy-efficient low calorie bag in box supplier UK? Take an overview of our list of vendors listed below. From local small-scale businesses to large brand names We have all the possibilities that you need.
If you're looking for an environmentally friendly, high-quality alternative or a less costly one We have the answer to help you. With our help, you'll be able to cut down on the number consumed in calories but yet still enjoy food without sacrificing quality or flavor.
If you're on a budget, it's not required to purchase bags of snacks which have a low calorie content. There are numerous snack shops at a low cost which are low in calories throughout all of the UK. When you seek out a shop that is affordable and high-quality, it's possible to find nutritious snacks that fit your lifestyle.
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The low calorie bag in box supplier UK is provided at a low-cost and economical way to store the food products. The supplier offers a variety of bags that are low in calories and boxes that are ideal for storing foodstuffs. They are inexpensive and easy to use making the perfect option for those looking for a secure and simple method of storing the food products. 
The low-calorie bag in box supplier UK is a fantastic option to cut down on food. With the bags you could lower your shopping expenses by as much as 50 percent. The low-calorie bag in box manufacturer UK has a wide range of choices for those seeking a nutritious and economical way to fill their meals. A few of the most popular options include the low-carbohydrate bag inside the box that can be packed with nutritious meals and snacks along with keto-friendly and low-fat products. It is well-known for its broad variety of vegetarian and vegan items, as well as dairy-free and gluten-free alternatives. If you're trying to cut down on calories but still eating good food, take a look at low carbohydrate bags from supplier UK.The low calorie bag in  box supplier UK is an excellent method to cut down on your food consumption without going through the hassle of searching for and buying individual food items. The company offers a broad assortment of low calorie bags that are suitable for large and small groups.
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smarts0daukltd0 · 2 years
How to Choose the Perfect Flavoured Sparkling Water Dispenser Uk
If you're looking for a sparkling water dispenser that's flavoured, then you'll want to check out the Flavoured Sparkling Water Dispenser Uk from SmartSoda. This product is made to give your drinks a unique and delicious taste, and it's perfect for those who love to cook or entertain. Plus, it's easy to use, so you won't have any trouble getting your drink into everyone's mouth in no time. Flavoured Sparkling Water Dispensers are a great way to add a little bit of flavour to your water. Many people enjoy the taste of different flavours and these dispensers can help you do just that. There are many different flavoured sparkling water dispensers on the market today and it is easy to find the one that best suits your needs.
Do you have a favourite flavour of sparkling water? Whether you have bourbon, ginseng or lime, it’s definitely worth trying out some of our flavoured sparkling water dispenser UK. They can give your drink a unique and refreshing taste! Sparkling water is a great way to keep hydrated. It's also a great way to mix with water or ice and make a great flavourful drink. With a sparkling water dispenser, you can add a little bit of flavour to your water and make it more enjoyable to drink. 
Are you looking for a sparkling water dispenser that is both flavourful and delicious? Look no further than the Flavoured sparkling water dispenser UK. This product is perfect for those who appreciate different flavours in their drinks. Plus, it is easy to use and can be controlled with a remote. You can also add ice and mix the drink to your liking. This product is made to give your drinks a unique and delicious taste, and it's perfect for those who love to cook or entertain.
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There are a few things you need to consider when choosing a flavoured sparkling water dispenser UK. The first is the type of flavouring you want. Some people prefer natural flavours, while others prefer artificial flavours. However, it's important to find a flavouring that will fit the person you are purchasing the water for. If you are someone who enjoys variety in their drink, then artificial flavours may not be what they are looking for. However, if they just want a clean and clear drink, then natural flavourings may be better suited for them.
Another thing to consider is the size of your home. A large or small home will likely have different consumption needs, so it's important to choose the right sized flavouring dispenser for your home.
Some diet soft drinks companies UK are starting to pull back on their drink sponsorship programs. The trend seems to be that consumers are growing more aware of the negative health effects of sugar-sweetened beverages and are looking for other ways to fuel their bodies. There are a number of diet soft drinks companies in the United Kingdom. It is believed that some of these companies have pulled back on their sponsorship programs because of the negative publicity they have received. 
A research study by YouGov found that 41% of people think diet soft drinks companies UK  are “bad for your health”, with that number increasing to 53% among those aged 25-34. With a growing preference for healthier alternatives to sugary drinks, it’s no surprise that diet soft drinks companies are facing competition from beverage makers who see a potential market for their products. 
Do you ever feel like you’re in a race to lose weight? If so, then you’re not alone. Diet soft drinks companies UK are always looking for ways to market and sell their products, and there are a ton of them out there. So, how do you know which one is the best for your diet? Here are a few tips:
1. Do your research
Before making any purchase, it’s important to do your research on the diet soft drinks companies UK that you want to buy. This will help you know which ones have been successful in the past and will be compatible with your lifestyle.
2. Look for low-calorie options
One of the most popular diet soft drinks companies uk options is lower calorie diet sodas.
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Diet soft drinks companies UK are enjoying a resurgence in popularity, thanks to the increasing number of people looking to lose weight and cut down on sugar. One of the biggest operators is Coca-Cola, which has seen its sales increase by 25% in just three years. PepsiCo is also resurgent, with sales up by 16%.
The rise in diet soft drinks companies in the UK is likely due to a combination of factors, including lower sugar levels in traditional sodas and increased awareness of how harmful sugar consumption can be. However, there are also other options available for those looking to replace regular soda with something healthier and more balanced. These include water or tea products, which have lower levels of sugar and fewer calories per serving than standard soda alternatives.
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zuuriell · 1 year
i felt like doing something so imma do this for the month! i’ll put all my answers below the cut because it’ll probably get quite long lol
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1. Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (aka POTS)
2. well, it’s pretty complicated 😭 i’ve had some symptoms for probably like a year, but around late april/early may this year i couldn’t even shower or stand up too long from how bad it got. the uk healthcare system is absolute shit though, so even tho i’ve been a&e multiple times and tried to explain how much it’s all been affecting me, i still don’t get to see a cardiologist until february 2024 :( but we’ve ruled out other options of what it could be, and my mum’s cardiologist friend agreed when i said i thought i had POTS, and my GP agrees, and my potsie friends agree so i’m kinda like unofficially diagnosed as of now?
3. relating to the last point, i am not officially diagnosed yet because of the slow asf NHS so yeah :,) but i mean to figure out what i was experiencing was POTS, it did take me like 8 months? but probably around 10 for me to accept the fact that i most likely have it too 😭 an official diagnosis unless i can rack up the money to go private is probably gonna take me like another year at this rate, but hopefully it won’t be that long
4. i have to pick just one? LOL uhh probably the blood pooling! it’s so annoying because especially when im out and about, i can’t be with my legs in the air 24/7 so it’s always bound to happen. compression socks help but only to an extent, and it stops me from doing so muchhhh :( it means that queueing for things and standing for more than a couple minutes is so so much harder, and if i have too much blood pooling in one day then my can legs ache for DAYS after that. it’s so painful and annoying and just aaghhh i hate it
5. on a regular day: i wake up, chug water which i leave by my bed for the mornings, get out of bed slowly and walk downstairs to make breakfast. i chug electrolytes and go for a short dog walk, then come home to do schoolwork and my family make lunch/dinner so i don’t have to stand around too long. i’ll make sure i get any chores done that i can, and i’ll try to chill in the evening
on a bad day/flareup: i wake up a lot later, have my electrolytes with water and only get out of bed when i need to. i’ll do schoolwork from my bed (if i feel well enough to concentrate), and have salty snacks rather than proper meals, unless my family make me anything. i stretch from bed to combat deconditioning, and if i feel decent enough i can have a bath
6. i don’t have access to any specific medication unfortunately, so i currently just manage with painkillers when my chronic pain is extra bitchy + anti-nausea meds when i feel sicky
7. salt sachets (the little ones you get at like mcdonald’s and stuff) to shove in my purse/pocket in case symptoms flare while i’m out, compression garments, electrolyte tablets, and a recliner bed so i can raise my legs more when resting
8. electrolyte drinks!! not the tablets though (i hate the taste of all the tablets except like 1 lol) - my fav is making electrolyte drinks from scratch! at the moment i really love iced lemon water with honey and salt. i also saw smth about this fancy coconut water drink to make so i may try that and it may become my favourite :0
9. salty crackers, salt and vinegar/ready salted crisps, mcdonalds fries (stfu i know these aren’t healthy but they’re my favs 😭), pretzels, nuts
+ my fav foods to dump a bunch of salt on: pasta, veggies and dips (SALTED CUCUMBER IS SO GOOD), pizza, chips, soup, risotto, probs almost anything i eat tbh
10. i’ve only got one pair but i love them so shoutout to my knee-length black compression socks <3
11. i don’t have any 🥲 i really wish i could have a cane or maybe even a rollator but my family make fun of me and i can’t afford one lolsies
12. i try to do some stretching in bed so that i can safely work against deconditioning, keeping very hydrated, trying to stay upstairs as much as possible so i don’t have to suffer my staircase, asking family to make food for me so i can save energy, taking pain meds when needed, having a cold bath (if possible), trying to keep preoccupied with work if i can, but if not i’ll watch movies on my ipad and stuff
fun fact: i wrote this on a flare LOL so oddly fitting and now i’ve already made myself a plan for the next few days!
13. the thing that’s helped me most is accepting that something is wrong and remembering to listen to my body. going through life pretending that i’m perfectly abled and don’t have anything wrong causes much more harm to me than letting myself rest a few days. it definitely isn’t easy though - i still find myself getting stressed over work deadlines don’t get me wrong, but i’d like to think i’m getting better at adapting to things and noticing when a flare is coming on so i can be prepared to take the time for my body to rest.
14. chairs are your best friends now. i steal the chairs/stools from the kitchen table whenever i’m doing chores standing up for more than 30 seconds. compression socks also help! OOH and if you’re using hot water/heated stuff and struggle with temperature dysreg, i usually grab myself a cup of ice to munch on or an icepack to hold on my chest so that i don’t overheat :)
15. i’m afraid i don’t have much input for this as i left school for health reasons 😭 but i suppose keeping hydrated, getting accommodations such as not too many stairs + being allowed to take more days off to rest for flares, compression gear where possible, staying high on sodium + electrolytes, and extended deadlines would be good!
16. i’m gonna sound so silly for this but i love rewatching my comfort stuff. i’ve got my fav youtubers + fav films/series all compiled in a list, and i spin a wheel to decide which one i’m gonna watch! other activities i enjoy though are reading, playing video games, doing goofy quizzes online, chatting with friends, and going on pinterest sprees!
17. leading on from the last prompt, my fav is a marvel movie - tbh all of them bring me so much comfort but my favs are avengers, black widow, loki and any of the thor films <3
18. my main support system is my wonderful boyfriend, kurtis @agere-tomhiddleston-imagines 💚💛 he’s helped me through so much and he’s so supportive of me no matter what, and i love him dearly for that (and how awesome he is in general ofc) <3 other than that, my parents are semi-supportive! they still get things wrong sometimes but overall they’ll help if i need things and they handle all the shitty healthcare workers for me so i truly appreciate them for that 😭🙏 ooh and definitely just the general online community of chronically ill people/potsies!! i love y’all so much 🫶
19. okay i don’t know if this counts because she was an orthodontist rather than a doctor/nurse, but when discussing me getting braces she asked about my medical history and i explained it all but said i haven’t been diagnosed so i understand if she can’t accommodate me. then she said to me, “hun.. just because you don’t have a piece of paper with a few words on it, doesn’t mean you aren’t ill. if you’ve got symptoms but no confirmed cause, you’ve still got the symptoms, and i’m not gonna ignore those unless you want me to” - the validation was so relieving after years of fighting for doctors to listen to me and believe me :,) ❤️
(i’ll update this throughout the month! <3)
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snshealth · 7 months
Prime Hydration Drink: Your Ultimate Guide to Hydration with Flavor and Function
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In today's fast-paced world, staying hydrated is important for maintaining optimal health and performance of the body. Whether you're hitting the gym, working long hours, or simply navigating through your daily routine, proper hydration is key to feeling your best. But with so many hydration options on the market, how do you choose the right one for you? Enter Prime Hydration Drink - the ultimate hydration solution that prioritizes both function and flavor.
What is Prime Hydration Drink?
Prime Hydration Drink is a better-for-you beverage designed to quench your thirst and replenish your body's essential nutrients. Crafted with care and precision, each bottle of Prime combines 10% coconut water, zero sugar, BCAA's, antioxidants, electrolytes, and zinc for immunity in a range of mouth-watering flavors. With options like Blue Raspberry, Grape, Orange, Lemon Lime, and Fruit Punch, Prime offers something for every taste bud.
Key Ingredients for Optimal Hydration
Let's take a closer look at what makes Prime Hydration Drink stand out from the crowd:
10% Coconut Water: Coconut water is nature's own hydration powerhouse, packed with electrolytes and minerals to keep you hydrated and energized throughout the day.
Zero Sugar: Say goodbye to sugary drinks that leave you feeling sluggish and bloated. Prime contains no added sugars, ensuring a clean and refreshing hydration experience.
BCAA's (Branched-Chain Amino Acids): BCAA's play a crucial role in muscle recovery and growth, making them an essential addition to any post-workout beverage.
Antioxidants: Prime is fortified with antioxidants to help combat oxidative stress and support overall health and wellness.
Electrolytes: Electrolytes are essential for maintaining proper hydration levels and supporting muscle function. Prime delivers a potent blend of electrolytes to keep you performing at your best.
Zinc for Immunity: With added zinc, Prime helps support a healthy immune system, keeping you feeling your best year-round.
Shipping Policy: Hassle-Free Delivery Straight to Your Door
At Prime, we understand the importance of convenience when it comes to staying hydrated. That's why we offer free standard shipping on orders over $49 within Canada. For our customers in the EU and UK, we provide free standard shipping on orders over €80 and £60, respectively.
Our fulfillment center operates from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday, ensuring that your order is processed and dispatched promptly. With three shipping methods to choose from, including standard shipping, UPS Standard, and UPS Expedited, you can select the option that best suits your needs.
For added peace of mind, we offer a signature requirement option during checkout to ensure the safe delivery of your package. In the event that you are unavailable during delivery, your package will be securely held at the nearest UPS access point for your convenience.
International Shipping: Bringing Prime Hydration to Your Doorstep
We're thrilled to announce that Prime now offers international shipping to customers in the United Kingdom (UK) and select European countries. With shipping options tailored to your destination and order specifications, you can rest assured that your Prime Hydration Drink will arrive safely and efficiently.
Please note that international orders may be subject to customs fees, import duties, VAT, or other charges imposed by the destination country. These additional charges are the responsibility of the customer, so be sure to familiarize yourself with your country's import regulations before placing an order.
Final Thoughts: Elevate Your Hydration Experience with Prime
In conclusion, Prime Hydration Drink is more than just a beverage - it's a lifestyle choice. With its unbeatable combination of flavor and function, Prime is your go-to solution for staying hydrated and feeling your best, no matter what the day brings. So why settle for ordinary hydration when you can experience the extraordinary with Prime? Order your favorite flavor today and take your hydration game to the next level!
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brookston · 8 months
Holidays 2.13
Agriculture Day (Canada)
Beer Magazine Day
Bertiillon Indentification System Day
Borrowed Days (Scottish Highlands)
Children’s Day (Myanmar)
Employee Legal Awareness Day
Exorbitant Price Day
Feast of the Dead (Elder Scrolls)
Ferris Wheel Day
Get A Different Name Day
Hare Day (French Republic)
International Epilepsy Day
International Natural Day
International Oral & Maxlliofacial Day
Internet Friends Day
I Value Our Friendship Day
Love Hornbills Day
National Black Enslaved People Burial Grounds Recognition Day
National Caffection Day
National Derrick Day
National Internet Friend Day
National Jamie Day
National Khaki Day
National Press Day (Chile)
National Shaving Day
Peter Gabriel Day
Remnant (Ostatki; Poland)
Richard Wagner Remembrance Day
Stamp Collectors Day
Swiftie Day
Trndez (a.k.a. Tearnandarach; Armenian Fire Celebration)
Use An Alternative Name Day
Valentine’s Eve [Day before Valentine’s Day] (a.k.a. ... 
Black Love Day
Break-Up Day
Desperation Day (HIMYM)
Dream of Your Sweetheart Day
Dream Your Sweet Day
Galentine’s Day (Parks & Recreation)
International Condom Day
Kiss Day (India)
Madly in Love With Me Day
National Apology Day (Australia)
National Break Up With Your Carrier Day
National Mistress Day
National Self Love Day
National Shaving Day
National Wingman’s Day
National Women’s Day (India)
Palentine’s Day
Self-Love Day
Valiant Day
Wear Red Canada Day (Canada)
World Anemia Awareness Day
World Radio Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Pancake Day
National Cheddar Day
National Crab Rangoon Day
National Italian Food Day
National Singani Day
National Tortellini Day
National Tortoni Day
2nd Tuesday in February
Extraterrestrial Culture Day (New Mexico) [2nd Tuesday]
Extraterrestrial Visitor Day [2nd Tuesday]
Lucky Day for Making Journeys & Getting Married (Celtic Book of Days) [2nd Tuesday]
National AAP & APRP Recognition Day [2nd Tuesday]
National Sports Day (Qatar) [2nd Tuesday]
Wear Orange 4 Love Day (for Healthy Teen relationships) [2nd Tuesday]
Travel Light Tuesday (UK) [Tuesday of Go Green Week]
Weekly Holidays beginning February 13, 2024
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Week [thru 2.18]
Random Acts of Kindness Week [thru 2.19]
Independence & Related Days
Calcont (Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
Great Kyberia (a.k.a. Emosia; Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Parañaque Foundation Day (Parañaque, Philippines)
Festivals Beginning February 13, 2024
Carnival (Angola; Ecuador)
Fat Tuesday Festival (Vilnius, Ukraine)
Food Processing Expo (Sacramento, California) [thru 2.14]
Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Expo (Nashville, Tennessee) [thru 2.15]
International Pancake Day (Liberal, Kansas)
Minnesota Pork Congress (Mankato, Minnesota) [thru 2.14]
World Ag Expo (Tulare, California) [thru 2.15]
Feast Days
Absalom Jones (Episcopal Church (USA))
Anagantios (Stay at Home Time; Celtic Book of Days)
Beatrice of Ornacieux (Christian; Saint)
Castor of Karden (Christian; Saint)
Catherine de Ricci (Christian; Saint & Virgin)
Day Sacred to Faunus and Jupiter (Ancient Rome)
Ermenilda of Ely (Christian; Saint)
Family Induced Stress Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Fulcran (Christian; Saint)
Georges Simenon (Writerism)
Giovanni Battista Piazzetta (Artology)
Grant Wood (Artology)
Gregory II (Pope; Christian; Saint)
Idus Februarias (Ides of February; Ancient Rome)
Jordan of Saxony (Christian; Saint)
Lá Fhéile Bride, Calan Gaeaf (Julian Calendar Date; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Licinius, Bishop of Augers (Christian; Saint)
Lupercalia begins (Pagan pastoral festival)
Martinianus, Hermit of Athens (Christian; Saint)
Medomnoc, Bishop of Ossory (a.k.a. Dominic, Licinius, or Lesin; Christian; Saint))
Parentalia — Day of the Ancestors (Pagan)
Parentalia begins (a.k.a. dies parentales or ancestral days; 9-day Ancient Roman festival honoring family ancestors) [thru 2.21]
Philibert-Louis Debucourt (Artology)
Plautus (Positivist; Saint)
Polyeuctus (Roman Catholic Church)
Robert, Abbot of Elan in Champagne (Christian; Saint)
Sergio (Muppetism)
Shrove Tuesday [Day before Ash Wednesday] (a.k.a. ... 
Brose and Bannock Day (a.k.a. Bannocky Day; Scotland)
Bursting Day (Iceland, Ireland)
Carnival / Carnaval
Carnival Tuesday
Carriacou Carnival (Grenada)
Fasching (Austria, Germany, Switzerland)
Faschingsdienstag (Germany, Liechtenstein)
Fasnacht (Austria, Germany)
Fasten Day (Old England)
Fastelavens (Norway)
Fastelavn (Denmark)
Fastens-een or Fasten’s E’en (Scotland)
Fastnacht Day (Pennsylvania Dutch Country)
Fat Tuesday
Fettisdagen (Sweden)
IHOP National Pancake Day
International Pancake Day
Máirt Inide (Ireland)
Malasada Day (Hawaii)
Mardi Gras
Martes de Carnaval (Argentina, Spain)
Martedì Grasso (Italy)
Nickanan Night (Cornwall)
Pączki Day (Buffalo, Chicago and Hamtramck, Michigan)
Pancake Day (or Pancake Tuesday)
Read Lips Day
Sharp Tuesday
Shrovetide (Day 3 of 3)
Shuttlecock Day (Leicester, Yorkshire)
Sprengidagur (or Bursting Day; Iceland)
Terça-feira Gorda (or Carnival of Madeira; Madeira, Portugal)
Trndez (Feast of Purification; Armenia)
Užgavėnės (Lithuania)
Vastlapäev (Estonia)
Violet Tuesday
Snuffleupagus Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Stephen of Rieti, Abbot in Italy (Christian; Saint)
Tales of Kelp-Koli (Shamanism)
Ta-asobi (Harvest Ceremony; Japan)
Tortellini Day (Pastafarian)
Tumpek Landed (Celebrating Iron Tools & Appliances; Bali)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Unlucky Day (John Aubrey’s Day-Fatality; Ancient Rome)
All Eyez on Me, by Tupac Shakur (Album; 1996)
American Pop (Animated Film; 1981)
Autumn (Disney Silly Symphony Cartoons; 1930)
Bah Wilderness (MGM Cartoon; 1943)
Barnaby Rudge, by Charles Dickens (Novel; 1841)
Black Sabbath, by Black Sabbath (Album; 1970)
Black Snake Moan (Film; 2006)
Blunder Below (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1942)
Boogie Woogies on the St. Louis Blues, recorded by Earl ‘Father’ Hines and His Orchestra (Song; 1940)
Cabaret (Film; 1972)
Defective Story or A Muffled Report (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 151; 1962)
Drunk on You, by Luke Bryan (Song; 2012)
Emma (Film; 2020)
Face Value, by Phil Collins (Album; 1981)
Feline Frame-Up (WB LT Cartoon; 1954)
50 First Dates (Film; 2004)
Fifty Shades of Grey (Film; 2015)
Flip Flap (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1948)
Freewayphobia (Disney Cartoons; 1965)
Get Lost (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1956)
Hello, I’m Dolly, by Dolly Parton (Album; 1967)
Horse Hare (WB LT Cartoon; 1960)
Kingsman: The Secret Service (Film; 2015)
Lay, Lady, Lay, recorded by Bob Dylan (Song; 1969)
Leaky Lyrics or Bullwinkle Plugs a Song (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 152; 1962)
Lego DC Super Heroes: The Flash (WB Animated Film; 2018)
Mannequin (Film; 1987)
My Smurfy Valentine (Hanna-Barbera Animted TV Special; 1983)
Postcard, by Mary Hopkins (Album; 1969)
Penny Lane, by The Beatles (US Song; 1966)
Put Out More Flags, by Evelyn Waugh (Novel; 1942)
The Rolling Stones, Now!, by The Rolling Stones (Album; 1965)
Smurfily Ever After (Hanna-Barbera Animted TV Special; 1985)
Sphere (Film; 1998)
Strawberry Fields Forever, by The Beatles (US Song; 1966)
Swing Wedding (Happy Harmonies Cartoon; 1937)
Weathering the Storm, Parts 3 & 4 (Underdog Cartoon, S1, Eps. 39 & 40 1965)
The Wedding Singer (Film; 1998)
What We Do in the Shadows (Mockumentary; 2014)
Zootopia (Animated Disney Film; 2016)
Today’s Name Days
Adolf, Christina, Irmhild (Austria)
Evlogi (Bulgaria)
Božidarka, Kastor, Katarina, Kristina (Croatia)
Věnceslav (Czech Republic)
Benignus (Denmark)
Eke, Ike, Iko (Estonia)
Sulho, Sulo (Finland)
Béatrice (France)
Adolf, Christina, Gisela, Irmhild (Germany)
Priscilla (Greece)
Ella, Linda (Hungary)
Archelao, Bartolomeo, Maura (Italy)
Maira, Malda, Melita (Latvia)
Algaudas, Benignas, Kotryna, Ugnė (Lithuania)
Svanaug, Svanhild (Norway)
Benigna, Grzegorz, Jordan, Kastor, Katarzyna, Klemens, Toligniew (Poland)
Acvila, Evloghie, Martinian, Priscila (Romania)
Arpád (Slovakia)
Benigno, Jordán (Spain)
Agne, Ove (Sweden)
Zoe, Zoia (Ukraine)
Darcie, Darcy, Kia, Kiana, Kianna (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 44 of 2024; 322 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 7 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 24 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 4 (Ding-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 4 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 3 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 14 Grey; Sevenday [13 of 30]
Julian: 31 January 2024
Moon: 20%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 16 Homer (2nd Month) [Plautus]
Runic Half Month: Sigel (Sun) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 55 of 89)
Week: 2nd Week of February
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 23 of 28)
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brookstonalmanac · 8 months
Holidays 2.13
Agriculture Day (Canada)
Beer Magazine Day
Bertiillon Indentification System Day
Borrowed Days (Scottish Highlands)
Children’s Day (Myanmar)
Employee Legal Awareness Day
Exorbitant Price Day
Feast of the Dead (Elder Scrolls)
Ferris Wheel Day
Get A Different Name Day
Hare Day (French Republic)
International Epilepsy Day
International Natural Day
International Oral & Maxlliofacial Day
Internet Friends Day
I Value Our Friendship Day
Love Hornbills Day
National Black Enslaved People Burial Grounds Recognition Day
National Caffection Day
National Derrick Day
National Internet Friend Day
National Jamie Day
National Khaki Day
National Press Day (Chile)
National Shaving Day
Peter Gabriel Day
Remnant (Ostatki; Poland)
Richard Wagner Remembrance Day
Stamp Collectors Day
Swiftie Day
Trndez (a.k.a. Tearnandarach; Armenian Fire Celebration)
Use An Alternative Name Day
Valentine’s Eve [Day before Valentine’s Day] (a.k.a. ... 
Black Love Day
Break-Up Day
Desperation Day (HIMYM)
Dream of Your Sweetheart Day
Dream Your Sweet Day
Galentine’s Day (Parks & Recreation)
International Condom Day
Kiss Day (India)
Madly in Love With Me Day
National Apology Day (Australia)
National Break Up With Your Carrier Day
National Mistress Day
National Self Love Day
National Shaving Day
National Wingman’s Day
National Women’s Day (India)
Palentine’s Day
Self-Love Day
Valiant Day
Wear Red Canada Day (Canada)
World Anemia Awareness Day
World Radio Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Pancake Day
National Cheddar Day
National Crab Rangoon Day
National Italian Food Day
National Singani Day
National Tortellini Day
National Tortoni Day
2nd Tuesday in February
Extraterrestrial Culture Day (New Mexico) [2nd Tuesday]
Extraterrestrial Visitor Day [2nd Tuesday]
Lucky Day for Making Journeys & Getting Married (Celtic Book of Days) [2nd Tuesday]
National AAP & APRP Recognition Day [2nd Tuesday]
National Sports Day (Qatar) [2nd Tuesday]
Wear Orange 4 Love Day (for Healthy Teen relationships) [2nd Tuesday]
Travel Light Tuesday (UK) [Tuesday of Go Green Week]
Weekly Holidays beginning February 13, 2024
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Week [thru 2.18]
Random Acts of Kindness Week [thru 2.19]
Independence & Related Days
Calcont (Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
Great Kyberia (a.k.a. Emosia; Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Parañaque Foundation Day (Parañaque, Philippines)
Festivals Beginning February 13, 2024
Carnival (Angola; Ecuador)
Fat Tuesday Festival (Vilnius, Ukraine)
Food Processing Expo (Sacramento, California) [thru 2.14]
Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Expo (Nashville, Tennessee) [thru 2.15]
International Pancake Day (Liberal, Kansas)
Minnesota Pork Congress (Mankato, Minnesota) [thru 2.14]
World Ag Expo (Tulare, California) [thru 2.15]
Feast Days
Absalom Jones (Episcopal Church (USA))
Anagantios (Stay at Home Time; Celtic Book of Days)
Beatrice of Ornacieux (Christian; Saint)
Castor of Karden (Christian; Saint)
Catherine de Ricci (Christian; Saint & Virgin)
Day Sacred to Faunus and Jupiter (Ancient Rome)
Ermenilda of Ely (Christian; Saint)
Family Induced Stress Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Fulcran (Christian; Saint)
Georges Simenon (Writerism)
Giovanni Battista Piazzetta (Artology)
Grant Wood (Artology)
Gregory II (Pope; Christian; Saint)
Idus Februarias (Ides of February; Ancient Rome)
Jordan of Saxony (Christian; Saint)
Lá Fhéile Bride, Calan Gaeaf (Julian Calendar Date; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Licinius, Bishop of Augers (Christian; Saint)
Lupercalia begins (Pagan pastoral festival)
Martinianus, Hermit of Athens (Christian; Saint)
Medomnoc, Bishop of Ossory (a.k.a. Dominic, Licinius, or Lesin; Christian; Saint))
Parentalia — Day of the Ancestors (Pagan)
Parentalia begins (a.k.a. dies parentales or ancestral days; 9-day Ancient Roman festival honoring family ancestors) [thru 2.21]
Philibert-Louis Debucourt (Artology)
Plautus (Positivist; Saint)
Polyeuctus (Roman Catholic Church)
Robert, Abbot of Elan in Champagne (Christian; Saint)
Sergio (Muppetism)
Shrove Tuesday [Day before Ash Wednesday] (a.k.a. ... 
Brose and Bannock Day (a.k.a. Bannocky Day; Scotland)
Bursting Day (Iceland, Ireland)
Carnival / Carnaval
Carnival Tuesday
Carriacou Carnival (Grenada)
Fasching (Austria, Germany, Switzerland)
Faschingsdienstag (Germany, Liechtenstein)
Fasnacht (Austria, Germany)
Fasten Day (Old England)
Fastelavens (Norway)
Fastelavn (Denmark)
Fastens-een or Fasten’s E’en (Scotland)
Fastnacht Day (Pennsylvania Dutch Country)
Fat Tuesday
Fettisdagen (Sweden)
IHOP National Pancake Day
International Pancake Day
Máirt Inide (Ireland)
Malasada Day (Hawaii)
Mardi Gras
Martes de Carnaval (Argentina, Spain)
Martedì Grasso (Italy)
Nickanan Night (Cornwall)
Pączki Day (Buffalo, Chicago and Hamtramck, Michigan)
Pancake Day (or Pancake Tuesday)
Read Lips Day
Sharp Tuesday
Shrovetide (Day 3 of 3)
Shuttlecock Day (Leicester, Yorkshire)
Sprengidagur (or Bursting Day; Iceland)
Terça-feira Gorda (or Carnival of Madeira; Madeira, Portugal)
Trndez (Feast of Purification; Armenia)
Užgavėnės (Lithuania)
Vastlapäev (Estonia)
Violet Tuesday
Snuffleupagus Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Stephen of Rieti, Abbot in Italy (Christian; Saint)
Tales of Kelp-Koli (Shamanism)
Ta-asobi (Harvest Ceremony; Japan)
Tortellini Day (Pastafarian)
Tumpek Landed (Celebrating Iron Tools & Appliances; Bali)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Unlucky Day (John Aubrey’s Day-Fatality; Ancient Rome)
All Eyez on Me, by Tupac Shakur (Album; 1996)
American Pop (Animated Film; 1981)
Autumn (Disney Silly Symphony Cartoons; 1930)
Bah Wilderness (MGM Cartoon; 1943)
Barnaby Rudge, by Charles Dickens (Novel; 1841)
Black Sabbath, by Black Sabbath (Album; 1970)
Black Snake Moan (Film; 2006)
Blunder Below (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1942)
Boogie Woogies on the St. Louis Blues, recorded by Earl ‘Father’ Hines and His Orchestra (Song; 1940)
Cabaret (Film; 1972)
Defective Story or A Muffled Report (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 151; 1962)
Drunk on You, by Luke Bryan (Song; 2012)
Emma (Film; 2020)
Face Value, by Phil Collins (Album; 1981)
Feline Frame-Up (WB LT Cartoon; 1954)
50 First Dates (Film; 2004)
Fifty Shades of Grey (Film; 2015)
Flip Flap (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1948)
Freewayphobia (Disney Cartoons; 1965)
Get Lost (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1956)
Hello, I’m Dolly, by Dolly Parton (Album; 1967)
Horse Hare (WB LT Cartoon; 1960)
Kingsman: The Secret Service (Film; 2015)
Lay, Lady, Lay, recorded by Bob Dylan (Song; 1969)
Leaky Lyrics or Bullwinkle Plugs a Song (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 152; 1962)
Lego DC Super Heroes: The Flash (WB Animated Film; 2018)
Mannequin (Film; 1987)
My Smurfy Valentine (Hanna-Barbera Animted TV Special; 1983)
Postcard, by Mary Hopkins (Album; 1969)
Penny Lane, by The Beatles (US Song; 1966)
Put Out More Flags, by Evelyn Waugh (Novel; 1942)
The Rolling Stones, Now!, by The Rolling Stones (Album; 1965)
Smurfily Ever After (Hanna-Barbera Animted TV Special; 1985)
Sphere (Film; 1998)
Strawberry Fields Forever, by The Beatles (US Song; 1966)
Swing Wedding (Happy Harmonies Cartoon; 1937)
Weathering the Storm, Parts 3 & 4 (Underdog Cartoon, S1, Eps. 39 & 40 1965)
The Wedding Singer (Film; 1998)
What We Do in the Shadows (Mockumentary; 2014)
Zootopia (Animated Disney Film; 2016)
Today’s Name Days
Adolf, Christina, Irmhild (Austria)
Evlogi (Bulgaria)
Božidarka, Kastor, Katarina, Kristina (Croatia)
Věnceslav (Czech Republic)
Benignus (Denmark)
Eke, Ike, Iko (Estonia)
Sulho, Sulo (Finland)
Béatrice (France)
Adolf, Christina, Gisela, Irmhild (Germany)
Priscilla (Greece)
Ella, Linda (Hungary)
Archelao, Bartolomeo, Maura (Italy)
Maira, Malda, Melita (Latvia)
Algaudas, Benignas, Kotryna, Ugnė (Lithuania)
Svanaug, Svanhild (Norway)
Benigna, Grzegorz, Jordan, Kastor, Katarzyna, Klemens, Toligniew (Poland)
Acvila, Evloghie, Martinian, Priscila (Romania)
Arpád (Slovakia)
Benigno, Jordán (Spain)
Agne, Ove (Sweden)
Zoe, Zoia (Ukraine)
Darcie, Darcy, Kia, Kiana, Kianna (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 44 of 2024; 322 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 7 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 24 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 4 (Ding-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 4 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 3 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 14 Grey; Sevenday [13 of 30]
Julian: 31 January 2024
Moon: 20%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 16 Homer (2nd Month) [Plautus]
Runic Half Month: Sigel (Sun) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 55 of 89)
Week: 2nd Week of February
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 23 of 28)
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indiamedicaltourism · 8 months
Top Shoulder Replacement Surgery Hospitals in India
During shoulder replacement surgery, broken shoulder joints are removed and replaced with artificial implants. After surgery, a lot of individuals experienced less discomfort and more movement. The shoulder functions as a ball-and-socket joint. The shoulder's shallow socket enables the upper arm bone's spherical head (ball). Joint damage can end up in discomfort, numbness, and stiffness.
To treat pain and other adverse effects brought on by shoulder joint degeneration, surgeons perform shoulder replacement surgery. There are many various forms and sizes of shoulder implants available. Partial and complete replacement options are available using anatomic or reverse implants.
Despite uncommon, it's probable that shoulder replacement surgery will not alleviate the suffering or cause it to go away fully. It's possible that the operation will not totally restore the joint's flexibility or power. Sometimes a second operation may be required. Before surgery, doctors push patients to maintain as much of their natural state of health as feasible. This could include cutting up smoking or drinking, maybe lowering some weight, maintaining a healthy diet, and engaging in regular exercise.
Shoulder Replacement Surgery cost in India
Despite the fact that the treatment is regularly performed in developed countries like the United States and Canada, many patients aren't capable to afford it due to the expenditure. India has become an increasingly popular getaway for medical tourists, nevertheless thanks to its accessible medical services. Many patients from abroad go to India to have various surgical procedures performed, including shoulder replacement surgery. The cost of Shoulder Replacement Surgery in India is considerably lower than in wealthy countries, despite the healthcare system meeting global requirements.
The price of Shoulder Replacement Surgery in India varies based on a number of variables, such as the type of implant applied, the doctor's fee, the hospital charge, the patient's health history, and the location of the facility. The Shoulder Replacement Surgery price in India normally ranges from INR 2,00,000 to INR 5,000, which is much lower than in wealthy countries like the USA and UK.
Top Shoulder Replacement Surgery Hospitals in India
India's hospitals offers shoulder replacement surgery at a lesser cost than those in abroad.  Patients may choose from packages that include the price of travel, housing, and function at a Top Hospital for Shoulder Replacement operation in India. They have the top medical professionals and the most cutting-edge technologies.  For patients who do not have insurance in their own nation or even for people residing here, this could be a financially advantageous choice. Fortis Hospital, Max Hospital and Artemis Hospital are some of the Top hospital for Shoulder Replacement Surgery in India.
Top Shoulder Replacement Surgery Surgeons in India
Top Shoulder Replacement Surgery doctors in India are highly skilled and experienced. They are specialised in the particular field and know best about it. Dr Praveen Tittal, Dr Reetadyuti and Dr IPS Oberoi are some of the Top Doctors for Shoulder Replacement Surgery in India
 Al AfiyaMedi Tour is a leading medical tourism company in India.  We are offer medical tourism services in India foreign patients. Some of the main countries are Bangladesh, south Africa, Uganda, Zambia, Namibia, Iraq, Kenya, Nigeria and so on. We provide free assistance for lung cancer treatment, stomach cancer treatment in India, liver transplant cost, best hospital for heart valve replacement, bone marrow transplant cost, arthroscopic surgery, best liver transplant hospital, brain tumor surgery cost in India, kidney transplant cost, skin cancer, hip replacement surgery cost, liver cancer treatment, best bone marrow hospital etc.  If you are searching for free medical and healthcare consulting to find the best hospitals and top doctors and surgeons in India for any treatment then contact us- Alafiyameditour.com. Source:https://alafiyameditour1.blogspot.com/2023/10/top-shoulder-replacement-surgery.html
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smartsodauk1 · 9 months
The craze for soft drinks in the UK has been on the top for a few years now, with people consuming thousands of millions litres of beverages on a yearly basis. However, although the market is large, there are hardly enough choices to satisfy this diverse market. 
Additionally, with how much sugar content each bottle of beverage has, and with the growing health consciousness in people, this beverage industry that initially focused on bottle and canned systems to distribute the beverage and had been dominating the market for ages, seems to have found a better alternative in recent years i.e office drinks dispensers. 
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Among the plethora of options, the reason we believe that Smart Sodas office drinks dispenser is the right choice for you are mainly due to these two reasons: 
Smart soda understand the diverse taste preference of people and offers a very wide range of flavour options to choose from: 
Craft soda low: for the people who love sugary flavours, smart soda offers up to four flavours in this category. Additionally, smart soda also understands the importance of health of their customers so they offer these vitamin infused beverages with only reduced british cane for sweetness. 
Craft soda zero: for people conscious of their health, smart soda, also offers up to four flavours in this category. These beverages are made with zero sugar and instead use plant based sweeteners like Stevia, which is a much better choice than sugar. 
Flavoured water: do not like soda beverages? Well, with smart soda there is nothing to worry about as they have a solution for you too. They offer 2 flavours of water in this category that have zero calories, no sugar and are fully customisable to your own preference. 
Waters: do you want to get hydrated without flavours? With smart sodas office drinks dispensers, you're also offered still and sparkling water options to quench your thirst on the go. 
Smart soda is the world's first post mix beverage company that offers beverages infused with vitamins like B3, B5, B6, B12 and C, that can prove to be very beneficial for your health. The dispensed beverages are also 100% natural tasting, vegan, antioxidant rich, gluten free and kosher. Additionally, the office drinks dispenser from Smart Soda also uses alkaline water as a base for all of their drinks. 
Why alkaline water? Well, you see alkaline water is also known as hydrogen water, and has a slightly higher pH value than regular water. It is considered to be one of the healthiest forms of water and is also famed for the various health benefits it provides including, slowed ageing, better digestion, improved bone density, and many more. If you want to learn more visit Smart Soda Alkaline water Dispenser. 
In conclusion, the above two reasons are mainly responsible for why we believe that smart soda office drinks dispensers are the best option for you. However, do understand that it is just not limited to these two features. If you want to learn more visit their website on smartsoda.co.uk.
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Rejuvenate Your Gut: Exploring Digestive Detox Supplements from UK's Best - Hormony Drinks
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, our digestive systems often bear the brunt of unhealthy diets and stress. The solution? A digestive detox to revitalize your gut health. And when it comes to finding top-quality digestive detox supplements in the UK, look no further than Hormony Drinks. In this blog post, we'll delve into the world of digestive detox and how Hormony Drinks leads the way.
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Understanding Digestive Detox
Digestive detoxification is about giving your digestive system a fresh start. It involves flushing out toxins, supporting healthy digestion, and promoting the balance of beneficial gut bacteria. A successful detox can help alleviate digestive issues, reduce bloating, and restore your gut to its natural harmony.
Hormony Drinks: The Digestive Detox Experts
1. Premium Quality Ingredients
Hormony Drinks is committed to using only the finest, natural ingredients in their detox supplements. They source ingredients that are known for their detoxifying properties, ensuring that you get the best possible results without compromising your health.
2. Scientifically Formulated
Their supplements are backed by scientific research and formulated to provide targeted support for your digestive system during the detox process. This ensures that you're not just flushing out toxins but also nourishing your gut for long-term health.
3. A Holistic Approach
Hormony Drinks understands that a successful detox is more than just supplements. It's about a holistic approach to well-being. They offer guidance on diet and lifestyle changes that complement their detox products, helping you achieve lasting results.
4. Trusted by Many
Hormony Drinks has earned the trust of countless customers in the UK and beyond. Their dedication to quality and customer satisfaction has made them a go-to choice for those seeking effective and safe digestive detox supplements.
Embrace Gut Health with Hormony Drinks
If you're ready to give your digestive system the rejuvenation it deserves, Hormony Drinks is your trusted partner. Their digestive detox supplements are designed to help you detoxify, reinvigorate your gut, and embark on a path to better digestive health.
With Hormony Drinks, you're not just choosing a supplement; you're choosing a commitment to your well-being. Experience the benefits of a detoxed and revitalized gut, and embark on your journey to a healthier, happier you with Hormony Drinks as your guide. Your digestive system will thank you for it!
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Dr. Hector Oscar Molina, MD, Irving, Texas - 05 Tips for Staying Healthy at Any Age
We all know that a healthy lifestyle can prevent chronic diseases and long-term illnesses, and boost mental health. But with so much information available, and so many passing health fads, it can sometimes feel difficult to determine exactly which healthy habits are worth investing in if we want to live longer and healthier lives.
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If you've been struggling to get into a new and healthy routine in 2023, you're not alone. When we feel stressed or overwhelmed, we often start to neglect our basic needs, whether that means sleeping less or eating more junk food than usual. If this sounds like you, it might be time to go back to basics, whether that is drinking more water or exercising more.
Drink more water When we’re born, almost 97 per cent of our body is made up of water. As adults, this figure falls slightly but still sits somewhere around 75 per cent. The vast majority of our brain cells are simply water, and even our teeth have 10 per cent water content. Every single cellular function in our body is in some way linked to our fluid levels: blood and cancer-fighting immune systems require water to flush out waste products away from cells and to transport nutrients and vital amino acids into them
Prioritise sleep Although there’s no simple answer as to what’s the ‘normal’ amount of sleep, most adults should aim for between seven and nine hours a night. It’s during sleep that your body restores, heals and strengthens itself both physically and mentally and a good sleep routine is important for good health.
Eat a balanced diet A balanced diet doesn’t need to be difficult or complicated – the general key is to eat the right number of calories for how active you are. If you eat or drink too much, you’ll put on weight. If you eat and drink too little, you'll lose weight. The average man needs around 2,500 calories a day and the average woman needs 2,000. Eat a wide range of foods to ensure you’re getting balanced nutrition.
Maintain a healthy weight If you need to lose weight, do it. The UK is fast becoming the most obese country in Europe, thanks to poor diets and lack of exercise. Eating a healthy, balanced diet plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy weight, which is an important part of overall good health. Being overweight or obese can lead to health conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, heart disease, and stroke.
Exercise more (and smarter) Physical activity can help you to maintain weight loss or be a healthy weight but being active doesn’t have to mean spending hours at the gym: try getting off the bus one stop early on the way home from work and walking, or taking the stairs at work rather than the elevator. Just find something active you enjoy doing – whether it’s cycling, running, dancing or gardening – and do more of it.
About the Author: Dr. Hector Oscar Molina, MD is a health care provider primarily located in Irving, Texas, United States. He has 27 years of experience. Dr. Molina graduated from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. His specialties include Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine.
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smartsodauk2 · 2 years
Innovative Drinks Systems For Convenience Stores UK: How Are They Becoming Popular
In the years since drinks have been introduced into convenience stores in large numbers, several innovations have become popular. One is the use of vending machines to dispense drinks. This system creates a sense of urgency for customers as they must purchase their drink before it runs out. Another innovation is the introduction of bottled water into convenience stores. This system allows for more variety and customization for customers, as well as an increased variety of food options available to them. In addition, these systems have resulted in a decrease in costs for store owners and operators. 
Innovative drink systems for convenience stores UK are becoming increasingly popular. This is due to their convenience and ability to provide a variety of drinks without having to leave the store. Another advantage of these systems is that they can be quickly customised to the needs of the store.
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One such system is the fountain drink system. This system consists of a central fountain that provides a variety of drinks, as well as food items like hot dogs and churros. It also has an automatic dispenser for ice cream and candy bars. The other advantage of this type of system is that it can be customised to fit the preferences and needs of each store owner.
Innovation is always a good thing, and convenience stores are no exception. Whether it be the innovative drink systems for convenience stores UK that are being developed or the new products that are being brought to the market, convenience stores are constantly on the lookout for ways to improve their customer service and make their shopping experience more appealing.
One of the most recent innovations in this area is the development of ionised water systems for convenience stores. This system relies on high-quality filters to remove all of the contaminants that can impact store hygiene, making it one of the most innovative drink systems currently available.
Not only has this system been successful in enhancing store hygiene, but it has also allowed checkout clerks to provide a more convenient shopping experience. By reducing dependence on common cleaning supplies and products, this system has made it possible for convenience stores to offer increased levels of customer satisfaction and competition.
There has been a growing trend of people travelling for work or pleasure and seeking out healthy drinks systems on the go UK. Some of the best options for travelling with a healthy drink system are those that come with built-in meal technology. These systems can allow you to cook your own meals or take them along with you, ensuring that you always have something to eat while on the go. Another great option is to buy pre-packaged meal kits, which will provide you with all of the ingredients and instructions needed to make your own healthy drinks system. Finally, if you are looking for something a little more hands-on, there are also flask systems that can be rented or bought outright. This way, you can learn how to make your very own healthy drinks system from scratch!
There are many different types of healthy drinks systems on the go UK that can be used to keep your beverages cold or to drink them on the go. Some of these systems include: 
-An insulated bottle with a carabiner that allows you to attach it to a backpack or messenger bag. This system can keep your drinks colder for longer periods of time. 
-A water bottle with a straw that is used as an impulse drinking source while on the go. These systems are great for people who like to have multiple drinks throughout the day and want them easily accessible. 
-A thermos or thermos flask with a collapsible arm that can be put in any carry-on bag or through customs.
There are many different healthy drink systems on the go UK. These systems can be used to carry drinks while on the go, or as part of a larger travel strategy. Whether you’re looking for an easy and affordable way to feed yourself while on the go, or want something more tailored to your lifestyle, there’s likely a healthy drink system on the go that meets your needs.
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Soft drinks dispensers for petrol forecourts uk can be a great way to help reduce wastage and ensure that customers have access to essential drink supplies on-site. Not only are these devices necessary for public convenience, but they can also improve the health of those who use them. Soft drinks dispensers for petrol forecourts uk can be a great addition to any store, and they're especially useful in areas with high levels of traffic or pollution.
Soft drinks dispensers for petrol forecourts UK are a common sight in many places. Many people feel that these vending machines provide a convenient and affordable way to get their drink fix. soft drinks dispensers for petrol forecourts uk can be found in convenience stores, restaurants, and even drive-throughs. In order to find the perfect one for your needs, it’s important to take into account the type of fuel you’re using and the location where you plan on using the dispenser. 
The two main types of soft drinks dispensers for petrol forecourts UK are those that use fountain water and those that use Bottled Water. Some gasoline stations also offer soft drink machines that use either coconuts or Keurigs. While each type of machine has its own benefits and drawbacks, they all come with their own costs.
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tillzzy · 2 years
Instagram Stories - Other Brand Research
As a group we have been working on the aesthetics and information shared on our Instagram page for customers to see. We delegated the work so Sadie is working on Instagram ads, Hannah is doing Instagram posts and I’m doing Instagram stories. 
For the stories, we separated them into different categories to easily share important information through highlights. 
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Our Story
brand concept
through our product, we want to make being sustainable easy and accessible for those who live in tighter spaces. City life can be busy and it can be hard to find time to make small, impactful changes to your lifestyle and routine. We are here to help change this and aid those who want to change up their lifestyles for the better. 
brand morals 
‘Our mission is to make everyday a little greener.’ we believe that everyone should have access to easy, delicious and fresh produce on a daily basis. Being able to benefit both your own wellbeing whilst making a big environmental impact is so important and this can be tricky sometimes. 
Our product
key information about our product
our product offers customers with little time, to be able to grow their own greens with no fuss. With a self watering system, and UV lights built in, users just have to sow their seeds and then enjoy eating them once they have grown!
instruction guide and aid to usage
1.  insert plant pods 
2. add water to self watering system
3. plug in 
4. enjoy!
FAQS about components.
impact of the product itself 
impact of other small changes people can make
it was reported that 84% of fruit and 44% of vegetables in the UK had been imported. To get these products to supermarkets, a large number of miles are added to the carbon footprint. 
UK households have been reported to use over 500,000 tonnes of plastic food packaging each, with less than half of this recycled.
Warmer temperatures and lower rainfall may result in loss of carbon from the soil, particularly in peatland soils, with consequences for soil structure and fertility.
other tips to do with health and sustainability
tips for a productive morning checklist etc. 
tips for a productive day: 2-3 litres of water a day, 45 minutes of exercise, meditation or headspace, eating your 5 a day, reading, journalling 
article links on how to reduce stress, feel better etc. 
lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, prevent some types of cancer, lower risk of eye and digestive problems, and have a positive effect upon blood sugar, which can help keep appetite in check.
taking time for yourself and caring for your mental health can be more important than eating broccoli and drinking enough water
try meditating for 5-10 minutes a day or going on a short walk when you have time to reduce stress
tips and tricks
advice for growing plants 
put your plants in busier rooms so you can reap the benefits of their air purification properties
remember to refill the self watering system every 2-3 weeks
harvest your veggies when they look most ripe
how to take care of yourself and relax
‘stay as hydrated as your plants’
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Key Information taken from other brands:
short, simple information that can be read easily in 5-10 seconds
using visuals - type, photography and illustration based
sticking to the colour palette  and branding to create cohesive look
bullet points or short sentences
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upwiththegood · 2 years
 We wish you all a HAPPY NEWYEAR and hope you all had a good christmas and new year. Here we are again 2023 who can believe its the start of another year how quick it seems to go the older we get, but its true. Its the start of our TWENTY FIFTH year, yes 25 and still going, thats a huge achievement in its self, so well done to those still a part of M.S.G. And this year 2023 we are determine to help take our group forward, we will be looking for ways to promote our group and hopefully help it grow with new members, a lot has to be looked at and does depend on some matters out of our control ie where we hold our current meetings, but what ever happens we will do our best to make it past our 25th year, so we need all your support in taking this forward.
                                                                                            Peter Fenton
 1------ Ans is -------------Johnny Preston
 2------ Ans is -------------Stevie Wonder
 3------ Ans is -------------Petula Clark
 4------ Ans is -------------Herman's Hermits
 5------Ans is ------------Bob Dylan
 6------Ans is ------------The Chiffons
 7------Ans is ----------Booker T. and the Mgs
 8------Ans is ------------Bobby Vinton
 9------Ans is ------------The Dovells
10-----Ans is ------------James Brown and The Famous Flames
11-----Ans is ------------Peter, Paul and Mary
12-----Ans is ------------The Dave Clark Five
13-----Ans is ------------The Troggs
14-----Ans is ------------Everly Brothers
15-----Ans is ------------Marvin Gaye and Tammi Torell
16-----Ans is ------------The Lovin' Spoonful
17-----Ans is ------------Freddie and the Dreamers
18-----Ans is ------------Frank and Nancy Sinatra
19-----Ans is ------------The Delfonics
20-----Ans is ------------Neil Diamond
 A NEW drug has given fresh hope of tackling untreatable cases of high blood pressure. Baxdrostat stops the body making aldosterone, a hormone that helps regulate our salt levels. In tests, those given the highest dose saw their blood pressure cut by an average of 20 points. Researchers, including Queen Mary University of London, said it “could potentially offer hope to many people”.
 DOWNING just one drink a day raises young adults' risk of a stroke by a fifth, a study has warned. Experts found those in their 20s and 30s who drank just over six pints a week were 20 per cent more likely to fall ill. And the more years the person drank heavily the more the risk increased. South Korea's Dr Eue-Keun Choi said: “Reducing alcohol consumption should be emphasized in young adults.” UK charity Stroke says one in five who have strokes are now under 55s.
 Both articles from daily paper
For people with impaired hand funtion
Carbonhand is a revolutionary aid that gives back power to people with impaired hand funtion. Pressure sensers and advanced technology ensure the glove adds power in cases where the user's own muscles are inadequate. Carbonhand is an assistive aid in the form of a grip-strengthening glove with pressure sensors in the fingers that sense when the user needs support. The pressure sensors detect when the user initiates a hand grip and the glove then applies the power needed to ensure a firm grip. Carbonhand comes in five different sizes for right and left hands. ( Carbonhand is not for everyone, but it means everything to some ). Bioservo Technologies is a world leading company in wearable muscle strengthening systems for people in need of extra strength and endurance. All products and systems are based on our award-winning SEM-technology and we are extremely proud to provide innovative solutions in order to keep people strong, healthy and motivated.
Bioservo is a company bases in Sweden
                                 Article sent by Richard Hemsley
 Just a quick mention I had a phone call from Marie Shaw on new years eve letting us know her health is not getting any better. Marie said she is unable to attend our group meetings any more, but would appreciate phone calls or maybe a visit just to catch up and company, although Marie was very short of breath speaking to me for a very short time. ( 01622 844531 ) her number.
We would like to wish Marie Happy New Year from all at the MSG.
 Peter Fenton
 I would firstly like to wish each and everyone of you a most joyous, prosperous and trouble-free 2023.
 ONE----- I would like to thank every one who turned up for June dines celebration music and buffet event on Tuesday 20th December
and thankyou for making it special for her. She thoroughly enjoyed it especially seeing some familiar faces.
 TWO----- As you are all aware our regular tovil meetings every other Tuesday are in the balance at present due to tovil club announcing that it will only open Friday, Saturday and Sunday lunchtimes only. I have spoken to Jane and made some proposals to keep it going, including paying to be there for a couple of hours. Jane has told me that there is a committee meeting on Monday 9th January. Meanwhile our future January dates will be on hold until they get back to us. If their answer is no go, then we will search another venue that is adequate for our needs.
 THREE----- Brick lane is fast approaching on Weds 8th Feb ( I am away from 31st jan to 6th feb ) and I would like to collect any monies owing by the end of the month, so if we do not meet perhaps send me a cheque payable to me.
The panto this year is goldilocks and the three bare bears. We will be going by Brookline coaches and leaving tovil 10.30/11am latest. The cost is £50 pp inc show, 3-course lunch and coach.
10th JANUARY ------- BOB SAWYER ( 80th )
24th JANUARY ------- ANN JUDGE
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pietonki · 2 years
Caffeine in caramel macchiato mcdonalds
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Likewise, how long does 200mg of caffeine stay in your system? The answer: Caffeine lasts in oursystems anywhere from 4 to 6 hours on average, and it hasa half life of about 5 hours. Inthe average adult, the half-life of caffeine is about 5-6hours. After that, your liverwill start breaking down the caffeine into caffeinemetabolites, which you will eventually excrete in urine. Once you take in caffeine, youll feel itsfull effects within 15-45 minutes. For a mere 65p to £1.30, the burger is actually a surprisingly healthy snack, Dubner argues. The double cheeseburger, with one slice of cheese, comprises of 23 grams of protein, 7 per cent of the daily value of fibre, 20 per cent of calcium and 19 grams of fat, making up a relatively low 390 calories. We make it like we always have: two slices of processed cheddar cheese with two 100% Canadian beef patties, pickles, onions, ketchup and mustard on a freshly toasted bun.Īre McDonalds double cheeseburgers good for you? Our Cheeseburger Combo Meal is a simple, satisfying classic McDonalds 100% beef burger, served with our World Famous Fries® and your choice of a Medium McDonalds soda or soft drink.Ĭonsequently, what is on a double cheeseburger from McDonalds?ĭouble Cheeseburger. McDonalds Prices UK Double Cheeseburger 1.59 Bacon Double Cheeseburger 1.99 Cheeseburger 0.99 Hamburger 0.89Īdditionally, what number is the double cheeseburger meal at McDonalds? Cheeseburger Combo Meal. McDonalds Menu Prices and Price List UK 2020 This copycat Starbucks drink has a light fruity flavor, and is a healthier choice. The drink is also shaken with coconut milk and ice, and it contains caffeine and coconut.Ī dreamy blend of fresh mango, dragonfruit, and metabolism stoking green tea. The ingredients include fruit juice with mango and dragon fruit flavors, as well as a scoop of actual dragon fruit, Starbucks says on its website. The Dragon Drink is packed with dragon fruit, hence its cool name. One may also ask, what is in a Starbucks dragon drink? One may also ask, which Starbucks drinks have a lot of caffeine? The Iced Caffe Mocha and Iced Peppermint Mocha have the most caffeine of the Starbucks Iced Espresso drinks: Tall - 95 mg. A grande-size Mango Drangonfruit refresher has around 45 to 55 mg of caffeine in it, so the Dragon Drink probably also has about that same amount. Like all Starbucks Refreshers, the Mango Dragonfruit Refresher is also caffeinated - but not because the drink includes coffee or espresso. In-N-Out headquarters at University Tower in Irvine Number of locations 347 Area served Arizona California Nevada Oregon Texas Utah Key people Lynsi Snyder, President Mark Taylor, COO Roger Kotch, CFO Revenue US million (2017 estimate) The initial investment ranges from ,000 to ,000, with cash liquidity of ,000 and net worth of ,000. The franchise fee is reported to be ,000 but has not yet been verified. People also ask, how much does it cost to buy an In N Out franchise? Their average check is likely higher than McDonalds and Burger King because their pricing is higher. Secondly, hOW MUCH DOES IN N OUT make a day? So Ill use what I know to make some directional guesses: The average In-N-Out grosses approximately ,000,000 annually. In- N- Out remains privately owned and the Snyder family has no plans to take the company public or franchise any units, the company reaffirms on its website. No franchising: In- N- Out President Lynsi Snyder has said the company will never go public or franchise its restaurants.
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Top Shoulder Replacement Surgery Hospitals in India
During shoulder replacement surgery, broken shoulder joints are removed and replaced with artificial implants. After surgery, a lot of individuals experienced less discomfort and more movement. The shoulder functions as a ball-and-socket joint. The shoulder's shallow socket enables the upper arm bone's spherical head (ball). Joint damage can end up in discomfort, numbness, and stiffness.
To treat pain and other adverse effects brought on by shoulder joint degeneration, surgeons perform shoulder replacement surgery. There are many various forms and sizes of shoulder implants available. Partial and complete replacement options are available using anatomic or reverse implants.
Despite uncommon, it's probable that shoulder replacement surgery will not alleviate the suffering or cause it to go away fully. It's possible that the operation will not totally restore the joint's flexibility or power. Sometimes a second operation may be required. Before surgery, doctors push patients to maintain as much of their natural state of health as feasible. This could include cutting up smoking or drinking, maybe lowering some weight, maintaining a healthy diet, and engaging in regular exercise.
Shoulder Replacement Surgery cost in India
Despite the fact that the treatment is regularly performed in developed countries like the United States and Canada, many patients aren't capable to afford it due to the expenditure. India has become an increasingly popular getaway for medical tourists, nevertheless thanks to its accessible medical services. Many patients from abroad go to India to have various surgical procedures performed, including shoulder replacement surgery. The cost of Shoulder Replacement Surgery in India is considerably lower than in wealthy countries, despite the healthcare system meeting global requirements.
The price of Shoulder Replacement Surgery in India varies based on a number of variables, such as the type of implant applied, the doctor's fee, the hospital charge, the patient's health history, and the location of the facility. The Shoulder Replacement Surgery price in India normally ranges from INR 2,00,000 to INR 5,000, which is much lower than in wealthy countries like the USA and UK.
Top Shoulder Replacement Surgery Hospitals in India
India's hospitals offers shoulder replacement surgery at a lesser cost than those in abroad.  Patients may choose from packages that include the price of travel, housing, and function at a Top Hospital for Shoulder Replacement operation in India. They have the top medical professionals and the most cutting-edge technologies.  For patients who do not have insurance in their own nation or even for people residing here, this could be a financially advantageous choice. Fortis Hospital, Max Hospital and Artemis Hospital are some of the Top hospital for Shoulder Replacement Surgery in India.
Top Shoulder Replacement Surgery Surgeons in India
Top Shoulder Replacement Surgery doctors in India are highly skilled and experienced. They are specialised in the particular field and know best about it. Dr Praveen Tittal, Dr Reetadyuti and Dr IPS Oberoi are some of the Top Doctors for Shoulder Replacement Surgery in India
 Al Afiya Medi Tour is a leading medical tourism company in India.  We are offer medical tourism services in India foreign patients. Some of the main countries are Bangladesh, south Africa, Uganda, Zambia, Namibia, Iraq, Kenya, Nigeria and so on. We provide free assistance for TURP surgery cost in India, lung cancer treatment, breast cancer surgery cost, stomach cancer treatment in India, liver transplant cost, best hospital for heart valve replacement, bone marrow transplant cost, arthroscopic surgery, best liver transplant hospital, brain tumor surgery cost in India, kidney transplant cost, skin cancer, hip replacement surgery cost, liver cancer treatment,best bone marrow hospital etc.  If you are searching for free medical and healthcare consulting to find the best hospitals and top doctors and surgeons in India for any treatment then contact us- Alafiyameditour.com.
Source: https://alafiyameditour1.blogspot.com/2023/10/top-shoulder-replacement-surgery.html
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smartsodauk1 · 10 months
When it comes to leveling up your game at your office beverage station, the one and final destination to achieve that is beverage machines. Why? You ask. Well, these aesthetic additions to your beverage station are automated machines that offer you convenience and beverages on the go without much hassle. 
With modernity and a busy life, there rose a demand for products that provide convenience, and beverage machines did just that. The initial beverage machines offered quick and easy access to various snacks and beverages without the need to stay in long lines or interact with others. These features led to the rise in demand for beverage machines, and it still continue to rise to this day, with advancements in technology and the addition of features like an automatic brewing system, touchscreen interface, etc. Additionally, since beverage machines are designed to cater to a large amount of audience and are mostly found in public settings, this offers free advertisement and adds more to their popularity. 
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Smart Soda, a pioneer in the beverage dispenser industry operating in the UK, offers the best beverage machines that provide you maximum convenience and can cater to all of your demands. Whether it is for your office, school, restaurant, or convenience store, you name it and we will provide you with the best beverage machines at your service.
Smart soda uses alkaline water as a base for all of their drinks. Alkaline water is famed for the various health benefits it provides like cell protection, improved digestion, improved memory, and many more. This not only makes the beverage machines from Smart Soda provide you tasty but also healthy beverages. 
Smart Soda’s beverage machines provide the best level of convenience you can find. Since these machines use a post-mix dispenser technology, it makes it easy to restock flavors. They also offer the latest technologies with a customizable, friendly touchscreen interface that elevates the overall experience of your customers and employees. 
Smart soda machines offer a huge range of choices of beverages to choose from, that can be customizable to their own preference. 
Smart soda, as we have mentioned before uses the post mix dispenser technology. This means that the beverages are made on the go and can be filled in reusable containers. This completely eliminates the need for single-use plastic and cans, thus reducing waste and promoting a positive sustainability message. 
Smart soda beverage machines can help you save costs in the long run as they provide a lower cost per drink. These machines also consume less energy to run as compared to their alternatives, which helps you save more on the energy bill. And since there is no plastic and cans waste created it also reduces the cost of recycling activities. 
In conclusion, beverage machines have been around for a long providing convenience to people in this fast-paced world. Smart soda has been running this race, adopting the newest technologies and providing the best beverage machines in the market. 
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