#huh maybe i was actually annoyed at her the whole time and needed to get it off my chest
pablitogavii · 5 months
Protecting her
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Life with Pablo Gavi, the boy everyone adores, and I hate with all my passion not for any particular reason. I actually tried making peace with him the moment I stepped foot into his house at the beginning of my exchange program.
I tried to be nice, to even become his friend but he would always push me away and find some reason to fight me. Even Aurora and his parents tried to make us like each other but it didn't work so I just deiced to stay out his way..somehow that didn't stop him to sabotage me every step of the way all the freaking time!
leo: look at what your brother did to me! boy is a delinquent! I can't do this anymore Y/n..I'm sorry.
There was a picture attached of my soon to become boyfriend with bruised eye and busted lip. Did Pablo really did this just so Leo dumps me knowing it would spite me!?
I heard stumbling and rushed towards the front door to comfort Pablo about this. I was done staying on the sidelines and letting him do whatever he pleased just because I am guest at this house..this is MY life he was messing with for his own amusement!
"Why did you do it!? Tell me he said something to provoke you? Tell me you weren't just trying to spite me by doing this Pablo.." I said but he completely ignored me, like I was invisible, unimportant and that drove me mad.
"No! You're going to start listening to me! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO LEO!!??" I said pushing him against the wall with all my strenght which was not possible unless he let me do it.
"Hm..or what if I don't listen chiqui? What will you do to me precious..huh??" he pushed back and I needed up glued on the wall in the matter of seconds. I gulped..he was so close..and I was no longer angry at him..I was tired of this whole "hate" thing.
"I'm tired of this Pablo..just leave me alone!" I said trying to push him but he wouldn't budge looking down at my face like he was lost in thought. I would give up everything ot know what he was thinking right now.
"P..please.." I was close to tears yet again being dumped not to mention that all my "friends" here only hang out with me thinking they will get to meet my new "brother"..I just wanted to be left alone by everyone especially Pablo Gavi who made this whole trip horrible!
"Fine.." he moved and i walked away not knowing that something in him broke seeing me so sad in front of him knowing he was the reason for it.
I was crying rather loudly knowing his parents and Aurora are not here and Pablo probably didn't even care about it. I was very wrong since he was glued to my door listening to each sound until finally opening the door and walking closer to the bed.
"Stop crying.." he said and I realized that he was indeed there watching me, probably in amusement.
"Leave me alone asshole!" I yelled feeling the bed move as he laid behind me making my whole body contract especially when his strong arms wrapped around my body..what was this nervousness and why did it feel so good to be held by him!?
"Please stop crying...if you like Leo that much I'll stay away.." he said while his hands were tracing invisible shapes on my bare skin making shivers moving down my spine and make me breathless. I truly didn't care that deeply for Leo..I almost cared more how it was angering Pablo..how I finally gotten some type of reaction out of him. I slowly moved turning around in his embrace to face him.
"It's not about Leo..it's about you..why can't you just stop hating me!?" I spoke my hand moving to his face caressing it gently and he let me do it for a few moments closing his eyes looking like he was enjoying it..maybe Pablo felt something for me..maybe I did for him too..maybe that's this tension between us..maybe it's love?
"Because you're annoying!" he pulled away and that gentle caring Pablo vanished in a matter of a second and he was back to being hateful asshole..he only wanted to feel in control and I gave him the chance..like an idiot..thinking he was genuine.
Quickly, he was out of my room returning to his crying himself to sleep..he was a coward to speak about his emotions..because I am not permanent..I will leave him soon and he couldn't afford to get attached.
Weeks went by and I couldn't sleep without imaging those strong arms wrapped around me. Leo asked me to try again but I rejected him..I couldn't stop thinking about my "gentle" Pablo wondering if that was his true nature..I wanted to get to him again..to feel that way again..to understand him.
"Are you ready hermanita?" Aurora said and I met her outside as she was my ride to the stadium for El Classico. I rarely went to his games thinking he would hate me there, but today I wore his jersey and went with the rest of his friends with pride. I wanted him to look me in the ye and tell me hates me if he does so much!
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Rora and me at #ElClassico ❤️❤️
gvirafans: with Gavi jersey👀
aurorapaezg: hermanitaa💗
belengavira: pretty girls ❤️❤️
pablogavi: ❤️
I saw his comment..he probably did it because people would talk if he didn't..but a heart..it felt special..and made me even more determined to get close to him again.
During the game, Gavi was comeptlely focused as always wanting to win against the biggest enemy. Barca was better but it was frustrating that no ball would finally enter the goal..and time was running out till end of first half.
"I saw that new hermanita of yours..hmm..the things I'd do to her body" Vini provoked and Gavi lost it kicking the ball into the audience and walking towards him while everyone pushed him backwards and referee showed him a red card.
"Say that again hijo de puta!? Let me hear you say it again!" Pablo was not stopping until Xavi himself pulled him away from the pitch giving him a whole lecture about being more mature player.
"It was a good game hermano" Aurora said when we met with Pablo since Barça still ended up winning. Pablo was still heated and seeing me there wasn't helping.
"It's all her fault!" he said pointing at me in front of everyone and I looked away sadly..he was trying to hate me so I give up but I'm not giving up that easily because i know what I felt that night is real!
"Leave her alone! She did nothing wrong!" Aurora tried defending me but I was done being silent walking towards him bravely.
"Let's leave them alone.." Pablo's guy friends said and everyone left as the two of us stood there across from each other not saying a single word. Two can play this stupid game Gavi!
"What did I do to you huh!? Why don't you admit that you don't actually hate me Pablo?? I know you don't.." I said touching his sweaty jersey but he pulled away quickly like he was scared..
"Don't touch me!" he yelled expecting me to turn away and run but I moved closer again.
"Why? What are you sacred of when I touch you huh?"I said once again touching his chest and this time he didn't move staring at my lips longingly.
"Chiqui don't.." he whispered when I moved closer feeling my cheeks blush at the new nickname he chose..the feeling was back and I didn't want to lose it.
"Why?" I asked touching his face and again he closed his eyes as his hands wrapped around my waist pulling me even closer as our chests touched.
"B..because I won't be able to hold myself back" he whispered as we both opened around eyes looking into each other.
"P..Pablo.." I said breathlessly moving even closer but then Leo's familiar voice interrupted our little moment and Pablo pulled away angrily.
"Please let's talk Y/n..about us" Leo said and I internally cursed seeing Pablo's disappointed look as he just walked away without a word..freaking great!
"Is she coming?" Aurora asked
"She has another ride" Pablo said annoyingly reminding himself why he put up a wall..last thing he needed is to get hurt by a girl right now.
"No! I don't!" I said rushing after them after telling Leo I was done with him and sitting in the backseat next to Pablo whose jaw was clenching and he was clearly angry.
"He understood that it's over.." I whispered to Pablo but he was unfazed..once again like he didn't care. Here we go again!
"I don't care!" he whispered back before going on his phone as I sighed loudly besides him.
That night I couldn't sleep..I couldn't have him mad at me anymore..I did maybe the stupidest thing in the world walking to his room in the middle of the night. Luckily he was awake..
"P..Pablo.." I said and he turned around sitting in his bed with a surprised look on his face.
"Go away!" he said but I moved closer standing in front of him.
"I'm not going anywhere..I know why you hit Leo, he told me what he said to his friend and that you heard him" I said and Pablo looked up with raised eyebrows.
"He said you're alone and he can get with you in a week..and I showed him you're NOT alone" Pablo said and I smiled nodding my head and touching his hair as he looked up at me.
"And Vini?" I asked moving my hand down to his face while he looked at me finally putting down his guard and being vulnerable once again.
"Don't talk to me about that disgusting hijo de puta!" he said angrily and I knew he must have said something about me on the pitch..something that didn't sit right with Pablo and he needed to protect me..something you don't do for a person you "hate".
"Don't get angry.." I said and he nodded feeling more sad than angry while his hands snaked around my waist and he pulled me in kissing my stomach over my dress and I breathed heavily.
"I can't stop hating you chiqui.."he spoke into my stomach and I sighed raising his chin up and moving to sit on his lap.
"Why Pablo?" he said moving his hair back and he leaned into my touch as his face went into my neck and he started kissing my skin passionately.
"Because you're leaving me so soon..and I don't want to lose someone I love so much.."he finally said what's been on his mind for awhile and I felt my heart banging against my chest.
"So you decided to hate me? Why didn't you just ask me to stay with you??" I said with a smile and he was surprised to hear me say those words looking up into my eyes hopefully.
"And would you stay for me chiqui?" he said while I held his face and his hands tightly held onto my waist.
"Hmm it depends.." I said smirking moving in and he gulped once again looking at my lips longingly and I smiled.
"On what chiqui??"he smirked and I blushed to scared to tell him what I wanted right now..I just wanted him to finally kiss me.
"Hm..let me guess then" he held my face pulling me in and kissing my lips hungrily making me breathless but never happier. Then he pulled away..and I wanted to cry..I was so tired of these games and I just wanted to be with him!
"Please don't push me away again..please" i latched onto his shoulder and he smiled kissing the top of my forehead before pulling me in bed with him letting me lay my head on his strong chest.
"I'm never letting you go again precious.." he said as I looked up kissing him again as we continued to make out pulling onto each others clothes int he heat of the moment...
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m3vl0vesu · 26 days
Too safe
Red Hood x Reader No real warning, just a bit of sleep deprivation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
A tired Red Hood had just stepped into your apartment for the umpteenth time this month. Despite him being built like a tank, you never, never, heard him coming in. It’s not exactly the best thought to know that the crime lord could just easily break into this shitty place you called home. If being on the fifth floor didn’t stop him, why and how would some lousy lock? 
He’s less than pleased when he sees his latest interest wide awake. That was another thing you also should be concerned about, the way he had a habit of breaking in just to…watch you sleep. Not in a weird way! Of course, it was…friendly. Yeah, friendly. He watched you through the helmet, the way your eyes were barely paying attention to the bright screen, the way your hair looked messier than usual, the way the only sound that filled the room was your breathing. He loved and hated seeing his precious person so exhausted. Your skin crawled at the robotic voice calling your name, almost jumping. But you knew, knew that it was him, knew that he’s been later than usual and that he’d probably try to drag your body to bed
“Red.” Wow, when did your throat get so dry? Where was the water bottle, or water bottles? You rubbed at your eyes, it didn’t help but oh well. What was the time? You were still in your apartment right? You were so out of it, countless hours had passed since your e/c eyes weren't glued to a device that your eyes actually stung when you looked away. “It’s almost four.” The robotic voice spoke again, that pounding head of yours finally faced the familiar tic tac shaped helmet. “I…knew that.” Nope, you did not. “Why aren’t you asleep?” For some reason he had the ability to pull the answers out of you, even if your brain didn’t really process the questions. Maybe it came with the whole vigilante schtick. Or the fact that he had killed people before…probably the latter. “Can’t.” The one word answers and shrugs will have to do for now, you needed water. Sadly the water bottles that were scattered in front of you were all empty. Huh. You didn’t remember drinking all that, but then again most of the week was a blur. Work, home, Gotham's shittiness. All an endless cycle of despair that you were trapped in… “Hey.” Right. Red was still here “Hm?” Or was she hallucinating again? God, everything felt heavy. The clothes on your back, the hair on your head…your eyes…
“Drink this.” Huh? Oh, right. He was here.
Your eyes glanced at the littered coffee table, clean water in a clean glass. Swore they were all dirty. As one hand steadied her laptop sitting on her…lap, one lifted the glass to your lips. It soothed your dry throat but it was an odd feeling knowing who was staring at you, well you didn’t really know him but you get the gist. His presence certainly didn’t go unnoticed, I mean who could ignore the literal brick wall towering over them as they sat on their worn out couch. Not you. “Your eyes are bloodshot” were they? “And your eye bags…” Hearing the sigh that escaped him didn’t surprise you, after all failure expects disappointment. As seconds pass by you continue with the doom-scrolling, eyes only just scanning over the media. There's a second sigh, you practically could hear the eye roll. “No more, of whatever you're doing.” he said, gesturing towards you. Ouch. Why did that kinda hurt? Did you need to be doing something right now? Emails…? As your brain tries to use its last working cells you feel the device being pulled away from your hands. “No-hey…” you tried your best to be annoyed but really you were too weak to fight back. You did need sleep but…no you couldn’t. “Let's get you to bed.” Curse him. Curse his amazing physique, curse his demanding aura, curse him. Even with the voice modulator you could tell that he was being genuinely caring, something you probably needed. “But I have stuff to do, I know it. Maybe with work I...”
You were rambling, your ears tuning out the sound of your own voice. Why was this armed man never annoyed with you? You could faintly feel his gloved hands on the small of her back. Gloved, they were always gloved. Maybe he was a germaphobe? Hah…that would be funny. You feel the softness of your covers take over you and you realise he’s winning. “My laptop is-” “Safe and not needed.” Awh. You wanted the last word.
 Knowing this was the first time you had touched your bed in like 58 hours was making it hard to come up with some snarky remark. Maybe…a nap wouldn’t hurt. Was she still rambling, was he still here? She probably should be hoping that he wasn’t but for some reason, some idiotic reason, she felt safe with him. Too safe…but it was probably nothing. . . . He was tired, but seeing you finally asleep set something off in him. This certainly wasn’t the last time he would smile softly at her behind the helmet, and it certainly wasn’t the first. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A/N:I am very sleep deprived sadly :'( Always let me know what you think and what I could improve on!! Like always M3v loves YOU
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luimagines · 27 days
Hey hey!!! Saw you opened asks- so I wanted to send my love and appreciation for everything you do💕💕
Maybe a reverse of “You Blurt Out Who’s Your Favorite” , where the chain accidentally say that reader is their favorite? Silly pining ensues. (You don’t have to do this as always. Have a good day 💕)
Sure thing, Anti! I hope you have a good day too! <3 :D
Immediate Reader, boys under the cut!
"I am the best!"
"In your dreams!"
"The greatest!
You snorted as the boys all ragged on each other. Typical sibling behavior.
They were all playing the game of 'Who is the greatest? Certainly not you.' And you were trying really hard to not make it seem like you were paying attention to their shenanigans.
"Well, Malon likes me more!"
"No way! I'm her favorite."
Screw it you're joining this.
"I am the favorite!" All eyes turn to you as you smirk.
"....I doubt that."
You laugh and cross your arms. "I have yet to be proven wrong."
"Well you're certainly mine."
Legend crosses his arms as he rolls his eyes. He sees the group look to him and huffs. "I mean, honestly- Hello? Have you met them? They're easily the odd man out here."
"Ok." You deadpan. "Rude."
"Which means-" Legend flicks your forehead non too gently. "-that you're not as annoying or willing to throw us all off of a cliff."
"That was one time!" Wild shouts from the back.
"Well regardless, I can trust them to get the work done with out having to pick up the slack." Legend admires the ring on his fingers, acting nonchalant about the whole thing.
Some of the boys all seem to shuffle nervously on their feet. they seem to know what he's talking about.
This catches your attention. "Wait- hold on. When was this? What happened?"
Legend grins, looking like the cat that caught the canary. "A while ago. You were too busy doing your part to notice that we had been left to get rid of the rest of the monsters."
That last part was pointed. And you don't think his bombastic side eye was helping matters.
Ok. So Legend was holding a grudge. That's good to know.
You cleared you throat and rubbed the back of your neck. "So... that makes me your favorite?"
"Especially so." Legend turns back to you. His expression almost changes in a full 180. Before it looked at if his glare could have set them all ablaze but now his gaze is almost... soft. Tender, even.
Your breath gets stuck in your throat and you're shocked that you're even beginning to feel flustered by it. "....Don't mention it."
"I haven't." Legend winks and you bite your lip, losing your nerve and looking away. "But I don't mind bringing it up that you've been most helpful."
"Ugh, gross, he's flirting." Wind groans and shoves his way between the two of you, breaking the moment in twain. "Get a room! We don't need to see it!"
"I wasn't flirting-"
"That wasn't-"
'Yeah, yeah..." Wind blows a raspberry, making some of the others boys snicker. "Whatever helps you sleep at night."
"Thank you." You grin and happily start walking with a spring in your step.
Twilight seems to pause, letting his words sink into his head. The others rapidly catch on that he hadn't intended to say that out loud, but you seem none the wiser and actually quite pleased with this revelation.
You skip ahead and even go as far as to loop your arm with his. "I think you're pretty neat too, Twilight."
He coughs and rub the back of his neck with his free hand, letting you hold his dominant arm hostage. It's not like he's complaining. "I'm glad."
Hyrule snickers on the side lines and Twilight finds it in himself to send him a particularly nasty look. Over your head, naturally, so you don't see and don't get the hint that some of the other boy seem persistent to drop in his stead.
You drop your grip on his arm to hold his hand instead, swinging your hands together as you all walk. "Good to know that I'm the favorite over all."
"That can't be it." Legend says with a smirk on his face.
Twilight growls. "Shut it-"
"Twilight said so. You all heard it." You fire back, ignoring Twilight's words. "I am the favorite."
"Mhm." Time hums in agreement. "I don't see why not."
"Old man." Twilight stresses the nickname, pleading as wordlessly as he can to let the subject drop and let him live.
You finally look up to him with a tilt of your head. "Were you lying?"
Panic stabs his heart and he rips his hand away from you in shock as he tries to salvage the situation. Whatever it is he's trying to salvage anyway. "What?! No! Of course I wasn't lying! I think you're incredible!"
"Ok!" You grin as if nothing had happened and grab his hand again. "That's a relief. I wasn't going to say anything but you're my favorite too. So it all works out in the end."
Twilight flushes as you begin to drag him forward on the trail. "....I beg your pardon?"
"You're pardoned!" You start swinging your hands again. "Let's go!"
You trip over your feet and snap your head to face the old man who hadn't even bothered to look in your direction.
Surprisingly, it was Twilight who spoke next. "...Well that doesn't very fair."
Time snorts but comments no further.
Part of you wants to beam in joy. And to rub it in the rest of the boy's faces.
That's high praise coming from Time and you all knew it.
There's a sudden pep in your step as you keep walking forward. "Ha! I'm Time's favorite. Na nana na~"
Time smirks and watches you with an amused smile. Wind groans dramatically and launches himself onto Time's arm. "But come on! We're all cool and nice and how come I'm not your favorite?"
"It's not that you're not my favorite." Time explains gently, chuckles as he pries Wind off of his arm with a particularly rough hair ruffle. "It's that they-" He points to you. "-don't make it their life mission to give me grey hairs before my time."
"You don't need our help to get grey hair, Old Man." Legend teases.
Time swipes at the hero playfully, letting him easily evade his grasp. "I'm fully aware. And yet you all seem keen on making it happen."
You laugh, feeling more proud of yourself than you probably should. It feels good, even if there's a little voice in your head that's telling you Time only said you were the favorite to tease the other heroes. Even if that were case, you can't bring yourself to mind it. You can tease the others about it as well!
Twilight seems particularly put out and you make it a point to stick your tongue out at him out of childish pettiness.
Twilight catches on and pouts harder, sticking his tongue out at you in return- right for Time to clock him in the back of his head. "Easy, Pup."
"They started it!" Twilight cries petulantly.
"I'm ending it." Time gets a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Besides, I didn't hear them arguing with you lot about who was the greatest among you."
You put your hands on your hips. "I am quite awesome though, aren't I?"
Time sighs. "A mark of a true hero is humility." He flicks your forehead. "But yes- you are awesome."
"Awww... Sky, that's so sweet!" You put your hand to your heart and grin at the suddenly bashful boy.
"Ah- well... You're welcome."
Hyrule laughs and slugs him on the shoulder. "You didn't intend to say that out loud, did you?"
"Nope." Sky scratches the back of his head.
"That's ok." You pat his back, feeling a little better about your own ego. "I think that makes it all the better."
"...Right..." Sky smiles a little tensely, seeming a little more nervous than he's willing to let know.
"Wait-" Warrior raises an eyebrow. He says your name questioningly. "Who's your favorite?"
"Oh! Hyrule."
"Yup." You give Sky a wink while the other boys start rapidly firing questions. Not because they want to know why Hyrule, but they want to know why not them.
You know, like the children they are.
Sky relaxes a little bit when you walk forward to keep the attention of off him and onto yourself, giving him enough time to collect himself and then wonder if you wee serious or not.
So... you didn't technically help him despite your efforts, but you don't have to know where his head space is at.
"...You were serious, weren't you?" Hyrule says in a quite voice. "Did you mean that as in more than just being a favorite?"
"...So when I say I didn't intend to say that out loud-"
"Sky, oh my god."
"I know."
"You even looked them in the eye-!"
"I know!"
"....My condolences."
"Don't remind me." Sky groans, hiding his face in his hands.
Everyone freezes before all heads slowly turn to him.
Your jaw drops in total shock. Of all people to say something in this context, in that manner, he was would have been at the bottom of the list.
Warrior raises a cool eyebrow, daring to smirk as the cherry on top.
No body makes a move, almost afraid to break the tedious atmosphere around the group and once rowdy boys.
You clear your throat, garnering the attention for yourself against your wishes. You however, keep your gaze on Warrior. The son of a gun winks.
You flush and feel the need to clear your throat again. You were trying to be sarcastic and facetious. You weren't expecting a genuine response. At least you think he's being serious. The silence certainly doesn't help you get your nerve back.
"Moving on." Warrior turns on his heel and begins to walk away, leaving you all in the wake of his cutting sentence.
You try to meet the eyes of the other but they're all looking at you for your reaction instead.
You throw up your hands in a desperate attempt to get the attention off of yourself. "I didn't tell him to say that!"
"Of course not." Warrior has the gall to speak once more on the topic. "But that doesn't make it any less true."
"You-!" You shout, unintentionally being louder than you intended. "SHUT! Not a peep out of you!"
Warrior gets a gleam in his eye that spells trouble for you later. He grins even wider and blows you a kiss.
You have half the mind to throw something at him.
Wild leans up next to you and bumps your shoulder with his. You turn to him in a desperate attempt to hide your shame. His eyebrows dance in a knowing fashion and you give completely. Shoving the Champion as far aware from you as you can, you also begin to get a move on for the day.
The others boys laugh quietly around you, amused at the turn of events.
"I hate all of you."
"No you don't!" Someone gleefully calls back to you.
"Why don't tell that to Warrior?" Four teases.
You plan revenge on him specifically. Instead of following through with that however, you speed up to catch up to Warrior.
"Am I really your favorite?" You find yourself saying before you could stop yourself.
Warrior chuckled. "Of course. Have I ever lied to you?'
"Well..." He has a point there. You take a deep breath. "No."
"Well, there you have it."
"Are you serious?" Wind pouts. "I thought it was Time."
"Nope." Four puts his hands on his hips. "And unlike some people, I'm not afraid to speak my mind. I said it and I'll say it again. They're my favorite person here. Any one that disagree has to come up with some pretty convincing evidence to make me change my mind?"
You beam and feel yourself bubble up with happiness. You bounce on the balls of your feet and clap happily. "Yay! I'm Four's favorite!"
You turn to Sky excitedly, pointing in his face. "Eat it!"
He gives you a startled look before he starts laughing under his breath.
Four snorts and shakes his head. "Any objections?"
Most of the boys shake their heads, amusement twinkling in their eyes. Four grins as well and shrugs. "I guess we're done here."
You giggle like a maniac as everyone starts falling back into line, the conversation ending then and there with Four's declaration.
You on the other hand, feel like that you've gotten the ego boost of a life time. You're not entirely sure why. Being Four's favorite went straight to your head and elevated your mood to a whole other level.
"This is the greatest achievement of my life." You say, not entirely sarcastic as you wanted to sound. "I think I can die happy now."
"I didn't think it would make you this happy." Four noticed you bouncing on cloud nine. "Do you think I'm that special that it's so important to be my favorite?"
You pause and blush softly. A beat passes with all eyes on you and you decide to bite the bullet. "Of course I do. You're also my favorite person."
"Person?" Wild catches your slip up.
You snap your head to him and stick your tongue out. "Don't even start. I said what I said. I won't take it back."
You turn back to Four and see him giving you the softest smile. Your heart starts pounding in your chest. Oh. That's new. You finds yourself smiling back.
"Get a room!!" Warrior drops his hand to your head, nearly throwing you to the ground as he ruffles your hair. Twilight does the same to Four, ruining the moment.
"Hey-! Get off!" You shout and shove the hero away.
"Twilight, watch it!"
You snap your head in the direction of the voice and feel a wide grin cover your face. "Well thank you very much, Pirate."
You reach over and ruffle his hair roughly, playfully throwing off his balance as he yells and tries to fight you off without making it into a legitimate fight.
"Ok, ok, take it easy you two." Time steps in, taking your hand off of the boy with a light chuckle on his breath.
"That's it." You say, meeting the rest of the group with a wild gleam in your eye. You aim to start trouble. "Wind is officially my favorite too. The rest of you stink."
"Oh, come on. Be nice." Wild snickers, throwing his arms round your shoulders to shake you just as playfully. "We all have our good moments. Why does Wind get the sudden promotion?"
"Well you literally stink." You jokingly, pinch your nose and throw him off of you. "Come on, Wind."
You turn around, sticking your tongue out at all the other as they snicker at Wild's offended face. Wind was laughing loudly, happily taking your outstretched hand when you offered it.
"Let's go to the front of the group where all the cool kids hang out."
"Ok!" He giggles, swinging your hands together as you start to walk a little faster to get ahead of everyone else.
"Are we just going to let them get away with this?" Wild shouts, having his pride wounded by your throw away comment.
"I mean..." Sky shrugs.
"They're not wrong." Warrior snort, gently knocking the back of the Wild's with the heel of his wrist. "Maybe change your clothes every once and a while."
"You're one to talk." Wild grumbled, taking out his sheikah slate to look for something to wear. "I am not that bad."
You bite your lip to keep your amusement at bay and shrug as well. "If it's any consolation, Wild, you're not as bad as Twilight."
"I heard that!"
"You were supposed to!" Wind calls out for you and laughs loudly once more, pulling you along before taking off in a sprint. You looked behind you to see what happened, only to see Twilight chasing after you both.
"Wind, run!"
"Rulie', you gotta warn people before you say things like that." Wild chuckles as he knocks the Traveler in the back of the head in your stead while you stood staring at the boy agape.
"Sorry." He blushes and rubs the back of his head. "I couldn't stop myself fast enough."
"Wait- hold up." You find yourself saying. "....You mean it. Like... really really, you mean it. You wouldn't react that way if you didn't."
Hyrule coughs and bite his lips, bravely meeting you in the eyes. Goodness- you didn't think you have a thing for him but that particular expression has all cylinders firing off in your brain at once. You didn't even know he could pull that kind of look off. And he's not even trying!! It's not that kid fo context!
"Yup... I uh-... Well, there's nothing wrong with admitting it, right?"
"Rulie' I thought we had something." Legend dramatically put his hand to his heart, falling with his full weight onto the other hero. "The betrayal is deep Hero of Hyrule."
"Get off of me!"
"Just twist the knife deeper while you're at it!"
You snort and quickly cover your mouth with your hands, horrified that sound escaped you so easily.
It catches Hyrule's attention easily.
In an attempt to clear yourself of the embarrassment, you lean heavily in your bravado and wink at the hero in front of you. Hyrule manages to throw Legend off of him but he suddenly can't look you in the eye.
Hey- it was to save yourself from the embarrassment, not him.
"Of course there's nothing wrong with it." You find yourself saying. You continue to lean into your bravado and put your hands on your hips. "You're my favorite too, Link. So don't worry about it."
"Wait, really?" He looks up back to you, with a light dusting of pink over his cheeks.
"Um- they said Link." Warrior throws his arm on Hyrule's head, using it as a head rest. "Clearly they meant me."
"They did not!" Wind jumps on Warrior's arm. "They meant me!"
You start laughing again and when your eyes meet Hyrule's once last time, you wink again for good measure.
You both know who you meant.
"Whoops, did I say that out loud?" Wild laughs awkward, bringing his hand to the back of his neck. He scratches it, worried about how all of the people in the group turn to look at him.
"Yes." Sky tilts his head, trying (and failing) to keep the smile off of his face. "Yes, you did."
"My bad." He coughs, clearing his throat in the process. He does nothing to clear the blush on his face.
"Really?" You whisper, feeling your heart swell.
Wild bite his lip, turning on his heel. If he was trying to play it off and be inconspicuous, he's doing a horrible job of sweeping it under the rug. "Of course. Now- where were we?"
"No nono no no-" You grin wider and begin to chase the resident wild child. "You're not running away from this."
He actually takes off in a sprint.
You squawk, as do some of the other boy in the group before you decide to call his bluff and chase him as well. "Wild, get back here!"
"No, I'm good!" He shouts over his shoulder.
You nearly stop as you process your words before you decide to pick up the pace. You don't respond at first, too focused on closing the distance. You watch the hero as he runs, watching the steps he takes to copy them and not trip over the unfamiliar terrain.
He's not familiar with it either, but he seems to assimilate to any climate faster than anyone else you've ever seen.
Until he starts to slow down and looks behind him to see you running at him at full speed.
The scream he lets out is nothing short of comical and the brief second it took him to process and react to what he was was enough to allow you tackle him.
It doesn't work. He's too strong to be knocked over that easily but an attempt was made.
You laugh, feel as light as feather and very much out of breath. "Am I really your favorite?"
"Why did you chase me?!"
"That doesn't answer my question." You smile cheekily.
Wild pants and puts his hands on your shoulders, pushing you away from him so that he could look into your eyes. "...Yes."
"Perfect!" You kiss his cheek and start to run back to the group before either of you could get into trouble. "See you back at the group!"
"....What does that even mean?"
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hederasgarden · 4 months
Today I’m thinking about a somehow equally nerdy navy medic with a crush on sweet Bob and Phoenix and hangman obsessed with trying to get these 2 to realise they like each other that’s all…
Hangman would be so amused, I think, and view it as his personal reality TV show. Maybe Rooster catches on because Hangman is staring awfully hard at Bob one day.
“Working on a crush there, buddy?" Rooster asks, tilting his head in Bob's direction. "It's okay, you can tell me. This is a safe space."
“Huh?" Jake asks before he shakes his head and rolls his eyes. "No. But someone else is," he says, drawing the other man's attention to the way you're leaning against the wall, openly staring at their WSO. You're watching him so intently that it takes you a few tries to find your straw with your tongue. It's almost endearing how inept you are.
Then the two of them end up working together to help you get the attention of a clueless Bob and oblivious Phoenix. After a few mishaps, Hangman decides a direct approach is necessary because as oblivious as his two teammates are, you’re even worse.
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Pairing: Robert “Bob” Floyd x Reader x Natasha “Phoenix” Trace
Word count: 700
Rating: Gen. Humor and flirting.
Hangman first comes to you after you've finished the annual mandatory CPR training course for the pilots.
“Look,” he starts, leaning in close enough for you to get a whiff of his overpowering aftershave. Your nose wrinkles in disgust. “I get it, you’re a little inept at this whole thing but I’m here to help.”
“Okay, buddy...I think I know way more about anatomy than you do,” you tell him, packing away the CPR dummies. His friend with the mustache coughs and Hangman arches one golden eyebrow looking bemused. It takes you a few seconds to realize what you said. Before you have the chance to feel embarrassed or over explain yourself, he speaks.
"I get it," he assures you. "But I was referring to your little crush on Bob and Phoenix."
“That's not… what… you're crazy," you sputter, shaking your head. "You're way off base," you go on, internally freaking out because you'd been SO careful to play it cool and keep it on the DL. You were a consummate professional every time you interacted with Bob and Phoenix. Calm, cool, and collected. Smooth as butter.
"Uh-huh. There's no need to be shy, sweetheart. We're gonna help you get your man. And girl," he adds.
You're not sure if it's his insufferable smirk or the ridiculousness of the situation but your embarrassment fizzles out and you're left feeling more annoyed than anything else. Who did this guy think he was?
"First, Lieutenant Trace isn't a girl. She is a woman and an accomplished pilot to boot. Also, don't call me sweetheart. It's weird and creepy.” You poke him in the chest to drive home your point. "Also, you can tell Tom Selleck over there I don't need his help either."
“Woah, hey," the other man says, hands raised. "I'm just an innocent bystander here."
"What's your plan?" Hangman questions. "Stare at them some more?"
You scowl but before you can reply another voice interjects. “This guy bothering you?”
Your freeze at the familiar voice, your surprised expression mirroring Hangman’s. Phoenix’s dark brown eyes meet yours when you turn and oh god, she looks so effortlessly beautiful. You should reply with something witty and funny but it’s all you can do to stand there, slack jawed until you see Bob right behind her.
He offers you a bright smile and Phoenix touches your shoulder as she leans in to mock whisper, “Hangman’s not always the best at knowing when he’s not wanted. Like now for example.”
“What the hell is happening right now?” Hangman asks.
“As entertaining as it was to watch you obsess over this whole thing, I decided the direct approach was easier for everyone involved,” the mustached man says.
“Okay, Tom. You’re good people,” you finally say.
“It’s Rooster actually and I know. Such a good person,” he says with a wink, nudging Hangman.
“Bye, Bagman,” Bob says, staring at the other man until he finally leaves with Rooster.
“Now,” Phoenix begins, fingertips dancing down your arm to capture your hand in hers. “What’s this about you having a crush on us?”
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freedomfireflies · 1 year
okok so idk it’s nothing special really but i don’t think i’ve ever actually read something like that and i've been sort of searching for it for some time because i personally struggle with it and well, it’s annoying 👼 but anyway, my request is a one shot or even just a shorter blurb, whatever you feel okay with where H and the reader get into a fight for the first time really, they were always solving their problems by communication and always managed to not get into proper fights. but well it can’t last forever, right? so they get into actually heated fight and harry properly raises his voice at her and there the whole thing is, Y/N is sort of hypersensitive and whenever someone screams at her or even just scolds her, she cries and she can’t stop it nor control it, thinks it’s pathetic and is always ashamed or crying like a baby and not being able to scream back or remain calm. so she tears up and she’s telling him to ignore it and starts apologizing for acting like that and he sort of doesn’t know what to do because he’s really worked up and doesn’t think straight but he also feels extremely guilty. so maybe he like tries to go away and escape this but shortly comes back to comfort her or something like that? i dunno if it’s something you’d be up to writing, it’s totally fine if you don’t feel like it but yup, there goes my a bit of an angsty request!
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“You are so fucking ridiculous. I can’t talk to you when you’re like this.”
“Like what? Rightfully curious? Justly upset?”
You rear back, lashes fluttering as you stare at the aggravated British man across from you. “Wow. That’s what I am, huh? Hysterical?”
“Yes,” he says simply, unphased by the line he just crossed. “Yes, you’re being hysterical. And I can’t talk to a hysterical woman.”
You can feel the pressure against your chest as your throat begins to burn from the tears you know are coming. 
But you straighten your shoulders and feign indifference. “Maybe I wouldn’t be so hysterical if you would just talk to me.”
“There’s nothing to talk about,” he seethes for a second time. “We had lunch. That was it.”
“And I said that’s fine, but you didn’t have to lie about it—”
“I didn’t fucking lie, I—” His hands find his hair, fingers yanking at the roots as his teeth grit together. “For fuck’s sake. I don’t need to explain my choices to you—”
“Oh, yes you fucking do,” you argue, taking a step closer. “If you want to be in this relationship, you need to communicate with me—”
“I did fucking communicate. I told you I was going to lunch—”
“With Alex. You did not mention Samantha—”
“So fucking what? What does it matter if she was there?”
Your jaw just about drops. “It matters because she was a huge part of your past, and having lunch with her makes me think—”
“Makes you think what, huh?” he suddenly bellows as he moves closer to you as well. “What? That I was gonna fuck her right there on the table?”
There’s a fire in his eyes you’ve never seen before. A rage in his voice, in his stance, in his expression that you’re unfamiliar with.
This Harry…is not your Harry.
Your Harry would calmly explain the miscommunication and then ask if you wanted to bake some brownies together. 
This Harry looks like he wants to walk out of your life.
And into hers.
“You think I went there to cheat on you?” he continues, taking another step. And with each additional step, his volume rises. “Think I went there to beg her to take me back? To embarrass you? To throw all the progress you and I have made away?”
“Har…” you murmur, hands raising as if to tame him. 
Or perhaps to keep him away.
He doesn’t notice. Nor does he notice the subtle shake in your request as he continues stalking toward you. 
“Is that what you’re so fucking afraid of? You don’t trust me?” he just about shouts. “What? I need to be more communicative, but you don’t have to fucking trust me? What kind of fucking relationship is that—”
You don’t know how it happened. Don’t know when the tears that had been crawling up your throat slipped from your eyes and began pouring down your cheeks. You don’t know why you’ve suddenly been reduced to a puddle of quivering breaths and anxious glances but suddenly, that’s all you know.
Harry slows to a stop, focus flicking across your face as if assessing you. “What…what’s happening—”
You swallow a hiccup and quickly wave your hand through the air, as if to dismiss his comment. “Nothing. Nothing, sorry—fuck. Sorry, I’m fine, I’m—”
“Why are you…crying?” he asks, lowering his voice back to his normal register as takes one more step.
You roll your eyes, annoyed with yourself as you swipe your knuckles across your wet cheeks and huff, “I just…I cry when I’m…listen, I’m fine. I just…I know you didn’t go there to…cheat, I just—”
“Your hands are shaking,” he interrupts, rather matter-of-factly, his eyes downcast toward your arms.
You glance down as well. “Yeah, that…happens. Look, I didn’t mean to make you mad—”
“Why are your hands shaking?”
You swallow again. “’Cause…I don’t do well. With confrontation.”
He looks back up. “Oh.”
“Yeah. I don’t know. Childhood trauma, I guess. I just…I cry,” you admit, rather sheepishly as you once again try to dry the tears still dancing down your chin. “But I’m fine. Sorry. I wasn’t…I know I shouldn’t’ve—”
“Did I make you cry?” he asks now, eyebrows raised.
Again, you wave him away. “No. No, not…not you. I just…when people yell at me, I—”
“Was I yelling at you?” 
Your expression softens at the absolute confusion on his face. “I mean…I don’t think you meant to, but…you did get pretty loud.”
He leans back, almost as if you’d slapped him. “Firefly, I didn’t…I didn’t realize. I…I just…I don’t know…”
“I know,” you offer gently, attempting to reach for him but he’s quick to pull himself back, terrified to have you close. “Har. Don’t do that, it’s fine—”
“I yelled at you,” he mumbles, like he can’t believe it. “I don’t…we don’t yell.”
“I know, but you were…you were angry—”
“Are you defending me?” he interrupts, seemingly aghast. “Firefly, I fucking yelled at you. I scared you, I made you cry. That’s not something to defend—”
“I always cry,” you retort, smiling to lighten the mood but are instead met with a frown. “Harry, it’s fine. Look…I shouldn’t have gotten so upset about the lunch, I just…look people talk. Twitter talks, I thought…they seemed pretty sure it was a different kind of lunch, so…I assumed. And I’m sorry.”
He studies you for a moment, eyes flicking between yours before he sighs and takes a hesitant step forward.
He takes your face between his hands and swipes his thumbs through the tears. “Believe me, you have nothing…to worry about. Samantha was and still is the biggest bitch I’ve ever met. I was supposed to meet Alex. But he fucking set up the lunch with her because she asked him to.”
“Oh,” you whisper, now feeling a tad guilty. “Damn, yeah. She is a bitch.”
“Yeah. I mean, more power to her but…like a text would have sufficed, you know? I can just as easily tell her to fuck off over the phone.”
You smirk. “I do trust you. I promise I do. I shouldn’t have assumed, I just…I would hate losing you.”
“God, Firefly, you would never,” he breathes, dipping down to press his forehead to yours as his eyes flutter shut. “Never fucking lose me. It would kill me if you left. You are it for me, do you understand? You are it. I’m never fucking letting you go. I’d lock you in my basement before I let you go.”
You laugh and playfully swat at his chest. “Ha. Ha.”
He smiles and leans back to see you once more. “Please believe me. She means nothing to me. Hell, even Alex means nothing to me now. Just you. Only you. Always.”
You take hold of his wrists and squeeze, heart bursting with adoration for the beautiful man before you. “I believe you.”
“And I promise never…to raise my voice at you again.”
“Hey, listen…I don’t mind a good yelling match as long as I get a few hits in.”
“Oh, is that right?”
“That’s right.”
He grins and surges forward to kiss you.
“Good. Now…let’s go make some brownies.”
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Thank you so much for the request, I hope it could somewhat fulfill your expectations! It was so fun to write, I’m so grateful you sent it 😭💞
~ Other Harry Blurbs
~ Full Masterlist
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asdfghjklmals · 1 year
Hii :)
I absolutely lovee your writings I've read each of them like 98688 times :)))
You asked for ideas so I thought maybe a fic that reader and satoru and the whole gang are still in school but they're not dating yet and reader and shoko are really close friends and satoru gets kinda jealous cause shoko hugs reader all the time and idk kiss her on chick or smth and satoru wishes he had the courage to do that????
Idk if you fell like it and were comfortable:))))
Thankss <3
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GENRE + T/W: sfw, fluff. WORD COUNT: 1.6k words. TAGS: satoru gojo x fem!oc. lovesick!gojo, a lil' jealous!gojo. bestie!suguru does what he does best and instigates for these two. one sided pining, but iykyk.
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SYNOPSIS: satoru wishes he could be more than just friends with oc gojo girlfriend. AUTHOR'S NOTE: the first request to my milestone event (click here for more info). 💚 pre-dating oc gojo girlfriend and satoru, which i have a soft spot for hehehe. this is right after 'sleeping with the enemy', so click here to read it before you read this fic! REMINDER: if you want to imagine yourself in oc gojo girlfriend's character descriptions instead, please do!
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“are you going to blink any time soon?” suguru asked his bestfriend, waving in front of his face, "—earth to satoru?"
“huh.” satoru grumbled in annoyance. “what are you talking about?”
in case you overheard, suguru whispered in satoru’s ear to save him from his own embarrassment, “i’m talking about how you haven’t taken your eyes off of (y/n) all day. you’re starting to look like a creep.”
satoru pushed him away as his face turned bright red, “oh, shut up, suguru!”
the two sorcerers watched from the other end of the classroom as you and shoko were practicing your reversed cursed techniques together. he saw shoko jumping up and down with joy, hugging you tightly, probably excited that you were starting to hone in on your skills. a twinge of jealously jabbed at the white haired sorcerer.
suguru started to pry, “are you and (y/n) going to have another sleepover tonight?”
“suguru, get to the point. what the hell do you want?” satoru snapped in annoyance.
“oh come on, you know for a fact that everyone including our muscle-brained sensei, knows that you have been sneaking into (y/n)’s dorm room at night—not to mention past curfew.” suguru sighed at how oblivious satoru thought he was. suguru was smarter than that. "everyone just wants to know if you two are dating yet!"
satoru’s flush of red in his cheeks did not fade away, instead he just got redder and redder the more his bestfriend talked about the two of you possibly becoming a couple.
suguru curiously asked, “how long as this been going on for?”
satoru gritted his teeth and sighed, “ever since we got back from our mission together.”
“are you guys—”
satoru quickly interrupted his bestfriend before he said anything else to embarrass him further, “i only go to her room to sleep—for some reason, i sleep better when i’m with her. i think it’s her custom futon.”
it wasn’t your custom futon at all. it was the comfort of your presence.
suguru knew that satoru had a difficult time sleeping ever since he started attending jujutsu high. satoru was the type of person to doze off for a couple hours here and there, but never got any actual decent rem cycle sleep. satoru was the total opposite of you. you needed well over 8 hours of sleep to function as a normal (and kind) human being. the first thing that sashisu learned about you was not to wake you up in the mornings. the two guys left shoko with that job when needed.
“sure, whatever you say, satoru.” suguru smiled, his eyes disappearing behind his sly grin, “so, you and (y/n) are…?”
satoru scoffed at his bestfriend’s bold assumption, “—we are just friends.”
there was no way in hell he was going to admit that he liked you without knowing if you liked him back.
suguru folded his arms, annoyed that he wasn’t going to get an answer out of his bestfriend, “uh huh, right—friends do not cuddle each other to sleep.”
satoru started to list actions that friends can totally do together, “well, shoko and (y/n) always have sleepovers, they hug and loop their arms together when they walk—and they’re just friends.”
suguru stated very clearly, “shoko doesn’t give (y/n) an arm pillow every night. and she doesn’t cuddle her just to be able to get some sleep either.”
“well, shoko hugs (y/n) and holds her hand. i don’t get to do that.” satoru barked back.
“you know, satoru… it’s starting to sound like you’re jealous of shoko.” suguru laughed, realizing that satoru definitely wanted to be more than just friends with you.
satoru shot a death glare at suguru, “—am not!”
later that night
“what did you and shoko do during class today?” satoru asked as he watched you brush your hair in your bathroom.
you hummed, “hmmm, shoko gave me some pointers on how to control my cursed energy so i could focus it into reversed cursed energy.”
“oh…” satoru mumbled, “i could’ve helped you with that.” he would never admit that he was jealous of his other bestfriend, shoko ieiri. he wondered what favors he'd have to do for yaga-sensei in order to get paired up with you for a mission again.
you giggled, “satoru, you can’t even heal yourself yet. how could you have helped me?”
“i would’ve found a way.” satoru said, dissatisfaction in his tone. he would have to get stronger and figure out this reversed cursed technique bullshit if he wanted you to stay by his side. he folded his arms across his chest as he sat in your bed, waiting for you to turn off the lights so he could sleep.
you took one last look in your bathroom mirror before turning off your bathroom light. you hopped onto your bed and crawled towards satoru. as you sat down next to him, you noticed that his face was turning pink, ears heating up to a crimson red—he was avoiding all eye contact with you.
“arm pillow, please.” you called out to him with a smile, ignoring his blushing face. you wondered what had gotten into him today.
he laid back and rested his head on your pillow, laying out his right arm for you. you nuzzled in between his chest and bicep. you turned to face him, his arm curling down your back.
“are you sure your arm doesn’t hurt at night?” you asked, patting his chest softly. he always teased you about waking up with a dead arm in the mornings.
“i’m sure.” satoru said softly, “i’m used to it.”
you lifted your head from his arm and glared at him, “used to it? do you give other girls arm pillows too or something?”
satoru rolled his eyes at you, removing his hand from your back to ruffle your neatly brushed hair.
“no, (y/n). you’re the only one.” he reluctantly admitted, “your big head is the only one to lay on my arm.”
you rolled your eyes before you gave him a self-satisfied smirk, attaching your head to his right arm again. that satoru gojo and his interesting way of flirting he always used to try to charm you. you wrapped your arm around his torso, holding him close to you.
the past week that satoru had spent sleeping next to you, he picked up on your interesting sleeping habits: you were usually the first to fall asleep between the two of you. you were a light sleeper. you preferred to sleep on your side (or on your stomach when you’re not curled up next to him). you grind your teeth in your sleep when you’re stressed (he found that out during your mission together). you snore when you’re exhausted (but you argue that you don’t). and lastly, whenever he would move away from you, you would always pull him back towards you.
within 5 minutes of shutting your eyes, you were out cold. satoru could tell by the way your breathing steadied and the way your cursed energy looked to his six eyes. a calm blue hue is what cursed energy looked like at a peaceful resting state.
tonight, satoru’s heart would not stop racing no matter how hard he tried to regulate his breathing. he thought he got used to sleeping next to you every night for the past week, but he was wrong. his thoughts about his feelings towards you was tormenting him inside.
satoru wished that he had the courage to try to be more upfront with you about his feelings. he wished that he could confidently hold your hand so that everyone knew you were his. he wished that he could hug you just because he wanted to. he wished that he could kiss you in hopes that you would kiss him back. this fear of not knowing how you felt about him crippled him.
how could the strongest sorcerer feel so weak in your presence?
he tilted his head towards yours. the scent of your orange hibiscus shampoo lingered in your hair, your head resting just below his chin. he slumped further down on your bed, trying his best not to move your ‘arm pillow’. like clockwork, he felt you unconsciously pull him back towards your body. satoru hoped that he wouldn't wake you up by all the moving around he was doing.
he sighed before he turned to face you. your lashes fluttering against the top of your cheek as he watched you inhale and exhale in your slumber.
how could one person look so beautiful while sleeping? this was so damn unfair.
satoru’s heart skipped a beat. was he really going to attempt to kiss you? hell, he was going to take a risk. he took a deep breath before leaning in to press a feather-light kiss on your forehead and then on the top of your head. the foreign feeling made you furrow your eyebrows in your sleep. he hoped that his pathetic attempt at a kiss wouldn’t wake you up. he wouldn’t know how to explain this to you if you woke up right this instance. he stroked your cheek with his palm before you immediately fell back into your sweet dream for the night.
and it was in that moment that satoru gojo hoped that one day, you could be his and all he dreamed of too.
“was my hair all over the place or something last night?” you asked satoru as you watched him change out of his pajamas to throw on his school uniform.
satoru thought back to last night when he kissed your forehead and immediately blushed. he feigned ignorance, “not that i remember. why...?”
you connected your thumb and index finger to your chin. “hmmm, i swear i felt something tickling my forehead.”
satoru couldn’t hide his mischievous grin, “tickling your forehead, huh? i wonder what it could’ve been.”
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savannahsdeath · 1 year
♯i hate you, williams
part 1one
mdni please<3
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warnings: 18+!! smut, thigh riding
writers note: part2 of my enemies to lovers that wasnt supposed to have two chapters but someone asked me for and how could i say no🤗
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The next day found you awake in Ellie's bed, your head a bit foggy but you could recall what happened last night. You looked over and saw Ellie snoring softly, completely tangled up in the sheets and blankets.
You climbed out of her bed and tried your best to slip out of the room without waking her up, but she must have heard the door open as she sleepily opened her eyes.
You were both going to be late for class if you didn't get moving soon.
"Where are you... going?" She mumbled, stretching as she rubbed her eyes.
You turned to face her, giving her a tired smile. "Class. Just as you should be doing instead of sleeping in."
She groaned and covered her face with her arm. "Can you even imagine that someone might enjoy a morning in bed?" She mumbled, sitting up in bed and trying to fully wake up.
You laughed at her sleepiness. "Oh, I see, the attitude's coming back. So are we back to hating each other?"
"Don't tell me you actually liked me last night or something?" Ellie said with a slight smugness as she yawned. She looked so cute when she was still half-asleep, you almost forgot why you guys ended up this way.
You were about to answer her question, but she raised her hand to silence you while still blinking a few times to keep herself awake, as if to stop herself from falling asleep again.
"Okay, enough talking. Let's just... get to class." she mumbled before standing up and starting to get dressed.
"Then hurry up, I won't wait forever!" You tried to sound firm but miserably failed. "Everyone thinks we're still.. enemies. What's your plan? Pretend I annoy you when someone's looking or admitting it was just an act?"
She turned around and just smiled at you slightly. "Who says we need a plan? You annoy me every day, but that doesn't mean I don't like you." She said with a slightly flustered expression on her face. She sighed and looked around for a moment. "I hope everyone was asleep last night. I mean you were kinda... loud." She smirked with a soft blush after her words sunk in.
You just stood there, your cheeks burning with embarrassment.
There was an awkward silence for a few seconds before Ellie started laughing quietly.
"I'm just messing with you, it's fine, really. I, personally, wouldn't really care if I heard you moaning through the walls." She winked.
Your embarrassment continued to overwhelm you, but you decided to play it cool.
"Oh wow, so you think you'd enjoy it, huh? Maybe you really are into me." You said with a nervous grin.
"Or maybe I like getting you all flustered like this?" Ellie asked rhetorically.
The two of you made your way out of the room and started heading to class.
"Let's hope the teacher isn't still annoyed about our little fight the other day." Ellie said with a slightly annoyed look on her face.
It turned out to be earlier than you thought - the gym was empty. You both sat on the benches to wait for everyone else to come.
"Are you still mad about getting detention?" She whispered in your ear.
Ellie seemed to have something on her mind as she asked you that question.
You gave her a nod as you whispered back; "A bit. I mean a whole month for yelling a few words?"
She just smirked slightly at your answer, clearly trying to get you riled up again. "You know, at least a few days' are yours."
You sighed, trying not to look annoyed. But you couldn't deny she had a bit of a point.
"Well you're always starting these little 'arguments' anyways. You have to admit at least that." You said with a smile.
She looked at you with a slightly surprised expression before she smiled back. "Well yeah. But that's only because it's fun pissing you off."
She was a bit flustered now, probably a bit surprised that she admitted it so bluntly.
"Hey, there's a plus in having detention with you at least." She said after a moment of this time surprisingly-not-awkward silence.
You couldn't help but smile as you replied; "Yeah, I'll have to agree. Now we can annoy each other every day without having to worry about what the teacher says. Maybe we should get together for some 'private lessons' after school as well." You whispered to her, trying to be as teasing as possible.
She just smirked again as she responded; "Well maybe I will invite you over to have some 'private lessons' after school."
You could feel your face get slightly red again, and all you could manage to reply was; "Uh... uh..." as your mind went completely blank.
You both heard some footsteps behind you, and with a quick movement you both looked around the empty gym nervously.
You could hear the gym door opened, and someone walked in. It was only the gym teacher, who noticed something strange about you both.
"Why are you sitting so close together?" He asked in a quiet voice.
You immediately separated from Ellie and sat on the benches at least a meter apart from each other.
"We were just waiting for everyone else to arrive, sir." You said a bit nervously.
You could see Ellie rolling her eyes as you stood up, not wanting to deal with the teacher's weird questions.
He looked at you for a moment, a slight suspicion in his eyes before he spoke to you in a hushed tone.
"Look, you two already got a month of detention for... your little outbursts. But I'm gonna be honest, I saw how you both looked at each other yesterday. I can see there's some feelings between you two."
You were shocked at how blunt he was being here. "Excuse me?"
He sighed and took a seat in front of you on the bench, speaking quietly as he looked at you carefully. "I've been teaching here quite a while, and I know how students act. I know who likes who, and who's just pretending. So here's my advice to you; I'll cancel your month of detention if you're willing to give it a try."
Your jaw dropped at what he just said, and you looked over at Ellie.
"Wait what?" You asked him in a slightly confused, nervous way.
The teacher nodded gently as he replied; "You heard me right. I'll cancel the month of detention if you give the pathetic 'dating' a try. I'm serious. As long as you won't argue anymore and ruin my, and not only mine, lessons..."
You looked over at Ellie who was just standing there, staring at him. Her face was turning red, and her fists were clenched as she tried to act indifferent. But you could tell, she was excited as well at this prospect.
"B-but... I mean I..." You stuttered a bit as you tried to formulate your thoughts.
But before you could finish speaking, Ellie suddenly cut you off. "Sounds like a deal." She just said suddenly with a stern voice.
You just looked at her, your mouth still wide open. She turned to look at you with the smallest smirk on her face.
The rest of the kids started to enter the gym, and they all looked at the two of you with curiosity and mild interest.
Ellie just looked around casually, pretending like she didn't even notice the reactions she got from everyone. You tried to join her and also act like nothing happened, but you could feel the tension in the air.
After a moment, the gym teacher clapped his hands together.
"Alright, that's enough looking around."
"We're gonna be the main gossip topic again." You muttered, standing up and going a little closer to her.
"You think we're not already? The moment the detention was announced everyone was already talking about us. They did before too, anyways." She said while trying to contain her laughter, which proved to be much harder than she thought, which only drew more attention to the two of you as other kids heard her.
After classes, you decided to go to her room again totally not for the 'private lessons'.
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"Even our teacher ships us." She smirked as you followed her.
You rolled your eyes. "Yeah, about that, you could ask me about my opinion first, instead of agreeing straight away!"
She clearly wasn't taking you seriously. "Oh, don't be like that. He didn't mean us literally starting dating straight away, just... you know, looking forward to it. Why? Stressed? Need me to hold your hand?" She chuckled and looked over at you.
Ellie unlocked the door to her room, and quickly stepped in, motioning for you to follow her. You did so, still slightly annoyed from before, but it was a cute kind of annoyance.
"Hey, there's nothing wrong when the teacher is right. You think I've just been annoying you like this because it's fun? I actually, uh..." she stopped for a moment and blushed slightly as she continued. "... like you."
You chuckled, clearly not believing her. "You have an odd way of showing it, then."
"Oh, right. Well let me show you now." She said as she suddenly came up close to you, putting her arms around your waist. She leaned in close and spoke softly. "So, where do we start with these 'private lessons'?" Ellie asked in a teasing voice just before she suddenly kissed you on the cheek.
She started tracing a path of sloppy little kisses all along your face, until she found your lips.
You just let out a slight yelp as Ellie grabbed you and brought you to sit on her lap, your faces now directly next to each other.
She didn't let up as she kept kissing you all over your face, making sure not to leave a single spot untouched. Before you knew it, your face was all red and your heart was beating slightly faster.
When you finally weren't fighting back your own desires, she let your head free, knowing you won't pull away anyway. Instead, her hands moved to your waist, firmly holding you down. She pulled away for a second, just to look down, as if to make sure you're really here - sitting in her lap, but you forced her face back up and pressed your lips together.
"Jesus, why so needy?" She laughed, vibrations from the sound echoing through your own throat.
You didn't bother to talk back - she was right and you both knew that, so what was there to add? Every your move was so impatient, it was obvious you waited for this the whole day. And when you remembered two days ago, or even yesterday, you were lying to yourself you hate her, considering you're enemies, you just felt even more turned on.
You started desperatly grinding your hips on her thigh, not even her strong grip managing to hold you in place, even though she let you move as soon as she realised what you're doing. In fact, she even helped you gain your balance while swinging back and forth. Your little moans seemed like a good enough reward.
Your clit was rubbing against the fabric of her jeans, slowly soaking through your underwear.
You succeed to make Ellie shut up, keeping her busy with your mouth. But eventually, you felt her breath on your neck, where she started to nibble, leaving red marks.
Oh, now the school will have something to talk about.
Her teeth were almost painful, making your soft skin sore, but her gentle tongue was quickly brushing off all the bad feelings.
Your body started trembling, what made focusing on moving harder for you. You didn't stop though, not when Ellie's hands were guiding you. And, especially, not when it felt so good. You were sure if you kept going like that, you'll soak so much soon even Els will feel how wet you are.
When your whimpers got louder, her lips pressed back to yours. She already figured out it works pretty well - you only gasp at the sudden move but eventually, all of your whining catch in your connected mouths, becoming completely inaudible outside.
When she calmed you down, feeling your shaking breath get more quiet, she made her way back to your neck.
"You look like you wanted to do that for a long time before. You could just admit it, you had lots of circumstances to..." She chuckled and you could feel her grin. "And you were just too cowardly to admit. I would pity you, if I weren't missing out on lots of fun because of that too."
You laughed, but quickly regretted it, as it made you lose your breath again.
At first you wanted to ask why didn't she make a move first, but you knew the answer.
"Oh, fucking with you is so fun, I couldn't get myself to stop first."
The word use was actually on point - making the sentence fit perfectly to both of your relationship dynamics. At some point, she was fucking with you - pissing you off, arguing and insulting. Then again, she was fucking with you quite... literally.
"Enjoy the moment, 'til I'm actually putting up with your bullshit." You whispered, adding a moan at the end, as your clit hit the edge of her thigh again...
TAGS: @aouiaa @coff1nn @maelovescashew @hopeless-y @mari2you @constellieationn @bellaramslover @ucannotcompare @yan-ghost-yan @rqmantics @sapphicproblem
tumblr wont let me tag some users so im really sorry if youre not tagged but its not my fault😓
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
ahhhh i just spent the last three days reading every post on the emtts tag and im in love with your whole little universe. i kept meaning to make a list of all of the little things but i kept getting distracted and forgetting so i only started at april 18th bc i NEED (subject to your willingness to expand/care act this particular part of your universe) to hear more about all of the little stories of steve getting arrested (particularly hopper arresting steve?? and them breaking into steves parents house?)
thanks for this amazing space!! you’ve made a universe that ive been thinking about constantly and that expands on the characters in such a beautiful mundane way, its very cool!!
ps i just read one of the follow ups in the death threat part where steve admits he doesn’t want to stop teaching bc dustin asks eddie about it and i think im about to cry holy shit
pps on the death threat part with diane oh god. like just steve having to figure it out in front of her and her explaining to him and him admitting to just not being ok i just
First, thank you so much! This is all so very nice of you to say and props for getting through everything in three days. It is quite a bit! It’s honestly amazing how much has been written in such a short amount of time. I’m only going to cover Steve getting ‘arrested’ and I’ll touch on Steve and Eddie’s breaking and entering at a later date.
Steve started having seizures a little after they closed the gate on the Upside Down for good or, well. They started noticing that he was having seizures after they closed the gate. It was heavily implied in the undertone of his doctor’s voice that these seizures were likely going on for a while and that they likely not going to stop anytime soon.
Steve took this news as well as anybody could.
Everybody was kinda waiting for him to have a breakdown over it, but it never happened because Steve was – well, he wasn’t fine. Obviously. But it is what it is, right? If the worst thing to come out of all this Upside Down stuff is that he’s a little dumber than he was before than how could he complain?
Max was learning how to walk again.
What Steve didn’t take well was his doctor telling him that he wasn’t allowed to drive anymore. In fact, he did not take that news at all. He completely ignored it, and he ignored the looks that Robin when give him when he drove himself to work, and he would say, “It’s not like I’m driving the kids around or anything. It’s just me.”
“And that’s supposed to make me worry less?”
“I pull over if I feel weird.”
He wasn’t actually driving all that much anyways. Robin got her permit and Eddie got the all-clear to drive again, so no one needed to rope Nancy into lecturing him about ‘the dangers.’ He didn’t need Dustin’s complaining or Eddie’s ‘hey, maybe you should listen to them’ or Joyce stopping him on his way out the door. And he didn’t need Hopper.
Steve was learning to accept that sometimes he needed help. He was doing better, but Steve practically lived alone despite the jokes people were making about him being at Eddie’s all the time, and he wasn’t going to bother someone just because he needed toilet paper.
Steve was sitting in his car outside of the Fair Mart, trying to remember why he needed to go there in the first place, when there was a knock on his window. He startled and blinked hard twice before looking over at the drivers’ side window. He frowned.
Hopper was standing there and he looked annoyed. He gestured for him to get out of the car and Steve frowned more, fumbling with his seatbelt before pushing the door open. For lack of anything else to do once he was out of the car, Steve said, “Hey, what’s up?”
Hopper frowned more like he was annoyed with Steve which was, in itself, was really annoying because Steve didn’t do anything. He was just here to buy… He was here to get… Wait. “Huh?”
Hopper sighed loudly and repeated himself. Slowly. “Give me. Your keys.”
Maybe it was Hopper’s tone or maybe there was some stock in what his doctor said mood swings, or maybe Steve was just tired of everybody treating him like a baby that needed taken care of and watched. Just when Hopper reached to take the keys out of his hand, Steve shoved him away.
Everything kinda blurred at the edges and the headache that’s been wedged in the corner of Steve’s jaw pulsed. He didn’t really take a breath until Hopper shoved him against the hood of his car.
Hopper cuffed metal around his wrists and said, “Good going, Harrington.”
Steve yanked on his arm and snapped back, “You’re not even a cop anymore. You can’t arrest me.”
“Call it a citizen’s arrest.”
Eddie laughed for four minutes of Steve’s five minute phone call at the police station. He laughed so hard that Steve knew that he was holding his side where the bites were the deepest because they were still tender, and Steve just rolled his eyes, “Yeah, yeah. Yuck it up. Are you gonna get me?”
“Hm, yeah,” Eddie grinned through the phone. “Yeah. It’s a little ironic that the Prom K-“
Steve hung up the phone.
The ‘charges’ that Hopper (not a cop) threatened to ‘throw the book at him’ for were driving without a valid driver’s license. There was a part of Steve that knew that this was all just for show to teach him a lesson, but still argued that he had a valid license because no one took it away from him, and actually, “This is false imprisonment, right? Maybe I should call my family lawyer.”
It was even more annoying that Eddie – rolling into the building smelling like weed an hour later – agreed with Hopper. 
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aftermath, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: The aftermath of the break-up between you and Jeon Jungkook, navigating the various stages and finding out that easy isn't living.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; it's what you think it is but also not; mentions of alcohol consumption; anger turning into angst; slow burn; yes, there are a few Taylor Swift references; smut (fem reader, heavy making out, breathplay, hair pulling, slight D/s dynamic, handjob, nipple play, edging, penetrative sex); non-idol!AU - ex!JK x ex!reader, switches between Jungkook’s POV and yours, ft mystery man (less mysterious if you Google his name lol), yes, he was chosen for story reasons
“Stop staring at her.”
Maybe if he stared long enough, he would burn holes into the back of your skull and you would finally fuckin’ notice he was right here.
“Dude. You’re being creepy.”
You were smiling at your phone screen. Why the fuck were you smiling? What was there to be smiling about? Furthermore, what did you need to look so good for? Oversized black bomber jacket with balloon sleeves and an overpowering ruffle at the shoulders. Short slinky dress with red-orange flames screen-printed all over. Black thigh-high heeled boots. Fuck, who the hell were you trying to impress? The person texting you, hah? Why did your hair look so effortlessly in place and why was your makeup so sultry with that red stain on your lips and smoked-out liner? Hm?!
Jeon Jungkook chewed on the left side of his lip and watched you walk up to the service counter, ordering a…
“Lemon cake and hot green tea. No sugar in the tea.”
“Bro, just get up and talk to her.”
Jungkook felt knuckles whack the back of his head and turned around to the annoyed face of Park Jimin, who was nursing an iced coffee and glaring at him. Oh. Right. He was supposed to be catching up at with his friend, not going all National Geographic at his ex-girlfriend.
But what were you so happy for?
“Didn’t you break up with her? What’s your problem?” Jimin questioned, confused.
His teeth involuntarily slid back and ground bone-to-bone, eyes narrowing at the questions. Jungkook wanted to tell Jimin to shut up, but then your voice came back to him, if you want to react less emotionally, you have to take the time to sort through your initial reaction and the other options. So, instead, he picked up his lukewarm coffee and tapped the bottom edge against the table, thinking about the other, less emotional responses he could have.
Came out a little gruffier than he wanted, but too late now.
Jimin frowned. “You never said why. I thought you were head over heels for her.”
He clicked his tongue and restrained himself from looking back. You would pick a table further away from the counter. Perhaps near the window. But why were you here? You used to come here with him. Conversations and dates. Who were you meeting? But if you were meeting someone, you wouldn’t have ordered before they arrived. Hm. Then there was the whole situation with the way you were smiling at your phone.
Like you were amused.
“Hello? Earth to Jungkook, do you copy?”
He blinked hard and bit on his straw, not sulking but sulking. “S’nothing.” Great, he was mumbling now. Surefire sign you’re upset, you always reminded him. Everyone can tell. Just say it. “Actually, that why I wanted to talk to you.”
Those bright eyes and full lips turned into little circles. “Huh?”
Jungkook cleared his throat and glanced at Jimin under his hair. Furrowed brows and balancing his long, tattooed fingers on the lid of his ice coffee, not wanting to ask but asking anyway, because his ex-girlfriend seemed to be fucking fine visiting the places they used to visit and smiling like she was cool with not being with him anymore and that sucked, but it was easier to be mad than sad. He didn’t want to be sad in front of people.
Especially in front of people he was close to.
Especially in front of you.
So, Jungkook stayed mad.
“Did you hook-up with my ex or not?”
Jimin blinked at him.
You cut into the lemon cake, chewing thoughtfully.
A quick look at your nails and, shit, you should really repaint them before they started looking too rough. Two weeks was about as long as you could go before the nail growth was somewhat unbearable. This was about halfway through week three. Good preparation and high-quality polish could only get you so far before life eventually wore the manicure down.
Today was the first day you had decided to walk out and do something by yourself that wasn’t work, grocery shopping, or… wait, that was it. You had no other reason to go outside. Ack. You had another bite of cake. Been a while since you had this taste.
Your phone hummed on the table.
With your left ring finger, you checked your messages. And then you paused, because instead of reading a text, you were looking at a soundwave.
Voice message.
You reached over to your cup of hot tea, taking a sip and letting it scald you.
Breathed in and breathed out in a calm hiss, thinking.
Chewed on cake.
Ugh. You didn’t want to be that girl. But what were you gonna do? Almost eight billion people in this world and you were going to be hung up over one? One? And, anyway… In terms of too fast or too slow, you never knew what could happen, right? You hadn’t known with him, and you wouldn’t know with this one unless you started actually talking to him instead of skirting around with surface level shit. You hated that, so you shouldn’t do it. Your brain prodded you annoyingly with thoughts. Don’t be a hypocrite. Stop fucking around. Argh, okay. Okay. Fine.
You reached over to your phone and let it hover over the play button.
Maybe you should listen to it in the car.
You put your phone back down and resumed eating and drinking.
You weren’t avoiding it. Okay, kinda. There was no point in dancing around the issue when you were by yourself. Get to the point. You came here specifically because it used to be your favorite café and it still was. It had nice memories attached to it, but then you stopped visiting it after… him. And for what? Did you combust from reminiscing? No. You were eating cake and having tea like you always did. The snack was just as tasty alone as it was with a partner. You were talking with another guy and you could bring him here eventually if you felt like it.
Maybe you should have been mad or sad about the whole Jeon Jungkook thing, but at this point it was just wasted energy and you were tired.
Tired of not feeling like yourself, tired if feeling like you couldn’t do things because you were reminded of him. So what? Everyone had good and bad. He wasn’t that bad of a guy. Faults were faults, and you had to decide if you could live with them or not.
Or he could decide, and start a dumbass argument.
Honestly, that was what you were most salty about. Yes, it was your nature to fight fire with fire, but you shouldn’t have. At least not so explosively. You were glad Jungkook hadn’t met your teenage self, that was for sure. Still, you had that habit of not mentioning when you were experiencing a bad day. Of course, they happened and without reason, same shit, different day. Those sorts of negative thoughts came in waves, after all. Mostly you didn’t want Jungkook to hover over you and try to make you feel better, because he would do so, and, if what he tried didn’t work, then he would be depressed and then it would begin, the endless cycle of you feeling like crap, him feeling like crap, so on and so forth until you felt better so he could feel better. Same shit, different day. Tiring. So, sometimes you didn’t mention bad days, but if he caught you on a bad day and acted emotionally, which did happen, it ended…
Jungkook was a passionate guy.
He thought a lot too.
Some things could be fixed, but some things got burnt to a crisp and then there was nothing to salvage.
You should have kept your temper more in check. Ah, well. You knew that now, but now was too late and you had no cake left, just a bit of hot tea and a voice message from a guy who wanted to know you.
You know what.
You actually wanted to know him too.
He had a cute smirk.
You neatly cleaned up and tossed the packaging, walking out with the paper cup, going back to your car to listen to that voice message that contained an alarmingly deep voice that surprised you with its sexiness. Well. Well, then.
Time to burn it up, maybe.
Shit, shit, shit.
Okay. Okay, he had two choices. Let sleeping dogs lie or poke them, which may or may not result in the positive outcome he wanted. It probably wouldn’t, because you were fire and burned everything in your path, and while that could be a good thing, fuck, a very good thing, but this…
This wouldn’t end well for him.
Mostly because Jungkook now realized, after finally speaking to Jimin, that he was wrong in thinking that you were sneaking around and trying to sleep with his best friend, when in actuality you were contacting Jimin repeatedly and being secretive because you were planning a grand event that included all his friends and a big party for your boyfriend’s birthday, but then he beat you to the punch and broke up with you before anything could come to fruition.
So, yeah.
You were probably really pissed at him.
Jungkook wouldn’t be surprised if you wanted to set him on fire.
Ugggggggh, me, you stupid dummy!
He was sitting on his couch and slowly sinking to the floor, mentally berating himself for his pride and his overthinking, because of course Jungkook wouldn’t have thought like this if, as Jimin pointed out, he had some insecurity about her leaving him for someone else – and, unfortunately and infuriatingly, Jimin is damn right, because Jimin was kind and sweet and not nearly half as brash or annoying as Jungkook was.
Or thought he was.
And you could get anyone.
Anyone. With that body, that gaze, that confidence? No one would stand a chance. He hadn’t and he was fine with that, until he went and fucked it up, and now he knew you could go out and do whatever and whoever if you wanted, you just had to want to. And, obviously, you went out and visited your favorite café. Without him. To top it all off, you had smiled at your phone, clearly texting someone.
Jungkook slapped his hands to his face and groaned, his ass at the edge of the couch and two centimeters away from collapsing to his abstract black-and-white living room rug that you had picked out when he moved in after he nagged you saying that he was bad at interior design and needed help, but secretly he only wanted to annoy you into making decisions for him.
He should… say something.
It wasn’t going to end well.
He hoped the person you were talking to was not cute. You liked cute more than handsome, he knew. You liked cute faces, deep voices, and diligent, hardworking people who knew who they were and weren’t easily swayed in their beliefs.
Which he was everything he was.
He just had the wrong belief and went way too far into the deep end without putting his pride aside and straight-up asking, thus leading to him being single and, now, angry at himself. For someone who thinks so much, you act too fast, you used to tell him with a laugh, mostly referring to his aggressiveness when playing video games.
Jungkook sadly plopped onto the floor for a good while, thinking about what he had done.
You were horny.
But, also, you were trying to change, so you weren’t about to coerce this guy that you were barely getting to know to drop his pants. Although he probably would. You were pretty convincing when you wanted to be and there were some telltale signs signaling that you two had some shared… interests. Yeah. However! You were trying not to go that route for once in your life.
It was pretty difficult.
He had sent you more voice messages. He even sent one he considered embarrassing, where he was singing, which would have been cringe as hell except it turned out to be the complete opposite. The stark contrast of his sweet, angelic singing voice and his deep, sultry speaking voice was shocking. Unreal. Was it possible to fall in love from just that knowledge? No. Was it possible to find your heart racing and imagining indecent things?
Did that make you a degenerate?
Hence why you simply made a comment about his talent and how impressive it was. You did not, in fact, mention the sudden intense desire to march over to wherever this guy was, rip off his shirt, and run your tongue all over his chest so you could hear the varying tones of the delicious noises that he would surely make as you teased his skin and who-knows-what-else. Mostly what was stopping you was that you hadn’t asked to see him in person yet.
Now you were stuck with the age-old question – jack off or distract yourself?
Or keep talking to the new guy?
No. You couldn’t do that. You were trying to change, and that meant not basing the foundation of a relationship on sex and good conversation. The latter, fine. The former? Apparently got you in trouble, apparently made you a problem, apparently was not good, and you didn’t used to care about that stuff until you lost him.
Stupid love.
You sighed and plopped down on your bed, frowning.
Your phone was laying on your pillow, having a nice nap.
You knew you should probably talk to someone about it. Anyone. But you avoided it, because you didn’t want to put Jeon Jungkook in a bad light to anyone, ex-boyfriend or not. You simply avoided everyone’s questions until they all died out and left you alone. Then you spent countless nights, much like this one, analyzing why you felt the way you felt about that thing that seemed to invade way too much of your life.
Jungkook accusing you of cheating on him.
You used to think, ah, I don’t overthink things, but even if you didn’t actively think about it, you found yourself holding back, not doing things that you would normally do, all because what if someone misinterpreted your intentions? What is there was just something about you that implied such a thought? It would have been easy to brush off if it was some random, but the person that you had thought you would spend the rest of your life with had accused you of lying.
The one thing you hated most, lying.
Which you had been doing at the time, but not about what he thought it was.
Which made it a harder pill to swallow, which made you stubborn, which made you not say anything or bother correcting him with receipts, because fuck him, fuck Jeon Jungkook for accusing you of cheating, fuck him and his, I’m breaking up with you, and you bluntly accepting it and leaving.
Ghosted him.
Didn’t even bother asking for an explanation or reconciliation.
Be the bigger person, yeah, that was what all the self-help books and podcasts said, but honestly you didn’t give a fuck. How the hell were you going to go on, living with the knowledge of Jeon Jungkook accusing you of lying, the one thing you hated most in this world? Who cared what his reason was? Who cared what it all meant? Not you on a bad day.
You winced.
Nothing you could do about that now.
The only way to make things different was to act differently in the same situation. If you were going to see someone new, you couldn’t just seduce them and drive them to the brink of insanity so that they were begging to fuck on the first meeting. You already did that.
With Jungkook.
And we know how that one ended.
So, you were doing the whole meet-a-guy-on-a-dating-app thing, switch to texting – probably too quickly but whatever – and slowly build up to a first meeting.
It had been a week and he was sending voice memos of him singing and maybe you were already shamelessly flirting.
Okay, you were trying and that was the point. Also, he was making it too easy and being too cute with his reactions. Being able to hear the sheepishness in that deep voice, mmm. And he simply couldn’t refuse you when you prompted him to switch to speaking directly instead of text. He did whatever you asked, not questioning it.
Maybe you should call him.
Your hand found its way to the pillow where your phone was having a serene siesta.
You wanted to, but there was something that was holding you back. It would be easy to be blind about it, but you had to be honest with yourself before getting to the serious playing around. You didn’t need to bring up a picture of new guy. You knew exactly what he looked like – and that was the problem.
Born in the same year.
Muscular with a cute face.
The same height.
Seriously sexy when absorbed in their interests and adorable as fuck when flustered.
Able to be flustered easily by you, the intoxicating fire.
New guy didn’t have tattoos though. Not any that you could see in his photos, anyway. Mhm, you can sit here and pretend all you want but there are too many similarities to him and Jeon Jungkook, missy. Your brain had a point. Maybe this was what having-a-type meant. Or maybe this screamed rebound, which is exactly what you didn’t want it to be, so you were holding back.
But new guy was so.
Pairing the combination of his loveable demeanor with the contrast of how built he was and that was the lethal combination right there. Plus, it was obvious he liked you. It would only take a little push. You flicked your wrist and unlocked your phone with your fingerprint, immediately bringing up the last thing you were doing. His latest text, saying he was off to shower, but promising he would be back after. Your phone normally vibrated to notify you, but this time it didn’t have to.
In real time, the voice memo popped up.
You played it.
That distinct deliciously deep voice shyly murmuring, “I’m back.”
He was only sending it because he knew you liked it. You could tell by his tone. Hear the hope in it. Well, shit, you could have all these dumbass overthinking reasons to not do something risky, or you could answer the hint of anticipation in that bated breath.
Don’t, your brain said.
You ticked your head. The call button was right next to his name.
You pressed it.
“Surprised?” was your greeting.
Maybe you weren’t making headway. Maybe it wasn’t that serious. Maybe you were in for-fun mode, out to break hearts to protect yours. Not that Jungkook would know, because he was standing in your favorite place in the world, and you weren’t here to answer his maybes.
He jumped as the intercom buzzed and scratchily announced that the leftover bread from the bakery was being put on flash sale. Most likely because it was going to expire today.
Yes, Jeon Jungkook was standing in the savory snack aisle of your local grocery store. A lot of people preferred the sweeter snacks – that was him, he was a lot of people – but you wanted the salty ones, which meant you and him never had to fight for snacks. He would eat all the candy and you would be chomping on seaweed. Harmony.
Until he fucked it up.
Yes, we get it. You’re an idiot. Move on, me.
But Jungkook couldn’t move on, because he was moping and picking up the last bag of shrimp chips like it was the goddamn Holy Grail and hoping your communications with mystery man were not going well. Well, he didn’t know if it was a man but it would hurt more if it was and his mind was conjuring worst case scenario to terrorize him. Or guilt him. Or both.
He clutched the shrimp chips like they were his lifeline and shuffled out of the aisle.
He didn’t even really like them. Well, he did. He would eat any snack. They just tasted better when they were with you because you loved them and used to talk about how you ate them a lot as a kid. Jungkook used to tease you for not liking candy enough. Were you even a kid? And then you’d put him in a chokehold. A real one, not a metaphorical one – although you had him there too.
He shouldn’t have taught you that. Was a bad idea.
Well, he couldn’t even be regretful about that anymore.
Where the fuck were the shrimp chips?
You were staring at the label that indicated they were discounted. Right there, in glaring red ink. They were clearly sold here. You reached back, feeling around for that familiar packaging. You would recognize the ridge of the shrimp chips right away. Nothing but the turtle chips. Fuck! Who the hell bought the shrimp chips? You squinted at the cart of the old lady at the far end of the aisle.
Was it you, lady? Hmm?!
Before you could harass said old lady, she leisurely rolled off to the next aisle.
Not that you would fight the elderly for shrimp chips, but maybe you had put people into a headlock for less.
Not maybe, you had.
Perhaps you shouldn’t have come after dinner. Damnnit. You marched out of the aisle and searched the endcaps, hoping that perhaps there was a spare bag left behind or possibly another display. Nope. Sad times. What else were you craving? You came all the way over to your local grocery store to get a familiar nostalgic snack, only for them to not have it, therefore you must purchase something random so the cashiers didn’t think you’re a weirdo for leaving empty-handed.
Not that they would notice.
Or care.
You were about to collect what was left of your shattered expectations and get out of there before you stopped, seeing a colorful display with a poster of a joyful marshmallow standing under a starry sky, beside a tent and a campfire. The stacked boxes under the brightly saturated sign indicated the product contents of chocolate, graham crackers, and marshmallows – a s’mores kit.
Was the marshmallow going to roast himself as sacrifice?
Or… was the marshmallow going to eat these s’mores?
Before you could debate the ethics of the vaguely cannibalistic nature of this marketing tactic, you remembered Jeon Jungkook’s favorite dessert was s’mores. In fact, he nearly caused a fire on your gas stove in his desire for said sweet treat. There was a lot of yelling and smoke and throwing open the window to your next-door neighbor staring wide-eyed at you as the smoke alarm blared.
You recalled gasping that you burnt the rice and scurrying away.
What? You weren’t going to throw your boyfriend under the bus.
Ex-boyfriend, now.
You reached out to the box. A fun activity for the family, it said. You didn’t have a family. Just you and some what-ifs. You held the box, feeling the weight. It was substantial, but not that heavy. Get it together. What were you going to do? Freak out every time you thought about Jungkook? Come on. He doesn’t deserve that. The best thing you could do was have a good opinion of him, despite him being a little shit.
You meant that in an endearing way.
… Yeah.
You sighed and tucked the s’mores kit under your arm. This was how life was. People were too complicated to fit in neat little boxes and situations were too convoluted to have a correct or right resolution. You would probably feel even shittier if you tried to act on emotions and get into his face about it. You had to take the L. Eat the damn s’mores and maybe think about finally meeting the new guy. The conversation had been nice and fluid once you got him talking about himself, something he had been reluctant to do because he didn’t want to seem arrogant.
You had asked him if he was.
He had replied with, “Maybe a little?” The self-doubt in his response had made you laugh, as if he wasn’t so sure himself. But the whole point becoming someone’s potential one and only was bragging about yourself, so might as well lay out everything you got, right?
You didn’t even like sweets.
Maybe the new guy did, though. Maybe you should try to like them a little more.
You bought the box of s’mores and went home.
Normally, people cried into wine or chocolate, but Jungkook was crying into a bag of shrimp chips.
Not actually crying, because then he would ruin the shrimp chips, but pretty damn close to sobbing into the crispy snack while watching the latest popular drama and wondering what you were doing. Hopefully you were happy, doing stuff you loved. Cute stuff, like watching cat videos or those home renovation shows you seemed to have great interest in. You told him you wanted to learn about houses so that you would have knowledge when buying one with him. Smart. So smart. Oh, man, why were you so smart and why was he a dum-dum? That’s not fair, Jungkook. You’ll handle all the interior design stuff because you’re artsy, oh, wait, I’ll have to narrow down the options so you don’t buy seven different diffusers. He chomped away at the shrimp chips, sniffling at the memory.
He was being lame.
Also, a little self-centered, because this was not all about him. You had been in the relationship too and technically you were the one who was hurt. He should not be the sad one sitting here on the floor in front of his television and stuffing his face with shrimp chips as he watched the male lead and the female lead go through some misunderstandings. He should be thinking about how he could be a better person.
Jungkook frowned.
Were shrimp chips gluten-free?
He checked the label.
Yes. Whew. His doctor had warned him he shouldn’t have gluten late at night, as it would upset his stomach. Step one into being a better person, take care of one’s personal health. At least he was doing that right.
Back to chomping away.
Maybe you were happier without him. That would suck, but at least you would be doing well. What more could he ask for? Besides rewinding time and boinking some sense into his own head. Something to ask Doctor Strange once they would inevitably meet. It would be awkward to ask for a favor right away, but what’s the worst that could happen? Utter chaos of the timeline and disruption of subsequent timelines connecting the various multiverses?
… On second thought.
Jungkook wondered if the female lead would just tell the male lead that she already liked him. You wouldn’t have a problem saying something like that right away. It was very cool of you, always being the first to admit how you felt. Never hiding anything.
It was at that moment that Jungkook choked on a shrimp chip and starting hacking up his lungs.
He had to punch his chest to gain some semblance of breath back. There was a lot of wheezing and scrambling for the water bottle on his coffee table. Ugh. His throat felt all fucked up.
Did you throat feel like this when he rammed his dick into it? He never asked. He had been too busy feeling good and ascending to the heavens to ask questions. He should have been more thoughtful on that front. Maybe if he had been more considerate…
You had a vibe going on here, me, and you just ruined it by thinking about sex.
Back to watching drama and crying over shrimp chips despite one of them trying to end his life.
You opened the box of the s’mores kit and the graham crackers were all crushed.
You could roast marshmallows and top it with melted chocolate and graham cracker powder?
You struggled and made do, realizing with a quick taste test that, yes, this was too sweet, but you had tea and resilience, and your never-say-die attitude reminded you that you could do anything, including making a very messy but possibly innovative dessert. If you added some yogurt, would it become a s’mores parfait? Hey. That could be a thing… somewhere.
Well, it was a thing here in your kitchen right now.
At least you didn’t start a fire.
“Maybe you should do something.”
He stared off into space and answered hollowly.
“Like what?”
“I don’t know,” Park Jimin dragged out exaggeratedly. “Talk to her? Maybe your ship has sailed, but at least you could get some closure. For my sake.” He muttered the last bit under his breath.
Jungkook did not want to hear that his ship has sailed. He wanted to hear that the ship was right here, docking to the port. Or… something like that. Whatever. Anyway, Jimin was doing a shit job of helping him figure out how to repair the gaping wound in his chest. Talk to her, yeah, like that was gonna solve anything.
Jungkook pushed the food around on his plate. A surefire sign he was feeling like shit. He always ate. Few things could stop him from eating.
“Are you dying? Why are you disrespecting your dak-galbi like that?”
On second thought, Jungkook shoveled it into his mouth. Food comas were a thing, right? Maybe he could eat himself into a stupor. Maybe he could induce an actual coma if he consumed enough alcohol and food.
Only one way to find out.
“Oi, don’t eat that fast, are you trying to give yourself a stomachache? Oi. Jungkook!”
You woke up.
Heart racing, world swirling, touching your face, and there they were, tears, uninhibited by logic anymore, blurry faces and that kind of anger that was more sad than angry, but fury won, because you didn’t want to show that you were sad, burying it deep inside until your dreams broke through your subconscious and replayed it for you, the yelling, the throwing of cushions, the snatching of the keys and the furious tossing of your shoes on and then running, running, you shouldn’t have ran but you did, you ran and ran and ran and cried into the wind just like how you cried into your pillow right now and for what, for nothing, for something that was over and dead, over and dead.
It was fading.
The memory, and now your tears, curling into your pillow, suffocating yourself in cloth, trying to close it out, breathing nothing and seeing black, in, out, in, out, until your lungs felt like they were burning.
You threw your head up, gasping.
Face dry.
Not a chance that someone would catch you crying over Jeon Jungkook.
Not that anyone was here except you.
You were still someone though.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
How could he think I was lying when I hate lying most in this world?
And no one could see you cry, no one could see you fall apart, no one could think that they had any power over you, because you weren’t weak, you couldn’t be made a fool of, you would rather tear it apart yourself then let someone else think that they could get to you.
You ruined everything, me.
And maybe you did.
Maybe you did and now what? Nothing. Nothing but bad dreams and an empty bed and shuddering breaths as you wiped your eyes with the duvet and pretended your nose wasn’t stuffy, sliding back down to the silence, breathing quietly, he used to be right here and now there was no one but you, but you were someone and not a chance that someone would see you crying over Jeon Jungkook.
You were someone.
And there was nothing anyone could do about this aftermath, nothing to do about you yelling irreversible things and him yelling irreversible things, both of you tearing apart what you built together like it was nothing, over what?
The usual suspects.
There was no point in asking why no one fought for anyone because everyone was wearing masks of mad and secretly sad. Yeah, you could die on this sacred ground. You could. That would be real fuckin’ easy. But easy wasn’t living. You didn’t pick easy when you picked Jungkook, and you didn’t pick easy when you walked away either.
This limbo wasn’t you.
You sighed.
Breathed out.
Held your breath for thirty seconds.
Easy isn’t living, me. Just go on a damn date.
You are a dumbass, me.
He was too full and too drunk and a blob on his own bed. Jimin tried to convince him that he needed someone to take care of him, but Jungkook just pushed his hyung out the door and bade him good night. Jimin kept urging him to talk about it, but Jungkook was, he was talking to his head every second of every day and it wasn’t doing anything but giving him a headache, and now he had a fat headache and a bursting-at-the-seams tummy.
So now he was a blob.
Hopefully he wouldn’t throw up.
He felt around and found the water bottle by his bed. Okay. At least he had water. There was a packet of hangover meds in his nightstand drawer. For emergencies like this. Jimin had reminded him that he couldn’t keep doing this to himself, but joke’s on Jimin, Jungkook knew he could. Had been and quite frankly was thinking about sulking to his heart’s content, maybe even until the end of time, because everyone was telling him he couldn’t, so stubbornly he continued.
Out of principle.
Something like that.
Okay, maybe Jungkook was secretly seriously considering gathering his courage to speak to you face-to-face. Maybe. It was all his fault, after all. For not believing, for making up a narrative that tore you and him apart, all his fault for burning that bridge you two built together, and for what, for nothing but pride and fear and wasn’t he getting a little old for that?
Jungkook sighed, feeling far too sober and reasonable.
Should have drunk more.
Maybe you didn’t need the closure, but he wouldn’t know unless he asked, and he was done assuming, done thinking he knew what was what. It was clear that he didn’t. He didn’t even know if he needed closure, but the aftermath still stung even now, scorched by the everlasting fire, and maybe he was stupid for thinking some silly little words could do anything for this situation, but it was something, right, and something was better than this nothing, nothing but a bad signal flickering weakly, couldn’t connect because there were too many walls separating you and him.
Jungkook knew exactly where your apartment was, and could confirm that there were probably many walls separating you and him right now.
If you were in your apartment, that is.
You had to be. It was the middle of the night.
He should be asleep.
Jungkook resumed his blob form and waited for his dreams to take him.
Or nightmares.
That was not a choice he could make, unfortunately.
First dates were difficult because you had to chose the one outfit that would represent you. In the off chance that you only ended up meeting this person once, you felt that your clothes had to give off a distinct impression of who you were. Similar to that age-old question of, if you were a ghost and stuck with one outfit forever, what would you want to wear?
Morbid, but effective.
Something you could live by.
Oh, yeah, me, also perhaps you should try to impress the new guy.
You didn’t want to admit it but the truth was the truth – this was less about him and more about you and taking responsibility for whatever came, good or bad. Because, yes, maybe it wouldn’t turn out well, maybe nothing was meant to be, maybe you were driving in the metaphorical fast lane and accelerating way too recklessly, but it wasn’t like you to let up on the gas, and the only way to found out if there was any chance at all was to put on some damn clothes and just do the damn thing.
That how you were before…
No. You were someone before him and you’re someone now.
It wasn’t fair.
But life wasn’t fair, life was complicated and maybe even a little immoral sometimes, and that was how it was so you got dressed. White cropped t-shirt. You look so good in those, even if they’re simple. Big black hoodie with a cheeky-looking ghost in the back, peeking up with a mischievous little smile. I love oversized stuff on you. It makes you look so small and cute. Short black skirt, pleated, with a chain hanging off the hip. You hooked on a little keychain of a tuxedo cat to the top of the chain, something for you to know and maybe for others to find out if you took off your hoodie. I’m glad you like wearing short skirts. You have great legs and I love looking at them. Thick thigh-high black socks to block out the cold. Aw, man, sucks that it’s getting cold now but you have to protect those precious legs. You would wear your heeled boots with the big silver buckles shaped like moons. Thick soled and heavy, ah, like mine.
You looked at yourself in the mirror.
Your fashion is nice because you always match me.
You could hear Jungkook’s voice even though he wasn’t there and you just had to stand there and accept that life wasn’t fair and that you would hear it for a while until you forgot the sound of his voice and it wasn’t fair that you still couldn’t decide if you actually wanted to forget it or not.
But nothing changed if you only stood still, so you walked over to your front door and put your shoes on. Checked your black bag with a frowning smiley face icon printed on the front and slung it over your shoulder, safely tucking it by your hip.
Glanced at the hooks by your door and picked up the thick maroon-colored scarf, lopping it around your neck as you opened the door and walked out, holding your keys in your hand.
Who the fuck is that?
Now, Jungkook was fully and completely aware what he was doing was wrong, even if his original intent was perfectly sensible. Completely normal. Nothing wrong with what he had initially meant to do but shit got sidetracked the second he spotted familiar legs and a black hoodie, with a cheeky ghost printed onto the back, that’s the one, and was that a man walking next to you, dark-haired and handsome, kind of close, turning his head and laughing at something you said, something Jungkook couldn’t hear because he was a block away, staring wide-eyed with his legs moving of their own accord.
Wondering what this guy had that Jungkook didn’t have.
That white sweater didn’t do much to hide the broad shoulders and muscular frame. Clean blue jeans and a very nice smile, eyes that crinkled up when he laughed, covering his mouth. It wasn’t fake. Jungkook had hoped it was a fake laugh but it looked genuine as fuck and now Jungkook was stalking his ex-girlfriend on his way to her apartment to have that talk that Jimin kept telling him to have, the talk to get out all these pent-up feelings, but now he should just turn around and try another day.
But life wasn’t fair.
He wanted to say he was simply too dumbstruck to stop himself, but Jungkook was pretty sure it was sinful jealousy that was giving his legs the strength to follow at a block’s distance.
He wanted to tell himself something comforting, like she has terrible taste but the guy was pretty good-looking actually, or he doesn’t seem that interesting but you seemed very invested in what he had to say at the intersection, so interested that you two missed the crossing signal, or he can’t make you laugh but you did, you laughed and he laughed at the missed signal and it looked like a scene of out a movie, two adults holding insulated cups of some warm drink and shyly smiling over light sips in between conversation.
And the creepy ex-boyfriend squinting at the scene from a block away.
Yup, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got here.
You started crossing and Jungkook jogged to catch the light just before it changed.
This was really stupid all around, but he didn’t care. He wanted to know if this new guy knew your affinity for green tea and lemon cake yet. He wanted to know if new guy liked your oversized hoodie and skirt, because it was one of his favorite outfit combinations on you. He wanted to know how you felt about new guy, because new guy looked like he had an impressive personal best at the bench press, and Jungkook wanted to know if it was better than his, not that it mattered.
But it mattered.
Jungkook avoided the streetlamps that suddenly turned on, trying to stay out of the light. He didn’t know how recognizable he was in his massive black parka and black jeans with rips at the knees, but he wasn’t chancing you suddenly turning around and recognizing his knees.
He made sure his face mask was on securely before pulling the hood over his head.
New guy put his hand on your head and Jungkook almost skidded to a stop as a different hand fluffed your hair.
You playfully swiped at new guy’s hand and now Jungkook was close enough to hear that deep laugh at your reaction.
You used to take Jungkook’s hand and put it on your head and when he asked what you were doing, you simply told him that you liked the reassuring weight.
How did I not get it?
Jungkook watched as both you and new guy stopped, realizing you were holding his wrist.
In slow motion, you reluctantly let go and dipped your head, apologizing.
New guy waved his hand, apologizing himself, bowing even.
Night was falling, falling.
You beckoned, indicating that the walk should continue.
Jungkook followed and watched you talk to this man in front of your apartment complex. He tried to sort out the feeling, because there was a part of him that hadn’t given up yet, and another part that saw that life wasn’t fair, and the last part him thought maybe this right in front of him was meant to be and maybe his part of your fairytale was over.
The man leaned over and deliberately kissed you on the cheek, politely not going for the lip kiss.
He waved and stepped back, back in the opposite direction, but Jungkook was on the other side of the street now, circling, coming from the other way as he watched new guy wave to you and you wave back, yelling at him to be careful and watch where he was going.
“Kim Gunhak! You’ll trip if you don’t turn around!”
And this Kim Gunhak almost did, catching himself and looking sheepish, giving you one last smile before turning around.
You waited until he was too far away to make out and then headed into your apartment complex.
Jungkook fought with himself, unsure what to do now, wondering what was right.
You had only just taken off your shoes when your doorbell buzzed.
The intercom was in the hallway, but you were right next to the door, so, instead of checking it, you opened it, expecting a confused delivery person who was looking for your next-door neighbor around the corner or a neighbor inquiring about a lost dog or maybe even some drunkard who had the wrong apartment, literally anyone but the person who was standing at the entrance of your front door.
Jeon Jungkook.
He looked very sober.
His cheeks were pink from the cool night.
You thought you would have something to say, something vengeful and witty and spirited with fire, but your eyes connected with those big brown ones and suddenly you were staring at him and he was staring at you, frozen, couldn’t speak, afraid to jinx it, feeling like something otherworldly was happening right now, impossible that Jeon Jungkook was right there, someone you had known so well not that long ago, but now his eyes were flying saucers from another planet.
Unrecognizable, the feeling in those eyes.
You remembered crying and that hurt.
But easy wasn’t living.
Sometimes living meant you got hurt.
You remembered every detail on his face, from his dark eyebrows to his black hair, longer now, to those expressive dark brown orbs, to the shape of his pink lips accented with a silver ring, to the mole underneath them. Little details that you loved about him. You remembered you should be mad at him. You felt like maybe you should be.
But, like ashes, there was nothing but smokey remnants after enough time passed.
Jungkook spoke first.
“I’m… sorry.”
It was cold and you should close the door, but you were stuck, transfixed by his words.
“I know you hate those words, because actions mean more than I’m sorry but…” He sucked in a shaky breath and helplessness looked right at you. “I thought of a thousand actions and none of them can take back what I thought was true, because in that moment I betrayed you, the moment when I left myself believe in something that I made up in my mind more than I believed in you.”
He looked like he was going to cry and you hated it when Jungkook cried because then you felt like crying, like you had made him cry even if it wasn’t directly about you, but this was about you.
“When I realized I could be wrong, I didn’t want to admit it.”
“By then I said some shitty things and you were already out the door.”
“You said I was too stubborn and headstrong for anybody, even you,” you breathed, every memory scored pain, burned into your brain.
Jungkook shook his head. He didn’t try to come closer even though you could tell he wanted to. He didn’t cry even though you could tell he wanted to. He didn’t stop his lip from trembling because he wanted you to see that he was honest, that he didn’t want to hide even though past him would want to.
“I’m sorry. You always told me to be aware of my initial reaction so I could sort through the other options and react less emotionally, but I failed you, and I failed us, and I know I shouldn’t say this, but I wish I could take it all back, the first thought about you and Jimin, and everything after, because if I just said that very first thought out loud instead of holding it in, I wouldn’t be watching you live life without me.”
Your thoughts whispered to you, cruel and unfaithful poison seeping.
It's my fault.
Maybe it was. Maybe it wasn’t. Maybe Jungkook was being unfair to apply what you said to this situation and maybe he wasn’t. It was hard to tell and hard to know the answer. The funny thing about life was that there was usually no answer. There was only shit that happened and acting on too little information too much of the time. Maybe it would be apt to feel anger now, because Jungkook gave you the obscure hint that he had seen Kim Gunhak walk you home, perhaps just the kiss on the cheek goodbye part but it was spying all the same, and yet, instead of anger, you felt something else.
“You saw my date drop me off?” you asked quietly.
Jungkook looked away, ashamed.
Now you saw it was pointless.
Your fault. His fault. Who cared whose fault was it? You could spend all day and all night and all the time thereafter trying to decide whose fault it was, but at the end of the day the earth beneath you and him was scorched by an imperfect love, and it was fine to walk away. It was fine to tell him that he could walk away too, fine to walk away from the ashes of this fairytale.
You can walk away from our fairytale, Jungkook, me.
He raised his head, making eye contact with you again, taking a deep breath.
You gazed back.
Saw flecks of what could have been, lights still alive in those big brown eyes.
Not a chance that someone would catch you crying over Jeon Jungkook.
The usual suspects holding you back.
“I… told myself I could do anything,” you said, not breaking eye contact and you saw he believed that you could; he always did. “I only had to put the effort in. Meet people and open up a little. Even if it was fake it ‘til I make it, and I almost made it.”
The world was blurry and cold, all around.
Not a chance.
“I almost did, Jeon Jungkook, but then you had to go and apologize.”
The tears came down, and Jungkook instinctively reached out to wipe them away, but then he stopped, suddenly afraid. You stepped back and wiped your cheeks yourself, surprised at that suddenness. Was this what getting older and growing up meant? Allowing yourself to be in touch with your emotions?
You stared at him, almost accusingly, and it was all falling apart.
“I’m tired of trying to figure out who was wrong.”
Everything was all wrong.
“I’m tired of trying to rethink every little thing, all thanks to you.”
Painstakingly re-wiring every thought so all those little things didn’t remind you of Jungkook, giving in sometimes to the memories and feeling aghast that both of you had dropped the lit match onto the bridge you built together, burning it, burning it all down.
“I’m tired of missing you.”
You didn’t want to be that one, but you grabbed him by the front of his parka and shook him hard, out of frustration and that thought that no one should catch you crying over a boy, of all things, a silly boy who had made you laugh and loved sweets and your fashion and had always eagerly listened to you talk about whatever with stars in his eyes like you his everything, and so you refused to cry in front of him so you could always look cool and tough and not affected, but now you shoved your head into his chest and cried, cried about how you couldn’t be the person he thought you were, a person worthy of his love, because the truth was deep down you were weak, deep down you were made a fool of, and deep down Jungkook did have power over you since some part of you stupidly hadn’t given up yet. If you had been worthy, why would he have any reason to question your faithfulness? You must have done something wrong. The unknown had eaten away at you all this time, prevented you from crying and prevented you from trying to reconcile, and here Jungkook was beating you to it, so the least you could do was be honest and cry.
It was the worst, letting yourself cry.
He wrapped his arms around your shoulders, holding you to him.
You pushed him away, glaring, fiercely rubbing at your eyes with the bottom of your sleeves.
“Don’t lie to me.”
Shook your head, stumbling back into your apartment, swinging at the door and missing, your red scarf falling from your neck, falling, falling, warmth slipping away.
“Don’t try to make me feel better when all you came here to do was to heal yourself.”
“I didn’t come here to heal myself.”
Jungkook bit his lip, looking guilty, following you inside, but only a step.
“I came here to try and get you back. I was going to fight that guy with my bare hands.”
Your tears paused, blinking hard to clear your vision.
His eyes shifted and he sucked on the inside of his cheek, frowning slightly. “Well, if this was a movie, I would fight him, but it’s not, because it’s unlikely you would take me back after I beat up some poor guy.”
“I would kick your ass,” you snapped, annoyance clearing the sadness. “Not to mention Gunhak is a workout maniac, as much or more than you. He wouldn’t be beaten by you so easily.”
Jungkook pouted.
You froze.
The moment hung in the air, a stillness with too much meaning.
“Well, I would already lose anyway,” he mumbled, glancing at you. “You were always my weakness.”
Those big brown eyes and you noticed his ears were red, his cheeks were flushed and even his fingers were scarlet. This moment was a choice, a moment to stop and consider the options, but all you did was follow your instinct, reaching forward and grabbing his wrist, pulling him to you, ignoring his wide eyes and confused squeak, pulling and closing the door, cutting off the cold, and now it was just you and him, you holding his cold hands and rubbing, closing your fingers around them, not knowing if this was a bad decision or not, probably, but what made a decision good or bad?
No answers.
“I hate you,” you muttered. “You watch too much drama and memorized all the good lines.”
Your gaze flickered to him and Jungkook pulled a face, looking remorseful again, except this time he seemed less sure of his guilt.
You bit your lip.
“You’re stubborn and headstrong too, Jungkook.”
He nodded, not denying it.
“But you’re my good influence,” he chirped lightly.
Then he winced.
“Were. Were my good influence.”
Corrected himself, tone pained.
Heart racing, looking at your world, holding onto Jungkook’s hands, and he stepped closer tentatively, warmth and memories, and the line of having a possibly uncomfortable conversation tomorrow was not crossed yet, not yet, and you squeezed his hands, those big brown eyes asking you if the impossible was possible, and you didn’t dare open your mouth, because the real answer was that you didn’t know, he didn’t know, no one knew, nothing was meant to be, everything was impossible until someone made it possible, and maybe that those someones could be you and him.
You tilted your head.
Familiar breath.
“You can tell me if you like him more than me,” Jungkook whispered shakily. “I’ll probably cry, but I’ll understand eventually.”
The tips of his hair touched your forehead.
“Can you shut up, Jungkook?” you hissed back. “Just shut up and close your eyes if you want me to kiss you.”
Flecks of what could have been, lights still alive in those flying saucers, and his lashes lowered, casting darkness over the stars in those big brown eyes, closing them.
What are you doing, me?
You kissed him.
He should have accepted what was, was, but Jungkook couldn’t and now you kissed him and his brain reminded him that you could be the one to break his heart this time, but Jungkook told his brain, I don’t care, and kissed back, trying not to cry all over your face. If this was your revenge arc, Jungkook would gladly be part of it. He had kinda been a shithead. He could understand the audience perspective.
Also, you were kinda hot in your revenge arc.
Jungkook had told you many times before that he loved your legs.
You let go of his hands and placed your palms on his cheeks, exhaling into his mouth, and he never said it before, but he loved that shit, it got him inappropriately hard inappropriately fast, something about the heat and the calmness of your sweet breath that drove him crazy.
He did love sweets, after all.
“You’re so cold.”
Your kiss on his cheeks, his gasping mouth, grazing his lip ring. Soft, plush, perfect lips murmuring against his skin, familiar and sensual and comforting, and he was seconds away from crying, so instead he drew in a shuddering breath, falling into the more R-rated thoughts because if he didn’t let arousal take over, he was seconds away from becoming a motionless, emotional puddle on your hardwood floor and that wasn’t how he wanted this to end.
Yes, Jungkook was relying on sex to keep himself mentally stable.
Sorry, you’re too sexy and I want you too much.
“It’s cold outside,” and his reply came out a little more childish than he intended, too breathy and shivery, it was just so nice, so fucking nice that you were kissing him again, tracing his ears with your fingertips, loving caress, pulling him closer.
Your smile against his lip ring from his silly response.
“I’m warm. Touch me,” you breathed against his chin, hot and heavy.
Okay, maybe Jungkook knew all nice lines in dramas, but you knew all the lines to the porn videos.
Not that he was complaining.
His hands finding your waist and your teeth sinking his lower lip and he whined, the sting of pain coursing through him, a sharp detail of reality proving that this was no dream. His fingers curling into the thick fabric of your hoodie, grasping for your body, warm and getting warmer, yanking you closer. Your tongue tracing his skin, your hands framing the sides of his neck, stripped honesty vibrating in the millimeters of air between your faces.
“I always liked the sounds you make,” you purred, wisps of breath from your formation of words dancing between his trembling lips. “Like you’re desperate for me.”
“I am,” he found himself admitting. “I always am, please, breathe in my mouth, please.”
A ripple of surprise, but you wasted no time, covering his lips with yours and sighing into his throat, making his eyelids flutter and his whole body shiver, and if this was the last time then Jungkook was just going to leave it all on the table, all the things that made him feel good, he wanted them, all the things he remembered you liked, he would do them, like letting go of your hoodie and sliding his hands into your hair, turning your head to kiss your ear and suck on the space right under it, tongue and lips and teeth, your hitched breath at his touch, he missed it, the soft scent of your hair products filling his nose, he missed it, he missed the taste of your skin and the way you impatiently yanked his clothes off, cleanly unzipping his parka and pushing it off his shoulders, forcing him to let go up your head and just dump it on the ground, kicking off his shoes to a different directions, persistently keeping his lips on your neck and letting the fervor take over, insistently pushing you deeper inside your apartment.
He missed it, the way you enjoyed him.
“Can you–”
But you didn’t complete your irritated request, abruptly shoving him into the wall and making him gasp, and then the next thing he knew he was pressing his head to the wall and moaning as you bit down above his collarbone, running your tongue along that sensitive skin, your nails dragging down the sides of his neck, leaving lines of wanton fire.
“Too many layers,” you growled, tugging at the collar of his long-sleeved gray shirt even though it was the only layer separating you and him, but you were right, he agreed that it was too many layers, and Jungkook hastily yanked it up and over his head, tossing it to the side and then you bent down, your hands splayed over his right shoulder and the left side of his hip.
Pink tongue sliding out.
Licking up his chest.
Watching him as you did it, causing blood and pleasure to rush to all the right places.
He moaned, loud and pornographic.
You cocked an eyebrow.
He reached out and pulled at your hoodie and you made it crumple to the floor, then body to body again, face to face, kiss to hungry kiss, his hands going up your white crop top and under your bra, whining deep in his chest as you exhaled into his mouth again, thrusting your tongue into his lips when his fingertips brushed your nipples.
You backed off a little, taking your tongue away.
“D-Don’t stop.”
You paused, searching his eyes.
He hadn’t really confessed it before.
“It’s hot,” Jungkook panted. “When you do stuff like t-that.”
He squeezed your breasts to help get his point access but also for comfort as you scrutinized him, uncertain if he was sincere or not. Fair enough.
“Like what?” you asked, prompting him to clarify.
Heart racing, hot all over, adrenaline and fear fueling his pleasure, because there was something wonderfully dangerous about this territory. He had some inkling, but before he didn’t really bother to ask too much. You always did what you wanted to and naturally it leant to a certain power dynamic, but you never asked to take it further than sporadic, fleeting moments. And, well, Jungkook had never thought about how it would feel to admit out loud that that part of you it turned him on.
It would feel embarrassing, and yet he was enticed by that rush.
Aroused by it.
“When you treat me like you own me.”
Your eyes on his, not breaking the gaze.
Reaching up, running your fingers though his hair, sending tingles down his spine.
“Do you want me to own you a little?” you murmured.
He reached up and closed your fingers around a fistful of his hair.
“Maybe a little more than a little.”
You tugged.
The sting of pain, moan tumbling from his mouth, his hand falling, circling your waist.
“I can take more,” he whispered to your lips.
You pulled and closed your hand over his erection fighting his jeans and Jungkook felt his whole body electrify, bucking his hips to your fingers and seeking your lips, but there was no kiss, only a controlled stream of breath to swallow, and the groan bubbled up in his ribcage. Alive. Raw pleasure. Intoxicated, driven by ferocious need, his fumbling hands undoing the button of his jeans, forcing down the zipper, everything being pushed down, and then it was your hand to his hot, taut skin, flicking your wrist by his head to deliver a shot of pain and a stroke of pleasure from the other, torn between the two sensations and the lightheaded feeling of your forceful breath pushing the air out of his lungs, forgetting that he could breathe from his nose, didn’t want to anyway, living was only living when it was on this hazy thin oxygen from your exhale.
Yes, Jungkook was pants down, shirtless, letting you jack him off and pull on his hair as you breathed into his mouth.
That was not how he thought this conversation would end but he was not taking any second of it for granted, rubbing your nipples, kneading your breasts, making sure you felt pleasure too, but the thing that seemed to make you smile most was the sounds he made, so Jungkook upped the desperation level in his tone and tucked his hips back slightly, changing the angle of your stroke.
“Fuck, yes, lower, closer to the head, fuuuuck, right there, a-ah…”
And you knew it all, the right pressure, the steady build up from slow to fast, until you had to focus and simply clutched his head, digging your nails into his scalp, panting against his shaking lips, fast and intense pressure consuming him, chasing the glorious high, closer and closer and closer.
He pinched your hard nipples and rubbed the tips, moaning unashamedly and probably too loud, keeping his lower body rigid so you could control the pace, your name tumbling out of his mouth, deep, needy, looking down to watch your hand firmly wrapped around his stiff cock, the head dark red and pleasure throbbing up his torso, you’re so good, fuck, you’re so fucking good, your breasts in his hands, perfect, groan pitching to helpless whine, almost…
You stopped.
His entire body jerked as you squeezed and simply froze at the very last second, at literally the singular point of almost no return and you stopped, and he was too far gone to be ashamed of the pathetic whimpering he was doing now, gripping your hand around his twitching length and nonsensically begging you to continue, but the moment was gone and, by the look of your devious smirk, it was all on purpose.
In his horny-induced haze, Jungkook attempted his best puppy eyes.
Your hand slid down his head and traced his jaw.
“I’m not gonna let you cum on the floor,” you teased.
He pulled a pout. “Come on… It’s not like floors can’t be cleaned.”
Your grip pulsed around his cock so hard he nearly gasped in pain.
“You’re not going to last if you cum once before pussy.”
You were right, but the truth didn’t make Jungkook happy.
Not until he was balls deep into you, condom wrapper falling from his hand, you taking the moment to stretch your legs over his torso casually, adjusting your hips under him, and then he was deeper, surrounded on all sides by silky wet warmth that pulsated around him, so good his head involuntarily tipped back, his hair trickling his shoulders as he slid out a little and then back in.
He was very happy now.
“F-Fuck… I hate this position… you f-feel too fucking g-good…”
“It’s just missionary.”
He jerked his head down to see you smirking at him. Looking smug fully naked, juicy thighs flush to his abs and your body was essentially folded in half as he leaned down, sucking in a breath as your pussy clamped around his length, slow and controlled and every centimeter gripped tight like his dick owned money.
“You have the most control in this position,” he puffed.
“You wanted it,” you hummed.
Jungkook squinted in mock suspicion. Then he gave up on the act rather quickly.
“Yeah, I want you.”
Slid out and back in, shuddering.
“I don’t want anyone else but you.” Pleasure snaking through him with every thrust, breathless, slow and deep at first, but gradually adding power, harder and rougher, smacking hips to crotch, erotic electricity all over, his hair falling over his eyes, looking down, staring into yours. “I know I’m balls deep right now, but you have to believe me.”
You reached up.
Patted him on the cheek.
“Jungkook, we can have the deep talk after the two minutes it takes for you to finish. I promise,” you assured cheerfully with a smile.
He scrunched up his face and glared at you. “Excuse me, I last longer than two minutes–”
You planted your hands onto the mattress and thrust up into him. He choked at the sudden slingshot of ecstasy that pierced through him and his entire tirade about how he was going to last way longer because you technically edged him which was very mean by the way, yeah, all that was instantly forgotten as you tightened your jaw and all around him, creating an insane pace that his body immediately followed, too much carnal instinct and not enough sanity, the sound between you and him suddenly louder, wetter, rhythmic smacks and panting gasps, your mouth opening and your pink tongue licking the air, hint of a smirk at the periphery of your lips, and Jungkook felt like he should be mad about that, but it was turning him on more, fuck, he felt his cock twitch as he watched that agile tongue writhe, teasing sin, he was doomed, he was one of those freaky people that was into this stuff now.
That was what he got for admitting the truth.
Your hand shot up and you tangled your fingers in his long hair, gripping his head to get the leverage to fully fuck him from below plus add the aching pain of your nails digging into the scalp to the torrent of sensations ransacking him right now.
He groaned and his eyes rolled back, the orgasm slamming into him.
All over him, shooting out all over his nerves, potent pleasure so powerful that his hips bucked and shivered, only pure will allowing him to continue thrusting, but it appeared you had been holding back, oh fuck, skyrocketing his shivering orgasm to uncontrollable crashing waves from every throb of your walls, the slickness between your bodies painting onto his inner thighs and crotch, your name torn from his throat, low and hoarse and raw, drowning in the most concentrated bliss he knew, drenched in sex and sweat, wishing it was forever.
It always ended too soon.
You sat in front of him, wrapped in blankets as he was wrapped in his own cocoon of blankets, watching his lips twist and shift, looking uneasy.
“I’m super serious,” Jungkook finally settled. “About starting over. I mean, I know we just…”
“Fucked like a bad porn storyline?” you offered.
He winced, shifting his eyes. "Er. Yeah."
You dropped the jokes. “I’m serious too. Let’s start again. I learned my lesson. No more surprises.” You sharply poked his knee through the blanket. “But you have to talk to me. Whatever it is. Even if you think I don’t wanna know. Uncomfortable or not, better sooner than later. And I will do the same.” You nodded, more yourself than him, promising to hold yourself to it. Kept your gaze on him so he knew you were serious about doing so. You took it all in, messy black hair, big brown eyes, dreams of what could be. You and him could make the impossible, possible.
You and him only had to put the effort in.
“I wanna know everything about you, Jungkook.”
There was real worry reflected back at you. “What if it’s not good?”
You shrugged. “I already knew you weren’t good. I went on one date with one guy and you were already stalking me.”
His brows furrowed in indignation. “Hey, I happened to stumble onto your date by chance!”
“Oh, yeah, and by chance you followed us all the way to my apartment?” you countered.
His jaw flapped. “W… W-Well…”
You raised your eyebrows. Both of them.
Very high.
He puffed one cheek and looked away. “I just… hadn’t decided what to do…” he mumbled. “Or how serious you were, because if you were super serious, I wasn’t going to talk to you…”
You blinked in fake disbelief.
Jungkook muttered something like, I meant I wasn’t gonna try to sleep with you or anything if you were dating another guy... Mmm. You poked him. He shifted his eyes. Then ticked his chin at you.
“What about you, huh? You did it too.”
You shrugged. “Yeah, I did. I didn’t start dating you only because you’re cute, you know.”
He blinked in confusion.
You shrugged. “Fucking is important to me in a relationship. You always wanna fuck me. That’s what I want. Especially now that you admitted that you want me to own your ass in bed, making you even more appealing. Mmm. We have to explore that more.” You nodded sagely, greatly satisfied with your decision. “Therefore, I will talk to Gunhak in the morning.”
Jungkook sputtered, cocooning himself further into the thick blankets, slowly turning red. “That’s… W-Well… I wouldn’t date you unless I thought that you were the hottest woman that’s ever existed...”
You cupped your hand around your ear. “Pardon? Jeon Jungkook, are you saying that you’re shallow?”
“I’m not shallow, don’t twist my words!”
“I can twist something else–”
“Stop, t-that’s scary, don’t come under here! Hey!”
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tiredcreatur3 · 1 year
hey babes! can i request toji fucking y/n while she’s on the phone with her dear boyfriend megumi? mwah
that’s such a wonderful idea, thank u and of course u can!
obviously, the whole thing was very much stressful, at least on your part, fucking terrified of the whole ‘i’m fucking my boyfriend’s dad every time he’s away’ sort of thing just popping and your boyfriend finding out.
and of course, he just had to call you while toji was deep in your guts, huffing all annoyed once your phone began to ring.
“who the fuck is callin’ you?” he asked softly, not being annoyed enough to stop the deep consistent thrusts of his, your pussy just feeling way too good to stop.
“ ‘gumi.. i need to pick up.” you let out quietly and being surprised that the male actually stopped, letting go of your thighs which were pushed back nicely so he’d have a pretty view of your pretty lil pussy getting fucked by him.
you picked up hesitantly, greeting your lover, asking him what was up and the beginning of the conversation was pretty much okay, a but awkward due to the situation you were in but oh well.
“and when are y-you-“ you wanted to ask the male on the phone, a little whimper leaving you instead once toji put both his legs on his shoulder, leaning down to you, basically folding you in half and going back to fucking you while pressing little kisses down your neck and shoulder, this position turning your brain off for a good few seconds.
you could hear megumi asking if you were okay and you replied after a few seconds with a soft ‘y-yeah, just got done workin’ out baby.’
“j-just wanted to ask.. w-when you’re coming home. i m-miss you a lot.” you whispered out, panting because oh, it hurt and yet felt so fucking good, the pressure in your lower tummy making your eyes roll back.
megumi replied something and you didn’t even listen to him, just humming in reply and muting your speaker while he spoke about something that happened at work, putting the phone down and running one hand into the back of toji’s hair, whimpering his name shakily, telling him to stop even though it was making you feel so fucking good.
better than your boyfriend, even if you hated to admit it.
“why should i? hear how fuckin’ wet you are, y/n?” toji whispered out against your ear, the consistent thrusts making you almost forget that the phone was even there, eventually turning it off, hearing the older’s soft chuckle.
“feels good bein’ a cheater huh?” he hummed out, looking at you and finding you so fucking pathetic, ruining yours and your boyfriend’s life just like that but really, he didn’t give a fuck to be honest.
and if you weren’t so fucked out and feeling so good, you’d maybe feel bad and guilty but oh, you really were starting to become a little version of toji’s scumbag and shitty self.
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yourhighness6 · 7 months
NATLA Episode 2 Debrief (by yours truly)
Hi again! Here's episode 1 if anyone is interested. This is going to be another outrageously long post, just a tw
I absolutely loved the ominous start and then it's just:
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They really captured the Zuko/Iroh dynamic the cartoon had in this scene. I hope they keep this sort of thing throughout the show. Also, side note, but for whatever reason Zuko seems a LOT more violent in this version. This child needs some serious therapy.
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I guess this is their version of the map joke, huh? Low-key disappointed but not as mad as I thought I would be.
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I'm not sure how I feel about the writers prolonging some of the conflicts that were resolved back in the SWT into this episode. I guess it makes sense that they would have to extend the drama, but I'm a little disappointed these thoughts didn't make it into the first episode. I'm glad they're included, but I think at this point team avatar had started to feel like family already in the cartoon, so it's kind of annoying and misses the mark a bit.
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Yes I'm so glad they put GranGran's blessing back in! I was really mad when they took it out, but this honestly feels more meaningful than it did in the cartoon. It's a precious cultural artifact rather than just a couple of blankets. This is similar to what I was mad about with extending SWT conflicts, but I don't have nearly as much of a problem with it, as it seems like they're carrying a little piece of home with them rather than just extra drama.
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The burial scene was very sweet and sad. It gave us a bit more insight into Air Nomad culture, and a sense of closure the cartoon didn't really give us. A+ for Gordon's acting as well (he is perfect for this part, even if he does still need some more acting experience)
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Zuko has officially mastered the "my uncle dragged me here and I'm an agnsty teenager" face. A+ to Dallas for this entire scene. I am absolutely LOVING the Iroh and Zuko dynamic. Never change (jk I wish you a wonderful redemption arc)
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Suki looks just as beautiful as she did in the trailer. Unfortunately can't say the same for the Kyoshi statue (I wish it had been made out of wood), but there is something to be said for the little shrines to the avatars instead of a few big ones. I actually kind of like that they changed that element, and I hope they explore it more in future episodes, because I assume some of the spiritualism surrounding them would have to be changed. Side note: but I've seen nothing of the spirit world so far and I'm getting a little nervous. I guess I wouldn't mind if they decided it was some long-lost avatar trick or is introduced in the NWT, but if they get rid of it altogether I'm gonna be pissed.
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I'm glad they decided to make Kyoshi Island a matriarchal society instead of having a male leader. It just makes sense based on the lore and I like to see more strong adult women than in the cartoon. Also Suki got a mom! Maybe she'll get some development too!
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This Aang speech was very in-your-face storytelling, but I feel like the whole show is gonna be like that so I'm just accepting it at this point. I think it stayed true to his character while getting the point across, and it also kind of helped his character compared to the cartoon. He's very emotionally open and has a charming nativity about him, but he's clearly trying to help. Loved it.
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He's so awkward I love it. This whole interaction was really cool, because it expanded on their relationship in a cool way. They're both struggling between doing what their parents expect of them to help their respective villages, but are being faced with a pull to the outside world, Suki with her "big heart" and Sokka with his need to protect Katara. Thishonestly gives more depth to their relationship and I don't mind the writers dragging out first episode conflicts if this is how they're choosing to explore them.
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Aww look at these cute little siblings. I like that the writers are giving them more time to progress from strangers to besties. Their interactions seem more natural, and Aang's grief more realistic. It's also great to once again see Katara growing more confident and powerful in her abilities. I love the smell of some good character development in the making.
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Look at her face! She's like,"I'm so good at flirting. Mother would be proud." Meanwhile Sokka's scared of her. Anyway I'm living for their scenes and they're making me giggle. (Despite Sokka's sexism being toned down it still exists to a lesser level and I love to see her beating his ass while he tries to flex)
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I love the new subplot! I love that flashback! I love this conflict! It gives more credence to his fears as a prodigy. Whatever writer came up with this deserves a hug.
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AHH the ship is sailing! I love Sokka learning to be more open minded! I love Suki learning to be more open-hearted! I love when characters in romantic relationships learn from each other! This is giving Suki and Sokka development in ways the cartoon did not without trying to play Sokka's sexism off as a joke and also giving us more screentime and when I say I love it I mean I am doing a happy dance right now!
Okay, so just a quick word on shipping besides Sukka because as Zutara trash I am legally required to do this:
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It seems like they are keeping the zutara hope parallel intact, with Katara and Zuko both finding hope in the avatar but in different ways. However, I don't think this really changes anything. So far, there's beven nothing to suggest they're going with ZK instead of KA, and I'm a little worried that they're trying to parallel Sukka and KA wwith the way they're setting up both girls as kind of a "teacher" to the boys in a way and giving both ships a huge amount of screentime in the same episode. Also, and I hate to say this, they might be attempting to fix KA by toning down Katara's anger and her "dark side". She didn't get angry to break the iceberg and they're eliminating her entire waterbending scroll plotline. They're trying to make them a better match for each other by watering her down and therefore increasing her connection with Aang and decreasing the chance of a future connection with Zuko over their anger and shared trauma. It's sad news that I didn't want to deliver, and I've seen spoilers that there is another ZK moment later down the line, but at this point, I think KA is a lot more plausible than ZK. *cries*
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In slightly less depressing news, they're inserting the avatar state plotline a lot earlier. This makes sense with the condensed timeline, and I think I like the way they're going with it so far. I hope they keep the concept of avatar guide intact, though, and I'm worried that they're going to play into more of a connection to all of his past lives instead of just Roku. I kind of hate Roku but I do think that's a major concept I don't want them to get rid of, and his inaction during a time of adversity mirror's Aang's own challenges with confrontation. Their dynamic is a good one, and I wouldn't be opposed to changed but I really hope they don't entirely throw it out.
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Scratch whatever the fuck I said before. I'm back on my shipping bullshit I can't believe we got a BONUS FIGHT! Also kudos to whoever decided Zhao should burn the village instead of Zuko. I was always so pissed at him whenever I rewatched this episode and now I can sleep easy knowing it was that military dipshit instead of him
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I love Kyoshi to an unhealthy extent but I kind of wish Katara had been the one to go off on him. It would have seriously fixed things.
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Also, side note, but I love the hair these in fight scenes:
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Most action movies hairspray the shit out of them but these actors are allowed to look a little disheveled while they kick ass. Huge thank you to whoever decided that more natural hair is superior cuz they are 100% correct
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I think this was the perfect conclusion to Sukka (for now)! Sokka learned something so much more valuable and impactful than in the cartoon, in my opinion. His masculinity is handled very well in my opinion, and even if I would have liked to see him wear the warrior outfit, there's something really great about the way he continues to embrace protectiveness, a masculine trait, while having rid himself of toxic masculinity, such as not being able to learn from others. He's leaving a more open minded and humble person and I love the way they portrayed it.
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Okay the speech was a little on the nose but I liked it. One of the best things about ATLA was the way they executed Aang's childishness ending up beneficial for the world. I think the new conflict is expanding on that nicely while staying true to its roots. *pats writers on the head*
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Also the fan was so cute. That last scene on Appa really wrapped everything up nicely. I like the way they tied in the conflicts between the siblings while engineering growth for Sokka.
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Daniel Kim delivered in his two seconds of screentime. Zhao was such a bitch but idk what else I expected. Can't wait to see more of these two bastards in future!
Anyway, to recap:, things I did like:
Aang's new conflicts
Sokka's mini arc
Expanding on Katara's PTSD
Zhao burning the town instead of Zuko
Zuko and Iroh's dynamic
Things I didn't like:
Katara's characterization
Lack of Aang's actual avatar guide
K/A hints and lack of zutara implications
Postponing the Zhao and Zuko agni Kai
Overall, I have to say I think that they're playing into the core themes very well while expanding on the characters. If it weren't for the whole Katara debacle this would be a 9/10 episode, but with the Katara debacle imma give it a 7/10. Still, I can at least understand why the writers made their crappy decisions, even if I don't agree with them. Hopefully certain things are fixed in future episodes, but as it stands I think I'll live (barely)
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misty--nights · 4 months
This is not at all coherent, I don't think. I have a cold and woke up from a nap with a weird idea so I'm putting it out into the world in case anyone else finds it as entertaining as I did.
Do you know what I think would be a hilarious Dead Boy Detectives ship? Jenny/The Night Nurse. Now hear me out.
Imagine Jenny who goes to England with the ghosts and Crystal because her whole life has been turned upside down and she needs a new start. Imagine her trying to adapt to a new, completely different place, after spending her whole life in Port Townsend. Imagine her trying to cope with the fact that the supernatural exists and things are not how she believed for all of her life.
Imagine also the Night Nurse who has just been basically relocated from her job and forced to oversee these kids that have made her existence so incredibly hard lately. Imagine her having to live on Earth full-time for an indefinite period of time just because those pesky kids managed to charm her superior. Imagine her being incredibly frustrated about all of this, and not really having a way of venting about it because all of her power is meaningless in the face of her superiors.
Now imagine them meeting at the Agency office. Just a casual meeting once, when Jenny comes over to pick something up while Crystal and the boys are off on some case. Jenny remembers some of her first meeting with the Night Nurse. Not the specifics, of course, because the Night Nurse took that, but she does remember the fear and the weirdness afterwards. And to the Night Nurse Jenny is just some random human of no interest. So that first meeting again is kind of awkward.
But then, they keep crossing paths. They've both become this sort of reluctant parental figures to the Agency kids. Like the Night Nurse is obviously ordered to be Charles and Edwin's keeper, and Jenny has sort of taken it upon herself to look after Crystal (whose parents suck) and Niko (once she gets back to them, because I don't believe in a world where she doesn't make it back to her friends from whatever weird limbo state she is in.) And then because the four teens are now a package deal, Jenny and the Night Nurse start spending more and more time together.
Eventually, they get to talking. Still a little awkwardly at first, but they start finding common ground (complaining about the teens) and spending more time together with the only other adult figure in the group. Yes, Charles and Edwin have both been around for longer than Jenny has been alive, but they still at like teens most of the time. And yes, since Jenny's human the Night Nurse doubts their experiences can truly relate and they're not actually anywhere close in age, but it's not like she has many other options. So they talk sometimes. And slowly those talks become more and more frequent.
They start meeting like once a week. Jenny has opened a new shop down the street from the Agency and they meet there when the kids are off on a case. Maybe they share a bottle of wine or something and trade stories. Mostly complains about the teens, of course, but then also more personal things. Jenny's brain isn't quite able to grasp everything about the Night Nurse's lore, so she just drinks and listens.
The Night Nurse wouldn't admit it to anyone, but she enjoys having someone who will listen to her complains and not act like she's being unreasonable. Why wouldn't she be annoyed that this kids keep making messes for her to clean up and leaving her with mountains of paperwork to fill? (Some things never change, huh.) Jenny understands. She also finds the paperwork tedious. She also thinks the kids have an otherworldly ability to make stupid decisions and get on their nerves.
I think Jenny would be the first to catch feelings. Or at least she'd be the first to realize.
Once their meetings stop being a weekly thing and become almost daily, she starts noticing all these little things. Like how the Night Nurse is actually really soft for the kids, even if they annoy her. How she genuinely cares for her job in a way that goes beyond just being made for a job and preforming it for eternity. How she always does her best to keep the teens safe even when she knows they will try their best to get into as much trouble as possible. How she can be all dry humor and unexpected kindness underneath her business attitude. Eventually, she realizes that there's something about the Night Nurse that really calls to her, that draws her in despite her better judgement.
Jenny wouldn't do anything about those feelings, though. How do you go about romancing an eternal, trans-dymensional being? You don't. You sip your wine and listen to her as attentively as you can manage and you don't say anything.
The Night Nurse would take longer to realize she's falling for Jenny. It's not that she doesn't know how human relationships work or that she doesn't understand that she and Jenny are getting closer. It's just that she has many other, bigger, concerns.
It's not until much later, after a bad case, that she realizes. It's the kind of case that gets them all banged up and somehow, Jenny ends up involved in it too despite her insistence that she wants nothing to do with Agency business. I'm going cliche here, but I think her somehow getting cursed to be trapped inside her mind or something could work well. Because then the Night Nurse would have to go through her memories to get her back or something like that. And along the way, she would realize Jenny has a crush on her, of course, but also she'd realize she has a crush on Jenny too?
These past few months or however long it's been have been so much better knowing that Jenny understands at least some of her troubles. She can't begin to explain how much it means to her, knowing there's someone who will listen and commiserate and give the most human advice imaginable. It's a lot and she cannot ignore it now that she's realized it.
So, once things are back to normal and the kids have gone out to celebrate another case closed, the Night Nurse slips into Jenny's shop with a bottle of her favorite wine. Jenny still looks a little shaken, but she smiles and brings a couple of glasses to their usual corner and blushes prettily when their gazes meet for a second too long. Neither mentions it, but they're both aware of what has changed between them. And as the Night Nurse settles her hand on Jenny's she thinks of a man living inside of a sea monster and wonders if this is also an adventure worth talking about.
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Chapter 6
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5
“Oh would you look who decided to acknowledge I exist?”
Steve didn’t hold back his eye roll at Robin’s words since she couldn’t see him. He’d decided to call her on the walk to his car after work, just to update her on things and make sure she was okay if he wasn’t home right after work.
“We just saw each other yesterday.”
“More than 24 hours ago, Steve.”
“We are two separate humans, Robin.”
“But only one brain. Look at you separating a whole brain. This is why I couldn’t concentrate today. You took it with you.”
“Are you done?” Steve sighed. “If you’re done, I need to talk to my best friend.”
“What’s wrong?” Robin’s tone went from slightly annoyed to concerned, which meant she’d never actually been that annoyed to begin with.
“Nothing’s wrong. I just wanted to let you know I’ll be home late.”
Please don’t ask, please just accept it, don’t ask, don’t ask.
“Just stopping by Eddie’s for a bit.”
He was met with complete silence. He pulled his phone away to make sure the call hadn’t been dropped. It hadn’t.
“Steve. I’m saying this because I love you.” Oh boy, here we go. “I’m worried.”
“There’s nothing to worry about. I’m just hanging out for a bit and then coming home.”
“You’ve practically lived with him since Saturday!”
“Okay, just because I slept over…”
“Twice! In a row!”
“It doesn’t mean anything.”
“Uh huh. It doesn’t mean anything except you have barely been home and you literally went to subspace and dropped and probably subspace again with this stranger who did one nice tattoo and suddenly you’re ready to fly to Vegas and forget me!”
Ah. Steve let himself feel guilty for a moment before he remembered her insistence just a few weeks before that he needed to find other friends besides her, be social, maybe find a boyfriend.
Well, now he was doing some of that and she had a problem?
“I’m just enjoying my time with someone new. This is what you’ve wanted me to do forever, right?”
“Not like this!”
“Oh, I’m sorry I’m not following your rules for my friendships.”
“This isn’t a friendship, this is some weird sexual situation that’s gonna end up messy and you’re gonna end up hurt. It’ll be Nancy all over again.”
That hurt. Robin had been the one to get him through the Nancy heartbreak, always offering whatever support he needed while he worked through his disappointment that turned into an identity crisis that turned into a bit of a change of personality. She never judged him for his response to it. She was the perfect friend.
Having her throw it at him like this left a sour taste in his mouth and a hollowness in his chest.
She’d never spoken to him like this, not even when they got into stupid little arguments about cleaning the common areas of the apartment that sometimes escalated more than they should. This felt like she was jealous and taking it out on him.
Jealous of what though? She never seemed interested in having an actual relationship, and she was out all the time, leaving him to fend for himself in their apartment.
“I just don’t want you to get hurt, Steve.”
“Yeah, well. I appreciate the concern.”
Steve hung up. It wasn’t the mature thing to do, he knew that. But he was hurt, and he didn’t want to make things worse by letting the hurt out on her. He would talk to her when he got back home.
They were best friends, platonic soulmates. They’d get past this.
But for now, Steve turned his notifications off on his phone, got in his car, and drove to Eddie’s house.
– - – – – –
He made it inside with no issues, putting the key back under the mat once the front door was unlocked.
He pulled his phone out of his pocket once he was inside, ignoring the many texts from Robin to send a quick text to Eddie.
Made it home. Gonna make spaghetti. That okay?
He was looking around the kitchen to find all of the things he’d need when his phone started buzzing.
Eddie was calling.
“Hey, thought you’d be with the client.”
“I am, but it’s a friend. She’s taking a break. How was the rest of your day?”
Steve didn’t want him to know about his fight with Robin, not when most of it revolved around how quickly he was becoming attached to him.
“It was fine. Um, spaghetti’s okay? I just figured you probably had stuff for it.”
Eddie didn’t immediately respond, and Steve tried not to let himself worry.
“Spaghetti’s perfect. What happened, sunshine?”
How did he know? Steve was notorious for hiding his feelings from people, he’d been a champion for most of his life out of self-preservation.
“Nothing. I’m fine,” Steve was putting everything into being convincing.
Eddie was at work, he didn’t need to deal with Steve’s problems.
“Stevie, did something upset you? Do you need me to come home?”
God, of course he would offer to hurry back. He was so nice and Steve didn’t deserve it.
“Steve. I will leave right now and come back, just say the word.”
“No, no. I’m okay. Just had an argument with Robin. I’ll be fine.”
“I’m sorry, sunshine. What will help?”
He didn’t know. He didn’t think he could really talk about it right now. He didn’t want Eddie to feel like he had to talk him through it when he was with a client.
He started to feel worse.
“I think maybe I should head back early tonight. Make sure I see her before she goes to bed.”
“Okay, sweetheart. I’ll be done here in an hour. You don’t have to cook anything, I’ll just grab us something on the way.”
“No. It’ll keep me busy. Can I cook please?”
He didn’t mean to sound so whiny, or practically beg, but it must have worked because Eddie gave in.
“If you really want to, you can cook. But I want you to go change into my clothes first, okay?”
Thank God Eddie couldn’t see the redness of his cheeks spreading down his neck.
“Okay. Can I wear your hoodie?”
He knew it would smell like him, and he knew it was soft, and he knew it would make him feel a million times better.
“Yeah, sweetheart. It’s on the bed. I’ll text you when I leave here, but call me if you need me before that.”
“I will.”
“Good boy. See you soon, sunshine.”
Steve felt warmer, lighter, more like he could handle the feelings Robin brought up. He knew if he could feel like this for a little bit, he could easily handle whatever conversation they’d have when he got home.
— — — — — —
Steve was so focused on the sauce he was making, he didn’t hear the front door open or footsteps come through the living room and into the kitchen or Eddie walking up behind him.
He felt strong arms wrap around his chest from behind, a soft kiss placed on his temple.
He leaned back against the warmth of Eddie, the calm he exuded taking over the whole kitchen.
“Welcome home, Eds.”
“Mm. Could get used to that,” Eddie said as he kissed Steve’s cheek, then his jaw, his neck.
Steve was doing his best to stay focused. He was cooking dinner, right.
He started to lean forward, but Eddie pulled him back again.
“Babe, I have to cook,” Steve giggled.
“Not done,” Eddie said against his neck, teeth barely scraping against Steve’s pulse point and causing him to let out a moan.
“I don’t.” Kiss. “Want this.” Kiss. “To.” Tongue.
“You keep cooking, sunshine. I’m just gonna enjoy my appetizer.”
“But I made garlic bread,” Steve pouted, pulling away as much as Eddie would let him. “For an appetizer.”
Eddie pulled away and looked at Steve, blinking at him as if he were confused.
Then he broke out in a huge smile.
“You’re trouble, sunshine.”
And to Steve, that sounded like he was saying something entirely different.
— — — — — — —
They didn’t talk about Robin.
Steve put their food on plates while Eddie grabbed some beers from the fridge.
It was very domestic. Comfortable. Nice.
Eddie insisted on sitting right next to Steve, one hand on his thigh for the entire dinner. His thumb was rubbing back and forth, his fingers sometimes drew designs on his knee, and he tapped rhythms into his skin until it felt like Steve was part of the song.
It was easy.
They talked about their days. Steve gave him the full play-by-play of his meeting with Will and Eddie kissed his cheek when he was done and told him how happy he was that Will liked it.
Eddie told him about his appointment, Chrissy, who he’d been good friends with since high school. He’d shown her that tattooing was a way to love her body when she’d been diagnosed with an eating disorder. He promised her he’d do any tattoo she wanted for free if she went through the intensive rehab and therapy process, and four months later, she came by his shop and became his favorite client on top of one of his best friends.
Steve leaned his head on Eddie’s shoulder as he spoke, smiling to himself as he realized that Eddie was just a caring person.
He cared about everyone in his life in a way that Steve had not been familiar with before Robin.
He cared the way Steve cared, and he made Steve want to show it more.
He made Steve want to be bright in a way he’d never wanted to be before.
Eddie made him feel like he could shine.
He felt the impending rain cloud of leaving his side, though. Facing Robin would be a storm he didn’t want to weather tonight, feeling a bit overwhelmed already from his day of emotions.
It had started so good. It felt good right now.
“You got quiet on me, sunshine. What’s goin’ on in that pretty head of yours?”
A lot. So much. He didn’t know how to answer without putting everything on the table, and he knew he couldn’t do that right now. He didn’t want to cry either and that was getting more likely the more tired he got.
“Just thinking.”
“Wanna talk about it?”
“I don’t know where to start.”
“Anywhere you want is fine with me, sweetheart.”
Steve could tell him a little. Maybe talk about how much he wanted to stay by Eddie’s side. Or how he didn’t know how he was already so attached, but the thought of not having Eddie around was already devastating.
How much he could love him if he was given the chance.
“I’m scared that Robin’s right.”
Well, that’ll spark a conversation he didn’t want to have.
Nice job, idiot. You’re gonna end up spilling your secrets.
“Right about what?”
Eddie’s arm was now wrapped around Steve’s shoulder, hand resting against his arm where his fingers were tracing designs that Steve would tattoo on his skin.
“She said this is gonna end bad. I’ll get hurt. She didn’t want me to come tonight.”
Yeah, that’s not giving too much away.
Eddie’s fingers froze against his arm.
“She thinks I’d hurt you?”
“I guess.”
And a part of Steve believed it too. That was part of why he felt so shitty. Eddie already held the power to hurt him and he didn’t even realize it.
“Stevie, look at me for a minute.”
Steve pulled away, letting Eddie’s arm fall, but quickly finding his hand to lace their fingers together for extra comfort.
“I know this is gonna sound crazy, and it’s okay if you don’t wanna stick around after, but,” Eddie’s eyes were shining. Was he going to cry? “I’ve never felt like this with anyone. I’ve never wanted to spend every moment with someone before you. I missed you so much today, it was like I was being torn in half. I know it’s crazy. I know. But you’re important to me. I don’t know what will happen, I don’t know what you want, I just know that I wouldn’t ever intentionally hurt you.”
Steve could feel his lip quivering. He knew he had tears in his eyes.
He was in deep and the only way out was through.
“I don’t know how to explain how much being around you has changed me. Just in the last two days I’ve felt like someone I didn’t even know I could be. Robin’s worried because,” Steve took a deep, steadying breath. He had to be honest. Eddie deserved it. “I jump into things quickly. I’ve always been like that. I commit hard and fast and I end up hurt every time. She was around for the worst one with my ex-girlfriend. She’s worried this will be like that and thinks you’re just using me for the sexual aspect of it. Well, she thinks we’re using each other, I think. And maybe if you were different, I would be. I’m not always a great guy. But it’s just that you’re you. You’re the kind of person who will always get the best me because you deserve someone who makes you feel the way you make other people feel.”
The words just didn’t stop coming.
Steve would’ve been more nervous about it if he wasn’t watching the fondness seep out of Eddie’s pores.
His every movement revolved around Steve’s own, his touches gentle and electric.
His hand was cupping the side of Steve’s neck, his eyes staring into Steve’s soul, even though he’d just laid it out on the table in front of them.
“You deserve to be the best you because it makes you feel good. But if I can help you find that, then I’m all yours, sunshine. As long as you want me.”
Steve leaned forward, resting his forehead against Eddie’s.
He closed his eyes.
His phone started ringing.
He planned to ignore it. He knew it was Robin and he wasn’t quite ready to face her yet.
But he knew if he didn’t answer, she’d worry. Maybe dramatically call 911 to do a wellness check.
He didn’t want to put Eddie through all that.
He grabbed his phone and answered, letting his head rest against Eddie’s chest.
“Steve. Listen. I’m sorry about earlier, okay? I didn’t mean that. I’m just worried about you. I want you to have someone who makes you happy, but I want you to be safe and-“
“Robs, I know. I’m sorry I freaked out.”
Eddie’s hands were moving up and down his back slowly, adding pressure to his shoulders where he was most tense.
“Are you gonna be home soon?”
Steve resisted saying that he was home.
He realized he’d said it twice to Eddie; This felt like home. He’d never really had somewhere that felt like home. Even with Robin, he knew they were roommates because neither of them could afford rent on their own.
But here, he felt like he could safely recharge, relax, be himself, float away and find his way back. And he could do it all with Eddie.
“Yeah. I’ll head out soon.”
Robin was silent as Eddie started playing with the hem of Steve’s shirt.
“You could just stay. If you wanted. I mean I have your location and you’ll text me in the morning so I know you’re alive.”
Steve considered that this might be a test, that Robin was seeing if he’d give in easily and not explain anything else.
But Robin isn’t the type of friend to test him like that. She was never anything but honest and straightforward, never would expect him to make a choice like that to win her love. That’s just not who she was.
“I could stay tonight.”
Steve looked up at Eddie, who was smiling and nodding down at him, hands never stopping their comforting movements on his back.
“I’m gonna stay tonight.” Steve smiled into the phone as if Robin was able to see. “But tomorrow, I’m coming home after work and we’re having a long talk. We’re gonna order pizza and we’re gonna drink enough cheap wine to have the worst hangover ever on Wednesday morning. Okay?”
Robin let out a quiet chuckle. Good. Laughter is good.
“Okay, dingus. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“You got it, Robs.”
When Steve hung up the phone, Eddie pulled him tight against his chest, letting Steve find his place with his nose against his collarbone.
He breathed in his scent, smiling to himself at how quickly he relaxed into it.
“Sounds like things went well.”
“Mhm. Things’ll be good.”
Eddie kissed the top of his head.
“Let me clean up the dishes and then we can go to bed.”
“No, wanna stay here.”
“Here, in this chair?” Eddie snorted. “I don’t think either of us actually want that, sunshine.”
“Don’t wanna move.”
“How about I carry you?”
“Yes, please.”
For some reason, Steve didn’t exactly expect him to actually lift him in his arms and carry him. But he did.
He had him in his arms like he was a new bride being carried over the threshold, and Steve was blushing from his head to his toes.
Steve looked up at his face, taking in the way Eddie had a near-constant smirk when he was doing things like this. Like he was having fun and liked doing it.
Eddie dropped him in bed, laughing at the ‘oof’ Steve let out from the impact of hitting the mattress and pillows.
He stared down at Steve with that soft look he gave him before. Like Steve was actually making his life brighter, like it was a beautiful thing to have and know Steve.
No one has ever looked at him like that.
“I really want to kiss you.”
Steve gulped.
“I really want you to kiss me.”
Eddie didn’t question it or wait, and his wet lips were against his with a passion Steve had never experienced in his life.
He forgot about everything except the way Eddie’s lips fit perfectly against his, slowly opening his own up so he could lick into his mouth.
He ran his tongue along Steve’s bottom lip, smiling into the kiss when Steve let out a loud moan.
Eddie’s hand was in his hair, tugging on the ends just enough to keep Steve present as his other hand ghosted down his side and squeezed his hip.
Steve could stay just like this forever and it wouldn’t be long enough.
He’d never have enough of Eddie touching him, kissing him, caring for him.
He wanted it always.
He let out another moan when Eddie’s teeth bit down on his bottom lip, sucking it between his teeth and lips like he was trying to eat him.
Steve would let him.
But just when he thought he was going to stay like this all night, Eddie pulled away, nipping at his bottom lip one more time before he separated from him completely and stood up.
“Gonna go clean up. Be a good boy for me and stay right here. No touching yourself.”
Steve hadn’t really thought about doing so until he watched Eddie walk away and glanced down to see that he was hard. Incredibly so.
Suddenly, his only focus was on getting relief from how hard he was. How had he gotten there from a kiss?
It was like every touch from Eddie was equal to 1000 touches from anyone else. If Eddie touched his cock, he was done for. He’d embarrass himself beyond belief.
Maybe if Steve didn’t think about it, it would go away and it’d be fine.
Maybe he could just give himself a little touch. Eddie wouldn’t know. It’s not like he was watching.
But Eddie said not to.
Steve had to listen to Eddie.
He could distantly hear Eddie washing dishes in the kitchen, dishes clanking around while the water ran from the faucet.
He could feel the heat of the sweatpants and hoodie he was wearing, causing him to break out in a sweat.
Eddie didn’t say he couldn’t take his clothes off. He just said he couldn’t touch himself.
So Steve removed the hoodie and sweatpants in record time, unable to focus on anything except the cool sheets under him and the hard length nearly poking out of his boxers.
He hoped Eddie would touch him when he got back. He couldn’t sleep like this.
Too on edge, too close to falling the wrong way off the cliff.
He didn’t even register when Eddie entered the room again, his thoughts stuck on how good it would feel to have Eddie’s hands on him again.
Then Eddie’s hands were on him again. They were cupping his cheeks and forcing him to make eye contact with him.
Eddie was shirtless already, straddling his lap.
Steve didn’t care how he got there, just that he was.
He couldn’t help the whine he let out when Eddie’s cock brushed against his.
Oh, he wasn’t wearing pants either.
Steve hoped this was going where he wanted it to.
“You look so beautiful like this, sweet thing. Like I could eat you right up,” Eddie said before leaning in to leave a trail of kisses down his neck.
He paused right where Steve knew his freckles were and let out a small laugh against his skin.
“These are the cutest things I’ve ever seen.”
Steve whined. He needed Eddie to kiss them, kiss him, kiss anywhere. He needed his lips on him every second of every day.
As if he could read his mind, Eddie gently kissed his freckles. Steve could feel his smile against his skin.
“Please kiss me,” he let out, needy whimper following his words.
“Am kissing you, sweet thing.”
And he was. Technically. But Steve needed to taste him again, needed their mouths connected so he could feel his breath in his own lungs, taking and giving oxygen Steve so desperately wanted to give and receive.
“Need you, please,” Steve added, as if that would make Eddie do anything else. “Please, please.”
Begging was not what he thought would happen tonight, but his mouth no longer had a filter as he felt Eddie’s hips roll against him.
The friction was almost too much.
Steve was going to cum. Right there in his boxers after barely making out and like, two barely there touches against his cock.
“Love hearing you beg,” Eddie said as he trailed his lips and tongue and teeth down Steve’s chest. He licked at one of his nipples, blowing cold air on it after. Steve shivered, but not from the cold.
“Feels so good,” Steve managed to get out.
He could tell he was becoming more incoherent, his moans getting louder despite Eddie hardly doing anything at all to him. He’d be embarrassed if he didn’t know how hard Eddie was above him.
Suddenly, Eddie’s lips were back on his own. He sighed into it, relief at being given what he wanted letting him relax further into the bed.
The relief only lasted for a moment, though.
Eddie was pulling away and laying down next to Steve.
“No,” Steve said, turning his head to pout at him. “More.”
Eddie raised his eyebrows at him.
“That doesn’t sound very polite, Stevie. I can’t give you what you want if you don’t ask nicely,” Eddie sounded bored. Was he bored?
No, he wouldn’t have gone from interest to bored that quickly. Would he?
“Here’s what’s gonna happen. You listening?”
“Good boy. You’re gonna get on my lap and you’re gonna get yourself off. No hands.” Steve was already moving, but Eddie put his hand on his chest to hold him still. “No boxers. You use your safe word if it gets too much.”
Steve didn’t know how this could be too much, but he was too far gone to do anything but agree.
Eddie removed his hand and didn’t stop Steve this time when he got up and straddled Eddie’s thighs, the reverse position they’d been in before giving Steve a head rush. He helped push Steve’s boxers off, holding him steady when his legs nearly gave out when he kicked them off.
Eddie didn’t touch him at first, letting Steve find the position that worked best for him and watching as he tried to find the perfect level of contact.
He couldn’t though.
“Oh, sweet thing, you can’t get it right can you?”
Steve whined and shook his head, feeling tears of frustration building behind his eyes.
“You want me to help you?”
“Please, yes, help,” Steve got out between pants.
Eddie’s hands were on his hips, warmth spreading from the place they touched Steve’s skin throughout his body. His grip was strong, nearly leaving fingerprint bruises in his skin. Steve wished he would.
“More what?”
“Fingers. Harder.”
Finding the right words was hard. Steve was doing all he could to keep his eyes locked on Eddie’s face, vision going a bit blurry from the cloudiness in his head.
Eddie understood though.
His fingers gripped harder, and Steve knew he’d be done for soon regardless of the friction on his cock.
“You want help getting started, sweet thing?”
“Mhm. Mmm,” Steve was incoherent. He knew it, but he couldn’t do anything but let Eddie have full control.
Eddie used his strong grip to move Steve’s hips back and forth a few times, the feeling of Steve’s bare cock against Eddie’s clothed one nearly enough to send him over the edge right away.
He was moaning uncontrollably.
“I’m not doing it all for you,” Eddie said, letting go of Steve’s hips and watching as Steve stuttered in his movements. “C’mon. You were so desperate for it before.”
Steve didn’t think about how he was naked and Eddie wasn’t, how his dripping cock was getting Eddie’s boxers messy, how Eddie was smirking at him as he struggled to keep up the pace Eddie had started.
He only thought about how he had to get relief and make Eddie proud of him for doing what he asked.
Steve’s hips moved back and forth, rolling down every time he pushed forward so he could feel Eddie’s length against his own.
It was too much and not enough and Steve didn’t know how long he could keep this up.
Eddie was watching him, talking him through it, but not touching him.
“That’s it, sweet thing. Doing so good for me,” Eddie let out a moan when he started moving faster. “That’s it, sweetheart. Making me feel so fucking good.”
Steve wasn’t even registering his own pleasure anymore, only able to hear the way Eddie’s words were getting breathier, moans louder.
“Gonna cum for me? Want you to make me messy, sunshine. C’mon,” Eddie started tilting his hips up to meet Steve every time he rolled his hips down.
It was so much.
There was nothing but Eddie. His voice wrapped around him like a warm blanket as Steve felt the pull in his stomach letting him know he was close.
“Mm, Eddie, Eddie-“ Steve was babbling and he couldn’t stop. He didn’t care. He didn’t think Eddie did either. “Gonna. Gonna be good.”
Eddie let out a loud moan and sat up enough to kiss Steve’s lips.
Steve was done for.
He came so hard he almost couldn’t even feel it, the pleasure making his vision go black and his body go numb.
He could feel Eddie rut against him a few more times before he let out a groan.
He couldn’t open his eyes to see, but he knew Eddie must’ve finished too.
“So good, sunshine. Did so good for me, can’t believe I’m so lucky,” Eddie was whispering into his ear, soft breaths making Steve shiver against him.
Steve felt Eddie moving him so he was laying down in bed.
Then cold air shocked him into opening his eyes and letting out a pained whimper.
“Shhh, sweet thing. Just grabbing a washcloth. Gotta clean you up and take care of you, yeah? You did so good for me,” Eddie said as he pecked a kiss to his forehead.
Steve wasn’t quite floating now, but he recognized that he’d been on the cusp of it before Eddie walked away. He still wasn’t aware of most of what was going on, just that he’d never felt so good in his life and he hadn’t even had hands on him.
Whatever Eddie had done to take Steve apart was incredible.
When Eddie came back with the washcloth and gently wiped his stomach and chest, Steve tried to speak.
“Love that,” was all he was capable of, but it was a start. Eddie would get the gist of it.
“I’m glad. Loved doing that with you,” Eddie said softly as he got into bed next to Steve. He immediately pulled Steve on top of him, and Steve nearly gasped at Eddie being naked under him. “Feeling okay?”
Steve nodded against his chest.
He’d never felt better.
As he drifted to sleep to Eddie’s soft whispers, Steve thought about how he could possibly love someone so much so quickly.
Chapter 7
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alevicke · 10 months
I love the way you write for Jax —- I really would like to see Jax with a fem reader who is sort of like Jax- messes around with the others, sarcastic and feisty, but also reciprocates Jax’s minor flirting…so maybe Jax gets so confused, like thrown off- ‘does she like me does she not’ type beat, and ends up pushing farther and farther into his teasing and flirting, trying to figure out if she likes him back, but she ends up being the one to make a bold move…like just drops down on her knees pulling her hair into a ponytail like “ight…since you wanna talk all big lets get to it”… if that makes ANY sense at all 😭💀
I'm sorry I'm sorry! I know I'm super slow but I'm just awful writing NSFW ;; I love reading it sometimes but I'm so bad writing it XD So I hope this isn't too boring and you enjoy it! <3
Jax x F!Reader who teases and flirt back (NSFW)
TW: Blowjob, petnames, a bit of manhandling? NSFW obviously. Any other needed please let me know! I think there isn't much to say D:
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When you first joined the circus, Jax thought there would be a new sucker to annoy the hell out of them. Another person to joke with and use some pranks on.
He didn’t expect you to reply back as soon as he called you a pet name trying to annoy you. He usually called Ragatha dollface and he looked for another nickname for you to suit your digital appearance and annoy you. But he didn’t expect you to be calling him your silly bunny. Weird, huh. That sounded a bit like flirting. 
That was only the start of a weird forth and back between you both that no one actually understood. You sounded like an asshole with Jax, teasing him and annoying him, but you weren’t like that with the others, well, a bit but not as aggressive as Jax. For some it was double the torture now that you were there
They truly were praying you two didn’t teamed up or you could make the circus a living hell for everyone else but you two.
Jax had a lot of troubles understanding why you reciprocated his flirtations all the time. He wanted to believe you were into him, perhaps, but he wasn’t going to say anything
It didn’t matter that Zoobles told him that you looked like you were in love with him or at least interested, he wouldn’t listen. He still had his doubts
So the back and forth from you both kept being extended while he was so indecisive. You, however, seemed to be growing impatience. At this point you were honestly sure he wanted to do something with you. It was obvious by the whole flirting and how your conversations could get heated sometimes. But he always backed up at the last minute and you were already growing tired of it.
The last drop that spilled the glass was already getting closer, you could feel it. It was about to happen. 
Last few days you could feel yourself getting needier for physical contact and the silly bunny wasn’t making the step you needed. It was getting painful at this point. The desire every single day for nothing, to end up in your room touching yourself in drowned moans against the pillow. 
That day, however, didn’t look any different. Jax and you were talking alone in his room. Everyone was surprised you could get into his room, he didn’t want anyone there but you. Not even Zooble who was the closest to him after you was allowed there. And you truly thought it was a good sign, taking you to his room perhaps it could mean he would finally make the move. 
But NO. To your disbelief, it was happening again.
- Well, I didn’t expect you to make such a bold move, but I ain’t gonna complain if this is what you want toots. Could have said it before if you wanted it so badly” - You raised an eyebrow not even believing what you hear. After so many doubts and he backing up now he wanted to act brave?
Jax and you were already in the room for quite some time and the conversation was heating up as you both threw flirty punchlines to each other. You softly bit your lower lip hoping, craving for his touch. But you could see him making no movement. That was enough
- I’ve had enough of this Jax… Since you wanna talk all big let’s get to it. No more waiting” - you said as you got up from the bed. Jax, looked at you completely confused, not understanding your words. You pulling your hair up to tie it in a pony tail didn’ seem to give him enough hints. That was until you dropped on your knees pulling his legs apart.
- Oh… - it finally clicked on him what your words meant. His cheeks quickly grew red as a smirk appeared on your lips. But his smirk grew wider- He didn’t mind you taking the lead if this was the direction you were taking
- I was hoping you would make the first move, my bunny, but you left me no choice. Now shut for a bit and let me handle this. 
Jax raised an eyebrow, eyes locked on him as you fixed your ponytail. He could swear you were prettier than ever but perhaps it was lust on his eyes. He decided to stay quiet as you prepared yourself. Being honest, he didn’t want to miss the opportunity of what was going on so for once he had to hold back being an asshole. At least a tiny bit… But expecting him to stay quiet is impossible. You know he would be at least a bit annoying as always. 
You unbuttoned his overalls, letting these slip down his chest. You could feel the anticipation building on him. His eyes were following you like a predator hunting down a prey and his member already getting hard, the bulge noticeable for you. As your hand gently caressed this, a moan escaped between his teeth. A sweet sound filling your ears and raising every hair in you. 
You kept teasing him from outside his clothes, making him grow impatient. You were waiting so long for this, now he had to wait for it too, no matter if the desire was already wetting your panties. You caressed his length as you licked your lip, making him bite his lower lip in excitement. You could feel his breath become heavier as his desire grew but this was nothing but pleasure for you.
You took the overalls carefully and pulled them all the way down, finally releasing his erected cock, menacing to your eyes and to your lips. Taking it all the way down was going to be hard and he knew that just for the way you looked at it, eyes wide open.
- “What happened? Having second thoughts, sweetie?” - he teased you as he grinned, taking the member with his hand softly caressing it. 
- “Don't poke fun at me, Jax, you could end up with nothing” - you replied grinning as his disappeared a bit. He rolled his eyes and smirked 
- “Ok ok I'll be a good boy for you. Just for a bit, doll” - he finally replied while you leaned in closer to him between his legs. 
You stuck your tongue out, softly pressing this one against his twitching cock. You could see him biting his own lip again, repressing all pleasure sounds he could make just to keep his tough appearance in front of you but as soon as you moved your tongue along his length he couldn't repress a soft moan between closed teeth.
Your tongue left the dick all the way up to the top nice and wet until the very tip where you licked the precum, tracing circles on it while he grabbed the bedsheets to control humping his hips against your mouth, wanting more already.
You finally took the whole shaft inside your mouth as he let out a soft relieved moan feeling your lips stroke it while you started bobbing your head up and down on it. You felt his hand in your hair, petting it, but when you looked up he was eyes closed enjoying the feeling. 
But with each one of your movements your desire for touch was bigger. You traced your hand all the way down following your breasts and your tummy until finding all the way inside your own panties. This was nothing but a sweet addition to the moment for Jax. Not only were you pleasing him but he could also see you touching yourself between drowned moans and pants against his dick. 
You continued following the movements with your head, your lips stroking with each one as Jax kept his eyes locked on you. His breath kept getting heavier, quicker, while his fingers petted your hair. You could feel his temptation to pull it but he didn’t want to go too rough with you already, he wanted to go at your own pace, without rushing anything. 
But he wasn’t known for having too much patience… So it didn’t take too long for you to sense his hand grabbing your hair a bit more as he wanted to go faster and deeper. Seeing the saliva escape his lips was the clear sign that he was about to reach his climax and he was struggling to hold the moans in. A few words were being censored as he said them though. You however were already drowning moans against his cock as your fingers traced circles around your clit and sometimes moved down, all the way to your entrance almost pushing a finger inside.
You felt his hand finally grab your hair as he couldn’t hold any longer and humped his hips against your mouth, feeling it with each inch of his shaft to make you swallow all his cum. It was hard but you didn’t pull away from him after all, letting him ride your tongue in his ecstasis, his high wave of pleasure between louder moans filling the room even more with the steam of sex and the smell of gratification. 
- “You didn’t think we were already done, right toots…?”
It took him quite some seconds to go down from the wave, still heavily panting and releasing your hair from his grab. You pulled apart, cleaning the corners of your lips with the back part of your hand while looking at him. He was leaning back, cheeks and face completely red
- “*Bleep*, y-you really tried to milk me there, dollface…” - he said between pants.
You barely heard his words while your hand finally stopped teasing and you slipped two fingers inside your wet core, panties already soaking wet as you were the one now humping hips against yourself wanting more. Jax smiled widely, reaching a hand to your face, grabbing your jawline to make him look directly at his eyes. He licked his lips with desire, for you, for more…
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 6 months
HIII I want to say i love your OCs and your writing that i binge reading them everytime 🥰, especially i love your Yandere Jock story cause I weak for sweet himbo man but actually scary, lol.
If you don't mind , can i ask for a scenario where Damon is playing for tournament, but his team losing by a lot now cause Damon not feeling great at that time, so his coach have to use their ultimate card, bring Y/n here to cheer. Therefore, in middle break, the coach had to snatch Y/n from library, using their authority as PE teacher that Y/n has to follow. Damon shock at seeing Y/N in the tournament , even sitting at the team seat. He asked why is she here,
Y/n grumpy said "I got brought here because you stupid playing today, why are you suddenly so bad?? I thought you were the best player in this school!!!. Fine!! If you don't even win this tournament, then no point in giving you a kiss" . Damon heart stopped at that sentence. Y/n promise him a kiss if he win this??? Afterward, he went back to the tournament feeling full energy and totally annihilated the rival team. After tournament end, with everyone gone wash up and went to party to celebrate the win, only Damon and Y/n in the shower room, hungrily kissing Y/n and make out 🫣
Unbeknownst to everyone, the reason Damon was not in the mood to play was because Y/n rejected his invite to his tournament to focus on her exam lmao
Yandere! Jock x Honor student! fem! reader everyday tidbits: encouragement
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"What the hell, Damon?!" One of Damon's teammates screamed at him, exasperated by this usually amazing jock turn into this... Dunce.
"Come on, Damon. What's happening with ya?" One teammate also whispered, patting him on his shoulder. "We need your head in the game here, man. You're our MVP, please, don't be like this."
Damon only frowned, annoyed and sluggish. He really wants to lash out, but he knows he can't due to being this nice guy, so he gave a sheepish smile.
"Sorry..." He whispered, trying to get into the zone, but nothing.
The coach noticed this and frowned.
"What's happening to the guy?" The coach asked the member who got benched earlier.
"Dunno. He seems distracted coach." The guy muttered, looking around the bleachers. "Huh... Maybe the reason is that y/n is not here?"
The coach looked at the usual spot you would sit on. And he's right, you weren't there at all.
"... Are you thinking what i'm thinking?" The coach whispered, and the other members nodded.
"You, you watch the game. I gotta go fetch someone." The coach pointed at his assistant before running towards the library, hoping you're there.
He bursted open, earning quite a handful of jumps and yelps, and earning the ire of the librarian and staff.
"The basketball coach? What are you--" The librarian was about to nag when he waved him off.
"No time, I gotta find a student."
Then, he found you, just reading a book that you were too busy with to notice him.
"You, come with me." He said, getting up to your face and frightening you to nodding.
You got dragged to the court and paused when you saw the scores.
"What the hell..?" You whispered under your breath, before narrowing your eyes when you saw Damon looking so off his game.
Pursing your lips, you got to your usual seat and leaned on the railing.
"Oi! You damn dingus!" You yelled, making the whole stadium look at you. The referee was about to charge but the coach made him stop. "What's with this pathetic display? What happened to your skills? Gone? Fine! If you don't do good... No kisses!"
The whole stadium bursts in awe, squeals and blushes of bashfulness.
But Damon was the only one you're looking at, and you watched his face go from bewildered to horror.
"No! I want my kisses!" He yelled, suddenly getting energized and making a mad dash towards the hoop and dunking, earning a three points.
The stadium cheered, making you calm down as his a-game rose.
"Finally..." You grumbled, annoyed but felt good that he got energized when you got here.
Sure, you were also the reason why he's distracted. You did say you won't be attending the game since you're busy with studying...
But come on, he's been thriving before you...
You watched him suddenly getting shot after shot, and hiding from the University journalists trying to cop a pic from you.
After the whole thing, Damon completely annihilated the whole rival team. Looking scary as steam emitted from his body due to his body temperature and the stadium temperature difference.
You sighed in relief before finally going down and back to the library.
Surely, he would go celebrate his victory with his teammate right?
You walked moderately, and when you passed by their locker room, you suddenly got pulled in.
The door locked.
"So, where's my reward?" Damon, freshly showered, caged you between his arms before capturing your lips in a hungry kiss.
Yeah, he's hungry. But not for food, that's for sure.
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okwonyo · 7 months
moot game! ship your moots with an idol and give them a trope!
hihi! ^^ i didn’t put everyone because i don’t know everyone’s bias.. so mea culpa ><
@byhees with jungwon | rivals to lovers.
yizu and jungwon would both be the top of their classes, constantly competing over which one is going to be on the top of the whole school at a given semester. it’d obviously be the reason they wouldn’t stand each other— well, maybe just yizu because if you ask jungwon, he is quite fond of her actually and this is why he loves, and emphasizes on that word, to come sit next to her during her studying time. claiming that he needs to distract her (he can’t let her surpass him, can he?) but really, teasing her might be his favorite thing in the world.
@okwons with sunghoon | middle school crush (and still going strong)
and don’t get it wrong; if you ask vi about sunghoon, she’d say that she doesn’t really mind his presence and that he is a funny guy. if you ask sunghoon about vi, he’d go on a whole rant about how beautiful she keeps on getting and how he wishes he could give her the moon, and far, far beyond. he’d be so enamored by her that he’d look so stupid whenever she is near— stumbling over his every words and blushing when her shoulder slightly brushes his.. and the worst part about this is that: she doesn’t even notice! and it makes everyone go crazy.
@isoobie with heeseung | fake dating.
heeseung and ri wouldn’t that much of friends.. just seeing each others then and there at parties or at the cafeteria. he’d give her a little smile and a charming wave when he sees there, even if they don’t talk that much. and one day, when they find themselves alone in the school’s library, he’d ask her to date him and she’d go ‘huh?’ and he’d explain whatever his raison may be.. but at a moment during the whole fake dating thing, the line between reality and fake would get blurry— little unnecessary kisses there and there, a tad bit jealousy when ri talks with a guy.. i’ll let you imagine the rest.
@boyfhee with jay | neighbors to lovers.
they’d meet in such chaotic circumstances, there would be absolutely no way that they just go back to normal after that. it’d be the kind of situation where jay hears cael screaming her lungs out because of a small bugs in her apartment, she’d run out of it so hurriedly and end up in jay’s arms, who lives just infront of her and was worried sick about these screams. he’d help her, of course. and ever since then, they see each other everywhere; at the grocery store, at the gym, somehow even at work! they’d even get kissy at the club... hehe.
@hoonvrs with sung hanbin | girlboss x malewife.
saint is that strong, independent, smart, funny, cool and many more, woman that works in a office, where she is very important in and hanbin is her silly husband who makes sure to prepare dinner before she comes back home. i can see them being that one side couple in a kdrama everyone would watch just for them; because they are just so cute and funny— the audience would love to see how scared hanbin would be whenever saint is a little irritated, but at the same how soft she is with him when she annoyed.. she has a soft spot for her cutie husband.
@tyunni with riki | annoyance to lovers.
mj would not be able to stand riki in the slightest, rolling her eyes whenever he talks and scoffing when something unfortunate happens to him. her hate would be justified; he tends to get so annoying with her, pulling a strand of her hair when he sits behind her, stealing her food and holding it really high so she can’t reach it, etc.. poor girl doesn’t even know why he is all over like that but it’s just that he wants her attention, you know! of course, he’d have his redemption arc where he follows her like a puppy and obeys to her every word. the treatment she deserves!
@wonryllis with jungkook | situation (seven ver.)
jungkook would be so obsessed with her, she’d have wrapped around her finger.. for her, jungkook is a just a guy she likes to spend her time with and sometimes, okay, they kiss, but so what? for jungkook, yeonie is the only woman ever on this godforsaken planet— he’d even tend to get a bit clingy and obsessive. following her in the rain after an argument, forgetting his initial destination to follow her whenever she goes whereupon he sees her in the train. he just doesn’t know how to show her that he likes her a lot and she doesn’t make it easy either..
@alaezasmystery235 with sunoo | coworkers to lovers.
alaeza would be that cute girl at the cafe next to the faculty, and sunoo would be the new worker to this cafe— who also happens to be head over heels for her. as nice as she is, she’d help him with all his work, given the fact that he is new and doesn’t really know what he is doing, showing him how things should be done but, the thing is, sunoo wouldn’t even learn anything at all, staring at her hand as she shows him where the glasses are and watching her hair fall beautifully as she leans to look at the exposed donuts..
@euncsace with mingyu | meet cute.
they’d meet each other at the bus stop, where rim goes back home after going to the library and mingyu comes back from the gym. he’d ask her if she knows when the bus is coming and she’d say that she was about to ask him the same question. then, they’d have a little conversation about their day and what they are planning to do next. these cuties would exchange numbers before rim gets out of the bus and never leave each other alone again..
@soov with yeonjun | gym crush.
yeonjun would be that attractive man at the gym who works his biceps and and in a tank shirt and rei would be that new girl who doesn’t really know what she’d doing.. as the gentleman as he is, when he sees a damsel in distress, he’d come to her rescue and help her.. moving her by the waist so he can see the machine she’s using clearly, that only move would send butterflies in her stomach. and, yeonjun, even when he doesn’t need to, would always come help her about something— just to talk to her. let’s hope that the gym crush makes it to the outside!!
@atrirose with wonbin | tutoring au.
seiu, as smart as she is, would offer her help to wonbin, who is clearly failing is tutoring classes. they’d meet at the library or at the cafe, and have some studying sessions together. wonbin, would be far too focused on seiu’s features to even listen to what she’s saying, always answering wrong when she asks him a question but swearing that he is focused.. well, he is, but more on her lips than what is coming out of her mouth.
@seongclb with jeno | grumpy fast food employee au.
jeno would be the type of employee that says that the ice cream machine doesn’t work just because he is too lazy to use it, he’d be so unhappy to be there that it’d be written all over his face. kat would be that nice and breathtakingly beautiful girl who comes regularly and for who, jeno as a tender spot for. he’d always have a wide smile when she comes that his coworkers would make fun of... and she’d be so oblivious about it because as far as she knows, he is the nicest guy she has ever met.
end! ♡
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