#i haven't even watched the movie but the scene popped up
janeway-lover · 11 months
wait they actually put matpat in the fnaf movie? and made one of his lines "but that's just a theory!"
kudos to this man. that's amazing
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17020 · 6 days
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In which Third Division vice-captains Yn Narumi and Soshiro Hoshina become their officers' latest hot topic after a misunderstanding, even reaching the Ariake Maritime base and its captain, Gen Narumi.
TAGS . . . implied manga spoilers, co-vice captains!yn & hoshina, gen's sister!reader, suggestive remarks, warning!! gen narumi, loser hoshina agenda, everyone in the jakdf are gossips.
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Reno Ichikawa and Kafka Hibino were... confused. With each passing day, there were more questions popping up in their heads whenever they saw their vice-captains around the Tachikawa base. Sure, it wasn't any of their business, but you have to entertain yourself at your job with what you have, right?
"Oh! Here they come now" Kafka whispered, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. Reno simply nodded as he saw you and Soshiro step into the cafeteria, each one of you grabbing a lunch tray and sitting next to one another.
"What do you see, sir?" Reno questioned the man in front of him, as he squinted his eyes to get a better view. "Nothing out of the ordinary, they're just lunchin—oh!" he gasped, to which Reno raised his eyebrow. "What?"
"He put his arm around her, like in the movies."
Now that piqued Reno's interest, as he subtly turned his head to watch the scene behind him. It was true, the way in which Soshiro had wrapped his arm around your shoulder resembled the old movies he used to watch as a little boy. There was a huge smile on your face, which only fueled his theory even further.
"They sure are happy" he noted. Kafka chuckled at his comment, "If you didn't know them, you'd probably think they're dating!"
They both looked at each other with a serious expression, as if something had finally clicked. Reno leaned in, "You thinking what I'm thinking, sir?"
He nodded, his gaze returning to you and Soshiro. He could see a slight pink hue in his cheeks, which confirmed his suspicions.
It was then when Iharu sat down beside them, asking what they were so serious about. When they asked him to lean in, he knew he was in for a good time. Asking what the huge deal was and why they had to be so secretive, his eyes almost popped out of his skull when he heard the reason.
"Haven't you seen? Vice-captain Narumi and vice-captain Hoshina act like a couple!"
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As soon as the speculation started, Iharu knew that the next person he had to recruit was Izumo. When approached in the training room, Izumo simply tilted his head to the side in confusion.
"What makes you think that?"
"Are you blind?" Iharu asks, his hands on his head. "Dude, they're all over each other—I swear. Just pay attention on our next mission."
The Kaiju gods must have been on Iharu's side, because as soon as he said those words, there was an emergency in a nearby park. It was a crustacean-type honju with various yoju, and as soon as the officers touched the battlefield, their eyes were on you.
With each yoju they neutralized, they turned their heads towards you, as you and Soshiro paved a path for your captain to neutralize the honju. They paid special attention to their earpieces, which gave them a conversation starter for the next week.
"Whoever cracks the honju's shell first gets free dinner" Soshiro beamed, running straight towards the creature in front of him. Your laugh was heard through the officers' earpieces, "I guess I'll have free dinner tonight then! Remember that new ramen place near Shibuya Station?" you asked, rifle in hand shooting right through the crab's carapace.
Soshiro chuckled, "Same time as last week?"
"Don't make me wait, m'dear."
Soon after, Captain Ashiro stepped in to take care of the honju. The officers saw Soshiro approach you after all kaiju were neutralized, excited to hear what he was to say next. What surprised them, though, was that they didn't hear anything, despite seeing his lips move.
Soshiro Hoshina turned off his microphone, and so did you.
The four men looked at each other before turning theirs off as well, with Iharu speaking up. "What could be so important that they had to turn off their mics?"
"Guess that's confirmed, then" Reno stated.
"What's confirmed?"
The group stiffened as they recognized the voice, turning around to see Kikoru with her arms crossed. They looked at each other, then at her.
"Didn't you know? Vice-captain Narumi and Vice-captain Hoshina are dating!"
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HIBINO 20:50 If you wouldn't mind, Shinomiya, please!
ICHIKAWA 20:50 Please, Shinomiya We'll pay you back however we can
Kikoru sighed at the screen in front of her, shutting her phone off and leaving it on her bed before heading out. She was in total disbelief, asking herself why she even agreed to it in the first place. Going inside the bathhouse, she could faintly hear you and Nakanoshima having a chat.
Nothing too interesting, according to the guidelines she had received. She could hear Iharu's voice in her head, screaming 'Only tell us if she says something related to the matter at hand!'
As she took a seat in the bath in front of you, she noticed something was off. There was a faint, red-ish mark on your collarbone, and she knew there was no way a kaiju would have done that.
"Um, vice-captain?"
You turned your head towards her, a smile on your face. "What's up, Shinomiya?"
"If you don't mind me asking, are you okay? There's something on your neck."
Your eyes widened as you raised your hand to your collarbone, before letting out a giggle. "It's nothing to worry about, Shinomiya. When my liver has had enough of my drinking habits, I usually break out in hives. I didn't know I had one right now, so thank you."
She hummed in response, while you mentioned that it was late and you had to head to Soshiro's office to run through some reports. When you stepped out of the bath, Kikoru's eyes were wide and her jaw was nearly on the floor.
Scratches. All over your back.
Bidding your goodbyes, Kikoru was left thinking. It was Nakanoshima who broke her our of her trance.
"You don't think that was her liver, don't you?" Nakanoshima questioned, "I'm not usually one to spill, but I don't think that's her liver either. You saw those scratches?"
Kikoru nodded, "She's heading to the vice-captain's office right now" she said, to which the platoon leader laughed. "Is she? We don't really have any proof, you know? What we do know, though..."
"...is that vice-captain Narumi is keeping herself busy."
After drying herself up and returning to her room, Kikoru unlocked her phone, ready to send a message.
SHINOMIYA 22:22 I got something
ICHIKAWA 22:23 What'd you find??
HIBINO 22:23 Say something
IZUMO 22:24 Yo Spill
SHINOMIYA 22:25 Vice-captain Narumi and vice-captain Hoshina are sleeping with each other
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Kikoru usually complained that the training room was always too rowdy due to the men, but today, she was silent.
Everbody was silent.
Word had gotten out about what happened the night before, and everyone was simply processing. They weren't judging, but they were curious. How could you even have the time, as a vice-captain?
When lunchtime came around, the group was determined to watch you like a hawk. They grabbed their trays and made a beeline towards your table, where you and Soshiro happily welcomed them.
While Kafka engaged with the two of you in some small talk, Kikoru and Reno observed. They looked for anything that could be deemed as suspicious. When Reno's eyes scanned over your hands, he gently kicked Kikoru from under the table.
His eyes told her everything she needed to know, as she subtly sent Kafka a text about her and Reno's finding. On the side of your hand, right below your pinky, was a tattoo of a date. And oh—what a coincidence! Soshiro had the same one.
When Kafka secretly read Kikoru's text, he choked on his food, causing you and Soshiro to ask him if he's okay. "I'm good, vice-captains, but if it's okay to ask, why do you have matching tattoos?"
Soshiro laughed as he slammed his palm on the table, "That's 50 pushups for ya, fledgling!" "Hey—make it 30, he was just curious" you justified, "It's okay to ask, Hibino. Me and Hoshina lost a bet to a superior officer a long time ago and had to tattoo the date of that night as a result."
He didn't push any further, afraid it would cost him more pushups.
SHINOMIYA 13:01 Long time ago my ass that ink looks fresh
FURUHASHI 13:01 They're definitely hiding something
ICHIKAWA 13:02 Hey aren't we going to the first division base later today? We can ask some of the officers from there
FURUHASHI 13:03 Shinomiya you know what to do
SHINOMIYA 13:04 What am I your errand girl?
HIBINO 13:05 You're gossip girl
"Rookies, isn't it rude to be on your phones when you're at the table?"
FURUHASHI 13:06 Watch he's gonna give us 30 pushups cuz he wants to hide that he and vice-captain Narumi are married
"Officer Furuhashi, please drop your phone, it's rude. That's 40 pushups for ya."
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Even with the First Division present, the investigation was ongoing. Within the shared training grounds, whispers were exchanged about the latest news.
"I mean, I couldn't believe it—I'm still in shock" Kafka whispered, to which Kikoru nodded. "It's weird that they decided to keep it secret, but I can see where they're coming from. Who'd want everyone to know that you're boning your coworker?"
"Who's boning who?"
Shivers ran down Kikoru and Kafka's spines as they realized who that voice belonged to. They straightened themselves up while saluting, "Captain Narumi! Sorry, we didn't see you there" Kafka apologized.
"You didn't answer my question, who's boning who?"
"...umi and...shina."
"...aptain Narumi and....Hoshina, sir"
"Speak up, damn it!"
"Vice-captain Narumi and vice-captain Hoshina, sir!"
"Well that's fuckin' outdated, I'm captain and I'm not into idiots like Hoshina."
"Well, sir, it's normal for married couples to—"
"Sir, we don't know for su—"
When Gen Narumi turned on his heel and left, Kafka and Kikoru knew they were done for. They scrambled out of the training grounds in fear for their lives, as Gen Narumi angrily called you and Soshiro into his office.
When you went to greet him with a hug, he screeched. "Yn, you got married to that beady eyed scumbag and didn't tell me??"
You looked at him confused, "Gen, where did you hear that?"
"It's captain Narumi, and for your information, I found out because your whole squad knows you're fucking each other."
Soshiro laughed, his hand holding his stomach from how hard he was laughing. "You think I'd date Yn?"
"It's Ln to you, and I'll have you know my sister is way out of your league, you annoying brat."
"Gen, did you seriously call us to your office for this?" you questioned, seeing the pout on your brother's face. "I have nothing to hide, Gen, and you know that if I'd be dating someone, you'd be the first to know."
"Good to know" he noted, "now get out, will ya? I got things to do."
As soon as you closed the door behind you, you looked at Soshiro. He was about to laugh, when he saw your fearful expression.
"We need to be more careful Soshiro" you sighed, "don't go leaving any evidence next time."
"Oh brother, If I'd be dating someone, you'd be the first to know" he mocked.
Your angry expression quickly shut him up.
"The tattoo thing was a good save though, sweetheart. Good job."
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taglist (open, yippee!): @stunie @kaiser1ns @nyxypoo @karasuglazer @maruflix @littleplantfreak @heartkaji @ryescapades , also tagging @justwinginglife this is for you !!
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keerysfreckles · 11 months
stay here - mike schmidt
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pairing: mike schmidt x f!reader
warnings: use of y/n and she/her pronouns (no movie spoilers bc i haven't seen it yet im just obsessed with mike) fluff! fluff! fluff! like one makeout scene but thats it
to say babysitting michael schmidt's little sister, abby, was easy would be a lie. mike called you earlier that day, right before his shift started, and asked if you could look over abby until he got home. at the end of the call he mentioned his hours were shorter, and earlier than normal, so he wouldn't be home too late.
it was currently eleven pm. abby's supposed to be in bed by ten-thirty, and nothing was working. y/n tried calming her down with a disney movie. she even colored with her in her makeshift fort in her room. but nothing worked, she was as hyper as ever.
"abby, please! we both know you're going to be tired tomorrow and you have school," y/n pleads.
"but i'm not tired," abby groans, rolling over dramatically on the couch.
"you know what? fine. i'll just tell mike you weren't listening to me," y/n sends abby an evil smile. abby perks up, and sits up to lean on the arm of the couch to look at y/n.
"no! no no no! he said if i was good all week he'd buy me something from the store."
y/n crosses her arms and leans against the hallway wall, opposite of the couch. "looks like you're going to have to listen to me afterall."
"but i'm still not tired," abby groans again, but walks over towards y/n.
y/n looked down at the girl in front of her. she saw the small bags under her eyes, and noticed her eyes kept closing every so often.
an idea popped into y/n's head, "why don't you go lay down, and i'll be in in ten minutes, yeah?"
abby nodded, confused by the request, but still nodded nonetheless and walked down the hallway and towards her room. y/n watched for a moment before abby was fully inside her room. she knew abby was most likely to fall asleep once her head hit the pillow. now she only had to kill two hours until mike would be home.
y/n and mike have known each other for three years. y/n moved into the one story house that was unoccupied in mike's neighborhood. the town wasn't used to newcomers, so of course y/n was the talk of the town for her first two weeks there.
it wasn't until a month later when y/n was on her morning run on a saturday, and had bumped into michael. she was instantly confused when she noticed he was in his work uniform, and on the way back to his house. the two made light conversation, and ended up at y/n's that night for a movie marathon.
about a month after that, mike knocked on y/n's front door, and properly asked her if she wanted to go on a date with him. of course the girl agreed, and that was the first date of many for the couple.
which leaves y/n in the position she's in - babysitting abby.
when mike and y/n officially started dating abby interrogated the girl. asking her a bunch of questions, some more personal than others, which mike quickly interjected. abby gave mike the idea of having y/n watch over her, instead of having to pay random strangers. mike obviously agreed.
y/n settled herself on the couch and put on a random horror movie that was on tv. she couldn't even get past the opening as her eyes closed and her body went limp from tiredness.
she grabbed the blanket at the other end of the couch before fully letting sleep embrace her.
the only time y/n woke up was when she heard the doorknob rattling. she turned slightly, to look over the back of the couch, and saw her boyfriend walking through the doorway.
"shit, were you sleeping?" mike asked, taking off his jacket and throwing it by the front door.
y/n sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, "yeah, but i can go. abby's asleep so i did my job pretty well," she chuckles.
"thank you again. and you know you can stay babe, i don't mind the comapny," michael smiles.
y/n couldn't help but notice how on edge mike looked as soon as he walked inside.
"are you okay?" she asks softly, still sitting on the couch.
mike nods as he sits down beside her, "yeah, just a long night." he leans over and kisses her cheek, causing y/n's cheeks to turn pink.
"do you want to talk about it?" y/n moves her leg to rest her chin on her knee, as mike's eyes glaze over the tv screen before turning fully towards his girlfriend.
"william was just on my ass before my shift, and vanessa had so much energy tonight, i just couldn't handle it. and it felt like time was going so slow tonight," mike's voice was quiet. y/n could tell he had a rough night as he rubbed his eyes.
y/n leans forward and turns off the tv, making mike slightly confused. "is there anything i can do to cheer you up?" y/n stands in front of mike and holds her hands out. he immediately takes her hands in his as he stands with her. mike leans forward and kisses y/n's forehead.
"can you just stay here tonight?" mike's voice almost seems desperate, as if y/n's presence was the only thing keeping him going right now.
y/n nods, "i'll always stay if you ask me to," she smiles as mike closes his eyes and rests his forehead against hers.
"was abby okay tonight?" mike asked, pulling away, but still keeping their hands connected.
"she was good, until trying to get her to go to bed. but you didn't hear that from me," this caused mike to let out a small laugh.
the couple, with one of their hands linked with each other's, went down the hallway. mike stopped y/n and opened abby's bedroom door quietly. y/n stood beside mike and held onto his arm with her free hand, resting her cheek on his shoulder.
the pair were met with abby sleeping under her blanket. small snores escaped her lips. y/n leaned up and kissed mike's jaw, before whispering, "c'mon, i know you need sleep just as much as she does."
y/n pulls mike into his room, which was at this point their shared room. mike had two drawers of his dresser specifically for y/n, vice verse in y/n's room. mike stepped into the bathroom and they both got ready for the night, in the most comfortable clothes they own.
y/n was already laying down under the sheets once mike came out of the bathroom. even laying there, he thought y/n looked so effortlessly beautiful.
"why are you staring at me like that?" y/n asks as she watches mike slide into the bed next to her.
"what? i can't stare at my pretty girl?" mike leans forward and kisses y/n on the lips, as he brings his left hand to her cheek. he rolls over, so his right arm is on the mattress, as he hovers over y/n. her hands move to his waist, slowing moving to his lower back.
their lips molded with one another's, and y/n could almost sense the stress leaving mike's body.
mike barely pulled away, leaving little to no space in between the two, "i love you so much."
y/n smiled, "i love you too."
she leaned up to kiss him once more, and mike playfully rolled his eyes while moving to lay down beside the girl. mike loved falling asleep while holding onto y/n's waist, because he knew she was safe.
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silvvermst · 5 months
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SYNOPSIS :: the night where things get messy with feelings and mutual pining.
NOTE :: all characters are 18 and above
TYPE :: fluff / smut
WARNING :: dorks in love, aftercare, foreplay !!
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I haven't even begun how the fuck he was able to climb up to my room, in a middle of a storm.
“Now, explain, what are you doing here?” I asked him with my arms twisted in front of my chest. Instead of answering, he let out a weak chuckle. Seriously! This guy!
“Alright, alright, before you throw me out of your window. I was, just, I was missing you. I get it, you were busy given that this is your last semester. I even texted you a bunch of times but you weren't picking up, I got worried and shit, I ended up here.” He continues his reasons, but I was already at my limit from laughing my ass off. “Hey! Stop laughing.”
I immediately wrapped my hands in his mouth, “Remember, you're not supposed to be here.” His shock was evident by how fast I have closed the gap between us. Yet he still nodded, and it was my cue to let him go.
“You busy?” He asked in a more shushed voice, with his hand scratching his nape.
“Obviously, but since you're here might as well just take a break. Want to pop a movie? I have a subscription with Netflix... I think, check it out if I still have it.” I told him, while I prepared a snack. A bucket of popcorn and two bottles of beer I snuck in last night.
I sat the popcorn and beer down at a small table and hopped on my bed, while Warren fixed my projector. “Come on, it's already good.”
He looked at the projector one final time, before plopping down on the floor. “What are you doing there?”
Surely enough a blush appeared on his cheeks, staining it like a fairy dust. “You're gonna let me sit at your bed?”
“I don't see why not.” I answered and didn't wait for him to move his ass because I was already pulling his arms towards me.
The beginning of the movie in which I picked out–because he was too flustered by the fact he is just realising he was in a girl's room, even though he's the one who barged in– a rom-com movie, 10 Things I Hate About You.
“Are you uncomfortable?” He asked, his body was as stiff as a board sitting on my bed which is opposite from me as I'm laying while munching down on the popcorn.
“Warren, stop worrying about me, in fact I feel the exact opposite. So, I'd feel even better if you start getting comfortable as well.” I informed him, patting the space he's not occupying that's next to me.
He grunted but obliged, laying down with his back pressed against a ton of soft pillows. “I might be stuck in your bed forever, how come ours was never this soft and fluffy.”
I chuckled at his reaction, “That's because I always make sure to at least clean it from time to time.” Then, all I heard from him was a small ‘Hmm’.
The movie was halfway towards the end and I can feel him get closer with occasional comments about how cliché and predictable the scenes are. Of course, I have to defend my favourite movie.
“But isn't it romantic?” I dejected when the next scene was the characters kissing in the car.
I waited for his answer but he's gone quiet by how he keeps watching the scene. “Have you even got your first kiss?” God, my mouth won't shut up today.
In an instance, his head snapped back to me. It was a long second before he answered I added immediately, “I was kidding, you don't have to answer that.”
“No..” He answered, cutting off my initial plan to back out from my question. But the way he said it makes it sound like he's not even sure.
“Seriously? Come on, you can't be that much of a virgin loser.” I joked, but he smacked my arm lightly yet he's still laughing.
“I don't, I don't think anyone is interested in dating me, let alone kiss me.” He said, but I can hear the melancholy in his voice.
I sat up and got closer to him, "Hey, Warren, anyone will be lucky to have you. Jesus, you're a joy to be with. I know that since you've been my best friend ever since.”
He smiled, but I don't think he meant it, “Yeah, friends. Are we really just friends?”
The moment the words left his mouth, I felt uneasiness. I'm not oblivious with the fact how there were lingering glances when he thought I wasn't aware, or how his hands softly touched mine and wouldn't let go when I let him. Fuck! This was dangerous to play.
“Don't you consider us friends?” Pretend, that's what I've been doing ever since I found out about his feelings. If I do this, surely, his feelings would go, right? Wrong!
Instead his hand touched one of mine, “Do best friends go around kissing when they're drunk in a party?”
My body felt like it's been dumped with water that's filled with ice. Fuck! He remembers that? It was that stupid party by the Vortex Club, I was too fuck out of my head that the moment I saw him at that party I didn't get to control myself and just kissed him.
I was speechless, where do I even begin with. I looked at his features, the laughter we had together, his quip comments, all of it was gone, just his stoic eyes staring right at me.
The credits of the movie faded into black, making his features blurry and only a silhouette was what I saw. “Warren, I–”
My words and breath were knocked out of my mouth and instead, replaced it with his lips. I feel my body paralyzed for a minute and all my senses were blocked from his kiss.
He's kissing me? Oh, shit. Goddammit, kiss back!
The minute has already passed by but his left hand was already on my waist pushing me down the bed and got on top of me, his lips never once leaving mine and only urging me on for more.
I have to stop this, it won't end well. Things will get much weirder between us, I'll lose him if it doesn't work.
“Warren..” I breathed out when I slightly pushed him away, giving time to breathe. Yet he didn't stop, his lips were tracing my jaw leaving small kisses. I almost moaned his name when he kept going further. “We have to stop.”
“One more minute, please. Then, I'll go.” He begged, his hands roaming my body. I didn't even stop it, one of my hands was on his head patting his hair almost as if encouraging him to continue.
Fuck, please, give me strength to resist him.
“W, we really have to stop.” I breathed out, but my words fell deaf on his ears, instead he sucked a spot where my jaw connects to my earlobe. This time, I didn't get to stop moaning his name out loud.
My noise was enough for him to stop from what he was doing and looked at my face, it was only this time I got to see his eyes that was full of desire and almost as if he was going to cry.
“Do you really want me to stop? If you mean it, then I'll leave.” His voice was filled with desperation.
I looked at the rain, how hard it was pouring. “Don't look at anything else, look at me.” His hand softly touched my jaw guiding me to look at him face to face.
The truth dawned on me, I really can't resist him from the very start so why even bother. I closed my eyes and instead pulled him closer to me, this time, I'm the one who initiated the kiss. Only this was much more passionate. When two parties both want the same thing it usually ends where their clothes are disposed of and left on the ground.
The soft touches turned into harsh grips on my waist as his lips press small bites on my neck that will surely leave red bruises for the majority of the next day. Do I even care if it means he's the one who's doing it?
My hands started fidgeting and he took it as a sign to take my hands and make it wrapped around his torso. “You don't have to do anything, I'll do it for you.” He gently says near my ear before kissing my cheeks and pulling away to look at the state he put me in. My ears were ringing and all I hear is the sound of our pants and moans, did the rain already stop?
He mumbled with his words but I got to hear some of it, “I don't think I'll be able to let you go after this.”
Then he proceeded to finish his work, but this time, his hand slides dangerously from my waist to hips, fiddling with the fabric of my panties. If only I could read his thoughts, I wonder how much self control he has to stop himself from pulling it off of me. His lips found the curves of my collarbones and he didn't wait a second when my hands pushed him further into my chest. The warmth of his mouth filled my senses, the nudge of his tongue on my nipples is enough to send shivers to every part of me.
“Warren...” I softly called out to him and of course, as a gentleman he immediately stopped.
In return, he looked at me with the softest eyes I have ever seen that was almost filled with worry. “Did I do something?”
“No!” I replied, softly brushing his hair out of his flushed face. “I, I don't think I'm ready yet... for what's to happen next.”
“Oh.” Here we go, he's gonna get mad that I just led him on. But instead he smiled and kissed me on the forehead. “It's alright, we'll do whatever you want.”
“You're not mad?” I perked up, surely he might get angry.
We both sit up on the bed, he and I were already shirtless but the difference is he still has his jeans on. “Why should I? I'm in my happiest state right now. I just kissed you, and you kissed me back! Hey, I'm not mad at you for taking things slow. I'm respecting your decision, sunshine.”
Right, this is Warren. He's not the guys I've dated before. “Here, you can wear mine.” He told me, picking up his sweater from my floor and dusting it off before handing it to me.
I thanked him and the moment I wore his sweater his scent that filled my nostrils earlier came back. I couldn't resist hugging myself to feel his clothes on my body.
“You know, when you asked me earlier about my first kiss I was contemplating whether or not I should even consider our kiss from that night on the club.” He says with his hand behind his neck.
Of course, I remembered it. How could I not? It was one slip up, I had to pretend it never happened or he might be weirded out from my behaviour. It was better to blame the alcohol rather than my feelings.
“I'd prefer if you didn't regret it.” His eyes were the one thing that kept me grounded, I couldn't even look away from shame. “I knew you remembered it too, I just don't know why you have to hide it.”
“It would be better for the both of us if none of it happened. Warren, if this doesn't work out, I might lose...”
“Would you rather want to lose me now?” His question left me stunned. “Or don't you at least want to try and see what it's like to be with me? I love you, for such a long time. I was just afraid you didn't feel the same.” He paused, his voice trembling with anticipation. “But tonight, my perception changed. Give me a chance, please. If you think it won't work out in the end, at least we had the chance to love each other.”
I thought about the endless possibilities, considering the consequences, but none of it mattered the moment he kissed me tonight. All I wanted was to kiss him back, to feel more of his warmth. So in the end, all the worries and doubts turned my feelings around.
I was speechless, but I mustered my strength to look him in the eyes before kissing him again. With the same passion as earlier. He's right, he always has been right. It didn't take him too long to wrap his arms around me and kiss me back.
The moment we pulled away I could see from his eyes how happy he was, even though his smile was evident from his cheeks.
“I love you.” There, I finally said it. Caressing his cheeks.
Then a knock interrupted both of us, “Hey, lovebirds at least keep it down. We have a test tomorrow.” Juliet's voice echoed throughout my room that we have to prevent ourselves from laughing out loud.
“We should get some sleep, or they'll definitely report us.” I said, scooting over to give him some space on my bed for him to lay on.
“You want me to stay?” He asked when he realized what I was doing.
“Why? You want to go back with how hard it is raining outside? Absolutely not!” I said with my hands settled on my hips, “So please, come and sleep with me for tonight. Then, I'll throw you out my window tomorrow.”
He chuckled before bending over to me, “Thanks, sunshine. That's so sweet of you.” He said with sarcasm and sweetness in his tone.
The night ended with both of us cuddling together as I'm wearing his sweater, while his hands kept stroking my hair. As the storm outside brewed, my thoughts wandered, if ever I would have to sacrifice anything, it would be for this boy.
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whoreish-behaviour · 2 years
Can you handle that?
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If you haven't watched Scream 1996 (how?!) please pleasee go watch this scene - (Timestamp 3:25 specifically) :))
This is like a modern version.
Part 2
Ghostface x Fem!Reader
Warnings ; dubcon, coercion, voyeurism, guided masturbation, phone sex?, slight overstim
The popcorn popped gently in the background as you endlessly scrolled through your phone, looking for any horror movies that peaked your interest.
Wayy too gory.
Dropping the phone onto the counter, you huffed in annoyance as you rested your head on your hand. The popping sound filled the otherwise silent kitchen, the house being empty of its usual life.
You raked your brain for ideas now you were finally alone. And now that you thought about it more, it had been a while since your hands traced your body as you dived head first into self-please.
Yeah, you knew exactly what you were going to do.
The thought alone already had your thighs squeezing together.
Just as your were turning to shut off the stove, your phone vibrated below you. Eyebrows furrowed, your eyes scanned the name.
No Caller ID.
Shrugging, you picked up the phone without a care and pressed the little green button.
'Hello.' An unfamiliar voice responded back.
'Who is this?' Hadn't he called you first..?
"I think you have the wrong number.' You pursed your lips.
'I don't think I do and you didn't answer my question.'
His suddern steriness made you nervous and your thighs shudder.
Jesus, had it really been that long?
'I think I’m gonna go, you definitely dialed the wrong number. See you.' You announced quickly and before he could even speak two words, you hung up.
Before you could even place the phone back on the counter, it vibrated again in your hand.
You hesitated on pressing 'answer', however your curiosity about what he wanted grew stronger until eventually you caved.
'Hello?' You hoped he didn't hear your voice quiver.
'We weren't finished talking, were we sweetheart?' The nickname made you swallow thickly and clench your fist.
'I think we definitely are now.' You tried to sound stern, not wanting some man over the phone to think he had any kind of control over you.
'Hang up again and you'll regret it.'
"Fuck I will." You argued back before doing exactly what he told you not to do.
You tossed the phone on the counter, before turning your back to it completely. Sure, he had shaken you but that was exactly what he wanted.
It was probably just an ego boost for him to freak woman out over the phone, picturing their scared faces in their own homes.
The phone vibrated consistency where it laid, however you stared mindlessly at the ceiling, cursing out the universe for ruining the mood.
You began to chew your nails, his words ringing in your head.
You'll regret it.
An incoming text made your ears prick, looking over your shoulder and down at the device. The text made your heart jump against your ribs.
Unknown Number - Answer the phone.
Unknown Number - Now.
The text didn't hold any explanation marks but you knew that he wasn't fucking around anymore. Your stomach sank as your ringtone yet again rang out.
Last chance, before what? You didn't know.
The phone was in your hand again, thumb pressing down on the screen as you brought it up to your ear.
'Whats got you all nervous over there? Never had a punishment before hm?' His implication made you shived with fear.
He couldn't see you, could he..?
'Or maybe its just because you haven't touched that sweet cunt of yours in a while..' You gasped out loud, pure shock and heat blooming on your face.
'You sick fuck-'
'Ah ah, thats no way to talk to me sweetheart.' He scowled, voice deep and dripping with dominance. Against your better judgement, your core responded.
'What do you want?" Your voice was quiet, all confident gone.
"I just wanna play a game is all.' His tone almost mocked you, as if you had no reason to be terrified.
'What kind of game?' You body shrink as you waited for his response. He seemed to think about it for a second, the silence killing you softly.
'It involves you taking off them soaked panties and sitting your pretty self on that counter for me.'
You froze as he once again rendered you speechless. You hand holding the phone shook as your mouth ran dry.
'Can you handle that?' He teased.
You didn't know what to be more disturbed by: his request or that your body throbbed in response. Theres no way you wanted this..right?
Would that make you just as bad as him?
You gulped, looking at all the windows - wondering if you'll see a glimpse of his shadow. That was if he was even watching you.
'Quit acting so modest, you think I haven't noticed that little stunt you've been pulling with them thighs of yours.' He almost whispered as if it was a dirty taboo thing (it was).
''I don't kn-'
'Now sweetheart.'
You don't know what possessed you. Maybe it was his veil of seduction or just your horniness but you found yourself thumbing at the band of your panties.
Would it be so bad? To have a stranger watch you touch yourself? It sounded like some corny porno.
'If you don't move within the next 2 seconds, I'll come tie you to the fucking table myself.' His voice dropped, his frustration becoming evident.
And that was more than enough for you to clamber up onto the cool marble, contrast to your hot clammy skin, hands already working your underwear down your sticky thighs.
It dropped to the floor with a disgustingly wet slap! You grimaced as you picked your phone up once again.
'Look who's finally behaving herself. Put me on loud speaker and face the patio window.' You heart beat up against your ribcage as you did as you where told.
'Mhm, look at youu.' He dragged out the 'you', adding a playfulness to the tension building. You shivered as his statement solidified that was he indeed watching you.
'Now spread those pretty thighs for me, let me see the mess I made.' You felt yourself drip even more as each word left his mouth.
You gently lifted your legs - feet resting on the counter with you and spread your knees apart.
The cold air against your pussy made you whimper as you clenched around nothing.
'Fuck, I knew you were a slut.' He groaned and you almost moaned right back at him from the sound alone.
'Trace them beautiful thighs for me sweet.' He spoke low and stern.
Your right hand trembled as you ran it down your stomach, across your hip and finally to your thigh, your left hand staying behind you to support your body.
You allowed just the every tips of your fingers to run across your skin, nerves making them shake slightly.
'Mhm good girl. Now get closer.'
You did, your whole body shaking from anticipation as your nails grazed where you need it most. Everything felt wet and you whined at the lack of stimulation.
'You need it that bad huh pretty girl? Go on, touch that pussy.' He pushed and you wasted no time.
You first ran your fingers down your slit, collecting that sweet arousal until it coated your fingers. You then moved up to your clit, rubbing your clit in quick circles.
'No, no - slower. Can't have you coming too quick, can we?' He tutted, redirecting you before you got too carried away. You moaned in response but obeyed nevertheless.
Your fingers slipped every now and then as your whined and moaned into the quiet again. The man on the phone encouraged you continuously, dragging you closer and closer to the edge.
'Good fucking girl.'
'Keep rubbing that puffy clit for me. That's ittt.'
'I can see you dripped down on the fucking table - you're so desparate.'
The only words that left your lips were 'Please' as you threw your head back, rubbing your clit harder until he scolded you to slow down once again.
'If you need it that bad, put a finger inside that tight cunt and fuck yourself 'till you cum.' You almost cried out in happiness as you slid your hands lower, a single finger entering you.
'Fuck I can hear that sloppy pussy through the phone, put me closer.' You responded with a quiet 'okay' and moved the phone closer to in between your legs.
'Go on, fuck that cunt.' He ordered and your once again threw your head back, moving your finger faster.
You curled your middle finger up against your G spot until you felt that pit in your stomach built up once again. This time you didn't care what he said, you were going to make yourself come.
You also slid your left hand in and rubbed your clit, your coordination slightly off but you didn't care, it was working.
'Come for me pretty girl.'
That was your final straw as your felt everything you had built crumble between your legs. Your hips bucked up against your own hands and you dropped back flat against the surface below you.
'Move your hands sweet girl, let me see.' He cooed at you and you did as you were told, bringing your hands up to rest on your chest.
'Fuck, you rubbed your poor pussy raw babe.' He faked sympathy but you were too busy trying to catch your breathe.
'But don't get too comfortable, keep going.' You froze.
'You heard me, sit up and. Keep. Going.' He ordered and you couldn't even splutter a response. You back ached as you sat up, thigh trembling and twitching.
You slid your hand down, soaked with you arousal, back down to your pulsing core.
However, as your fingertips came in contact with your clit, your hips bucked away as the painful surge of overstimulation shocked through you.
'I-I cant.'
'You can.' He instantly spoke back, 'I wanna see you come from those pretty fingers again.'
You decided to leave your clit and slide lower, reentering your middle finger into your quivering core. But even then, you flinched away from sensitivity.
'It's too sensitive.' You whined, retracting your hand away completely.
It went quiet for a bit and you gulped, scared you had somehow pissed him off. Even though you had been good for him, all things considered.
'Fine,' You breathed out a sigh of relief and rested your head back.
'I guess I'll just have to do it myself.'
You bolted upright, uncomfortable as your pussy slid against the now warm counter.
'What did you just say..?'
'I'll give you a 5 minute head start, go hide and if I don't find you - you get off scot free.' He said, 'I promise not to peek.' his voice light and airy while you choked silently.
'5 minutes.' He said before he hung up.
Please do not steal, copy or translate my work
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siddyyyyyyyy · 12 days
Only Friends
Tim Drake x Reader
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wc: 0.8 K summary: You both get flustered in an interview warnings: none, no y/n used a/n: got this silly idea while daydreaming (once more) even though i have three fics going on rn. (also, it would be better if you know the concept of 'World's most searched questions' from Wired) enjoy!
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It was like every other day, just getting ready for an interview, taking the interview before doing the other stuff you have to do by yourself. It's simple, not too stressful or overwhelming. And you are actually quite excited considering it's not an usual interview. It's actually on the 'The Web's Most Searched Questions', it feeling a little exciting to be in such a format for the first time. For preparation, you watched some interviews of other actors or different celebrities to make sure you got the concept, also making sure you got the times and location right with your co-star, Tim Drake. He's in most interviews with you because of the latest movie you both acted in together. This time, being enemies in the movie. Other movies or shows, you had either neutral or romantic relationships together. But in reality, you were nothing more but friends and colleagues. You considered yourself lucky with such a nice and funny colleague, having known him for a few years already. Besides the more romantic and heated scenes, you both remained close friends throughout your career.
Once you both are ready to take the interview, having the mics set and camera pointed at you, it's time to begin. The staff explained to you one last time of how it all works, having your big card of questions first. You both inteoduce yourselves to the audience, well, camera, and slide off the first tape to the first question. It reads your name, followed up with a question, if you played in a show from six years ago. Of course, you answer it truthfully, it going well for now, explaining briefly when that show aired and how it was playing that part. Moving on, the next question is just as normal as the other. A simple question about one of the films you once starred in, answering honestly again. The next one is a little bizzare, even to you. It reads your name, followed up with a rather random and personal question. "... am I, what? Do I gossip on set?" You read aloud, being mostly confuses on why that's the third most searched question on Google about you. Where did people get that idea from. You turn to Tim beside you, still confused. "Did you start that rumour?" He can barely contain a straight face at you, shaking his head while cracking up. "I think it's about the secret pictures of us 'gossiping'." Tim answers, putting air-cotation-marks with his hands at the last word. There were a few pictures the paparazzi took of you both whispering things to each other, but you never really thought too much about it. And you definitely were gossiping, it was just rude to be truthful about it. "Ah, right. These pictures still haunt me at night, but no. I do not gossip on set. I wait until I get home." You joke lightly as you look back to the camera, continuing with the next question on the board in your hands. The last four questions go on without any weird one's popping up, until you uncover the last one. "... and Tim Drake couple?" You read aloud again, your brain short circuiting at the question. You and him, a couple? Seriously? You knew people like gossip, but was that actually serious? Tim blushes slightly beside you, glancing over to you to see your reaction. You seem just as taken aback as him. There's not much to say, really. Finally, you shake your head and look back at the camera, trying to make it as casual as possible. Ignore the five seconds of silence before your answer. "Nope. Never been together." Tim nods in agreement, keeping his wyes anywhere but you. You really haven't expected this to go awkward, considering interviews bever get awkward. There's always someone talking, either the interviewer, you, or the staff. But this is genuinely awkward. Embarrassing even. You are sure you will get nightmares about this exact incident years later. Clearing your throat, you hand your board back to the staff, Tim getting his own now.
His first question is just as light as yours, the mood getting quickly back to the one before. It's light, fun and easy. You talk a little too and poke fun at Tim as he answers his question, eventually getting to the third one.
"Tim and Drake couple with..." He trails off, seeing your name at the end. This time, it's rather annoying than embarrassing. He sighs out and look towards you briefly before frowning at the camera. "Guys, we just had that question. It's embarrassing, really. We're not together, even if our roles say otherwise in some movies." Tim explains slightly annoyed, noticing how embarrassed you are at the question. You shouldn't be, considering it's definitely not your fault and people just like some gossip. However, you also feel some different kind of emotion stir up in you. The idea of being with someone, of people knowing you are together with someone is new and sounds way better than denying it all the time. Of course you won't say that on an interview, let alone to Tim, your long-time best friend of a couple years. You both know it won't get to something more than that, both being strict about that in your friendship. You've crosses the line of friendship in roles, qs actors, before but it never felt as good as actually being with someone.
Ignoring your thoughts as best as possible, you move on with Tim. His questions are rather more funny than yours, him messing around with his answers a little as well. There's a sloght difference you noticed, and it's that people seem to take you more seriously. Probably because of the roles you play, maybe because of the personality you put on for the media. Either way, it creates an interestjng dynamic between you and Tim overall. Fans seem to like it, and it seems to work great as usual on interviews. But you never thought they could think of you both in that way. The video is finished and you both return to your own cars, hugging goodbye as usual.
A few days have gone by after that interview, and you decide to check it out. The video has about four million views by now, considering the video got published about three days after you filmed it. You start to watch it, skipping through it a little before the weird question. You seem indeed confused and flustered bt the question, them having edited your moment in a funny way. A computer buffering sound on the background, zoomed in into your face with a loading icon at your forehead. It's actually funny, even if it wasn't funny when you were answering it at the moment. Tim seems just as confused for a moment, you both denying the question as politely and smart as possible, to avoid useless scandals or rumours. Okay, wasn't so bad. Tim's part was less humerus, actually nore straight to the point with hoe annoyed he answered the question. The video ends after you say your goodbyes to the camera, getting to the comment section. You read the first few one's, them being supportive and sweet. The longer you scroll down, the more you start to lose hope in your fans. They genuinely seem to ship you. It would've been funny, but now that you think of it... it doesn't sound too bad. You make your way to some fanfic websites you still know from your earlier teenage years, searching up your name with Tim. Indeed, thousands of suggestions pop up, not having expected more than hundreds of thousand people wrote some kind of romantic content between the two of you. You are really sure Tim would hate you for it, but you go ahead and read some of it. Most were just some silly short stories about the two of you being in love on set, but some were the most heart and gut-wrenching fluff you've ever read. You didn't touch the angst tag, being too scared of getting hurt over fictional problems.
You take a break from everything, deciding it's best to never touch anything like that ever again and ignore it overall. You and him were just friends. Nothing more, nothing less. You would sacrifice everything for him and make sure he stays happy, but never cross the line between friendship and partners, in fear of ruining anything. He would most definitely do the same, if not more for you, but there's no way you'll ever be more than what you are now. Drying off your few tears, it's time to get to the next set of filming, staying friends with Tim. 
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a/n: also, sorry for being dead in the last few days or weeks, idk, but there's a few things going on and i won't be able to reply or post as quickly as before, but I'll try!! hope you enjoyed it
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dutchbarracuda · 3 months
Last few days I tried something new for me. DIY hand embroidered patch.
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Popped a bit of fabric in a hoop, traced out the pattern, then just started stabbing for a few hours. Total time? No idea, might be 5, could be 15. I was semi-watching/listening to shit on Stremio.
There's a reason I went with this pattern. It's a Tree Star from The Land Before Time (1988). I'm a Millenial and that movie is a super solidified Core Memory for me, even if I haven't watched it since I was a kid.
It's my symbol for childhood innocence lost, as well as a beautiful leaf in general. I also lost my mother last year, and even just the thought of that scene from the movie makes me well up.
So yeah, this'll go on my battle jacket soon. A reminder of my mum, of my childhood, of nature, and of course, to deal 3D6 Damage to any Millennial that recognizes it.
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silverskye13 · 6 months
That ficlet of “How long can Helsknight and Wels go without wanting to maul each other to death” gives me the idea of like. Yknow that trope where two characters you assume have never met each other turn out in fact to be buddies who like play pool together or something. That’s Helsknight and XB. Wels gets shunted to Hels and finds XB just chillin in a bar with Hels and goes “WHAT THE FUCK BRO”
"Hels Kitchen, huh?" xB asked, looking up at the sign and raising a spined eyebrow. "This new?"
Helsknight shrugged, leading the way inside. "New enough."
xB sauntered behind him, taking in his surroundings with an easygoing smile. Hels was a little hot for his tastes, but he knew from experience he would get used to the heat after a few minutes. He watched Helsknight toss the bartender (who seemed to be just a very large, contained ghast) a handful of diamonds to cover their tab, and the two made their way to the pool table in the back of the little bar. xB swiped up a couple beers, snapped the cap off one with his teeth (those sharp guardian teeth were good for something after all) and set it down on the side of the table while Helsknight prepped the game.
"It's been a hot minute," xB observed, carefully checking over pool cues for one that wasn't bent. "Been busy busting heads in the Colosseum?"
Helsknight shrugged. "Nah. Mostly just caught up with life stuff. You know how it is."
xB, who had forgotten their meet up last month because he was busy digging a hole to bedrock, knew exactly how it was. "So you haven't been practicing pool while I've been gone?"
"I'll still beat you," Helsknight grinned challengingly. "Guests break."
xB snapped the cap off the second beer, took a drink, made a face that Helsknight laughed at, and then got to work aiming his shot. It was a good break, though the eight ball danced by one of the side pockets, a little too close for comfort. He got one of the striped balls in, and claimed the stripes for the rest of the game. He took his second shot, missed, and stepped aside for Helsknight.
Pool was such a weird game for them to settle on as their friendly competition. Helsknight was a pro at PvP, all things swords and axes and shields. But xB wasn't, and even if it was, swords was Helsknight's job, more or less, and xB could appreciate wanting to do something that wasn't your job, no matter how much you enjoyed it. It was for the same reason he was grateful Helsknight hadn't suggested they go build train cars when they hung out, or terraform movie scenes. He enjoyed it, but this was his off time. The first couple times they met up, they tried playing TCG, but Helsknight was a little too competitive, and xB got tired of debating rules minutiae (and being forced to stomp home and ask Beef a thousand questions). Then they played just normal cards, which lead to the discovery they both appreciated good beer, which lead to barhopping, because hels had bars. Hermitcraft didn't. And eventually, barhopping lead to playing pool, and pool was just the kind of low-stakes game they could both enjoy. Plus both Helsknight and xB were just prickly enough that most folks looking for a fight passed them over, and any who didn't, xB and Helsknight could solidly knock around. xB wasn't a PvPer, but he was big and thorny, and his sharp teeth were good for more than just popping bottle caps.
"You're up," Helsknight told him, leaning against the wall and chalking his pool cue.
"Does that really help?" xB asked, lining up his next shot. He cracked the cue ball into a bunch, breaking them apart. None of them sunk.
"No idea," Helsknight shrugged, putting the chalk back on the side of the pool table. "If it does, it's not in any way I can see."
"So why put it on?"
"That's all this game is good for. Knocking things around and getting chalk on your hands."
"It's also good for avoiding things," xB smirked. "Left the cue by the eight ball for you."
"Just keeping your life interesting."
Helsknight danced around the table, trying to find a good angle and making increasingly frustrated faces. xB smirked and took another sip of his beer, and then grimaced, because he forgot how bad it was. He needed to make sure he remembered this brand so they never got it again. Helsknight had just about lined up his shot when the lights in the already dimly lit bar space flickered ominously. xB raised a questioning eyebrow in the knight's direction.
"What was--"
"XB!" Welsknight came stumbling out of nowhere, all tin-can-armor-clatter. Stumbled into the pool table, shaking the eight ball into the side pocket.
"Hah! I win," xB grinned.
"You did not," Helsknight snapped, slamming his cue in the pool table. "That wasn't fair and you know it!"
"He's your other half dude. It counts."
Helsknight's eyes narrowed, and xB held up placating hands. (He forgot how much Hels and Wels hated each other sometimes. Really it was like watching brothers argue.)
"What in hels is going on?!" Welsknight demanded, re-injecting himself into the conversation. "xB, Hypno said you--"
"See, I told him not to tell you where I was," xB huffed, crossing his arms. "That was just rude of him."
"What are you even doing here?!"
"Playing pool," xB smiled, at about the same time Helsknight spat, "None of your damn business!"
The two knights glared at each other.
xB quietly wondered if he should interrupt their spat or egg them on.
The large ghast behind the bar counter hissed, grabbing all of their attention. It wafted a tentacle over to tap a sign, that said: Anyone caught fighting must buy a round for the bar, or be thrown out. xB looked back at Helsknight, watching him count first the other patrons in the bar, then the diamonds still left in his coin purse, do some mental math, and decide rather magnanimously that decking Welsknight wasn't worth it.
xB offered Welsknight a pool cue, "Care to join us?"
Welsknight eyed the pool cue like it was a snake, before begrudgingly taking it. xB went to get a new stick for himself while Helsknight begrudgingly reset the game.
It really was a good game when you wanted to avoid things.
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shihalyfie · 6 months
I've alluded to tri. having some very troubled production behind the scenes, and among everything that apparently went on back there, there seem to have been at least two major bottlenecks: 1) the fact that the director (who, based on his own statements about deliberately not consulting source material, most likely didn't even watch Adventure to begin with) kept asking everyone to make things more "mature" without being clear on what that actually meant, and 2) the fact they ran out of budget and had to rewrite the entire plot halfway into it. Even the most brilliant of creators probably wouldn't be able to work at their best under such conditions.
But conversely, this also means that there were some excellent people involved in production whose efforts probably haven't been as appreciated as they should be! So I want to take a moment to spotlight some people I want to give props to:
Ayana Yuniko and Nakanishi Yasuhiro: These two scriptwriters were childhood Digimon fans who were thrilled to be on the project, and their enthusiasm clearly shows in every interview they were in. Ayana even made keen observations like noticing that the Adventure kids aren't as super-tight as people tend to make them out to be (something I've pointed out myself, and something that generally only tends to crop up among fans who have studied the series closely), and Nakanishi stated that she would slip him detailed notes about the characters and their relationships.
Both of them stated they were trying to portray the Adventure characters in a character-accurate way but kept getting their scripts rejected for not being "mature" enough, leaving them unsure about what they were supposed to do. Their roles on the series were also limited; Ayana was on parts 1, 2, and 4 while Nakanishi was on part 4 only, and they were sharing the scriptwriter role with multiple others (even within a single movie). But if I were asked to pick who on the staff list I would want to see come back for another Digimon work, it would absolutely be these two.
Kakikara Yuuko: The one in charge of overall writing for the series. tri. had a total of five scriptwriters and could have up to four(!) on a given movie, so because of that, her statements on the series and its story direction have been a bit difficult to tell whether it was her idea personally or whether she was delivering the writing room's discussion result. But one of her final statements on the series basically amounted to "I'm grateful if you even came to watch it to the end at all," and she was quite humble about saying she felt things could have been done differently; considering it sounds like she had a hard time keeping everyone and everything in order, I can only imagine she went through a lot trying to make sure everything ended safely. Incidentally, her writing portfolio is also quite respectable (and even includes kids' shows).
Suzuki Takaaki: The person with the job of "setting researcher", i.e. the one with the job of looking into the lore. Sadly, it seems like most of his ideas didn't make it into the final series (possibly because of the budget loss-induced rewrite), but his one solo interview indicates that he put quite a bit of conscientious thought into how Digital World lore works, including the idea of an EMP weapon that would affect Digimon easily but not humans (an idea that doesn't pop up among fans as often as you'd think, and took up until last year to make it into actual Adventure material via Takeru's 02TB in-universe fanfic).
Sakabe Gou: The person in charge of the series BGM. We haven't heard a lot from him, but the little we have indicates that although he also had difficulty understanding what the director was asking for when he wanted "mature" music of some kind, he himself put some very thorough thought put into the composition. In particular, he went into detail regarding the music used at the beginning of part 4, which seems to be a fan-favorite track from what I've seen (it's also my favorite too!). Sakabe also has an extensive and respectable portfolio outside Digimon; in particular, he's very highly regarded in Kamen Rider circles, so if you have a friend who's a fan, it might be a good idea to ask them about it!
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tuesday again 7/16/2024
how your backyard hurricane go, the houston area? pretty good it doesn't seem
to be clear other than losing everything in my fridge and developing some mold around the windowframes IM personally fine and so are the girls and so is the lair. we lost power sunday afternoon and got it back friday morning (upside down smiley emoji x16)
THREE CANONICALLY BISEXUAL CLUB BANGERS!!! also, trying out a new thing with spotify and youtube videos for songs bc my readership is about 70/30 and i want to streamline the process of actually listening to new music for ppl. it must be really annoying this week but that's bc there's three songs. sorry. it will rarely be this long
ANXIETY by Lilyisthatyou is new to me, off the spotify autogenerated dance playlist. a chiller groove in the spelling-things-out genre of dance music. VERY flashy-lights music vid fyi
Why do I feel so alone? Does it show That I'm dancing to fill the void with pretty girls and pretty boys?
i know about kesha's joyride bc i happen to be an alive queer woman. im SO happy kesha is also alive and making music more regularly. this one is canonically bisexual bc kesha is bisexual. also a really flashy-lights lyric video. the most classically recession-pop/early KESHA sound of all three tuesdaysongs this week. im always fascinated when an accordion shows up.
Rev my engine ’til you make it purr Keep it kinky, but I come first Beep-beep, bitch, I'm outside Get in, loser, for the joyride
thank u new releases spotify playlist. also canonically bisexual bc the singer is, also an early KESHA feel but she is a metal artist first and foremost. very fun to headbang to at a stop light. i don't totally Love how it's an emasculating song but given how dudes in the metal scene generally are? i think she should make it more emasculating actually
Take you down a peg (And peg and peg and peg) If you're a macho man then beg (And beg and beg and beg) Bend you over the bed (The bed the bed the bed) It's time to take you down a peg (And peg and peg and peg)
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fun fact i still haven't seen this movie. i got this from the library the day before the hurricane proper and it gave me a really lovely two hours of not thinking about the active hurricane the day after. enormous format photographs! full-length shots of every look! ithe little personal notes from each designer were so fun to read, and i think this genuinely healed my heart a little. everyone was so excited to go into detail about what choices they made and what inspired them, and even though i would have loved more specific construction details, specific fiber types, and full-length shots of the Back of every look, i recognize i am a freak.
watched a truly bonkers assortment of films at my bestie's house this week. her husband is big into godzilla and i sat down not really paying attention or planning to pay attention to Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire (2024, dir. Wingard) but found myself actually paying attention. i unfortunately was a character i hate, Person Who Stops The Movie Halfway Through To Demand A Recap. loved these guys, whatever the fuck they were
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the most fun thing about this movie is that it is not a silent film but it acts like one. there are long, long stretches of movie without dialogue bc all the political action is happening between a bunch of giant monkeys. this is going to sound like im damning it with faint praise but they really thought carefully about directorial and artistic choices here! there was a vision and they executed it! it's fun to look at and not just because there's a big monkey in most of the shots!
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got a look at characters for the new fire-themed land coming up this fall. ppl are understandably big mad that the land is based on Ring of Fire cultures and everyone is paper-white. i think it is correct to be mad and ask them to do better, and they have tweaked designs before release before, however, i don't think this will bring about a sea change in gacha games.
i am rolling along clearing out map markers and achievement hunting and my GOD are there a lot of time-gated achievements in inazuma (electricity-themed legally-not-japan). so so so many of them i originally got halfway through or did 1/5 and then wandered off bc i didn't realize there was a quest or achievement locked behind doing something for three or five days in a row. i now have a post-it on the corner of my monitor with nine different things i have to keep checking in on this week. please someone give me a REAL JOB!!!!!!
cross stitch progress. this was the only thing i did last week aside from shake like a chihuahua and sleep. very slow going! may have to ship the package off to my brother with an IOU bc it is already stressfully late.
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made the bean influencer soup (creamy miso coconut butter beans). i made a batch before the hurricane last week so most of my notes are from then. the grocery did not have canned butter beans so i made the same thing (big lima beans) from dry. i have not made beans from dry since i was very small. these beans were so large, so pale, so aggressive.
changes: i was able to find a little carton of straight coconut cream at the grocery but they were out of miso paste. i did have miso soup mix and plopped that in. i also used frozen spinch bc it’s cheaper and i felt better about it than the somewhat questionable fresh spinch on offer. also used two onions instead of one and a hearty dollop of minced jarred garlic bc who do u think i even fucking am. i would have loved to use fresh dill, bc i did plant some and it was growing very well, but the caterpillars were very intense and ate almost everything on my balcony.
going in the rotation! im making it AGAIN as im typing up this post! pretty cheap, very tasty, i don't regularly keep butter beans or coconut cream in my pantry but that can change!
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veronicaphoenix · 1 month
writing updates ✨
I'm aware I haven't posted anything besides a short one shot in the last few weeks. I've been busy writing my MA's thesis which is due in a couple of weeks, and trying to cope with the chaos that is summer.
I'm just popping by to leave unedited short snippets for both The Unmaking of a Warrior, and the next chapter of Zutto 😇
The Unmaking of a Warrior — Epilogue Pt. 1
I couldn't stop thinking about it since that moment. The realization lingered in my mind, and throughout the day, it haunted me like a secret I was too embarrassed to admit—even to myself.
I wanted to be a mother. I wanted Noah and I to become parents, to bring a life into this world that was a part of both of us. I imagined a little one, a perfect blend of Noah and me, running through the gardens, learning to wield a bow or defend himself with a sword, just like his father.
At lunch, a swarm of butterflies fluttered wildly in my stomach, their wings beating in rhythm with the thought of Noah getting me pregnant. My hands trembled slightly as I held my chopsticks, moving them aimlessly across my plate.
"You’re very quiet today," Noah observed, his voice soft yet curious.
I glanced up at him, caught off guard. His eyes, filled with a mix of curiosity and amusement, met mine. The faintest smile played at the corner of his lips, as if he knew I was hiding something.
"What’s going on in that little head of yours?" he teased gently.
"Nothing special," I replied quickly, lowering my gaze to my plate.
"Nothing special?" he repeated, not convinced by my response.
"No, nothing," I insisted, shaking my head, hoping to divert the conversation. But Noah wasn’t so easily deterred.
"This wouldn’t have anything to do with your reaction when you saw Lila in my arms, would it?" he asked, his voice laced with a knowing tone.
I felt my cheeks flush. "What? No, of course not."
"Are you sure you’re not having any thoughts about… us?" He leaned across the table, lowering his voice to a whisper, "About me… emptying myself inside of you?"
"Noah!" I hissed, glancing around quickly to ensure no one could hear. My face grew even warmer, and I looked away, mortified.
Zutto — Chapter Six
Lia brushed aside a lock of Noah's hair that threatened to fall over his eyes, and a memory from her teenage years suddenly flooded back. It was one of those weekends when Cristina had abandoned her, leaving her to spend the night at Noah's house. Back then, Noah slept like a log. At seventeen, his passion for music already coursed through his veins relentlessly, and many nights were spent working until he realized he should probably get some sleep and try to be a normal person. The nights he spent with Lia were no different—they would stay up late watching movies or talking. That particular night, she had fallen asleep before him but woke up earlier, giving her the chance to touch his hair while he slept, lightly snoring.
It felt surreal that, eleven years later, the same scene was playing out. Lia was certain he had the same expression, the same features. He still looked like a child, lost in his dreams. She was determined to protect him at all costs, just as he had done for her. It was the least she could do, beyond giving him her love.
Now, as adults, naked, their bodies were pressed together. Noah's chest rose as Lia made a futile attempt to tuck the lock of hair behind his ear. He stirred on the bed, and two more strands of hair joined the one Lia had tried to brush off his forehead, falling over his eyes and causing him to blink.
As soon as he saw Lia's wide eyes looking up at him and that smile that always cured his every ill, he couldn't help but smile back. He was fucking happy to wake up next to the girl he loved, especially with her naked under the sheets.
"Good morning," he murmured.
"Morning," she replied, trying to ignore the tingling sensation at the tips of her toes and the warmth spreading between her legs at the sound of Noah's sleepy, gravelly voice. His eyes, with their distinctly Asian features, looked beautiful in the morning—smaller, like two thin slits.
"You look wide awake. How long have you been staring at me?" he asked. His playful arrogance hinted at a self-assuredness that Lia was all too familiar with.
She scoffed, rolling her eyes. "You've got some nerve," she shot back, equally accustomed to his confident, slightly egotistical humor.
With a burst of energy, he grabbed Lia by the waist and tried to tickle her. She rolled onto her side, giggling, until they were chest to chest, both lying sideways on the bed.
"No more than ten minutes," Lia replied, calming herself as she saw his brown eyes twinkle. "How did you sleep?"
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planetdream · 2 months
Types of mafia bosses/position in the gang for skz? I've got the brain rot for this lately I blame the pics of them in suits and shit; I just imagine loads of tattoos too and yep I may do this to myself. But anyways, thoughts? Or thots?
can't wait to find out who of them is the first to get a real tattoo 😻😻 i will go batshit fr but i do love me some good organized crime (goodfellas is one of my favorite movies of all time, and ive written scarface fanfic, been thinking about watching the sopranos) also so so so sorry bc this was sent in may and clearly I took my sweet time answering this 🥺
cw; organized crime (i just love saying that) (non desc.) violence n drugs n sex 😻😻
let me preface this by saying, bear with me, because although i gave this a lot of thought, it lowkey reads like a random cluster thoughts lmao. anyway, i came to the conclusion that if i ever were to potentially expand on this concept more 👀👀👀 that in my head, the boys are split into two crime families, with chan and minho being the two bosses. think of their dorm arrangements (3racha/hyune + minho and the minhoettes; if those are still their arrangements ? lol). i would also say the two families are on fairly decent terms.
chan, or should I say, chris, is the stereotypical mob boss who chooses to shield his lover from the violence and drug side of his work—but has no issue showering them with the drug and violence money. if you haven't seen goodfellas, there's a scene where karen asks henry for money to go shopping before he leaves, and he gives her half of this thick stack of cash before she drops to her knees and well... yeah. not sure why, but it gives channie vibes, imo. like he hates to be pulled away from his work, but if his baby needs him for a few minutes, even an hour or two, it isn't a problem.
i'd say as a mob boss, he's one that lurks in the shadows—he likes to protect his peace, to an extent. he'll pop out and show his face every once in a while to remind others of his territory. he's always going to get his lick back, but he plays things strategically as he's not someone who makes brash decisions; it might not happen now, but it will happen. he also tries to give back to his community and those who raised him within his neighborhood, etc. he's all about strong family bonds and despite him being feared; despite all the blood and threats, the violence and damage; he craves to be loved.
changbin, strikes me as someone who is eternally faithful to the family. maybe..even to a fault (if this were a scorsese film, i feel he'd be one of the last to be murdered; and it probably happens off screen lol). but because he is loyal, he is most definitely chan's second in command, a real right hand man. if anything has happened to chan, then changbin knows that he must not hesitate, he must not mourn or act out—but to learn from chan and play things strategically. he must assume the role of the don. off topic, imo, he's someone that might show off his partner. bringing them to poker nights so all the others can drool over them. his lover is his prize and he'd go above and beyond for them. (has definitely been set up by a lover so he doesn't trust easily, but when he does, whew, he falls head first)
hyunjin is in it for the moneyyyy.. feel like he just wants to show off and get girls (and the mens...👀) and do drugs. he just wants to have fun, most importantly. life is like a video game to him; he's kinda just doing a bunch of side quests—but he knows everyone and everything, a real socialite. kinda perceive him as a friend of the mob who has serious drug connects. since he's everywhere all the time, just being in others business feeling like the cops would be trying for yearsss to pin him on murder or intent to distribute charges but they've only got him for possession once.
now jisung confuses me just a bit. originally i wrote this paragraph about how jisung and felix remind me of lenny from shark tale (another scorsese classic, sorta). they don't seem to be cut out for the life of crime and would rather just leave and be their true selves. but them mfs r not sharks!! leaving can be potentially dangerous and often has consequences (and those two would like to keep their fingers and well, their lives).
that being said, i had been internally debating on whether or not jisung would be perceived as someone who could potentially squeal if pressured heavily—which definitely would affect his rank/status.... but I think he's dedicated to prove himself in the life he was given. likely starts of simple; he's selling drugs n stuff. then, he's even handled a couple hits—so now he's looked at with respect when around everyone. and if he's honest, to be accepted and respected means a lot to him. he almost wears his murder count with such pride. has been told time and time again, not to act irrationally.
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minho, is ruthless, and would like for his other half to be equally as ruthless. for that reason, he doesn't care to shield any of his work from you, and often asks for your opinion on things. if you're in the club and somebody hits on you or tries to start shit he wants you to be able to handle yourself; thus he recognizes you are your own person and not his property. i feel like minho would want to damn near fear his lover. yet I also view him as someone who is nowhere near ready for a relationship (doesn't have the time, he says) but is always at the right longitude and latitude to fuck yk?
because min is a scorpio I am also inclined to say that he is also a boss that lurks in the shadows—pulling strings behind the scenes. he's not a show off and he's not much of a talker either so but you better believe his actions speaks volumes. he fears no one and will more than definitely make sure he makes an example out of those who fuck up. low-key god complex; everything works out in his favor, especially if he's the last one standing.
nobody knows felix is apart of a crime family and he likes to keep it that way. he flies under the radar and because of it, he's made things that seem impossible happen. he gives a very trustworthy vibe, people feel comfortable around him—he deceiving them. but it's gotten him certain connections, through certain doors, and he's learned heavy secrets (blackmail champion). his kill count is unknown. no like he flies so far under the radar, not much is known about him. still, he says a lot about himself without saying too much.
thinking that seungmin is minho's right hand—his MOST trustworthy. yet I can also see seungmin as someone who may have ulterior motives: he's making his own moves and plays behind everyones back and can be perceived as untrustworthy if anyone knew simply due to the nature of what he's doing (building his own empire maybe who knows) honestly gives hitman vibes if im real (I think there's a very thin line between hitman and serial killer yk and well...hitmen don't take trophies...) seungmin is fr someone who shouldn't be crossed. isn't into dating but he might fuck around once or twice
jeongin chases that dream to be a Made Man™ since being a kid (similar to henry in goodfellas) I would say that he's really reliable. well, until he's not. he's handsome and the ladies love him, what can he say? thus, he stays IN the club unless there's an important play to be made. he's crossed between living his young life [drugs, parties, fucking] and going for his dreams and really committing to the mob life. every so often he has phase where he's getting back into the loop of things until something traumatic happens then he's off on a 4 day binger,,
very interesting indeed.....would love to chat more on this hmm
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elfwitchtrickster · 2 months
Literature Lovers - part two
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Summary: Loki and the reader argue about who's best at literature and make a competition to write the best Shakespeare essay
Part 1:
"Slytherin" "Ravenclaw" "Slytherin" "Ravenclaw!" "SLYTHERIN" "RAVENCLAW!" Y/N yelled. "I am Loki, of Asgard and I am burdened with GLORIOUS PURPOSE!" Loki shot back. "I am ambitious and cunning and devious, I am quite literally the God of Mischief" he said, nostrils flaring. "Yeah but you're a nerd" Y/N replied and Loki scoffed, rolling his eyes. "You're witty, you're intelligent and I haven't seen you go one day without a book" she argued. "Just because I posses traits of Ravenclaw doesn't mean I am one" he huffed. "Just because you have some Slytherin doesn't mean you're not Ravenclaw" she said, mocking him. Loki let out a heavy, exasperated sigh. "My Lady if we continue to argue about this we will never finish Prisoner of Azkaban" he said, gesturing to the movie that was cued up and ready to play on the tv. "Fineeee" she said with a small pout.
Snuggling into the couch, under her blanket she reached for the remote to press play. Loki used his magic to draw the curtains closed and dim the lights before settling into the cushions. They watched in silence, each with a wide smile on their face. Every once in a while, one would make a comment but there was little sound of voices until that scene.
"Ahhhh!" Y/N screamed into her pillow, feeling heat gathering in her cheeks. "What, what is it?" Loki asked, eager to be part of her excitement. The girl simply pointed to the screen, when Loki looked to see what had gotten her all worked up, he could not believe his eyes. "Malfoy?" He asked incredulously. She grinned and nodded. "He's so hot" she said giggling while clutching her pillow. "He's blonde" Loki retorted, scrunching his nose. "He's cooool" she said. "I think you'd like him, he's kind of like you" Y/N quickly caught herself before she continued.
Recently she had noticed herself having feelings for a certain god of mischief. Initially she had pushed them down in fear of ruining their friendship but they were rather hard to ignore when she spent so much time with Loki.
Thankfully her embarrassment wasn't noticed by Loki who was too engrossed in the movie. Every time Malfoy popped up, he unconsciously clenched his jaw. Maybe he was trying to figure out their similarities, Y/N thought. Eventually the end credits of the movie played, but Loki was yet to hit pause. "I like Sirius" he said turning to her, ready to engage in what had become a traditional post-movie debrief. "I loooove Sirius too, I love all the Marauder's actually" she said. "Except Peter" she added, a disgusted expression sneaking onto her face.
The other avengers heard their voices floating in from the living room. As Tony took a sip of his coffee he shook his head. "Do you think he knows?" He asked Thor, who was sitting in front of him, munching on a pop tart. "It is unlikely" Thor said, turning around to glance at his brother. "Do you think Lady Y/N is aware of his feelings?" He questioned and Stark sighed. "Nope" he said looking over at the secretly love struck pair.
The next day Y/N walked into the library to see Loki with his most recent exploration into Shakespeare. "Ahh moved onto Macbeth I see" she said plopping herself down on the chair next to Loki's. "I think you'll like that one, the main character goes mad" she added cheekily. "Mmm indeed, I find myself being reminded of you as I read it" Loki quipped. The devilish smile that had appeared on Y/N's face quickly disappeared sending Loki into a fit of laughter. "Yeah well, I could be a great Lady Macbeth" Y/N responded, crossing her arms. "I'm sure you would" he said with a chuckle.
"Oh, I was so good at Shakespeare essays in high school" she said leaning back as she remembered her school days. "Yes it is lucky, I wasn't there" Loki said making Y/N's eyebrows furrow. "What do you mean?" She inquired. "Well, I would've... how you mortals say, crushed you, had we been educated together" he answered. Y/N's jaw dropped so low it nearly touched the floor. "I studied him for 7 years! You just started seeing his plays and you think you could do better than me?" She asked in disbelief. "I am a god" he said, his familiar smirk taking its usual place upon his face.
"Alright then" Y/N said determinedly. "You and me, essay competition" she said, her eyebrows flashing. "Right now?" He spoke. "You got anywhere else to be" she said, attempting to psych him out. "No" he murmured. "Good" she stood up quickly "time starts now, we compare at 7pm" she said running to find her laptop. Loki smiled to himself as he conjured a trailing piece of parchment and a quill, starting to scribble on the yellowed paper.
As Y/N rushed through the halls, she turned the corner and ran into something solid. "Oh, hey Bucky" she greeted the soldier she had bumped into. "Hello Y/N, where are you off to in such a hurry" he said looking down at her. "Essay competition with Loki" she said and he looked at her skeptically. "Nerds" he muttered before walking away. Y/N continued her journey upstairs, already imaging the look on Loki's face when she proved she could write better than him.
"I'm gonna kick your butt Laufeyson" she said when she returned to the library. As well as her laptop, she held a stack of books she had gathered from around the library. "I highly doubt that Lady Y/N" Loki said winking at her. She ignored the flutters in her stomach and her shortness of breath by getting right to work. The room echoed with the sound of fingers typing and a quill scratching on paper.
At last the hands on the clock reached seven and Y/N sat up with a triumphant smile. "Let's do this" she said sliding her laptop over to Loki's side of the desk. He smirked at her enthusiasm passing her his long roll of parchment. Before she took it, she looked at Loki sternly "Honest reviews okay" she said and Loki placed a hand on his chest signalling he would not lie. She began reading his writing, her eyes dancing over his elegant script. While Loki lacked some of the in-depth knowledge of Shakespearean literature his language was impeccable she thought, tracing her hand over the soft paper.
Loki was astounded as he scanned her laptop, taking in the words she read. Y/N had found hidden meanings, he never would have dreamed of, yet as he read the tiny printed letters each paragraph clicked into place. He but the inside of his cheek wondering how would be able to admit to Y/N that her essay was better. Even admitting it to himself was slightly painful.
Once she was done she looked up at the god, giving him her feedback as politely as she could. "I hate to say it, but your writing is wayyy better than mine" she said with a sheepish laugh. Loki was taken aback by this and quickly contended. "No, no, my language was good but your insights were extraordinary" he said, eyes shining in admiration. She giggled softly unable to meet his gaze. "Well thank you. You may be good at writing but it's takes quite a while to be good at Shakespeare" she said.
Loki had a history of being a sore loser and he was determined not to behave that way in front of Y/N. He swallowed thickly before replying "Yes I suppose so" Y/N beamed at him. "This was fun" she said. To Loki's surprise, she crossed to the other side of the table and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her touch felt warm around him, her frame slightly smaller than his. He carefully snaked his arms around her, holding her as if she were as delicate as glass. When she pulled apart her body heat was gone, yet she still left a warm sensation spreading throughout Loki's extremities. "C'mon let's go get some dinner" she said motioning for him to follow her.
As he did so he had a strange feeling, a rather comforting feeling. As simple as walking out of the library with her felt, an invisible voice whispered to Loki that this felt right.
After dinner Y/N tossed her plate into the sink. "You know if you're wondering what to read next, I suggest Othello" she said taking the god's plate out of his hands as well. Loki hummed with a twinkle in his eyes. "Unfortunately I have a less, poetic book to read" he said, waving the four Harry Potter book at her.
Part 3 coming soon (;
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7-wonders · 2 years
Of Jack-o'-Lanterns and Misperceptions
Summary: You carve pumpkins with two of Dream's sisters in the Dreaming!
Word Count: 1.2k (just a short lil thing!)
A/N: If you haven't read the comics, all you need to know about Delirium is that she's the baby of the family and I would protect her with my life.
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The Dreaming is home to many odd and fantastical situations that one wouldn’t normally see in their day-to-day life. But even in a land like the Dreaming, seeing the little group that’s diligently working around a table that’s been set up in Fiddler’s Green gives inhabitants pause. One inhabitant in particular, upon coming across the scene, begins to fear for his life.
“Look kid,” Merv says nervously, putting his hands up in the air as if in surrender, “I don’t know what I did to make you hate me so much, but you didn’t have to show me in such a brutal way.”
You laugh, just barely glancing from your careful knife work to the pumpkin-headed man standing in front of you. “C’mon Merv, surely you know that carving pumpkins is a Halloween tradition!”
“Tradition or not, give a guy a little warning next time before you go around driving a knife through the same thing his head is made of.”
“To be fair,” the dark-skinned woman sitting across from you interjects, giving you a wink, “this was initially my idea.”
Merv groans. “Great, Death’s got it out for me.”
“Do you want me to try and make one that looks like you?” you ask, attempting to butter him up.
He pauses to consider this before begrudgingly leaning against the table. “...Yeah. Give it your best shot.”
It still tends to give you pause when you think about the fact that your boyfriend’s sister, the literal anthropomorphic personification known as Death, is friendly with you. Even when you meet up with her in your world, the Waking, you sometimes do a mental double take when you realize that you’re sitting in a park or enjoying a coffee with Death. The woman has made an effort to try and be a friend to you since you’re in a relationship with her brother – something you very much appreciate, considering there is a whole lot you don’t understand about that which you had believed to be fake until only a few months ago.
In fact, it was Death who had suggested this little project. She had popped by your home one night to say hello while you were watching Halloween, and had remarked how much she loved the movie. Though she couldn’t stay long enough to watch the movie in its entirety with you, you did both launch into a conversation about Halloween and everything enjoyable about it. She had mentioned how she loved to carve jack-o’-lanterns back when they were still made of turnips, and then a devious smile spread on her face before she asked if you enjoyed carving pumpkins.
That’s how you ended up here, in your lover’s domain, dragging a knife through a pumpkin and trying your hardest to beat Death in designing a jack-o’-lantern. How strange your life has become in recent months.
When Death looks up from her pumpkin and smiles, you already know who she’s looking at. Though you have no powers of your own, you can still feel Dream’s presence whenever he’s around you. When he places his large hands on your shoulders, you crane your neck around to look up at him with a grin.
“Hi, Morpheus,” you greet.
Morpheus, as is customary whenever he sees you (a true romantic, he is), kisses you softly. “My love.”
From across the table, Death makes a noise of endearment. “You two are just so cute, sometimes I cannot stand it!”
His lips twitch into a small smile, the most emotion he’ll show around his beloved sister. “Hello, sister.” Dream almost does a double take before amending his greeting. “Hello, sisters. Though I am pleased to see you both, I cannot help but be unsure of when it is that I invited you to my realm.”
“You didn’t,” Death says with a smirk. “Y/n did.”
You smile at Dream sheepishly. “We wanted to carve pumpkins, and this was the easiest place for Delirium to find.”
Delirium, the youngest sibling of the Endless, is currently staring intently at her pumpkin with her tongue poking out of her mouth as she draws on it with a marker. Nobody questions what it is she is attempting to accomplish.
“You are…carving pumpkins,” Dream observes, as if you didn’t just tell him what you’re doing. You share a look with Death over the table when he’s not looking, as if to say ‘men.’ “Why?”
“Because it’s almost Halloween!” you say cheerfully. “Surely you’ve seen jack-o’-lanterns in people’s dreams before.”
“I have. Though, I believe they were turnips and not pumpkins.”
You laugh. “Your sister told me the same thing, but that was also, like, two hundred years ago. You really need to get out more.”
“You wanna carve one, little brother?”
Morpheus shakes his head politely before sitting down next to you in a seat that he conjures from thin air. “I am more than content to just watch, thank you.”
And watch he does, though you think he watches how you interact with his sisters more than he watches the actual pumpkin carving. You can tell that this simple act, of you spending time with his blood, means a lot to him. If anybody has a complicated family, it’s the Endless. You know that they haven’t always been on the best of terms, even he and Death, and so it’s important to you that you accept his family as you’ve accepted him.
Though, you do still find it difficult to spend time with Desire, since they’re very conniving and just not a very good person. You’re working on it, though.
“I’m FiNiShEdDdDdD!” Delirium finally trills before turning her pumpkin around with her delicate hands to face you. “WhAt Do YoU tHiNk? ShE lOoKs LiKe ShE wOuLd MaKe A gOoD fRiEnD!”
She’s carved the features of a jack-o’-lantern’s face over and over again, creating a pumpkin with mouths, noses, and eyes that are in a variety of positions they are not typically found in and sideways or upside-down. After studying it for a moment, you look up and grin. “Looks great, Del. Want me to put a candle in it so that you can see it lit up?”
Delirium squeals and nods, her red curls bouncing around her face. When you place one of the electric tea lights inside the pumpkin and turn it so that she can see her masterpiece, she claps her hands together in excitement. Butterflies and tiny fish fly around her, the visible manifestation of said excitement. “I lOvE iT! dOn’T yOu ThInK iT lOoKs FaNtAbUlOuS, dReAmY? dEaTh?”
“It looks wonderful, sister,” Morpheus dutifully says.
“Fantabulous, indeed,” Death adds.
As Delirium chatters on about pumpkins and pumpkin pie and oh, the time that she found herself in a giant pumpkin with mice like Cinderella, Death listening good-naturedly, you glance over to see Dream watching you. You smile at him and kiss his cheek.
“Sorry for not asking before inviting your sisters into your realm.”
“Do not apologize. I find myself glad that you are on good terms with my sisters.” He lays a hand on top of yours. “Thank you for being so open to spending time with them. It means a lot, not only to them, but to me as well.”
“I like Death and Delirium. They’re fun to hang out with. Plus, they tell me embarrassing stories about you.”
He smirks. “Ah, so that’s been your plan all along?”
“It’s a fun, unexpected little perk.” You look over at Merv before looking at your pumpkin, making sure you’ve got his left eye just right. “Now, care to watch as I recreate your janitor on an inanimate pumpkin?”
As expected, Dream does more of watching you than he does watching the actual carving. Not that you mind, though.
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gav1whore9 · 2 years
hi i lovee your worrkk!!! can u do reader and gavi having sex for the first time ? thank you <3
Yes ofc I can sorry that you waited so long
Warning: smut
Again if you don’t like smut and don’t feel comfortable with reading it just scroll please
Enjoy 💕🧚🏼‍♂️
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Gavi and I are starting to get pretty far in our relationship, he has agreed to not rush things. His teammates asked why we haven't fucked yet. Well, the truth is I'm still a virgin. I want to do it with Gavi but I'm just afraid. Currently, Gavi and I were watching a movie In his room and a sex scene has come on.
I was leaning on gavi until I felt something poking me, I soon realized he was hard. I thought maybe this was a good moment to do it. I started to move around him. "Y/n can you stay still" he groans. I turn towards him and start kissing his neck. "Y/n what are you doing?" He asks . "I'm ready," I say in his ear. "Are you sure baby?" Gavi ask’s.
"Mhm," I hum in response. He soon grabs me and switches positions so now he hovers over me. I take my shirt off leaving me in my bra. He quickly smashes his lips on mine shoving his tongue in my mouth. I moan into the kiss. He starts moving down my neck for sure leaving hickeys.
Gavi unclips my bra tossing it somewhere in the room. He looks at them. "So fucking beautiful," he says smiling. He takes off his sweatpants leaving him only in his boxers since he was already shirtless. He kisses my chest slowly going down. He reaches to the waistband of my shorts sliding them off doing the same thing he did with my bra.
He kisses my inner thighs right by where I need him most. He slowly slides my panties off. He kisses my clit. "Gavi" I moan. "So wet for me" he dirty talks. I moan in response. He starts licking my pussy. "Mm, so fucking good," he says looking up at me. I moan louder than before. As he was licking my pussy he thrusts his tongue in me.
"Oh, my-gavi" I moan. I start feeling my orgasm approaching. "Gavi! I'm going to" I get cut off by a moan. "I know hermosa cum all over my tongue," he speaks up. Gavis tongue hits a spot, as I cum all in his mouth. "Mmm," he says licking what didn't make it in his mouth.
Gavis head pops up and he hovers over me, shoving his tongue in my mouth making me taste myself. "You taste so good, hermosa," gavi tells me. "Ready?" Gavi says as he takes his boxers off. I nod as I see his dick spring out hitting his abdomen. "I need to hear u say it, baby," he tells me. "Yes, gavi I want you," I say.
He comes up to me and pecks my lips, "ill be gentle ok? If you want me to stop say so" "I love you, gavi ," I tell him. "I love you too hermosa" He smiles. He leans over the nightstand drawer to grab a condom, but I stop him. "No, I want to feel all of you, but you have to pull out," I say looking at him in the eyes.
"Okay I will baby, don't worry," he says licking his lips. I widened my eyes as I took a good look at his dick and it was huge, I could see veins popping out. "Uhm-are you sure it'll fit?" I say worried. "Shh baby relax it's okay, and if it's not, tell me I'll stop," he says chuckling in the beginning. He strokes his dick a couple time before slowly putting it in.
I hiss in pain. He looks at me making sure I still want this. "Keep going" I tell him. He nods and slowly enters me fully. "Ow. Fuck-" I whimper. "Shit. Baby, I'm sorry, are you okay baby I'm sorry I hurt you" gavi apologizes quickly. "It's okay it just hurt that one time, I'm fine" I slightly smile at him. He nods starting to move his hips slowly.
The pain soon fades and I feel pleasure. "Gavi go faster" I say. He looks at me worried. "Fuck me, gavi Just fuck me" I whine. He nods. Gavi picks up his pace, causing me to moan. "Yea? You like me fucking you?" Gavi dirty talks me, which turns me on even more. "Mm, y-yea!" I moan in pleasure.
He moves one of his hands from my hip to my clit drawing circles. "shit, baby u feel so fucking good" he groans. "Mm! I moan loud. He started moving his hips faster. He leans down sucking on my breasts. "Uh! Gavi" I cry in pleasure. He started fucking me harder. "Gavi , I- I'm close!" I clench around his cock. "Oh fuck!" He moans
"Cmon cum all around my dick baby" he praises. With that, I'm cumming all around him. "Mm..good girl," he tells me. His thrusts become sloppier. "Fuck! He moans. Pulling out, he strokes his dick. His cum landed all on my chest and stomach. "Ah, fuck" he says out of breath.
He lays next to me, both of us catching our breath. gavi grabs a tissue from his nightstand cleaning the cum off my chest and stomach. He pulls me close to him, pulling the covers over our naked bodies. "You did so good hermosa," gavi tells me. "I love you" I smile looking up at him.
"I love you too Bonita " he replies, pecking my lips. I soon drift off to sleep in his arms. "Goodnight my love" gavi whispers, before kissing my head and drifting to sleep as well
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haruchi-slit · 11 months
A movie night with your boyfriend, Suguru
Synopsis (⁠☞゚⁠∀゚⁠)⁠☞ A movie night with your boyfriend Suguru turned into a unexpected heated session.
Warnings: I don't know,this is just the most outta pocket thing I imagined, a bit cringe if you ask me. Grammatical error and typographical errors ahead (🚫MNDI🚫)
Every weekend you and your boyfriend usually spend time together watching movies, series etc. Saturday night, the two of you just finished eating supper as usual Suguru always prepares the snack while you prepare the tv and a comfy couch you turned the tv on and put it on Netflix
"lights off?" He asked,you let out a faint chuckled
"yes,as usually honey"
He hummed in response and turned the lights off, you sat on the comfy couch followed by your lovely boyfriend, as he sat down he put the snacks on your lap, he chuckled and leaned closer to your face and kissed the tip of your nose, you leaned your back on the couch and reached the remote from the edge of the couch
"Same series, or nah?" You asked
"Nah, we should watch the movie you we're recommending last night" he uttered.
You switched the tv on the movie you we're dying to see for almost a week.
"pass me the snack pleasee" Suguru plead
"the movie haven't started yet" you said
"but fine here" you chuckled
The movie started.
30 minutes in, the movie is good but not until a sex scene popped out in the movie, you we're not expecting that the movie contains a sex scene "shit, shit, shit" you chanted under your breath you we're so nervous you grabbed for the snack Suguru made for the two of you (and that wasn't a goddamn snack) you awkwardly turned your head to face "honey I believe that isn't a bowl of snack.." he panted, the movie still continuing the explicit scene he held your hand and pressed it on his shaft..it's rock hard. You knew you we're fucked up..
"I'm so sorry I was supposed to grab the snack bu-" he kissed you to shut your mouth up it was deep and passionate he slowly pinned you down on the couch he panted,
"shut it honey,but not in a rude or bad way... please may I?" He pressed his throbbing member. How can you refuse this lovely gentleman, asking for your consent to fuck you? He patiently waited for your answer, Your cheeks flushed into a bright shade of pink, you gulped and let out a sigh, you can't refuse your man, you nod in response avoiding eye contact,he chuckled
"honey,honey look at me and use your words.." he said. You looked at him flushed and all weak
"please,I give you my consent,don't tease me any longer.."
"yes ma'am" he obediently said and followed your plea. He caressed your face before kissing you,he's such a good kisser that you almost melted he roamed his hands to your body complimenting each curves and your weak spots he kissed you down from your lips to your neck, giving you his personal signature, your eyes almost rolled back, you can tell your panties are already soaking wet,
"Soo~ good ngh-!" You whimper, your breath starting to get heavy and heavier each second Geto sucks on your skin.
"Fuck..thank you for the meal honey" he groaned in a very seductive voice, he tossed your sweat shirt aside and began kissing your belly up to your chest, he took the borders of your bra and unhooked it,he did ALL that without breaking the eye contact he kissed you again and started squishing your left tit gently, gently pinching your nipple it felt sooo good,changing positions he sat you down on his lap facing the same direction he's facing he continued to squish, suck and play with your beautiful tits. Your stomach feeling the familiar knot, you knew you we're close, but before you even climax Suguru removed his hands from your tits which caused you to whine,
"Suguru..~" he lifted you up from his lap and sat you down on the couch as he kneeled in front of you, he reached the hem of your panties and tossed it beside you.
"Soo wet for me eh?" He chuckled as he gave your pussy a sweet light spank causing you to squirm "ngh-!", You whimpered..he leaned you back on the couch slowly as he dug his slender fingers on your inner thigh, he spat on it to make it more,more wetter you jolted in response- seeing you all flushed and weak turned him on so much..he then teased you by moving his fingers up and down repeatedly then giving your clit a nice circular rub and fuck that felt heaven but your becoming needy and it's driving you insane. You reached out for your clit to massage it.
"Suguru..fuck, fuck you just put it in-"You we're cutted off because he GENTLY slapped your hand away.
"Nuh uh fuck you, girl stop touching my snack" he chuckled as he rubbed your clit he leaned to your ear "getting too needy now are we honey? Be patient don't worry I'll fuck you good." He inserted his two fingers into your pussy and looked for your sweet spot.
"There you are." He said as he trusted his fingers into your g-spot "Ahh~" you moaned in relief. Your pussy was quick to suck on to Suguru's fingers "honey look on how your pussy sucks my fingers," he gave your pussy a suck and kissed it, "good girl." he then curled his fingers to your g-spot and that made your sanity over
"fuck,fuck, Suguru..~~" you moaned "shh,shh honey keep it down," he grabbed your thong to cover your mouth "we don't want our neighbors to hear it right?" You nodded "mhm..Atta girl" he growled with his slightly rasp voice. He removed his hands from you pussy and tucked his hair behind his ear,
"spread you legs for me honey yeah?" you we're quick to obey him,fearing that he might stop on what he's doing.He opened your folds and again he spat on it, he lowered his mouth to your pussy and stuck his tongue on to your clitoris, you arched your back in pleasure, you grabbed a fistful of his hair and grinded on to his mouth,he moved his tongue in a quick speed you let out a muffled moan in response, you began to wrap your legs on to Suguru's head, he sucked your sweet juices dry wasting none of it, he pulled away from your cunt, you saw a bit of your juices dripping out of his chin he wiped it off using his fingers and sucked on it while looking deep into your eyes.
(GODDAMN That's so hot)
"I think you're more than ready to take this dick" he smirked
and pulled his pj's off along with his boxer his member was hard..hard as a rock. "suck it clean will ya' honey?", he said.. you gulped in response.
"c'mon honey its not your first time" he teased, you spat the thong out off your mouth, and..you approached his throbbing member and held it's base and slowly wrapped your tongue and mouth around it you swirled your tongue around his tip before you fully inserted his dick in your mouth, you bobbed your head in a pace he likes, dang he tastes like candy..after a few minutes later you felt his dick twitching inside your mouth so you quickened the pace which made him sofly grab on to your hair and let out a whimper, you pulled his dick out off your mouth and spat on it before you lowered your tits on to his dick, you squished his dick in your cleavage while pressing both ends of your tits, moving it up and down.
"Mhmm..yea like that honey~ im c-close.." he stuttered
and again you quickened the pace, he whimpered and threw his head back on the head board of the couch..he finally came..on top of your bobbies, he stood you up and carried you in the bed room he flopped you in and crawled between your legs "I'mma put it in now.." he said as a warning "mhm" you hummed in response, you thought he was going to put it in your core but you we're god damn wrong, you flinched when you felt his member poke your anus hole, you tried to squirm away but he held your hips to make you stay..
"stay still honey..." he nuzzled in to your neck as he fully inserted it in..
"mhgmm.." you moaned, he gave you a second to adjust before slowly moving back and forth "Hahh..~" he let out a satisfied sigh...He then remove his head off of your neck and looked deeply into to your eyes while moving his hips back and forth "you're so gorgeous..so ethereal..so perfect" he complimented, you melted in his words, bit couldn't form a word to compliment him back, he then placed his thumb onto your clit and massaged it in a fast motion making your mind blank, just him and the pleasure, you bucked your hips and grinded onto his dick, you we're a moaning mess
"Sugu,sugu,Sugru honey im so mgmmhh~ close!" you gave first your warning,
"Fuck~cum a-anytime you want honey" he barely formed a sentence, "oh,~mhmmgh, you're taking me so Fuckingg~ good honey.." he moaned, you spread your legs wide open and used your elbows to push your self deeper onto him
as he fastened rubbing your sweet bud,"Fuck, S-suguru!~" you gave your last warning, you squirted..high enough to reach his handsome face, but he didn't stopped there, he chased his own high making you lose your sanity in cause of overstimulation as he was about to cum he pulled out his dick and inserted it in you pussy and thrusted a few times before shooting his thick threads in you, he then backed up and pushed his cum deeper in you, you bit your fore arm in satisfaction and arched your back he pulled his dick out and your pussy was oozing of with his cum
"so hot, i wish i had my phone right now~"
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