#if anyone's unhappy with my edits they can always watch the original episodes
lacefuneral · 2 years
Murray Hewitt scenepack for S2E6. In this episode, Murray encourages the band to write some new material. Trying to impress a woman they met in the park, Brabra, Bret and Jemaine decide to host a benefit concert for epileptic dogs. 
This is part of my ongoing project “Just Murray” - where I extract just Murray’s scenes from FOTC and edit them together. You can find this episode, and others, in this google drive folder as I upload them.
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theangrypokemaniac · 4 years
Contests Part 2/2
6. Loser Jessie
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Screechy harpie Jessay has even more of a raw deal than Mavis and Dawn of the Dead.
From the outset I knew she'd never be champion, but she ought to rise above the tiresome berks clogging up procedure.
Sufficient popularity at Pokémon Towers ensured the girls were allotted coverage of all their award ceremonies. They had a moment in the sun.
What has Jessie in comparison?
I can't recall Hoenn, but I don't expect it was much.
Sinnoh however carried naught but a single paltry episode.
This for a main character.
This for someone there from the beginning.
This for an ardent fan favourite.
This for a wench who, should we include all her various mutations, has featured in more installments than either of 'em.
But no, treat Jesseee as worthless, even lower than Dawn's groupies. It's not like anyone watches it for her.
Looking back, it's obvious what they were intending to do come Unova.
What's the score then?
• One paltry Contest on screen.
• A couple happen elsewhere, marked by a few seconds per mention when the script oh-so generously moves away from the thrilling main plot.
It's gotta be the small-town concerns for Jessuhleenuh, nothing major. She deserves no better.
• One won by James, so not hers. Press her inadequacy upon us!
• One obtained as a gesture of pity from Kate Middleton.
And how did that work? What's the good of allowing 'Dawn' entry again?
She'd already qualified. If winning here, that gives her six, therefore there aren't enough Co-ordinators for the culmination.
And when Jessie showed up with a Ribbon recorded as belonging to Dawn, how was she taken as fulfilling the quota?
The slapdash way these Contests are run!
God forbid Jess should be shown as excelling at anything. It must be scraping into the final undeservedly.
Bitch gotta know her place.
7. Bumpkin Jessie
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Ain't no description I can give that don't rhyme with 'hit', or variations of the theme.
You thought the shafting Jessica got coverage wise was bad enough? Yer ain't heard the 'alf of it.
Sinnoh was a period of peak Moron Team Rocket, where the one surprise was how stupid they could be.
You may remember an early episode when James designed her clothes for the catwalk. She thought it'd complement his work by applying lipstick all across her mug.
Obviously Jessie would do that, clueless as to how make-up functions.
Come on kids, she's thick!
Even at that numskull nadir it's difficult to comprehend anyone choosing this get up without severe duress.
Picture the scene: you debut on stage, before an audience of thousands and television cameras, in an event preoccupied with superficiality.
What do you wear?
• Giant, oversized glasses out of fashion since the Seventies.
• Bootlace tie last worn in the nineteenth century Wild West by a barman serving sarsaparillas.
• Colour scheme of brown and orange, the nation's favourite hues.
• A man's old shirt fraying at the cuffs.
• Voluminous apron dress.
• Massive yellow bows last seen decorating an Easter Egg. Always a winner.
• Heavy, clod-hopping boots.
Even the name is unattractive.
Ah yes, very common for those under six. Unheard of later.
You have reached puberty haven't yer Jessie? I can't tell anymore.
They couldn't get enough of that combination in Cosmo, which is why it's no longer in print.
Not only is Jessie denied success, she's deprived of the chance to be pretty in a realm where nothing but that carries weight.
Worse, given how her face disintegrated, this is the best she's been for five generations.
Yeah, because the inbred milkmaid style is such a good look, eh?
8. So Long, Tsundere
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Remember tsunderes? What happened to 'em?
The curse of Pokémon was draining the well of inspiration too quickly, throwing away interesting characters as mere guests.
This is particularly noticeable regarding the ladies. Back then, we got Misty, Jessie, Jessibelle, Cassidy, Aya, Giselle, Tyra, Sabrina, assorted crones Brutella, Nastina and Lacy, plus Joy, Jenny and Dame Ketchum provided parental authority.
How did a series that began with ball-breaking birds like that end up with insipid, glassy-eyed dullards like Zuhreena, Banana Lana, Marsh Mallow and Lilliput?
Ooh, Zuhreena is a pwincess!
Ooh, Banana Lana bwows big bwubbles!
Ooh, Marsh Mallow wuvs phallic waddishes!
Ooh, Lilliput won't pwet wanimals bwecause of Secwet Pain!
Can you imagine such weak specimens finding any place in the anarchic atmosphere of the classics?
It's SO boring!
Where's the punch? Where's the human spirit?
Where's the entertainment gone?
This squishy attitude began in Hoenn. Misty left, Jessie's hair symbolically changed from volcanic red to pink, and Contests introduced a cuddly theme where glitter glue and sequins are top priority.
Every sharp corner, every jagged point has been filed smooth. Now its substance hasn't the hardness to even develop edges, not when it's all cushions and candyfloss, where catching Pokémon rests on them deigning to grant permission, rather than 'avin it out.
Tsunderes, exuding untamed charisma and independence, besides a soupçon of danger, simply don't fit the cardboard box we habit now.
Nor do yanderes, kuuderes, tsuntsuns, or even derederes. It's just nothing but smiley-smiley creeps.
I wouldn't mind any of these tropes as long as there was some sign of colour to be had.
9. The Sacrifice of Misty
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Misty bid farewell under the feeble justification that the lack of a longterm goal made her vulnerable to sacking.
Such a line uttered as if her own choice, being beyond them as writers to invent a purpose.
This implied her replacement would have an exciting quest aiming for excellence, something just beyond Misty's capabilities.
What did we get?
Dressing up and collecting Ribbons!
Is that...is that it? Is that the great idea? Is that all the girls are worth?
I lost Misty for THIS?!
Perhaps it makes no difference. By Hoenn they'd rendered her a leaden blandness sucked dry of all that made her special.
Going by the greasy-toothed bastardisation that swanned up in Alola, Misty was simply too wild for the safe, stifling atmosphere of today.
Her departure ensued she remains frozen as a funny, beloved presence, unlike those she left behind.
Now there was a lucky escape, as once the fanny-flapping starts, the bints have it on the brain.
May had Max to beat on the side, but Dawn developed monomania.
Hardly an episode went by without some reference to Contests, or how today's plot spurred her on to the next opportunity.
Yer need help, love!
Rather than Ash's new friend being a fascinating person who so happened to enter vanity projects, the competition defined them to the exclusion of life.
It is but moths drawn to the candle flame waiting to engulf them.
Contests are this world's version of Tom Riddle's diary: they promise sympathy and validation, but they eat your soul.
Like Tumblr.
10. Completely Unoriginal
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Seems to me it wasn't so much Misty had no goal, it was more that Contests were the supposedly hot concept wedged into an existing property.
If earlier aspects failed to accommodate the invader, the onus certainly wasn't on the new kid to change. Oh no, stuff it in and chop off whatever gets in the way.
In the eyes of the post-Shudo regime, Misty was too volatile to last, and so had to go.
What idiots.
She's a tsundere. The softer, more feminine side is a defining component.
Would it really have been so problematic to retain her as an entrant? If Jessie can, why not?
Even if failing to fit, so what? Since when was established characterisation a barrier?
Isn't twisting likeable folk into unrecognisable pods the modus operandi of the writers?
That canon is immaterial, and must always give in to whatever fancy they currently have?
Well then, what's the big deal in infantilising Misty to promote it rather than pensioning her off?
Viewers will be more invested in the challenges awaiting a familiar face rather than a stranger.
What reduces the above to the risible is the original Misty and Jessie both participated in the Princess Festival.
All Contests are is that very scenario on repeat and robbed of all meaning.
Think about it:
• Beauty round
• Battle round
• Jessie loses
Same bloody thing.
Not only have I got to suffer this draining spectacle, it's got the nerve to possess not one iota of fresh ideas!
Contests are a low rent rip-off. The Princess Festival had a worthy reward in the shape of one-of-a-kind Dolls.
It'd already been revealed that ordinary Princess Dolls were ruinously expensive, therefore the special Pokémon edition have to be priceless.
What d'yer get for the trouble of a Contest but a bit of plastic tat taped to bargain basement frippery?
And they demand you get five of 'em!
Contests themselves were then resurrected as Showcases, although mercifully slimmed down to only three, with the emptiness ramped up in compensation.
Perhaps ironically, Princess Versus Princess is one of my favourite episodes. I love its critique of female avarice and accurate portrayal of clothing sales as reminiscent of the zombie apocalypse.
I don't mind the Festival as a single adventure, but I may have felt less favourable had it been a constant presence.
Except it isn't the competition at stake. This is a framework to explore Jessie and Misty as people.
Through its device we learn their history and therefore how they came to develop as the girls we know.
The setting serves as an opportunity for both to confront the misery and isolation of their childhoods, with the promise of overcoming that old torment with the balm of victory.
In the final, they aren't so much battling an opponent as fighting to be free of the past.
The tragedy is only one can be granted that reprieve. The other must remain unhappy in the ruins of memory.
It matters, unlike vapid Contests, where posturing is king. What depth can they provide in comparison?
Despite identical content, they are inverse counterparts, with the Festival presented as merely a light affair concealing a rather dark tale of neglect.
Contests however are paraded as this worthy nourishment for body and mind, a major point in one's journey towards enlightenment, when all they really amount to is an organ grinder and his monkey arsing about for the slack-gobbed plebs.
Bread and circuses.
Best of all, Misty won, not some side twat, as it should be.
Note how Jessie dressed: in delicate, vivid robes and golden decoration. The boys thought her beautiful.
Not as a gormless dweeb you'd cross the street to avoid!
And why the need to disguise herself anyway?
The Twerps had no issue with Jessie of Team Rocket joining the fun back then, so what happened?
At least she received the consolation of gaining Lickitung as a friend, with James and Meowth desperate to comfort her.
What do Contests bring? Sod all!
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lh-moth · 6 years
A Conversation with Starling
A Storm Hawks fan fiction.
Summary: A missing scene for episode 102. Age of Heroes, Part II. On the way back to Terra Atmosia, Starling and Aerrow have a discussion. (Yeah, it’s pretty much what it says on the tin.) (Around 2400 words. No warnings that I can think of.)
Thanks to @vera-sterne for editing this. And a special additional thanks for taking the time to watch the episode! Know that you are very much appreciated!
As always, I am taking liberties with the show’s canon. A lot of my perceptions of the show and its universe were based on the earlier episode, and frankly, there’s quite a bit of material in the later season that I didn’t particularly care for. So, while I really enjoy the show, there’s a lot of details where I’m putting my own spin on it. It will probably be fairly apparent in this story, since there is a lot of discussion of history and backstory in this piece. Sorry if this disappoints anyone. I hope you can still find some enjoyment in the story.
I do consider all of my Storm Hawks stories to be written in the same universe. However, that being said, this piece is a stand alone. In other words, you don’t need to read anything else I’ve written in order to enjoy this story.
A Conversation with Starling
The washroom doors opened, flooding the corridor with warm, humid air. Starling paused at the threshold. She left off wringing the last of the moisture from her hair, dropping the towel to her shoulders as she realized she wasn't alone.
“Aerrow.” The boy was kneeling in front of... Honestly, Starling wasn't certain what the creature by Aerrow's side was, but it didn't seem particularly relevant at the moment. She focused her attention back on the boy, who had taken a few steps forward to meet her. “Thank you for the wash. And for the clothes.”
“You're welcome. Ah...” Aerrow ran a hand over the back of his hair self-consciously. “Sorry we didn't have anything...uh, nicer?”
Starling glanced down at the borrowed clothes. They were quite well-worn, and none of it really fit her. The pants were too short, and she'd knotted the shirt at the waist. On the other hand, the clothes were clean and clearly well-cared for.
“Don't worry; they're fine. Besides, anything would be better than those Cyclonian rags.” With only a slight turn, Starling tossed the towel into the laundry bin, pinpointing it with ease. “I hope I didn't keep you waiting.”
“Oh, uh, no, not at all. We thought you might want to rest after, well, everything, so we put together a room. If you want it, I mean.”
Starling arched an eyebrow, amused. After all his confidence in battle, even facing down Cyclonis herself, seeing his awkwardness here was almost...endearing.
“A rest would be lovely. Lead the way.”
“We should reach Atmosia before dawn,” Aerrow explained as they walked, his fur-covered friend keeping pace on his other side. “Sorry for the delay. Normally, we could make the trip faster, but Stork's worried there may be damage from the Raptors, and he doesn't want to push it.”
They came to a stop in front of a door. “I agree. It will take Cyclonis some time to mobilize her forces, but I'd rather not risk getting caught stranded out here when she does. Especially considering what we're carrying.” Despite knowing they were safely among friends, Starling couldn't help lowering her voice to ask, “Speaking of...where exactly is it?”
Aerrow frowned. “It?” He seemed to take a moment to catch up with the conversation. “...Oh! You mean the Aurora Stone? I gave it to Piper. She's kind of our expert on crystals. She'll know how to keep the, er, pieces stable during the trip.”
“Ah. Good.” Starling rocked back slightly on her heels. “Is that why you're the one showing me around? I was a bit surprised, considering your friend's...enthusiasm.”
The teen's eyes widened comically. “Oh, that was– I mean, it– She–“ Aerrow stammered, flustered. “She's not usually– Uh...”
Starling laughed. “Aerrow, I'm teasing. Piper was fine.” Honestly, it was reassuring to see that these teenagers could still be...well, teenagers, especially in these troubled times. Deciding to save him from any further embarrassment, Starling gestured to the door. “Is this it, then?”
“Oh, uh, yes!”
Before either human could move, Aerrow's companion was activating the door, making a grandiose bow as the room opened. Inside was a standard living quarter, but clearly the group was using it for storage. There were still boxes stacked on one side of the room, and the smell of cleaning agents lingered in the air. They must've rushed to make the space liveable again.
Aerrow lingered in the doorway. “Ah, sorry about the boxes....and the smell...”
“Please, Aerrow, stop apologizing. You and your team have been wonderful.”
“Oh...” The teen shifted awkwardly, blushing faintly. As he glanced away, the blush quickly faded, replaced by a small frown.
Starling regarded the boy thoughtfully. Something was weighing on his mind. He seemed distracted this entire time. Settling near the head of the bed, Starling waited patiently. She was fairly certain she knew what he was thinking about. Hopefully he would be willing to talk.
“Starling, I–“ Aerrow cut himself off as soon as their eyes met. With a small shake of his head, he forced a friendly smile. “I should let you get some sleep.”
“Aerrow.” The boy stopped, turning back with a quizzical expression. “If you're worried about how the Council will react to the destruction of the Aurora Stone...”
“The Council...?” It only took a moment for the confusion to melt into horrified realization. “Oh no. The Council.” Aerrow chuckled nervously. “They're, uh, they're really not gonna be happy about this, are they?”
Starling stared at the boy flatly. 'Not happy' was putting it mildly. Extremely mildly.
Seeing her expression, Aerrow groaned. “This is really bad, isn't it?”
Aerrow groaned again.
“Aerrow, you made the right choice. Remember that, no matter what anyone says. Destroying the Aurora Stone itself... I never would've thought of that. Your quick thinking saved countless lives. And I'll make sure the Council understands that. You're not in this alone.”
Some of the tension drained from the teen's shoulders. “Thanks, Starling.”
“Of course.” She leaned forward, studying Aerrow intently. “But if it wasn't the Council you were worrying about, then what was it?”
Tension returned to his frame as he glanced away again. “It's...the Dark Ace.”
The name alone was enough to make Starling frown, a small feeling of dread creeping into her stomach.
“The way he fought, the things he said...” Aerrow turned back to meet Starling's gaze. “He's a Sky Knight, isn't he?”
Starling hesitated, trying to process the sudden shift topic. She wasn't sure what she'd expected, but it certainly wasn't that. Yet in the end, the truth was simple enough.
The single word hung between the two for a long moment.
“But,” Aerrow finally exclaimed, “how is that possible?”
“You...really didn't know? About the Dark Ace?”
The teen shrugged, glancing away. “I've heard the stories. Everyone has. But none ever mentioned that he's a Sky Knight.”
“Former Sky Knight,” Starling corrected. “Whatever he was in the past, he's not one of us now.”
Aerrow still looked upset, clearly unhappy with that explanation.
Starling sighed, softening her tone. “Aerrow, the Sky Knights represent something to the people of Atmos. They're more than just defenders; they're symbols. That's the image the Council must maintain, for the good of everyone. But we both know that despite everything a Sky Knight can do, we're still just people. And sometimes people make bad choices, unforgivable choices. Sometimes people can be corrupted. You've already seen it for yourself, haven't you?”
The teen nodded. “Carver.”
“The Council doesn't like to admit it, but there are Sky Knights who betray their oath. Like Carver.”
“And the Dark Ace.”
“Exactly. And that's why it's our duty as Sky Knights to stand against them and, hopefully, to bring them to justice.”
Aerrow's companion made a small noise of concern, reaching up to rest a paw against the human's leg. Absently, Aerrow patted the creature's head as he mulled over Starling's words.
“Okay,” he finally answered. “But I still don't understand how the Dark Ace was a Sky Knight. I thought– I mean, wasn't Lightning Strike the Storm Hawks' Sky Knight?”
“Well, he was certainly the most well-known, but he was hardly the only one.”
“I... What?” The teen looked genuinely confused.
“Aerrow.” Starling patted the bed beside her. Clearly this conversation would take some time. “How much do you know about the original Storm Hawks?”
Aerrow shrugged as he sat down. “Not much, I guess. I know they didn't have a terra, so they were able to travel to wherever they were needed. They helped the other squadrons, and they defended terras without a Sky Knight, too. And they were the best. Even Master Cyclonis couldn't defeat them. Until they were betrayed, destroyed by one of their own. The Dark Ace.”
“Well, that's mostly right. There are a few details missing, though. For example, the Storm Hawks did have a terra.”
Aerrow's eyes widened. “They did? But all the stories...”
“Are true. You see, they had a terra – Terra Ilris – but they lost it. During the last war, Terra Ilris was conquered by Cyclonian forces. Before the terra fell, they managed a partial evacuation. Half the squadron stayed behind to buy time for the refugees to escape...” Starling paused. It was clear from Aerrow's expression that she didn't need to explain what happened next.
“The other half of the squadron stayed with the refugees, escorting them to safety. When they reached Atmosia, the Council tried to reassign the surviving members, as was customary during the war, but the Storm Hawks refused. They argued that their terra still existed, and they refused to give up on it. Instead, they declared that they would lend aid wherever they were needed, until the day Terra Ilris could be liberated and they could return home.”
“That's...wow. I had no idea...” Aerrow grinned. “I bet the Council wasn't too happy about that.”
“No,” agreed Starling, equally amused, “I don't imagine they were. At least, not at first. But the arrangement turned out to be beneficial. Not only could the Storm Hawks go where they were needed, they also helped unite the Terras against Cyclonia.
“And the Council eventually realized they could use the Storm Hawks another way. With the ongoing war, there were always remnants of other squadrons and an influx of unaffiliated Sky Knights. The Council needed a place to assign them, at least temporarily. The Storm Hawks provided that place.” Starling paused, considering the young Sky Knight beside her. “To be honest, I'm surprised the Council didn't offer you a similar arrangement.”
“Ah...” Aerrow cleared his throat awkwardly. His companion gave a small growl and quickly clambered up the teen's side. He settled on Aerrow's shoulder with an expression that Starling could only describe as disgruntled.
“They, uh, may have offered,” Aerrow explained, automatically shifting to accommodate the new weight. “But I already have a squadron.” He met Starling's gaze with a firm expression. “I won't abandoned my team.”
“Fair enough.” And the matter was closed.
“So that's how the Dark Ace joined the Storm Hawks? He didn't have a terra, so the Council placed him there temporarily.”
“Yes. The members of the Storm Hawks would often change. Sometimes they would join other squadrons; sometimes a Knight would stay behind and found an entirely new squadron. But there were always some who stayed – a core group, if you will.”
“The Dark Ace was one of the ones who stayed, wasn't he?”
“Yes, he was. He was with the Storm Hawks for several years, if I remember correctly, before he...well...”
“Betrayed them.”
Staring at the floor, Aerrow frowned as he processed Starling's story. The older Sky Knight waited patiently. It was a lot to take in.
“The Dark Ace was a Sky Knight.” The words were measured, yet firm, as he repeated the facts. “He betrayed his oath, his own team. So it's our duty to stop him and bring him to justice.”
“Aerrow...” Starling reached out to grip his shoulder, wanting to make sure he would listen to her. She couldn't let him follow that train of thought too far, couldn't let him throw himself into some poorly conceived vendetta. “The Sky Knights – we've tried. Entire squadrons. There's a reason he leads Cyclonis' forces, a reason they call him the Dark Ace.”
Aerrow turned, giving Starling a small smile. “I know. I've fought him, too. I don't know how we'll defeat him, or when, but someday he'll have to pay for everything he's done. We'll stop him. I know we will. Him and Cyclonis both.”
Starling's hand slowly dropped back to her lap. The words were said with such certainty and confidence. And she had the feeling that the 'we' he was referring to wasn't just his own team, but all the Sky Knight squadrons, maybe even the entire Atmos. It was almost painful to consider how young he truly was, completely naïve of the internal politics and the feuds between squadrons. Yet there was still a small wave of warmth that spread through Starling, knowing that she was a part of that 'we'. She'd been on her own for so long; it was strange to be included again.
“Yes,” Starling agreed, meeting Aerrow's determined gaze with her own. “We will.”
The moment was broken by the creature on Aerrow's shoulder yawning widely. The two Sky Knights exchanged surprised looks, then laughed.
“I'm sorry,” Aerrow said as he stood, stretching slightly. “I was supposed to be letting you rest.”
“Didn't I say no more apologies, Aerrow? I enjoyed talking. Besides–” She gave the other Knight a meaningful look. “–you should know about your predecessors.”
“...Thank you, Starling. For everything.”
“You're welcome.”
Starling watched the redhead cross the room before finally giving in to her curiosity. “Aerrow, what–“ She cut herself off, remembering the battle around the Storm Engine and the way the younger Knight spoke to his companion. As Aerrow turned, she met the creature's eyes, taking in the intelligence there. “I'm sorry. Rather, who is this, exactly?”
“Who? Radarr?” Aerrow looked at his companion, taken off-guard by the unexpected question. “Well, we don't know where he originally came from, but he's my co-pilot. And a friend.”
The creature – Radarr – made a content sound, looking at Aerrow with what Starling was certain was affection. Clearly, he agreed with Aerrow's assessment.
These Storm Hawks were certainly a...unique group. And perhaps that's exactly what the Atmos needed.
“Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Radarr. Formally, anyway.”
Taking in her relaxed expression and friendly smile, he gave a pleased chitter.
“Uh, I think he means that it's been nice to meet you, too,” Aerrow translated.
Radarr gave a sharp nod of agreement. Then, he jumped to the ground, racing over to open the door.
Aerrow watched him, but hesitated to follow. He turned back to the older Knight, looking perplexed. “Um, Starling? How do you know so much about the Storm Hawks?”
“Oh, the Interceptors and the Storm Hawks were always close allies.” Starling leaned forward, resting her chin in her hand. “Do you remember what I said about Sky Knights who left the Storm Hawks?”
Frowning slightly, Aerrow thought back to their conversation. “You said they would join other squadrons, or sometimes start–“ It was obvious when the information clicked into place. “You mean the Interceptors...”
“Were founded by a Sky Knight from the Storm Hawks, yes.”
“Oh. That's...” Aerrow trailed off. He fidgeted slightly, almost looking nervous as he considered that information. “Uh, I know we're not the original Storm Hawks, but...um, I hope we can still be allies to the Interceptors.”
Starling smiled. “I'd like that as well, Aerrow.”
The other Sky Knight returned the smile. “Well, good night, Starling. I'll see you in a few hours when we reach Atmosia.”
“Indeed. Good night, Aerrow.”
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xfilesnews · 8 years
FanWorks Wednesdays - crossedbeams
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by Keva Andersen
After a short hiatus, we’re back with our author profile series! Meet @crossedbeams. She’s a relative newcomer to the fandom and found her way to The X-Files in a way that’s a little different than most. But despite only meeting Mulder and Scully a short time ago, she’s taken to the characters like an author who’s been with them for years.
Take some time and read through crossedbeams’ collection of “MSR Moments,” a collection of ficlets and prompts that are fun snapshots of Mulder and Scully’s day-to-day life. With a little angst thrown in too, of course. If AU’s are your thing I highly recommend “One Week at Quantico.” The story looks at what might have been had Mulder been teaching at the Academy while Scully was there. Jump in for this line: “But for the sake of argument, quantum physics doesn’t actually rule out time travel” and stay for the rest of the story! And if, like me, you’re looking for a great post-revival kick in the feels check out “Lost Letters.” The story explores how Mulder and Scully deal with Maggie Scully’s death in a world where “Babylon” and “My Struggle II” don’t exist.
We talked with crossedbeams about writing, inspiration, and of course The X-Files.
How long have you been a Phile?
I'm pretty new! I think I watched my first ever episode in November 2015, I completed my first watch through two days before the revival started and I joined the online fandom a year ago! I came at it all kinda backwards... I'm a massive theatre nerd who missed the London run of “Streetcar” (my favourite play) thank to illness, and had never quite gotten over it! The NY show announced summer of 15 and I'd already decided I was going, hell or high water. Then when I was reading about the production it mentioned that “Blanche” was in The Fall, I'd only seen Ep.1 so I got hooked on that, figured I'd see what else Gillian had done, saw The X-Files, I only knew it was one of those cult shows I'd missed thanks to my TV-less childhood and so I figured I'd give it a go... little I knew!
What was your first episode?
The pilot! I'm a completist to a boring level, chronology is my jam (which makes late season mythology suuuper fun!). I think I actually saw the pilot three times before I made it further, once with my sister who wasn't interested, once when I was so tired I couldn't remember what happened and then finally the day I watched most of S1 in one hit. Whoops!
How long have you been writing fic?
According to my blog I posted my first drabble on March 28th, 2016! So almost a year, which seems both way too long (I still feel like a desperate newbie) and not long enough.
What inspired you to start writing?
I've always been a reader, no TV as a kid = loaded bookshelves, my family are wordy, my degree is in English literature and I work with books, so words are my most constant companion. I've always liked to write, the process of catching an idea or a sensation just perfectly in a sentence is on of the most satisfying things I can think of, but while I was at Uni, it was like a switch flicked in my head. I think it was perhaps the first time in my life I was truly unhappy for more than a few hours, and also the first time I didn't have anyone to talk to that I trusted. I became very isolated, shut myself in my room a lot and all the words that used to be my friends where just fighting in my head, angry or sad or whatever, the noise was endless. And on day I just snatched up my laptop and started writing. I don't even remember what, probably some self-pitying explosion of adjectives, and for a little while I felt better. I wrote a lot of poetry, essays and journaled while I was at uni, my only attempt at stories was curtailed by a creative writing tutor who I despised, but in one form or another I've been writing ever since.
Who is your favorite XF character to write?
Originally it was Scully, I tend to gravitate to female voices and hers is the kind of awesome, no-nonsense, bad ass lady voice I wish I had, but lately Mulder has crept in and I honestly enjoy writing both their perspectives equally, though Scully still comes a little more easily. “Quantico” was the first time I feel like I successfully pulled off a split narrative between the two and kept both their characters completely clear. My absolute favourite thing to write though are the bits in between the characters, the omniscient narrator parts where you get to dig into your vocab to try and describe succinctly the emotional impact of a word, or the desperation of their need etc. But that's not really a character so... Scully!
Are there any XF characters you dislike or find too difficult to write?
Besides Mulder and Scully, I've only ever tried to write Maggie, and that was in letter format which is kind of a cheat, so I don't feel like I've necessarily got enough experience to answer this well. I'm pretty good at writing within a brief, so I'm not adverse to writing anyone, I just don't have any ideas for most of them! I suppose Reyes appeals to me the least, just because I don't feel like I ever properly connected to her or understood her true purpose in TXF universe (especially post-revival). I don't dislike her at all, I just don't get her and so likely couldn't do her justice.
Is there a story you're most proud of or that's a favorite?
I think “Quantico” will always be special because it took me by surprise; it was the little request drabble that grew and I am still overwhelmed by people's response to it... but.. “Trinity” is my baby, and also my great shame, because it's been a WIP for way too long and I'm still dithering. I'm proud of it because it's the biggest risk I've taken in my writing; my first proper case file and my first attempt at crossover. Writing Scully, Stella Gibson, and Blanche Dubois into one canon compliant universe is possibly the stupidest idea I have ever run with, but so far it has paid off and the feedback from those prepared to risk it has been phenomenal. I love writing Blanche, Stella fights me and Scully is my safe place but the mental process of characterizing that story, advancing that plot, is the most satisfying, terrifying, exhausting writing I've ever done. And I desperately need to get on with it.
Where can people find your work, and what's the best way to send feedback?
I have a master list that I update regularly on my blog header and I'm also on AO3 as crossedbeams and everything is indexed there too. Feedback can be via tumblr message, comment or ask, AO3 comment or people can email [email protected] I'm still amazed that people read what I write so any feedback is the cherry on top! I'm also good with constructive criticism, I'm still new and learning after all.
Do you take fic prompts from fans?
Yes, though it can take a while. There are guidelines to what I will/won't write on the Request A Fic tab on my blog, and a disclaimer too! But I'm always open to discuss it.
Have you written your own original characters outside of fandom?
Yes. I have a few unfinished short stories, a couple of finished ones, and in my previous incarnation on tumblr I wrote a pretty long, often terrible, series that covered several generations of a cast of original characters!
Anything you’d like to share about your writing process?
I'm kind of a messy writer. I write mostly in long sittings and the words just come. Most of my favourite drabbles have been written in a single sitting and posted when the last full stop drops. (Hence the typos in early reblogs!) I find this stops me over working the prose and getting too verbose but it does also backfire at times. I find it much harder to write longer form pieces, because my writing is often emotion driven. There was a six week gap between most of “Quantico” and the final two chapters, a four week gap between parts 3 and 4 of “Close”  partly because I put immense pressure on myself to "finish things well" but also because emotionally I couldn't find the right groove. “Quantico” began in a fluffy, happy place where I was optimistic and not in my head, “Close”… I think I was tipsy and had come in from a date! Trying to finish those fics as they deserved to be finished when a week later I was miserable and self-flagellating, or feeling decidedly unsexy felt almost impossible. I often wish my process were more considered and structured, that I could sit and get down a couple hundred words and edit it better later, but my mind just doesn't work that way, and I've learned that I can't force it to.
Do you have a favorite author? (fanfic or published!)
Only about 9000000! Fic wise, @somekindofseizure on tumblr has a gorgeous way with words I envy and aspire to. I could list so many more but I'll only leave people out so I'll just say that if you check my ficrecs tag you'll find so many people, many of whom I'm lucky enough to count as friends, who do so many things so well. Some of them are plot beasts, others ruin me with beautiful language and some are just steam queens.
My favourite print authors are probably Ngugi, John Burnside, LM Montgomery, Roald Dahl, Alice Hoffman and Oscar Wilde.
Is there any advice you'd give to aspiring writers?
Just do it. Keep doing it. Until you've actually scribbled or typed something down it's only ever an idea. Even if you hate it, keep it, try again. You can't get better at something you're not actually doing and thinking your ideas til you're blue in the face doesn't count! Read, learn what you like and don't, be inspired. Keep writing. And don't compare your work to the work of others, you'll never match "their voice" so don't try. Mark yourself against yourself, if you capture something better every time you sit down and write, you're headed the right way. Just do you, do it regularly, ask for help, and keep going!
Anything else you'd like to share that I missed?
I'd just like to say thank you for asking me to participate, I'm still finding my feet in this strange new fandom place and I am so very grateful to you for asking, to all those who read my writing and to everyone who has embraced me and made this such a great year, I've been a fangirl of many things, but it's my first time as part of a family and it's been such a lifeline.
Thank you so much to crossedbeams for talking with us! We’re always looking for authors both new and old favorites, so if you have suggestions please message us here, hit us up on twitter or facebook.
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