#if they do a 3rd season i hope that continues
occidentaltourist · 9 months
bbc: Some sweet #Silvacre content for your FYP ❤️
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ambrosiagoldfish · 7 months
I loved your Adam x 3rd spouse piece! I think you really captured his personality! I also just really like you're writing style! You did an qmzyjob and I think you'll continue make amazing pieces like this? Have a wonderful day or night and continue to rest if you can! 🥰🥰🥰
Benefit of the doubt Pt.3
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Adam x 3rd Spouse! Reader
Viewer discretion is advised
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Angsty, General Adam TW’s, Reader HIGHKEY has a complex about being loved, Reader finally talks about their issues, Lucifer and Lilith scout for new kissing partner but fails miserably/hj, Lilith will probably be OOC in the future (once Season 2 comes), Adam has abandonment issues, Adam is a puppy in private but a bitch in public, And the couch returns once again (why do all the sad things happen on this couch), This is set way before the show, and Gn! Reader! (Annnnnd We popped the Y/n cherry! It’s used only once tho)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
Request box: Open
Word count: 3664
A/N: Hi!!! Thanks so much! I’m using your request as the ask for part 3 so I hope that’s ok! You all were so nice with all the love for part 1 and 2 😭😭🫶🫶 this part is also pretty long but I just couldn’t stop writing it. I wanted to do 1 more part set in the past before we jump to the angst that is the show. So I guess you could call this the penultimate part! A lot of people wanted to see Lucifer hit on Reader and try to do what he did with Lilith and Eve but with Reader. And I had quite a hard time coming up with a reason that could occur in the past but I think I figured it out.
Since Luci and Lilith would still be together at this time I’ve decided to add Lilith in as well for POLY GOALS. Also they may seem malicious but I genuinely don’t think they are (they just find Reader hot LBH) 😭😭 Also I added a few more people to the tag list!
Tags: @tired-of-life-86 @nervoussystemss @qopia @lovelyemily
It’s been a while since Adam first moved into your newly shared home. You weren’t sure exactly how long, it was hard to keep track of time in heaven. Days seemed to blur together. It made sense to you at least, it is heaven after.
After Adam moved in, your life was filled with so many new things to experience with him, and the same was true for him. While he may seem a bit brutish, (and at times he can be) he loved the new things you showed him, the new feelings you showed him.
You were so kind, so thoughtful and so, so patient with him. You never forced him to do something he didn’t want to do but you would still push him to explore new things, even managing to convince him to be a part of heaven's official duties. That’s why, at times like these, you knew exactly what to do.
The sound of Adam slamming the front door as he entered the house made you jump. Even from a few feet away, you could hear him mumbling curses about something as he plopped himself down on the couch. You followed quickly behind, gently laying next to him
“Hey, what’s wrong?” You try to keep your voice light and soothing. Looking at him it was obvious that something was bothering him. The gold feathers of his wings were unkempt from them flaring up, his halo was slightly crooked and his LED mask showed an almost snarled expression.
Your hand slowly caressed his wings, moving the out of place feathers back to normal. But no matter how hard you tried they would stick back out.
“It’s nothing, just some lame shitty meeting I have to go to tomorrow” he crosses his arms and looks away from you.
“Hmm? Something tells me there’s more to it than that, right?” You snuggle into his belly, rubbing it softly .
His mask pouts “Dammit’ bitch, how do you always see through me, huh?” He sighs defeatedly before continuing “You know how more people are starting to kick the bucket or whatever? Well, heaven’s worried about the surplus of sinners so they're having the aforementioned shitty meeting to come to a solution and…”
He pauses
“And?” You look at him anticipatingly
“And… He’ll be there.” Oh… So that's why he’s upset. “They’re having the meeting in their brand new “heaven embassy” down in hell.” His voice mocks
“Oh, I’m so sorry Adam, Have you tried asking Sera if you can sit this one out?”
Adam groans, putting his face in his hands “Yeah like forty fucking times but she keeps saying that it’s my “heavenly duty” and she won’t let me.”
You bring your arms around Adam’s neck pulling him in towards you. You weren’t sure what to do if you were being honest. There’s nothing you can do really, if even Sera won’t let him miss it. Hmm…
“Adam, I know it’s gonna suck but if you can’t get out of it, then that’s that.” Adam looks at you a little confused “but I can go with you, I’m sure Sera wouldn’t mind an extra pair of hands in the discussion.”
“What! Hell no!” He shouted as he sat up from the couch, shaking his head defiantly.
You look at him confused, “Why?”
“That’ll only make the whole thing fucking worse! If it’s just me, I don’t have to worry that he’ll get anywhere near you!” Adam’s mask turns into a slight grimace as he attempts to keep his eyes off you.
You make your way to him, the sound of your footsteps falling off as you stop in front of him. You grab his hand as the other one moves up to his face, cupping it.
“Adam…” you rubbed circles on his hand as you continued “We’re partners. You haven’t forgotten my promise right?” You play with the golden ring on his finger.
Adam groans “No, I haven’t… sigh Shit- Fine! But… just stay by me, alright?” Your face lights up before your arms wrap around his shoulders joining you both in an embrace
“Of course,” you rub his wings gently before you grasp his hands in yours, leading him by them. “Come on, you must be tired right? It’s getting late. Couch or bed?”
“Couch. I’m way not in the mood to make a bed right now.” You laugh at his comment as you pull him to lay on the couch with you. His soft, warm body pushes up against you as you both slowly drift off to sleep for the day ahead.
A not-too familiar sight laid before you, the pearly gates of heaven, guarded by the one and only Saint Peter. There was no real reason for you to ever come here. You never had the chance to die, which is when most, if not all Winners see it for the first time. No one’s allowed to leave heaven unless given permission by a higher up and on top of all that, you weren’t really that enticed to leave the oh-so perfect afterlife, so there had never been a reason to see these golden gates.
But now, here you were standing behind them with some other angels. You didn’t know most of them, the only ones you recognized were Sera and Adam. As expected, it was pretty easy to convince Sera to let Adam take you along. They even prepared an extra wide seat for both of you to share. How generous!
Ever since you woke up this morning, Adam had been… Nervous? Scared? The right word doesn’t really matter but he’s been sweating buckets and was clearly more agitated than normal. His feathers were once again unkempt and you tried your best to keep them in order but he always seemed to get them messy.
Eventually, right on schedule, a flaming portal opened in front of the group. Sera was the first to enter, then followed by the others. Finally it was just you and Adam but as you take a step towards the portal, Adam stops you
“What is it?” You look up at him.
“Just… stay by me, ok?” Adam’s voiced was softer than normal, a way he only did when you two were alone
Nodding your head with a smile, your hand comes down and interlocks his. One of his bright golden wings veils itself around you, bringing you closer to him. You snuggle into him slightly before you both step into the portal.
You didn’t know what to expect when you stepped through the portal but a sight that was almost like home awaited you. The familiar gold that heaven was so fond of was everywhere in the building, accents of white and orange were also present. All and all, it was a familiar sight in a not-so familiar place.
But there was definitely something that wasn’t familiar in that place. Sitting in a chair at the end of the room was him, Lucifer Morningstar. The aura he had definitely made him seem angelic but there was clearly something about him that separated himself from divinity. Though you do have to admit that he was much shorter than you anticipated.
There was something that surprised you however, to his left sat a tall woman with long blond hair and horns. It took you a second to put 2&2 together but when you heard Adam mutter “Shit…” you knew immediately it was Lilith. And from Adam’s reaction even he wasn’t expecting her to be there.
You squeeze his hand gently as comfort, giving him a smile before you both walk to your seat. Your body is pushed closer to him as his wing wraps tighter around you. Looks like there’s no calming him down.
Finally the meeting starts, Sera begins by explaining the issue of the fast growing population in hell, leading to groups trying to form uprisings against heaven. To be honest you didn’t really understand it too well, just a lot of business-y sounding words that weren't really your forte. So you just stayed quiet.
From what you could tell, the meeting was going… well? They haven’t been able to agree on a proper decision even with Sera leading the conversation. Adam though, was being eerily quiet. You don't even think he’s said a word since you both got there. Sera seemed to notice this.
“Adam, want to share any ideas?” Sera spoke in an encouraging tone slightly gesturing to him. This seemed to catch Lucifer and Lilith’s attention. Maybe they didn’t recognize Adam because of the mask?
Adam was caught off guard but still talked “Oh uh… Man, I don’t know, can’t we just fucking kill them?” Both you and Sera looked over in surprise, “What? That would solve the problem wouldn't it? “ He shrugged
Sera sighed “Ok, how about we take a short recess to clear our minds to let in new ideas. We’ll resume the meeting in 30 minutes”
With that, everyone went their separate ways for the time being, you and Adam were the first to leave the board room, he practically was pulling you along and you could tell he wanted out of there. You both ended up in the lobby, neither of you saying a word.
The silence was so very loud. The only sound was yours and Adam’s breathing. Adam’s hand was still firmly tied to yours, not even the slightest hint of letting go. You rubbed your thumb in circles over his hand when a voice echoed through the air
“Adam, may I have a word?” Sera’s voice echoed lightly through the lobby. She gestured to a door next to her. You both made your way over to her and was about to go in when Sera put her hand in front of Adam stopping him
“What the hell Sera?!”
“Alone, please.”
Adam’s LED eyes widened his mouth slightly agape. He looked down with a scowl before turning his face to you. Your free hand going up to his mask, caressing it.
“Go talk with Sera,”
“Shh, I’ll be fine,” You give him a kiss on the cheek, the cold of the metallic mask reaching your lips, “I’ll just be in the lobby, I won’t go anywhere till you get back. Ok?” Adam didn’t look at you, clearly avoiding eye contact, you grab his chin lightly and gently turn him to look at you,
Adam’s mouth formed a frown and he groaned “Fuck- fine, ok…” You gave him a smile as Sera walked into the room, you felt his grip loosen and loosen, until finally his soft hand left yours as he walked into the room. He gave one final look back before closing the room's door.
Silence filled the air once again. It wasn’t like it was with Adam, that comfortable silence that you shared ever so often. This one laid in the air, thick and heavy, threatening to suffocate you at any given moment. You sat on one of the many yellow and white sofas in the lobby.
You tried your best to ignore it. Paying attention to less important details about the scenery around you. The weird zigzagging pattern of the carpet of the floor, the intricate designs on the doors, the huge windows. Heaven sure had a unique taste in interior design.
You tried so hard to ignore the silence that you eventually ignored the sound that broke said silence. Footsteps began echoing through the lobby approaching you. You didn’t realize someone was next to you until you heard a voice say.
“Ahem Hello!” A male voice startled you as it chimed in with a sickening sweet tone. You look towards the direction of the voice only to be greeted by the king of hell himself, Lucifer. You jumped back to the other side of the sofa in shock.
“Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to scare ya.” He chuckled softly, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m Lucifer, But judging on your reaction, I guess you already knew that. I’ve never seen you before so you must be relatively new, right?”
You nodded your head sheepishly to answer his question. You honestly didn’t know what else to do, what could you do? You slowly picked yourself up from the sofa.
“I’m sorry but I have to go-“ you turn to leave only to bump into a tall woman. You must have been so surprised by Lucifer that you completely missed Lilith coming up behind you.
“But we haven’t even learned your name yet, Dear.” The woman’s voice sounded both somber but also welcoming, it was quite frightening how much it could calm your nerves if you kept listening to it. “How about we talk? No harm in it, right?”
“That’s a wonderful idea, Darling!” Lucifer came up from behind you, a sharp smile on his face. “Come on, sit and chat!”
Crap… they had you cornered. You had no telling what they’d do if you set them off, you wanted the meeting to go as smoothly as possible, for Adam. A few minutes to indulge them. that’s it.
You bit your lip but sighed “Ok… but just a few minutes”
“Great!” Lilith took your shoulders moving you to sit down beside her as Lucifer sat on the other side, sandwiching you between them. “So, I’ll ask again, what’s your name?”
You hesitated for a moment but decided it was better to get the conversation over with as quickly as possible.
“That’s a very beautiful name,” Lucifer spoke, his tone trying to make him sound almost charming, almost. “So, if you don’t mind us asking, who are you to… Adam?” He gestured over to the door Sera and Adam went through earlier.
“I’m his spouse.” This time you answered with complete confidence, not even a shred of hesitation in your voice.
“Ah!” Lucifer nodded his head in understanding. “How’s that going?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I for one know how much of a hassle that man-child is,” Lilith laughs, covering her mouth slightly “I asked around, is it true he hasn’t taken that ridiculous mask off since he got it, hmm? Has he even shown you his real face yet?”
“No but-“
“He can be so… tiresome at times, don’t you agree?”
“No. I don’t. Adam is the best thing to ever happen to me-“
“Exactly.” Lucifer interrupted you as your eyes furrowed “You don’t have anything else to compare it to. Of course you’d see trash like the “first man” as the best thing ever.”
Trash. That word really set you off, at least it would have, if it wasn’t for the next sentence .
“But hey! It’s fine! Eve was the same way! You too are honestly very alike, let me tell you-“
Thousands upon thousands of thin threads binding you up. That’s what this conversation felt like. Each annoyance was just a new thread getting tighter and tighter as they were pulled taut, threatening to simply slice through your body, your soul. But they didn’t, instead they kept stretching past their limits until finally those words came.
Like… Eve. It felt like each of those tightly pulled threads were all cut at once with those words. Any and all tension suddenly seemed to disappear. A strange sensation of losing any care about your situation.
You know what? To hell with the meeting! You quickly stood up from the sofa causing them both to jump slightly. You turned toward them, your voice was louder than you thought was possible for you. You weren’t sure what had gotten into you but you felt so… Angry.
“I am nothing like Eve. And I’m especially nothing like either of you.” You had enough, it was untelling what would happen if you stayed. You started walking toward the room Adam was in when Lucifer grabbed your arm
“Wait! That’s not what I meant-“
“Don’t touch me, snake” you stared daggers at him before quickly grabbing his hand and shoving it off.
“We’re sorry if we upset you Dear, but that’s no way to talk to someone” Lilith walks up to you, putting an arm in front of Lucifer in a protective stance.
You walk up to the tall woman, she was at least two heads taller than you but still, you barred your teeth before speaking “Oh! You really think I care about what the first whore thinks of me, Huh?” Your voice dripped with poison from every word.
Even Lilith seemed caught off guard by your sudden change in demeanor as her face turned into a scowl. Red horns protruded through Lucifer’s head, his eyes turning red with anger. You turn your attention back to him.
“What are you gonna do?” Lucifer’s gaze slightly softened with hesitation “Exactly, nothing. Less’ you want to dig yourself deeper into this cyst pool you’ve created for yourself and end up on even worse terms with heaven.”
Without even sparing them a glance, you try to make it to the room, only to be greeted by Adam and Sera standing by the door. How long were they standing there? You must have not heard them over your screaming..
“What the fuck are you assholes doing to them? ” You rush over and grab him by the hand, the action startling him “Babe, what happened-“
“Nothing. Sera. Open a portal back home.”
“Sera!” Your voice was gritty and rough “open a portal. Now... Please…” your voice cracked at the end
Sera had never seen you show so much anger before, but here you were, your entire gaze filled with nothing but pure unadulterated wrath.Threatening to burn anyone who got in your way. Whatever happened clearly set you off like nothing else before.
Sera nods her head “Understood”
“Thank you…”
A familiar flaming portal opened up, you quickly made your way through it with Adam following suit. The portal ended up right inside your home, closing as you both were fully through. You honestly didn’t know where you were going but eventually your body couldn’t go any further than the couch
Feeling the soft couch beneath you made your aching muscles feel like they were melting away, and only then did you realize that you were crying.
Adam crawled next to you, hugging close to you. “What the happened out there, Babe?”
You felt your body slowly break down, as more tears left you then you had cried your entire existence. Adam hugged you tighter, his wings coming over you like a blanket.
“H-How much did you see?” Your voice was shaky as you sniffed slightly.
“Not a lot, just some shit towards the end,what did those bastards say to you?”
You cleared your throat slightly. “I only talked to them because I didn’t want them to get upset and ruin the meeting and make your day even worse than it already was”
Adam’s LED mask shifted into a small sad frown “Sweetheart, you never have to talk to any motherfuckers you don’t want to, let alone for me. “
You smile but look away “it wasn’t… it wasn’t…” you tried to get the words out but couldn’t. You took a deep breath before trying one more time,”It wasn’t the only thing that set me off.” Adam looks at you curious
“They said that I reminded them of… Eve, and it just made me so… angry. I was created for you, to love you-“ your tears start swelling back up as you spoke “I want to be so much better than Eve, than Lilith for you. And then she pointed out how I’ve never seen Your face, which I’ve always been fine with, but at that moment, I started to think ‘what if they’re right?’ What if the reason you don’t want me to see you is because I also remind you of Eve”
You choked back tears “So to be compared to her when I’ve tried so hard… if I’m not better than her for you, then what is even the point of me! I was created to make you happy, if I can’t do that better than someone who hurt you so bad then I’m just useless-“
Soft lips met yours, cutting you off. This felt different than what you normally got on the cheek. It was warm compared to the cold metallic feel you’ve felt previously. Your eyes opened slightly looking at Adam’s LED mask… or what you thought was going to be a mask. He had pulled his mask off while you were crying.
You pulled back from the kiss “Adam your mask!” Adam just kisses back again
“That fucking thing doesn’t matter right now.” He paused “You're not useless and will never be useless to me. Fuck- I love you because I love you! Not because you were created for me or some stupid shit like that! You make me so fucking happy. I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like you were just some object that was made to make me feel better, because you aren’t.”
“Adam…” to think tears could roll down your face this harder than before “I love you so much Adam” you cry into his soft chest.
Adam kisses you again “I love you too Sweetcheeks.” Adam paused before clearing his throat “So umm… how do I look? I hope I didn't disappoint you…”
You look up at his newly unveiled face, just as you had been told, short brown hair, golden eyes, and a little bit of stubble on his chin. By all accounts, he was completely ordinary. So ordinarily perfect.
“Perfect. So so perfect. What’d I do to end up with such a handsome husband, hmm?”
“Oh stop, now you’re just being fucking cheesy” he laughs, he would never admit it but his eyes were a little watery just from hearing you say that.
“It’s true though” you lean in and wrap your arms around him, killing you both with a deep kiss.
Truly ordinary. You couldn’t be happier
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justwinginglife · 2 months
No because your writing keeps me going in this Soshiro Hoshina AO3 drought!!!!!!!
What do we think about our Vice Captain getting in some trouble during a battle with a nasty Kaiju and his long time friend/crush who is a platoon leader in another division just so happens to be on her way to visit the 3rd division when the attack happens so she swoops in to save the day (and stitches him up after the whole ordeal ;))???
So glad I could provide sustenance! I am also keeping myself afloat with my writing trying to stay sane until season two comes out. I need more Hoshina screentime fr fr.
Crushing Hard
Soshiro Hoshina had dinner plans and he was late.
He cursed the kaiju for its poor timing. It was one thing to have to fight a kaiju on a Saturday - how inconsiderate of it to attack on his day off- and another to have to fight it before a date. At least he thought it was a date. He never knew with you. He hoped it was a date. He'd been pining after you for so long, it made his whole week (his whole month, really) that you'd texted him asking if you could swing by and have dinner this weekend.
He had just fixed his hair for the tenth time (he didn't know why he felt the need to fix it so much, it looked the same every time he fixed it), when he got the call that there was a kaiju wreaking havoc. And only a couple blocks away from where you were supposed to meet him for dinner, no less. He would really beat the shit out of the kaiju if it destroyed the restaurant he had planned to take you to.
So he quickly threw his combat suit on over his date clothes, hoping it would be a quick and easy mission, and he'd be ready to greet you at the door in no time at all. Yeah, that had been wishful thinking. This Honju really had it out for him.
In fact, the damn Honju had even sliced through part of his combat suit, tearing through the top he was wearing underneath.
"This was my favorite fucking shirt, damnit!" He curses at the Kaiju and runs at it again, swords at the ready.
The thing about this Honju was that it wasn't very big but it was very quick. Hoshina was exhausting himself just keeping up with it. It was almost like it was made to fight Hoshina, with its strengths lying in speed and close combat. And to make matters worse, without meaning to, Hoshina's mind kept wandering to his dinner with you, causing him to be slower to react than normal. He took a cut to the cheek and swore again. If he took anymore hits, he didn't know if his pride would let him show up to dinner looking like this.
"You know, I really didn't think you'd be treating me to dinner and a show, but you always were the overachiever."
Before he even had time to process who was talking, a large blast went off and the Honju suddenly has a gaping hole in its abdomen.
"Huh. Sturdy thing, aren't you? Let's try that again." Another blast and now its chest is missing.
Hoshina blinks, watching as you continue blasting the kaiju until it's nothing more than roadkill on the pavement. He should be helping you, he should be bandaging himself up, he should be getting food in the both of your stomachs. So many things to do, but all he wants to do is stare. You look so gorgeous with a gun. The way you wipe blood from your cheek, the way your ponytail lifts in the wind, the way that you smirk at the corpse, smug about your win. He wants to take in everything about you.
"You look like you need a drink." Now you were turning around, grinning at him. He thinks to himself that he could watch you forever.
He shakes his head quickly. "Sorry. Must be the blood loss."
You laugh. "Well let's take care of that and then you owe me some dinner, as I recall." You start cleaning him up and he continues to watch you as you handle him with such care.
You pull the combat suit off of him, revealing his torn shirt underneath. "Ah damn. That was your favorite shirt. And mine too. Love when you wear this thing, I'll have to buy you a new one." You continue bandaging him like you haven't just said something that gets his heart racing.
"Mmm, I know, I have one of your shirts in my bag. You can change into that and then we can hit up that restaurant if you're still up for it?"
He nods, a little too quickly you notice. It's adorable.
Then he cocks his head to the side. "Wait, why do you have one of my shirts?"
Then it's your turn to blush. "Ahh that... well it just looked so comfy, can you really blame me for stealing it?"
His eyes widen. "Wait just a minute, how many of my shirts do you have??"
You cough. "Just the one- why do you ask?"
He crosses his arms at you and raises an eyebrow. "Because I was wondering why my closet was looking a little sparse lately. And I thought maybe the washer just ate them all."
"Haha... funny... uh, about that..." You scratch your head sheepishly.
He roll his eyes in mock annoyance but then he smiles. "I'm sure you look better in them than I do anyway. I suppose you can keep them. But you owe me some new shirts!"
You laugh, holding your hands up in surrender. "Alright, alright. Will do. After you buy me dinner, I did just save your sorry ass." You tease.
And the two of you continue on like that the rest of the night, just joking, laughing, drinking, and slowly the line between friends and more than friends starts to blur. Hoshina thinks to himself, maybe he does have a chance in hell with you.
After all, who the fuck steals half of someone's closet?
"Sure I can't convince you to ditch Narumi and join my division instead? I make a mean omurice."
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lilghostiequinni · 4 months
Just One More
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Main Masterlist Lando Masterlist
Pairing: Olympic Figure skater!female oc(Iclyn;Lyn) x Lando Norris
Warnings: Fluffy, Established relationship
Summary: She's a gold medalist for the British Figure Skating team. They had been friends before they dated; they started dating when they were 16; many would say they're stupid for never breaking up, not when he started racing full-time, not when she went to college and made the Olympic team. Not when he moved to Monaco, where she followed, always flying back and forth; on off seasons, she traveled with him, and he made it to every competition he could. Not many know the intensity of their relationship at all.
Requested: NO / yes
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Icelyn had sat in front of Lando in the hotel room in Canada for his race this weekend. He was braiding her hair over and over again. Lando would start a braid then undo it only to redo it differently.
It was just a way to pass the time as they waited for something. Also, it gave Lando something to do with his hands that wasn't fiddling with something.
"Yeah, baby," Lando answered.
"Could I take you skating this winter? You make a video out of it," Lyn says as her eyes slip close a little from Lando running his fingers through her hair.
"You just want to see me embarrass myself," Lando says momentarily, stopping his movements and earning a whine from the woman in front of him.
"No, I just want to teach you, but I guess also that. You can handle g-force. Surely you can handle skates," Lyn says as she leans back, allowing Lando to wrap his arms around her shoulders, holding her against him.
"How about if you win another medal, I'll let you put me on skates," Lando says, kissing her temple after he does.
Lyn nods and cuddles closer to Lando, "Sleep."
Lando chuckles at her, "It's two in the afternoon."
"So?" She questions in return as she shifts to be able to get closer.
Lando chuckles and holds her closer still.
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There was a period of grace between her ability to get another medal, and in that time, Lando won more races and won the championship in 2025, hoping for the same results in 2026.
But his fiancee, Lyn, is currently face tracking it to another gold medal win for her and the British team.
"And the gold medal goes to... Iclyn Lumi!"
Lyn almost collapses before she makes her way to the 1st place podium on the ice.
She stands on the podium and gets her medal. The two in 2nd and 3rd place congratulate her on the win.
While she's won before, it never feels completely different. It's the same joy, just not the same as the first time.
What's one more medal in her collection? What makes this win all the better is the chance to finally make her fiance get on the ice.
Lyn smiled so widely that she could not stop the tears from running down her face as she got off the ice.
Lyn had been looking forward for over a year to get her fiance on the ice.
When she does, she can't help but ask to turn it into a video and now she's not the only one laughing at her fiance trying to skate.
"Next medal, it can be anything but skating," Lando tells her, because what's just one more going to do?
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A/N: Yeah, it's shorter, but it made sense
Tags: @poppyflower-22 @samantha-chicago @barcelonaloverf1life @tallrock35 @hellothere9597
If you want to be removed from a tag list, let me know so I don't keep tagging you. If you are striked through, I don't know if you want to be tagged, but just let me know if you want me to continue or stop
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grantmentis · 6 months
2024 Ice Hockey Women's World Championship: A Primer
When: April 3rd to April 14th. The schedule here will tell you when games are taking place both in your local time and venue time.
Where is it taking place?: Utica, New York
Where to watch:
For the first time, we will have ALL games broadcasted in USA and Canada. I am not sure how many games are going to be broadcasted outside North America, but we can reasonably assume they will at least carry their home country games
TSN will carry all games in canada
NHL Network and ESPN+ will carry a mix of the games together. See The Ice Garden's Michelle Jay's tweet for the schedule of which games are where.
SVT (Sweden)
Discovery (Finland)
Czech TV (Czechia)
Magenta (Germany)
TBS (Japan)
Swiss TV (Switzerland)
If you are not in any of these countries, or you are but are struggling to find a way to watch, please feel free to DM me and I will do my best to find you something
What is the tournament format?:
There are two divisions, Division A with the five ranked teams going into the tournament and Division B with the next five. Each division plays a round robin style ranking round, and at the conclusion the bottom two teams in Division B will be relegated, while the rest automatically make the quarterfinals. Quarterfinals will go A1-B3, A2-B2, A3-B1, A4-A5. In addition to the finals for gold that will take place, there will be a bronze medal game and a fifth place game for ranking. Standings will use a three point systems.
Who is in each division?:
Division A: USA, Canada, Czechia, Switzerland, Finland
Division B: Sweden, Japan, Germany, China, Denmark
Who are each teams?
Here is where it gets long. Below the cut I will tell you each teams roster, how they did last year, their reasonable goals, notable roster changes, and three players to watch. I will do my best to keep this informative, but brief.
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2023 Result: Won Gold
2024 goals: Win gold again
Notable roster changes: This team continues to go very very young. Abby Roque is the most notable roster omission here. Top defender Lee Stecklein is also not on this roster, due to her taking a break from the National Team. Amanda Kessel was also left off, but she has not been active within the last year as a player, so not entirely surprising.
Three players to watch: Grace Zumwinkle has been one of the stars of the PWHL so far, and is likely to get more responsibility on the national team than ever before, so keep an eye on her and how she may translate her successful season to the tournament. Rory Guilday may only be 21, but she is heading to her third senior world championships, a long time favorite of the team USA coaching staff with her shutdown defensive skills who they'll hope can take another step this tournament with Lee Stecklein absent. Joy Dunne is the youngest player on this roster, just 18 years old coming off a 24-18-42 season in Ohio and a national championship. This will be her first senior level tournament, and I'd expect her to get ample offensive opportunities.
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2023 result: Silver
2024 goals: Gold
Notable roster changes: Micah Zandee-Hart is the most surprising one after being on the roster for a few years. Claire Thompson is absent as is Rebecca Johnston, but that is more expected while Thompson is finishing medical school and Johnston has not played in the past calendar year. Cousins Nicole and Julia Gosling join the team after strong rivalry series showings.
Three players to watch: Natalie Spooner is the front runner for PWHL MVP, so everyone will be watching to see if she continues to score at the rate she has been. Expected number one overall pick in the upcoming PWHL draft, Sarah Fillier, will be playing in her last showing before the draft happens as she finished out her college season. Nicole Gosling was the highest scoring defender in the NCAA this year at Clarkson, going 14-25-39 in 40 regular season games, so seeing how she impacts this blue line is a must watch.
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2023 result: Bronze
2024 goal: upset their opponent in the semifinals and make the finals
Roster changes: The bad news is top defender Dominika Lásková is out with injury. The good news is star goaltender Klára Peslarová is healthy unlike last year, as is blueline mainstay Tereza Radová. Alena Mills retired from the national team. Kristýna Pátková did not make the team this year, in her place comes Boston University commit Anežka Čabelová who had a stellar U18 worlds. Karolína Kosinová did not make the team, in her place is HV71 assistant captain Klara Seroiszková.
Three players to watch: 17 year old Adéla Šapovalivová was the highest scoring u18 player in the SDHL (Sweden's highest level league) this year and one of their top scorers in general going 11-18-29 in 32 regular season games. She was also a key part of the U18 team that upset Canada in the semifinals to advance to Czechia's first ever u18 final. With Mills retired, she will get more minutes at her third (!!!!) senior worlds. Next up is Klára Peslarová, and if you're not familiar with her game, she is straight up a top five goaltender in the world. She just came off a stellar season with Brynäs IF in Sweden where she had a .935 save percentage in 20 games, and has been consistently stellar on the international stage as well like when she had 55 saves against the united states at the olympics. Kateřina Mrázová is a fantastic playmaker has been a bright spot on a Ottawa tam that has struggled to find itself, and is also one of the most veteran members of this squad. If they win, she'll have to lead the way.
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2023 finish: Fifth Place
2024 goals: Bronze
Roster changes: Two of their key offensive pieces Elisa Holopainen and Michelle Karvinen, are back and healthy this year! Susanna Tapani is also back on this team. Those are three absolute big pieces that completely change this roster for the better. A few depth roster forwards were left off in their place, most notably Kiira Yrjänen. Defense has more shakeups. Sini Karjalainen is a notable omission and long time defender Rosa Lindstedt retired. Eve Savander, Oona Koukkula, and Siiri Yrjölä slot in.
Three players to watch: I've consistently been a very big Elisa Holopainen fan and I think she's one of the best players in the world and not talked about nearly enough. Just as she began to really shine in the international stage, she got hit with injury, but as she's come back with year she dominated Finland's league going 32-25-57 in 19 games. I think I've put her as a player to watch like every year I've done a preview and I'm going to keep going it. Finland has faced a lot of questions about their goaltending following Räty and the team going their separate ways, but right now, it is Sanni Ahola's crease to lose. She was stellar in the three games she started last year for Finland in the world championship and was solid for st cloud state with a .935 save percentage in 17 starts this year. With Lindstedt's retirement, Krista Parkkonen will see more minutes, coming off a breakout sophomore year in a university of vermont program that's developed a decent amount of international blueliners.
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2023 result; 4th place
2024 goals: bronze
Roster changes: quite a lot of shake up. no Caroline spies as their mainstay backup, Alexandra Lehmann takes her place. No Sarah Forster, who wore an A and led their defense last time around. She only played 7 games in SWHL this year, so likely injury is at play.
Players to watch: it is, of course, the Alina Müller and Lara Stalder show until it isn’t. So, besides them, the players to watch are Andrea Brändli is another “top five goaltender in the world” to know, sporting a .937 in her first year playing in Sweden post a stellar college career. 18 year old Ivana Marie Wey just had a great year playing pro as Stalder’s teammate and will be important for the next Swiss wave. With no Forster, Lara Christen will take on a lot of the top defensive minutes most likely.
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2023 results: sixth
2024 hopes: return to group A
Roster changes: no Sarah Grahn which isn’t entirely expected but still a big change, in response Ida Boman gets the call. No Fanny Rask or Olivia Carlsson, who retired.
Three players to know: Ebba Hedqvist is a 17 year old elite center coming off a great performance at worlds and has an eye for playmaking that will be critical for Sweden. Maja Nylén Persson is the #1 defender of team Sweden that has consistently been the top defender by points in the SDHL and won defender of the year in 2022-2023, and she is only 23 years old. Another part of Sweden’s insane center depth is Lina Ljungblom, who will likely play in Montreal next year and had 46 points in 36 regular season games. In the various tournaments/friendlies that Sweden has played leading up to this (ie five nations cup), she has 10 goals in 15 games. These three players are truly some of my favorite in hockey right now
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2023 result: 7th
2024 hopes: return to group A
Roster changes: honestly we mostly running this back. One or two u18 add ins but overall the same as 2023
Players to watch: stop me if you heard this before but Akane Shiga is very good. The PWHL Ottawa player is the only player from Japan to score against the USA, and will continue to be japans biggest threat. Another big player is Haruka Toko, one of the SDHL’s top scorers this year who had established herself as a top talent in the last two years. This year, the 27 year old had 13 goals and 30 assists in 36 games in Sweden this year. She was one of seven players in Japan to play in Sweden this year, a year that saw a new high in Japanese players going overseas to play. That also includes my last player to watch, Yoshino Enomoto, who played in switzerland and still put up around a point per game on a team that struggled (they folded in the offseason then came back and built their roster late and were ultimately relegated, but she was a bright spot in her first season there)
Fun fact: did you know three pairs of sisters play on this team? Akane and Aoi Shiga, Haruka toko and Ayaka Hitosato, and Rio and Riri Noro
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2023 Results: Eighth
2024 Goal: Make quarterfinals and avoid relegation
Roster changes: Both goalies behind Abstreiter last year, Chiara Schultes and Johanna May, did not make this roster with Hemmerle and Loist taking their place. The d core remains the same besides Daria Gleissner taking Heidi Strompf's place. National team vet Marie Delarbre is absent with injury, Sonja Weidenfelder did not play hockey this year and her status is uncertain, and Anne Bartsch did not make the roster. In their place we have Emily Nix, Lilli Welcke, and Lucia Schmitz.
Three players to watch: Luisa Welcke was with Germany last year, but has a second season in the NCAA under her belt and a nice depth player performance at Boston University. She will have more chances to show off her offense this tournament than in the NCAA, and I'm excited to see what she can show. Jule Schiefer had a revelation this year in the German league. From last year where she only scored 4 goals in 20 games, this year she scored 22 in 24. Let's see if she can continue this at worlds. Nina Jobst-Smith will play big defensive minutes for Germany after finishing her fourth season at Minnesota Duluth, this time serving as an assistant captain, and was nominated for 2023-24 All-WCHA Third Team. She's a two way defender who will be taking on big responsibility for Germany as she has in the past.
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2023 result: Promotion from Division I
2024 goal: Make quarterfinals and avoid relegation
Roster changes: Oh boy. So, like, a lot of people, and here is why: up until this tournament, China allowed dual citizens not born in China to play for them. This includes some players you may know from PWHL/NCAA like Leah Lum, Hannah Miller, Rachel Llanes, and Tia Chan. Going into this tournament, they changed the rules and those players will not be eligible, so it is a significant roster shakeup.
Three player to watch; This team is very young. Yifan Wang is 16 years old, and in her international debut scored 10 goals in 5 games in the WJC-D2A U18. This is obviously a gigantic step up in competition and very hard for a 16 year old to be playing against adults on the highest level stage of women's hockey, so I don't imagine she'll get a TON of ice time, but she is worth looking out for. Xin Fang is the veteran and star of this roster, who had 2 goal and 2 assists in the teams D1A tournament that earned them their promotion. 17 year old Dartmouth commit Grace Zhan is who I expect to be their starting goaltender. Born in Beijing, she spent the past year playing Minnesota High School Hockey and put up top numbers in a league that sees a lot of NCAA recruits.
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2023 Results: Promotion from Division I
2024 hope: Make Quarterfinals and avoid relegation
Roster changes: Long time national team star and centerpiece of the team Josefine Jakobsen will no longer play for Denmark, though she will continue her club career.) Otherwise, despite some depth changes, it is mostly the same lineup.
Three players to watch: Frederikke Foss had a great year at Shattuck St Mary's u19 program and has committed to UMaine, and may be able to spark some offense Denmark will desperately need without Jakobsen. Silke Lave Glud will also be expected to carry the offense after her stellar year in the Tier 2 league in Sweden, and lead the way for younger players as one of the most experienced members of the team. Goaltender Emma-Sofie Nordström's performance at the D1A worlds was a big reason for their promotion, and she is coming off a great sophmore year at st. lawrence university where she had a .931 save percentage in 36 games and 7 shutouts. If Denmark wants to stay in the top division, she will need to steal a game for them.
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multifandomfanfic · 1 year
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A Fernando Alonso x driver!reader Insta AU Series
A/N: As a disclaimer: I actually don’t mind Haas (Nico is the loml), so I don’t know why or when I decided to hate on them in this fic. I did not go into writing this thinking I would. It just kind of happened. Also, please excuse the bad “Competitors” graphic. It is 12:18 a.m. I am not doing too hot. 
Anyways, please enjoy! This parts mostly to establish who Y/N is (besides you ofc), then we’ll get into the better stuff :). Let me know your comments/questions/concerns after you read it, or if you want to be added to the taglist for the series!
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liked by mercedesamgf1, yourusername, charles_leclerc, and 16,128,038 others
f1: BREAKING: Y/N Y/L/N has signed with the Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 team on a multi-year contract from 2023 onwards.
yourusername: So incredibly grateful for this opportunity and excited to hit the track this season!
mercedesamgf1: Very happy to have you, Y/N! Welcome to the team!
pierregasly: I see you’re also doing the ol’ switcheroo
yourusername: you copied me
pierregasly: preposterous
susie_wolff: We continue to be so proud of you! You’re an inspiration to so many women and girls!
yourusername: Thank you so much, Susie. You know how much that means to me! 💕💕
sebastianvettel: sorry I couldn’t race with you another year, but i’m so excited to see how you do and how much you achieve!
yourusername: thank you, seb! i appreciate it so much 🥺🫶
user202: FINALLY y/n is getting out of that shit team
fanaccount1: as much as i support her, i’m sorry to see her leave haas. they did everything they could for her and she just goes to another team once her contract expires.
user014: she’s under no obligation to stay with them. she proved her worth and she’s smart to go to another team that isn’t underfunded. she had the team’s first podium seven years
user837: just another woman ruining something men created 🙄
fanaccount2: excuse me?? obviously, you’re not very educated in this sport that “men created,” because if you were, you’d know that y/n is one of the best up and coming drivers since forever. last year, she got eighth in the drivers’ championship in a haas. a HAAS. and she won the f2 championship the year before that. once she gets into mercedes’ far superior car she’ll finally be able to receive the results she deserves.
user162: preach 👏👏👏
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liked by logansargeant, vancityreynolds, alpinef1team, and 11,291,027 others
f1: And here’s your starting grid for the first GP of the season!
landonorris: ready for this 💪💪💪
alphataurif1: new season, new possibilities!!
user101: how did sargeant do better than de vries??
fanaccount3: nooooo pierreeeee 😭
user628: y/n outscoring lewis??? omg???
fanaccount4: we already KNOW this is going to be a good season
user552: as long as she takes at least one podium from max i’ll be ok :)
user012: jesus i wish people would stop shitting on max. he’s literally doing his job like the rest of them.
fanaccount5: OMG if we get some alonso/y/l/n competition this year i’ll be so happy 
user268: i hope so like can you imagine??? two legends in their own rights fighting?? that would be so cool
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liked by yourusername, olliebearman, mercedesamgf1, and 14,391,293 others
f1: your 1st, 3rd, and 2nd drivers of the day 🥳🏆
fanaccount6: admin decided the color scheme was prettier and put y/n in the middle
f1: yes 🥰
mercedesamgf1: First race and first podium of the season 😍
yourusername: So proud of the team!
comment liked by lewishamilton and mercedesamgf1
redbullracing: Incredible job!
user837: you say, as checo is probably being chewed out by horner rn
astonmartinf1: here’s to an exciting season 🥂🏆
fanaccount3: i haven’t seen that exciting of a race in forever! alonso and y/n legit started 5th and 6th and battled for the podium the entire time
user105: it was pretty awesome
fanaccount1: but did you see (when y/n was in 2nd in like lap 50) how close she got to max?? like there was a two second gap between them for a little while before she had to pit
user696: we stan 💖
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liked by mercedesamgf1, zhouguanyu24, robmcelhenney, and 2,834,351 others
tagged: mercedesamgf1
yourusername: Never in my life would I have imagined winning P3 in my first race of a season, let alone my first race of a season with Mercedes. I feel so blessed for this opportunity, and I can assure you, I am not going to let it go to waste. We’ll push to continue this momentum to Saudi Arabia and beyond; we won’t let you down. ✌️😎
(on a less serious note --> jumpscare warning at the end)
vancityreynolds: super race, y/n! you’re the only reason blake watches f1 races with me.
yourusername: omg 🥹 thanks so much!
lewishamilton: I’ve got a good feeling about us this year 💪
yourusername: 💪❤️
susie_wolff: That picture was confidential.  - Toto
yourusername: please don’t fire me
susie_wolff: Heavily considering it.  - Toto
yourusername: 😔
user030: she ATE and left no crumbs
fanaccount3: LITERALLY
fanaccount6: y/n marry me please 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
user827: she’s already my wife actually
fanaccount6: 😭
user582: guenther steiner is rolling on the floor screaming crying rn
liked by pierregasly
fanaccount7: Everyone saying she’ll be champion when (1) Max is still on the grid and (2) she has drove literally one race for Mercedes. Nobody can predict how the season will play out yet; there simply hasn’t been enough time to see how comfortable all the drivers are in their cars and how they interact with each other.
user455: interact with each other? their jobs are to win. it’s given that everyone will be competitive, so i think it literally just comes down their car and the risks they take. the reason lewis, max, and even schumi were so dominant is that they happened to drive for the team with the most powerful car, and they were willing to go as close to the corners as possible/be super aggressive with other drivers.
but, in the end, i agree with you. i don’t think we can see what’s going to happen in the end yet. personally, though, i think y/n can place higher than she did last year if she keeps doing what she’s doing.
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liked by schecoperez, vancityreynolds, angelinajolie, and 2,142,934 others
tagged: landonorris, carlossainz55
yourusername: baku <3
olliebearman: Congrats on P2!
yourusername: thank you! congrats on your wins!
logansargeant: great race, y/n!
yourusername: 💕💕💕
landonorris: there were much better pictures of carlos that you could’ve chosen
carlossainz55: Rude.
yourusername: yeah, lando. any photo of carlos is a good photo.
landonorris: 🙄
fanaccount8: 👀👀👀
user914: We love a queen who posts as if she didn’t get P2 in a race yesterday
fanaccount4: although i do like pictures from the actual gp, it is nice to see some normal touristy photos from celebrities
comments liked by yourusername
user914: HOLY CRAP HI Y/N
user777: Another close race! Finally, someone who can challenge Max and gives fan an actually entertaining race!
user267: honestly i think the reason why y/n’s so good is because she knows her cars so well. like, some of the drivers (not all of them), don’t know jack shit about the cars themselves and just know how to drive them. y/n could actually sit down and teach the components of the car to you. i think that’s the difference between her and the others.
fanaccount9: Congratulations, Y/N!
user129: ahhhhhhhhh she’s so pretty 😍😍😍
yourusername added to their story
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yourusername added to their story
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liked by mercedesamgf1, yourusername, dylanminnette, and 19,391,361 others
f1: how it started --> how it’s going
Congratulations to Y/N on her first ever podium, and on being the first ever woman to do so! 🎉😲
lewishamilton: 🤜🎤
femalesinmsport: You continue to be such an inspiration, Y/N! Congrats on everything.
yourusername: Thank you!
haasf1team: Congratulations on the amazing accomplishment, Y/N!
yourusername: Thank you so much! That means a lot. <3
user725: admin about to get firedddddddddd
fanaccount10: Can’t a team congratulate their former racer?
user725: not when their team principal blew up the way he did when she left
mercedesamgf1: yup, that’s our driver 😎
yourusername: 😎❤️
aussiegrit: Congratulations! Amazing job!
nicholaslatifi: congrats! miss racing with you.
yourusername: thanks, nick! you, too!
pierregasly: how.
yourusername: that’s my secret
user236: i have been dreaming of this day for so long 😭
user273: “we”
dreamlover: stfu and be happy
fanaccount6: Y/N is the greatest driver of the 2020s and you can not tell me otherwise
user627: 2020s? how about ever?
user981: induction into the f1 hall of fame when??
fanaccount12: three world champions on the grid, and she manages to be better than two of them. lewis and alonso are quaking in their boots rn.
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yourusername posted to their story
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berylliem · 4 months
While I am gutted about today's EoS announcement, it's also important to note that for lesser known series, Especially Magia Record, it's the fandom that keeps it relevant, *not* just the company that produces it.
Magia Record has a fandom that I've seen go through so much garbage, what with the bungling of NA, not just the EoS but the promotion and the pacing and the lack of transparency, the absolute dissatisfaction we had with the 3rd season of the anime, and now today's EoS. But throughout that disaster, I've seen fans on so many different platforms come out with TOP TIER content, whether it be memes, art, translations, custom JSONs for the Magia Record engine, or of course, a personal favourite of mine, the @projectmokyuu fandub.
What is next for us now as a fandom should be "Business as Usual." Keep creating and talking about our magical girls. I have this saying about our fandom that I use to explain to people why I do what I do for the magireco fandom:
"The Devil works hard, but the PMMM fandom works harder."
This is a testament to all those incredible projects I've seen over the past 5 years in this fandom. Prove me right.
With that being said, I decided to compile some of my favourite magireco projects still going on.
@puellamagishowdown, and the magical girl thunderdome going on there,
Magia Union Translations, who has been doing some SERIOUS work ever since the NA EoS announcement, making sure the new content could be understood by an English Audience, whose discord link I'm posting >>here.<<
This Magireco Minibang, which is currently fielding interest. I would love it if it were to happen, so please sign up: https://forms.gle/ZpS4fcmFX7NGxF2z6
And of course, if any of you've been following me for a while, you know how important Project Mokyuu is to me. Project Mokyuu is a fan-dubbing initiative for Magia Record's Arc 2 content, content that never made it to the North American server. If you wanna help out, or if you just want to hang out with Magireco players outside of the main server, this is the discord link. We will continue to dub Arc 2 content until we are physically no longer able to. (and honestly given our history, even past that. We have a very committed team.)
It's been one of the great joys of my life to serve the Magireco community in this way. Thank you all for all the magical girl content that's come across my dash over all these years. I love you lots, and I hope to see much more magireco content in the future, as well as with the release of Exedra in the future.
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neyafromfrance95 · 6 days
as much as i want galadriel to stay with sauron, willingly or unwillingly, i do have reasons to believe that they won't go there, after all. let's talk about it so that we don't come out of s2 finale too bitter.
other than them saying that sau/gal dynamic is going to be central throughout all seasons, what gives me hope is that they have said sauron "groping" for galadriel was an inspiration for s/g relationship in the show (and i think of the story itself). it means that the creators are aware of the same thing we know - in order for trop to make sense in regards to lotr, sauron has to still covet galadriel at the end of s5, and galadriel still has to struggle with his temptations. so their push and pull has to continue till the end.
now, i think unlike the lorebros, the show isn't in a hurry to introduce celeborn (and if he is introduced, he is gonna be like molly from hannibal, lol) and a lot of timelines are going to change for convenience so that 8ep format is more or less neat for the gen audiences. i think this is an opportunity for them to re-establish the mind-palace. still not sure if they are intending to, but how else is sau going to grope to see gal's mind if they aren't in a close proximity? and also, how else is galadriel going to struggle with the darkness (bc again, even without succumbing, it wouldn't make sense narratively for her struggle to end yet)? how else is she going to become a powerful elf-witch and what of the dark!galadriel from the 3rd age? even more importantly, while she isn't even close to admitting to her greatest desires rn, she does in the 3rd age. so we need this development.
ofc sauron "stealing" galadriel like morgoth stole silmarils would create a perfect parallel, and give the writers an opportunity to explore a very interesting circumstance, to actually bring galadriel as close to the darkness as possible without making her fall into it. but i doubt the execs would allow that to unfold so literally. the star wars and marvel formula is still policing our mainstream media, after all.
doesn't mean that the finale is going to be bad for us shippers. it might be confirmed more clearly (for those who need it) that sauron indeed loves galadriel, and that galadriel has feelings for him too. i personally love the whole one-sided pursuit of marriage + one-sided hunt for slaying slow burn of an unresolved tension, it's the most lover/enemies dynamic of them all, after all! makes haladriel into a fantasy au hannigram, haha.
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kingdededeslair · 7 months
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This is my first tarot reading after being an avid reader and wanting hopefully provide some insight and guidance to others like the tarot readers on here have for me! 🥹💛
This one is inspired by The Song of Achilles (my heart), so this is about your poly philtatos (most beloved by far). Read in whatever way feels right to you! This is just for fun and some insider tips lmao! Enjoy, and please let me know you resonated and would like more readings like this! Dm me for new ideas or private readings!
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1st group (Patroclus & Achilles):
This pile was easy to draw cards for overall in comparison to the other piles. The cards didn’t really jump out at me like some of the other piles, so maybe you’re an earth sign or have earth sign ruled house or degrees or prominent aspects between earth ruled placements.
1st card-who are they? (Emperor)
This first card I drew was the Emperor. The emperor represents dignity, authority, perhaps stubbornness, and of course, status. This first card, based on how I am guided to do readings, represents their persona, their ego, their main character traits. The emperor, among these cards, seems to represent more of the grounded energy your poly philtatos will have. Alongside the yearning for authority and seeking respect from their diligent hard work.
2nd card - how they’ll meet (the star)
This card is associated with Aquarius, so Aquarius season could be when you or them are born or has a deeper significance to either of you. This could also mean around this time (Jan-feb) is when you’ll meet! It could also signal that you’ll meet when either of your hopes are renewed in something, or trying to develop your faiths/spirituality. You could encounter them in a place of worship, a place that symbolizes hope to either of you as well.
3rd card- - how they’ll treat pile 1 (knight of pentacles )
they appear to treat relationships and their partners as a duty. Before you think this is not your preferred type of partner of relationship, consider the way lasting and loving relationships remain: through continuously choosing each other and keeping up your end of the relationship through your agreed upon and subtle responsibilities to one another. Your poly philtatos will ground the relationship by always choosing you and the relationship; much like Patroclus did Achilles (sob). Your poly philtatos will work hard to provide for you and this relationship in whichever way matters to you and for the long run.
2nd (two girls kissing)
1st card-who are they? (the world)
Your partner seems very airy to me. You may be attracted to air placements or air energy or have it yourself. The world represent harmony and fulfillment. This person wants to be aligned with the beauties of the world. They might be a Virgo; mercury ruled earth sign that’s mutable. As grounded as air or mercurial energy can get. They get a sense of fulfillment experiencing the natural and physical world as well as engaging with it. Perhaps they like to meditate in the natural world instead of being cooped up inside. Despite all of this zen energy, they definitely work hard to achieve a sense of fulfillment inside of them (Virgos 100%).
2nd card - how they’ll meet (8 of cups)
You’ll meet them at the end of something or when you’re walking away from a negative or hurtful situation. When you’ve outgrown something or someone. In a love reading, this could point to leaving a relationship that has hurt you or has dragged you down. You may also turn away from seeking material fulfillment, whether that be career centered, wealth centered, aesthetically, etc. this makes sense as this person will bring you to a deeper understanding of true fulfillment and balance within your life. Maybe something you’ve always sought out. You could also meet them during any of the water sign seasons (Feb-March, June-July, Oct-Nov) or that may be relevant to you and your poly philtatos.
3rd card- - how they’ll treat pile 2 (7 of pentacles R)
Unfortunately, the flip side, sometimes, of mercurial and mutable energy, is the lack of dedication to any one thing or persisten effort always being given. While they definitely will help enlighten you, they may struggle with materially advancing the relationship, you, or themselves. Either because of procrastination and executive function issues or because it’s not important to them in their lives. They may focus a lot on themselves and automatically put the relationship, and thus, you, on the back burner. They can help slow down maybe your anxious energy or overzealous pace of the relationship with realistic ideas and understanding, but they won’t push the start button back on preferring to stay in the slow lane.
3rd pile (black love painting):
1st card-who are they? (Wheel of fortune R)
This may be a fixed sign, maybe fire and earthy, because of the reversed card that was pulled, Wheel of Fortune. The fixed signs are suspected to be represented in the cards picture itself, and the energy of the pull confirms that suspicion. They seem to be someone always going through tough times. Maybe they had a tough or troubled upbringing or has been through some serious and traumatic events in life. Someone who has endured the worst and come out the other side even more resilient and wise. Someone not afraid of challenges or the dark side of people because they’ve seen it all. Maybe you’re looking for or need someone to embrace you flaws and all, maybe because of that, and that’s who this person is.
2nd card - how they’ll meet (5 of swords)
This pile screams don’t poke the sleeping bear vibes but in a hot way. This person tends to move in silence (lol) or move alone. Maybe due to their past experiences maybe just because of personal preference. Either you or your poly philtatos will be emerging from conflict or shaky situations when you meet. They may also be your lifeline out of a hostile situation or vice versa for you, them. You could also meet them during any of the air sign seasons or those periods could be significant to either of you (Jan-Feb, May-June, Sept-October).
3rd card- - how they’ll treat pile (strength)
This card really connects with the rest of this pile, at least to me, this poly philtatos of yours is going to bolster your courage. Maybe your time of conflict left you feeling weak, unsupported, or afraid. They’re going to come in to change all of that and having you feel like the strong individual you are. They’re going to be a rock for you as well, maybe an inspiration as well to assert yourself and become more brave in day to day life. They will not make you doubt yourself or them or the relationship between the two of you. They’ll be calmly passionate and protective of you just like the woman holding the lion’s jaw open. They will be unshaken when you feel unstable or not sure of yourself and remind you that you’re more than your past or what’s been done to you. Remember to comfort this person and take them out of their natural protectors mindset to know they can be safe with you as well.
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daisynik7 · 1 year
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Pairing: Takashi Mitsuya x Original Female Character
Genre: Romance, Canon-Divergent AU
cw: switching POVs (2nd and 3rd person), explicit language, angst, hurt/comfort, non-canon compliant, canon-typical violence, fluff, slow burn, eventual smut, eventual time-skip
Summary: Student, big brother, sewing expert, and Second Division Caption of the Tokyo Manji Gang. Takashi Mitsuya is an 18-year-old boy who wears many different hats. With graduation approaching in a few short months, he must decide what path he wants to follow into his future: continue his life as a delinquent or live in normalcy, a concept he’s never been familiar with, an idea he’s only chased but never captured. Until one day, he meets Hana Shimizu, the very definition of ordinary. That’s what he thinks, at first. Little does he know that this “ordinary” girl would change his life.
Author's Notes: I binged all two seasons of Tokyo Revengers within the past two weeks and I'm OBSESSED with Mitsuya! He is absolutely husband material, so I was inspired to write this, I hope you like it! It's my first time writing a female original character, but I'm keeping it formatted like a reader-insert because I genuinely enjoy writing in that style. Heads up, she does have a name and a few distinct qualities - she has hair and is chubby (similar to me!), but it's not the main focus of the story. Likes, reblogs, and/or comments are always appreciated! Thank you for reading!
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Chapter Title and Summary (spoiler-free):
Chapter 1: Cut From the Same Cloth - Takashi Mitsuya has always lived his life being true to himself. Despite being the proud Second Division Captain of the notorious Tokyo Manji Gang, he never hides the softer side of him: He cares deeply for his two younger sisters and enjoys spending his free time sewing. When a classmate, Hana Shimizu, approaches him, asking for lessons in sewing, he agrees, not seeing any downsides to having some company.
Chapter 2: On Pins and Needles - Hana babysits Luna and Mana for the first time. Mitsuya catches up with Draken before attending a short, but tumultuous Toman meeting at Musashi Shrine.
Chapter 3: A Stitch Ahead - Mitsuya is asked to create jackets for the newly appointed captains, to which he reluctantly agrees. When the deadline arrives and he still hasn’t finished, he enlists your aid to help him complete his task. The same day, the two of you make dinner together for his sisters, leaving Mitsuya with a lasting impression.
Chapter 4: Cute as a Button - Mitsuya skips a session of sewing lessons, attempting to keep his distance after realizing his growing feelings for you. You’re left wondering where you stand with him, confused by his behavior the last time you saw him. Soon enough, you both realize that these feelings are too intense to ignore.
Chapter 5: Bursting at the Seams - You and Mitsuya make your newly blossomed relationship official. To commemorate this special occasion, he invites you to his house for breakfast, where you meet his mother. 
Chapter 6: Heart on a Sleeve - You and Mitsuya make your budding relationship public and things only continue to grow from there. The Tokyo Manji gang successfully absorbs the Leviathans all thanks to the efforts of new captains Tetta Kisaki and Shuji Hanma. Despite Mikey’s praise for them during this month’s meeting, Mitsuya remains wary of the two. His suspicions only increase when he runs into them while on a date with you. 
Chapter 7: Reap What You Sew - A dinner with you, Mitsuya, and your parents quickly goes south. Mitsuya makes a decision that could lead to dire consequences. 
Chapter 8: Hanging by a Thread - After leaving the Tokyo Manji Gang, Mitsuya feels like his life is on the right track. They have their fearless leader Mikey back to his usual self and Mitsuya’s relationship with Hana grows stronger day by day. They graduate, ready for the next big step in their lives. But with everything said and done, the past will always haunt the brothers of Toman, for better and for worse.  
Chapter 9: A Rough Patch (tbd)
Chapter 10: Mending What's Broken (tbd)
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Please do not plagiarize any of my works or translate without my permission! Thank you!
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kyriefae · 1 month
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Being a Whovian is sincerely so much fun.
This show is so many different things to so many people but what I think truly makes it special is not just the change it forces on us as an audience but the way it pushes us subconsciously to give up on purism.
"Your Doctor" was <insert amiable character traits> but the current one doesn't represent that same persona? Pity. Almost like we can be different people all throughout our lives...
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You ever hear someone say like..."it's fine it's just not for me"?
I wonder how many people who say that about the newest Doccy Who seasons genuinely think in their heart of hearts "actually this is garbage and you should agree with me that it is garbage" because those two are not the same thing at all! 🤭 Ugh, I can't help my incredulity sometimes. Maybe the internet adds to the expectation of toxicity. ...or I just spent a lot of time growing up around cynical assholes that hated fun. *shrug*
More to the point! 😅
Pick an era of this show; pick a doctor and you'll be transported to a world more or less unique to them. That's pretty cool if you ask me. They still have that silly multidimensional blue box; they still have two hearts (even if it didn't become canon until their 3rd incarnation)...and yes they still pick up stray humans (...usually young, petite British women from whatever decade said Doctor conveniently and sequentially visits).
But maybe to really hit home on what I mean about this show tackling purism in its audience's mind...it's always been a silly sci-fi show meant to elicit joy and wonder out of children. Additionally so, to help adults retain that same joy and wonder in their own lives by reflecting on the excitement that comes from infinite possibilities only possible when traveling with a genderfluid space alien that wears extraordinary clothes and hands out candy like it's already gone out of style. Oh and you become the universe's only hope the moment you step into another time or location lol.
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Sometimes when we love something, we take it very seriously no matter how absurd it truly is at its core. We may not even notice we're doing it but any criticism of Doctor Who really ought to be taken with a grain of salt (and spread out at the very edge of creation...just for good measure). No need to get all salty over a television show. 🧂
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So yeah. Being a Whovian, for me, is having the freedom to dive head first into an ocean of lore whenever I desire and really explore storytelling from several perspectives. Albeit many of the early years were written and directed and produced from the perspectives of white, straight men in the U.K. and stories with misogynist stances that heavily limited the functional roles of women in the context of said stories and were also affirmed by narratives and protagonists that failed to question any of it. *clearing throat* Oof, there was a frog back there!
All the same, our heroes of yesterday battled styrofoam monsters breaking through plywood walls built on cardboard sets represented by painted miniatures dangling on strings over a starlit portrait meant to look like space. Even when they couldn't help but be a bit cringe, they were still a silly lil sci-fi show playing at games of the imagination. Like children at play.
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Now, we have this beautiful and talented man standing at center stage:
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He is all the play; all the heart(s); all the joy we have known in this character but decorated in his own unique way.
My love for this show has evolved and I intend to allow it to continue doing just that. Hopefully we can continue to see the Whoniverse do just the same...instead of getting too caught up in the past. 🫣
Anywho, that's all for now.
Kisses 😘
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milaisreading · 10 months
🌱🩷: 3rd story for the Christmas series. This will have some cute, platonic fluff
Relationship: Isagi Yoichi x Sister!Yn (platonic) (mentions of romantic Oliver Aiku x Yn)
Warnings: Reader uses she/her.
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura ⚽️
🎄Dec 12th🎄
Christmas time in the Isagi household was always a warm and welcoming time. Both parents would always buy the presents they knew both (Y/n) and Yoichi wanted the whole year, and the kids would try their best to do the same in return with the allowance money. For (Y/n) she loved the time she spends with her family. After Yoichi started pursuing football professionally and left Japan to play for a team in Spain, she started looking forward to the holidays where Yoichi would be home for a week or two.
And as for Yoichi, he missed his sister and parents, the daily talks and meals they would share. And well, Christmas was the one thing he looked forward to a lot, and a specific tradition him and (Y/n) had since they were 14-15.
'I wonder what we will bake this year. Hope it involves chocolate.' Yoichi thought while his dad drove him home from the airport.
"And, how was it in Spain the past few months? We watched the last match you had. I don't know what was happening, but I can see you enjoyed yourself a lot." Issei spoke up, causing Yoichi to look at him with a grin.
"Yep! It was great, the team we played against was tough to crack, but we made it in the end. It was a good way to start off the season. How are you and mom?"
"We have been good. Mom is home, preparing dinner like crazy since Oliver will be joining is this Christmas as well."
"Oh yeah, (Y/n) mentioned it a few nights ago when we talked. Did they arrive yet?"
"Not yet. Their flight had to be delayed because of a storm."
"Oh... I hope they come home soon." Yoichi muttered, a little worried, but he knew everything will be fine.
Once back home, Isagi and his parents ate the dinner Iyo prepared and Isagi talked about his recent shenanigans and games in Spain. Iyo and Issei would sometimes chime in with a few questions, which Isagi would gladly answer to them. After they finished dinner, Isagi helped his mom pick up the dirty plates, and then went to rummage through the cabinet where the pans and other baking utensils were.
"Yo-chan, what are you looking for?" Iyo raised an eyebrow.
"I am looking for the cookie cutters and cupcake molds sis put away last time she baked. They are still here?" He looked up as his mom nodded her head.
"It is, but isn't it too late to bake? It's nearly 10."
"I want to prepare everything so sis and I can bake once she is home. You know we have been doing that for years."
Iyo smiled as she saw the cheeky grin on Isagi's face. She put away the dishes and walked over to where he was.
"Wait, I pit them far back. Let me look for them." Iyo said as the boy moved away so that his mom could look for the items.
"Do you know what you will bake this year?"
"Mhm! Sis and I have been sending recipes for some chocolate cookies back and forth." He answered, taking the baking items from his mom's hands.
"That's good to hear! I wonder when they will come... Issei, did (Y/n) call yet?"
Both Isagi and his mom looked over at the entrance of the kitchen, hearing the man's footsteps come closer to the room.
"She texted me a minute ago. Because of the storm, they had to land in Osaka. (Y/n) said her and Oliver will sleep in a hotel tonight and drive to Saitama tomorrow."
"Is sis ok? The flight wasn't too bad, was it?" Isagi asked in worry.
"No, don't worry. She told me it was just near the end when it became dangerous. (Y/n) and Oliver are fine as far as I could tell."
Isagi, along with his mom, let out a sigh of relief and they continued on with their night as normal. Isagi would from time to time text (Y/n), to check in on how she is doing.
'I hope we have the cocoa powder.'
Isagi had to admit that one of the best feelings is waking up in his bed, in his home. There was just something comforting about sleeping in after a hard week of work, and that comfort got stronger 100 times when he realized he was back in Saitama. Isagi stayed in his bed for a good 20 minutes after waking up, then got ready for the day.
'It snowed a lot last night.' Isagi mused as he looked out the window in the hallway.
"Is anyone even awake yet?" The boy froze as he heard a familiar male's voice.
"Mom and dad are still asleep, I don't know about Yoichi. He sometimes sleeps in, and sometimes he is up early."
"(Y/n) and Aiku are here already..." Isagi muttered as he quickly walked down the stairs.
"Sis! You are home already?" Isagi wondered as he walked to the living room.
"Ahh! There you are! I thought you were still asleep!" (Y/n) chuckled as Oliver waved at Isagi.
"Sup, dude! When did you come back?"
"Oh? Last night! I am happy you two made it home safe. Was the ride from Osaka good?"
Isagi wondered as he and (Y/n) hugged.
"It was ok. It snowed a lot last night, so I was a little worried we will drive for longer."
"Could have been worse." Oliver yawned, high-fiving Isagi as he let go of (Y/n).
"At least we are home. I saw you already prepared the items we can use for backing." (Y/n) looked over at Isagi, patting his head.
"Yeah, I did last night. Mom helped me find them."
"Alright then! I will go freshen up and change clothes, we can bake then. Ok?"
Isagi nodded his head.
"Alright! We have everything ready! Yoichi, you mix up the wet ingredients and I will mix up the dry ones and prepare the molds and oven." The boy nodded his head and took the items needed as (Y/n) started doing her part.
"Sure! By the way, how is it in Italy? I know we talk a lot about it, but..." Isagi trailed off as (Y/n) took out the mixer.
"It's been great. But, I do get anxious at times when I have to speak Italian. I am not all that fluent yet." She laughed a little while mixing.
"What about you? Are you enjoying your life in Spain?"
Isagi smiled and nodded his head.
"Yeah! Everyone is very nice and the older teammates are willing to help out when we need help. My Spanish is so far... ok-ish. Luna-san says I nailed the accent."
"Good to hear that! You had me worried how you will learn it. You were never all too found in languages. Remember when I tried to teach you English?" She teased the younger while mixing up the dry and wet ingredient, causing Isagi to blush in embarrassment.
"I did my best! Languages are hard!" (Y/n) laughed at his reaction, poking his cheek when she finished mixing.
"Yeah, yeah. You always had football in your head. Anyways, let's shape up the cookies, and then we can move to cupcakes and prepare to decorate them."
Pouting, Isagi nodded his head.
"Love you, too."
"Can I join the baking, too? It's kinda boring being all alone-"
"Sorry, Oliver. It's a siblings tradition." Yoichi and (Y/n) said at the same time, causing Oliver to pout now.
"You two are so mean to me." Oliver sighed dramatically as Isagi rolled his eyes and (Y/n) laughed.
'Why did I help him even?' The younger thought, turning back to look at his sister.
"It's nice to be reunited again. I really look forward to baking with you."
(Y/n) smiled and ruffle her brother's hair.
"You are adorable! And same, it's really relaxing!"
Isagi enjoyed the winter and Christmas time. It makes him feel comfortable, knowing he was with people he loved during the holidays.
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ray935sworld · 3 months
The right kind of comfort
This story is based on a very funny post by @yeastinfectionvale that I took a little to serious. I may have misunderstood the assignement and my brain came up with this story so... I hope you enjoy it anyway!
And shout-out to @hotmessmaxpress for explaining to me how to do the under the cut post. Thanks again.
Summary: Bez crashed in Assen and gets his d sucked by Valentino Rossi. But is that really what he needs or who he needs? (Hint Bez x Marc at the end) 3.4k words
Don't like it, don't read it. Continues under the cut and on AO3.
Story includes a negative self-view while dealing with insecurites. Please don't read if this may trigger you
A DNF. Another fucking DNF after Le mans. He had one podium back in Jerez and beside that had to be grateful to even have made it to P6. He had to get used to P14, P11 and P13. And he was regular outscored by his teammate. The year before Bez already had 2 wins before Assen and had lead the championship for 2 races. Now he was lucky to get points. He was fighting against Raul Fernandez in the championship standings for P11, with just 6 points separating them. If he had known that when he was 3rd last year, he probably would have laughed in disbelief.
What had happened? What had happened to him? Why had his performance suddenly drop drastically when he was still working hard? He was still trying his best. Now it was his cursed reality. He was doing everything. He put in the work to figure out what his problem was but it ended up being worthless. Whenever he thought he had made progress, he got in the race and messed up. Every time.
With more self-doubt than ever, he headed back to the garage. Technically his bike was still running and he wasn’t hurt – beside his pride. But he knew if he continue, he would just damage the bike further and he didn’t had to put his mechanics through the troubles. So he went back, keeping his head low. He tried not to face them.
His mind was screaming at him. They were disappointed in him. They had to. He kept messing up their hard work. He didn’t deserve being part of the team or even being in MotoGP. He should just go back home and beg his father to give him a job in his shop. He could hide in shame in the back and work on some cars, never to be seen again. Maybe that wasn’t the worst idea after all. No more cameras, nasty comments and he wouldn’t disappoint everyone the way he does now.
He felt random hands on his shoulders, trying to encourage him. Fake. Someone told him it was okay. It wasn’t. They said that he was just struggling. He’d soon make his comeback and show them what he is really able to do. Lies. They didn’t actually believe he could do it. They didn’t thought he was a good rider. They didn’t believe in him. They just had to say it. After all, his action determined how their work was depicted. So if they fucked him up further, they would hurt their own career. Right? So they needed him to perform. And every basic psychology said that talking shit about someone who trust you was the worst thing to do.
He sat down for a moment. He pretended to listen to his mechanic, just nodding along but in reality, he was trying to down the voices in his head. Valentino Rossi – a god a motorcycle racing – had thought he was good enough to be trained by him. Maybe he was wrong. He had gave him a place in his team. Twice. For 5 years he was in one of his teams. And now he was messing up his last year with them. How he managed to secure that god damn Aprilia contract was still a mystery to him. He didn’t actually deserve it. He would disappoint them too. They wouldn’t renew his contract, maybe even replace him during the season and he wouldn’t find another bike cause no one was as stupid to give him a chance. Not when so many talents were currently competing and already knowing on the door from Moto2 and Moto3. HE wanted to cry at the thought of having to give his dream up that early. After only a few seasons in MotoGP, he’d be forced out. He wanted to cry. He felt tears in his eyes and just as he was about to wipe them away he heard his head mechanic say “I think you should get changed and take a break. We will have a debrief later and talk about how to improve. Alright, Marco?”
He nodded. He wasn’t of any use anyway. He couldn’t even handle a debrief right now. How was he supposed to handle a bike?
He somehow ended up in his motorhome. He didn’t really remember the way there, just that he had hurried and did everything not to be seen. Luckily most people where watching the race so he could easily slip away.
He opened the door and the first thing he felt was the way his heart broke. He felt it deep in his chest. His tears started flowing and he pressed his back to the door. A sob left his lungs. He was crying and he wished he wouldn’t know whose hand it was when someone lifted his chin. But he knew.
He didn’t had to know to recognize how the skin felt on his. He looked up. He didn’t want to. “That was a stupid one” his mentor whispered. He almost cried harder but instead forced a laugh. “At least I’m young enough to actually compete” he shot back.
He couldn’t pinpoint the moment when he had started to cover up being hurt by attacking back. Maybe he had just started to copy his behaviour on track to off track. He really just wanted to break down and cry but right now, with Vale’s hand on his cheek, there was no way out. He could push him back and ran of course. Vale certainly wouldn’t stop him. But why would he? Wasn’t that man in front of him his gay awakening, the one he had jerked off when he was a teenager. Wasn’t he everything he wanted in moments like this?
It’s not like he had lost his looks since Bez was 17. He was still hot. Probably even hotter. And an orgasm was a good way to get ride of his thoughts.
“At least I was actually able to compete” The words felt like a knife was pushed in an already open wound. So Vale truly didn’t believe he was able to compete at the top? He swallowed when he felt his until then closed legs been pushed apart.
He smiled while sitting down almost pressed against his crotch. His grin wasn’t the one that Marco was used to. It wasn’t the kind Vale smile he usually had when the academy was together at the ranch. It was the one that made him feel like he was nothing more than prey for a wild animal. Like there was no purpose for him other to get fucked right there and then, on the floor of his motorhome.
As if he had read his thought, Rossi put his hands on him. His finger tips started to touch the neck of his suit. He was playing with it. “But what you are currently doing… It’s just sad to watch” He felt tears return to his eyes and his mind racing. All the thoughts he had tried to get ride of were suddenly back again. They were stronger. “Pathetic… Fighting for… What was it? P14? P15?” His hand were on his suit. He felt them burning through the white leather. His left hand was holding his hip in place. His right hand was on his zipper. He opened it painfully slow.
Bez let out a whine. He didn’t enjoy this kind of intro. Of course he liked foreplay, but not in sticky cloth, when his body was full of sweat and he felt like he was starting to cry if he didn’t got distracted. And he needed hands on his naked body not on the fucking zipper. “One or two points while Digga is on the podium keeping Marquez behind him. And you fail to stick to those few spare points.” “I’m sorry” he forced himself to say. He looked up again. He stared at him, refusing to break the eye contact first. “I made a mistake, okay?! I’m sorry” he defended himself. His mind didn't got quieter. It got louder with each of his words.
Skilled fingers found their way under his leathers. “I know” he said, there was no love in his voice. No kindness. No comfort, not real one. “And I know you wanna do better” “I… I do” That’s how it regularly went. “It’s just frustrating and I feel so-“
Vale’s fingers felt burning hot on his already warm skin. He pushed the material away from his shoulder and his lips silenced him. Kissing Valentino had long lost the feeling of unfamiliarity and strangeness. Back in 2022, it was an unusual, somehow excited feeling to be noticed like that by someone like him. Now that the hero bliss had worn off a little more – after seeing him naked and getting fucked by him regularly. The need to get ride of his thought was more dominant now. And there was no better way than this… Right? So why push him away? He smiled.
Instead he closed his eyes. He knew it wasn’t what he really needed but it was close enough. So he finally shut his mind up when he felt Vale’s hand in his hair. It glided over a pat of his forehand and buried itself in his curls. He felt his nails tear in his scalp. He moaned in the kiss at the sensation. Vale grabbed a big hand of curls at the back of his head and used it to pull his head back. At the same time his other hand added pressure to his still clothed dick.
Their lips parted with a needy sound. Bez heard an unplaceable sound leave his lips when he obligated Vale’s gesture and let his head fall back. He felt the wall of his motorhome against his head and it reminded him that they were still on the floor. Not that he cared. Not when he felt Vale kissing his throat. Once. Twice. Three times. Then the other side. One. Two… Three. Then he moved to his chest. For a moment he kissed his ribcage. He barely felt it. It was just a short, light kiss on his skin.
“Va-Vale-“ he didn’t even know himself what he was about to ask. “Mmmh?” “Please” he whined in a high voice. He felt needy. An embarrassing red colour painted his cheeks. “Awe” Vale mocked him. His chin hit the abs of the younger one as he looked up. He had put his head on his stomach to smile at him. “Don’t worry” His smile was not as cold as before. Instead there was a fire. Like he was playing a game and knew he was winning. “I got you, Marco. Don’t I? You’ll be a very, very good boy for me and let me take care of you so you can perform again”
He spoke his name so softly that Bez felt a sense of pride rise. He quickly nodded. Yes. Yes, he wanted that. He needed to be taken care of so he could perform again. Maybe he had been wrong. Maybe the thing between them wasn’t as cold as he thought. Maybe there was passion and this whole foreplay was just how Vale was. Maybe he liked it. Bez could deal with it. No problem.
Vale’s hands had by now left his hair and were wandering over his body. He caressed his skin like it was treasure. “Oh Marco, you’re still so beautiful” he whispered.
He quickly grabbed his hips, like he was afraid he would run away or leave as if this was now an option. Bez felt the heat between his legs grow. Blood was rushing south way faster now that the older man’s hands were close to the remaining leathers. He felt himself getting hard. It was uncomfortable against his clothes and there was nothing he could do to prevent it. Not that he really needed to. After all this was exactly why they were there.
“I want you” The retired rider whispered as he pushed the material away from his hips. His naked ass hit the cold floor. For a second if was uncomfortable but Bez made a sound of agreement and quickly kicked everything away from them. Vale could have said anything. With his hands basically on his now exposed cock, he would agree to everything. It felt good to be desired even though it's just in a weird way that he didn't even truly understand. But he didn’t care. He came back, every time and accepted greedily whatever he was willing to give him. He took anything. He wouldn't deny the pleasure his mentor brought him for anything.
He wanted to feel his hands on him, like he did right now. He needed to feel him grabbing his thighs. It was close to being violent. He pushed in the skin and buried his fingers in there for a moment. Marco moaned. He knew his skin was probably turning red, stained with the pressure. Pain and pleasure mixed and his neglected cock stood up for attention. There was a little bit of pre-cum leaking to prove his excitement.
He was no longer thinking. Desire took over and his hands grabbed Valentino. He felt his neck and pulled him closer. He hungryly kissed him. He wanted to feel his lips on his. He wanted to feel his body against his. He wanted to feel his skin on his and pretend just for a moment that this was real. That they were real. That there was hope. That those two had future together even though he wasn't even really sure if he wanted said future not that this was a concern for him at the moment. After all, all he wanted right now was there. He wanted a release. And the one willing to give him the release he needed was his hero Valentino Rossi. He was in front of him willing to fuck him stupid.
He felt his hand wandering down between his legs. Just for a moment he was carefully stroking his thighs. His mind was finally quiet. He could finally breathe. He could just enjoy the moment and that was all he wanted. He kissed his mentor and kissed him again while feeling the vibration leaving the older Italians chest. „How eager" he replied while starting to touch the tip of his cock.
Bez response followed with a needy whine that accidentally escaped his throat. He took it as an encouragement and rubbed the tip of his cock before suddenly leaning down. The rider felt his breath stop for a moment. He started at the dark hair that was now only a breath away. He could feel the breath of the older against the skin of his V-line. It somehow burned against his already hot skin.
There was no more hesitation. He put his hand on his head and tried pushing him towards his leaking dick. The next thing he knew he felt warm lips on the tip of his dick. Before he could even realise what was going on his whole cock was surrounded by heat and wetness. He almost screamed from the pleasure.
His lover sat a fast and unbroken speed. Clearly not his first time. Bez knew that. But now with his hand burried in Vale's hair, all he could do was moan his lovers name. He tried to control his breathing. He couldn't decide if having his eyes wide open or closed tight enough to see stars was the better option. His gronas formed words. "Vale! Va-Va-Fuck!"
He sucked him off and when he felt a familiar heat pool in his lower abdoman he let go of his head. Instead his hands now formed a fist and he pushed it against the ground. „I'm… I'm gonna… I'm gonna come! Fuck! Vale-!"
Then the sudden release hit him. The tension left his shoulders as he came. He didn't had the strength to continue to push himself against the wall so he didn't. He let go and breath. He was breathing heavily. He was trying to control it when he felt Vale's mouth leave his skin. He looked up. His eyes were tired but he could clearly see the smirk in the older man's face.
He had swallowed and was now getting ride of the last drops that were still in the corner of his mouth. „Better?" he asked and kneeled next to Bez. For a moment he hesitated but than quickly nodded. „Yes, thank you Vale." „Always" he whispered and kissed him. This time it was a soft one. Almost careful as if he wanted to apologize for being to rough earlier.
„Okay, the race should almost be over. I'll be heading back now and you should finally take a shower" he announced and stood up. Bez stared at him in disbelief. He had gotten used to the sudden end of their sessions. That didn't mean he liked it. “See you later, okay?”
Bez knew he couldn't expect anything different. It wasn't part of their arrangement. So he faked a smile. “Yeah, see- see you”
Vale didn't even looked back as he closed the door. The silent 'click' confirmed that he was now gone. He had left. Bez stared at the door. He imagined Vale was still standing there.“I just… I need someone and I don't want to be alone right now”
He buried his head against his knees. Emotions he couldn't place overcame him as he was cursing himself again.
That night he went out. Not with the academy or his team. They asked him to join but he politely declined. He wasn't in the mood, at least not for the popular, loud, straight club, they always went for. He now went to a different kind of club. More private. Less known. It was a messy one actually. The kind no one told you about. He preferred those one. Especially cause this one, was known to be a gay club.
So he sat down at the bar. He burried his head in one of the biggest hoddies he owned and looked around. He watched a young woman flirt with a slightly older one. Both laughing and sharing glances. They looked so in love. They looked happy and Bez wanted excatly that. He was on his 3rd drink when a voice behind him suddenly addressed him. For a moment he was annoyed. He had no interest in talking to a fan. He wanted to bury his Frust in alcohol.
“Sorry about your DNF. You really deserve better”
Confused he turned around. He knew this voice a little to well. He was meet with a shy smile. He smiled back. Maybe it was a reflex, the crippling loyalty or the alcohol. Probably a combination of all three. But he smiled back, a kind, real one.
“Sorry about your penalty. P10 after a fight like that was undeserved" he said and watched Marc Marquez smile.
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fanfic-inator795 · 9 months
Okay so, much like the ending of Amphibia, I’m sure this ending’s gonna be controversial for some people for being so bittersweet and for it also ending with the two BFFs splitting seemingly forever… but honestly? I fucking loved it.
While the penultimate ep felt slightly rushed and just a tad unsatisfying due to all they had to cram in and wrap up, I love that this show’s finale was ultimately focused on just Molly, Scratch, and the latter’s series-wide arc of changing for the better and “being brought back to life”, as the TGAMM show bible put it.
Having believed in the Wraith feeling since the start, I was afraid that the Todd reveal would feel rushed given that the crew lost the 3rd season of set-up they wanted, but thankfully it managed to feel fairly natural since - while Todd himself may have been a more subtle hint that you’d only notice if you were paying attention- again, Scratch’s arc and the clear changes we see from him are made known throughout the series. So by the time you finally get to the big payoff, it feels like a natural conclusion.
For all the info dumps we got, I also felt like the ep was pretty well paced as well, still having jokes that made me laugh so it never felt too heavy or melodramatic. I also love that all the major characters in Scratch’s life got to play a role in this one final adventure. I also love that - for as important of a role that Adia played in helping Scratch regain his memories - it wasn’t framed as Scratch choosing his old BFF over his new BFF, but simply Scratch choosing to be brave and live the life he always wanted deep down instead of continuing to run away/hold himself back.
As for what could be seen as the Most controversial bit - Scratch forgetting his time as a ‘ghost’ - I feel like this was incredibly well crafted too. Like anything else in TGAMM (and as Molly herself says) there’s still that spark of hope hinting at Scratch still remembering Molly and the impact she had on him. He’s going to live with those memories and the importance she gave to enhappifying in his heart, even when he doesn’t consciously remember these things.
What’s more, the show also subtly but beautifully emphasizes that even if Scratch won’t fully remember Molly and the others until he’s officially died, the time he spent and the things he did for others as a ghost still mattered - they’re still going to be remembered by Molly, the McGees and their friends, and I LOVE how they also brought back Scratch’s silly toboggan-sneeze curse as just another way a part of ghost-him is going to stick with all of them no matter what - no matter how far apart they are.
While I would have liked one final song (which, I guess we arguably did get that in the credits) I also feel like ending the show on Libby’s Maya Angelou quote was the perfect summation on the show’s core themes - to not just do good for others, but for yourself. To live your best and happiest life.
In my opinion, this truly was just a master class in satisfying series finales. We didn’t need any big final battles or a ton more drama, just one last beautiful character piece that isn’t afraid to be somewhat bittersweet in order to fully sell its message while also still being just as fun and enjoyable and lovely as the rest of the series.
Really, the only thing that makes me kinda sad is that Scratch never said goodbye to GhostShark - but hey, he’ll see him again eventually, and honestly my hc is that the Jeoffs are taking care of Sharkie for him in the meantime. Other than that, this was a 10/10 finale for me, absolutely no notes.
Now… obviously this was the finale that the TGAMM crew was always leading up to, I assume once they realized that they weren’t getting a s3 they asked Disney to give them one final ep to wrap things up. If that wasn’t the case though and this was always meant to be the s2 finale, I guess s3 would be about Todd slowly remembering his life as Scratch and eventually coming back to Brighton alongside Adia to help Molly stop Jinx’s revenge or whatever. But… eh, I personally don’t think that’s needed.
I think the show ended perfectly, leaving just enough ambiguous for fans to still imagine how Molly and Scratch’s adventures are going to continue one day while at the same time being super satisfying - probably the best series finale that we’ve seen out of any modern Disney cartoon.
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smolwritingchick · 4 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 94- MAMA Awards 2016 Part 1
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Summary: BTS win their first Daesang! Tensions run high when Jen's friendship with Hyuna ends abruptly due to sneak dissing and a scrapped performance. BTS attends the Mama Awards making iconic moments that leave the world shooked.
Words: 13,000+
Genre: Big Jungkook Fluff. A little chaos never hurt anybody :)
Click here for PART 2 of this chapter
Author's note: OK the 3rd Muster chapter isn't done yet, I'll post that next since this was done. The 3rd Muster chapter is basically a filler chapter anyway. So once I come back from taking a smol break I will start writing that and then the following story chapter. This was done and I didn't want to keep it waiting. Kind of been anxious to release it. 
As I addressed during the Bon Voyage season 1 chapter, this should be the last time I write about Hyuna. This idea came up recently and I rolled with it. My ideas changed a bit but I wanted this to just be chaotic af. I wanted to think outside the box and I like what I came up with. Again this smol girl ain't that much of a lyric writer but A for effort. Decided to combine the chapters and make it into the Mama Awards chapter.
I would like Jennie to always have a cool stage for the MAMA Awards. And have fun moments. It's only 2016 in the story and Jennie still has a lot of growing to do but I think this moment I have planned for this chapter is an interesting start to how she speaks up for herself. We got 2017, 18, 19, and the rest of the years for even more character development, wins and failures along the way for her.
Hope you enjoy it! I'd say Beyonce's 7/11 is the inspiration for her stage at MAMA. I love the song so much and the instrumental. Especially the Coachella version. Always a banger. I also loveeee Beyonce's laugh at the end of the Coachella version. So I had to add it for Jennie. It might just be her signature. 
Whenever there are scenes with BlackPink and BTS' Jennie (My character), I'm going to keep BlackPink's Jennie as Jennie during the dialogue while BTS' Jennie will just be called Jen. Hope that won't be too confusing.
Throwback to this funny video when they won at MMA 2016. I remember this video like it was yesterday. Timeless. As I continue to write, I get a little emotional. It was so fun seeing all this in real time.
Again this chapter is split into two parts because I couldn't fit all of it in one post. So this is part one.
Have an awesome day! Super excited for Jin to return from enlistment! Not much longer now!
'BREAKING! MAMA 2016 Collaboration with Cube's Hyuna and Big Hit's Jennie scrapped!'
Jennie frowned at the article as she sat by her desk in the Smartie Factory. It was crazy how things abruptly changed. Lately, Jennie and Hyuna weren't on speaking terms and issues have been occurring for a while.
It all started with the sneak dissing that Jennie had found out on her Tumblr. She loved scrolling through the tag of her name and came across a fairly popular post regarding Hyuna attending a few variety shows and interviews.
"Unlike the others, I don't need to repeatedly say I'm the best from head to toe. You already see it," made ARMY think about Jennie's War of Hormone lyrics.
"Some rookies can be a bit much. Some like to try to overshine a veteran,"
"Some girls in this industry are a bit too fragile. I don't need to call myself bulletproof,"
"You mean the original version of How's This,"
These were just a handful of statements said by Hyuna and ARMY immediately speculated she was throwing shade at Jennie.
'Uhhhh did Hyuna just sneak diss, Jennie? Am I freaking out over nothing? That bulletproof and glass line was SUS,' one comment said.
ARMY went on to do more research and they immediately figured out that there was some sort of animosity in Hyuna's words and it caused confusion in the fandom.
"The hell...?" Miss Bangtan murmured as she read about it and even saw her and Hyuna trending on Twitter.
Her stomach dropped and she felt hurt by the words. It confused her as to why she would say these things. Deciding to go straight to the source, she messaged Hyuna on KakaoTalk.
Jen: Ummmm what's going on sis? We got a problem or something? If so let's address it now. Call me when you're free
But hours later, still no reply. What officially solidified the fact that there was an issue was when Jennie facetimed Hayoon about it.
"I'm trying to contact her so we can settle this shit now instead of over the internet. But I haven't gotten a response. I don't know how this happened. I didn't even do anything. I know we haven't talked in a while, but damn,"
And that was when Hayoon informed her what was going on from what she heard. She and other people have been overhearing her talking about how upset she was that she would be sharing the stage with Jennie for How's This. She wanted to perform it alone and on top of that felt bothered by the fact that the duet music video with Jennie started to get way more views than the original video.
"I mean it got more views because ARMY loves to support every member of Bangtan. They were bound to have the views boost," Jennie exclaimed on Facetime while Hayoon nodded. "That's one of the amazing things about them. They watched that video for me and I'm grateful but damn, is it that deep? So, she doesn't want to share the stage with me and is feeling some type of the way that her original music video didn't have that many views? Ma'am, if that was a problem, instead of throwing shots, why not talk to me face to face and express yourself? All this childishness for what?"
"I know. It's ridiculous," Hayoon said with a frown. "I had to distance myself from her. I didn't like the things she was saying. And I even talked to her about it but she blew me off and said she didn't care,"
Jennie sighed and shook her head. "Annoying...thanks for telling me...wow...the switch up is crazy...I just don't understand,"
"Of course. Still no reply?"
Jennie went to check back on the app and scoffed. "Did this bitch block me?!"
"What?! No way!"
"Wowwww. So, it's like that? Okay. I can't even contact her anymore...this is making me start to have trust issues a little bit. Like we were so close. We would hang out and talk often...I trusted her with a lot of shit, too. I hope she doesn't spill anything personal. Because now I'm thinking about my relationship,"
"As much as I dislike her attitude, I don't think she'll spill anything especially when she is dating E'Dawn privately,"
"Yeah...I'm not going to air her dirty laundry and talk about how she got a rookie boyfriend and shit. That's unfair to E'dawn and his future career as an idol,"
"Agreed. No need to get him involved. I believe she won't involve Jungkook as well, so no need to worry,"
Jennie sighed. "When I see her at one of these award shows I'll confront her. This is ridiculous,"
"Some kind of girl's girl she is. So close to award season, too? She should not be trying to paint you as this bad person,"
"Yeah...I just don't know how long it's going to take for the public to understand how grimy she is,"
As the news of her performance with Hyuna wasn't happening anymore, Cube Entertainment and even Mnet made the excuse that they felt like Jennie was not ready to perform with Hyuna and was a bit difficult to work with. Which was a load of bull and lots of fans saw through the BS. However, Big Hit responded in defense of her saying that she was ready, was very easy to work with and it was their loss on the collaboration.
It warmed her heart to see the company come to her defense and say she would prove doubters wrong on BTS' stage at the MAMA Awards. Hearing the news that the collaboration was scrapped made her feel down since she had been so excited to perform with someone she looked up to for many years. G-Dragon's words still rang through her mind that not everyone is your friend in the industry and the switch ups are crazy.
Now back to reality, Jennie continued to sit by her desk, deep in thought about the situation. All she wanted to do was speak to her like an adult and squash whatever issue she had with her. But with her being blocked, it was clear she wanted nothing to do with Jennie.
It had been days since the first set of disses along with lyric changes to throw shots at her and the lack of response from Jennie had everyone talking.
People commented:
'Unbothered. I like that,'
'Hyuna cooked you!'
'Everything she said about Jennie was true,'
'Rookie! Hyuna is better than you!'
'So, are you going to respond to HyunA?'
'Damn, still no response?'
'Jennie is known for her impressive stage presence at MAMA. They could have been a powerful duo if egos didn't get in the way. Something ain't right,'
'LOL Hyuna won by default. She is taking forever to respond. Is she scared?'
'Get in the booth, Jennie. Or are you taking the L?'
'So, you just gonna let her talk shit about you like that?'
'Jennie doesn't have to respond to anything.'
'I hate how you guys are instigating this drama.'
'No response is a response, Jennie!'
'Does Miss Bangtan need her bulletproof boy scouts to help her with this one?'
'I bet Jennie is the problem. Because she and Hyuna were great friends. She must have done something wrong...'
'Time to stop hiding behind your boys, woman up and respond to your senior.'
'Respect queen Hyuna!'
'You should be lucky she even asked you to collaborate.'
'ARMY gets on my nerves. They like to spam and stream everything for bragging rights. That music video didn't deserve to get higher views than the OG!'
'Yikes...going after one of the chillest people in the K-Pop industry is not wise because if Jennie responds I bet not hear shit that she was disrespectful when Hyuna started this first. And don't try to say respect your seniors.'
'Y'all are a little too comfortable being rude to Jennie on her page...'
'Hyuna started it and Jen will finish it. Watch!'
'Hyuna is being a bit too bold running her mouth.'
'Of all people when you have Bangtan backing her? And other idols who are close friends with her? I don't understand the logic.'
'Hyuna is untouchable in the industry, no idols will come to her aid,'
'I doubt any idol will defend Jennie from Hyuna. She should handle this herself.'
'Bangtan shouldn't always have to fight her battles. She should handle this by herself,'
'Jennie handles business. She'll respond,'
Still, on social media, she saw herself getting tagged in a lot of Hyuna stuff. Come to find out she was still sneak dissing and her stans were eating it up and defending her. However, ARMY was not too happy about the abrupt attitude change and shade thrown at Miss Bangtan.
"Do you want me to say something?" Yoongi asked, who sat next to her, ready to defend her honor.
"Yoongi...no," she firmly said as she turned to him.
"The situation is so grimy. Like damn, the bitch can't share the stage with you on her song that she wanted you to be on in the first place? Why bother asking to collab?" Angelina spoke up, sitting on the couch with Namjoon. "Did she think it wasn't going to go well? She underestimated the power of ARMY's support and your talent as an artist. Those comments on that YouTube video were mainly about you, Jennie. You outshined her in the music video and she was mad about it and has been holding it in for a while. The bitch is jealous,"
"I'm just confused and thrown off by everything. Like I thought we were friends—"
"Well, she's not your friend," Angelina firmly cut Jennie off, getting upset about Hyuna. "A friend doesn't sneak diss. Fuck her,"
"Are you going to let her just bash your name like this in public?" Namjoon asked.
"She is South Korea's IT girl. Everyone loves her. And if I respond...I have a feeling I'll be public enemy number one. You know how the media is gonna twist this and make me the bad guy," Jennie reminded.
"Jen, I love your calmness. You know I'll be ready to fight somebody if someone did that to me. Diss tracks would already be on standby to release," Angelina added. "I wish I had your calmness, right now, as we speak. But stop being nice,"
"I'm not trying to be! I'm not! I'm not being nice, I'm trying to wrap my head around being blindsided! I'm getting annoyed, now..." she sighed out of frustration.
"Good. Write about it,"
"Listen, I shouldn't cause Bangtan any drama. Award season is coming up...I can't be taking the attention off of us at the award shows. I don't even want to be involved in this drama...why can't I just have some genuine celebrity friends, that won't get mad over petty shit, like this? I'm getting PTSD from Hailey and that took a while to heal from,"
"Munchkin, you're not causing drama for us," Hobi spoke up with his arms crossed as he leaned against the wall, next to the couch. "I know you're thinking of the negatives but the positives outweigh it. You should respond,"
"And you know that people love you, too. She is not the only beloved K-Pop idol, in the world," Yoongi affirmed. "You've been making a positive name for yourself with us as BTS. ARMY and us will not stand for the slander. I want you to write about it all,"
"Turn this negative into a positive," Namjoon reminded.
"Diss track incoming?" Angelina smiled.
Jennie let the rappers' words sink in as she glanced at all of them. They had a point. She couldn't just let her bash her name like this out of nowhere. On top of that, she didn't want to hear anything about being respectful to her seniors when she was getting disrespected unprovoked. It bothered her when people think they can talk to younger people in any type of way. Respect should be a mutual thing.
"For now, don't bother engaging in the drama on social media. Don't respond to any of it online. Continue to go about your day like normal," Namjoon suggested.
"Yeah...okay. You're right. All of you," Jen replied. "I can't let her just get away with talking shit and not saying it directly to my face. Especially when she didn't even want to respond to my messages and blocked me. She needs to get checked,"
"Good. I'm looking forward to this," Hobi smiled.
"You and I both," Yoongi revealed his gummy smile.
Jennie chuckled and turned to Namjoon. "This reminds me a little bit of the Bobby situation and your diss at MAMA 2014. But yours was more of entertainment. Unlike this,"
The leader chuckled at that and nodded. "Yeah. Well, what are you going to do, now?"
"Handle it," she firmly responded and grabbed her notebook.
"Best news I've heard all day. Get writing," Angelina broke out into a big smile, as the others agreed.
"Mama Awards 2016. Speak your truth, there. Let's talk to the staff later about everything," Namjoon recommended.
"Okay," Jennie nodded, liking that idea. "I'll show you what I have when I'm done. Can I be alone, please? To work?"
The boys respected her decision and left her to work while Angelina stayed behind with Namjoon waiting for her outside the studio.
"Word of advice? Try the 8 Mile method. The stealing thunder strategy. You remember the movie and the final rap battle with Eminem?" Angelina asked as she got off the couch.
"Yeah. I've watched it a few times. That's not a bad idea. I'll work on it,"
"Good. Happy writing. Just make sure you eat, okay? Don't be stuck here, all day. I'll be with the others,"
"Don't worry, I'll take breaks. See you,"
After Angelina left, Jennie got started with writing. She also began going through her vault of music files she created over the years to pick which one to perform her rap with.
Rapping…kind of scary to think that this is what it would come to. Yoongi had been an amazing mentor. If Hobi could learn how to rap when he had no background in it, she could too. The amount of faith the rap line had in her to encourage her to respond to Hyuna in this way was a big deal. It was a deal that she could not mess up.
As she proceeded to work, her dog Tony slept quietly on the dog bed in the corner, tired out from playing around with the members a few hours earlier. Jennie occasionally glanced at the adorable dog with a smile while she worked. Miss Bangtan worked for hours, doing research, writing, and analyzing Hyuna's recent interviews regarding her. So engrossed in her work, she jumped slightly when she heard a series of knocks at her door.
"Who?" she asked out loud.
"Your Golden Boyfriend. Jeon Cena!"
"Enter my realm, my love," she smiled and turned her seat around to see him walking in with a few bags of food. "Hey!"
"Hi. I figured you were hungry so I bought food for us," he set the bags on the desk and grabbed a seat to sit next to her.
"It smells so good, thanks," she kissed him sweetly.
Getting a good look at her, he noticed she was wearing one of his hoodies which made him smile. The way it was oversized on her made her look even more cute.
"Any time. And your package of Smarties came. I grabbed a few bags so I can fill up your bowl,"
"You are the best!" she squealed happily and kissed him again before planting multiple kisses all over his cheek, making him giggle.
After he filled up the bowl, he gently grabbed her hand to stop her from reaching out to grab a few pieces.
"Ah-ah! What are you doing?" he called out.
"Helping myself to my smarties?"
"Nah. Food first. Let's eat,"
"What? Oh, come on. Babe, don't do that,"
"Food first. Smarties after," he released her hand.
"They're small, they're not going to spoil my stomach,"
"Food, honey," he grinned, opening the platter of chicken for them to eat. "Take a break,"
"Fine. I should take a break, anyway," she stretched and closed her notebook, placing it to the side. "Game of Thrones?"
"Yeah, we stopped at Season 5, right?"
"Hm hm. The first episode," she set everything up on one of her monitors.
"Hyung told us what you're working on. I'm glad you're going to go through with it. It's not fair,"
She smiled softly and nodded. "Yeah…I just wished she talked to me,"
"She'll realize the mistake she made when you respond. I'm looking forward to seeing what you say. You always have a way of showing off your craft during the MAMA Awards. ARMY will be in for a treat,"
"Thanks. I hope to do it justice. I've been thinking about a lot…especially with the new year coming up. I think my New Year's Resolution for 2017 is to…be more cautious of who I trust and who I open up to. To see my childhood friends again when we go on tour and write songs in a more positive light. I think that'll be a pretty good start,"
He leaned over to kiss the side of her head. "I like that. That is a good start,"
The day of the Melon Music Awards was finally here and backstage was lively as everyone went through rehearsals. Jen was excited to see familiar faces again as she strolled backstage. She let out a deep breath when she finally saw Hyuna who had finished talking with a staff member. Jen had been seeing her all day but whenever she'd get close, Hyuna would rush off.
Not anymore.
As Jen approached her, she knew people were watching her every move, wondering what might happen. Keeping her head up high, she finally came face to face with her.
"You got something to say to me?" Jen questioned as she looked at her with a frown.
Hyuna looked a little surprised and took a step back.
"Nothing at all," she replied with a fake smile.
"Are we going to talk like adults or are you gonna run, again? Where's that energy when you were taking shots at me on that variety show?" she asked and tilted her head to the side when she didn't reply. "If you don't want to be friends anymore, that's cool. I don't care. But I don't appreciate you going out of your way to talk shit about me and lying on my name. Blocking me so we can't speak on the phone? That is mad corny,"
"Jennie, you're causing a scene," she brought up as noticeably more people were being nosy and watching the confrontation.
"I do not care, stop trying to change the subject. What is with you throwing shade like ARMY and I wouldn't notice? Even talking about how difficult I am to work with? The fuck? Do we have a problem?"
"Do we?"
It took all the strength Jen had to not pop her in the head right then and there with the way she sarcastically responded. Hyuna was playing games and it was getting harder for Jen not to put her hands on her. MAMA Awards couldn't come fast enough.
"Keep my name out of your mouth. I'm not telling you again. Are we clear?" Jen demanded with a glare.
After walking away and calming down, Jen informed the members about the nonsense. It annoyed them with the way Hyuna responded and highly anticipated Jen's performance at the MAMA Awards to set her straight. It was going to be worth the wait.
As the show was about to start, Jen went to the women's bathroom and as she came out to wash her hands, she saw BlackPink primping in the mirror and talking amongst themselves about how excited they were for the show.
Jennie gasped in happiness and turned around with a bright smile. "Hi! Oh my gosh, we've been looking for you!"
The sudden burst of excitement surprised Jen as she stood by the four girls who were happily smiling after she dried her hands. Once it officially registered that she was in front of BlackPink, Jen grinned widely.
"Hey! You're BlackPink! Wow! Hi! Oh my gosh, wow, y'all look so beautiful!"
"So do you!" Jisoo beamed as they all bowed.
"Hi, I'm Jennie. Jennie Walker," Jen introduced herself.
"Nice name. Hi, I'm Jennie. Jennie Kim," Jennie giggled with her and held her hands.
"Thank you. Nice name!"
"Thanks! It's nice to catch you before the show. It's really nice to meet you,"
"It's nice to meet you, girls, too!"
"Hi~! I'm Rosé!"
"I'm Lisa!"
"And I'm Jisoo!"
After releasing Jennie's hands, Jen spoke, "You girls are amazing! It's great watching you ladies thrive. I love your songs and I can't wait to see you perform, tonight,"
"Thank you! We've seen your dance videos of our songs. You perform it so well. Maybe you should be the fifth member," Jisoo giggled.
"I'd love to but Bangtan would be upset," she teased, as the girls laughed.
They were all so sweet. Their friendly energy matched so well with Jen's as they all vibed and immersed themselves in bathroom girl talk. As Jen had her eyes on Jisoo, she pointed out that her beauty was on a whole new level. Photos and videos didn't do her justice.
"Can we hug? Are you ladies ok with that? I'm like such a hugger these days but I like to ask before touching," Jen asked kindly.
"Of course!" Lisa beamed and went right in to embrace her with the rest of the girls.
"Are you ladies excited for tonight?" Jen asked.
"Nervous! But very excited. It should be a fun show. The dress rehearsal went well," Rosé replied.
"You ladies are gonna kill it. Have fun with it! Go out there and show them that BlackPink ain't playing around,"
Jen's encouragement seemed to have pumped them up as they smiled brightly and thanked her.
"You're close with Bam Bam, right? He's one of my good friends," Lisa spoke up.
"Yeah! I love him! He's the best and one of the funniest guys ever. He's a piece of work, huh?" Jen chuckled.
"He is! I hope we can all hang out sometime,"
"Yeah, I'd love that. We have a 97 Liner group chat we can add you and Rosé in! We're trying to see when we can have another get together. Even if it's just a handful of us. I have the WINGS tour coming up so it'll probably be a long while until Jungkook and I can participate in any hangouts. But we'll be there in spirit if the group plans something in our absence,"
"Being in the group chat sounds like fun. It'll be nice to get to know the others who were born in the same year. You'll introduce us?" Rosé asked.
"Yeah! I got you! You have to meet Hayoon. She is one of the sweetest girls you'll ever meet. So down to earth. She can be a little shy but give her some time and she'll open up to you. When you see her show off her real personality she gets very intense when playing games. Especially card games,"
Lisa and Rosé giggled at that.
"G-Dragon speaks highly of you. I always see him at YG and when we catch up he always brings you up," Jennie added.
"He talks about me to you?" Jen's eyes lit up.
Jen remembered that Jennie worked with G-Dragon before, being in one of his music videos. And Rosé even worked with him, on a song. It made her heart soar that he spoke highly of her. She hoped that one day she could collaborate with him as well. They brought it up a few times but she wanted to continue to improve her craft as an artist before working with him on music. She wanted to be at her best to sing with someone as legendary as him.
"Yeah! He told us he took you under his wing. I remember him saying how determined you looked when you approached him at K-Con. He admired your drive to take action. The way you did not hesitate to ask for advice on how to be a better performer. He also told us you are someone he trusts and that you are authentic," Rosé added.
"Wow...I am honored, my gosh," Jen let out a breath and placed her hands over her heart.
"Can I just say I love the move that you do with Jungkook during Blood, Sweat and Tears!? That flip and spin? It's so good!" Lisa said excitedly. "I want to try to do it during a dance practice but your chemistry with him is something that cannot be duplicated. I've studied dance covers of your little duet and it's clear that the move was meant for you two. I admire your passion when dancing,"
"Aw really? Thank you! I admire your passion for dancing, too! You be killing it on stage! You move with such grace and power, I get blown away every time, girl. I need to learn a thing or two from you,"
"We should practice together, sometime!"
"I'd be down!"
Their conversation was cut short when they heard an announcement that the show was about to begin.
"Before we go to our seats, can we take a selfie?" Jisoo suggested.
"Yeah! Let's do it!" Jen cheered.
Jisoo took out her phone and held the camera up high while the girls crowded around Jen. With all of their face cards on point, the selfie turned out beautifully as they posed with peace signs, kissy faces, and bright smiles.
"Oh, we cute, cute! Send this to me!" Miss Bangtan requested.
After exchanging numbers with the girls, the five of them went to their seats with fansites filming and noticing them together. Seeing the sight made ArmyBlinks excited that they finally met and hoped they take pictures.
As the show began, Jennie sat with Bangtan as the camera occasionally caught her exciting reactions which would make Armies cheer. Jennie happily cheered and lip synced Blackpink's lyrics with fans noticing how Rosé biased she was.
When it was time for Bangtan to perform BST, audience members and idols anticipated JenKook's signature move but they didn't perform it this time and did different choreography. The disappointment was evident on some idols' faces as they whispered amongst themselves about them not doing their move as well as fans.
"No~! I wanted to see the spin," Lisa whined. "Why didn't they do the spin?"
"I know! I wonder why they decided to change the choreography," Jisoo pouted.
"Damn, no spin?" Zico wondered.
"Darn, they didn't do it? What changed?" Kai wondered with EXO.
Fans tweet:
'Are you fucking serious!? Jennie and Jungkook wtf!? I am PISSED!'
'JenKook y'all had ONE JOB!! ONE!! We wanted the spin!'
'I know these damn babies did not skip their highly anticipated dance move of BST,'
'I stayed up all night only for them not to do the spin!? Big Hit, I'm about to sue! Count your MF days!'
'Who scrapped the spin!? I wanna fight! #BringBackTheSpin'
'LISTEN!! If it ain't broke don't fix it! Nothing and I mean NOTHING needed to be changed in JenKook's duet. Keep it like it is! It was perfect! #BringBackTheSpin'
Backstage after their performance, Jungkook laughed at the flooded tweets from Armies and other fans. They all were complaining about them not doing the dance move and it surprised him to see how much viewers enjoyed the unique move. The couple wanted to do something a little different for the Melon Music Awards but clearly, their decision did not sit well with everyone which amused them.
Jungkook tweeted for damage control, 'Ah...we didn't do the spin this time. Sorry ARMY. We will do it next time,'
Immediately fans replied:
'Y'all better! That move is generational!'
'What were y'all thinking switching it up!? We better get nothing but sexiness the next time y'all do it! I am so serious!'
'Bullying works guys!!'
'Y'all know better!'
'OH ARD! That's what I thought. You two better raise the bar next time!'
'GOOD! It better be sexy af the next time you two perform it! I need my JenKook crumbs!'
'I hope the next time they do the move they take it up a notch. Their chemistry has me glued to my screen!'
As the show was drawing to a close, she sat in between Yoongi and Taehyung while they watched the presenters call the nominees for album of the year. In Jennie's mind, she assumed EXO was going to win it. EXO had been powerhouses for their albums and the big 3, JYP, SM, and YG always swept these big awards. However, it was an honor to even be nominated in the category for The Most Beautiful Moment In Life: Young Forever album.
She sat, relaxed, already ready to applaud EXO for winning the award as she waited for the presenter to say it.
"2016 Melon Music Award Best Album of the Year goes to...BTS!"
The sound of the group's name caused Bangtan to widen their eyes, looking at each other in utter disbelief.
Did they REALLY just call BTS the album of the year winners!? WHAT!?
Idols around them stood up, equally surprised that a group not from the big 3 won the award as they applauded them. GFriend cheered happily, bouncing up and down as Hayoon yelled cheerfully for Jennie. Namjoon immediately stood up, stunned by the announcement.
"Oh s—" Hobi shouted in shock.
Jennie sat in her seat dumbfounded as she looked around, glancing at the members who equally had the same shocked expression.
"What the f—" she stopped herself as she covered her mouth, trying to process the news that Bangtan had just won their first Daesang.
Daesang...they won a Daesang!
"We won? We won!?" she slowly stood up once the rest of the boys did.
Armies around the venue cheered and screamed as they waved their ARMY bombs in celebration.
"Ahhhh Jennie looks so surprised!" Hayoon giggled to her group before quickly rushing over to embrace her.
It started to become a tradition for these two to find each other to hug, high five, or do something whenever they won an award. Hayoon grabbed her hands and jumped up and down excitedly with her.
"BTS did it! BTS won! I'm so happy for you!" she beamed, pulling her in for another tight hug.
"Holy shit, what the hell is happening!? Is this real!?" Jennie exclaimed, hugging her tightly.
"Yes! Go up there!" she laughed and lightly pushed her forward after pulling away.
Jennie adjusted herself and began walking up to the stage with the rest of the group as they bowed to everyone. She walked with Hobi and Suga as a bright smile came across her beautiful face, feeling her heart pound. As they made it to the stage with Namjoon holding the award, she stood in between Jin and Hobi.
"ARMY! Thank you!" Namjoon shouted on the mic with a big smile as he tried to control his overwhelming emotions.
Seeing Jin start to cry made Jennie begin to rub his back to comfort him. She did her best not to cry herself as she soaked in this moment with the boys. Noticing Hobi looking like he was about to cry, she went to rub his back too, comforting him.
"We have received the best award since our debut here at the Melon Awards. Bang Sihyuk PD-nim, Big Hit Entertainment, parents and friends who have helped us, I want to thank them again and ARMYs, I love you! ARMY, I LOVE YOU!" Namjoon shouted with elation.
After he finished his speech, the members all went in for a big group hug. They all had big smiles on their faces, feeling euphoric from this victory. When they make it backstage, they are still stunned and thrilled that they won the award with a Bangtan Bomb camera filming them.
"Wow really...wow," Namjoon spoke, still processing everything.
"I was so surprised," Jungkook said on camera.
"We weren't anticipating it. We really weren't expecting it. We weren't even expecting it one bit,"
"Thank you so so much. We were so shocked,"
"We won! We won~! I still can't believe it!" Jennie squealed and shook the camera. "Thank you so much!"
Noticing Hobi's tears running down his cheeks with the foundation running down too, Jennie embraced him tightly while the camera filmed them.
"I know...I know..." she murmured. "I'm so proud of us,"
"Army, thank you so much!" Jin said on camera with his tear stained face while Jennie released Hobi. "Thank you, Army! Thank you, Army!"
"Bring it in," she outstretched her arms for Jin and he immediately kissed the top of her head and hugged her tightly.
"She gives the best hugs," he told the camera.
After they returned to their seats, Jennie sat in between Hobi and Jin to continue to watch the show while pulling themselves together. As EXO closed the show, she watched their performance in admiration.
"I wonder what it would be like to close an award show," Jennie wondered out loud with a smile.
Jin listened and began to speak as she looked up at him. "I believe that one day we will get the opportunity. If we can get this Daesang then this is just a step forward in achieving more as a group,"
"Yeah. We will, for sure,"
After the show, they took photos with the trophy and hugged the staff members as they continued to celebrate. Once Angelina found Jennie, she ran and jumped on her, making them both fall to the floor as they laughed.
"Ah~! I am so proud of you! BTS did it! BTS won album of the year!" she began giving Jennie multiple kisses all over her face as she continued to laugh.
After they got up, they embraced tightly, getting emotional.
"Wow, look at you! Thriving in BTS! That album deserved album of the year! It has bangers on top of bangers. This is your motherfuckin' moment, sis! Enjoy it!"
"Thank you! And thank you for being here to support us," Jen murmured against her shoulder.
"You know I'm always going to be there for you just like you are with me. You're stuck with me for life, sis. This win is only the beginning. Watch Bangtan soar to new heights after this! You better enjoy the damn ride, it's gonna be a fun one!"
After pulling away, Angelina wiped Jennie's tears.
"I'm not gonna lie, I thought EXO was gonna win it. When they said BTS I was like what!?" Jen continued to ramble as the camera person for the Bangtan bomb began to film the other members to get their thoughts.
Later on, Jennie sat down on a chair and took in some deep breaths to pull herself together while Jin and Jimin rubbed her back.
"I'm okay...I'm alright...wow...this feels like a dream. This feels like a freaking dream," she sighed.
She shook her head and started praying, thanking the Lord for this moment as emotions came over her again. Tears ran down her cheeks as she whispered to herself, "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!"
After she was done praying, she looked up and smiled at the guys when they all went to comfort her. "We did it. We really did it. This is amazing. Wow...over the big frickin' 3!? Blessed! I am so proud of us! Thank you. All of you for making this experience so fun and rewarding,"
"Your family is on the line!" Angelina beamed and handed Jen her phone to reveal her parents and sisters on facetime.
It was wholesome hearing them scream and cheer for Bangtan. The boys even jumped in to say hello and thanked them for their support.
"Ok now that we got the celebrations out of the way, why in the hell didn't you and Jungkook do the spin!?" Jennie's mom complained causing Bangtan and Angelina to laugh.
"Yeah! We were looking forward to it!" Alani frowned.
"You guys need a redo! ASAP!" Vienna added.
"I admit I was looking forward to seeing it and felt my world crashing down when it didn't happen," Jennie's dad spoke up.
"You are so dramatic!" Jennie laughed. "Not you all mad we didn't do this spin, tonight,"
"We'll do it next time," Jungkook grinned. "We promise!"
"You two better. I'll be watching," Jennie's dad pointed at them.
Days later, Namjoon was in his studio doing a V-Live to catch up with ARMY. As the live went on with fun and engaging moments, he then started to talk about Jennie. A proud smile appeared on his face as he thought of her.
"Jennie is the best. She has been improving a lot behind the scenes and continues to keep a good head on her shoulders. When I first saw her, I was watching the audition for the Bangtan Girl for BTS. She stood out to me because of her outfit choice." He chuckled. "She looked like she was going to wreck someone. I had my head down, so I would listen closely to each person's lyrics created for bulletproof, while V was next to me. As soon as I heard her verse, I had to look up. I know she was probably a bit stressed getting hit with a bombshell of creating a verse for the song over a weekend and presenting it on a Monday but she made it work and she impressed me. When I met her, I thought she was very determined and cute. She's like a little sister to me. And I feel like a proud big brother watching her improve every day in her skills. Ah...I'm getting too personal, am I? Sorry,"
His eyes scanned the comments flowing in.
'Awwww keep going, it's okay! This is so cute!'
'NamJen forever! Best bond in Bangtan!'
'Awwwww he looks like a proud big brother!'
'Thank you for always taking care of Jennie!'
'My baby Jennie and the best leader Namjoon! Thank you for being there for her!'
'Thank you for being a great leader to her!'
"I just want to be the best leader for her. And I want to be that strength she needs to keep pushing forward. She has improved so much over the years. She was so timid when it came to filming music videos, but after filming videos like Dope, Fire, and Blood, Sweat & Tears, I've seen her confidence and charisma grow. I may not understand what it's like to move and work in another country like she did but she has really opened up and become more comfortable here. She's fully adjusting to South Korea. And I'm very proud of her. All of Bangtan is,"
As he continued his live, someone knocked on his door and he turned around. Announcing the person to come in, Jennie strolled in with a bright smile and a plate of cookies.
"Hey! Here, I just made them. I'm going around delivering cookies before working in my studio,"
"For me!? Really!? Oh, this is a great surprise. I'll help myself to these now," he thanked her and took the plate to place on his desk. "You need to open up a bakery,"
"I want to! I wouldn't mind going to culinary school or something. I'd love to make my own business and open up a bakery, one day. We'll see what the future holds. Oh, you on live? Hey, ARMY! I miss you, guys! How are ya?" She waved and read the comments.
'Hi, mom!'
'She baked again!!'
'Jennie, I love you!'
'Do the spin with Jungkook!'
'Do the move with Kookie!'
'JenKook spin for MAMA!'
'JenKook move!'
'Why didn't you do the move at Melon!?'
'Ma'am we want answers about Melon! What happened to the spin!?'
"Yo...." she began to laugh out loud at the comments. "Not y'all roasting me again for not doing the spin. It's been a week! Is it that serious? Oh my gosh,"
Namjoon started to laugh at the comments too, amused that this has become such a big deal in the fandom. When he heard even idols were asking about the spin, it was clear that JenKook had a chokehold in the industry with their strong chemistry.
"ARMY has been a little upset about that," he brought up.
"A little? They spamming my Instagram, too. I didn't think it was going to cause this much of a fuss. You guys really like our signature move?"
Comments rushed in:
'The way you two dance together are goals!'
'I can't with her lmfao.'
"Look forward to MAMA, okay? I gotta go but cheer us on at MAMA. Everything will be worth the wait. See ya!" she beamed and left.
The day of the MAMA Awards was finally here. The day Jennie anticipated the most. She had a good feeling about this show and was excited to show off her hard work with what she had planned. The morning of the show, she decided to tweet one simple word along with an eyebrow raising hashtag.
'Bet. #GonBeAnInteresting24Hours #Jen' 
Jennie had been a trending topic on Naver and various K-Pop news outlets, which caused people to anticipate the MAMA Awards even more to see what might happen and if she may respond to Hyuna. Her silence on the matter had been a hot topic and now with her tweet going viral, fans stirred in a frenzy.
People tweeted:
'Uh oh!'
'Woke up and chose violence I see. Now I have to stay up and tune in. What time does the show start again EST time??'
'She broke her silence!'
'She's about to get her lick back!'
'Hyuna has not realized what she had done and is about to face the consequences,'
'Aw, shit...'
'She is about to piss people off and I'm going to love every second of it,'
'No matter what happens and no matter what you do, we will always love you, Jennie!'
'You about to respond!?'
'Hyuna is attending the show, too!! Uh oh....'
'Guys...I think something big is about to happen. Bigger than what we may think. Something is gonna go down tonight,'
'I'm so scared for tonight. Jennie, what are you about to do?'
Already in her short ruffled white dress, her hair was put up in a bun with hair on the side as she sat to get her makeup done. She also wore a small daisy pin for good luck thanks to G-Dragon gifting it to her on her birthday.
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"Jen, what can viewers anticipate from you, tonight?" J-Hope asked with a grin as he was getting filmed for their MAMA 2016 Bangtan Bomb.
Glancing up, she smiled. "Expect the unexpected,"
As the members got out of the car for the Red Carpet, they were met with loud screams, photography, and cheers with the MCs announcing their arrival. Jimin held out his hand for Jennie to take and he aided her out of the car.
"Thanks, Chim," she smiled warmly.
It was awesome to see international fans travel to the MAMA Awards. She tried to wave and make eye contact with every fan she could. Peeping some of her fansites made her heart soar. The dedication they had for her did not go unnoticed. Miss Bangtan heard her name get shouted, making her turn to who it was as the fan giggled excitedly and waved. She waved back and grinned as the fan was happy to have caught the moment on their phone.
The group proceeded to walk and made it to where the MCs were, standing on the stage.
"It's BTS, who are taking the world by storm, that is entering, right now. They're a group with perfect performances and won an award for producing their own albums,"
No matter what, Jennie didn't think she'd get used to all the screaming and cheering. It was like each event they attended, the screams got louder and she came to realize Bangtan was really moving up. It was a beautiful thing.
As Jungkook walked closely behind her, he caught a whiff of her perfume. He closed his eyes for a brief moment, smiling softly, enjoying the scent.
"You smell nice," he murmured, opening his eyes.
She glanced back at him and smiled. "Thank you. Hayoon got me some new perfume for my birthday. I like it,"
"I like it, too. You should keep wearing it,"
"I will,"
She stood in between Jimin and Jungkook as the group did their greeting and struck a pose just for the fans.
"Today since we are here at MAMA, we personally would like to hear some good news," Namjoon said on the mic.
"We are just one month away from 2017. Can we ask what plans you have?" The MCs asked.
"We're planning a fanmeet in Japan," Jin answered. "And we're working hard on music production so please look forward to it,"
Just a short while away before the show began with idols heading to their seats, Hyuna made her way to the stage and sat in her seat which was front row. There was tension in the air as anticipation filled to what Jennie might do as a response. Everyone was interested to see how this was going to go and idols were living for the drama. Gossip went all around the idols as they had private discussions on what might happen and who might win this.
"Where is Miss Bangtan?" Chanyeol wondered as he looked around, seeing that she wasn't sitting with the rest of BTS.
"Probably still getting ready?" Sehun assumed.
"I just want to see what she has planned tonight. Hyuna is already seated," he pointed out.
With Jennie, being the social butterfly and eager to meet her favs, she had strolled backstage to find the three men she wanted to meet. First up was Timbaland. He had been invited to perform with Eric Nam and to receive an award. Timbaland had worked with so many artists and was one of the many inspirations to her. She still believed he, Nelly Furtado, and Justin Timberlake were one of the best trios ever in music. They mixed so well.
He was so chill in person and they took a few photos. He even looked pleased to see a black woman here as she thanked him for all his work. Perhaps one day she'll get a chance to work with him. She shared that she DJs and has been making songs for herself that are not quite ready to be released. He encouraged her to keep at it and gave her advice on making music which she took to heart, feeling grateful for his words. One day she will share her passions with ARMY. 
Meeting Wiz Khalifa was a fun experience, with them sharing a hug and him having a big grin on his face. She expressed her admiration for his song with Charlie Puth and that she couldn't wait to see him perform tonight.
Meeting THE Quincy Jones had her starstruck. One of the greatest music producers of all time was in front of her as they shook hands. Her face warmed when he called her gorgeous and it was sweet of him to take time to talk to her. He listened to her talk about making music and he gave her lots of words of wisdom on creating.
She could listen to Quincy talk all day. He had a way with words that made her feel like she could do anything her creative mind envisioned when producing. But what stuck out to her the most was when he told her some of the best advice he had gotten.
"Your music will never be more or less than you are a human being,"
And it stuck with her. Being an idol is exhausting at times but she loved the work and the way it paid off. She wanted to remain happy. She wanted to continue to thrive with Bangtan and enjoy life. She wanted to speak her truth. She had to be vulnerable tonight when she got on that stage for her solo. She truly needed to dig down deep tonight when responding to Hyuna.
After tonight, she wanted to remove all negative thoughts and move forward with everything. And to take a break from social media. A break from social media was needed. Breaks were good and she could always see it assisting her mentally.
After speaking to these men, she felt a fire light in her and felt even more musically inspired. She posted the photos on Twitter with the caption, 'An honor to meet these amazing & talented black men! Night has been made! Thank you for your kindness and words of wisdom! #Jen'
After going to the bathroom, Jennie made her way to the stage, earning loud cheers from fans when they saw her. She smiled and waved, heading over to where Bangtan was sitting. She ignored Hyuna's presence as she walked past her and acknowledged her idol friends sitting around. Fansites filming her caught some reactions of some idols watching her in awe, admiring her look for the night as she took a seat next to Jungkook at the end.
"Welcome back!" Jungkook grinned.
"Yeah, glad to see you smiling, brighter. Did something happen?" Hobi asked.
"Thanks! And yeah, I got to meet Wiz, Timbaland and Quincy Jones! My heart was racing a bit! They were awesome! I took photos with them. You'll see on our Twitter," she beamed.
The members were surprised and happy as she talked about the interactions she had with each of them. They could tell she was creatively moved by their words of wisdom. Soon after, the boys were all immersed in their own conversations while Jennie tried to adjust her bracelet which was put on a bit too tightly. She accidentally dropped the bracelet and both her and Jungkook aimed to kneel to grab it.
"Thanks, I got it," she glanced at him with a smile, grabbing it first as they both rose, still sitting quite close.
Jungkook got caught in 4K with the way he kept his eyes on her while her focus was on the stage and audience members as the show was preparing to start soon. The way he glanced at her up and down as a small smile came across his face with his lingering gaze did not go unnoticed with fan sites filming them.
Feeling his eyes on her, she turned and looked at him up and down, with them both occasionally glancing at each other's lips. Then they began to smile as she found herself getting lost in his blue contact colored eyes.
No wonder things felt like something was missing. The two of them realized they hadn't kissed each other all day. They'd been so busy preparing for the show and making sure their dances were fine that they didn't even get a chance to share one kiss today.
"Do you two need to be separated?" Yoongi asked teasingly while covering his mouth to avoid getting his lips read by fans watching them. This became a reoccurring thing to cover their mouths so they could speak more freely at these shows.
Jimin and Taehyung started laughing since they had been watching the couple this whole time.
"They haven't kissed at all, today. Jungkook might just go feral," Jimin giggled.
"Yeah, you two need to be separated," Yoongi advised with an amused smirk, making the 95 Liners laugh again.
"We really don't," Jen replied. "We'll be on our best behavior,"
"Are you sure? You two are distracted by each other," Taehyung teased.
"Do you remember where we are?" Jimin added to the teasing.
"Did we fail to mention we caught Jungkook's pleased expression when smelling her new perfume? He can't get enough,"
"Hyung!" Jungkook glared, feeling his face warm.
"We've moved to you two enjoying each other's smells and scents you use? You two need to relax," Hobi laughed.
"Oh my God, can you leave us alone and stop watching us?" Jennie exclaimed, feeling her face flushed.
"Should I be concerned?" Jin asked, listening to the conversation. "Maybe you two should switch seats," 
"Seriously?" Jungkook frowned.
"We'll be on our best behavior, Jin," Jennie reassured.
"Are you sure? Because I do not believe that,"
"Neither do I," Namjoon spoke up with a light laugh.
"You guys are exaggerating!" Jennie exclaimed. 
"This time, I don't think we are," Jin chuckled and let out a sigh, already knowing they were going to drive him nuts tonight. "Just please try to behave yourselves and stay professional tonight,"
"Sir, yes, sir!"
Once the show began, Jennie jumped for joy and found herself getting emotional when IOI won Best New Female Artist. Cameras caught her looking proud and ecstatic for the girls with her eyes getting watery.
When GFriend and Seventeen performed for their collaboration, Hayoon was paired up with Vernon. The synchronization of the two groups blew Jennie's mind as she had her jaw dropped at their dancing. When Gallant performed, she smiled over at Taehyung since he was a big fan and cheered loudly with him, overjoyed with his performance.
As Baekhyun and Suzy performed Dream, Jen watched him, mesmerized as the camera caught her singing along to his parts. The members would glance over and smile at her being so into the song, knowing how much she adored him. It caught a lot of attention from Exols and ever since Jennie started meeting the EXO members, Exols took a liking to her. They loved how vocal she was about her admiration for the group and how highly she spoke of them. The EXO members would always have nothing but good things to say about her and enjoyed their sweet moments together. Armies and Exols wondered if they'd share another moment tonight.
Later, Bangtan managed to win Best Dance Performance. However, Jin and Taehyung weren't with them when they announced them as the winners, causing Jennie to laugh. They were probably in the bathroom. Nonetheless, she stood up with the rest of the boys, bowing and thanking everyone with big smiles.
"Yeah! Go, Jennie! Congrats guys!" Bam Bam shouted and approached them with Yugyeom.
The two Got7 members high fived her, Suga, and Jimin before they went up to the stage. Rapmon gave the award to Hobi and stood behind him so he could do the acceptance speech. Jennie smiled proudly as she stood next to him and listened to him speak.
"Wow! Thank you so much for such a huge award," Hobi said on the mic. "And since it's the best performance award for us, there is a larger meaning behind it. Thank you so much. And to the ARMYs who are always supporting us, thank you so much. And I would like to thank Teacher Son Seung Deuk who created this best performance,"
Jennie chuckled once Taehyung and Jin rushed on stage to join them. They both gave her a look as the three of them tried not to burst out in laughter. The trio smiled at one another while Jin placed his hands on Jungkook and Rapmon's shoulders, smiling at them.
"Thank you so much!" Hobi ended his speech, earning loud cheers.
"Thank you, ARMY!" Suga shouted.
"I love you!" Jin added with Taehyung and blew a flying kiss.
As Zico performed Boys and Girls, Jen sat in between Hobi and Taehyung, vibing and doing the choreography. Once he made his way over to where Bangtan was sitting, the members danced in their seats while he took a seat near Rapmon on the arm of the couch. When Bermuda Triangle came on, she stood up with Hobi and Taehyung, getting hyped as they watched Dean and Zico back on the main stage.
"This is my shit!" she started dancing and vibing to Dean, singing along with Hobi and Taehyung.
Don't let 'em in, let 'em in
Get out my zone
We, we, we never know
We, we, we never talk
'Cause we, we, we criminal
Don't let 'em in, let 'em in
Get out my zone
She laughed out loud when Taehyung began dabbing and she followed his movements, making him happy. Once Zico summoned Crush, Jennie immediately turned and locked eyes with Jungkook who was still sitting as they pointed to each other and lip synced his verse.
Nuul jaril jedaero bogo nuwoyaji
Y'all fake bitches tryna act like me
Anjaseo meongman ttaeryeodo nae sopa wie (ssodajineun)
Mula, mula, we gon' pour up
Murder, murder, sumeul jungnyeo
Sangkwaehae ne meori wie gonggi
Nobody can't come over here
Dean, Crush, and Zico killed it on stage, hyping up the crowd. It was one of her favorite performances of the night. Later on, Jen switched seats again and found herself sitting at the end with Jungkook. She grinned as the next act consisted of a collaboration between Got 7, Monsta X, and NCT 127.
Get it lifted
As soon as NCT's Firetruck began to play, Jennie began nodding her head to the beat, enjoying the song. This song was a banger and one of her absolute favorites.
"Firetruck," she mouthed, beginning to lip sync the song while dancing in her seat.
"Ey, yea, yea, yea, yea!" She fan chanted with the audience and Jungkook.
The camera showed Jennie and Jungkook both on the screen as loud cheers occurred and they looked at the camera, headbanging. Bangtan giggled at their enthusiasm and so did some other idols who peeped them on screen.
Fans tweet:
'Why they matching each other's energy so loudly?'
'Their face cards!'
'They're making the same facial expression, so cute'
'I think she does a little bit too much at these award shows. Just sit and enjoy the show, not all the excessive dancing, taking attention from the artists on stage,'
'These two are so beautiful. Wow!'
'Lmfaoooo they are a mood!'
'I'm really happy Mnet is showing Jennie on screen. Her reactions are always so lively instead of others just sitting there,'
'I love how excited she gets about all these groups. Still a K-Pop fan at heart. I'm happy she still reacts this way at shows,'
After NCT performed, Jennie cheered on Jooheon who rapped with Taeyong. His flow and attitude were amazing and she paid close attention to how he performed. Once Monsta X began to perform Fighter, she ended up cheering for Wonho when he was shown singing. She passionately sang his lines while fans had tweeted how Wonho biased she was. After their performance, it was time for Got7 as they performed Hard Carry with her dancing along.
As the show went on, she was proud to see Seventeen win the World Performer Award as she was the first to stand and applaud. Seeing The8 made her smile widely and wave as he waved back.
"Gosh, I hope one day I'm chosen to present an award at one of these shows. It would be fun," Jennie thought out loud.
When the presenters began to announce the nominees for best female vocal performance, Jennie jumped in her seat and cheered loudly when Ailee was shown on the screen. Bangtan glanced at her with knowing smiles, loving her excitement for the woman she had admired for years.
Once Ailee was announced as the winner, she applauded, jumping up and down, excitedly. Just before going up to the stage, Ailee caught a glimpse of Jen and smiled widely, waving at her. When she gave her acceptance speech, the camera caught Jennie watching her with admiration. The angle of where Jennie was filmed caused Twitter to geek over how beautiful her face card was and point out the love in her eyes as she watched Ailee.
With the show getting ready for the next segment, Jennie suddenly received a few packs of smarties from Jungkook.
"How'd you know I was about to ask?" she happily accepted them with surprise in her voice.
"I brought some with me just in case. I was paying attention to your facial expression. When you're about to ask for smarties or say that you wish you had them, you make this cute face. It's like you're pouting,"
"What? I was not pouting..." She turned away, feeling her face warm as he giggled.
"You just did it again,"
"Stop looking at me," she playfully pushed him away, making him laugh harder.
Lately, with the members, her smarties are always on standby. Over the years of getting to know her, they started to understand and know exactly when she wanted the candy and managed to always hand them to her before she opened her mouth to ask.
"Still, thank you," she added and began eating them.
As she ate her smarties, she ended up tossing them up in the air to catch and eat. Wanting to challenge her, Jungkook decided to do it too with his pack of smarties to see who could catch more in their mouths. In the end, Jungkook won as he grinned victoriously while Jennie caught any smarties that she missed from her mouth with her fast hands.
Rule Number One: Do NOT waste Smarties
Next up on the show was Twice and IOI performing. Jennie looked and felt like a proud mom watching IOI perform Pick Me. Fansites caught her entire reaction to the girls performing and thought it was wholesome seeing her get emotional. Being a trainer at Produce 101 to seeing the girls thrive as a group made her heart feel complete. Whenever Jennie was shown on screen, loud cheers would occur and sometimes idols reacted positively when they saw her on screen, with some smiling and commenting that she looked nice.
Once IOI began to perform Very, Very, Very, Jennie began to do the choreography while lip syncing.
nal neomuneomuneomu
neomuneomuneomu neomuneomuneomu
neomuneomuneomu neomuneomuneomu
After they performed, Twice was up to perform Cheer Up and then TT as she watched happily, cheering her friends, Mina and Jihyo, on.
"Just like TT! Just like TT!" she performed the choreography with Taehyung.
It was time for Hyuna to perform, as some idols were anticipating if anything was going to happen. They hadn't found something this entertaining in a while and hoped something would go down between her and Jennie. Hyuna strutted on stage and performed U&ME. Then she performed How's This with her backup dancers.
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Jennie thought it was extremely petty of Mnet to keep a camera right in front of her to film her every reaction but she remained unamused and watched with her head up high. Bangtan didn't even like the fact that the camera was basically in her face nor did Armies.
Suddenly, Hyuna had changed some of her lyrics, not looking Jennie's way as she danced.
Not a high and mighty girl scout in the club behind some fake bulletproof glass. How boring.
Some idols widened their eyes while others glanced over to where Jennie sat.
Yet another diss? This was getting out of control.
Bam Bam cringed and glanced at Jennie with worry, hoping she'd be all right. Hayoon frowned at the diss and shook her head slightly.
However, Jennie only smirked as she continued to watch, knowing that all eyes were on her to see how she'd react. Bangtan glanced at her and as she met their eyes, she gave them a nod. They nodded back and remained calm as they continued to watch the performance.
Suddenly a switch flipped in Jennie's demeanor as she rolled her neck and stared at Hyuna.
'This bitch got me fucked up...' she thought as she kept her cool.
Fans tweet:
'Not again!! Enough already!'
'Is she trying to provoke Jennie?'
'Don't be mad if Jennie catches her in an alley to stomp that ass!'
'The neck roll! I repeat! The neck roll! Jennie just did the neck roll! That is BAD! She got something planned! Get ready!'
'I don't like how she's acting. This is bullying at this point. Hyuna needs to chill,'
'Jen better than me because I would have ran on stage and popped her shit,'
'From the looks of it, Jennie is so bitter and jealous,'
'That smirk means business. I'm not ready,'
'I wish people would stop judging Jennie,'
'Jennie looks like she's plotting,'
'Why does she look so hot when she's upset?'
'Bangtan knows something that we don't because they don't look bothered at all,'
'Bangtan isn't even phased?! What is Jennie planning tonight?'
Little did they know Jennie was listening closely and analyzing what she was saying to use it against her.
'High and mighty...' she thought, making a mental note.
Timbaland arrived on stage to perform with Eric Nam.
And boy was it...awkward.
She sat next to Namjoon during this performance and covered her mouth to murmur to him, "Yo, Timbaland looks so confused. This whole performance is hard to watch,"
And he agreed. It was hard to watch. And she wished the crowd was more excited for Timbaland. It was THE Timbaland and the audience wasn't that loud for him in comparison to Eric Nam. No offense to him.
After being told they were needed backstage, Bangtan got ready for their performance. She changed out of her dress to wear black pants and a long-sleeved ruffled white shirt that hugged her body nicely. With her hair out, she wore a black suit jacket with some silver designs around it, and the daisy pin was placed on the jacket for good luck. As she got ready, she watched on the monitor to see that EXO had won best group and Twice won best female group.
Waiting to get on stage, Jennie ended up posting G-Dragon's iconic diss on the MAMA Awards on her Instagram story, which sparked even more interest in what was going to happen tonight.
"I got a little solo stage. It's going to be pretty fun. I hope everyone likes what I have in store," she beamed at the Bangtan Bomb camera after warming up her voice.
She looked ahead to see Jin checking out the special effects makeup on Taehyung's back to show off his broken wings. He went on the touch it but began to freak out, causing her to giggle.
"It feels like pudding!" Jin exclaimed.
"Why is Jin Hyung so childish?" Namjoon wondered, causing Jennie to laugh again.
The laughter loosened her up and made her less on edge about tonight's big performance.
She was ready.
After everyone was ready and went over last minute rehearsals, the eight of them gathered around and put their hands in the middle.
"All right, fellas! Let's make it a memorable one!" Jennie cheered.
"Indeed! Mama 2016, let's make it a legend. Bangtan! Bangtan!" Namjoon shouted.
"Bang-Bangtan! Fighting!" the group shouted and pushed their hands down.
Backstage with the rest of the boys, Jennie watched with a smile as Jungkook looked ethereal while hanging from the ceiling on stage. He really did his thing. And it was harder than it looked.
She turned to the backup dancers who were patiently waiting for their cue to come out after they performed BST. She greeted them happily and asked if the cookies she made for them yesterday tasted fine. They raved over their love for her baking and appreciated her kindness. She wanted to thank them for being such a great support system for Bangtan and wanted to give them something nice.
"Let's have some fun! See you out there!" She beamed and bowed at them.
On stage, next up was J-Hope performing Boy Meets Evil, hyping up the crowd with a blue background. Then Jimin was revealed on stage, featuring a red background as he danced to Lie while blindfolded.
"The camera work though~?" Jennie watched in awe while the camera did a full circle as he danced.
Then the two had an epic dance collaboration on stage while performing the rest of the choreography for Boy Meets Evil. After they were done, the rest of the group met up on stage and began to perform Blood, Sweat, & Tears as the audience cheered loudly.
wonhae mani mani mani mani
wonhae mani mani mani mani mani mani
wonhae mani mani mani mani
wonhae mani mani mani mani mani mani
Here we go, the most anticipated part. The audience had been waiting to see a MAMA Award version of their duet. As the rest of the members were on the floor, only Jen remained standing with Jungkook. Like always, Jungkook stared at her with love and desire as he slowly made his way toward her from behind. With his presence behind her and face near her neck, he held her in his arms. She leaned into his arms as she began to sing with her mic.
How much longer before you consume me?
No matter how much I resist, I can't fight what you're doing
He turned her around and tried to get closer but she backed away. Persistent this time, he pulled her straight into his chest as he smirked and held her gaze with the audience screaming at their closeness.
My mind is telling me to break free but my body is freaking out
No, I can't want you, get out of my head
As you love every inch of me you see that I want it too
They continued to dance sensually with him mirroring her movements.
Breath on my neck, I bit off more than I can chew
Reflecting on my choices, I'm wonderin' if there's any way out of this
"Here comes my favorite part!" Yugyeom pointed out with the rest of Got 7 agreeing.
"Are they about to do the spin, this time?" Somi asked the IOI members as they were hopeful.
"Are they gonna do it?" Baekhyun wondered.
"The part is coming~!" Yuji giggled with the rest of GFriend.
"The spin coming?" Mingyu asked in anticipation, leaning forward, studying their movements.
"Let it be the spin," Mina had her fingers crossed.
"Here comes the spin!" Wonho cheered.
The idols got excited and so did the crowd as they began screaming and cheering when JenKook did their signature move. Everyone watched in awe at how they moved and thought about the amount of trust that was needed to pull it off. They weren't called The Golden Duo for nothing.
Jennie was pulled back into his arms as she continued to sing.
I'm losing this battle, I just can't resist. 
The music changed slightly from the original instrumental of BST. Jennie and Jungkook were supposed to dance a little more for this instrumental but they remained close and pressed up against each other with her in his arms. They held each other's strong gaze and suddenly their lips met as they drowned out the loud pandemonium around the venue.
With their eyes closed, Jungkook gently lifted her chin and turned his head to deepen the kiss as they both smiled into it.
With the idols, Bam Bam began shaking Jackson while their jaws were dropped, looking shooked. Jay B and Mark widened their eyes while the rest of Got7 acted chaotic as they all enjoyed every bit of the surprising moment.
"What!? What!?" Jackson shouted as he fell dramatically.
The boys laughed at his reaction. Yugyeom grinned immediately once he saw them kiss and let out a chuckle. It made him proud to see Jungkook be so open about Jennie like this. The amount of guy talks they had about girls and how Jungkook's eyes would light up whenever he mentioned her made Yugyeom understand that these two were serious about each other.  
The kiss fit so well with the performance and her lyrics. But there was no denying the love in their eyes as they looked at each other and how they kissed.
With IOI, various reactions occurred as some dropped their jaws, widened their eyes, covered their mouths, and giggled to themselves. Some filming them even caught a few of them mentioning how happy and cute Jennie looked with Jungkook. With EXO as they watched the kiss unfold, Chanyeol covered his face, giggling at the sight. Baekhyun smiled genuinely, watching Jennie kiss the man she loved dearly.
"Full of surprises," Sehun chuckled.
"Very," Xiumin added.
Twice looked at one another, surprised at the sudden kiss. They were excited to see their signature move but a kiss on top of that? Blown away. Mina and Jihyo glanced at each other with big smiles, happy for their friends.
"Did you think that was going to happen?" Jihyo asked.
"I didn't think it would but look at them. So cute! Jennie truly loves him. She smiles so brightly with him,"
"Mm hm!"
With Monsta X, the boys reacted dramatically and were in awe at their chemistry.
"I was waiting for a kiss!" Hyungwon pointed out.
"Me too, I was like, they have to do something big," Shownu chuckled.
"I wasn't expecting that at all, like damn!" Jooheon exclaimed.
All of GFriend gasped and then began jumping and squealing in their seats after seeing them smooch. Hayoon giggled with the girls and pointed out the kiss.
"It's happening! It's happening! I cannot stay calm about this! Finally~!" Hayoon cheered and began clapping with Yuji and Eunha.
"They kiss so passionately, my gosh," Sowon looked on, amazed.
Seventeen looked surprised while Mingyu and The8 happily smiled, enjoying the fact that their friends kissed openly on stage.
Meanwhile, Hyuna rolled her eyes as her reaction was filmed and she began to frown. She had her fair share of kisses on the MAMA Awards stage but the way the audience was screaming and cheering was a much louder reception than hers over the years.
With Bangtan, the boys were caught by surprise by their kissing. No one said anything about a kiss on stage. Jimin and Taehyung did their best not to freak out as they focused on the performance. The way they grinned and glanced at each other while they remained on the floor. Their hearts felt full to see their ship this open with each other in public. They especially loved how the kiss was a deep and passionate one and not just a short and sweet one.
Yoongi had enlarged his eyes a little at the bold move, wondering if this had been planned privately in advance. Getting over his initial shock, he became amused.
'These kids...' he thought.
Namjoon wasn't too surprised about it. He knew Jennie and Jungkook loved to be extra. He felt proud to see them show affection to each other on stage, not having a care in the world. They looked happy and that was all he wanted for them. To be happy like this privately and publicly. He found himself getting amused as he glanced at their passionate lip lock.
Mnet was having a field day with this. Ratings were definitely through the roof now with this shocking moment along with them raising the bar on this passionate kiss.
Jin and Hobi screamed internally when they saw them smooch. They weren't expecting it and thought they'd go along with their routine. After getting over the shock, it pleased them to see them be this bold in public and thought it fit well with the performance.
Back with Jennie and Jungkook, they pulled away as she bit her bottom lip lightly, returning his smile.
But then...reality set in.
'Oh...oh shit,' They both thought and realized what just happened.
They both remained "In Character" for their performance although it was pretty clear their feelings were showing out. It was bound to happen. The kiss was not planned at all but they moved to each other by instinct. And it felt good. So good. She kissed her boyfriend in front of the entire world, solidifying a MAMA Awards moment.
Remembering her last line, she finally sang the end of her verse.
Only a matter of time before you screw me up and I'll be stuck reminiscing. 
Jungkook had to refrain from kissing her again as they both leaned back in which caused more screaming from the audience to occur. Then they reluctantly pulled away as he blew out air and shook his head a few times, trying to control himself from making out with her on stage.
'We're on stage. We're on stage,' Jungkook reminded himself as he kept backing away from her and went to the next dance position for the song.
With the screaming still occurring around the venue and fansites of Jennie and Jungkook catching their every facial expression, this moment was on its way to going viral.
People on social media were going crazy over the timeline with memes and various tweets:
'It wasn't even a quick kiss! That kiss was longer than anticipated!'
'My man did NOT want to let her go.'
'They both looked like they didn't want to let each other go. They were both in a trance!''
'We said spin not kiss wtf wtf AHHHHHH!'
'Oh...OH! They playing this BST sexy persona a little TOO well!'
'The way he had the GRIP on her?! Jungkook PLEASE!'
'The way he backed away!? She got him straining!'
'Jungkook saw an opportunity and took it! That smile into the kiss!? Oh, my man wanted to do that for a LONG time!'
'Why is he kissing Jennie!? Why!?'
'I'm fine...I'm totally fine...'
'We shipped the right ship! They kissed! They fucking kissed in front of everybody!'
'Were they acting!? Because that looked too real!'
'Jennie looked so dazed after kissing him!'
'Rookie King Kiss on STEROIDS!'
'That kiss was too American!'
'Do you see how happy the 97 Liners are looking?! Something is up!'
'Cries in Taennie!'
'The kiss that was meant for Taehyung nooooo!'
'And to think this was supposed to be Taehyung in this position instead,'
'How to be Jennie? Had sexy scenes with Taehyung and now gets to kiss Jungkook on stage? Lucky!'
'It's happening! Everybody stay calm! Stay fucking calm!'
'That tension is something that cannot be replicated because I was going crazy watching them on my screen. I was like KISS! And when they did I screamed! I didn't think they would do it!'
'How can I be Jennie in this moment?'
'A stage kiss!? Is this a stage kiss!? This looks so real!'
'Jennie's acting lessons are paying off. She is playing the part well of slowly giving in to temptation. Jungkook is hard to resist!'
'I have no choice but to Stan. Jennie show me your ways. First it was Taehyung, now it's Jungkook!'
'We got a man down! Jungkook get up! He is obsessed!'
'The way I felt like a third wheel I–'
'Jennie STAND UP! Ma'am you're supposed to be resisting temptation!'
'He down baaaad! What is happening!?'
'They taking it to a whole new level!'
'Lives are about to be CHANGED!'
'Y'all can stop being in denial now! JenKook forever! Better than your other ships!'
'They are stressing me out! Can they PLEASE confirm it!?'
'Do you know how long we've waited for a kiss!?'
'JenKook stans we up!'
After performing the rest of the song and heading backstage while Jin and Taehyung do their final act together, Jungkook pulled Jennie into his arms and looked down at her.
"No turning back now," he grinned.
"I know," she grinned back. "I feel relieved and happy,"
"Me too. Kill it out there. I'll see you, soon. I love you,"
He cupped her face and pulled her in for a deep kiss, followed by multiple short kisses.
"I love you, too,"
"Was that planned?" Namjoon laughed.
"It just happened. I don't know who leaned in first," Jennie admitted.
"I don't know either but I'm not complaining," Jungkook added.
Jimin and Hobi jumped excitedly with Yoongi.
"JENKOOK~!" Yoongi shouted, making them all laugh as he started shaking the couple.
"Oh my God..." Jennie chuckled.
"JENKOOK~!" Jimin shouted. "Do you know how happy Tae and I were!? Our ship is soaring! Finally! That kiss was everything! You two know how to make us proud, huh?!"
The staff members had to step in to get them to separate so they could get them to their next location for the main stage while Jennie remained where she was. She waved goodbye and got ready.
She turned to see Yoongi.
"Control your emotions out there and wreck her life. You got this," he nodded in reassurance.
"Thanks, I will. See you out there," she nodded and saw him walk away, only leaving Namjoon.
Namjoon smiled down at her and held her hands, giving them a gentle squeeze.
"Jennie, you are undeniable. You are so good that they can't ignore you. This is your moment. Show them who Miss Bangtan is,"
Her eyes got glossy as she looked up at him and broke out into a grin.
"Thank you,"
He pulled her in for a big hug, kissing her forehead.
"I am so proud of you. And I am proud to be your leader. I'll see you out there,"
Once he left, she let out a deep breath and waited for her cue as she gripped her mic. The backup dancers were currently on stage, some in white cloaks and black cloaks while a Bangtan Bomb had been filming her all this time.
'Why did you and Jungkook kiss on stage?'
She was asked as a smile crept up on her lips at their lip lock. Turning to the camera she responded with a wink, "I did say no matter how much I resist I can’t fight what you’re doing. I officially fell into temptation. It was worth it though,"
Once the staff told her she could go on stage, she touched her daisy pin, thinking of G-Dragon. As soon as she got back on that stage...she knew everything was about to change.
"I hope I continue to make you proud," she murmured.
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believesthings · 2 years
The inspiration invitation // Jason sudeikis x famous reader
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As a joke, you started to separate your songs into two folders: love songs for Jason and sexy songs for Jason.
You kept it going though, cause it made you laugh.
Your label was pressuring you for just one more song to round out your new album and you’ve been struggling with it all week. They weren’t wrong. You did agree it was missing just a little something. The trouble was finding the perfect song to fill its spot.
As cliche as it sounds, this was the album that you were the most proud of. You know every artist says that about every new album they release, but it really didn’t feel like an exaggeration to you to say that this was your best.
You really pushed yourself lyrically and vocally to a space you haven’t before and you hope your fans love it as much as you.
The problem, of course, is that since you’ve pushed yourself lyrically, you have a very specific story you want to tell. Every song on the album is perfectly placed to unfold the story in the direction you want and trying to not only find a new song to fit the theme but also a perfect place to put it so it still flows is proving to be one hell of a task.
Two doors down, your boyfriend was in a similarly stressful boat. Jason has been tied to the editing chair for weeks. The first two seasons happened prior to all the awards. Now that the show had turned out to be far more successful than anyone could have predicted, the pressure was on to make a 3rd and final season that was worthy of the praise the show had received so far. Taking off his headphones and taking his hands through his hair, he determined he needed a break; as much as he instinctively wanted to keep going until something was perfect, he had to acknowledge that sometimes the best thing to do was walk away and come back with fresh eyes.
You were so focused on your own project that you barely even registered jason sitting down next to you until he start kissing your shoulder blade.
“Are those folders for me?”
“What?” You ask, not looking up from your own screen.
“I wanna see.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be working?” You ask Jason, tearing your eyes away and finally looking at him. God he was a sight.
“I’m taking something called a break, you’re probably overdue for one yourself.” He teased you.
“I know. And I will - I promise. I’ve just found a really good groove and I didn’t want to lose it.”
He rubs circles into your thigh. “…maybe the answer is in one of those folders.”
You laugh at him. “Oh, you think so?”
He nods seriously at you, “I can help you sort through them, If you need any help.”
You grab his hand from your thigh, intertwining your fingers in his and giving a light kisses to his knuckles. “You’re really not gonna let this go are you?”
“Well, can you blame me? I see folders with my name and the words ‘sexy and love’ obviously, I’m going to be intrigued.”
You put your laptop off to the side, snuggling into Jason. “Well, you’re obviously the only man I’m writing songs about these days-“
“damn right.” Jason quips, smirking at you.
Rolling your eyes you continue, “and my manager always likes to tease me that I have two moods for you which is disgustingly in love and disgustingly horny, so - as a joke, I started separating all my songs into those two categories. I keep doing it though cause it’s fun.”
“So, what mood is winning right now?”
picking your laptop back up, you open up the folders giving a quick scan at the numbers. Jason peaks over your shoulder, surprised by how many songs there actually are. Some titles he recognizes, some he’s never seen. It’s one of those moments, that might seem small and inconsequential but it feels oddly special to him. To have someone here, in his home, that spends their time trying to put him into words. Everyone always thinks that the big PDA moments are the sweetest, but he’s discovered that a lot of those experiences are filled with belonging but not with love.
“Looks like love songs has the lead right now.”
Wiggling his eyebrows at you, he replies, “really? Well I’d be more than happy to help in the sexy department if you need some inspiration.”
“I’m supposed to be working.”
“This is work! I’m giving you inspiration to write another song for your album, so you can add a sixth Grammy to that collection in the bedroom.”
“I thought you were taking a break.” You question him.
“Oh, pretty girl, spending time with you is not work to me.” He snags your laptop out of your lap and is quickly picking you up off the couch. He gives you just enough to time to get your bearings before he’s kissing you and leading you into the bedroom.
In between kisses on your neck, he’s whispering to you, “you know, I read somewhere that you shouldn’t wait for inspiration, sometimes inspiration needs to be invited. So, what do you think? Are you up for inviting me to inspire you?”
“Of course I am Jason. Always.”
He tilts his head to the side nonchalantly. “Still doesn’t hurt to ask.”
He lays you down on the bed and your head turns over to see his own laptop sitting in the corner. Remnants of your man hard at work. Headphones, an open journal with a red pen resting on it’s open pages.
“Hey.” He says tilting your head back to look him in the eyes. “This is about you right now - my work will still be there when I’m done. If it makes you feel better, since I’m helping you, you can always help me with my work too.”
“What? Jason I don’t know anything about editing a television show!”
“So?” That’s okay. I don’t really feel like I do either most days.” He jokes.
You go quiet, reaching your fingers up and playing with the drawstrings of his hoodie. “If I did offer to help, does that mean that I could get a sneak peak into season 3, maybe even-“
“No. Sorry can’t do it.”
“Oh come on! Can’t you at least give me a release date?”
“Sorry, you’re just gonna have to wait like everyone else.”
“Man, what good is sleeping with the boss if it doesn’t get me anything?” You pout at him.
“Oh now that isn’t true. I think we’ve clearly established that sleeping with the boss gets you Grammy award winning songs. So, come on let’s write you another one.”
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