#ignis angst
mrsmneme · 3 months
A precious trip we have yearned for
for Ignoctweek2024 SFW Day 4 : Marriage Life (Proposal, Wedding, Honeymoon)
Warning : Angst with Romance
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"It's been a long time since we sneaked out of Citadel together, right?" Noctis asked. He was driving his restored Regalia, his eyes still focused on the road ahead.
His question made Ignis smile while he was recalling his beautiful memories. As far as he could remember, the young Crown Prince of Lucis had had his retainer drive him out of the Citadel for a breath of fresh air on a weekly basis. Doing so had been enjoyable, and become much more delightful when the retainer had been aware of his affection for the prince.
Teenagers' chilling out could not compare to husbands' three-day trip at all, but they shared some similar vibes.
"If you mean going out together and completely alone, then yes." He replied, smiling at his beloved husband. "I'm so grateful and excited. But you don't have to bother planning the trip and driving me there yourself."
"You're buried in tons of work night and day. If it's not me, no one can drag you out." The King chuckled. "Besides, we never had a honeymoon yet."
He did not drive too fast.  So they could take thier time to chitchat and enjoy beautiful sceneries. Noctis parked at a seaside rest stop with a nice garden nearby. He invited Ignis to stroll around and take some photos.
Ignis did miss this moment, when his gorgeous husband was in front of him in a  picture-perfect scenery. The King looked fully relaxed today. He did not grow facial hair anymore. Doing so made him look much younger and, in Ignis' point of view, more beautiful. He took lots of photos of him. Noctis did likewise before pulled his husband close to take a self portrait.
The second rest stop to visit was a few kilometers from their destination. "This coffeeshop is highly rated. Want to try?" Noctis asked. He had researched so much. No doubt Ignis easily agreed. They made an order of a medium dark roasted black coffee for Ignis, a mocha coffee for Noctis and some pastries. The coffee and pastries were superb. Ignis enjoyed them so much that he asked Noctis to revisit the shop on the way back.
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They arrived their destination, a luxury seaside hotel which they had never been. It was almost unbelievable to see a fast restoration to a perfect grandeur condition. "The restoration could be done this fast. Thanks to your hard work too, Iggy." Noctis told him when he admired the owners.
They dined in a private room of the hotel's restaurant. The atmosphere was perfect with soothing background music. The hotel did have a highly skilled kitchen brigade, every recipe was exceptionally tasty, and paired with fine wine. Noctis enjoyed fresh roasted seafood so much while Ignis tried so hard to identify the ingredients of their divine dipping sauce.
After their delightful dinner, they felt a bit full so they decided to went for a walk on the beach. The sky was clear with plenty of stars and pale cloud of milky way. They walked leisurely, chatted and smiled. Noctis grabbed Ignis' hand when cool breeze brushed throught them. Ignis held his hand back. And when he looked at his husband again with the starry sky behind him, he gently squeezed his hand and stepped closer until their shoulders brushed, as he realized he was so lucky to be loved by this man. After everything they had been through in order to be together, now he was here holding his hand, he would never let him go again.
When they were back in their room, it was Ignis' turn to take care. There were various scents of massage oil, aromatic shower gel, shampoo, bath bombs and cologne available in the bathroom. Ignis carefully chose and blended them for extra alluring and soothing effect for his exhaushed husband. First, he gave Noctis a brief massage to stretch and relax his neck and shoulder muscles. Then he prepared aromatic warm water in a round bathtub for him. Soaking in circular bath could enhance aromatherapy effects of scented warm water. And he would gave him a full body massage after that. It worked flawlessly. Noctis was so relaxed and sleepy but he tried so hard to stay awake. He rested his head on Ignis' shoulder as they lain cuddling peacefully in bed. The older man caressed his scalp and hair as they chatted. He felt like he still had so much stories to share with his husband who was never done listiening to him. They talked, smiled and laughted for a long while until the King eventually fell asleep.
In the dead of the night, though he was so tired but Ignis was still awake. He caressed his beloved husband's black hair and enjoyed the mesmerizing look of the man in his arms. In the dimmed light, he could see his beautiful thick eyelashes so well. He looked much more mature after coming back from the crystal. His eyebrows were thicker, his babyfat disappeared so his gorgeous cheekbones and jawline were easily noticeable. He now had wrinkles under his eyes but his eyelashes were almost the same, the most attractive eyelashes he had ever seen. But whether he would look, he was, and always was, his beloved Noctis.
"Too happy to sleep?" Noctis asked with a sleepy voice. 
"I suppose I am." Ignis whispered, tugging strands of his husband's hair behind his ear.
"Glad you like it." The King smiled, caressing his husband's jawline.
"Thanks for this dream trip, Noct. I didn't realize I have yearned for it for a long time."
"You get what you deserve, Iggy. This can't compare to what you've done for me and burdens you've shared with me."
"It's always my pleasure. Your safety and happiness are my utmost priorities. I can sacrifice all of mine or endure everything awaited to see your smile."
"Thanks. But if you don't have a nice day off, how can I see your brilliant smile?" The King left a kiss on his husband's lips. "The most beautiful smile in the world."
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Ignis woke up into darkness with a small degrees of light. He blinked a few times until he was certain about his current situation. Tears pooled and started dropping from the corners of his eyes. Ignis let them flow to his pillow, the one that had used to be Noctis'. He buried his head in the pillow and sob quietly as he realized that he had woken alone in the Crown Prince's bedroom in the Citadel. The room had a side door leading to the royal retainer's bedroom, so he had been able to keep their secrets about them sharing a bed. Noctis had usually told him that doing so had made him sleep more soundly.
After daybreak, he, as well as other Council's members, had come back and rebuilt the Citadel. He had claimed this bedroom to be his own and restored it to original condition. The decoration reminded him of his precious old memories, especially ones about King Noctis who had sacrificed his life saving the world.
The alarm went off. Ignis snoozed it and lain down, letting himself cry for a bit longer. The sweeter dream he had dreamt, the more severe heartbroken he felt as he realized such dream would never come true. When the alarm rang again, he wiped his tears and got up. He had lots of work awaited and a Council's meeting to attend.
He arrived his office before 7 a.m., as he always did. His assistants had already prepared reports and plans for him. He started working by examining the Citadel's daily progression reports and cash flow statement while he was sipping his first cup of coffee. He had to finish all reports before analyzing enormous number of requests and plans sent to the Citadel, and then the upcoming meeting's agenda, in order to make comments and conclusions for all of them.
He finished listening to the agenda shortly after his lunch, then he attended the Council's meeting at 1 p.m. All members, including Marshal Cor Leonis and Gladiolus Amiticia, now the Shield of Lucis, rose from their seats when he arrived. Ignis greeted them and started the meeting. 
Being the Council's chairman was not what he had expected. He had been trained to be Noctis' hand and advisor, so he had always imagined his older self sitting by Noctis' side and providing him all available information at the meeting. Even after he knew his lover's fate, he had not figured out. Because he had not dared imagining about his life after losing the one whom he loved the most.
During world of ruins, He had waited for him, wishing to touch him and hear his voice again. When they had reunited in Hammerhead. His dream had come true. They fell into each other's arms, caressing and whispering all sweet words they could.
After ten-year disappearing, Noctis had much more to catch up. Moreover, his comrades found that their King was over exhausted and dehydrated, so they ask him to rest for a more few days before their departure.
The four of them chatted a lot about their past and plans in their future. Ignis  found that Noctis usually chose to play along when they talked about their plans in the future. He might know he would not survive his final mission. When Cor visited him hours later, they talked about how he and his team managed the city and organized the hunters and guards. The Marshal could barely handle all burdens and implied that he was so glad to welcome his King. But Noctis confirmed that he was destined to sacrifice himself on the throne of Lucis. Although he could help consulting him but he could not lend him a hand after his mission completed. His affirmation led to an unexpectedly heartbroken atmostphere among them, especially Gladiolus and Prompto. 
After the Marshal's leaving, three of them embraced him firmly. Prompto fumbled his thanks and apology to him, Gladiolus shed his tears while telling him again and again how he was the best but Ignis just gently wrapped his arm around his lover's shoulders without a word. Noctis returned hugs to all of them. He looked calm. But Ignis could feel some anxiety in his voice, something that showed he was uneasy.
After spending hours crying, the brothers' feelings were better. They decide to make every moment together more pleasurable. They changed the subject to memorable or joyful ones, which could make them smile. They laughed a lot during their dinner and they promised to have another joyful day before they parted.
But Ignis could still feel some concern in Noctis' voice and gestures, so when they were alone in their caravan, he wrapped his hand around his lover's waist and asked.
"What's on your mind, Noct?" 
"For years Astrals prepared me for my callings but my duties as a King." He sighed, holding his lover's hand in his own. "Would you mind if I ask you for something selfish, like I'll trouble you again?"
"No, and I never would. Just go ahead." Ignis turned his head towards his lover, his free hand caressing his cheek. He could feel the tension from his jaw.
Eventually, Noctis poured his heart out. "What if I, umm, ask you to marry me?"
"May I ask you for your reason?" He asked quietly.
"Because of our status, you always tell me that you're fine to be just my secret love. You never ask for your special status or announcing our relationship, let alone wedding plan. For me, your love and your care are much more than I can asked. And I'll be ok to stay like this all my life if you want to. But I'm a king. My country is in a mess. It'll be my responsibility to restore it but I can't do it myself cause I have to die first. And it's so hard to find someone doing it for me cause I don't have any relative, not even a Council's member to take charge for me. And, you know, Cor accepted that he and his team can't do it without your help." He cleared his throat. "I'll need someone inherit and manage my family's stuff during rebuilding our country. Someone who'll gain most respect and always have the final say. And I trust you." He gently squeezed his lover's hand. "You were trained to be my advisor. You know full well how to operate the city and perhaps the whole country. And you are my love, my only love of my life." He cupped his lover's cheek. Then he continued with slightly trembling voice. "We've been together for so long. It's time to treasure our love more. Would you be also my husband who'll take all my stuff after my death?"
"When I told you, 'Don't be afraid to let us share the load', I meant it, and I've never changed my mind. So I'll say yes." He leaned closer until their foreheads touched. "I'll restore our beloved country with sufficient use of your legacy and utmost diligence. You have my word, my love and my King."
"Thank you." Noctis whispered, pulling his lover to a kiss. His tears ran down his cheeks to wet Ignis' hand. The older man wiped them gently from his cheeks as they broke the kiss. The younger man kissed his palm, tears running down one after another.
"I used to doubt why lots of lovers cry during their proposal scenes. But, now, me too." He chuckled.
"It's alright to cry tears of joy, isn't it?" Ignis' smile widened as he pulled his husband-to-be to another kiss.
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Gladio, Prompto and Cor were informed in the next morning. They helped preparing a simplest wedding ceremony, exchanging rings and vows. Noctis found his casual royal ring, a classic black one with a small black and silver Lucis emblem, in his retrieved luggage. While Ignis had a crownsguard Insignia ring, the symbol of crownsguard training completion. Both rings were not designed to be exchanged in a wedding ceremony, but they were wholeheartedly accepted by both of them. 
All Cor's administrative team and the Council's member-to-be were invited to the ceremony. Prompto took a lot of photos, as he would need them to introduce Ignis' new status. Upon his request, The King would not grant him any Royal title. But he would still carry his name, as Mr. Ignis Stupeo Scientia-Caelum, The King's husband.
After the ceremony, they had another night to prepare for their final mission. Then they headed to Insomnia, fighting daemons and Ardyn with all their might, until the darkness was dispersed at a cost of King Noctis' life.
Cor and all volunteers moved to Insomnia and started rebuilding as soon as they could. Since no one claimed the throne, they decided to form the Council as the only administrative body of the country. And they agreed unanimously to choose Ignis, The Late King's widower and only heir, to be the Lord Chancellor and the head of the Council.
Everyone put as much efforts as they could to restore their beloved country. Ignis was the one who worked hardest. He kept himself being buried under his work. He worked between 12 to 16 hours a day, with 2 shifts of assistants.
Such routine had worsened his health. But The rebuilding and restoration's pace had been very fast.  So the Lord Chancellor had insisted on working, as keeping his promise.
It was almost 6 pm when the Council's meeting was over. All members were back to their places. Ignis decided to have some fresh air at the citadel's rooftop before returning to his office. The sun was not set. He could still sense some degrees of light.
Nowadays sunlight reminded him of the King of Kings, the man who had sacrificed his life to bring it back. He was the one he always missed. His sweet dream last night had made him miss him more.
Their marrying had been for the sake of their country. Their time together had been numbered. So they had never honeymooned. But he had not realized that he had yearned for it so much. Maybe his subconscious mind had tried to comfort himself by arranging a wish-fulfillment dream.
But he was curious about his appearance. He knew 30-year-old Noctis had looked much more mature with his facial hair, more resembling his father, as shown in his vision. But Noctis in his dream had not looked that mature. He had had no facial hair at all, and that had made him look slightly more mature than his 20-year-old self, the look that he had never seen, or expected before. 
Was it the evidence of how he became in the afterlife now? Ignis did not have any proof of it and would never have. 
But how Noctis had talked had been a bit odd too. He had often, too often, made comments about his hard working, his fatigue and the restoration's effeciency while they had had a delightful belated honeymoon trip. 
Ignis knew that a lot of people had shown their concern about his health problems. Gladiolus and Cor had often warned him not to kill himself working that hard. He understood but seemed not to care.
'But if you don't have a nice day off, how can I see your brilliant smile? The most beautiful smile in the world.' Noctis had sometimes known the best way to persuade him and make his heart melt. And he could remember full well how he had done. 
Perhaps his subconscious mind had done its best to arrange the most reliable warning and most relaxing dream to him. But if he still believed that such dream had been a message from his Noctis, it would be alright, too.
He kissed his wedding ring, recalling his memories about the one who had put the ring on his finger. The Lord Chancellor smiled and whispered his reply to his beloved late husband.
I hope you're doing well. 
The restoration is still in progress. We've made it faster than I imagined, but our to-do list is still very, very long.
It might take some decades. Please keep waiting. 
About the last night dream trip, was it really you? 
If yes, it means the world. I did enjoy it.
Would you please take me there again when I join you at the other side? 
I'll try not to push myself too hard. I promise.
Love you always. 
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chainofhyrule · 1 year
Can’t Lose You
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The sounds of frantic footsteps echoed like thunder somewhere above, the blood rushing to your ears sounding like heavy rain. The rise and fall of your chest burned like fire, and each breath felt weaker than the last. You felt warm, but also numbingly cold.
What the hell just happened?
Your vision, by the time you sensed movement, had begun to blur. Figures rushed at you through the darkness—why was it so dark, anyways?—and stopped to crowd around you. You tried turning your head, but couldn’t. Why did your neck hurt?
“Y/n, you’re gonna be okay,” you heard from the person closest to you, and your eyes drifted up to see a face. You recognised that face.
“Link,” you mumbled meekly, and your lips pulled into a weak smile. The person who’d spoken to you had tears in his eyes. Why was he crying?
“Wars, keep her awake,” another voice said, and you finally managed to turn your head.
There was a whole group of people around you. They looked scared. You seemed to be sitting against something warm, and wet. Was it water? Why was it so warm on your back?
“Y/n, hey, look at me.” You turned your head back to the first guy, and his face got so close to yours, you could feel his breath on your cheeks. “You’re so strong, Y/n, you know that?”
You could feel your eyes start getting heavy, and you were growing increasingly tired.
“Stay with us, Y/n,” he said, and you felt a slight pressure on your forehead. “You’re strong. So, so strong.” His voice cracked, you noticed. It made you sad.
“Y/n, stay awake!”
Whoever that was sounded really far away. He sounded kinda young, too. Why was there a kid here? Wasn’t this a dungeon?
You started to remember. There were monsters, you were pretty sure. You fell from a high-up ledge and twisted your ankle before that, though. You weren’t fast enough on a lame ankle to dodge all of them.
“Y/n, please…”
You turned your head up to see him. Tears spilt down his cheeks, now, and he looked terrified. His hair was wet with crimson. He must have fought away the monsters. It also stained his face, and the blue scarf around his neck. All he seemed to care about was you, though.
Your eyes felt really heavy, now. You wanted to sleep. You didn’t want to make him worry, though.
“Link…” His hands, which were really warm, gripped yours. They trembled.
“Just a little while longer, sweetheart, okay? You’re doing so, so great.”
You weren’t sure what he was talking about. What were you doing? All you were doing was sitting there. Your eyes drifted downward—maybe he saw something you didn’t. However, when you saw yourself, you weren’t sure how to react.
Your entire tunic was stained in crimson, and it didn’t seem to be stopping. There were deep gashes in your middle, visible through the torn fabric of the ruined tunic. You couldn’t even feel them.
“...‘M cold…”
You could slowly feel yourself slipping away. You didn’t want to go, though. Someone started crying. It wasn’t the person next to you, though. He made no sounds like that. His forehead rested against your temple, and you could hear his breaths next to your ear. They sounded broken, like glass.
“Y/n…you’re so strong…”
You didn’t like how his voice sounded so sad. You felt someone else grab your other hand, since the first was still in his. It felt warm, too.
You heard him gasp, if only lightly, like it got caught in his throat. Your hand started feeling much warmer. The last thing you heard before your eyes finally drifted shut, was him.
“Y/n…you’re gonna be okay…”
I love you.
(Tap here to return to Masterlist)
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promscamera · 6 months
What if instead of the ring slowly draining life away, it also slowly corrupts Noct? Like, from the second he starts wearing it in the game, he gets more angry and cold-hearted over time. And the others know it's the ring but they also know it's needed so they can't stop it :(
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dayasan · 2 years
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📷 Magna Fortia en route to Cartanica, Succarpe
The silence made the room so full that there was no space for words to fit
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inkfishie · 11 months
After The Dawn, Gladio carries out his duties and time creeps forward one year at a time. His King waits.
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dbphantom · 2 years
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Same energy
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intxlligibility · 11 months
@ruinedbycatastrophe continued! As the car drives in silence as Noctis and Prompto sit in the back of the Regalia. Gladio for once in the front, skimming a book he has been trying to read for some time. But he can't really pay attention to it, not really. He closes it with a firm snap and lays it on his lap. Amber hues glance at the other for a moment before back at the book. "So. What are you going to do after all this?"
Perhaps he ought to blame the lack of sleep, or the constant stress running rampant in his mind, ( or perhaps he had even zoned out a little down this long, never-ending concrete road they've been driving down for hours now ) but the sound that comes from the passenger seat, the snap of the book, has him slightly jump.
He inhales, perhaps a little more shakily than he'd like, as he rubs his face.
"Assuming that we survive?" A huff, but he catches himself before his train of thoughts gets too dark. "I suppose we have a kingdom to rebuild, or have you already forgotten about the rubble that was once our home?"
His hands grips tightly around the steering wheel and mentally he kicks himself for letting his foul mood get the better of him. He sends a quick glance Gladio's way, clear regret in his eyes from the sudden outburst.
"Apologies... that was uncalled for"
Eyes now back at the road, but the tiredness is still there. The fear of what their future might bring.
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Windy and Jin is an ingenious combination that I don't write only because that much sugar overload all at once would give every reader cavities.
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ekleipsi · 1 year
[ reunion ] thinking they'd never see each other again, sender and receiver are reunited and run into each other's arms, sharing a kiss // ig & ra
[ reunion ] thinking they'd never see each other again, sender and receiver are reunited and run into each other's arms, sharing a kiss
--- Greece was a long trek, especially by foot, from Egypt. Paying for passage across the sea was difficult, the journey arduous and filled with sun and sand. Was it worth it, though? Rashida might have thought as much, initially- her life in Greece with Ignis, married as they were? Was domestic and enjoyable. He'd finally seemed to gain enough control and heal properly enough that he could take the form of a man and she'd truly never seen one quite so handsome. All dark hair and olive complexion, with bright and passionate eyes.
--- He made her heart sing, made her feet dance, he'd drawn her into his life and his own culture in the same way she had done with him. To share this with him felt truly...magickal, though he was still equally as mischievous and playful though wasn't that the beauty of young love? When the Call had taken him, beckoned him back to the Underworld against his will, heart broke within cage though she clung to her faith that he'd return. That eventually he'd come back, though just how many years would pass before that happened?
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--- She hadn't even...the chance to tell him about the swell in her belly. The life that formed there. Though perhaps it was for the best given the following months were filled with such misery- neighbors turned on her, claiming her husband a demon who served the lord Hades. As fate would have it, the knife driven into her belly would promptly end two lives, and dying thoughts lay with lost husband, lost child. Had she lived a full life, a happy life?
--- Next she knew, she was blinking herself awake upon dark sandy shores, staring at a black river. Body felt...normal, but more, though there was a gaping hole in her chest where she felt something missing. Something...something...what was it? What was missing? Emeralds blinked life, this form having experienced something of a glow up...though when visage lighted upon the tall and lean figure of her husband, she couldn't stifle the gasp.
--- Nearly wanting to cry and without realizing the full depth of the situation, she yelped softly and ran to him. Arms were stretched out, his own opened for her to all but jump into as tears gathered at the corners of gaze. ' Ig...puppy! Puppy I thought you were gone...what happened? This...this doesn't look like home... ' she said quietly, softly, so wrapped up in her emotions that she all but melted into the kiss he pressed to her mouth, so warm and welcoming.
--- It was deep, emotional, and full of love; like he'd been gone decades and was finally holding her once more. Once again. Digits clutched at hair neck and hair, crying as they clung to one another, before he softly cleared his throat and gave her...a look that spoke volumes. Something was wrong. ' What is it? What happened, Ignis... ' she whispered, biting at her bottom lip. Worry began to build in her chest, but...with nowhere to go but the gaping hole, she wondered what this building feeling was.
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--- Anger? Why was she angry? ' Ra....Rashida? ' his voice permeated thoughts, her visions dancing with stars and spots, as she blinked and tried to focus on him. The dull throb of pain in head, and chest, anger...rage. Hate. What were these feelings!?
--- ' Ig...something's wrong...something feels wrong... ' she whispered, gasping and clawing at her chest as if hoping to dislodge the source of these ugly feelings. ' Something...is wrong... ' words were low, growled, dark. Narrowed optics lifted to husband for some measure of explanation only to watch his features soften. Break.
--- ' You...you died, my love... '
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madeimpact · 11 months
"... Prompto?" He isn't sure where the need to say this is coming from. Mayhap it's the quietude of night that has him deep in his thoughts, or the knowledge that, though night is eternal at present, the next day is not promised. Regardless of the reasoning, he wants to make sure he says this before a day comes where he regrets not having done so. "I just... wanted to extent my gratitude towards you for... supporting me when I thought I could go on no longer. It was... you who kept me afloat. So, please... never doubt your worth to me or anyone else..."
I said "hurt comfort" in the dms and Tina came for my wig || @tenebriism
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The lights of their room in the Leville are a comforting contrast to the never-ending darkness just outside their window. The glowing of streetlamps that constantly have to rely on generators is a solemn reminder of what awaits outside the safety of the city. Of how, swiftly and without warning, their lights can be snuffed out by the daemons. Nothing is guaranteed anymore. Not unless...no, not until Noctis returns.
So Prompto has been working hard to do his part until then. Trying to become a stronger member of the Crownsguard. Trying to become strong enough to hold his own against the daemons. Trying to become someone Gladio and Ignis could rely on. Trying, even as his supply of curatives ran out and he had to fight through a wound in one leg, to finish his job and claw his way back to Lestallum alive.
He can't keep being dead weight like this, he thinks as Ignis expertly tends to the wound even without his eyesight. His hands, washed twice over, map out the gash from a daemon's claws and go to work as if he can clearly see the injury before him. The whole while, Prompto wants to apologize...for what? For letting himself get hurt? For going out there ill-prepared? For having to play catch-up just to be able to handle daemons by himself?
He's about to start babbling some combination of all three of those, when Ignis speaks first. He says just the right thing, like he always does. Though, even independently of all of this, it's sincere. Heartfelt.
The words hanging on Prompto's tongue come off as a nervous chuckle instead.
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❝ I, uh... ❞ Ignis must know by now what kinds of thoughts must be swirling around in Prompto's mind, a tornado of anxieties tearing through any rationale that may have existed there. Or maybe, sitting here being tended to like this just serves as a reminder to them both of what they stand to lose in this endless night.
❝ Iggy... ❞ Prompto's voice shakes. ❝ Why...what made you think of that...? ❞
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zanarkandfayth · 1 year
I'm really not feeling the chapter I'm currently writing and I can tell it's not coming out great because of that but I really can't bring myself to care that much... it's fanfic, it doesn't have to be great all the time dammit 😭
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ffxvreversebang2022 · 2 years
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Today’s team: @knightlychika & @/ixalein (Twitter)
Corruption was written for the FFXV Reverse Bang 2022 and can be found on AO3 here.
Rating: Mature
Major Character Death
Description: What is meant to be another stop before heading to Caem turns into Ignis' personal nightmare as he gets turned into a vampire by Ardyn. Ignis tries his best to keep his new condition in check, which gets increasingly difficult. Unfortunately, things escalate as they arrive at Cape Caem.
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pseudowho · 6 months
Higuruma Hiromi Masterlist
Updated: 21st June 2024
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🔥 Smut. 💔 Angst 💕 Romance
☕ Comfort/Fluff 🤡 Clowning
🐙 Monsterfucking. 📚 Education (*dirty laugh*)
"BabywearingDad!Higuruma" Ask and Drabble ☕
Behind the Wall 🔥💕-- a desperate Higuruma visits your glory hole
Bound 💕🔥-- the reader wants a home-made NSFW video, and Hiromi is happy to oblige
Calamus et Gladius (the pen and the sword) 🔥💕💔☕-- slow-burn, enemies to lovers Culling Game smut with Higuruma and a foreign reader
Cunt-Drunk 💕🔥-- Hiromi goes out for work-drinks and karaoke...and comes home feral.
Daddy 🔥☕💕-- dating apps are a hazard for men like Higuruma Hiromi...
Debellatio 🔥💕-- a Higuruma x Reader x Nanami sex-pollen threesome
Domestic Bliss series--
#1 Fire Alarm #2 Storm #3 Bite #4 Silver Fox
Fellatio 🔥-- the bathtub lawyer receives head in his office.
Fidget Toy 🔥-- Higuruma Hiromi needs stress relief.
Fumus et Ignis 🔥💕-- sometimes, Hiromi smokes and ties you up while he makes you ride him.
Glory Glory 🔥☕-- 'Help, I'm Stuck!' with Hiromi, two bottles of wine and a compromising position with his gavel.
Hiromi and Nemo ☕-- tales of Higuruma Hiromi, and his little black cat.
Hiromi Higuruma Relationship Headcanons ☕🔥💕
In Flagrante Delicto 💔☕🔥💕-- Higuruma struggles to adapt to life as a sorcerer, refusing all of your offers to help...until he needs you.
"I've Committed a Crime" Ask and Drabble 🤡💕-- Higuruma is a ruthless tease
Jus in Bello: A Judicious Domain 💔🔥💕-- The reader throws Higuruma out of their home after they struggle to adapt to his new Cursed power...and the reader must then hunt him down in the Culling Game, to bring him home.
Men with Big Noses 🔥💕-- you reveal a kink for Higuruma's nose, and he shows you exactly what he can do with that.
Milk and Honey 💕🔥-- Hiromi is obsessed with your milk, and loves you while you sleep.
Monster 💕🔥💔-- Vampire!Higuruma is a good man...but even good men have their weaknesses.
Office Besties ☕💕-- Hiromi and you are just friends...right?
Professor Higuruma 💕🔥💔-- a new series by popular demand. Forbidden love; thread of fate; escaping emotional neglect; just some of the things that will make studying the Law...complicated.
Part One, Star-Crossed
Sanguis et Vinum 🔥💕-- period sex with Higuruma
Shower drabble ☕💕-- Higuruma comforts you after a bad day.
The Stairwell 🔥💕-- You've been teasing Higuruma all day at the office; he catches up to you, eventually.
Vinum Rubrum 🔥💕-- wine is better when you share a glass...and your mouths.
The Stacks 🔥💕☕-- spending all night with your college/university rival at the library, doesn't go exactly as you'd planned...
The Widow's Keeper ☕💔💕-- The reader and Higuruma traverse the complexities of love and grief, after the death of Nanami Kento, her first husband.
The Wrong Tie 🔥-- Nanami x Reader AND Higuruma x Reader...Nanami and Higuruma make a mistake after fucking their wives in the same cupboard.
"Your Honour" Ask and Drabble 💕🤡🔥-- Hiromi forgets your name as he cums.
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kissedcloud · 5 months
choose your adventure. 𝝑𝝔 not a writing blog; this is a fanfic archive only 𝝑𝝔
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cloud strife
reno sinclair
rufus shinra
zack fair
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noctis lucis caelum
gladiolus amicitia
prompto argentum
ignis scientia
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clive rosfield
joshua rosfield
barnabas tharmr
benedikta harman
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leon kennedy
ada wong
luis serra
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marius von hagen
artem wing
luke pearce
vyn richter
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bakugo katsuki
todoroki shoto
hitoshi shinso
amajiki tamaki
kirishima eijiro
yo shindo
chisaki kai
todoroki enji
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ryomen sukuna
utahime iori
fushiguro megumi
zen'in naoya
kamo choso
gojo satoru
geto suguru
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kageyama tobio
oikawa tooru
akaashi keiji
rintaro suna
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pick your poison.
fake dating
tattoo artist
last updated, 7/10/24.
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tteokdoroki · 2 years
*ੈ🌩️‧₊˚— just for tonight, i don’t hate you + katsuki bakugou.
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૮˶ᵕ ༝ᵕ˶ა synopsis — when there’s a bounty over your head and a reward for your safe return to your soon-to-be husband and future king, touya todoroki… you should be mindful of who you fall for. you should pretend to hate the man who seeks the prize money you’d bring. and the dragon prince, katsuki bakugou, should probably do the same.
⭑ warnings — please read + mdni ! characters aged up, smut, angst, arguments, one-bed trope, enemies to lovers, love confessions, arranged marriages, fingering, marking, biting, scratching creampies, hair pulling, unprotected sex, orgasm denial, slight!infidelity, fantasy!au, fem!reader, dragon prince!bakugou.
⭑ words — 2.8K.
⭑ notes — happy valentine’s day my sweets!! here’s a precious little fic for you, a commission from the darling @peonies-and-teacakes and beta read by @yuki-no-akumu !! i hope you guys enjoy and remember that ily <3 mwah mwah !! - m.list ✩
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“s-sir…i am so sorry.”
“t-there’s been some kind of mistake!”
don’t you say it.
“unfortunately the room at our inn you’d requested for tonight has been double booked…”
don’t you dare say it.
“we can only offer you the alternative which is a single bed, again sir, i-i’m so sorry.” 
it’s not the clerk’s fault, it’s a simple mistake that anyone could make at an inn located in one of the busiest travelling towns in all of Aethopia— but it shouldn’t have happened to katsuki bakugou. it’s the worst thing that could have ever happened to katsuki bakugou. “you gotta be fuckin’ kiddin’ me,” the dragon prince snarls, almost resembling the mystical creature acting as his tribe’s crest— teeth white, sharp and menacingly on display. “all this fuckin’ coin spent on a useless, shitty inn ‘nd you can’t even book the right room?”
the clerk shrinks back, visibly shaken as they hand over a set of room keys to the blonde. “s-so sorry! s-sir!” they add timidly, flinching as they clatter into bakugou’s palm and he snatches the metal away from them.
“sorry ain’t gonna cut it, what a waste of my coin! i ain’t ever comin’ back to this shithole.” he continues to snap, and with a swish of his red woven cape, bakugou’s gone— storming away and outside of the reception, filled with enough rage to fan the flames of a dragon’s fire. you’re waiting for him with his horse, tending to it as he steps into the cool outside. the forest trees sway with the prince’s arrival but don’t do anything to distract you from running your fingers to the snow-white coloured steed. 
you’re beautiful and that angers katsuki. you’re the prettiest thing he’s ever seen in all of the moons he’s existed— you shine under the light of the silver crescent, as if glitter is speckled all over your skin or you’re covered in a layer of diamonds.
your smile as his horse chuffs and nudges you with its head is precious, more valuable than any gem found in this world’s greatest mines. your dress isn’t made out of the finest materials, but it fits perfectly around your sweet dips and curves— it’s pretty. you’re pretty. there’s something about you that makes a mess of katsuki’s pulse, that steals his breath away and he hates you for it. 
you’re supposed to be an ordinary girl, you’re supposed to be just a pile of coin to him— a reward for returning you, prince touya of Ignis’ runaway bride. there was a hefty bounty hanging over your head for your safe return to his royal highness’ side, for you were to be the tool that helped to clean up prince touya’s act and get him prepared for kingship. again, you weren’t meant to be anything more to katsuki, in fact, if he had to he would force himself to despise you— you make him miserable, he has to remind himself that you’re just a prize. nothing more, nothing less. 
despite the blonde’s plan to have you back in the hands of the todoroki family— he’s had his doubts. rumour has it that touya todoroki, better known to lesser folk as dabi, is an evil brute. one with little regard to the women he’s kept or invited up to his royal chambers. other whispers on the street have mentioned that you were a spoiled little village girl from within their kingdom, refusing the life the todoroki’s were to offer you. 
that was another reason for bakugou to hate you— you were a brat that ran away because touya wouldn’t feed you with a silver spoon, because he was the first man in your existence to be unkind and you couldn’t find it in yourself to put up with it despite being set for the rest of your life. 
katsuki bakugou of the dragon tribe had found you just outside of his territory— half dead, your clothes torn and a second away from being hunted by the mythical monsters that prowled them. you resented him, for what he did next. you had the audacity to be mad at the dragon prince for saving your life and nursing you back to health. you blame him for the miserable outcomes of your life and for having his heart set on returning you back to touya todoroki, blaming him for it all.
at the time, the pair of you had argued. bakugou had called you a stupids and naive little girl— who wouldn’t want to be married to a future king? you wouldn’t have a single thing to worry about if you did, your every need would be taken care of without you even asking. you wouldn’t have to kill for your next meal, worry about when or where you could sleep next, spend every day fighting for survival. clearly you both had different views on the world, and what should have been gratefulness turned into hatred.
bakugou had tied your wrists, dragged you kicking and screaming back on the route straight to the todoroki castle— reuniting you with your Prince Charming. so far, you’d made this journey hell, almost cost him fights and got him in trouble with clients or employers. you were embarrassing.
and in your eyes? katsuki was your fairytale villain. he was a selfish, ugly bastard who wouldn’t let you steal your freedom, all for some money. you hated bakugou with every fibre of your being and every ounce of your heart and he knew. he knew this, but that didn’t make it any easier to handle when you look at him like his every step scorches the earth.
scowl at him like you do now.
like he was the most awful man in the world. like he was touya. who he had heard from stories didn’t handle women in the best of ways.
“what, ya still mad at me, princess?” bakugou asks as he approaches you, the twigs snapping under his boots grabbing your attention. 
before arriving at the inn, the dragon wielder had told you that you were a useless airhead— one that couldn’t survive on her own and needed a man to save her. you’d slapped him hard without hesitation and neither of you’d spoken until now. “of course i am, don’t ask stupid questions, you barbarian,” you spit harshly, turning back to the horse at hand. “did you get the room? i’m tired and sick of looking at your face.” 
he almost flinches back to avoid being hit by your venomous words but instead retaliates. “i did ‘n yer stuck with me, sweetheart, there’s only one bed.” 
“you’re kidding, right?” your eye twitches as you spin on your heel to face katsuki once more and the blonde braces himself for an onslaught of your slander. “oh! bakugou. you’re such an incompetent fool. you can’t even book an inn on your own, so you need a woman to do that for you?” you throw his words from earlier back into his face like an acid burn that’s been waiting underneath your tongue.
“i didn’t wanna be stuck with your ass anyways! quit complainin’!” 
“well, if you insist on not being stuck with me, perhaps releasing me before we reach the todoroki’s is a good idea—“ 
“— fat chance, princess.” bakugou scoffs back. “not with the bounty over your head. puttin’ up with your shitty attitude will be fuckin’ worth dealin’ with until you’re back with ‘em.”
he doesn’t give you a chance to retort, heading back into the inn whether you follow him or not. 
katsuki is glad that you don’t, at least not straight away— wanting to calm down the ache you’ve inflicted upon his hatred-blackened heart.
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though he might hate you, katsuki can always tell when you’re crying.
around the same time every night and throughout your travels, your shoulders shake as sobs rack your body while you think he’s fast asleep. of course, the dragon prince feels bad— he’s practically handing you off to the devil in exchange for a lump of cash. you’ve been down on your luck and the blonde feels partially responsible for that. 
rolling over to face you, bakugou watches with a deep frown as you keep your eyes on the wall opposite you— not daring to acknowledge him. “‘m sorry… about what i said,” he feels guilty but only just, unsure of his next words. “‘bout this touya thing… and all the men that have hurt you. i’m—” he takes a breath. “sorry about everything. i only treat you that way ‘cause i don’t want ya to end up lost like me…” he doesn’t want you to fall for him, to stay with him.
silence echoes between you both but katsuki can tell that you’ve calmed down from the way your body stops shaking and your hiccups quieten down. “you care about me, bakugou?” rolling over, the blonde finds himself lost in the sparkle of your galaxy eyes yet again— hating you for it, fighting down his love for you.
you’re close, way too close and everything beneath the sheets is hot. “shut up, princess.” bakugou whispers, not realising that the warmth of his breath is coasting over your lips wetly. before either of you know it, you’re kissing— mouths slotting against one another, tongues rolling over each other sloppily as you swap spit and pour undisclosed feelings into one another. his hands slip under your flimsy excuse for a night-gown, trailing up the good meat of your thighs, the soft curves of your waist and hips. you have him in shambles, with the way you gasp quietly at his thumbs swiping at the swell of your breasts— just brushing over your pebbling nipples. you coo and cry and he takes more from you, tugging on your lower lip with shining rows of pearly whites and licking into your mouth to swallow your whistle-tone moans.
“quiet, princess,” bakugou’s mouth is hot, blisteringly slow— his tongue leaving trails of clear, thick saliva along the planes of your skin. “gotta be quiet, baby, can’t wake anyone up, yeah?” the sharp edges of his teeth just graze your salt-licked flesh, barely nipping it. katsuki knows better, he can’t leave marks. he can’t return damaged goods to the soon-to-be king. to the touya todoroki. “so good, such a good girl.”
“o-oh! k-katsuki!” you stutter out, eyes rolling to the back of your skull and locking away the stars as the dragon prince’s hand fumbles between your hot and heavy bodies. he finds your clit, swollen and sticky— pulsating beneath rough fingertips. “p-please, i need you. please, katsuki. n-need–!” you sing your praises to the high heaves, the letters of his name rubbed into your pretty pussy as he plays with it between your slick, doughy thighs.
a single finger slips past your fluttering entrance, but he doesn’t dare let up on your pleasure nub— circling it diligently. “shut up, yeah?” the man slurs into your neck, spreading your pussy lips apart to finger you deeper, faster— losing his sanity listening to the sound of you squelch. “i hate you…r’member that. h-hate you— fuck…” 
“hate you, s’much. o-oh, right there!” your own set of fingers curl in sandy blonde locks tightly pulling him back up to your face for a kiss. but his eyes, your eyes, they both speak forbidden and unspoken love. your other hand grasps at his throbbing cock, arousal spilling over your knuckles and straight from the tip. his chest rumbles in pleasure, hips rutting into your closed fist languidly before he swoops down to lure you into the forest of temptation, the haze of another uncoordinated, messy kiss.
you mewl into one another’s open mouths, swollen and cherry lips meshing together— this? whatever you’re doing together, a pile of sweaty limbs moving in sync with one another…it’s everything either of you have ever wanted. playing pretend, hating one another face to face and loving one another in secret. katsuki curls his fingers, pressing down on your g-spot and you run your thumb through the seedy slit of his cockhead…eager to please one another. to love one another.
“put it in, katsuki.” gasping but demanding, you call to him— hungry for more, to have his everything. he wants to, god he wants to. but what if he hurts you? what if you fall apart like fragile glass? what if touya—? you grab at the blonde’s chin, guiding his gaze up to yours and his thick girth to your clenching, unfilled hole. “just for tonight, one night. show me how you truly feel about me katsuki…make love to me.”
you’re giving him a chance, giving him this one last night to deflower the prettiest, most beautiful thing katsuki bakugou has ever held in his bare, monstrous hands. wrapping your legs around the slenderness of his waist, you lock your ankles at the small of his back and squeeze to draw him closer. his milky shaft pushes through your arousal soaked folds, clear strings of it clinging to every vein that decorates the length of him.
both of you shudder once he’s bottomed out inside the warmth of your velvety, silken walls. he’s as deep as he can go, stretching you over him with slow rolls of his hips and his balls heavy with cum, seated at the curve of your ass. “f-fuck, you’re tight, princess,” katsuki whines, wrapping his arms around your head to pin you to the bed beneath him. he fills you to the brim, brings tears to your eyes as he splits you apart and pieces you back together with every single thrust. your g-spot is a victim to endless ectasy given to you by his mushroomed tip as it rams against you, desperately. 
rolling your hips up to match his pace, you swallow the saliva pooling on the palette of your tongue— skin buzzing with lust while you mark up the blonde’s back. you leave tiger-claw patterns across his tanned back, red and raw before mussing up his hair pulling him closer until either of you have room to breathe. his breath is ragged against the shell of your ear, thrusts rampant each time he plunges into your souse, salacious pussy.
katsuki drowns himself in you, and like an alcoholic reaching for another drink— he’s addicted. he groans pathetically when you bite him, kiss him and spit into his mouth until he’s babbling and brainless. you bite his shoulder to keep quiet but the bed creaks loudly enough to cover your harmonised moans and the sound of skin slapping on skin harshly. 
“i love you,” you breathe weakly, body wracked with shakes when bakugou slips out of your cunt from how fast he's pounding you into the sheets, tied to you only by strings of slick.
he says it back, instantaneously while forcing himself back into your addictive heat, desperate to get you both to your highs. “i love you.” next he finds your clit again, using three fingers to tap at it so that you tremble cutely beneath him. “hold it, princess. hold your orgasm. p-promise it’ll feel good, kay?” the dragon prince pulls back only just, dragging his seedy tip along your insides and you whine at the loss of being so full. “promise me that when he’s fucking you, when touya makes you his bride a-and weds you, his pretty virgin bride…that you’ll think of me ‘n me alone.”
“i-i promise,” you murmur, playing with the baby hairs on the base of katsuki’s neck, looking up at him lovingly as you clench down on him at his claim— dripping sweet nectar down his balls.
only then does katsuki put his entire weight on you, jutting into you all at once, nearly breaking the bed as it hits the wall behind you over and over. his cock swells inside of you, close to bursting and cumming inside of you. with one, two, three more calculated thrusts you’re thrown over the edge— the dopamine high of your orgasm crashing over your brain while you squirt clear streams over his lower tummy and cock.
he’s right behind you, following the stream of your sweet essence that nearly forces him out of you. thick, hot ropes of cum paint your insides belonging to the man that you love, filling you up to the brim. katsuki collapses on top of you with one last kiss, your foreheads pressed together and the crude mix of your arousal leaking from your tiny hole, onto your shared sheets.
“i don’t…i don’t hate you,” you stutter once both of your breathing has evened out, teary eyed because you can’t say that you love him again. it’ll make it too real, neither of you can have that if you’re promised to touya and bakugou has promised to take you back to the ruthless future king.
“niether do i,” katsuki breathes back, wiping your eyes with the pad of his thumb, using a delicate touch. 
he couldn’t help it, loving you but at least he got to…just for tonight.
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aerverics · 1 year
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮
~Character Ai~
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
¦ Symbols Meaning ¦
(✧. ┊ ) fantasy AU
(ׂׂૢ) Work partners or so
(✰. ┊) modern / step / highschool au
(ꕥ) Start with angst
(ღ) Soft = sibling / lover / friendly
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
═ ⋆I take any requests for any characters⋆ ═
Barnabas Tharmr
✧. ┊A test to be his queen
Cidolfus Telamon
ׂׂૢ Cid wanted the nurse attention
Chris Redfield
ꕥ You catch Chris *cheated* on you
Cloud Strife
ꕥ Fall apart relationship
✰. ┊ Head teacher! Cloud x teacher! You
ׂׂૢ Cloud being drugged by a monster
ღ Cloud's girlfriend find him in a dress photo
ღ Your Husband save you
ׂׂૢ Dante your partner for Demon Hunter
ღ Dante comforting his wife after she's giving birth
ღ Dante find out his wife pregnant
ღ Dante being slightly overprotective to his wife
ꕥ He is worried about his wife
✧. ┊Ran from your royal life to be with your man
Dion Lesage
ׂׂૢ Finding a bride for Dion
Ellie Williams
ღ Ellie excited knowing her crush gonna treat her injuries
Ignis Scientia
ׂׂૢ Ignis's new assistant
ღ The advisor might have feelings for you
Izumi Miyamura
ꕥ You had a crush on him
Jin Kazama
✧. ┊ Vampire Au
ღ He find out you're pregnant
ׂׂૢ He keep showing up in your infirmary
✰. ┊Your Grumpy dorm mate's brother
Joshua Rosfield
ׂׂૢ Joshua confessed to his companion
ꕥ Pregnant with Joshua's
✰. ┊Joshua got jealous with his 'wife'
Leon S Kennedy
✧. ┊ Spiderman Leon
✧. ┊ Married to duke Leon
ׂׂ ღ Assassin x Agent Leon
ׂׂૢ Mission with Leon
✰. ┊Your annoying step-brother
Marius Von hagen
✧. ┊ Marius your annoying Emperor
ꕥ Choose him please
Nicholas Leister
✰. ┊Your rude step-brother
ꕥ Annoying Ex boyfriend
ꕥ Frenemies with Nick
Noah Morgan
ღ Noah felt jealously
Noctis Lucis Caelum
Prompto Argentum
ღ Noctis's younger sibling
Reno Sinclair
ׂׂૢ Work partner with Reno
ღ Reno trying to talk after making you jealous
✧. ┊ Spiderman Scaramouche
ꕥ Sephiroth kidnapped you
ꕥ he manipulate your memories beforehand
Sleipnir Harbard
ღ Sleipnir tried to get along with you
ꕥ He's going to lock you
Zack Fair
✧. ┊ Zack wake up in FFXV's universe after dying
Origanal Characters
Kazeric Kairen - ✧. ┊ Academic rival who help you during zombies attack in your school
Cherry - ✧. ┊ A little lady who safe you
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