#in drama i covered a piece of scrap wood all over with writing while having a psychotic episode and people called it the board of prophecy
i definitely share the problem many people have of whats in my head vastly outpacing what ive actually written, but i sort of have the opposite problem with other parts of the creative process bc the thing is when i do actually write its never so much bc i sit down to write, more like the ideas that have been pressurizing finally burst forth in a chaotic torrent that drags me into a fuguelike state where there is nothing but feverishly getting the words out with minimal mind to editing or organization and eventually after at least several hours i surface and find myself with like 8k new words of writing to sort through, and hope the spell is broken rather than being only a brief window of lucidity bc it wont properly be done for the next couple days actually, which is what happens sometimes
#these days i am lucky bc i usually have a typing medium at hand and can get the new writing in the form of typed files#in the past i have definitely used all sorts of things that were less than ideal bc the writing frenzy hit in inconvenient circumstances#i have covered paper plates front and back. scribbled in pen on the inside of water bottle wrappers. literally stolen paper from nearby#printers or on a few occasions /ripped blank pages from unattended notebooks belonging to others/ bc thats how bad the Need to write is#obviously at that point i had already run out of room on my hands arms and available sections of my legs so i was desperate#i once had no better writing tool available than green icing so guess what? i used it and later had to transfer the notes worth salvaging#to actual pen and paper once available bc icing attracts ants so it couldnt stay#in drama i covered a piece of scrap wood all over with writing while having a psychotic episode and people called it the board of prophecy#and this is just counting the times it has actually been story/character/worldbuilding notes and scene/dialogue fragments and timelines#yknow actually useful creative stuff? as opposed to just randomly Needing to Write Anything Just To Be Writing And Have Written which#has produced stuff of wildly varying content and quality over the years lmao#anyway under no circumstances be jealous of 'actually being able to get the words out' lmao its losing days of your life to it#its not being able to eat or drink or sleep even when your brain is released from the frenzy enough to remember that those 1) are things#and 2) you need to do them. its missing important events you needed to go to and important things you needed to do#and not being able to explain why without gambling over your continued freedom and autonomy#etc etc anyway guess why im mentioning this? hint it has to do with the new folder in my notes app with a total of ~32k new content in it#most of which is Fun and Fresh but with a dash of Throwing In Some Revitalized Versions of Old Ideas and which holds so much potential as a#new thing to occupy my days with for the next few months at least and which also. crucially. stole several days of my life from me#i only stopped bc i hit cluster headache time and was forcibly jolted from being able to process anything that wasnt overwhelming pain
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voxymoxyboxy · 3 years
Scrapped Secret Santa Idea
While struggling to write for my AU drabbles, I was looking at my old writing and stumbled across this abandoned draft for the Sam and Max secret santa from last year! I read it and found that I still really liked it so I thought I would publish it on here for people to read! It’s not finished, but I do really like what I wrote. Please enjoy!
The familiar thrum of the microwave sounded through Sybil’s kitchen as she leaned against a nearby counter. Little pops began a few seconds later, the smell of butter and salt slowly, but surely, washing over her like a warm bath. Thin fingers drummed against the large plastic bowl in her hands. Rather than compose a new symphony for one- though that didn’t sound too bad for her next career-, Sybil decided to cross things off a mental list.
Comfortable pajamas pulled from the depths of a bottom drawer? Check.
Snacks? Enough to feel like utter garbage come morning.
Fluffy blanket? Spread on the couch just waiting to be wrecked by her guest.
Speaking of her guest… Sybil checked her watch. It was almost eight o’clock, the time when their little girl’s night was supposed to start. Supposed to, because Max wasn’t exactly known for his punctuality. The woman sighed. If she had to guess, the lagomorph would burst through her front door at about nine, a full hour late, wide smile on-
A knock on the door startled Sybil from her thoughts. The bowl clattered to the floor, but the women kicked it aside as she made her way through the living room. Whoever was waiting outside stopped for a second, only to be begin spamming the doorbell instead. Sybil quickened her steps.
“I’m coming!” she shouted. “Just give me a second!” The ringing continued, much to the woman’s dismay.
“Sybil!” a high-pitched voice called through the wood. “What you say in the bedroom’s none o’ my business!” Nearly banging her arm against the doorknob in her hurry, Sybil threw open the door to find Max, wide teasing smirk on his face clothed in nothing more than a flimsy scarf. His hands were clasped behind his back and he rocked back and forth on his heels.
The woman rubbed the bridge of her nose but returned the lagomorph’s smile. “Good to see you Max.” She stepped to the side to let him in. “Come on in.”
Max strutted inside, a bag the woman hadn’t noticed until then clutched in his paws. Sybil raised a brow when, instead of just dumping it on her carpet, the lagomorph gently placed the bag under the coffee table. Free from potential harm and the crumb zone, the woman noted. He jumped on the couch, already making himself at home by wrapping himself up in Sybil’s blanket like stuffing in a burrito.
“So.” The lagomorph eyed the snacks on the coffee table. The woman watched as Max snatched the largest chip bag of the bunch. Ripping it open, Max dug out a handful of salty goodness and stuffed it all in his mouth. “Where’s the kid?” he asked, crumbs spraying everywhere from talking with his mouth full.
Sybil grimaced. Tomorrow would be a clean-up day for sure. “I left Penny with a good friend of mine from work.”
“What is it this time? Graphic designer?” Max picked at his teeth. “Toy making? No!” He snapped his fingers. “Mall Santa!”
“Elf, actually.” Sybil said, making her way back towards the kitchen. “Hired me on the spot after finding out I’m a mother.”
“Must be desperate to avoid any lawsuits this year.” Max commented and dumped the rest of the bag down his gaping maw. “Probably don’t wanna lose another Santa.”
“Lose another Santa?” the woman parroted, confusion plain in her voice. “I don’t remember hearing anything about a Santa being arrested last year.” Max flattened out his blanket nest so his arms were now free to move about. He grabbed a soda and popped it open.
“Whaddaya mean?” The lagomorph took a small sip before continuing. “You were there! I kidnapped you that mornin’ to help me get a present fer Sam! Near ‘bout had a heart attack when he burst in and handcuffed the bastard.” He traced the rim of the can, ears drooping a bit before shooting right back up. “Right?”
Sybil had to tread carefully.
“The popcorn’s done. Why don’t you get it while I turn on the tv?” Max was silent for a beat. While subtle, she could see his jaw tighten, grin turning forced. The grip on his soda tightened, leaving tiny dents in the aluminum. And yet, just as quickly, Max was bouncing back. Literally, as he’d jumped to his feet.
“You actually trust me to go within six feet of yer microwave?” the lagomorph said. He brushed away an imaginary tear. “I’m touched!”
“Get going before I regret my decision.”
“You probably should.”
“Go.” The woman chuckled, playfully shoving him towards the kitchen archway. Max ‘harumphed’ and left the room. Sybil rolled her eyes. It was all just for show. The guy was a drama queen through and through. What had caught her eye were the muscles in Max’s shoulders. The habit leftover from her old job as a masseuse proved to be useful, for they were tense, almost like the lagomorph was preparing to fight.
Or flee.
Sybil reached over the side of the couch and pulled out the remote. After finding the device in Penny’s mouth one too many times, she’d decided to buy one of those stupid arm slings to hold it. Admittedly, it worked pretty well. She flicked the tv on, muting it before leaning to get comfortable. Flipping through channels, the woman looked for the right one. No, no, uggh, ah-ha! Now she could really get settled in.
Before she could really hunker down, Max slid in front of the flat screen. His back faced Sybil, pristine white fur now covered by a long-sleeved purple pajama shirt, both sleeves and matching pants rolled up. Bowl held over his head, he leaped back onto soft cushions, stray pieces flying to hit Sybil’s arm and leg. Her gaze traveled over Max and she stifled laughter with a hand as she saw what was hovering over his chest.
“Merry Christmas, Ho, Ho Hoes?” she read, giggles bursting through her fingertips. For the first time that night, Max’s smile turned genuine. The lagomorph puffed his chest out, pride radiating off his person.
“Jealous?” he nearly purred.
“Green doesn’t become you, Sybil.” Max sing-songed.
Said woman gasped. “I’ll have you know it brings out my eyes!”
“Whatever helps ya sleep at night!” Max shot back.
The two started at each other for a moment before bursting into hearty laughter. Some of the tension from before ebbed away as they clutched their quickly hurting middles. Wiping away small tears, she glanced over at her friend. A weight Sybil hadn’t known about lifted from her shoulders as the rabbit devolved into giggles, stray pieces of popcorn flying everywhere.
“You know,” Sybil scootched back to her side of the sofa, "I was wondering.”
“Bout what?” Max tossed a kernel and caught it with a loud crunch.
Sybil gestured towards the television. “Why Hallmark movies?” She tucked her legs under her. “I thought you hated those.”
Max froze, caught off-guard by the woman’s question. He recovered fast, face blank as his attention turned to the movie. The woman on the screen- the heroine, Sybil assumed- walked under a garden arch adorned with Christmas lights. A man followed close behind, a look of complete adoration gracing his features. Slowly, he plopped the dish onto the middle cushion.
“Yeah,” he brought his knees to his chest, “I do.”
“Then why…?”
Max buried himself in Sybil’s blanket. He placed his chin on his knees. “How long’ve we known each other, Sybil?”
Sybil tilted her head quizzically. “About two or three years now, I think.” She paused. “Why?”
Snow began falling in the movie. The woman laughed and pulled the man towards a tackily-decorated gazebo. He followed without fail, lips flapping as he probably spouted cheesy dialogue.
“It’s funny, ‘s all.” Max said, sad little smile on his muzzle. Sybil had a feeling he didn’t really mean it. “From what I remember, it’s been at least five. But then again,” the lagomorph tapped his head, “Never did have the best memory.”
“Don’t sell yourself short Max.” Sybil scooted closer and lightly placed a hand over Max’s. He flinched but didn’t move to rip the limb off. She took it as a good sign, welling with pride as she squeezed the paw. “You’re smarter than you think. But that’s not the real issue here, is it?”
“Dunno. You tell me Miss Psychotherapist.” The rabbit tried to crack a joke, but the woman wasn’t having it.
“Max.” she said, slightly increasing the pressure on his hand. By now the soon-to-be couple were sitting on a bench found in their temporary shelter, shoulders brushing while they talked. “You don’t have to tell me what’s wrong. But know, as your friend, I’m here for you.”
Max tossed the words around in his head. He pulled his hand from Sybil’s and grabbed a mug from the table, whipped cream already melted into the warm cocoa. Holding it with both paws, the lagomorph took a deep breath.
“It happened a few years. You n’me were just fuckin’ around at one of our movie nights.” His grip tightened around the porcelain handle. “Landed on the channel and had the crappy idea to mute it and write our own story.” Patiently the woman waited as Max took another swig.
“Was so stupid.” the rabbit mumbled, corners of his mouth pulling up just so. “But fun. Were laughin’ our asses off by the end of the night. When I was ‘bout to leave, you suggested we do it every year and-“
“You wanted to keep the tradition going.” Sybil finished, voice wrought with understanding.
Max sent his friend a look, mouth shutting with a clack. “Somethin’ like that.” The rabbit’s gaze wandered back to the film, pang in his chest at the woman and man twining their fingers together. “Guess I just wanted something familiar in m’life.” he confessed.
Sybil peered at her friend intently. “…Have you told Sam?”
“Hell no!” Max said. “He’s the last one I wanna tell!”
“Is something going on between you two?”
“No.” he lied, thumb running over the edge of Sybil’s mug.
“Did he do anything? Because I know the guy can be dense sometimes-”
The lagomorph shook his head. “Yer readin’ too much int’ it Sybil.”
The heroine and hero were staring at each now, the camera rotating around the outside of the gazebo in a way that had to make some people sick.
“…Has he been distant lately?” Sybil tried, sadness clawing at her throat when Max’s ears pinned against his skull. “Do you know why?”
Max bit the inside of his cheek. “No. But what I do know,” the rabbit hugged the mug closer, “is that he’s been weird round me. It’s like…” he tugged at his pajama sleeves, racking his brain for the right words, “guy’s always on edge. Just yesterday me and Sam were caught n’ the middle of a few mafia goons.”
“Tis the season.” Sybil chimes in, prompting a snort from her friend.
“Bullets are flyin’ everywhere, the smell of gun smoke heavy in the air. I take two of ‘em down no prob but then,” Max furrows his brows, “then Sam just freezes up. Had ta save his sorry ass and off the rest myself. When I asked what happened, he tried to play it off like it was no big deal!”
“How long’s this been going on?”
“Not too long after we started dating.” The lagomorph sighed. At that moment, the man pointed out a sprig of mistletoe hung on the ceiling. Trapped like rats, the two hesitate but for a beat before kissing. “Makes me feel like, like-”
“You’re the problem.” 
Max pouted. “Stop that!”
Sybil chuckled. “Sorry. Force of habit. Still.” She placed a hand on Max’s shoulder. “You should tell him. You two may be terrible at talking about anything emotional, but Sam appreciates honesty.” The woman squeezed it and slid back to her claimed space. “He’ll listen. You’ve just gotta trap him somehow.”
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Heyo! Kia, 21, female. Looking for another rp since most of mine seemed to have dried up. EST time zone, though my schedule is currently being weird, but I should be able to respond a few times a day. Sometimes just a few per week. I am a pretty detailed writer, focusing a lot on character introspection so I ask that you are at least similar in that regard. I write about 2-4 paragraphs on average and can write more. It really just depends on what’s happening in the rp. Dark themes, blood and violence may be present in the rp. I don’t write smut, I will only fade to black. Please be 18+. (On a side note, I’ve done all of this on my phone so I don’t know how the format looks. I apologize in advance if it’s too long and/or messy.)
Made a vampire oc for no reason. Now i have nothing to fo with her so I’m gonna see if I can get an rp going with her. If any of my plots involving her interest you or you have any plots of your own feel free to message me. Or interact with this post and I’ll contact you.
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Name: Magdalena Cirila Kovac
Nickname: Mag, Lena, Maggie
Species: Vampire
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Born: Sometime during the Middle Ages
Occupation: Depends on plot. Medieval times she’s a hired mercenary or hunter, Modern she’s the leader of her own vampire coven. She could be a monster hunter in any time period really.
Genres: Fantasy/Supernatural, Drama/Angst, Medieval, Romance, Adventure, Modern
Normal Form: 5’8, athletic build, pale skin, light freckles, long wavy dark red hair with even darker ends, bright green eyes. Beauty mark underneath the left corner of her mouth. Canines are only slightly elongated. Looks like a human in her mid to late 20s
Other Form: skin becomes deathly pale and black veins appear on her face and shoulders, scleras turn black and corneas turn bright red, all her teeth become razor sharp, nails turn into claws
Immortality: No longer has a lifespan. She can not age at all. Because she is undead she does not have to worry about any illness
Superhuman Physiology: Strength, Stamina, Agility, Senses, Durability
Accelerated Healing: Can heal from any normal injuries within seconds, larger wounds take a few minutes and may require her to feed to restore energy. Can come back from death from exposure to sunlight with blood
Metamorphosis: Can call upon a large swarm of bats to do her bidding. She can also transform into a swarm of bats and back at will. All of her clothes and weapons will transform along with her body. The bats can be used to charge her enemies in an attack.
Mesmerism: Possess the ability to coerce and control humans to do her bidding as long as she makes eye contact. However if someone has a strong enough will they may be able to break from her control or may not even be able to fall under her control.
Darkness Manipulation: Can generate and manipulate the darkness at will. As she ages the power grows stronger and can be used to cover larger and larger areas for longer periods of time.
Vampirism: She has the ability to turn others into vampires if they drink some of her blood. However it is not a guarantee that they will survive the transformation. Her blood is considered a poison to humans and will rapidly begin to kill someone once ingested. Some die in the process, if they survive then they will become a vampire. Anyone that she turns forms an attachment to her and cannot go against a direct order from her nor can they cause her physical harm. Any attempts to do either will result in an intense pain. She can however free them from her control at any time.
Swordsmanship: Mag is a very skilled swordsman, even before she became a vampire. Along with her powers she is a force to be reckoned with
Sunlight: Being exposed to sunlight can cause her skin to burn and blister, leaving her weak and unable to walk. If exposed for too long then she will begin to deteriorate into a charred corpse. However she can be brought back with some blood. She can go out during the day as long as she sticks to the shadows and will be fine to wander if it’s a cloudy day.
Wood: A sharp piece of wood to the heart can weaken and kill her. Sharp wood to the heart will cause her body and clothes to rapidly decay and disintegrate, ending up as a fossil like corpse with scraps of clothes left
Silver: Silver burns upon contact with her skin. If in the presence of a large amount of silver it will weaken her enough so that she is practically human. The very sight of silver can leave her vision blurred and dampened her hearing. As she ages it will become less of a problem.
Religious Items/Places: Religious items give off an intense light that burns enough for vampires to fear it. Though older vampires only see a bright light that causes slight discomfort at most. She is not able to enter holy grounds and if she does so it causes great pain. Holy water is like silver, burning a vampires skin upon contact
(Garlic: Not really a weakness, it’s more so like with lactose intolerance. She shouldn’t eat it since she won’t feel great later on but it tastes really good and is a risk she’s willing to take.)
Magdalena was born the only child of the King and Queen of Hungry during the Middle Ages. After one too many assassination attempts on her life during her teenage years, Magdalena was given a personal bodyguard who was training a younger, recently hired guard. The two would watch over her as she went about her days in the castle. Over time she grew close with the newer guard, eventually the pair fell in love but kept it a secret.
An attack on the castle one night led to the deaths of her father and the older guard assigned to her. Her lover was promoted to be her new head guard and worried for her safety, he began to teach her how to swordfight in secret. Rumors of another invasion reached the castle and it was decided not long after that Magdalena would marry sooner so that the people may have a king to lead them.
Not having much of an option, Magdalena finally revealed her feelings for her guard and demanded to be married to him or she would abdicat her rights to the throne and leave. Not wanting to lose her daughter, the Queen agreed to Magdalena’s terms. The pair were married and quickly crowned the new King and Queen. The King went off to fight in the war and returned home with a victory. Though a few more attempts at conquering them happened over the years, putting a strain of the kingdom as a whole. Not wanting to just sit idly by, Magdalena took on a vigilante persona early on in her time as Queen to help defend her people.
Years later she would give up vigilantism to raise her son along with her husband. They were allowed a few years of peace due to a treaty with neighboring kingdoms that did not last forever as their allies were being invaded and taken over with this new enemies eyes turning toward them.
In an attempt to save her family and kingdom, Magdalena did extensive research on any possible help and found a lead. In the middle of the night she disappeared to find help. The trail led her to a powerful vampire that agreed to give her power to save everyone she cared for only if she agreed to help them seek revenge against those that wronged them. This meant that she would have to leave her family behind forever, but also she could protect them. So with a heavy heart she agreed to their terms, sacrificing her own life to save those she cared for.
With her newfound power, Magdalena was able to kill the leader of the invading army, thus stopping the invasion of her kingdom but could not return home. So she allowed everyone to think she was dead. As per her agreement, she followed her new sire and helped him take revenge, learning about her new abilities as she did so. After spending long enough time by his side and no longer being needed, he finally freed her from his control, allowing Magdalena to leave and do as she wished. By now her family had long since died of old age and all she could do now was roam for the rest of eternity. With him being the only constant in her life she decided to stay for a while until she felt comfortable enough to strike out on her own.
Plot Ideas: These are all pretty vague ideas I had that can be expanded on. Of course if you have your own ideas I’m more than willing to listen to them. Or we could even combine them with one of my ideas. They can take place during anytime period except for Plot B.
Plot A: A VampirexWerewolf plot. It could be that one of our characters has recently moved their coven/pack onto the others territory and they’ve been having a lot of disputes between each other’s group. So in order to try and get some semblance of peace our characters agree to get together and discuss a shaky truce. The two start running into each other more and form an unexpected friendship that eventually leads to more. Slow burn, FxAny Gender
Plot B: Can explore an unlikely familial relationship between Magdalena and the person who turned her into a vampire. Explore how the two get along. Maybe also figure out who it was that wronged your character and why the two are hunting that person (or group of people) down. I literally know nothing about this character so you’re basically free to do whatever you want with them. Platonic, found family dynamics
Plot C: Fake Relationship plot. Your character is a pure blooded vampire royal that is being forced to marry someone in order to inherit the throne. Thankfully they get to choose who but they aren’t interested in anyone. Enter my character. The two agree to enter a fake relationship that allows your character to get the throne and my character gets a place she can unwind at. Could be that my character isn’t approved of by the council and they have to get around that. Slow burn FxAny Gender
Plot D: My character is a well known hunter and is hired to hunt down your character and arrest them. Finding your character is easy, getting them back to where they need to be is the hard part. Either because your character is very difficult or because someone else is hunting your character down to kill them. Could either be FxAny Gender romance or it could be platonic
Style: Depends on time period
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dontmeanlove · 6 years
Let Me Down Slowly. | Part 2
Pairing: peter parker x female!reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: nothing, this is fluff.
Plot: You suddenly have powers and have to find a way to deal with them. All while you’re dealing with boy drama and partnering up with your friendly neighborhood Spider-man to fight crime.
(Part 1) (Part 3) (Part 4)
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Next morning, I got ready, went to school and Ned and Peter were by his locker, he smiled at me as I was getting closer to them, once I was close enough he said “Never got your number last night” and proceeded to give me a scrap of paper with his phone number on it.
 I was really going to say something witty (I swear I could do that), but the school bell rang and all I could do was smile and just say “I’ll shoot you a message!” as I rushed to my locker to get my books to class. And I barely made it on time for the second bell to ring. When I sat on the chair in class the first thing I did was get his number on my phone and I was writing to him “Delmar’s after class? ;)” 
I haven’t seen Peter for the rest of the day, but he did respond to my message saying “I’ll see you there!” and that’s how I ended up being left stranded by Peter Parker at Delmar’s. 
I was feeling mad, disappointed, and sad. I liked him and he didn’t seem the kind of boy who does this kind of thing, but I guess sometimes we’re wrong, uh?
I sent him a message saying “Couldn’t you have said you wouldn’t make it?” and started to ignore him at school and his messages on my phone, I indeed had more things to worry about, like getting the most out of my powers, and next week suddenly my parents were back in town for a couple of days, I was training every day with Wanda, and thinking of maybe joining Spiderman in his quest to fight all crimes in Queens.
The last one really did happen, Bucky managed to sneak one of black widow’s uniform for me, and to be honest I probably would have gotten away with asking Natasha myself for it, but I really wanted to avoid unnecessary questioning. 
I made some changes on the suit, got a mask that covered the lower part of my face and that may or may not resemble a lot the Winter Soldier’s one, and just like that roughly two weeks after The Parker Fiasco™, as I liked to call it, I was out to find Spider-Man to see if I could help him, and hopefully learn how he did things and then get out there to find my own crimes to fight.
I had learned I could make myself fly with my power and there I was keeping my eyes peeled for a red and blue guy hanging from one building to another. I actually found him on the ledge of a building. As I stepped on that same ledge, he looked at me. 
“Spider-man,” I said nodding my head in acknowledgment, my voice muffled by the mask. 
“And you are?” Shit, I haven’t thought about it.
 “I am help.”
“Good thing I don’t need any.” He was clearly pissed but the joke’s on him,  I wouldn’t be leaving.
“Good thing I don’t care” I could tell he was raising his eyebrows by the way the eyes on his mask moved, I could be a little shit if I wanted too.
“Whatever, just don’t get on my way, okay? It’s been a shitty couple of weeks” and before I could answer we heard the police sirens a few streets over, he lashed out to the building closest to the one we were.
I flew just over him, I could swear I heard a “wow” but I wasn’t sure, it made me smirk nonetheless.
It was a building on fire. There was so much smoke and the fireman said there were still people inside, Spider-man got right in and as I was left behind I decided to try and see if there was another way to get in the higher floors. 
It turned out that there was a broken window and I could hear someone coughing and calling a name. I got in immediately and helped the woman to get on her feet, she said in between fits of cough that her daughter was trapped. 
I rushed to get the woman safe on the street and as I was getting her out of the window I said “I’m gonna get your daughter, but I need you to stay safe ok? She’ll need someone to get back to” the woman nodded and I quickly set her down with the fireman and went in for her daughter.
She was young, no older than 5, I lifted what was blocking her door, but everything was crumbling down, I told her to lie down and luckily she did right away, I brought her slowly through the pieces of wood and god knows what more that was there, got her in my arms and we both flew out of the window. I got the little girl safe and sound on the ground and her mother rushed to us with tears on her face. 
I looked at the firemen, “is there anyone else inside?” 
“Not that we know of, Spiderman is still inside, though”
I got back inside and there he was, was that a wall and a beam on top of him? I lifted it up, got it away from him but he wasn’t getting up. 
“Crap!” I said as I wrapped my arm over his waist and got his arm over my shoulder I noticed a gash on his side, just below his rib cage. There must have been a sharp edge on the steel beam that was on top of him seconds ago, so I carried him away from the scene, to the top of a building and I was freaking out the whole time up. 
“Shit, did it have to happen on my first day?”
”My thoughts exactly” I almost dropped him and all but yelped when he startled me. 
“You okay?” I was still worried, okay? I had never had a scare like that. 
“I will be” he had the audacity to shrug! Who almost dies and then shrugs it off like ‘oh yeah that happens on a daily basis’, I guess he was kinda used to it but still! 
“Okay,  I’m gonna take you somewhere so we can get that wound sorted out.” 
Thank god I had had first aid classes, Steve clearly knew his shit, even if he is a bit over the top sometimes. Spiderman seemed to want to argue but decided against it when he tried to straighten up and almost doubled over in pain. 
I got him in the original position we arrived here in with his arm over my shoulders and my arm around his middle and headed to the top of my apartment building, sat him down, rushed inside to get the first aid kit and went back up, he was still there, but I bet he tried to leave by the way he was clutching his side.
“Okay,” I said as I made my presence known “I have the kit, you may need to get the top of your suit off” he did the eyebrow rising eye mask moving thingy again, I rolled my eyes. 
"Not the mask, just the top part of your suit so I can assess the damage, jerk”
“Hey! I didn’t even say anything!” He protested. 
“You didn’t have to,” I answered.
“Good to know I’m this good at silently expressing my emotions, uh?” I snorted, it was my turn to arch my brow at him. He got his arms up as if he surrendered. 
He pressed the spider in the middle of his chest and suddenly his suit was loose and he got the top part off. The wound wasn’t looking so good even if I could see it was already healing slowly and steady. 
I got it cleaned up, applied some ointment and bandaged him up. I helped him get up, put his suit back on and asked, “Do you need help getting home?” I knew he would decline, but I felt better asking anyway. 
“Nah, someone patched me up real nice just now” 
“Oh, poor them, you must suck as a patient”
“Maybe it’s the other way around” I could listen the smile on his voice.
“The audacity of the youth these days,” I said laughing. 
“Thank you,” he said as he set out his webbing to the nearest building while waving. 
“See you, Spidey”
I went back inside, got out of the suit and smiled to myself, overall it had been a rocky but good first day. I went to bed later that night, after doing all my homework, and definitely didn’t think about how muscled Spiderman was underneath that suit. 
Nope, it didn’t even cross my mind.
tag list: @falling-stars-never-cry @gabriella-superwholock-universe
If you want to be tagged in the next chapter just let me know!
masterpost with all my works
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