#iron bull
pisscrossiant · 1 day
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Merrill brings it, Sera brings snacks, Leliana brings various bongs/pipes (she has a collection) and Iron Bull is just Iron Bull.
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incorrectdaquotes · 3 days
Solas: If you bite it and you die, it's poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it's venomous. Sera: What if it bites me and it dies? Solas: That means you're poisonous. By the fade, pay attention! Varric: What if it bites itself and I die? Solas: ...That's blood magic. Cassandra: What if it bites itself and someone else dies? Solas: That's correlation, not causation. Cullen: What if we bite each other and neither of us die? The Iron Bull: That's kinky.
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dragonageannual · 13 hours
DAA 2025: Legacies Product Previews!
It's almost time! Our 2025 shop opens in just five short days on October 1st. Check out the product previews below for a sneak peek at the amazing creations on offer!
All proceeds from 2025 sales will be donated to War Child UK.
👉 Follow us on itch.io to be the first to know when our shop opens 👉 Subscribe to our newsletter for spoiler-free DAA news! 👉 Give back to the Dragon Age community by donating toward a Community Copy! More information coming soon.
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Dragon Age Annual 2025: Legacies
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A Dragon Age Annual classic! We're excited to say that this year the calendar comes with a pre-punched hole so that you can easily hang and display the beautiful creative works inside. Our calendar celebrates your favourite characters, stories, and all there is to love about Thedas. With designs that span the entire Dragon Age franchise, there's sure to be something you'll want to see!
Keep reading to see previews for Sagas: A DAA 2025 Zine and our merchandise pack, including art prints, mini tarot cards, stickers & sticker sheets, magnets, and a wooden charm!
Sagas: A DAA 2025 Zine
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Featuring 4 full-length fanfics, 2 comics, and 7 art pieces, this booklet celebrates even more of Thedas' myths, legends, and heroes. From Grey Wardens to The Qun to ancient and Dalish elves, you won't want to miss out on this one-of-a-kind anthology!
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Decorate your home and make sure your guests know you'd rather be in Thedas with these art prints featuring our favorite Seeker, Cassandra Pentaghast, and the fabled Emerald Knights! Keep an eye out for our stretch goals to find out how to get these prints upgraded to A4-sized 👀
Mini Tarot Cards
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Divine your Dragon Age destiny with our set of four mini tarot cards! Featuring the new DAA logo on the back, flip the cards over to find that your future holds four brand new fanart designs.
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Water bottle looking a little bare? Or maybe you need to decorate your new laptop? Either way, we have a sticker extravaganza to suit your needs! *Unlock The Broken Arrow for all physical orders with one of our stretch goals. **Unlock Iron Bull Planner Stickers for all physical calendar orders with one of our stretch goals.
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Satisfy the demands of the Qun by picking up this magnet set! Featuring Qunari legends, Sten and The Iron Bull, these button magnets will make sure no space on your fridge—or wherever you display them—is wasted.
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Purchase of this charm includes a golden bead ball-chain, so it can easily be used as a key chain or zipper pull! If a necklace is more your style, simply pair the conveniently sized and lightweight charm with your own chain or cord and wear to show off your Andrastian pride!
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emopulco · 2 days
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something good
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daitranscripts · 3 days
Iron Bull Conversation: Specialization
Iron Bull Masterpost
Iron Bull: You’ve been training. You’re really making the most out of that armor.
Iron Bull (Qunari PC): It’s funny. Most people as big as you and me focus more on offence. Iron Bull (non-Qunari PC): I focus more on offence, myself.
Iron Bull: Only so much defense I can do, right? I’m quite big. It’s not like they’re gonna miss me. What about you? What made you decide to turtle up?
Dialogue options:
General: I’m focused on teamwork. [1]
General: My offense was fine. [2] +Iron Bull slightly approves
General: I want to be unkillable. [3] +Iron Bull slightly approves
1 - General: I’m focused on teamwork. PC: I can take more punishment than most. I thought I might as well play to that and draw enemy fire. Iron Bull: Taking one for the team, huh? Well, we appreciate it. Just don’t get yourself killed. You’re the only one of us who can seal rifts. [4]
2 - General: My offense was fine. PC: I wasn’t having trouble putting enemies on the ground, but I was taking a lot of hits. I’m training to make sure I stay toe to toe when the fight gets ugly. Iron Bull: Hard to argue with that. [4]
3 - General: I want to be unkillable. PC: I want to take the hardest blow an enemy can land, look him in the eye, and laugh. Iron Bull: (Laughs.) Nice. And while you do that, I can move in on the flank and hamstring him. Killing an enemy is good, but embarrassing him first is even better. [4]
4 - Scene continues.
Iron Bull: Anyway, did you need anything, or just come by to talk shop?
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Kiss the cook - part 2
Part 1
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okthisway · 3 months
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What are you doing, Solas?
inspired by this incredible Iron Bull and Solas chess game edit by LethallanTV
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kinascorner · 3 months
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In Memoriam of the 3 party member system😔, a curated selection of some of my favorite three-way dialogues.
100% support the devs on doing what they need to to balance gameplay, and i'm excited to try the new combat system, but I'll miss the surprise additions to chatter.
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briccko · 2 months
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Everyone is here!!!
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I think it's funny that when Cassandra gathers ppl to save the world you get the (mostly) het Inquisition. But when Varric gathers people it's always a wild pack of deranged fruits, AKA the DA2 crew minus Sebastian (the dlc straight) and the Veilguard minus Solas (status pending)
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Idk what to put as a ending post image so here's Varric with his cleavage out
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bemp0 · 2 months
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Miscallenous DAI sketch dump
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vaguely-concerned · 3 months
the fact that iron bull opens his recruitment conversation with pretending he doesn't quite remember the name of the the inquisition's ambassador. Jose-what's-her-name-again. he's just a big dumb jock no thoughts head empty mercenary who likes fighting and drinking don't worry about lil old me inquisitor! I'll hit things for you if you'd like as long as you pay me! ],) and then right after he reveals he's a spy he drops that he knows not only the name of your spymaster and how she operates but also her haircolour. (but like in a safely bro-y way tho! make that fighting and drinking and fucking! I'll be useful to you but in a real meathead non-threatening kind of way I'll be too busy bedding chantry sisters to do any real harm ],) continue to not worry about lil old me inquisitor!)
god bull you're so multidimensionally and fine-tunedly full of shit I love you so much fhdksah
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orientalld · 4 days
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westlywheatly · 3 months
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daitranscripts · 3 days
Iron Bull Cutscene
Dragon Hunting
Iron Bull Masterpost
If the PC kills a dragon and Bull isn’t in the party Iron Bull: So you killed a dragon, and you didn’t bring me along. It’s fine, I know how it goes. You gotta have the team you’re comfortable with for the big jobs. Still, you find another one out there, I’m happy to help. Always wanted to go up against one of the big guys.
If Bull is in the party when a dragon is fought
Approaching a dragon Iron Bull: Looks like Dragon territory. Oh, this is gonna be good.
When the dragon appears Iron Bull: Oh, would you look at that! That is magnificent!
During the fight
Iron Bull: (Shouts)
Iron Bull: Oh, yeah! Look at that! Taarsidath-an halsaam!
When Bull takes damage
Iron Bull: (Grunts.)
Iron Bull: I’m okay!
Iron Bull: Still worth it!
When the dragon is defeated This… is the greatest day of my life! Did you all see that? (Shouts.)
The PC speaks to Bull back at Skyhold
Iron Bull: Inquisitor! Come have a drink!
Iron Bull: To killing a high dragon like warriors of legend!
1 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: What is this? [2]
General: I’m not drinking that. [3]
General: [Drink.] [4] +Iron Bull approves
2 - Investigate: What is this? PC: What exactly am I supposed to be drinking? Iron Bull: Maraas-lok. PC: What does that mean? Iron Bull: It means drink! [back to 1]
3 - General: I’m not drinking that. PC: No offence, Bull, but I think you’re on your own. Iron Bull: Ah, suit yourself. Scene ends.
4 - General: [Drink.] PC: (Swallows.) Iron Bull: I know, right? Put some chest on your chest.
Iron Bull: That little gurgle right before it spat fire? And that roar. What I wouldn’t give to roar like that. The way the ground shook when it landed. The smell of fires burning… Taarsidath-an halsaam. You know Qunari hold dragons sacred? Well, as much as we hold anything sacred.
Iron Bull: Here, your turn.
5 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: What was that Qunari phrase? [6]
General: I’m done drinking. [7]
General: [Drink.] [8] +Iron Bull approves
6 - Investigate: What was that Qunari phrase? PC: That thing you just said. You shouted it during the fight, too. What does it mean? Iron Bull: Oh, taarsidath-an halsaam? Closest translation would be, “I will bring myself sexual pleasure later, while thinking about this with great respect.” PC: You shouted that while it was breathing fire at us. Iron Bull: I know, right? (Grunts.) [back to 5]
7 - General: I’m done drinking. PC: I think I’m finished, thanks. Iron Bull: Really? Really. (Chuckles.) More for me, then. Scene ends.
8 - General: [Drink.] PC: (Swallows.) Iron Bull: Yeah! The second cup’s easier. Most of the nerves in your throat are dead after the first one.
Iron Bull: Ataashi. “The glorious ones.” That’s our word for them. Ataaaaasheeeeeee.
9 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: Why are dragons sacred? [10]
General: I’m sorry we had to kill it. [11]
General: Now I feel awkward. [12]
General: They’re just beasts. [13] -Iron Bull slightly disapproves
10 - Investigate: Why are dragons sacred? PC: Why do you think the Qunari think of dragons that way? Iron Bull: Well, you know how we have horns? We kind of look more… dragony… than most people. Maybe it’s that. But a few of the Ben-Hassrath have this crazy old theory. See, the tamassrans control who we mate with. They breed us for jobs like you’d breed dogs or horses. What if they mixed in some dragon a long time ago? Maybe drinking the blood, maybe magic. I don’t know. But something in that dragon we killed… spoke to me. [back to 9]
11 - General: I’m sorry we had to kill it. PC: It’s a shame we had to kill the dragon. Iron Bull: Damn good fight. [14]
12 - General: Now I feel awkward. PC: When you put it like that, I’m worried I killed one of your gods or something. Iron Bull: Nah. One of Tevinter’s gods, maybe. They worshipped dragons, right? Kill the shit out of them all you like. [14]
13 - General: They’re just beasts. PC: Dragons are big and powerful, but they’re just animals. Iron Bull: They’re more than that. Shit, the Vints used to worship the damn things. [14]
14 - Scene continues.
Iron Bull: Dragons are the embodiment of raw power. But it’s all uncontrolled, savage… So they need to be destroyed. Taming the wild. Order out of chaos. Have another drink.
Dialogue options:
General: I’m really done. [15]
General: [Drink.] [16] +Iron Bull approves
15 - General: I’m really done. PC: I’ve had more than enough already. Iron Bull: Your loss!
16 - General: [Drink.] PC: (Swallows.) Iron Bull: (Laughs.) Nice! To dragons! (Swallows.)
Dialogue options:
Flirt: To you. [17] +Iron Bull slightly approves
General: To good fights. [18] +Iron Bull slightly approves
General: To bringing order. [19] +Iron Bull slightly approves
General: To bad drinks. [20] +Iron Bull slightly approves
17 - Flirt: To you. PC: To the Iron Bull. Iron Bull: And his ass-kicking Inquisitor.
If romanced/slept with Bull Iron Bull: Hey. Hey, kadan, listen. I always want to say this, and I never can when we’re off saving the world.
Iron Bull (female PC): You’ve got fantastic tits. Iron Bull (male PC): You’ve got a fantastic ass.
PC: Awwww. Scene ends.
18 - General: To good fights. PC: To finding the biggest, baddest things in the world and showing them that we’re badder. Iron Bull: Anaan! Scene ends.
19 - General: To bringing order. PC: To building order out of chaos… even if it means killing some dragons along the way. Iron Bull: Even. “Even if?” Especially if! Scene ends.
20 - General: To bad drinks. PC: To whatever this is, and the hangover it’s going to give me tomorrow. Iron Bull: Anaan! Scene ends.
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nokdunal · 2 months
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saw this on twitter and couldn't stop laughing
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