#is Jax about to be eaten by Fudge Monster
urlocalcookie · 5 months
Part 2 of the screenshots I took from the episode 2 trailer because that shit went by in the video WAY too fast for me to properly a b s o r b
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emmasue88 · 4 months
So ya’ll know Jax from the amazing digital circus? My gf hates him, and I love him, which is probably partially why she hates him, but that’s besides the point. I’m gonna rant about him and why I think he’s such a violent jerk.
In episode 2 specifically, I think Jax is just turning to violence and anything adrenaline inducing to escape having to think, because if there’s constantly conflict, then there’s no time in which he can be left alone with his own mind. The thought that he’s just super self absorbed and cares about his own well being doesn’t really sit right because of multiple things. He’s gotta be smarter than he lets on with his ability to manipulate others and enter places he shouldn’t be allowed to with keys he shouldn’t even have, so that means he should know full well that being cocky when talking to huge scary alien creatures (like the gloinks queen in the pilot) or making random deals with unhinged fudge monsters (that were very much willing to eat him had Ragatha not spoken up) is very much just a death wish, but he does it anyways. Now, it may be true that you can’t really die in the digital circus, but I’m pretty sure you can still feel pain, so why was bro still not even a little scared of being eaten alive? Simple. Because he doesn’t think anything matters so he doesn’t give a frick about his own wellbeing, or about anything. So why does he still run from danger then? Because even if he thinks he doesn’t give a frick, or wishes he doesn’t, he’s still scared and he still cares, because he’s still human. And he probably hates that, probably thinks it’s stupid to care or still feel scared even though he knows everything is all meaningless. But I’m sure he also knows that even if it’s stupid, he can’t change the fact he’s got human emotions. Like someone that’s suicidal but afraid of death. Even though he knows it doesn’t make sense to care and he doesn’t want to care, he does, and he hates it. A nihilist at mind but not at heart.
To cope with the fact that everything is meaningless yet he still can’t let go, he does anything and everything to stay entertained and not think about it, even if it’s at other’s expenses, which in turn makes him a jerk, so to cope with the guilt that comes with the fact he’s a jerk, he reminds himself that everything is meaningless anyways so it doesn’t matter that he’s a jerk, but he still feels awful and can’t let go of it despite knowing everything is meaningless, which brings us back to square one, to cope with the fact that everything is meaningless yet he still can’t let go, he does anything and everything to stay entertained and not think about it. It’s a cycle that feeds itself.
In other words, my man is a special type of self destructive, he’s has a, or rather he THINKS he’s has a “all life is worthless and meaningless, so just have fun because otherwise there’s no point in living at all” type attitude that I used to know way too well. It’s both self absorbed and self destructive. He’s living off of nothing but thrill, so he’ll do anything to chase that thrill, because without it, why even exist? Without it, there’s nothing to distract him from how pathetic he is. And any distraction is better than having to deal with that, even if it’s a violent distraction.
(Side note, his extra enthusiasm for violence in episode two could also be partially so he didn’t have to think about the fact he was actually upset Kaufmo was gone, which would explain the slight flash of pain when his funeral was brought up, because it’s exactly what Jax was trying to run from and forget about completely.)
I think his situation is just the louder and more chaotic you are, the harder it becomes for you to think about the situation you’re in, and the more time you spend planning evil things, the less time you have to spend planning your own doom or something (Plus bonus points if you already think you’re awful to begin with so you just keep being more awful since you believe there’s no chance of redemption anyways or if you’re a guilty sadist.) So why is he such an impulsive jerk? Because he doesn’t like to think. And when he does think, he’s busy thinking about schemes and planning how to make things more chaotic and distracting so he doesn’t have to think about life, not thinking about other people’s feelings. I can’t blame him tbh, thinking is hard lol (/hj)
Jax is a wonderful mix of wannabe nihilist, hopelessness, and “I feel like I’m the worst so I always act like I’m the best”. I love him.
Either that or he’s just a narcissist with a death wish. In which I still love him because I’m just that messed up.
Edit: I definitely over analyzed this. So I’m gonna go and over analyze it even further *edits and adds in like 5 more paragraphs*
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clemblog · 5 months
Caine’s Lesson - Part 4
“Alright Lou, we need to try and find our way out of here. T-This place is gonna collapse eventually-“ Hummed Pomni, wringing her hands together as she tried to figure out what to do.
“Yeah… Where do we go then?” Asked Lou, softly.
“I… I don’t know- Just where ever the road takes us I suppose- Just- Somewhere safe.”
“Definitely somewhere safe- Let’s just figure out a way out of here first-“
“R-Right, right-“
“Do you think you could do that uh falling thing again? You know, how you fell through the ceiling to get to me?”
“U-Uhm… I could try? What about you?”
“Could you pull me with you?”
“I-I could try-“
“That’s all I want you to do, Poms.”
Pomni took a deep breath, staring up at the floor boards where she’d clipped in. She could figure this out. For Lou’s sake. For her new friend.
Jax hated to admit it, but things had kinda gone down hill since Pomni had been sent off by Caine.
Ragatha wouldn’t shut up.
Zooble and Gangle had gotten very buddy buddy-
And Kinger was well- Kinger.
“I don’t want to hear your rescue plan, Dollface, you’ve already told me it-“
“But Jax, if you just-“
“I don’t know what’s worse, this or listening to Zooble try to get into Gangle’s ribbon-“
“Jax! The digital circus is open to everyone-“
“I know, I know! You don’t have to tell me so-“
“Yeah! So, you can’t just say that about Gangle and Zooble, just because they like each other-“
“Woah, woah, Raggedy Ann, are you implying you think I’m homophobic- I am hurt that you think so low of me~”
“…That wasn’t you being a [——]?”
“No, that was me being an AroAce [——-] and comparing your insane rambles to Ganoobles slowly growing romance arc-“
“Anywho, your plan sucks [—-]”
“…Yes Bubble?”
“When are you going back to the circus? Aren’t they gonna need a new adventure soon?”
“…The circus can find its own adventures for the moment.”
“Wha- Why? You’re the ring master! They can’t function without you-“
“Pomni’s doing just fine.”
“…Yeah- But that doesn’t mean-“
“So, they don’t need me. Especially when all I do is upset them.”
“You don’t mean to upset them-! You’re a learning AI- You’re just learning-“
“Yet I still upset them.”
“Just tell them-“
“It’s not an excuse Bubble-“
“So apologise then-“
“Why not-!?”
“…Because I don’t want too.”
“If I apologise, that means I’m wrong. And I can’t be wrong. I’m the all powerful Caine. Ringmaster. God. All knowing AI. So. I won’t. They’ll come grovelling for my return eventually. Even Pomni. I will be the only AI that matters to them all. And I will regain my purpose.”
Bubble had been friends with Caine for as long as she could remember. But she didn’t feel safe with him right now. The exile of Pomni had lost her, her best friend. So, the next time Caine spaced out, thinking of only he knew what. Bubble slipped away, disappearing to Pomni’s room and curling up on the end of her bed.
Pomni wasn’t here but she could dream she was.
Caine wasn’t acting normal but she could dream he was.
Something was wrong but she could dream that everything was okay.
Pomni had seen the insides of items and assets she’d never wanted to see before. But at least now she and Lou were out of the basement. Now it was just time to get out of the kingdoms ruins.
Hopefully without losing Lou to the Fudge Monster…
She was drawn from her thoughts at the feeling of Lou’s trembling hand in her own. She had to be brave. She had to protect her.
Lou was stood mere meters away from the creature that had ruined her kingdom and eaten her citizens. If Pomni was in her position, she’d be frozen in place.
So, she had to be brave. Even if it was hard.
Her name was Poms, and she would be the Saviour of this world.
…For Gummigoo.
“Alright, Lou. F-First, we’re gonna duck over to that building.” Spoke Pomni, softly, looking up to Lou.
“O-Okay Poms.” Nodded Lou, staying close to her side.
The pair were able to successfully get to the next crumbled building. Only a few more to go. It was hard at times. Listening to the booming voice of the fudge monster as the pair did their best to stay quiet and steady their breath.
“Come on Lou. We’re almost their-“
“I don’t know if I can do this Poms-“
“You can!”
“I- don’t know-“
“Please? Come on… You and I both know that so many of your citizens would want to be in your place right now-“
“Instead their sat in the belly of a beast. Don’t give up… Please? For them?”
“…Alright. Let’s go.”
Pomni ran as fast as she could, eyes set on the gates. …They weren’t really gates anymore- The rubble under her feet quickly turned into the soft supple sweet sand of the world.
Lou was smiling.
She felt safe.
Pomni had helped her.
Pomni had made her feel safe.
And nothing had gone wrong!
Part 5
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loveevery1ne · 5 months
So after I had a look at the new TADC trailer for episode 2 I came up with maybe something that happens.
So episode starts with pomni in her room. She has a bad dream where she gets abstracted. I believe this because in the pilot she gets her hand abstracted and sees the cellar so she definitely has a nightmare about it.
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She also stumbles out of her bed probably a reaction to it then the episode starts. They end up having another adventure but zooble sits this one out I believe since we see her in none of the clips. They end up getting teleported to candy canyon kingdom
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Then I think their objective is to get a key that the lizard gang has and bring it back to the princess which makes sense when shown this
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Which is probably a end scene where they complete the adventure. So back to the start they get there and try to get the key from the gummy gang. They get to the kingdom on the gummy carriage
And princess tells them their objective. She gives them a car to go in and that’s when the chase starts
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Pomni jumps on to hopefully retrieve the key but ultimately ends up falling off due to the spinning since gummy gator noticed her on the car
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That’s when Jax pulls out the gun to shoot the gummy gang
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I believe that’s where the other photo came from and he starts to shoot at them but ends up making gangle crash and that’s where Ragatha get mad and also where they almost get eaten by the fudge monster. Gangle and max end up capturing one of the gummy gang and the others go to get the rest. It would make sense since the scene where they seem to be on look out. They end up getting the keys and finishing their adventure.
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deltaheartsstuff · 5 months
SPOILERS (little thing about amazing digital circus episode 2)
So just wanted to do a random talk about episode 2 and with a certain character cause i just had alot of thoughts and i wanted to get them out in a post.
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so i just wanna say Gummigoo despite what happened to him is probably my new favorite tadc character maybe along side Pomni to. The two worked well together especially with the themes.
so it was very sad to see him go so do hope to see him again even if his npc isn't like how it was before (could bring some interesting conflict like Pomni telling what happened to Gummigoo even though he isn't the same Gummigoo)
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Just wanted to ramble and say though i honestly sort of got the vibes that he was going to die when he found his way into the developer room (i think thats what it was called) since i do kind of know what kind of show this is. though i was thinking something like maybe ether he somehow abstracts like Kaufmo did or maybe getting eaten by the Fudge monsters.
So when he managed to get back to the circus i had a moment of (oh i guess he will live, maybe he'll be a side character in the camp grounds)
than a second later Caine snapped the poor dude from existence. Like the show literally gave me a false sense of hope which i both love and hate but damn makes me really sad for Gummigoo.
Will say though i am very curious to what Caine means when with the whole not letting npc's roam around the circus thing since he and bubbles are to see idk what makes Gummigoo and the others different maybe some revolt could happen but who knows. (seen theories floating around suggesting that one of the main cast is an npc and honestly i kind of doubt that since the main cast all have doors so think that means they were humans)
(also kind of ship Pomni and Gummigoo together not gonna lie don't judge please its far better than Jax x Pomni anyways)
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