#israel under fire
matan4il · 2 months
I'm still in shock.
Our Holocaust museum has just released a statement mourning the death of my colleague, Alex Dancyg. That's how I just found out that he and another hostage have been confirmed as having been killed months ago in Hamas captivity, and their bodies are still held hostage.
We just observed Alex's 76th birthday yesterday, not knowing he will forever be 75 years old.
Alex was born in Poland in 1948, to parents who had survived the Holocaust. He was a peace supporter. He was a man of humor, and a lover of Yiddish. He was a husband, father and grandpa. He was a farmer with a deep connection to the land. He was passionate about learning in general, and loved sharing his knowledge generously with everyone he knew. He had heart problems and was not receiving his medications from Hamas. He was a true educator about the Holocaust, helping to establish youth trips to Poland, to teach the youth about the horrors of the genocide against the Jews that took place there, but also about Jewish life in Poland before all hell broke loose. He was an educator against the kind of hatred that led to the Holocaust. It's hard to accept that this type of hatred killed him, too.
Goodbye, Alex. May your memory be a blessing. Actually, I know it will be. You'll forever be with us. 💔
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(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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dragoneyes618 · 6 months
"The real question is not why people are silent on Gaza (they're not), but why they seem so much more agitated by this war than by any other of recent times. There's been a tsunami of media coverage on Gaza. Far more than there was for the Saudi-Yemen war, every African war of recent years, or the horrific return of Azerbaijan-Armenia hostilities last year. Our activist class have obsessively devoted themselves to the cause of Gaza, to the exclusion of every other issue on earth.
Where were these people when tens of thousands of Muslims, including Palestinians, were slaughtered in the war with Syria? Or when the mullahs of Iran massacred hundreds of their own citizens for the sin of standing up for women's rights? Do the lives of young women in Iran who want to show their hair in public have a "different value" to the lives of people in Gaza? The lives of Syrian dissidents?
Why did they not make as much noise over those violent assaults on Muslim life as they have done over Israel's war against Hamas? Because it is only when the Jewish state is involved in the loss of Muslim life that people take to the streets in vast numbers."
- Brendan O'Neil, Spectator-UK, January 25
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fundsformygrandpa · 1 year
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Hello! My name is Daniel. I am currently reaching out to the Tumblr community to request assistance. Regretfully, my grandfather Meir passed away in a Hamas shelling during the ongoing conflict. We are looking to fly his body to the United States as a majority of our family lives here in the states and it's unsafe to be kept there, but the cost is too much for our family at the moment (estimated to be about $4k, our family has covered about 2kish). We are currently looking for methods of crowdfunding, and my sister suggested I hop on Tumblr and ask the community! I've never used Tumblr so I have no clue if i'm doing this right or not.
We are attempting to set up a GoFundMe, but the fundraiser is going through a verification process, so for now we are accepting donations through CashApp. If you feel inclined to help out, you can send any donations to $mechenglover2, not asking for anything big but if you have an extra dollar anything helps. If you don't wish to donate that is ok! But please share this with friends and family. :)
Thank you all for taking the time to read our story,
Daniel 🇮🇱❤️
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psychologeek · 11 months
(2 missiles being countered by Iron Dome (Kipat Barzel) by my home, this afternoon).
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I got this pic while running to shelter. Yes, I know I shouldn't stop for a quick pic.
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Yes, I know it's dangerous.
But I was tired and they woke me up and I wasn't thinking properly.
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(I took it about a second before getting to shelter. The blast wave hit, like, 2 seconds after I got in. That was very loud and violent, but could be worse.)
Anyway, I'm tired 😩😩
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emotionsmgcbabe · 10 months
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pinkyberet · 11 months
Peace For Israel
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Please, Can We Have Peace? 🙏
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bimdraws · 5 months
Ver "Woman renounces her Israeli citizenship due to Gaza tragedy" en YouTube
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shinekocreator · 1 year
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Some more dumb antisemitic comments on Instagram
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northgazaupdates · 2 months
Heartbreaking news out of north Gaza today
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We write to inform you that renowned journalist Ismail Al-Ghoul and cameraman Ramy El-Rifi of Al-Jazeera were murdered just a few hours ago by the occupation. They were going out to document the scene of another bombing attack, when they were deliberately targeted by the occupation. Footage provided by journalist Osama Al-Ashi in the immediate aftermath of the attack shows that Ismail and Ramy were murdered with targeted precision weaponry, meaning the occupation watched them, waited for them, and executed them in cold blood (warning: graphic footage).
Ismail and Ramy have been documenting the genocide at immense personal cost since the 7th of October 2023. They were previously kidnapped and tortured by the occupation, but survived and continued to remain in north Gaza and document crimes against humanity. They have had many narrow escapes, and today, the occupation was finally successful in its illegal goal of assassinating these prominent journalists.
When western journalists hand-wave their suppression of the IOF’s atrocities in Gaza by claiming no journalists are “allowed” in to report, remember these men. Remind them of these men. These men who lost friends and loved ones, who suffered immensely, and yet chose to remain and continue documenting the genocide against their people. They join the ranks of more than 150 Gazan journalists who were murdered by the occupation to hide its crimes and retaliate for speaking the truth.
حسبنا الله و نعم الوكيل
أنا لله و أنا اليه رجعون
God suffices us and he is the best disposer of affairs. We belong to God and to Him we shall return.
Keep fighting for Gaza. Don’t stop talking about north Gaza.
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matan4il · 5 months
I'm gonna put it as simply and blatantly as possible.
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Russia in 2022 attacked another Eurovision participant and made a whole bunch of other contestant countries scared of being attacked next, after already having attacked a fellow competitor in 2008 -> Russia got banned from Eurovision
Ukraine in 2022 got attacked, had its civilians targeted intentionally, did not choose to start the war, has no record of past attacks against ESC contestants, and is not currently posing a threat to any other Eurovision participating country -> Ukraine did not get banned
Israel in 2023 got attacked, had its civilians targeted intentionally, did not choose to start the war, has no record of past attacks against ESC contestants, and is not currently posing a threat to any other Eurovision participating country -> Israel did not get banned
There isn't a double standard, except for people who insist on not following the geopolitical logic. Same ones who didn't use Ukraine's retaliation activities against Russia as justification to get Ukraine banned, but are doing that to Israel, usually with a side dish of false, hyperbolic accusations that have nothing to do with reality.
The only flags allowed are of participating countries and the pride flag. The American flag is therefore banned. The Mexican flag. The Japanese, the Korean, the Nigerian flags. The world doesn't actually revolve around Palestinians, they're not actually the ultimate victims, and honestly, it's offensive they're cast that way when there are conflicts far worse and bloodier than the current war in Gaza, not to mention it takes away attention and help from them, to make everything constantly about the Palestinians.
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Meanwhile, this is supposed to be the rule. Outside the performance hall, but within the borders of the Eurovision village, a visiting Israeli comedian called Guy Hochman was assaulted for walking around with the Israeli flag. Swedish police intervened, but they didn't act against the anti-Israel protesters who attacked and spat on Guy, they stopped him from openly carrying the Israeli flag. He asked why are they not allowing it, even though the flag is of a participating country, in accordance with the rules. He was told it's too dangerous. He then asked why are Palestinian flags not being removed, if they're banned according to contest rules, and was told that in Sweden, freedom of speech is above anything else. He was also grilled about whether he's Jewish by the Swedish policemen. Why was his flag denied, then? Why was his freedom of speech not protected, why was his Jewish identity a matter for questioning?
Another thing, the Swedish singer who ended up in third place in 2011 Eric Khaled Saade went on a childish rant crying over the Palestinian flag being banned (again, as if it's the only one), and as he was invited to perform this year, he got on stage live with a kaffiyeh tied to his left hand, even though he knew that was considered political, and therefore not allowed. Once more, he whined about it as if this is specifically against Palestinians, but you know what? The dress designers wanted to have a Star of David on the dress of the Israeli singer. She's a Jewish woman, that's a Jewish symbol, so why not represent her identity? But they were told that's "political." And you know what the Israeli delegation did? Followed the rules. You won't see the Star of David on Eden's dress. When they were told not to wear the hostage pin, because that's "political"? They followed the rules. When the Israeli song writers were told that their song, expressing Israeli pain, is "too political," what did they do? Followed the rules, they changed the lyrics. And you don't hear them crying about it all over social media and the news.
Not to mention, Eric Saade had no problem kissing the ass of Israeli fans back in 2011, when he competed and needed their votes. Was his dad less Palestinian back then? By the way, Israeli fans didn't hold his identity against him, they didn't demand he be questioned about Palestinian terrorists, or what his stance is on Hamas, they didn't drag politics into it, they focused on music and culture connecting people across borders and identities (as the ESC is supposed to do), and Israel gave its 12 points in both the semi and the final to Eric Saade that year. How did he repay those fans? Campaigning to ban Israel (and therefore them) from the contest, because he's incapable of seeing them as people first, and political rivals second, or maybe even (God forbid!) not at all...
It all smells like hypocrisy to me. But we all know this post won't get anywhere near the exposure (through likes and reblogs) that the lying, self-centered, hypocritical anti-Israel posts do. Doesn't matter. I'll still be here, speaking the truth.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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dragoneyes618 · 8 months
"There is no future for the Jewish People or the State of Israel in a world in which an army of terror can reduce whole families to human ash and get away with it.
No future if Hamas emerges free and emboldened to do it again, as the hate parades through London want it to emerge from this war it started.
And so we fight, not because we want to, but because we must.
We don't want the world's sympathy. Israel exists because we're sick of its tears..."
- Israeli government spokesman Eylon Levy in a speech given at Trafalgar Square in London, January 17
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malificandy · 3 months
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psychologeek · 7 days
I'm doing the Shabbat (staying over for weekend) with my family at the north.
So far over 150 missiles towards the Galilee and Golan.
Asked to stay near shelter.
Zfad really is putting the Fun in Funeral:
A missile went swimming (a fall in public swimming pool in Zfad).
Another one fell by a playground, causing a wildfire.
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If this looks familiar, you might be thinking about another playground, in Majdal Shams. A playground where 12 kids were murdered by Hamas rocket, not even a month ago
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This is a house in Metula (photo yesterday)
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For the actual fun part:
Oh, lovely childhood memories.
Back in MY days, we were just called "Toshvey Hatzafon" (North residents) and not "Mefunim" (departed/displaced/evacuated). And got special discounts and free entry to the Safari in ramat Gan, just to meet the entire neighborhood there with us LOL.
For all the younglings that don't know what I'm talking about -
The song that predicted the future!
(Just realised this song can legally drink now???)
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emotionsmgcbabe · 1 year
Free israel and Gaza from the Hamas
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eyeonpalestine · 7 months
BREAKING: Israel is currently bombing Syria’s capital city of Damascus, targeting residential areas.
Within a single day alone, Israel has dropped bombs Gaza, South Lebanon and Syria.
This is not victim behavior.
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This is terrorism.
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its-zaina · 4 months
Tokyo 🇵🇸
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