Just Israeli things 🤩
Being woken up to this rocket alarm means that every name is a city under rocket sirens alert. People in bomb shelters.
Israeli mutuals I hope you’re all safe!!
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secular-jew · 2 days
The very focused outcomes of operation of beeper blast.
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originalscreenname · 18 hours
I remember the day after October 7th people gathered in Sydney and cheered "gas the Jews"
Please dont goysplain to me and gaslight me that rhis conflict and that the treatment that Israel and its Citizens recieve isnt about antisemitism
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ladelbarrio · 2 days
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Eden Asia Saban for ITM | photographer: Dor Sharon
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heritageposts · 8 months
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🇵🇸 From BDS - What to Boycott:
Fruits, vegetables and wines from Israel are often wrongly labelled as “Produce in Israel” when they come from stolen Palestinian land. Boycott all produce from Israel in your supermarket and demand they are removed from shelves.
thank you @leandra-winchester for making the graphic above! if any of you are active on other social platforms, you have her permission to use the image however you want (no credit required)
keep in mind, though, that this isn't a complete list: you should still check the origin labels on other types of fruit and veggies, and see if any local orgs have produced a more complete breakdown of israeli produce that's specific to your country
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david-goldrock · 2 months
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When you see an "antizionist jew" remember what you are looking at
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matan4il · 2 months
I'm still in shock.
Our Holocaust museum has just released a statement mourning the death of my colleague, Alex Dancyg. That's how I just found out that he and another hostage have been confirmed as having been killed months ago in Hamas captivity, and their bodies are still held hostage.
We just observed Alex's 76th birthday yesterday, not knowing he will forever be 75 years old.
Alex was born in Poland in 1948, to parents who had survived the Holocaust. He was a peace supporter. He was a man of humor, and a lover of Yiddish. He was a husband, father and grandpa. He was a farmer with a deep connection to the land. He was passionate about learning in general, and loved sharing his knowledge generously with everyone he knew. He had heart problems and was not receiving his medications from Hamas. He was a true educator about the Holocaust, helping to establish youth trips to Poland, to teach the youth about the horrors of the genocide against the Jews that took place there, but also about Jewish life in Poland before all hell broke loose. He was an educator against the kind of hatred that led to the Holocaust. It's hard to accept that this type of hatred killed him, too.
Goodbye, Alex. May your memory be a blessing. Actually, I know it will be. You'll forever be with us. 💔
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(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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Since the start of the war i see posts on tiktok about how many cultures makes the Israeli culture, and every time i see pro Palestine say its not true. A black Israeli Jewish explained how her family ran away to israel and live here decently. People call her a liar. That she is paid to say that. A video about a black person and a muslin and a russian guy sitting next to each other on the train and pro Palestine dont believe this.
Israel is not a white European country. Most of us not even white. Dont make the beliefs that we are another reason to hate us.
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deputy-videogamer · 7 months
No words just watch
TRIGGER WARNING: Violence, blood, graphic injuries
If you don't want watch the video the context is that Israeli soldiers shot an INNOCENT PALESTINIAN MAN who was just WALKING
The reason? Because the Israeli soldiers want to try out their NEW WEAPON where they don't have to be out in the open to shoot civilians instead they can just do it in the safety of their CAR.
Did these soldiers stop filming?
Then proceed to continue filming the video and proceeds to record the man who is BLEEDING and SCREAMING after being SHOT in the LEG
With the captions at the end of the video saying
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Whatever the outcome of this war may be, I want the world to know one thing:
I will never see Hamas as anything other than freedom fighters, Israel as anything other than a colony, and Zionists as anything other than the filth of the earth.
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hi can everyone here please STOP DEFENDING TERRORISTS
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kick-a-long · 28 days
Stuff like this is why I get so pissed off at accusations of genocide and apartheid.
Why would a genocidal country pause a war to vaccinate at least 90% of Gaza kids against polio as soon as the first case of a two year old paralyzed by type 2 poliovirus is confirmed? If they wanted gazans wiped off the earth they would keep the war going and vaccinate Israeli kids and citizens. If they wanted them dead they would never vaccinate “the enemy.” Russia wouldn’t do that.
I see you dickheads in the comments, “it’s for optics! Plus they must be worried about Jews getting it from them! That’s the only reason they want to vaccinate anyone. Plus vaccines are poison even checked by the WHO! They probably have autism in them!”
If it’s an apartheid why would Palestinians have access to the same places and bodies of water as Israelis? And if they don’t why would Israel vaccinate. The Regan administration didn’t respond to the HIV outbreak in the 80s because they hated gays and drug users and wanted them sick, spreading it, and most importantly dead. During peace time to their own citizens.
All Israel would have to do is ignore the outbreak.
Vaccines work. Polio is one of the most devastating diseases a kid can get. There’s no medication that can stop the damage once you get the virus. Lil kids die from diarrhea, are paralyzed for life and if they’re immune system doesn’t stop the paralysis at their legs it climbs up their bodies and once it hits their diaphragm (the muscle that lets you breath right under your rip cage) kids as young as a few months old to their teens will die from lack of air. Both are the absolute worst and most painful ways a person can die. Waking nightmare delusions from dehydration and low oxygen on top of the physical pain.
Nazis infected Jews with this shit intentionally to study how polio affects children. Israel is stopping in the middle of a war to end the polio outbreak when they are still trying to rescue kids so young they have spent the majority of their lives on earth in Hamas captivity. And after only one kid was confirmed with polio type 2, the one that causes paralysis.
How can it be a genocide or an apartheid when they are literally helping safeguard Palestines next generation of kids?
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secular-jew · 1 month
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The first beauty queen in Iraq was Jewish.
In 1946, Renée Rebecca Dangoor was crowned Miss Baghdad, and she became Miss Iraq the following year, making her the first and only Jewish woman to hold these titles.
Renée was born to a Jewish Baghdadi family in December 1925. Her father, Moshe Dangoor, was the son of Ezra Dangoor, a prominent rabbi in Iraq.
Iraqi Jews are one of the oldest and most historically significant Jewish communities, tracing their roots back to the Babylonian exile in the 6th century BCE. By 1948, Iraq was home to approximately 150,000 Jews. Today, nearly all have been forced to leave the country because of their Jewish identity.
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malenastefano · 10 months
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Jewish artifacts found at an excavation site in Tayma, Saudi Arabia. Tayma was a Jewish oasis during the pre-Islamic era. It was the hometown of Jewish poet Shmuel Ben Adiya, famous for his unconditional loyalty towards Prince Imru al Qais in the 6th century.
Tayma, along with Khaybar were the two most important oasis in the Hejaz region (modern Saudi Arabia) that used to have a strong jewish presence until the fall of Khaybar in 628 (4388 - 4389 in the hebrew calendar) when the first muslims conquered the fortress and expelled most of the jewish population.
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girlactionfigure · 6 months
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A world-renowned professor of Statistics & Data Science at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, Wyner provided a detailed analysis of the data from the Gaza Health Ministry, which showed that they had, at the very minimum, been doctored – and at worst, completely faked.
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david-goldrock · 4 months
Would you keep me in your closet?
When they tell you that we're the murderers of Christ, blasphemous heretics, who poison the wells and eat christian babies, would you still keep me in your closet?
When they tell you we're of an infirior race, that our presence destroys culture, that we backstabbed your country, that having kids with us will leave them with the same flaws, that we are inherently and unchanginly evil, and that killing us is a mercy, would you still keep me in your closet?
When they tell you we're overlords of a secret society, secret cosmopolitiains of the deep state, controlling the media and the economy for our benefit, leaching on the work of good, hard working people, would you still keep me in your closet?
When they tell you we're white supremacists, fanatic nationals, colonizers, explotators, slave owners, oppressors, occupiers, starving, ethnically cleansing, genociding, harvesting organs off of Arab children...
Today, when they knock on your door and ask politely if you happen to hide me in your house or basement, whatever they may call me, whatever excuse they came with
Would you keep me safe in your closet?
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