ace-hell · 3 days
Ok so i am late by like a month, i have been busy and STILL didn't finish my native jewish miku but fuck it here's indigenous, native israeli miku with a little of my touch and a small analysis:
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The clothes:
The dress is double layered and based on biblical description i saw of the clothes ancient jews wore i added yellow hoops at the end of the dress to represent the color of our oppression- yellow belts under the muslim rule and yellow stars in the holocaust
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The embroidery:
The Rikma(embroidery) is a personal project i am working on for the past 3 months. The embroidery that WAS practiced on the land eventually was allowed only to muslims and arabs, jews in ottoman syria/palestine were so oppressed and poor they didn't have access to threads and around 1800's some rabbis discoraged jews being involved in arab activity, not only that the jews has completely disconnected themselves from most of the arab culture after the spread of zionism to the land as a form of building their own identity. And if there were jews involved in embroidery it is unknown bc all the photos i see are labeled as "palestinian woman" with no explanation if it is a christian, muslim or jewish.
My project consists of making patterns and motifs based on jewish history, symbols, traditions, land etc and i try to make it original, unique and as diverse from the tatreez as possible to avoid conflict. If any of you want i can explain in a different analysis on what each pattern represents.
The jewelry:
I genuinely suck at drawing gold and jewelry and tried my best to adorn her with as much jewelry as i can. The side piece(that can barely be seen) is also a pattern i came up with, i call it "amulet"
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(ps. I forgot to make her a normal necklace, wanted to make it with a hamsa)
Henna is still practiced by jews, mainly sefardic and mizrahi jews + ashkenazi jews who grow up and participate in mizrahi culture. The henna on the hands is based on patterns i saw some jewish artists made (on google unfortunately it didn't have names) which has the star of david on it and on the legs i made a mix of bukharan and yemeni jewish henna.
So here it is. A native, indigenous jewish/judean/israeli(te) miku. I tried my best✨
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nimrochan · 2 days
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When a hundred Israeli hostage posters are vandalized but the one with the dog remains pristine
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doctoremrys · 1 day
"Yalla ya Nasrallah" Israel anti Hezbollah song. ROMANIZED HEBREW, ENGLI...
God this song rocks and reminds me of my childhood.
Am Yisrael Chai!
Hizballáh won't defeat us, because us jews, are the nation that had lived on this earth for more than 5000 years, and we will always survive! You, or Iran, or Yemen, or Syria, or Iraq will never defeat thechosen nation of Hashem.
עוד מישהו זוכר את המשחק שהיה צריך להרוג אל נסראללה? ילדות...
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lasttarrasque · 7 months
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wearenotjustnumbers2 · 11 months
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Important for people who are still stuck accusing people of antisemitism when they say genocide is actually not right.
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i-am-aprl · 7 months
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Jewish protesters at the National March for Palestine in 📍London today 🍉
Photos: X: JustjewsUK
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stupidjewishwhiteboy · 6 months
On Twitter there are currently a lot of Christians and Muslims getting really angry about ways that Jews work around restrictions on work during Shabbat, and, like, honestly I do not understand why they care? Just a lot of non-Jews telling nice Orthodox Jews that they’re doing their religion wrong for no reason.
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cavalierzee · 3 months
Resisting Zionism Together
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batboyblog · 2 years
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The Goyim are fucking wild, the way I would have dumped that casserole over that woman's head, also divorce that wife.
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mysharona1987 · 7 months
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iriis2 · 9 months
Maaloul is a Palestinian village in Galilee. In 1948, it was destroyed by the Israeli armed forces and its people were expelled, so they headed either to Lebanon or to the neighboring town of Nazareth. Since then, the former residents of Maaloul were only allowed to visit it once a year on the anniversary of the occupation, so it became a tradition to organize a picnic in the same place on that day.
The people of Maaloul village fled from it under the fire of Zionist gangs in 1948. This is a wound that will not heal. The people of the wound cling to it because it may one day chart the way back. The villagers visit the ruins of their village once a year to celebrate over them. It is an amazing insistence on clinging to the land and its memory. We were able to carry our wounds in our bags because the wound prevents forgetting. That memory, which was written in blood, is more lasting than all the ruins and all the artificial countries.
Via itszaynalarbi
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kropotkindersurprise · 10 months
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December 13, 2023 - A major highway in Los Angeles, USA, was blocked for 2.5 hours during rush hour by Jewish activists and allies with the organisation If Not Now.
The protesters were demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, and an end to US funding for Israel's war crimes against the Palestinian people. The protesters, wearing T-shirts saying "Not in our name", formed a human chain across the highway and erected a 7-foot tall menorah in the road. According to police 75 activists were arrested. [video]
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ignorethisatyourperil · 3 months
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tboyemo · 1 year
Tapping the "your support and solidarity and care for Jews and Romani people and BIPOC should be more powerful than your hatred of nazis" sign so fucking hard rn.
Bcs u should support Jews and Romani people and BIPOC more than u hate nazis and some of u it is very clear that u couldn't give a shite about Jews and romani or BIPOC. You hate nazis but you've forgotten nazis aren't just generalised bigots or bad people and they have an ideology which targets "undesirables" and people who ate racially seen as inferior or less than. Only part of combating white supremacy and fascism is hating nazis and a lot of it is helping communities effected by white supremacy and fascism and listening to and understanding us.
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sunbeamedskies · 4 months
“Noa Argamani was treated well!”
She was kept as a hostage slave in a wealthy family’s apartment, forced to clean it whenever they knocked without warning, for EIGHT MONTHS. Just because they fed her does not mean she wasn’t a hostage and a slave. Her mother also has terminal cancer and was afraid she was never going to see her again.
If you start justifying human rights abuses against women, Jews, and Asians (she is half Chinese) because they are Israeli, you were never against antisemitism, misogyny, or wanted to stop Asian hate.
You can support both Palestinian and Israeli civilian lives.
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nesyanast · 6 months
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Some of my favorite Hassidic Purim pictures
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