amaditalks · 1 day
If you’re planning to fast on Yom Kippur, start decreasing your caffeine intake and increasing your hydration today.
Doing both of these things incrementally starting now and throughout the Yomim Noraim will increase your body’s ability to fast so that you can daven with less physical distraction.
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ace-hell · 3 days
Ok so i am late by like a month, i have been busy and STILL didn't finish my native jewish miku but fuck it here's indigenous, native israeli miku with a little of my touch and a small analysis:
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The clothes:
The dress is double layered and based on biblical description i saw of the clothes ancient jews wore i added yellow hoops at the end of the dress to represent the color of our oppression- yellow belts under the muslim rule and yellow stars in the holocaust
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The embroidery:
The Rikma(embroidery) is a personal project i am working on for the past 3 months. The embroidery that WAS practiced on the land eventually was allowed only to muslims and arabs, jews in ottoman syria/palestine were so oppressed and poor they didn't have access to threads and around 1800's some rabbis discoraged jews being involved in arab activity, not only that the jews has completely disconnected themselves from most of the arab culture after the spread of zionism to the land as a form of building their own identity. And if there were jews involved in embroidery it is unknown bc all the photos i see are labeled as "palestinian woman" with no explanation if it is a christian, muslim or jewish.
My project consists of making patterns and motifs based on jewish history, symbols, traditions, land etc and i try to make it original, unique and as diverse from the tatreez as possible to avoid conflict. If any of you want i can explain in a different analysis on what each pattern represents.
The jewelry:
I genuinely suck at drawing gold and jewelry and tried my best to adorn her with as much jewelry as i can. The side piece(that can barely be seen) is also a pattern i came up with, i call it "amulet"
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(ps. I forgot to make her a normal necklace, wanted to make it with a hamsa)
Henna is still practiced by jews, mainly sefardic and mizrahi jews + ashkenazi jews who grow up and participate in mizrahi culture. The henna on the hands is based on patterns i saw some jewish artists made (on google unfortunately it didn't have names) which has the star of david on it and on the legs i made a mix of bukharan and yemeni jewish henna.
So here it is. A native, indigenous jewish/judean/israeli(te) miku. I tried my best✨
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chanaleah · 2 days
Very recently, the FBI published hate crime statistics from 2023 in the US.
In the past year's data that has been reported (September 2023-January 2024), Jewish Americans faced the largest amount of hate crimes of all groups in the country, irregardless of category.
If you think antisemitism doesn't exist in the US today, you need to rethink your position.
Here is a link to the FBI's Crime Data Explorer if you wish to view the data yourself - note that you will need to filter by hate crimes.
disclaimer for anyone who tries to twist my words: this post is not meant to nor should be used to invalidate discrimination faced by any other group. all hate crimes are awful, no matter who is the target
clarification: largest amount of hate crimes in the fall of 2023. (Sep 2023-January 2024) So far, the FBI has not published statistics for hate crimes in 2024. If you’re looking at the statistics, filter by 1 year to see just hate crimes in that time period.
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jewpolls · 1 day
kosher keepers: is it okay to mix dairy and poultry, or dairy and fish, because they're not from the same kind of animal? I see this debated a lot and it's interesting to me. yes, no, is it more complicated than that?
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xclowniex · 3 days
Being a Jewish leftist in the current day is very interesting.
Because I, along with other jewish leftists still hold leftists beliefs whilst also being disillusioned with the left. We keep seeing time and time again that so many people on the left don't actually believe what they claim to. It's all "we are against x thing, unless it's a group we agree with then we'll ignore it and support the group"
And 9/10 the group they're supporting has explicitly said they want to kill jews but tries to hide it as being anti israel such as hezbollah and the houthi.
And at least personally, I feel a sense of guilt. I know I shouldn't, and it's not my fault or any jew's or Israeli's fault, but I do. How else does one feel when hatred of their identity leads to people supporting groups which sex traffick and enslave people from Africa, who kill people from Syria? Who oppress civilians in the countries they reside in?
How am I supposed to not feel burdened by this? How can I go about by day to day and not feel as if my existence isn't jeopardizing the safety and wellbeing of others?
And I know logically that there is no burden for me to bear. No ethnic or religious group should be held accountable because people are so dead set on hating them that they're willing to endorse and support groups who harm others. Logically, the blame falls onto those who chose to support those groups.
But logic doesn't change how I feel. It doesn't make the guilt go away. And it most certainly doesn't stop people from supporting these types of groups.
Nor would all jews and Israelis ceasing to exist stop the harm done unto people in the middle east and Africa from hezbollah, the houthi and Iran and its other proxies. It would continue to happen because jew hate didn't make people racist, it didn't make people become sex traffickers or slave owners. Those are all choices they made themselves, born out of hatred they have for those whom they harm.
Yet I still sit here, unable to rid myself of the guilt that my existence and the hatred people hold because of it has contributed in some manner to the oppression of others
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Can people stop writing the holocaust from the perspective of goyim?
Edit: I do not mean to erase the experience of other groups, but when cis het white people are writing a self insert hero complex, it’s kinda annoying
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Praying Jew. oil on canvas by Lesser Ury, 1931. Lesser Ury, born to Prussian Jewish parents in 1861, lost his father as a child and was raised by his mother in Berlin. his art focused largely on modern life, with a variety of subjects, from rainy city streets to women sewing to floral still-lifes. unfortunately, due to antagonistic relationships with other prominent Berlin artists, Ury died nearly penniless. much of his work was violently destroyed during the Third Reich and the remainder condemned to obscurity for decades. now, his surviving art is proudly displayed in several prominent museums, including the Jewish Museum.
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goopgirlie813 · 2 days
So I went most of my life with basically Zero exposure to Judaism or Jewish people aside from, like, one book about the holocaust told from the perspective of a non-jewish character. And the ignorance resulting from that lack of exposure was at least partially responsible for me getting sucked up into some pretty nasty anti-zionist spaces last year.
I'm looking to right that wrong and become an ally as best I can. I am taking time to learn more about Jewish people and history in my own time, but I thought it would be worth asking any jewish people who may follow me; Is there anything in particular that you would want someone like me to know? Common misconceptions to look out for, proper terminology to use, organizations to support, actions to make y'all feel safer, etc.
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jewish-culture-is · 2 days
jewish culture is having a discussion on wheter eating a dinosaur would be kosher (it’s not ftr)
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applesauce42069 · 2 days
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chanaleah · 2 days
> ashkenazi
> American
And you think you have the right to call yourself a Zionist? You don’t know a fucking thing about the struggle real, Israeli jews face every day, cheeseburger.
Zionism is an ideology, my friend, and the modern movement was spearheaded by (though obviously not limited to) many Ashkenazi diaspora Jews. It’s true that I don’t know the struggles Israelis face, just like you probably don’t know the struggles diaspora Jews face.
I’m going to take you at your implication that you’re Israeli — but if you’re pretending to be something you’re not to try and divide the jewish community, it’s not going to work. 💜
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We have confirmation folks!
(Typical Oxford Comma abusive language blocked out)
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secular-jew · 1 day
The very focused outcomes of operation of beeper blast.
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